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The Illuminati

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I don't know whether Toto ACTUALLY knows what they are, because like so many other Science related issues, the Church seems to get an extremely basic idea and take upon it. (i.e. Evolution. "We are the products of over 4,500,000,000 years of evolution. From our humble beginnigs we evolved to a primitive and ape like creature, perhaps the same ancestor as the chimpanzee or mokey, eventually coming to be a homo sapien." This is taken by Toto and the rest of the Closed minded church (including the highly ignorant Newsboys, who's song was in Toto's siggie, although more Liberal and accepting members like Arkcher may not) as meaning we evolved from Monkeys and our Grandmothers/Grandfathers were monkeys, and some of the more well read idiots also take this to mean that our Grandmothers/Grandfathers were either fish or single celled organisims. Both idiotic statements made by creationists are wrong.) However, back to the Illuminati. If anyone ACTUALLY knows what it is, please come forward.

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I don't know whether Toto ACTUALLY knows what they are, because like so many other Science related issues, the Church seems to get an extremely basic idea and take upon it. (i.e. Evolution. "We are the products of over 4,500,000,000 years of evolution. From our humble beginnigs we evolved to a primitive and ape like creature, perhaps the same ancestor as the chimpanzee or mokey, eventually coming to be a homo sapien." This is taken by Toto and the rest of the Closed minded church (including the highly ignorant Newsboys, who's song was in Toto's siggie, although more Liberal and accepting members like Arkcher may not) as meaning we evolved from Monkeys and our Grandmothers/Grandfathers were monkeys, and some of the more well read idiots also take this to mean that our Grandmothers/Grandfathers were either fish or single celled organisims. Both idiotic statements made by creationists are wrong.) However, back to the Illuminati. If anyone ACTUALLY knows what it is, please come forward.

I know but I will not say until someone searches for it and posts the answer.

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I know but I will not say until someone searches for it and posts the answer.

Is this Google's work again? because frankly it is hard to sift through all the conspiracy buffs and hints and such. I wonder if someone has somehow sift all that mindless and incorrect information to find out the true Illuminati meaning....


Btw, Horatio.... Have you read Angels & Demons yet by Dan Brown? Very good book as I said when I reccommended it.

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Is this Google's work again? because frankly it is hard to sift through all the conspiracy buffs and hints and such. I wonder if someone has somehow sift all that mindless and incorrect information to find out the true Illuminati meaning....


Btw, Horatio.... Have you read Angels & Demons yet by Dan Brown? Very good book as I said when I reccommended it.

I have it on reserve at the library. It is a 28 day book. :blink:

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Please note, I do not doubt the limitless searching powers of Horatio. He can find one piece of hay in a stack of needles, so I think.... scrap that. KNOW that Horatio can find anything with truth and meaning amongst an otherwise meaningless heap of rubbish

I knew about the Illuminati before you made mention of this in your post. :lol::lol::lol:

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Please note, I do not doubt the limitless searching powers of Horatio. He can find one piece of hay in a stack of needles, so I think.... scrap that. KNOW that Horatio can find anything with truth and meaning amongst an otherwise meaningless heap of rubbish

Can it be a needle in a hay stack, cause I think all those needles might hurt him. :P
















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The Illuminati are elite men, those on the top, who control the International Bankers to control, for evil purposes, the entire world. (O_o) Their agentur are bred, educated, and trained to be placed behind the scenes at all levels of government. As experts and advisers, they mould government policy so as to further the secret plans of their masters. They lure people away from God by offering them money, the world, the flesh, and the devil.

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The Illuminati are elite men, those on the top, who control the International Bankers to control, for evil purposes, the entire world. (O_o) Their agentur are bred, educated, and trained to be placed behind the scenes at all levels of government. As experts and advisers, they mould government policy so as to further the secret plans of their masters. They lure people away from God by offering them money, the world, the flesh, and the devil.

You got that off a conspiracy buff site didn't you? Because that sounds like one. No offence if that was your own work, of course. It just sounds like a conspiracy buff.


Ok, since very few people seem to know about the Illuminati, I'm going to give you three clues if you want to search for facts about it:

1) The Bavarian Freemasons (George Washington, Ben Franklin and Rooselvelt were all these)

2) The most obvious Illuminati sign of all, the picture on the back of the dollar

3) The Gallileo Gallilei affair and DIII

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A secret society of unknown age, but known to have existed during the Crusades,  possibly the inspiration for the Tonberrys of FF fame.

Formed in the 1600s to be precise. And was one of the groups, along with the Knight Templars, that the Vatican mercilessly hunted to the death. (at least thats what you'd think, if they hadn't survived)

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Those who direct the Illuminati are against Christ and for Satan. They always remain in the dark, unidentified, and generally unsuspected.

Hee hee... Toto has fallen in for the typical trap of calling the Illuminati satanic.

In fact it was the world's first satanic organisation, but that was just a typical smear campagin done by the Vatican. It did however worship Lucifer though.... But what do I mean by Lucifer. Think Latin.

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I would like that reason.  It appears they only purchased one or two copies.

Surely you mean you AGREE with that reason, not like? Silly library, then again who knew it was going to have such a sharp increase in popularity! (also, if you go to Rome you can now get "Angels and Demons" tours, showing the tourists all the locales. Also, the book was GOOD for the Vatican because it brought more tourists to them asking about the Carmelengo and the conclave and all the other aspects that interest the Public about the book. Same for the Da Vinci code, like I said in another topic.

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You got that off a conspiracy buff site didn't you? Because that sounds like one. No offence if that was your own work, of course. It just sounds like a conspiracy buff.


Ok, since very few people seem to know about the Illuminati, I'm going to give you three clues if you want to search for facts about it:

1) The Bavarian Freemasons (George Washington, Ben Franklin and Rooselvelt were all these)

2) The most obvious Illuminati sign of all, the picture on the back of the dollar

3) The Gallileo Gallilei affair and DIII

But I'm too lazy to look it up myself and I really wanna know! ;_;

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..okay..so, beg my lack of that much knowlage over this matter. I never said they were satanic, just for Satan. That's what I had heard.


Yes, Satan used to be an angel before the earth was ever created. Ever heard of the "fallen" angels? Those were his followers. Not the smartest bunch.

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So, TGHL, you are a follower of the illuminati? I don't think you are living up to your name. Where's the money, the correct explinations. Oh..wait..."I'm a fourth Atheist, Evolutionist, Angostic, and I'm also Illuminatius!"

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So, TGHL, you are a follower of the illuminati? I don't think you are living up to your name. Where's the money, the correct explinations. Oh..wait..."I'm a fourth Atheist, Evolutionist, Angostic, and I'm also Illuminatius!"

Aethiest, Illuminatus and Evolutionist are all one and the same in some respects.


The Illuminati do "worship" Lucifer though Toto, although do you know the correct English for Lucifer, which is a Latin term?

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Founded circa. 1600 by Gallileo and various other famous european scientists. Made to give european scientists and the academic underground of the time to meet and trade ideas without the Vatican or the Anglican church breaking in and killing them. Their original headquaters were in Rome, well hidden amongst the religous churches. However, when Gallileo was put under house arrest it became more important than ever to maintain a high level of secrecy, and also to make sure that only the best minds could get access to the Illuminati, they made a "treasure hunt" of sorts that streaked across Rome. There was only one way to find it though, through DIII (it means something more than it looks but like I'm going to tell any of you) Gallileo hid the first step on the Illuminati "path of light" or illumination. Eventually, in the later 1600s someone made a mistake and the Vatican swept down on the Illuminati arresting 4 upper-echelon members. They then branded them with the cross and deposited their bodies across Rome as a warning to all Illuminatus. But most of the members had already fled. Over the years they mixed with many Anti-christ people, those who had been branded, slandered and had their families slaughtered by Christianity. So over time, The Illuminati became more violent in their Anti-Christianity campagin. But they could not act because of many of the happenings of the time, also they could not attack their special friends the Vatican because of the priceless works of art stored there by the Illuminati's past members: Raphael Santi, Michelangelo, Berini and other such famous religous painters. In the mid 1700s the Vatican was starting to become more and more aware of the Illuminati presence growing and attempted to strike out. However, by this time the Illuminati had already submerged themselves amongst the wealthy and generous Bavarian Stonemasons, a group of which many key figures where a part of and have become a part of over the years:

George Washignton

Ben Franklin

Thomas Jefferson

Nearly all the gentry

Franklin Roosevelt

Rooselvelt's vice-president

Kings and Queens across Europe

Many high ranking members of the British Parliment


The reason the Illuminati had submerged themselves amongst the Masons was a new "asset" or interest that had come up. They knew that the American's were starting to rebel and become an independant country. So, seeing that they could probably make this the first Illuminatus Country, they spread their tendrils amonst the revolutionaries for when the time came. If you doubt the Illuminati's presence in early America and the depression why not look on the back of the dollar? See that pyramid and the triangle with all seeing eye attachments? If you think thats a Christian symbol, you are more deluded than residents of an insane asylum. That is the Illuminati's age old symbol. Over the years, the Illuminati have become more and more submersed amongst culture, up until the point we do not know of their existance anymore. We haven't had confirmed Illuminati activity since Winston Churchill made his infamous "Illuminati" address. Still around? Most likely. Over the years the conspiracy buffs have made guesses at various places in America, but most are wrong. Dallas, Texas is one of them. It is now thought they have retreated to their old haven of Europe where the tide of change is already surging strongly. Either they have returned to Rome or somewhere else. Most likely CERN, birth place of Antimatter, the internet and the world's largest particle accelerator. No place on earth is more of a seculded haven for scientists than CERN and it is most likely that even the Grand Master lurks there.


If you want some key Illuminati stuff here it is:

The Illuminati diamond



the number 5, including iambic pentameters, pentagons and 5 lines

il Pura Lingua


torre d'angeli

"d'angeli" of Truth


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..okay..so, beg my lack of that much knowlage over this matter. I never said they were satanic, just for Satan. That's what I had heard.


Yes, Satan used to be an angel before the earth was ever created. Ever heard of the "fallen" angels? Those were his followers. Not the smartest bunch.

yes, I know that. And have you ever wondered why Satan rebelled? not the smartest bunch? Didn't "God" create the angels himself? And if they were so stupid why did they almost win?

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Almost win? They didn't come close, hun. But, hey. They've one you. So, what...how many atheists are there in the world? And how many Christians?

2.3% atheist, 33% Christian. Does that really prove anything, though, other than by Europe's influence in the Mideival times? Believe me, had the Ren' not come, everyone would be blind, believe everything the church said was right, thought that the Earth was the center of the universe, and the world would be forced to be 100% Christian.

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Almost win? They didn't come close, hun. But, hey. They've one you. So, what...how many atheists are there in the world? And how many Christians?

I laugh, Toto. One: I am not your "hun" or mongolian horse back rider that sweeps through ancient Russia into Roman Europe.

Two: Look closely at the stuff that was cut out of the Bible sometime, it gives you so much more perspective

Three: But the Bible is most likely to say that isn't it? It was wrote by the winners, and the winners always write the History books. Basic lesson.

Four: Has Horatio said: Just because over 1 billion flies like cow pat chips doesn't mean that the flies are right. As Leonardo Da Vinci said: "Many have made a trade of delusions and false miracles, decieving the stupid multitude." In other words, who cares what percentage of the world is Aethiest or Christian? Much of that is wrong anyway, because you fail to take into account that although many people are baptised Christian, they are either Agnostic or closet Aethiests.


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I laugh, Toto. One: I am not your "hun" or mongolian horse back rider that sweeps through ancient Russia into Roman Europe.

Two: Look closely at the stuff that was cut out of the Bible sometime, it gives you so much more perspective

Three: But the Bible is most likely to say that isn't it? It was wrote by the winners, and the winners always write the History books. Basic lesson.

Four: Has Horatio said: Just because over 1 billion flies like cow pat chips doesn't mean that the flies are right. As Leonardo Da Vinci said: "Many have made a trade of delusions and false miracles, decieving the stupid multitude." In other words, who cares what percentage of the world is Aethiest or Christian? Much of that is wrong anyway, because you fail to take into account that although many people are baptised Christian, they are either Agnostic or closet Aethiests.



Hee. I felt like calling you hun...you know, the german WWII name?? Ahh. I'm tired of your lies.

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Hee. I felt like calling you hun...you know, the german WWII name?? Ahh. I'm tired of your lies.

Actually I believe the German soldier WWII name was Nazi, but obviously since your scriptures inform you so well about it that you are so laxed and laid back when when refering to WWII that you have no understanding or correct information about what happened. No one on this planet should forget what happened then, but you seem to manage to Toto, you seem to just refer to it in an off hand way, dissmissing the horrors with a wave of a hand, despite the fact that very few people who went through it weren't scarred in someway.

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Guest Skwerlhugger Will

ya no.........have you ever thought since the bible was written in ancient times..when sensorship was legal.that things were left out of it?

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Actually I believe the German soldier WWII name was Nazi, but obviously since your scriptures inform you so well about it that you are so laxed and laid back when when refering to WWII that you have no understanding or correct information about what happened. No one on this planet should forget what happened then, but you seem to manage to Toto, you seem to just refer to it in an off hand way, dissmissing the horrors with a wave of a hand, despite the fact that very few people who went through it weren't scarred in someway.


WWI, sorry. I just accidentally put two I's. Gosh.

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WWI, sorry. I just accidentally put two I's. Gosh.

WWI was even worse in the sense that no family in Britain, France or any other European country wasn't affected by a loss of a family member. Don't treat History so lightly. And their main name was "Jerrys" not Huns, Huns wasn't used very much, if at all.

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Ok. SO people... I trust you all know what the Illuminati is now and can laugh at your local conspiracy obseessed person when he says that the Masons are Illuminati?


Curious pieces of Information for you:

My Grandad was a Mason. (Gasp, so vital and need to know)

And for Kat, look at the Caesars 39 minutes of Bliss CD. OPen it up. Look on the otherside of the front cover. There is a symbol amongst the rest that should strike you as familiar. Its an Illuminati pyramid with eye and triangle above.

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WWI was even worse in the sense that no family in Britain, France or any other European country wasn't affected by a loss of a family member. Don't treat History so lightly. And their main name was "Jerrys" not Huns, Huns wasn't used very much, if at all.


I was taught their name was Hun. That was what the americans called them.

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Guest Skwerlhugger Will
Angel/Bringer of Light. Literally it is: Angel of Illumination. No prizes for guessing why it is an Illuminiati obsession.

that actually makes perfect sense..so they were not worshipping the satanic side of him, only the good side........so the illumti is not santanic

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And for Kat, look at the Caesars 39 minutes of Bliss CD. OPen it up. Look on the otherside of the front cover. There is a symbol amongst the rest that should strike you as familiar. Its an Illuminati pyramid with eye and triangle above.

Yeah...that would be a symbol on the dollar bill...

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  • 1 month later...

Well. That's all fine and dandy.

I have read the books and seen the television shows...

And now this...



I stand by Toto. Not because I am a Christian, which I am, but because I know that it is fake. You are right. No one on America knows anythng about European History, particularly the renaissance. We have learned diluted stuff that has nothing to do with Illuminati.


To the dollar bill:

The obelisk shape and the eye in the pyramid are a definite Illuminati symbol. The movie, Young Blades, actually had some fact in it.

The Illuminati diamond... Have you seen it? Does it even exist?

Elipses... That is a planetary symbol, you fool! You know that!

Symmetry, get it right. That is found in nature. It is of God!

the number 5... That is also of God. It is a Fibonacci number, and of every mathematical importance. Iambic pentameter is just a pattern that sound cool. I use it all the time in my poetry.

il Pura Lingua... Pure Language? Don't make me laugh.

Lucifer... It may mean The Illuminator, but so does fire. #### is full of fire. You know that, TGHL, if you've listened at all to your studies in school.

torre d'angeli... the angel of truth. Are you trying to be a comedian? I've looked at that. Prove me wrong.

"d'angeli" of Truth... see above.

Doves... That's biblical, man. The Holy Spirit is symbolized by a white dove. Grow up and show me the money, Or shut up about my faith. You mock it, and that's just sick.

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Grow up and show me the money, Or shut up about my faith. You mock it, and that's just sick.

For one thing, I'm a Christian as well, but I believe that everyone can have their own opinion. Another thing I believe is that he can mock as he wishes. I've mocked things, as have many other people. And what he chooses to mock, he can. We can close our ears to (or read right past)it or we can just listen and respect his opinion, even if he doesn't respect opinions of others. You can do what Toto usually does to prevent argument. Ignore conversation when TGHL and I are being too stubborn. See, TGHL doesn't care if people think his mocking is sick. So no matter how much you express yourself, you won't see any changes. He'll never shut up if people tell him to. XD

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Debating is good. We can learn from others.


If my favorite color is blue and your's is orange, I can try and convince you as to why my color is the best color and your color is wrong. If I show you that blue is a primary color and orange is not and you learn something new, then our debating is really a great thing, even though we may never agree.


If we all agreed and had the exact same views on everything, what a boring world this would be.



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To the dollar bill:

The obelisk shape and the eye in the pyramid are a definite Illuminati symbol. The movie, Young Blades, actually had some fact in it.

The Illuminati diamond... Have you seen it? Does it even exist?

Elipses... That is a planetary symbol, you fool! You know that!

Symmetry, get it right. That is found in nature. It is of God!

the number 5... That is also of God. It is a Fibonacci number, and of every mathematical importance. Iambic pentameter is just a pattern that sound cool. I use it all the time in my poetry.

il Pura Lingua... Pure Language? Don't make me laugh.

Lucifer... It may mean The Illuminator, but so does fire. #### is full of fire. You know that, TGHL, if you've listened at all to your studies in school.

torre d'angeli... the angel of truth. Are you trying to be a comedian? I've looked at that. Prove me wrong.

"d'angeli" of Truth... see above.

Doves... That's biblical, man. The Holy Spirit is symbolized by a white dove. Grow up and show me the money, Or shut up about my faith. You mock it, and that's just sick.

I've never heard of that movie? Care to give a brief overview of the plot?


Evidence says it exists, however it may not be an actual diamond, it could be diamond shaped or just metaphorically a diamond. Find one of the elite and ask them.

I know ELipses are planetary movements. Who created the "cult"? Gallileo. Who persecuted him for claiming the earth moved in an elipse round the sun? The church. What better shape or movement to use except an Elipse?


WHere does Symmetry appear in God's "Work"? I know one thing that appears in Nature. The divine Proportion. Heard of it? I have.


Again where does 5 come into God's great scheme? 7 does. How many stresses are there in an Iambic Pentameter? 5. See where it comes into the Illuminati's reverence?


Problem with "il Pura Lingua"?


Have you ever looked closely at the Bible? There is no mention of #### in the Bible is there? No mention of little devils with pitchforks. No mention of flames. Its a creation of the Constantine "eradication."


How can I be a comedian if I'm just saying what they believe? Torre d'angeli is the tower of Angels though, not Angel of Truth. Or maybe I'm mixing it up again, I'd better check.


Curious how the Bible writers recognised a Dove in Jeruselum isn't it? None of them were ornithologists or in all likelihood had ever seen a Dove before.

Any sort of money you want to see? Yen, Dollars, Euros, Pounds, Rupees?

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Debating is good.  We can learn from others. 


If my favorite color is blue and your's is orange, I can try and convince you as to why my color is the best color and your color is wrong.  If I show you that blue is a primary color and orange is not and you learn something new, then our debating is really a great thing, even though we may never agree.


If we all agreed and had the exact same views on everything, what a boring world this would be.



Blue is good. But so is Orange. Depends on what connatation you are going for with the colours.

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Grow up and show me the money, Or shut up about my faith. You mock it, and that's just sick.

For one thing, I'm a Christian as well, but I believe that everyone can have their own opinion. Another thing I believe is that he can mock as he wishes. I've mocked things, as have many other people. And what he chooses to mock, he can. We can close our ears to (or read right past)it or we can just listen and respect his opinion, even if he doesn't respect opinions of others. You can do what Toto usually does to prevent argument. Ignore conversation when TGHL and I are being too stubborn. See, TGHL doesn't care if people think his mocking is sick. So no matter how much you express yourself, you won't see any changes. He'll never shut up if people tell him to. XD


actually, mega wolf, you'd be surprised what I can do. I know he doesn't care what I think, but I do care what he thinks. I read every post on here (usually), and I like a good debate.

Debating is good.  We can learn from others. 


If my favorite color is blue and your's is orange, I can try and convince you as to why my color is the best color and your color is wrong.  If I show you that blue is a primary color and orange is not and you learn something new, then our debating is really a great thing, even though we may never agree.


If we all agreed and had the exact same views on everything, what a boring world this would be.



I totally agree!

A good, heated debate every once in a while is good for your mind as a kind of nonhallucinogenic stimulant.

Am I right?

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Grow up and show me the money, Or shut up about my faith. You mock it, and that's just sick.

For one thing, I'm a Christian as well, but I believe that everyone can have their own opinion. Another thing I believe is that he can mock as he wishes. I've mocked things, as have many other people. And what he chooses to mock, he can. We can close our ears to (or read right past)it or we can just listen and respect his opinion, even if he doesn't respect opinions of others. You can do what Toto usually does to prevent argument. Ignore conversation when TGHL and I are being too stubborn. See, TGHL doesn't care if people think his mocking is sick. So no matter how much you express yourself, you won't see any changes. He'll never shut up if people tell him to. XD


actually, mega wolf, you'd be surprised what I can do. I know he doesn't care what I think, but I do care what he thinks. I read every post on here (usually), and I like a good debate.

Debating is good.  We can learn from others. 


If my favorite color is blue and your's is orange, I can try and convince you as to why my color is the best color and your color is wrong.  If I show you that blue is a primary color and orange is not and you learn something new, then our debating is really a great thing, even though we may never agree.


If we all agreed and had the exact same views on everything, what a boring world this would be.



I totally agree!

A good, heated debate every once in a while is good for your mind as a kind of nonhallucinogenic stimulant.

Am I right?


*loves a great, heated debate*

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Grow up and show me the money, Or shut up about my faith. You mock it, and that's just sick.

For one thing, I'm a Christian as well, but I believe that everyone can have their own opinion. Another thing I believe is that he can mock as he wishes. I've mocked things, as have many other people. And what he chooses to mock, he can. We can close our ears to (or read right past)it or we can just listen and respect his opinion, even if he doesn't respect opinions of others. You can do what Toto usually does to prevent argument. Ignore conversation when TGHL and I are being too stubborn. See, TGHL doesn't care if people think his mocking is sick. So no matter how much you express yourself, you won't see any changes. He'll never shut up if people tell him to. XD


actually, mega wolf, you'd be surprised what I can do. I know he doesn't care what I think, but I do care what he thinks. I read every post on here (usually), and I like a good debate.

Debating is good.  We can learn from others. 


If my favorite color is blue and your's is orange, I can try and convince you as to why my color is the best color and your color is wrong.  If I show you that blue is a primary color and orange is not and you learn something new, then our debating is really a great thing, even though we may never agree.


If we all agreed and had the exact same views on everything, what a boring world this would be.



I totally agree!

A good, heated debate every once in a while is good for your mind as a kind of nonhallucinogenic stimulant.

Am I right?


*loves a great, heated debate*


hammy friend, I like your style!

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After awhile, debates hurt the head. And mind.


*runs off to debate over cheese or something less secular*

not me.

when i get into it with someone, my energy gets really spiked up, and it's great.

doesn't matter. i dropped it in the ten commandments topic.

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Why did I call it debate?


I was listening to a radio station that was saying how the Christian and Atheist fighting is not debating, but two different ideas that both think that they are right.


Sure...that's debating, but it makes more sense.

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To the dollar bill:

The obelisk shape and the eye in the pyramid are a definite Illuminati symbol. The movie, Young Blades, actually had some fact in it.

The Illuminati diamond... Have you seen it? Does it even exist?

Elipses... That is a planetary symbol, you fool! You know that!

Symmetry, get it right. That is found in nature. It is of God!

the number 5... That is also of God. It is a Fibonacci number, and of every mathematical importance. Iambic pentameter is just a pattern that sound cool. I use it all the time in my poetry.

il Pura Lingua... Pure Language? Don't make me laugh.

Lucifer... It may mean The Illuminator, but so does fire. #### is full of fire. You know that, TGHL, if you've listened at all to your studies in school.

torre d'angeli... the angel of truth. Are you trying to be a comedian? I've looked at that. Prove me wrong.

"d'angeli" of Truth... see above.

Doves... That's biblical, man. The Holy Spirit is symbolized by a white dove. Grow up and show me the money, Or shut up about my faith. You mock it, and that's just sick.

I've never heard of that movie? Care to give a brief overview of the plot?

It's basically the three musketeers but it's four, and one is a girl trying to help her brother, and basically, the blades go on and defeat this "zombie" like dude. I wasn't really paying attention to the whole plot, just the religious warfare and the small romance bit.

Evidence says it exists, however it may not be an actual diamond, it could be diamond shaped or just metaphorically a diamond. Find one of the elite and ask them. I don't know any elite. What evidence? Do tell, so that I might grow smarter.

I know ELipses are planetary movements. Who created the "cult"? Gallileo. Who persecuted him for claiming the earth moved in an elipse round the sun? The church. What better shape or movement to use except an Elipse?

maybe so, but the elliptical movement of the planets is actually true. The chruch was just looking for power back then. Now, it's actually gone somewhere without seeking earthly power.

WHere does Symmetry appear in God's "Work"? I know one thing that appears in Nature. The divine Proportion. Heard of it? I have.

God created it, didn't he? Divine proportion... Enlighten me. I forget at the moment. Oh, and notice I use correct capitalization.

Again where does 5 come into God's great scheme? 7 does. How many stresses are there in an Iambic Pentameter? 5. See where it comes into the Illuminati's reverence?

TGHL, you're losing what I was saying. The five century silence... The 25th of december (which, by the way was the tenth month before julius and augustus caesar. note the latin, DECember.)... Five original gospels (they took out one of them, I can't remember which.) There's plenty there, you just have to know and look.

Problem with "il Pura Lingua"?

did I stutter? Or did I flub on the translation? If I did, that's why I take Spanish, not that language.

Have you ever looked closely at the Bible? There is no mention of #### in the Bible is there? No mention of little devils with pitchforks. No mention of flames. Its a creation of the Constantine "eradication."

yes there is. Maybe not the exact word, but they never said the word, trinity either, and that's one of the Christian basics! The word Bible isn't in there either, and yet it exists. There is loads of allusions to flames and torture. There is a parable in there where Jesus tells us about how the rich man ate and did not feed the poor man, even when he begged, dying under the table, but when they died, the rich man went to Tophet, and the poor man went to heaven, and the rich man yearned for drink to cool the hot, burning of the flames, and the poor man said no, because the rich man never gave him anything, so why should he give water to the rich man? i rest my case. not really, but so there. Constantine was an idiot. Mary Magdalene wasn't a "lady of the night" if you know what I mean, and Constantine was the one who said it.

How can I be a comedian if I'm just saying what they believe? Torre d'angeli is the tower of Angels though, not Angel of Truth. Or maybe I'm mixing it up again, I'd better check.

Again, I take Spanish. It's tower, but Angel of Truth was directly underneath it, so I flubbed. apologies.

Curious how the Bible writers recognised a Dove in Jeruselum isn't it? None of them were ornithologists or in all likelihood had ever seen a Dove before.

Funny how the Bible works that way, isn't it? It was probably a loss in translation or true Divine Intervention (which it was.) Also, the keyword in there is SYMBOLIZED BY! It's called imagery. You're probably a little older than me, so I know you know about that. I'm pretty naive, too, so I can guarantee you.

Any sort of money you want to see? Yen, Dollars, Euros, Pounds, Rupees?

you know what I meant. Show me the money=Prove me wrong, why donchya? Most of the idioms here came from England.

but on a lighter note, I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by walking to work instead of driving!


LOL, j/k I finally got my first car!

:)B) but it's as old as I am...

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To the dollar bill:

The obelisk shape and the eye in the pyramid are a definite Illuminati symbol. The movie, Young Blades, actually had some fact in it.

The Illuminati diamond... Have you seen it? Does it even exist?

Elipses... That is a planetary symbol, you fool! You know that!

Symmetry, get it right. That is found in nature. It is of God!

the number 5... That is also of God. It is a Fibonacci number, and of every mathematical importance. Iambic pentameter is just a pattern that sound cool. I use it all the time in my poetry.

il Pura Lingua... Pure Language? Don't make me laugh.

Lucifer... It may mean The Illuminator, but so does fire. #### is full of fire. You know that, TGHL, if you've listened at all to your studies in school.

torre d'angeli... the angel of truth. Are you trying to be a comedian? I've looked at that. Prove me wrong.

"d'angeli" of Truth... see above.

Doves... That's biblical, man. The Holy Spirit is symbolized by a white dove. Grow up and show me the money, Or shut up about my faith. You mock it, and that's just sick.

I've never heard of that movie? Care to give a brief overview of the plot?

It's basically the three musketeers but it's four, and one is a girl trying to help her brother, and basically, the blades go on and defeat this "zombie" like dude. I wasn't really paying attention to the whole plot, just the religious warfare and the small romance bit.

Evidence says it exists, however it may not be an actual diamond, it could be diamond shaped or just metaphorically a diamond. Find one of the elite and ask them. I don't know any elite. What evidence? Do tell, so that I might grow smarter.

I know ELipses are planetary movements. Who created the "cult"? Gallileo. Who persecuted him for claiming the earth moved in an elipse round the sun? The church. What better shape or movement to use except an Elipse?

maybe so, but the elliptical movement of the planets is actually true. The chruch was just looking for power back then. Now, it's actually gone somewhere without seeking earthly power.

WHere does Symmetry appear in God's "Work"? I know one thing that appears in Nature. The divine Proportion. Heard of it? I have.

God created it, didn't he? Divine proportion... Enlighten me. I forget at the moment. Oh, and notice I use correct capitalization.

Again where does 5 come into God's great scheme? 7 does. How many stresses are there in an Iambic Pentameter? 5. See where it comes into the Illuminati's reverence?

TGHL, you're losing what I was saying. The five century silence... The 25th of december (which, by the way was the tenth month before julius and augustus caesar. note the latin, DECember.)... Five original gospels (they took out one of them, I can't remember which.) There's plenty there, you just have to know and look.

Problem with "il Pura Lingua"?

did I stutter? Or did I flub on the translation? If I did, that's why I take Spanish, not that language.

Have you ever looked closely at the Bible? There is no mention of #### in the Bible is there? No mention of little devils with pitchforks. No mention of flames. Its a creation of the Constantine "eradication."

yes there is. Maybe not the exact word, but they never said the word, trinity either, and that's one of the Christian basics! The word Bible isn't in there either, and yet it exists. There is loads of allusions to flames and torture. There is a parable in there where Jesus tells us about how the rich man ate and did not feed the poor man, even when he begged, dying under the table, but when they died, the rich man went to Tophet, and the poor man went to heaven, and the rich man yearned for drink to cool the hot, burning of the flames, and the poor man said no, because the rich man never gave him anything, so why should he give water to the rich man? i rest my case. not really, but so there. Constantine was an idiot. Mary Magdalene wasn't a "lady of the night" if you know what I mean, and Constantine was the one who said it.

How can I be a comedian if I'm just saying what they believe? Torre d'angeli is the tower of Angels though, not Angel of Truth. Or maybe I'm mixing it up again, I'd better check.

Again, I take Spanish. It's tower, but Angel of Truth was directly underneath it, so I flubbed. apologies.

Curious how the Bible writers recognised a Dove in Jeruselum isn't it? None of them were ornithologists or in all likelihood had ever seen a Dove before.

Funny how the Bible works that way, isn't it? It was probably a loss in translation or true Divine Intervention (which it was.) Also, the keyword in there is SYMBOLIZED BY! It's called imagery. You're probably a little older than me, so I know you know about that. I'm pretty naive, too, so I can guarantee you.

Any sort of money you want to see? Yen, Dollars, Euros, Pounds, Rupees?

you know what I meant. Show me the money=Prove me wrong, why donchya? Most of the idioms here came from England.

but on a lighter note, I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by walking to work instead of driving!


LOL, j/k I finally got my first car!

:)B) but it's as old as I am...

Let's focus on the Divine Proportion. Very special number. Appears everywhere in nature. This is it: 1.618 The most... beautiful number ever. You may know it as PHI? The number derived from the Fiboccani sequence. Do you know why it is considered beautiful?

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To the dollar bill:

The obelisk shape and the eye in the pyramid are a definite Illuminati symbol. The movie, Young Blades, actually had some fact in it.

The Illuminati diamond... Have you seen it? Does it even exist?

Elipses... That is a planetary symbol, you fool! You know that!

Symmetry, get it right. That is found in nature. It is of God!

the number 5... That is also of God. It is a Fibonacci number, and of every mathematical importance. Iambic pentameter is just a pattern that sound cool. I use it all the time in my poetry.

il Pura Lingua... Pure Language? Don't make me laugh.

Lucifer... It may mean The Illuminator, but so does fire. #### is full of fire. You know that, TGHL, if you've listened at all to your studies in school.

torre d'angeli... the angel of truth. Are you trying to be a comedian? I've looked at that. Prove me wrong.

"d'angeli" of Truth... see above.

Doves... That's biblical, man. The Holy Spirit is symbolized by a white dove. Grow up and show me the money, Or shut up about my faith. You mock it, and that's just sick.

I've never heard of that movie? Care to give a brief overview of the plot?

It's basically the three musketeers but it's four, and one is a girl trying to help her brother, and basically, the blades go on and defeat this "zombie" like dude. I wasn't really paying attention to the whole plot, just the religious warfare and the small romance bit.

Evidence says it exists, however it may not be an actual diamond, it could be diamond shaped or just metaphorically a diamond. Find one of the elite and ask them. I don't know any elite. What evidence? Do tell, so that I might grow smarter.

I know ELipses are planetary movements. Who created the "cult"? Gallileo. Who persecuted him for claiming the earth moved in an elipse round the sun? The church. What better shape or movement to use except an Elipse?

maybe so, but the elliptical movement of the planets is actually true. The chruch was just looking for power back then. Now, it's actually gone somewhere without seeking earthly power.

WHere does Symmetry appear in God's "Work"? I know one thing that appears in Nature. The divine Proportion. Heard of it? I have.

God created it, didn't he? Divine proportion... Enlighten me. I forget at the moment. Oh, and notice I use correct capitalization.

Again where does 5 come into God's great scheme? 7 does. How many stresses are there in an Iambic Pentameter? 5. See where it comes into the Illuminati's reverence?

TGHL, you're losing what I was saying. The five century silence... The 25th of december (which, by the way was the tenth month before julius and augustus caesar. note the latin, DECember.)... Five original gospels (they took out one of them, I can't remember which.) There's plenty there, you just have to know and look.

Problem with "il Pura Lingua"?

did I stutter? Or did I flub on the translation? If I did, that's why I take Spanish, not that language.

Have you ever looked closely at the Bible? There is no mention of #### in the Bible is there? No mention of little devils with pitchforks. No mention of flames. Its a creation of the Constantine "eradication."

yes there is. Maybe not the exact word, but they never said the word, trinity either, and that's one of the Christian basics! The word Bible isn't in there either, and yet it exists. There is loads of allusions to flames and torture. There is a parable in there where Jesus tells us about how the rich man ate and did not feed the poor man, even when he begged, dying under the table, but when they died, the rich man went to Tophet, and the poor man went to heaven, and the rich man yearned for drink to cool the hot, burning of the flames, and the poor man said no, because the rich man never gave him anything, so why should he give water to the rich man? i rest my case. not really, but so there. Constantine was an idiot. Mary Magdalene wasn't a "lady of the night" if you know what I mean, and Constantine was the one who said it.

How can I be a comedian if I'm just saying what they believe? Torre d'angeli is the tower of Angels though, not Angel of Truth. Or maybe I'm mixing it up again, I'd better check.

Again, I take Spanish. It's tower, but Angel of Truth was directly underneath it, so I flubbed. apologies.

Curious how the Bible writers recognised a Dove in Jeruselum isn't it? None of them were ornithologists or in all likelihood had ever seen a Dove before.

Funny how the Bible works that way, isn't it? It was probably a loss in translation or true Divine Intervention (which it was.) Also, the keyword in there is SYMBOLIZED BY! It's called imagery. You're probably a little older than me, so I know you know about that. I'm pretty naive, too, so I can guarantee you.

Any sort of money you want to see? Yen, Dollars, Euros, Pounds, Rupees?

you know what I meant. Show me the money=Prove me wrong, why donchya? Most of the idioms here came from England.

but on a lighter note, I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by walking to work instead of driving!


LOL, j/k I finally got my first car!

:)B) but it's as old as I am...

Let's focus on the Divine Proportion. Very special number. Appears everywhere in nature. This is it: 1.618 The most... beautiful number ever. You may know it as PHI? The number derived from the Fiboccani sequence. Do you know why it is considered beautiful?

If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I would like to know why.

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To the dollar bill:

The obelisk shape and the eye in the pyramid are a definite Illuminati symbol. The movie, Young Blades, actually had some fact in it.

The Illuminati diamond... Have you seen it? Does it even exist?

Elipses... That is a planetary symbol, you fool! You know that!

Symmetry, get it right. That is found in nature. It is of God!

the number 5... That is also of God. It is a Fibonacci number, and of every mathematical importance. Iambic pentameter is just a pattern that sound cool. I use it all the time in my poetry.

il Pura Lingua... Pure Language? Don't make me laugh.

Lucifer... It may mean The Illuminator, but so does fire. #### is full of fire. You know that, TGHL, if you've listened at all to your studies in school.

torre d'angeli... the angel of truth. Are you trying to be a comedian? I've looked at that. Prove me wrong.

"d'angeli" of Truth... see above.

Doves... That's biblical, man. The Holy Spirit is symbolized by a white dove. Grow up and show me the money, Or shut up about my faith. You mock it, and that's just sick.

I've never heard of that movie? Care to give a brief overview of the plot?

It's basically the three musketeers but it's four, and one is a girl trying to help her brother, and basically, the blades go on and defeat this "zombie" like dude. I wasn't really paying attention to the whole plot, just the religious warfare and the small romance bit.

Evidence says it exists, however it may not be an actual diamond, it could be diamond shaped or just metaphorically a diamond. Find one of the elite and ask them. I don't know any elite. What evidence? Do tell, so that I might grow smarter.

I know ELipses are planetary movements. Who created the "cult"? Gallileo. Who persecuted him for claiming the earth moved in an elipse round the sun? The church. What better shape or movement to use except an Elipse?

maybe so, but the elliptical movement of the planets is actually true. The chruch was just looking for power back then. Now, it's actually gone somewhere without seeking earthly power.

WHere does Symmetry appear in God's "Work"? I know one thing that appears in Nature. The divine Proportion. Heard of it? I have.

God created it, didn't he? Divine proportion... Enlighten me. I forget at the moment. Oh, and notice I use correct capitalization.

Again where does 5 come into God's great scheme? 7 does. How many stresses are there in an Iambic Pentameter? 5. See where it comes into the Illuminati's reverence?

TGHL, you're losing what I was saying. The five century silence... The 25th of december (which, by the way was the tenth month before julius and augustus caesar. note the latin, DECember.)... Five original gospels (they took out one of them, I can't remember which.) There's plenty there, you just have to know and look.

Problem with "il Pura Lingua"?

did I stutter? Or did I flub on the translation? If I did, that's why I take Spanish, not that language.

Have you ever looked closely at the Bible? There is no mention of #### in the Bible is there? No mention of little devils with pitchforks. No mention of flames. Its a creation of the Constantine "eradication."

yes there is. Maybe not the exact word, but they never said the word, trinity either, and that's one of the Christian basics! The word Bible isn't in there either, and yet it exists. There is loads of allusions to flames and torture. There is a parable in there where Jesus tells us about how the rich man ate and did not feed the poor man, even when he begged, dying under the table, but when they died, the rich man went to Tophet, and the poor man went to heaven, and the rich man yearned for drink to cool the hot, burning of the flames, and the poor man said no, because the rich man never gave him anything, so why should he give water to the rich man? i rest my case. not really, but so there. Constantine was an idiot. Mary Magdalene wasn't a "lady of the night" if you know what I mean, and Constantine was the one who said it.

How can I be a comedian if I'm just saying what they believe? Torre d'angeli is the tower of Angels though, not Angel of Truth. Or maybe I'm mixing it up again, I'd better check.

Again, I take Spanish. It's tower, but Angel of Truth was directly underneath it, so I flubbed. apologies.

Curious how the Bible writers recognised a Dove in Jeruselum isn't it? None of them were ornithologists or in all likelihood had ever seen a Dove before.

Funny how the Bible works that way, isn't it? It was probably a loss in translation or true Divine Intervention (which it was.) Also, the keyword in there is SYMBOLIZED BY! It's called imagery. You're probably a little older than me, so I know you know about that. I'm pretty naive, too, so I can guarantee you.

Any sort of money you want to see? Yen, Dollars, Euros, Pounds, Rupees?

you know what I meant. Show me the money=Prove me wrong, why donchya? Most of the idioms here came from England.

but on a lighter note, I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by walking to work instead of driving!


LOL, j/k I finally got my first car!

:)B) but it's as old as I am...

Let's focus on the Divine Proportion. Very special number. Appears everywhere in nature. This is it: 1.618 The most... beautiful number ever. You may know it as PHI? The number derived from the Fiboccani sequence. Do you know why it is considered beautiful?

If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I would like to know why.

I remember that number! The golden ratio! Phi has no end, tghl.

1.618:1 is how I learned it, though.

it is considered beautiful because that ratio in a rectangle is:

1 rectangle=square+smaller, similar rectangle

It is visually appealing. I like to draw things with golden ratio.


PHI is the point on line segment A where segment B (before point PHI) to segment A is the same ratio as segment C (after point PHI) to segment B.

it's halfway between .5 and .66667 (rounded for ellipsis reasons). I love math!

nice signature.

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To the dollar bill:

The obelisk shape and the eye in the pyramid are a definite Illuminati symbol. The movie, Young Blades, actually had some fact in it.

The Illuminati diamond... Have you seen it? Does it even exist?

Elipses... That is a planetary symbol, you fool! You know that!

Symmetry, get it right. That is found in nature. It is of God!

the number 5... That is also of God. It is a Fibonacci number, and of every mathematical importance. Iambic pentameter is just a pattern that sound cool. I use it all the time in my poetry.

il Pura Lingua... Pure Language? Don't make me laugh.

Lucifer... It may mean The Illuminator, but so does fire. #### is full of fire. You know that, TGHL, if you've listened at all to your studies in school.

torre d'angeli... the angel of truth. Are you trying to be a comedian? I've looked at that. Prove me wrong.

"d'angeli" of Truth... see above.

Doves... That's biblical, man. The Holy Spirit is symbolized by a white dove. Grow up and show me the money, Or shut up about my faith. You mock it, and that's just sick.

I've never heard of that movie? Care to give a brief overview of the plot?

It's basically the three musketeers but it's four, and one is a girl trying to help her brother, and basically, the blades go on and defeat this "zombie" like dude. I wasn't really paying attention to the whole plot, just the religious warfare and the small romance bit.

Evidence says it exists, however it may not be an actual diamond, it could be diamond shaped or just metaphorically a diamond. Find one of the elite and ask them. I don't know any elite. What evidence? Do tell, so that I might grow smarter.

I know ELipses are planetary movements. Who created the "cult"? Gallileo. Who persecuted him for claiming the earth moved in an elipse round the sun? The church. What better shape or movement to use except an Elipse?

maybe so, but the elliptical movement of the planets is actually true. The chruch was just looking for power back then. Now, it's actually gone somewhere without seeking earthly power.

WHere does Symmetry appear in God's "Work"? I know one thing that appears in Nature. The divine Proportion. Heard of it? I have.

God created it, didn't he? Divine proportion... Enlighten me. I forget at the moment. Oh, and notice I use correct capitalization.

Again where does 5 come into God's great scheme? 7 does. How many stresses are there in an Iambic Pentameter? 5. See where it comes into the Illuminati's reverence?

TGHL, you're losing what I was saying. The five century silence... The 25th of december (which, by the way was the tenth month before julius and augustus caesar. note the latin, DECember.)... Five original gospels (they took out one of them, I can't remember which.) There's plenty there, you just have to know and look.

Problem with "il Pura Lingua"?

did I stutter? Or did I flub on the translation? If I did, that's why I take Spanish, not that language.

Have you ever looked closely at the Bible? There is no mention of #### in the Bible is there? No mention of little devils with pitchforks. No mention of flames. Its a creation of the Constantine "eradication."

yes there is. Maybe not the exact word, but they never said the word, trinity either, and that's one of the Christian basics! The word Bible isn't in there either, and yet it exists. There is loads of allusions to flames and torture. There is a parable in there where Jesus tells us about how the rich man ate and did not feed the poor man, even when he begged, dying under the table, but when they died, the rich man went to Tophet, and the poor man went to heaven, and the rich man yearned for drink to cool the hot, burning of the flames, and the poor man said no, because the rich man never gave him anything, so why should he give water to the rich man? i rest my case. not really, but so there. Constantine was an idiot. Mary Magdalene wasn't a "lady of the night" if you know what I mean, and Constantine was the one who said it.

How can I be a comedian if I'm just saying what they believe? Torre d'angeli is the tower of Angels though, not Angel of Truth. Or maybe I'm mixing it up again, I'd better check.

Again, I take Spanish. It's tower, but Angel of Truth was directly underneath it, so I flubbed. apologies.

Curious how the Bible writers recognised a Dove in Jeruselum isn't it? None of them were ornithologists or in all likelihood had ever seen a Dove before.

Funny how the Bible works that way, isn't it? It was probably a loss in translation or true Divine Intervention (which it was.) Also, the keyword in there is SYMBOLIZED BY! It's called imagery. You're probably a little older than me, so I know you know about that. I'm pretty naive, too, so I can guarantee you.

Any sort of money you want to see? Yen, Dollars, Euros, Pounds, Rupees?

you know what I meant. Show me the money=Prove me wrong, why donchya? Most of the idioms here came from England.

but on a lighter note, I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by walking to work instead of driving!


LOL, j/k I finally got my first car!

:)B) but it's as old as I am...

Let's focus on the Divine Proportion. Very special number. Appears everywhere in nature. This is it: 1.618 The most... beautiful number ever. You may know it as PHI? The number derived from the Fiboccani sequence. Do you know why it is considered beautiful?

If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I would like to know why.

I remember that number! The golden ratio! Phi has no end, tghl.

1.618:1 is how I learned it, though.

it is considered beautiful because that ratio in a rectangle is:

1 rectangle=square+smaller, similar rectangle

It is visually appealing. I like to draw things with golden ratio.


PHI is the point on line segment A where segment B (before point PHI) to segment A is the same ratio as segment C (after point PHI) to segment B.

it's halfway between .5 and .66667 (rounded for ellipsis reasons). I love math!

nice signature.

Da Vinci was a lover of the PHI as well. Do you know where it turns up in Nature? All over your body for a start. I think next time you're bored, take a measuring tape. Measure from the tip of your head, to the floor, and then divide it by the distance from your belly button to the floor. Guess what number you get? PHI. Ratio of female bees in a hive to male bees: 1.618:1

Sunflower seeds grow in opposing spirals. Guess the ratio of each rotation's diametre to the next. 1.618.

It's the same for your shoulder to fingertips divided by elbow to finger tips. And for Hip to floor divided by knee to floor. And for the entirity of your body. Joints, toes, spinal divisions. The perfect triubte to PHI is what the human race is.

Finally, although Tayino might not want me to say this, the Pentagram or Pentacle is even a tribute to PHI. The sides automatically divide themselves into segments according to PHI, not making the sign a sign of wiccans or wizards or any other neo-paganistic sects, but ultimately a sign of PHI, universal perfection and everything else connected with PHI. Including the opposing sides of religon and science who both claim it prooves the existance/non-existance of God. So if you want to be really smart, wear a pentagram next time you go into church.

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To the dollar bill:

The obelisk shape and the eye in the pyramid are a definite Illuminati symbol. The movie, Young Blades, actually had some fact in it.

The Illuminati diamond... Have you seen it? Does it even exist?

Elipses... That is a planetary symbol, you fool! You know that!

Symmetry, get it right. That is found in nature. It is of God!

the number 5... That is also of God. It is a Fibonacci number, and of every mathematical importance. Iambic pentameter is just a pattern that sound cool. I use it all the time in my poetry.

il Pura Lingua... Pure Language? Don't make me laugh.

Lucifer... It may mean The Illuminator, but so does fire. #### is full of fire. You know that, TGHL, if you've listened at all to your studies in school.

torre d'angeli... the angel of truth. Are you trying to be a comedian? I've looked at that. Prove me wrong.

"d'angeli" of Truth... see above.

Doves... That's biblical, man. The Holy Spirit is symbolized by a white dove. Grow up and show me the money, Or shut up about my faith. You mock it, and that's just sick.

I've never heard of that movie? Care to give a brief overview of the plot?

It's basically the three musketeers but it's four, and one is a girl trying to help her brother, and basically, the blades go on and defeat this "zombie" like dude. I wasn't really paying attention to the whole plot, just the religious warfare and the small romance bit.

Evidence says it exists, however it may not be an actual diamond, it could be diamond shaped or just metaphorically a diamond. Find one of the elite and ask them. I don't know any elite. What evidence? Do tell, so that I might grow smarter.

I know ELipses are planetary movements. Who created the "cult"? Gallileo. Who persecuted him for claiming the earth moved in an elipse round the sun? The church. What better shape or movement to use except an Elipse?

maybe so, but the elliptical movement of the planets is actually true. The chruch was just looking for power back then. Now, it's actually gone somewhere without seeking earthly power.

WHere does Symmetry appear in God's "Work"? I know one thing that appears in Nature. The divine Proportion. Heard of it? I have.

God created it, didn't he? Divine proportion... Enlighten me. I forget at the moment. Oh, and notice I use correct capitalization.

Again where does 5 come into God's great scheme? 7 does. How many stresses are there in an Iambic Pentameter? 5. See where it comes into the Illuminati's reverence?

TGHL, you're losing what I was saying. The five century silence... The 25th of december (which, by the way was the tenth month before julius and augustus caesar. note the latin, DECember.)... Five original gospels (they took out one of them, I can't remember which.) There's plenty there, you just have to know and look.

Problem with "il Pura Lingua"?

did I stutter? Or did I flub on the translation? If I did, that's why I take Spanish, not that language.

Have you ever looked closely at the Bible? There is no mention of #### in the Bible is there? No mention of little devils with pitchforks. No mention of flames. Its a creation of the Constantine "eradication."

yes there is. Maybe not the exact word, but they never said the word, trinity either, and that's one of the Christian basics! The word Bible isn't in there either, and yet it exists. There is loads of allusions to flames and torture. There is a parable in there where Jesus tells us about how the rich man ate and did not feed the poor man, even when he begged, dying under the table, but when they died, the rich man went to Tophet, and the poor man went to heaven, and the rich man yearned for drink to cool the hot, burning of the flames, and the poor man said no, because the rich man never gave him anything, so why should he give water to the rich man? i rest my case. not really, but so there. Constantine was an idiot. Mary Magdalene wasn't a "lady of the night" if you know what I mean, and Constantine was the one who said it.

How can I be a comedian if I'm just saying what they believe? Torre d'angeli is the tower of Angels though, not Angel of Truth. Or maybe I'm mixing it up again, I'd better check.

Again, I take Spanish. It's tower, but Angel of Truth was directly underneath it, so I flubbed. apologies.

Curious how the Bible writers recognised a Dove in Jeruselum isn't it? None of them were ornithologists or in all likelihood had ever seen a Dove before.

Funny how the Bible works that way, isn't it? It was probably a loss in translation or true Divine Intervention (which it was.) Also, the keyword in there is SYMBOLIZED BY! It's called imagery. You're probably a little older than me, so I know you know about that. I'm pretty naive, too, so I can guarantee you.

Any sort of money you want to see? Yen, Dollars, Euros, Pounds, Rupees?

you know what I meant. Show me the money=Prove me wrong, why donchya? Most of the idioms here came from England.

but on a lighter note, I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by walking to work instead of driving!


LOL, j/k I finally got my first car!

:)B) but it's as old as I am...

Let's focus on the Divine Proportion. Very special number. Appears everywhere in nature. This is it: 1.618 The most... beautiful number ever. You may know it as PHI? The number derived from the Fiboccani sequence. Do you know why it is considered beautiful?

If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I would like to know why.

I remember that number! The golden ratio! Phi has no end, tghl.

1.618:1 is how I learned it, though.

it is considered beautiful because that ratio in a rectangle is:

1 rectangle=square+smaller, similar rectangle

It is visually appealing. I like to draw things with golden ratio.


PHI is the point on line segment A where segment B (before point PHI) to segment A is the same ratio as segment C (after point PHI) to segment B.

it's halfway between .5 and .66667 (rounded for ellipsis reasons). I love math!

nice signature.

Da Vinci was a lover of the PHI as well. Do you know where it turns up in Nature? All over your body for a start. I think next time you're bored, take a measuring tape. Measure from the tip of your head, to the floor, and then divide it by the distance from your belly button to the floor. Guess what number you get? PHI. Ratio of female bees in a hive to male bees: 1.618:1

Sunflower seeds grow in opposing spirals. Guess the ratio of each rotation's diametre to the next. 1.618.

It's the same for your shoulder to fingertips divided by elbow to finger tips. And for Hip to floor divided by knee to floor. And for the entirity of your body. Joints, toes, spinal divisions. The perfect triubte to PHI is what the human race is.

Finally, although Tayino might not want me to say this, the Pentagram or Pentacle is even a tribute to PHI. The sides automatically divide themselves into segments according to PHI, not making the sign a sign of wiccans or wizards or any other neo-paganistic sects, but ultimately a sign of PHI, universal perfection and everything else connected with PHI. Including the opposing sides of religon and science who both claim it prooves the existance/non-existance of God. So if you want to be really smart, wear a pentagram next time you go into church.


I know that if you bend your index finger to make a rectangle it is a golden rectangle. I read it in my "math can be fun!" book. the book is right, I love math.

i didn't know all that about the golden ratio. I'll never wear a pentagram to cjurch, though. Brian, my youth minister, would chew me out.

so would rob, my bf, and wendy, my mom's friend, as well as...

oh, sorry. mumbling again.


hey, on the topic of phi in religious, i'm willing to gamble that the "God is" group outnumbers the "God isn't" group.


Tim Allen is great on Home Improvement!

sorry, random comment.

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To the dollar bill:

The obelisk shape and the eye in the pyramid are a definite Illuminati symbol. The movie, Young Blades, actually had some fact in it.

The Illuminati diamond... Have you seen it? Does it even exist?

Elipses... That is a planetary symbol, you fool! You know that!

Symmetry, get it right. That is found in nature. It is of God!

the number 5... That is also of God. It is a Fibonacci number, and of every mathematical importance. Iambic pentameter is just a pattern that sound cool. I use it all the time in my poetry.

il Pura Lingua... Pure Language? Don't make me laugh.

Lucifer... It may mean The Illuminator, but so does fire. #### is full of fire. You know that, TGHL, if you've listened at all to your studies in school.

torre d'angeli... the angel of truth. Are you trying to be a comedian? I've looked at that. Prove me wrong.

"d'angeli" of Truth... see above.

Doves... That's biblical, man. The Holy Spirit is symbolized by a white dove. Grow up and show me the money, Or shut up about my faith. You mock it, and that's just sick.

I've never heard of that movie? Care to give a brief overview of the plot?

It's basically the three musketeers but it's four, and one is a girl trying to help her brother, and basically, the blades go on and defeat this "zombie" like dude. I wasn't really paying attention to the whole plot, just the religious warfare and the small romance bit.

Evidence says it exists, however it may not be an actual diamond, it could be diamond shaped or just metaphorically a diamond. Find one of the elite and ask them. I don't know any elite. What evidence? Do tell, so that I might grow smarter.

I know ELipses are planetary movements. Who created the "cult"? Gallileo. Who persecuted him for claiming the earth moved in an elipse round the sun? The church. What better shape or movement to use except an Elipse?

maybe so, but the elliptical movement of the planets is actually true. The chruch was just looking for power back then. Now, it's actually gone somewhere without seeking earthly power.

WHere does Symmetry appear in God's "Work"? I know one thing that appears in Nature. The divine Proportion. Heard of it? I have.

God created it, didn't he? Divine proportion... Enlighten me. I forget at the moment. Oh, and notice I use correct capitalization.

Again where does 5 come into God's great scheme? 7 does. How many stresses are there in an Iambic Pentameter? 5. See where it comes into the Illuminati's reverence?

TGHL, you're losing what I was saying. The five century silence... The 25th of december (which, by the way was the tenth month before julius and augustus caesar. note the latin, DECember.)... Five original gospels (they took out one of them, I can't remember which.) There's plenty there, you just have to know and look.

Problem with "il Pura Lingua"?

did I stutter? Or did I flub on the translation? If I did, that's why I take Spanish, not that language.

Have you ever looked closely at the Bible? There is no mention of #### in the Bible is there? No mention of little devils with pitchforks. No mention of flames. Its a creation of the Constantine "eradication."

yes there is. Maybe not the exact word, but they never said the word, trinity either, and that's one of the Christian basics! The word Bible isn't in there either, and yet it exists. There is loads of allusions to flames and torture. There is a parable in there where Jesus tells us about how the rich man ate and did not feed the poor man, even when he begged, dying under the table, but when they died, the rich man went to Tophet, and the poor man went to heaven, and the rich man yearned for drink to cool the hot, burning of the flames, and the poor man said no, because the rich man never gave him anything, so why should he give water to the rich man? i rest my case. not really, but so there. Constantine was an idiot. Mary Magdalene wasn't a "lady of the night" if you know what I mean, and Constantine was the one who said it.

How can I be a comedian if I'm just saying what they believe? Torre d'angeli is the tower of Angels though, not Angel of Truth. Or maybe I'm mixing it up again, I'd better check.

Again, I take Spanish. It's tower, but Angel of Truth was directly underneath it, so I flubbed. apologies.

Curious how the Bible writers recognised a Dove in Jeruselum isn't it? None of them were ornithologists or in all likelihood had ever seen a Dove before.

Funny how the Bible works that way, isn't it? It was probably a loss in translation or true Divine Intervention (which it was.) Also, the keyword in there is SYMBOLIZED BY! It's called imagery. You're probably a little older than me, so I know you know about that. I'm pretty naive, too, so I can guarantee you.

Any sort of money you want to see? Yen, Dollars, Euros, Pounds, Rupees?

you know what I meant. Show me the money=Prove me wrong, why donchya? Most of the idioms here came from England.

but on a lighter note, I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by walking to work instead of driving!


LOL, j/k I finally got my first car!

:)B) but it's as old as I am...

Let's focus on the Divine Proportion. Very special number. Appears everywhere in nature. This is it: 1.618 The most... beautiful number ever. You may know it as PHI? The number derived from the Fiboccani sequence. Do you know why it is considered beautiful?

If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I would like to know why.

I remember that number! The golden ratio! Phi has no end, tghl.

1.618:1 is how I learned it, though.

it is considered beautiful because that ratio in a rectangle is:

1 rectangle=square+smaller, similar rectangle

It is visually appealing. I like to draw things with golden ratio.


PHI is the point on line segment A where segment B (before point PHI) to segment A is the same ratio as segment C (after point PHI) to segment B.

it's halfway between .5 and .66667 (rounded for ellipsis reasons). I love math!

nice signature.

Da Vinci was a lover of the PHI as well. Do you know where it turns up in Nature? All over your body for a start. I think next time you're bored, take a measuring tape. Measure from the tip of your head, to the floor, and then divide it by the distance from your belly button to the floor. Guess what number you get? PHI. Ratio of female bees in a hive to male bees: 1.618:1

Sunflower seeds grow in opposing spirals. Guess the ratio of each rotation's diametre to the next. 1.618.

It's the same for your shoulder to fingertips divided by elbow to finger tips. And for Hip to floor divided by knee to floor. And for the entirity of your body. Joints, toes, spinal divisions. The perfect triubte to PHI is what the human race is.

Finally, although Tayino might not want me to say this, the Pentagram or Pentacle is even a tribute to PHI. The sides automatically divide themselves into segments according to PHI, not making the sign a sign of wiccans or wizards or any other neo-paganistic sects, but ultimately a sign of PHI, universal perfection and everything else connected with PHI. Including the opposing sides of religon and science who both claim it prooves the existance/non-existance of God. So if you want to be really smart, wear a pentagram next time you go into church.

I'll never wear a pentagram to cjurch, though. Brian, my youth minister, would chew me out.

so would rob, my bf, and wendy, my mom's friend, as well as...

oh, sorry. mumbling again.


hey, on the topic of phi in religious, i'm willing to gamble that the "God is" group outnumbers the "God isn't" group.


Tim Allen is great on Home Improvement!

sorry, random comment.

You could always explain it is a tirbute to God and his, sorry, His master plan.


Well, if you consider the fact that religon has dwindled in Europe, Asia doesn't have a God and India doesn't, and doesn't use PHI in the arguement for their God's existance. That's a large amount of the world's population, you'd have to do a worldwide poll and force people to answer in order to find out.

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You could always explain it is a tirbute to God and his, sorry, His master plan.


Well, if you consider the fact that religon has dwindled in Europe, Asia doesn't have a God and India doesn't, and doesn't use PHI in the arguement for their God's existance. That's a large amount of the world's population, you'd have to do a worldwide poll and force people to answer in order to find out.

[voice=supreme sarcasm]nice typo. <_< [/voice]

I didn't know religion was dwindling in Europe.

That's terrible!

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You could always explain it is a tirbute to God and his, sorry, His master plan.


Well, if you consider the fact that religon has dwindled in Europe, Asia doesn't have a God and India doesn't, and doesn't use PHI in the arguement for their God's existance. That's a large amount of the world's population, you'd have to do a worldwide poll and force people to answer in order to find out.

[voice=supreme sarcasm]nice typo. <_< [/voice]

I didn't know religion was dwindling in Europe.

That's terrible!

Perfectionism flashing a fin again?


Spain and Italy are really the only devout nations in Europe, maybe parts of Central and Eastern Europe, but Britain is nearly all Agnostic and Aethiest. Only 2% of Britian goes to church and church related activities now. Same in Germany and France too, despite the fact London, Paris and Berlin all have over a thousand places of worship each.

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You could always explain it is a tirbute to God and his, sorry, His master plan.


Well, if you consider the fact that religon has dwindled in Europe, Asia doesn't have a God and India doesn't, and doesn't use PHI in the arguement for their God's existance. That's a large amount of the world's population, you'd have to do a worldwide poll and force people to answer in order to find out.

[voice=supreme sarcasm]nice typo. <_< [/voice]

I didn't know religion was dwindling in Europe.

That's terrible!

Perfectionism flashing a fin again?


Spain and Italy are really the only devout nations in Europe, maybe parts of Central and Eastern Europe, but Britain is nearly all Agnostic and Aethiest. Only 2% of Britian goes to church and church related activities now. Same in Germany and France too, despite the fact London, Paris and Berlin all have over a thousand places of worship each.

OMG! That's terrible! Do me a favor, don't reply to the religion topic.


and no, perfectionism isn't happening there.


...his, sorry His...


that's what caught me.

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You could always explain it is a tirbute to God and his, sorry, His master plan.


Well, if you consider the fact that religon has dwindled in Europe, Asia doesn't have a God and India doesn't, and doesn't use PHI in the arguement for their God's existance. That's a large amount of the world's population, you'd have to do a worldwide poll and force people to answer in order to find out.

[voice=supreme sarcasm]nice typo. <_< [/voice]

I didn't know religion was dwindling in Europe.

That's terrible!

Perfectionism flashing a fin again?


Spain and Italy are really the only devout nations in Europe, maybe parts of Central and Eastern Europe, but Britain is nearly all Agnostic and Aethiest. Only 2% of Britian goes to church and church related activities now. Same in Germany and France too, despite the fact London, Paris and Berlin all have over a thousand places of worship each.

OMG! That's terrible! Do me a favor, don't reply to the religion topic.


and no, perfectionism isn't happening there.


...his, sorry His...


that's what caught me.

Is it? Oh... er... too late?




Oh, I thought you were refering to the fact I typo'd tribute and it ended up as tirbute.... Er....

Anyway, that is the correct thing isn't it? I was just making a point that God and Jesus seem to be above correct spelling, grammar and use of apostrophes. Not forgetting punctuation of all sorts and capatalisation.

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You could always explain it is a tirbute to God and his, sorry, His master plan.


Well, if you consider the fact that religon has dwindled in Europe, Asia doesn't have a God and India doesn't, and doesn't use PHI in the arguement for their God's existance. That's a large amount of the world's population, you'd have to do a worldwide poll and force people to answer in order to find out.

[voice=supreme sarcasm]nice typo. <_< [/voice]

I didn't know religion was dwindling in Europe.

That's terrible!

Perfectionism flashing a fin again?


Spain and Italy are really the only devout nations in Europe, maybe parts of Central and Eastern Europe, but Britain is nearly all Agnostic and Aethiest. Only 2% of Britian goes to church and church related activities now. Same in Germany and France too, despite the fact London, Paris and Berlin all have over a thousand places of worship each.

OMG! That's terrible! Do me a favor, don't reply to the religion topic.


and no, perfectionism isn't happening there.


...his, sorry His...


that's what caught me.

Is it? Oh... er... too late?




Oh, I thought you were refering to the fact I typo'd tribute and it ended up as tirbute.... Er....

Anyway, that is the correct thing isn't it? I was just making a point that God and Jesus seem to be above correct spelling, grammar and use of apostrophes. Not forgetting punctuation of all sorts and capatalisation.

God is Jesus. I chose to ignore the tribute typo.

nevermind about the religion topic.

and yes, God is more important.

nice try, tho.

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You could always explain it is a tirbute to God and his, sorry, His master plan.


Well, if you consider the fact that religon has dwindled in Europe, Asia doesn't have a God and India doesn't, and doesn't use PHI in the arguement for their God's existance. That's a large amount of the world's population, you'd have to do a worldwide poll and force people to answer in order to find out.

[voice=supreme sarcasm]nice typo. <_< [/voice]

I didn't know religion was dwindling in Europe.

That's terrible!

Perfectionism flashing a fin again?


Spain and Italy are really the only devout nations in Europe, maybe parts of Central and Eastern Europe, but Britain is nearly all Agnostic and Aethiest. Only 2% of Britian goes to church and church related activities now. Same in Germany and France too, despite the fact London, Paris and Berlin all have over a thousand places of worship each.

OMG! That's terrible! Do me a favor, don't reply to the religion topic.


and no, perfectionism isn't happening there.


...his, sorry His...


that's what caught me.

Is it? Oh... er... too late?




Oh, I thought you were refering to the fact I typo'd tribute and it ended up as tirbute.... Er....

Anyway, that is the correct thing isn't it? I was just making a point that God and Jesus seem to be above correct spelling, grammar and use of apostrophes. Not forgetting punctuation of all sorts and capatalisation.

God is Jesus. I chose to ignore the tribute typo.

nevermind about the religion topic.

and yes, God is more important.

nice try, tho.

How can a father and his son be the same thing? does that explain why Jesus always is represented with long hair, a goatee and glazed eyes, the now stereotype for a pothead? Or would you believe that he had an eye infection which prevented him from seeing clearly thus preventing him from shaving?

Will do.

So God is more important than Jesus, despite the fact you said Jesus is God? How can God be more important than himself?

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You could always explain it is a tirbute to God and his, sorry, His master plan.


Well, if you consider the fact that religon has dwindled in Europe, Asia doesn't have a God and India doesn't, and doesn't use PHI in the arguement for their God's existance. That's a large amount of the world's population, you'd have to do a worldwide poll and force people to answer in order to find out.

[voice=supreme sarcasm]nice typo. <_< [/voice]

I didn't know religion was dwindling in Europe.

That's terrible!

Perfectionism flashing a fin again?


Spain and Italy are really the only devout nations in Europe, maybe parts of Central and Eastern Europe, but Britain is nearly all Agnostic and Aethiest. Only 2% of Britian goes to church and church related activities now. Same in Germany and France too, despite the fact London, Paris and Berlin all have over a thousand places of worship each.

OMG! That's terrible! Do me a favor, don't reply to the religion topic.


and no, perfectionism isn't happening there.


...his, sorry His...


that's what caught me.

Is it? Oh... er... too late?




Oh, I thought you were refering to the fact I typo'd tribute and it ended up as tirbute.... Er....

Anyway, that is the correct thing isn't it? I was just making a point that God and Jesus seem to be above correct spelling, grammar and use of apostrophes. Not forgetting punctuation of all sorts and capatalisation.

God is Jesus. I chose to ignore the tribute typo.

nevermind about the religion topic.

and yes, God is more important.

nice try, tho.

How can a father and his son be the same thing? does that explain why Jesus always is represented with long hair, a goatee and glazed eyes, the now stereotype for a pothead? Or would you believe that he had an eye infection which prevented him from seeing clearly thus preventing him from shaving?

Will do.

So God is more important than Jesus, despite the fact you said Jesus is God? How can God be more important than himself?

You don't know as much as I thought. NO, that's not what I said. I was referring to grammar as being less important than God. Not Jesus. The three in One thing is very difficult to explain. It's one of those things that humans can't understand, so you just have to rely on my words. Here's an analogy that might help: A shamrock. Shamrocks have three little leaves, but they all count as part of one single leaf. God is comprised of three separate persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God the Father is NOT the Son or the Holy Spirit, but they all are part of one single deity. um... Or an egg. The shell, the white, and the yolk. The shell is not the yolk or the white, but they are all one single celled egg. Does that make sense?


The reason Jesus is most often portrayed like this is that that is how the men in His time looked. He was a carpenter, which means he probably either wore it back or short, so that is a misconception. His eyes aren't glazed, they are focused on God! Plus, a lot of artists who drew him are the kind who can't draw eyes.

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You could always explain it is a tirbute to God and his, sorry, His master plan.


Well, if you consider the fact that religon has dwindled in Europe, Asia doesn't have a God and India doesn't, and doesn't use PHI in the arguement for their God's existance. That's a large amount of the world's population, you'd have to do a worldwide poll and force people to answer in order to find out.

[voice=supreme sarcasm]nice typo. <_< [/voice]

I didn't know religion was dwindling in Europe.

That's terrible!

Perfectionism flashing a fin again?


Spain and Italy are really the only devout nations in Europe, maybe parts of Central and Eastern Europe, but Britain is nearly all Agnostic and Aethiest. Only 2% of Britian goes to church and church related activities now. Same in Germany and France too, despite the fact London, Paris and Berlin all have over a thousand places of worship each.

OMG! That's terrible! Do me a favor, don't reply to the religion topic.


and no, perfectionism isn't happening there.


...his, sorry His...


that's what caught me.

Is it? Oh... er... too late?




Oh, I thought you were refering to the fact I typo'd tribute and it ended up as tirbute.... Er....

Anyway, that is the correct thing isn't it? I was just making a point that God and Jesus seem to be above correct spelling, grammar and use of apostrophes. Not forgetting punctuation of all sorts and capatalisation.

God is Jesus. I chose to ignore the tribute typo.

nevermind about the religion topic.

and yes, God is more important.

nice try, tho.

How can a father and his son be the same thing? does that explain why Jesus always is represented with long hair, a goatee and glazed eyes, the now stereotype for a pothead? Or would you believe that he had an eye infection which prevented him from seeing clearly thus preventing him from shaving?

Will do.

So God is more important than Jesus, despite the fact you said Jesus is God? How can God be more important than himself?

His eyes aren't glazed, they are focused on God! Plus, a lot of artists who drew him are the kind who can't draw eyes.

Of course they are, of course they could be focused on a purple cat with two heads, Cello-Flame, the firey god of cellotape or the giant handkerchief of the great dragon, Spiggles the watered down.

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You could always explain it is a tirbute to God and his, sorry, His master plan.


Well, if you consider the fact that religon has dwindled in Europe, Asia doesn't have a God and India doesn't, and doesn't use PHI in the arguement for their God's existance. That's a large amount of the world's population, you'd have to do a worldwide poll and force people to answer in order to find out.

[voice=supreme sarcasm]nice typo. <_< [/voice]

I didn't know religion was dwindling in Europe.

That's terrible!

Perfectionism flashing a fin again?


Spain and Italy are really the only devout nations in Europe, maybe parts of Central and Eastern Europe, but Britain is nearly all Agnostic and Aethiest. Only 2% of Britian goes to church and church related activities now. Same in Germany and France too, despite the fact London, Paris and Berlin all have over a thousand places of worship each.

OMG! That's terrible! Do me a favor, don't reply to the religion topic.


and no, perfectionism isn't happening there.


...his, sorry His...


that's what caught me.

Is it? Oh... er... too late?




Oh, I thought you were refering to the fact I typo'd tribute and it ended up as tirbute.... Er....

Anyway, that is the correct thing isn't it? I was just making a point that God and Jesus seem to be above correct spelling, grammar and use of apostrophes. Not forgetting punctuation of all sorts and capatalisation.

God is Jesus. I chose to ignore the tribute typo.

nevermind about the religion topic.

and yes, God is more important.

nice try, tho.

How can a father and his son be the same thing? does that explain why Jesus always is represented with long hair, a goatee and glazed eyes, the now stereotype for a pothead? Or would you believe that he had an eye infection which prevented him from seeing clearly thus preventing him from shaving?

Will do.

So God is more important than Jesus, despite the fact you said Jesus is God? How can God be more important than himself?

You don't know as much as I thought. NO, that's not what I said. I was referring to grammar as being less important than God. Not Jesus. The three in One thing is very difficult to explain. It's one of those things that humans can't understand, so you just have to rely on my words. Here's an analogy that might help: A shamrock. Shamrocks have three little leaves, but they all count as part of one single leaf. God is comprised of three separate persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God the Father is NOT the Son or the Holy Spirit, but they all are part of one single deity. um... Or an egg. The shell, the white, and the yolk. The shell is not the yolk or the white, but they are all one single celled egg. Does that make sense?


The reason Jesus is most often portrayed like this is that that is how the men in His time looked. He was a carpenter, which means he probably either wore it back or short, so that is a misconception. His eyes aren't glazed, they are focused on God! Plus, a lot of artists who drew him are the kind who can't draw eyes.

Just a small bit of info, the pictures of Jesus are likely to be historically inaccurate. I remember on the History Channel I heard that Jesus was most likely darker skinned. It's just that much corruption in Europe throughout history occured leading to censorship in the bible(yes, you may be missing out on certain vital parts of the bible) and also another thing that may have occured is the Europeans just portrayed Jesus and Mary to look like they were of light skin color and the appearance stayed.


Just a bit of information. May or may not be innacurate.

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You could always explain it is a tirbute to God and his, sorry, His master plan.


Well, if you consider the fact that religon has dwindled in Europe, Asia doesn't have a God and India doesn't, and doesn't use PHI in the arguement for their God's existance. That's a large amount of the world's population, you'd have to do a worldwide poll and force people to answer in order to find out.

[voice=supreme sarcasm]nice typo. <_< [/voice]

I didn't know religion was dwindling in Europe.

That's terrible!

Perfectionism flashing a fin again?


Spain and Italy are really the only devout nations in Europe, maybe parts of Central and Eastern Europe, but Britain is nearly all Agnostic and Aethiest. Only 2% of Britian goes to church and church related activities now. Same in Germany and France too, despite the fact London, Paris and Berlin all have over a thousand places of worship each.

OMG! That's terrible! Do me a favor, don't reply to the religion topic.


and no, perfectionism isn't happening there.


...his, sorry His...


that's what caught me.

Is it? Oh... er... too late?




Oh, I thought you were refering to the fact I typo'd tribute and it ended up as tirbute.... Er....

Anyway, that is the correct thing isn't it? I was just making a point that God and Jesus seem to be above correct spelling, grammar and use of apostrophes. Not forgetting punctuation of all sorts and capatalisation.

God is Jesus. I chose to ignore the tribute typo.

nevermind about the religion topic.

and yes, God is more important.

nice try, tho.

How can a father and his son be the same thing? does that explain why Jesus always is represented with long hair, a goatee and glazed eyes, the now stereotype for a pothead? Or would you believe that he had an eye infection which prevented him from seeing clearly thus preventing him from shaving?

Will do.

So God is more important than Jesus, despite the fact you said Jesus is God? How can God be more important than himself?

You don't know as much as I thought. NO, that's not what I said. I was referring to grammar as being less important than God. Not Jesus. The three in One thing is very difficult to explain. It's one of those things that humans can't understand, so you just have to rely on my words. Here's an analogy that might help: A shamrock. Shamrocks have three little leaves, but they all count as part of one single leaf. God is comprised of three separate persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God the Father is NOT the Son or the Holy Spirit, but they all are part of one single deity. um... Or an egg. The shell, the white, and the yolk. The shell is not the yolk or the white, but they are all one single celled egg. Does that make sense?


The reason Jesus is most often portrayed like this is that that is how the men in His time looked. He was a carpenter, which means he probably either wore it back or short, so that is a misconception. His eyes aren't glazed, they are focused on God! Plus, a lot of artists who drew him are the kind who can't draw eyes.

Just a small bit of info, the pictures of Jesus are likely to be historically inaccurate. I remember on the History Channel I heard that Jesus was most likely darker skinned. It's just that much corruption in Europe throughout history occured leading to censorship in the bible(yes, you may be missing out on certain vital parts of the bible) and also another thing that may have occured is the Europeans just portrayed Jesus and Mary to look like they were of light skin color and the appearance stayed.


Just a bit of information. May or may not be innacurate.

I've heard that too. Um... It's Bible. Always capitalized. I know they took a lot of stuff out of the Bible, but that's because they had to determine which books were actually true Gospels and Epistles.

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You could always explain it is a tirbute to God and his, sorry, His master plan.


Well, if you consider the fact that religon has dwindled in Europe, Asia doesn't have a God and India doesn't, and doesn't use PHI in the arguement for their God's existance. That's a large amount of the world's population, you'd have to do a worldwide poll and force people to answer in order to find out.

[voice=supreme sarcasm]nice typo. <_< [/voice]

I didn't know religion was dwindling in Europe.

That's terrible!

Perfectionism flashing a fin again?


Spain and Italy are really the only devout nations in Europe, maybe parts of Central and Eastern Europe, but Britain is nearly all Agnostic and Aethiest. Only 2% of Britian goes to church and church related activities now. Same in Germany and France too, despite the fact London, Paris and Berlin all have over a thousand places of worship each.

OMG! That's terrible! Do me a favor, don't reply to the religion topic.


and no, perfectionism isn't happening there.


...his, sorry His...


that's what caught me.

Is it? Oh... er... too late?




Oh, I thought you were refering to the fact I typo'd tribute and it ended up as tirbute.... Er....

Anyway, that is the correct thing isn't it? I was just making a point that God and Jesus seem to be above correct spelling, grammar and use of apostrophes. Not forgetting punctuation of all sorts and capatalisation.

God is Jesus. I chose to ignore the tribute typo.

nevermind about the religion topic.

and yes, God is more important.

nice try, tho.

How can a father and his son be the same thing? does that explain why Jesus always is represented with long hair, a goatee and glazed eyes, the now stereotype for a pothead? Or would you believe that he had an eye infection which prevented him from seeing clearly thus preventing him from shaving?

Will do.

So God is more important than Jesus, despite the fact you said Jesus is God? How can God be more important than himself?

You don't know as much as I thought. NO, that's not what I said. I was referring to grammar as being less important than God. Not Jesus. The three in One thing is very difficult to explain. It's one of those things that humans can't understand, so you just have to rely on my words. Here's an analogy that might help: A shamrock. Shamrocks have three little leaves, but they all count as part of one single leaf. God is comprised of three separate persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God the Father is NOT the Son or the Holy Spirit, but they all are part of one single deity. um... Or an egg. The shell, the white, and the yolk. The shell is not the yolk or the white, but they are all one single celled egg. Does that make sense?


The reason Jesus is most often portrayed like this is that that is how the men in His time looked. He was a carpenter, which means he probably either wore it back or short, so that is a misconception. His eyes aren't glazed, they are focused on God! Plus, a lot of artists who drew him are the kind who can't draw eyes.

Just a small bit of info, the pictures of Jesus are likely to be historically inaccurate. I remember on the History Channel I heard that Jesus was most likely darker skinned. It's just that much corruption in Europe throughout history occured leading to censorship in the bible(yes, you may be missing out on certain vital parts of the bible) and also another thing that may have occured is the Europeans just portrayed Jesus and Mary to look like they were of light skin color and the appearance stayed.


Just a bit of information. May or may not be innacurate.

I've heard that too. Um... It's Bible. Always capitalized. I know they took a lot of stuff out of the Bible, but that's because they had to determine which books were actually true Gospels and Epistles.

Or aletrnatively cover up the truth about Jesus and such. Did you know nearly nothing in Christinaity is original? Halos for example, are sun discs stolen from Egyptian mythology. God as a huge man with a huge white beard and longish hair with finger pointing down out of the clouds, is stolen from Greek mythology, i.e. Zeus. I think the only non-stolen stuff is.... er.... actually I don't think there is anything that isn't stolen.

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You could always explain it is a tirbute to God and his, sorry, His master plan.


Well, if you consider the fact that religon has dwindled in Europe, Asia doesn't have a God and India doesn't, and doesn't use PHI in the arguement for their God's existance. That's a large amount of the world's population, you'd have to do a worldwide poll and force people to answer in order to find out.

[voice=supreme sarcasm]nice typo. <_< [/voice]

I didn't know religion was dwindling in Europe.

That's terrible!

Perfectionism flashing a fin again?


Spain and Italy are really the only devout nations in Europe, maybe parts of Central and Eastern Europe, but Britain is nearly all Agnostic and Aethiest. Only 2% of Britian goes to church and church related activities now. Same in Germany and France too, despite the fact London, Paris and Berlin all have over a thousand places of worship each.

OMG! That's terrible! Do me a favor, don't reply to the religion topic.


and no, perfectionism isn't happening there.


...his, sorry His...


that's what caught me.

Is it? Oh... er... too late?




Oh, I thought you were refering to the fact I typo'd tribute and it ended up as tirbute.... Er....

Anyway, that is the correct thing isn't it? I was just making a point that God and Jesus seem to be above correct spelling, grammar and use of apostrophes. Not forgetting punctuation of all sorts and capatalisation.

God is Jesus. I chose to ignore the tribute typo.

nevermind about the religion topic.

and yes, God is more important.

nice try, tho.

How can a father and his son be the same thing? does that explain why Jesus always is represented with long hair, a goatee and glazed eyes, the now stereotype for a pothead? Or would you believe that he had an eye infection which prevented him from seeing clearly thus preventing him from shaving?

Will do.

So God is more important than Jesus, despite the fact you said Jesus is God? How can God be more important than himself?

You don't know as much as I thought. NO, that's not what I said. I was referring to grammar as being less important than God. Not Jesus. The three in One thing is very difficult to explain. It's one of those things that humans can't understand, so you just have to rely on my words. Here's an analogy that might help: A shamrock. Shamrocks have three little leaves, but they all count as part of one single leaf. God is comprised of three separate persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God the Father is NOT the Son or the Holy Spirit, but they all are part of one single deity. um... Or an egg. The shell, the white, and the yolk. The shell is not the yolk or the white, but they are all one single celled egg. Does that make sense?


The reason Jesus is most often portrayed like this is that that is how the men in His time looked. He was a carpenter, which means he probably either wore it back or short, so that is a misconception. His eyes aren't glazed, they are focused on God! Plus, a lot of artists who drew him are the kind who can't draw eyes.

Just a small bit of info, the pictures of Jesus are likely to be historically inaccurate. I remember on the History Channel I heard that Jesus was most likely darker skinned. It's just that much corruption in Europe throughout history occured leading to censorship in the bible(yes, you may be missing out on certain vital parts of the bible) and also another thing that may have occured is the Europeans just portrayed Jesus and Mary to look like they were of light skin color and the appearance stayed.


Just a bit of information. May or may not be innacurate.

I've heard that too. Um... It's Bible. Always capitalized. I know they took a lot of stuff out of the Bible, but that's because they had to determine which books were actually true Gospels and Epistles.

Or aletrnatively cover up the truth about Jesus and such. Did you know nearly nothing in Christinaity is original? Halos for example, are sun discs stolen from Egyptian mythology. God as a huge man with a huge white beard and longish hair with finger pointing down out of the clouds, is stolen from Greek mythology, i.e. Zeus. I think the only non-stolen stuff is.... er.... actually I don't think there is anything that isn't stolen.

The giant old man is Brintey Spears's version.

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You could always explain it is a tirbute to God and his, sorry, His master plan.


Well, if you consider the fact that religon has dwindled in Europe, Asia doesn't have a God and India doesn't, and doesn't use PHI in the arguement for their God's existance. That's a large amount of the world's population, you'd have to do a worldwide poll and force people to answer in order to find out.

[voice=supreme sarcasm]nice typo. <_< [/voice]

I didn't know religion was dwindling in Europe.

That's terrible!

Perfectionism flashing a fin again?


Spain and Italy are really the only devout nations in Europe, maybe parts of Central and Eastern Europe, but Britain is nearly all Agnostic and Aethiest. Only 2% of Britian goes to church and church related activities now. Same in Germany and France too, despite the fact London, Paris and Berlin all have over a thousand places of worship each.

OMG! That's terrible! Do me a favor, don't reply to the religion topic.


and no, perfectionism isn't happening there.


...his, sorry His...


that's what caught me.

Is it? Oh... er... too late?




Oh, I thought you were refering to the fact I typo'd tribute and it ended up as tirbute.... Er....

Anyway, that is the correct thing isn't it? I was just making a point that God and Jesus seem to be above correct spelling, grammar and use of apostrophes. Not forgetting punctuation of all sorts and capatalisation.

God is Jesus. I chose to ignore the tribute typo.

nevermind about the religion topic.

and yes, God is more important.

nice try, tho.

How can a father and his son be the same thing? does that explain why Jesus always is represented with long hair, a goatee and glazed eyes, the now stereotype for a pothead? Or would you believe that he had an eye infection which prevented him from seeing clearly thus preventing him from shaving?

Will do.

So God is more important than Jesus, despite the fact you said Jesus is God? How can God be more important than himself?

You don't know as much as I thought. NO, that's not what I said. I was referring to grammar as being less important than God. Not Jesus. The three in One thing is very difficult to explain. It's one of those things that humans can't understand, so you just have to rely on my words. Here's an analogy that might help: A shamrock. Shamrocks have three little leaves, but they all count as part of one single leaf. God is comprised of three separate persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God the Father is NOT the Son or the Holy Spirit, but they all are part of one single deity. um... Or an egg. The shell, the white, and the yolk. The shell is not the yolk or the white, but they are all one single celled egg. Does that make sense?


The reason Jesus is most often portrayed like this is that that is how the men in His time looked. He was a carpenter, which means he probably either wore it back or short, so that is a misconception. His eyes aren't glazed, they are focused on God! Plus, a lot of artists who drew him are the kind who can't draw eyes.

Just a small bit of info, the pictures of Jesus are likely to be historically inaccurate. I remember on the History Channel I heard that Jesus was most likely darker skinned. It's just that much corruption in Europe throughout history occured leading to censorship in the bible(yes, you may be missing out on certain vital parts of the bible) and also another thing that may have occured is the Europeans just portrayed Jesus and Mary to look like they were of light skin color and the appearance stayed.


Just a bit of information. May or may not be innacurate.

I've heard that too. Um... It's Bible. Always capitalized. I know they took a lot of stuff out of the Bible, but that's because they had to determine which books were actually true Gospels and Epistles.

Or aletrnatively cover up the truth about Jesus and such. Did you know nearly nothing in Christinaity is original? Halos for example, are sun discs stolen from Egyptian mythology. God as a huge man with a huge white beard and longish hair with finger pointing down out of the clouds, is stolen from Greek mythology, i.e. Zeus. I think the only non-stolen stuff is.... er.... actually I don't think there is anything that isn't stolen.

The giant old man is Brintey Spears's version.

Actually I believe in the Old Testament it depicts God as an old man when he appears in human form to some people. Its in your book of stories, why don't you believe it? And what about the rest of it? Everything else Christianity has stolen? Anything you also want to deny? Because, like some Cardinals in the church, if you came across a scripture written by Jesus himself claiming he was just ordinary, you would hide it and let the lies go on. You are no more commited to the real truth than Gobbels was.

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You know what?

I tire of this useless proving one another wrong.

There is not going to be any changing of either of our minds, so let's just quit for a few days.

I feel like crunching coz of all this banter, and I can see why you wanted to drop the whole thing. It gets annoying.


Yeah, I know, I'm totally going back on what I said about loving a good debate or argument.

But yeah. For now.



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You know what?

I tire of this useless proving one another wrong.

There is not going to be any changing of either of our minds, so let's just quit for a few days.

I feel like crunching coz of all this banter, and I can see why you wanted to drop the whole thing. It gets annoying.


Yeah, I know, I'm totally going back on what I said about loving a good debate or argument.

But yeah. For now.



I changed my mind. I'm staying in. Are you?

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You know what?

I tire of this useless proving one another wrong.

There is not going to be any changing of either of our minds, so let's just quit for a few days.

I feel like crunching coz of all this banter, and I can see why you wanted to drop the whole thing. It gets annoying.


Yeah, I know, I'm totally going back on what I said about loving a good debate or argument.

But yeah. For now.



I changed my mind. I'm staying in. Are you?

Of course, but I'll give you some variety.

Shall we talk about the Holy Grail? Dead Sea Scrolls? The Jesus or Constantine convention? Come back to the Illuminati or a more sciencey topic?

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You know what?

I tire of this useless proving one another wrong.

There is not going to be any changing of either of our minds, so let's just quit for a few days.

I feel like crunching coz of all this banter, and I can see why you wanted to drop the whole thing. It gets annoying.


Yeah, I know, I'm totally going back on what I said about loving a good debate or argument.

But yeah. For now.



I changed my mind. I'm staying in. Are you?

Of course, but I'll give you some variety.

Shall we talk about the Holy Grail? Dead Sea Scrolls? The Jesus or Constantine convention? Come back to the Illuminati or a more sciencey topic?

Whatever you want. I just need to go to the library more often.



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You know what?

I tire of this useless proving one another wrong.

There is not going to be any changing of either of our minds, so let's just quit for a few days.

I feel like crunching coz of all this banter, and I can see why you wanted to drop the whole thing. It gets annoying.


Yeah, I know, I'm totally going back on what I said about loving a good debate or argument.

But yeah. For now.



I changed my mind. I'm staying in. Are you?

Of course, but I'll give you some variety.

Shall we talk about the Holy Grail? Dead Sea Scrolls? The Jesus or Constantine convention? Come back to the Illuminati or a more sciencey topic?

Whatever you want. I just need to go to the library more often.



History would seem most approriate then, since from what I can gather History in American schools is fractured, doesn't focus on anything in particular and seems to be in some states centred on pro-American history and glorify massacares like Vietnam, the Korean War and worst of all the dropping of the Atomic Bomb.


How would you like to research..... The Russian Revolution? Or if you want something from earlier in History, Life in Ancient Egypt.

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You know what?

I tire of this useless proving one another wrong.

There is not going to be any changing of either of our minds, so let's just quit for a few days.

I feel like crunching coz of all this banter, and I can see why you wanted to drop the whole thing. It gets annoying.


Yeah, I know, I'm totally going back on what I said about loving a good debate or argument.

But yeah. For now.



I changed my mind. I'm staying in. Are you?

Of course, but I'll give you some variety.

Shall we talk about the Holy Grail? Dead Sea Scrolls? The Jesus or Constantine convention? Come back to the Illuminati or a more sciencey topic?

Whatever you want. I just need to go to the library more often.



History would seem most approriate then, since from what I can gather History in American schools is fractured, doesn't focus on anything in particular and seems to be in some states centred on pro-American history and glorify massacares like Vietnam, the Korean War and worst of all the dropping of the Atomic Bomb.


How would you like to research..... The Russian Revolution? Or if you want something from earlier in History, Life in Ancient Egypt.

Whichever you prefer.

Hey, that ZombieCat character is very strange.

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You know what?

I tire of this useless proving one another wrong.

There is not going to be any changing of either of our minds, so let's just quit for a few days.

I feel like crunching coz of all this banter, and I can see why you wanted to drop the whole thing. It gets annoying.


Yeah, I know, I'm totally going back on what I said about loving a good debate or argument.

But yeah. For now.



I changed my mind. I'm staying in. Are you?

Of course, but I'll give you some variety.

Shall we talk about the Holy Grail? Dead Sea Scrolls? The Jesus or Constantine convention? Come back to the Illuminati or a more sciencey topic?

Whatever you want. I just need to go to the library more often.



History would seem most approriate then, since from what I can gather History in American schools is fractured, doesn't focus on anything in particular and seems to be in some states centred on pro-American history and glorify massacares like Vietnam, the Korean War and worst of all the dropping of the Atomic Bomb.


How would you like to research..... The Russian Revolution? Or if you want something from earlier in History, Life in Ancient Egypt.

Whichever you prefer.

Hey, that ZombieCat character is very strange.

Helpful, okay.... Russian Revolution. Now go! Discover history in as much an unbiased way as is possible under Bushism!


ZombieCat is a very strange person. The zombieness is one thing to start off with.

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History would seem most approriate then, since from what I can gather History in American schools is fractured, doesn't focus on anything in particular and seems to be in some states centred on pro-American history and glorify massacares like Vietnam, the Korean War and worst of all the dropping of the Atomic Bomb.


How would you like to research..... The Russian Revolution? Or if you want something from earlier in History, Life in Ancient Egypt.

Whichever you prefer.

Hey, that ZombieCat character is very strange.

Helpful, okay.... Russian Revolution. Now go! Discover history in as much an unbiased way as is possible under Bushism!


ZombieCat is a very strange person. The zombieness is one thing to start off with.

Yeah, really. I'll look it up on the web tomorrow. (Or today, depending on when you read this. :))

ZombieCat... She lives in Bristol. So she says.

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History would seem most approriate then, since from what I can gather History in American schools is fractured, doesn't focus on anything in particular and seems to be in some states centred on pro-American history and glorify massacares like Vietnam, the Korean War and worst of all the dropping of the Atomic Bomb.


How would you like to research..... The Russian Revolution? Or if you want something from earlier in History, Life in Ancient Egypt.

Whichever you prefer.

Hey, that ZombieCat character is very strange.

Helpful, okay.... Russian Revolution. Now go! Discover history in as much an unbiased way as is possible under Bushism!


ZombieCat is a very strange person. The zombieness is one thing to start off with.

Yeah, really. I'll look it up on the web tomorrow. (Or today, depending on when you read this. :))

ZombieCat... She lives in Bristol. So she says.

Today. Ok, you could try the library of course, but that isn't perfect....

Bristol you say.... Hmmm.... Intriguing.....

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History would seem most approriate then, since from what I can gather History in American schools is fractured, doesn't focus on anything in particular and seems to be in some states centred on pro-American history and glorify massacares like Vietnam, the Korean War and worst of all the dropping of the Atomic Bomb.


How would you like to research..... The Russian Revolution? Or if you want something from earlier in History, Life in Ancient Egypt.

Whichever you prefer.

Hey, that ZombieCat character is very strange.

Helpful, okay.... Russian Revolution. Now go! Discover history in as much an unbiased way as is possible under Bushism!


ZombieCat is a very strange person. The zombieness is one thing to start off with.

Yeah, really. I'll look it up on the web tomorrow. (Or today, depending on when you read this. :))

ZombieCat... She lives in Bristol. So she says.

Today. Ok, you could try the library of course, but that isn't perfect....

Bristol you say.... Hmmm.... Intriguing.....

Yes, very intriguing indeed. Do you live near there?

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History would seem most approriate then, since from what I can gather History in American schools is fractured, doesn't focus on anything in particular and seems to be in some states centred on pro-American history and glorify massacares like Vietnam, the Korean War and worst of all the dropping of the Atomic Bomb.


How would you like to research..... The Russian Revolution? Or if you want something from earlier in History, Life in Ancient Egypt.

Whichever you prefer.

Hey, that ZombieCat character is very strange.

Helpful, okay.... Russian Revolution. Now go! Discover history in as much an unbiased way as is possible under Bushism!


ZombieCat is a very strange person. The zombieness is one thing to start off with.

Yeah, really. I'll look it up on the web tomorrow. (Or today, depending on when you read this. :))

ZombieCat... She lives in Bristol. So she says.

Today. Ok, you could try the library of course, but that isn't perfect....

Bristol you say.... Hmmm.... Intriguing.....

Yes, I live in Bristol. I would like to go back to Oklahoma in the US, though. Bush is an idiot, but I'm no Anglo chica.

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History would seem most approriate then, since from what I can gather History in American schools is fractured, doesn't focus on anything in particular and seems to be in some states centred on pro-American history and glorify massacares like Vietnam, the Korean War and worst of all the dropping of the Atomic Bomb.


How would you like to research..... The Russian Revolution? Or if you want something from earlier in History, Life in Ancient Egypt.

Whichever you prefer.

Hey, that ZombieCat character is very strange.

Helpful, okay.... Russian Revolution. Now go! Discover history in as much an unbiased way as is possible under Bushism!


ZombieCat is a very strange person. The zombieness is one thing to start off with.

Yeah, really. I'll look it up on the web tomorrow. (Or today, depending on when you read this. :))

ZombieCat... She lives in Bristol. So she says.

Today. Ok, you could try the library of course, but that isn't perfect....

Bristol you say.... Hmmm.... Intriguing.....

Yes, I live in Bristol. I would like to go back to Oklahoma in the US, though. Bush is an idiot, but I'm no Anglo chica.


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History would seem most approriate then, since from what I can gather History in American schools is fractured, doesn't focus on anything in particular and seems to be in some states centred on pro-American history and glorify massacares like Vietnam, the Korean War and worst of all the dropping of the Atomic Bomb.


How would you like to research..... The Russian Revolution? Or if you want something from earlier in History, Life in Ancient Egypt.

Whichever you prefer.

Hey, that ZombieCat character is very strange.

Helpful, okay.... Russian Revolution. Now go! Discover history in as much an unbiased way as is possible under Bushism!


ZombieCat is a very strange person. The zombieness is one thing to start off with.

Yeah, really. I'll look it up on the web tomorrow. (Or today, depending on when you read this. :))

ZombieCat... She lives in Bristol. So she says.

Today. Ok, you could try the library of course, but that isn't perfect....

Bristol you say.... Hmmm.... Intriguing.....

Yes, very intriguing indeed. Do you live near there?

No, I'm a northerner although I have no accent except an English one (not exaggerated).

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History would seem most approriate then, since from what I can gather History in American schools is fractured, doesn't focus on anything in particular and seems to be in some states centred on pro-American history and glorify massacares like Vietnam, the Korean War and worst of all the dropping of the Atomic Bomb.


How would you like to research..... The Russian Revolution? Or if you want something from earlier in History, Life in Ancient Egypt.

Whichever you prefer.

Hey, that ZombieCat character is very strange.

Helpful, okay.... Russian Revolution. Now go! Discover history in as much an unbiased way as is possible under Bushism!


ZombieCat is a very strange person. The zombieness is one thing to start off with.

Yeah, really. I'll look it up on the web tomorrow. (Or today, depending on when you read this. :))

ZombieCat... She lives in Bristol. So she says.

Today. Ok, you could try the library of course, but that isn't perfect....

Bristol you say.... Hmmm.... Intriguing.....

Yes, I live in Bristol. I would like to go back to Oklahoma in the US, though. Bush is an idiot, but I'm no Anglo chica.

Indeed, did you see the Severn bore at Springtime?

Ah, so you're transatlantic? Came over here from the USA to escape.... Bush? Or maybe you wanted something different? Down with Bush! *waves flag*

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History would seem most approriate then, since from what I can gather History in American schools is fractured, doesn't focus on anything in particular and seems to be in some states centred on pro-American history and glorify massacares like Vietnam, the Korean War and worst of all the dropping of the Atomic Bomb.


How would you like to research..... The Russian Revolution? Or if you want something from earlier in History, Life in Ancient Egypt.

Whichever you prefer.

Hey, that ZombieCat character is very strange.

Helpful, okay.... Russian Revolution. Now go! Discover history in as much an unbiased way as is possible under Bushism!


ZombieCat is a very strange person. The zombieness is one thing to start off with.

Yeah, really. I'll look it up on the web tomorrow. (Or today, depending on when you read this. :))

ZombieCat... She lives in Bristol. So she says.

Today. Ok, you could try the library of course, but that isn't perfect....

Bristol you say.... Hmmm.... Intriguing.....

Yes, I live in Bristol. I would like to go back to Oklahoma in the US, though. Bush is an idiot, but I'm no Anglo chica.

Indeed, did you see the Severn bore at Springtime?

Ah, so you're transatlantic? Came over here from the USA to escape.... Bush? Or maybe you wanted something different? Down with Bush! *waves flag*

HeHe. I was searching around and found some guy with a HILARIOUS picture, the title was Beavis and Butthead, but it was Bush and Cheney and their faces were stretched to resemble them. I fell out of my chair laughing.

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Yes, very intriguing indeed. Do you live near there?

No, I'm a northerner although I have no accent except an English one (not exaggerated).


Well, duh. You're a native. That's expected.

Yes, I live in Bristol. I would like to go back to Oklahoma in the US, though. Bush is an idiot, but I'm no Anglo chica.

Indeed, did you see the Severn bore at Springtime?

Ah, so you're transatlantic? Came over here from the USA to escape.... Bush? Or maybe you wanted something different? Down with Bush! *waves flag*

Nope. I came to escape, but Bush isn't why. I came to escape a dark past that I'm only just now alluding to. I want to go back. I want Oklahoman soil under my feet again, and I'm trying to earn enough money to fly back.

*grabs usa flag and playfully challenges to a swordfight*

Nah, not really. Bad conduct with flags... Iraq is a lost cause! Bring those boys home, Georgio!


and no, I did not see that. I hid in the cellar I'm living in the entire month. I love the dark.

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What a liar. I'm sorry for lying to you, TGHL.

Forgive me?

Wha!?!??! Patchwork... Explain your post a bit more.

1) Who is the liar?

2) Thank you, but when did you lie to me?

3) Yes.

I am ZombieCat. Patchwork is ZombieCat. ZombieCat is the liar.

I said that ZombieCat and I didn't know each other, let alone were the same person.

Thank you.


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What a liar. I'm sorry for lying to you, TGHL.

Forgive me?

Wha!?!??! Patchwork... Explain your post a bit more.

1) Who is the liar?

2) Thank you, but when did you lie to me?

3) Yes.

I am ZombieCat. Patchwork is ZombieCat. ZombieCat is the liar.

I said that ZombieCat and I didn't know each other, let alone were the same person.

Thank you.


Right, I've got it now.

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By the way, I think we should get back on topic here. I have a new book.

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What a liar. I'm sorry for lying to you, TGHL.

Forgive me?

Wha!?!??! Patchwork... Explain your post a bit more.

1) Who is the liar?

2) Thank you, but when did you lie to me?

3) Yes.

I am ZombieCat. Patchwork is ZombieCat. ZombieCat is the liar.

I said that ZombieCat and I didn't know each other, let alone were the same person.

Thank you.


Right, I've got it now.



Anyway Topazia, how has your research at the library into the Russian Revolution been going?

I haven't had the chance to get to the library. Let me reasearch the internet a bit before delving into this subject which I'm sure you are well-versed in.


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By the way, I think we should get back on topic here. I have a new book.

I thought we were doing the Russian Revolution?


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By the way, I think we should get back on topic here. I have a new book.

I thought we were doing the Russian Revolution?


Isn't it Whatever?

Not here.

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By the way, I think we should get back on topic here. I have a new book.

I thought we were doing the Russian Revolution?


Isn't it Whatever?

Not here.

You sure?

Yep. Definitely.


Hmmm... two word conversations... :lol:!

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By the way, I think we should get back on topic here. I have a new book.

I thought we were doing the Russian Revolution?


Isn't it Whatever?

Not here.

You sure?

Yep. Definitely.


Hmmm... two word conversations... :lol:!

Is it?

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By the way, I think we should get back on topic here. I have a new book.

I thought we were doing the Russian Revolution?


Isn't it Whatever?

Not here.

You sure?

Yep. Definitely.


Hmmm... two word conversations... :lol:!

Is it?


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By the way, I think we should get back on topic here. I have a new book.

I thought we were doing the Russian Revolution?


Isn't it Whatever?

Not here.

You sure?

Yep. Definitely.


Hmmm... two word conversations... :lol:!

Is it?

I'm positive.

Shouldn't we be getting into a discussion about something?

Um, yeah!

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