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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Choose which one you fit into:

Choose which one you fit into:  

41 members have voted

  1. 1. Choose which one you fit into:

    • 1. I have been to Day Camp
    • 2. I have been to sleep away camp
    • 3. I have been to day Camp and Sleep Away Camp
    • 4. I have never been to camp but would like to do Day Camp
    • 5. I have never been to camp but would like to do Sleep Away
    • 6. I have never been to camp but with like to Day and Sleep Away
    • 7. I have never been to camp and not sure if I'd want to
    • 8. I have never been to camp and would not like too
    • 9. I don't know what camp is
    • 10. Other (please post what your response would have been)

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Dog Lover's post:


I decided to make a post about camp since i'm at camp. Its a computer camp and i'm not doing anything at the moment. In fact all the posts i did this week were from camp. My answer's #1, I've been to Day Camp. Well, that's not entirely true. I was at Girl Scout camp and there was an option of doing day camp for most of the week and sleeping over thursday night into friday morn. I did it, and hated it and was very homesick and cried (no, this was not very recently, and i'm only 12 now, i don't remember my age then. Maybe 8 or more.) So I guess I should have answered #3 but it wasn't really sleepaway camp it was day camp with one night sleeping :sleepy: oh well....this camp is day camp too, obviously, because then i would have definitely (I know i spelled that wrong 8) ) chosen #3. Ok i'm looking and seeing that this is a very long post so I should probably end now.


DL  :))  DL

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A few weeks ago, I went to an 8-night campout. :eek eight nights in the leaky smelly tents. With three other rather talkative 13-year-olds. I was very grateful for air conditioning and silence when i got back...
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I know, really.

Hello Unknown Cool Girl, welcome to HampsterDance Boards.  We are very happy to see you.  A couple of things to help you wander around the boards.  Posting is everything.  We get to know you through your posts, and you get to know us.  


Here are the posting levels.

If you post over 1 time: Newbie Hampsterdancer

If you post over 100 times: Junior Hampsterdancer

If you post over 500 times: Hampsterdancer

If you post over 1000 times: Senior Hampsterdancer

If you post over 2000 times: Hampsterdancer Supreme

If you post over 5000 times: Ultimate Hampsterdance Fan

If you post over 7500 times: Heavenly HamIpsterdancer

If you post over 10000 times: Hampsterdance Royalty




If you would like an avatar, the image beneath your name, here are the directions...

    Go to the upper left hand corner, click on Your Control Panel,

    Click on Personal Info

    Click on Avatar Options

    Look at all the pictures in the Avatar Gallery, when you find one you


    Click on Add This Avatar To My Profile.


Voila, you now have a picture beneath you name.


You can change your avatar never or daily... there is no limit.


Hope this gets you on your way.  You have already found the Jokes, Riddles forum and just in case you did not notice, there is also a Book Club here.  Look in the Stories forum and read some of the phenomenal works by our members.


Be back later...





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hey arkcher, i was looking at the calendar and found out that we have the same birthday and we're the same age too. wow :)

I noticed that too.... on... our... birthday. o_O

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Poor, poor Arkcher.

Well its overwith, Now i can actually sleep in an actual bed instead of a cot. (I think i set it up wrong, It make wierd noises whenever i moved, And jared thought i was cuttin' the cheese. o_O; And we had beans that night for dinner. (Camp food still isnt really great))

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Hey Unknown C :cool: :cool: l (cool) Girl posted here! I remember her from the old board. I was always trying to figure out who she was and the only thing she would say was "I know, really." She's back again to haunt me! :eek
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Hey Horatio, in your post to Unknown Cool Girl (whose identity i may never know) you said 100+ is a Junior Hampsterdancer but by my posts It says I have over 100 but it says Newbie Hampsterdancer. ???  8)  ???  8) What is going on??
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Hey Horatio, in your post to Unknown Cool Girl (whose identity i may never know) you said 100+ is a Junior Hampsterdancer but by my posts It says I have over 100 but it says Newbie Hampsterdancer. ???  8)  ???  8) What is going on??

There is a problem with the computer on the boards and it will not update anyone.  Sorry I did not catch that, I have a wonderful helper who also missed it, I will get you updated as soon as possible.  

Sorry for not catching that... but glad you let me know. :D

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Poor, poor Arkcher.

Well its overwith, Now i can actually sleep in an actual bed instead of a cot. (I think i set it up wrong, It make wierd noises whenever i moved, And jared thought i was cuttin' the cheese. o_O; And we had beans that night for dinner. (Camp food still isnt really great))

My 15-year-old brother's name is Jared...

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I went to sleep away camp for school five days... and my last impression was awful. I was in a bad mood the last night(I don't know why) and I couldn't sleep. The people who usually were noisy, kept telling me to shutup 8) . Then I found out weeks later that Audry The Ditz told my friend who abandoned me because she became popular and only talked to me outside of school told me that Audry thinks I am annoying. Well, I was a bit annoyed but I always hated Audry anyways(though I barely knew her I knew enough to know that I hated her and she was a reeeaallllly ditzy)
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Other- I have been to camp, and have no desire to do any sort of camping experience EVER again.
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I've never been to that kind of camp, but I do going camping with my family. It's really fun and now it's even better 'cause we got a camping trailor to go with us so if it rains or gets really cold, you can go in and hang out. There's also a fridge and a stove. It's awesome.

I've also been cabin camping. That the best 'cause it's just like living in the middle of the woods. Yeah, cots are weird, they had them at one of the cabins we were at. I got the squeaky one too. They're really annoying. :P


we've had a couple bear incounters..and skunks...o_O not fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Day Camp... :(  Only... I wish I could go to sleep away...

You havent missed out on anything but racoon attacks, leaky tents, 2 inch rains, flash floods, below 0 weather, scorching climates, mosquitos and ticks, chiggers, mud, puddles, lack of hygiene and boredom. I never want to sleepaway camp again, really.

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Day Camp... :(  Only... I wish I could go to sleep away...

You havent missed out on anything but racoon attacks, leaky tents, 2 inch rains, flash floods, below 0 weather, scorching climates, mosquitos and ticks, chiggers, mud, puddles, lack of hygiene and boredom. I never want to sleepaway camp again, really.

Well not to sound snobby or rude or anything but my mom would send me to some good sleep away camp, like not tents..

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Day Camp... :(  Only... I wish I could go to sleep away...

You havent missed out on anything but racoon attacks, leaky tents, 2 inch rains, flash floods, below 0 weather, scorching climates, mosquitos and ticks, chiggers, mud, puddles, lack of hygiene and boredom. I never want to sleepaway camp again, really.

Well not to sound snobby or rude or anything but my mom would send me to some good sleep away camp, like not tents..

eh i went to a 'good' sleepaway camp. we were in a cabin. but if someone keeps the door open and someone snuck treats.... there's still raccoons. you still get the full effect the same effect as a tent sleepaway.

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You havent missed out on anything but racoon attacks, leaky tents, 2 inch rains, flash floods, below 0 weather, scorching climates, mosquitos and ticks, chiggers, mud, puddles, lack of hygiene and boredom. I never want to sleepaway camp again, really.</font>

<font color='#0000FF'>Well not to sound snobby or rude or anything but my mom would send me to some good sleep away camp, like not tents..</font>

the so called 'good' sleepaway camps still give you the full effect. i went to one, believe me/

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  • 2 weeks later...

whoa...people are getting very long sigs!


I was going to change mine, but its a long story why i havent yet:


My mom became the library teacher at my school, and last year to take books out we had to write on the cards, but now this year we got a scanning thing and we have to put all the books into the computer, so that when someone scans one out, the computer will know what book it is. Anyway, the computer has the internet but it only works sometimes :angry: and so one time i was on the net, here on HD, updating my sig, but then the internet stopped working, and i couldnt do it. Fortunately, i copied the sig and pasted it on Microsoft Word (word processor) and then saved it. So when the internet finally works, i can change it. or i could just put the thing onto a floppy and bring it to this computer.

~the end~

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whoa...people are getting very long sigs!


I was going to change mine, but its a long story why i havent yet:


My mom became the library teacher at my school, and last year to take books out we had to write on the cards, but now this year we got a scanning thing and we have to put all the books into the computer, so that when someone scans one out, the computer will know what book it is. Anyway, the computer has the internet but it only works sometimes :angry: and so one time i was on the net, here on HD, updating my sig, but then the internet stopped working, and i couldnt do it. Fortunately, i copied the sig and pasted it on Microsoft Word (word processor) and then saved it. So when the internet finally works, i can change it. or i could just put the thing onto a floppy and bring it to this computer.

~the end~

Great to see you again. I am looking forward to when the internet works again for you! :D

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  • 1 month later...
<font color='#8D38C9'>There is a problem with the computer on the boards and it will not update anyone.  Sorry I did not catch that, I have a wonderful helper who also missed it, I will get you updated as soon as possible. 

Sorry for not catching that... but glad you let me know. :D</font>


who is this wonderful helper?

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The internet is working now,

and i am here at the library

and my sig is updated!!!!!

:D  :D  :D









Welcome back DL! :)

you have a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very long sig!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
You'll have to come back more often!


well, here I am! i've been here a lot in the pat few days!!! (no school...that's why! LOL)


so, i guess this poll is sort of "Out of season" seeing that its winter and the poll's about camp, but who cares. people still talk here, that's what makes me so happy! :D


and starz425 / converse All Star was just at my house yesterday...we've know eachother since we were born, practically, and anyway, my family and hers were doing a christmas exchange...it was fun!


I'm going 2 go now.....BI! :P

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Dog Lover!!!!! How wonderful to see you again! I hope that you will stop by more often. 


yeah...i did start this one...


MY three (current) convos


This one




i try to stay up w/all of them but i guess i havent been to this one in a while.. :unsure:

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  • 2 weeks later...
who say's it's out of season? well, for organized-large-greoup things yes, but, ever heard of snowshoes? just don't trip...

For a hamster, snowshoes are a bit difficult! :lol: In your art pic of the squirrel and rabbit, I liked the saddle. It looked quite similar to the saddles you made for me. Do you make bridles as well?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

im sorry i havent been here in so long... i gave up hampsterdance for lent, but easter was yesterday so im posting again!!! hi everyone did u miss me? lol...i dont know if im doing camp this year, last year's id tech camp was like $600 but my grandparents paid for it...gs camp is gone...i dont know, i'll have to go to the kid's expo which is like this fair thing with lots of booths and stuff that has info about the camps this year...our gs troop is working at the lost kids booth i think but we should get some time off, and if not i can go another day. (its on a weekend) ok now ill go post somewhere else bi everyone!

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I went to an AWESOME camp called camp Fern in Texas! We had Horse back, soccer, golf, archery, swimming, canoeing, rifelry, dancing, tennis, fencing, skiing, kneeboarding, ski bobbing, arts and crafts, there was other stuff too but I dont remeber it. Oh and one time we all got in sleeping bags and slept in a giant tee pee! WHEE:P :D:lol::rolleyes:;)B) 8o)






\....=0=.../ I was bored, no this isn't my siggy just me being bored






..../\/\/\/ GRRR



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\....=0=.../  I was bored, no this isn't my siggy just me being bored






..../\/\/\/  GRRR



Those are wonderful!!!! Have yourself The Platinum Moon Award for your creativity! :D

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The question should be, who DIDN'T miss you. Then you'd get no replies. But I missed you.


Awww, thanks! :blush:






hi, paws of a tiger....welcome to this chat! im dog lover, your happy host. i also started the animorphs chat and the broadway chat and thats the end of your tour... ;) LOL


here let me see if i can do a dog...


^ ^



|| O O ||

U o U

| | |

| | |

\ --- /

\ U /




(press reply to see it...i think)


(its wearing a hat)


(i dont have much practice, so i know its not that good...o well!)


(why am i talking in parentheses? idk.)


Goodbye until next time!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Awww, thanks! :blush:


hi, paws of a tiger....welcome to this chat! im dog lover, your happy host. i also started the animorphs chat and the broadway chat and thats the end of your tour... ;) LOL


here let me see if i can do a dog...


    ^    ^



||  O        O  ||

U      o        U

  |      |        |

  |    |        |

    \  ---    /

      \ U    /


(press reply to see it...i think)


(its wearing a hat)


(i dont have much practice, so i know its not that good...o well!)


(why am i talking in parentheses? idk.)


Goodbye until next time!

That is great!!!

Clicking on Reply is the key!

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  • 4 weeks later...

quoting myself...

im sorry i havent been here in so long... i gave up hampsterdance for lent, but easter was yesterday so im posting again!!! hi everyone did u miss me? lol...i dont know if im doing camp this year, last year's id tech camp was like $600 but my grandparents paid for it...gs camp is gone...i dont know, i'll have to go to the kid's expo which is like this fair thing with lots of booths and stuff that has info about the camps this year...our gs troop is working at the lost kids booth i think but we should get some time off, and if not i can go another day. (its on a weekend) ok now ill go post somewhere else bi everyone!


im deciding between these three theater camps because i like acting...theres two sessions at a local country club, but both of those are two weeks each...then there's one at this theatre that i took acting classes at and was in a play at that has 3 different 1-week sessions...the first two are the same 2 weeks as the first session of the country club one and the third one is the first week of the second session of the c.c. one. Then there's one at this arts camp the same week as the third theatre one.....my BFF (not u rach...kat...remember her from my party? i bet u do...) is doing the 3rd week of the theatre one, but thats the CIT week for older kids and im not sure of i want to do that or just go for the camp......




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quoting myself...
im sorry i havent been here in so long... i gave up hampsterdance for lent, but easter was yesterday so im posting again!!! hi everyone did u miss me? lol...i dont know if im doing camp this year, last year's id tech camp was like $600 but my grandparents paid for it...gs camp is gone...i dont know, i'll have to go to the kid's expo which is like this fair thing with lots of booths and stuff that has info about the camps this year...our gs troop is working at the lost kids booth i think but we should get some time off, and if not i can go another day. (its on a weekend) ok now ill go post somewhere else bi everyone!


im deciding between these three theater camps because i like acting...theres two sessions at a local country club, but both of those are two weeks each...then there's one at this theatre that i took acting classes at and was in a play at that has 3 different 1-week sessions...the first two are the same 2 weeks as the first session of the country club one and the third one is the first week of the second session of the c.c. one. Then there's one at this arts camp the same week as the third theatre one.....my BFF (not u rach...kat...remember her from my party? i bet u do...) is doing the 3rd week of the theatre one, but thats the CIT week for older kids and im not sure of i want to do that or just go for the camp......




That's a tough decision. I am glad I do not have to make it. :lol:

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That's a tough decision.  I am glad I do not have to make it.  :lol:


yeah, ur lucky. LOL :lol:

My decisions run along these lines... do I want to run in my wheel, eat sunflower seeds, eat peanuts, sleep..... hard decisions like this. :lol:

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That's a tough decision.  I am glad I do not have to make it.   :lol:


yeah, ur lucky. LOL :lol:

My decisions run along these lines... do I want to run in my wheel, eat sunflower seeds, eat peanuts, sleep..... hard decisions like this. :lol:


yeah...hampsters have it REALLY tough! (note the sarcasm) ;) although, if you didnt have your compuer, i bet life would be pretty boring...like being locked in your room with only bare essentials...id prob. go crazy! need to travel...se dogs...read books...etc., etc., etc. :lol:

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That's a tough decision.  I am glad I do not have to make it.  :lol:


yeah, ur lucky. LOL :lol:

My decisions run along these lines... do I want to run in my wheel, eat sunflower seeds, eat peanuts, sleep..... hard decisions like this. :lol:


yeah...hampsters have it REALLY tough! (note the sarcasm) ;) although, if you didnt have your compuer, i bet life would be pretty boring...like being locked in your room with only bare essentials...id prob. go crazy! need to travel...se dogs...read books...etc., etc., etc. :lol:

Lots and lots of books. Always love the violin and my coloring books, crayons and play art tools.

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That's a tough decision.  I am glad I do not have to make it.   :lol:


yeah, ur lucky. LOL :lol:

My decisions run along these lines... do I want to run in my wheel, eat sunflower seeds, eat peanuts, sleep..... hard decisions like this. :lol:


yeah...hampsters have it REALLY tough! (note the sarcasm) ;) although, if you didnt have your compuer, i bet life would be pretty boring...like being locked in your room with only bare essentials...id prob. go crazy! need to travel...se dogs...read books...etc., etc., etc. :lol:

Lots and lots of books. Always love the violin and my coloring books, crayons and play art tools.


ys, books are good...(see the list in my siggy!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Dog Lover. Thats an impressive list, apparently very well read. I wish You all the best in this persuit. I just have to like anyone who knows what they want and go for it. I also like reading, but not the same genre as You, I am more a fan of such titles as the basics of creating artificial intelligence, Electro Magnetic Theory and the ever popular, Silicone Chips and how to wire them, and anything that has to do with advanced Math.



well Best of Luck. Froggie


PS. Forgive the spelling pls. I am French by Birth.

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Hey Dog Lover. Thats an impressive list, apparently very well read. I wish You all the best in this persuit. I just have to like anyone who knows what they want and go for it. I also like reading, but not the same genre as You, I am more a fan of such titles as the basics of creating artificial intelligence, Electro Magnetic Theory and the ever popular, Silicone Chips and how to wire them, and anything that has to do with advanced Math.



  well Best of Luck.      Froggie


PS. Forgive the spelling pls. I am French by Birth.

With your reading list, you and The Grim Hamster Lord (TGHL) should get along quite well!!! :D

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Hey Dog Lover. Thats an impressive list, apparently very well read. I wish You all the best in this persuit. I just have to like anyone who knows what they want and go for it. I also like reading, but not the same genre as You, I am more a fan of such titles as the basics of creating artificial intelligence, Electro Magnetic Theory and the ever popular, Silicone Chips and how to wire them, and anything that has to do with advanced Math.



  well Best of Luck.      Froggie


PS. Forgive the spelling pls. I am French by Birth.

With your reading list, you and The Grim Hamster Lord (TGHL) should get along quite well!!! :D

They should?

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where did my posts about my siggy go? i posted in every chat in jokes riddles and funny stories

I am sorry, but HampsterKing will not permit me to approve copy and paste posts. As all of your posts were the same as the two that were approved, I was not permitted to post the rest. I thought you knew that. My apologies for not leaving you a note.

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where did my posts about my siggy go? i posted in every chat in jokes riddles and funny stories

I am sorry, but HampsterKing will not permit me to approve copy and paste posts. As all of your posts were the same as the two that were approved, I was not permitted to post the rest. I thought you knew that. My apologies for not leaving you a note.

okey dokey... i accept that! thnx ;)

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  • 1 month later...

wow its been a while...i remeber hen my 4 chats were actually on the first page ! (broadway, animorphs, this one, and blackout) oh well i can make them active again...i better work on my siggy i totally forgot about it...see ya

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wow its been a while...i remeber hen my 4 chats were actually on the first page ! (broadway, animorphs, this one, and blackout) oh well i can make them active again...i better work on my siggy  i totally forgot about it...see ya

Hi DL! I've missed you. They'll be active if you keep posting in 'em. :):D


yep, and thats what im doin! ive been away for too long...summer vacation is gettin to me! lol :lol:

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wow its been a while...i remeber hen my 4 chats were actually on the first page ! (broadway, animorphs, this one, and blackout) oh well i can make them active again...i better work on my siggy  i totally forgot about it...see ya

Hi DL! I've missed you. They'll be active if you keep posting in 'em. :):D


yep, and thats what im doin! ive been away for too long...summer vacation is gettin to me! lol :lol:

Summer vacation has messed up my sleeping schedule a lot.

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yeah...ive been staying up poast my dad, but he does go to bed early, considering he gets up a 4:30 AM every day! (not joking) i like sleeping in, on of the bad things about school is having to get up early...camp, too! BTW the theater camp at the country club is over...i was in a scene from "Annie," we did the orphan scene from the beginning...i was the orphan that said "oh my goodness oh my goodness!" :o:P Kate was in that scene too, she was another orphan, but neither of us were annie or molly...another friend of mine, alexandra, was miss hannigan...it was fun.

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yeah...ive been staying up poast my dad, but he does go to bed early, considering he gets up a 4:30 AM every day! (not joking) i like sleeping in, on of the bad things about school is having to get up early...camp, too! BTW the theater camp at the country club is over...i was in a scene from "Annie," we did the orphan scene from the beginning...i was the orphan that said "oh my goodness oh my goodness!" :o      :P      Kate was in that scene too, she was another orphan, but neither of us were annie or molly...another friend of mine, alexandra, was miss hannigan...it was fun.

I've never seen "Annie". Sounds fun though. :)

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yeah...ive been staying up poast my dad, but he does go to bed early, considering he gets up a 4:30 AM every day! (not joking) i like sleeping in, on of the bad things about school is having to get up early...camp, too! BTW the theater camp at the country club is over...i was in a scene from "Annie," we did the orphan scene from the beginning...i was the orphan that said "oh my goodness oh my goodness!" :o      :P      Kate was in that scene too, she was another orphan, but neither of us were annie or molly...another friend of mine, alexandra, was miss hannigan...it was fun.

I've never seen "Annie". Sounds fun though. :)

you've never seen Annie? wow...go rent the movie! (the original...starring aileen quinn, with carol burnet, albert finney, tim curry, bernadette peters)

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yeah...ive been staying up poast my dad, but he does go to bed early, considering he gets up a 4:30 AM every day! (not joking) i like sleeping in, on of the bad things about school is having to get up early...camp, too! BTW the theater camp at the country club is over...i was in a scene from "Annie," we did the orphan scene from the beginning...i was the orphan that said "oh my goodness oh my goodness!" :o      :P      Kate was in that scene too, she was another orphan, but neither of us were annie or molly...another friend of mine, alexandra, was miss hannigan...it was fun.

I've never seen "Annie". Sounds fun though. :)

you've never seen Annie? wow...go rent the movie! (the original...starring aileen quinn, with carol burnet, albert finney, tim curry, bernadette peters)

Okay. *scurries off*

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you've never seen Annie? wow...go rent the movie! (the original...starring aileen quinn, with carol burnet, albert finney, tim curry, bernadette peters)

Okay. *scurries off*


to a library or video store, i presume...

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you've never seen Annie? wow...go rent the movie! (the original...starring aileen quinn, with carol burnet, albert finney, tim curry, bernadette peters)

Okay. *scurries off*


to a library or video store, i presume...

Correct! You've won "Who Wants To Be A Hundredaire?"!! *hands hundred dollars* Yes we got budget cuts...


Well I thought that was funny...



Anyways, I need to go to the public library in the next...week? Month? Year? But I ramble. I will rent it.

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you've never seen Annie? wow...go rent the movie! (the original...starring aileen quinn, with carol burnet, albert finney, tim curry, bernadette peters)

Okay. *scurries off*


to a library or video store, i presume...

Correct! You've won "Who Wants To Be A Hundredaire?"!! *hands hundred dollars* Yes we got budget cuts...


Well I thought that was funny...



Anyways, I need to go to the public library in the next...week? Month? Year? But I ramble. I will rent it.

i think its funny too!


and also, i go to the library like every week...I LOVE TO READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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you've never seen Annie? wow...go rent the movie! (the original...starring aileen quinn, with carol burnet, albert finney, tim curry, bernadette peters)

Okay. *scurries off*


to a library or video store, i presume...

Correct! You've won "Who Wants To Be A Hundredaire?"!! *hands hundred dollars* Yes we got budget cuts...


Well I thought that was funny...



Anyways, I need to go to the public library in the next...week? Month? Year? But I ramble. I will rent it.

i think its funny too!


and also, i go to the library like every week...I LOVE TO READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I love to read too! :D Have you ever read The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke? Really good book.



On a random note, I got my hair cut really really short. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Correct! You've won "Who Wants To Be A Hundredaire?"!! *hands hundred dollars* Yes we got budget cuts...       


Well I thought that was funny...



Anyways, I need to go to the public library in the next...week? Month? Year? But I ramble. I will rent it.

i think its funny too!


and also, i go to the library like every week...I LOVE TO READ!!!!!!!!!!!



I love to read too! :D Have you ever read The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke? Really good book.



On a random note, I got my hair cut really really short. :)


actually, i have the book, but havent read it which is very rare for me...

~on another random note, im getting my hair trimmed in 10 minutes~

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Correct! You've won "Who Wants To Be A Hundredaire?"!! *hands hundred dollars* Yes we got budget cuts...       


Well I thought that was funny...



Anyways, I need to go to the public library in the next...week? Month? Year? But I ramble. I will rent it.

i think its funny too!


and also, i go to the library like every week...I LOVE TO READ!!!!!!!!!!!



I love to read too! :D Have you ever read The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke? Really good book.



On a random note, I got my hair cut really really short. :)


actually, i have the book, but havent read it which is very rare for me...

~on another random note, im getting my hair trimmed in 10 minutes~

It's a great book. Probably my second favorite. :D I should buy it...


Cooooooool. :)

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Correct! You've won "Who Wants To Be A Hundredaire?"!! *hands hundred dollars* Yes we got budget cuts...       


Well I thought that was funny...



Anyways, I need to go to the public library in the next...week? Month? Year? But I ramble. I will rent it.

i think its funny too!


and also, i go to the library like every week...I LOVE TO READ!!!!!!!!!!!



I love to read too! :D Have you ever read The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke? Really good book.



On a random note, I got my hair cut really really short. :)


actually, i have the book, but havent read it which is very rare for me...

~on another random note, im getting my hair trimmed in 10 minutes~

It's a great book. Probably my second favorite. :D I should buy it...


Cooooooool. :)


ill just give it to u...lol

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Correct! You've won "Who Wants To Be A Hundredaire?"!! *hands hundred dollars* Yes we got budget cuts...       


Well I thought that was funny...



Anyways, I need to go to the public library in the next...week? Month? Year? But I ramble. I will rent it.

i think its funny too!


and also, i go to the library like every week...I LOVE TO READ!!!!!!!!!!!



I love to read too! :D Have you ever read The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke? Really good book.



On a random note, I got my hair cut really really short. :)


actually, i have the book, but havent read it which is very rare for me...

~on another random note, im getting my hair trimmed in 10 minutes~

It's a great book. Probably my second favorite. :D I should buy it...


Cooooooool. :)


ill just give it to u...lol

i have read that, it is a good book.

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Correct! You've won "Who Wants To Be A Hundredaire?"!! *hands hundred dollars* Yes we got budget cuts...       


Well I thought that was funny...



Anyways, I need to go to the public library in the next...week? Month? Year? But I ramble. I will rent it.

i think its funny too!


and also, i go to the library like every week...I LOVE TO READ!!!!!!!!!!!



I love to read too! :D Have you ever read The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke? Really good book.



On a random note, I got my hair cut really really short. :)


actually, i have the book, but havent read it which is very rare for me...

~on another random note, im getting my hair trimmed in 10 minutes~

It's a great book. Probably my second favorite. :D I should buy it...


Cooooooool. :)


ill just give it to u...lol

i have read that, it is a good book.

Yep. :D


Note to DL: Okay! :lol:

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ill just give it to u...lol

i have read that, it is a good book.

Yep. :D


Note to DL: Okay! :lol:


okey dokey...mailing address please ((JUST KIDDING...))

*slips in my cage address* :lol:

*plans on going to Horatio's cage while he's asleep to get book*

*takes book to bank vault and places it in a safe deposit box for safe keeping*

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ill just give it to u...lol

i have read that, it is a good book.

Yep. :D


Note to DL: Okay! :lol:


okey dokey...mailing address please ((JUST KIDDING...))

*slips in my cage address* :lol:

*plans on going to Horatio's cage while he's asleep to get book*

*takes book to bank vault and places it in a safe deposit box for safe keeping*

*wonders what the bank people think of a hamster storing a book in the bank*

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ill just give it to u...lol

i have read that, it is a good book.

Yep. :D


Note to DL: Okay! :lol:


okey dokey...mailing address please ((JUST KIDDING...))

*slips in my cage address* :lol:

*plans on going to Horatio's cage while he's asleep to get book*

*takes book to bank vault and places it in a safe deposit box for safe keeping*

*wonders what the bank people think of a hamster storing a book in the bank*

*wonders how Hoops can think so clearly so early in the morning* :huh:

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ill just give it to u...lol

i have read that, it is a good book.

Yep. :D


Note to DL: Okay! :lol:


okey dokey...mailing address please ((JUST KIDDING...))

*slips in my cage address* :lol:

*plans on going to Horatio's cage while he's asleep to get book*

*takes book to bank vault and places it in a safe deposit box for safe keeping*

*wonders what the bank people think of a hamster storing a book in the bank*

*wonders how Hoops can think so clearly so early in the morning* :huh:

*hey, i still have the book, by the way...*

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ill just give it to u...lol

i have read that, it is a good book.

Yep. :D


Note to DL: Okay! :lol:


okey dokey...mailing address please ((JUST KIDDING...))

*slips in my cage address* :lol:

*plans on going to Horatio's cage while he's asleep to get book*

*takes book to bank vault and places it in a safe deposit box for safe keeping*

*wonders what the bank people think of a hamster storing a book in the bank*

*wonders how Hoops can think so clearly so early in the morning* :huh:

:lol: That's the only part of the day that I'm fully awake!


What happened to your other three heads, Horatio? :(

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ill just give it to u...lol

i have read that, it is a good book.

Yep. :D


Note to DL: Okay! :lol:


okey dokey...mailing address please ((JUST KIDDING...))

*slips in my cage address* :lol:

*plans on going to Horatio's cage while he's asleep to get book*

*takes book to bank vault and places it in a safe deposit box for safe keeping*

*wonders what the bank people think of a hamster storing a book in the bank*

*wonders how Hoops can think so clearly so early in the morning* :huh:

:lol: That's the only part of the day that I'm fully awake!


What happened to your other three heads, Horatio? :(

They have already gone to bed. You forget, I am nocturnal! :lol:

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ill just give it to u...lol

i have read that, it is a good book.

Yep. :D


Note to DL: Okay! :lol:


okey dokey...mailing address please ((JUST KIDDING...))

*slips in my cage address* :lol:

*plans on going to Horatio's cage while he's asleep to get book*

*takes book to bank vault and places it in a safe deposit box for safe keeping*

*wonders what the bank people think of a hamster storing a book in the bank*

*wonders how Hoops can think so clearly so early in the morning* :huh:

:lol: That's the only part of the day that I'm fully awake!


What happened to your other three heads, Horatio? :(

They have already gone to bed. You forget, I am nocturnal! :lol:

I could NEVER forget that! They just aren't all awake at the same time anymore?



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ill just give it to u...lol

i have read that, it is a good book.

Yep. :D


Note to DL: Okay! :lol:


okey dokey...mailing address please ((JUST KIDDING...))

*slips in my cage address* :lol:

*plans on going to Horatio's cage while he's asleep to get book*

*takes book to bank vault and places it in a safe deposit box for safe keeping*

*wonders what the bank people think of a hamster storing a book in the bank*

*wonders how Hoops can think so clearly so early in the morning* :huh:

*hey, i still have the book, by the way...*

*wonders if anyone had heard me*

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ill just give it to u...lol

i have read that, it is a good book.

Yep. :D


Note to DL: Okay! :lol:


okey dokey...mailing address please ((JUST KIDDING...))

*slips in my cage address* :lol:

*plans on going to Horatio's cage while he's asleep to get book*

*takes book to bank vault and places it in a safe deposit box for safe keeping*

*wonders what the bank people think of a hamster storing a book in the bank*

*wonders how Hoops can think so clearly so early in the morning* :huh:

*hey, i still have the book, by the way...*

*wonders if anyone had heard me*

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ill just give it to u...lol

i have read that, it is a good book.

Yep. :D


Note to DL: Okay! :lol:


okey dokey...mailing address please ((JUST KIDDING...))

*slips in my cage address* :lol:

*plans on going to Horatio's cage while he's asleep to get book*

*takes book to bank vault and places it in a safe deposit box for safe keeping*

*wonders what the bank people think of a hamster storing a book in the bank*

*wonders how Hoops can think so clearly so early in the morning* :huh:

*hey, i still have the book, by the way...*

*wonders if anyone had heard me*

*sees Dog lover is totally distracted, grabs book and heads for bank*

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ill just give it to u...lol

i have read that, it is a good book.

Yep. :D


Note to DL: Okay! :lol:


okey dokey...mailing address please ((JUST KIDDING...))

*slips in my cage address* :lol:

*plans on going to Horatio's cage while he's asleep to get book*

*takes book to bank vault and places it in a safe deposit box for safe keeping*

*wonders what the bank people think of a hamster storing a book in the bank*

*wonders how Hoops can think so clearly so early in the morning* :huh:

*hey, i still have the book, by the way...*

*wonders if anyone had heard me*

*sees that by ignoring Dog lover, she starts posting the same post twice* :lol:

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ill just give it to u...lol

i have read that, it is a good book.

Yep. :D


Note to DL: Okay! :lol:


okey dokey...mailing address please ((JUST KIDDING...))

*slips in my cage address* :lol:

*plans on going to Horatio's cage while he's asleep to get book*

*takes book to bank vault and places it in a safe deposit box for safe keeping*

*wonders what the bank people think of a hamster storing a book in the bank*

*wonders how Hoops can think so clearly so early in the morning* :huh:

*hey, i still have the book, by the way...*

*wonders if anyone had heard me*

*sees Dog lover is totally distracted, grabs book and heads for bank*

*sees hammy trying to pick up a human-sized book and falls over laughing*

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ill just give it to u...lol

i have read that, it is a good book.

Yep. :D


Note to DL: Okay! :lol:


okey dokey...mailing address please ((JUST KIDDING...))

*slips in my cage address* :lol:

*plans on going to Horatio's cage while he's asleep to get book*

*takes book to bank vault and places it in a safe deposit box for safe keeping*

*wonders what the bank people think of a hamster storing a book in the bank*

*wonders how Hoops can think so clearly so early in the morning* :huh:

*hey, i still have the book, by the way...*

*wonders if anyone had heard me*

*sees Dog lover is totally distracted, grabs book and heads for bank*

*sees hammy trying to pick up a human-sized book and falls over laughing*

all i see is a hampster sitting on a book, looking frustrated and tired. funny.

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ill just give it to u...lol

i have read that, it is a good book.

Yep. :D


Note to DL: Okay! :lol:


okey dokey...mailing address please ((JUST KIDDING...))

*slips in my cage address* :lol:

*plans on going to Horatio's cage while he's asleep to get book*

*takes book to bank vault and places it in a safe deposit box for safe keeping*

*wonders what the bank people think of a hamster storing a book in the bank*

*wonders how Hoops can think so clearly so early in the morning* :huh:

*hey, i still have the book, by the way...*

*wonders if anyone had heard me*

*sees Dog lover is totally distracted, grabs book and heads for bank*

*sees hammy trying to pick up a human-sized book and falls over laughing*

all i see is a hampster sitting on a book, looking frustrated and tired. funny.

*while Cheesemaster is watching Horatio, all his hammie pals are stealing all Arkcher's cupcakes*


Yo, Kat... where you at?

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ill just give it to u...lol

i have read that, it is a good book.

Yep. :D


Note to DL: Okay! :lol:


okey dokey...mailing address please ((JUST KIDDING...))

*slips in my cage address* :lol:

*plans on going to Horatio's cage while he's asleep to get book*

*takes book to bank vault and places it in a safe deposit box for safe keeping*

*wonders what the bank people think of a hamster storing a book in the bank*

*wonders how Hoops can think so clearly so early in the morning* :huh:

*hey, i still have the book, by the way...*

*wonders if anyone had heard me*

*sees Dog lover is totally distracted, grabs book and heads for bank*

*sees hammy trying to pick up a human-sized book and falls over laughing*

all i see is a hampster sitting on a book, looking frustrated and tired. funny.

*while Cheesemaster is watching Horatio, all his hammie pals are stealing all Arkcher's cupcakes*


Yo, Kat... where you at?

Does this mean I finally get the book? HOORAY! *runs off with it*

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  • 2 weeks later...

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: 

I cloned it and left you one. :)

***wonders how u can clone a book***

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:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :l0l:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: 

I cloned it and left you one. :)

***wonders how u can clone a book***

If I told you I'd have to kill you. ;)




Yes, I'm kidding.

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:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :l0l:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: 

I cloned it and left you one. :)

***wonders how u can clone a book***

If I told you I'd have to kill you. ;)




Yes, I'm kidding.

good...btw, horatio, i read ur post too....dont think it was forgotten

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:lol:  :lol:  :l0l:  :lol:  :lol: 

I cloned it and left you one. :)

***wonders how u can clone a book***

If I told you I'd have to kill you. ;)




Yes, I'm kidding.

good...btw, horatio, i read ur post too....dont think it was forgotten

I didn't! With a mother who is a librarian, I am sure you read everything! :lol:

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:lol:  :lol:  :l0l:  :lol:  :lol:  

I cloned it and left you one. :)

***wonders how u can clone a book***

If I told you I'd have to kill you. ;)




Yes, I'm kidding.

good...btw, horatio, i read ur post too....dont think it was forgotten

I didn't! With a mother who is a librarian, I am sure you read everything! :lol:

I feel sorry for all those peole who don't enjoy reading.

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:lol:  :lol:  :l0l:  :lol:  :lol:  

I cloned it and left you one. :)

***wonders how u can clone a book***

If I told you I'd have to kill you. ;)




Yes, I'm kidding.

good...btw, horatio, i read ur post too....dont think it was forgotten

I didn't! With a mother who is a librarian, I am sure you read everything! :lol:

I feel sorry for all those peole who don't enjoy reading.

yeah...my parents have to actually tell me tostop reading when we're all having dinner together, or i have to do something...other than that, its like nonstop reading...

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:lol:  :lol:  :l0l:  :lol:  :lol:  

I cloned it and left you one. :)

***wonders how u can clone a book***

If I told you I'd have to kill you. ;)




Yes, I'm kidding.

good...btw, horatio, i read ur post too....dont think it was forgotten

I didn't! With a mother who is a librarian, I am sure you read everything! :lol:

I feel sorry for all those peole who don't enjoy reading.

yeah...my parents have to actually tell me tostop reading when we're all having dinner together, or i have to do something...other than that, its like nonstop reading...

Yes, my parents sometimes tell me to stop reading sometimes too. I would read more if I had good books I havn't read.

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:lol:  :lol:  :l0l:  :lol:  :lol:  

I cloned it and left you one. :)

***wonders how u can clone a book***

If I told you I'd have to kill you. ;)




Yes, I'm kidding.

good...btw, horatio, i read ur post too....dont think it was forgotten

I didn't! With a mother who is a librarian, I am sure you read everything! :lol:

I feel sorry for all those peole who don't enjoy reading.

yeah...my parents have to actually tell me tostop reading when we're all having dinner together, or i have to do something...other than that, its like nonstop reading...

Yes, my parents sometimes tell me to stop reading sometimes too. I would read more if I had good books I havn't read.

i usually go to the public library like once or twice a week... :)

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:lol:  :lol:  :l0l:  :lol:  :lol:  

I cloned it and left you one. :)

***wonders how u can clone a book***

If I told you I'd have to kill you. ;)




Yes, I'm kidding.

good...btw, horatio, i read ur post too....dont think it was forgotten

I didn't! With a mother who is a librarian, I am sure you read everything! :lol:

I feel sorry for all those peole who don't enjoy reading.

yeah...my parents have to actually tell me tostop reading when we're all having dinner together, or i have to do something...other than that, its like nonstop reading...

Yes, my parents sometimes tell me to stop reading sometimes too. I would read more if I had good books I havn't read.

i usually go to the public library like once or twice a week... :)

Well, I don't. Do you like Piers Anthony?

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i usually go to the public library like once or twice a week... :)

Well, I don't. Do you like Piers Anthony?

never heard of him...i will go look him up on my library district's online catalog...brb...152 results, wow, but some of them are repeats...here's a pic of a new one...ummmm idk if it worked, but oh well...lemme guess: sci-fi author...out ofthe less than 10 books i looked at, thats what they seemed to be....im into animorphs (see the chat in jokes riddles & funny stories), which are also sorta sci-fi....i also read the remnants series by the same author (k. a. applegate) but i think animorphs are better...one thing: animorphs have 54 books in the regular series, plus specials, and remnants has 14 total books...{RANDOM INTELLIGENCE FROM THE JOHN TESH SHOW: (im listeningto the radio) The water u boiled ur eggs in would be good to water ur plants with...because of minerals in it....}anyway, i usually like general fiction, harry potter series being my all time fave books...animorphs, series of unfortunate events are good.,....used to be crazy about the babysitters club....the westing game (ellen raskin) the giver (lois lowry) the city of ember (jeanne duprau) and many others...im in this thing at my library called "Battle of the Books" in which contestants read 10 assigned books and then have a jeopardy-style contest about the content...i did the "locals" already at my local library, then on saturay is the "reagionals" in which different libraries compete... (dont all u lazy nonreading people think i have no life!!!!! i do! i just love to read!) the 10 books are:

1. holes (louis sachar)

2. hoot (carl hiaasen)

3. the ghost belonged to me (richard peck)

4. stargirl (jerry spinelli)

5. no more dead dogs (gordon korman)

6. gathering blue (lois lowry) (a companion to The Giver)

7. hatchet (gary paulsen)

8. bud not buddy (christopher paul curtis)

9. witness (karen hesse)

10. among the hidden (margaret peterson haddix)


speaking of margaret peterson haddix and among the hidden, among the hidden is the first in a series of books, 6 so far (all titles starting with "among the") and ive read them all...also she wrote "the house on the gulf" which i read, and it is good, and "double identity" which i think is new, which i read and it is good too! ive heard she also wrote "running out of time" which i have not read yet, but hope to soon, next time i go to the library ill look, if i remember....wow this is a long post that should really be in the book club...horatio will u forgive me this once if i copy and paste this post and put it in book club? please! ok...BYE!!!!!!!

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i usually go to the public library like once or twice a week... :)

Well, I don't. Do you like Piers Anthony?

never heard of him...i will go look him up on my library district's online catalog...brb...152 results, wow, but some of them are repeats...here's a pic of a new one...ummmm idk if it worked, but oh well...lemme guess: sci-fi author...out ofthe less than 10 books i looked at, thats what they seemed to be....im into animorphs (see the chat in jokes riddles & funny stories), which are also sorta sci-fi....i also read the remnants series by the same author (k. a. applegate) but i think animorphs are better...one thing: animorphs have 54 books in the regular series, plus specials, and remnants has 14 total books...{RANDOM INTELLIGENCE FROM THE JOHN TESH SHOW: (im listeningto the radio) The water u boiled ur eggs in would be good to water ur plants with...because of minerals in it....}anyway, i usually like general fiction, harry potter series being my all time fave books...animorphs, series of unfortunate events are good.,....used to be crazy about the babysitters club....the westing game (ellen raskin) the giver (lois lowry) the city of ember (jeanne duprau) and many others...im in this thing at my library called "Battle of the Books" in which contestants read 10 assigned books and then have a jeopardy-style contest about the content...i did the "locals" already at my local library, then on saturay is the "reagionals" in which different libraries compete... (dont all u lazy nonreading people think i have no life!!!!! i do! i just love to read!) the 10 books are:

1. holes (louis sachar)

2. hoot (carl hiaasen)

3. the ghost belonged to me (richard peck)

4. stargirl (jerry spinelli)

5. no more dead dogs (gordon korman)

6. gathering blue (lois lowry) (a companion to The Giver)

7. hatchet (gary paulsen)

8. bud not buddy (christopher paul curtis)

9. witness (karen hesse)

10. among the hidden (margaret peterson haddix)


speaking of margaret peterson haddix and among the hidden, among the hidden is the first in a series of books, 6 so far (all titles starting with "among the") and ive read them all...also she wrote "the house on the gulf" which i read, and it is good, and "double identity" which i think is new, which i read and it is good too! ive heard she also wrote "running out of time" which i have not read yet, but hope to soon, next time i go to the library ill look, if i remember....wow this is a long post that should really be in the book club...horatio will u forgive me this once if i copy and paste this post and put it in book club? please! ok...BYE!!!!!!!

Please do. It would be wonderful to have this post in the Book Club. And while you are there please answer my question... have you read Orson Scott Card? Two of his books are mentioned in the Book Club.

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i usually go to the public library like once or twice a week... :)

Well, I don't. Do you like Piers Anthony?

never heard of him...i will go look him up on my library district's online catalog...brb...152 results, wow, but some of them are repeats...here's a pic of a new one...ummmm idk if it worked, but oh well...lemme guess: sci-fi author...out ofthe less than 10 books i looked at, thats what they seemed to be....im into animorphs (see the chat in jokes riddles & funny stories), which are also sorta sci-fi....i also read the remnants series by the same author (k. a. applegate) but i think animorphs are better...one thing: animorphs have 54 books in the regular series, plus specials, and remnants has 14 total books...{RANDOM INTELLIGENCE FROM THE JOHN TESH SHOW: (im listeningto the radio) The water u boiled ur eggs in would be good to water ur plants with...because of minerals in it....}anyway, i usually like general fiction, harry potter series being my all time fave books...animorphs, series of unfortunate events are good.,....used to be crazy about the babysitters club....the westing game (ellen raskin) the giver (lois lowry) the city of ember (jeanne duprau) and many others...im in this thing at my library called "Battle of the Books" in which contestants read 10 assigned books and then have a jeopardy-style contest about the content...i did the "locals" already at my local library, then on saturay is the "reagionals" in which different libraries compete... (dont all u lazy nonreading people think i have no life!!!!! i do! i just love to read!) the 10 books are:

1. holes (louis sachar)

2. hoot (carl hiaasen)

3. the ghost belonged to me (richard peck)

4. stargirl (jerry spinelli)

5. no more dead dogs (gordon korman)

6. gathering blue (lois lowry) (a companion to The Giver)

7. hatchet (gary paulsen)

8. bud not buddy (christopher paul curtis)

9. witness (karen hesse)

10. among the hidden (margaret peterson haddix)


speaking of margaret peterson haddix and among the hidden, among the hidden is the first in a series of books, 6 so far (all titles starting with "among the") and ive read them all...also she wrote "the house on the gulf" which i read, and it is good, and "double identity" which i think is new, which i read and it is good too! ive heard she also wrote "running out of time" which i have not read yet, but hope to soon, next time i go to the library ill look, if i remember....wow this is a long post that should really be in the book club...horatio will u forgive me this once if i copy and paste this post and put it in book club? please! ok...BYE!!!!!!!

I would recommend the Xanth (pronounced zanth) series, by Piers. They arfe very comical, but not silly. The characters are well laid out, and the plot twisting and spiffeh. But be warened, there are a LOT of puns. But some are actually funny. o.O

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i usually go to the public library like once or twice a week... :)

Well, I don't. Do you like Piers Anthony?

never heard of him...i will go look him up on my library district's online catalog...brb...152 results, wow, but some of them are repeats...here's a pic of a new one...ummmm idk if it worked, but oh well...lemme guess: sci-fi author...out ofthe less than 10 books i looked at, thats what they seemed to be....im into animorphs (see the chat in jokes riddles & funny stories), which are also sorta sci-fi....i also read the remnants series by the same author (k. a. applegate) but i think animorphs are better...one thing: animorphs have 54 books in the regular series, plus specials, and remnants has 14 total books...{RANDOM INTELLIGENCE FROM THE JOHN TESH SHOW: (im listeningto the radio) The water u boiled ur eggs in would be good to water ur plants with...because of minerals in it....}anyway, i usually like general fiction, harry potter series being my all time fave books...animorphs, series of unfortunate events are good.,....used to be crazy about the babysitters club....the westing game (ellen raskin) the giver (lois lowry) the city of ember (jeanne duprau) and many others...im in this thing at my library called "Battle of the Books" in which contestants read 10 assigned books and then have a jeopardy-style contest about the content...i did the "locals" already at my local library, then on saturay is the "reagionals" in which different libraries compete... (dont all u lazy nonreading people think i have no life!!!!! i do! i just love to read!) the 10 books are:

1. holes (louis sachar)

2. hoot (carl hiaasen)

3. the ghost belonged to me (richard peck)

4. stargirl (jerry spinelli)

5. no more dead dogs (gordon korman)

6. gathering blue (lois lowry) (a companion to The Giver)

7. hatchet (gary paulsen)

8. bud not buddy (christopher paul curtis)

9. witness (karen hesse)

10. among the hidden (margaret peterson haddix)


speaking of margaret peterson haddix and among the hidden, among the hidden is the first in a series of books, 6 so far (all titles starting with "among the") and ive read them all...also she wrote "the house on the gulf" which i read, and it is good, and "double identity" which i think is new, which i read and it is good too! ive heard she also wrote "running out of time" which i have not read yet, but hope to soon, next time i go to the library ill look, if i remember....wow this is a long post that should really be in the book club...horatio will u forgive me this once if i copy and paste this post and put it in book club? please! ok...BYE!!!!!!!

I would recommend the Xanth (pronounced zanth) series, by Piers. They arfe very comical, but not silly. The characters are well laid out, and the plot twisting and spiffeh. But be warened, there are a LOT of puns. But some are actually funny. o.O

On the topic of reccomendations, go to your library and check out The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, everyone, if you have not already read it. I just finished it and LOVED it. :):D

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i usually go to the public library like once or twice a week... :)

Well, I don't. Do you like Piers Anthony?

never heard of him...i will go look him up on my library district's online catalog...brb...152 results, wow, but some of them are repeats...here's a pic of a new one...ummmm idk if it worked, but oh well...lemme guess: sci-fi author...out ofthe less than 10 books i looked at, thats what they seemed to be....im into animorphs (see the chat in jokes riddles & funny stories), which are also sorta sci-fi....i also read the remnants series by the same author (k. a. applegate) but i think animorphs are better...one thing: animorphs have 54 books in the regular series, plus specials, and remnants has 14 total books...{RANDOM INTELLIGENCE FROM THE JOHN TESH SHOW: (im listeningto the radio) The water u boiled ur eggs in would be good to water ur plants with...because of minerals in it....}anyway, i usually like general fiction, harry potter series being my all time fave books...animorphs, series of unfortunate events are good.,....used to be crazy about the babysitters club....the westing game (ellen raskin) the giver (lois lowry) the city of ember (jeanne duprau) and many others...im in this thing at my library called "Battle of the Books" in which contestants read 10 assigned books and then have a jeopardy-style contest about the content...i did the "locals" already at my local library, then on saturay is the "reagionals" in which different libraries compete... (dont all u lazy nonreading people think i have no life!!!!! i do! i just love to read!) the 10 books are:

1. holes (louis sachar)

2. hoot (carl hiaasen)

3. the ghost belonged to me (richard peck)

4. stargirl (jerry spinelli)

5. no more dead dogs (gordon korman)

6. gathering blue (lois lowry) (a companion to The Giver)

7. hatchet (gary paulsen)

8. bud not buddy (christopher paul curtis)

9. witness (karen hesse)

10. among the hidden (margaret peterson haddix)


speaking of margaret peterson haddix and among the hidden, among the hidden is the first in a series of books, 6 so far (all titles starting with "among the") and ive read them all...also she wrote "the house on the gulf" which i read, and it is good, and "double identity" which i think is new, which i read and it is good too! ive heard she also wrote "running out of time" which i have not read yet, but hope to soon, next time i go to the library ill look, if i remember....wow this is a long post that should really be in the book club...horatio will u forgive me this once if i copy and paste this post and put it in book club? please! ok...BYE!!!!!!!

I would recommend the Xanth (pronounced zanth) series, by Piers. They arfe very comical, but not silly. The characters are well laid out, and the plot twisting and spiffeh. But be warened, there are a LOT of puns. But some are actually funny. o.O

what age level? (i am 13, but my reading level is a lot higher...although not neccecarily adult content)

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i usually go to the public library like once or twice a week... :)

Well, I don't. Do you like Piers Anthony?

never heard of him...i will go look him up on my library district's online catalog...brb...152 results, wow, but some of them are repeats...here's a pic of a new one...ummmm idk if it worked, but oh well...lemme guess: sci-fi author...out ofthe less than 10 books i looked at, thats what they seemed to be....im into animorphs (see the chat in jokes riddles & funny stories), which are also sorta sci-fi....i also read the remnants series by the same author (k. a. applegate) but i think animorphs are better...one thing: animorphs have 54 books in the regular series, plus specials, and remnants has 14 total books...{RANDOM INTELLIGENCE FROM THE JOHN TESH SHOW: (im listeningto the radio) The water u boiled ur eggs in would be good to water ur plants with...because of minerals in it....}anyway, i usually like general fiction, harry potter series being my all time fave books...animorphs, series of unfortunate events are good.,....used to be crazy about the babysitters club....the westing game (ellen raskin) the giver (lois lowry) the city of ember (jeanne duprau) and many others...im in this thing at my library called "Battle of the Books" in which contestants read 10 assigned books and then have a jeopardy-style contest about the content...i did the "locals" already at my local library, then on saturay is the "reagionals" in which different libraries compete... (dont all u lazy nonreading people think i have no life!!!!! i do! i just love to read!) the 10 books are:

1. holes (louis sachar)

2. hoot (carl hiaasen)

3. the ghost belonged to me (richard peck)

4. stargirl (jerry spinelli)

5. no more dead dogs (gordon korman)

6. gathering blue (lois lowry) (a companion to The Giver)

7. hatchet (gary paulsen)

8. bud not buddy (christopher paul curtis)

9. witness (karen hesse)

10. among the hidden (margaret peterson haddix)


speaking of margaret peterson haddix and among the hidden, among the hidden is the first in a series of books, 6 so far (all titles starting with "among the") and ive read them all...also she wrote "the house on the gulf" which i read, and it is good, and "double identity" which i think is new, which i read and it is good too! ive heard she also wrote "running out of time" which i have not read yet, but hope to soon, next time i go to the library ill look, if i remember....wow this is a long post that should really be in the book club...horatio will u forgive me this once if i copy and paste this post and put it in book club? please! ok...BYE!!!!!!!

I would recommend the Xanth (pronounced zanth) series, by Piers. They arfe very comical, but not silly. The characters are well laid out, and the plot twisting and spiffeh. But be warened, there are a LOT of puns. But some are actually funny. o.O

what age level? (i am 13, but my reading level is a lot higher...although not neccecarily adult content)

You could read it then. I was 13 when i read it. (i was reading in the colledge level though.)

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i usually go to the public library like once or twice a week... :)

Well, I don't. Do you like Piers Anthony?

never heard of him...i will go look him up on my library district's online catalog...brb...152 results, wow, but some of them are repeats...here's a pic of a new one...ummmm idk if it worked, but oh well...lemme guess: sci-fi author...out ofthe less than 10 books i looked at, thats what they seemed to be....im into animorphs (see the chat in jokes riddles & funny stories), which are also sorta sci-fi....i also read the remnants series by the same author (k. a. applegate) but i think animorphs are better...one thing: animorphs have 54 books in the regular series, plus specials, and remnants has 14 total books...{RANDOM INTELLIGENCE FROM THE JOHN TESH SHOW: (im listeningto the radio) The water u boiled ur eggs in would be good to water ur plants with...because of minerals in it....}anyway, i usually like general fiction, harry potter series being my all time fave books...animorphs, series of unfortunate events are good.,....used to be crazy about the babysitters club....the westing game (ellen raskin) the giver (lois lowry) the city of ember (jeanne duprau) and many others...im in this thing at my library called "Battle of the Books" in which contestants read 10 assigned books and then have a jeopardy-style contest about the content...i did the "locals" already at my local library, then on saturay is the "reagionals" in which different libraries compete... (dont all u lazy nonreading people think i have no life!!!!! i do! i just love to read!) the 10 books are:

1. holes (louis sachar)

2. hoot (carl hiaasen)

3. the ghost belonged to me (richard peck)

4. stargirl (jerry spinelli)

5. no more dead dogs (gordon korman)

6. gathering blue (lois lowry) (a companion to The Giver)

7. hatchet (gary paulsen)

8. bud not buddy (christopher paul curtis)

9. witness (karen hesse)

10. among the hidden (margaret peterson haddix)


speaking of margaret peterson haddix and among the hidden, among the hidden is the first in a series of books, 6 so far (all titles starting with "among the") and ive read them all...also she wrote "the house on the gulf" which i read, and it is good, and "double identity" which i think is new, which i read and it is good too! ive heard she also wrote "running out of time" which i have not read yet, but hope to soon, next time i go to the library ill look, if i remember....wow this is a long post that should really be in the book club...horatio will u forgive me this once if i copy and paste this post and put it in book club? please! ok...BYE!!!!!!!

I would recommend the Xanth (pronounced zanth) series, by Piers. They arfe very comical, but not silly. The characters are well laid out, and the plot twisting and spiffeh. But be warened, there are a LOT of puns. But some are actually funny. o.O

what age level? (i am 13, but my reading level is a lot higher...although not neccecarily adult content)

You could read it then. I was 13 when i read it. (i was reading in the colledge level though.)

ok (what age r u now?) CHECKOUT MY BRAND-NEW SIGGY!!!!!!!!!!

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ok, i just reserved online "a spell for chameleon" of the xanth series at the library because, by copyright year, i think it is the first...correct me if im wrong, and i can cancel the request...

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  • 2 weeks later...
ok, i just reserved online  "a spell for chameleon" of the xanth series at the library because, by copyright year, i think it is the first...correct me if im wrong, and i can cancel the request...

and we have to read a science fiction book for english class....weird coincedence

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ok, i just reserved online  "a spell for chameleon" of the xanth series at the library because, by copyright year, i think it is the first...correct me if im wrong, and i can cancel the request...

and we have to read a science fiction book for english class....weird coincedence

Let me know which one you decide to read. :D

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ok, i just reserved online  "a spell for chameleon" of the xanth series at the library because, by copyright year, i think it is the first...correct me if im wrong, and i can cancel the request...

Don't worry, It isn't a saga, you can start with any one and jump right in. :D

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