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The Great American Blackout of '03 or '04

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Hi, its dog lover, and i suddenly remembered last summer or the summer b4 there was that blackout in the Northeast Untited States. If anyone lived somewhere that was affected...tell us your story! WHERE WERE YOU WHEN IT HAPPENED?!?!? :o


My story: I was at piano lessons at a mall near us...the lesson had just ended...and the lights went out...first i thought it was just the mall (silly me) then we heard rumors (from i have no idea who :huh: ) that it was all over the city...the county...the state...the NORTHEAST US!!! :o Since the traffic lights were out, traffic was bad, so my mom and i stayed at the piano place for a few hours with the teachers...although the security guards were trying to get everyone out, so we tryed not to be very obvious...we were joking around, "If he comes by, act like pianos!" :lol: and i thought (hoped) that we would sleepover there, cause it would be like an adventure!! but no luck. :( traffic cooled down and we eventually left... the security guards "caught" us when i started playing one of the pianos (why why why! :blink: ) but it was a little adventure...and the lights came on like the next day i think... :rolleyes:


SO...that was my story...what's yours? WHERE WERE YOU THAT FATEFUL DAY? Bwahahahahaha!!!!!!

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Hi, its dog lover, and i suddenly remembered last summer or the summer b4 there was that blackout in the Northeast Untited States. If anyone lived somewhere that was affected...tell us your story! WHERE WERE YOU WHEN IT HAPPENED?!?!?  :o


My story: I was at piano lessons at a mall near us...the lesson had just ended...and the lights went out...first i thought it was just the mall (silly me) then we heard rumors (from i have no idea who :huh: ) that it was all over the city...the county...the state...the NORTHEAST US!!!  :o Since the traffic lights were out, traffic was bad, so my mom and i stayed at the piano place for a few hours with the teachers...although the security guards were trying to get everyone out, so we tryed not to be very obvious...we were joking around, "If he comes by, act like pianos!"  :lol: and i thought (hoped) that we would sleepover there, cause it would be like an adventure!! but no luck. :( traffic cooled down and we eventually left... the security guards "caught" us when i started playing one of the pianos (why why why! :blink: ) but it was a little adventure...and the lights came on like the next day i think... :rolleyes:


SO...that was my story...what's yours? WHERE WERE YOU THAT FATEFUL DAY? Bwahahahahaha!!!!!!

I was in Florida. :):D

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so...im bored...no one was on when i tried IMing...what shall I do? and why have people stopped posting on this chat? LOL its ok ive got others...just wondering about other peoples blackout stories...u dont even have to post bout the big backout if u dont want to...othere blackoutes are fine 2...im using too many "..." :D

ok ill go now...read my sig if ur up 2 it! LOL i know its long...

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so...im bored...no one was on when i tried IMing...what shall I do? and why have people stopped posting on this chat? LOL its ok ive got others...just wondering about other peoples blackout stories...u dont even have to post bout the big backout if u dont want to...othere blackoutes are fine 2...im using too many "..."  :D

ok ill go now...read my sig if ur up 2 it! LOL i know its long...


Should I tell you about the Charlie, Frances and Jeanne blackouts?

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horatio, i was searching around the boards, and I want you to explain this please~~~~~~~~

Sure! Charlie, Frances and Jeanne, were, as you know, three big hurricanes that hit Florida this past year. With each hurricane, we lost power. With all the rain, the mosquitos were in heaven. There were zillions and zillions of mosquitos. Without electricity, you had to keep your windows open. When your windows were open, it was an invitation for all the mosquitos to come inside your home and eat you for dinner. You couldn't hide under the covers, because then you were too hot. So, unless you had mosquito netting, which my cage does not have... the mosquitos had better dinners than they could ever have dreamed of.

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I dont remember hearing about this at all, before now. :huh:


Although we did have a hilarious blackout in texas here, Muh sister and her friends were at our place (as soon as they got here a thunderstorm was slowly starting) as they were gonna plan a murder mystery hounted house par-tay thing with the rest of their friends.


So in their game thing, theres vampires 'n wussy stupid not-very-intimidating werewolves, maybe some creepy critters, but It did involve a lot of dark. And scary thunderstorms.


Most memorable thing was hearing a bunch'a idiot 17-year-old 'women' (Still act 5.) running all over the house screaming and freakin out. It was hilarious. I got some rubber bands wet, and staying concealed threw them at the peoples. They freaked out even more. :lol:

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Sure!  Charlie, Frances and Jeanne, were, as you know, three big hurricanes that hit Florida this past year.  With each hurricane, we lost power.  With all the rain, the mosquitos were in heaven.  There were zillions and zillions of mosquitos.  Without electricity, you had to keep your windows open.  When your windows were open, it was an invitation for all the mosquitos to come inside your home and eat you for dinner.  You couldn't hide under the covers, because then you were too hot.  So, unless you had mosquito netting, which my cage does not have... the mosquitos had better dinners than they could ever have dreamed of.



you live in Florida, right?

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how did u survive, horatio? a small hampster against big mosquitos! :o must have been scary...



half the island was out [/quote(hoops_ahsirt)]

do you live on an island? :huh: well, if u do, thats cool! (to me) i live in a state in the US...it does border the ocean tho...


ok i give up! how do u get the persons name and all that stuff into the quote! if you'll look at my last post in this chat, youll notice it just says quote...how do u do it? (see my try above that i know didnt work)

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Sure!  Charlie, Frances and Jeanne, were, as you know, three big hurricanes that hit Florida this past year.  With each hurricane, we lost power.  With all the rain, the mosquitos were in heaven.  There were zillions and zillions of mosquitos.  Without electricity, you had to keep your windows open.  When your windows were open, it was an invitation for all the mosquitos to come inside your home and eat you for dinner.  You couldn't hide under the covers, because then you were too hot.  So, unless you had mosquito netting, which my cage does not have... the mosquitos had better dinners than they could ever have dreamed of.

And you were so lucky if you had a good roof and a generator.

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how did u survive, horatio? a small hampster against big mosquitos! :o must have been scary...
half the island was out [/quote(hoops_ahsirt)]

do you live on an island? :huh: well, if u do, thats cool! (to me) i live in a state in the US...it does border the ocean tho...


ok i give up! how do u get the persons name and all that stuff into the quote! if you'll look at my last post in this chat, youll notice it just says quote...how do u do it? (see my try above that i know didnt work)

Click on reply and the information will appear! :D

See! :D

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half the island was out [/quote(hoops_ahsirt)]

do you live on an island? :huh: well, if u do, thats cool! (to me) i live in a state in the US...it does border the ocean tho...

That was Lexxscrapham who wrote the post that half the island was out. And yes, he does live on an island.

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how did u survive, horatio? a small hampster against big mosquitos! :o must have been scary...

It was very scary. They would fly in large groups and drain all the blood out of you if they caught you. I hid underneath all my bedding. That was the only way to avoid the blood thirsty critters!

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That was Lexxscrapham who wrote the post that half the island was out.  And yes, he does live on an island.

oops...sry! but i think i got the quote thing...hold on let me do preiew post


yes! it works! thanks so much horatio....and i thought reply was just to see pictures that people made with special characters...LOL




*** * O O * ***

**** < ****

** \__/ >>>"Click reply to see me right!"


like that!! ok, if thats how u quote someone, then whats the quote button next to it for?? idk...im gointo go post somewhere else now! c ya

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That was Lexxscrapham who wrote the post that half the island was out.  And yes, he does live on an island.



{...}whats the quote button next to it for?? idk...im gointo go post somewhere else now! c ya

that button is used when you want to quote several posts in your reply, like above.

you click the button next to each post you want quoted, then hit reply at the bottom of the page, it copies them and adds a link to the original post, this allows you some freedom in paring down a quote, because it allows interested parties to see the quote in it's original context.

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that button is used when you want to quote several posts in your reply, like above.

you click the button next to each post you want quoted, then hit reply at the bottom of the page, it copies them and adds a link to the original post, this allows you some freedom in paring down a quote, because it allows interested parties to see the quote in it's original context.

I didn't know that. Thanks. :D

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that button is used when you want to quote several posts in your reply, like above.

you click the button next to each post you want quoted, then hit reply at the bottom of the page, it copies them and adds a link to the original post, this allows you some freedom in paring down a quote, because it allows interested parties to see the quote in it's original context.

I didn't know that.  Thanks.  :D


ok...thanx ... :blink: i didnt do this that way tho but i dont care... XD ahhhh my dads only lettin me go on 15 min and i have 6 left...

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  • 3 weeks later...

so...now im at the public library...i didnt go 2 school 2day because i had this thing called the "eddy awards" its like a (really) small scale version of the tonys or the oscars or the grammys or the emmys. I was in this club at school, ITV (intstructional television) and we made a tv thing. our topic was : "Animal testing in the medical field: used or abused?" and we had gone down to the studio a month or two (or 3) ago to tape it, and we went back for the awards thing (eddy awards). we were nominated for 4 things and we won one! (debate) it was so cool because we were on tv! (local but still cool) well, not really all of us because just the two kids on our team who did the debate got to go up to get the award but htey panned the crowd sometimes and i think i was on tv (for like a second on a local station but o well) it was really fun!!!! :D

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so...now im at the public library...i didnt go 2 school 2day because i had this thing called the "eddy awards" its like a (really) small scale version of the tonys or the oscars or the grammys or the emmys. I was in this club at school, ITV (intstructional television) and we made a tv thing. our topic was : "Animal testing in the medical field: used or abused?" and we had gone down to the studio a month or two (or 3) ago to tape it, and we went back for the awards thing (eddy awards). we were nominated for 4 things and we won one! (debate) it was so cool because we were on tv! (local but still cool) well, not really all of us because just the two kids on our team who did the debate got to go up to get the award but htey panned the crowd sometimes and i think i was on tv (for like a second on a local station but o well) it was really fun!!!! :D

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! You all did outstanding!!!

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so...now im at the public library...i didnt go 2 school 2day because i had this thing called the "eddy awards" its like a (really) small scale version of the tonys or the oscars or the grammys or the emmys. I was in this club at school, ITV (intstructional television) and we made a tv thing. our topic was : "Animal testing in the medical field: used or abused?" and we had gone down to the studio a month or two (or 3) ago to tape it, and we went back for the awards thing (eddy awards). we were nominated for 4 things and we won one! (debate) it was so cool because we were on tv! (local but still cool) well, not really all of us because just the two kids on our team who did the debate got to go up to get the award but htey panned the crowd sometimes and i think i was on tv (for like a second on a local station but o well) it was really fun!!!! :D

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! You all did outstanding!!!

thank u so much!


while we were out, some students made a BIG poster that said congrats and had all of our names on it! it was so cool and its still hanging in the hall...

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so...now im at the public library...i didnt go 2 school 2day because i had this thing called the "eddy awards" its like a (really) small scale version of the tonys or the oscars or the grammys or the emmys. I was in this club at school, ITV (intstructional television) and we made a tv thing. our topic was : "Animal testing in the medical field: used or abused?" and we had gone down to the studio a month or two (or 3) ago to tape it, and we went back for the awards thing (eddy awards). we were nominated for 4 things and we won one! (debate) it was so cool because we were on tv! (local but still cool) well, not really all of us because just the two kids on our team who did the debate got to go up to get the award but htey panned the crowd sometimes and i think i was on tv (for like a second on a local station but o well) it was really fun!!!! :D

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! You all did outstanding!!!

thank u so much!


while we were out, some students made a BIG poster that said congrats and had all of our names on it! it was so cool and its still hanging in the hall...

Nice! That has to make you feel soooooooo good! :D

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so...now im at the public library...i didnt go 2 school 2day because i had this thing called the "eddy awards" its like a (really) small scale version of the tonys or the oscars or the grammys or the emmys. I was in this club at school, ITV (intstructional television) and we made a tv thing. our topic was : "Animal testing in the medical field: used or abused?" and we had gone down to the studio a month or two (or 3) ago to tape it, and we went back for the awards thing (eddy awards). we were nominated for 4 things and we won one! (debate) it was so cool because we were on tv! (local but still cool) well, not really all of us because just the two kids on our team who did the debate got to go up to get the award but htey panned the crowd sometimes and i think i was on tv (for like a second on a local station but o well) it was really fun!!!! :D

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! You all did outstanding!!!

thank u so much!


while we were out, some students made a BIG poster that said congrats and had all of our names on it! it was so cool and its still hanging in the hall...

Nice! That has to make you feel soooooooo good! :D


yeah, it does...whenever i walk by, i tap my name (for good luck?!?!?) lol

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so...now im at the public library...i didnt go 2 school 2day because i had this thing called the "eddy awards" its like a (really) small scale version of the tonys or the oscars or the grammys or the emmys. I was in this club at school, ITV (intstructional television) and we made a tv thing. our topic was : "Animal testing in the medical field: used or abused?" and we had gone down to the studio a month or two (or 3) ago to tape it, and we went back for the awards thing (eddy awards). we were nominated for 4 things and we won one! (debate) it was so cool because we were on tv! (local but still cool) well, not really all of us because just the two kids on our team who did the debate got to go up to get the award but htey panned the crowd sometimes and i think i was on tv (for like a second on a local station but o well) it was really fun!!!! :D

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! You all did outstanding!!!

thank u so much!


while we were out, some students made a BIG poster that said congrats and had all of our names on it! it was so cool and its still hanging in the hall...

Nice! That has to make you feel soooooooo good! :D


yeah, it does...whenever i walk by, i tap my name (for good luck?!?!?) lol

You should. What you always need to do is reinforce the positive! You all are creative, intelligent, artistic individuals and you should always remember to know in your heart that you are terrific and can accomplish anything you set your heart on. :D

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You should.  What you always need to do is reinforce the positive!  You all are creative, intelligent, artistic individuals and you should always remember to know in your heart that you are terrific and can accomplish anything you set your heart on.  :D


wow! you could do like speeches of something! "Positively Horatio: A hampster's guide to uplifting your life" you could go all over the country!! so cool....you lifted my spirits even tho i wasnt sad! :P

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You should.  What you always need to do is reinforce the positive!  You all are creative, intelligent, artistic individuals and you should always remember to know in your heart that you are terrific and can accomplish anything you set your heart on.  :D


wow! you could do like speeches of something! "Positively Horatio: A hampster's guide to uplifting your life" you could go all over the country!! so cool....you lifted my spirits even tho i wasnt sad! :P

Thanks! And you could be my right paw person! :D

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*taps Dog lover's name on the poster and smiles*


u've been to my school? why didnt u say hi to me? ??????why????!?!?!?!?!?! :huh:

I'm an angel hammie. I always say hi to you. :D You know I have said hello when you feel your heart smile.

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*taps Dog lover's name on the poster and smiles*


u've been to my school? why didnt u say hi to me? ??????why????!?!?!?!?!?! :huh:

I'm an angel hammie. I always say hi to you. :D You know I have said hello when you feel your heart smile.

*heart smiles while reading this post* :):D

Now you know I am always with you. :)

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*taps Dog lover's name on the poster and smiles*


u've been to my school? why didnt u say hi to me? ??????why????!?!?!?!?!?! :huh:

I'm an angel hammie. I always say hi to you. :D You know I have said hello when you feel your heart smile.

*heart smiles while reading this post* :):D

Now you know I am always with you. :)

Yay! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

soooo....now i can talk...my homeroom teacher is talking to my mom, the school's librarian...it was field day 2day at my school, and it was a half day...skool ended at 11:30 and now its 2:30...im sill at school...they're talking about camping...my homeroom teacher Mr. Renzo...he just said there was a tree which fell right between his tent and these other peoples tent...there was another time he was really thirsty...doenst sound shocking but it could make u crazy...theres' a lot of "OMG" stories! he also told us about his friend who worked with him at IBM...his friend was like 20-something and had only been working for a few months, and he really wanted to hike the Appalacian trail, which takes a few months, so IBM wouldnt let him go, so he quit...it was like the first day (i think) that he finally started hiking it...and!!....he broke his ankle...no job...no insurance...very bad...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o my mom just said "safer trips from now on"...another story...camping in may, woke up and there was snow by his feet!...cant tyoe as fast as they talk, so im just doin highlights...another time he was camping with some friends in NOVEMBER! and they were supposed to stay in a cabin but the boys stayed in a lean-to...Mr. Renzo wanted to go back to the cabin cause it was gettign cold, but his friends called him a wimp so he didnt...he said that was the coldest night of his life...***just looking back...long post...im just sitting here listening and typing...*** he left now so now ill say........ goodbye!

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  • 1 month later...
And, I still support DWLS!


that is from hoops' siggy...i think that is "down with long siggys" and while mine is still long, im working on a new one! so dont hate me, DWLS people!

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I like your sig now, the under construction one. I guess that's kind of weird... :)  :D


weird how? you mean you like it as a siggy, even tho it isnt technically one?

Yeah. :lol:

ooooookay.....to each their own

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I like your sig now, the under construction one. I guess that's kind of weird... :)  :D


weird how? you mean you like it as a siggy, even tho it isnt technically one?

Yeah. :lol:

ooooookay.....to each their own

Said the lady as she kissed the cow. :lol:

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ooooookay.....to each their own

Said the lady as she kissed the cow. :lol:

huh? i don't get it... :unsure::blink:

The saying goes... to each their own, said the lady as she kissed the cow.

Meaning, she was doing was she wanted and you should do what you like, not criticize her.

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ooooookay.....to each their own

Said the lady as she kissed the cow. :lol:

huh? i don't get it... :unsure::blink:

The saying goes... to each their own, said the lady as she kissed the cow.

Meaning, she was doing was she wanted and you should do what you like, not criticize her.

oooooooookay.....hey hoops! you're on right now, but by the time this gets posted you probably wont be..o well...rite now its8:01 PM EST on august 18....i dont know what time zone you're in, though

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ooooookay.....to each their own

Said the lady as she kissed the cow. :lol:

huh? i don't get it... :unsure::blink:

The saying goes... to each their own, said the lady as she kissed the cow.

Meaning, she was doing was she wanted and you should do what you like, not criticize her.

oooooooookay.....hey hoops! you're on right now, but by the time this gets posted you probably wont be..o well...rite now its8:01 PM EST on august 18....i dont know what time zone you're in, though

Same as you. Yeah, Horatio moderates after I get to school (I go at 6:15), so I don't get to see the posts until I get home. :)



And hey to you too!

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ooooookay.....to each their own

Said the lady as she kissed the cow. :lol:

huh? i don't get it... :unsure::blink:

The saying goes... to each their own, said the lady as she kissed the cow.

Meaning, she was doing was she wanted and you should do what you like, not criticize her.

oooooooookay.....hey hoops! you're on right now, but by the time this gets posted you probably wont be..o well...rite now its8:01 PM EST on august 18....i dont know what time zone you're in, though

Same as you. Yeah, Horatio moderates after I get to school (I go at 6:15), so I don't get to see the posts until I get home. :)


And hey to you too!

Actually I do believe you were on this morning, the same time I was. :lol:

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ooooookay.....to each their own

Said the lady as she kissed the cow. :lol:

huh? i don't get it... :unsure::blink:

The saying goes... to each their own, said the lady as she kissed the cow.

Meaning, she was doing was she wanted and you should do what you like, not criticize her.

oooooooookay.....hey hoops! you're on right now, but by the time this gets posted you probably wont be..o well...rite now its8:01 PM EST on august 18....i dont know what time zone you're in, though

Same as you. Yeah, Horatio moderates after I get to school (I go at 6:15), so I don't get to see the posts until I get home. :)


And hey to you too!

Actually I do believe you were on this morning, the same time I was. :lol:

Really? *thinks back* I might have been. Bad memory. :wacko:

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horatio, i was searching around the boards, and I want you to explain this please~~~~~~~~

Sure! Charlie, Frances and Jeanne, were, as you know, three big hurricanes that hit Florida this past year. With each hurricane, we lost power. With all the rain, the mosquitos were in heaven. There were zillions and zillions of mosquitos. Without electricity, you had to keep your windows open. When your windows were open, it was an invitation for all the mosquitos to come inside your home and eat you for dinner. You couldn't hide under the covers, because then you were too hot. So, unless you had mosquito netting, which my cage does not have... the mosquitos had better dinners than they could ever have dreamed of.

*relives the moment* *faints in terror*

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I was up at a cottage in the middle of nowhere. i was with my mom and sister (emily) my cousin Jan, her husband Vic, and their kids Josalynn and Jordan. I was in the shower and the water turned off, i thought someone was playing some sort of a joke on me so i dried off and dressed. When i went into the living room my younger cousins were bewildered because all the power had just turned off. Jordan: "the video games are off!" Josalynn: " The music is off! " Emily: "The light in the fridge is off!" The adults were all down at the dock. We told them about the power failure and they went up to the deck to turn the barbecue on. They told us to fetch water from the lake with buckets to boil on the bbq for food prepartion. All the radios didn't work, so the whole time we were up there we never knew what was going on! During nights all we had for light was candles and flashlights. So we lit a campfire and told scary stories for hours to keep us entertained. It wasn't until we arrived home that we foung out about the blackout.

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I was up at a cottage in the middle of nowhere. i was with my mom and sister (emily) my cousin Jan, her husband Vic, and their kids Josalynn and Jordan. I was in the shower and the water turned off, i thought someone was playing some sort of a joke on me so i dried off and dressed. When i went into the living room my younger cousins were bewildered because all the power had just turned off. Jordan: "the video games are off!" Josalynn: " The music is off! " Emily: "The light in the fridge is off!" The adults were all down at the dock. We told them about the power failure and they went up to the deck to turn the barbecue on. They told us to fetch water from the lake with buckets to boil on the bbq for food prepartion. All the radios didn't work, so the whole time we were up there we never knew what was going on! During nights all we had for light was candles and flashlights. So we lit a campfire and told scary stories for hours to keep us entertained. It wasn't until we arrived home that we foung out about the blackout.


That is great!!!

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I was up at a cottage in the middle of nowhere. i was with my mom and sister (emily) my cousin Jan, her husband Vic, and their kids Josalynn and Jordan. I was in the shower and the water turned off, i thought someone was playing some sort of a joke on me so i dried off and dressed. When i went into the living room my younger cousins were bewildered because all the power had just turned off. Jordan: "the video games are off!" Josalynn: " The music is off! " Emily: "The light in the fridge is off!" The adults were all down at the dock. We told them about the power failure and they went up to the deck to turn the barbecue on. They told us to fetch water from the lake with buckets to boil on the bbq for food prepartion. All the radios didn't work, so the whole time we were up there we never knew what was going on! During nights all we had for light was candles and flashlights. So we lit a campfire and told scary stories for hours to keep us entertained. It wasn't until we arrived home that we foung out about the blackout.


That is great!!!

Thaks :)

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so...now im at the public library...i didnt go 2 school 2day because i had this thing called the "eddy awards" its like a (really) small scale version of the tonys or the oscars or the grammys or the emmys. I was in this club at school, ITV (intstructional television) and we made a tv thing. our topic was : "Animal testing in the medical field: used or abused?" and we had gone down to the studio a month or two (or 3) ago to tape it, and we went back for the awards thing (eddy awards). we were nominated for 4 things and we won one! (debate) it was so cool because we were on tv! (local but still cool) well, not really all of us because just the two kids on our team who did the debate got to go up to get the award but htey panned the crowd sometimes and i think i was on tv (for like a second on a local station but o well) it was really fun!!!! :D

about the eddy awards, we have something exeactly like that at my school but its called the "ernie awards" ours is for music videos. i was nominated for an ernie for my work on "Lollipop" by The Chordettes. <_<

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you live in Florida, right?

Yup! I can watch the space launches from my front yard! :lol:




*taps Dog lover's name on the poster and smiles*


u've been to my school? why didnt u say hi to me? ??????why????!?!?!?!?!?! :huh:

I've been to florida three time to go to Disneyword. i love disney world! florida is the best!

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you live in Florida, right?

Yup! I can watch the space launches from my front yard! :lol:




*taps Dog lover's name on the poster and smiles*


u've been to my school? why didnt u say hi to me? ??????why????!?!?!?!?!?! :huh:

I've been to florida three time to go to Disneyword. i love disney world! florida is the best!

Sooooooo, are you coming to see me in my cage when you come back? :lol:

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you live in Florida, right?

Yup! I can watch the space launches from my front yard! :lol:




*taps Dog lover's name on the poster and smiles*


u've been to my school? why didnt u say hi to me? ??????why????!?!?!?!?!?! :huh:

I've been to florida three time to go to Disneyword. i love disney world! florida is the best!

Sooooooo, are you coming to see me in my cage when you come back? :lol:

Sure! Just hang tight cuz I don't know when im coming back! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

sooo..converse all star and i are having a convesation (rite now) about horatio's gender..is horatio male or female? i say male, converse all star says female...please respond!


(btw im at her (CAS) house ...its her moms b-day and my family is practiccaly related to her family we've known each other since CAS and i were born!)

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sooo..converse all star and i are having a convesation (rite now) about horatio's gender..is horatio male or female? i say male, converse all star says female...please respond!


(btw im at her (CAS) house ...its her moms b-day and my family is practiccaly related  to her family we've known each other since CAS and i were born!)

Horatio is MALE!!!!!!!!!!

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sooo..converse all star and i are having a convesation (rite now) about horatio's gender..is horatio male or female? i say male, converse all star says female...please respond!


(btw im at her (CAS) house ...its her moms b-day and my family is practiccaly related  to her family we've known each other since CAS and i were born!)

Horatio is MALE!!!!!!!!!!

"hah!" i will tell CAS in a minute...ok shes here now...

CAS: horatio the hampster or horatio the person?

DL: horatio is a hammie

CAS: but is the person who uses the username horatio a male or female, TBFOF told me once female...get back to DL on that, she'll tell me...

DL: horatio is a hampster who posts on HD with his computer in his cage or next to it...cant remember...right???

CAS: oh well....i'll talk later...im kinda tired now *fakes a yawn* lets go DL....i have to get back to talking to a D-MAN and i have to annoy him...*cannot reveal identity of D-MAN*

DL: ok whatever....accoriding to rachel (CAS) our social status is "whatevers"...whatever...bye

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sooo..converse all star and i are having a convesation (rite now) about horatio's gender..is horatio male or female? i say male, converse all star says female...please respond!


(btw im at her (CAS) house ...its her moms b-day and my family is practiccaly related  to her family we've known each other since CAS and i were born!)

Horatio is MALE!!!!!!!!!!

"hah!" i will tell CAS in a minute...ok shes here now...

CAS: horatio the hampster or horatio the person?

DL: horatio is a hammie

CAS: but is the person who uses the username horatio a male or female, TBFOF told me once female...get back to DL on that, she'll tell me...

DL: horatio is a hampster who posts on HD with his computer in his cage or next to it...cant remember...right???

CAS: oh well....i'll talk later...im kinda tired now *fakes a yawn* lets go DL....i have to get back to talking to a D-MAN and i have to annoy him...*cannot reveal identity of D-MAN*

DL: ok whatever....accoriding to rachel (CAS) our social status is "whatevers"...whatever...bye

I, Horatio, am a blonde, male hamster with a Mac laptop in my cage. I also have a coffee machine and all the amenities of a human house. I go to the airport, fly jet planes and enjoy eating birthday cake. So, this should put an end to this discussion.

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sooo..converse all star and i are having a convesation (rite now) about horatio's gender..is horatio male or female? i say male, converse all star says female...please respond!


(btw im at her (CAS) house ...its her moms b-day and my family is practiccaly related  to her family we've known each other since CAS and i were born!)

Horatio is MALE!!!!!!!!!!

"hah!" i will tell CAS in a minute...ok shes here now...

CAS: horatio the hampster or horatio the person?

DL: horatio is a hammie

CAS: but is the person who uses the username horatio a male or female, TBFOF told me once female...get back to DL on that, she'll tell me...

DL: horatio is a hampster who posts on HD with his computer in his cage or next to it...cant remember...right???

CAS: oh well....i'll talk later...im kinda tired now *fakes a yawn* lets go DL....i have to get back to talking to a D-MAN and i have to annoy him...*cannot reveal identity of D-MAN*

DL: ok whatever....accoriding to rachel (CAS) our social status is "whatevers"...whatever...bye

I, Horatio, am a blonde, male hamster with a Mac laptop in my cage. I also have a coffee machine and all the amenities of a human house. I go to the airport, fly jet planes and enjoy eating birthday cake. So, this should put an end to this discussion.

How do you fit a laptop in your cage? :huh:

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sooo..converse all star and i are having a convesation (rite now) about horatio's gender..is horatio male or female? i say male, converse all star says female...please respond!


(btw im at her (CAS) house ...its her moms b-day and my family is practiccaly related  to her family we've known each other since CAS and i were born!)

Horatio is MALE!!!!!!!!!!

"hah!" i will tell CAS in a minute...ok shes here now...

CAS: horatio the hampster or horatio the person?

DL: horatio is a hammie

CAS: but is the person who uses the username horatio a male or female, TBFOF told me once female...get back to DL on that, she'll tell me...

DL: horatio is a hampster who posts on HD with his computer in his cage or next to it...cant remember...right???

CAS: oh well....i'll talk later...im kinda tired now *fakes a yawn* lets go DL....i have to get back to talking to a D-MAN and i have to annoy him...*cannot reveal identity of D-MAN*

DL: ok whatever....accoriding to rachel (CAS) our social status is "whatevers"...whatever...bye

I, Horatio, am a blonde, male hamster with a Mac laptop in my cage. I also have a coffee machine and all the amenities of a human house. I go to the airport, fly jet planes and enjoy eating birthday cake. So, this should put an end to this discussion.

ok ill tell her

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sooo..converse all star and i are having a convesation (rite now) about horatio's gender..is horatio male or female? i say male, converse all star says female...please respond!


(btw im at her (CAS) house ...its her moms b-day and my family is practiccaly related  to her family we've known each other since CAS and i were born!)

Horatio is MALE!!!!!!!!!!

"hah!" i will tell CAS in a minute...ok shes here now...

CAS: horatio the hampster or horatio the person?

DL: horatio is a hammie

CAS: but is the person who uses the username horatio a male or female, TBFOF told me once female...get back to DL on that, she'll tell me...

DL: horatio is a hampster who posts on HD with his computer in his cage or next to it...cant remember...right???

CAS: oh well....i'll talk later...im kinda tired now *fakes a yawn* lets go DL....i have to get back to talking to a D-MAN and i have to annoy him...*cannot reveal identity of D-MAN*

DL: ok whatever....accoriding to rachel (CAS) our social status is "whatevers"...whatever...bye

I, Horatio, am a blonde, male hamster with a Mac laptop in my cage. I also have a coffee machine and all the amenities of a human house. I go to the airport, fly jet planes and enjoy eating birthday cake. So, this should put an end to this discussion.

How do you fit a laptop in your cage? :huh:

Apple has made much smaller, specially designed Macs for hamsters. You should see it, quite nice. Plus, you should :o see my cages. There are three cages, a revolving restaurant, out post, lookout, space station triangular sleeping quarters, a variety of tubes and other areas for exploring, entertaining and just hanging out. It takes up an entire 12 foot dining room table. :lol:

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sooo..converse all star and i are having a convesation (rite now) about horatio's gender..is horatio male or female? i say male, converse all star says female...please respond!


(btw im at her (CAS) house ...its her moms b-day and my family is practiccaly related  to her family we've known each other since CAS and i were born!)

Horatio is MALE!!!!!!!!!!

"hah!" i will tell CAS in a minute...ok shes here now...

CAS: horatio the hampster or horatio the person?

DL: horatio is a hammie

CAS: but is the person who uses the username horatio a male or female, TBFOF told me once female...get back to DL on that, she'll tell me...

DL: horatio is a hampster who posts on HD with his computer in his cage or next to it...cant remember...right???

CAS: oh well....i'll talk later...im kinda tired now *fakes a yawn* lets go DL....i have to get back to talking to a D-MAN and i have to annoy him...*cannot reveal identity of D-MAN*

DL: ok whatever....accoriding to rachel (CAS) our social status is "whatevers"...whatever...bye

I, Horatio, am a blonde, male hamster with a Mac laptop in my cage. I also have a coffee machine and all the amenities of a human house. I go to the airport, fly jet planes and enjoy eating birthday cake. So, this should put an end to this discussion.

How do you fit a laptop in your cage? :huh:

Apple has made much smaller, specially designed Macs for hamsters. You should see it, quite nice. Plus, you should :o see my cages. There are three cages, a revolving restaurant, out post, lookout, space station triangular sleeping quarters, a variety of tubes and other areas for exploring, entertaining and just hanging out. It takes up an entire 12 foot dining room table. :lol:

Do the hamsters have their own personal room or something? :huh::P

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sooo..converse all star and i are having a convesation (rite now) about horatio's gender..is horatio male or female? i say male, converse all star says female...please respond!


(btw im at her (CAS) house ...its her moms b-day and my family is practiccaly related  to her family we've known each other since CAS and i were born!)

Horatio is MALE!!!!!!!!!!

"hah!" i will tell CAS in a minute...ok shes here now...

CAS: horatio the hampster or horatio the person?

DL: horatio is a hammie

CAS: but is the person who uses the username horatio a male or female, TBFOF told me once female...get back to DL on that, she'll tell me...

DL: horatio is a hampster who posts on HD with his computer in his cage or next to it...cant remember...right???

CAS: oh well....i'll talk later...im kinda tired now *fakes a yawn* lets go DL....i have to get back to talking to a D-MAN and i have to annoy him...*cannot reveal identity of D-MAN*

DL: ok whatever....accoriding to rachel (CAS) our social status is "whatevers"...whatever...bye

I, Horatio, am a blonde, male hamster with a Mac laptop in my cage. I also have a coffee machine and all the amenities of a human house. I go to the airport, fly jet planes and enjoy eating birthday cake. So, this should put an end to this discussion.

How do you fit a laptop in your cage? :huh:

Apple has made much smaller, specially designed Macs for hamsters. You should see it, quite nice. Plus, you should :o see my cages. There are three cages, a revolving restaurant, out post, lookout, space station triangular sleeping quarters, a variety of tubes and other areas for exploring, entertaining and just hanging out. It takes up an entire 12 foot dining room table. :lol:

Do the hamsters have their own personal room or something? :huh::P

Silly wolf... :lol::lol::lol: of course we do.

We run the house!

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sooo..converse all star and i are having a convesation (rite now) about horatio's gender..is horatio male or female? i say male, converse all star says female...please respond!


(btw im at her (CAS) house ...its her moms b-day and my family is practiccaly related  to her family we've known each other since CAS and i were born!)

Horatio is MALE!!!!!!!!!!

"hah!" i will tell CAS in a minute...ok shes here now...

CAS: horatio the hampster or horatio the person?

DL: horatio is a hammie

CAS: but is the person who uses the username horatio a male or female, TBFOF told me once female...get back to DL on that, she'll tell me...

DL: horatio is a hampster who posts on HD with his computer in his cage or next to it...cant remember...right???

CAS: oh well....i'll talk later...im kinda tired now *fakes a yawn* lets go DL....i have to get back to talking to a D-MAN and i have to annoy him...*cannot reveal identity of D-MAN*

DL: ok whatever....accoriding to rachel (CAS) our social status is "whatevers"...whatever...bye

I, Horatio, am a blonde, male hamster with a Mac laptop in my cage. I also have a coffee machine and all the amenities of a human house. I go to the airport, fly jet planes and enjoy eating birthday cake. So, this should put an end to this discussion.

How do you fit a laptop in your cage? :huh:

Apple has made much smaller, specially designed Macs for hamsters. You should see it, quite nice. Plus, you should :o see my cages. There are three cages, a revolving restaurant, out post, lookout, space station triangular sleeping quarters, a variety of tubes and other areas for exploring, entertaining and just hanging out. It takes up an entire 12 foot dining room table. :lol:

Do the hamsters have their own personal room or something? :huh::P

Silly wolf... :lol::lol::lol: of course we do.

We run the house!

of course! ...... :D

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sooo..converse all star and i are having a convesation (rite now) about horatio's gender..is horatio male or female? i say male, converse all star says female...please respond!


(btw im at her (CAS) house ...its her moms b-day and my family is practiccaly related  to her family we've known each other since CAS and i were born!)

Horatio is MALE!!!!!!!!!!

"hah!" i will tell CAS in a minute...ok shes here now...

CAS: horatio the hampster or horatio the person?

DL: horatio is a hammie

CAS: but is the person who uses the username horatio a male or female, TBFOF told me once female...get back to DL on that, she'll tell me...

DL: horatio is a hampster who posts on HD with his computer in his cage or next to it...cant remember...right???

CAS: oh well....i'll talk later...im kinda tired now *fakes a yawn* lets go DL....i have to get back to talking to a D-MAN and i have to annoy him...*cannot reveal identity of D-MAN*

DL: ok whatever....accoriding to rachel (CAS) our social status is "whatevers"...whatever...bye

I, Horatio, am a blonde, male hamster with a Mac laptop in my cage. I also have a coffee machine and all the amenities of a human house. I go to the airport, fly jet planes and enjoy eating birthday cake. So, this should put an end to this discussion.

How do you fit a laptop in your cage? :huh:

Apple has made much smaller, specially designed Macs for hamsters. You should see it, quite nice. Plus, you should :o see my cages. There are three cages, a revolving restaurant, out post, lookout, space station triangular sleeping quarters, a variety of tubes and other areas for exploring, entertaining and just hanging out. It takes up an entire 12 foot dining room table. :lol:

Do the hamsters have their own personal room or something? :huh::P

Silly wolf... :lol::lol::lol: of course we do.

We run the house!

:lol: you just earned a cheesey award. does it seriously take up a 12 foot dining table?

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sooo..converse all star and i are having a convesation (rite now) about horatio's gender..is horatio male or female? i say male, converse all star says female...please respond!


(btw im at her (CAS) house ...its her moms b-day and my family is practiccaly related  to her family we've known each other since CAS and i were born!)

Horatio is MALE!!!!!!!!!!

"hah!" i will tell CAS in a minute...ok shes here now...

CAS: horatio the hampster or horatio the person?

DL: horatio is a hammie

CAS: but is the person who uses the username horatio a male or female, TBFOF told me once female...get back to DL on that, she'll tell me...

DL: horatio is a hampster who posts on HD with his computer in his cage or next to it...cant remember...right???

CAS: oh well....i'll talk later...im kinda tired now *fakes a yawn* lets go DL....i have to get back to talking to a D-MAN and i have to annoy him...*cannot reveal identity of D-MAN*

DL: ok whatever....accoriding to rachel (CAS) our social status is "whatevers"...whatever...bye

I, Horatio, am a blonde, male hamster with a Mac laptop in my cage. I also have a coffee machine and all the amenities of a human house. I go to the airport, fly jet planes and enjoy eating birthday cake. So, this should put an end to this discussion.

How do you fit a laptop in your cage? :huh:

Apple has made much smaller, specially designed Macs for hamsters. You should see it, quite nice. Plus, you should :o see my cages. There are three cages, a revolving restaurant, out post, lookout, space station triangular sleeping quarters, a variety of tubes and other areas for exploring, entertaining and just hanging out. It takes up an entire 12 foot dining room table. :lol:

Do the hamsters have their own personal room or something? :huh::P

Silly wolf... :lol::lol::lol: of course we do.

We run the house!

:lol: you just earned a cheesey award. does it seriously take up a 12 foot dining table?

Seriously, YES! It must be the engineer in my hamster blood.

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sooo..converse all star and i are having a convesation (rite now) about horatio's gender..is horatio male or female? i say male, converse all star says female...please respond!


(btw im at her (CAS) house ...its her moms b-day and my family is practiccaly related  to her family we've known each other since CAS and i were born!)

Horatio is MALE!!!!!!!!!!

"hah!" i will tell CAS in a minute...ok shes here now...

CAS: horatio the hampster or horatio the person?

DL: horatio is a hammie

CAS: but is the person who uses the username horatio a male or female, TBFOF told me once female...get back to DL on that, she'll tell me...

DL: horatio is a hampster who posts on HD with his computer in his cage or next to it...cant remember...right???

CAS: oh well....i'll talk later...im kinda tired now *fakes a yawn* lets go DL....i have to get back to talking to a D-MAN and i have to annoy him...*cannot reveal identity of D-MAN*

DL: ok whatever....accoriding to rachel (CAS) our social status is "whatevers"...whatever...bye

I, Horatio, am a blonde, male hamster with a Mac laptop in my cage. I also have a coffee machine and all the amenities of a human house. I go to the airport, fly jet planes and enjoy eating birthday cake. So, this should put an end to this discussion.

How do you fit a laptop in your cage? :huh:

Apple has made much smaller, specially designed Macs for hamsters. You should see it, quite nice. Plus, you should :o see my cages. There are three cages, a revolving restaurant, out post, lookout, space station triangular sleeping quarters, a variety of tubes and other areas for exploring, entertaining and just hanging out. It takes up an entire 12 foot dining room table. :lol:

Do the hamsters have their own personal room or something? :huh::P

Silly wolf... :lol::lol::lol: of course we do.

We run the house!

:lol: you just earned a cheesey award. does it seriously take up a 12 foot dining table?

Seriously, YES! It must be the engineer in my hamster blood.

that is crazy! i want to make one like that!

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sooo..converse all star and i are having a convesation (rite now) about horatio's gender..is horatio male or female? i say male, converse all star says female...please respond!


(btw im at her (CAS) house ...its her moms b-day and my family is practiccaly related to her family we've known each other since CAS and i were born!)

Horatio is MALE!!!!!!!!!!

"hah!" i will tell CAS in a minute...ok shes here now...

CAS: horatio the hampster or horatio the person?

DL: horatio is a hammie

CAS: but is the person who uses the username horatio a male or female, TBFOF told me once female...get back to DL on that, she'll tell me...

DL: horatio is a hampster who posts on HD with his computer in his cage or next to it...cant remember...right???

CAS: oh well....i'll talk later...im kinda tired now *fakes a yawn* lets go DL....i have to get back to talking to a D-MAN and i have to annoy him...*cannot reveal identity of D-MAN*

DL: ok whatever....accoriding to rachel (CAS) our social status is "whatevers"...whatever...bye

I, Horatio, am a blonde, male hamster with a Mac laptop in my cage. I also have a coffee machine and all the amenities of a human house. I go to the airport, fly jet planes and enjoy eating birthday cake. So, this should put an end to this discussion.

How do you fit a laptop in your cage? :huh:

Apple has made much smaller, specially designed Macs for hamsters. You should see it, quite nice. Plus, you should :o see my cages. There are three cages, a revolving restaurant, out post, lookout, space station triangular sleeping quarters, a variety of tubes and other areas for exploring, entertaining and just hanging out. It takes up an entire 12 foot dining room table. :lol:

Do the hamsters have their own personal room or something? :huh::P

Silly wolf... :lol::lol::lol: of course we do.

We run the house!

:lol: you just earned a cheesey award. does it seriously take up a 12 foot dining table?

Seriously, YES! It must be the engineer in my hamster blood.

that is crazy! i want to make one like that!

Before you do, let me know and I will FedEx you all the parts. I have lots and lots of extra tubing, cages, houses, etc.

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sooo..converse all star and i are having a convesation (rite now) about horatio's gender..is horatio male or female? i say male, converse all star says female...please respond!


(btw im at her (CAS) house ...its her moms b-day and my family is practiccaly related to her family we've known each other since CAS and i were born!)

Horatio is MALE!!!!!!!!!!

"hah!" i will tell CAS in a minute...ok shes here now...

CAS: horatio the hampster or horatio the person?

DL: horatio is a hammie

CAS: but is the person who uses the username horatio a male or female, TBFOF told me once female...get back to DL on that, she'll tell me...

DL: horatio is a hampster who posts on HD with his computer in his cage or next to it...cant remember...right???

CAS: oh well....i'll talk later...im kinda tired now *fakes a yawn* lets go DL....i have to get back to talking to a D-MAN and i have to annoy him...*cannot reveal identity of D-MAN*

DL: ok whatever....accoriding to rachel (CAS) our social status is "whatevers"...whatever...bye

I, Horatio, am a blonde, male hamster with a Mac laptop in my cage. I also have a coffee machine and all the amenities of a human house. I go to the airport, fly jet planes and enjoy eating birthday cake. So, this should put an end to this discussion.

How do you fit a laptop in your cage? :huh:

Apple has made much smaller, specially designed Macs for hamsters. You should see it, quite nice. Plus, you should :o see my cages. There are three cages, a revolving restaurant, out post, lookout, space station triangular sleeping quarters, a variety of tubes and other areas for exploring, entertaining and just hanging out. It takes up an entire 12 foot dining room table. :lol:

Do the hamsters have their own personal room or something? :huh::P

Silly wolf... :lol::lol::lol: of course we do.

We run the house!

:lol: you just earned a cheesey award. does it seriously take up a 12 foot dining table?

Seriously, YES! It must be the engineer in my hamster blood.

that is crazy! i want to make one like that!

Before you do, let me know and I will FedEx you all the parts. I have lots and lots of extra tubing, cages, houses, etc.

First, i need a "hampsta!"

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sooo..converse all star and i are having a convesation (rite now) about horatio's gender..is horatio male or female? i say male, converse all star says female...please respond!


(btw im at her (CAS) house ...its her moms b-day and my family is practiccaly related to her family we've known each other since CAS and i were born!)

Horatio is MALE!!!!!!!!!!

"hah!" i will tell CAS in a minute...ok shes here now...

CAS: horatio the hampster or horatio the person?

DL: horatio is a hammie

CAS: but is the person who uses the username horatio a male or female, TBFOF told me once female...get back to DL on that, she'll tell me...

DL: horatio is a hampster who posts on HD with his computer in his cage or next to it...cant remember...right???

CAS: oh well....i'll talk later...im kinda tired now *fakes a yawn* lets go DL....i have to get back to talking to a D-MAN and i have to annoy him...*cannot reveal identity of D-MAN*

DL: ok whatever....accoriding to rachel (CAS) our social status is "whatevers"...whatever...bye

I, Horatio, am a blonde, male hamster with a Mac laptop in my cage. I also have a coffee machine and all the amenities of a human house. I go to the airport, fly jet planes and enjoy eating birthday cake. So, this should put an end to this discussion.

How do you fit a laptop in your cage? :huh:

Apple has made much smaller, specially designed Macs for hamsters. You should see it, quite nice. Plus, you should :o see my cages. There are three cages, a revolving restaurant, out post, lookout, space station triangular sleeping quarters, a variety of tubes and other areas for exploring, entertaining and just hanging out. It takes up an entire 12 foot dining room table. :lol:

Do the hamsters have their own personal room or something? :huh::P

Silly wolf... :lol::lol::lol: of course we do.

We run the house!

:lol: you just earned a cheesey award. does it seriously take up a 12 foot dining table?

Seriously, YES! It must be the engineer in my hamster blood.

that is crazy! i want to make one like that!

Before you do, let me know and I will FedEx you all the parts. I have lots and lots of extra tubing, cages, houses, etc.

First, i need a "hampsta!"

Not a problem... I have lots and lots of friends!

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sooo..converse all star and i are having a convesation (rite now) about horatio's gender..is horatio male or female? i say male, converse all star says female...please respond!


(btw im at her (CAS) house ...its her moms b-day and my family is practiccaly related to her family we've known each other since CAS and i were born!)

Horatio is MALE!!!!!!!!!!

"hah!" i will tell CAS in a minute...ok shes here now...

CAS: horatio the hampster or horatio the person?

DL: horatio is a hammie

CAS: but is the person who uses the username horatio a male or female, TBFOF told me once female...get back to DL on that, she'll tell me...

DL: horatio is a hampster who posts on HD with his computer in his cage or next to it...cant remember...right???

CAS: oh well....i'll talk later...im kinda tired now *fakes a yawn* lets go DL....i have to get back to talking to a D-MAN and i have to annoy him...*cannot reveal identity of D-MAN*

DL: ok whatever....accoriding to rachel (CAS) our social status is "whatevers"...whatever...bye

I, Horatio, am a blonde, male hamster with a Mac laptop in my cage. I also have a coffee machine and all the amenities of a human house. I go to the airport, fly jet planes and enjoy eating birthday cake. So, this should put an end to this discussion.

How do you fit a laptop in your cage? :huh:

Apple has made much smaller, specially designed Macs for hamsters. You should see it, quite nice. Plus, you should :o see my cages. There are three cages, a revolving restaurant, out post, lookout, space station triangular sleeping quarters, a variety of tubes and other areas for exploring, entertaining and just hanging out. It takes up an entire 12 foot dining room table. :lol:

Do the hamsters have their own personal room or something? :huh::P

Silly wolf... :lol::lol::lol: of course we do.

We run the house!

:lol: you just earned a cheesey award. does it seriously take up a 12 foot dining table?

Seriously, YES! It must be the engineer in my hamster blood.

that is crazy! i want to make one like that!

Before you do, let me know and I will FedEx you all the parts. I have lots and lots of extra tubing, cages, houses, etc.

First, i need a "hampsta!"

Not a problem... I have lots and lots of friends!

because your such a friendly person. :D

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u know, the quotes arent workin anymore...

That is because there are over ten quotes. :D

what is up with this board and not working over 10? it messes up with more than ten quotes, and more than 10 smileys won't work. which is a pain when there is a long string of quotes with smileys. <_<

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u know, the quotes arent workin anymore...

That is because there are over ten quotes. :D

what is up with this board and not working over 10? it messes up with more than ten quotes, and more than 10 smileys won't work. which is a pain when there is a long string of quotes with smileys. <_>

The number 10 is magic. For example, would you want eleven fingers or twelve toes? :lol:

How about the old Dewey Decimal system. What if that was based on 13? :lol:

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u know, the quotes arent workin anymore...

That is because there are over ten quotes. :D

what is up with this board and not working over 10? it messes up with more than ten quotes, and more than 10 smileys won't work. which is a pain when there is a long string of quotes with smileys. <_<

The number 10 is magic. For example, would you want eleven fingers or twelve toes? :lol:

How about the old Dewey Decimal system. What if that was based on 13? :lol:

if that was normal, i wouldn't mind. but limited smileys? c'mon. limited quote? see previous comment.

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u know, the quotes arent workin anymore...

That is because there are over ten quotes. :D

what is up with this board and not working over 10? it messes up with more than ten quotes, and more than 10 smileys won't work. which is a pain when there is a long string of quotes with smileys. <_<

The number 10 is magic. For example, would you want eleven fingers or twelve toes? :lol:

How about the old Dewey Decimal system. What if that was based on 13? :lol:

DDS rocks!!!!! (my moms a librarian...) (at my school) (but some people already know that) im in my school library rite now...my moms getting lunch for me, it was a half day, it being the first week of school, and she's going out with the teachers for lunch (lucky) i get wendy's...no offense, i like wendys! has anyone had the fix&mix frostys? m&ms rule...

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as i said in the last post, my mom works here at my school library, and we are in the process of automating the library (as in barcodes instead of writng on a card) here is what you have to fill out for each book:


Accession #: (barcode)






(optional) Title: Dr. Miss Mr. Mrs. Ms. Sr. Suffix: Jr. Sr.




Media Type: Book Comic Book Magazine Video/DVD


Category: Fiction Non-Fiction Reference


Call #:




Status: Available Lost Missing Not Circulated


Location: Main Library


ther's actually more stuff, but we dont fill it out...now mutiply filling that out by about 6,000 books and you'll know why im in here all the time!

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sry i keep posting...my wendys is here now and mom has left...now im eating a chicken nugget...yum ;) moms going to uno's, its really close to the school...they have the best fries there! ok ur probably bored now, ill go post somehere else...bye

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sry i keep posting...my wendys is here now and mom has left...now im eating a chicken nugget...yum ;)  moms going to uno's, its really close to the school...they have the best fries there! ok ur probably bored now, ill go post somehere else...bye

:lol: Not bored at all... you are just making me hungry! :lol:

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sry i keep posting...my wendys is here now and mom has left...now im eating a chicken nugget...yum ;)  moms going to uno's, its really close to the school...they have the best fries there! ok ur probably bored now, ill go post somehere else...bye

:lol: Not bored at all... you are just making me hungry! :lol:

really! :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...
sry i keep posting...my wendys is here now and mom has left...now im eating a chicken nugget...yum ;)  moms going to uno's, its really close to the school...they have the best fries there! ok ur probably bored now, ill go post somehere else...bye

:lol: Not bored at all... you are just making me hungry! :lol:

really! :lol:

and now its antoher half day (teachers conference) and im at school rite now but i am going to go home cause the conference is at another school, and i am going to have leftover pizza at home...i would rather wendys, but mom says if we dont eat it soon it will go bad, so there u have it

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  • 2 weeks later...
sry i keep posting...my wendys is here now and mom has left...now im eating a chicken nugget...yum ;)  moms going to uno's, its really close to the school...they have the best fries there! ok ur probably bored now, ill go post somehere else...bye

:lol: Not bored at all... you are just making me hungry! :lol:

really! :lol:

and now its antoher half day (teachers conference) and im at school rite now but i am going to go home cause the conference is at another school, and i am going to have leftover pizza at home...i would rather wendys, but mom says if we dont eat it soon it will go bad, so there u have it

and, just wondering, why to topics not get replied in after i post something sometimes? **odd...**

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sry i keep posting...my wendys is here now and mom has left...now im eating a chicken nugget...yum ;)  moms going to uno's, its really close to the school...they have the best fries there! ok ur probably bored now, ill go post somehere else...bye

:lol: Not bored at all... you are just making me hungry! :lol:

really! :lol:

and now its antoher half day (teachers conference) and im at school rite now but i am going to go home cause the conference is at another school, and i am going to have leftover pizza at home...i would rather wendys, but mom says if we dont eat it soon it will go bad, so there u have it

and, just wondering, why to topics not get replied in after i post something sometimes? **odd...**

Because this topic made me hungry and I left my computer, when to my food bowl, found more sunflower seeds I hid and then took a nap. Now I am back.

*decides to go to the food bowl for some tasty nuts*

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sry i keep posting...my wendys is here now and mom has left...now im eating a chicken nugget...yum ;)  moms going to uno's, its really close to the school...they have the best fries there! ok ur probably bored now, ill go post somehere else...bye

:lol: Not bored at all... you are just making me hungry! :lol:

really! :lol:

and now its antoher half day (teachers conference) and im at school rite now but i am going to go home cause the conference is at another school, and i am going to have leftover pizza at home...i would rather wendys, but mom says if we dont eat it soon it will go bad, so there u have it

and, just wondering, why to topics not get replied in after i post something sometimes? **odd...**

Because this topic made me hungry and I left my computer, when to my food bowl, found more sunflower seeds I hid and then took a nap. Now I am back.

*decides to go to the food bowl for some tasty nuts*

but what about everyone else? :huh:

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sry i keep posting...my wendys is here now and mom has left...now im eating a chicken nugget...yum ;)  moms going to uno's, its really close to the school...they have the best fries there! ok ur probably bored now, ill go post somehere else...bye

:lol: Not bored at all... you are just making me hungry! :lol:

really! :lol:

and now its antoher half day (teachers conference) and im at school rite now but i am going to go home cause the conference is at another school, and i am going to have leftover pizza at home...i would rather wendys, but mom says if we dont eat it soon it will go bad, so there u have it

my first day offa school (not including weekends) is next week.

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sry i keep posting...my wendys is here now and mom has left...now im eating a chicken nugget...yum ;)  moms going to uno's, its really close to the school...they have the best fries there! ok ur probably bored now, ill go post somehere else...bye

:lol: Not bored at all... you are just making me hungry! :lol:

really! :lol:

and now its antoher half day (teachers conference) and im at school rite now but i am going to go home cause the conference is at another school, and i am going to have leftover pizza at home...i would rather wendys, but mom says if we dont eat it soon it will go bad, so there u have it

my first day offa school (not including weekends) is next week.

i had off today (mon.) and i have off thursday..teachers meetings, and this is not normal for me, dont think i go to some really cool school that gets off all the time....its just luck

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sry i keep posting...my wendys is here now and mom has left...now im eating a chicken nugget...yum ;)  moms going to uno's, its really close to the school...they have the best fries there! ok ur probably bored now, ill go post somehere else...bye

:lol: Not bored at all... you are just making me hungry! :lol:

really! :lol:

and now its antoher half day (teachers conference) and im at school rite now but i am going to go home cause the conference is at another school, and i am going to have leftover pizza at home...i would rather wendys, but mom says if we dont eat it soon it will go bad, so there u have it

my first day offa school (not including weekends) is next week.

i had off today (mon.) and i have off thursday..teachers meetings, and this is not normal for me, dont think i go to some really cool school that gets off all the time....its just luck

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sry i keep posting...my wendys is here now and mom has left...now im eating a chicken nugget...yum ;)  moms going to uno's, its really close to the school...they have the best fries there! ok ur probably bored now, ill go post somehere else...bye

:lol: Not bored at all... you are just making me hungry! :lol:

really! :lol:

and now its antoher half day (teachers conference) and im at school rite now but i am going to go home cause the conference is at another school, and i am going to have leftover pizza at home...i would rather wendys, but mom says if we dont eat it soon it will go bad, so there u have it

my first day offa school (not including weekends) is next week.

i had off today (mon.) and i have off thursday..teachers meetings, and this is not normal for me, dont think i go to some really cool school that gets off all the time....its just luck

ummmm...what was the point of the blank space?

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sry i keep posting...my wendys is here now and mom has left...now im eating a chicken nugget...yum ;)  moms going to uno's, its really close to the school...they have the best fries there! ok ur probably bored now, ill go post somehere else...bye

:lol: Not bored at all... you are just making me hungry! :lol:

really! :lol:

and now its antoher half day (teachers conference) and im at school rite now but i am going to go home cause the conference is at another school, and i am going to have leftover pizza at home...i would rather wendys, but mom says if we dont eat it soon it will go bad, so there u have it

my first day offa school (not including weekends) is next week.

i had off today (mon.) and i have off thursday..teachers meetings, and this is not normal for me, dont think i go to some really cool school that gets off all the time....its just luck

ummmm...what was the point of the blank space?

Maybe it meant no comment...

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sry i keep posting...my wendys is here now and mom has left...now im eating a chicken nugget...yum ;)  moms going to uno's, its really close to the school...they have the best fries there! ok ur probably bored now, ill go post somehere else...bye

:lol: Not bored at all... you are just making me hungry! :lol:

really! :lol:

and now its antoher half day (teachers conference) and im at school rite now but i am going to go home cause the conference is at another school, and i am going to have leftover pizza at home...i would rather wendys, but mom says if we dont eat it soon it will go bad, so there u have it

my first day offa school (not including weekends) is next week.

i had off today (mon.) and i have off thursday..teachers meetings, and this is not normal for me, dont think i go to some really cool school that gets off all the time....its just luck

ummmm...what was the point of the blank space?

Maybe it meant no comment...


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sry i keep posting...my wendys is here now and mom has left...now im eating a chicken nugget...yum ;)  moms going to uno's, its really close to the school...they have the best fries there! ok ur probably bored now, ill go post somehere else...bye

:lol: Not bored at all... you are just making me hungry! :lol:

really! :lol:

and now its antoher half day (teachers conference) and im at school rite now but i am going to go home cause the conference is at another school, and i am going to have leftover pizza at home...i would rather wendys, but mom says if we dont eat it soon it will go bad, so there u have it

my first day offa school (not including weekends) is next week.

i had off today (mon.) and i have off thursday..teachers meetings, and this is not normal for me, dont think i go to some really cool school that gets off all the time....its just luck

ummmm...what was the point of the blank space?

Maybe it meant no comment...


The thing is, we may never know. Isn't that sad?

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sry i keep posting...my wendys is here now and mom has left...now im eating a chicken nugget...yum ;)  moms going to uno's, its really close to the school...they have the best fries there! ok ur probably bored now, ill go post somehere else...bye

:lol: Not bored at all... you are just making me hungry! :lol:

really! :lol:

and now its antoher half day (teachers conference) and im at school rite now but i am going to go home cause the conference is at another school, and i am going to have leftover pizza at home...i would rather wendys, but mom says if we dont eat it soon it will go bad, so there u have it

my first day offa school (not including weekends) is next week.

i had off today (mon.) and i have off thursday..teachers meetings, and this is not normal for me, dont think i go to some really cool school that gets off all the time....its just luck

ummmm...what was the point of the blank space?

Maybe it meant no comment...


The thing is, we may never know. Isn't that sad?

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ummmm...what was the point of the blank space?

Maybe it meant no comment...


The thing is, we may never know. Isn't that sad?

the blank-poster cheesemaster strikes again!

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ummmm...what was the point of the blank space?

Maybe it meant no comment...


The thing is, we may never know. Isn't that sad?

the blank-poster cheesemaster strikes again!

I don't do it on purpose. I am not sure where it comes from. Will this come? Is Horatio conspiring against me for all those posting sprees in the "this.... is a speciall occaision" topic.

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[quote name=Cheesemaster' date='Oct 4 2005, 02:13


ummmm...what was the point of the blank space?

Maybe it meant no comment...


The thing is, we may never know. Isn't that sad?

the blank-poster cheesemaster strikes again!

I don't do it on purpose. I am not sure where it comes from. Will this come? Is Horatio conspiring against me for all those posting sprees in the "this.... is a speciall occaision" topic.

You do those all on your own.

*evil laugh*

I would love to enter a post for you, but...........

*looks above to the Horatio angel*

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QUOTE(Cheesemaster @ Oct 4 2005, 02:13

ummmm...what was the point of the blank space?

Maybe it meant no comment...


The thing is, we may never know. Isn't that sad?

the blank-poster cheesemaster strikes again!

I don't do it on purpose. I am not sure where it comes from. Will this come? Is Horatio conspiring against me for all those posting sprees in the "this.... is a speciall occaision" topic.

You do those all on your own.

*evil laugh*

I would love to enter a post for you, but...........

*looks above to the Horatio angel*


strange. o.O

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QUOTE(Cheesemaster @ Oct 4 2005, 02:13

ummmm...what was the point of the blank space?

Maybe it meant no comment...


The thing is, we may never know. Isn't that sad?

the blank-poster cheesemaster strikes again!

I don't do it on purpose. I am not sure where it comes from. Will this come? Is Horatio conspiring against me for all those posting sprees in the "this.... is a speciall occaision" topic.

You do those all on your own.

*evil laugh*

I would love to enter a post for you, but...........

*looks above to the Horatio angel*


You could always post for me... I'd definetly (how do you spell that word?) win then. :lol:

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hey its the 1 year anniversary of the time when the most users were ever on : 44 on oct. 12 2004....its on the bottom of the message board home...i wonder if we could like plan another one...it would be hard with time zones, tho...im in EST, and i dont know where everyone else is...horatio's in florida, so that's EST also...ok, bye! : ) (and no, that was not supposed to be a clicky smiley, its my own creation that i made up while IMing and it does not turn into a "real" smiley when u type it....i just prefer the bold italics underline, but its really just "colon space close parenthese"...yeah...

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somehow i feel horatio's on, or some moderstor, beause i just typed that 15 minuts ago...anyway, that wasnt the reason i was doing this...just wanted to say my average is .52 posts per day...if u want to know ur own, look in "my controls" its on the main page of that, on the right....ok bye!


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somehow i feel horatio's on, or some moderstor, beause i just typed that 15 minuts ago...anyway, that wasnt the reason i was doing this...just wanted to say my average is .52 posts per day...if u want to know ur own, look in "my controls" its on the main page of that, on the right....ok bye!


I wonder what mine is. I'll go check.

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Mine's 15.79. :)

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break. ^.^


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio. :D

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Mine's 15.79. :)

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break. ^.^


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio. :D

You're older than me. That makes you old. :lol:

Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience.

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Mine's 15.79. :)

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break. ^.^


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio. :D

You're older than me. That makes you old. :lol:

Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience.


*keeps one eye on Hoops*

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Mine's 15.79. :)

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break. ^.^


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio. :D

You're older than me. That makes you old. :lol:

Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience.


*keeps one eye on Hoops*


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Mine's 15.79. :)

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break. ^.^


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio. :D

You're older than me. That makes you old. :lol:

Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience.


*keeps one eye on Hoops*


I want to make sure no one dyes my fur blue!


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Mine's 15.79. :)

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break. ^.^


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio. :D

You're older than me. That makes you old. :lol:

Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience.


*keeps one eye on Hoops*


I want to make sure no one dyes my fur blue!


And I would do that why?


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Mine's 15.79.

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break.


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio.

You're older than me. That makes you old.

Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience.


*keeps one eye on Hoops*


I want to make sure no one dyes my fur blue!


And I would do that why?


To match all the blue-haired people of Florida.


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Mine's 15.79. :)

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break. ^.^


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio. :D

You're older than me. That makes you old. :lol:

Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience.

Horatio has almost 7 times as much experience as me. :lol:

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Mine's 15.79.

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break.


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio.

You're older than me. That makes you old.

Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience.


*keeps one eye on Hoops*


I want to make sure no one dyes my fur blue!


And I would do that why?


To match all the blue-haired people of Florida.


Umm... blue haired people would be why? o_O

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Mine's 15.79.

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break.


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio.

You're older than me. That makes you old.

Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience.


*keeps one eye on Hoops*


I want to make sure no one dyes my fur blue!


And I would do that why?


To match all the blue-haired people of Florida.


Umm... blue haired people would be why? o_O

Oh what a sheltered life you lead in California. Blue-haired people are all the elderly people who add blue tint to their grey/white hair. And to think the young people thought they came up with the wild idea first! :lol::lol::lol:

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I want to make sure no one dyes my fur blue!


And I would do that why?


To match all the blue-haired people of Florida.


:lol: *has a laughing fit, really* Yeah, everyone at my school has blue hair. After this weather it just turns that way.

(Your three heads have made a comeback! :D )

And for all those bottle blondes who swim in chlorine pools..... green is their color!


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Mine's 15.79. :)

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break. ^.^


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio. :D

You're older than me. That makes you old. :lol:

Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience.

Horatio has almost 7 times as much experience as me. :lol:

:wacko: You keep talking like this and your cheesie life will be whizzing by you.

*wonders if he will get the subtle hint*

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Mine's 15.79.

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break.


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio.

You're older than me. That makes you old.

Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience.


*keeps one eye on Hoops*


I want to make sure no one dyes my fur blue!


And I would do that why?


To match all the blue-haired people of Florida.


Umm... blue haired people would be why? o_O

Oh what a sheltered life you lead in California. Blue-haired people are all the elderly people who add blue tint to their grey/white hair. And to think the young people thought they came up with the wild idea first! :lol::lol::lol:

I've never seen that before. :lol:

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Mine's 15.79. :)

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break. ^.^


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio. :D

You're older than me. That makes you old. :lol:

Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience.

Horatio has almost 7 times as much experience as me. :lol:

:wacko: You keep talking like this and your cheesie life will be whizzing by you.

*wonders if he will get the subtle hint*

It wasn't very subtle. I saw it before i even read the entirety of the post. :lol:

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Mine's 15.79.

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break. ^.^


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio.

You're older than me. That makes you old.

Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience.

Horatio has almost 7 times as much experience as me. :lol:

:wacko: You keep talking like this and your cheesie life will be whizzing by you.

*wonders if he will get the subtle hint*

It wasn't very subtle. I saw it before i even read the entirety of the post. :lol:

It was subtle for a hamster!


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Mine's 15.79.

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break. ^.^


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio.

You're older than me. That makes you old.

Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience.

Horatio has almost 7 times as much experience as me. :lol:

:wacko: You keep talking like this and your cheesie life will be whizzing by you.

*wonders if he will get the subtle hint*

It wasn't very subtle. I saw it before i even read the entirety of the post. :lol:

It was subtle for a hamster!


Well you should take lessons in subtlety. as i would like lessons in modding. Like that was subtle. :rolleyes:

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Mine's 15.79.

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break.


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio.

You're older than me. That makes you old.

Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience.

Horatio has almost 7 times as much experience as me.

:wacko: You keep talking like this and your cheesie life will be whizzing by you.

*wonders if he will get the subtle hint*

It wasn't very subtle. I saw it before i even read the entirety of the post.

It was subtle for a hamster!


Well you should take lessons in subtlety. as i would like lessons in modding. Like that was subtle. :rolleyes:

You are so good, you do not need lessons in modding!


Whereas, I need lots and lots and lots of lessons in subtlety!

*checks to make sure there is not a sledgehammer nearby* :blink:

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Mine's 15.79.

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break.


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio.

You're older than me. That makes you old.

Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience.

Horatio has almost 7 times as much experience as me.

:wacko: You keep talking like this and your cheesie life will be whizzing by you.

*wonders if he will get the subtle hint*

It wasn't very subtle. I saw it before i even read the entirety of the post.

It was subtle for a hamster!


Well you should take lessons in subtlety. as i would like lessons in modding. Like that was subtle. :rolleyes:

You are so good, you do not need lessons in modding!


Whereas, I need lots and lots and lots of lessons in subtlety!

*checks to make sure there is not a sledgehammer nearby* :blink:

sledgehammer...? wha?

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Mine's 15.79.

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break.


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio.

You're older than me. That makes you old.

Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience.

Horatio has almost 7 times as much experience as me.

:wacko: You keep talking like this and your cheesie life will be whizzing by you.

*wonders if he will get the subtle hint*

It wasn't very subtle. I saw it before i even read the entirety of the post.

It was subtle for a hamster!


Well you should take lessons in subtlety. as i would like lessons in modding. Like that was subtle. :rolleyes:

You are so good, you do not need lessons in modding!


Whereas, I need lots and lots and lots of lessons in subtlety!

*checks to make sure there is not a sledgehammer nearby* :blink:

sledgehammer...? wha?

Just in case you were going to hammer some lessons into my little brain.


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Mine's 15.79.

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break.


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio.

You're older than me. That makes you old.

Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience.

Horatio has almost 7 times as much experience as me.

:wacko: You keep talking like this and your cheesie life will be whizzing by you.

*wonders if he will get the subtle hint*

It wasn't very subtle. I saw it before i even read the entirety of the post.

It was subtle for a hamster!


Well you should take lessons in subtlety. as i would like lessons in modding. Like that was subtle. :rolleyes:

You are so good, you do not need lessons in modding!


Whereas, I need lots and lots and lots of lessons in subtlety!

*checks to make sure there is not a sledgehammer nearby* :blink:

sledgehammer...? wha?

Just in case you were going to hammer some lessons into my little brain.


That would just crush your skull, and that wouldn't teach you much, now would it?

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Mine's 15.79.

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break.


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio.

You're older than me. That makes you old.

Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience.

Horatio has almost 7 times as much experience as me.

:wacko: You keep talking like this and your cheesie life will be whizzing by you.

*wonders if he will get the subtle hint*

It wasn't very subtle. I saw it before i even read the entirety of the post.

It was subtle for a hamster!


Well you should take lessons in subtlety. as i would like lessons in modding. Like that was subtle. :rolleyes:

You are so good, you do not need lessons in modding!


Whereas, I need lots and lots and lots of lessons in subtlety!

*checks to make sure there is not a sledgehammer nearby* :blink:

sledgehammer...? wha?

Just in case you were going to hammer some lessons into my little brain.


That would just crush your skull, and that wouldn't teach you much, now would it?


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Mine's 15.79.

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break.


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio.

You're older than me. That makes you old.

Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience.

Horatio has almost 7 times as much experience as me.

:wacko: You keep talking like this and your cheesie life will be whizzing by you.

*wonders if he will get the subtle hint*

It wasn't very subtle. I saw it before i even read the entirety of the post.

It was subtle for a hamster!

Well you should take lessons in subtlety. as i would like lessons in modding. Like that was subtle.

You are so good, you do not need lessons in modding!

Whereas, I need lots and lots and lots of lessons in subtlety!

*checks to make sure there is not a sledgehammer nearby* :blink:

sledgehammer...? wha?

Just in case you were going to hammer some lessons into my little brain.


That would just crush your skull, and that wouldn't teach you much, now would it?



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Mine's 15.79.

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break.


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio.

You're older than me. That makes you old.

Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience.

Horatio has almost 7 times as much experience as me.

:wacko: You keep talking like this and your cheesie life will be whizzing by you.

*wonders if he will get the subtle hint*

It wasn't very subtle. I saw it before i even read the entirety of the post.

It was subtle for a hamster!

Well you should take lessons in subtlety. as i would like lessons in modding. Like that was subtle.

You are so good, you do not need lessons in modding!

Whereas, I need lots and lots and lots of lessons in subtlety!

*checks to make sure there is not a sledgehammer nearby* :blink:

sledgehammer...? wha?

Just in case you were going to hammer some lessons into my little brain.


That would just crush your skull, and that wouldn't teach you much, now would it?




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Mine's 15.79.

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break.


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio.

You're older than me. That makes you old.

Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience.

Horatio has almost 7 times as much experience as me.

:wacko: You keep talking like this and your cheesie life will be whizzing by you.

*wonders if he will get the subtle hint*

It wasn't very subtle. I saw it before i even read the entirety of the post.

It was subtle for a hamster!

Well you should take lessons in subtlety. as i would like lessons in modding. Like that was subtle.

You are so good, you do not need lessons in modding!

Whereas, I need lots and lots and lots of lessons in subtlety!

*checks to make sure there is not a sledgehammer nearby* :blink:

sledgehammer...? wha?

Just in case you were going to hammer some lessons into my little brain.


That would just crush your skull, and that wouldn't teach you much, now would it?




(insert random smiley here)

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Mine's 15.79.

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break.


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio.

You're older than me. That makes you old.

Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience.

Horatio has almost 7 times as much experience as me.

:crazytypesmiliething: You keep talking like this and your cheesie life will be whizzing by you.

*wonders if he will get the subtle hint*

It wasn't very subtle. I saw it before i even read the entirety of the post.

It was subtle for a hamster!

Well you should take lessons in subtlety. as i would like lessons in modding. Like that was subtle.

You are so good, you do not need lessons in modding!

Whereas, I need lots and lots and lots of lessons in subtlety!

*checks to make sure there is not a sledgehammer nearby* :blink:

sledgehammer...? wha?

Just in case you were going to hammer some lessons into my little brain.


That would just crush your skull, and that wouldn't teach you much, now would it?




(insert random smiley here)

How about... :o

That's a pretty one.

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Mine's 15.79.

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break.


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio.

You're older than me. That makes you old.

Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience.

Horatio has almost 7 times as much experience as me.

:crazytypesmiliething: You keep talking like this and your cheesie life will be whizzing by you.

*wonders if he will get the subtle hint*

It wasn't very subtle. I saw it before i even read the entirety of the post.

It was subtle for a hamster!

Well you should take lessons in subtlety. as i would like lessons in modding. Like that was subtle.

You are so good, you do not need lessons in modding!

Whereas, I need lots and lots and lots of lessons in subtlety!

*checks to make sure there is not a sledgehammer nearby* :blink:

sledgehammer...? wha?

Just in case you were going to hammer some lessons into my little brain.


That would just crush your skull, and that wouldn't teach you much, now would it?




(insert random smiley here)

How about... :o

That's a pretty one.

How about... :wacko:

(what would happen after a sledgehammer hit your head)

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Mine's 15.79.

remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break.


I respect my elder, Cheesemaster.

You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio.

You're older than me. That makes you old.

Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience.

Horatio has almost 7 times as much experience as me.

:crazytypesmiliething: You keep talking like this and your cheesie life will be whizzing by you.

*wonders if he will get the subtle hint*

It wasn't very subtle. I saw it before i even read the entirety of the post.

It was subtle for a hamster!

Well you should take lessons in subtlety. as i would like lessons in modding. Like that was subtle.

You are so good, you do not need lessons in modding!

Whereas, I need lots and lots and lots of lessons in subtlety!

*checks to make sure there is not a sledgehammer nearby* :blink:

sledgehammer...? wha?

Just in case you were going to hammer some lessons into my little brain.


That would just crush your skull, and that wouldn't teach you much, now would it?




(insert random smiley here)

How about... :o

That's a pretty one.

How about... :wacko:

(what would happen after a sledgehammer hit your head)

no, that would be <(X.X)>

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