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Upon actually gettin' up and doin' it, I've followed the reccomendations/suggestions some of my friends and... friends have given me.


I have revived my old occupation/title of a hacker! Huzzah. (This is not bad. xD)


(BlackRaven is more/less the defenition of muh real first name. Brandon. w00t. Its not a username for other boards.)


I started this like... yesterday/this morning, upon having motivation of... uh... 'personal' issues. Dont ask. Not pretty.

I started before tat at age three, which sparked my interest with computers, When i broke into my dads computer (Age three, yes) and bypassed his passwords and has created a lot of shortcuts to some of the computer games, added some folders in the My documents thing (i think) which contained some notes and cheat codes and all.


Upon some of my church friends finding this out last year in november, They've been 'pestering' me about how im a hacker and all, And i should make muh own sweet-ful Hacker name. So i made one. w00t.


Now I can boot morons out of chat rooms. o_o


(Notice for peoples: I dont have your IP Adresses or much of anything (thanks to HK. xD Not a bad thing though.) Though even if I did, i dont have any reason to keel you dead. o_o Nope.)


So yeah, I'm currently in the working title of a hacker now. >.> I say so, at least.


Im mostly posting this cuz i felt like typing it out and knowing someone'll read it. Im still a small-time hacker, Not much i can do. (ie, I cant steal passwords, i cant enter someones computer from mine, i cant send/create/use viruses, Malicious stuff like that.) Anyway....


In other news, I did some kinda jig yesterday. it was fun.

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Upon actually gettin' up and doin' it, I've followed the reccomendations/suggestions some of my friends and... friends have given me.


I have revived my old occupation/title of a hacker! Huzzah. (This is not bad. xD)


(BlackRaven is more/less the defenition of muh real first name. Brandon. w00t. Its not a username for other boards.)


I started this like... yesterday/this morning, upon having motivation of... uh... 'personal' issues. Dont ask. Not pretty.

I started before tat at age three, which sparked my interest with computers, When i broke into my dads computer (Age three, yes) and bypassed his passwords and has created a lot of shortcuts to some of the computer games, added some folders in the My documents thing (i think) which contained some notes and cheat codes and all.


Upon some of my church friends finding this out last year in november, They've been 'pestering' me about how im a hacker and all, And i should make muh own sweet-ful Hacker name. So i made one. w00t.


Now I can boot morons out of chat rooms. o_o


(Notice for peoples: I dont have your IP Adresses or much of anything (thanks to HK. xD Not a bad thing though.) Though even if I did, i dont have any reason to keel you dead. o_o Nope.)


So yeah, I'm currently in the working title of a hacker now. >.> I say so, at least.


Im mostly posting this cuz i felt like typing it out and knowing someone'll read it. Im still a small-time hacker, Not much i can do. (ie, I cant steal passwords, i cant enter someones computer from mine, i cant send/create/use viruses, Malicious stuff like that.) Anyway....


In other news, I did some kinda jig yesterday. it was fun.

I acciendly hacked into a chatroom and shut it down once. x.x


And jigs are deh spiff.

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can you teach ussss hoooowwwwwww, weee wannnt toooo lleeaarrrnnnnn..........

Look up Python in a search engine, its a common programming language that... excecuting programs use (Python for exe files, as HTML is for most websites. it can be used to mess it up, like a lot.)


Other than that, I just loaded some software off'a some... website, that lets meh boot people outt'a chatrooms and such. do all this spiffy things. w00t.

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And off topic... I figured out I got an email with a get rich quick scheme. Not just any one. One from the authors of "Creating Wealth" and the better known "Chicken Soup for the Soul". Not that I'm applying, though it would be nice to be rich. If I applied they'd wonder how they ended up contacting a little kid.

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