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Hi everyone! I figured, i like Animorphs, so probably other people do too, so i started a topic about them. <<'wow...great thinking Liz,' i muse to myself>> so...i have read all the regular series (1-54), I've read all 4 megamorphs, ive read the 2 alternamorphs, ive read the hork-bajir chronicles, and the Andalite chronicles. UNfortunatley, i have not read 'Visser' or the Ellimist Chronicles, also i own "Meet the Stars of Animorphs" (about the TV show) but I only looked a little at it I havent really read it. Some of the reason is that by the time i started reading the books, and realized there had been a tv show, it wasnt on anymore. (at least i dont think its on anymore, but then again i dont watch much tv) so...my fave character is probably Tobias, but Ax is funny (him and those cinnamon buns lol) (and "dont call me prince jake," jake says, ax answers "yes prince jake" in like every book LOL!!  :laugh: )  anyway, when i was in maine (i live in NY) I got a stuffed animal of a red-tailed hawk and its one of the Aubodon birds so it makes noise when you squeeze it. tobias goes 'Tseeeeeeeeeeer! Tseeeeeeeeeeer!' and so does my bird (yes, i named him Tobias)


:angry: oh no! visser 3 left his andalite body and entered this smiley! (well at least Alloran-Sirianial-Shamtul's free now)


hey what if a controller posts here? its like in the book where jake morphs a rhino on the cover (i cant think of the name of the book) and they're watching the chat room and the're like "who's for real, who's a yeerk, who doesnt really know anything, poor gump, megmom's good, etc."

Dont worry, i know yeerks arent real, and i know evrything in the books are fiction.


ok all you fellow animorph fans, im ending this now but ill hopefully be back soon!



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Oh Dog Lover, just you wait until Otter sees this.  I do believe that she loves Animorphs.  I just started reading a couple of the animorph books.  These are great.  Hope you checked out the Book Club.  You can always write a review of one of these books and perhaps entice someone else to read them  Here is the process... you make a post of the book title, author's name, a short review of the book and then you give it a one (worst) to five (best) Hampster rating. :D   Look for you there.
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ANIMORPHS!!!!!!!! I love them! But K.A. Applegate just HAPPENED to destroy them.....I can't find more books now and I'm DESPRATE TO READ MORE!!!!!!!
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hi again!


first of all: a correction to my other post:


:angry: oh no! visser 3 left his andalite body and entered this smiley! (well at lest Alloran-Sirianial-Shamtul's free now)


The name should have been Alloran-Semitur-Corrass :roll sorry


Also the name of the book I couldnt think of where Jake morphs a rhino on the cover is The Warning and its #16.


sooooo... :sleepy: what should i write about next?


have any of you read #14 The Unknown where Cassie morphs a horse on the front? There's this really funny part where they're at the racetrack at the stables { and the two guys see Ax as an andalite and they ask what the kids and Ax are doing in the stall and they say they're grooming their "horse" (Ax) and the guys ask what they're feeding him and Marco says horse food and the guys are like "what?" and Marco says (this is directly from the book so its copyrighted i think so ill make it a quote i hope thats ok)

"Yeah. Um...you know, horse food. Boy, you should see how many cans this guy can eat. Man, all day long I'm opening up cans of horse food and fillling his dish." then Cassie says," hah-hah-hah! he's such a kidder! of course we're not feeding him horse food from cans. We're feeding him alfalfa and hay. Like you'd feed any horse. My friend is such a joker. Total joke machine!" Then one of the guys says, "Never seen a blue horse." "We like blue horses" cassie says lamely. "Someday, all horses will be blue" Jake agrees.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!! :D  :D  :D isnt that so funny! if youre not laiughing as hard as i am, read the book. } (The part's on pages 83-85)


note to admin or something who reads this: if the part from the book youre not allowed to post, coud you post the rest please? just take out the part between the bold brackets. thanx (and also dont post this part, regardless)


guess thats all 4 now. BYE ANIMORPHS & EVERYONE ELSE!!!



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I had never read any of the Animorphs, but I am enjoying reading them.  I look forward to reading the one you just described.  I was laughing so hard at the cans of horse food. :laughing  :laughing  :laughing


BTW, the reason that I left in the quote is because you identified the book and put it in quotes.  I thought this was okay.  :D   We have a Book Club in this forum and you can always put a review in there as well.  It goes like this:  title, author, brief review and a one (1) worst to five (5) best Hampster rating on the books.  


Thanks! :D

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BTW, Horatio, someones already done Animorphs in the Book club. i did talk about it after someone rated it tho, but that was ages ago. (hey my other post showed up already! you guys are so fast!!!)
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BTW, Horatio, someones already done Animorphs in the Book club. i did talk about it after someone rated it tho, but that was ages ago. (hey my other post showed up already! you guys are so fast!!!)

:laughing       :laughing       :laughing       :laughing       :laughing

Fast ?? ??  ???  No, you just have impeccable timing! :D

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Nick (moneylover), I dont know you, but i know rachel (starz425) and she knows you and if you dont like animorphs, well, OK, but i do. (ok that was confusing) 8)


ok im trying to be nice but inside im like :eek  :eek  :eek how could you not ike animorphs but i guess everyones different.


and im sorry im making such a big deal about your post i guess im just a really big animorph fan and ive got to stop talking cause im just going on and on and on and  :sleep n and  :sleep n and  :sleep n and  :sleep n and  :sleep n and  :sleep n..............

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dog lover is a noob horatio...now i have the eyes of an eagle or hawk

:laughing  :laughing  LOL   :laughing  :laughing

I was just thinking, as a moose, wouldn't you look funny with either eagle or hawk eyes?  They might be a tad small for your head wouldn't you agree?

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I am not allowed to read animorphs but I probally wouldn't like it. :upside:


Oh I am sorry to hear that.  May I ask why you are not permitted to read animorphs?  I am not trying to be mean or question anyone's judgement, I am just trying to get an understanding of why these books would be banned from you reading list. ???

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I mean, no offense or anything, but animorphs arent really that bad, i mean of course they fight the yeerks, but theres the good guy/bad guy things in almost all stories. and i mean, some yeerks get killed, but i mean, theyre the bad guys.

Unless its the alien thing, but as long as you dont believe the books, it shoudnt matter, right?

im really sry if i offended you or whoever said you couldnt read them :(

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:D  :laugh:  :D  I am so happy!!!! I am finally going to read the only 2 animorph books ive never read...I just got "The Ellimist Chronicles" from a used book store and I put a hold on "Visser" at the library!! When I finish them, I will have read everything K.A.Applegate wrote about Animorphs!!!!!!!!!  :D  :love:  :laugh:  :D  :laughing
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<font color='#8D38C9'>Nick (moneylover), I dont know you, but i know rachel (starz425) and she knows you and if you dont like animorphs, well, OK, but i do. (ok that was confusing) 8)


ok im trying to be nice but inside im like :eek ?:eek ?:eek how could you not ike animorphs but i guess everyones different.


and im sorry im making such a big deal about your post i guess im just a really big animorph fan and ive got to stop talking cause im just going on and on and on and ?:sleep n and? :sleep n?and ?:sleep n and ?:sleep n and ?:sleep n and ?:sleep n..............</font>

How do you know rachel? Or Rachel, How does she know you?

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We've got our ways.... and Nick, liz made up a username on ur board, and it wouldn't let her post...i think u gotta do somethin. i called u and u didn't answer. Also, whoever is a moderator here, do u think it's fair to add things in other people's messages, like, mine, because that's what nick did, even tho there was nothing wrong with my message!!!!!! he said he can do it cuz he's "a ((SUPER)) admin". blablabla....

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ive only read one animorphs and it was one by that applegate person. odd last name i think
Umm... theyre all by K.A. Applegate.


Hi everyone! I sorta like the new board...at least it still has all of the old posts, not like the last time the board was changed, that time like everything was different...


Hey everyone!!! I have finally read EVERY SINGLE AnImOrPh BoOk ever written by k.a. applegate!!!!


Like I said, I got the ellimist chronicles from a used bookstore and I got Visser from the library!!!

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Umm... theyre all by K.A. Applegate.


Hi everyone! I sorta like the new board...at least it still has all of the old posts, not like the last time the board was changed, that time like everything was different...


Hey everyone!!! I have finally read EVERY SINGLE AnImOrPh BoOk ever written by k.a. applegate!!!!


Like I said, I got the ellimist chronicles from a used bookstore and I got Visser from the library!!!


Have you seen the dog avatar? You can even add one of your own. :)

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Have you seen the dog avatar?  You can even add one of your own. :)

I think that HampsterKing has disabled it for a few people(you know, the add your own thingy, like the one i have I can't change it to another one I made).

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I think that HampsterKing has disabled it for a few people(you know, the add your own thingy, like the one i have I can't change it to another one I made).





The boards have a number of bugs that need to be straightened out and this happens to be one of those bugs. He is working very hard to fix this problem.

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The boards have a number of bugs that need to be straightened out and this happens to be one of those bugs.  He is working very hard to fix this problem.

:lol: Just a thought :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...
<font color='#8D38C9'>Oh I am sorry to hear that.  May I ask why you are not permitted to read animorphs?  I am not trying to be mean or question anyone's judgement, I am just trying to get an understanding of why these books would be banned from you reading list. ???</font>

Well by the book cover my mom thought they were about eveloution so as I followed in my moms footsteps I also learned to dislike them even if they could be some of the best books I could ever read but anyway I guess that is why I am not permitted!!!

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<font color='#8D38C9'>Yeah, I mean, no offense or anything, but animorphs arent really that bad, i mean of course they fight the yeerks, but theres the good guy/bad guy things in almost all stories. and i mean, some yeerks get killed, but i mean, theyre the bad guys.

Unless its the alien thing, but as long as you dont believe the books, it shoudnt matter, right?

im really sry if i offended you or whoever said you couldnt read them :(</font>

I like good/bad guy stuff for some of my favorite books are good/bad guy stuff.And one of my favorite book seris are the christian books called Forribeden Doors and they have these teenage christians fighting demons not like the teens want to or any thing but anyway they are really cool!!! ^_^

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Well by the book cover my mom thought they were about eveloution so as I followed in my moms footsteps I also learned to dislike them even if they could be some of the best books I could ever read but anyway I guess that is why I am not permitted!!!

You could always ask your mother to take the book out of the library and read it to see if it is to her liking or not. Sometimes you can't judge a book by it's cover. :lol::lol::lol:

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You could always ask your mother to take the book out of the library and read it to see if it is to her liking or not.  Sometimes you can't judge a book by it's cover.    :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Very true I'll ask her I am older now and mabey she will trust that i don't believe everything I read!!! ^_^

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I have just returned to this topic! I LOVE ANIMORPHS! At the library I check out like 7 at a time! Oh shoot! I need to renew them. Be right back! AHHH! I'M IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, to anyone who doesn'tknow, I'm the one who started this topis and I LOVE animorphs they are like the best book series other then HP (Harry Potter) I have tho admit, I do like HP more, but these books are great. I own like more than half of them and they are so cool!


Speaking of great book series, has anyone ever read Left behind >the kids<? They are geared toward Christians, but I think they are so cool. I always get like 4 or 8 out of the library at a time because they ALWAYS leave u hanging at the end. THere are like 30+ so far, i started reading them a while ago, then stopped, then started over again like 2 years later. rite now im on #21 i think. They are really good, i go thru them so fast and i always want more!!! :P


I g2g now, got 2 do hw. bI- Bi!

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Hi, to anyone who doesn'tknow, I'm the one who started this topis and I LOVE animorphs they are like the best book series other then HP (Harry Potter) I have tho admit, I do like HP more, but these books are great. I own like more than half of them and they are so cool!


Speaking of great book series, has anyone ever read Left behind >the kids They are geared toward Christians, but I think they are so cool. I always get like 4 or 8 out of the library at a time because they ALWAYS leave u hanging at the end. THere are like 30+ so far, i started reading them a while ago, then stopped, then started over again like 2 years later. rite now im on #21 i think. They are really good, i go thru them so fast and i always want more!!! :P


I g2g now, got 2 do hw. bI- Bi!

Dog Lover! So nice to see you again! :D

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Hi, to anyone who doesn'tknow, I'm the one who started this topis and I LOVE animorphs they are like the best book series other then HP (Harry Potter) I have tho admit, I do like HP more, but these books are great. I own like more than half of them and they are so cool!


Speaking of great book series, has anyone ever read Left behind >the kids<? They are geared toward Christians, but I think they are so cool. I always get like 4 or 8 out of the library at a time because they ALWAYS leave u hanging at the end. THere are like 30+ so far, i started reading them a while ago, then stopped, then started over again like 2 years later. rite now im on #21 i think. They are really good, i go thru them so fast and i always want more!!! :P


I g2g now, got 2 do hw. bI- Bi!

Hooray! It's da dog lover!

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Wow! People are going 'het its the dog lover!' i feel important!! :D So, any1 got anything to say about the post, other than that I'm here? BTW< idk if you guys know, but i dont actually have a dog, i just REALLY like them! I dont have any pets. :( ok bi (im off to change my sig)

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  • 1 month later...

u know, i was just looking at my sig near the bottom where the shout-outs are, and i realized the "i like penguins too" part looks like its part of the shout-outs, but its not! oh well.......



I still like ANIMORPHS!!!!!!!!


(Just figured i had 2 say that cuz its an animorphs chat that i started!!


Adios! (that's good bye in spanish in case anyone doesn't know....)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

i am happy, because, at the moment, my 2 other convos i started (Broadway and camp poll) are at the top of the Jokes, Riddles, and Funny Stories list, other than book club, which was pinned. of course, most of the posts were mine, but who cares? IM HAPPY!! :D:P:):lol::rolleyes:B) (All the smilies that are smiling! LOL)

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i am happy, because, at the moment, my 2 other convos i started (Broadway and camp poll) are at the top of the Jokes, Riddles, and Funny Stories list, other than book club, which was pinned. of course, most of the posts were mine, but who cares? IM HAPPY!! :D  :P  :)  :lol:  :rolleyes:  B)  (All the smilies that are smiling! LOL)

I love seeing people happy!!! :D

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Oh thanks, i get to sit typing and u go in a jacuzzi. How fair is that?!?!?! :angry:


And even though you may not be in a jacuzzi, u still arent on anymore, unless youre super anonymous...

I am still here... my name is still there isn't it????????


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i am happy, because, at the moment, my 2 other convos i started (Broadway and camp poll) are at the top of the Jokes, Riddles, and Funny Stories list, other than book club, which was pinned. of course, most of the posts were mine, but who cares? IM HAPPY!! :D  :P  :)  :lol:  :rolleyes:  B)  (All the smilies that are smiling! LOL)

you missed two... ^_^:wub:

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so..... my school just had a quiz bowl, which is like a question compeition thing. 5th grade vs. 6th, 7th vs. 8th (im in 7th) my mom is the librarian, and she ran it, but i did not get to see the questions, (lest anyone think i cheated) but i was on the team,(2 boys 2 girls from each class.) the 8th grade won by 7 points, but it was close!!! (5th won aginst 6th...unexpected)



it was fun!

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so..... my school just had a quiz bowl, which is like a question compeition thing. 5th grade vs. 6th, 7th  vs. 8th (im in 7th) my mom is the librarian, and she ran it, but i did not get to see the questions, (lest anyone think i cheated) but i was on the team,(2 boys 2 girls from each class.) the 8th grade won by 7 points, but it was close!!! (5th won aginst 6th...unexpected)

it was fun!

Congratulations!!! That sounds like a very fun! :D

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Congratulations!!! That sounds like a very fun!


It was! ( BTW u said it sonunds like a very fun...did u mean very fun or a very fun something? its ok i dont care, everyone makes typos, even me! LOL)


so........h/o let me see something...


ok im back, let me see if this works


now im doing preview post...


oh it didnt work....oh well, it doesnt matter goodbye

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It was! ( BTW u said it sonunds like a very fun...did u mean very fun or a very fun something? its ok i dont care, everyone makes typos, even me! LOL)


so........h/o let me see something...


ok im back, let me see if this works


now im doing preview post...


oh it didnt work....oh well, it doesnt matter              goodbye

keep trying various ways and you will probably get it!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
<font color='#8D38C9'>Hi everyone! I figured, i like Animorphs, so probably other people do too, so i started a topic about them. <<'wow...great thinking Liz,' i muse to myself>> so...i have read all the regular series (1-54), I've read all 4 megamorphs, ive read the 2 alternamorphs, ive read the hork-bajir chronicles, and the Andalite chronicles. UNfortunatley, i have not read 'Visser' or the Ellimist Chronicles, also i own "Meet the Stars of Animorphs" (about the TV show) but I only looked a little at it I havent really read it. Some of the reason is that by the time i started reading the books, and realized there had been a tv show, it wasnt on anymore. (at least i dont think its on anymore, but then again i dont watch much tv) so...my fave character is probably Tobias, but Ax is funny (him and those cinnamon buns lol) (and "dont call me prince jake," jake says, ax answers "yes prince jake" in like every book LOL!! ?:laugh: ) ?anyway, when i was in maine (i live in NY) I got a stuffed animal of a red-tailed hawk and its one of the Aubodon birds so it makes noise when you squeeze it. tobias goes 'Tseeeeeeeeeeer! Tseeeeeeeeeeer!' and so does my bird (yes, i named him Tobias)


:angry: oh no! visser 3 left his andalite body and entered this smiley! (well at least Alloran-Sirianial-Shamtul's free now)


hey what if a controller posts here? its like in the book where jake morphs a rhino on the cover (i cant think of the name of the book) and they're watching the chat room and the're like "who's for real, who's a yeerk, who doesnt really know anything, poor gump, megmom's good, etc."

Dont worry, i know yeerks arent real, and i know evrything in the books are fiction.


ok all you fellow animorph fans, im ending this now but ill hopefully be back soon!


? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?***D*O*G***L*O*V*E*R***</font>

they are good books :)
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Hi, to anyone who doesn'tknow, I'm the one who started this topis and I LOVE animorphs they are like the best book series other then HP (Harry Potter) I have tho admit, I do like HP more, but these books are great. I own like more than half of them and they are so cool!


Speaking of great book series, has anyone ever read Left behind >the kids<? They are geared toward Christians, but I think they are so cool. I always get like 4 or 8 out of the library at a time because they ALWAYS leave u hanging at the end. THere are like 30+ so far, i started reading them a while ago, then stopped, then started over again like 2 years later. rite now im on #21 i think. They are really good, i go thru them so fast and i always want more!!! :P


I g2g now, got 2 do hw. bI- Bi!

ive read most of left behind kids series. i tryed to read the adult but it made me cry

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welcome to my chat, hoops! that's cool that you like left behind too...i finally read the whole series (i think) #40 is the last, or at least it seems like it. i read part of the first adult one, but it was at a bookstor and i didnt buy it and i didnt finish it...


btw if anyone noticed i havent posted in a while, its because i gave up hampsterdance for lent, but because easter was yesterday im back!


what to talk about........ok i went bowling 2day with JTC (junior teen club) which is the 7th and 8th grade of my church (forgive me if i mentioned it already but i dont think i did) and i was in second place out of the 4 people i was playing w/on the first game, then i tied for second on the second game. the 3 other people i was playing with were gina, denisa, and sara, although converse all star is probably the only person here who might know who they are, unless someone else i know is on the boards and we just dont know....


other news: (completely off topic but who cares)

i was in the the Reader's Digest Word Power challenge at the state level and i tied for 4th in the state of NY!!! oh yeah!!!!!!!! and the 1st place winner of each state gets to go down to disney for the nationals! too bad it wasnt me, but i was in the top 10! it works like this: 100 people go to the state level, and you go to seperate rooms of about 20 people each and answer 25 questions and the top 10 of those get to go on stage for the final round thing. i went last year but didnt get in the top 10, but this year....h/o illl get to it...ok they were calling up the top 10 and i knew i had gotten 2 wrong in the preliminary 25qs. and the person behind me got called up, so we asked their friend how many they got wrong and they said three, so my mom and i were like omg!!!! and the LAST name they called was me!!!! i was so excited and my mom was shaking and it was sooooo cool! one more cool thing: i got to miss school that day! i g2g now so bi!!!! andd happy easter! :)

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welcome to my chat, hoops! that's cool that you like left behind too...i finally read the whole series (i think) #40 is the last, or at least it seems like it. i read part of the first adult one, but it was at a bookstor and i didnt buy it and i didnt finish it...


btw if anyone noticed i havent posted in a while, its because i gave up hampsterdance for lent, but because easter was yesterday im back!


what to talk about........ok i went bowling 2day with JTC (junior teen club) which is the 7th and 8th grade of my church (forgive me if i mentioned it already but i dont think i did) and i was in second place out of the 4 people i was playing w/on the first game, then i tied for second on the second game. the 3 other people i was playing with were gina, denisa, and sara, although converse all star is probably the only person here who might know who they are, unless someone else i know is on the boards and we just dont know....


other news: (completely off topic but who cares)

i was in the the Reader's Digest Word Power challenge at the state level and i tied for 4th in the state of NY!!! oh yeah!!!!!!!! and the 1st place winner of each state gets to go down to disney for the nationals! too bad it wasnt me, but i was in the top 10! it works like this: 100 people go to the state level, and you go to seperate rooms of about 20 people each and answer 25 questions and the top 10 of those get to go on stage for the final round thing. i went last year but didnt get in the top 10, but this year....h/o illl get to it...ok they were calling up the top 10 and i knew i had gotten 2 wrong in the preliminary 25qs. and the person behind me got called up, so we asked their friend how many they got wrong and they said three, so my mom and i were like omg!!!! and the LAST name they called was me!!!! i was so excited and my mom was shaking and it was sooooo cool! one more cool thing: i got to miss school that day! i g2g now so bi!!!! andd happy easter! :)

1. I noticed you were gone and missed you. Hope your Easter was a happy one.

2. What does w/on and h/o mean?

3. Congratulations on being in 4th place. That is fantastic! You did great.

4. Hope you get to go to Disney anyway. :D

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1.thanks it was, i went down to my grandparents who are like an hour and 1/2 away and we went out to dinner at this italian place called bella vita, and on the way to my grandparents house i watched finding neverland on our portable dvd player

2.w/on was with on ("the 4 people i was playing with on the first game")

h/o was hold on

3.thank you!

4. ive been to disney b4, so it wasnt thatmuch of a dissapointment, but it still is always cool to go there! :)


ok now im at converse all star's house for a SLEEPOVER!!! oh yeah i love sleepovers!


ok now rach (conserve all star) wants me to post on her chat so i g2g!

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4. ive been to disney b4, so it wasnt thatmuch of a dissapointment, but it still is always cool to go there! :)


ok now im at converse all star's house for a SLEEPOVER!!! oh yeah i love sleepovers!

4. Whoa....... you should have been REALLY, REALLY, REALLY disappointed. You could have come to my cage and seen my wheel. :lol:


You are having a sleepover and SleepoverFanantic52 is not there???? She will be disappointed.

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ok the sleepover's over, she missed it. now i'm at the library with my friend kate (rach she was the friend at the culinary tour) yes i went on a tour of the culinary institute of america 2day!! trivia Q: who knows where that is??? prize is a bone award by dog lover (i just invented it 2 seconds ago) i think there's only one in the US but im not sure so i might get some varied answers but if its the culinary institute of AMERCIA then it sounds like theres only one!

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ok the sleepover's over, she missed it. now i'm at the library with my friend kate (rach she was the friend at the culinary tour) yes i went on a tour of the culinary institute of america 2day!! trivia Q: who knows where that is??? prize is a bone award by dog lover (i just invented it 2 seconds ago) i think there's only one in the US but im not sure so i might get some varied answers but if its the culinary institute of AMERCIA then it sounds like theres only one!

Actually, there is one school, near you, with a branch quite a distance from you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
is it ok? cause i really want to give out my bone award!!!


BTW this chat has 5 pages already!! cool cool cool !!!!!!

I will save you the trouble of handing it out. You can just place it directly in my Trophy Cabinet.

*advises the T.C. security to allow Dog_lover through if she comes with a Bone Award*


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well??? horatio, u have another award waiting for u at my broadway chat...let someone else have a turn!! LOL...u can have this one, im just kidding

*grabs award before Dog_lover changes her mind*

Thannnnnnnnnnkkkkkkkkkk youuuuuuuu...... is heard as Horatio top-speed scurries towards Trophy Cabinet.

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  • 4 weeks later...

so.....anyone had the courage to read my whole siggy yet? i think its 3790 characters....but most of its

















so....animorphs are cool! (random thought cause its the animorphs chat)


...listenin to the radio now...the john tesh show "music and intelligence for your life." i think its on a lot of stations...anyone listen to it? i like it a lot....makes me "the smartest person in the room" not that theres anyone in the room w/me right now but oh well....the john tesh show has all these intelligence things, but its not like school...random things like how to improve your house, self, love life, and stuff like that...and its ok for kids (like me) (exept im 13 so im not really a kid...o well) its cool!! sooooooooooo........bored..........must........post.....on..hampsterdance!!! hey...im goin to (near) chicago for memorial day weekend! my mom and I are visiting my aunt (my dads sister) my dads not goin because he has to work...girls weekend! (shes not married) (my aunt) but she has a lot of pets and i call them my cousins cause i dont have any real ones...she has 3 dogs, one cat, one rabbit, and about 10 birds (small ones...cockatiel, parakeets, finches, etc.) its gonna be so much fun!!!!!!! yeaaaaaa!!!!!! and the day b4 we go i have a school dance ( :wub: ) and the day we get back i get to miss school!! hahahahaha to everyone else!!! (just kidding...i actually sorta like school...but i dont mind missin a day!)


this post is getting rrrrrrrreeeeeeeaaaaalllllllllllyyyyyy long so ill go...bye fellow hampsterdancers! see ya soon (not literally but who cares!!! ) BYE!!!

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so.....anyone had the courage to read my whole siggy yet? i think its 3790 characters....but most of its

















so....animorphs are cool! (random thought cause its the animorphs chat)


...listenin to the radio now...the john tesh show "music and intelligence for your life." i think its on a lot of stations...anyone listen to it? i like it a lot....makes me "the smartest person in the room" not that theres anyone in the room w/me right now but oh well....the john tesh show has all these intelligence things, but its not like school...random things like how to improve your house, self, love life, and stuff like that...and its ok for kids (like me) (exept im 13 so im not really a kid...o well) its cool!! sooooooooooo........bored..........must........post.....on..hampsterdance!!! hey...im goin to (near) chicago for memorial day weekend! my mom and I are visiting my aunt (my dads sister) my dads not goin because he has to work...girls weekend! (shes not married) (my aunt) but she has a lot of pets and i call them my cousins cause i dont have any real ones...she has 3 dogs, one cat, one rabbit, and about 10 birds (small ones...cockatiel, parakeets, finches, etc.) its gonna be so much fun!!!!!!! yeaaaaaa!!!!!! and the day b4 we go i have a school dance ( :wub: ) and the day we get back i get to miss school!! hahahahaha to everyone else!!! (just kidding...i actually sorta like school...but i dont mind missin a day!)


this post is getting rrrrrrrreeeeeeeaaaaalllllllllllyyyyyy long so ill go...bye fellow hampsterdancers! see ya soon (not literally but who cares!!! )  BYE!!!

I read everyone's sig! I like your lists... especially the books. :D And no, I do not want to win the Flea Award. :lol:

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so.....anyone had the courage to read my whole siggy yet? i think its 3790 characters....but most of its

















so....animorphs are cool! (random thought cause its the animorphs chat)


...listenin to the radio now...the john tesh show "music and intelligence for your life." i think its on a lot of stations...anyone listen to it? i like it a lot....makes me "the smartest person in the room" not that theres anyone in the room w/me right now but oh well....the john tesh show has all these intelligence things, but its not like school...random things like how to improve your house, self, love life, and stuff like that...and its ok for kids (like me) (exept im 13 so im not really a kid...o well) its cool!! sooooooooooo........bored..........must........post.....on..hampsterdance!!! hey...im goin to (near) chicago for memorial day weekend! my mom and I are visiting my aunt (my dads sister) my dads not goin because he has to work...girls weekend! (shes not married) (my aunt) but she has a lot of pets and i call them my cousins cause i dont have any real ones...she has 3 dogs, one cat, one rabbit, and about 10 birds (small ones...cockatiel, parakeets, finches, etc.) its gonna be so much fun!!!!!!! yeaaaaaa!!!!!! and the day b4 we go i have a school dance ( :wub: ) and the day we get back i get to miss school!! hahahahaha to everyone else!!! (just kidding...i actually sorta like school...but i dont mind missin a day!)


this post is getting rrrrrrrreeeeeeeaaaaalllllllllllyyyyyy long so ill go...bye fellow hampsterdancers! see ya soon (not literally but who cares!!! )   BYE!!!

I read everyone's sig! I like your lists... especially the books. :D And no, I do not want to win the Flea Award. :lol:

I like reading people's siggies... I can notice the smallest change. Well mostly. :):D

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so.....anyone had the courage to read my whole siggy yet? i think its 3790 characters....but most of its

















so....animorphs are cool! (random thought cause its the animorphs chat)


...listenin to the radio now...the john tesh show "music and intelligence for your life." i think its on a lot of stations...anyone listen to it? i like it a lot....makes me "the smartest person in the room" not that theres anyone in the room w/me right now but oh well....the john tesh show has all these intelligence things, but its not like school...random things like how to improve your house, self, love life, and stuff like that...and its ok for kids (like me) (exept im 13 so im not really a kid...o well) its cool!! sooooooooooo........bored..........must........post.....on..hampsterdance!!! hey...im goin to (near) chicago for memorial day weekend! my mom and I are visiting my aunt (my dads sister) my dads not goin because he has to work...girls weekend! (shes not married) (my aunt) but she has a lot of pets and i call them my cousins cause i dont have any real ones...she has 3 dogs, one cat, one rabbit, and about 10 birds (small ones...cockatiel, parakeets, finches, etc.) its gonna be so much fun!!!!!!! yeaaaaaa!!!!!! and the day b4 we go i have a school dance ( :wub: ) and the day we get back i get to miss school!! hahahahaha to everyone else!!! (just kidding...i actually sorta like school...but i dont mind missin a day!)


this post is getting rrrrrrrreeeeeeeaaaaalllllllllllyyyyyy long so ill go...bye fellow hampsterdancers! see ya soon (not literally but who cares!!! )  BYE!!!

I read everyone's sig! I like your lists... especially the books. :D And no, I do not want to win the Flea Award. :lol:

I like reading people's siggies... I can notice the smallest change. Well mostly. :):D

I will put you in charge of monitoring sigs for me. :lol::lol::lol:

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so.....anyone had the courage to read my whole siggy yet? i think its 3790 characters....but most of its

















so....animorphs are cool! (random thought cause its the animorphs chat)


...listenin to the radio now...the john tesh show "music and intelligence for your life." i think its on a lot of stations...anyone listen to it? i like it a lot....makes me "the smartest person in the room" not that theres anyone in the room w/me right now but oh well....the john tesh show has all these intelligence things, but its not like school...random things like how to improve your house, self, love life, and stuff like that...and its ok for kids (like me) (exept im 13 so im not really a kid...o well) its cool!! sooooooooooo........bored..........must........post.....on..hampsterdance!!! hey...im goin to (near) chicago for memorial day weekend! my mom and I are visiting my aunt (my dads sister) my dads not goin because he has to work...girls weekend! (shes not married) (my aunt) but she has a lot of pets and i call them my cousins cause i dont have any real ones...she has 3 dogs, one cat, one rabbit, and about 10 birds (small ones...cockatiel, parakeets, finches, etc.) its gonna be so much fun!!!!!!! yeaaaaaa!!!!!! and the day b4 we go i have a school dance ( :wub: ) and the day we get back i get to miss school!! hahahahaha to everyone else!!! (just kidding...i actually sorta like school...but i dont mind missin a day!)


this post is getting rrrrrrrreeeeeeeaaaaalllllllllllyyyyyy long so ill go...bye fellow hampsterdancers! see ya soon (not literally but who cares!!! )   BYE!!!

I read everyone's sig! I like your lists... especially the books. :D And no, I do not want to win the Flea Award. :lol:

I like reading people's siggies... I can notice the smallest change. Well mostly. :):D

I will put you in charge of monitoring sigs for me. :lol::lol::lol:

T'would work for me. :):D

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so.....anyone had the courage to read my whole siggy yet? i think its 3790 characters....but most of its

















so....animorphs are cool! (random thought cause its the animorphs chat)


...listenin to the radio now...the john tesh show "music and intelligence for your life." i think its on a lot of stations...anyone listen to it? i like it a lot....makes me "the smartest person in the room" not that theres anyone in the room w/me right now but oh well....the john tesh show has all these intelligence things, but its not like school...random things like how to improve your house, self, love life, and stuff like that...and its ok for kids (like me) (exept im 13 so im not really a kid...o well) its cool!! sooooooooooo........bored..........must........post.....on..hampsterdance!!! hey...im goin to (near) chicago for memorial day weekend! my mom and I are visiting my aunt (my dads sister) my dads not goin because he has to work...girls weekend! (shes not married) (my aunt) but she has a lot of pets and i call them my cousins cause i dont have any real ones...she has 3 dogs, one cat, one rabbit, and about 10 birds (small ones...cockatiel, parakeets, finches, etc.) its gonna be so much fun!!!!!!! yeaaaaaa!!!!!! and the day b4 we go i have a school dance ( :wub: ) and the day we get back i get to miss school!! hahahahaha to everyone else!!! (just kidding...i actually sorta like school...but i dont mind missin a day!)


this post is getting rrrrrrrreeeeeeeaaaaalllllllllllyyyyyy long so ill go...bye fellow hampsterdancers! see ya soon (not literally but who cares!!! )   BYE!!!

I read everyone's sig! I like your lists... especially the books. :D And no, I do not want to win the Flea Award. :lol:

I like reading people's siggies... I can notice the smallest change. Well mostly. :):D


well, maybe ill test u and maybe i wont! u'll have 2 check!

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  • 4 weeks later...

ahhhh! no ones posted here in a while! ill ahve to post and make this popular again...i am in school rite now! yes, skool!!! theres this thing that if u keep up a 90+ average in a certain subject thruout the whole year, u dont have to take the final in that subject...so i dont have to take any !!! (thank u thank u very much! lol) well, the peeps in grades 6-8 that dont have 2 take 2day's final are in the computer room rite now and we can do anything we want (within reason i guess) so...guess what! i went to hampsterdance! (No way! lol) so much fun!!! i like this finals thingy!!!! hahahahahahaha! g2g now...bi

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ahhhh! no ones posted here in a while! ill ahve to post and make this popular again...i am in school rite now! yes, skool!!! theres this thing that if u keep up a 90+ average in a certain subject thruout the whole year, u dont have to take the final in that subject...so i dont have to take any !!! (thank u thank u very much! lol) well, the peeps in grades 6-8 that dont have 2 take 2day's final are in the computer room rite now and we can do anything we want (within reason i guess) so...guess what! i went to hampsterdance! (No way! lol) so much fun!!! i like this finals thingy!!!! hahahahahahaha! g2g now...bi

*hands Dog lover The Black Bat Award*

Congratulations on the excellent grades and not having to take finals. What class is it that you have been so successful? When does school end?

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ahhhh! no ones posted here in a while! ill ahve to post and make this popular again...i am in school rite now! yes, skool!!! theres this thing that if u keep up a 90+ average in a certain subject thruout the whole year, u dont have to take the final in that subject...so i dont have to take any !!! (thank u thank u very much! lol) well, the peeps in grades 6-8 that dont have 2 take 2day's final are in the computer room rite now and we can do anything we want (within reason i guess) so...guess what! i went to hampsterdance! (No way! lol) so much fun!!! i like this finals thingy!!!! hahahahahahaha! g2g now...bi

*hands Dog lover The Black Bat Award*

Congratulations on the excellent grades and not having to take finals. What class is it that you have been so successful? When does school end?


in answer to your questions, all of them, and june 24th

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all right....the official number i can get up to in my siggy without it giving me an error message saying its too long is....9957! (and no, 9958 does NOT work for me!) why? it says the limit is 10000?

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  • 1 month later...
hey i havent been here in sooooo long (summer vacation) just poppin in to say hi and make this chat active again! ttyl...d_L

Welcome back. We have missed you. You better stay here! :lol::lol::lol:

dont worry, i will...i went on vacation to Bar Harbor, ME for the 4th of Julyand we didnt have a computer there, so that was like 10 days i couldnt come on...then theatre camp at the local country club, and while that was day camp, i didnt have too much time in the afternoon...add my first time camping and going up to my aunt and uncles 2nd house, and ive had a pretty busy summer...now where did it go? but ill try to post more now.....

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I Like them, but havent read very many =D

very many what?


*points to title* I'm betting that's what she's talking about. :)

oooooooohhhhhhh...... :mellow:



Why exactly am I laughing, I wonder...


heeheehee... :)

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I Like them, but havent read very many =D

very many what?


*points to title* I'm betting that's what she's talking about. :)

oooooooohhhhhhh...... :mellow:



Why exactly am I laughing, I wonder...


heeheehee... :)

hahaha... :D

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I Like them, but havent read very many =D

very many what?


*points to title* I'm betting that's what she's talking about. :)

oooooooohhhhhhh...... :mellow:



Why exactly am I laughing, I wonder...


heeheehee... :)

hahaha... :D

hohoho... :P

i gotta get off the compy. G'night.

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I Like them, but havent read very many =D

very many what?


*points to title* I'm betting that's what she's talking about. :)

oooooooohhhhhhh...... :mellow:



Why exactly am I laughing, I wonder...


heeheehee... :)

hahaha... :D

hohoho... :P

i gotta get off the compy. G'night.

Sleep tight! Have fun in math tomorrow! :lol:

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My post was very noticable, wasn't it? :lol:

*goes back to look for a post* Oh. Oops. :lol:

It's actually kind of funny when someone already says something and someone repeats it by accident. I amuse myself when I do that as well. :lol: ]

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  • 2 weeks later...
I Like them, but havent read very many =D

very many what?

I think she's talking about Animorphs.

this is the post that posters forgot...***ominous music***

Dun dun DUUUUN!

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I Like them, but havent read very many =D

very many what?

I think she's talking about Animorphs.

this is the post that posters forgot...***ominous music***

Dun dun DUUUUN!


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I Like them, but havent read very many =D

very many what?

I think she's talking about Animorphs.

this is the post that posters forgot...***ominous music***

Dun dun DUUUUN!





i made ur aaahhhh shorter so it will fit...

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I Like them, but havent read very many =D

very many what?

I think she's talking about Animorphs.

this is the post that posters forgot...***ominous music***

Dun dun DUUUUN!





i made ur aaahhhh shorter so it will fit...

so that you can say what?

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I Like them, but havent read very many =D

very many what?

I think she's talking about Animorphs.

this is the post that posters forgot...***ominous music***

Dun dun DUUUUN!





i made ur aaahhhh shorter so it will fit...

so that you can say what?

So that I can say this: HALLOWEEN'S COMING!!! YAY!

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So that I can say this: HALLOWEEN'S COMING!!! YAY!

what r u going to be? i still dont know yet....and btw, im pretty sure i have been a dog b4, so dont all u lame people suggest i should be a dog...


randomly, im listening to the radio and "sister golden hair" by America is on..i saw a concert by them, but i didnt really watch it much....i mostly talked to converse all star, and two of my other friends...all of our families were there...it was an outdoor concert, and the price was $30/carload....pretty good, for a concert...it was on Sept. 1, so school was about to start in a few days... :mellow: well, i dont hate school like some people, but i do enjoy vacation...now the song's over...im listening to the "john tesh radio show: music and intelligence for ur life" ... anyone listen to it? i think its on multiplee stations across the country..., ill go post somehere else now...but im still open for suggestions for a costume! ive already been a home depot person, (because my dad works there), a cookie, statue of liberty, m&m (i think...), a penguin, a clown when i was like 3 or 4, a bride around the same age...well, obviosly not both the same year...tigger when i was like 6....and i cant remember any more....bye!!!

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So that I can say this: HALLOWEEN'S COMING!!! YAY!

what r u going to be? i still dont know yet....and btw, im pretty sure i have been a dog b4, so dont all u lame people suggest i should be a dog...


randomly, im listening to the radio and "sister golden hair" by America is on..i saw a concert by them, but i didnt really watch it much....i mostly talked to converse all star, and two of my other friends...all of our families were there...it was an outdoor concert, and the price was $30/carload....pretty good, for a concert...it was on Sept. 1, so school was about to start in a few days... :mellow: well, i dont hate school like some people, but i do enjoy vacation...now the song's over...im listening to the "john tesh radio show: music and intelligence for ur life" ... anyone listen to it? i think its on multiplee stations across the country..., ill go post somehere else now...but im still open for suggestions for a costume! ive already been a home depot person, (because my dad works there), a cookie, statue of liberty, m&m (i think...), a penguin, a clown when i was like 3 or 4, a bride around the same age...well, obviosly not both the same year...tigger when i was like 6....and i cant remember any more....bye!!!

I have no ideas as what you should be, but I can offer what NOT to be. Hamsters celebrate Halloween as well and once we had this blonde girl hammie. She decided to be a Christmas tree, lights and all. We all thought this was not a good idea, but she wouldn't listen. So, we stop over another hammie's cage and she decides to plug in her lights. Well, it is a very good thing we have fur, when the lights started to get hot (which was very fast) she started ripping her costume off!


Sooooooooooooo, I would not suggest you go as a Christmas tree.


As for John Tesh... great show!!!!!!!

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So that I can say this: HALLOWEEN'S COMING!!! YAY!

what r u going to be? i still dont know yet....and btw, im pretty sure i have been a dog b4, so dont all u lame people suggest i should be a dog...


randomly, im listening to the radio and "sister golden hair" by America is on..i saw a concert by them, but i didnt really watch it much....i mostly talked to converse all star, and two of my other friends...all of our families were there...it was an outdoor concert, and the price was $30/carload....pretty good, for a concert...it was on Sept. 1, so school was about to start in a few days... :mellow: well, i dont hate school like some people, but i do enjoy vacation...now the song's over...im listening to the "john tesh radio show: music and intelligence for ur life" ... anyone listen to it? i think its on multiplee stations across the country..., ill go post somehere else now...but im still open for suggestions for a costume! ive already been a home depot person, (because my dad works there), a cookie, statue of liberty, m&m (i think...), a penguin, a clown when i was like 3 or 4, a bride around the same age...well, obviosly not both the same year...tigger when i was like 6....and i cant remember any more....bye!!!

Go as Zelda.

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So that I can say this: HALLOWEEN'S COMING!!! YAY!

what r u going to be? i still dont know yet....and btw, im pretty sure i have been a dog b4, so dont all u lame people suggest i should be a dog...


randomly, im listening to the radio and "sister golden hair" by America is on..i saw a concert by them, but i didnt really watch it much....i mostly talked to converse all star, and two of my other friends...all of our families were there...it was an outdoor concert, and the price was $30/carload....pretty good, for a concert...it was on Sept. 1, so school was about to start in a few days... :mellow: well, i dont hate school like some people, but i do enjoy vacation...now the song's over...im listening to the "john tesh radio show: music and intelligence for ur life" ... anyone listen to it? i think its on multiplee stations across the country..., ill go post somehere else now...but im still open for suggestions for a costume! ive already been a home depot person, (because my dad works there), a cookie, statue of liberty, m&m (i think...), a penguin, a clown when i was like 3 or 4, a bride around the same age...well, obviosly not both the same year...tigger when i was like 6....and i cant remember any more....bye!!!

Go as Zelda.

results so far:

not xmas tree


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So that I can say this: HALLOWEEN'S COMING!!! YAY!

what r u going to be? i still dont know yet....and btw, im pretty sure i have been a dog b4, so dont all u lame people suggest i should be a dog...


randomly, im listening to the radio and "sister golden hair" by America is on..i saw a concert by them, but i didnt really watch it much....i mostly talked to converse all star, and two of my other friends...all of our families were there...it was an outdoor concert, and the price was $30/carload....pretty good, for a concert...it was on Sept. 1, so school was about to start in a few days... :mellow: well, i dont hate school like some people, but i do enjoy vacation...now the song's over...im listening to the "john tesh radio show: music and intelligence for ur life" ... anyone listen to it? i think its on multiplee stations across the country..., ill go post somehere else now...but im still open for suggestions for a costume! ive already been a home depot person, (because my dad works there), a cookie, statue of liberty, m&m (i think...), a penguin, a clown when i was like 3 or 4, a bride around the same age...well, obviosly not both the same year...tigger when i was like 6....and i cant remember any more....bye!!!

Go as Zelda.

results so far:

not xmas tree


You could be... A CARDBOARD BOX! That's cool, huh? :):D


I'm being either Homestar or John Linnell. So hard to choose.

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So that I can say this: HALLOWEEN'S COMING!!! YAY!

what r u going to be? i still dont know yet....and btw, im pretty sure i have been a dog b4, so dont all u lame people suggest i should be a dog...


randomly, im listening to the radio and "sister golden hair" by America is on..i saw a concert by them, but i didnt really watch it much....i mostly talked to converse all star, and two of my other friends...all of our families were there...it was an outdoor concert, and the price was $30/carload....pretty good, for a concert...it was on Sept. 1, so school was about to start in a few days... :mellow: well, i dont hate school like some people, but i do enjoy vacation...now the song's over...im listening to the "john tesh radio show: music and intelligence for ur life" ... anyone listen to it? i think its on multiplee stations across the country..., ill go post somehere else now...but im still open for suggestions for a costume! ive already been a home depot person, (because my dad works there), a cookie, statue of liberty, m&m (i think...), a penguin, a clown when i was like 3 or 4, a bride around the same age...well, obviosly not both the same year...tigger when i was like 6....and i cant remember any more....bye!!!

Go as Zelda.

results so far:

not xmas tree


You could be... A CARDBOARD BOX! That's cool, huh? :):D


I'm being either Homestar or John Linnell. So hard to choose.


updated results:

not xmas tree


cardboard box

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So that I can say this: HALLOWEEN'S COMING!!! YAY!

what r u going to be? i still dont know yet....and btw, im pretty sure i have been a dog b4, so dont all u lame people suggest i should be a dog...


randomly, im listening to the radio and "sister golden hair" by America is on..i saw a concert by them, but i didnt really watch it much....i mostly talked to converse all star, and two of my other friends...all of our families were there...it was an outdoor concert, and the price was $30/carload....pretty good, for a concert...it was on Sept. 1, so school was about to start in a few days... :mellow: well, i dont hate school like some people, but i do enjoy vacation...now the song's over...im listening to the "john tesh radio show: music and intelligence for ur life" ... anyone listen to it? i think its on multiplee stations across the country..., ill go post somehere else now...but im still open for suggestions for a costume! ive already been a home depot person, (because my dad works there), a cookie, statue of liberty, m&m (i think...), a penguin, a clown when i was like 3 or 4, a bride around the same age...well, obviosly not both the same year...tigger when i was like 6....and i cant remember any more....bye!!!

Go as Zelda.

results so far:

not xmas tree


You could be... A CARDBOARD BOX! That's cool, huh? :):D


I'm being either Homestar or John Linnell. So hard to choose.


updated results:

not xmas tree


cardboard box

Quite an extensive list. :blink:

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So that I can say this: HALLOWEEN'S COMING!!! YAY!

what r u going to be? i still dont know yet....and btw, im pretty sure i have been a dog b4, so dont all u lame people suggest i should be a dog...


randomly, im listening to the radio and "sister golden hair" by America is on..i saw a concert by them, but i didnt really watch it much....i mostly talked to converse all star, and two of my other friends...all of our families were there...it was an outdoor concert, and the price was $30/carload....pretty good, for a concert...it was on Sept. 1, so school was about to start in a few days... :mellow: well, i dont hate school like some people, but i do enjoy vacation...now the song's over...im listening to the "john tesh radio show: music and intelligence for ur life" ... anyone listen to it? i think its on multiplee stations across the country..., ill go post somehere else now...but im still open for suggestions for a costume! ive already been a home depot person, (because my dad works there), a cookie, statue of liberty, m&m (i think...), a penguin, a clown when i was like 3 or 4, a bride around the same age...well, obviosly not both the same year...tigger when i was like 6....and i cant remember any more....bye!!!

Go as Zelda.

results so far:

not xmas tree


You could be... A CARDBOARD BOX! That's cool, huh? :):D


I'm being either Homestar or John Linnell. So hard to choose.


updated results:

not xmas tree


cardboard box

Quite an extensive list. :blink:

my friend's little sister, who is 6, who we babysat today, is going to be "a bat that's purple, well actually just a purple outline" and "I'm probably going to be the only girl in my class with a scary costume!" just more random halloween stuff...my friend gina's going to be sally from "the nightmare b4 christmas"

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So that I can say this: HALLOWEEN'S COMING!!! YAY!

what r u going to be? i still dont know yet....and btw, im pretty sure i have been a dog b4, so dont all u lame people suggest i should be a dog...


randomly, im listening to the radio and "sister golden hair" by America is on..i saw a concert by them, but i didnt really watch it much....i mostly talked to converse all star, and two of my other friends...all of our families were there...it was an outdoor concert, and the price was $30/carload....pretty good, for a concert...it was on Sept. 1, so school was about to start in a few days... :mellow: well, i dont hate school like some people, but i do enjoy vacation...now the song's over...im listening to the "john tesh radio show: music and intelligence for ur life" ... anyone listen to it? i think its on multiplee stations across the country..., ill go post somehere else now...but im still open for suggestions for a costume! ive already been a home depot person, (because my dad works there), a cookie, statue of liberty, m&m (i think...), a penguin, a clown when i was like 3 or 4, a bride around the same age...well, obviosly not both the same year...tigger when i was like 6....and i cant remember any more....bye!!!

Go as Zelda.

results so far:

not xmas tree


You could be... A CARDBOARD BOX! That's cool, huh? :):D


I'm being either Homestar or John Linnell. So hard to choose.


updated results:

not xmas tree


cardboard box

Quite an extensive list. :blink:

my friend's little sister, who is 6, who we babysat today, is going to be "a bat that's purple, well actually just a purple outline" and "I'm probably going to be the only girl in my class with a scary costume!" just more random halloween stuff...my friend gina's going to be sally from "the nightmare b4 christmas"

That would be cool. :D Sally. Woot.

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So that I can say this: HALLOWEEN'S COMING!!! YAY!

what r u going to be? i still dont know yet....and btw, im pretty sure i have been a dog b4, so dont all u lame people suggest i should be a dog...


randomly, im listening to the radio and "sister golden hair" by America is on..i saw a concert by them, but i didnt really watch it much....i mostly talked to converse all star, and two of my other friends...all of our families were there...it was an outdoor concert, and the price was $30/carload....pretty good, for a concert...it was on Sept. 1, so school was about to start in a few days... :mellow: well, i dont hate school like some people, but i do enjoy vacation...now the song's over...im listening to the "john tesh radio show: music and intelligence for ur life" ... anyone listen to it? i think its on multiplee stations across the country..., ill go post somehere else now...but im still open for suggestions for a costume! ive already been a home depot person, (because my dad works there), a cookie, statue of liberty, m&m (i think...), a penguin, a clown when i was like 3 or 4, a bride around the same age...well, obviosly not both the same year...tigger when i was like 6....and i cant remember any more....bye!!!

Go as Zelda.

results so far:

not xmas tree


You could be... A CARDBOARD BOX! That's cool, huh? :):D


I'm being either Homestar or John Linnell. So hard to choose.


updated results:

not xmas tree


cardboard box

Quite an extensive list. :blink:

my friend's little sister, who is 6, who we babysat today, is going to be "a bat that's purple, well actually just a purple outline" and "I'm probably going to be the only girl in my class with a scary costume!" just more random halloween stuff...my friend gina's going to be sally from "the nightmare b4 christmas"

That would be cool. :D Sally. Woot.

i think i had a dream hat she changed it...weird

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So that I can say this: HALLOWEEN'S COMING!!! YAY!

what r u going to be? i still dont know yet....and btw, im pretty sure i have been a dog b4, so dont all u lame people suggest i should be a dog...


randomly, im listening to the radio and "sister golden hair" by America is on..i saw a concert by them, but i didnt really watch it much....i mostly talked to converse all star, and two of my other friends...all of our families were there...it was an outdoor concert, and the price was $30/carload....pretty good, for a concert...it was on Sept. 1, so school was about to start in a few days... :mellow: well, i dont hate school like some people, but i do enjoy vacation...now the song's over...im listening to the "john tesh radio show: music and intelligence for ur life" ... anyone listen to it? i think its on multiplee stations across the country..., ill go post somehere else now...but im still open for suggestions for a costume! ive already been a home depot person, (because my dad works there), a cookie, statue of liberty, m&m (i think...), a penguin, a clown when i was like 3 or 4, a bride around the same age...well, obviosly not both the same year...tigger when i was like 6....and i cant remember any more....bye!!!

Go as Zelda.

results so far:

not xmas tree


You could be... A CARDBOARD BOX! That's cool, huh? :):D


I'm being either Homestar or John Linnell. So hard to choose.


updated results:

not xmas tree


cardboard box

Quite an extensive list. :blink:

my friend's little sister, who is 6, who we babysat today, is going to be "a bat that's purple, well actually just a purple outline" and "I'm probably going to be the only girl in my class with a scary costume!" just more random halloween stuff...my friend gina's going to be sally from "the nightmare b4 christmas"

That would be cool. :D Sally. Woot.

i think i had a dream hat she changed it...weird

Very. o.O

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updated results:

not xmas tree


cardboard box

Quite an extensive list. :blink:

my friend's little sister, who is 6, who we babysat today, is going to be "a bat that's purple, well actually just a purple outline" and "I'm probably going to be the only girl in my class with a scary costume!" just more random halloween stuff...my friend gina's going to be sally from "the nightmare b4 christmas"

That would be cool. :D Sally. Woot.

i think i had a dream hat she changed it...weird

Very. o.O

yeah...the teachers at my school are going to be crayons at hte school halloween party...they were playing cards last year, and m&ms the year b4, i think...one ofmy frineds is being an angel andthe other is being a devil...and i STILL don't know what im going to be! BTW cheesemaster, at the moment, we are both on, but by the time this gets posted, we probably wont...HOW DOES EVERYONE LIKE MY NEW SIGGY? :):):)

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updated results:

not xmas tree


cardboard box

Quite an extensive list. :blink:

my friend's little sister, who is 6, who we babysat today, is going to be "a bat that's purple, well actually just a purple outline" and "I'm probably going to be the only girl in my class with a scary costume!" just more random halloween stuff...my friend gina's going to be sally from "the nightmare b4 christmas"

That would be cool. :D Sally. Woot.

i think i had a dream hat she changed it...weird

Very. o.O

yeah...the teachers at my school are going to be crayons at hte school halloween party...they were playing cards last year, and m&ms the year b4, i think...one ofmy frineds is being an angel andthe other is being a devil...and i STILL don't know what im going to be! BTW cheesemaster, at the moment, we are both on, but by the time this gets posted, we probably wont...HOW DOES EVERYONE LIKE MY NEW SIGGY? :):):)

It's awesome! :D

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updated results:

not xmas tree


cardboard box

Quite an extensive list. :blink:

my friend's little sister, who is 6, who we babysat today, is going to be "a bat that's purple, well actually just a purple outline" and "I'm probably going to be the only girl in my class with a scary costume!" just more random halloween stuff...my friend gina's going to be sally from "the nightmare b4 christmas"

That would be cool. :D Sally. Woot.

i think i had a dream hat she changed it...weird

Very. o.O

yeah...the teachers at my school are going to be crayons at hte school halloween party...they were playing cards last year, and m&ms the year b4, i think...one ofmy frineds is being an angel andthe other is being a devil...and i STILL don't know what im going to be! BTW cheesemaster, at the moment, we are both on, but by the time this gets posted, we probably wont...HOW DOES EVERYONE LIKE MY NEW SIGGY? :):):)

I loove it! Mine would be very long if i didn't make it small font. But short and sweet is swoot!

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updated results:

not xmas tree


cardboard box

Quite an extensive list. :blink:

my friend's little sister, who is 6, who we babysat today, is going to be "a bat that's purple, well actually just a purple outline" and "I'm probably going to be the only girl in my class with a scary costume!" just more random halloween stuff...my friend gina's going to be sally from "the nightmare b4 christmas"

That would be cool. :D Sally. Woot.

i think i had a dream hat she changed it...weird

Very. o.O

yeah...the teachers at my school are going to be crayons at hte school halloween party...they were playing cards last year, and m&ms the year b4, i think...one ofmy frineds is being an angel andthe other is being a devil...and i STILL don't know what im going to be! BTW cheesemaster, at the moment, we are both on, but by the time this gets posted, we probably wont...HOW DOES EVERYONE LIKE MY NEW SIGGY? :):):)

as of today (tuesday) im considering like a school spirit (ghost) using some altered version of my uniform...but i have 2 decide fast, becasue my school halloween party is on friday!!!!!and at the 7th/8th grade halloween dance las friday, i did not get to dance with the guy i like, who knows i like him, who spent about a half hour of the dance sitting down with his arms around two of the other girls in my class who i had not thought he like liked. im emotionally scarred for life. :angry:

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in regard to my last post, who can find in jokes riddles and funny stories where i say

"hey rach if u read this ull know whose name that reminds me of"

in regard to the guy i like


bone award if u do cause im bored and obsessed with the guy for 5+ years....yes, i know im WEIRD!!!!!

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in regard to my last post, who can find in jokes riddles and funny stories where i say

"hey rach if u read this ull know whose name that reminds me of"

in regard to the guy i like


bone award if u do cause im bored and obsessed with the guy for 5+ years....yes, i know im WEIRD!!!!!

Forget that guy... you are far too good for him!

*runs off to try and win the bone award*

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*refrains from mean comment about over-obsessing*


I got really close to posting a ramble about dances and expecting guys to make a move when you're the one who likes him. And it was much longer than that, I assure you.

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*refrains from mean comment about over-obsessing*


I got really close to posting a ramble about dances and expecting guys to make a move when you're the one who likes him. And it was much longer than that, I assure you.

*figures we just missed some of the good Dr. Wolfie's counseling* :lol:

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*refrains from mean comment about over-obsessing*


I got really close to posting a ramble about dances and expecting guys to make a move when you're the one who likes him. And it was much longer than that, I assure you.

*figures we just missed some of the good Dr. Wolfie's counseling* :lol:

More like scolding. :lol:

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*refrains from mean comment about over-obsessing*


I got really close to posting a ramble about dances and expecting guys to make a move when you're the one who likes him. And it was much longer than that, I assure you.

*figures we just missed some of the good Dr. Wolfie's counseling* :lol:

More like scolding. :lol:

You never scold, you guide and counsel! :lol:

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*refrains from mean comment about over-obsessing*


I got really close to posting a ramble about dances and expecting guys to make a move when you're the one who likes him. And it was much longer than that, I assure you.

*figures we just missed some of the good Dr. Wolfie's counseling* :lol:

More like scolding. :lol:

You never scold, you guide and counsel! :lol:

When I "guide and counsel" the person I'm "guiding and counseling" normally takes it the wrong way. :lol:

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*refrains from mean comment about over-obsessing*


I got really close to posting a ramble about dances and expecting guys to make a move when you're the one who likes him. And it was much longer than that, I assure you.

*figures we just missed some of the good Dr. Wolfie's counseling* :lol:

More like scolding. :lol:

You never scold, you guide and counsel! :lol:

When I "guide and counsel" the person I'm "guiding and counseling" normally takes it the wrong way. :lol:

believe me, ive had a lot of people tell me to get over it...so im immune to it now! lol

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*refrains from mean comment about over-obsessing*


I got really close to posting a ramble about dances and expecting guys to make a move when you're the one who likes him. And it was much longer than that, I assure you.

*figures we just missed some of the good Dr. Wolfie's counseling* :lol:

More like scolding. :lol:

You never scold, you guide and counsel! :lol:

When I "guide and counsel" the person I'm "guiding and counseling" normally takes it the wrong way. :lol:

believe me, ive had a lot of people tell me to get over it...so im immune to it now! lol

Yeah, that's pretty much what I was going to say along with much more detail.

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