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Toto's quick tips for typing!


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- Don't use ANY of the following:


'u' instead of 'You'

'2' instead of 'To', 'Two', or 'Too'

'r' instead of 'Are'

'1' instead of 'One' or 'Won'

'kewl' or 'kool' instead of 'Cool'



- Make sure you know the difference between:


Where, Were, Wear, and Ware

They're, There, and Their

Two, To and Too

Through, Threw and Thru

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- Don't use ANY of the following:


'u' instead of 'You'

'2' instead of 'To', 'Two', or 'Too'

'r' instead of 'Are'

'1' instead of 'One' or 'Won'

'kewl' or 'kool' instead of 'Cool'

- Make sure you know the difference between:


Where, Were, Wear, and Ware

They're, There, and Their

Two, To and Too

Through, Threw and Thru



erm...ok. i'll remember that.....

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- Don't use ANY of the following:


'u' instead of 'You'

'2' instead of 'To', 'Two', or 'Too'

'r' instead of 'Are'

'1' instead of 'One' or 'Won'

'kewl' or 'kool' instead of 'Cool'

- Make sure you know the difference between:


Where, Were, Wear, and Ware

They're, There, and Their

Two, To and Too

Through, Threw and Thru


Yes, thanks for clarifying that. However, posting spelling rules on the internet is like talking to a brick wall...

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- Don't use ANY of the following:


'u' instead of 'You'

'2' instead of 'To', 'Two', or 'Too'

'r' instead of 'Are'

'1' instead of 'One' or 'Won'

'kewl' or 'kool' instead of 'Cool'

- Make sure you know the difference between:


Where, Were, Wear, and Ware

They're, There, and Their

Two, To and Too

Through, Threw and Thru

but you CAN use cuul instead of cool. :):D:):D:):D:):D:):D

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- Don't use ANY of the following:


'u' instead of 'You'

'2' instead of 'To', 'Two', or 'Too'

'r' instead of 'Are'

'1' instead of 'One' or 'Won'

'kewl' or 'kool' instead of 'Cool'

- Make sure you know the difference between:


Where, Were, Wear, and Ware

They're, There, and Their

Two, To and Too

Through, Threw and Thru

but cuul is okay? cuul! i am thru, and u r 2 1 kewl person who weres there kool stuffs!

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- Don't use ANY of the following:


'u' instead of 'You'

'2' instead of 'To', 'Two', or 'Too'

'r' instead of 'Are'

'1' instead of 'One' or 'Won'

'kewl' or 'kool' instead of 'Cool'

- Make sure you know the difference between:


Where, Were, Wear, and Ware

They're, There, and Their

Two, To and Too

Through, Threw and Thru

What's Thru mean?

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- Don't use ANY of the following:


'u' instead of 'You'

'2' instead of 'To', 'Two', or 'Too'

'r' instead of 'Are'

'1' instead of 'One' or 'Won'

'kewl' or 'kool' instead of 'Cool'

- Make sure you know the difference between:


Where, Were, Wear, and Ware

They're, There, and Their

Two, To and Too

Through, Threw and Thru

U R nitpicky!!!!!!!! NI!!!!!!


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U R nitpicky!!!!!!!! NI!!!!!!


Using 'terminology' (if thats what you want to call it) like that makes you sound immature, impatient and, well, Stupid. (No offense intended of course.) Toto, Kat and I really do NOT like puttin up with that. Seriously, It makes people sound uneducated and immature.

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-nods head in agreement with Arkcher-


I don't have a problem with everything people do, just e-lingo. -shudders-


and you are....disquieting and adolescent!




basiclly all i am saying is whilst i don't like chat speak (especially cuul) *shudders* all i am doing is telling you what nitpicky means and a good example is you. :lol: joke!

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yes cool is a cool word cuul is not. and If cool is such a cool word,PLEASE LEARN TO SPELL IT THE RIGHT WAY.

o_o................................. Seriously. Its just spelled with two U's. How is this such a big issue? Why do we give a care about each others slang term preferences? -whacks deh topBanana- Slow down, Take a breath, Your taking this FAR too seriously.

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- Don't use ANY of the following:


'u' instead of 'You'

'2' instead of 'To', 'Two', or 'Too'

'r' instead of 'Are'

'1' instead of 'One' or 'Won'

'kewl' or 'kool' instead of 'Cool'

- Make sure you know the difference between:


Where, Were, Wear, and Ware

They're, There, and Their

Two, To and Too

Through, Threw and Thru

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  • 4 weeks later...

i understand why some people would want no 'R's and 2's and stuff...but to me its so much quicker....then again maybe im just too lazy to type to much :unsure:

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  • 1 year later...


- Don't use ANY of the following:


'u' instead of 'You'

'2' instead of 'To', 'Two', or 'Too'

'r' instead of 'Are'

'1' instead of 'One' or 'Won'

'kewl' or 'kool' instead of 'Cool'



- Make sure you know the difference between:


Where, Were, Wear, and Ware

They're, There, and Their

Two, To and Too

Through, Threw and Thru

I remember this topic! :D

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- Don't use ANY of the following:


'u' instead of 'You'

'2' instead of 'To', 'Two', or 'Too'

'r' instead of 'Are'

'1' instead of 'One' or 'Won'

'kewl' or 'kool' instead of 'Cool'



- Make sure you know the difference between:


Where, Were, Wear, and Ware

They're, There, and Their

Two, To and Too

Through, Threw and Thru

I remember this topic! :D

I dont. XD

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- Don't use ANY of the following:


'u' instead of 'You'

'2' instead of 'To', 'Two', or 'Too'

'r' instead of 'Are'

'1' instead of 'One' or 'Won'

'kewl' or 'kool' instead of 'Cool'



- Make sure you know the difference between:


Where, Were, Wear, and Ware

They're, There, and Their

Two, To and Too

Through, Threw and Thru


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- Don't use ANY of the following:


'u' instead of 'You'

'2' instead of 'To', 'Two', or 'Too'

'r' instead of 'Are'

'1' instead of 'One' or 'Won'

'kewl' or 'kool' instead of 'Cool'



- Make sure you know the difference between:


Where, Were, Wear, and Ware

They're, There, and Their

Two, To and Too

Through, Threw and Thru


Absolutely. Just another spelling. :D

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...dude, it was like, a year and a half old. Although it DOES contain some good info. *nods*

:lol: You expect me to be current? :lol:


Sorry that I'm always poking fun at him, but compared to HK you ARE current. :lol:

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...dude, it was like, a year and a half old. Although it DOES contain some good info. *nods*

:lol: You expect me to be current? :lol:


Sorry that I'm always poking fun at him, but compared to HK you ARE current. :lol:

For a 99 year old guy, HampsterKing is doing pretty well, don't you think? LOL

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...dude, it was like, a year and a half old. Although it DOES contain some good info. *nods*

:lol: You expect me to be current? :lol:


Sorry that I'm always poking fun at him, but compared to HK you ARE current. :lol:

For a 99 year old guy, HampsterKing is doing pretty well, don't you think? LOL

I don't know, i don't see much activity...

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