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Alright. I'm writting a story, and I need more people then the two characters I have. I'll post one's bio so that you can see how I need it filled out.

Anywhoo, it story has to do with an alternate demention, a planet called Matria, and two civilizations at war. Here is is bio template:


NAME: Lark Austen

AGE: 14

RACE(Earth): Human

EARTH PD: Rather willowy, long, black hair to her waist, golden eyes

EARTH COUNTRY: Parents are American, but she was born in Japan, then moved back to America, so she is very familiar with both English and Japanese.

RACE(Matria): Cat hybrid

MATRIA PD: Half human, half tiger, coloring of a Bengal. same hair and eyes

MATRIA POWERS: Shoots energy balls/controls fire


Plese try not to have over three powers, and please nothing like, "Can take over evil people's minds and kill them instantly." Oh, and try to make shure that when you are on Matria, you can speak. You can be a bear if you want, just be a tlaking one. Thankya. ^^

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Alright. I'm writting a story, and I need more people then the two characters I have. I'll post one's bio so that you can see how I need it filled out.

Anywhoo, it story has to do with an alternate demention, a planet called Matria, and two civilizations at war. Here is is bio template:


NAME: Lark Austen

AGE: 14

RACE(Earth): Human

EARTH PD: Rather willowy, long, black hair to her waist, golden eyes

EARTH COUNTRY: Parents are American, but she was born in Japan, then moved back to America, so she is very familiar with both English and Japanese.

RACE(Matria): Cat hybrid

MATRIA PD: Half human, half tiger, coloring of a Bengal. same hair and eyes

MATRIA POWERS: Shoots energy balls/controls fire


Plese try not to have over three powers, and please nothing like, "Can take over evil people's minds and kill them instantly." Oh, and try to make shure that when you are on Matria, you can speak. You can be a bear if you want, just be a tlaking one. Thankya. ^^

I want to be in your story, but I would like to leave all the details up to you. :)

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I want to be in your story, but I would like to leave all the details up to you.  :)



Oh, and everybody else signing up: Please include a small description of their personality.

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This sounds frikkin awsome. I has some questions.


This sounds like you got the idea from MetroidPrime two, Correct?

Upon switching from earth to Matria, Does there really need to be a trans-species or something... change? Like, Can they be the same form in both dimensions or is a transformation required...?

What happens if a native Matrian goes to earth?

Is fighting really necessary, if so, why? (Just an option. If you tell me it might ruin deh storyline for me or other people.)

Is there a... guideline, limit, boundary, whatever you wanna call it, As to what species the character can be? (Like, Normal stuff such as a friggin bird, or insane stuff like a friggin were-panther dragon hybrid with shapeshifts into a gryphon at will will the insticts and mind of a seagull or something? that can out-jig anyone in town?)

Speaking of which, Is shapeshifting allowed, Or is that too extreme for your standards?


I'd love to send in a character and all, Just need more direction and description for applying. o_o Eh?

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hoops the talking pink cat

funny and crazy

can jump up and down fast and has super annoyance powers


yoyo the talking green bunny

quiet and loyal to hoops

has mad dance powers


Deleted by Horatio for more inspiration


Name: Skye Auria

Race:(matria) flying dragon-human hybrid(thanks Arkcher! ^_^ )

Matria Country: you decide

powers:fire breath/lightning breath/ice breath

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:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Name:  Skye Auria

Race:(matria) flying dragon-human hybrid(thanks Arkcher! ^_^ )

Matria Country:  you decide

powers:fire breath/lightning breath/ice breath

Hey. I have an RP character almost identical to that. :lol:


Another thing, Kat... Is this futuristic and stuff? o_o

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This sounds frikkin awsome. I has some questions.


This sounds like you got the idea from MetroidPrime two, Correct? I've never played any Metroid games.

Upon switching from earth to Matria, Does there really need to be a trans-species or something... change? Like, Can they be the same form in both dimensions or is a transformation required...? Naw, it isn't required.

What happens if a native Matrian goes to earth? They would probably turn into a normal human.

Is fighting really necessary, if so, why? (Just an option. If you tell me it might ruin deh storyline for me or other people.) I suppose not. The character might not be mentioned as much, though.

Is there a... guideline, limit, boundary, whatever you wanna call it, As to what species the character can be? (Like, Normal stuff such as a friggin bird, or insane stuff like a friggin were-panther dragon hybrid with shapeshifts into a gryphon at will will the insticts and mind of a seagull or something? that can out-jig anyone in town?) Like I said, nothing too extreme, but you can be pretty creative if you want. And that person would be physically impossible, 'cause nobody can out-jig me.

Speaking of which, Is shapeshifting allowed, Or is that too extreme for your standards? Of course not! Lark started out as a shapeshifter and that is what my other character is!


I'd love to send in a character and all, Just need more direction and description for applying. o_o Eh?

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:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Name:  Skye Auria

Race:(matria) flying dragon-human hybrid(thanks Arkcher! ^_^ )

Matria Country:  you decide

powers:fire breath/lightning breath/ice breath

I'm sorry I should have said this earlier, but it would be a lot easier for me to write if everyone started out on Earth. You won't be there for long. I'm sorry. ^^;

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hoops the talking pink cat

funny and crazy

can jump up and down fast and has super annoyance powers


yoyo the talking green bunny

quiet and loyal to hoops

has mad dance powers


Deleted by Horatio for more inspiration

Like I said, please make an Earth character. But other than that, your characters and Cheesey's should work.

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NAME: Kheli Eikon

AGE: 15

RACE(Earth): Human

EARTH PD: Back-length, straight, black/blue hair. Purple/indigo eyes.

EARTH COUNTRY: Parents are Italian, moved to American when she was 6.

RACE(Matria): Ferret hybrid

MATRIA PD: Blue and black coat, purple eyes.

MATRIA POWERS: Ability to read other's minds, can take form into any other being.

PERSONALITY: Understanding, yet depressed and sad at times. Feels terrible emotional pains, but is understood in Matria.

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Kat, Metroid games are like... The best frikkin ever. Buy them all. o_o

And this does sound a lot like the MP2 storyline. Which is frikkin awsome. So im gonna participate here. n.n


Whoa its midnight already. -howls- Huzzah.


Anyway. Character-ing.


NAME: Uh....... Um.......... Vvvvvvvlnarg Kloorgson. (I'll make a name tomorrow. >.>; You could use that one if you want. You could make up a name yourself for him/)

AGE: 15

RACE(Earth): Human

EARTH PD: (Assuming PD means physical/personal description?) Whatever his name is, He most often wears black, leather, and shineys. (One of those hippy-freaks you see at HotTopic stores. o_o) He usually has knives or blades either concealed or visible with him, Which he is rather skilled with fighting with. (Knife fighting is fun. n.n)

EARTH COUNTRY: Canadian, All da way. n_n (w00t for canadians, eh?)

RACE(Matria): Feral (literally) Wolf (Wolves are spiffier than you think.)

MATRIA PD: Vvvvvvvvvlnarg has a mixture of dark browns or black fur, Which can make for some camaflauging concealment. He's rather agile, Rather strong, And likes to bite things. n_n

MATRIA POWERS: Concealment/Camoflauge, Summoning energy in the form of a blade (Like... Being all glowy-cool and stuff and makes sharp energy blasts that shoot out or something, with the effect of a sword/knife), Speed (Just below super-speed. Not really... really fast. Just faser than most wolves would be. This, Mostly being an option, as i think Vvvvvvvvvlnarg has really credible Matria power. o_O)


And in case you dont have 'nuff characters, Heres another one!


NAME: Natasha ... Something (Make up yer own last name. >.>)

AGE: 17

RACE(Earth): Asian Human (Is that racism? I hope not. o_o)

EARTH PD: Asian person. Rather long black (Shiney!) hair, Which she likes very much so, yes. n_n ... Thats about it. Has skill with using a Katana. (Those are fun.)

EARTH COUNTRY: Japan or somewhere asian. o_o I dunno. (Not China. >.> No relation to chinese-ness.)

RACE(Matria): Small Dragon (Being about 4"6 tall. >.>)

MATRIA PD: Not a chinese dragon. Those are full of dumb. o_o Small red dragon, Somewhat aggressive, Umm... Torches stuff.

MATRIA POWERS: Firebreathing, Whacking stuff rather hard for her size, And...... Jigging. >.> or something.


And there you go. Spiffy stuff.


By the way, MP2's storyline has two 'dimensions' of a planet, But from what I understand, There isnt much transformation or a war going on. But there is a bunch of dumb and ebbil bad-guys in Dark Aether. >.> And the environment is toxic or something. And keels Samus dead, much yes. Anyway.


Yeah. hurry up and write.

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Kat, Metroid games are like... The best frikkin ever. Buy them all. o_o

And this does sound a lot like the MP2 storyline. Which is frikkin awsome. So im gonna participate here. n.n


Whoa its midnight already. -howls- Huzzah.


Anyway. Character-ing.


NAME: Uh....... Um.......... Vvvvvvvlnarg Kloorgson. (I'll make a name tomorrow. >.>; You could use that one if you want. You could make up a name yourself for him/)

AGE: 15

RACE(Earth): Human

EARTH PD: (Assuming PD means physical/personal description?) Whatever his name is, He most often wears black, leather, and shineys. (One of those hippy-freaks you see at HotTopic stores. o_o) He usually has knives or blades either concealed or visible with him, Which he is rather skilled with fighting with. (Knife fighting is fun. n.n)

EARTH COUNTRY: Canadian, All da way. n_n (w00t for canadians, eh?)

RACE(Matria): Feral (literally) Wolf (Wolves are spiffier than you think.)

MATRIA PD: Vvvvvvvvvlnarg has a mixture of dark browns or black fur, Which can make for some camaflauging concealment. He's rather agile, Rather strong, And likes to bite things. n_n

MATRIA POWERS: Concealment/Camoflauge, Summoning energy in the form of a blade (Like... Being all glowy-cool and stuff and makes sharp energy blasts that shoot out or something, with the effect of a sword/knife), Speed (Just below super-speed. Not really... really fast. Just faser than most wolves would be. This, Mostly being an option, as i think Vvvvvvvvvlnarg has really credible Matria power. o_O)


And in case you dont have 'nuff characters, Heres another one!


NAME: Natasha ... Something (Make up yer own last name. >.>)

AGE: 17

RACE(Earth): Asian Human (Is that racism? I hope not. o_o)

EARTH PD: Asian person. Rather long black (Shiney!) hair, Which she likes very much so, yes. n_n ... Thats about it. Has skill with using a Katana. (Those are fun.)

EARTH COUNTRY: Japan or somewhere asian. o_o I dunno. (Not China. >.> No relation to chinese-ness.)

RACE(Matria): Small Dragon (Being about 4"6 tall. >.>)

MATRIA PD: Not a chinese dragon. Those are full of dumb. o_o Small red dragon, Somewhat aggressive, Umm... Torches stuff.

MATRIA POWERS: Firebreathing, Whacking stuff rather hard for her size, And...... Jigging. >.> or something.


And there you go. Spiffy stuff.


By the way, MP2's storyline has two 'dimensions' of a planet, But from what I understand, There isnt much transformation or a war going on. But there is a bunch of dumb and ebbil bad-guys in Dark Aether. >.> And the environment is toxic or something. And keels Samus dead, much yes. Anyway.


Yeah. hurry up and write.

Keep yer pants on. I wanna make sure everybody who has a character gets to post them. *finished the first chapter. Finally* It's sorta uber short, but I'll try to make the next ones longer.

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Guest Skwerlhugger Will

name: Nutter

type: Talking squirrel

powers: throws acorns at peoples brains and flys and can eat vegeies

county: shishcombobulated

looks: a red squirrel

age: uhhh...lives for ever

personality: mischivious and at other times stupid but can be a great help if he puts his mind on things. Very distracted by acorns and pretty female squirrels. Has a bottomless stomach for acorns. Because he is so small he is good for missions that require stealh and agility.

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name: Nutter

type: Talking squirrel

powers: throws acorns at peoples brains and flys and can eat vegeies

county: shishcombobulated

looks: a red squirrel

age: uhhh...lives for ever

personality: mischivious and at other times stupid but can be a great help if he puts his mind on things. Very distracted by acorns and pretty female squirrels. Has a bottomless stomach for acorns. Because he is so small he is good for missions that require stealh and agility.

Earth form, please! ^^

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It needs to be Wednesdaaaaaaaaay. I wanna wriiiiiiiiite and I can't go any further than where I am now because I need all the characteeeeeeeeers for it. e_e *passes out*

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Hey. I have an RP character almost identical to that. :lol:


Another thing, Kat... Is this futuristic and stuff? o_o

*just saw this*

Well...kindda...part of it...it's sort of hard to explain. x.x You'll just have to wait.

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Kat, Metroid games are like... The best frikkin ever. Buy them all. o_o

And this does sound a lot like the MP2 storyline. Which is frikkin awsome. So im gonna participate here. n.n


Whoa its midnight already. -howls- Huzzah.


Anyway. Character-ing.


NAME: Uh....... Um.......... Vvvvvvvlnarg Kloorgson. (I'll make a name tomorrow. >.>; You could use that one if you want. You could make up a name yourself for him/)

AGE: 15

RACE(Earth): Human

EARTH PD: (Assuming PD means physical/personal description?) Whatever his name is, He most often wears black, leather, and shineys. (One of those hippy-freaks you see at HotTopic stores. o_o) He usually has knives or blades either concealed or visible with him, Which he is rather skilled with fighting with. (Knife fighting is fun. n.n)

EARTH COUNTRY: Canadian, All da way. n_n (w00t for canadians, eh?)

RACE(Matria): Feral (literally) Wolf (Wolves are spiffier than you think.)

MATRIA PD: Vvvvvvvvvlnarg has a mixture of dark browns or black fur, Which can make for some camaflauging concealment. He's rather agile, Rather strong, And likes to bite things. n_n

MATRIA POWERS: Concealment/Camoflauge, Summoning energy in the form of a blade (Like... Being all glowy-cool and stuff and makes sharp energy blasts that shoot out or something, with the effect of a sword/knife), Speed (Just below super-speed. Not really... really fast. Just faser than most wolves would be. This, Mostly being an option, as i think Vvvvvvvvvlnarg has really credible Matria power. o_O)


And in case you dont have 'nuff characters, Heres another one!


NAME: Natasha ... Something (Make up yer own last name. >.>)

AGE: 17

RACE(Earth): Asian Human (Is that racism? I hope not. o_o)

EARTH PD: Asian person. Rather long black (Shiney!) hair, Which she likes very much so, yes. n_n ... Thats about it. Has skill with using a Katana. (Those are fun.)

EARTH COUNTRY: Japan or somewhere asian. o_o I dunno. (Not China. >.> No relation to chinese-ness.)

RACE(Matria): Small Dragon (Being about 4"6 tall. >.>)

MATRIA PD: Not a chinese dragon. Those are full of dumb. o_o Small red dragon, Somewhat aggressive, Umm... Torches stuff.

MATRIA POWERS: Firebreathing, Whacking stuff rather hard for her size, And...... Jigging. >.> or something.


And there you go. Spiffy stuff.


By the way, MP2's storyline has two 'dimensions' of a planet, But from what I understand, There isnt much transformation or a war going on. But there is a bunch of dumb and ebbil bad-guys in Dark Aether. >.> And the environment is toxic or something. And keels Samus dead, much yes. Anyway.


Yeah. hurry up and write.

Oh yeah. And I guess his name could be that one that I'm too lazy to see how to spell that has a lot of "v"s, but he's have a nickname, like, "Vee", 'cause it's easier to remember.


Should Natasha have an Asian (Not racism. At least I don't think so.) last name?


And Canadia rocks. V>_<V

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Keep yer pants on. I wanna make sure everybody who has a character gets to post them. *finished the first chapter. Finally* It's sorta uber short, but I'll try to make the next ones longer.

Like i've said before, I've never had pants to take on/off. ........... Maybe i have, but... Mneh. Do the vvvvvvvvvvlllnarg person though. The other one is dumb and optional. >.>

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:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Name:  Skye Auria

Race:(matria) flying dragon-human hybrid(thanks Arkcher! ^_^ )

Matria Country:  you decide

powers:fire breath/lightning breath/ice breath

Oh yeah. What gender is Skye?

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:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Name:  Skye Auria

Race:(matria) flying dragon-human hybrid(thanks Arkcher! ^_^ )

Matria Country:  you decide

powers:fire breath/lightning breath/ice breath

Last time!

What is Skye's coloring on Matria?

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EARTH PD: (Assuming PD means physical/personal description?) Whatever his name is, He most often wears black, leather, and shineys. (One of those hippy-freaks you see at HotTopic stores. o_o) He usually has knives or blades either concealed or visible with him, Which he is rather skilled with fighting with. (Knife fighting is fun. n.n)


EARTH PD: Asian person. Rather long black (Shiney!) hair, Which she likes very much so, yes. n_n ... Thats about it. Has skill with using a Katana. (Those are fun.)

Could I have a hair/eye color on the dude and eyes on Natasha, please?


In case ya'll are wondering why I'm asking all this shtuff, it's because I'm finally makeing the Word file with all the characters for easy accsess.

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Kat, Metroid games are like... The best frikkin ever. Buy them all. o_o

And this does sound a lot like the MP2 storyline. Which is frikkin awsome. So im gonna participate here. n.n


Whoa its midnight already. -howls- Huzzah.


Anyway. Character-ing.


NAME: Uh....... Um.......... Vvvvvvvlnarg Kloorgson. (I'll make a name tomorrow. >.>; You could use that one if you want. You could make up a name yourself for him/)

AGE: 15

RACE(Earth): Human

EARTH PD: (Assuming PD means physical/personal description?) Whatever his name is, He most often wears black, leather, and shineys. (One of those hippy-freaks you see at HotTopic stores. o_o) He usually has knives or blades either concealed or visible with him, Which he is rather skilled with fighting with. (Knife fighting is fun. n.n)

EARTH COUNTRY: Canadian, All da way. n_n (w00t for canadians, eh?)

RACE(Matria): Feral (literally) Wolf (Wolves are spiffier than you think.)

MATRIA PD: Vvvvvvvvvlnarg has a mixture of dark browns or black fur, Which can make for some camaflauging concealment. He's rather agile, Rather strong, And likes to bite things. n_n

MATRIA POWERS: Concealment/Camoflauge, Summoning energy in the form of a blade (Like... Being all glowy-cool and stuff and makes sharp energy blasts that shoot out or something, with the effect of a sword/knife), Speed (Just below super-speed. Not really... really fast. Just faser than most wolves would be. This, Mostly being an option, as i think Vvvvvvvvvlnarg has really credible Matria power. o_O)


And in case you dont have 'nuff characters, Heres another one!


NAME: Natasha ... Something (Make up yer own last name. >.>)

AGE: 17

RACE(Earth): Asian Human (Is that racism? I hope not. o_o)

EARTH PD: Asian person. Rather long black (Shiney!) hair, Which she likes very much so, yes. n_n ... Thats about it. Has skill with using a Katana. (Those are fun.)

EARTH COUNTRY: Japan or somewhere asian. o_o I dunno. (Not China. >.> No relation to chinese-ness.)

RACE(Matria): Small Dragon (Being about 4"6 tall. >.>)

MATRIA PD: Not a chinese dragon. Those are full of dumb. o_o Small red dragon, Somewhat aggressive, Umm... Torches stuff.

MATRIA POWERS: Firebreathing, Whacking stuff rather hard for her size, And...... Jigging. >.> or something.


And there you go. Spiffy stuff.


By the way, MP2's storyline has two 'dimensions' of a planet, But from what I understand, There isnt much transformation or a war going on. But there is a bunch of dumb and ebbil bad-guys in Dark Aether. >.> And the environment is toxic or something. And keels Samus dead, much yes. Anyway.


Yeah. hurry up and write.

Oh yeah, and general personality so I don't write them as phycopathinc murderer peoples when you wanted them to be Quakers, or someting.

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Kat, Metroid games are like... The best frikkin ever. Buy them all. o_o

And this does sound a lot like the MP2 storyline. Which is frikkin awsome. So im gonna participate here. n.n


Whoa its midnight already. -howls- Huzzah.


Anyway. Character-ing.


NAME: Uh....... Um.......... Vvvvvvvlnarg Kloorgson. (I'll make a name tomorrow. >.>; You could use that one if you want. You could make up a name yourself for him/)

AGE: 15

RACE(Earth): Human

EARTH PD: (Assuming PD means physical/personal description?) Whatever his name is, He most often wears black, leather, and shineys. (One of those hippy-freaks you see at HotTopic stores. o_o) He usually has knives or blades either concealed or visible with him, Which he is rather skilled with fighting with. (Knife fighting is fun. n.n)

EARTH COUNTRY: Canadian, All da way. n_n (w00t for canadians, eh?)

RACE(Matria): Feral (literally) Wolf (Wolves are spiffier than you think.)

MATRIA PD: Vvvvvvvvvlnarg has a mixture of dark browns or black fur, Which can make for some camaflauging concealment. He's rather agile, Rather strong, And likes to bite things. n_n

MATRIA POWERS: Concealment/Camoflauge, Summoning energy in the form of a blade (Like... Being all glowy-cool and stuff and makes sharp energy blasts that shoot out or something, with the effect of a sword/knife), Speed (Just below super-speed. Not really... really fast. Just faser than most wolves would be. This, Mostly being an option, as i think Vvvvvvvvvlnarg has really credible Matria power. o_O)


And in case you dont have 'nuff characters, Heres another one!


NAME: Natasha ... Something (Make up yer own last name. >.>)

AGE: 17

RACE(Earth): Asian Human (Is that racism? I hope not. o_o)

EARTH PD: Asian person. Rather long black (Shiney!) hair, Which she likes very much so, yes. n_n ... Thats about it. Has skill with using a Katana. (Those are fun.)

EARTH COUNTRY: Japan or somewhere asian. o_o I dunno. (Not China. >.> No relation to chinese-ness.)

RACE(Matria): Small Dragon (Being about 4"6 tall. >.>)

MATRIA PD: Not a chinese dragon. Those are full of dumb. o_o Small red dragon, Somewhat aggressive, Umm... Torches stuff.

MATRIA POWERS: Firebreathing, Whacking stuff rather hard for her size, And...... Jigging. >.> or something.


And there you go. Spiffy stuff.


By the way, MP2's storyline has two 'dimensions' of a planet, But from what I understand, There isnt much transformation or a war going on. But there is a bunch of dumb and ebbil bad-guys in Dark Aether. >.> And the environment is toxic or something. And keels Samus dead, much yes. Anyway.


Yeah. hurry up and write.

Wait...if he's a wolf, how does he hold blades?

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*waits for Horatio to mod this so that Arkcher who is on right now can see all the things I need for his characters and fix them up all spiffy-like in Word*

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Kat posted many times.


Natasha has black shiney hair, woohoo. And uh... green... eyes? Something eyes. Go with green. it creeps people out.


The wolf doesnt hold blades. It uses energy stuff and focuses the energy into a physical shape. A blade. >.> The human does hold blades though. The wolf just uses its eyes or something.


Vvvvvvvvvvvlnarg is a rather sociable person, can be friendly most of the time, But if someone makes the wrong move, then he gets real ticked off and pulls out knives and freaks people out. He tends to try to not have friends, so he wont have to put up with betrayal. He will not try to make friends, he only plays along with people who try to befriend him. So most of the time hes sitting alone in a dark corner of the room or something, doesnt talk much or something. (A lot like me, in short. :lol: )


Natasha is rather aggressive in both planet things, and... doesnt go well with most people. -tries to think of a personality- ....... She like.... does.... stuff....... Um.......... Yyyyyyeah. o.o

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Kat posted many times.


Natasha has black shiney hair, woohoo. And uh... green... eyes? Something eyes. Go with green. it creeps people out.


The wolf doesnt hold blades. It uses energy stuff and focuses the energy into a physical shape. A blade. >.> The human does hold blades though. The wolf just uses its eyes or something.


Vvvvvvvvvvvlnarg is a rather sociable person, can be friendly most of the time, But if someone makes the wrong move, then he gets real ticked off and pulls out knives and freaks people out. He tends to try to not have friends, so he wont have to put up with betrayal. He will not try to make friends, he only plays along with people who try to befriend him. So most of the time hes sitting alone in a dark corner of the room or something, doesnt talk much or something. (A lot like me, in short. :lol: )


Natasha is rather aggressive in both planet things, and... doesnt go well with most people. -tries to think of a personality- ....... She like.... does.... stuff....... Um.......... Yyyyyyeah. o.o

Haha. Vee is a lot like me. x.x


*runs off to fix deh Wordage of them*

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Kat posted many times.


Natasha has black shiney hair, woohoo. And uh... green... eyes? Something eyes. Go with green. it creeps people out.


The wolf doesnt hold blades. It uses energy stuff and focuses the energy into a physical shape. A blade. >.> The human does hold blades though. The wolf just uses its eyes or something.


Vvvvvvvvvvvlnarg is a rather sociable person, can be friendly most of the time, But if someone makes the wrong move, then he gets real ticked off and pulls out knives and freaks people out. He tends to try to not have friends, so he wont have to put up with betrayal. He will not try to make friends, he only plays along with people who try to befriend him. So most of the time hes sitting alone in a dark corner of the room or something, doesnt talk much or something. (A lot like me, in short. :lol: )


Natasha is rather aggressive in both planet things, and... doesnt go well with most people. -tries to think of a personality- ....... She like.... does.... stuff....... Um.......... Yyyyyyeah. o.o

What does Vee looooooooook liiiiiiiiike?

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Like i've said before, I've never had pants to take on/off. ........... Maybe i have, but... Mneh. Do the vvvvvvvvvvlllnarg person though. The other one is dumb and optional. >.>

You better have pants on. >.>;;;


So, you dun want Natasha in?

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is it too late to suggest?


name: Yvan dayshadow


Male, blonde hair, brown eyes, fairly average.

country: USA


Physical:large* Jackalope, black and white banded fur.

powers: sense hostile intent, short range teleport.

Combat: prefers own paws/antlers as weapons.

personality: has a good sense of humor, known at times to hide the fact he can speak, and understand what people say.

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You better have pants on. >.>;;;


So, you dun want Natasha in?

I kinda do. >.> I got dress slacks things on. And one of those formal-ish jackets on. Fun time. Its a dry-clean-only, made-in-italy one i got for $15 at Goodwill. o_o Imma go church here purty soon.

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What does Vee looooooooook liiiiiiiiike?

One of those one creeps. Kinda off-blue eyes, has black hair too, and wears a lott'a leathers and black stuff. Like i said, One of those hippy-freaks you see at Hot Topic stores. o_o (One time, my dad got kicked out of HotTopic from laughing at all the idiots with their stupidness and such. buying clothes, he was all thinkin 'please dont tell me you plan on wearing that e_e' The idiots buying clothes there. He dont. cuz hes bald. xD)


Yeah. aaaaannnnnddddd stuff.

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is it too late to suggest?


name: Yvan dayshadow


  Male, blonde hair, brown eyes, fairly average.

  country: USA


Physical:large* Jackalope, black and white banded fur.

powers: sense hostile intent, short range teleport.

Combat: prefers own paws/antlers as weapons.

personality: has a good sense of humor, known at times to hide the fact he can speak, and understand what people say.

Age? ^^


Oh, and is Vee an average sized wolf, Arkcher, or smaller/larger than normal?

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One of those one creeps. Kinda off-blue eyes, has black hair too, and wears a lott'a leathers and black stuff. Like i said, One of those hippy-freaks you see at Hot Topic stores. o_o (One time, my dad got kicked out of HotTopic from laughing at all the idiots with their stupidness and such. buying clothes, he was all thinkin 'please dont tell me you plan on wearing that e_e' The idiots buying clothes there. He dont. cuz hes bald. xD)


Yeah. aaaaannnnnddddd stuff.


Sorry, Hot Topic is a poser store. Used to be all good and fun, but since the "punks" have taken over, I can no longer buy my Emily the Strange, or Invader Zim shirts. I do it all on the internet. Walk into the store, and you're surrounded by a group of black-wearing, cargo-swearing...okay, don't know any other words that rhyme with "wearing"....Anywho, it's a scary place. I think punks should die...and make the world a better place.


Thank you.

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Sorry, Hot Topic is a poser store. Used to be all good and fun, but since the "punks" have taken over, I can no longer buy my Emily the Strange, or Invader Zim shirts. I do it all on the internet. Walk into the store, and you're surrounded by a group of black-wearing, cargo-swearing...okay, don't know any other words that rhyme with "wearing"....Anywho, it's a scary place. I think punks should die...and make the world a better place.


Thank you.

Ok then, Vvvvvvvvvvvvvlnarg is an OLD HotTopic hippy-freak. >.>;

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One of those one creeps. Kinda off-blue eyes, has black hair too, and wears a lott'a leathers and black stuff. Like i said, One of those hippy-freaks you see at Hot Topic stores. o_o (One time, my dad got kicked out of HotTopic from laughing at all the idiots with their stupidness and such. buying clothes, he was all thinkin 'please dont tell me you plan on wearing that e_e' The idiots buying clothes there. He dont. cuz hes bald. xD)


Yeah. aaaaannnnnddddd stuff.

Haha. My friends and I stand outside Hot Topic and make up "goth" poetry to mock them. They give us looks that they think are demonic and should scare us and we're all, "Ack! The mean scary goth is mad!" And then we leave. It's quite hilarious. : D


But...yeah. Anywhoo, I'll fix Vee's character written thinger all purdy now. ^_____^


And do you reall want his name to be Vvvvvvvvvvvnargle Katang Katang Buiscuit Barrels or whatever you wrote down?

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skye is a 15 year old girl, with a tan.  she has piercing blue eyes. and brown hair.  and she wears hot topic clothes, and she tries to flirt with vee.

XD This will be interesting. Arkcher, is Vee creeped out or annoyed or flirts back or what? o.o

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All of the updates to characters have been added.


Oh, and I talked to Kris yesterday, and she made a character named Samantha (aka Sam).

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Think of a cooler name than A Vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvlnarg. >.>;; Buscuit Barrels was hilarious though.


His name shall be Nathan Graves! (Five bucks to whoever knows where i got that name. >.>)

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XD This will be interesting. Arkcher, is Vee creeped out or annoyed or flirts back or what? o.o

Vvvvvvvvvvlnarg/Nathan handles being flirted like I do. xD Maybe.


He wont really take it seriously, but plays along with whoever flirts with'im in more a teasing way. He makes it known he isnt serious about the relationship though. So unless he feels like it, he flirts back. >.>

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Vvvvvvvvvvlnarg/Nathan handles being flirted like I do. xD Maybe.


He wont really take it seriously, but plays along with whoever flirts with'im in more a teasing way. He makes it known he isnt serious about the relationship though. So unless he feels like it, he flirts back. >.>

Fun time!

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Think of a cooler name than A Vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvlnarg. >.>;; Buscuit Barrels was hilarious though.


His name shall be Nathan Graves! (Five bucks to whoever knows where i got that name. >.>)

Bah. I've heard it before. I should get two and a half dollars for that.


Yeah, and I couldn't think of a name for a character in an RP I was in on another board, so as a place holder I put Lim Jim Tim Kim Flim Bim Wim Yim Katang Katang Biscuit Barrels. >.>;;;

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Dumb bro didn't let me on da compy very long for the past near-week. YAY FOR WATCHERS! :lol:

I didn't get to write yesterday, so you can make a character if you want. But only 'cause you're spiffy and my friend.

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ooh wait!

name: joe oldy

age: 97

Height; 2x3.5+acoule feet!

earth looks: dead

matria form: dead

special powers: dead

............. I dont think that was of any help at all to kat, other that saying you wnted to be in. Define 'dead' in this case.

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............. I dont think that was of any help at all to kat, other that saying you wnted to be in. Define 'dead' in this case.

i was already in! (i at least posted a person) I was just being stupid. oh and dead, as in not living, rotten.

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i was already in!  (i at least posted a person)  I was just being stupid.  oh and dead, as in not living, rotten.

Of course you were. -pats- Of course you were.


And I wasnt?! Psh.


........... o.O; That still doesnt help. What would 'dead' be described as when Kat writes this story?

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Which isn't happening much lately. Mean Crono Trigger...being so good and distracting...

-copies teh Emulator and deh ROM files onto his USB flash drive, deletes it from Kat's compy and hides teh flash drive- Now you can get straight to writing. ^-^

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-copies teh Emulator and deh ROM files onto his USB flash drive, deletes it from Kat's compy and hides teh flash drive- Now you can get straight to writing. ^-^

CHRONO TRIGGEEEEEEEEEEER! ;-; *beats Arkcher with deh Claymore* GIVE IT BACK! ;o;

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I didn't get to write yesterday, so you can make a character if you want. But only 'cause you're spiffy and my friend.

Awesome spiffy keen! Like. My bro's fault again I took about a week.


NAME: Joan Taverna

AGE: 13

RACE(Earth): Human

EARTH PD: Shoulder-length jet-black hair. Green eyes. People tell her that her ears are like. Elfyish.

EARTH COUNTRY: Japan. But is only half Japanese. One of her parents is from Korea.

RACE(Matria): Wolf/Cheetah type thing.(how in the world did that happen?)

MATRIA PD: Has the build of a cheetah, but has the appearance of a wolf, and the fur is long enough to fool people into thinking that she is full wolf. And she's like. Arctic wolf coloring. Wait. That's not a color.

MATRIA POWERS: Speed/sharp claws.

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Awesome spiffy keen! Like. My bro's fault again I took about a week.


NAME: Joan Taverna

AGE: 13

RACE(Earth): Human

EARTH PD: Shoulder-length jet-black hair. Green eyes. People tell her that her ears are like. Elfyish. 

EARTH COUNTRY: Japan. But is only half Japanese. One of her parents is from Korea.

RACE(Matria): Wolf/Cheetah type thing.(how in the world did that happen?)

MATRIA PD: Has the build of a cheetah, but has the appearance of a wolf, and the fur is long enough to fool people into thinking that she is full wolf. And she's like. Arctic wolf coloring. Wait. That's not a color.

MATRIA POWERS: Speed/sharp claws.

Or so you think. They're really from Nebraska. o-o;

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Awesome spiffy keen! Like. My bro's fault again I took about a week.


NAME: Joan Taverna

AGE: 13

RACE(Earth): Human

EARTH PD: Shoulder-length jet-black hair. Green eyes. People tell her that her ears are like. Elfyish. 

EARTH COUNTRY: Japan. But is only half Japanese. One of her parents is from Korea.

RACE(Matria): Wolf/Cheetah type thing.(how in the world did that happen?)

MATRIA PD: Has the build of a cheetah, but has the appearance of a wolf, and the fur is long enough to fool people into thinking that she is full wolf. And she's like. Arctic wolf coloring. Wait. That's not a color.

MATRIA POWERS: Speed/sharp claws.

Whoo-ha! *scurries off to write*

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  • 2 weeks later...
I hath been poked!


You poked my in your sig, too. Was with all the poking?! *prods with the Claymore*

Yes you haveth.


I poked your what in muh sig? o___O

Poking stuff is fun.


But prodding is less spiffy than poking! ;o; Change it.

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My friends and me found a purdy dead kitty in the road. When we were going to come back, Meredith was going to poke it. When we went back...guess what?!


It was gone!! O______________O

One time one of muh kitties ran away, or got out of teh house or something. I found half of its corpse in a dried of river 2 days later. o_____o; It was wierd. I was gonna show muh sister, but when she came, It disappeared.


Maybe dead kitties just vanish into thin air or something? o__o;

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My friends and me found a purdy dead kitty in the road. When we were going to come back, Meredith was going to poke it. When we went back...guess what?!


It was gone!! O______________O

Aww. ;_;

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One time one of muh kitties ran away, or got out of teh house or something. I found half of its corpse in a dried of river 2 days later. o_____o; It was wierd. I was gonna show muh sister, but when she came, It disappeared.


Maybe dead kitties just vanish into thin air or something? o__o;

Or maybe they are ZOMGZOMBIES!!!11one

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=o Zomfg. My brain is devoured.


Make that one story happen more. o_o

Oh yeah. I sorta forgot about it. >_>;;;


GIVE A EASON FOR LIFE, TE DO KEI TIE EIIIIII! V>_<V *knows that she spelled tha Japanese words wrong, but doesn't care too much*

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=o Zomfg. My brain is devoured.


Make that one story happen more. o_o

Oh yeah. I sorta forgot about it. >_>;;;


GIVE A EASON FOR LIFE, TE DO KEI TIE EIIIIII! V>_<V *knows that she spelled tha Japanese words wrong, but doesn't care too much*

A Eason? o_o

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=o Zomfg. My brain is devoured.


Make that one story happen more. o_o

Oh yeah. I sorta forgot about it. >_>;;;


GIVE A EASON FOR LIFE, TE DO KEI TIE EIIIIII! V>_<V *knows that she spelled tha Japanese words wrong, but doesn't care too much*

A Eason? o_o

Reason. Whatevo.


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)









*grooves* (>^^)> <(^^)> <(^^<)


And now I'm done. >_>;;;

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=o Zomfg. My brain is devoured.


Make that one story happen more. o_o

Oh yeah. I sorta forgot about it. >_>;;;


GIVE A EASON FOR LIFE, TE DO KEI TIE EIIIIII! V>_<V *knows that she spelled tha Japanese words wrong, but doesn't care too much*

A Eason? o_o

Reason. Whatevo.


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)









*grooves* (>^^)> <(^^)> <(^^<)


And now I'm done. >_>;;;

What if we DO care about something? What if we kick a bird or something? =o

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=o Zomfg. My brain is devoured.


Make that one story happen more. o_o

Oh yeah. I sorta forgot about it. >_>;;;


GIVE A EASON FOR LIFE, TE DO KEI TIE EIIIIII! V>_<V *knows that she spelled tha Japanese words wrong, but doesn't care too much*

A Eason? o_o

Reason. Whatevo.


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)









*grooves* (>^^)> <(^^)> <(^^<)


And now I'm done. >_>;;;

What if we DO care about something? What if we kick a bird or something? =o

You're supposed to do it like you just don't care.

And it's the bird's own fault for bein' dumb enough to walk in front of a kicking person.


Oh, and if anybody is wondering, I still havn't written anything. >_>;;;

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=o Zomfg. My brain is devoured.


Make that one story happen more. o_o

Oh yeah. I sorta forgot about it. >_>;;;


GIVE A EASON FOR LIFE, TE DO KEI TIE EIIIIII! V>_<V *knows that she spelled tha Japanese words wrong, but doesn't care too much*

A Eason? o_o

Reason. Whatevo.


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)









*grooves* (>^^)> <(^^)> <(^^<)


And now I'm done. >_>;;;

What if we DO care about something? What if we kick a bird or something? =o

You're supposed to do it like you just don't care.

And it's the bird's own fault for bein' dumb enough to walk in front of a kicking person.


Oh, and if anybody is wondering, I still havn't written anything. >_>;;;

Yet you always get mad at me whenever I dont post some of mah story thing. Pff.


Post some or you dont get chapter 8. =o (This has nothing to do with I havent written chapter 8 yet. Just so you know. xD)



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=o Zomfg. My brain is devoured.


Make that one story happen more. o_o

Oh yeah. I sorta forgot about it. >_>;;;


GIVE A EASON FOR LIFE, TE DO KEI TIE EIIIIII! V>_<V *knows that she spelled tha Japanese words wrong, but doesn't care too much*

A Eason? o_o

Reason. Whatevo.


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)









*grooves* (>^^)> <(^^)> <(^^<)


And now I'm done. >_>;;;

What if we DO care about something? What if we kick a bird or something? =o

You're supposed to do it like you just don't care.

And it's the bird's own fault for bein' dumb enough to walk in front of a kicking person.


Oh, and if anybody is wondering, I still havn't written anything. >_>;;;

Yet you always get mad at me whenever I dont post some of mah story thing. Pff.


Post some or you dont get chapter 8. =o (This has nothing to do with I havent written chapter 8 yet. Just so you know. xD)



Well, that's because you aren't me. >_>;;;


But...but I need chapter eight! Especially after you finish it! ;_;!

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=o Zomfg. My brain is devoured.


Make that one story happen more. o_o

Oh yeah. I sorta forgot about it. >_>;;;


GIVE A EASON FOR LIFE, TE DO KEI TIE EIIIIII! V>_<V *knows that she spelled tha Japanese words wrong, but doesn't care too much*

A Eason? o_o

Reason. Whatevo.


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)









*grooves* (>^^)> <(^^)> <(^^<)


And now I'm done. >_>;;;

What if we DO care about something? What if we kick a bird or something? =o

You're supposed to do it like you just don't care.

And it's the bird's own fault for bein' dumb enough to walk in front of a kicking person.


Oh, and if anybody is wondering, I still havn't written anything. >_>;;;

Yet you always get mad at me whenever I dont post some of mah story thing. Pff.


Post some or you dont get chapter 8. =o (This has nothing to do with I havent written chapter 8 yet. Just so you know. xD)



Well, that's because you aren't me. >_>;;;


But...but I need chapter eight! Especially after you finish it! ;_;!

Yeah and I gave you some supa-spiffy characters for this story, and you dont do anything with them!

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=o Zomfg. My brain is devoured.


Make that one story happen more. o_o

Oh yeah. I sorta forgot about it. >_>;;;


GIVE A EASON FOR LIFE, TE DO KEI TIE EIIIIII! V>_<V *knows that she spelled tha Japanese words wrong, but doesn't care too much*

A Eason? o_o

Reason. Whatevo.


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)









*grooves* (>^^)> <(^^)> <(^^<)


And now I'm done. >_>;;;

What if we DO care about something? What if we kick a bird or something? =o

You're supposed to do it like you just don't care.

And it's the bird's own fault for bein' dumb enough to walk in front of a kicking person.


Oh, and if anybody is wondering, I still havn't written anything. >_>;;;

Yet you always get mad at me whenever I dont post some of mah story thing. Pff.


Post some or you dont get chapter 8. =o (This has nothing to do with I havent written chapter 8 yet. Just so you know. xD)



Well, that's because you aren't me. >_>;;;


But...but I need chapter eight! Especially after you finish it! ;_;!

Yeah and I gave you some supa-spiffy characters for this story, and you dont do anything with them!

Actually, I sorta-kinda mentioned to wolf dude a little...

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=o Zomfg. My brain is devoured.


Make that one story happen more. o_o

Oh yeah. I sorta forgot about it. >_>;;;


GIVE A EASON FOR LIFE, TE DO KEI TIE EIIIIII! V>_<V *knows that she spelled tha Japanese words wrong, but doesn't care too much*

A Eason? o_o

Reason. Whatevo.


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)









*grooves* (>^^)> <(^^)> <(^^<)


And now I'm done. >_>;;;

What if we DO care about something? What if we kick a bird or something? =o

You're supposed to do it like you just don't care.

And it's the bird's own fault for bein' dumb enough to walk in front of a kicking person.


Oh, and if anybody is wondering, I still havn't written anything. >_>;;;

Yet you always get mad at me whenever I dont post some of mah story thing. Pff.


Post some or you dont get chapter 8. =o (This has nothing to do with I havent written chapter 8 yet. Just so you know. xD)



Well, that's because you aren't me. >_>;;;


But...but I need chapter eight! Especially after you finish it! ;_;!

Yeah and I gave you some supa-spiffy characters for this story, and you dont do anything with them!

Actually, I sorta-kinda mentioned to wolf dude a little...

Or so you think.





















































.... Where? o_o

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=o Zomfg. My brain is devoured.


Make that one story happen more. o_o

Oh yeah. I sorta forgot about it. >_>;;;


GIVE A EASON FOR LIFE, TE DO KEI TIE EIIIIII! V>_<V *knows that she spelled tha Japanese words wrong, but doesn't care too much*

A Eason? o_o

Reason. Whatevo.


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)









*grooves* (>^^)> <(^^)> <(^^<)


And now I'm done. >_>;;;

What if we DO care about something? What if we kick a bird or something? =o

You're supposed to do it like you just don't care.

And it's the bird's own fault for bein' dumb enough to walk in front of a kicking person.


Oh, and if anybody is wondering, I still havn't written anything. >_>;;;

Yet you always get mad at me whenever I dont post some of mah story thing. Pff.


Post some or you dont get chapter 8. =o (This has nothing to do with I havent written chapter 8 yet. Just so you know. xD)



Well, that's because you aren't me. >_>;;;


But...but I need chapter eight! Especially after you finish it! ;_;!

Yeah and I gave you some supa-spiffy characters for this story, and you dont do anything with them!

Actually, I sorta-kinda mentioned to wolf dude a little...

Or so you think.





















































.... Where? o_o

What do you mean, "Where?"?

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=o Zomfg. My brain is devoured.


Make that one story happen more. o_o

Oh yeah. I sorta forgot about it. >_>;;;


GIVE A EASON FOR LIFE, TE DO KEI TIE EIIIIII! V>_<V *knows that she spelled tha Japanese words wrong, but doesn't care too much*

A Eason? o_o

Reason. Whatevo.


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)









*grooves* (>^^)> <(^^)> <(^^<)


And now I'm done. >_>;;;

What if we DO care about something? What if we kick a bird or something? =o

You're supposed to do it like you just don't care.

And it's the bird's own fault for bein' dumb enough to walk in front of a kicking person.


Oh, and if anybody is wondering, I still havn't written anything. >_>;;;

Yet you always get mad at me whenever I dont post some of mah story thing. Pff.


Post some or you dont get chapter 8. =o (This has nothing to do with I havent written chapter 8 yet. Just so you know. xD)



Well, that's because you aren't me. >_>;;;


But...but I need chapter eight! Especially after you finish it! ;_;!

Yeah and I gave you some supa-spiffy characters for this story, and you dont do anything with them!

Actually, I sorta-kinda mentioned to wolf dude a little...

Or so you think.





















































.... Where? o_o

What do you mean, "Where?"?

Where did you sorta-kinda mentioned to wolf dude a little... ...?

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=o Zomfg. My brain is devoured.


Make that one story happen more. o_o

Oh yeah. I sorta forgot about it. >_>;;;


GIVE A EASON FOR LIFE, TE DO KEI TIE EIIIIII! V>_<V *knows that she spelled tha Japanese words wrong, but doesn't care too much*

A Eason? o_o

Reason. Whatevo.


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)









*grooves* (>^^)> <(^^)> <(^^<)


And now I'm done. >_>;;;

What if we DO care about something? What if we kick a bird or something? =o

You're supposed to do it like you just don't care.

And it's the bird's own fault for bein' dumb enough to walk in front of a kicking person.


Oh, and if anybody is wondering, I still havn't written anything. >_>;;;

Yet you always get mad at me whenever I dont post some of mah story thing. Pff.


Post some or you dont get chapter 8. =o (This has nothing to do with I havent written chapter 8 yet. Just so you know. xD)



Well, that's because you aren't me. >_>;;;


But...but I need chapter eight! Especially after you finish it! ;_;!

Yeah and I gave you some supa-spiffy characters for this story, and you dont do anything with them!

Actually, I sorta-kinda mentioned to wolf dude a little...

Or so you think.





















































.... Where? o_o

What do you mean, "Where?"?

Where did you sorta-kinda mentioned to wolf dude a little... ...?

In that one part that I havn't posted yet.

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=o Zomfg. My brain is devoured.


Make that one story happen more. o_o

Oh yeah. I sorta forgot about it. >_>;;;


GIVE A EASON FOR LIFE, TE DO KEI TIE EIIIIII! V>_<V *knows that she spelled tha Japanese words wrong, but doesn't care too much*

A Eason? o_o

Reason. Whatevo.


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)


(Dum, dum, dum, dum!)









*grooves* (>^^)> <(^^)> <(^^<)


And now I'm done. >_>;;;

What if we DO care about something? What if we kick a bird or something? =o

You're supposed to do it like you just don't care.

And it's the bird's own fault for bein' dumb enough to walk in front of a kicking person.


Oh, and if anybody is wondering, I still havn't written anything. >_>;;;

Yet you always get mad at me whenever I dont post some of mah story thing. Pff.


Post some or you dont get chapter 8. =o (This has nothing to do with I havent written chapter 8 yet. Just so you know. xD)



Well, that's because you aren't me. >_>;;;


But...but I need chapter eight! Especially after you finish it! ;_;!

Yeah and I gave you some supa-spiffy characters for this story, and you dont do anything with them!

Actually, I sorta-kinda mentioned to wolf dude a little...

Or so you think.





















































.... Where? o_o

What do you mean, "Where?"?

Where did you sorta-kinda mentioned to wolf dude a little... ...?

In that one part that I havn't posted yet.

Well hurry up and post it then! o_o

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  • 1 year later...
Is this any help?

It has given me the idea to possible start writting that story again! XD Which will help with my boredom, so yes, it has helped!

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Is this any help?

It has given me the idea to possible start writting that story again! XD Which will help with my boredom, so yes, it has helped!

Excellent! Here have some pin tac to help with any writer's block you might encounter. :lol:

:D *puts it in her stash and makes cat nip angels*

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