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...I know I've been gone a long, long, time...

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... :(:(:(

I've been meaning to do this for months. Here I am. I'm not dead. In case anyone noticed. Or wondered. Or cared. Frankly, I don't think I could blame you if you didn't.

I've been meaning to do this for months. To come back. I stayed away too long, and it becomes so easy to never return, to keep procrastinating returning. I do it to suffer; because I love you guys. Wrong of me, I know.

Probably no one remembers me fondly, but oh well. Short of forbidding my coming here, there's little you can do to keep me away permanently. Home away from home, so to speak. I know. Depressing. <with ghost of grin></ghost of grin>

In truth I never really left. Or maybe it's that I did, but in truth I took all of you with me. All of you. Possibly even you. Definately you if I knew you; if I knew your name.

I figured you'd be mad; that's okay. I'm used to it.

My fondest hellos to all. Suirue (Kaise) is still pondering.

I'm the only one foolish enough to return.

Lots of love. When I'm well (Yes, sick again!), I'll return with a vengeance. Please someone tell me what's going on, and what's been going on. Unless you hate me, of course.

Don't feel obligated to do anything for me, why should you? What have I done for you? Nothing.

As Sheena used to say... "Happy Hampstering!"

With or without me; your happiness is all that matters.

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... :(  :(  :(

I've been meaning to do this for months.  Here I am.  I'm not dead.  In case anyone noticed.  Or wondered.  Or cared.  Frankly, I don't think I could blame you if you didn't.

I've been meaning to do this for months.  To come back.  I stayed away too long, and it becomes so easy to never return, to keep procrastinating returning.  I do it to suffer; because I love you guys.  Wrong of me, I know.

Probably no one remembers me fondly, but oh well.  Short of forbidding my coming here, there's little you can do to keep me away permanently.  Home away from home, so to speak.  I know.  Depressing.  <with ghost of grin></ghost of grin>

In truth I never really left.  Or maybe it's that I did, but in truth I took all of you with me.  All of you.  Possibly even you.  Definately you if I knew you; if I knew your name.

I figured you'd be mad; that's okay.  I'm used to it.

My fondest hellos to all.  Suirue (Kaise) is still pondering.

I'm the only one foolish enough to return.

Lots of love.  When I'm well (Yes, sick again!), I'll return with a vengeance.  Please someone tell me what's going on, and what's been going on.  Unless you hate me, of course.

Don't feel obligated to do anything for me, why should you?  What have I done for you?  Nothing.

As Sheena used to say... "Happy Hampstering!"

With or without me; your happiness is all that matters.

Welcome back Kai, Silvia and Erendayu! I'm sure Horatio will be pleased to bombard you with an automated message or a huge huggle which is now standard.


I remember you and I did notice your absence and I did remember you fondly (well, certainly from after I apologised to you).


Do try and perssuade Kaise to come back or rather Suirue, please? We do miss you and although some may not remember you, many of us do and we remember your brilliant art and your friendship.

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... :(  :(  :(

I've been meaning to do this for months.  Here I am.  I'm not dead.  In case anyone noticed.  Or wondered.  Or cared.  Frankly, I don't think I could blame you if you didn't.

I've been meaning to do this for months.  To come back.  I stayed away too long, and it becomes so easy to never return, to keep procrastinating returning.  I do it to suffer; because I love you guys.  Wrong of me, I know.

Probably no one remembers me fondly, but oh well.  Short of forbidding my coming here, there's little you can do to keep me away permanently.  Home away from home, so to speak.  I know.  Depressing.  <with ghost of grin></ghost of grin>

In truth I never really left.  Or maybe it's that I did, but in truth I took all of you with me.  All of you.  Possibly even you.  Definately you if I knew you; if I knew your name.

I figured you'd be mad; that's okay.  I'm used to it.

My fondest hellos to all.  Suirue (Kaise) is still pondering.

I'm the only one foolish enough to return.

Lots of love.  When I'm well (Yes, sick again!), I'll return with a vengeance.  Please someone tell me what's going on, and what's been going on.  Unless you hate me, of course.

Don't feel obligated to do anything for me, why should you?  What have I done for you?  Nothing.

As Sheena used to say... "Happy Hampstering!"

With or without me; your happiness is all that matters.

I missed you. And nobody here hates you. Sick again? I shall hope for your health. No matter what, you'll always be important here. Always.

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Welcome back Kai, Silvia and Erendayu! I'm sure Horatio will be pleased to bombard you with an automated message or a huge huggle which is now standard.


I remember you and I did notice your absence and I did remember you fondly (well, certainly from after I apologised to you).


Do try and perssuade Kaise to come back or rather Suirue, please? We do miss you and although some may not remember you, many of us do and we remember your brilliant art and your friendship.

Beautifully said.


*now Horatio gives a bearsized hammy huggle to all of the above, Kai, Silvia, Erendayu, Kaise and Suirue*

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... :(  :(  :(

I've been meaning to do this for months.  Here I am.  I'm not dead.  In case anyone noticed.  Or wondered.  Or cared.  Frankly, I don't think I could blame you if you didn't.

I've been meaning to do this for months.  To come back.  I stayed away too long, and it becomes so easy to never return, to keep procrastinating returning.  I do it to suffer; because I love you guys.  Wrong of me, I know.

Probably no one remembers me fondly, but oh well.  Short of forbidding my coming here, there's little you can do to keep me away permanently.  Home away from home, so to speak.  I know.  Depressing.  of grin>

In truth I never really left.  Or maybe it's that I did, but in truth I took all of you with me.  All of you.  Possibly even you.  Definately you if I knew you; if I knew your name.

I figured you'd be mad; that's okay.  I'm used to it.

My fondest hellos to all.  Suirue (Kaise) is still pondering.

I'm the only one foolish enough to return.

Lots of love.  When I'm well (Yes, sick again!), I'll return with a vengeance.  Please someone tell me what's going on, and what's been going on.  Unless you hate me, of course.

Don't feel obligated to do anything for me, why should you?  What have I done for you?  Nothing.

As Sheena used to say... "Happy Hampstering!"

With or without me; your happiness is all that matters.

Never mad at you. Sad you were not here. There are some great things going on, for one Arkcher has created a phenomenal story in the Stories forum. Werewolf and Werewolf Two. Please stop in and read them. There are some other fun things going on. Take a look at the religion topic. You will like Cheesemaster and Skwerlhugger Will. Two crazy guys. Top_Banana is from Scotland and is the number one banana on the boards. TGHL is in the process of flambeing here. :lol: We have some new people and some old ones who have gone and returned. Jesusfreak has been gone and returned. CheetaSpot, Kep and Lee (Vixen) all make guest appearances. School is keeping them pretty busy. Let's see what else... ummmmm, my brain is fried, I will let someone else complete the details.

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Welcome back Kai, Silvia and Erendayu! I'm sure Horatio will be pleased to bombard you with an automated message or a huge huggle which is now standard.


I remember you and I did notice your absence and I did remember you fondly (well, certainly from after I apologised to you).


Do try and perssuade Kaise to come back or rather Suirue, please? We do miss you and although some may not remember you, many of us do and we remember your brilliant art and your friendship.

-_- Thank you. <modest></modest> I felt much the same. I'm glad things have started to patch up.


(I will talk to Rue. She is currently in the deciding phase, and procrastination runs in the family.)

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Never mad at you.  Sad you were not here.  There are some great things going on, for one Arkcher has created a phenomenal story in the Stories forum.  Werewolf and Werewolf Two.  Please stop in and read them.  There are some other fun things going on.  Take a look at the religion topic.  You will like Cheesemaster and Skwerlhugger Will.  Two crazy guys.  Top_Banana is from Scotland and is the number one banana on the boards.  TGHL is in the process of flambeing here.  :lol:  We have some new people and some old ones who have gone and returned.  Jesusfreak has been gone and returned.  CheetaSpot, Kep and Lee (Vixen) all make guest appearances.  School is keeping them pretty busy.  Let's see what else... ummmmm, my brain is fried, I will let someone else complete the details.

In all due hilarity, I read this is "complicate the details"-- something you just did quite well! :)

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Why would anybody hate you? I wondered where you where! I'm glad to see you back. ^^

Thank you and thank you. I missed all you guys. Crazily enough, you guys even appeared in my dreams a couple'a'times. (Don't ask about the sudden slang. Don't ask about its sudden absence, either.)

As for people hating me... how many times have I left and come back? I'm sick of it and I figured you all would. Plus my Conscience has been nagging me; that's probably why I'm sick, as a matter'o'fact.

But thumbs up to you.

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In all due hilarity, I read this is "complicate the details"-- something you just did quite well!  :)

Complicate is something I do very well. :lol::lol::lol:

I had forgotten the return of another who has been gone for so long...OTTER!!!!!!! I am thrilled to see both of you!


Here's news... EmilyE got married.

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Complicate is something I do very well.  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

I had forgotten the return of another who has been gone for so long...OTTER!!!!!!!  I am thrilled to see both of you! 


Here's news... EmilyE got married.

Congrats to her! I had no idea and now I'm creeped out.

There's this story, "La Guiablesse," by Robert D. San Souci, with a wonderful poem that I recite quelquefois. I was reciting it just when I read that. It goes like this:

Listen to this song of mine

I have traveled a long, long time

Love *once* was gone, now it grows near

Will you be my love, my dear?


creepy, huh?

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1. Complicate is something I do very well.  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

2. I had forgotten the return of another who has been gone for so long...OTTER!!!!!!!  I am thrilled to see both of you! 


Here's news... EmilyE got married.

1. Indeed you do. :lol: :lol: :P :lol: :lol: (teasing, teasing [ow, what was that for?])

2. Whoa, yay!!! *celebrates*

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Congrats to her!  I had no idea and now I'm creeped out.

There's this story, "La Guiablesse," by Robert D. San Souci, with a wonderful poem that I recite quelquefois.  I was reciting it just when I read that.  It goes like this:

Listen to this song of mine

I have traveled a long, long time

Love *once* was gone, now it grows near

Will you be my love, my dear?


creepy, huh?

Interesting. :D

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Congrats to her!  I had no idea and now I'm creeped out.

There's this story, "La Guiablesse," by Robert D. San Souci, with a wonderful poem that I recite quelquefois.  I was reciting it just when I read that.  It goes like this:

Listen to this song of mine

I have traveled a long, long time

Love *once* was gone, now it grows near

Will you be my love, my dear?


creepy, huh?

creepier still is how it interacts with the title of my topic.

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I know!!!  :blink:


What makes me wonder is this.  Yesterday, I was looking through your stories, thinking about how you were and what was happening.  Today you show up.  :huh:  :huh:  :huh:

Yesterday I decided to come back. I thought to meself:

"A'right, you've put off WAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY too long now. They won't even remember you. Except the people you've angered. And Horatio.

Stop putting it off already. I'm counting to ten, and then--

alright, alright! Tomorrow, I swear! Sheesh, leave me alone."

As you can doubtless tell, my mental convos can sometimes get extremely violent. There is much breaking of mental glass.


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Yesterday I decided to come back.  I thought to meself:

"A'right, you've put off WAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY too long now.  They won't even remember you.  Except the people you've angered.  And Horatio.

Stop putting it off already.  I'm counting to ten, and then--

alright, alright!  Tomorrow, I swear!  Sheesh, leave me alone."

As you can doubtless tell, my mental convos can sometimes get extremely violent.  There is much breaking of mental glass.

:)  <_ src="%7B___base_url___%7D/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)">

Just as long as the mental sparring does not have a set of boxing gloves. That might have hurt your brain. :lol:

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... :(  :(  :(

I've been meaning to do this for months.  Here I am.  I'm not dead.  In case anyone noticed.  Or wondered.  Or cared.  Frankly, I don't think I could blame you if you didn't.

I've been meaning to do this for months.  To come back.  I stayed away too long, and it becomes so easy to never return, to keep procrastinating returning.  I do it to suffer; because I love you guys.  Wrong of me, I know.

Probably no one remembers me fondly, but oh well.  Short of forbidding my coming here, there's little you can do to keep me away permanently.  Home away from home, so to speak.  I know.  Depressing.  <with ghost of grin></ghost of grin>

In truth I never really left.  Or maybe it's that I did, but in truth I took all of you with me.  All of you.  Possibly even you.  Definately you if I knew you; if I knew your name.

I figured you'd be mad; that's okay.  I'm used to it.

My fondest hellos to all.  Suirue (Kaise) is still pondering.

I'm the only one foolish enough to return.

Lots of love.  When I'm well (Yes, sick again!), I'll return with a vengeance.  Please someone tell me what's going on, and what's been going on.  Unless you hate me, of course.

Don't feel obligated to do anything for me, why should you?  What have I done for you?  Nothing.

As Sheena used to say... "Happy Hampstering!"

With or without me; your happiness is all that matters.

So, uh... .Why does YOUr happiness not matter? o_o


When I left and came back, I didnt make a big long post like this. I wonder why. >.> I forgot. I dunno. -creeps out and runs away-

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... :(  :(  :(

I've been meaning to do this for months.  Here I am.  I'm not dead.  In case anyone noticed.  Or wondered.  Or cared.  Frankly, I don't think I could blame you if you didn't.

I've been meaning to do this for months.  To come back.  I stayed away too long, and it becomes so easy to never return, to keep procrastinating returning.  I do it to suffer; because I love you guys.  Wrong of me, I know.

Probably no one remembers me fondly, but oh well.  Short of forbidding my coming here, there's little you can do to keep me away permanently.  Home away from home, so to speak.  I know.  Depressing.  <with ghost of grin></ghost of grin>

In truth I never really left.  Or maybe it's that I did, but in truth I took all of you with me.  All of you.  Possibly even you.  Definately you if I knew you; if I knew your name.

I figured you'd be mad; that's okay.  I'm used to it.

My fondest hellos to all.  Suirue (Kaise) is still pondering.

I'm the only one foolish enough to return.

Lots of love.  When I'm well (Yes, sick again!), I'll return with a vengeance.  Please someone tell me what's going on, and what's been going on.  Unless you hate me, of course.

Don't feel obligated to do anything for me, why should you?  What have I done for you?  Nothing.

As Sheena used to say... "Happy Hampstering!"

With or without me; your happiness is all that matters.




can't say your name rings any bells. but anyway welcme back

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... :(  :(  :(

I've been meaning to do this for months.  Here I am.  I'm not dead.  In case anyone noticed.  Or wondered.  Or cared.  Frankly, I don't think I could blame you if you didn't.

I've been meaning to do this for months.  To come back.  I stayed away too long, and it becomes so easy to never return, to keep procrastinating returning.  I do it to suffer; because I love you guys.  Wrong of me, I know.

Probably no one remembers me fondly, but oh well.  Short of forbidding my coming here, there's little you can do to keep me away permanently.  Home away from home, so to speak.  I know.  Depressing.  <with ghost of grin></ghost of grin>

In truth I never really left.  Or maybe it's that I did, but in truth I took all of you with me.  All of you.  Possibly even you.  Definately you if I knew you; if I knew your name.

I figured you'd be mad; that's okay.  I'm used to it.

My fondest hellos to all.  Suirue (Kaise) is still pondering.

I'm the only one foolish enough to return.

Lots of love.  When I'm well (Yes, sick again!), I'll return with a vengeance.  Please someone tell me what's going on, and what's been going on.  Unless you hate me, of course.

Don't feel obligated to do anything for me, why should you?  What have I done for you?  Nothing.

As Sheena used to say... "Happy Hampstering!"

With or without me; your happiness is all that matters.

I remember you..

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