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Ask The Dumb Philosopher


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1. Do you like cheese?

2. Do you like chicken?

3. Do you like champions?

4. Do you like chioaoas(sp)?

5. Do you like chapsticks?

6. Do you like chocolate?

7. Do you like chile?

8. Do you like chopsticks?

9. Do you like chips?

10. Do you like Charlie?

11. Are you bored yet?

12. How many more nouns starting with ch can you list?

13. Ev'ryboody... Ev'rybooody! *blames homestar runner*

14. 4|| `/0|_||2 |3453 4|23 |33|0/\/g +0 |_|5!

15. Dude, like, all your base are, like, totally belong to us.


17. So long, and thanks for all the fish.

18. Ender's game is very good. What do you think?

19. j00 canna stoop me toking avah dah VUUUUURLD!

20. How bored are you? I'm very bored. I'm so bored I actually did write this and post it, instead of clicking back or something. yeah. I'm almost at 500, too. Hooray.

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1. Do you like cheese?

2. Do you like chicken?

3. Do you like champions?

4. Do you like chioaoas(sp)?

5. Do you like chapsticks?

6. Do you like chocolate?

7. Do you like chile?

8. Do you like chopsticks?

9. Do you like chips?

10. Do you like Charlie?

11. Are you bored yet?

12. How many more nouns starting with ch can you list?

13. Ev'ryboody... Ev'rybooody! *blames homestar runner*

14. 4|| `/0|_||2 |3453 4|23 |33|0/\/g +0 |_|5!

15. Dude, like, all your base are, like, totally belong to us.


17. So long, and thanks for all the fish.

18. Ender's game is very good. What do you think?

19. j00 canna stoop me toking avah dah VUUUUURLD!

20. How bored are you? I'm very bored. I'm so bored I actually did write this and post it, instead of clicking back or something. yeah. I'm almost at 500, too. Hooray.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*



2. Yes

3. Yes

4. No

5. No. Chapstick tests on animals.

6. Yes. n_n

7. No

8. Yes. m_m

9. *Shoves Potato Chips into my outh* DUH!

10. Yes. n_n

11. No.

12. >:D

13. *Puts Homestar in The meat Grinder*'

14. LogPkup_?Banana_Banana?/84763829274348/Banana_Pkup

15. O_o

16. Arkcher has a shirt that says that. n_n

17. Eeeeewwww. Fish...

18. o_o Who?


20. n_n


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


1. If I tried to take over the world, would they try and put me in the Nut House?

2. Does Arkcher have Ice breath?

3. Will Hoops EVER come back?

4. Will Shadows come back?

5. Will AnnaBananaGal come back?

6. Will Cupcakelover come back?

7. Will Social_Outcast come back?

8. Will Gooniegirl come back?

9. Is it hard to tie someone to a tree with christmas lights?

10. Who should I throw Tommy Shaw at: Horatio or Arkcher?

11. Will 2006 be as memorable as 2005?

12. Will Funky_Monkey come back?

13. Whats the difference between :ninja: and :ph34r: ?


15. Dark Side Of The Moon.

16. Do you like my hat?

17. am I evil?

18. Will I successfully take over Minnesota and Belgium?

19. Do you like my evil laugh?

20. Pff.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

1. Possibly, but I'd only allow it if they left you with a computer and an internet connection.

2. He should have. *gives arkcher ice breath on the off chance he doesn't*

3. She should. I want to meet her :D

4. Dunno him/her.

5. Dunno her.

6. I've seen him/her post... After I came, too.. But I'm not sure if s/he will come back.

7. S/he posted a comeback thread too >.< S/he must come back if s/he posted a comback thread.

8. Dunno her.

9. Naww, It's easy. *ties you to a christmas tree using lights* See?

10. Me!

11. It's not divisible by 5 T.T Obviously not.

12. Erm... Do the funky monkey! *does the funkey monkey* There, back.

13. :ph34r: inspires ph34r. And it's blurrier, whereas :ninja: is reserved for ninjas and is sharper, too.

14. Got question?

15. Light side of the sun.

16. It's so shineh :D I like it.

17. Yes. Mwahahahahahaha. *cough*

18. Not if you plan to destroy the chocolate. If you plan on destroying/keeping all the chocolate to yourself, I will make sure you don't win.

19. Bwahahahahaha*cough* Yes.

20. *adds a t*

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*

2. Just wondering, because Arkcher is a Mormon, and in one episode of South Park there was a Mormon with Ice Breath. :lol:

*~*the Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

'Dem South Park doods are pretty wierd. I've only seen one or two of the shows, but from what I hear, they tend to poke fun at those wierd Mormons over there.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


1. Did The words have different meanings?

2. Do you think you can tell?

3. What did you dream?

4. Will I remember the songs?

5. Do you really want to live forever?

6. Stairway scare dan dare who's there?

7. Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn?

8. Remember how she said that we would meet again some sunny day?

9. Vera! Vera! What has become of you?

10. Does anybdy else in here feel the way i do?

11. Why Can't we blow the years away?

12. Mother, did it need to be so high?

13. Does Arkcher's Avatar glow in the dark?

14. n_n

15. o_o

16. o_O

17. O_o

18. O_O

19. Styx.



*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


1. Did The words have different meanings?

2. Do you think you can tell?

3. What did you dream?

4. Will I remember the songs?

5. Do you really want to live forever?

6. Stairway scare dan dare who's there?

7. Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn?

8. Remember how she said that we would meet again some sunny day?

9. Vera! Vera! What has become of you?

10. Does anybdy else in here feel the way i do?

11. Why Can't we blow the years away?

12. Mother, did it need to be so high?

13. Does Arkcher's Avatar glow in the dark?

14. n_n

15. o_o

16. o_O

17. O_o

18. O_O

19. Styx.



*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

1. Possibly.

2. Sure.

3. I dreamed that I was in some sort of running race. I was winning by miles, when I took a wrong turn and ended up doing the same race all over again... I did this a few imes before I finally noticed the right route. I came last.

4. If they're memorable.

5. No. Yes. Maybe. I dunno.

6. Glowurm. Glowurm is there.

7. Who-a who?

8. Well, that I do remember.

9. Ask her yourself.

10. Well, how do you feel?

11. Because they're so heavy <_< the years need to lose weight.

12. I'm not your mommy.

13. Nuu! I am the only one allowed to gloooooow!!!!1!!1!!11!!!!one!1!!!11!

14. u_u

15. O_O

16. O_o

17. o_O

18. o_o

19. Nuu! I dun wanna cross da styx!

20. What is this, 20 statements that I feel the urge to respond to?

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


1. If I tried to take over the world, would they try and put me in the Nut House?

2. Does Arkcher have Ice breath?

3. Will Hoops EVER come back?

4. Will Shadows come back?

5. Will AnnaBananaGal come back?

6. Will Cupcakelover come back?

7. Will Social_Outcast come back?

8. Will Gooniegirl come back?

9. Is it hard to tie someone to a tree with christmas lights?

10. Who should I throw Tommy Shaw at: Horatio or Arkcher?

11. Will 2006 be as memorable as 2005?

12. Will Funky_Monkey come back?

13. Whats the difference between :ninja: and :ph34r: ?


15. Dark Side Of The Moon.

16. Do you like my hat?

17. am I evil?

18. Will I successfully take over Minnesota and Belgium?

19. Do you like my evil laugh?

20. Pff.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

1. Possibly, but I'd only allow it if they left you with a computer and an internet connection.

2. He should have. *gives arkcher ice breath on the off chance he doesn't*

3. She should. I want to meet her :D

4. Dunno him/her.

5. Dunno her.

6. I've seen him/her post... After I came, too.. But I'm not sure if s/he will come back.

7. S/he posted a comeback thread too >.< S/he must come back if s/he posted a comback thread.

8. Dunno her.

9. Naww, It's easy. *ties you to a christmas tree using lights* See?

10. Me!

11. It's not divisible by 5 T.T Obviously not.

12. Erm... Do the funky monkey! *does the funkey monkey* There, back.

13. :ph34r: inspires ph34r. And it's blurrier, whereas :ninja: is reserved for ninjas and is sharper, too.

14. Got question?

15. Light side of the sun.

16. It's so shineh :D I like it.

17. Yes. Mwahahahahahaha. *cough*

18. Not if you plan to destroy the chocolate. If you plan on destroying/keeping all the chocolate to yourself, I will make sure you don't win.

19. Bwahahahahaha*cough* Yes.

20. *adds a t*

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*

2. Just wondering, because Arkcher is a Mormon, and in one episode of South Park there was a Mormon with Ice Breath. :lol:

*~*the Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

'Dem South Park doods are pretty wierd. I've only seen one or two of the shows, but from what I hear, they tend to poke fun at those wierd Mormons over there.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


XD I love that episode so much. Doesn't compare to the 50-foot probe episode though. XD


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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1. why are we here?

2. why are we there?

3. why aren't spoons called forks and forks called pointies?

4. why am I asking these questions?

5. why don't you wear a scarf around your neck? It doesn't have to be cold outside for your neck to feel naked.

6. why are you wearing that fish on your elbow?

7. why on earth would you answer these questions?

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1. why are we here?

2. why are we there?

3. why aren't spoons called forks and forks called pointies?

4. why am I asking these questions?

5. why don't you wear a scarf around your neck? It doesn't have to be cold outside for your neck to feel naked.

6. why are you wearing that fish on your elbow?

7. why on earth would you answer these questions?

1. To care for yourself and those around you.

2. Where's there?

3. Because people came up with those words based on other words based on other words that people made up and everybody decided 'Yeah, Okay, let's call it that.'

4. I can not tell for sure, but I believe it is because you want to know.

5. ...It's similar to shirts. If I have a tee on, my arms don't feel naked. Naked to me is when parts that shouldn't be exposed to the general populace are.

6. Because fish are tasty. *eats the fish on his elbow*

7. Because I want to answer :D


I was oddly serious. I think I'm going so insane, I'm becoming serious.

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1. Egg?

2. Bacon?

3. WHYYYY havent I passed the 6K post mark yet?! ;_;

4. Why are there chains on my pants? O_o;

5. Moreover, How did they get there?

6. Is it secret? Is it safe?!

7. How many of you give a fudge?

8. Why must this Flash animating program be so complicated?!

9. Why arent you doing something else? Jeez. Get a life.

10. Yeah, man. I really really do.

11. Liek berger?

12. MK thinks she married me, but do you think that I actually married MK? OOOOOH.

13. Where are the chips?

14. Why must this PC be so terrible and awful? D=

15. is Breakfast really one of the meals of the day?


no one knows.

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Okay, this is so entertaining that I need to make my own list of questions...


1. why am I not sleeping at 1am?

2. where are sheena, LE, CS, and super katie? :(

3. Why is my new email alert so startling? (it's a sound clip from monty python and the holy grail where the guy gets hit with the arrow with the message on it and says "message for you sir!"

4. Why does it say sir when I'm not a sir.

5. Why do you guys answer my questions more reliably than people I know in person?

6. Can I take college classes just for fun and not get credit or have it affect my gpa?

7. What time is it?

8. Do you like Five Iron Frenzy?

9. Why does my friend Ian always have longer hair than me?

10. *mentions religion and politics* *shifty eyes* :ph34r:

11. Can I be an admin just so I can upload smileys and avatars? Pretty please?

12. If I ran for president, would you vote for me?

13. My SAT scores are better than the president's. :P

14. How did we all end up here?

15. Why can't I have extention cords and Christmas lights in college? :glare:

16. Do you think I will ever find a guy worth dating?

18. I have the same birthday as Mozart

19. my knees hurt

20. why is my sister still up?

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1. Egg?

2. Bacon?

3. WHYYYY havent I passed the 6K post mark yet?! ;_;

4. Why are there chains on my pants? O_o;

5. Moreover, How did they get there?

6. Is it secret? Is it safe?!

7. How many of you give a fudge?

8. Why must this Flash animating program be so complicated?!

9. Why arent you doing something else? Jeez. Get a life.

10. Yeah, man. I really really do.

11. Liek berger?

12. MK thinks she married me, but do you think that I actually married MK? OOOOOH.

13. Where are the chips?

14. Why must this PC be so terrible and awful? D=

15. is Breakfast really one of the meals of the day?


no one knows.

1. Just because.

2. That's just the way it is.

3. You have. *shakes stick* >:o

4. I had no idea you were into that stuff O_O (*didn't just say that*)

5. Erm... The sensible part of my mind is arguing with most of the othar parts of my mind on what to say. So I'll just not respond with a proper answer to this question.

6. It's so secret I dun know what's secret. It must be safe.

7. *eats fudge* How can you give one if you've eaten it?

8. Is not complicated! >:o Unless you mean to actually animate. Images are easy, animations are not.

9. What is this 'life' you speak of?

10. I had no idea. Well, if you are into that stuff, I can't stop you. (*bashes brain*) (read answer 4 to understand (*bashes brain more*) sorry for my brain today >.<)

11. Yum. *eats berger*

12. No, I'm pretty sure MK married you.

13. In the packet. Now, getting it open is the trouble...

14. Because it dun like j00. Just lob a pickle at it.

15. It is now! *poofing sound is heard, and breakfast is suddenly a meal of the day*

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Oh my gawsh.


I ate some food last night, and it was ridiculously hot (like 280F) and I freaked out. Spittin' some beef and pork'n beans all over wouldnt look pretty, so I was like, still trying to eat it.


aaaand I got a blister in my mouth. xD


It was really creepy. And then it popped overnight whilst sleeping. now my mouth tastes like gross stuff and blood and all that mess.


... I dunno, i just felt like saying that. Just think of this as a question. Whaddyou say?

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Oh my gawsh.


I ate some food last night, and it was ridiculously hot (like 280F) and I freaked out. Spittin' some beef and pork'n beans all over wouldnt look pretty, so I was like, still trying to eat it.


aaaand I got a blister in my mouth. xD


It was really creepy. And then it popped overnight whilst sleeping. now my mouth tastes like gross stuff and blood and all that mess.


... I dunno, i just felt like saying that. Just think of this as a question. Whaddyou say?

I say... CHEESE!


*has an urge to answer every question*

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Okay, this is so entertaining that I need to make my own list of questions...


1. why am I not sleeping at 1am?

2. where are sheena, LE, CS, and super katie? :(

3. Why is my new email alert so startling? (it's a sound clip from monty python and the holy grail where the guy gets hit with the arrow with the message on it and says "message for you sir!"

4. Why does it say sir when I'm not a sir.

5. Why do you guys answer my questions more reliably than people I know in person?

6. Can I take college classes just for fun and not get credit or have it affect my gpa?

7. What time is it?

8. Do you like Five Iron Frenzy?

9. Why does my friend Ian always have longer hair than me?

10. *mentions religion and politics* *shifty eyes* :ph34r:

11. Can I be an admin just so I can upload smileys and avatars? Pretty please?

12. If I ran for president, would you vote for me?

13. My SAT scores are better than the president's. :P

14. How did we all end up here?

15. Why can't I have extention cords and Christmas lights in college? :glare:

16. Do you think I will ever find a guy worth dating?

18. I have the same birthday as Mozart

19. my knees hurt

20. why is my sister still up?

1. Because HD calls you. It CALLS you!

2. I dun knoooooow! T.T

3. Because you've seen the movie, and can visualise the man being hit with the arrow.

4. Well, the guy is a peasant/servant, he's not smart enough to know better.

5. Well, I don't know you in real life, so I can answer more seriously with less worries.

6. I have no idea.

7. 11:30 AM

8. What waddity whatty?

9. Because some males are like that.

10. *gasp* They'll kill j00!

11. No comment.

12. I'd need to know your name so I could.

13. Same as 11

14. I remember how I got here... I was watching an internet 'toon... And they had a reference to hampsterdance... And I entered the URL into the address bar... And viola.

15. Because they're all so mean T.T

16. Yes.

17. Where is 17? T_T

18. Ooh-ahh. You should try making classical music.

19. *pokes j00r knees*

20. Because HD calls her. It CALLS her!


So sorry for being serious -_-

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Okay, this is so entertaining that I need to make my own list of questions...



1. why am I not sleeping at 1am?

2. where are sheena, LE, CS, and super katie? :(

3. Why is my new email alert so startling? (it's a sound clip from monty python and the holy grail where the guy gets hit with the arrow with the message on it and says "message for you sir!"

4. Why does it say sir when I'm not a sir.

5. Why do you guys answer my questions more reliably than people I know in person?

6. Can I take college classes just for fun and not get credit or have it affect my gpa?

7. What time is it?

8. Do you like Five Iron Frenzy?

9. Why does my friend Ian always have longer hair than me?

10. *mentions religion and politics* *shifty eyes* :ph34r:

11. Can I be an admin just so I can upload smileys and avatars? Pretty please?

12. If I ran for president, would you vote for me?

13. My SAT scores are better than the president's. :P

14. How did we all end up here?

15. Why can't I have extention cords and Christmas lights in college? :glare:

16. Do you think I will ever find a guy worth dating?

18. I have the same birthday as Mozart

19. my knees hurt

20. why is my sister still up?

1. Sleeping is for the weak, better spend your time by plotting world domination.

2. Sheena like... probably took a super beans n bacon megarocket-ship and blasted off to go to the moon.

3. It wants you to know you have mail. Obliviously.

4. That might could be how you arranged your email... stuff. I dunno. Do you use Outlook/Thunderbird, or a browser-based email service?

5. Probably not, no.

6. I doubt it.

7. 9:22. Its passed bedtime for some children.

8. Who?

9. Ian r using some magic hair fertilizing things. Supposing Ian was bald at some point, the pidgeon poo did it

10. Oh Em Gee. -pwnshoots j00-

11. You dont necessarily need to be an admin. Just bribe HK to make another member group with Admin CP Access and put you in that group. It wont be an admin, but you'll be able to pwn like they do.

12. That depends on how cool you are. Are you cool?

13. ... Aaaaannndd...?

14. Its your own fault for clicking the link(s), sheesh.

15. If you did, you would go insane and strangle yourself or your cat with them. People dont like that.

16. -stikes manly pose- =D


18. ... ****, you're old. o_o;

19. yuppuh.

20. Why do you ask?

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Oh my gawsh.


I ate some food last night, and it was ridiculously hot (like 280F) and I freaked out. Spittin' some beef and pork'n beans all over wouldnt look pretty, so I was like, still trying to eat it.


aaaand I got a blister in my mouth. xD


It was really creepy. And then it popped overnight whilst sleeping. now my mouth tastes like gross stuff and blood and all that mess.


... I dunno, i just felt like saying that. Just think of this as a question. Whaddyou say?

Okay, This has evolved into what I have dubbed the Pork 'n Beans conspiracy theory.


The gross bodily fluids that are inside of blisters can indeed make your mouth taste gross and all that mess with the bleeding and other... ew. Such substances, unless disposed of by rudely spittin over all over, you end up swallowing it.

This gives you a terrible sore throat, as I have discovered the hard way. X_x;


Ooh, To put this in the form of a question:

What can be done about ridiculously horrible sore throats? =D

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Oh my gawsh.


I ate some food last night, and it was ridiculously hot (like 280F) and I freaked out. Spittin' some beef and pork'n beans all over wouldnt look pretty, so I was like, still trying to eat it.


aaaand I got a blister in my mouth. xD


It was really creepy. And then it popped overnight whilst sleeping. now my mouth tastes like gross stuff and blood and all that mess.


... I dunno, i just felt like saying that. Just think of this as a question. Whaddyou say?

Okay, This has evolved into what I have dubbed the Pork 'n Beans conspiracy theory.


The gross bodily fluids that are inside of blisters can indeed make your mouth taste gross and all that mess with the bleeding and other... ew. Such substances, unless disposed of by rudely spittin over all over, you end up swallowing it.

This gives you a terrible sore throat, as I have discovered the hard way. X_x;


Ooh, To put this in the form of a question:

What can be done about ridiculously horrible sore throats? =D

If you ask your mother, I believe gargling with salt water is a good way to get rid of sore throats.

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Oh my gawsh.


I ate some food last night, and it was ridiculously hot (like 280F) and I freaked out. Spittin' some beef and pork'n beans all over wouldnt look pretty, so I was like, still trying to eat it.


aaaand I got a blister in my mouth. xD


It was really creepy. And then it popped overnight whilst sleeping. now my mouth tastes like gross stuff and blood and all that mess.


... I dunno, i just felt like saying that. Just think of this as a question. Whaddyou say?

Okay, This has evolved into what I have dubbed the Pork 'n Beans conspiracy theory.


The gross bodily fluids that are inside of blisters can indeed make your mouth taste gross and all that mess with the bleeding and other... ew. Such substances, unless disposed of by rudely spittin over all over, you end up swallowing it.

This gives you a terrible sore throat, as I have discovered the hard way. X_x;


Ooh, To put this in the form of a question:

What can be done about ridiculously horrible sore throats? =D

Drink tea with lemon and honey. :)

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Okay, this is so entertaining that I need to make my own list of questions...



1. why am I not sleeping at 1am?

2. where are sheena, LE, CS, and super katie? :(

3. Why is my new email alert so startling? (it's a sound clip from monty python and the holy grail where the guy gets hit with the arrow with the message on it and says "message for you sir!"

4. Why does it say sir when I'm not a sir.

5. Why do you guys answer my questions more reliably than people I know in person?

6. Can I take college classes just for fun and not get credit or have it affect my gpa?

7. What time is it?

8. Do you like Five Iron Frenzy?

9. Why does my friend Ian always have longer hair than me?

10. *mentions religion and politics* *shifty eyes* :ph34r:

11. Can I be an admin just so I can upload smileys and avatars? Pretty please?

12. If I ran for president, would you vote for me?

13. My SAT scores are better than the president's. :P

14. How did we all end up here?

15. Why can't I have extention cords and Christmas lights in college? :glare:

16. Do you think I will ever find a guy worth dating?

18. I have the same birthday as Mozart

19. my knees hurt

20. why is my sister still up?

1. Sleeping is for the weak, better spend your time by plotting world domination.

2. Sheena like... probably took a super beans n bacon megarocket-ship and blasted off to go to the moon.

3. It wants you to know you have mail. Obliviously.

4. That might could be how you arranged your email... stuff. I dunno. Do you use Outlook/Thunderbird, or a browser-based email service?

5. Probably not, no.

6. I doubt it.

7. 9:22. Its passed bedtime for some children.

8. Who?

9. Ian r using some magic hair fertilizing things. Supposing Ian was bald at some point, the pidgeon poo did it

10. Oh Em Gee. -pwnshoots j00-

11. You dont necessarily need to be an admin. Just bribe HK to make another member group with Admin CP Access and put you in that group. It wont be an admin, but you'll be able to pwn like they do.

12. That depends on how cool you are. Are you cool?

13. ... Aaaaannndd...?

14. Its your own fault for clicking the link(s), sheesh.

15. If you did, you would go insane and strangle yourself or your cat with them. People dont like that.

16. -stikes manly pose- =D


18. ... ****, you're old. o_o;

19. yuppuh.

20. Why do you ask?


1. Yeah, I was up until 3am the other day, but i wasl just talking to my room mate

2. Sounds like an interesting method of propulsion. Care to elaborate?

3. Obliviously? :P

4. I use my college based email.

5. huh?

6. I just found out that I can, by auditing the classes, but it costs extra.

7. Not me. It's tme for me to go to dinner now. *eats dinner* I'm back

8. Five Iron Frenzy

9. Hm....

10. :P

11. *considers the idea* Yeah, but I'm broke.

12. Define cool...

13. Just a random fact I found entertaining (and another reason why you would vote for me)

14. Very nice answer. :P

15. We're not allowed to have cats here either...

16. *imagines a shoyru striking a manly pose* :lol:

17. that's what happens when you stay up until 1am

18. <_< Cute.

19. That's a new one...

20. Out of curiosity.

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Oh my gawsh.


I ate some food last night, and it was ridiculously hot (like 280F) and I freaked out. Spittin' some beef and pork'n beans all over wouldnt look pretty, so I was like, still trying to eat it.


aaaand I got a blister in my mouth. xD


It was really creepy. And then it popped overnight whilst sleeping. now my mouth tastes like gross stuff and blood and all that mess.


... I dunno, i just felt like saying that. Just think of this as a question. Whaddyou say?

Okay, This has evolved into what I have dubbed the Pork 'n Beans conspiracy theory.


The gross bodily fluids that are inside of blisters can indeed make your mouth taste gross and all that mess with the bleeding and other... ew. Such substances, unless disposed of by rudely spittin over all over, you end up swallowing it.

This gives you a terrible sore throat, as I have discovered the hard way. X_x;


Ooh, To put this in the form of a question:

What can be done about ridiculously horrible sore throats? =D

Drink tea with lemon and honey. :)

:lol: Now I know I have not had enough caffeine! Drinking gallons of tea with lemon and honey is also what I do for a sore throat.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Why is it that whenever people see a guy and a girl talking, they assume they are going out?


*~*the Psychedelic Luau*~*The stronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Why is it that whenever people see a guy and a girl talking, they assume they are going out?


*~*the Psychedelic Luau*~*The stronomy Domine*~*

Because some people are stupid, and I have had that problem a lot.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Why is it that whenever people see a guy and a girl talking, they assume they are going out?


*~*the Psychedelic Luau*~*The stronomy Domine*~*

Because some people are stupid, and I have had that problem a lot.

Plus some people just want to feel important by creating fictional gossip.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Why is it that whenever people see a guy and a girl talking, they assume they are going out?


*~*the Psychedelic Luau*~*The stronomy Domine*~*

Because some people are stupid, and I have had that problem a lot.

Plus some people just want to feel important by creating fictional gossip.

Yes, indeed, happens a lot. :lol:

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Why is it that whenever people see a guy and a girl talking, they assume they are going out?


*~*the Psychedelic Luau*~*The stronomy Domine*~*

Because some people are stupid, and I have had that problem a lot.

Plus some people just want to feel important by creating fictional gossip.

Yes, indeed, happens a lot. :lol:

How else would those gossip papers at the supermarket checkout do so well? :lol:

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Why is it that whenever people see a guy and a girl talking, they assume they are going out?


*~*the Psychedelic Luau*~*The stronomy Domine*~*

Because some people are stupid, and I have had that problem a lot.

Plus some people just want to feel important by creating fictional gossip.

Yes, indeed, happens a lot. :lol:

How else would those gossip papers at the supermarket checkout do so well? :lol:

Of course! It's always fun to read fake stories abotu real people. :lol:

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Why is it that whenever people see a guy and a girl talking, they assume they are going out?


*~*the Psychedelic Luau*~*The stronomy Domine*~*

Gosh, i hope people don't think that about me, cause then they would assume i am going out with a whole bunch of people. XD that could be a bit weird.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Why is there an open window in my math classroom with a poster that says "Only Positive attitudes allowed beyond this point."?


Does Trent like me?


Why is everyone copying after me and making long lists of pointless questions?


Why does no one give a Division Bell that my hero Syd Barret died back in July?


Will Hoops, Shadows, AnnaBananagal, Top_Banana, Funky_Monkey, Social_Outcast, Mullaypop, and Fuzzy_Hamster123 ever come back and POST?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Why is it that whenever people see a guy and a girl talking, they assume they are going out?


*~*the Psychedelic Luau*~*The stronomy Domine*~*

Gosh, i hope people don't think that about me, cause then they would assume i am going out with a whole bunch of people. XD that could be a bit weird.

Or they might think... WOW, what does this guy have? He is going out with a whole bunch of people! :D

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Why is there an open window in my math classroom with a poster that says "Only Positive attitudes allowed beyond this point."?


Does Trent like me?


Why is everyone copying after me and making long lists of pointless questions?


Why does no one give a Division Bell that my hero Syd Barret died back in July?


Will Hoops, Shadows, AnnaBananagal, Top_Banana, Funky_Monkey, Social_Outcast, Mullaypop, and Fuzzy_Hamster123 ever come back and POST?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Since its in your math class, it might be some lame reference to positive numbers. I dunno. Translate your names to binary, add all the ones together and the sum of that addition is your name, and supposing its a positive number (as it couldnt really go backwards, unless you counted the 0s in binary to be negatives) then you are allowed in the class!




Think of it as some sick and twisted form of showing respect for you and your awsomeness. It has to be done somehow. So following your little trend of 20 or so questions got everyone doing it. Feel important.


I dunno about division bells, but if you had told us, we might have given a care. Whatever. We'll give a care now for you, though.

or at least I will.


Yes, Dont know, Probably not, Yes, Possibly, Possibly, Dont Know, and Dont Know.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Why is there an open window in my math classroom with a poster that says "Only Positive attitudes allowed beyond this point."?


Does Trent like me?


Why is everyone copying after me and making long lists of pointless questions?


Why does no one give a Division Bell that my hero Syd Barret died back in July?


Will Hoops, Shadows, AnnaBananagal, Top_Banana, Funky_Monkey, Social_Outcast, Mullaypop, and Fuzzy_Hamster123 ever come back and POST?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Since its in your math class, it might be some lame reference to positive numbers. I dunno. Translate your names to binary, add all the ones together and the sum of that addition is your name, and supposing its a positive number (as it couldnt really go backwards, unless you counted the 0s in binary to be negatives) then you are allowed in the class!




Think of it as some sick and twisted form of showing respect for you and your awsomeness. It has to be done somehow. So following your little trend of 20 or so questions got everyone doing it. Feel important.


I dunno about division bells, but if you had told us, we might have given a care. Whatever. We'll give a care now for you, though.

or at least I will.


Yes, Dont know, Probably not, Yes, Possibly, Possibly, Dont Know, and Dont Know.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Billy: I hate my life!! I'm gonna jump out that window and kill myself!

Ms. S: Why Billy. That's not a positve attitude. Didn't you read the sign?


My Nintendo DS said he does.


:D *Feels good from Arkcher saying I'm awsome*


The Division Bell is the Last album Pink Floyd released. I didn't want to talk about his death, because no one here except Horatio knows who he was. <_<


I wish they would all come back. although there is a slim chance of ABG, Shadows, and Fuzzy_Hamster coming back. :mellow:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Why is there an open window in my math classroom with a poster that says "Only Positive attitudes allowed beyond this point."?


Does Trent like me?


Why is everyone copying after me and making long lists of pointless questions?


Why does no one give a Division Bell that my hero Syd Barret died back in July?


Will Hoops, Shadows, AnnaBananagal, Top_Banana, Funky_Monkey, Social_Outcast, Mullaypop, and Fuzzy_Hamster123 ever come back and POST?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Since its in your math class, it might be some lame reference to positive numbers. I dunno. Translate your names to binary, add all the ones together and the sum of that addition is your name, and supposing its a positive number (as it couldnt really go backwards, unless you counted the 0s in binary to be negatives) then you are allowed in the class!




Think of it as some sick and twisted form of showing respect for you and your awsomeness. It has to be done somehow. So following your little trend of 20 or so questions got everyone doing it. Feel important.


I dunno about division bells, but if you had told us, we might have given a care. Whatever. We'll give a care now for you, though.

or at least I will.


Yes, Dont know, Probably not, Yes, Possibly, Possibly, Dont Know, and Dont Know.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Billy: I hate my life!! I'm gonna jump out that window and kill myself!

Ms. S: Why Billy. That's not a positve attitude. Didn't you read the sign?


My Nintendo DS said he does.


:D *Feels good from Arkcher saying I'm awsome*


The Division Bell is the Last album Pink Floyd released. I didn't want to talk about his death, because no one here except Horatio knows who he was. <_<


I wish they would all come back. although there is a slim chance of ABG, Shadows, and Fuzzy_Hamster coming back. :mellow:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

You certainly arent boring, thats for sure. :lol:


If I recall, isnt he the guy that started Pink Floyd?

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Why is there an open window in my math classroom with a poster that says "Only Positive attitudes allowed beyond this point."?


Does Trent like me?


Why is everyone copying after me and making long lists of pointless questions?


Why does no one give a Division Bell that my hero Syd Barret died back in July?


Will Hoops, Shadows, AnnaBananagal, Top_Banana, Funky_Monkey, Social_Outcast, Mullaypop, and Fuzzy_Hamster123 ever come back and POST?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Since its in your math class, it might be some lame reference to positive numbers. I dunno. Translate your names to binary, add all the ones together and the sum of that addition is your name, and supposing its a positive number (as it couldnt really go backwards, unless you counted the 0s in binary to be negatives) then you are allowed in the class!




Think of it as some sick and twisted form of showing respect for you and your awsomeness. It has to be done somehow. So following your little trend of 20 or so questions got everyone doing it. Feel important.


I dunno about division bells, but if you had told us, we might have given a care. Whatever. We'll give a care now for you, though.

or at least I will.


Yes, Dont know, Probably not, Yes, Possibly, Possibly, Dont Know, and Dont Know.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Billy: I hate my life!! I'm gonna jump out that window and kill myself!

Ms. S: Why Billy. That's not a positve attitude. Didn't you read the sign?


My Nintendo DS said he does.


:D *Feels good from Arkcher saying I'm awsome*


The Division Bell is the Last album Pink Floyd released. I didn't want to talk about his death, because no one here except Horatio knows who he was. <_>


I wish they would all come back. although there is a slim chance of ABG, Shadows, and Fuzzy_Hamster coming back. :mellow:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

You certainly arent boring, thats for sure. :lol:


If I recall, isnt he the guy that started Pink Floyd?

Now there are three of us! :lol:


And for everyone else... there's a search engine.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Why is there an open window in my math classroom with a poster that says "Only Positive attitudes allowed beyond this point."?


Does Trent like me?


Why is everyone copying after me and making long lists of pointless questions?


Why does no one give a Division Bell that my hero Syd Barret died back in July?


Will Hoops, Shadows, AnnaBananagal, Top_Banana, Funky_Monkey, Social_Outcast, Mullaypop, and Fuzzy_Hamster123 ever come back and POST?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Since its in your math class, it might be some lame reference to positive numbers. I dunno. Translate your names to binary, add all the ones together and the sum of that addition is your name, and supposing its a positive number (as it couldnt really go backwards, unless you counted the 0s in binary to be negatives) then you are allowed in the class!




Think of it as some sick and twisted form of showing respect for you and your awsomeness. It has to be done somehow. So following your little trend of 20 or so questions got everyone doing it. Feel important.


I dunno about division bells, but if you had told us, we might have given a care. Whatever. We'll give a care now for you, though.

or at least I will.


Yes, Dont know, Probably not, Yes, Possibly, Possibly, Dont Know, and Dont Know.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Billy: I hate my life!! I'm gonna jump out that window and kill myself!

Ms. S: Why Billy. That's not a positve attitude. Didn't you read the sign?


My Nintendo DS said he does.


:D *Feels good from Arkcher saying I'm awsome*


The Division Bell is the Last album Pink Floyd released. I didn't want to talk about his death, because no one here except Horatio knows who he was. <_<


I wish they would all come back. although there is a slim chance of ABG, Shadows, and Fuzzy_Hamster coming back. :mellow:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

You certainly arent boring, thats for sure. :lol:


If I recall, isnt he the guy that started Pink Floyd?

Now there are three of us! :lol:


And for everyone else... there's a search engine.

Good ol' search engines. They can find all sortsa stuff for you. Even things you dont really want to see. :ph34r:

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Why is there an open window in my math classroom with a poster that says "Only Positive attitudes allowed beyond this point."?


Does Trent like me?


Why is everyone copying after me and making long lists of pointless questions?


Why does no one give a Division Bell that my hero Syd Barret died back in July?


Will Hoops, Shadows, AnnaBananagal, Top_Banana, Funky_Monkey, Social_Outcast, Mullaypop, and Fuzzy_Hamster123 ever come back and POST?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Since its in your math class, it might be some lame reference to positive numbers. I dunno. Translate your names to binary, add all the ones together and the sum of that addition is your name, and supposing its a positive number (as it couldnt really go backwards, unless you counted the 0s in binary to be negatives) then you are allowed in the class!




Think of it as some sick and twisted form of showing respect for you and your awsomeness. It has to be done somehow. So following your little trend of 20 or so questions got everyone doing it. Feel important.


I dunno about division bells, but if you had told us, we might have given a care. Whatever. We'll give a care now for you, though.

or at least I will.


Yes, Dont know, Probably not, Yes, Possibly, Possibly, Dont Know, and Dont Know.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Billy: I hate my life!! I'm gonna jump out that window and kill myself!

Ms. S: Why Billy. That's not a positve attitude. Didn't you read the sign?


My Nintendo DS said he does.


:D *Feels good from Arkcher saying I'm awsome*


The Division Bell is the Last album Pink Floyd released. I didn't want to talk about his death, because no one here except Horatio knows who he was. <_>


I wish they would all come back. although there is a slim chance of ABG, Shadows, and Fuzzy_Hamster coming back. :mellow:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

You certainly arent boring, thats for sure. :lol:


If I recall, isnt he the guy that started Pink Floyd?

Now there are three of us! :lol:


And for everyone else... there's a search engine.

Good ol' search engines. They can find all sortsa stuff for you. Even things you dont really want to see. :ph34r:

True. Almost everything has a good side and a bad side. :lol:

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Back to the old days...


1. Does Trent EVER wash his face?

2. Is my Social Studies Teacher really and evil madman who wants to kill me?

3. Can i kill you?

4. If I gave you Fifty Dollars, and I told you to buy a Pink Floyd CD (Not for me, but for you), would you do it?

5. Who sells Meat Grinders nowadays?

6. If I whock Trent with my Binder, will he try to kill me?

7. Will my atempts to hostilly Take over the universe sell Ice Cream to little Children work?

8. Are Burning buisnessmen real?

9. Am I awsome?

10. Food?

11. Why?

12. Can Moosey tell Hoops to come back to HD?

13. If Trent Doesn't wash his face, can i make him wash his face?

14. Is Trent actually Arkcher in disguise?

15. Why is it that, of all five Trentons I have met in my life, only one of them went by Trent?

16. Is Trent Canadian?

17. Why does Trent have such a deep Voice?

18. Can i go to the bathroom?

19. Am i asking to many questions about Trent?

20. Why do people think i look like Victor Van Dort?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The AStronomt Domine*~*

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Why does my friend have such a different idea of what "a few minutes" is than I do? <_>

For the same reason my friend says everything is 'ten minutes'. No matter where she is or where she is going, it will always take her 'ten minutes'. She can't even get out of her house in 'ten minutes'! :lol:

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Why does my friend have such a different idea of what "a few minutes" is than I do? <_<

For the same reason my friend says everything is 'ten minutes'. No matter where she is or where she is going, it will always take her 'ten minutes'. She can't even get out of her house in 'ten minutes'! :lol:

*~*The rand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Back to the old days...


1. Does Trent EVER wash his face?

2. Is my Social Studies Teacher really and evil madman who wants to kill me?

3. Can i kill you?

4. If I gave you Fifty Dollars, and I told you to buy a Pink Floyd CD (Not for me, but for you), would you do it?

5. Who sells Meat Grinders nowadays?

6. If I whock Trent with my Binder, will he try to kill me?

7. Will my atempts to hostilly Take over the universe sell Ice Cream to little Children work?

8. Are Burning buisnessmen real?

9. Am I awsome?

10. Food?

11. Why?

12. Can Moosey tell Hoops to come back to HD?

13. If Trent Doesn't wash his face, can i make him wash his face?

14. Is Trent actually Arkcher in disguise?

15. Why is it that, of all five Trentons I have met in my life, only one of them went by Trent?

16. Is Trent Canadian?

17. Why does Trent have such a deep Voice?

18. Can i go to the bathroom?

19. Am i asking to many questions about Trent?

20. Why do people think i look like Victor Van Dort?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The AStronomt Domine*~*

1. Yeah, probably.

2. Yeah, probably.

3. If you really wanted to, go for it.

4. Yeah, i would. But this begs the question: Will you give me fifty ducks? =o

5. I thought you did!

6. Thats one way or finding out. If he likes you, he probably wont and or just cower in fear grinning like an idiot, if he doesnt like you, he'd probably punch you in the face. Up to you for running that risk. XD

7. Just selling boring old ice cream wont work. if you poison it though... That will both get a plan working AND hostilly take over the universe.

8. Im sure theres one somewhere, yeah.

9. That depends. If your self-esteem says so, then you must be awsome. If you an get your self esteem to do that, you've done something good for yourself if not others. BE HAPPY.

10. ?dooF

11. ?yhW

12. Yeah, probably.

13. See numbuh 6. Adjust as needed.

14. I doubt it. For all I know, you could be that Brianrietta person. and im some sort of Trentman.

15. I dunno, i've never heard that name before.

16. I think so.

17. Yeah, probably.

18. Yeah, probably.

19. Yeah, probably.

20. Maybe you do.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Back to the old days...


1. Does Trent EVER wash his face?

2. Is my Social Studies Teacher really and evil madman who wants to kill me?

3. Can i kill you?

4. If I gave you Fifty Dollars, and I told you to buy a Pink Floyd CD (Not for me, but for you), would you do it?

5. Who sells Meat Grinders nowadays?

6. If I whock Trent with my Binder, will he try to kill me?

7. Will my atempts to hostilly Take over the universe sell Ice Cream to little Children work?

8. Are Burning buisnessmen real?

9. Am I awsome?

10. Food?

11. Why?

12. Can Moosey tell Hoops to come back to HD?

13. If Trent Doesn't wash his face, can i make him wash his face?

14. Is Trent actually Arkcher in disguise?

15. Why is it that, of all five Trentons I have met in my life, only one of them went by Trent?

16. Is Trent Canadian?

17. Why does Trent have such a deep Voice?

18. Can i go to the bathroom?

19. Am i asking to many questions about Trent?

20. Why do people think i look like Victor Van Dort?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The AStronomt Domine*~*

1. Nevaaah! I stole his soap :ninja:

2. No. Because nobody wants to kill you... Just your siggy.

3. Nuu! *keeps his life* Besides - I'd never finish my story if I died!

4. Yus! *looks for pink floyd*

5. Stewart.

6. See answer #2

7. Sure. As long as I get part of the universe some ice-cream.

8. *sets a businessman on fire* Yes.

9. Yes.

10. Yes.

11. Because food is tasty, And you are nice.

12. If moosey remembers to.

13. If I don't steal your soap first.

14. It all depends on what you feel for him... Arkcher is, after all, irrisistable to females. How many people have married him now, eh?

15. Trenton is a name? :blink:

16. A canadian knows his own kind, and I don't know him. You did know I was half canadian, eh?

17. Erm... Puberty?

18. Yes. I don't want you to do that on the carpets, now do I?

19. Erm... Yes.

20. Victor Van Dort, eh? Whossat?

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Back to the old days...


1. Does Trent EVER wash his face?

2. Is my Social Studies Teacher really and evil madman who wants to kill me?

3. Can i kill you?

4. If I gave you Fifty Dollars, and I told you to buy a Pink Floyd CD (Not for me, but for you), would you do it?

5. Who sells Meat Grinders nowadays?

6. If I whock Trent with my Binder, will he try to kill me?

7. Will my atempts to hostilly Take over the universe sell Ice Cream to little Children work?

8. Are Burning buisnessmen real?

9. Am I awsome?

10. Food?

11. Why?

12. Can Moosey tell Hoops to come back to HD?

13. If Trent Doesn't wash his face, can i make him wash his face?

14. Is Trent actually Arkcher in disguise?

15. Why is it that, of all five Trentons I have met in my life, only one of them went by Trent?

16. Is Trent Canadian?

17. Why does Trent have such a deep Voice?

18. Can i go to the bathroom?

19. Am i asking to many questions about Trent?

20. Why do people think i look like Victor Van Dort?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The AStronomt Domine*~*

1. Nevaaah! I stole his soap :ninja:

2. No. Because nobody wants to kill you... Just your siggy.

3. Nuu! *keeps his life* Besides - I'd never finish my story if I died!

4. Yus! *looks for pink floyd*

5. Stewart.

6. See answer #2

7. Sure. As long as I get part of the universe some ice-cream.

8. *sets a businessman on fire* Yes.

9. Yes.

10. Yes.

11. Because food is tasty, And you are nice.

12. If moosey remembers to.

13. If I don't steal your soap first.

14. It all depends on what you feel for him... Arkcher is, after all, irrisistable to females. How many people have married him now, eh?

15. Trenton is a name? :blink:

16. A canadian knows his own kind, and I don't know him. You did know I was half canadian, eh?

17. Erm... Puberty?

18. Yes. I don't want you to do that on the carpets, now do I?

19. Erm... Yes.

20. Victor Van Dort, eh? Whossat?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


1. WHY?! You don'r steal from Cute guys with deep voices. No.

2. >:o *puts Glowurm in the Meat Grinder*

3. good point. But when you finish the story...*Face Drakens and Manical Laughter is heard*

4. Buy The Wall or Piper At The Gates Of Dawn. Those are the best.

5. GASP! Does he have the NEW Teacher Brand 56295732 Model?! That one has a different-sized Holes!

6. >:o *Puts Glowurm In the Meat grinder...again*

7. Yes, You will get a couple of planets your Favourite Ice-Crream.

8. I was refering to The Burning buisnessman on the cover of Wish You Were Here. He's awsome.

9. YAAAAAAY. *Un-grinds Glowurm*

10. Yes.

11. YAAAAAAAY. *Un-grinds Glowurm...again*

12. 'Kay.

13. DON'T STEAL MY SOAP! You don't steal from the supreme Ruler of teh unverse!

14. How I feel to who, Trent or Arkcher?

15. Yes.

16. Yea. He just ooks really Canadian. Kindo of like Arkcher, but more Acne, a Bigger head and longer hair.

17. :o Do i really wanna hear this? :blush::lol:

18. You have a Sick and dirty mind. :lol:

19. >:o *Puts Glowurm In Teh Meat Grinder Again Again*

20. From Corpse Bride.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronoym Domine*~*


*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Back to the old days...


1. Does Trent EVER wash his face?

2. Is my Social Studies Teacher really and evil madman who wants to kill me?

3. Can i kill you?

4. If I gave you Fifty Dollars, and I told you to buy a Pink Floyd CD (Not for me, but for you), would you do it?

5. Who sells Meat Grinders nowadays?

6. If I whock Trent with my Binder, will he try to kill me?

7. Will my atempts to hostilly Take over the universe sell Ice Cream to little Children work?

8. Are Burning buisnessmen real?

9. Am I awsome?

10. Food?

11. Why?

12. Can Moosey tell Hoops to come back to HD?

13. If Trent Doesn't wash his face, can i make him wash his face?

14. Is Trent actually Arkcher in disguise?

15. Why is it that, of all five Trentons I have met in my life, only one of them went by Trent?

16. Is Trent Canadian?

17. Why does Trent have such a deep Voice?

18. Can i go to the bathroom?

19. Am i asking to many questions about Trent?

20. Why do people think i look like Victor Van Dort?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The AStronomt Domine*~*

1. Yeah, probably.

2. Yeah, probably.

3. If you really wanted to, go for it.

4. Yeah, i would. But this begs the question: Will you give me fifty ducks? =o

5. I thought you did!

6. Thats one way or finding out. If he likes you, he probably wont and or just cower in fear grinning like an idiot, if he doesnt like you, he'd probably punch you in the face. Up to you for running that risk. XD

7. Just selling boring old ice cream wont work. if you poison it though... That will both get a plan working AND hostilly take over the universe.

8. Im sure theres one somewhere, yeah.

9. That depends. If your self-esteem says so, then you must be awsome. If you an get your self esteem to do that, you've done something good for yourself if not others. BE HAPPY.

10. ?dooF

11. ?yhW

12. Yeah, probably.

13. See numbuh 6. Adjust as needed.

14. I doubt it. For all I know, you could be that Brianrietta person. and im some sort of Trentman.

15. I dunno, i've never heard that name before.

16. I think so.

17. Yeah, probably.

18. Yeah, probably.

19. Yeah, probably.

20. Maybe you do.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


1. No.

2. :o Oh No!

3. *Throws Arkcher In The Meat Grinder*

4. Yes. _Gives Arkcher Fifty Ducks-

5. Yes I do, but I need to buy some of the newer models to sell. *Face Darkens* And to use...for my own Purposes...

6. XD My Freind Turtle (Who is a COMPLETE idiot) saw him in the hallway and was gonna say "Hi Trent!" in a stupid voice, but whocked him in hi shead with his Binder. And Trent...Tried to kill him.

7. *poisons Flavours Birthday Cake Ice Cream and gives it to Horatio*

8. n_n

9. My self-esteem can like swing from high to low. Think about what the health book says about the mood swings in adolesence. That hapens for me, but with Self-Esteem. X_x

10. Doof.

11. ...

12. Yaaaay. n_n

13. Me: Trent, wash your face. Trent: NO. Me: FINE! Then i'll throw Poindexter at you* Trent: No! no! Not Poindexter. e_e

14. -Gasp- BRITTANY is the one who is prolly Brianretta. Not meh.

15. O.o\

16. Okay.

17. I want a REAL answer. T_T

18. Okay.

19. Nuuuuu.

20. -Gasp- But My hair isn't black..and it is definitly not short..and I'm not Victorian...


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Back to the old days...


1. Does Trent EVER wash his face?

2. Is my Social Studies Teacher really and evil madman who wants to kill me?

3. Can i kill you?

4. If I gave you Fifty Dollars, and I told you to buy a Pink Floyd CD (Not for me, but for you), would you do it?

5. Who sells Meat Grinders nowadays?

6. If I whock Trent with my Binder, will he try to kill me?

7. Will my atempts to hostilly Take over the universe sell Ice Cream to little Children work?

8. Are Burning buisnessmen real?

9. Am I awsome?

10. Food?

11. Why?

12. Can Moosey tell Hoops to come back to HD?

13. If Trent Doesn't wash his face, can i make him wash his face?

14. Is Trent actually Arkcher in disguise?

15. Why is it that, of all five Trentons I have met in my life, only one of them went by Trent?

16. Is Trent Canadian?

17. Why does Trent have such a deep Voice?

18. Can i go to the bathroom?

19. Am i asking to many questions about Trent?

20. Why do people think i look like Victor Van Dort?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The AStronomt Domine*~*

1. Nevaaah! I stole his soap :ninja:

2. No. Because nobody wants to kill you... Just your siggy.

3. Nuu! *keeps his life* Besides - I'd never finish my story if I died!

4. Yus! *looks for pink floyd*

5. Stewart.

6. See answer #2

7. Sure. As long as I get part of the universe some ice-cream.

8. *sets a businessman on fire* Yes.

9. Yes.

10. Yes.

11. Because food is tasty, And you are nice.

12. If moosey remembers to.

13. If I don't steal your soap first.

14. It all depends on what you feel for him... Arkcher is, after all, irrisistable to females. How many people have married him now, eh?

15. Trenton is a name? :blink:

16. A canadian knows his own kind, and I don't know him. You did know I was half canadian, eh?

17. Erm... Puberty?

18. Yes. I don't want you to do that on the carpets, now do I?

19. Erm... Yes.

20. Victor Van Dort, eh? Whossat?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


1. WHY?! You don'r steal from Cute guys with deep voices. No.

2. >:o *puts Glowurm in the Meat Grinder*

3. good point. But when you finish the story...*Face Drakens and Manical Laughter is heard*

4. Buy The Wall or Piper At The Gates Of Dawn. Those are the best.

5. GASP! Does he have the NEW Teacher Brand 56295732 Model?! That one has a different-sized Holes!

6. >:o *Puts Glowurm In the Meat grinder...again*

7. Yes, You will get a couple of planets your Favourite Ice-Crream.

8. I was refering to The Burning buisnessman on the cover of Wish You Were Here. He's awsome.

9. YAAAAAAY. *Un-grinds Glowurm*

10. Yes.

11. YAAAAAAAY. *Un-grinds Glowurm...again*

12. 'Kay.

13. DON'T STEAL MY SOAP! You don't steal from the supreme Ruler of teh unverse!

14. How I feel to who, Trent or Arkcher?

15. Yes.

16. Yea. He just ooks really Canadian. Kindo of like Arkcher, but more Acne, a Bigger head and longer hair.

17. :o Do i really wanna hear this? :blush::lol:

18. You have a Sick and dirty mind. :lol:

19. >:o *Puts Glowurm In Teh Meat Grinder Again Again*

20. From Corpse Bride.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronoym Domine*~*

1. Mmm hmm. Okay. But what if I don't think they're cute? :o

2. *grinded glowurms can't talk*

3. Okay. I'll just wait here in the meantime. Oh, wait, I'm meant to finish the story? Darn.

4. Mmkay. *Looks more*

5. Yes... He even has Teacher Brand 56295733 Model!!! It's larger so it can fit larger items inside of it... For example that pickle jar you wanted opened so you could lob some at Honey! *has a good memory for HD stories*

6. *grinded glowurms can't talk...again*

7. Yummy! I like neptune chocolate!

8. I see. *gets out google*

9. Whoot! *keeps his eyes on the meat grinder* Your niceness glows like I do!

10. Food?

11. Whoot! *keeps his eyes on the meat grinder* Your niceness glows like I do!...again

12. *pokes moosey*

13. *gives back soap* *whistles as he wanders off*

14. Trent... Because it may be arkcher in disguise :ninja:

15. Interesting.

16. I see.

17. Well, who said I'd be going into detail? Why would I go into detail on something like that? That's what health classes are for!

18. Yes. Yes I do. Especially at this time of night. (1:19 AM)

19. *grinded glowurms can't... be bothered to not talk anymore* *talks*

20. Oh, I see now... Wait, WHA!? Victor Van Dort!? Wow. Either they are partly blind, or you are good at the 'goth' look.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Back to the old days...


1. Does Trent EVER wash his face?

2. Is my Social Studies Teacher really and evil madman who wants to kill me?

3. Can i kill you?

4. If I gave you Fifty Dollars, and I told you to buy a Pink Floyd CD (Not for me, but for you), would you do it?

5. Who sells Meat Grinders nowadays?

6. If I whock Trent with my Binder, will he try to kill me?

7. Will my atempts to hostilly Take over the universe sell Ice Cream to little Children work?

8. Are Burning buisnessmen real?

9. Am I awsome?

10. Food?

11. Why?

12. Can Moosey tell Hoops to come back to HD?

13. If Trent Doesn't wash his face, can i make him wash his face?

14. Is Trent actually Arkcher in disguise?

15. Why is it that, of all five Trentons I have met in my life, only one of them went by Trent?

16. Is Trent Canadian?

17. Why does Trent have such a deep Voice?

18. Can i go to the bathroom?

19. Am i asking to many questions about Trent?

20. Why do people think i look like Victor Van Dort?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The AStronomt Domine*~*

1. Nevaaah! I stole his soap :ninja:

2. No. Because nobody wants to kill you... Just your siggy.

3. Nuu! *keeps his life* Besides - I'd never finish my story if I died!

4. Yus! *looks for pink floyd*

5. Stewart.

6. See answer #2

7. Sure. As long as I get part of the universe some ice-cream.

8. *sets a businessman on fire* Yes.

9. Yes.

10. Yes.

11. Because food is tasty, And you are nice.

12. If moosey remembers to.

13. If I don't steal your soap first.

14. It all depends on what you feel for him... Arkcher is, after all, irrisistable to females. How many people have married him now, eh?

15. Trenton is a name? :blink:

16. A canadian knows his own kind, and I don't know him. You did know I was half canadian, eh?

17. Erm... Puberty?

18. Yes. I don't want you to do that on the carpets, now do I?

19. Erm... Yes.

20. Victor Van Dort, eh? Whossat?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


1. WHY?! You don'r steal from Cute guys with deep voices. No.

2. >:o *puts Glowurm in the Meat Grinder*

3. good point. But when you finish the story...*Face Drakens and Manical Laughter is heard*

4. Buy The Wall or Piper At The Gates Of Dawn. Those are the best.

5. GASP! Does he have the NEW Teacher Brand 56295732 Model?! That one has a different-sized Holes!

6. >:o *Puts Glowurm In the Meat grinder...again*

7. Yes, You will get a couple of planets your Favourite Ice-Crream.

8. I was refering to The Burning buisnessman on the cover of Wish You Were Here. He's awsome.

9. YAAAAAAY. *Un-grinds Glowurm*

10. Yes.

11. YAAAAAAAY. *Un-grinds Glowurm...again*

12. 'Kay.

13. DON'T STEAL MY SOAP! You don't steal from the supreme Ruler of teh unverse!

14. How I feel to who, Trent or Arkcher?

15. Yes.

16. Yea. He just ooks really Canadian. Kindo of like Arkcher, but more Acne, a Bigger head and longer hair.

17. :o Do i really wanna hear this? :blush::lol:

18. You have a Sick and dirty mind. :lol:

19. >:o *Puts Glowurm In Teh Meat Grinder Again Again*

20. From Corpse Bride.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronoym Domine*~*

1. Mmm hmm. Okay. But what if I don't think they're cute? :o

2. *grinded glowurms can't talk*

3. Okay. I'll just wait here in the meantime. Oh, wait, I'm meant to finish the story? Darn.

4. Mmkay. *Looks more*

5. Yes... He even has Teacher Brand 56295733 Model!!! It's larger so it can fit larger items inside of it... For example that pickle jar you wanted opened so you could lob some at Honey! *has a good memory for HD stories*

6. *grinded glowurms can't talk...again*

7. Yummy! I like neptune chocolate!

8. I see. *gets out google*

9. Whoot! *keeps his eyes on the meat grinder* Your niceness glows like I do!

10. Food?

11. Whoot! *keeps his eyes on the meat grinder* Your niceness glows like I do!...again

12. *pokes moosey*

13. *gives back soap* *whistles as he wanders off*

14. Trent... Because it may be arkcher in disguise :ninja:

15. Interesting.

16. I see.

17. Well, who said I'd be going into detail? Why would I go into detail on something like that? That's what health classes are for!

18. Yes. Yes I do. Especially at this time of night. (1:19 AM)

19. *grinded glowurms can't... be bothered to not talk anymore* *talks*

20. Oh, I see now... Wait, WHA!? Victor Van Dort!? Wow. Either they are partly blind, or you are good at the 'goth' look.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


1. Your a GUY. Your're not supposed to think he's cute. But i think he's cute. No...no. Trent is HOT.

2. Oh yes they can! Grinded people can talk! Just rent "The Wall" if you need proof!

3. mwahahahahahahahhaha.

4. Obscured by clouds is good to. CHILDHOOD'S END! The Most beutiful lyrics ever.

5. YESS!!!! *Buys all the Meat Grinders*

6. Oh yes they can! Grinded people can talk! Just rent "The Wall" if you need proof!...again

7. You can have Neptune Chocolate as long as I get Saturn and Pluto Vanilla and Cookie Dough.

8. Naw. It's a Pink floyd CD. You've prolly heared the music from it before. Welcome To The Machine and Whatnot.

9. >:D

10. Yes.

11. >:D Again\

12. *Also pokes moosey*

13. Pff. My soap.

14. Well... How do I explain how I feel for Trent...

15. Yup.

16. Yes.

17. :o I'm glad you didn't! I dun like hearing about that kinda stuff! ~.~ XD And yes, that stuff belongs in health class.

18. \m/>_<\m/ Hooray for Sick and Dirty minds! *Bumps Fists with Glowurm*

19. Oh yes they can! Grinded people can talk! Just rent "The Wall" if you need proof! Again Again

20. Even though I'm not Goth. >:o


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Do you like spicy food? (Just asking. My dad cooked me spicy chicken tonight and it's really goo, and I wanna share it.)


Why is it that whenever I look at the list of who's on, and I press "Last Click", Arkcher is always searching? What's he searching for, anyway?


Why does Trent grow his Hair out?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Do you like spicy food? (Just asking. My dad cooked me spicy chicken tonight and it's really goo, and I wanna share it.)


Why is it that whenever I look at the list of who's on, and I press "Last Click", Arkcher is always searching? What's he searching for, anyway?


Why does Trent grow his Hair out?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Yeah, man. I made some of that supra-seasoning of death that makes everything taste like MSG and cayanne pepper. XD


Din'choo read my 'board function get-arounds' topic in the Website forum? I use tabbed browsing on firefox, have the main tab on Search and each topic im reading (like 8 at a time usually) are in different tabs. Im almost always in the searching-for-new-posts page of the site.

Or looking through old topics with the search egnine.


Guys tend to do pretty stupid things to be all cool and try and impress someone they like, Hes probably doing that to get your attention.

I suggest getting a 22" Machete, telling him that if he doestn cut his hair, you will.

Seriously, There are 22" machetes at home depot. XD They're hilarious. they come with sheathes and everything.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Do you like spicy food? (Just asking. My dad cooked me spicy chicken tonight and it's really goo, and I wanna share it.)


Why is it that whenever I look at the list of who's on, and I press "Last Click", Arkcher is always searching? What's he searching for, anyway?


Why does Trent grow his Hair out?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

SPICEEEEEEEH! *drinks straight tobasco sauce* *loves it*


His sanity.... Wait, did I jaust say that out loud? NUUUU! I spoiled a part of mah storeh T_T


Because in a few years time... Human hair will be worth more. Yaah.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Do you like spicy food? (Just asking. My dad cooked me spicy chicken tonight and it's really goo, and I wanna share it.)


Why is it that whenever I look at the list of who's on, and I press "Last Click", Arkcher is always searching? What's he searching for, anyway?


Why does Trent grow his Hair out?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Yeah, man. I made some of that supra-seasoning of death that makes everything taste like MSG and cayanne pepper. XD


Din'choo read my 'board function get-arounds' topic in the Website forum? I use tabbed browsing on firefox, have the main tab on Search and each topic im reading (like 8 at a time usually) are in different tabs. Im almost always in the searching-for-new-posts page of the site.

Or looking through old topics with the search egnine.


Guys tend to do pretty stupid things to be all cool and try and impress someone they like, Hes probably doing that to get your attention.

I suggest getting a 22" Machete, telling him that if he doestn cut his hair, you will.

Seriously, There are 22" machetes at home depot. XD They're hilarious. they come with sheathes and everything.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Ooh! Ooh! *Raises hand* I wants some! I need to throw it at someone!


No, I didn't read that topic.


I won't cut it. O.O It looks cute. And he...does not look good with short hair.


And about trying to impress me...I put a Picture of David Gilmour from The Wall concerts, and Trent asked me who it was, and told him, and he started growing his hair out.


XD Actually, growing your hair out is one of the signs that a guy likes me. Since they *All* know how I like guys with long hair. XD


*~*The Psychedelic Luau8~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Pretty much directed toward Lexxy-man, but whoever knows the answer:

Assuming the Towel really is the most useful item in the universe, (see Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy), what of washcloths, or would a small hand-towel suffice?


Different question for whoever:

How many uses of a Towel can you list?

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Pretty much directed toward Lexxy-man, but whoever knows the answer:

Assuming the Towel really is the most useful item in the universe, (see Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy), what of washcloths, or would a small hand-towel suffice?


Different question for whoever:

How many uses of a Towel can you list?




make a quilt



drying things

use it to scrub

put it down on mud so you can walk there

blocking the sun

fashion accesory

tear it up into a sweat band

holding pets on it so if they pee it is okay

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Pretty much directed toward Lexxy-man, but whoever knows the answer:

Assuming the Towel really is the most useful item in the universe, (see Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy), what of washcloths, or would a small hand-towel suffice?


Different question for whoever:

How many uses of a Towel can you list?

holding pets on it so if they pee it is okay

XDDDD! Thats fitting hilarious. uh. Yeah, the wording and all. thats hilarious.


You get an award. I dunno which, so i'll make one up now.

You get... a... ThingThingThinger Award. s'what i'll call it. For humorous statement. yeah. you get it now.

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Pretty much directed toward Lexxy-man, but whoever knows the answer:

Assuming the Towel really is the most useful item in the universe, (see Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy), what of washcloths, or would a small hand-towel suffice? Yes. But they're not as effective for, say, clothing.


Different question for whoever:

How many uses of a Towel can you list?




make a quilt



drying things

use it to scrub

put it down on mud so you can walk there

blocking the sun

fashion accesory

tear it up into a sweat band

holding pets on it so if they pee it is okay

[adding more. We all shoud try to add more!]





Boxing gloves



[Oh, and I answered your first question.]

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Pretty much directed toward Lexxy-man, but whoever knows the answer:

Assuming the Towel really is the most useful item in the universe, (see Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy), what of washcloths, or would a small hand-towel suffice?


Different question for whoever:

How many uses of a Towel can you list?

holding pets on it so if they pee it is okay

XDDDD! Thats fitting hilarious. uh. Yeah, the wording and all. thats hilarious.


You get an award. I dunno which, so i'll make one up now.

You get... a... ThingThingThinger Award. s'what i'll call it. For humorous statement. yeah. you get it now.

SCHWING!!!! *goes to edit siggy*

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Pretty much directed toward Lexxy-man, but whoever knows the answer:

Assuming the Towel really is the most useful item in the universe, (see Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy), what of washcloths, or would a small hand-towel suffice? Yes. But they're not as effective for, say, clothing.


Different question for whoever:

How many uses of a Towel can you list?




make a quilt



drying things

use it to scrub

put it down on mud so you can walk there

blocking the sun

fashion accesory

tear it up into a sweat band

holding pets on it so if they pee it is okay

[adding more. We all shoud try to add more!]





Boxing gloves



[Oh, and I answered your first question.]

... Leet hahos?

People dont make any sense anymore. Its depressing.


[i see. And of course, it would be less effective in some areas, but it would be smaller and more.. .portable. on the plus side, see.]

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Pretty much directed toward Lexxy-man, but whoever knows the answer:

Assuming the Towel really is the most useful item in the universe, (see Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy), what of washcloths, or would a small hand-towel suffice? Yes. But they're not as effective for, say, clothing.


Different question for whoever:

How many uses of a Towel can you list?




make a quilt



drying things

use it to scrub

put it down on mud so you can walk there

blocking the sun

fashion accesory

tear it up into a sweat band

holding pets on it so if they pee it is okay

[adding more. We all shoud try to add more!]





Boxing gloves



[Oh, and I answered your first question.]

... Leet hahos?

People dont make any sense anymore. Its depressing.


[i see. And of course, it would be less effective in some areas, but it would be smaller and more.. .portable. on the plus side, see.]

leet haxxor... I forget the second x >.< and I can't find a better x... Maybe I'm just unimaginative.




[Well, true, however larger sizes are only bad when it comes to weight and protability. If you went on a planet with a higher grevitational pull... That would hurt. But otherwise they may be an overall better option.]

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Pretty much directed toward Lexxy-man, but whoever knows the answer:

Assuming the Towel really is the most useful item in the universe, (see Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy), what of washcloths, or would a small hand-towel suffice? Yes. But they're not as effective for, say, clothing.


Different question for whoever:

How many uses of a Towel can you list?




make a quilt



drying things

use it to scrub

put it down on mud so you can walk there

blocking the sun

fashion accesory

tear it up into a sweat band

holding pets on it so if they pee it is okay

[adding more. We all shoud try to add more!]





Boxing gloves



[Oh, and I answered your first question.]

... Leet hahos?

People dont make any sense anymore. Its depressing.


[i see. And of course, it would be less effective in some areas, but it would be smaller and more.. .portable. on the plus side, see.]

leet haxxor... I forget the second x >.< and I can't find a better x... Maybe I'm just unimaginative.




[Well, true, however larger sizes are only bad when it comes to weight and protability. If you went on a planet with a higher grevitational pull... That would hurt. But otherwise they may be an overall better option.]









^ (<-- Not really, no.)


aaaand some even bigger Ascii things. Some letters you just cant do. XD

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Pretty much directed toward Lexxy-man, but whoever knows the answer:

Assuming the Towel really is the most useful item in the universe, (see Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy), what of washcloths, or would a small hand-towel suffice? Yes. But they're not as effective for, say, clothing.


Different question for whoever:

How many uses of a Towel can you list?




make a quilt



drying things

use it to scrub

put it down on mud so you can walk there

blocking the sun

fashion accesory

tear it up into a sweat band

holding pets on it so if they pee it is okay

[adding more. We all shoud try to add more!]





Boxing gloves



[Oh, and I answered your first question.]

... Leet hahos?

People dont make any sense anymore. Its depressing.


[i see. And of course, it would be less effective in some areas, but it would be smaller and more.. .portable. on the plus side, see.]

leet haxxor... I forget the second x >.< and I can't find a better x... Maybe I'm just unimaginative.




[Well, true, however larger sizes are only bad when it comes to weight and protability. If you went on a planet with a higher grevitational pull... That would hurt. But otherwise they may be an overall better option.]









^ (<-- Not really, no.)


aaaand some even bigger Ascii things. Some letters you just cant do. XD

\+/=X i know basic maths! i like doing k's. ]{ /{ |{ l{ J{ 9{. they all seem to use the { thingy though...

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Pretty much directed toward Lexxy-man, but whoever knows the answer:

Assuming the Towel really is the most useful item in the universe, (see Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy), what of washcloths, or would a small hand-towel suffice? Yes. But they're not as effective for, say, clothing.


Different question for whoever:

How many uses of a Towel can you list?




make a quilt



drying things

use it to scrub

put it down on mud so you can walk there

blocking the sun

fashion accesory

tear it up into a sweat band

holding pets on it so if they pee it is okay

[adding more. We all shoud try to add more!]





Boxing gloves



[Oh, and I answered your first question.]

... Leet hahos?

People dont make any sense anymore. Its depressing.


[i see. And of course, it would be less effective in some areas, but it would be smaller and more.. .portable. on the plus side, see.]

leet haxxor... I forget the second x >.< and I can't find a better x... Maybe I'm just unimaginative.




[Well, true, however larger sizes are only bad when it comes to weight and protability. If you went on a planet with a higher grevitational pull... That would hurt. But otherwise they may be an overall better option.]









^ (<-- Not really, no.)


aaaand some even bigger Ascii things. Some letters you just cant do. XD

\+/=X i know basic maths! i like doing k's. ]{ /{ |{ l{ J{ 9{. they all seem to use the { thingy though...

0|{ +|-|3/\/.


...Yeah, |{ looks more like a K then |<

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A question for the dumb philosopher: Why do people have such a desire to make letters out of symbols when it makes much more sense just to type in the letter?

uh... Usually, 'cuz it looks cool. but when overdone, it can look stoopid and/or ridiculous.


Stoopid peaple's.

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A question for the dumb philosopher: Why do people have such a desire to make letters out of symbols when it makes much more sense just to type in the letter?

uh... Usually, 'cuz it looks cool. but when overdone, it can look stoopid and/or ridiculous.


Stoopid peaple's.

haha u iz a gud riter. XD

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A question for the dumb philosopher: Why do people have such a desire to make letters out of symbols when it makes much more sense just to type in the letter?

uh... Usually, 'cuz it looks cool. but when overdone, it can look stoopid and/or ridiculous.


Stoopid peaple's.

haha u iz a gud riter. XD

:lol: Sew iz u. :lol:

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A question for the dumb philosopher: Why do people have such a desire to make letters out of symbols when it makes much more sense just to type in the letter?

uh... Usually, 'cuz it looks cool. but when overdone, it can look stoopid and/or ridiculous.


Stoopid peaple's.

haha u iz a gud riter. XD

:lol: Sew iz u. :lol:

and horasho iss liek tha padre-burrito of tha messuj bord lolz.


... yeah. You heard me. Padre-burrito. (I corrected a typo just in time, I was going to say a buttiro.)

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A question for the dumb philosopher: Why do people have such a desire to make letters out of symbols when it makes much more sense just to type in the letter?

uh... Usually, 'cuz it looks cool. but when overdone, it can look stoopid and/or ridiculous.


Stoopid peaple's.

haha u iz a gud riter. XD

:lol: Sew iz u. :lol:

and horasho iss liek tha padre-burrito of tha messuj bord lolz.


... yeah. You heard me. Padre-burrito. (I corrected a typo just in time, I was going to say a buttiro.)

You are very lucky. You know I would have had a great time with THAT typo!!!


:lol: LOL :lol:

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A question for the dumb philosopher: Why do people have such a desire to make letters out of symbols when it makes much more sense just to type in the letter?

uh... Usually, 'cuz it looks cool. but when overdone, it can look stoopid and/or ridiculous.


Stoopid peaple's.

haha u iz a gud riter. XD

:lol: Sew iz u. :lol:

and horasho iss liek tha padre-burrito of tha messuj bord lolz.


... yeah. You heard me. Padre-burrito. (I corrected a typo just in time, I was going to say a buttiro.)

You are very lucky. You know I would have had a great time with THAT typo!!!


:lol: LOL :lol:

*~*The Gran illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*sprays Dr. Pepper all over the lappy screen*


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?


*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL

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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?


*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL



For shame!



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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?


*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL

Wow....this reminds me of when the "ptmy's" stole my sanity. Remember that? Someone would say "lol" Then the person tha said something funny would respond "ptmylol" and then there was "ptmyptmmlol" And it went on and on... :rolleyes::lol:

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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?


*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL

Wow....this reminds me of when the "ptmy's" stole my sanity. Remember that? Someone would say "lol" Then the person tha said something funny would respond "ptmylol" and then there was "ptmyptmmlol" And it went on and on... :rolleyes::lol:

*watches all those posters who can't stand the PTMY's roll their eyes*


Yo Jesse, come here!

*hands Jesse a PTMY basket*

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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage?

They are. Have you never been to FDP?

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?


*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL

Wow....this reminds me of when the "ptmy's" stole my sanity. Remember that? Someone would say "lol" Then the person tha said something funny would respond "ptmylol" and then there was "ptmyptmmlol" And it went on and on... :rolleyes::lol:

*watches all those posters who can't stand the PTMY's roll their eyes*


Yo Jesse, come here!

*hands Jesse a PTMY basket*

What have I resurrected? XD It's right up there with "plth!" :P

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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage?

They are. Have you never been to FDP?

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?


*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL

Wow....this reminds me of when the "ptmy's" stole my sanity. Remember that? Someone would say "lol" Then the person tha said something funny would respond "ptmylol" and then there was "ptmyptmmlol" And it went on and on... :rolleyes::lol:

*watches all those posters who can't stand the PTMY's roll their eyes*


Yo Jesse, come here!

*hands Jesse a PTMY basket*

What have I resurrected? XD It's right up there with "plth!" :P

PTMYResurrected. :lol:

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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage?

They are. Have you never been to FDP?

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?


*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL

Wow....this reminds me of when the "ptmy's" stole my sanity. Remember that? Someone would say "lol" Then the person tha said something funny would respond "ptmylol" and then there was "ptmyptmmlol" And it went on and on... :rolleyes::lol:

*watches all those posters who can't stand the PTMY's roll their eyes*


Yo Jesse, come here!

*hands Jesse a PTMY basket*

What have I resurrected? XD It's right up there with "plth!" :P

PTMYResurrected. :lol:

Oh boy, here we go... :rolleyes: Ptmyptmmresurrected.

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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage?

They are. Have you never been to FDP?

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?


*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL

Wow....this reminds me of when the "ptmy's" stole my sanity. Remember that? Someone would say "lol" Then the person tha said something funny would respond "ptmylol" and then there was "ptmyptmmlol" And it went on and on... :rolleyes::lol:

*watches all those posters who can't stand the PTMY's roll their eyes*


Yo Jesse, come here!

*hands Jesse a PTMY basket*

What have I resurrected? XD It's right up there with "plth!" :P

PTMYResurrected. :lol:

Oh boy, here we go... :rolleyes: Ptmyptmmresurrected.


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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage?

They are. Have you never been to FDP?

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?


*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL

Wow....this reminds me of when the "ptmy's" stole my sanity. Remember that? Someone would say "lol" Then the person tha said something funny would respond "ptmylol" and then there was "ptmyptmmlol" And it went on and on... :rolleyes::lol:

*watches all those posters who can't stand the PTMY's roll their eyes*


Yo Jesse, come here!

*hands Jesse a PTMY basket*

What have I resurrected? XD It's right up there with "plth!" :P

PTMYResurrected. :lol:

Oh boy, here we go... :rolleyes: Ptmyptmmresurrected.


Okay, now is when I stop in order to preserve my sanity for homework. *eats chocolate-covered espresso beans*

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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?


*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL












Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY :D

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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?


*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL












Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY :D


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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?


*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL












Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY :D



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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?


*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL












Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY :D





*waits for those people with anti-ptmy signs LOL *

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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?


*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL












Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY :D





*waits for those people with anti-ptmy signs LOL *



*waits with extra ptmys for any opposers*


Hehe... I can just imagine it now...



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[Oh man, i remember in some of the older topics (I dont know if they're still here or not) there were like 30 PTMYs in a post. and the quote chain was ridiculously long. XD it was hilarious.]


[and Lexxy-man, this is the only board that has a sense of humor enough to support that kind of thing. Other boards are boring. n_n]

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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?

LOL :wacko: LOL :wacko: LOL

*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL












Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY :D





*waits for those people with anti-ptmy signs LOL *



*waits with extra ptmys for any opposers*


Hehe... I can just imagine it now...



Hey... don't give them any ideas!!!!! :lol:



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[Oh man, i remember in some of the older topics (I dont know if they're still here or not) there were like 30 PTMYs in a post. and the quote chain was ridiculously long. XD it was hilarious.]


[and Lexxy-man, this is the only board that has a sense of humor enough to support that kind of thing. Other boards are boring. n_n]

I searched for them, but I guess they are gone... for now. :lol:

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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?

LOL :wacko: LOL :wacko: LOL

*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL












Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY :D





*waits for those people with anti-ptmy signs LOL *



*waits with extra ptmys for any opposers*


Hehe... I can just imagine it now...



Hey... don't give them any ideas!!!!! :lol:






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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?

LOL :wacko: LOL :wacko: LOL

*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL












Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY :D





*waits for those people with anti-ptmy signs LOL *



*waits with extra ptmys for any opposers*


Hehe... I can just imagine it now...



Hey... don't give them any ideas!!!!! :lol:







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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?

LOL :wacko: LOL :wacko: LOL

*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL












Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY :D





*waits for those people with anti-ptmy signs LOL *



*waits with extra ptmys for any opposers*


Hehe... I can just imagine it now...



Hey... don't give them any ideas!!!!! :lol:








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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?

LOL :wacko: LOL :wacko: LOL

*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL












Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY :D





*waits for those people with anti-ptmy signs LOL *



*waits with extra ptmys for any opposers*


Hehe... I can just imagine it now...



Hey... don't give them any ideas!!!!! :lol:









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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?

LOL :wacko: LOL :wacko: LOL

*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL












Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY :D





*waits for those people with anti-ptmy signs LOL *



*waits with extra ptmys for any opposers*


Hehe... I can just imagine it now...



Hey... don't give them any ideas!!!!! :lol:










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[Oh man, i remember in some of the older topics (I dont know if they're still here or not) there were like 30 PTMYs in a post. and the quote chain was ridiculously long. XD it was hilarious.]


[and Lexxy-man, this is the only board that has a sense of humor enough to support that kind of thing. Other boards are boring. n_n]

Yeah, it brings back memories of a topic called "The Pyramid Game." I think LifesEagle started it. The idea was to see how far you could quote something. On this board once you quote too many times it turns into gibberish though. :glare:

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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?

LOL :wacko: LOL :wacko: LOL

*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL












Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY :D





*waits for those people with anti-ptmy signs LOL *



*waits with extra ptmys for any opposers*


Hehe... I can just imagine it now...



Hey... don't give them any ideas!!!!! :lol:











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[Oh man, i remember in some of the older topics (I dont know if they're still here or not) there were like 30 PTMYs in a post. and the quote chain was ridiculously long. XD it was hilarious.]


[and Lexxy-man, this is the only board that has a sense of humor enough to support that kind of thing. Other boards are boring. n_n]

Yeah, it brings back memories of a topic called "The Pyramid Game." I think LifesEagle started it. The idea was to see how far you could quote something. On this board once you quote too many times it turns into gibberish though. :glare:

LOL... that was great!!! I think we had about 32 or more quotes in one post in that topic. Here the limit is 10!

That makes things so confusing. It is even worse when I try to answer two posts, separately, in the same topic, one right after another, it will always combine them into one post. That is worse. I need to answer the one post, leave the other one in the queue, go to a few different topics, then put the computer to sleep and then return and it will then allow me to post a reply not combining the two. On occasion, it decides to combine them anyway. Grrrrr!

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[Oh man, i remember in some of the older topics (I dont know if they're still here or not) there were like 30 PTMYs in a post. and the quote chain was ridiculously long. XD it was hilarious.]


[and Lexxy-man, this is the only board that has a sense of humor enough to support that kind of thing. Other boards are boring. n_n]

Yeah, it brings back memories of a topic called "The Pyramid Game." I think LifesEagle started it. The idea was to see how far you could quote something. On this board once you quote too many times it turns into gibberish though. :glare:

LOL... that was great!!! I think we had about 32 or more quotes in one post in that topic. Here the limit is 10!

That makes things so confusing. It is even worse when I try to answer two posts, separately, in the same topic, one right after another, it will always combine them into one post. That is worse. I need to answer the one post, leave the other one in the queue, go to a few different topics, then put the computer to sleep and then return and it will then allow me to post a reply not combining the two. On occasion, it decides to combine them anyway. Grrrrr!

You could ask HK to raise the limit to... like... higher than 10. It's possible. and like, can be done, even.


'Might not get done this year, but it'll probably happen someday. XD

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[Oh man, i remember in some of the older topics (I dont know if they're still here or not) there were like 30 PTMYs in a post. and the quote chain was ridiculously long. XD it was hilarious.]


[and Lexxy-man, this is the only board that has a sense of humor enough to support that kind of thing. Other boards are boring. n_n]

Yeah, it brings back memories of a topic called "The Pyramid Game." I think LifesEagle started it. The idea was to see how far you could quote something. On this board once you quote too many times it turns into gibberish though. :glare:

LOL... that was great!!! I think we had about 32 or more quotes in one post in that topic. Here the limit is 10!

That makes things so confusing. It is even worse when I try to answer two posts, separately, in the same topic, one right after another, it will always combine them into one post. That is worse. I need to answer the one post, leave the other one in the queue, go to a few different topics, then put the computer to sleep and then return and it will then allow me to post a reply not combining the two. On occasion, it decides to combine them anyway. Grrrrr!

You could ask HK to raise the limit to... like... higher than 10. It's possible. and like, can be done, even.


'Might not get done this year, but it'll probably happen someday. XD

You can believe I have asked that question quite a few times. For whatever reason, it is still at 10 which makes some topics really hard to follow. :rolleyes:

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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?

LOL :wacko: LOL :wacko: LOL

*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL












Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY :D





*waits for those people with anti-ptmy signs LOL *



*waits with extra ptmys for any opposers*


Hehe... I can just imagine it now...



Hey... don't give them any ideas!!!!! :lol:












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[Oh man, i remember in some of the older topics (I dont know if they're still here or not) there were like 30 PTMYs in a post. and the quote chain was ridiculously long. XD it was hilarious.]


[and Lexxy-man, this is the only board that has a sense of humor enough to support that kind of thing. Other boards are boring. n_n]

Yeah, it brings back memories of a topic called "The Pyramid Game." I think LifesEagle started it. The idea was to see how far you could quote something. On this board once you quote too many times it turns into gibberish though. :glare:

LOL... that was great!!! I think we had about 32 or more quotes in one post in that topic. Here the limit is 10!

That makes things so confusing. It is even worse when I try to answer two posts, separately, in the same topic, one right after another, it will always combine them into one post. That is worse. I need to answer the one post, leave the other one in the queue, go to a few different topics, then put the computer to sleep and then return and it will then allow me to post a reply not combining the two. On occasion, it decides to combine them anyway. Grrrrr!

You could ask HK to raise the limit to... like... higher than 10. It's possible. and like, can be done, even.


'Might not get done this year, but it'll probably happen someday. XD

:lol: This is why Horatio should be admin'd. :)

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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?

LOL :wacko: LOL :wacko: LOL

*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL












Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY :D





*waits for those people with anti-ptmy signs LOL *



*waits with extra ptmys for any opposers*


Hehe... I can just imagine it now...



Hey... don't give them any ideas!!!!! :lol:













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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?

LOL :wacko: LOL :wacko: LOL

*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL












Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY :D





*waits for those people with anti-ptmy signs LOL *



*waits with extra ptmys for any opposers*


Hehe... I can just imagine it now...



Hey... don't give them any ideas!!!!! :lol:














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[Oh man, i remember in some of the older topics (I dont know if they're still here or not) there were like 30 PTMYs in a post. and the quote chain was ridiculously long. XD it was hilarious.]


[and Lexxy-man, this is the only board that has a sense of humor enough to support that kind of thing. Other boards are boring. n_n]

Yeah, it brings back memories of a topic called "The Pyramid Game." I think LifesEagle started it. The idea was to see how far you could quote something. On this board once you quote too many times it turns into gibberish though. :glare:

LOL... that was great!!! I think we had about 32 or more quotes in one post in that topic. Here the limit is 10!

That makes things so confusing. It is even worse when I try to answer two posts, separately, in the same topic, one right after another, it will always combine them into one post. That is worse. I need to answer the one post, leave the other one in the queue, go to a few different topics, then put the computer to sleep and then return and it will then allow me to post a reply not combining the two. On occasion, it decides to combine them anyway. Grrrrr!

You could ask HK to raise the limit to... like... higher than 10. It's possible. and like, can be done, even.


'Might not get done this year, but it'll probably happen someday. XD

:lol: This is why Horatio should be admin'd. :)

ROFOCLH... HampsterKing would love that, wouldn't he.

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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?

LOL :wacko: LOL :wacko: LOL

*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL












Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY :D





*waits for those people with anti-ptmy signs LOL *



*waits with extra ptmys for any opposers*


Hehe... I can just imagine it now...



Hey... don't give them any ideas!!!!! :lol:















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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?

LOL :wacko: LOL :wacko: LOL

*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL












Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY :D





*waits for those people with anti-ptmy signs LOL *



*waits with extra ptmys for any opposers*


Hehe... I can just imagine it now...



Hey... don't give them any ideas!!!!! :lol:
















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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?

LOL :wacko: LOL :wacko: LOL

*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL












Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY :D





*waits for those people with anti-ptmy signs LOL *



*waits with extra ptmys for any opposers*


Hehe... I can just imagine it now...



Hey... don't give them any ideas!!!!! :lol:

















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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?

LOL :wacko: LOL :wacko: LOL

*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL












Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY :D





*waits for those people with anti-ptmy signs LOL *



*waits with extra ptmys for any opposers*


Hehe... I can just imagine it now...



Hey... don't give them any ideas!!!!! :lol:


















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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?

LOL :wacko: LOL :wacko: LOL

*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL












Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY :D





*waits for those people with anti-ptmy signs LOL *



*waits with extra ptmys for any opposers*


Hehe... I can just imagine it now...



Hey... don't give them any ideas!!!!! :lol:



















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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Is it possible to combine Webdings, AHNULD SWATZAHNAYGEH, sdrawkcaB, Chtspek, 133t, igpat atinlay, and Arkcher Speak n_n together to create a message?


*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Is it possible to combine Webdings, AHNULD SWATZAHNAYGEH, sdrawkcaB, Chtspek, 133t, igpat atinlay, and Arkcher Speak n_n together to create a message?


*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Probably not if you want your post to appear.


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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Is it possible to combine Webdings, AHNULD SWATZAHNAYGEH, sdrawkcaB, Chtspek, 133t, igpat atinlay, and Arkcher Speak n_n together to create a message?


*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Probably not if you want your post to appear.


*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I don't think Chatspeak and Arnold Swartzanegger would work out so well.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Is it possible to combine Webdings, AHNULD SWATZAHNAYGEH, sdrawkcaB, Chtspek, 133t, igpat atinlay, and Arkcher Speak n_n together to create a message?


*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Hmmmm... I dunno, lets try it.


oh wait, it says Webdings, too. I dunno, man. That probably wont show up on the board.

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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?

LOL :wacko: LOL :wacko: LOL

*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL












Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY :D





*waits for those people with anti-ptmy signs LOL *



*waits with extra ptmys for any opposers*


Hehe... I can just imagine it now...



Hey... don't give them any ideas!!!!! :lol:






















Huzzah! A question.


1|= |*30|*|_3 |*|_|+ |_||* \/\/1+|-| +|-|15, +|-|3/\/ \/\/|-|`/ |)0 |*30|*|_3 /\/0+ |_1|{3 |*+/\/\`/5?

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hidden message in there, 5 points to he/r who finds it

:lol: Why? :lol:

did you find the message?

Of course! That is why I asked 'why'? :lol:

*looks up*

Oh my! That isn't exactly what i had intended, but funny as poo! It was supposed to be "shut up ppls," but I like yours better. Cheesy award for you! ans to answer your question, the PTMY's are a fitting nuisance. * steals ark's word*

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hidden message in there, 5 points to he/r who finds it

:lol: Why? :lol:

did you find the message?

Of course! That is why I asked 'why'? :lol:

*looks up*

Oh my! That isn't exactly what i had intended, but funny as poo! It was supposed to be "shut up ppls," but I like yours better. Cheesy award for you! ans to answer your question, the PTMY's are a fitting nuisance. * steals ark's word*

Thank you for the Cheesie award!!!!!!!!!!

*wonders if it is edible and takes a bite*

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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?

LOL :wacko: LOL :wacko: LOL

*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL












Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY :D





*waits for those people with anti-ptmy signs LOL *



*waits with extra ptmys for any opposers*


Hehe... I can just imagine it now...



Hey... don't give them any ideas!!!!! :lol:






















Huzzah! A question.


1|= |*30|*|_3 |*|_|+ |_||* \/\/1+|-| +|-|15, +|-|3/\/ \/\/|-|`/ |)0 |*30|*|_3 /\/0+ |_1|{3 |*+/\/\`/5?

To answer your question, because it takes me, a really old hamster, a long time to decipher it. :lol:

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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?

LOL :wacko: LOL :wacko: LOL

*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL












Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY :D





*waits for those people with anti-ptmy signs LOL *



*waits with extra ptmys for any opposers*


Hehe... I can just imagine it now...



Hey... don't give them any ideas!!!!! :lol:






















Huzzah! A question.


1|= |*30|*|_3 |*|_|+ |_||* \/\/1+|-| +|-|15, +|-|3/\/ \/\/|-|`/ |)0 |*30|*|_3 /\/0+ |_1|{3 |*+/\/\`/5?

To answer your question, because it takes me, a really old hamster, a long time to decipher it. :lol:

It takes you a really long time to decipher PTMYs?

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It seems nobody has any questions.


Why does nobody have any questions?

Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? :blink:

They are. Have you never been to FDP? :P

FDP? No, I don't believe so.



Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot?

LOL :wacko: LOL :wacko: LOL

*slaps forehead*


Rotten acronyms!!! LOL












Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY :D





*waits for those people with anti-ptmy signs LOL *



*waits with extra ptmys for any opposers*


Hehe... I can just imagine it now...



Hey... don't give them any ideas!!!!! :lol:






















Huzzah! A question.


1|= |*30|*|_3 |*|_|+ |_||* \/\/1+|-| +|-|15, +|-|3/\/ \/\/|-|`/ |)0 |*30|*|_3 /\/0+ |_1|{3 |*+/\/\`/5?

To answer your question, because it takes me, a really old hamster, a long time to decipher it. :lol:

It takes you a really long time to decipher PTMYs?

Absolutely. Pleased To Make You Pleased To Make Me Pleased To Make You...

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Why do Middles names have to be so stoopid?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

'Cause noparent wants their child to never be teased.


FYI, my middles are... Um... Actually, I dunno if Horatio'd let it in. Well, worth a try... Gordon Edward.

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Ya know... I could save all the PTMY haters if I stopped PTMY-ing :o

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Why do Middles names have to be so stoopid?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

'Cause noparent wants their child to never be teased.


FYI, my middles are... Um... Actually, I dunno if Horatio'd let it in. Well, worth a try... Gordon Edward.

First and middles are okay... just not last.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Why do Middles names have to be so stoopid?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

'Cause noparent wants their child to never be teased.


FYI, my middles are... Um... Actually, I dunno if Horatio'd let it in. Well, worth a try... Gordon Edward.

First and middles are okay... just not last.

Ahh, okay.


So. Yeah. My initials (minus my last name) are EGE


Guess what my last name starts with XD

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Why do Middles names have to be so stoopid?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

'Cause noparent wants their child to never be teased.


FYI, my middles are... Um... Actually, I dunno if Horatio'd let it in. Well, worth a try... Gordon Edward.

First and middles are okay... just not last.

Ahh, okay.


So. Yeah. My initials (minus my last name) are EGE


Guess what my last name starts with XD


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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Why do Middles names have to be so stoopid?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

'Cause noparent wants their child to never be teased.


FYI, my middles are... Um... Actually, I dunno if Horatio'd let it in. Well, worth a try... Gordon Edward.

First and middles are okay... just not last.

Ahh, okay.


So. Yeah. My initials (minus my last name) are EGE


Guess what my last name starts with XD


That's the most obvious answer, and the funniest. And of course, that's what I wanted someone to say.


Here. Have 25 more goes to see if you can find it.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


My middle name is...*Cringes* Eli...El...I CAN'T SAY IT!! Okay i'll whisper it. My Middle name is Elizibeth


Trent's Is Philip. He has a cool first namd and a Kick%$! Last name, but a stoopid middle name.


Turtle's Middle name is Glenn. I like that one. It reminds me of Glenn Miller. Maybe we'll trade...


However, in the culture of us Spectral Brownies, my name would be Japancat Vera Boomtang Mycota Matsutake Gilmour Morrison Garcia Van Dort Pitchblack.


Royal Usul award for whoever can guess what any of those means.

(That means that for every one you guess CORRECTLY, you get a Royal Usul award. So if you just solve one, you get a Royal Usul award.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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