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Ask The Dumb Philosopher


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(there wasnt 'nuff room in the Topic Description for the ', ' so i took it out. o_o)


I saw this on another board and thought it was a hilarious idea. So.

If ever you have a stupid answer/question to something, Then post it here!


No topic/category remains here. Ask/answer about whatever you want.



1:No getting into fights with people. Thats dumb. o_o

2:DO NOT get into the subject of Religion or Politics. Ever. Not in this topic.

3:ANYone can ask their question here.

4:ANYone (Even me!) can answer a question.

5:No biting.

6:No spamming. (Dont post your question over and over and over and over thinking everyone will see it. They will, but will be very angry.)

7:If you are a n00b or post like one, You'll either get ignored, get Horatio/Cheesemasters automated welcome message, or we'll try to translate your n00b language into understandable enlish, And answer your question as accurately as possible.

8:You need to read these rules before posting. o_o Just an option, really.

9:If you felt like it, You could talk about flash animation/videos. 'Dunno why you'd wanna do that though.

10:If TGHL posts here, Then go poke him once or twice.


Follow these ten rules and we wont come and beat you with a stick.


Now, Ask all your questions to me or whoever else wants to answer them. Any question about anything so long as Horatio/HK sees it is necessary. o_o

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(there wasnt 'nuff room in the Topic Description for the ', ' so i took it out. o_o)


I saw this on another board and thought it was a hilarious idea. So.

If ever you have a stupid answer/question to something, Then post it here!


No topic/category remains here. Ask/answer about whatever you want.



1:No getting into fights with people. Thats dumb. o_o

2:DO NOT get into the subject of Religion or Politics. Ever. Not in this topic.

3:ANYone can ask their question here.

4:ANYone (Even me!) can answer a question.

5:No biting.

6:No spamming. (Dont post your question over and over and over and over thinking everyone will see it. They will, but will be very angry.)

7:If you are a n00b or post like one, You'll either get ignored, get Horatio/Cheesemasters automated welcome message, or we'll try to translate your n00b language into understandable enlish, And answer your question as accurately as possible.

8:You need to read these rules before posting. o_o Just an option, really.

9:If you felt like it, You could talk about flash animation/videos. 'Dunno why you'd wanna do that though.

10:If TGHL posts here, Then go poke him once or twice.


Follow these ten rules and we wont come and beat you with a stick.


Now, Ask all your questions to me or whoever else wants to answer them. Any question about anything so long as Horatio/HK sees it is necessary. o_o

I have a question.... why does everyone love Kraft Macaroni and Cheese?

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Guest Skwerlhugger Will

why does an evil person live in my mind?

are tortillas live animals

are you some 35 year old guy who lives with his mom

what design of boxers am i wearing?

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why does an evil person live in my mind?

are tortillas live animals

are you some 35 year old guy who lives with his mom

what design of boxers am i wearing?

Because I dont have anywhere else to live

They could be. Try the frankesntein method.

Not necessarily, No

The kind that someone bought at a store


And there ya go :P

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why is neopets so addictive?(that's where i've been all this time)

Because you want to stick around in case i give you all my moneys. I used to go there, I have almost 800K. And i cant decide who to give it to so I can delete my account(s). o_O It could be YOU! I doubt it cuz we cant exchange usernames. Ssssssooooooo tough luck. o_o

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why can't the letters of the word "anagram" be rearranged to spell something different?

they CAN in fact! Its just not an english word or any other language I can think of. So you can make up a word for grannam or something to be defined as.

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Because you want to stick around in case i give you all my moneys. I used to go there, I have almost 800K. And i cant decide who to give it to so I can delete my account(s). o_O It could be YOU! I doubt it cuz we cant exchange usernames. Ssssssooooooo tough luck. o_o

You can give me your 800K points! :D My pets would be most happy to eat something other than soup. :lol::lol::lol:

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Question, oh great and dumb Philosopher.

Is it right to create AI?


(I need this quick, my robot army needs starting up within the hour)

Depending on what it is being used for. If its used for assisting the penguins in keeling me off to prevent my purchasing a Sheena, then it is very wrong and you shouldnt do it. -cough- no.


If your using them to work as some kind of... Oh wait, I got a good idea. Make about 1,000 of them and have them all join Kat's mafia. Then we might be able to out-do Toto's Mafia. Huzzah.


So depending on what its used for, (world domination, keeling me dead, keeling other people dead, making the guinness world records tallest robotic human pyramid, or plumbers) Then you shouldnt do it. But if you intend on like... giving them all to me, Go ahead.

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Guest Skwerlhugger Will
Because I dont have anywhere else to live

They could be. Try the frankesntein method.

Not necessarily, No

The kind that someone bought at a store


And there ya go :P


do bald peoples heads deflect laser,


What exactly are the black jelly beans the easter bunny leaves?

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cuz of AISHAS!!!!!!!! and makin more money than u have in reel life... :)

what pets do you have? i have a green scorchio, a blue jubjub, a green flotsam, and a blue shoyru.












No Neopet names please. Thank you. Horatio

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If your using them to work as some kind of... Oh wait, I got a good idea. Make about 1,000 of them and have them all join Kat's mafia. Then we might be able to out-do Toto's Mafia. Huzzah.


Ha! No, you cannot defeat my Mafia. My mafia is the mafia of mafias, and, plus, all the penguins are on my side. I used to call my mafia the "Penguin Mafia", but thought that Eskimo Mafia would work too, because I could use the Polar Bear's help too.

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Ha! No, you cannot defeat my Mafia. My mafia is the mafia of mafias, and, plus, all the penguins are on my side. I used to call my mafia the "Penguin Mafia", but thought that Eskimo Mafia would work too, because I could use the Polar Bear's help too.

Sure, but may I suggest you find a better way to wake him up.


Somehow I think with this method, he will start the day with you as breakfast. :lol:

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how'd i get so cuul? :D  :D  B)  B)  :D  :D  B)  B)

(yes, arent i modest)

You dont know it yet, But only half of you is 'cuul'. So. For example, The Ahsirt part of your username is cuul, However, The Hoops part is much less cuul. Dont ask why or how.


Another approach.

Ark in my username, Is less cuul than the Cher. o_o


Now, I have a question for YOU.


What does cuul mean?

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do bald peoples heads deflect laser,


What exactly are the black jelly beans the easter bunny leaves?

My dad is bald, I do it all the time. :lol: Seriously.


Well... How to explain this... hmm.

HAve you ever seen inside a hamsters cage? There are all these little bean-shaped black things laying around, That gradually increase in population every time you check? As if, The hamster was the cause of it?


Black jelly-belly's are none other than Easter-Bunny-Poop.

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You dont know it yet, But only half of you is 'cuul'. So. For example, The Ahsirt part of your username is cuul, However, The Hoops part is much less cuul. Dont ask why or how.


Another approach.

Ark in my username, Is less cuul than the Cher. o_o


Now, I have a question for YOU.


What does cuul mean?

it means cool but spelled cuuler :)

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Guest Skwerlhugger Will
My dad is bald, I do it all the time. :lol: Seriously.


Well... How to explain this... hmm.

HAve you ever seen inside a hamsters cage? There are all these little bean-shaped black things laying around, That gradually increase in population every time you check? As if, The hamster was the cause of it?


Black jelly-belly's are none other than Easter-Bunny-Poop.

oh well.(pops one in mouth) they still taste good.


hmmmmmmm new questions........


how much does a lethal ingection cost


how do bald people get their haeds all shiney


do squirrels have secret civilizations!?

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how much does a lethal ingection cost


how do bald people get their haeds all shiney


do squirrels have secret civilizations!?

If you go to the right person, Their free.


My dad never uses a comb, He just wets a washcloth and rubs it around. Hilarious. Some people use polishes... My sister used some mascara and was writing on his scalp whilst he slept. o_o; Things like, 'dad is sleeping' or 'if you can read this, why arent you blind' or stuff like that. One time she put a target on his head.

Anyway. They just shine it all spiffy. (Shoe polish works too.)


-looks around suspiciously-..................... I cant tell you that. -runs-

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Yup, Me too. I have a blue, red, green, yellow, shadow, fire and... something Shoyru. w00t for multiple account cheaters. o_o (Ok i dont cheat with them, But i have about 17 accounts. You want one? I'll put 100K money in it for you. >.>; Send it to Horatio and have him email it to you or something. It'll have a dumb username though. :lol: )

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I have a question for whoever...


Can anyone here speak/understand Korean? I found a cool song that i cant understand a word of it. o_o Its in Korean, i know that much. I dont think i'll be able to find the lyrics for it in text though...

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I have a great bald joke that you can do to any person with a shiney head.


When you name people off, leave the bald one out. When they go, "hey!" say, "Oh, sorry, your shiney head blinds me sometimes."

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I have a question for whoever...


Can anyone here speak/understand Korean? I found a cool song that i cant understand a word of it. o_o Its in Korean, i know that much. I dont think i'll be able to find the lyrics for it in text though...

I believe TGHL can speak, read and write Korean.

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Yup, Me too. I have a blue, red, green, yellow, shadow, fire and... something Shoyru. w00t for multiple account cheaters. o_o (Ok  i dont cheat with them, But i have about 17 accounts. You want one? I'll put 100K money in it for you. >.>; Send it to Horatio and have him email it to you or something. It'll have a dumb username though. :lol: )

THAT would be cuul! :):D

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Depending on what it is being used for. If its used for assisting the penguins in keeling me off to prevent my purchasing a Sheena, then it is very wrong and you shouldnt do it. -cough- no.


If your using them to work as some kind of... Oh wait, I got a good idea. Make about 1,000 of them and have them all join Kat's mafia. Then we might be able to out-do Toto's Mafia. Huzzah.


So depending on what its used for, (world domination, keeling me dead, keeling other people dead, making the guinness world records tallest robotic human pyramid, or plumbers) Then you shouldnt do it. But if you intend on like... giving them all to me, Go ahead.

*army of robotic penguins starts marching towards Arkcher HQ*

Oh good, since I am such a diabolical phoenix, I was obviously going to take the side of the "evil" or immoral option.

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Did you get this from.... I dunno. Where could you have gotten it? :ninja:

AlbinoBlackSheep. Hilarious idea, I think. o_o It was a forum, not a topic though. o_o;; I didnt think this was important 'nuff to have its own forum, So its just a topic.

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Guest Skwerlhugger Will

new questions................


how come the star wars theme song is not the national anthem


would you like to be bald


is it hard to strangle some one with chrismas lights


can you ride a banana

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new questions................


how come the star wars theme song is not the national anthem


would you like to be bald


is it hard to strangle some one with chrismas lights


can you ride a banana

1 Because everyone is busy humming the Teen Titans theme song

2 I have lots of hair so I would not appreciate it

3 Yes. It doesn't grip well.

4 If you sing Yankee Doodle to it ten times backwards


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what is the answer to the Ultimate question of the meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything?

The REAL question here is: Why did the chicken cross the road?

And dont none of you give me all that 'To get to the othhr side' stuff. No. Thats not the answer. Nobody knows what it really is.

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new questions................


how come the star wars theme song is not the national anthem


would you like to be bald


is it hard to strangle some one with chrismas lights


can you ride a banana

It could be the national anthem, Just not for your country.




No, Its really quite easy. -looks around- ..... What? Stop looking at me like that!


Depending on how big the Banana in question is. Horatio would be the real expert on this, Having about 500 different kinds of Banana's in his back yard or down the road or somewhere.

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why do raisens get stuck up your nose? :huh:

Well, If the rare case happened to come along that when you were four or five years old, You picked yer nose a lot, Then your nostrils grow larger than normal so yer fingers can fit in there. Pretty wierd. Some people dont have a problem with that.


What you should do though...

Is get a Lime flavor/colored jelly bean...

Stick ONE in one of yer nostrils...

Put yer finger over the other one, and blow really hard.


It goes launching out at pretty impressive speeds. It also grosses people out like nothing else. Try to pretend you coughed it up or sneezed it out or something.

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Well, If the rare case happened to come along that when you were four or five years old, You picked yer nose a lot, Then your nostrils grow larger than normal so yer fingers can fit in there. Pretty wierd. Some people dont have a problem with that.


What you should do though...

Is get a Lime flavor/colored jelly bean...

Stick ONE in one of yer nostrils...

Put yer finger over the other one, and blow really hard.


It goes launching out at pretty impressive speeds. It also grosses people out like nothing else. Try to pretend you coughed it up or sneezed it out or something.


You are soooooooooooooo sick...




*wonders why I am still laughing*

Eeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww........ so disgusting..........

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:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

You are soooooooooooooo sick...

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

*wonders why I am still laughing*

Eeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww........  so disgusting..........

Its pretty creepy, yeah...


Well maybe its partially hilarious. and thats why your laughing.



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In the snot subject:


Get some of that goob stuff from the quater machines. When you shake someone's hand, leave it in your hand. Then say, "Sorry. Just wiped my nose."


Or, after you go to the bathroom, stick your hands in the water, and leave it on. Go up to someone, flick it on them, and say, "Man! I hate it when I pee on my hands!"


I prefer runts up my nose. They disapper.

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In the snot subject:


Get some of that goob stuff from the quater machines. When you shake someone's hand, leave it in your hand. Then say, "Sorry. Just wiped my nose."


Or, after you go to the bathroom, stick your hands in the water, and leave it on. Go up to someone, flick it on them, and say, "Man! I hate it when I pee on my hands!"


I prefer runts up my nose. They disapper.


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  • 2 weeks later...
These are fell beasts Horatio! Not basic pack dogs! These are the Fell Beasts the Nazgul ride in LOTR! They would rather eat you than anything else anyway.

These wonderful beasts love cookies. I have fresh baked seed cookies for them.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I has a question: Will Kat ever write chapter 2 for that supa-spiffy story thing she started on? :huh:

Oh yes!!! :D

But you're not kat.












Or are you? :o

No, I'm not - Kat -...

but, I am the hamster of positive thinking!!! :lol::lol::lol:

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I has a question: Will Kat ever write chapter 2 for that supa-spiffy story thing she started on? :huh:

Oh yes!!! :D

But you're not kat.












Or are you? :o

No, I'm not - Kat -...

but, I am the hamster of positive thinking!!! :lol::lol::lol:

a.k.a. Kat, right? :lol:

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I has a question: Will Kat ever write chapter 2 for that supa-spiffy story thing she started on? :huh:

Oh yes!!! :D

But you're not kat.












Or are you? :o

No, I'm not - Kat -...

but, I am the hamster of positive thinking!!! :lol::lol::lol:

a.k.a. Kat, right? :lol:

*disappears into his cage with a pouch full of hammie mix, with Ipod around neck, ear phones inserted and music playing, to avoid answering Arkcher*

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I has a question: Will Kat ever write chapter 2 for that supa-spiffy story thing she started on? :huh:

Oh yes!!! :D

But you're not kat.












Or are you? :o

No, I'm not - Kat -...

but, I am the hamster of positive thinking!!! :lol::lol::lol:

a.k.a. Kat, right? :lol:

*disappears into his cage with a pouch full of hammie mix, with Ipod around neck, ear phones inserted and music playing, to avoid answering Arkcher*

-steals teh iPod and.... eats it or something. o_o-

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I has a question: Will Kat ever write chapter 2 for that supa-spiffy story thing she started on? :huh:

Oh yes!!! :D

But you're not kat.












Or are you? :o

No, I'm not - Kat -...

but, I am the hamster of positive thinking!!! :lol::lol::lol:

a.k.a. Kat, right? :lol:

*disappears into his cage with a pouch full of hammie mix, with Ipod around neck, ear phones inserted and music playing, to avoid answering Arkcher*

-steals teh iPod and.... eats it or something. o_o-

*looks at Arkcher and sees his stomach bouncing to the beat*

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I has a question: Will Kat ever write chapter 2 for that supa-spiffy story thing she started on? :huh:

Oh yes!!! :D

But you're not kat.












Or are you? :o

No, I'm not - Kat -...

but, I am the hamster of positive thinking!!! :lol::lol::lol:

a.k.a. Kat, right? :lol:

*disappears into his cage with a pouch full of hammie mix, with Ipod around neck, ear phones inserted and music playing, to avoid answering Arkcher*

Is it me or have iPods gone out of fashion? I mean, they may be great, but more MP3 players are becoming better and Cheaper. Take me for example, I was going to get a nice shiny iPod, but then I saw a Creative Labs Zen Touch! MP3 Player with 20GBs of memory for only £148.00, compared to the iPod's £199.99

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I has a question: Will Kat ever write chapter 2 for that supa-spiffy story thing she started on? :huh:

Oh yes!!! :D

But you're not kat.












Or are you? :o

No, I'm not - Kat -...

but, I am the hamster of positive thinking!!! :lol::lol::lol:

a.k.a. Kat, right? :lol:

*disappears into his cage with a pouch full of hammie mix, with Ipod around neck, ear phones inserted and music playing, to avoid answering Arkcher*

Is it me or have iPods gone out of fashion? I mean, they may be great, but more MP3 players are becoming better and Cheaper. Take me for example, I was going to get a nice shiny iPod, but then I saw a Creative Labs Zen Touch! MP3 Player with 20GBs of memory for only £148.00, compared to the iPod's £199.99

Do you get to carry an array of photos with your music? :lol: My iPod does!!!

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I has a question: Will Kat ever write chapter 2 for that supa-spiffy story thing she started on? :huh:

Oh yes!!! :D

But you're not kat.












Or are you? :o

No, I'm not - Kat -...

but, I am the hamster of positive thinking!!! :lol::lol::lol:

a.k.a. Kat, right? :lol:

*disappears into his cage with a pouch full of hammie mix, with Ipod around neck, ear phones inserted and music playing, to avoid answering Arkcher*

-steals teh iPod and.... eats it or something. o_o-

*looks at Arkcher and sees his stomach bouncing to the beat*

Squishy just does that anyhow. o_o; (Yes, I name my body parts. I have 9 psychic spleens!)

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You finally got an ipod, Horatio? Awesome!


I was having a hard time deciding over what MP3 player to get. I finally caved into the iPod mini. I don't need very much space, so the 4GBs in it works out.


Note to self: Get more music. The 'rents won't let me get the new MCR CD, but I listen to it on my computer. Like I'm doing now. Sure. They won't let me get a CD about death, but they'll let my brother get Marylin Manson. Makes sense.

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You finally got an ipod, Horatio? Awesome!


I was having a hard time deciding over what MP3 player to get. I finally caved into the iPod mini. I don't need very much space, so the 4GBs in it works out.


Note to self: Get more music. The 'rents won't let me get the new MCR CD, but I listen to it on my computer. Like I'm doing now. Sure. They won't let me get a CD about death, but they'll let my brother get Marylin Manson. Makes sense.

No... in reality it is the one I want, not have. I am going to end up with an iPod mini.

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I has a question: Will Kat ever write chapter 2 for that supa-spiffy story thing she started on? :huh:

Oh yes!!! :D

But you're not kat.












Or are you? :o

No, I'm not - Kat -...

but, I am the hamster of positive thinking!!! :lol::lol::lol:

a.k.a. Kat, right? :lol:

*disappears into his cage with a pouch full of hammie mix, with Ipod around neck, ear phones inserted and music playing, to avoid answering Arkcher*

Is it me or have iPods gone out of fashion? I mean, they may be great, but more MP3 players are becoming better and Cheaper. Take me for example, I was going to get a nice shiny iPod, but then I saw a Creative Labs Zen Touch! MP3 Player with 20GBs of memory for only £148.00, compared to the iPod's £199.99

Do you get to carry an array of photos with your music? :lol: My iPod does!!!

That's iPod Photo, and that costs a huge amount of money. Gah, too much. I mean who wants that? Surely the idea of an MP3 player is to play music, not show off photos. You get one of those special MP3 players that are called "Multimedia players" which do all sorts like play MP4s and such stuff.

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