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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Help the hampsters!

Guest super_katie

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This Might sound weird but......I dont know where to go to vote at Disney

they have it somewere in radiodisney i think it is in we want to hear from you or sompin



i was listening to radio disney one day for about an hour to s if they played the song and i heard sing s simple song 2wice and a different song by the hampsters once also (i forget wich song it was)

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Every time I go to that site I get annoyed because I DON'T LIVE IN AMERICA. I always just put a random one.


I have voted lots, don't wrry!!!  :upside:

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:cool: Sing a simple sond is the best song I ever heard.

Keep um come'n.

hi! welcome to the hampsterdance discussion boards!!! :upside:

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  • 2 weeks later...
im voting for it but iv never heard it see ya. ???  ???      8)

I like your screen name. :cool:

me 2, it's cool. :penguin

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Please go to




And request that Radio Disney keep playing "Sing a Simple Song". 


You can find it in their list of songs.


Let's get it to be Number 1!  You can vote at least once a day (or more).


We are moving up the charts!  Let's keep going!



Hey I'm giong to pick "Sing a simple song" every day>The hamhams so rule!!!!Lets all pick them!!!!


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Please go to




And request that Radio Disney keep playing "Sing a Simple Song". 


You can find it in their list of songs.


Let's get it to be Number 1!  You can vote at least once a day (or more).


We are moving up the charts!  Let's keep going!



Hey I'm giong to pick "Sing a simple song" every day>The hamhams so rule!!!!Lets all pick them!!!!


*puts on welcome to the hampster dance message board hat*Hi welcome to the Hampster dance message board! :blues:

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whoa, have you seen how many veiws this topic has had?!?! :))
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I think hampsterdance is AWESOME! And I :love: the hampster gang :hampton  :dixie  :hado  :fuzzy , and I certianly love " Sing a simple Song " . ( and now i will use the quote key for the very first time * dum, dum, DUUUUMM * so sorry if I don't do it right the first time lol )


" When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they all whent spinning about. That was the beginning of fairies."

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Call sony if thay don't know why it isn't playing it just don't play it on the ps2.But it plays it on my ps2? ???

Me too!!!!!!!!

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:D I voted and I still will! I'm listening to it right now!!!!! :;):
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Please go to




And request that Radio Disney keep playing "Sing a Simple Song". 


You can find it in their list of songs.


Let's get it to be Number 1!  You can vote at least once a day (or more).


We are moving up the charts!  Let's keep going!



I love the hampsters!!!!!!!!Don't you??!!!

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???  liquid ninja? how can liquid be a ninja and how could liquid get on a keyboard without the keyboard short circuiting?


Where'd that come from  :eek  ???  :hampton ?

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  • 3 weeks later...
hey y wont my posts go on???there not bad or anything

:D Welcome to Hampsterdance Boards!  It may take a day before you posts appear.  Why don't you come visit in the Hampton, Hado, Fuzzy and Dixie boards.  You will meet lots of new friends and you can add your post in these places as well.

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It's a great song I voted for it SING A SIMPLE SONG EVERYBODY SING SING A SIM..... sorry I got carryied away mmm.. hamburger  :eat

The gangs all here  :hampton  :dixie  :hado  :fuzzy

Hey vote for HampsterDance Song!  It is number eight this week and we need to get it to number one!  Vote as many times a day as you can!!!

Then look at the top 30 and see if it gets to be number one. :logo

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It's a great song I voted for it SING A SIMPLE SONG EVERYBODY SING SING A SIM..... sorry I got carryied away mmm.. hamburger  :eat

The gangs all here  :hampton  :dixie  :hado  :fuzzy

Vote for Hampsterdance Song!  Let's make it number 1!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 4 weeks later...
lol i voted and it never plays barely *pouts* :(
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  • 2 weeks later...
the "Dancin' With Hampton" Remix is Awesome!

Hello Tristin, welcome to HampsterDance Boards!  We are so happy you are here and would like you to come down to the other forums and visit.  We have creative forums, where you can post original art, music and writings.  We have a book club and then we have each Hampster, Hampton, Hado, Fuzzy and Dixie with their own forums.


Please join in on any and all the discussions and post, post, post.  You will make lots of friends here and we get to know you through your posts, so please post your thoughts to every post that interests you!!!







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  • 1 month later...
ikinda think its just a LITTLE...umm...annoying,but its okay...i still like the hamster dance though... :eat  :upside:

*is in shock, and I mean SHOCK*


How can you think HamsterDance is annoying?! :eek  8)  :eek  8)  :eek  8)

I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Is "Sing a Simple Song" the one that goes: Do Do Di Didi dodo do do de di diddy do! :D

No, thats hampsterdance. I LOVE the Hampsters songs and know wich is wich.

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  • 1 month later...

Three words: I HAVE VOTED!!! (It was real fun, though! :cool: ) I helped the Hampsters!







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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...
<font color='#000000'>I think hampsterdance is AWESOME! And I :love: the hampster gang :hampton  :dixie  :hado  :fuzzy , and I certianly love " Sing a simple Song " . ( and now i will use the quote key for the very first time * dum, dum, DUUUUMM * so sorry if I don't do it right the first time lol )


" When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they all whent spinning about. That was the beginning of fairies."</font>

hjfhjgjddhjnhjvnvncnvbhjvghjvjvhhvfdgygdfgvdvhffh bn bsfgdfuvhgdfgvhgh

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  • 3 weeks later...
guess what,i think the hampsters are already #1


im trying to spree so...um im spreeing i guess?

FAT MOOSEY:o0o a spree is a kind of kandy!!can i have some?

Fat moosey? *thinks, the personalities todd comes up with these days*

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 3 months later...

hey i just voted for the song and i love sing a simple song and i also love the gan ghado dixie fuzzy hampton and thats what ui had to say

Welcome to HampsterDance Teddythehamsterlover2012! Thanks for voting. You can vote as many times a day as you wish. :D

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how do u get that fuzzy thing?


For an avatar... you go to the upper right hand corner and click on My Controls. When the next screen appears, you look at the left hand side of the screen and you will see Personal Profile and beneath that Edit Avatar. Click on the Edit Avatar. Now you can browse through the gallery pics and select the one you want. When you find one you like, then click on the option near the bottom center: Add this Avatar. You will then have a pic beneath your name.

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  • 5 months later...
<font color='#000000'>I think hampsterdance is AWESOME! And I :love: the hampster gang :hampton ?:dixie ?:hado ?:fuzzy , and I certianly love " Sing a simple Song " . ( and now i will use the quote key for the very first time * dum, dum, DUUUUMM * so sorry if I don't do it right the first time lol )


" When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they all whent spinning about. That was the beginning of fairies."</font>

O my Gosh1 Its me from way back on the old boards! I was sweet_lollipop! I almowst forgot!

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I think hampsterdance is AWESOME! And I :love: the hampster gang :hampton ?:dixie ?:hado ?:fuzzy , and I certianly love " Sing a simple Song " . ( and now i will use the quote key for the very first time * dum, dum, DUUUUMM * so sorry if I don't do it right the first time lol )


" When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they all whent spinning about. That was the beginning of fairies."

O my Gosh1 Its me from way back on the old boards! I was sweet_lollipop! I almowst forgot!


I didn't forget! I liked that name!

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<font color='#000000'>I think hampsterdance is AWESOME! And I :love: the hampster gang :hampton ?:dixie ?:hado ?:fuzzy , and I certianly love " Sing a simple Song " . ( and now i will use the quote key for the very first time * dum, dum, DUUUUMM * so sorry if I don't do it right the first time lol )


" When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they all whent spinning about. That was the beginning of fairies."</font>

O my Gosh1 Its me from way back on the old boards! I was sweet_lollipop! I almowst forgot!


I didn't forget! I liked that name!

Now i remember all the old emoticons and avatars and stuff! i miss them.... :(

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I think hampsterdance is AWESOME! And I :love: the hampster gang :hampton ?:dixie ?:hado ?:fuzzy , and I certianly love " Sing a simple Song " . ( and now i will use the quote key for the very first time * dum, dum, DUUUUMM * so sorry if I don't do it right the first time lol )


" When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they all whent spinning about. That was the beginning of fairies."

O my Gosh1 Its me from way back on the old boards! I was sweet_lollipop! I almowst forgot!


I didn't forget! I liked that name!

Now i remember all the old emoticons and avatars and stuff! i miss them.... :(

The old avatars will be back. As for the old emoticons, I liked them so much better than these. I do not believe those will be back.. :( One of my favorites was the one that was eating! :lol:

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