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Survey... Thing...s...?

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I found one of these survey things you put your own wierd answers to. I figured i'd post it here and lat all'you peoples do it too.


SECTION 1: (You)


* Your name: Brandon. <.< w00t?

* Your gender: Both! Male. I dunno. Lemme check.

* Age: 13

* Height: like...5'10 or so.

* Hair color/style: The ugly natural brown stuff, But i gel it with wierd zig-zagish squigglies. Looks kinda cool, i thinks. ^-^

* Eye color: Brown. >.>

* Marital status: Dont care for a marital partner. I probably wont care about having a girlfriend till im like... 20.

* Your location: USA, TX. Huzzah. -__- I gotta get back to Canada.

* Talents: Storywriting... uh.... Internet-ness... uh... Computer-ing. Eating chips real fast. Procrastinating. Thats about it.


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: Probably not.

* Cheated on someone?: Why would I?

* Fallen off the bed?: Yes... Very yes e_e

* Fallen for a relative?: did what? who?

* Had plastic surgery?: No.

* Broke someone's heart?: Probably.

* Had your heart broken?: Most likely. Whats it to ya? Huh? Huh!

* Had a dream come true: Yes! Very yes.

* Done something you regret?: At least twice. Go away.

* Cheated on a test?: ..... Why should you care. e_e

* Broken a body part?: Never. n_n


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: Those wierd blue jeans i got from Kohls, and a T-shirt thats too small (All of them are too small -__-) that says Wazzzzuuuuuuppp on it. Fun time.

* Listening to: Cars dirve by.

* Chewing: Headphone cords.

* Feeling: Bored. <.<

* Reading: This survey. And answering it.

* Located: Texas! Its too hot down here. too many hics and those wierd country wierdoes.

* Chatting with: That one person. <.<

* Watching: the compy screen.

* Should REALLY be: doing schoolwork. Yup.


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: Rarely.

* Like anybody?: How so? o_O

* Have any piercings?: Heck no. No. No. -shudders-

* Drive? I give you one guess...

* Believe in Santa Claus?: He existed at some point in time. o_o Not right now though.

* Ever get off the computer?: Rarely to never.


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Rocky. Or Jared. <.< Maybe christian. I dunno.

* Who is the loudest?: Rocky.

* Who is the shyest?: Me.

* Who is the 'hottest'?: Me? I dunno. I get like... 5 girls following me around sometimes. If previous places i've lived, some idiots wanted an early marriage with me. Creepy. Two 6 year olds do not work out. Then there were two people in missouri, then theres about 3 people here in texas... I think im like. fat chopped liver. Friggin gross. <.<;

* Who is the cutest?: Evan. He's short and hilarious.

* Who laughs the most?: Me. xD

* Who have you known the longest? Kevin. <__<

* Who have you known the shortest?: Uh... Uh... ..... I'll go with David. <.<

* Do you belong to a crew?: Naw.

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: usually. S'pecially when my guy friends are off playin' basketball or something else I dont like.

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: No. Nooo Never.

* Do you trust your friends?: If i didnt, they wouldnt be my friends. o_O

* Are you a good friend?: As far as I know, yeah

* Can you keep a secret?: Depends on what it is.

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Otter.

* Hugged offline: Beth. <.<

* IMed: That one person im IMing right now.

* Talked to on the phone: Some telemarketer idiot.

* Yelled at: Myself. o_O

* Tripped: Beth.

* Turned down: Sid. >_<


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: A Storywriter/author/minnesota busdriver/computer repair guy/nerd/computer programmer/game designer/digital artist/novel illustrator. Something like that, maybe all of them?

* What is your most embarrassing story?: You want me to tell you here and now? o_o Why?

* What has been the best day of your life?: When i finally bought my Gamecube. ^-^ -hugs it-

* What comes first in your life?: If i give a care about it or not, whatever it is.

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: Nope. Dun want one.

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: o________o......... On my computer monitor. ^-^

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: Some stories i write. like... killing things or somethin'...

i have to stay up!

SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: I dunno.

* Song: Lying from You- Linkin Park

* Group: They Might be Giants

* Store: EB Games. Gamestop if friggin... >_o Dont get me started.

* Relative: My only brother. Hes in california. n_n Fun time.

* Sport: Uh... Um...... Dodgeball?

* Vacation spot: Anywhere north of Texas. X_x

* Ice cream flavor: All of them. maybe.

* Fruit: Banana. n_n

* Candy: Twix! Hot time.

* Holiday: Go-and-buy-some-Fritos day.

* Day of the week: Thursday.

* Colour: Blue

* Magazine: I dunno.

* Name for a girl: Kerrigan or Natasha

* Name for a boy: Nathan or Jacob


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: Yes n_n

* Like to walk in the rain?: Not really. Sometimes its fun.

* Sleep with or without clothes?: Depends on how warm it is in my room.

* Write in black or blue ink?: Blue!

* Dress up on halloween?: Yeah. Fun time. I make costumes of my RP characters the rest of the year. n_n I made a Val Hawyn one. I have like... fifty knives in my room for it.

* Have a job?: Nope.

* Like to travel?: Kinda. Not... no. Just no.

* Like someone?: Maybe. o_O How so.

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: I change positions every five seconds. -kicks insomnia- ._.

* Think you're attractive?: NO. Never. No.

* Want to marry?: Yeah. ^-^

* Have a goldfish?: No. I'd probably eat it and/or bake it.

* Ever have the falling dream?: Yeah. They creep me out.

* Have stuffed animals?: One or two. I dun do anything with them no more though.

* Go on vacation?: Not necessarily willingly, but yeah.

SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: Dont even get me started. o_< ;;

* Bill Clinton:  KILL.

* Eating disorders: Dumb and evil. <.<

* Suicide: No. Stoopid.

* Summer: Up north it'd be pretty good.

* Tattoos: ~_~.... Stupidest thing ever.

* Piercings: ~_~.... Too overrated, excessively used, people have too many, makes them look friggin gross, Makes them look like idiots. Just one set of piercings on female' ears is enough. o_O

* Make-up: You can have it.  I'll just sit here and be ugly, hows that.

* Drinking:  I swear to drunk I'm not god!

* Guys: Yay? I dunno.

* Girls: <.<....



SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?:NEITHER. NO.

* Be serious or funny?: Neither. Hilarious.

* Single or taken?: Single. And wanna stay that way, so go away.

* Simple or complicated?: Complications confuse dumb people.

* Law or anarchy?: I dunno.

* MTV or BET?: Neither. <.<

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: Neither. Shut up. TV be stoopid.

* Sugar or salt?: Salt! n_n

* Silver or gold?: Silver. It makes people wonder why you didnt like gold.

* Tongue or belly button ring?: Neither. No. Never.

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate! Huzzah.

* Angels or miracles?: Uh... I dunno.

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: color lets you tell whats really happening. o_O

* Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset. You dun hafta get up early to see it.

* M&M's or Skittles?: M&Ms. Skittles have too many flavorings.

* Rap or rock?: Rock! w00t.

* Stay up late or sleep in?: I do both, really.

* TV or radio?: Radio.

* Hot or cold?: Cold.

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: Try and find one thats taller! I dont have a choice on the matter.

* Sun or moon?: Moon! It makes a wierd glow on the ground. and other things. o_O

* Diamond or ruby?: Ruby. Huzzah.

* Left or right?: Im right handed. Left footed. <.< I guess left? I cant decide. You pick.

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: Ten whatever you said. I cant spell.

* Vanilla or chocolate?: vanilla

* Kids or no kids?: Yes kids. w00t.

* Cat or dog?: Cat. More hygenic. o_o

* Half-empty or half-full?: Its both!

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup. o_O

* Newspaper or magazine?: Newspaper. n_n

* Give or receive?: I dunno. I cant shake the feeling of someone debted to the other. So i just do that as X-mas time or somethin. That way two people give each other somethin and its all happy.

* Rain or snow?: Snow! Weeeeee! n_n

* Lace or satin?: I dunno.

* Happy or sad?: Happy! It makes you type faster. n.n

* Corduroy or plaid?: I dunno. Plaid.

* Wonder or amazement?: Wonder lets people think their own stuff, Amazement just knocks them over with.. amazement. o_o Amazing, isnt it...

* Sneakers or sandals?:  Sneaky. n___n

* McDonald's or Burger King?: Booger king.

* Mexican or italian food?: Mexican. >.>;

* Lights on or off?: ..... Right now? On. You can see what'cher doin when their on.

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: DUCTTAPE! WWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 

* Candy or pop?: Sodas. A&W. n_n Good stuff.

* A house in the woods or the city?: Northern forests. Whee.

* Pepsi or coke?: Neither. -pukes-

* Nike or adidas?: Who?


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: Yeah.

* Do you like church?: Yup.

* Why or why not?: Its the right thing to do, isnt it? Yeah it is. shut up.

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: I dunno.

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: Me. o_O


You people can copy it and put your own answers in and post it here.


Sometimes these things are rather hilarious. n-n

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SECTION 1: (You)


* Your name: Katie. It's too common. XP

* Your gender: MALE! No, I'm kidding. Female.

* Age: 13.

* Height: like...5' something or other. 7" or 8", or something.

* Hair color/style: Goes about three/fourths of the way down my back, red with a white streak in the front of the right side. (No, I'm not kidding. I really dyed it this way.)

* Eye color: Blue with this ring of brown/green/puke color in the middle.

* Marital status: None. I dun like anybody yet. With my maturitly level, I'm guessing I'll get my first crush somewhere around my late thirtys. x.x

* Your location: Kansas. Please help me.

* Talents: I dunno...stuff.


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: Not that I recall.

* Cheated on someone?: I've never had anybody to cheat on.

* Fallen off the bed?: I do that all the time. I did it this morning. x.x

* Fallen for a relative?: ...Eww.

* Had plastic surgery?: Ye-...I mean, no! >.>

* Broke someone's heart?: I do it all the time. XD (Reality = no)

* Had your heart broken?: Nope.

* Had a dream come true: Umm...not that I remember...

* Done something you regret?: Yees. Hasn't everybody?

* Cheated on a test?: When I was in, like, first grade. x.x (I couldn't spell "are")

* Broken a body part?: Yep. Mah middle finger. I got to flick people off for a month and a half without getting in trouble. XD

SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: Blue jeans and a red T-shirt.

* Listening to: Alex play Halo.

* Chewing: Nothing.

* Feeling: Like a shattered rose, hiddin in the darkness of the world's hate. (Inside joke. Dun ask.)

* Reading: The questions.

* Located: Deh kitchen, 'cause that is where the compy is.

* Chatting with: Tori.

* Should REALLY be: Doing math homework or reading her book report book.


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: Obbsesivly. *has to because of her Doom Braces*

* Like anybody?: Sure. I like lots of people. Or did you mean that other kind...

* Have any piercings?: Ears.

* Drive? Not yet. I don't think I should ever be allowed to. You should see how I play Mario Kart when I'm bored. >.>;;;

* Believe in Santa Claus?: I never really think about it, so I don't know.

* Ever get off the computer?: Only when a crowbar is used.


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Kris or Rachel.

* Who is the loudest?: Ashley.

* Who is the shyest?: Rachel or Marisa.

* Who is the 'hottest'?: I dunno. I never think of my friends like that. x.x

* Who is the cutest?: Jonathan!

* Who laughs the most?: Me, Kris, or Katie.

* Who have you known the longest? Kris and Rachel.

* Who have you known the shortest?: Allegra.

* Do you belong to a crew?: Fo shizzle.

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: Yep.

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: *hisses* c.c

* Do you trust your friends?: No. e.e;;; (Yes, I'm kidding)

* Are you a good friend?: I dunno. Ask somebody.

* Can you keep a secret?: If it's something that isn't anything like, "I'm gonna kill myself tonight.", or something like that.

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Hmmm...I dunno...maybe Alan...or James...I forget. x.x

* Hugged offline: Alex.

* IMed: Tori.

* Talked to on the phone:...I forget. x.x Probably my mom, or somebody like that.

* Yelled at: Puck. (Deh cat)

* Tripped: On perpose? Grahm

* Turned down: For what?


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: Vet, breeder, author, artist, or biologist of some sort. And a good parent, if I ever end up having kids.

* What is your most embarrassing story?: Phtt. Like I'm gonna tell you. o_o

* What has been the best day of your life?: I have no idea.

* What comes first in your life?: My friends and family.

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: No thankyou.

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: In the back of my head.

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: Toms of things. x.x

SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: Too many. x.x

* Song: Cell Blcok Tango - Chicago or nearly anything by Evenescence.

* Group: Evenescence, Switchfoot, Unfinished Thought, Wierd Al (I know he isn't a group. Shut up.), TMBG, The Pillows, Sneaker Pimps. *is too lazy to go to that other topic and see if that name is allowed*

* Store: And video game store. x.x I spend hours in those, even when I have no monies. x.x

* Relative: My great grandma or one of my other two grandmas. And Alex is pretty spiffy most of the time, too.

* Sport: I don't care what ya'll say, DDR is a sport and it's my favorite.

* Vacation spot: I'd like to go the Japan.

* Ice cream flavor: No idea. A lot. x.x

* Fruit: Strawberry or tomato. (It's a fruit!)

* Candy: Nearly anything chocolate or fruit flavored.

* Holiday: Christmas or Halloween.

* Day of the week: Saterday.

* Colour: Red or silver.

* Magazine: Game Informer.

* Name for a girl: Lark or Misha.

* Name for a boy: Zander


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: *huggs everyone*

* Like to walk in the rain?: Only if it's either really light or really hard.

* Sleep with or without clothes?: With.

* Write in black or blue ink?: Black. I'm not to fond of blue.

* Dress up on halloween?: Oh yes.

* Have a job?: Sort of.

* Like to travel?: Depends on where.


* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: Sometimes I fall asleep on my back, but I always end up on my side. I rarly sleep on my stomache. Only when I'm sick.

* Think you're attractive?: I dunno. I don't really care.

* Want to marry?: If I find the right person.

* Have a goldfish?: Nope. It would become kitty food.

* Ever have the falling dream?: I have dreams that I fall in, but not ones where that's all I do.

* Have stuffed animals? Bucket loads. x.x

* Go on vacation?: Sort of...

SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: Not answering. >.<


* Eating disorders: Not good.

* Suicide: Most of the people who talk about it/commit it just want the attention.

* Summer: Diiiiiiiiiie. x_x *stabbs* The only good thing about it is the long break from school.

* Tattoos: Ugly.

* Piercings: On girls. And only the ears.

* Make-up: Takes too long and feels like icing.

* Drinking: Most alcohol gives me a headache by smelling it, so I don't know how people can actually drink it. x.x

* Guys: They can be alright or so annoying you want to strangle them.

* Girls: Same thing.


SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: Neither.

* Be serious or funny?: Depends on the situation.

* Single or taken?: As of right now: Single. And I don't plan on changing it any time soon.

* Simple or complicated?: Complicated. *now has that dumb song stuck in her head*

* Law or anarchy?: Anarchy! >: D Well, sometimes.

* MTV or BET?: Death.

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: Eww.

* Sugar or salt?: SUGAR?! WHERE?!

* Silver or gold?: Silver. It's more cooler than gold. XP

* Tongue or belly button ring?: What is it with you and peircings?!

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate!

* Angels or miracles?: Angles, 'cause then they could make miracles.

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: Color. *shakes fist at black and white*

* Sunrise or sunset?: Both.

* M&M's or Skittles?: Both again. x.x

* Rap or rock?: Rock. *kills rap dead* Unless it's Wierd Al, then I'll take both.

* Stay up late or sleep in?: Both. >.>;;;

* TV or radio?: Yet again, both.

* Hot or cold?: Cold.

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: Right now: Niether

* Sun or moon?: Moon 'cause night is better than day 'cause it dosen't have the evil sun that's gonna kill us all eventually. *hisses at sun*

* Diamond or ruby?: Ruby 'cause it's red. ^^

* Left or right?: Left. Because left is always right but right is always wrong.

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: One best friend.

* Vanilla or chocolate?: Depends.

* Kids or no kids?: For what?

* Cat or dog?: Cat 'cause they ROCK! V>_<V

* Half-empty or half-full?: NEITHER! >: D

* Mustard or ketchup?: Depends on what it's being put on.

* Newspaper or magazine?: Magazine, uless it's the comics.

* Give or receive?: Both.

* Rain or snow?: Either.

* Lace or satin?: Both of them!

* Happy or sad?: Happy 'cause sad people can get annoying after a while.

* Corduroy or plaid?: Plaid is deh awsomes.

* Wonder or amazement?: Aren't they the same thing in this case?

* Sneakers or sandals?:  Sneakers. Sandals are eeeeeevil! EEEEEVIL!

* McDonald's or Burger King?: Culver's! : D

* Mexican or italian food?: Italian.

* Lights on or off?: On. *is a night person, but is afraid of the dark when inside of houses* >.>;;;

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: Duct tape. What can't it do?

* Candy or pop?: Errr...both.

* A house in the woods or the city?: City.

* Pepsi or coke?: VANILLA PEPSI!

* Nike or adidas?: I dun care.


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: Yep.

* Do you like church?: Sure.

* Why or why not?: I dunno. I just do. x.x

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: I dunno. The Doom Tree in Sailor Moon was pretty cool. Or the Deku Tree...or...you know...some other kind...

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: Me 'cause my room now pwns.

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Sweet. I love these things


* Your name: Brandon. <.< w00t?

* Your gender: It? I mean...female! I mean...PASS!

* Age: 13

* Height: like...5'8"..maybe 5'9" now??

* Hair color/style: Straight? Naturaly curly, and it's blondish brownish.

* Eye color: Changes. Sometimes blue, grey, green, purple/blue, silver.

* Marital status: Divorced. When I was 6, I got married to a 45-year-old. Didn't work out, too bad though. Bill Gates was really nice.

* Your location: Misery, USA. I mean....Missouri.

* Talents: Writer, nose-picker, cat-kicker, prep-squisher...the list goes on.


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: Yeah! It's the coolest thing ever!

* Cheated on someone?: No. They would probably be wrong, but if they asked me, sure! Why waste the energy! (I'm kidding.)

* Fallen off the bed?: Yeah! You know those dreams were you think you're falling, and you end up on the floor?

* Fallen for a relative?: Excuse me?? Inbreeding, much?

* Had plastic surgery?: Yeah, you know it.

* Broke someone's heart?: My specialty. Plastic butter knives RULE!

* Had your heart broken?: By a boldozer, once.

* Had a dream come true: Yeah.

* Done something you regret?: You mean kicking my brother? Yeah.

* Cheated on a test?: Stop asking this question!

* Broken a body part?: No. (Spanish for no.)


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: A lovely red shirt that says, "There's no place like Rome", and a pair of black cargo pants. (I have a billion of those. n_n)

* Listening to: TobyMac...Ill-M-I

* Chewing: BigRed gum

* Feeling: Tired

* Reading: What do you think I'm reading? The Grapes of Wrath while I do this survey?

* Located: Misery. (I bet there's more hicks here, Arkcher. And they're proud! (Freaky...I know. They wear shirts that say "RedNeck"))

* Chatting with: My friend, Zack

* Watching: Aqua Teen Hunger Force, WHILE I do this quiz. (At the same time!)

* Should REALLY be: Sleeping


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: No. I love gingavitus! ::Sarcasim::

* Like anybody?: Of course.

* Have any piercings?: Two in lobe of ear on right ear, on left ear one in cartilage and one in the lobe.

* Drive? Of course! All 13-year-olds do!

* Believe in Santa Claus?: No! Jack the Pumpkin king is Santy Claus!

* Ever get off the computer?: During school hours.


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Mindy

* Who is the loudest?: Me

* Who is the shyest?: Hannah

* Who is the 'hottest'?: Zack. Too bad he has a girlfriend...lol. *fake sigh*

* Who is the cutest?: Daniel.

* Who laughs the most?: Me.

* Who have you known the longest? *scratches head* Friends come and go.

* Who have you known the shortest?: Cinda...Gosh! I don't even know how to spell her name. That's how long I've known her.

* Do you belong to a crew?: The J-Freak crew!

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: Course. I'm one o' the guys.

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: You know it. (HA!)

* Do you trust your friends?: What do you mean by 'friends'?

* Are you a good friend?: The best, as I've been told.

* Can you keep a secret?: Depends on what it is.

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Zack

* Hugged offline: I gave 50 hugs out tonight. I think Dani...no, Areail!

* IMed: Zack..?

* Talked to on the phone: ...Such a long time ago...

* Yelled at: Aaron. He friggin elbowed me in the elbow.

* Tripped: Catlin!

* Turned down: Down to what?...That would be Jesse, or Jermy. They're twins.


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?:...I've been debating. Investigation or writting...or a musician! *Plays air guitar*

* What is your most embarrassing story?: I accidentally fliped someone off. They got mad.

* What has been the best day of your life?: When I went to DisneyLand!

* What comes first in your life?: ...When I was born, I guess.

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: Crush.

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: The back of my head.

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: Killing Jesse McFartney. Oh Yeah. Or Being a Ninja Turtle


SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: Nightmare Before Christmas

* Song: In This World (Murder)-Good Charlotte.

* Group: Youth?

* Store: Hot Topic

* Relative: Auntie poo

* Sport: Track. (Shot-put and discus)

* Vacation spot: Eurpoe

* Ice cream flavor: Cotton Candy

* Fruit: Strawberry

* Candy: Jolly Ranchers

* Holiday: Arbor Day..or Vegetarian Appreciation month

* Day of the week: Wednesday

* Colour: Black

* Magazine: Modern Drummer

* Name for a girl: Kheli

* Name for a boy: Freddy

SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: O' Course

* Like to walk in the rain?: I like to jump in puddles.

* Sleep with or without clothes?: WHAT?!?! NEVER!!!

* Write in black or blue ink?: Black...or pink. Or both!

* Dress up on halloween?: Yeah! This year I'm gunna be Freddy!!

* Have a job?: No. I baby sit sometimes.

* Like to travel?: By myself.

* Like someone?: I'm not telling.

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: Right side, left side, back, left side, right side, back...continues.

* Think you're attractive?: What do YOU think?

* Want to marry?: Maybe. If he's famous. So I can be famous.

* Have a goldfish?: Six.

* Ever have the falling dream?: ^^ Read above.

* Have stuffed animals?: 20 or so. Most are penguin. Horatio. n_n

* Go on vacation?: Yeah. Washington D.C., baby!

SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: Don't get me started either, I think tomorrow I'll wear my "It's a child, not a choice", thanks to you.

* Bill Clinton: Is a pig. Oink oink!

* Eating disorders: "Does this make me look fat?"

* Suicide: *rolls eyes*

* Summer: EEP! NO!!!!

* Tattoos: I'll get one...someday.

* Piercings: Have 4.

* Make-up: Over done. Don't wear it, don't need it. (Do I?)

* Drinking: I was just talked about that tonight..

* Guys: "Do you want to go watch football sometime?"

* Girls: "I love Claire's!!"



SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: Nose/

* Be serious or funny?: Fuseriousy

* Single or taken?: Where's married at? Or divorced?

* Simple or complicated?: Simcolicated

* Law or anarchy?: Huh? Law?

* MTV or BET?: MTV. Just please don't play rap, pop, country, or punk, and I'll be okay.

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: *hilarious laughter*

* Sugar or salt?: Sugar!

* Silver or gold?: White gold.

* Tongue or belly button ring?: Tongue

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate flowers!

* Angels or miracles?: Miracles

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: Black and white.

* Sunrise or sunset?: Too purdy. Can't take it.

* M&M's or Skittles?: Skittles. Just lime ones.

* Rap or rock?: Rock!! Tool, baby!

* Stay up late or sleep in?: ZzzZZzzzZzz Did you say something?

* TV or radio?: Neither. Computer!

* Hot or cold?: Cold.

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: Taller....I'm taller than a few guys...in their 20's....

* Sun or moon?: Moon...it's made of cheese.

* Diamond or ruby?: Ruby. Slippers.

* Left or right?: Lirght!

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: I don't really have a best friend..

* Vanilla or chocolate?: vanilla

* Kids or no kids?: Babysit, yes. Maybe some day I'll adopt from Russia.

* Cat or dog?: Dog. Arf.

* Half-empty or half-full?: all the way full!

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup.

* Newspaper or magazine?: Magazine

* Give or receive?: Give! *It's a gift to be simple...*

* Rain or snow?: Snow! Bunnies!

* Lace or satin?: Huh? Are you talking about hair?

* Happy or sad?: Ummm...

* Corduroy or plaid?: Which is what?

* Wonder or amazement?: And I'm wondering what this wonderment question is wondering.

* Sneakers or sandals?: Converses.

* McDonald's or Burger King?: McDoodles in NY. They serve veggie burgers.

* Mexican or italian food?: ITALIAN!!!

* Lights on or off?:Off!

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: Duct tape fixes ANYTHING.

* Candy or pop?: Neither.

* A house in the woods or the city?: City.

* Pepsi or coke?: Diet Pepsi

* Nike or adidas?: Nike, as in the goddess of vitory?


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: Yeah!

* Do you like church?: Yeah!

* Why or why not?: It's fun and lets you get closer to our father. Shove it, TGHL.

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: Chinese maple?

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: Me.

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I have a friend named Brandon. He's known for controlling minds, so, you know, maybe he forced me to put "Brandon" down as my name. You never know.

You dont know it yet, But its actually me. I go to Missouri sometimes. o_o


I looked it up online, The defninition of Brandon as a name is Blackbird/Raven or something to that effect.

Im evil or something! Huzzah!

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  • 2 weeks later...

* Your name: Trish

* Your gender: female

* Age:something

* Height:no clue...over 5'7"

* Hair color/style: Straight and auburn

* Eye color: green

* Marital status: single

* Your location: Florida

* Talents: none to speak of


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: no

* Cheated on someone?: No.

* Fallen off the bed?: yes

* Fallen for a relative?:No!

* Had plastic surgery?: If you say so...

* Broke someone's heart?: No.

* Had your heart broken?: No.

* Had a dream come true: Yes!

* Done something you regret?: ...I don't remember...

* Cheated on a test?: No.

* Broken a body part?: No.


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: Curious Geore shirt and jeans

* Listening to: me typing

* Chewing: my tongue

* Feeling: Happy

* Reading: Nothing

* Located: Florida

* Chatting with: Myself

* Watching:computer screen

* Should REALLY be: constantly checking for new posts


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: Duh.

* Like anybody?: No.

* Have any piercings?: Two in each ear

* Drive? No.

* Believe in Santa Claus?:Yes.

* Ever get off the computer?: During school hours.


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Laraey, Becca, Chelsi

* Who is the loudest?: Todd

* Who is the shyest?: Chelsi

* Who is the 'hottest'?: no comment

* Who is the cutest?: no comment

* Who laughs the most?: Me.

* Who have you known the longest? Chelsi

* Who have you known the shortest?: Laraey

* Do you belong to a crew?: The New and Improved Homies

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: Yes.

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: Maybe...no

* Do you trust your friends?: Pretty much

* Are you a good friend?: I believe so

* Can you keep a secret?: Depends on what it is.

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Laraey

* Hugged offline: Todd

* IMed: Laraey

* Talked to on the phone: Chelsi

* Yelled at: no one

* Tripped: attempted to trip Chelsi...didn't work

* Turned down: huh?


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: vet

* What is your most embarrassing story?: * What has been the best day of your life?: when I joined hampsterdance..

* What comes first in your life?: computer time

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: None.

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: On my computer

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: everything


SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: Napolean Dynamite

* Song: You May Be Right-Billy Joel

* Group: none

* Store: any video game store

* Relative:Great Aunt

* Sport: Swimming

* Vacation spot: Ireland (wish I could go there)

* Ice cream flavor: Chocolate

* Fruit: Apple

* Candy: M&Ms

* Holiday: Christmas

* Day of the week: Friday

* Colour: lime green

* Magazine: Nintendo Power

* Name for a girl: Melissa or Maureen

* Name for a boy: Tommy or Cole


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: Yes!

* Like to walk in the rain?: yes

* Sleep with or without clothes?: With.

* Write in black or blue ink?: Black

* Dress up on halloween?: Yes

* Have a job?: No.

* Like to travel?: Yes

* Like someone?: No

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: side

* Think you're attractive?: I don't know!

* Want to marry?: Maybe.

* Have a goldfish?: Do Koi count?

* Ever have the falling dream?: Yes

* Have stuffed animals?: Yes!!

* Go on vacation?: Yes


SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: BAD!

* Bill Clinton: no comment

* Eating disorders: not 1% good

* Suicide: horrible!

* Summer: awesome!

* Tattoos: Ick!

* Piercings: Only ears

* Make-up: no need

* Drinking: horrible

* Guys: same as girls

* Girls: same as guys


SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: neither

* Be serious or funny?: funny

* Single or taken?: single and proud

* Simple or complicated?: complicated with a splash of simple

* Law or anarchy?: huh?

* MTV or BET?: neither

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: ick!

* Sugar or salt?: Sugar!

* Silver or gold?: silver

* Tongue or belly button ring?: neither

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Angels or miracles?: Angels.

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: color

* Sunrise or sunset?: sunset

* M&M's or Skittles?: M&Ms

* Rap or rock?: rock!!!

* Stay up late or sleep in?: both

* TV or radio?: radio

* Hot or cold?: Cold.

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: neither

* Sun or moon?: moon

* Diamond or ruby?: ruby

* Left or right?: right

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: 10 acquaintances or 3 best friends

* Vanilla or chocolate?: chocolate

* Kids or no kids?: kids when I am grown and married

* Cat or dog?: dog

* Half-empty or half-full?: half-full

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup.

* Newspaper or magazine?: Magazine

* Give or receive?: give

* Rain or snow?: snow

* Lace or satin?: silk please

* Happy or sad?: happy

* Corduroy or plaid?: corduroy

* Wonder or amazement?: amazement

* Sneakers or sandals?: sandals

* McDonald's or Burger King?: Mickey D's

* Mexican or italian food?: American. Can't beat the PB&J!

* Lights on or off?: on

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: Duct tape.

* Candy or pop?: candy

* A house in the woods or the city?: country

* Pepsi or coke?: Water

* Nike or adidas?:neither


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: Yes!

* Do you like church?: Yes!

* Why or why not?: It calms me and helps me get to know God.

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: Anything climbable

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: Me.

FUN! :D:)

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I found one of these survey things you put your own wierd answers to. I figured i'd post it here and lat all'you peoples do it too.

You people can copy it and put your own answers in and post it here.


Sometimes these things are rather hilarious. n-n

i would answer it butit is too long!

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SECTION 1: (You)


* Your name: Kristov

* Your gender: Male

* Age: 18 1/2

* Height: Oh, about 5'8''

* Hair color/style: Short, cut for ROTC. It is golden brown. I like my bangs

* Eye color: Blue blue/bleu bleu/azul azul

* Marital status: Single--not married yet. I wonder if it is time....

* Your location: I have many locations..... where I want to live, where I don't, where I do live, where I did live.....

* Talents: writing, intelligence, my diction, etc.




(Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: Not since I was 3.

* Cheated on someone?: Tons of times.

* Fallen off the bed?: Once, unless you count the numerous times I thought I was falling off except it was just my feeling like I was.

* Fallen for a relative?: First counsin, 2nd counsin twice removed? Be specific man!

* Had plastic surgery?: Lets see..... not yet.

* Broke someone's heart?: Yes.

* Had your heart broken?: Every day.

* Had a dream come true: Tons of times. Almost every day. I have tons of premonitions about things that come true....

* Done something you regret?: Who hasn't?

* Cheated on a test?: Cheated? Me? NEVER! I am too smart for that! Seriously, never have.

* Broken a body part?: Yep, my left arm.


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: Jeans which at the bottom is about a foot and a half in diameter... you know... goth pants..

* Listening to: Elton John- Candle in the Wind

* Chewing: Headphone cords and anything near my mouth

* Feeling: Mad, angry, happy, sad,

* Reading: Can't say..... it is called um.... Wicca for Men* Located: In Hades

* Chatting with: Myself

* Watching: time pass by

* Should REALLY be: practicing magick


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: Atleast 3 times a day

* Like anybody?: I love somebody if that is what you are asking

* Have any piercings?: Let me count.... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. I will tell you where only 6 of them are.

* Drive? Yes.

* Believe in Santa Claus?: You mean Ben? Yeah, he buys me everything

* Ever get off the computer?: Almost every day


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Kim, Raelynne, Nicole, Abby, Tristan, Heather, Candice, Abby, Jaime, Cherise, Misty, Jenneye, William, Leonard,etc.

* Who is the loudest?: What kind of loud? We are all in ROTC and must be loud...

* Who is the shyest?: Me.

* Who is the 'hottest'?: Kim, Raelynne, Heather, Jaime, Leonard, Cherise

* Who is the cutest?: Kim, Raelynne, Heather, Jaime, Leonard, Cherise.

* Who laughs the most?: Kim, Raelynne, Nicole, Abby, Tristan, Heather, Candice, Abby, Jaime, Cherise, Misty, Jenneye, William, Leonard,etc.

* Who have you known the longest? Kim, Nicole, Heather, Candice, Cherise, Misty,

* Who have you known the shortest?: Jaime, Jenneye, Leonard, Abby, Tristan, Raelynne, William

* Do you belong to a crew?: A crew?

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: All the time.

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: What the Hades? Popular? Excuse me?

* Do you trust your friends?: Aye, I trust them.

* Are you a good friend?: Am I alive?

* Can you keep a secret?: Cert'n'ly. Thus sayth the Larry.


SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Hugged isn't the word..

* Hugged offline: Nicole, Abby, Candice, Kim, Jenneye,etc.

* IMed: Everyone! Muahaha!.

* Talked to on the phone: The Taliban..... they told me "Thank you for supporting the Taliban Terrorist Group. We are happy to have you as one of our patrons.

* Yelled at: Everyone....

* Tripped: Everyone..

* Turned down: Everyone...


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: You mean what I am right now? I am a CPA in training. Only 3 1/2 years left!

* What is your most embarrassing story?: Wondering if I should tell you..

* What has been the best day of your life?: No day

* What comes first in your life?: Nature.

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: I would have them removed...

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: Whether or not I will die before I wake since I have sleep apnia and other breathing problems which cause me not to breath for minutes at a time when I am sleep.




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Guest Skwerlhugger Will

SECTION 1: (You)


* Your name: let me check my tag.........

* Your gender: oh yeah my name is Sallly.......im a guy

* Age: let me check the tag again..............

* Height: 9 cats stacked on top of each other

* Hair color/style: pink and short! no really

* Eye color: hazel green

* Marital status: i dont take martial arts

* Your location: box world

* Talents: i can do this cool thing with my neck..........


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: go away!

* Cheated on someone?: why would i?

* Fallen off the bed?: yes.losta yes

* Fallen for a relative?: well when i was six i asked my cousin to marry me........

* Had plastic surgery?: i still regret those implants

* Broke someone's heart?: maybe..........still maybe

* Had your heart broken?: nope

* Had a dream come true: checks...nope still no mass army of mind slaves

* Done something you regret?: a lot

* Cheated on a test?: let me go check my answears sheet

* Broken a body part?: numerous


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: my pajamas and sponge bob

* Listening to: the man up my nose

* Chewing: my tounge

* Feeling: the key board

* Reading: This survey. And answering it.

* Located: in a box

* Chatting with: That one person. <.<

* Watching: th computer screen

* Should REALLY be: sleeping


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: Rarely.

* Like anybody?: how

* Have any piercings?: im male...heck nO

* Drive? few months

* Believe in Santa Claus?: santa lives in my clost, i allot him prison rations

* Ever get off the computer?: of corse


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: uhhhhhh....valerie? daniel? cameron? dont no

* Who is the loudest?: me

* Who is the shyest?: none

* Who is the 'hottest'?: uhhhh vals the only girl......

* Who is the cutest?:only one girl........

* Who laughs the most?: :lol::lol::lol: uh i dont no

* Who have you known the longest? cameron

* Who have you known the shortest?:me

* Do you belong to a crew?: Naw.

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: yes

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: heck no no no.

* Do you trust your friends?: der

* Are you a good friend?: maybe

* Can you keep a secret?: do you have money?

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online:dont no how to do that

* Hugged offline: val

* IMed: dont im

* Talked to on the phone: uh val

* Yelled at: the man in my nose

* Tripped: my little sister

* Turned down: the lights

SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: a dictator

* What is your most embarrassing story?: not goin to tell

* What has been the best day of your life?: same as arkers

* What comes first in your life?: food

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?:maybe.

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: on my cat

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: skwerls


SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: dont no

* Song: just anouther brick in the wall

* Group: kansas

* Store:video games and sports mart

* Relative: lots

* Sport: uhhhhhhh....is sleeping one

* Vacation spot:places

* Ice cream flavor: All of them.

* Fruit: turkey sandwhiches

* Candy: fast breaks

* Holiday: happy leaf arickson day

* Day of the week: Thursday.

* Colour: green

* Magazine: ohhhhh the lego catologe

* Name for a girl: flower or cheese

* Name for a boy: lance or moo


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: Yes

* Like to walk in the rain?: yeah.

* Sleep with or without clothes?: why do you want to no

* Write in black or blue ink?: blue

* Dress up on halloween?: Yder of corse

* Have a job?: Nope.

* Like to travel?: no

* Like someone?: how

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: Idon no

* Think you're attractive?: no

* Want to marry?: Yeah

* Have a goldfish?: killed the last one

* Ever have the falling dream?: no

* Have stuffed animals?: OI love you nutter the squirrel.....huggles.

* Go on vacation?: yep

SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: dont noe

* Bill Clinton: KILL.......KNIVES

* Eating disorders: idouts

* Suicide: stupid heads

* Summer: love it

* Tattoos: only the ones from the happy meals

* Piercings:dumb

* Make-up: no


* Guys: oohhhhhhhh...........

* Girls: like them



SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?:no

* Be serious or funny?: dont no

* Single or taken?:

* Simple or complicated?: im dumb

* Law or anarchy?: ??????????

* MTV or BET?: ????????

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: tv is dumb

* Sugar or salt?: salt

* Silver or gold?:silver

* Tongue or belly button ring?: dont want any more metal in my mouth and no piercings

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate!

* Angels or miracles?: Uh...

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: color

* Sunrise or sunset?: sunset

* M&M's or Skittles?: M&Ms. .

* Rap or rock?: Rock!

* Stay up late or sleep in?: I do both.

* TV or radio?: Radio.

* Hot or cold?: cold

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?:uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

* Sun or moon?: Moon! Its sa spooky full

* Diamond or ruby?: dimond

* Left or right?: left

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: ten

* Vanilla or chocolate?: vanilla

* Kids or no kids?: Yes kids

* Cat or dog?: Cat. \

* Half-empty or half-full?: full

* Mustard or ketchup?: mustard

* Newspaper or magazine?: Newspaper

* Give or receive?:recieve

* Rain or snow?: Snow! der

* Happy or sad?: Happy!

* Corduroy or plaid?: I dunno

* Wonder or amazement?: wonder it scares people

* Sneakers or sandals?: Sneakers

* McDonald's or Burger King?: not mc barf not booger king

* Mexican or italian food?: Mexican gives me gas

* Lights on or off?:off

* Duct tape or scotch tape?:ductape

* Candy or pop?: Sodas

* A house in the woods or the city?: forest

* Pepsi or coke?: Neither

* Nike or adidas?: whats that

SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: sometimes

* Do you like church?: yeah

* Why or why not?: cause

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: ones with big leafys

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: i like mine

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SECTION 1: (You)


* Your name: Eren

* Your gender: female

* Age: ...err...16? Yes, sixteen!

* Height: I dunno

* Hair color/style: What's it to ya? Red.

* Eye color: green

* Marital status: non-existant (existent)

* Your location: a little planet called "Earth"

* Talents: none


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: Who hasn't?

* Cheated on someone?: Nyet. (No)

* Fallen off the bed?: Toujours (Always)

* Fallen for a relative?: Nyet (ewww!)... although, if you think about it, everyone is related to everyone else...

* Had plastic surgery?: Who am I, Michael Jackson?

* Broke someone's heart?: not that I know of...

* Had your heart broken?: that depends...

* Had a dream come true: nope

* Done something you regret?: Tous les jours. (Every day)

* Cheated on a test?: no

* Broken a body part?: no


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: shirt and skirt, like always! :)

* Listening to: "American Pie"

* Chewing: nothin'

* Feeling: energetic (i.e. hyper)

* Reading: Your imbecilic questions, you fool! (Kidding! No, really and truly!)

* Located: Didn't you just ask that...?

* Chatting with: Rue (periodically)

* Watching: the smilies!

* Should REALLY be: What does that mean?!!!


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: I have been known to, yes.

* Like anybody?: ???

* Have any piercings?: nope

* Drive?: nope

* Believe in Santa Claus?: Of course! ^_^

* Ever get off the computer?: When they pry the mouse from my cold, dead fingers. (Joke! Honestly! Lay off, will you?!)


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: N/A

* Who is the loudest?: N/A

* Who is the shyest?: N/A

* Who is the 'hottest'?: N/A

* Who is the cutest?: N/A

* Who laughs the most?: N/A

* Who have you known the longest?: N/A

* Who have you known the shortest?: N/A

* Do you belong to a crew?: ??? No. The Navy would kill me if I were using their computers when I should be working! What is this doing in "Friends", anyway?

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: I go to school, thus I really don't have a choice. ^_^

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: No? Why did you put "popular" in caps anyway? Are you a capitolist, popularist SPY? Guards!!!

* Do you trust your friends?: N/A

* Are you a good friend?: Of course.

* Can you keep a secret?: If it's one that should be kept, yes. If not, no.

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: N/A

* Hugged offline: my mom? I don't know!

* IMed: *snarls*

* Talked to on the phone: When's the last time I even talked on the phone...?

* Yelled at: Myself. Naturalement.

* Tripped: Myself. Again, naturalement.

* Turned down: ???


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: An author! (Now you're talkin'!)

* What is your most embarrassing story?: *blinks* EXCUSE ME?!!!!!!

* What has been the best day of your life?: I dunno.

* What comes first in your life?: others

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: No

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: in a jar, where they could quickly replace my old in need.

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: I don't know. Then I go to bed and start WRITING!!!


SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: :)

* Song: *shrugs*

* Group: ???

* Store: I don't know.

* Relative: You don't know much, do you? You're supposed to love all relatives equally. My aunt, of course! :) (joke)

* Sport: soccer

* Vacation spot: What gave you the impression I went on vacation?

* Ice cream flavor: Chocolate, or chocolate mint!

* Fruit: (candy: lemon) regular:apple

* Candy: I don't know. Lemony ones.

* Holiday: Christmas or Hallowe'en.

* Day of the week: *shrugs*

* Colour: all except purples, yellows, browns, and brilliant ones (white excluded). Oh, and especially *shudder* gold. Gold is the absolute worst colour ever!

* Magazine: That's for me to know, and you to not know.

* Name for a girl: :)

* Name for a boy: :)


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: Yup!

* Like to walk in the rain?: Yessire

* Sleep with or without clothes?: with, of course

* Write in black or blue ink?: blue or green

* Dress up on halloween?: Of course! :)

* Have a job?: That depends on what your definition of the word "is" is. I pseudo-work.

* Like to travel?: Yep.

* Like someone?: You keep coming back to this. Why? Will my answer be different, do you think, the next time you ask?

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: side

* Think you're attractive?: Nope.

* Want to marry?: *shrugs*

* Have a goldfish?: Nope.

* Ever have the falling dream?: Nyet.

* Have stuffed animals?: *growls*

* Go on vacation?: That depends as well... And why did you ask this after you had already asked where I liked to vacation, you dolt!

SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: no opinion

* Bill Clinton: My hero ^_^ . I believe he initially told the truth and then lied under pressure about lying supposedly.

* Eating disorders: Maybe I have one.

* Suicide: ... :o

* Summer: Yay! Freedom from the purgatory! It starts June 21st, i.e. in 70 days!!

* Tattoos: Evil

* Piercings: 1 set through the ears.

* Make-up: Good for looking weird!

* Drinking: Bad, bad, evil!

* Guys: Thick. Even if I did have a crush on someone, odds are he wouldn't notice.

* Girls: We rule!



SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: neither

* Be serious or funny?: funnily serious. Or seriously funny.

* Single or taken?: What are you talking about?

* Simple or complicated?: simple for some. Complex for others. Some things are just meant to be a certain way.

* Law or anarchy?: Law

* MTV or BET?: Say what?

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: Now what are you babbering about? (Joke! Is joke! Leave me be!)

* Sugar or salt?: Did you say salt? Where's salt? Give me salt and I will spare your miserable excuse for a life!

* Silver or gold?: You don't listen to a word I say, do you? Silver, silver, oh, and did I say silver? Gold is evil.

* Tongue or belly button ring?: NEITHER!

* Chocolate or flowers?: It depends. If the flowers are alive, then flowers. If they're dead, then Suirue (interjecting):You're a murderer. That's what. Errr, yeah... NEXT!

* Angels or miracles?: "Just call me angel of the morning, angel!"

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: colour. Duh.

* Sunrise or sunset?: both

* M&M's or Skittles?: Skittles and Peanut M&M's

* Rap or rock?: neither

* Stay up late or sleep in?: Both.

* TV or radio?: radio

* Hot or cold?: cold

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: Who notices such immaterial things as material things?

* Sun or moon?: Moon

* Diamond or ruby?: I don't care. Ruby, probably.

* Left or right?: Right.

So George W. Bush goes to the doctor for his routine yearly checkup. The doctor acts like something is wrong, so Dubya asks about it, and she says: "Well, there are two sides of your brain."

"Well, isn't that normal?"

"Yes, but on the left side of your brain nothing is right, and on the right side of your brain nothing is left."


* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: 1 best friend

* Vanilla or chocolate?: chocolate

* Kids or no kids?: ???

* Cat or dog?: both

* Half-empty or half-full?: Half-full. But I'm a pessimist. Really and truly!

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup! What are you, an imbecile?

* Newspaper or magazine?: Magazine. Newspapers leave all that junk on your hands *yuck!*

* Give or receive?: both

* Rain or snow?: both

* Lace or satin?: satin

* Happy or sad?: happy, I guess...

* Corduroy or plaid?: Did you say plaid? *squeals* Plaid is the ultimate!

* Wonder or amazement?: Wonder

* Sneakers or sandals?: sandals

* McDonald's or Burger King?: Burger King, genius!

* Mexican or italian food?: neither

* Lights on or off?: Off

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: any tape is welcome with me!!!

* Candy or pop?: Aren't pops a type of candy...?

* A house in the woods or the city?: woods near the city

* Pepsi or coke?: Coke all the way!

* Nike or adidas?: neither


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: kinda

* Do you like church?: kinda

* Why or why not?: kinda (whoops!)

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: Maple, I guess Suirue: Fool! Everyone knows pines are the best!

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: N/A

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Sweet. I love these things


* Your name: Brandon. <.< w00t?

* Your gender: It? I mean...female! I mean...PASS!

* Age: 13

* Height: like...5'8"..maybe 5'9" now??

* Hair color/style: Straight? Naturaly curly, and it's blondish brownish. 

* Eye color: Changes. Sometimes blue, grey, green, purple/blue, silver.

* Marital status: Divorced. When I was 6, I got married to a 45-year-old. Didn't work out, too bad though. Bill Gates was really nice.

* Your location: Misery, USA. I mean....Missouri.

* Talents: Writer, nose-picker, cat-kicker, prep-squisher...the list goes on.


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: Yeah! It's the coolest thing ever!

* Cheated on someone?: No. They would probably be wrong, but if they asked me, sure! Why waste the energy! (I'm kidding.)

* Fallen off the bed?: Yeah! You know those dreams were you think you're falling, and you end up on the floor?

* Fallen for a relative?: Excuse me?? Inbreeding, much?

* Had plastic surgery?: Yeah, you know it.

* Broke someone's heart?: My specialty. Plastic butter knives RULE!

* Had your heart broken?: By a boldozer, once.

* Had a dream come true: Yeah.

* Done something you regret?: You mean kicking my brother? Yeah.

* Cheated on a test?: Stop asking this question!

* Broken a body part?: No. (Spanish for no.)


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: A lovely red shirt that says, "There's no place like Rome", and a pair of black cargo pants. (I have a billion of those. n_n)

* Listening to: TobyMac...Ill-M-I

* Chewing: BigRed gum

* Feeling: Tired

* Reading: What do you think I'm reading? The Grapes of Wrath while I do this survey?

* Located: Misery. (I bet there's more hicks here, Arkcher. And they're proud! (Freaky...I know. They wear shirts that say "RedNeck"))

* Chatting with: My friend, Zack

* Watching: Aqua Teen Hunger Force, WHILE I do this quiz. (At the same time!)

* Should REALLY be: Sleeping


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: No. I love gingavitus! ::Sarcasim::

* Like anybody?: Of course.

* Have any piercings?: Two in lobe of ear on right ear, on left ear one in cartilage and one in the lobe.

* Drive? Of course! All 13-year-olds do!

* Believe in Santa Claus?: No! Jack the Pumpkin king is Santy Claus!

* Ever get off the computer?: During school hours.


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Mindy

* Who is the loudest?: Me

* Who is the shyest?: Hannah

* Who is the 'hottest'?: Zack. Too bad he has a girlfriend...lol. *fake sigh*

* Who is the cutest?: Daniel.

* Who laughs the most?: Me.

* Who have you known the longest? *scratches head* Friends come and go.

* Who have you known the shortest?: Cinda...Gosh! I don't even know how to spell her name. That's how long I've known her.

* Do you belong to a crew?: The J-Freak crew!

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: Course. I'm one o' the guys. 

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: You know it. (HA!)

* Do you trust your friends?: What do you mean by 'friends'?

* Are you a good friend?: The best, as I've been told.

* Can you keep a secret?: Depends on what it is.

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Zack

* Hugged offline: I gave 50 hugs out tonight. I think Dani...no, Areail!

* IMed: Zack..?

* Talked to on the phone: ...Such a long time ago...

* Yelled at: Aaron. He friggin elbowed me in the elbow.

* Tripped: Catlin!

* Turned down: Down to what?...That would be Jesse, or Jermy. They're twins.


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?:...I've been debating. Investigation or writting...or a musician! *Plays air guitar*

* What is your most embarrassing story?: I accidentally fliped someone off. They got mad.

* What has been the best day of your life?: When I went to DisneyLand!

* What comes first in your life?: ...When I was born, I guess.

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: Crush.

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: The back of my head.

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: Killing Jesse McFartney. Oh Yeah. Or Being a Ninja Turtle


SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: Nightmare Before Christmas

* Song: In This World (Murder)-Good Charlotte.

* Group: Youth?

* Store: Hot Topic

* Relative: Auntie poo

* Sport: Track. (Shot-put and discus)

* Vacation spot: Eurpoe

* Ice cream flavor: Cotton Candy

* Fruit: Strawberry

* Candy: Jolly Ranchers

* Holiday: Arbor Day..or Vegetarian Appreciation month

* Day of the week: Wednesday

* Colour: Black

* Magazine: Modern Drummer

* Name for a girl: Kheli

* Name for a boy: Freddy

SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: O' Course

* Like to walk in the rain?: I like to jump in puddles.

* Sleep with or without clothes?: WHAT?!?! NEVER!!!

* Write in black or blue ink?: Black...or pink. Or both!

* Dress up on halloween?: Yeah! This year I'm gunna be Freddy!!

* Have a job?: No. I baby sit sometimes.

* Like to travel?: By myself.

* Like someone?: I'm not telling.

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: Right side, left side, back, left side, right side, back...continues.

* Think you're attractive?: What do YOU think?

* Want to marry?: Maybe. If he's famous. So I can be famous.

* Have a goldfish?: Six.

* Ever have the falling dream?: ^^ Read above.

* Have stuffed animals?: 20 or so. Most are penguin. Horatio. n_n

* Go on vacation?: Yeah. Washington D.C., baby!

SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: Don't get me started either, I think tomorrow I'll wear my "It's a child, not a choice", thanks to you.

* Bill Clinton:  Is a pig. Oink oink!

* Eating disorders: "Does this make me look fat?"

* Suicide: *rolls eyes*

* Summer: EEP! NO!!!!

* Tattoos: I'll get one...someday.

* Piercings: Have 4.

* Make-up: Over done. Don't wear it, don't need it. (Do I?)

* Drinking:  I was just talked about that tonight..

* Guys: "Do you want to go watch football sometime?"

* Girls: "I love Claire's!!"

SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: Nose/

* Be serious or funny?: Fuseriousy

* Single or taken?: Where's married at? Or divorced?

* Simple or complicated?: Simcolicated

* Law or anarchy?: Huh? Law?

* MTV or BET?: MTV. Just please don't play rap, pop, country, or punk, and I'll be okay.

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: *hilarious laughter*

* Sugar or salt?: Sugar!

* Silver or gold?: White gold.

* Tongue or belly button ring?: Tongue

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate flowers!

* Angels or miracles?: Miracles

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: Black and white.

* Sunrise or sunset?: Too purdy. Can't take it.

* M&M's or Skittles?: Skittles. Just lime ones.

* Rap or rock?: Rock!! Tool, baby!

* Stay up late or sleep in?: ZzzZZzzzZzz Did you say something?

* TV or radio?: Neither. Computer!

* Hot or cold?: Cold.

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: Taller....I'm taller than a few guys...in their 20's....

* Sun or moon?: Moon...it's made of cheese.

* Diamond or ruby?: Ruby. Slippers.

* Left or right?: Lirght!

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: I  don't really have a best friend..

* Vanilla or chocolate?: vanilla

* Kids or no kids?: Babysit, yes. Maybe some day I'll adopt from Russia.

* Cat or dog?: Dog. Arf.

* Half-empty or half-full?: all the way full!

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup.

* Newspaper or magazine?: Magazine

* Give or receive?: Give! *It's a gift to be simple...*

* Rain or snow?: Snow! Bunnies!

* Lace or satin?: Huh? Are you talking about hair?

* Happy or sad?: Ummm...

* Corduroy or plaid?: Which is what?

* Wonder or amazement?: And I'm wondering what this wonderment question is wondering.

* Sneakers or sandals?:  Converses.

* McDonald's or Burger King?: McDoodles in NY. They serve veggie burgers.

* Mexican or italian food?: ITALIAN!!!

* Lights on or off?:Off!

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: Duct tape fixes ANYTHING.

* Candy or pop?: Neither.

* A house in the woods or the city?: City.

* Pepsi or coke?: Diet Pepsi

* Nike or adidas?: Nike, as in the goddess of vitory?


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: Yeah!

* Do you like church?: Yeah!

* Why or why not?: It's fun and lets you get closer to our father. Shove it, TGHL.

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: Chinese maple?

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: Me.

Hmmm. Is there something I'm not getting here? Please, explain the "Shove it", Mrs. Kerry .

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* Your name: Trish

* Your gender: female

* Age:something

* Height:no clue...over 5'7"

* Hair color/style: Straight and auburn

* Eye color: green

* Marital status: single

* Your location: Florida

* Talents: none to speak of


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: no

* Cheated on someone?: No.

* Fallen off the bed?: yes

* Fallen for a relative?:No!

* Had plastic surgery?: If you say so...

* Broke someone's heart?: No.

* Had your heart broken?: No.

* Had a dream come true: Yes!

* Done something you regret?: ...I don't remember...

* Cheated on a test?: No.

* Broken a body part?: No.


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: Curious Geore shirt and jeans

* Listening to: me typing

* Chewing: my tongue

* Feeling: Happy

* Reading: Nothing

* Located: Florida

* Chatting with: Myself

* Watching:computer screen

* Should REALLY be: constantly checking for new posts


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: Duh.

* Like anybody?: No.

* Have any piercings?: Two in each ear

* Drive? No.

* Believe in Santa Claus?:Yes.

* Ever get off the computer?: During school hours.


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Laraey, Becca, Chelsi

* Who is the loudest?: Todd

* Who is the shyest?: Chelsi

* Who is the 'hottest'?: no comment

* Who is the cutest?: no comment

* Who laughs the most?: Me.

* Who have you known the longest? Chelsi

* Who have you known the shortest?: Laraey

* Do you belong to a crew?: The New and Improved Homies

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: Yes.

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: Maybe...no

* Do you trust your friends?: Pretty much

* Are you a good friend?: I believe so

* Can you keep a secret?: Depends on what it is.

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Laraey

* Hugged offline: Todd

* IMed: Laraey

* Talked to on the phone: Chelsi

* Yelled at: no one

* Tripped: attempted to trip Chelsi...didn't work

* Turned down: huh?


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: vet

* What is your most embarrassing story?: * What has been the best day of your life?: when I joined hampsterdance..

* What comes first in your life?: computer time

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: None.

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: On my computer

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: everything


SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: Napolean Dynamite

* Song: You May Be Right-Billy Joel

* Group: none

* Store: any video game store

* Relative:Great Aunt

* Sport: Swimming

* Vacation spot: Ireland (wish I could go there)

* Ice cream flavor: Chocolate

* Fruit: Apple

* Candy: M&Ms

* Holiday: Christmas

* Day of the week: Friday

* Colour: lime green

* Magazine: Nintendo Power

* Name for a girl: Melissa or Maureen

* Name for a boy: Tommy or Cole


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: Yes!

* Like to walk in the rain?: yes

* Sleep with or without clothes?: With.

* Write in black or blue ink?: Black

* Dress up on halloween?: Yes

* Have a job?: No.

* Like to travel?: Yes

* Like someone?: No

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: side

* Think you're attractive?: I don't know!

* Want to marry?: Maybe.

* Have a goldfish?: Do Koi count?

* Ever have the falling dream?: Yes

* Have stuffed animals?: Yes!!

* Go on vacation?: Yes


SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: BAD!

* Bill Clinton: no comment

* Eating disorders: not 1% good

* Suicide: horrible!

* Summer: awesome!

* Tattoos: Ick!

* Piercings: Only ears

* Make-up: no need

* Drinking: horrible

* Guys: same as girls

* Girls: same as guys


SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: neither

* Be serious or funny?: funny

* Single or taken?: single and proud

* Simple or complicated?: complicated with a splash of simple

* Law or anarchy?: huh?

* MTV or BET?: neither

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: ick!

* Sugar or salt?: Sugar!

* Silver or gold?: silver

* Tongue or belly button ring?: neither

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Angels or miracles?: Angels.

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: color

* Sunrise or sunset?: sunset

* M&M's or Skittles?: M&Ms

* Rap or rock?: rock!!!

* Stay up late or sleep in?: both

* TV or radio?: radio

* Hot or cold?: Cold.

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: neither

* Sun or moon?: moon

* Diamond or ruby?: ruby

* Left or right?: right

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: 10 acquaintances or 3 best friends

* Vanilla or chocolate?: chocolate

* Kids or no kids?: kids when I am grown and married

* Cat or dog?: dog

* Half-empty or half-full?: half-full

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup.

* Newspaper or magazine?: Magazine

* Give or receive?: give

* Rain or snow?: snow

* Lace or satin?: silk please

* Happy or sad?: happy

* Corduroy or plaid?: corduroy

* Wonder or amazement?: amazement

* Sneakers or sandals?: sandals

* McDonald's or Burger King?: Mickey D's

* Mexican or italian food?: American. Can't beat the PB&J!

* Lights on or off?: on

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: Duct tape.

* Candy or pop?: candy

* A house in the woods or the city?: country

* Pepsi or coke?: Water

* Nike or adidas?:neither


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: Yes!

* Do you like church?: Yes!

* Why or why not?: It calms me and helps me get to know God.

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: Anything climbable

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: Me.

FUN! :D:)

Yup. They're basically overgrown goldfish, and prettier, too.

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SECTION 1: (You)


* Your name: You can call me Rue.

* Your gender: female

* Age: cumulative or singular?

* Height: Taller than my computer. That's what counts.

* Hair color/style: Who says I have hair? Okay, okay, it's red, and wavy. Or at least, that's how I perceive it. You know everything visible is an illusion, anyway.

* Eye color: blue

* Marital status: Nope!

* Your location: inj front of the monitor, or behind depending on where YOU are standing.

* Talents: annoying and offending people


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: No. Have you?

* Cheated on someone?: Nope

* Fallen off the bed?: Of course.

* Fallen for a relative?: Ewwww! NO!

* Had plastic surgery?: :rolleyes::rolleyes:

* Broke someone's heart?: Probably.

* Had your heart broken?: LikeI'd be so foolish. That's Ren's job.

* Had a dream come true: An ambition. No. A nightmare? Yes.

* Done something you regret?: Yes. Taking this survey. I blame Ren. She insisted. And now she's insisting she needs the computer. Right.

* Cheated on a test?: Who do you think I am? Of course not! I respect the truth!

* Broken a body part?: Mine or someone elses. Mine, no. Someone else's... ;) Ha-ha! I shall keep you in the suspense!


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: you... err, that is, clothes. Shut up already! The past two answers were "you", how was I to know better. And you shut up and stop laughing, too, Ren!

* Listening to: you

* Chewing: you

* Feeling: the keypad beneath my fingers.

* Reading: Your imbecilic questions. I'm really getting sick of them. Only 3 1/2 sections left!

* Located: Of course I'm doing located. ?!

* Chatting with: Ren, who is currently berating me for not letting her on for Mega Wolf's birthday. Oh, you mean online? No one.

* Watching: You watching me

* Should REALLY be: hmmph *whispers*


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: What does thatmean?

* Like anybody?: Haha! Depends.

* Have any piercings?: No

* Drive?: Do you know what that does to the poor plants just trying to survive?!!!

* Believe in Santa Claus?: Hohoho!

* Ever get off the computer?: No. That's what killed me. (shakes bony pointer finger at HampsterDancers) Of course I do! But only when forced to, or when Ren or someone else pushes me off. in other words, when am I on?


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: yes

* Who is the loudest?: yes?

* Who is the shyest?: yes?

* Who is the 'hottest'?: no?

* Who is the cutest?: no?

* Who laughs the most?: no?

* Who have you known the longest? no

* Who have you known the shortest?: no

* Do you belong to a crew?: no

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: I "hang out" with no one!

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: Why would I possibly be? Why would I possibly want to be?

* Do you trust your friends?: Hahahahahahahahaha!

* Are you a good friend?: No. What do you expcet! Everyone says yes, cause they're conceited, self-conscious jerks! No offense.

* Can you keep a secret?: Hmph. Tell me one, and we'll see.

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: No one

* Hugged offline: No one

* IMed: No one

* Talked to on the phone: No one

* Yelled at: Ren

* Tripped: Ren

* Turned down: the volume on the computer


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: Ha-ha. Good one.

* What is your most embarrassing story?: :huh:

* What has been the best day of your life?: Today, I guess.

* What comes first in your life?: Life?

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: None of your business.

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: On you.

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: Right. Like I keep track of that.


SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: !

* Song: Zzzzz-tt

* Group: Heh-heh.

* Store: What makes you think people have let me leave the house since stores wereinvented? Because you weren't alive then. Oh.

* Relative: Grand-parents.

* Sport: mal

* Vacation spot: 1234567890

* Ice cream flavor: Chocolate!

* Fruit: *eyes narrow*

* Candy: tootsie rolls

* Holiday: Kill-annnoying-people day.

* Day of the week: Friday. The weekend begins then.

* Colour: GREEN!

* Magazine: ;)

* Name for a girl: sajdlfenwlovinekllvn.lkew (curses, there are actually pronouncable parts in there!!)

* Name for a boy: antidisestablishmentarianism


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: I only pass out candy to people I like. So sorry.

* Like to walk in the rain?: Yeah. I just don't walk on the plants. They like the rain more than I do.

* Sleep with or without clothes?: Excuse me?!!!

* Write in black or blue ink?: In Green. Duh.

* Dress up on halloween?: Yeah.

* Have a job?: No.

* Like to travel?: I don't know.

* Like someone?: NOT YOU!

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: As if I keep track.

* Think you're attractive?: Nope.

* Want to marry?: Maybe

* Have a goldfish?: No

* Ever have the falling dream?: NO. I don't think Ren does either, and that's surprising considering how much of her time seems to be spent thinking about it.

* Have stuffed animals?: I'm sure Ren's already beat you up about this, so... NEXT!

* Go on vacation?: Yeah! So? Why do you want to know? Are you a burglar or something?

SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: Hmmmm.

* Bill Clinton: Errr. No comment.

* Eating disorders: Means you kill fewer things. But don't mention the word "vegetarian" around me unless you want me to go ballistic. *My poor plants*

* Suicide: Oh, for, heaven's, sake. Ren didn't recruit you just to get on my nerves, did she?

* Summer: Some plants thrive in the summer.

* Tattoos: Aren't those painful?

* Piercings: Pierced ears=okay. Pierced anything else= your problem

* Make-up: Make-up is good. Except when it infringes on the lives of plants or animals in a negative way. Why? *is suspicious*

* Drinking: For once, I agree with Ren.

* Guys: are crazy

* Girls: are crazy



SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: No.

* Be serious or funny?: serious. Funny is Ren's job.

* Single or taken?: ???

* Simple or complicated?: complicatedly simple

* Law or anarchy?: I don't care, just leave me alone.

* MTV or BET?: I need to get out more, I guess...

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: Hmmmph.

* Sugar or salt?: Salt? Did you say Salt? *eats salt cube whole*

* Silver or gold?: Silver.

* Tongue or belly button ring?: Ewww..

* Chocolate or flowers?: You didn't KILL those flowers, did you? (Runs around beating interrogater repeatedly with a chunk of steel bat)

* Angels or miracles?: Miracles. I've had enough of Ren's "I'm an angel" attitude.

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: Colour, naturally.

* Sunrise or sunset?: Both!

* M&M's or Skittles?: *glares*

* Rap or rock?: Didn't I ask you to speak clearer? I'm filling this in from the bottom to the top, you know!

* Stay up late or sleep in?: Both!

* TV or radio?: Can you watch radio? I thought not! Ooh, curse that stupid movie!

* Hot or cold?: Eek! Both kill my precious plants! Hot, I suppose! With a nice breeze to cool me down.

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: I suspect both exist, yes.

* Sun or moon?: Moon!

* Diamond or ruby?: Rubies and diamonds and bears, oh my!

* Left or right?: Which meanings?

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: Both! :) Wait, would I have to spend time with them, and talk to them and stuff? *shudders* Neither, then.

* Vanilla or chocolate?: Chocolate!

* Kids or no kids?: What? Do you mean are there kids at HampsterDance.com? I suspect so.

* Cat or dog?: You should speak slower and clearer so I can understand what you say better. Now, could you say that again?

* Half-empty or half-full?: Do you mean am I an optimist or a pessimist? An optimist, of course!

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup!

* Newspaper or magazine?: Magazine. Who wants to read news? Plus, magazines are shiny, and don't fall apart on a whim.

* Give or receive?: Give and recieve!

* Rain or snow?: Snow kills plants. :(

* Lace or satin?: Ooh, satin, shiny!

* Happy or sad?: What?

* Corduroy or plaid?: Plaid! Plaid! Plaid! But isn't corduroy a material and not a print?

* Wonder or amazement?: What's the difference?

* Sneakers or sandals?: Quiet sandals ;)

* McDonald's or Burger King?: Burger King!

* Mexican or italian food?: I've never tried real Mexican nor Italian food, I'm sure, so I'll just say I DON"T KNOW!

* Lights on or off?: off! :rolleyes:

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: Scotch. It can be peeled off with minimal damage if you mess up.

* Candy or pop?: Eh? Aren't those the same thing?

* A house in the woods or the city?: woods!

* Pepsi or coke?: coke

* Nike or adidas?: failure


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: occasionally

* Do you like church?: ??

* Why or why not?: ??

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: pine!

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: N/A

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SECTION 1: (You)


* Your name:

* Your gender:

* Age:

* Height:

* Hair color/style:

* Eye color:

* Marital status:

* Your location:

* Talents:


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants:

* Cheated on someone?:

* Fallen off the bed?:

* Fallen for a relative?:

* Had plastic surgery?:

* Broke someone's heart?:

* Had your heart broken?:

* Had a dream come true:

* Done something you regret?:

* Cheated on a test?:

* Broken a body part?:


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing:

* Listening to:

* Chewing:

* Feeling:

* Reading:

* Located:

* Chatting with:

* Watching:

* Should REALLY be:


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?:

* Like anybody?:

* Have any piercings?:

* Drive?:

* Believe in Santa Claus?:

* Ever get off the computer?:


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?:

* Who is the loudest?:

* Who is the shyest?:

* Who is the 'hottest'?:

* Who is the cutest?:

* Who laughs the most?:

* Who have you known the longest?

* Who have you known the shortest?:

* Do you belong to a crew?:

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?:

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?:

* Do you trust your friends?:

* Are you a good friend?:

* Can you keep a secret?:

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online:

* Hugged offline:

* IMed:

* Talked to on the phone:

* Yelled at:

* Tripped:

* Turned down:


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?:

* What is your most embarrassing story?:

* What has been the best day of your life?:

* What comes first in your life?:

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?:

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?:

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?:


SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie:

* Song:

* Group:

* Store:

* Relative:

* Sport:

* Vacation spot:

* Ice cream flavor:

* Fruit:

* Candy:

* Holiday:

* Day of the week:

* Colour:

* Magazine:

* Name for a girl:

* Name for a boy:


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?:

* Like to walk in the rain?:

* Sleep with or without clothes?:

* Write in black or blue ink?:

* Dress up on halloween?:

* Have a job?:

* Like to travel?:

* Like someone?:

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?:

* Think you're attractive?:

* Want to marry?:

* Have a goldfish?:

* Ever have the falling dream?:

* Have stuffed animals?:

* Go on vacation?:

SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion:

* Bill Clinton:

* Eating disorders:

* Suicide:

* Summer:

* Tattoos:

* Piercings:

* Make-up:

* Drinking:

* Guys:

* Girls:



SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?:

* Be serious or funny?:

* Single or taken?:

* Simple or complicated?:

* Law or anarchy?:

* MTV or BET?:

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?:

* Sugar or salt?:

* Silver or gold?:

* Tongue or belly button ring?:

* Chocolate or flowers?:

* Angels or miracles?:

* Colour or black-and-white photos?:

* Sunrise or sunset?:

* M&M's or Skittles?:

* Rap or rock?:

* Stay up late or sleep in?:

* TV or radio?:

* Hot or cold?:

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?:

* Sun or moon?:

* Diamond or ruby?:

* Left or right?:

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?:

* Vanilla or chocolate?:

* Kids or no kids?:

* Cat or dog?:

* Half-empty or half-full?:

* Mustard or ketchup?:

* Newspaper or magazine?:

* Give or receive?:

* Rain or snow?:

* Lace or satin?:

* Happy or sad?:

* Corduroy or plaid?:

* Wonder or amazement?:

* Sneakers or sandals?:

* McDonald's or Burger King?:

* Mexican or italian food?:

* Lights on or off?:

* Duct tape or scotch tape?:

* Candy or pop?:

* A house in the woods or the city?:

* Pepsi or coke?:

* Nike or adidas?:


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?:

* Do you like church?:

* Why or why not?:

* What's your favorite kind of tree?:

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?:

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SECTION 1: (You)


* Your name: Jeanette.

* Your gender: Female. Think a guy would be named Jeanette?

* Age: 13

* Height: like...5'3 or so.

* Hair color/style: A bit wavy near the ends, darkish, but with red highlights. Not blaring red, though,

* Eye color: Hazel.

* Marital status: I'm only 13. So no. I'm not married.

* Your location: California.

* Talents: Sleeping.


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: Long, long, ago.

* Cheated on someone?: I never had anyone to cheat on.

* Fallen off the bed?: Yes. Several times.

* Fallen for a relative?: Ew. No.

* Had plastic surgery?: No.

* Broke someone's heart?: No.

* Had your heart broken?: No.

* Had a dream come true: No.

* Done something you regret?: No **** Sherlock Holmes.

* Cheated on a test?: No.

* Broken a body part?: Never.


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: Clothes.

* Listening to: The compy go "buzzzz".

* Chewing: My tongue?

* Feeling: Bored.

* Reading: This survey.

* Located: California. At my computer.

* Chatting with: Someone.

* Watching: My life go by.

* Should REALLY be: Sleeping.

SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: Rarely.

* Like anybody?: Yes...

* Have any piercings?: Ears

* Drive? Dude, I'm 13.

* Believe in Santa Claus?: No.

* Ever get off the computer?: Rare.


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: I got three. Stephanie, Camielle, and Erin.

* Who is the loudest?: Me.

* Who is the shyest?: I can be.

* Who is the 'hottest'?: I dunno.

* Who is the cutest?: Whad'ya mean by that?

* Who laughs the most?: Uh...

* Who have you known the longest? Uh...

* Who have you known the shortest?: Uh...

* Do you belong to a crew?: Sorta.

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: Occasionally.

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: No. I don't like popularity.

* Do you trust your friends?: Most.

* Are you a good friend?: I hope.

* Can you keep a secret?: Yeah.

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Uh.

* Hugged offline: Thomas. He gives tonza hugs.

* IMed: Patty.

* Talked to on the phone: Camielle. Had to explain why I couldn't come to her party. *cries*

* Yelled at: I dun like yelling.

* Tripped: Myself.

* Turned down: How so?


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: Psychologist.

* What is your most embarrassing story?: I dunno.

* What has been the best day of your life?: Yet to come.

* What comes first in your life?: My life.

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: Crush, yes.

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: Why would I want them?

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: Sleeping.

SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: Thumb Wars.

* Song: Kakashi's theme.

* Group: Orange Range.

* Store: Dunno.

* Relative: Um. My older bro, Jared. Sometimes.

* Sport: Basketball?

* Vacation spot: Uh.

* Ice cream flavor: Chocolate. Or, if you're in Baskin Robins, World-Class Chocolate.

* Fruit: Blueberry.

* Candy: Chocolate.

* Holiday: Dunno.

* Day of the week: Friday.

* Colour: Black.

* Magazine: Dun like 'em.

* Name for a girl: Erin.

* Name for a boy: Clyde.


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: Yes, but people seem to think I don't.

* Like to walk in the rain?: Heck ya.

* Sleep with or without clothes?: I'm a girl. I like to wear clothes, thanks.

* Write in black or blue ink?: Black!

* Dress up on halloween?: Yeah.

* Have a job?: Dude, I'm 13.

* Like to travel?: Shya.

* Like someone?: If you're referring to like as in a strong emotion, yes.

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: Actually, stomach and belly are the same, but I sleep on my back.

* Think you're attractive?: No.

* Want to marry?: Don't care.

* Have a goldfish?: No.

* Ever have the falling dream?: No.

* Have stuffed animals?: Yah.

* Go on vacation?: Maybe.

SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: Dumb.

* Bill Clinton: Don't care. Not a president anymore.

* Eating disorders: Stoooooooooooopid.

* Suicide: Moronic.

* Summer: Sleep.

* Tattoos: No. Just no.

* Piercings: Girls ears only.

* Make-up: A kid using it is a kid who lacks self confidence.

* Drinking: Moronic.

* Guys: Depends. Some are morons. Some are cute.

* Girls: Friends. I'm a girl, moron.



SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: ...

* Be serious or funny?: Funny. It's really, really, funny.

* Single or taken?: Single. If I was desperate, I would be taken, but I'm not a loser like that.

* Simple or complicated?: Simple.

* Law or anarchy?: I dunno.

* MTV or BET?: I dunno.

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: I dun watch them.

* Sugar or salt?: SUGAR! Makes me hyper.

* Silver or gold?: Gold. It's shiny.

* Tongue or belly button ring?: Ick.

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate. Flowers might make peoples sneezy.

* Angels or miracles?: Does it matter?

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: Depends.

* Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset. It's just... easier to find.

* M&M's or Skittles?: M&Ms. CHOCOLATE!

* Rap or rock?: Rock. Rap rhymes with c***!

* Stay up late or sleep in?: Does it matter?

* TV or radio?: TV.

* Hot or cold?: Cold...

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: I like taller ones. Shorter ones creep me out sometimes.

* Sun or moon?: Moon. It's awesome.

* Diamond or ruby?: DIAMOND! It's shiny-er.

* Left or right?: Right?

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: Best friend. I gots three of those things!

* Vanilla or chocolate?: Chocolate.

* Kids or no kids?: No kids. The world is overpopulated.

* Cat or dog?: Doggy.

* Half-empty or half-full?: Depends on my day.

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup. Got a problem with that?

* Newspaper or magazine?: Newspaper. They don't make you feel ugly.

* Give or receive?: Both?

* Rain or snow?: I guess snow...

* Lace or satin?: Satin. Lace is too... lacey.

* Happy or sad?: Happy! Happy=Hyper, Hyper=Happy!

* Corduroy or plaid?: Do I look like I care?

* Wonder or amazement?: Amzement is so amazing, that its like, amazing.

* Sneakers or sandals?: Don't care.

* McDonald's or Burger King?: Burger king.

* Mexican or italian food?: Italian. They got pizza.

* Lights on or off?: ..... Right now? Off. Darkness is spiffy neato keen.

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: DUCT TAPE OF COURSE!

* Candy or pop?: Does it matter?

* A house in the woods or the city?: I'm a city girl.

* Pepsi or coke?: Does it matter?

* Nike or adidas?: I hate them both. *burns*


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: No.

* Do you like church?: No.

* Why or why not?: Cuz its boring. And about stuff that can't be proven easy.

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: Cherry?

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: I don't go to my friends houses. Much.

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SECTION 1: (You)


* Your name: Jeanette.

* Your gender: Female. Think a guy would be named Jeanette?

* Age: 13

* Height: like...5'3 or so.

* Hair color/style: A bit wavy near the ends, darkish, but with red highlights. Not blaring red, though,

* Eye color: Hazel.

* Marital status: I'm only 13. So no. I'm not married.

* Your location: California.

* Talents: Sleeping.


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: Long, long, ago.

* Cheated on someone?: I never had anyone to cheat on.

* Fallen off the bed?: Yes. Several times.

* Fallen for a relative?: Ew. No.

* Had plastic surgery?: No.

* Broke someone's heart?: No.

* Had your heart broken?: No.

* Had a dream come true: No.

* Done something you regret?: No **** Sherlock Holmes.

* Cheated on a test?: No.

* Broken a body part?: Never.


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: Clothes.

* Listening to: The compy go "buzzzz".

* Chewing: My tongue?

* Feeling: Bored.

* Reading: This survey.

* Located: California. At my computer.

* Chatting with: Someone.

* Watching: My life go by.

* Should REALLY be: Sleeping.

SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: Rarely.

* Like anybody?: Yes...

* Have any piercings?: Ears

* Drive? Dude, I'm 13.

* Believe in Santa Claus?: No.

* Ever get off the computer?: Rare.


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: I got three. Stephanie, Camielle, and Erin.

* Who is the loudest?: Me.

* Who is the shyest?: I can be.

* Who is the 'hottest'?: I dunno.

* Who is the cutest?: Whad'ya mean by that?

* Who laughs the most?: Uh...

* Who have you known the longest? Uh...

* Who have you known the shortest?: Uh...

* Do you belong to a crew?: Sorta.

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: Occasionally.

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: No. I don't like popularity.

* Do you trust your friends?: Most.

* Are you a good friend?: I hope.

* Can you keep a secret?: Yeah.

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Uh.

* Hugged offline: Thomas. He gives tonza hugs.

* IMed: Patty.

* Talked to on the phone: Camielle. Had to explain why I couldn't come to her party. *cries*

* Yelled at: I dun like yelling.

* Tripped: Myself.

* Turned down: How so?


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: Psychologist.

* What is your most embarrassing story?: I dunno.

* What has been the best day of your life?: Yet to come.

* What comes first in your life?: My life.

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: Crush, yes.

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: Why would I want them?

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: Sleeping.

SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: Thumb Wars.

* Song: Kakashi's theme.

* Group: Orange Range.

* Store: Dunno.

* Relative: Um. My older bro, Jared. Sometimes.

* Sport: Basketball?

* Vacation spot: Uh.

* Ice cream flavor: Chocolate. Or, if you're in Baskin Robins, World-Class Chocolate.

* Fruit: Blueberry.

* Candy: Chocolate.

* Holiday: Dunno.

* Day of the week: Friday.

* Colour: Black.

* Magazine: Dun like 'em.

* Name for a girl: Erin.

* Name for a boy: Clyde.


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: Yes, but people seem to think I don't.

* Like to walk in the rain?: Heck ya.

* Sleep with or without clothes?: I'm a girl. I like to wear clothes, thanks.

* Write in black or blue ink?: Black!

* Dress up on halloween?: Yeah.

* Have a job?: Dude, I'm 13.

* Like to travel?: Shya.

* Like someone?: If you're referring to like as in a strong emotion, yes.

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: Actually, stomach and belly are the same, but I sleep on my back.

* Think you're attractive?: No. 

* Want to marry?: Don't care.

* Have a goldfish?: No.

* Ever have the falling dream?: No.

* Have stuffed animals?: Yah.

* Go on vacation?: Maybe.

SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: Dumb.

* Bill Clinton:  Don't care. Not a president anymore.

* Eating disorders: Stoooooooooooopid.

* Suicide: Moronic.

* Summer: Sleep.

* Tattoos: No. Just no.

* Piercings: Girls ears only.

* Make-up: A kid using it is a kid who lacks self confidence.

* Drinking: Moronic.

* Guys: Depends. Some are morons. Some are cute.

* Girls: Friends. I'm a girl, moron.

SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: ...

* Be serious or funny?: Funny. It's really, really, funny.

* Single or taken?: Single. If I was desperate, I would be taken, but I'm not a loser like that.

* Simple or complicated?: Simple.

* Law or anarchy?: I dunno.

* MTV or BET?: I dunno.

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: I dun watch them.

* Sugar or salt?: SUGAR! Makes me hyper.

* Silver or gold?: Gold. It's shiny.

* Tongue or belly button ring?: Ick.

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate. Flowers might make peoples sneezy.

* Angels or miracles?: Does it matter?

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: Depends.

* Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset. It's just... easier to find.

* M&M's or Skittles?: M&Ms. CHOCOLATE!

* Rap or rock?: Rock. Rap rhymes with c***!

* Stay up late or sleep in?: Does it matter?

* TV or radio?: TV.

* Hot or cold?: Cold...

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: I like taller ones. Shorter ones creep me out sometimes.

* Sun or moon?: Moon. It's awesome.

* Diamond or ruby?: DIAMOND! It's shiny-er.

* Left or right?: Right?

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: Best friend. I gots three of those things!

* Vanilla or chocolate?: Chocolate.

* Kids or no kids?: No kids. The world is overpopulated.

* Cat or dog?: Doggy.

* Half-empty or half-full?: Depends on my day.

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup. Got a problem with that?

* Newspaper or magazine?: Newspaper. They don't make you feel ugly.

* Give or receive?: Both?

* Rain or snow?: I guess snow...

* Lace or satin?: Satin. Lace is too... lacey.

* Happy or sad?: Happy! Happy=Hyper, Hyper=Happy!

* Corduroy or plaid?: Do I look like I care?

* Wonder or amazement?: Amzement is so amazing, that its like, amazing.

* Sneakers or sandals?:  Don't care.

* McDonald's or Burger King?: Burger king.

* Mexican or italian food?: Italian. They got pizza.

* Lights on or off?: ..... Right now? Off. Darkness is spiffy neato keen.

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: DUCT TAPE OF COURSE! 

* Candy or pop?: Does it matter?

* A house in the woods or the city?: I'm a city girl.

* Pepsi or coke?: Does it matter?

* Nike or adidas?: I hate them both. *burns*


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: No.

* Do you like church?: No.

* Why or why not?: Cuz its boring. And about stuff that can't be proven easy.

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: Cherry?

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: I don't go to my friends houses. Much.


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  • 1 month later...

this should be interresting..... well maybe not, I'm rather boring




SECTION 1: (You)


* Your name: Emily Elizabeth (bet that was hard to guess)

* Your gender: Female, unless men can now have babies 0.o

* Age: 2o, 21 on July 11th

* Height: 5'5"

* Hair color/style: brown/dark blondish... very straight and veeeeery long,

like down to my butt long

* Eye color: it changes depending on what I wear, but normally stays


* Marital status: just married this year

* Your location: USA, Kansas with Dorthy and Toto... I am Aunty Em after all

* Talents: Diving (like flips and stuff), Art, Poetry (I guess), falling down, Stained

Glass work (part of art), and Cake decorating (guess thats art too)


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: I was 5 and my sisters wouldn't stop tickling me

* Cheated on someone?: no way

* Fallen off the bed?: haha, all the time... even the top bunk =S

* Fallen for a relative?: what do you think I am, an inbreeder? ew ew ew *pukes*

* Had plastic surgery?: yea right, if I had plastic surgery I wouldn't be this ugly

* Broke someone's heart?: :( moving on.....

* Had your heart broken?: more then can be counted

* Had a dream come true: YES YES YES!

* Done something you regret?: don't we all at one point?

* Cheated on a test?: nah, I didn't care if I got bad grades

* Broken a body part?: my right wrist (which caused me to become ambidextrus),

my right middle finger, and fractured my knee cap @_@


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: socks ....oh and a few other things ^.^

* Listening to: my kittens are meowing at me and the dryer is buzzing

* Chewing: Orange Kool-Aid? :huh:

* Feeling: Cold/Hungry/Tired... lil morning sickness going on too

* Reading: um, duh

* Located: on a chair in front of my computer.... what did u think I was outside?

* Chatting with: my kittens :wacko:

* Watching: my husbands screen saver on his comp next to me

* Should REALLY be: washing dishes and making macaroni salad


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: every morning

* Like anybody?: I like lottsa people..... if u mean as in 'love', I love my family

and my hubby

* Have any piercings?: two in each ear and want to get my belly button done after

the bubby comes

* Drive? 5 speed Stick shift rocks my socks

* Believe in Santa Claus?: did you know Santa and Satan have all the same

letters? oh and yea, Santa was on my back porch

smashing soda cans this morning

* Ever get off the computer?: do most the time now, but used to be glued to it.


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: my hubby

* Who is the loudest?: my hubby

* Who is the shyest?: hmm.... Matty

* Who is the 'hottest'?: my hubby... and Lynz, and Ash... I gotta lotta hot


* Who is the cutest?: Lauren! she's just so adorable!

* Who laughs the most?: my hubby (even at his own jokes, but they are funny)

* Who have you known the longest? Tony, been playing since we was beebees

* Who have you known the shortest?: Sarah

* Do you belong to a crew?: Nope

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: yup

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: nope

* Do you trust your friends?: most of them <_< a few are slippin off the friends list

* Are you a good friend?: I've been told I am, so yea I guess so

* Can you keep a secret?: deffinitly! if it's a secret my lips are seeled


SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Jen

* Hugged offline: my hubby

* IMed: Chriss, by accident

* Talked to on the phone: my hubby

* Yelled at: the kittens :angry: ... oh it says person... in that case, myself

* Tripped: my manager :o it was an accident

* Turned down: The old guy at the checkout counter XD he's a funny old perve


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: young again.... or a stained glass

artist again, I loved that job.

* What is your most embarrassing story?: I was chasing my hubby in the bank

parking lot and tripped... I landed hard

and slid far, I just moved and all my

new neighbors were watching us. :blush:

* What has been the best day of your life?: my wedding day

* What comes first in your life?: family

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: Nope, but I have a hubby does that

count? =P

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: on antenna on top

of my head

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: my hubby and how

lucky I am to have him

and if I'll be a good mommy


SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: Almost Famous, but it changes a lot

* Song: Here Without You - 3 Doors Down

* Group: Green Day

* Store: psh, just gimme a whole mall

* Relative: my Great Aunt Jackie

* Sport: I wish I was a Nascar driver, zoom zoom! but I also love volleyball

* Vacation spot: Outer Banks, North Carolina

* Ice cream flavor: chocolate chip cookie dough *drools* or Danali Moose Tracks

*drools again*

* Fruit: pinapple!

* Candy: hard = Runts.... soft = Swedish Fish.... candy bar = Milky Way Midnight

(the dark chocolate one)

* Holiday: ....don't got one

* Day of the week: Wednesday

* Colour: Red

* Magazine: Ranger Rick, haha

* Name for a girl: Alex or Jorden

* Name for a boy: Jesse


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: of course!

* Like to walk in the rain?: yup

* Sleep with or without clothes?: without

* Write in black or blue ink?: whatever's not run out!

* Dress up on halloween?: my family never celebrated halloween, so I never got

to dress up

* Have a job?: yup

* Like to travel?: I love to travel

* Like someone?: I'm getting dayshavoo here... (or however you spell it)

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: I sleep better on my side, but lately I've

had to resort to my back. hey... isn't

stomach and belly the same thing? :huh:

* Think you're attractive?: omg no, I'm ugly as sin

* Want to marry?: I'm already married =P

* Have a goldfish?: used to have 3, I threw them in my mom's pond

* Ever have the falling dream?: thats how I fell off top bunk ^.^

* Have stuffed animals?: yup! I had to leave my froggie collection at home tho =(

* Go on vacation?: used to... I'm too poor now


SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: it's murder and shouldn't be allowed

* Bill Clinton: the guy on Mad Tv does a good impression of him

* Eating disorders: sad -_-

* Suicide: moving on.....

* Summer: I love it!

* Tattoos: I want a little one

* Piercings: can be nice if not overdone, too many just looks dumb

* Make-up: my "other" face. I don't like too much of it though, natural colors are


* Drinking: can be fun if not overdone!

* Guys: some are good, some are gay, some are evil and should be made to pay

* Girls: girls rock, cept the snotty ones that think they're better then everyone else



SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: neither kthnx

* Be serious or funny?: there's a time for both... but funny's more fun

* Single or taken?: I'm Taken and proud of it!!!!

* Simple or complicated?: lets keep it simple

* Law or anarchy?: how bout none

* MTV or BET?: well... VH1 really.... but MTV if I have to choose from that

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: I liked 7th heaven when I was 10, I don't like

either now

* Sugar or salt?: Salt... no sugar.... no... salt.... I dunno, depends on my mood

* Silver or gold?: Silver, or white gold =P

* Tongue or belly button ring?: belly button

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate

* Angels or miracles?: um ok.... angels?

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: depends on the photo

* Sunrise or sunset?: sunset, like I'd get up early enough for a sunrise

* M&M's or Skittles?: M&Ms, chocolate rules

* Rap or rock?: Rock! rap stinks

* Stay up late or sleep in?: normally if you stay up late... don't you end up

sleeping in?

* TV or radio?: Radio

* Hot or cold?: Hot

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: honestly, size doesn't matter

* Sun or moon?: Moon, it smiles a lot

* Diamond or ruby?: Ruby, it's my birthstone and fav color

* Left or right?: I guess left if your a nascar driver.... but I'm ambidextrious

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: why not 10 best friends?

* Vanilla or chocolate?: chocolate

* Kids or no kids?: do I have a choice... I'm pregnant! but yea I love kids

* Cat or dog?: hmm.... both? no, dog

* Half-empty or half-full?: over flowing!.... stop about glasses, I'm thirsty

* Mustard or ketchup?: whats it going on? I like um mixed

* Newspaper or magazine?: magazine?

* Give or receive?: I love to give!

* Rain or snow?: rain

* Lace or satin?: satin

* Happy or sad?: Happy... althought sad eyes are so cute

* Corduroy or plaid?: Corduroy

* Wonder or amazement?: Wonder, let your imagination run wild!

* Sneakers or sandals?: barefoot! ....sandals work

* McDonald's or Burger King?: Burger King!

* Mexican or italian food?: Italian!!! I love it, my fav food type ^.^

* Lights on or off?: on, I'm too clumsy to keep um off

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: duct tape will solve all your problems ^.^

* Candy or pop?: pop, mountian dew and cherry coke rules

* A house in the woods or the city?: woods

* Pepsi or coke?: coke u nut

* Nike or adidas?: I hate sneakers..... adidas I guess


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: used to

* Do you like church?: yes

* Why or why not?: I loved the warmth of the community, everyones always

happy and smiling, I also like feeling like I have a purpose

and i'm learning things I should know even if I don't agree

with certain things

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: Dogwood and Red Japanese Weeping Cherry

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: Kimmie and Guiseppe, their

house rocks

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SECTION 1: (You)


* Your name: Katie. It's too common. XP

* Your gender: MALE! No, I'm kidding. Female.

* Age: 13.

* Height: like...5' something or other. 7" or 8", or something.

* Hair color/style: Goes about three/fourths of the way down my back, red with a white streak in the front of the right side. (No, I'm not kidding. I really dyed it this way.)

* Eye color: Blue with this ring of brown/green/puke color in the middle.

* Marital status: None. I dun like anybody yet. With my maturitly level, I'm guessing I'll get my first crush somewhere around my late thirtys. x.x

* Your location: Kansas. Please help me.

* Talents: I dunno...stuff.


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: Not that I recall.

* Cheated on someone?: I've never had anybody to cheat on.

* Fallen off the bed?: I do that all the time. I did it this morning. x.x

* Fallen for a relative?: ...Eww.

* Had plastic surgery?: Ye-...I mean, no! >.>

* Broke someone's heart?: I do it all the time. XD (Reality = no)

* Had your heart broken?: Nope.

* Had a dream come true: Umm...not that I remember...

* Done something you regret?: Yees. Hasn't everybody?

* Cheated on a test?: When I was in, like, first grade. x.x (I couldn't spell "are")

* Broken a body part?: Yep. Mah middle finger. I got to flick people off for a month and a half without getting in trouble. XD

SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: Blue jeans and a red T-shirt.

* Listening to: Alex play Halo.

* Chewing: Nothing.

* Feeling: Like a shattered rose, hiddin in the darkness of the world's hate. (Inside joke. Dun ask.)

* Reading: The questions.

* Located: Deh kitchen, 'cause that is where the compy is.

* Chatting with: Tori.

* Should REALLY be: Doing math homework or reading her book report book.


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: Obbsesivly. *has to because of her Doom Braces*

* Like anybody?: Sure. I like lots of people. Or did you mean that other kind...

* Have any piercings?: Ears.

* Drive? Not yet. I don't think I should ever be allowed to. You should see how I play Mario Kart when I'm bored. >.>;;;

* Believe in Santa Claus?: I never really think about it, so I don't know.

* Ever get off the computer?: Only when a crowbar is used.


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Kris or Rachel.

* Who is the loudest?: Ashley.

* Who is the shyest?: Rachel or Marisa.

* Who is the 'hottest'?: I dunno. I never think of my friends like that. x.x

* Who is the cutest?: Jonathan!

* Who laughs the most?: Me, Kris, or Katie.

* Who have you known the longest? Kris and Rachel.

* Who have you known the shortest?: Allegra.

* Do you belong to a crew?: Fo shizzle.

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: Yep.

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: *hisses* c.c

* Do you trust your friends?: No. e.e;;; (Yes, I'm kidding)

* Are you a good friend?: I dunno. Ask somebody.

* Can you keep a secret?: If it's something that isn't anything like, "I'm gonna kill myself tonight.", or something like that.

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Hmmm...I dunno...maybe Alan...or James...I forget. x.x

* Hugged offline: Alex.

* IMed: Tori.

* Talked to on the phone:...I forget. x.x Probably my mom, or somebody like that.

* Yelled at: Puck. (Deh cat)

* Tripped: On perpose? Grahm

* Turned down: For what?


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: Vet, breeder, author, artist, or biologist of some sort. And a good parent, if I ever end up having kids.

* What is your most embarrassing story?: Phtt. Like I'm gonna tell you. o_o

* What has been the best day of your life?: I have no idea.

* What comes first in your life?: My friends and family.

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: No thankyou.

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: In the back of my head.

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: Toms of things. x.x

SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: Too many. x.x

* Song: Cell Blcok Tango - Chicago or nearly anything by Evenescence.

* Group: Evenescence, Switchfoot, Unfinished Thought, Wierd Al (I know he isn't a group. Shut up.), TMBG, The Pillows, Sneaker Pimps. *is too lazy to go to that other topic and see if that name is allowed*

* Store: And video game store. x.x I spend hours in those, even when I have no monies. x.x

* Relative: My great grandma or one of my other two grandmas. And Alex is pretty spiffy most of the time, too.

* Sport: I don't care what ya'll say, DDR is a sport and it's my favorite.

* Vacation spot: I'd like to go the Japan.

* Ice cream flavor: No idea. A lot. x.x

* Fruit: Strawberry or tomato. (It's a fruit!)

* Candy: Nearly anything chocolate or fruit flavored.

* Holiday: Christmas or Halloween.

* Day of the week: Saterday.

* Colour: Red or silver.

* Magazine: Game Informer.

* Name for a girl: Lark or Misha.

* Name for a boy: Zander


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: *huggs everyone*

* Like to walk in the rain?: Only if it's either really light or really hard.

* Sleep with or without clothes?: With.

* Write in black or blue ink?: Black. I'm not to fond of blue.

* Dress up on halloween?: Oh yes.

* Have a job?: Sort of.

* Like to travel?: Depends on where.


* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: Sometimes I fall asleep on my back, but I always end up on my side. I rarly sleep on my stomache. Only when I'm sick.

* Think you're attractive?: I dunno. I don't really care.

* Want to marry?: If I find the right person.

* Have a goldfish?: Nope. It would become kitty food.

* Ever have the falling dream?: I have dreams that I fall in, but not ones where that's all I do.

* Have stuffed animals? Bucket loads. x.x

* Go on vacation?: Sort of...

SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: Not answering. >.<


* Eating disorders: Not good.

* Suicide: Most of the people who talk about it/commit it just want the attention.

* Summer: Diiiiiiiiiie. x_x *stabbs* The only good thing about it is the long break from school.

* Tattoos: Ugly.

* Piercings: On girls. And only the ears.

* Make-up: Takes too long and feels like icing.

* Drinking: Most alcohol gives me a headache by smelling it, so I don't know how people can actually drink it. x.x

* Guys: They can be alright or so annoying you want to strangle them.

* Girls: Same thing.


SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: Neither.

* Be serious or funny?: Depends on the situation.

* Single or taken?: As of right now: Single. And I don't plan on changing it any time soon.

* Simple or complicated?: Complicated. *now has that dumb song stuck in her head*

* Law or anarchy?: Anarchy! >: D Well, sometimes.

* MTV or BET?: Death.

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: Eww.

* Sugar or salt?: SUGAR?! WHERE?!

* Silver or gold?: Silver. It's more cooler than gold. XP

* Tongue or belly button ring?: What is it with you and peircings?!

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate!

* Angels or miracles?: Angles, 'cause then they could make miracles.

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: Color. *shakes fist at black and white*

* Sunrise or sunset?: Both.

* M&M's or Skittles?: Both again. x.x

* Rap or rock?: Rock. *kills rap dead* Unless it's Wierd Al, then I'll take both.

* Stay up late or sleep in?: Both. >.>;;;

* TV or radio?: Yet again, both.

* Hot or cold?: Cold.

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: Right now: Niether

* Sun or moon?: Moon 'cause night is better than day 'cause it dosen't have the evil sun that's gonna kill us all eventually. *hisses at sun*

* Diamond or ruby?: Ruby 'cause it's red. ^^

* Left or right?: Left. Because left is always right but right is always wrong.

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: One best friend.

* Vanilla or chocolate?: Depends.

* Kids or no kids?: For what?

* Cat or dog?: Cat 'cause they ROCK! V>_<V

* Half-empty or half-full?: NEITHER! >: D

* Mustard or ketchup?: Depends on what it's being put on.

* Newspaper or magazine?: Magazine, uless it's the comics.

* Give or receive?: Both.

* Rain or snow?: Either.

* Lace or satin?: Both of them!

* Happy or sad?: Happy 'cause sad people can get annoying after a while.

* Corduroy or plaid?: Plaid is deh awsomes.

* Wonder or amazement?: Aren't they the same thing in this case?

* Sneakers or sandals?:  Sneakers. Sandals are eeeeeevil! EEEEEVIL!

* McDonald's or Burger King?: Culver's! : D

* Mexican or italian food?: Italian.

* Lights on or off?: On. *is a night person, but is afraid of the dark when inside of houses* >.>;;;

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: Duct tape. What can't it do?

* Candy or pop?: Errr...both.

* A house in the woods or the city?: City.

* Pepsi or coke?: VANILLA PEPSI!

* Nike or adidas?: I dun care.


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: Yep.

* Do you like church?: Sure.

* Why or why not?: I dunno. I just do. x.x

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: I dunno. The Doom Tree in Sailor Moon was pretty cool. Or the Deku Tree...or...you know...some other kind...

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: Me 'cause my room now pwns.



we both live in Kansas :huh: and your hair description matches my Dark Ages Character perfectly :P

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SECTION 1: (You)


* Your name: Katie. It's too common. XP

* Your gender: MALE! No, I'm kidding. Female.

* Age: 13.

* Height: like...5' something or other. 7" or 8", or something.

* Hair color/style: Goes about three/fourths of the way down my back, red with a white streak in the front of the right side. (No, I'm not kidding. I really dyed it this way.)

* Eye color: Blue with this ring of brown/green/puke color in the middle.

* Marital status: None. I dun like anybody yet. With my maturitly level, I'm guessing I'll get my first crush somewhere around my late thirtys. x.x

* Your location: Kansas. Please help me.

* Talents: I dunno...stuff.


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: Not that I recall.

* Cheated on someone?: I've never had anybody to cheat on.

* Fallen off the bed?: I do that all the time. I did it this morning. x.x

* Fallen for a relative?: ...Eww.

* Had plastic surgery?: Ye-...I mean, no! >.>

* Broke someone's heart?: I do it all the time. XD (Reality = no)

* Had your heart broken?: Nope.

* Had a dream come true: Umm...not that I remember...

* Done something you regret?: Yees. Hasn't everybody?

* Cheated on a test?: When I was in, like, first grade. x.x (I couldn't spell "are")

* Broken a body part?: Yep. Mah middle finger. I got to flick people off for a month and a half without getting in trouble. XD

SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: Blue jeans and a red T-shirt.

* Listening to: Alex play Halo.

* Chewing: Nothing.

* Feeling: Like a shattered rose, hiddin in the darkness of the world's hate. (Inside joke. Dun ask.)

* Reading: The questions.

* Located: Deh kitchen, 'cause that is where the compy is.

* Chatting with: Tori.

* Should REALLY be: Doing math homework or reading her book report book.


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: Obbsesivly. *has to because of her Doom Braces*

* Like anybody?: Sure. I like lots of people. Or did you mean that other kind...

* Have any piercings?: Ears.

* Drive? Not yet. I don't think I should ever be allowed to. You should see how I play Mario Kart when I'm bored. >.>;;;

* Believe in Santa Claus?: I never really think about it, so I don't know.

* Ever get off the computer?: Only when a crowbar is used.


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Kris or Rachel.

* Who is the loudest?: Ashley.

* Who is the shyest?: Rachel or Marisa.

* Who is the 'hottest'?: I dunno. I never think of my friends like that. x.x

* Who is the cutest?: Jonathan!

* Who laughs the most?: Me, Kris, or Katie.

* Who have you known the longest? Kris and Rachel.

* Who have you known the shortest?: Allegra.

* Do you belong to a crew?: Fo shizzle.

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: Yep.

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: *hisses* c.c

* Do you trust your friends?: No. e.e;;; (Yes, I'm kidding)

* Are you a good friend?: I dunno. Ask somebody.

* Can you keep a secret?: If it's something that isn't anything like, "I'm gonna kill myself tonight.", or something like that.

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Hmmm...I dunno...maybe Alan...or James...I forget. x.x

* Hugged offline: Alex.

* IMed: Tori.

* Talked to on the phone:...I forget. x.x Probably my mom, or somebody like that.

* Yelled at: Puck. (Deh cat)

* Tripped: On perpose? Grahm

* Turned down: For what?


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: Vet, breeder, author, artist, or biologist of some sort. And a good parent, if I ever end up having kids.

* What is your most embarrassing story?: Phtt. Like I'm gonna tell you. o_o

* What has been the best day of your life?: I have no idea.

* What comes first in your life?: My friends and family.

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: No thankyou.

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: In the back of my head.

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: Toms of things. x.x

SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: Too many. x.x

* Song: Cell Blcok Tango - Chicago or nearly anything by Evenescence.

* Group: Evenescence, Switchfoot, Unfinished Thought, Wierd Al (I know he isn't a group. Shut up.), TMBG, The Pillows, Sneaker Pimps. *is too lazy to go to that other topic and see if that name is allowed*

* Store: And video game store. x.x I spend hours in those, even when I have no monies. x.x

* Relative: My great grandma or one of my other two grandmas. And Alex is pretty spiffy most of the time, too.

* Sport: I don't care what ya'll say, DDR is a sport and it's my favorite.

* Vacation spot: I'd like to go the Japan.

* Ice cream flavor: No idea. A lot. x.x

* Fruit: Strawberry or tomato. (It's a fruit!)

* Candy: Nearly anything chocolate or fruit flavored.

* Holiday: Christmas or Halloween.

* Day of the week: Saterday.

* Colour: Red or silver.

* Magazine: Game Informer.

* Name for a girl: Lark or Misha.

* Name for a boy: Zander


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: *huggs everyone*

* Like to walk in the rain?: Only if it's either really light or really hard.

* Sleep with or without clothes?: With.

* Write in black or blue ink?: Black. I'm not to fond of blue.

* Dress up on halloween?: Oh yes.

* Have a job?: Sort of.

* Like to travel?: Depends on where.


* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: Sometimes I fall asleep on my back, but I always end up on my side. I rarly sleep on my stomache. Only when I'm sick.

* Think you're attractive?: I dunno. I don't really care.

* Want to marry?: If I find the right person.

* Have a goldfish?: Nope. It would become kitty food.

* Ever have the falling dream?: I have dreams that I fall in, but not ones where that's all I do.

* Have stuffed animals? Bucket loads. x.x

* Go on vacation?: Sort of...

SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: Not answering. >.<


* Eating disorders: Not good.

* Suicide: Most of the people who talk about it/commit it just want the attention.

* Summer: Diiiiiiiiiie. x_x *stabbs* The only good thing about it is the long break from school.

* Tattoos: Ugly.

* Piercings: On girls. And only the ears.

* Make-up: Takes too long and feels like icing.

* Drinking: Most alcohol gives me a headache by smelling it, so I don't know how people can actually drink it. x.x

* Guys: They can be alright or so annoying you want to strangle them.

* Girls: Same thing.


SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: Neither.

* Be serious or funny?: Depends on the situation.

* Single or taken?: As of right now: Single. And I don't plan on changing it any time soon.

* Simple or complicated?: Complicated. *now has that dumb song stuck in her head*

* Law or anarchy?: Anarchy! >: D Well, sometimes.

* MTV or BET?: Death.

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: Eww.

* Sugar or salt?: SUGAR?! WHERE?!

* Silver or gold?: Silver. It's more cooler than gold. XP

* Tongue or belly button ring?: What is it with you and peircings?!

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate!

* Angels or miracles?: Angles, 'cause then they could make miracles.

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: Color. *shakes fist at black and white*

* Sunrise or sunset?: Both.

* M&M's or Skittles?: Both again. x.x

* Rap or rock?: Rock. *kills rap dead* Unless it's Wierd Al, then I'll take both.

* Stay up late or sleep in?: Both. >.>;;;

* TV or radio?: Yet again, both.

* Hot or cold?: Cold.

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: Right now: Niether

* Sun or moon?: Moon 'cause night is better than day 'cause it dosen't have the evil sun that's gonna kill us all eventually. *hisses at sun*

* Diamond or ruby?: Ruby 'cause it's red. ^^

* Left or right?: Left. Because left is always right but right is always wrong.

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: One best friend.

* Vanilla or chocolate?: Depends.

* Kids or no kids?: For what?

* Cat or dog?: Cat 'cause they ROCK! V>_<V

* Half-empty or half-full?: NEITHER! >: D

* Mustard or ketchup?: Depends on what it's being put on.

* Newspaper or magazine?: Magazine, uless it's the comics.

* Give or receive?: Both.

* Rain or snow?: Either.

* Lace or satin?: Both of them!

* Happy or sad?: Happy 'cause sad people can get annoying after a while.

* Corduroy or plaid?: Plaid is deh awsomes.

* Wonder or amazement?: Aren't they the same thing in this case?

* Sneakers or sandals?:  Sneakers. Sandals are eeeeeevil! EEEEEVIL!

* McDonald's or Burger King?: Culver's! : D

* Mexican or italian food?: Italian.

* Lights on or off?: On. *is a night person, but is afraid of the dark when inside of houses* >.>;;;

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: Duct tape. What can't it do?

* Candy or pop?: Errr...both.

* A house in the woods or the city?: City.

* Pepsi or coke?: VANILLA PEPSI!

* Nike or adidas?: I dun care.


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: Yep.

* Do you like church?: Sure.

* Why or why not?: I dunno. I just do. x.x

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: I dunno. The Doom Tree in Sailor Moon was pretty cool. Or the Deku Tree...or...you know...some other kind...

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: Me 'cause my room now pwns.



we both live in Kansas :huh: and your hair description matches my Dark Ages Character perfectly :P

Really? I thought Kris and I were the only people here in Kansas.

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I was born in Kansas. People seem to pity me. Wonder why.

IS there a reason to be proud of being a Kansas person? It IS flatter than a pancake, my sister said some scientist people had dont some check test thing. Its about 0.037% flatter or something. xD

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* Your gender: Female, unless men can now have babies 0.o


...to get my belly button done after

                                  the bubby comes


:-O Are you pregnat??


Wait...Arkcher is pregnat?

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* Your gender: Female, unless men can now have babies 0.o


...to get my belly button done after

                                  the bubby comes


:-O Are you pregnat??


Wait...Arkcher is pregnat?

I hope not! :o

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* Your gender: Female, unless men can now have babies 0.o


...to get my belly button done after

                                  the bubby comes


:-O Are you pregnat??


Wait...Arkcher is pregnat?

o_o! I should hope not. -looks- Nope. Dun think so.

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* Your gender: Female, unless men can now have babies 0.o


...to get my belly button done after

                                  the bubby comes


:-O Are you pregnat??


Wait...Arkcher is pregnat?

o_o! I should hope not. -looks- Nope. Dun think so.

Well alright then.

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I found one of these survey things you put your own wierd answers to. I figured i'd post it here and lat all'you peoples do it too.


SECTION 1: (You)


* Your name: Japancat Pitchblack

* Your gender: Girl

* Age: 11 or 15. I forgot.

* Height: Taller than Arkcher.

* Hair color/style: One side Rainbow. One side Black.

* Eye color: Random.

* Marital status: Hi Jump Kirby! (I wish....)

* Your location: New York.Japan. Springfeild.

* Talents: Collecting, Playing Cello, Playing Bass guitar, Beiing Annopying, Writhing Storiews.


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: No.

* Cheated on someone?: No.

* Fallen off the bed?: I used to, But I have a Bunk bed now.

* Fallen for a relative?: /??????

* Had plastic surgery?: ITS DISGUSTING!!!! NO!!!!!

* Broke someone's heart?: Dont know.

* Had your heart broken?: Yes.

* Had a dream come true: Once, and it was when I cut Tbfof's Hair to look like the beatles.O_o

* Done something you regret?: like.... 2.

* Cheated on a test?: Every time.

* Broken a body part?: Almost.


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: Limeted too roller skate outfit. Rainbow and Black.

* Listening to: TV.

* Chewing: My Braces.

* Feeling: The Beatles Deisese.

* Reading: This Survey.

* Located: New york.

* Chatting with: No one.

* Watching: the compy screen.

* Should REALLY be: Playing DS.


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: Yea.

* Like anybody?: maybe....

* Have any piercings?: ears.

* Drive? yes.

* Believe in Santa Claus?: Used to. But I shroomed him.

* Ever get off the computer?: Never.


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Katie, Paige and Megan.

* Who is the loudest?: Me.

* Who is the shyest?: Meghan.

* Who is the 'hottest'?: There all girls, but If I was a boy, Meghan.

* Who is the cutest?: Meghan.

* Who laughs the most?: Me. xD

* Who have you known the longest? Katie.

* Who have you known the shortest?: Paige.

* Do you belong to a crew?: Naw.

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: Yuuuuuuuuuup.

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: Online.

* Do you trust your friends?: sept katie.

* Are you a good friend?: As far as I know, yeah

* Can you keep a secret?:Yes.

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Moneylover, Hoops, Horatio, and Arkcher.

* Hugged offline: Chris.

* IMed: Never.

* Talked to on the phone: Dad.

* Yelled at: Granny.

* Tripped: a dog.

* Turned down: Michael.


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: Game Deisiner, Mycobiolegest,

Bass guitarest.

* What is your most embarrassing story?: O_o

* What has been the best day of your life?: Muh 10 Bday.

* What comes first in your life?: Video games.

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: Yes....

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: On my computer monitor. ^-^

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: HijumpKirby Confessing to giza about Holding her hand.


SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: Spo spo spo spo spongebob!

* Song: The Hampsterdance- Hampton amd the Hampsters

* Group: Deh hampsters

* Store: Hot topic, Sanrio, Limeted too, Past and Presents.

* Relative:My baby Sister.

* Sport: Skating and swimmming!

* Vacation spot: Florida.

* Ice cream flavor: Cookie. anything with Cookie.

* Fruit: apples.

* Candy: anything wonka.

* Holiday: Go and shroom everyone who looks like a Beatle day.

* Day of the week: Saturday

* Colour: Red, Orange, Green, Black.

* Magazine: Neopets and Nintendo Power.

* Name for a girl: Nicole.

* Name for a boy: Nick


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: No

* Like to walk in the rain?: No

* Sleep with or without clothes?: Without unless freinds are over.

* Write in black or blue ink?: Black

* Dress up on halloween?: Yea. I dress up in outfits That are of charecters out of muh own Imagen.

* Have a job?: yes. Clay figure maker.

* Like to travel?: Yes.

* Like someone?: Yep.

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: side.

* Think you're attractive?: NO

* Want to marry?: M<aybe.

* Have a goldfish?: Yuck!

* Ever have the falling dream?: Yeah.

* Have stuffed animals?: Thosunds. Have awhole army of em.

* Go on vacation?: Yep.

SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: Dont even get me started. o_< ;;

* Bill Clinton: Rockon.

* Eating disorders: *shivers*

* Suicide: For n00bs only.

* Summer: Yes.

* Tattoos: Put them on Paper.

* Piercings: Ears only. Girls only.

* Make-up: Nails. Lips. Thos it.

* Drinking: Noooooooo!

* Guys:emm....:blush:

* Girls: Yea.



SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: Neither. n00bs only.

* Be serious or funny?: Funny.

* Single or taken?: Taken.

* Simple or complicated?: The second one.

* Law or anarchy?: O_o

* MTV or BET?: MTV.

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: 7th Heaven.

* Sugar or salt?: Both!

* Silver or gold?: Silver. Shineyer.

* Tongue or belly button ring?: Belly Button.

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate!

* Angels or miracles?: Miracles. Bothe I guess.

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: Coulor/\

* Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset.

* M&M's or Skittles?:Both!

* Rap or rock?: Rock!

* Stay up late or sleep in?: Sleep in.

* TV or radio?: Radio.

* Hot or cold?:hot

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: Taller!

* Sun or moon?: Moon! Go Twila! n_n

* Diamond or ruby?: Ruby

* Left or right?: Could care less.

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: Ten.

* Vanilla or chocolate?: vanilla

* Kids or no kids?: kids.

* Cat or dog?: Cat. More hygenic. o_o

* Half-empty or half-full?: ??????

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup.

* Newspaper or magazine?: Magizene.

* Give or receive?: Recierve.

* Rain or snow?: Snow! Funfunfunfunfunfufnfunfun!!!

* Lace or satin?: Satin.

* Happy or sad?: Happy! It makes you type faster. n.n

* Corduroy or plaid?: Both is Ugly.

* Wonder or amazement?: Wonder.

* Sneakers or sandals?: Deh first one. CONVERSE!

* McDonald's or Burger King?: Burger king.

* Mexican or italian food?: Both

* Lights on or off?: on.

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: Duct tape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Candy or pop?: *GETS HIGH ON dR pEPPER*

* A house in the woods or the city?: City.

* Pepsi or coke?: Coke.

* Nike or adidas?: Nike.


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: To busy Shrooming.

* Do you like church?: Yes.

* Why or why not?: *sings*

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: Money tree.

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: Me



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But...you just said you were. That's why I asked if it was a girl or a boy.


"Are you pregnat?"





I answered for EmilyE since she dun go online often 'nuff.


And um. yes. o_o

*blindfolds Arkcher* Now you don't! ^_^

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* Your name: Alli

* Your gender: Girl

* Age: 16

* Height: 5'2

* Hair color/style: short brown.

* Eye color: brown. (i wish they were green.)

* Marital status: I'm 16. What do you think?

* Your location: Lost in my imagination.

* Talents: Writing, sing, typing, arguing, sleeping, complaining, math, orating, etc...


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: Not recently.

* Cheated on someone?: No.

* Fallen off the bed?: Once or thrice.

* Fallen for a relative?: Nope. that's gross.

* Had plastic surgery?: No.

* Broke someone's heart?: Probably.

* Had your heart broken?: Yes.

* Had a dream come true: I don't know yet.

* Done something you regret?: Yes.

* Cheated on a test?: Never!

* Broken a body part?: My ankle, my tailbone, and my three front teeth.


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: Blue shirt, blue jeans.

* Listening to: TV.

* Chewing: Nothing.

* Feeling: Everything but good.

* Reading: This Survey.

* Located: Florida.

* Chatting with: The voices.

* Watching: the computer screen.

* Should REALLY be: offline, but I don't give a... care?


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: Heck Yeah!

* Like anybody?: Not who I should.

* Have any piercings?: ears.

* Drive? yes.

* Believe in Santa Claus?: No.

* Ever get off the computer?: Eventually.


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Leigh, Rob, Joe, TJ, Kimi....

* Who is the loudest?: Kimi.

* Who is the shyest?: Me.

* Who is the 'hottest'?: TJ, but I should be thinking that of Rob.

* Who is the cutest?: see above.

* Who laughs the most?: We all do.

* Who have you known the longest? Me.

* Who have you known the shortest?: Kimi.

* Do you belong to a crew?: Yup. We are a crew.

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: Obviously.

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: No.

* Do you trust your friends?: Yes.

* Are you a good friend?: I like to think so.

* Can you keep a secret?:Yes.

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Nobody (wah.).

* Hugged offline: TJ

* IMed: I don't remember. I don't IM nemore.

* Talked to on the phone: My brother.

* Yelled at: Myself, for thought-cheating on Rob.

* Tripped: Myself, kicking the doorway.

* Turned down: The TV.


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: A social worker, an architect, or a tenth grade english teacher.

* What is your most embarrassing story?: That wouldn't spawn rumors? I'm never embarrased.

* What has been the best day of your life?: The Rapture hasn't come yet.

* What comes first in your life?: God.

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: Yes, my boyfriend, Rob.

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: Where ever I need them.

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: Everything that I didn't that day. It usually takes until 4 am.


SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)



* Song: I hate everything about you by three days grace.

* Group: Linkin Park, three days grace or ICP! unless you meant people, then here or my crew

* Store: Wally World, where else?

* Relative: I love them all.

* Sport: Swimming and running

* Vacation spot: my dreams, or a mission trip with my church.

* Ice cream flavor: The richest chocolate you can find that isn't original chocolate!

* Fruit: Tomatoes. They are fruit, really!

* Candy: chocolate.

* Holiday: Summer

* Day of the week: Sunday

* Colour: colour? what are you, British? PURPLE!

* Magazine: Guideposts or readers Digest

* Name for a girl: EmilyAnn or Theodora

* Name for a boy: Tad, Ben, Mark or TJ


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: it depends.

* Like to walk in the rain?: No, I like to play in the rain.

* Sleep with or without clothes?: With, duh!

* Write in black or blue ink?: Black all the way, or purple.

* Dress up on halloween?: Not anymore. (mom's orders.)

* Have a job?: Not yet.

* Like to travel?: Yes.

* Like someone?: Yep.

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: All three.

* Think you're attractive?: Everyone else does.

* Want to marry?: When I'm old enough.

* Have a goldfish?: They always die.

* Ever have the falling dream?: I don't have dreams.

* Have stuffed animals?: Not a lot, unless you count my pillows.

* Go on vacation?: Yep.


SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: Murdering babies? It's horrible!

* Bill Clinton: Stupid guy, but he lowered national debt.

* Eating disorders: Dangerous.

* Suicide: Selfish!

* Summer: Keep school out of it.

* Tattoos: Keep that redhot needle away from my skin!

* Piercings: Ears only. One each only. Left only on boys, and keep it small.

* Make-up: I don't wear it unless I feel like it. Keep it off the boys.

* Drinking: Nonalcoholic.

* Guys: Stay straight, and I like you.

* Girls: I'm straight.


SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: Neither.

* Be serious or funny?: Funny.

* Single or taken?: Taken.

* Simple or complicated?: Either way.

* Law or anarchy?: Law.

* MTV or BET?: Neither.

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: Neither.

* Sugar or salt?: Depends on my mood.

* Silver or gold?: Platinum.

* Tongue or belly button ring?: Neither.

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate!

* Angels or miracles?: Both.

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: Color!

* Sunrise or sunset?: Both.

* M&M's or Skittles?:Both!

* Rap or rock?: Both.

* Stay up late or sleep in?: Both.

* TV or radio?: Computers have both.

* Hot or cold?: Hot showers, cold rain.

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: Taller.

* Sun or moon?: Either way I'm awake.

* Diamond or ruby?: Rubies are cooler.

* Left or right?: Couldn't care less.

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: Ten best friends.

* Vanilla or chocolate?: chocolate.

* Kids or no kids?: Three kids.

* Cat or dog?: i want 5 Cats. only small dogs.

* Half-empty or half-full?: Half full.

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup.

* Newspaper or magazine?: The paper.

* Give or receive?: Give.

* Rain or snow?: Rain.

* Lace or satin?: neither. cats, remember?

* Happy or sad?: right now? sad. If I'm distracted from the bleak past I come from? happy.

* Corduroy or plaid?: Neither.

* Wonder or amazement?: Both.

* Sneakers or sandals?: barefoot.

* McDonald's or Burger King?: Arby's.

* Mexican or italian food?: Mexico!

* Lights on or off?: dim.

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: Duct tape fixes everything.

* Candy or pop?: chocolate and Sprite, I'll say both.

* A house in the woods or the city?: Woods.

* Pepsi or coke?: Coke.

* Nike or adidas?: whatever's cheap.


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: Every sunday and every other wednesday.

* Do you like church?: Yes.

* Why or why not?: God is great, God is cool. God should come before my school.

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: anything I can climb, usually an oak.

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: They all stink.



My life is unusual in the fact that it sounds normal, but really, it's not.



My moody life:


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* Drive? yes.


* Hugged online: Nobody (wah.).


* Name for a girl: EmilyAnn or Theodora


* Silver or gold?: Platinum.

1. Drive... Oh My! I need to leave Florida.


2. I, Horatio have given you an online huggle. You have such a short memory.


3. Theodora... I love that name. It belongs to my sister!!!


4. Platinum... beautiful!!!!!

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* Drive? yes.


* Hugged online: Nobody (wah.).


* Name for a girl: EmilyAnn or Theodora


* Silver or gold?: Platinum.

1. Drive... Oh My! I need to leave Florida.


2. I, Horatio have given you an online huggle. You have such a short memory.


3. Theodora... I love that name. It belongs to my sister!!!


4. Platinum... beautiful!!!!!

1 Drive... Everyone keeps saying that! My mom won't let me drive her because everyone's afraid I'll crash or something, but I'm a better driver than My GRANDMOTHER! I drove home from the mall in midday traffic this afternoon!


2 Huggles.... Yay!


3 Theodora... Wow! I used it in one of my stories, the one that is 306 pages long now. She has problems.


4 Platinum... I like it too. Actually, I just don't like either of the two.

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alas, no one cares about mine...-_-

That is not true. Of course we care about yours.

*gives Mushroom_king a giant hammie bear huggle*



(I dont read through all of these, So you arent the only one I ignored in this topic. :lol: )

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alas, no one cares about mine...-_-

That is not true. Of course we care about yours.

*gives Mushroom_king a giant hammie bear huggle*



(I dont read through all of these, So you arent the only one I ignored in this topic. :lol: )


*shrooms Arkcher *

You now have 5TGhY67 taban Controlling your Brain.

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alas, no one cares about mine...-_-

That is not true. Of course we care about yours.

*gives Mushroom_king a giant hammie bear huggle*



(I dont read through all of these, So you arent the only one I ignored in this topic. :lol: )


*shrooms Arkcher *

You now have 5TGhY67 taban Controlling your Brain.

-shakes head- >_<...........

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you have a very long signature.

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you have a very long signature.

Yes. But I shouldn't talk...mine's pretty biggish... :):D

no, yours is short enough to overcome with one scroll.

MK's takes five to seven.

for about a day mine was longer though.

I had twenty six verses to amazing grace, and a couple other songs.

it was great...



till I discovered it took a long time to scroll.


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you have a very long signature.

Yes. But I shouldn't talk...mine's pretty biggish... :):D

no, yours is short enough to overcome with one scroll.

MK's takes five to seven.

for about a day mine was longer though.

I had twenty six verses to amazing grace, and a couple other songs.

it was great...



till I discovered it took a long time to scroll.


Might you take into consideration I must hold the page up/down button for at least 4 seconds to get passed your signature, Topazia?

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you have a very long signature.

Yes. But I shouldn't talk...mine's pretty biggish... :):D

no, yours is short enough to overcome with one scroll.

MK's takes five to seven.

for about a day mine was longer though.

I had twenty six verses to amazing grace, and a couple other songs.

it was great...



till I discovered it took a long time to scroll.


Might you take into consideration I must hold the page up/down button for at least 4 seconds to get passed your signature, Topazia?


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you have a very long signature.

Yes. But I shouldn't talk...mine's pretty biggish... :):D

no, yours is short enough to overcome with one scroll.

MK's takes five to seven.

for about a day mine was longer though.

I had twenty six verses to amazing grace, and a couple other songs.

it was great...



till I discovered it took a long time to scroll.


Might you take into consideration I must hold the page up/down button for at least 4 seconds to get passed your signature, Topazia?


actually, when I wrote that, my signature was less than 200 charachters long. I know it seems hypocritical now, but oh well.

I'm not finished with mine yet, though.

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Time it takes to scroll through Mk's signature - 6 seconds


Paz's - 21 seconds

Topazia's sig takes 4 seconds of holding down PageDown on mah compy. It moves real fast cuz 'one page' for the compy to down is quite a lot of space.

I have a 21" Monitor with the screen resolution of 1600X1280. Pretty big. n_n

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Time it takes to scroll through Mk's signature - 6 seconds


Paz's - 21 seconds

Time it takes to get through the unmistakable signature of life:



it takes 38 scroll wheel turns for mine. ten or twelve for mk.

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this should be interresting..... well maybe not, I'm rather boring 




SECTION 1: (You)


* Your name: Emily Elizabeth (bet that was hard to guess)

* Your gender: Female, unless men can now have babies 0.o

* Age: 2o, 21 on July 11th

* Height: 5'5"

* Hair color/style: brown/dark blondish... very straight and veeeeery long,

                          like down to my butt long

* Eye color: it changes depending on what I wear, but normally stays


* Marital status: just married this year

* Your location: USA, Kansas with Dorthy and Toto... I am Aunty Em after all

* Talents: Diving (like flips and stuff), Art, Poetry (I guess), falling down, Stained

              Glass work (part of art), and Cake decorating (guess thats art too)


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: I was 5 and my sisters wouldn't stop tickling me

* Cheated on someone?: no way

* Fallen off the bed?: haha, all the time... even the top bunk  =S

* Fallen for a relative?: what do you think I am, an inbreeder? ew ew ew *pukes*

* Had plastic surgery?: yea right, if I had plastic surgery I wouldn't be this ugly

* Broke someone's heart?:  :(  moving on.....

* Had your heart broken?: more then can be counted

* Had a dream come true: YES YES YES! 

* Done something you regret?: don't we all at one point?

* Cheated on a test?: nah, I didn't care if I got bad grades

* Broken a body part?: my right wrist (which caused me to become ambidextrus),

                                  my right middle finger, and fractured my knee cap  @_@


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: socks ....oh and a few other things ^.^

* Listening to: my kittens are meowing at me and the dryer is buzzing

* Chewing: Orange Kool-Aid?  :huh:

* Feeling: Cold/Hungry/Tired... lil morning sickness going on too

* Reading: um, duh

* Located: on a chair in front of my computer.... what did u think I was outside?

* Chatting with: my kittens :wacko:

* Watching: my husbands screen saver on his comp next to me 

* Should REALLY be: washing dishes and making macaroni salad


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: every morning

* Like anybody?: I like lottsa people..... if u mean as in 'love', I love my family

                          and my hubby

* Have any piercings?: two in each ear and want to get my belly button done after

                                  the bubby comes

* Drive? 5 speed Stick shift rocks my socks

* Believe in Santa Claus?: did you know Santa and Satan have all the same

                                        letters? oh and yea, Santa was on my back porch

                                        smashing soda cans this morning

* Ever get off the computer?: do most the time now, but used to be glued to it.


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: my hubby

* Who is the loudest?: my hubby

* Who is the shyest?: hmm.... Matty

* Who is the 'hottest'?: my hubby... and Lynz, and Ash... I gotta lotta hot


* Who is the cutest?: Lauren! she's just so adorable!

* Who laughs the most?: my hubby (even at his own jokes, but they are funny)

* Who have you known the longest? Tony, been playing since we was beebees

* Who have you known the shortest?: Sarah

* Do you belong to a crew?: Nope

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: yup

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: nope

* Do you trust your friends?: most of them <_< a few are slippin off the friends list

* Are you a good friend?: I've been told I am, so yea I guess so

* Can you keep a secret?: deffinitly!  if it's a secret my lips are seeled


SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Jen

* Hugged offline: my hubby

* IMed: Chriss, by accident

* Talked to on the phone: my hubby

* Yelled at: the kittens :angry: ... oh it says person... in that case, myself

* Tripped: my manager :o  it was an accident

* Turned down: The old guy at the checkout counter XD he's a funny old perve


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: young again.... or a stained glass

                                                                    artist again, I loved that job.

* What is your most embarrassing story?: I was chasing my hubby in the bank

                                                            parking lot and tripped... I landed hard

                                                            and slid far, I just moved and all my

                                                            new neighbors were watching us. :blush:

* What has been the best day of your life?: my wedding day

* What comes first in your life?: family

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: Nope, but I have a hubby does that

                                                                  count? =P

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: on antenna on top

                                                                                          of my head

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: my hubby and how

                                                                                  lucky I am to have him

                                                                              and if I'll be a good mommy


SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: Almost Famous, but it changes a lot

* Song: Here Without You - 3 Doors Down

* Group: Green Day

* Store: psh, just gimme a whole mall

* Relative: my Great Aunt Jackie

* Sport: I wish I was a Nascar driver, zoom zoom!  but I also love volleyball

* Vacation spot: Outer Banks, North Carolina

* Ice cream flavor: chocolate chip cookie dough *drools* or Danali Moose Tracks

                            *drools again*

* Fruit: pinapple!

* Candy: hard = Runts.... soft = Swedish Fish.... candy bar = Milky Way Midnight

                                                                                  (the dark chocolate one)

* Holiday: ....don't got one

* Day of the week: Wednesday

* Colour: Red

* Magazine: Ranger Rick, haha

* Name for a girl: Alex or Jorden

* Name for a boy: Jesse


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: of course!

* Like to walk in the rain?: yup

* Sleep with or without clothes?: without

* Write in black or blue ink?: whatever's not run out!

* Dress up on halloween?: my family never celebrated halloween, so I never got

                                        to dress up

* Have a job?: yup

* Like to travel?: I love to travel

* Like someone?: I'm getting dayshavoo here... (or however you spell it)

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: I sleep better on my side, but lately I've

                                                            had to resort to my back.  hey... isn't

                                                          stomach and belly the same thing?  :huh:

* Think you're attractive?: omg no, I'm ugly as sin

* Want to marry?: I'm already married  =P

* Have a goldfish?: used to have 3, I threw them in my mom's pond

* Ever have the falling dream?: thats how I fell off top bunk ^.^

* Have stuffed animals?: yup! I had to leave my froggie collection at home tho  =(

* Go on vacation?: used to... I'm too poor now


SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: it's murder and shouldn't be allowed

* Bill Clinton: the guy on Mad Tv does a good impression of him

* Eating disorders: sad -_-

* Suicide: moving on.....

* Summer: I love it!

* Tattoos: I want a little one

* Piercings: can be nice if not overdone, too many just looks dumb

* Make-up: my "other" face. I don't like too much of it though, natural colors are


* Drinking: can be fun if not overdone!

* Guys: some are good, some are gay, some are evil and should be made to pay

* Girls: girls rock, cept the snotty ones that think they're better then everyone else



SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: neither kthnx

* Be serious or funny?: there's a time for both... but funny's more fun

* Single or taken?: I'm Taken and proud of it!!!!

* Simple or complicated?: lets keep it simple

* Law or anarchy?: how bout none

* MTV or BET?: well... VH1 really.... but MTV if I have to choose from that

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: I liked 7th heaven when I was 10, I don't like

                                                  either now

* Sugar or salt?: Salt... no sugar.... no... salt.... I dunno, depends on my mood

* Silver or gold?: Silver, or white gold  =P

* Tongue or belly button ring?: belly button

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate

* Angels or miracles?: um ok....  angels?

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: depends on the photo

* Sunrise or sunset?: sunset, like I'd get up early enough for a sunrise

* M&M's or Skittles?: M&Ms, chocolate rules

* Rap or rock?: Rock! rap stinks

* Stay up late or sleep in?: normally if you stay up late... don't you end up

                                        sleeping in?

* TV or radio?: Radio

* Hot or cold?: Hot

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: honestly, size doesn't matter

* Sun or moon?: Moon, it smiles a lot

* Diamond or ruby?: Ruby, it's my birthstone and fav color

* Left or right?: I guess left if your a nascar driver....  but I'm ambidextrious

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: why not 10 best friends?

* Vanilla or chocolate?: chocolate

* Kids or no kids?: do I have a choice... I'm pregnant!  but yea I love kids

* Cat or dog?: hmm.... both?  no, dog

* Half-empty or half-full?: over flowing!.... stop about glasses, I'm thirsty

* Mustard or ketchup?: whats it going on?  I like um mixed

* Newspaper or magazine?: magazine?

* Give or receive?: I love to give! 

* Rain or snow?: rain

* Lace or satin?: satin

* Happy or sad?: Happy... althought sad eyes are so cute

* Corduroy or plaid?: Corduroy

* Wonder or amazement?: Wonder, let your imagination run wild!

* Sneakers or sandals?:  barefoot! ....sandals work

* McDonald's or Burger King?: Burger King!

* Mexican or italian food?: Italian!!! I love it, my fav food type  ^.^

* Lights on or off?: on, I'm too clumsy to keep um off

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: duct tape will solve all your problems ^.^ 

* Candy or pop?: pop, mountian dew and cherry coke rules

* A house in the woods or the city?: woods

* Pepsi or coke?: coke u nut

* Nike or adidas?: I hate sneakers..... adidas I guess


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: used to

* Do you like church?: yes

* Why or why not?: I loved the warmth of the community, everyones always

                            happy and smiling, I also like feeling like I have a purpose

                            and i'm learning things I should know even if I don't agree

                            with certain things

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: Dogwood and Red Japanese Weeping Cherry

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: Kimmie and Guiseppe, their

                                                                              house rocks


Already seen

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I found one of these survey things you put your own wierd answers to. I figured i'd post it here and lat all'you peoples do it too.


SECTION 1: (You)


* Your name: Japancat Pitchblack

* Your gender: Girl

* Age: 11 or 15. I forgot.

* Height: Taller than Arkcher.

* Hair color/style: One side Rainbow. One side Black.

* Eye color: Random.

* Marital status: Hi Jump Kirby! (I wish....)

* Your location: New York.Japan. Springfeild.

* Talents: Collecting, Playing Cello, Playing Bass guitar, Beiing Annopying, Writhing Storiews.


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: No.

* Cheated on someone?: No.

* Fallen off the bed?: I used to, But I have a Bunk bed now.

* Fallen for a relative?: /??????

* Had plastic surgery?: ITS DISGUSTING!!!! NO!!!!!

* Broke someone's heart?: Dont know.

* Had your heart broken?: Yes.

* Had a dream come true: Once, and it was when I cut Tbfof's Hair to look like the beatles.O_o

* Done something you regret?: like.... 2.

* Cheated on a test?: Every time.

* Broken a body part?: Almost.


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: Limeted too roller skate outfit. Rainbow and Black.

* Listening to: TV.

* Chewing: My Braces.

* Feeling: The Beatles Deisese.

* Reading: This Survey.

* Located: New york.

* Chatting with: No one.

* Watching: the compy screen.

* Should REALLY be: Playing DS.


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: Yea.

* Like anybody?: maybe....

* Have any piercings?: ears.

* Drive? yes.

* Believe in Santa Claus?: Used to. But I shroomed him.

* Ever get off the computer?: Never.


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Katie, Paige and Megan.

* Who is the loudest?: Me.

* Who is the shyest?: Meghan.

* Who is the 'hottest'?: There all girls, but If I was a boy, Meghan.

* Who is the cutest?: Meghan.

* Who laughs the most?: Me. xD

* Who have you known the longest? Katie.

* Who have you known the shortest?: Paige.

* Do you belong to a crew?: Naw.

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: Yuuuuuuuuuup.

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: Online.

* Do you trust your friends?: sept katie.

* Are you a good friend?: As far as I know, yeah

* Can you keep a secret?:Yes.

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Moneylover, Hoops, Horatio, and Arkcher.

* Hugged offline: Chris.

* IMed: Never.

* Talked to on the phone: Dad.

* Yelled at: Granny.

* Tripped: a dog.

* Turned down: Michael.


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: Game Deisiner, Mycobiolegest,

Bass guitarest.

* What is your most embarrassing story?: O_o

* What has been the best day of your life?: Muh 10 Bday.

* What comes first in your life?: Video games.

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: Yes....

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: On my computer monitor. ^-^

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: HijumpKirby Confessing to giza about Holding her hand.


SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: Spo spo spo spo spongebob!

* Song: The Hampsterdance- Hampton amd the Hampsters

* Group: Deh hampsters

* Store: Hot topic, Sanrio, Limeted too, Past and Presents.

* Relative:My baby Sister.

* Sport: Skating and swimmming!

* Vacation spot: Florida.

* Ice cream flavor: Cookie. anything with Cookie.

* Fruit: apples.

* Candy: anything wonka.

* Holiday: Go and shroom everyone who looks like a Beatle day.

* Day of the week: Saturday

* Colour: Red, Orange, Green, Black.

* Magazine: Neopets and Nintendo Power.

* Name for a girl: Nicole.

* Name for a boy: Nick


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: No

* Like to walk in the rain?: No

* Sleep with or without clothes?: Without unless freinds are over.

* Write in black or blue ink?: Black

* Dress up on halloween?: Yea. I dress up in outfits That are of charecters out of muh own Imagen.

* Have a job?: yes. Clay figure maker.

* Like to travel?: Yes.

* Like someone?: Yep.

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: side.

* Think you're attractive?: NO

* Want to marry?: M<aybe.

* Have a goldfish?: Yuck!

* Ever have the falling dream?: Yeah.

* Have stuffed animals?: Thosunds. Have awhole army of em.

* Go on vacation?: Yep.

SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: Dont even get me started. o_< ;;

* Bill Clinton: Rockon.

* Eating disorders: *shivers*

* Suicide: For n00bs only.

* Summer: Yes.

* Tattoos: Put them on Paper.

* Piercings: Ears only. Girls only.

* Make-up: Nails. Lips. Thos it.

* Drinking: Noooooooo!

* Guys:emm....:blush:

* Girls: Yea.



SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: Neither. n00bs only.

* Be serious or funny?: Funny.

* Single or taken?: Taken.

* Simple or complicated?: The second one.

* Law or anarchy?: O_o

* MTV or BET?: MTV.

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: 7th Heaven.

* Sugar or salt?: Both!

* Silver or gold?: Silver. Shineyer.

* Tongue or belly button ring?: Belly Button.

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate!

* Angels or miracles?: Miracles. Bothe I guess.

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: Coulor/\

* Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset.

* M&M's or Skittles?:Both!

* Rap or rock?: Rock!

* Stay up late or sleep in?: Sleep in.

* TV or radio?: Radio.

* Hot or cold?:hot

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: Taller!

* Sun or moon?: Moon! Go Twila! n_n

* Diamond or ruby?: Ruby

* Left or right?: Could care less.

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: Ten.

* Vanilla or chocolate?: vanilla

* Kids or no kids?: kids.

* Cat or dog?: Cat. More hygenic. o_o

* Half-empty or half-full?: ??????

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup.

* Newspaper or magazine?: Magizene.

* Give or receive?: Recierve.

* Rain or snow?: Snow! Funfunfunfunfunfufnfunfun!!!

* Lace or satin?: Satin.

* Happy or sad?: Happy! It makes you type faster. n.n

* Corduroy or plaid?: Both is Ugly.

* Wonder or amazement?: Wonder.

* Sneakers or sandals?: Deh first one. CONVERSE!

* McDonald's or Burger King?: Burger king.

* Mexican or italian food?: Both

* Lights on or off?: on.

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: Duct tape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Candy or pop?: *GETS HIGH ON dR pEPPER*

* A house in the woods or the city?: City.

* Pepsi or coke?: Coke.

* Nike or adidas?: Nike.


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: To busy Shrooming.

* Do you like church?: Yes.

* Why or why not?: *sings*

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: Money tree.

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: Me



Yay! Finally someone who shares a lot of my addictions!

Maybe I should check that one out.

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I found one of these survey things you put your own wierd answers to. I figured i'd post it here and lat all'you peoples do it too.


SECTION 1: (You)


* Your name: Japancat Pitchblack

* Your gender: Girl

* Age: 11 or 15. I forgot.

* Height: Taller than Arkcher.

* Hair color/style: One side Rainbow. One side Black.

* Eye color: Random.

* Marital status: Hi Jump Kirby! (I wish....)

* Your location: New York.Japan. Springfeild.

* Talents: Collecting, Playing Cello, Playing Bass guitar, Beiing Annopying, Writhing Storiews.


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: No.

* Cheated on someone?: No.

* Fallen off the bed?: I used to, But I have a Bunk bed now.

* Fallen for a relative?: /??????

* Had plastic surgery?: ITS DISGUSTING!!!! NO!!!!!

* Broke someone's heart?: Dont know.

* Had your heart broken?: Yes.

* Had a dream come true: Once, and it was when I cut Tbfof's Hair to look like the beatles.O_o

* Done something you regret?: like.... 2.

* Cheated on a test?: Every time.

* Broken a body part?: Almost.


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: Limeted too roller skate outfit. Rainbow and Black.

* Listening to: TV.

* Chewing: My Braces.

* Feeling: The Beatles Deisese.

* Reading: This Survey.

* Located: New york.

* Chatting with: No one.

* Watching: the compy screen.

* Should REALLY be: Playing DS.


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: Yea.

* Like anybody?: maybe....

* Have any piercings?: ears.

* Drive? yes.

* Believe in Santa Claus?: Used to. But I shroomed him.

* Ever get off the computer?: Never.


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Katie, Paige and Megan.

* Who is the loudest?: Me.

* Who is the shyest?: Meghan.

* Who is the 'hottest'?: There all girls, but If I was a boy, Meghan.

* Who is the cutest?: Meghan.

* Who laughs the most?: Me. xD

* Who have you known the longest? Katie.

* Who have you known the shortest?: Paige.

* Do you belong to a crew?: Naw.

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: Yuuuuuuuuuup.

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: Online.

* Do you trust your friends?: sept katie.

* Are you a good friend?: As far as I know, yeah

* Can you keep a secret?:Yes.

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Moneylover, Hoops, Horatio, and Arkcher.

* Hugged offline: Chris.

* IMed: Never.

* Talked to on the phone: Dad.

* Yelled at: Granny.

* Tripped: a dog.

* Turned down: Michael.


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: Game Deisiner, Mycobiolegest,

Bass guitarest.

* What is your most embarrassing story?: O_o

* What has been the best day of your life?: Muh 10 Bday.

* What comes first in your life?: Video games.

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: Yes....

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: On my computer monitor. ^-^

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: HijumpKirby Confessing to giza about Holding her hand.


SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: Spo spo spo spo spongebob!

* Song: The Hampsterdance- Hampton amd the Hampsters

* Group: Deh hampsters

* Store: Hot topic, Sanrio, Limeted too, Past and Presents.

* Relative:My baby Sister.

* Sport: Skating and swimmming!

* Vacation spot: Florida.

* Ice cream flavor: Cookie. anything with Cookie.

* Fruit: apples.

* Candy: anything wonka.

* Holiday: Go and shroom everyone who looks like a Beatle day.

* Day of the week: Saturday

* Colour: Red, Orange, Green, Black.

* Magazine: Neopets and Nintendo Power.

* Name for a girl: Nicole.

* Name for a boy: Nick


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: No

* Like to walk in the rain?: No

* Sleep with or without clothes?: Without unless freinds are over.

* Write in black or blue ink?: Black

* Dress up on halloween?: Yea. I dress up in outfits That are of charecters out of muh own Imagen.

* Have a job?: yes. Clay figure maker.

* Like to travel?: Yes.

* Like someone?: Yep.

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: side.

* Think you're attractive?: NO

* Want to marry?: M<aybe.

* Have a goldfish?: Yuck!

* Ever have the falling dream?: Yeah.

* Have stuffed animals?: Thosunds. Have awhole army of em.

* Go on vacation?: Yep.

SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: Dont even get me started. o_< ;;

* Bill Clinton: Rockon.

* Eating disorders: *shivers*

* Suicide: For n00bs only.

* Summer: Yes.

* Tattoos: Put them on Paper.

* Piercings: Ears only. Girls only.

* Make-up: Nails. Lips. Thos it.

* Drinking: Noooooooo!

* Guys:emm....:blush:

* Girls: Yea.



SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: Neither. n00bs only.

* Be serious or funny?: Funny.

* Single or taken?: Taken.

* Simple or complicated?: The second one.

* Law or anarchy?: O_o

* MTV or BET?: MTV.

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: 7th Heaven.

* Sugar or salt?: Both!

* Silver or gold?: Silver. Shineyer.

* Tongue or belly button ring?: Belly Button.

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate!

* Angels or miracles?: Miracles. Bothe I guess.

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: Coulor/\

* Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset.

* M&M's or Skittles?:Both!

* Rap or rock?: Rock!

* Stay up late or sleep in?: Sleep in.

* TV or radio?: Radio.

* Hot or cold?:hot

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: Taller!

* Sun or moon?: Moon! Go Twila! n_n

* Diamond or ruby?: Ruby

* Left or right?: Could care less.

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: Ten.

* Vanilla or chocolate?: vanilla

* Kids or no kids?: kids.

* Cat or dog?: Cat. More hygenic. o_o

* Half-empty or half-full?: ??????

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup.

* Newspaper or magazine?: Magizene.

* Give or receive?: Recierve.

* Rain or snow?: Snow! Funfunfunfunfunfufnfunfun!!!

* Lace or satin?: Satin.

* Happy or sad?: Happy! It makes you type faster. n.n

* Corduroy or plaid?: Both is Ugly.

* Wonder or amazement?: Wonder.

* Sneakers or sandals?: Deh first one. CONVERSE!

* McDonald's or Burger King?: Burger king.

* Mexican or italian food?: Both

* Lights on or off?: on.

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: Duct tape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Candy or pop?: *GETS HIGH ON dR pEPPER*

* A house in the woods or the city?: City.

* Pepsi or coke?: Coke.

* Nike or adidas?: Nike.


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: To busy Shrooming.

* Do you like church?: Yes.

* Why or why not?: *sings*

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: Money tree.

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: Me



Yay! Finally someone who shares a lot of my addictions!

Maybe I should check that one out.

Then u get Neo neo award!!!

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I found one of these survey things you put your own wierd answers to. I figured i'd post it here and lat all'you peoples do it too.


SECTION 1: (You)


* Your name: Japancat Pitchblack

* Your gender: Girl

* Age: 11 or 15. I forgot.

* Height: Taller than Arkcher.

* Hair color/style: Sorta Hippyish.....

* Eye color: Random.

* Marital status: Hi Jump Kirby! (I wish....)

* Your location: New York.Japan. Springfeild.

* Talents: Collecting, Playing Bass guitar, Beiing Annopying, Writhing Storiews.


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: No.

* Cheated on someone?: No.

* Fallen off the bed?: I used to, But I have a Bunk bed now.

* Fallen for a relative?: /??????

* Had plastic surgery?: ITS DISGUSTING!!!! NO!!!!!

* Broke someone's heart?: Dont know.

* Had your heart broken?: Yes.

* Had a dream come true: Once, and it was when I cut Tbfof's Hair to look like the beatles.O_o

* Done something you regret?: like.... 2.

* Cheated on a test?: Every time.

* Broken a body part?: Almost.


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: South park shirt and Glittery Denim Shorts!!!! Yay, my Favourite.

* Listening to: TV.

* Chewing: My Braces.

* Feeling: Terenargery.

* Reading: This Survey.

* Located: New york.

* Chatting with: No one.

* Watching: the compy screen.

* Should REALLY be: Playing DS.


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: Yea.

* Like anybody?: maybe....

* Have any piercings?: ears.

* Drive? yes.

* Believe in Santa Claus?: Used to. But I shroomed him.

* Ever get off the computer?: Never.


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Katie, Paige and Megan.

* Who is the loudest?: Me.

* Who is the shyest?: Meghan.

* Who is the 'hottest'?: There all girls, but If I was a boy, Meghan.

* Who is the cutest?: Meghan.

* Who laughs the most?: Me. xD

* Who have you known the longest? Katie.

* Who have you known the shortest?: Paige.

* Do you belong to a crew?: Naw.

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: Yuuuuuuuuuup.

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: Online.

* Do you trust your friends?: sept katie.

* Are you a good friend?: As far as I know, yeah

* Can you keep a secret?:Yes.

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Moneylover, Hoops, Horatio, and Arkcher.

* Hugged offline: Chris.

* IMed: Never.

* Talked to on the phone: Dad.

* Yelled at: Granny.

* Tripped: a dog.

* Turned down: Michael.


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: Game Deisiner, Mycobiolegest,

Bass guitarest.

* What is your most embarrassing story?: O_o

* What has been the best day of your life?: Muh 10 Bday.

* What comes first in your life?: Video games.

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: Yes....

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: On my computer monitor. ^-^

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: HijumpKirby Confessing to giza about Holding her hand.


SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: Spo spo spo spo spongebob!

* Song: The Hampsterdance- Hampton amd the Hampsters

* Group: Deh hampsters

* Store: Hot topic, Sanrio, Limeted too, Past and Presents, Buld a bear workshop/\.

* Relative:My baby Sister.

* Sport: Skating and swimmming!

* Vacation spot: Florida and New york. Or Paris.

* Ice cream flavor: Cookie. anything with Cookie.

* Fruit: apples.

* Candy: anything wonka.

* Holiday: Go and shroom everyone who looks like a Beatle day, Halloween, Christmas, Independence day.( otherwise called " goa nd Light your enemys hous e on fire day")

* Day of the week: Saturday

* Colour: Red, Orange, Green, Black and Beige.

* Magazine: Neopets and Nintendo Power.

* Name for a girl: Nicole, Hannah, Ivy,Jerdana,

* Name for a boy: Nick, Napoelen.


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: No

* Like to walk in the rain?: Only in my water form.

* Sleep with or without clothes?: Without unless freinds are over.

* Write in black or blue ink?: Black

* Dress up on halloween?: Yea. I dress up in outfits That are of charecters out of muh own Imagen.

* Have a job?: No.

* Like to travel?: Yes.

* Like someone?: Yep.

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: side.

* Think you're attractive?: Sort of.

* Want to marry?: M<aybe.

* Have a goldfish?: Yuck!

* Ever have the falling dream?: Yeah.

* Have stuffed animals?: Thosunds. Have awhole army of em. I even have plushies of Emilye , Coca cola bear and Hamyylover. Fun time.

* Go on vacation?: Yep.

SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: Dont even get me started. o_< ;;

* Bill Clinton: Rockon.

* Eating disorders: *shivers*

* Suicide: For n00bs only.

* Summer: Yes.

* Tattoos: Put them on Paper.

* Piercings: Ears only. Girls only. One only.

* Make-up: Nails. Lips. Thos it.

* Drinking: Noooooooo!9 (sept Non alcholic wine)

* Guys:emm....:blush:

* Girls: Yea.



SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: Neither. n00bs only.

* Be serious or funny?: Funny.

* Single or taken?: Taken.

* Simple or complicated?: The second one.

* Law or anarchy?: O_o

* MTV or BET?: MTV.

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: 7th Heaven.

* Sugar or salt?: Both!

* Silver or gold?: Silver. Shineyer.

* Tongue or belly button ring?: Belly Button.

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate!

* Angels or miracles?: Miracles. Bothe I guess.

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: Coulor/\

* Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset.

* M&M's or Skittles?:Both!

* Rap or rock?: Rock! Classic Rock especilly.

* Stay up late or sleep in?: S\Both.

* TV or radio?: Radio.

* Hot or cold?:hot

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: Taller!

* Sun or moon?: Moon! Go Twila! n_n

* Diamond or ruby?: Ruby

* Left or right?: Could care less.

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: Ten.

* Vanilla or chocolate?: vanilla

* Kids or no kids?: kids.

* Cat or dog?: Cat. More hygenic. o_o

* Half-empty or half-full?: ??????

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup.

* Newspaper or magazine?: Magizene. Much more Fun. But no Comics.

* Give or receive?: Recierve.

* Rain or snow?: Snow! Funfunfunfunfunfufnfunfun!!! What a Stoopid Question.

* Lace or satin?: Satin.

* Happy or sad?: Happy! It makes you type faster. n.n

* Corduroy or plaid?: Both is Ugly.

* Wonder or amazement?: Wonder.

* Sneakers or sandals?: Deh first one. CONVERSE!

* McDonald's or Burger King?: Burger king.

* Mexican or italian food?: Italien! But their Music scares me.

* Lights on or off?: on. *shivers*

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: Duct tape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Candy or pop?: *gets High on Dr pepper*

* A house in the woods or the city?: City.

* Pepsi or coke?: Coke.

* Nike or adidas?: Nike.

*Pink Floyd or the Beatles?: .... Cant... Choose.....


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: To busy Shrooming.

* Do you like church?: Yes.

* Why or why not?: *sings* Our God, s an awsome god....

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: Money tree.

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: Me



I Updated it.

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Your name: Zap the ZombieCat

* Your gender: F

* Age: 16

* Height: 5'4.5

* Hair color/style: Flamin' Red, long and curly

* Eye color: Green

* Marital status: Single.

* Your location: Bristol, but I prefer Oklahoma.

* Talents: Nothing.


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: No

* Cheated on someone?: No

* Fallen off the bed?: No

* Fallen for a relative?: No

* Had plastic surgery?: No

* Broke someone's heart?: Yup

* Had your heart broken?: Yup

* Had a dream come true: Never

* Done something you regret?: Nope

* Cheated on a test?: Nope

* Broken a body part?: I'm still in crutches.


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: Black lipstick and white clothes

* Listening to: TV

* Chewing: Cinnamon Gum

* Feeling: silly for answering this thing

* Reading: this thing

* Located: Bristol (I want back in America!)

* Chatting with: the voices

* Watching: the computer

* Should REALLY be: asleep


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: Yep

* Like anybody?: No one that knows

* Have any piercings?: ears, tongue, belly

* Drive? yep

* Believe in Santa Claus?: Please...

* Ever get off the computer?: Once a week


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Voice number three

* Who is the loudest?: Voice number two

* Who is the shyest?: Voice number one

* Who is the 'hottest'?: Voice number eight

* Who is the cutest?: Voice number three

* Who laughs the most?: No one laughs

* Who have you known the longest? All of them

* Who have you known the shortest?: Non of them

* Do you belong to a crew?: No

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: I hang only with my voices. They are neither.

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: The shrink says I do.

* Do you trust your friends?: No

* Are you a good friend?: I dunno

* Can you keep a secret?: Can you?


SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: None

* Hugged offline: My mom like a year ago

* IMed: None

* Talked to on the phone: My old man, like a year ago

* Yelled at: My old man, like a year ago

* Tripped: My boyfriend

* Turned down: His boyfriend. (j/k) No one.


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: I don't care

* What is your most embarrassing story?: My life story until last year

* What has been the best day of your life?: The day I ran away

* What comes first in your life?: My black lipstick

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: Yes

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: If they worked, I would replace the eyes I have now.

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: Death and life


SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: Butterfly Effect

* Song: Anything punk or gothic

* Group: Anything gothic

* Store: The place I get my black lipstick

* Relative: They don't matter, but if I have to pick, my brother. He's four. So innocent.

* Sport: I don't play sports

* Vacation spot: Maine

* Ice cream flavor: vanilla

* Fruit: plums

* Candy: Twix remix

* Holiday: My birthday

* Day of the week: Tuesday

* Colour: Black or white

* Magazine: I don't read magazines

* Name for a girl: Alecia, Naomi, Dana

* Name for a boy: David, Adam, Carlos


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: No

* Like to walk in the rain?: If it's lightening-ing out.

* Sleep with or without clothes?: With. I hate my body

* Write in black or blue ink?: Black or invisible

* Dress up on halloween?: No, Devil's Night is better.

* Have a job?: No

* Like to travel?: No

* Like someone?: No one that knows

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: Whatever I fall on

* Think you're attractive?: No

* Want to marry?: Someday

* Have a goldfish?: They always die

* Ever have the falling dream?: No

* Have stuffed animals?: One, to remind me of my brother. The others, I call them voodoo dolls

* Go on vacation?: I'm on a permanent vacation in Bristol right now


SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: Had one

* Bill Clinton: My hero

* Eating disorders: My only friend died from one

* Suicide: Tantalizing, but no

* Summer: WINTER!

* Tattoos: Not on me. Pain ain't my friend no more

* Piercings: Whatever

* Make-up: Black lipstick, white foundation, everyone

* Drinking: Not me. I'm straight

* Guys: Traitorous

* Girls: Snobs


SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: Both!

* Be serious or funny?: Serious

* Single or taken?: Taken

* Simple or complicated?: Whatever

* Law or anarchy?: Anarchy

* MTV or BET?: Both are idiotic

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: Neither

* Sugar or salt?: Salt

* Silver or gold?: Onyx

* Tongue or belly button ring?: Both

* Chocolate or flowers?: Dark chocolate

* Angels or miracles?: Neither

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: Whatever

* Sunrise or sunset?: Both are lame

* M&M's or Skittles?: Brown M&Ms

* Rap or rock?: Ugh... I like the death metal

* Stay up late or sleep in?: Neither, if I want to live

* TV or radio?: TV less thinking, more gore

* Hot or cold?: cold

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: Taller

* Sun or moon?: Moon colder

* Diamond or ruby?: Onyx

* Left or right?: Couldn't care less.

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: Ten voices or one friend, whatever

* Vanilla or chocolate?: vanilla

* Kids or no kids?: no kids

* Cat or dog?: Cat I'm allergic to dogs

* Half-empty or half-full?: Empty

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup Mustard's gross

* Newspaper or magazine?: Paper, more info

* Give or receive?: It don't matter

* Rain or snow?: Rain

* Lace or satin?: Satin

* Happy or sad?: Sad I'm always sad

* Corduroy or plaid?: Both are disgusting

* Wonder or amazement?: Neither. I'm never surprised

* Sneakers or sandals?: Barefoot runs faster

* McDonald's or Burger King?: Neither. Arby's

* Mexican or italian food?: Mexico I hate pasta

* Lights on or off?: Off, I love the night

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: Scotch tape is invisible

* Candy or pop?: Soda, it's more important

* A house in the woods or the city?: Woods so I can be ALONE

* Pepsi or coke?: Coke

* Nike or adidas?: Nike

* Pink Floyd or the Beatles?: Pink Floyd is closer to my music


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: NO!!!

* Do you like church?: No

* Why or why not?: It ain't real

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: Tree of knowledge or pine, whichever is harder to climb

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: I'm the one who has a house


Yeah I guess

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I found one of these survey things you put your own wierd answers to. I figured i'd post it here and lat all'you peoples do it too.


SECTION 1: (You)


* Your name: LaRaey**YEAH

* Your gender: not sure...female

* Age: 12

* Height: 5"6

* Hair color/style: Brown/blonde/weird/medium/who cares

* Eye color: sadly^^ima brown eyed girl

* Marital status:dont really care right now

* Your location: usa, FL,OH

* Talents: eating at subway....poetry....um being odd....playing sports


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: ...i dont think so

* Cheated on someone?: no...y

* Fallen off the bed?: many times

* Fallen for a relative?: NOOOOOOOOO

* Had plastic surgery?: yes..jk..NO

* Broke someone's heart?:yes *is sad*

* Had your heart broken?: kinda not really no

* Had a dream come true: YES SOOOO YES

* Done something you regret?: dont ask

* Cheated on a test?: wats it to ya

* Broken a body part?: nope *is proud*


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: Pajamas *is very happy*

* Listening to: TMBG

* Chewing: live strong bracelet

* Feeling: Bored. <.<

* Reading: This survey. And answering it.

* Located:FLODA

* Chatting with: hoops

* Watching: experimental film

* Should REALLY be: ummm...sleeping


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: uhhh yeah gots braces

* Like anybody?: mayb

* Have any piercings?: yeah

* Drive? think about it

* Believe in Santa Claus?: when in a good mood yes

* Ever get off the computer?:barely


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: hoops ,becca,tbfof,A1,chelle

* Who is the loudest?: HOOPS,HOOPS,HOOPS

* Who is the shyest?: umm i dunno... me i guess

* Who is the 'hottest'?: i dunno wat 2 uf them look like but ive been asked out like by 10 eighth graders while in sixth once

* Who is the cutest?: i dunno

* Who laughs the most?: me and becca and hoops

* Who have you known the longest? Chelle

* Who have you known the shortest?: A1

* Do you belong to a crew?: uh no

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: yeah ALL the time

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?:NO im not!

* Do you trust your friends?: of coarse

* Are you a good friend?: i think i am

* Can you keep a secret?: yes

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: A1

* Hugged offline: moosey

* IMed: Alyse

* Talked to on the phone: Sothese conserve people

* Yelled at: my brother

* Tripped: myself

* Turned down: ummm i dunno


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: a sergion

* What is your most embarrassing story?:something NO one knows

* What has been the best day of your life?: on my cruise with my friend john

* What comes first in your life?: my relationship with God

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: mayb

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?:on my...back

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?:i try to guess my dreams

SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie:dont know

* Song: MY brown eyed girl-jimmy buffet

* Group: They Might be Giants

* Store: EB Games. dont know

* Relative: my cousin

* Sport:softball

* Vacation spot:hawaii

* Ice cream flavor:lemon sorbet

* Fruit: strawberry

* Candy: TWIX!*!*!

* Holiday: Get hugs from everyone you know-day

* Day of the week: saturday

* Colour: neon greeeen

* Magazine:...?

* Name for a girl: madison or Harley

* Name for a boy: Gared or blaze


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: Yes n_n

* Like to walk in the rain?:Y-E-A-H

* Sleep with or without clothes?: WITH

* Write in black or blue ink?: BLACK

* Dress up on halloween?: YES YES YES

* Have a job?: kinda

* Like to travel?: sometimes

* Like someone?: Maybe. o_O How so.

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: I change positions every five seconds. -kicks insomnia- ._.

* Think you're attractive?: NO. not really

* Want to marry?: Yeah. ^-^ i guess

* Have a goldfish?: i would through it out the window

* Ever have the falling dream?: Yeah. They creep me out.

* Have stuffed animals?:yes

* Go on vacation?: YEP

SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: NOOOOOO

* Bill Clinton:  NOOOO

* Eating disorders: Dumb and evil. <.<

* Suicide: No. Stoopid.

* Summer: sure

* Tattoos: ~_~.... Stupidest thing ever.

* Piercings: ~_~.... no not really

* Make-up: You can have it.  I'll just sit here and be ugly, hows that.

* Drinking:  I swear to drunk I'm not god!

* Guys:sure....

* Girls: oh yeah...not



SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?:NEITHER. NO.

* Be serious or funny?: Neither. Hilarious.

* Single or taken?: Single. i dont care

* Simple or complicated?: Complications confuse dumb people. he he

* Law or anarchy?: I dunno.

* MTV or BET?: Neither. <.<

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: Neither. Shut up. TV be stoopid.

* Sugar or salt?: Salt! n_n

* Silver or gold?: Silver. It makes people wonder why you didnt like gold.

* Tongue or belly button ring?: Neither. No. Never.

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate! Huzzah.

* Angels or miracles?: Uh... I dunno.

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: BLach n wite is awesome

* Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset. You dun hafta get up early to see it.

* M&M's or Skittles?: M&Ms. Skittles have too many flavorings.

* Rap or rock?: Rock!

* Stay up late or sleep in?: I do both, really.

* TV or radio?: Radio.

* Hot or cold?: Cold.

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: Try and find one thats taller! I dont have a choice on the matter.

* Sun or moon?: Moon! It makes a wierd glow on the ground. and other things.

* Diamond or ruby?: Ruby. Huzzah.

* Left or right?: Im right handed. Left footed. <.< I guess left? I cant decide. You pick.

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: Ten whatever you said. I cant spell.

* Vanilla or chocolate?: chocolate

* Kids or no kids?: i dont care really

* Cat or dog?: DOG..i b scared of cats

* Half-empty or half-full?: Its both!

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup. mustard...both

* Newspaper or magazine?: Newspaper. n_n

* Give or receive?:give!*!*!

* Rain or snow?: Snow! Weeeeee!

* Lace or satin?: I dunno.

* Happy or sad?: Happy! It makes you type faster.

* Corduroy or plaid?: I dunno. Plaid.

* Wonder or amazement?: Wonder lets people think their own stuff, Amazement just knocks them over with.. amazement. o_o Amazing, isnt it...

* Sneakers or sandals?:  Sneaky. n___n

* McDonald's or Burger King?: ....SUBWAY

* Mexican or italian food?: ITALIAN!*!*! WOOOHOOO

* Lights on or off?: ..... Right now? On. You can see what'cher doin when their on.

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: DUCTTAPE! WWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 

* Candy or pop?: Sodas. A&W. n_n Good stuff.

* A house in the woods or the city?: Northern forests. Whee.

* Pepsi or coke?: Neither. -pukes-

* Nike or adidas?: adidas


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: Yeah.

* Do you like church?: Yup.

* Why or why not?: Its the right thing to do, isnt it? Yeah it is. shut up.

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: palm

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: hoops

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Your name: Zap the ZombieCat


Interesting... do you personally know Topazia?



Where does she live?


Hey, ZombieCat, I think you're lying. Runaways don't have internet access.

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Your name: Zap the ZombieCat


Interesting... do you personally know Topazia?


Why, coz my nick is hers backwards? Or we both like cats?


The girl lives in Florida. I live in Bristol, England. (I want to go back to Oklahoma!)

I doubt we know each other.

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Your name: Zap the ZombieCat


Interesting... do you personally know Topazia?


Why, coz my nick is hers backwards? Or we both like cats?


The girl lives in Florida. I live in Bristol, England. (I want to go back to Oklahoma!)

I doubt we know each other.

Hello, Zap!


I used to live in OK, too! I lived right outside OKC, but moved to FL in June '97.

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Your name: Zap the ZombieCat


Interesting... do you personally know Topazia?



Where does she live?


Hey, ZombieCat, I think you're lying. Runaways don't have internet access.

Ever thought of internet cafes?

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Your name: Zap the ZombieCat


Interesting... do you personally know Topazia?



Where does she live?


Hey, ZombieCat, I think you're lying. Runaways don't have internet access.

Ever thought of internet cafes?

No, actually, I'm living with an old pen pal from when I was still a goody-two-shoes. She has a computer. I used to go to the cybercafe, but I found my pal a few weeks ago.


Good guess, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
* Wearing: Pajamas  *is very happy*

* Listening to: TMBG

* Chatting with: hoops

* Watching: experimental film

* Should REALLY be: ummm...sleeping

* Brush your teeth?: uhhh yeah gots braces

* Ever get off the computer?:barely

* Who is your best?: hoops ,becca,tbfof,A1,chelle

* Who is the loudest?: HOOPS,HOOPS,HOOPS

* Who laughs the most?: me and becca and hoops

* Group: They Might be Giants

* Holiday: Get hugs from everyone you know-day

* Day of the week: saturday

* Colour: neon greeeen

You remind me of...me! I'm mentioned a lot in this. :):D (6 is higher than zero)

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  • 5 weeks later...
* Your name: Hoops

* Your gender: female

* Age: I've said before and I'll say again: 33. Or 12. I forget sometimes.

* Height:no clue...over 5'7"

* Hair color/style: Straight and auburn

* Eye color: green

* Marital status: single

* Your location: Florida

* Talents: I do everything. Always.


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: No. Not that I remeber...

* Cheated on someone?: No.

* Fallen off the bed?: Yes. Probably on purpose.

* Fallen for a relative?: No! Eew.

* Had plastic surgery?: Of course. Haven't we all at age thirty-three/twelve?

* Broke someone's heart?: No. Not that I'm aware of...

* Had your heart broken?: No.

* Had a dream come true: Yes! Only like a katrillion. Okay. Maybe less.

* Done something you regret?: ...I don't remember... Possibly.

* Cheated on a test?: No. I have a bad memory though...

* Broken a body part?: No.


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: Marzipan shirt and some jeans.

* Listening to: Birdhouse in Your Soul-TMBG

* Chewing: Headphone cord.

* Feeling: Happy and/or hyper

* Reading: A survey. You get three guesses as to which one.

* Located: Florida, in a hallway between my bathroom and bedroom. Odd place for a computer...

* Chatting with: Myself. You'd think more people would be on at 12 on a Friday.

* Watching: The computer screen.

* Should REALLY be: Sleeping maybe...


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: Braces. It's a requirement.

* Like anybody?: I love all people. Wait...what do you mean?

* Have any piercings?: Two in each ear. I don't even wear earrings...

* Drive? No. If I ever do, watch out.

* Believe in Santa Claus?: Of course. How would the presents get under the tree every Christmas?

* Ever get off the computer?: During school hours.


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Laraey is the best.

* Who is the loudest?: Todd. By far.

* Who is the shyest?: Becca. But she already knows everyone in existance.

* Who is the 'hottest'?: no comment

* Who is the cutest?: no comment

* Who laughs the most?: Me.

* Who have you known the longest? Becca

* Who have you known the shortest?: Laraey

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: You mean Todd? Yeah.

* Do you belong to a crew?: You could probably say that.

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: No. I just know most people.

* Do you trust your friends?: Pretty much...

* Are you a good friend?: I believe so.

* Can you keep a secret?: Depends on what it is.

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Horatio

* Hugged offline: Laraey

* IMed: Laraey

* Talked to on the phone: Mom

* Yelled at: Uh... Don't... Remember...

* Tripped: Chelsi. Finally.

* Turned down: Lappy's volume. Too loud.


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: Children's pastor. :D

* What is your most embarrassing story?: Who says I have one? I am prone to embarressing others, not myself.

* What has been the best day of your life?: when I joined HampsterDance..

* What comes first in your life?: God.

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: None.

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: On my computer.

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: Everything. Usually you people or Homestar.


SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: Napoleon Dynamite

* Song: Experimental Film-TMBG

* Group: They Might Be Giants ^_^

* Store: F.Y.E.

* Relative: *ponders* Erm..Aunt Lori!

* Sport: Swimming

* Vacation spot: Illinois. I wish I could visit Europe...

* Ice cream flavor: Chocolate!

* Fruit: Apple.

* Candy: Hershey's bar. Mmmm, chocolate.

* Holiday: Christmas

* Day of the week: Friday!

* Colour: Lime green

* Magazine: Nintendo Power

* Name for a girl: Melissa or Patricia

* Name for a boy: John or Mike or Matt or Horatio or Artemis (Funny how I thought of more boy names than girl.)


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: Yes! Yes! Yes!

* Like to walk in the rain?: Yes.

* Sleep with or without clothes?: With.

* Write in black or blue ink?: Black.

* Dress up on halloween?: Yes.

* Have a job?: No. Don't really need one...

* Like to travel?: Yes.

* Like someone?: Everyone. Unless you meant...

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: Side.

* Think you're attractive?: Oh yeah. *sarcasm*

* Want to marry?: Maybe.

* Have a goldfish?: No fish. I'm good at killing them on accident.

* Ever have the falling dream?: Yes. I always wake up and end it by landing on pillows or something.

* Have stuffed animals?: Yes.

* Go on vacation?: Yes.


SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: BAD!

* Bill Clinton:  No comment

* Eating disorders: Not 1% good.

* Suicide: Horrible!

* Summer: Awesome! Laying around 24/7!

* Tattoos: Ick!

* Piercings: Only ears.

* Make-up: No need.

* Drinking: No.

* Guys: Same as girls.

* Girls: Same as guys.


SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: Neither.

* Be serious or funny?: Funny. But there's a time for both.

* Single or taken?: Single. Not planning on changing.

* Simple or complicated?: Simple is simpler.

* Law or anarchy?: Huh?

* MTV or BET?: Neither.

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: No TV.

* Sugar or salt?: Sugar!!!

* Silver or gold?: Silver.

* Tongue or belly button ring?: Neither.

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Angels or miracles?: Angels.

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: Color.

* Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset.

* M&M's or Skittles?: M&M's!

* Rap or rock?: Rock!!!

* Stay up late or sleep in?: Both.

* TV or radio?: Computer.

* Hot or cold?: Cold.

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: There are both.

* Sun or moon?: Moon.  :D

* Diamond or ruby?: Ruby. I like emeralds though.

* Left or right?: Right handed, left brained.

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: Sweet solitude.

* Vanilla or chocolate?: Chocolate!

* Kids or no kids?: Adopting would be cool.

* Cat or dog?: Hamster!

* Half-empty or half-full?: Looks like you've got more glass then you need there.

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup.

* Newspaper or magazine?: Magazine.

* Give or receive?: Give.

* Rain or snow?: Snow!

* Lace or satin?: Satin? Come on. Give me silk.

* Happy or sad?: Happy.

* Corduroy or plaid?: Denim is preferred.

* Wonder or amazement?: Both.

* Sneakers or sandals?:  Sandals.

* McDonald's or Burger King?: Death?

* Mexican or italian food?: American. Can't beat the PB&J!

* Lights on or off?: On.

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: Duct tape!

* Candy or pop?: Candy. More sugar, faster.

* A house in the woods or the city?: Woods.

* Pepsi or coke?: Water.

* Nike or adidas?: Neither.


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: Yes!

* Do you like church?: Yes!

* Why or why not?: It calms me and helps me get to know God.

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: Anything climbable.

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: Me. Probably.


FUN! :D  :)

Made some adjustments. :):D With the added bonus of awakening the topic.

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Sweet. I love these things


* Your name: Brandon. <.< w00t?

* Your gender: It? I mean...female! I mean...PASS!

* Age: 13

* Height: 5'9"

* Hair color/style: Straight? Naturaly curly, and it's blondish brownish. Black underneath, and sometimes I put purple gel in the front. ^-^

* Eye color: Changes. Sometimes blue, grey, green, purple/blue, silver. Mostly silver/grey.

* Marital status: Divorced. When I was 6, I got married to a 45-year-old. Didn't work out, too bad though. Bill Gates was really nice.

* Your location: Misery, USA. I mean....Missouri.

* Talents: Writer, nose-picker, cat-kicker, prep-squisher...the list goes on.


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: Yeah! It's the coolest thing ever!

* Cheated on someone?: Yeah. Because...you know...I've obviously had a billion boyfriends. Or...none.

* Fallen off the bed?: When I was 1, I used to throw myself out of the crib. And we had hard wood floors. I'm a dare devil.

* Fallen for a relative?: Eww. Yeah...a hick. Because..you know...I love them.

* Had plastic surgery?: On my toes.

* Broke someone's heart?: Not that I know of...

* Had your heart broken?: By a boldozer, once.

* Had a dream come true: Yeah.

* Done something you regret?: Probably. It wasn't that time that I threw water on that kid infront of my at the football game. I was board. Hilarious. I got kicked out. I don't regret that.

* Cheated on a test?: Nah.

* Broken a body part?: No. (Spanish for no.)


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: My batman pajamas. And I'm 11:23. Yay.

* Listening to: Some song by Fall Out Boy.

* Chewing: Nothing.

* Feeling: Tired

* Reading: I'm not reading right now...I need to go to the library today. I need a list of books to get...

* Located: Misery. (I bet there's more hicks here, Arkcher. And they're proud! (Freaky...I know. They wear shirts that say "RedNeck"))

* Chatting with: The voices in my head.

* Watching: Nothing. I'm in the basement.

* Should REALLY be: Getting ready to go to the library.


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: I just did this morning. When I washed my face. ProActive does wonders.

* Like anybody?: Erm...what's it to you?

* Have any piercings?: Yeah. I want a lip ring. ;.; Evil parental figures.

* Drive? Of course! All 13-year-olds do!

* Believe in Santa Claus?: Sandy Claws, yes.

* Ever get off the computer?: During school hours.


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Jason.

* Who is the loudest?: Jason.

* Who is the shyest?: Mark.

* Who is the 'hottest'?: Jason. :-P He thinks so.

* Who is the cutest?: Mark.

* Who laughs the most?: Prolly me.

* Who have you known the longest? Aimee. Since fetushood.

* Who have you known the shortest?: Mark...

* Do you belong to a crew?: Worker's crew?...

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: Yeah. I only have guy friends... 

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: Yeah. I practically OWN the preppies.

* Do you trust your friends?: Yeah, I guess. Just not Mark. He spreads everything.

* Are you a good friend?: Pass.

* Can you keep a secret?: Who would I possibly tell it to?


SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Erm...I dunno.

* Hugged offline: Ashley.

* IMed: Marshall.

* Talked to on the phone: I don't like the phone.

* Yelled at: My brother.

* Tripped: Some girl...

* Turned down: The candy from that stranger.


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: A starving artist. Or a hitman.

* What is your most embarrassing story?: I dunno.

* What has been the best day of your life?: This is the worst day of my life.

* What comes first in your life?: When I was born. Duh.

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: Crush.

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: My toes.

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: Everything. And ways to kill Hilary Duff.


SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: Anything by Tim Burton.

* Song: I have a favorite song for each band. So many...

* Group: Don't make me choose...AFI, Alkaline Trio, Alice in Chains, Anthrax, Anti-Flag, A Perfect Circle, Arcade Fire, Armor For Sleep, As I Lay Dying, Audioslave, Avenged Sevenfold, Bad Religion, Ben Folds, Black Flag, Black Label Society, Blood or Whiskey, Bloody Sunday, Breaking Benjamin, Bright Eyes, Coldplay, Comeback Kid, The Cure, Def Leppard, Doll Factory, Disturbed, Dry Kill Logic, Every Time I Die, Fall Out Boy, Finch, Funeral For a Friend, Goldfinger, HIM, Iron Maiden, Incubus, Jimmy Eat World, KoRn, Led Zeppelin, Limp Biskit, Linkin Park, POD, MegaDeth, Metallica, Midnight Syndicate, Minor Threats, Mudvayne, My Epiphany, MXPX, Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana, Pitbull Daycare, Poison the Well, Rancid, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rosetta Stone, Rush, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, Smashing Pumpkins, The Smiths, Slipknot, Social Distortion, Some Girls, Story of the Year, System of a Down, Tool, Underoath, Voltaire, Voodoo, ect. ect.

* Store: Hot Topic

* Relative: Erm...

* Sport: Karate.

* Vacation spot: Eurpoe

* Ice cream flavor: Homeade soy. Yum.

* Fruit: Strawberry

* Candy: Jolly Ranchers

* Holiday: Arbor Day..or Vegetarian Appreciation month

* Day of the week: Wednesday

* Colour: Maroon. No 5.

* Magazine: Modern Drummer

* Name for a girl: Any German name.

* Name for a boy: Dunno.

SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: Not really...

* Like to walk in the rain?: I like to jump in puddles.

* Sleep with or without clothes?: Sure...

* Write in black or blue ink?: Blue. Only.

* Dress up on halloween?: Yup.

* Have a job?: No. I baby sit sometimes.

* Like to travel?: By myself.

* Like someone?: I'm not telling.

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: Right side, left side, back, left side, right side, back...continues.

* Think you're attractive?: What do YOU think?

* Want to marry?: -shrugs-

* Have a goldfish?: Five.

* Ever have the falling dream?: ^^ Read above.

* Have stuffed animals?: 20 or so. Most are penguin. Horatio. n_n

* Go on vacation?: Yeah.

SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: Sure!...if you enjoy killing God's children and working for Satan!!

* Bill Clinton: Was a past president.

* Eating disorders: -shurgs-

* Suicide: -shrugs-

* Summer: -shrugs- No.

* Tattoos: I'll get one...someday.

* Piercings: They're okay.

* Make-up: Over done. Don't wear it, don't need it. (Do I?)

* Drinking: Do you like your liver?

* Guys: Are okay. If they're not jocks or emos.

* Girls: Okay. If they're not preps or emos.



SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: Erm...

* Be serious or funny?: Erm....

* Single or taken?: Where's married at? Or divorced?

* Simple or complicated?: Simcolicated

* Law or anarchy?: Law.

* MTV or BET?: No thanks.

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: *hilarious laughter*

* Sugar or salt?: Sugar!

* Silver or gold?: Silver.

* Tongue or belly button ring?: -shurgs-

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate flowers!

* Angels or miracles?: Miracles

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: Black and white.

* Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset.

* M&M's or Skittles?: Skittles. Just lime ones.

* Rap or rock?: Rock!!

* Stay up late or sleep in?: ZzzZZzzzZzz Did you say something?

* TV or radio?: Neither. Computer!

* Hot or cold?: Cold.

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: Taller....I'm taller than a few guys...in their 20's....

* Sun or moon?: Moon...it's made of cheese.

* Diamond or ruby?: Ruby. Slippers.

* Left or right?: Right.

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: I  don't really have a best friend..

* Vanilla or chocolate?: vanilla

* Kids or no kids?: Babysit, yes. Maybe some day I'll adopt from Russia.

* Cat or dog?: Dog. Arf.

* Half-empty or half-full?: all the way full!

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup.

* Newspaper or magazine?: Magazine

* Give or receive?: Give! *It's a gift to be simple...*

* Rain or snow?: Snow! Bunnies!

* Lace or satin?: Huh? Are you talking about hair?

* Happy or sad?: Ummm...

* Corduroy or plaid?: Which is what?

* Wonder or amazement?: And I'm wondering what this wonderment question is wondering.

* Sneakers or sandals?: Sneakers. Vans, chucks, ect.

* McDonald's or Burger King?: Neither.

* Mexican or italian food?: Italy.

* Lights on or off?: Why does this matter to you?

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: Duct tape fixes ANYTHING.

* Candy or pop?: Neither.

* A house in the woods or the city?: City.

* Pepsi or coke?: Diet Pepsi

* Nike or adidas?: Nike, as in the goddess of vitory?


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: Yeah!

* Do you like church?: Yeah!

* Why or why not?: It's fun and lets you get closer to our father. Shove it, TGHL.

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: Chinese maple?

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: Me.


I updated too.

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Sweet. I love these things


* Your name: Brandon. <.< w00t?


I updated too.

You're still " Brandon. <.< w00t? "?


:lol: I guess I am. I don't really pay attention to the first line. But..yes. I changed my name to Brandon.

Okay, Brandon. :lol:

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Sweet. I love these things


* Your name: Brandon. <.< w00t?


I updated too.

You're still " Brandon. <.< w00t? "?


:lol: I guess I am. I don't really pay attention to the first line. But..yes. I changed my name to Brandon.

Okay, Brandon. :lol:



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Sweet. I love these things


* Your name: Brandon. <.< w00t?


I updated too.

You're still " Brandon. <.< w00t? "?


:lol: I guess I am. I don't really pay attention to the first line. But..yes. I changed my name to Brandon.

Okay, Brandon. :lol:




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SECTION 1: (You)


* Your name: Rob

* Your gender: male

* Age: 16

* Height: 6'1

* Hair color/style: short and brown

* Eye color: brown

* Marital status: Marital? Oh. Not married.

* Your location: Topazia's city

* Talents: Martial arts and singing ICP


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: Maybe when I was little

* Cheated on someone?: Never

* Fallen off the bed?: Yes

* Fallen for a relative?: No!

* Had plastic surgery?: No

* Broke someone's heart?: Probably not

* Had your heart broken?: Yes

* Had a dream come true: I met Topazia

* Done something you regret?: Yes

* Cheated on a test?: No... *darty eyes*

* Broken a body part?: More than once


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: Shirt and jeans

* Listening to: ICP

* Chewing: Spearmint

* Feeling: A little sad

* Reading: this, duh

* Located: FL

* Chatting with: Topazia's on the phone.

* Watching: Rob Zombie

* Should REALLY be: Doing my homeschool


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: Yes

* Like anybody?: I'm going out with Topazia, so yes.

* Have any piercings?: ears

* Drive? not yet

* Believe in Santa Claus?: No, but my sister and brother do.

* Ever get off the computer?: Only sometimes (Alot, actually)


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Topazia

* Who is the loudest?: Kimi

* Who is the shyest?: Topazia

* Who is the 'hottest'?: We don't have anyine like that, except maybe Flash.

* Who is the cutest?: Topazia would kill me if I said anyone but her.

* Who laughs the most?: We all do

* Who have you known the longest? Me

* Who have you known the shortest?: Kimi

* Do you belong to a crew?: Yes! ROTC is great! Oh, you mean that kind of crew. Yes.

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: Yes

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: Well, I wouldn't go that far...

* Do you trust your friends?: Maybe Topazia. (I keep wanting to write her real name down.)

* Are you a good friend?: Ask Topazia.

* Can you keep a secret?: I'm keeping one now.

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: I don't hug people online.

* Hugged offline: Topazia

* IMed: This girl in Canada

* Talked to on the phone: Topazia

* Yelled at: I think I yelled at Maggie this morning...

* Tripped: Kenneth

* Turned down: Sam, my ex


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: A championship wrestler! I'm going into the military, though.

* What is your most embarrassing story?: As if I'd tell you

* What has been the best day of your life?: The day I met Topazia

* What comes first in your life?: Breathing

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: Yes

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: In the back of my head

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: Brian or Topazia


SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: Pirates of the Carib

* Song: Every Rose Has Its Thorns--ICP

* Group: ICP

* Store: Walmart

* Relative: Brian

* Sport: Swimming, right now. I'm going out for wrestling after the season's over, though

* Vacation spot: Wherever Carnival is!

* Ice cream flavor: Vanilla

* Fruit: I don't eat a lot of fruit

* Candy: Chocolate

* Holiday: The Gathering

* Day of the week: Friday night

* Colour: Blue

* Magazine: I don't read magazines

* Name for a girl: Alli

* Name for a boy: Robert


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: Only to Topazia

* Like to walk in the rain?: No, I prefer running!

* Sleep with or without clothes?: Boxers

* Write in black or blue ink?: Whichever I grab first

* Dress up on halloween?: Yes.

* Have a job?: Only if you count getting high off a permanent marker in my school library.

* Like to travel?: I don't care

* Like someone?: You ask this a lot. I loike Topazia!

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: I don't know. I don't sleep much.

* Think you're attractive?: It's not my call.

* Want to marry?: Not right now.

* Have a goldfish?: No.

* Ever have the falling dream?: Not lately.

* Have stuffed animals?: No

* Go on vacation?: Every so often


SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: Evil!

* Bill Clinton: Uh...

* Eating disorders: /shiver/

* Suicide: For idiots only

* Summer: Yes!

* Tattoos: Only on my fists or the back of my neck.

* Piercings: Ears on me. They hurt!

* Make-up: I only wear Clown Paint

* Drinking: Let's drink til we're sober! (it is possible. Especially for Topazia.)

* Guys: I AM a guy.

* Girls: Yes, please!



SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: I'll never tell

* Be serious or funny?: It depends.

* Single or taken?: Taken

* Simple or complicated?: Simple

* Law or anarchy?: Anarchy!

* MTV or BET?: Neither.

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: Neither

* Sugar or salt?: Sugar!

* Silver or gold?: Gold is worth more.

* Tongue or belly button ring?: Belly Button. It's hard to make out with a tongue ring

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate

* Angels or miracles?: Angels

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: I don't care

* Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset

* M&M's or Skittles?: Inflate the rainbow

* Rap or rock?: rap or metal

* Stay up late or sleep in?: Both

* TV or radio?: Music

* Hot or cold?: Cold

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: Shorter. I'm 6'1

* Sun or moon?: Moon.

* Diamond or ruby?: Diamond rain!

* Left or right?: I'm right handed.

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: One

* Vanilla or chocolate?: Vanilla

* Kids or no kids?: Not right now.

* Cat or dog?: Cats. I have three. So does Topazia, come to think of it. Simba, Itty-Bitty, and the new one Mom asn't named yet.

* Half-empty or half-full?: It depends

* Mustard or ketchup?: Whatever

* Newspaper or magazine?: Neither. I was reading at a college level in fifgth grade. I don't need that stuff.

* Give or receive?: Both are fun.

* Rain or snow?: Rain!

* Lace or satin?: Lace tears too easily.

* Happy or sad?: Right now? A little of both.

* Corduroy or plaid?: Neither

* Wonder or amazement?: Shock

* Sneakers or sandals?: Combat boots

* McDonald's or Burger King?: McD's

* Mexican or italian food?: Neither

* Lights on or off?: off

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: Duct tape fixes everything

* Candy or pop?: Pop rocks and cola.

* A house in the woods or the city?: I've lived in both

* Pepsi or coke?: Mountain dew!

* Nike or adidas?: Neither


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: Topazia's trying to get me to come with her in September

* Do you like church?: Sometimes

* Why or why not?: *thinks of Topazia*

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: Climbing tree

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: I'm seen Topazia's, mine and Leighs, and of them... I dunno.

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SECTION 1: (You)


* Your name: Rob

* Your gender: male

* Age: 16

* Height: 6'1

* Hair color/style: short and brown

* Eye color: brown

* Marital status: Marital? Oh. Not married.

* Your location: Topazia's city

* Talents: Martial arts and singing ICP


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: Maybe when I was little

* Cheated on someone?: Never

* Fallen off the bed?: Yes

* Fallen for a relative?: No!

* Had plastic surgery?: No

* Broke someone's heart?: Probably not

* Had your heart broken?: Yes

* Had a dream come true: I met Topazia

* Done something you regret?: Yes

* Cheated on a test?: No... *darty eyes*

* Broken a body part?: More than once


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: Shirt and jeans

* Listening to: ICP

* Chewing: Spearmint

* Feeling: A little sad

* Reading: this, duh

* Located: FL

* Chatting with: Topazia's on the phone.

* Watching: Rob Zombie

* Should REALLY be: Doing my homeschool


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: Yes

* Like anybody?: I'm going out with Topazia, so yes.

* Have any piercings?: ears

* Drive? not yet

* Believe in Santa Claus?: No, but my sister and brother do.

* Ever get off the computer?: Only sometimes (Alot, actually)


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Topazia

* Who is the loudest?: Kimi

* Who is the shyest?: Topazia

* Who is the 'hottest'?: We don't have anyine like that, except maybe Flash.

* Who is the cutest?: Topazia would kill me if I said anyone but her.

* Who laughs the most?: We all do

* Who have you known the longest? Me

* Who have you known the shortest?: Kimi

* Do you belong to a crew?: Yes! ROTC is great! Oh, you mean that kind of crew. Yes.

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: Yes

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: Well, I wouldn't go that far...

* Do you trust your friends?: Maybe Topazia. (I keep wanting to write her real name down.)

* Are you a good friend?: Ask Topazia.

* Can you keep a secret?: I'm keeping one now.

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: I don't hug people online.

* Hugged offline: Topazia

* IMed: This girl in Canada

* Talked to on the phone: Topazia

* Yelled at: I think I yelled at Maggie this morning...

* Tripped: Kenneth

* Turned down: Sam, my ex


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: A championship wrestler! I'm going into the military, though.

* What is your most embarrassing story?: As if I'd tell you

* What has been the best day of your life?: The day I met Topazia

* What comes first in your life?: Breathing

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: Yes

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: In the back of my head

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: Brian or Topazia


SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: Pirates of the Carib

* Song: Every Rose Has Its Thorns--ICP

* Group: ICP

* Store: Walmart

* Relative: Brian

* Sport: Swimming, right now. I'm going out for wrestling after the season's over, though

* Vacation spot: Wherever Carnival is!

* Ice cream flavor: Vanilla

* Fruit: I don't eat a lot of fruit

* Candy: Chocolate

* Holiday: The Gathering

* Day of the week: Friday night

* Colour: Blue

* Magazine: I don't read magazines

* Name for a girl: Alli

* Name for a boy: Robert


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: Only to Topazia

* Like to walk in the rain?: No, I prefer running!

* Sleep with or without clothes?: Boxers

* Write in black or blue ink?: Whichever I grab first

* Dress up on halloween?: Yes.

* Have a job?: Only if you count getting high off a permanent marker in my school library.

* Like to travel?: I don't care

* Like someone?: You ask this a lot. I loike Topazia!

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: I don't know. I don't sleep much.

* Think you're attractive?: It's not my call.

* Want to marry?: Not right now.

* Have a goldfish?: No.

* Ever have the falling dream?: Not lately.

* Have stuffed animals?: No

* Go on vacation?: Every so often


SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: Evil!

* Bill Clinton: Uh...

* Eating disorders: /shiver/

* Suicide: For idiots only

* Summer: Yes!

* Tattoos: Only on my fists or the back of my neck.

* Piercings: Ears on me. They hurt!

* Make-up: I only wear Clown Paint

* Drinking: Let's drink til we're sober! (it is possible. Especially for Topazia.)

* Guys: I AM a guy.

* Girls: Yes, please!



SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: I'll never tell

* Be serious or funny?: It depends.

* Single or taken?: Taken

* Simple or complicated?: Simple

* Law or anarchy?: Anarchy!

* MTV or BET?: Neither.

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: Neither

* Sugar or salt?: Sugar!

* Silver or gold?: Gold is worth more.

* Tongue or belly button ring?: Belly Button. It's hard to make out with a tongue ring

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate

* Angels or miracles?: Angels

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: I don't care

* Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset

* M&M's or Skittles?: Inflate the rainbow

* Rap or rock?: rap or metal

* Stay up late or sleep in?: Both

* TV or radio?: Music

* Hot or cold?: Cold

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: Shorter. I'm 6'1

* Sun or moon?: Moon.

* Diamond or ruby?: Diamond rain!

* Left or right?: I'm right handed.

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: One

* Vanilla or chocolate?: Vanilla

* Kids or no kids?: Not right now.

* Cat or dog?: Cats. I have three. So does Topazia, come to think of it. Simba, Itty-Bitty, and the new one Mom asn't named yet.

* Half-empty or half-full?: It depends

* Mustard or ketchup?: Whatever

* Newspaper or magazine?: Neither. I was reading at a college level in fifgth grade. I don't need that stuff.

* Give or receive?: Both are fun.

* Rain or snow?: Rain!

* Lace or satin?: Lace tears too easily.

* Happy or sad?: Right now? A little of both.

* Corduroy or plaid?: Neither

* Wonder or amazement?: Shock

* Sneakers or sandals?: Combat boots

* McDonald's or Burger King?: McD's

* Mexican or italian food?: Neither

* Lights on or off?: off

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: Duct tape fixes everything

* Candy or pop?: Pop rocks and cola.

* A house in the woods or the city?: I've lived in both

* Pepsi or coke?: Mountain dew!

* Nike or adidas?: Neither


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: Topazia's trying to get me to come with her in September

* Do you like church?: Sometimes

* Why or why not?: *thinks of Topazia*

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: Climbing tree

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: I'm seen Topazia's, mine and Leighs, and of them... I dunno.

Oh, thank you, Ichthus! I see you found the closest avatar they have to the hatchetman!

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I found one of these survey things you put your own wierd answers to. I figured i'd post it here and lat all'you peoples do it too.


SECTION 1: (You)


* Your name: Japancat Pitchblack

* Your gender: Girl

* Age: 11 or 15. I forgot.

* Height: Taller than Arkcher.

* Hair color/style: One side Rainbow. One side Black.

* Eye color: Green

* Marital status: Hi Jump Kirby! (I wish....)

* Your location: Missouri. I know. sad.

* Talents: Collecting, Playing Cello, Playing Bass guitar, Beiing Annopying, Writhing Storiews, Making figurienes, Playing SSBM.


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: No.

* Cheated on someone?: No.

* Fallen off the bed?: I used to, But I have a Bunk bed now.

* Fallen for a relative?: /??????

* Had plastic surgery?: ITS DISGUSTING!!!! NO!!!!!

* Broke someone's heart?: Dont know.

* Had your heart broken?: Yes.

* Had a dream come true: Once, and it was when I cut Tbfof's Hair to look like the beatles.O_o

* Done something you regret?: like.... 2.

* Cheated on a test?: Every time.

* Broken a body part?: Almost.


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: Some Denim Jeans, a Green shirt that say Aeropostale on it, 2 sweat bands, a neclace, a ring, a necklace, and a wool hat. Oh yea, High top patchwork Converse.

* Listening to: Tv, Stepmom, Dad, and Baby sister.

* Chewing: YOU.

* Feeling: I need D.pepper. ;_;

* Reading: This Survey.

* Located: Missouri.

* Chatting with: No one.

* Watching: the compy screen.

* Should REALLY be: Playing DS.


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: Yea.

* Like anybody?: maybe....

* Have any piercings?: ears.

* Drive? yes.

* Believe in Santa Claus?: Used to. But I shroomed him. Then I found out he was *GASP* Jhonny Depp!

* Ever get off the computer?: Never.


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Katie, Paige and Megan.

* Who is the loudest?: Me.

* Who is the shyest?: Meghan.

* Who is the 'hottest'?: There all girls, but If I was a boy, Meghan.

* Who is the cutest?: Meghan.

* Who laughs the most?: Me. xD

* Who have you known the longest? Katie.

* Who have you known the shortest?: Paige.

* Do you belong to a crew?: Naw.

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: Yuuuuuuuuuup.

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: Online.

* Do you trust your friends?: sept katie.

* Are you a good friend?: As far as I know, yeah

* Can you keep a secret?:Yes.

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Moneylover, Hoops, Horatio, and Arkcher.

* Hugged offline: Chris.

* IMed: Never.

* Talked to on the phone: Dad.

* Yelled at: Granny.

* Tripped: a dog.

* Turned down: Michael.


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: Game Deisiner, Mycobiolegest,

Bass guitarest.

* What is your most embarrassing story?: O_o

* What has been the best day of your life?: Muh 10 Bday.

* What comes first in your life?: Video games.

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: Yes....

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: On my computer monitor. ^-^

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: Ness and Cappygirl dating.


SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: The Goonies, School of rock,Sky High, Charlie and the Chocalate Factory.

* Song: The Hampsterdance- Hampton amd the Hampsters, Brain damage-Pink Floyd, I melt with you-Bowling for soup

* Group: Hampton and the Hampsters and Pink Floyd

* Store: Hot topic, Sanrio, Limeted too, Past and Presents.

* Relative:My baby Sister.

* Sport: Skating and swimmming!

* Vacation spot: Florida.

* Ice cream flavor: Cookie. anything with Cookie.

* Fruit: apples.

* Candy: anything wonka.

* Holiday: Go and shroom everyone who looks like a Beatle day.

* Day of the week: Saturday

* Colour: Red, Orange, Green, Black.

* Magazine: Neopets and Nintendo Power.

* Name for a girl: Nicole,Hannah,Roxy,Caitlin,Trisha.

* Name for a boy: Nick


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: No

* Like to walk in the rain?: Unless I am in my water Elemantal.

* Sleep with or without clothes?: With.

* Write in black or blue ink?: Black

* Dress up on halloween?: Yea. I dress up in outfits That are of charecters out of muh own Imagen.

* Have a job?: yes. Clay figure maker.

* Like to travel?: Yes.

* Like someone?: Yep.

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: I Change Position every -100000000000 Seconds.

* Think you're attractive?: NO

* Want to marry?: Maybe.

* Have a goldfish?: Yuck!

* Ever have the falling dream?: Yeah.

* Have stuffed animals?: Thosunds. Have awhole army of em.

* Go on vacation?: Yep.

SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: Dont even get me started. o_< ;;

* Bill Clinton: Rock on.

* Eating disorders: *shivers*

* Suicide: For n00bs only.

* Summer: Yes.

* Tattoos: Put them on Paper.

* Piercings: Ears only. Girls only. One Only.

* Make-up: Nails. Lips. Eye Shadow. Blush. Thos it.

* Drinking: Noooooooo!

* Guys:emm....:blush:

* Girls: Yea.



SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: Neither. n00bs only.

* Be serious or funny?: Funny.

* Single or taken?: Taken.

* Simple or complicated?: The second one.

* Law or anarchy?: O_o

* MTV or BET?: MTV.

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: 7th Heaven.

* Sugar or salt?: Sugar! Salt is bad for you.

* Silver or gold?: Silver. Shineyer.

* Tongue or belly button ring?: Belly Button.

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate!

* Angels or miracles?: Miracles. Bothe I guess.

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: Coulor/\

* Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset. Its Pretty and like Arkcher said, You dont have to wake up early. =D

* M&M's or Skittles?:Both!

* Rap or rock?: Rock!

* Stay up late or sleep in?: Stay Up late!

* TV or radio?: Radio.

* Hot or cold?:hot

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: Taller!

* Sun or moon?: Moon! Go Twila! n_n

* Diamond or ruby?: Ruby

* Left or right?: Could care less.

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: Ten.

* Vanilla or chocolate?: vanilla

* Kids or no kids?: kids.

* Cat or dog?: Cat. More hygenic. o_o

* Half-empty or half-full?: ??????

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup.

* Newspaper or magazine?: Magizene.

* Give or receive?: Recierve.

* Rain or snow?: Snow! Funfunfunfunfunfufnfunfun!!!

* Lace or satin?: Satin.

* Happy or sad?: Happy! It makes you type faster. n.n

* Corduroy or plaid?: Both is Ugly.

* Wonder or amazement?: Wonder.

* Sneakers or sandals?: Deh first one. CONVERSE!

* McDonald's or Burger King?: Burger king.

* Mexican or italian food?: Italien. n.n

* Lights on or off?: Both. o_>

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: Duct tape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Candy or pop?: *GETS HIGH ON dR pEPPER*

* A house in the woods or the city?: City.

* Pepsi or coke?: Coke.

* Nike or adidas?: Adidas.


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: To busy Shrooming.

* Do you like church?: Yes.

* Why or why not?: *sings*

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: Money tree.

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: Me



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* Located: Misery. (I bet there's more hicks here, Arkcher. And they're proud! (They wear Shirts that say "RedNeck")

I always thought being called a Redneck was an Insult. I guess not....

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  • 2 months later...
I found one of these survey things you put your own wierd answers to. I figured i'd post it here and lat all'you peoples do it too.


SECTION 1: (You)


* Your name: Unit FHNT5683 Mondrobi

* Your gender: Both! Male. I dunno. Lemme check.

* Age: 5

* Height: 3 Inches

* Hair color/style: None. But I have Green Skin and red spots, if that cpounts.

* Eye color: red

* Marital status: the Hottie controlling Hoops's Brain...

* Your location: Mushroom_king's Brain.

* Talents: Mind Controlling, Readiong, poetry, and n00b squisj=hing.


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: Don't wear pants.

* Cheated on someone?: No.

* Fallen off the bed?: I once got sqaushed by MK's brain.

* Fallen for a relative?: EWWWWWWW

* Had plastic surgery?: I needed an extra red dot.

* Broke someone's heart?: No.

* Had your heart broken?: Most likely. Whats it to ya? Huh? Huh!

* Had a dream come true: Yes! Very yes.

* Done something you regret?: At least twice. Go away.

* Cheated on a test?: ..... Why should you care. e_e

* Broken a body part?: I'm to sloshy. n_n


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: Nothing.

* Listening to: Mushroom_king's pulse.

* Chewing: Bad Memoeries.

* Feeling: ....

* Reading: This survey. And answering it.

* Located: Mushroom_king's brain. No room.

* Chatting with: That one person. <.<

* Watching: the compy screen.

* Should REALLY be: Reprting back to planet shroom.


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: Don't have teeth

* Like anybody?: How so? o_O

* Have any piercings?: Heck no. No. No. -shudders-

* Drive? Does controlling minds count?

* Believe in Santa Claus?: You mean Shroomy Claus? Yes.

* Ever get off the computer?: Sadly....

SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: 467HCH,hjKJ-777

* Who is the loudest?: Me.

* Who is the shyest?: Murraie

* Who is the 'hottest'?:Murraie

* Who is the cutest?: Me! n_n

* Who laughs the most?: Me. xD

* Who have you known the longest? Smolder

* Who have you known the shortest?: GHIONBC683

* Do you belong to a crew?: Nope.

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: Yes.

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: No. Nooo Never.

* Do you trust your friends?: If i didnt, they wouldnt be my friends. o_O

* Are you a good friend?: As far as I know, yeah

* Can you keep a secret?: Depends on what it is.

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Horatio.

* Hugged offline: Mushroom_king

* IMed: No one.

* Talked to on the phone: Yo Mamma!

* Yelled at: Myself. o_O

* Tripped: You.

* Turned down: YOUR FACE!


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: Nothing. I wish to continue controlling Mushroom_king's brain.

* What is your most embarrassing story?: You want me to tell you here and now? o_o Why?

* What has been the best day of your life?: The day I relized I am the Proud and only user of the IBF stars Avatar.

* What comes first in your life?: If i give a care about it or not, whatever it is.

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: Yes, But Mushroom_king's crush blocks over mine...

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: o________o......... On my computer monitor. ^-^

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: I never sleep.

i have to stay up!

SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: Corpse Bride!

* Song: Waiting for the Worms- Pink Floyd

* Group: one of thhe Mushroom Bands from planet shroom.

* Store: Hot topic.

* Relative: Sadly, I have none... but MK is pretty cool.

* Sport: Basketball.

* Vacation spot: shromis france.

* Ice cream flavor: All of them. maybe.

* Fruit: Banana. n_n

* Candy: Twix! Hot time.

* Holiday: Mushroom Apprecation day.

* Day of the week: Sunday

* Colour: pink! Green! Pink! Green! Pink,Pink,Green,pInk,Purpkle,Yell-ooooo.

* Magazine: Better Home and gardens (Punch line: Te Mushrooms are HOT!)

* Name for a girl: Hoops or Caitlin

* Name for a boy: Mondrobi!


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: Yes n_n

* Like to walk in the rain?: Whats rain?

* Sleep with or without clothes?: Don't have clothes.

* Write in black or blue ink?: Blue!

* Dress up on halloween?: No clothes. I usede to go as a Pirate every year in Mushroom land.

* Have a job?: Stop asking stupid questions.

* Like to travel?: Kinda. Not... no. Just no.

* Like someone?: Maybe. o_O How so.

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?:I don't sleep.

* Think you're attractive?: NO. Never. No.

* Want to marry?: Yeah. ^-^

* Have a goldfish?:Whats a Goldfish?

* Ever have the falling dream?: I don't dream.

* Have stuffed animals?: Yes. Of my hero- Roger Waters!

* Go on vacation?: Not necessarily willingly, but yeah.

SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: *pukes*

* Bill Clinton:Â Shroom Clinton?

* Eating disorders: stuopid, Stupid modern Life; Just Stupid, Stupid. It's So... stupid. I'll shutup now.

* Suicide: No. Stoopid.

* Summer: Up north it'd be pretty good.

* Tattoos:

* Piercings: I'm to sloshy to get Peircings.

* Make-up: Mushroom_king wears it ALL.THE.TIME.

* Drinking:Â I swear to drunk I'm not god!

* Guys: Yay? I dunno.

* Girls: <.<....



SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?:NEITHER. NO.

* Be serious or funny?: Funny!

* Single or taken?: Single. And wanna stay that way, so go away.

* Simple or complicated?: Complications confuse dumb people.

* Law or anarchy?: O_o

* MTV or BET?: Mtv

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: Neither. Shut up. TV be stoopid. (*laugh*)

* Sugar or salt?: Sugar! Salt is bad for your heart.

* Silver or gold?: Silver. It makes people wonder why you didnt like gold.

* Tongue or belly button ring?: Neither. No. Never.

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate! Huzzah.

* Angels or miracles?: Faeries.

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: color lets you tell whats really happening. o_O

* Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset. It's better.

* M&M's or Skittles?:M&M's mean Mushrooms and Mushrooms! ^ _ ^

* Rap or rock?: Rock! w00t.

* Stay up late or sleep in?: Neither. I don't sleep.

* TV or radio?: Radio.

* Hot or cold?: Cold.

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: Try and find one thats taller! I dont have a choice on the matter.

* Sun or moon?: Mars.

* Diamond or ruby?: Ruby. Huzzah.

* Left or right?: Stop asking dumb Questions.

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: Ten whatever you said. I cant spell.

* Vanilla or chocolate?: vanilla

* Kids or no kids?: Adoption.

* Cat or dog?: Cat. More hygenic. o_o

* Half-empty or half-full?: Its both!

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup. Taste better.

* Newspaper or magazine?: Newspaper. n_n

* Give or receive?: I dunno. I cant shake the feeling of someone debted to the other. So i just do that as X-mas time or somethin. That way two people give each other somethin and its all happy.

* Rain or snow?: Snow! Weeeeee! n_n

* Lace or satin?: Both Stupid.

* Happy or sad?: Happy! It makes you type faster. n.n

* Corduroy or plaid?:NO CLOTHES!

* Wonder or amazement?: Wonder lets people think their own stuff, Amazement just knocks them over with.. amazement. o_o Amazing, isnt it...

* Sneakers or sandals?:Â No feet.

* McDonald's or Burger King?: Shroomer King.

* Mexican or italian food?: What?

* Lights on or off?: ..... Right now? On. You can see what'cher doin when their on.


* Candy or pop?: Soda. Like Dr.Shroom.

* A house in the woods or the city?: Northern forests. Whee.

* Pepsi or coke?: shroom-shrola.

* Nike or adidas?: Who?


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: No.

* Do you like church?: Never been.

* Why or why not?: I dunno.

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: Mushroom.

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: We dopn't have houses. we have skulls.


You people can copy it and put your own answers in and post it here.


Sometimes these things are rather hilarious. n-n

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  • 4 months later...

O_O I've changed a lot ever since my last survey, so i'm doing It again. I'm so pointless.


* Your name: Japancat Pitchblack

* Your gender: Girl

* Age: 11 or 15. I forgot.

* Height: Taller than Arkcher.

* Hair color/style: One side Rainbow. One side Black.

* Eye color: Green

* Marital status: Arkcher teh Unpirate.

* Your location: Missouri. I know. sad.

* Talents: Collecting, Playing Cello, Playing Bass guitar, Beiing Annopying, Writhing Storiews, Making figurienes, Playing SSBM, Ignoring YOU, etc.


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: No.

* Cheated on someone?: No.

* Fallen off the bed?: I used to, But I have a Bunk bed now.

* Fallen for a relative?: /??????

* Had plastic surgery?: ITS DISGUSTING!!!! NO!!!!!

* Broke someone's heart?: Dont know.

* Had your heart broken?: Yes.

* Had a dream come true: Once, and it was when I cut Tbfof's Hair to look like the beatles.O_o

* Done something you regret?: like.... 2.

* Cheated on a test?: Every time.

* Broken a body part?: Almost.


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: A mauve Victor Shirt, My black Limeted Too pants, waaaay to many sweatbands, and my Corpse bride and Pink Floyd Jackets. n_n

* Listening to: Tv

* Chewing: YOU.

* Feeling: In need of Dr.Pepper.

* Reading: This Survey.

* Located: Missouri.

* Chatting with: No one.

* Watching: the compy screen.

* Should REALLY be: Playing DS.


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: Yea.

* Like anybody?: maybe....

* Have any piercings?: ears.

* Drive? yes.

* Believe in Santa Claus?: Used to. But I shroomed him. Then I found out he was *GASP* Jhonny Depp!

* Ever get off the computer?: Never.


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Katie, Paige, Binh,Jackie,Julia, Mike, Rick,Tau, Christina,Trent, Paytre,Cooper,Laura,Etc....

* Who is the loudest?: Me.

* Who is the shyest?: Paytre. n_n

* Who is the 'hottest'?: trent. Definatly.

* Who is the cutest?: Trent. Or Binh. 'cause he's short and Asian.

* Who laughs the most?: Me. xD

* Who have you known the longest? Katie.

* Who have you known the shortest?: Jackie. O_O

* Do you belong to a crew?: Sort of.

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: Yuuuuuuuuuup.

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: Online.

* Do you trust your friends?: sept katie.

* Are you a good friend?: As far as I know, yeah

* Can you keep a secret?:Yes.


SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Moneylover, Hoops, Horatio, and Arkcher.

* Hugged offline: Chris.

* IMed: Never.

* Talked to on the phone: My Mother.

* Yelled at: Granny.

* Tripped: a dog.

* Turned down: Michael.


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: Game Deisiner, Mycobiolegest,

Bass guitarest.

* What is your most embarrassing story?: O_o

* What has been the best day of your life?: Muh 10 Bday.

* What comes first in your life?: Video games.

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: Yes....

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: On my computer monitor. ^-^

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: O_O it depends...


SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: The Wall

* Song: Hey You. By Pink Floyd.

* Group: Pink Floyd

* Store: Hot topic, Sanrio, Limeted too, Past and Presents,Claire's, and Target.

* Relative:My baby Sister.

* Sport: Skating and swimmming!

* Vacation spot: Brussels,Belgium or Duluth,Minnesota. n.n

* Ice cream flavor: Cookie. anything with Cookie.

* Fruit: apples.

* Candy: anything wonka.

* Holiday: Go and shroom everyone who looks like a Beatle day. oh, And Xmas.

* Day of the week: Saturday

* Colour: Red, Orange, Green, Black.

* Magazine: Nintendoi Power, Neopets, Teen Vouge

* Name for a girl: Nicole, Hannah, Roxy, Caitlin, Trisha.

* Name for a boy: Nick, Trent, Mondrobi,


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: No

* Like to walk in the rain?: If I'm in Coventry or Cancun, yes.

* Sleep with or without clothes?: With.

* Write in black or blue ink?: Black

* Dress up on halloween?: Yea. I dress up in outfits That are of charecters out of muh own Imagen.

* Have a job?: yes. Clay figure maker.

* Like to travel?: Yes.

* Like someone?: Yes, But my freinds all say I love him and stuff, but yea. O_O

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: Fetal position

* Think you're attractive?: NO

* Want to marry?: Maybe.

* Have a goldfish?: Yuck!

* Ever have the falling dream?: Yeah.

* Have stuffed animals?: Thosunds. Have awhole army of em.

* Go on vacation?: Yep.


SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: Dont even get me started. o_< ;;

* Bill Clinton: Rock on.

* Eating disorders: *shivers*

* Suicide: For n00bs only.

* Summer: Yes.

* Tattoos: Put them on Paper.

* Piercings: Ears only. Girls only. One Only.

* Make-up: O_O as long as you don't make a big deal out of it, I guess it's OK.

* Guys:emm....

* Girls: Yea.


SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: Neither. n00bs only.

* Be serious or funny?: Funny.

* Single or taken?: Taken. It prevents the weirdos from Stalking me. ;_;

* Simple or complicated?: The second one.

* Law or anarchy?: O_o

* MTV or BET?: MTV.

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: 7th Heaven.

* Sugar or salt?: Sugar! Salt is bad for you.

* Silver or gold?: Silver. Shineyer.

* Tongue or belly button ring?: Belly Button.

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate!

* Angels or miracles?: Miracles. Bothe I guess.

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: Coulor/\

* Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset. Its Pretty and like Arkcher said, You dont have to wake up early. =D

* M&M's or Skittles?:Both!

* Rap or rock?: Rock!

* Stay up late or sleep in?: Stay Up late!

* TV or radio?: Radio. w00t for Classic rock stations. n_n

* Hot or cold?:hot

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: Taller!

* Sun or moon?: Moon! Go Twila! n_n

* Diamond or ruby?: Ruby

* Left or right?: Could care less.

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: Ten.

* Vanilla or chocolate?: vanilla

* Kids or no kids?: kids.

* Cat or dog?: Cat. More hygenic. o_o

* Half-empty or half-full?: ??????

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup.

* Newspaper or magazine?: Magizene.

* Give or receive?: Recierve.

* Rain or snow?: Snow! Funfunfunfunfunfufnfunfun!!!

* Lace or satin?: Satin.

* Happy or sad?: Happy! It makes you type faster. n.n

* Corduroy or plaid?: Both is Ugly.

* Wonder or amazement?: Wonder.

* Sneakers or sandals?: Deh first one. CONVERSE!

* McDonald's or Burger King?: Burger king.

* Mexican or italian food?: Italien. n.n

* Lights on or off?: Both. o_> (That smiley made no sense...)

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: Duct tape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Candy or pop?: *GETS HIGH ON dR pEPPER*

* A house in the woods or the city?: City.

* Pepsi or coke?: Coke.

* Nike or adidas?: Adidas.


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: To busy Shrooming.

* Do you like church?: Yes.

* Why or why not?: *sings*

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: Money tree.

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: Me

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* Your gender: Female, unless men can now have babies 0.o


...to get my belly button done after

                                  the bubby comes


:-O Are you pregnat??


Wait...Arkcher is pregnat?

o_o! I should hope not. -looks- Nope. Dun think so.

Ha Ha. Arkchers pregnant.

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  • 6 months later...
O_O I've changed a lot ever since my last survey, so i'm doing It again. I'm so pointless.


* Your name: Japancat Pitchblack

* Your gender: Girl

* Age: 11 or 15. I forgot.

* Height: Taller than Arkcher.

* Hair color/style: It's Dirty Blonde with all these colours in it. ;D

* Eye color: Green

* Marital status: Arkcher teh Unpirate.

* Your location: Missouri. I know. sad.

* Talents: Collecting, Playing Cello, Playing Bass guitar, Beiing Annopying, Writhing Storiews, Making figurienes, Playing SSBM, Ignoring YOU, etc.


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: No.

* Cheated on someone?: No.

* Fallen off the bed?: I used to, But I have a Bunk bed now.

* Fallen for a relative?: /??????

* Had plastic surgery?: ITS DISGUSTING!!!! NO!!!!!

* Broke someone's heart?: Dont know.

* Had your heart broken?: Yes.

* Had a dream come true: Once, and it was when I cut Tbfof's Hair to look like the beatles.O_o

* Done something you regret?: like.... 2.

* Cheated on a test?: Every time.

* Broken a body part?: Almost.


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: Toadally shirt, Video Game Wristbands, Pink Floyd Jacket, Button Lanyard, and Arctic Camo pants.

* Listening to: Tv

* Chewing: YOU.

* Feeling: In need of Dr.Pepper.

* Reading: This Survey.

* Located: Missouri.

* Chatting with: No one.

* Watching: the compy screen.

* Should REALLY be: Playing DS.


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: Yea.

* Like anybody?: maybe....

* Have any piercings?: ears.

* Drive? yes.

* Believe in Santa Claus?: Used to. But I shroomed him. Then I found out he was *GASP* Jhonny Depp!

* Ever get off the computer?: Never.


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Katie, Binh, Jackie, Julia, Mike, Rick, Christina,Trent, Paytre, Cooper, Laura,Etc....

* Who is the loudest?: Me.

* Who is the shyest?: Paytre. n_n

* Who is the 'hottest'?: trent. Definatly. or Luke.

* Who is the cutest?: Trent. Or Binh. 'cause he's short and Asian.

* Who laughs the most?: Me. xD

* Who have you known the longest? Katie.

* Who have you known the shortest?: Jackie. O_O

* Do you belong to a crew?: If a Clique is a crew.

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: Yuuuuuuuuuup.

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: Online.

* Do you trust your friends?: sept katie.

* Are you a good friend?: As far as I know, yeah

* Can you keep a secret?:Yes.


SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Moneylover, Hoops, Horatio, and Arkcher.

* Hugged offline: Chris.

* IMed: Never.

* Talked to on the phone: My Mother.

* Yelled at: Granny.

* Tripped: a dog.

* Turned down: Michael.


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: Game Deisiner, Mycobiolegest,

Bass guitarest.

* What is your most embarrassing story?: O_o

* What has been the best day of your life?: Muh 10 Bday.

* What comes first in your life?: Video games.

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: Yes....

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: On my computer monitor. ^-^

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: O_O it depends...


SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: The Wall and The Goonies

* Song: HComfortably Numb. By Pink Floyd.

* Group: Pink Floyd

* Store: Hot topic, Sanrio, Wet Seal, Past and Presents, Claire's, and Target.

* Relative:My baby Sister.

* Sport: Skating and swimmming!

* Vacation spot: Brussels,Belgium or Duluth,Minnesota. n.n

* Ice cream flavor: Cookie. anything with Cookie.

* Fruit: apples.

* Candy: anything wonka.

* Holiday: Christmas, 4th of July, Halloween.

* Day of the week: Saturday

* Colour: Red, Orange, Green, Black.

* Magazine: Nintendoi Power, Neopets, Teen Vouge. CosmoGirl

* Name for a girl: Nicole, Hannah, Roxy, Caitlin, Trisha.

* Name for a boy: Nick, Trent, Mondrobi,


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: No

* Like to walk in the rain?: If I'm in Coventry or Cancun, yes.

* Sleep with or without clothes?: With.

* Write in black or blue ink?: Black

* Dress up on halloween?: Yea. I dress up in outfits That are of charecters out of muh own Imagen.

* Have a job?: yes. Clay figure maker.

* Like to travel?: Yes.

* Like someone?: Yes, But my freinds all say I love him and stuff, but yea. O_O

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: Fetal position

* Think you're attractive?: NO

* Want to marry?: Maybe.

* Have a goldfish?: Yuck!

* Ever have the falling dream?: Yeah.

* Have stuffed animals?: Thosunds. Have awhole army of em.

* Go on vacation?: Yep.


SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: Dont even get me started. o_< ;;

* Bill Clinton: Yay. n_n

* Eating disorders: *shivers*

* Suicide: NO. No.

* Summer: Yes.

* Tattoos: Put them on Paper.

* Piercings: Ears only. Girls only. One Only.

* Make-up: O_O as long as you don't make a big deal out of it, I guess it's OK.

* Guys:emm....

* Girls: Yea.


SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: Neither. No. Shut Up.

* Be serious or funny?: Funny.

* Single or taken?: Taken. It prevents the German weirdos from Stalking me. ;_;

* Simple or complicated?: The second one.

* Law or anarchy?: O_o

* MTV or BET?: MTV.

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: 7th Heaven.

* Sugar or salt?: Sugar! Salt is bad for you.

* Silver or gold?: Silver. Shineyer.

* Tongue or belly button ring?: Belly Button.

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate!

* Angels or miracles?: Miracles. Bothe I guess.

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: Coulor/\

* Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset. Its Pretty and like Arkcher said, You dont have to wake up early. =D

* M&M's or Skittles?: Both!

* Rap or rock?: Rock! YAAAAAAA!

* Stay up late or sleep in?: Stay Up late!

* TV or radio?: Radio. w00t for Classic rock stations. n_n

* Hot or cold?:hot

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: Taller!

* Sun or moon?: Moon! Go Twila! n_n

* Diamond or ruby?: Ruby

* Left or right?: Could care less.

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: Ten.

* Vanilla or chocolate?: vanilla

* Kids or no kids?: kids. Even though there annoying.

* Cat or dog?: Cat. More hygenic. o_o

* Half-empty or half-full?: ??????

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup.

* Newspaper or magazine?: Magizene.

* Give or receive?: Recierve.

* Rain or snow?: Snow! Funfunfunfunfunfufnfunfun!!!

* Lace or satin?: Satin.

* Happy or sad?: Happy! It makes you type faster. n.n

* Corduroy or plaid?: Both is Ugly.

* Wonder or amazement?: Wonder.

* Sneakers or sandals?: Deh first one. CONVERSE!

* McDonald's or Burger King?: Burger king.

* Mexican or italian food?: Italien. n.n

* Lights on or off?: Both. o_> (That smiley made no sense...)

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: Duct tape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Candy or pop?: *GETS HIGH ON dR pEPPER*

* A house in the woods or the city?: City.

* Pepsi or coke?: Coke.

* Nike or adidas?: Adidas.


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: To busy Shrooming.

* Do you like church?: Yes.

* Why or why not?: *sings*

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: Money tree.

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: Me

i'm bringing thsi back to life. I want to see Glowurm right in the survey.

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O_O I've changed a lot ever since my last survey, so i'm doing It again. I'm so pointless.


* Your name: Japancat Pitchblack

* Your gender: Girl

* Age: 11 or 15. I forgot.

* Height: Taller than Arkcher.

* Hair color/style: It's Dirty Blonde with all these colours in it. ;D

* Eye color: Green

* Marital status: Arkcher teh Unpirate.

* Your location: Missouri. I know. sad.

* Talents: Collecting, Playing Cello, Playing Bass guitar, Beiing Annopying, Writhing Storiews, Making figurienes, Playing SSBM, Ignoring YOU, etc.


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: No.

* Cheated on someone?: No.

* Fallen off the bed?: I used to, But I have a Bunk bed now.

* Fallen for a relative?: /??????

* Had plastic surgery?: ITS DISGUSTING!!!! NO!!!!!

* Broke someone's heart?: Dont know.

* Had your heart broken?: Yes.

* Had a dream come true: Once, and it was when I cut Tbfof's Hair to look like the beatles.O_o

* Done something you regret?: like.... 2.

* Cheated on a test?: Every time.

* Broken a body part?: Almost.


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: Toadally shirt, Video Game Wristbands, Pink Floyd Jacket, Button Lanyard, and Arctic Camo pants.

* Listening to: Tv

* Chewing: YOU.

* Feeling: In need of Dr.Pepper.

* Reading: This Survey.

* Located: Missouri.

* Chatting with: No one.

* Watching: the compy screen.

* Should REALLY be: Playing DS.


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: Yea.

* Like anybody?: maybe....

* Have any piercings?: ears.

* Drive? yes.

* Believe in Santa Claus?: Used to. But I shroomed him. Then I found out he was *GASP* Jhonny Depp!

* Ever get off the computer?: Never.


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Katie, Binh, Jackie, Julia, Mike, Rick, Christina,Trent, Paytre, Cooper, Laura,Etc....

* Who is the loudest?: Me.

* Who is the shyest?: Paytre. n_n

* Who is the 'hottest'?: trent. Definatly. or Luke.

* Who is the cutest?: Trent. Or Binh. 'cause he's short and Asian.

* Who laughs the most?: Me. xD

* Who have you known the longest? Katie.

* Who have you known the shortest?: Jackie. O_O

* Do you belong to a crew?: If a Clique is a crew.

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: Yuuuuuuuuuup.

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: Online.

* Do you trust your friends?: sept katie.

* Are you a good friend?: As far as I know, yeah

* Can you keep a secret?:Yes.


SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Moneylover, Hoops, Horatio, and Arkcher.

* Hugged offline: Chris.

* IMed: Never.

* Talked to on the phone: My Mother.

* Yelled at: Granny.

* Tripped: a dog.

* Turned down: Michael.


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: Game Deisiner, Mycobiolegest,

Bass guitarest.

* What is your most embarrassing story?: O_o

* What has been the best day of your life?: Muh 10 Bday.

* What comes first in your life?: Video games.

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: Yes....

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: On my computer monitor. ^-^

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: O_O it depends...


SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: The Wall and The Goonies

* Song: HComfortably Numb. By Pink Floyd.

* Group: Pink Floyd

* Store: Hot topic, Sanrio, Wet Seal, Past and Presents, Claire's, and Target.

* Relative:My baby Sister.

* Sport: Skating and swimmming!

* Vacation spot: Brussels,Belgium or Duluth,Minnesota. n.n

* Ice cream flavor: Cookie. anything with Cookie.

* Fruit: apples.

* Candy: anything wonka.

* Holiday: Christmas, 4th of July, Halloween.

* Day of the week: Saturday

* Colour: Red, Orange, Green, Black.

* Magazine: Nintendoi Power, Neopets, Teen Vouge. CosmoGirl

* Name for a girl: Nicole, Hannah, Roxy, Caitlin, Trisha.

* Name for a boy: Nick, Trent, Mondrobi,


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: No

* Like to walk in the rain?: If I'm in Coventry or Cancun, yes.

* Sleep with or without clothes?: With.

* Write in black or blue ink?: Black

* Dress up on halloween?: Yea. I dress up in outfits That are of charecters out of muh own Imagen.

* Have a job?: yes. Clay figure maker.

* Like to travel?: Yes.

* Like someone?: Yes, But my freinds all say I love him and stuff, but yea. O_O

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: Fetal position

* Think you're attractive?: NO

* Want to marry?: Maybe.

* Have a goldfish?: Yuck!

* Ever have the falling dream?: Yeah.

* Have stuffed animals?: Thosunds. Have awhole army of em.

* Go on vacation?: Yep.


SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: Dont even get me started. o_< ;;

* Bill Clinton: Yay. n_n

* Eating disorders: *shivers*

* Suicide: NO. No.

* Summer: Yes.

* Tattoos: Put them on Paper.

* Piercings: Ears only. Girls only. One Only.

* Make-up: O_O as long as you don't make a big deal out of it, I guess it's OK.

* Guys:emm....

* Girls: Yea.


SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: Neither. No. Shut Up.

* Be serious or funny?: Funny.

* Single or taken?: Taken. It prevents the German weirdos from Stalking me. ;_;

* Simple or complicated?: The second one.

* Law or anarchy?: O_o

* MTV or BET?: MTV.

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: 7th Heaven.

* Sugar or salt?: Sugar! Salt is bad for you.

* Silver or gold?: Silver. Shineyer.

* Tongue or belly button ring?: Belly Button.

* Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate!

* Angels or miracles?: Miracles. Bothe I guess.

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: Coulor/\

* Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset. Its Pretty and like Arkcher said, You dont have to wake up early. =D

* M&M's or Skittles?: Both!

* Rap or rock?: Rock! YAAAAAAA!

* Stay up late or sleep in?: Stay Up late!

* TV or radio?: Radio. w00t for Classic rock stations. n_n

* Hot or cold?:hot

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: Taller!

* Sun or moon?: Moon! Go Twila! n_n

* Diamond or ruby?: Ruby

* Left or right?: Could care less.

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: Ten.

* Vanilla or chocolate?: vanilla

* Kids or no kids?: kids. Even though there annoying.

* Cat or dog?: Cat. More hygenic. o_o

* Half-empty or half-full?: ??????

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup.

* Newspaper or magazine?: Magizene.

* Give or receive?: Recierve.

* Rain or snow?: Snow! Funfunfunfunfunfufnfunfun!!!

* Lace or satin?: Satin.

* Happy or sad?: Happy! It makes you type faster. n.n

* Corduroy or plaid?: Both is Ugly.

* Wonder or amazement?: Wonder.

* Sneakers or sandals?: Deh first one. CONVERSE!

* McDonald's or Burger King?: Burger king.

* Mexican or italian food?: Italien. n.n

* Lights on or off?: Both. o_> (That smiley made no sense...)

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: Duct tape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Candy or pop?: *GETS HIGH ON dR pEPPER*

* A house in the woods or the city?: City.

* Pepsi or coke?: Coke.

* Nike or adidas?: Adidas.


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: To busy Shrooming.

* Do you like church?: Yes.

* Why or why not?: *sings*

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: Money tree.

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: Me

i'm bringing thsi back to life. I want to see Glowurm right in the survey.



Deal. I'm gonna take it.

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SECTION 1: (You)


* Your name: Evan

* Your gender: I think I'm a male. I was the last time I checked.

* Age: 12, yo. When november 28 gets here...

* Height: No idea. Somewhere in the mid to high 5 foot range. I haven't checked recently.

* Hair color/style: Umm. I'm bad at describing things. I'll just take a photo and upload it... Soon...

* Eye color: My mom says hazel, leaning towards brown. Everyone else says brown -__-

* Marital status: Marital status? Look at my age, foo'.

* Your location: SA, Australia. My mom comes from canada :D I just felt like mentioning that.

* Talents: Umm... Err... Stuff.


Okay. Seriously. Talents? Humm, most (not all) non-active subjects. Oh, and I'm flexible. Yeah.


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: Well, possibly, I don't remember nor was told about the status of my pants when I was two. Or something.

* Cheated on someone?: Oh, of COURSE a 12 year old would cheat on someone, let alone get in a relationship.

* Fallen off the bed?: No. Now take that answer, add a y to the front, replace the vowel with the most common vowel in existence, then take the n and replace it with an s. That is the true answer.

* Fallen for a relative?: O_o No.

* Had plastic surgery?: No.

* Broke someone's heart?: No idea.

* Had your heart broken?: Same as above O_o

* Had a dream come true: Yup. At least, I think.

* Done something you regret?: Heaps. Lemme lone.

* Cheated on a test?: *whistles innocently* Well... Actually, I did. But it was really minor XD I copied down a french word I couldn't remember for a vocab test.

* Broken a body part?: Nope. People call me lucky.


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: Erm... Grey long sleeves, grey long pants, you'd think my skin turned grey -__-

* Listening to: Hum of my computer.

* Chewing: Umm... Does 'chewing' saliva count?

* Feeling: Bored. Quite bored.

* Reading: Your mind O_O

* Located: I already told you that, foo'. Australia. South Australia.

* Chatting with: ...Do you think, I'm, like, super-multitask boy? Actually, I'm chatting with a good friend called nicole n_n

* Watching: The computer?

* Should REALLY be: Doing what I'm doing. It's holidays, foo'.


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: *cough* Well, yes, actually, most nights.

* Like anybody?: What the heck is it with people and the word 'like'? I like my friends. I 'like', like, as some of you peeps call it, a girl I know called libby. I shall speak no more of this.

* Have any piercings?: Never.

* Drive? Eh? What do YOU think?

* Believe in Santa Claus?: I stopped believing in him, therefore meaning that he does not exist in my world, meaning I cannot believe in him, considering I know he doesn't exst because I don't believe in him.

* Ever get off the computer?: What do you mean? It is possible to leave this chair?


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Umm... Err... Umm... Err... April. Or Ellie. Or Lara. Or Libby. Or Nicole. Or someone else... I have no idea. At ALL.

* Who is the loudest?: Either April or Me.

* Who is the shyest?: Lara. Beyond a shadow of a doubt.

* Who is the 'hottest'?: In my opinion? Um... No idea. I have no opinion in that subject of life. Thankya very much =3

* Who is the cutest?: (Okay, I feel I have to quote Arkcher. Becuase, like, my name is totally Evan.) Evan. He's short and hilarious. (And now for my real answer) CJ. Because she is really... TINY!

* Who laughs the most?: Tough call. Either Libby or Lara. Probably Lara.

* Who have you known the longest? Josh. But I don't really know him anymore...

* Who have you known the shortest?: April and Nicole tied.

* Do you belong to a crew?: Define crew. I belong to a Crew on a game called Puzzle Pirates..?

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: I don't think I have any friends that are my gender O_o besides Tavis. Who's sporty. So I don't generally hang out with him.

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: Um? No idea. I consider myself... Popular in some areas, yet... Not in other. Is confuzzling.

* Do you trust your friends?: Heck, I trust my freinds to heck 'n back again. I even gave April my favourite hat, because I felt random, and she knew full well she could keep it but she gave it back for free anyways.

* Are you a good friend?: Ask them yourself. OOH! Snap.

* Can you keep a secret?: Oooooooh! Yeah, I can. I still haven't told anyone about the time that Libby said who she liked out loud... Tavis. Oh, wait, CRAP! (J/K)

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Nicole.

* Hugged offline: CJ.

* IMed: Nicole.

* Talked to on the phone: Libby.

* Yelled at: My dad. He couldn't hear me over pink floyd so I had to shout.

* Tripped: Simon.

* Turned down: Um... Erm... I think... Nicole. Or April. One of the two.


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: Hmm... Something to do with the cosmos *looks up ton the sky* Although... I do want to be a DJ, on the side. Like a hobby or something.

* What is your most embarrassing story?: Eh-heh. The day I insulted my best friend (at the time) by mistake. I am not going to go into detail.

* What has been the best day of your life?: Umm... Hmm... Give me a lifetime of analysing my lifetime, and I may have an answer.

* What comes first in your life?: My priorities ;)

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: A crush? I think I have one.

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: On the back of my head. Naww, kidding. Prehaps... My hands? But only if I got protection from dust and stuffz.

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: Varies dramatically. But usually it ends up with me wondering what I'm going to dream THAT night.

SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: Ask me again and I shoot you for asking me about movies.

* Song: Right now, actually, Man It's So Loud In Here by They Might Be Giants.

* Group: PINK FLOYD!!!

* Store: Gametraders, or EB games, it's a tough choice.

* Relative: My indecisiveness is going to be the death of me >.<


OHWAIT! I know! 'I don't care to divulge that information at this point in time.'

* Sport: Ask me again about sport and I beat you into a mushy pulp.

* Vacation spot: Some unknown country in some unknown planet in some unknown solar system in some unknown galaxy.

* Ice cream flavor: The one that's the tastiest.

* Fruit: Banana.

* Candy: Chocolate.

* Holiday: School holidays. The ones between term 4 and term 1.

* Day of the week: Give me saturday any day.

* Colour: Anything not primary. Not saying I don't like primary, just saying I love non-primaries.

* Magazine: No. Just no.

* Name for a girl: Um... Probably... Umm... Erm... Someone get me a name book so I can look for the most unusual one.

* Name for a boy: Ditto.


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: Yup n_n *hugs*

* Like to walk in the rain?: I'm waaaaaalking in the raiiiiin... Because I caaaaan't sing for cruuuuuud...

* Sleep with or without clothes?: Usually I just sleep with underwear. Unless someone's sleeping over or vice versa.

* Write in black or blue ink?: I'll give you the first two letters to my answer. Bl.

* Dress up on halloween?: Oh, sometimes I wish Australia celebrated Halloween... AKA, no.

* Have a job?: Nobody likes child labour, foo'.

* Like to travel?: Yes. Give me a plane and a pilot to fly it and you'll never see me on the ground again.

* Like someone?: Yes. Simple as that.

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: My mom says I sleep on my back. So does my dad. It seems I change position after falling asleep, because I always find myself dozing off on my side or stomach.

* Think you're attractive?: Eh, no. Not really.

* Want to marry?: Yes. Some day.

* Have a goldfish?: Used to. Then we moved.

* Ever have the falling dream?: Nope, they're far too boring. I always just tweak them if I'm falling so instead I fly =3

* Have stuffed animals?: I have 27 stuffed big cats alone.

* Go on vacation?: Yes.

SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: Eh, I'm in the grey.

* Bill Clinton: I'm in the blank.

* Eating disorders: I'm in the grey again.

* Suicide: Black. I am fully against this.

* Summer: Call me grey. Because that's where I am.

* Tattoos: I don't really like them... But it's their choice... I don't really care in the end.

* Piercings: Meh. Besides the usual peirced ears most females have, the above is true.

* Make-up: Meh. As long as they don't try to smother me with it.

* Drinking: Dzzrinkunk?

* Guys: Meh.

* Girls: They seem to be the only sex that likes me O_o



SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: No. Never. If my life depended on it... Tongue. So nobody would have to see it.

* Be serious or funny?: Seriunny.

* Single or taken?: Ehm... Right now, singly, but some day (when I'm older, 'course) I'd like the other option =3

* Simple or complicated?: Whatever is simpler for you to do.

* Law or anarchy?: Umm... Same as above.

* MTV or BET?: What's BET? Anyway. I don't like MTV.

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: EVIL! Get me away from the EVIL!!! (IOW, NEITHER! For the love of piniatas, NEITHER!

* Sugar or salt?: The one that begins with s.

* Silver or gold?: Shiiiiiiinyyyyyyy...

* Tongue or belly button ring?: No. NO. NO!

* Chocolate or flowers?: Oh, gargoyles, of COURSE chocolate!

* Angels or miracles?: Mirangles.

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: I like seeing photos the way the world really is. Since when was the world black and white?

* Sunrise or sunset?: Ohh. They're both so pretty...

* M&M's or Skittles?: CHOCOLATE! Of course I'd pick M&Ms, for they are CHOCOLATE!

* Rap or rock?: Can't spell crud without... Oh, wait, you can spell crud without rap. Anyway, go rock. Beat up those rap foo's.

* Stay up late or sleep in?: Stay up late then sleep in until you have to get up.

* TV or radio?: Radio. Anything but TV.

* Hot or cold?: ...Warm.

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: Neither, both, whatever. When did size matter? Oh wait, bad question...

* Sun or moon?: I like the moon. And you can look directly into it, unlike the sun. That mean body of gas.

* Diamond or ruby?: Shiiiiinyyyy...

* Left or right?: The real question is, "Mixed side or single side?" But anyways. I'd say both.

* Vanilla or chocolate?: CHOCOLATE!!!

* Kids or no kids?: Oh, good brick, I have no idea.

* Cat or dog?: Dat.

* Half-empty or half-full?: For salad's sake, just DRINK IT!

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup all the way, man.

* Newspaper or magazine?: Newspaper.

* Give or receive?: I like giving randomly. But, of course, if you're willing to give me something...

* Rain or snow?: Snow. I'm dreaming of a white christmas...

* Lace or satin?: Um... Whichever is smooooooother.

* Happy or sad?: Sappy. I mean, happy.

* Corduroy or plaid?: Um.

* Wonder or amazement?: Whoa, I wonder why I'm so amazed by this question...

* Sneakers or sandals?: Sand FTW. Als are nice, too.

* McDonald's or Hungry Jacks?: I hope you see I changed 'Burger King' to the aussie name of it. Anyway. McJacks.

* Mexican or italian food?: Mexican.

* Lights on or off?: On. I want to see what I'm typing, yo.

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: DUCT TAPE FTWWWWWW!!!!!!!

* Candy or pop?: >_> SOFT DRINKS! Hah! Try to make sense of that!

* A house in the woods or the city?: City. Woods. What diff does it make when the woods are a stones throw from the city?

* Pepsi or coke?: Cola.

* Nike or adidas?: Sport is a world I do not attempt to enter.


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: No.

* Do you like church?: How can I like that which I don't go to?

* Why or why not?: Well. Let's see here... I'm what's known as 'in the grey'. However, I don't like it when either side tries to shove what they think down my throat. Hence my dislike of church.

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: Redwood. Because it's, like, totally red.

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: Me. Or Libby. I haven't been to April or Nicole's houses, though...


I think I answered all of 'em O_o

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anything not to do hw...



SECTION 1: (You)


* Your name: Lauren

* Your gender: Female

* Age: 15, yea im a loser for being here

* Height: 5'4.5

* Hair color/style: naturally brown and wavy. but kept reddishbrown and straight.

* Eye color: brown

* Marital status: taken, but not married..

* Your location: Dirty Jersey baby!! :]

* Talents: eating, sleeping


SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: yes

* Cheated on someone?: not really

* Fallen off the bed?: yes

* Fallen for a relative?: ew.

* Had plastic surgery?: No.

* Broke someone's heart?: yes

* Had your heart broken?: not completely

* Had a dream come true: yes

* Done something you regret?: yea

* Cheated on a test?: its a bad habit i know.. but always.

* Broken a body part?: both wrists, different times


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: jeans and a black tank top

* Listening to: anti-flag

* Chewing: nothing

* Feeling: tired, stressed out

* Reading: the person before me's answers

* Located: my room.in my house. in my town. in the garden state. in the united states that stink.

* Chatting with: noone

* Watching: nothing

* Should REALLY be: my driver's ed project


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: yes

* Like anybody?: my baby.

* Have any piercings?: 4, looking to get a few more, including bellybutton when i loose 20 more pounds.

* Drive? not till jan.

* Believe in Santa Claus?: no

* Ever get off the computer?: yes


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Lindsey

* Who is the loudest?: Daria

* Who is the shyest?: jamie

* Who is the 'hottest'?: dk

* Who is the cutest?: Shmegs

* Who laughs the most?: christine

* Who have you known the longest? katie and lindsey ( 14+ years)

* Who have you known the shortest?: daria i guess.

* Do you belong to a crew?: "the circle"

* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: yea. aj. haha.

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: nope. im part of " the emo kids" or "the gothic kids" depends who you ask. labling POSes.

* Do you trust your friends?: of course....

* Are you a good friend?: yes

* Can you keep a secret?: yes


SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: dk.

* Hugged offline: Jamie

* IMed: Mona

* Talked to on the phone: jenna

* Yelled at: my mom

* Tripped: dkdk

* Turned down: dk


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: a bum.

* What is your most embarrassing story?: i laugh things off till i forget about them.

* What has been the best day of your life?: the day mona had her party and i met rob.

* What comes first in your life?: my friends

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: yes

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?:on my body? i guess on the back of my neck.

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: rob


SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: Donnie darko

* Song: dk

* Group: anti-flag. ish.

* Store: wet seal, forever 21, hot topic, clairs and tjmaxx.

* Relative: my cousin jenne

* Sport: ddr

* Vacation spot: idk

* Ice cream flavor: cake batter. WEAKNESS.

* Fruit: strawberries and apples.

* Candy: reeses peanut butter cups. WEAKNESS

* Holiday: halloween

* Day of the week: friday

* Color: purple

* Magazine: seventeen cosmogirl and AP

* Name for a girl: Kerrigan or Natasha

* Name for a boy: Nathan or Jacob


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: yes

* Like to walk in the rain?: yes

* Sleep with or without clothes?: some clothes.

* Write in black or blue ink?: black

* Dress up on halloween?: yes.

* Have a job?: Not yet

* Like to travel?: somewhat

* Like someone?: rob

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: dk. i toss and turn

* Think you're attractive?: ew NO

* Want to marry?: i guess so

* Have a goldfish?:no

* Ever have the falling dream?:yea

* Have stuffed animals?: too many

* Go on vacation?: yes

SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: is 100% fine, id do it.

* Bill Clinton: hehe.

* Eating disorders: can really mess with you.

* Suicide: is upsetting

* Summer: is too hot

* Tattoos: cant wait to get my 1st.

* Piercings: need more.

* Make-up: doesnt cover my.... lol.

* Drinking: makes some people crazy.

* Guys: sexy

* Girls: hot



SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: both. why not.

* Be serious or funny?: funny.

* Single or taken?: taken.

* Simple or complicated?: Complicated

* Law or anarchy?: anarchy. let the strong survive.

* MTV or BET?: neither

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: neither

* Sugar or salt?: sugar

* Silver or gold?: Silver.

* Tongue or belly button ring?: both. but tongue would be more fun ;]

* Chocolate or flowers?: flowers, roses.

* Angels or miracles?: fake.

* Color or black-and-white photos?: depends.

* Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset.

* M&M's or Skittles?: skittles.

* Rap or rock?: Rock

* Stay up late or sleep in?: sleep in

* TV or radio?: tv

* Hot or cold?: cold

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: taller. guys 5'4 & under need growth pills.

* Sun or moon?: Moon

* Diamond or ruby?: Ruby

* Left or right?: left.

* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: one best friend

* Vanilla or chocolate?: vanilla

* Kids or no kids?: kids destroy things. but im gonna have them eventually. little mistakes. hehe

* Cat or dog?: Cat.

* Half-empty or half-full?: im a pessimist, we know that.

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup

* Newspaper or magazine?: magazine

* Give or receive?: RECEIVE! lol. mhmmmmmmm

* Rain or snow?: Snow

* Lace or satin?: lace

* Happy or sad?: happy

* Corduroy or plaid?: plaid

* Wonder or amazement?: wonder

* Sneakers or sandals?: sneakers

* McDonald's or Burger King?: mcD's WEAKNESS :[

* Mexican or italian food?: italian! WEKNESS.

* Lights on or off?: hehe off.

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: ducttape.

* Candy or pop?: candy

* A house in the woods or the city?: city

* Pepsi or coke?: pepsi JAZZ

* Nike or adidas?: neither


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: no way

* Do you like church?: no

* Why or why not?: its horribly boring, and brainwashing crud..

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: are you serious..?

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: megan i guess.


thats is?

way to be random?

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* Store: wet seal, forever 21, hot topic, clairs and tjmaxx.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*Bumps Fists with Lauren* \m/>_<\m/


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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SECTION 1: (You)


* Your name: Neil

* Your gender: Ima guy! =D

* Age: 15, and a half in a month.

* Height: 5'6''

* Hair color/style: well, it is brown, long, curly, and needs a pic to do it justice.

* Eye color: blue

* Marital status: Most definitel married with 08749873935 kids. cause that is completely true.

* Your location: Maryland.

* Talents: Video gaming, being awsome, poking stuff with a stick.




SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?)


* Peed your pants: Who hasn't?

* Cheated on someone?: kinda hard to cheat without ever having anyone to cheat on. ;)

* Fallen off the bed?: No. Anagram it into the other worde it can make, then do it again for the answer.

* Fallen for a relative?: that isn't a weird question. with an answer in the negatory.

* Had plastic surgery?: Most totally

* Broke someone's heart?: I hope not.

* Had your heart broken?: No

* Had a dream come true: not really, mine are to crazy to come true.

* Done something you regret?: unfortunately, yes.

* Cheated on a test?: Yes, in like, 2nd grade.

* Broken a body part?: Nope.


SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?)


* Wearing: My shirt that says "although the voices aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas," and some denim shorts.

* Listening to: macho man

* Chewing: your face.

* Feeling: confused

* Reading: the words on the screen

* Located: In a chair

* Chatting with: you guys

* Watching: The computer?

* Should REALLY be: Nothing right now


SECTION 4: (Do you...?)


* Brush your teeth?: twice a day

* Like anybody?: Yes, very much

* Have any piercings?: Never.

* Drive? i drove a go kart in main

* Believe in Santa Claus?: Nah

* Ever get off the computer?: yes, poor me.


SECTION 5: (Friends...?)


* Who is your best?: Hard to tell. ;)

* Who is the loudest?: Sarah

* Who is the shyest?: Me, i guess

* Who is the 'hottest'?: In my opinion? I suppose Anna, but i don't know.

* Who is the cutest?: Candice

* Who laughs the most?: Sarah, but it is a close call between just about all of my good friends

* Who have you known the longest? Joe

* Who have you known the shortest?: Maria

* Do you belong to a crew?: i suppose you could say so, several times.

* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: With some people, yes, others, no.

* Do you trust your friends?: Completely.

* Are you a good friend?: I try to be

* Can you keep a secret?: Yes

SECTION 6: (The last person you...?)


* Hugged online: Maria

* Hugged offline: Anna

* IMed: Melissa

* Talked to on the phone: candice

* Yelled at: My dad

* Tripped: I don't trip people, it is mean and immature.

* Turned down: Nobody that I know of.


SECTION 7: (Personal)


* What do you want to be when you grow up?: Video game designer or space explorer.

* What is your most embarrassing story?: Too embarassing to say.

* What has been the best day of your life?: The day my team won the world championship for the lego league.

* What comes first in your life?: My friends

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: A crush, a huge one actually.

* If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: japan, so i could watch the silly japanese people with their crazy awsomeness

* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: how my life will turn out, acutally.SECTION 8: (Favorite...?)


* Movie: MPatSftHG (monty python and the Search for the Holy Grail

* Song: Crownless- nightwish

* Group: Eww, tough question

* Store: The one where they give me whatever i want for free. jus lemme find it.

* Relative: I dunno.

* Sport: football

* Vacation spot: outer space

* Ice cream flavor: lemon

* Fruit: peach

* Candy: Caramel & chocolate

* Holiday: Christmas

* Day of the week: Saturday

* Colour: deep blue

* Magazine: Nintendo

* Name for a girl: Jessica

* Name for a boy: I dunno. XP


SECTION 9: (Do you...?)


* Like to give hugs?: Yup n_n *hugs*

* Like to walk in the rain?: It is really fun, you should try it some time. ^.^

* Sleep with or without clothes?: Usually I just sleep with underwear, unless there is company

* Write in black or blue ink?: blue

* Dress up on halloween?: Occasionally.

* Have a job?: Nah, though i want one

* Like to travel?: Yes, very much

* Like someone?: Wasn't this already asked?

* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: back

* Think you're attractive?: Kinda

* Want to marry?: Yes. Some day.

* Have a goldfish?: a bunches

* Ever have the falling dream?: yes, although they are more than just falling, like giant chunks of earth everywhere, all falling, and it is really crazy. ;)

* Have stuffed animals?: i have a green monkey.

* Go on vacation?: Yes.

SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?)


* Abortion: go for it

* Bill Clinton: better than bush

* Eating disorders: I think they are bad. >:^O

* Suicide: RAWR!! BAD!

* Summer: nice, but bad when too hot.

* Tattoos: Okay, as long as they aren't huge.

* Piercings: Girls only.

* Make-up: Okay for girls in limited quantities.

* Drinking: unnecessary evil

* Guys: huh?

* Girls: ^


SECTION 11: (This or that?)


* Pierced nose or tongue?: Neither

* Be serious or funny?: funnerious.

* Single or taken?: Single, and not liking it

* Simple or complicated?: complicated

* Law or anarchy?: Law

* MTV or BET?: Neither

* 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: HORRIDNESS

* Sugar or salt?: Sugar =3

* Silver or gold?: gold

* Tongue or belly button ring?: tongue ring? bellybutton ring? whazzat?

* Chocolate or flowers?: choco

* Angels or miracles?: Neither

* Colour or black-and-white photos?: Color

* Sunrise or sunset?: sunset

* M&M's or Skittles?: eminems.

* Rap or rock?: heavy rock

* Stay up late or sleep in?: stay up late, then sleep in.

* TV or radio?: Both seem to lack anything interesting.

* Hot or cold?: ...Warm.

* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: I dunno, doesn't matter

* Sun or moon?: Moon, it is more...mysterious?

* Diamond or ruby?: Rubmond.

* Left or right?: Totally right

* Vanilla or chocolate?: *glomps teh choco*

* Kids or no kids?: I want kids eventually. ;)

* Cat or dog?: dog

* Half-empty or half-full?: at least it is there, no matter how much there is.

* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup all the way, man.

* Newspaper or magazine?: 'Zine.

* Give or receive?: I like both. :P

* Rain or snow?: Snow.

* Lace or satin?: OMG KIND OF EVI... oops, spelled differently. XD

* Happy or sad?: Happy. =D

* Corduroy or plaid?: denim.

* Wonder or amazement?: Amazement, i like to know the answers.

* Sneakers or sandals?: Sneakers, much better for walking and not killing thine feet.

* McDonald's or Hungry Jacks?: Mickey D's.

* Mexican or italian food?: Italian. I <3 pasta.

* Lights on or off?: Off, cause I am prince of night.

* Duct tape or scotch tape?: DUCT TAPEZORZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111oneoneI

* Candy or pop?: >_> Candy, i guess. well, depends on what type of either.

* A house in the woods or the city?: Small town.

* Pepsi or coke?: Coke all teh wayz

* Nike or adidas?: vans. cause they are the only shoes wide enough to fit my feet. XD


SECTION 12: (Other questions...)


* Do you go to church?: No.

* Do you like church?: No.

* Why or why not?: I don't believe in what the church says, nor do i like how they think that they need to get everyone to believe in them.

* What's your favorite kind of tree?: California Giant Redwood, cause they are ginormous.

* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: I dunno, really.

I think I gots them alls.

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* Store: wet seal, forever 21, hot topic, clairs and tjmaxx.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*Bumps Fists with Lauren* \m/>_<\m/


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*




and horatio cuz i swore this place like.. out of my life 2 years ago with animal kidd.

i guess i was just bored. lol.


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* Store: wet seal, forever 21, hot topic, clairs and tjmaxx.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*Bumps Fists with Lauren* \m/>_


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*




and horatio cuz i swore this place like.. out of my life 2 years ago with animal kidd.

i guess i was just bored. lol.


You have heard the saying... Never say never.

Hope you like being back because we like having you around. :D

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* Store: wet seal, forever 21, hot topic, clairs and tjmaxx.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*Bumps Fists with Lauren* \m/>_<\m/


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*




and horatio cuz i swore this place like.. out of my life 2 years ago with animal kidd.

i guess i was just bored. lol.


You have heard the saying... Never say never.

Hope you like being back because we like having you around. :D


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* Store: wet seal, forever 21, hot topic, clairs and tjmaxx.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*Bumps Fists with Lauren* \m/>_<\m/


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*




and horatio cuz i swore this place like.. out of my life 2 years ago with animal kidd.

i guess i was just bored. lol.


You have heard the saying... Never say never.

Hope you like being back because we like having you around. :D



yea its good

cuz i can talk about my supposed "ed-nos" without hessitating.

and i like seeing people like my poems.

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* Store: wet seal, forever 21, hot topic, clairs and tjmaxx.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*Bumps Fists with Lauren* \m/>_


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*




and horatio cuz i swore this place like.. out of my life 2 years ago with animal kidd.

i guess i was just bored. lol.


You have heard the saying... Never say never.

Hope you like being back because we like having you around. :D



yea its good

cuz i can talk about my supposed "ed-nos" without hessitating.

and i like seeing people like my poems.

Your poems are phenomenal!!!

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* Store: wet seal, forever 21, hot topic, clairs and tjmaxx.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*Bumps Fists with Lauren* \m/>_<\m/


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*




and horatio cuz i swore this place like.. out of my life 2 years ago with animal kidd.

i guess i was just bored. lol.


You have heard the saying... Never say never.

Hope you like being back because we like having you around. :D



yea its good

cuz i can talk about my supposed "ed-nos" without hessitating.

and i like seeing people like my poems.

Your poems are phenomenal!!!


thank you :)

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