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My Siggy

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I have decided to post my siggy here so if people wanna read it they can follow the link in my siggy that i'll put in.


So like... Since its so long, and ML and some other people like it, They can read it here. <.<; Theres no limit for the siggy length, here neither! i dun think so anyway.


Anway. Once Horatio mods this topic, I can link to it and post the siggy! w00t.

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Hmm... Blood donations... But im only 13... Oh well. -walks in- Yes, I know i have to be 18 or older to donate blood. Heres my credit card/fake ID. Mmhmm. OUCH! ...... Woohoo... -walks outside- Hehhheeeehh... Wow, 12 bucks and a free cookie... What a country! -passes out- X_X


Now, Lacking something else to put in here, I put some wierd Lyrics of a song im listening to, In this siggy.


Breaking the Habit


Mem'ries consume, Like opening the wound, I'm breaking me apart again

You all assume, I'm searching in my room, Unless I try to start again


I dont want to be the one the battles always choose, Cuz inside I realize, That I'm the one confused


I dont know whats worth fighting for, Or why I have to scream

I dont know why I instigate, And say what I dont mean

I dont know how I got this way, I know its not alright


So I'm breaking the habit,

I'm breaking the habit,



Watching My cure, I tried to lock the door, I tried to catch my breath again

I heard much more than anytime before, I have no motions left again


I dont want to be the one The battles always choose, Cuz inside I realize, Than I'm the one confused


I dont know whats worth fighting for, Or why I have to scream

I dont know why I instigate, And say what I dont mean

I dont know how I got this way, I'll never be alright,


So i'm breaking the habit,

I'm breaking the habit



I'll paint it on the walls,

Cuz im the one at fault

I'll never fight again

And this is how it ends


I dont know whats worth fighting for, Or why I have to scream

But now i have some poverty, to show you what I mean

I dont know how I got this way, I'll never be alright,


So I'm breaking the habit,

I'm breaking the habit,

I'm Breaking The Habit,



Linkin Park, Breaking the Habit




Cheezits. n_n



I have decided to put my old siggy back in. In addition to this one. So heres my old siggy again. Im going to re-do my old 'tradition' i suppose i'd call it, And put in my awards, And how many characters are in the siggy, And maybe some siggy-talkings. MW and I used to do those. n_n Fun time.


I have a long siggy! Whee!


Welcome to Arkchers siggy. Enjoy your stay with us, You'll find your suite in the door to your right, and the laundry* room to your left. Go straight ahead and you will find you just walked off the 20th floor of the text hotel thing this is, And go plummeting to your doom via osmosis, Or the birds coming and pecking at your eyes as you fall. And just hope you dont crash into any Alcoholics Anonymous members or the occasional old lady. Both tend to get rather grouchy about these things...


* Laundy costs 5 dollars for washing, and you hafta turn this little crank in order to run the dryer. and keep at it for like, ever. just to dry it. I'd just reccomend going across the street to either Taco Bell to wash your clothes, or Fry's Electronics. That place it rockin awsome ya know, So pick up some gamecube stuff while you're there and grab your washing machine there instead of our laundry room. I'd still take Taco bell... Mmmm, Fajita burritos...


Random spiffy person of the day whom i post their name in my siggy and change it every day**: Honey (1? 2? 65?) ! Yay. Go get your nobel prize.


** Or so. Usually every week or so. Heck, it may stay the same for a few months until i feel like changing it.


Happy happy whoo.


















Yater Eru Dorn

Dare You Enter

(random thought of the day)














And its custom installed!


In your suite room, You will find a sofa seat, Stuffed with pre-cooked turkeys. Please do not eat them. Before they were brought to the butcher shop place, They were fed nothing but Antifreeze for everypeoples' cars. These turkey's are highly toxic.




Whoa, the phones ringing. -runs off to get it-





















-5 hours later- Wow. He talks a lot about N64 games. --;


We hope you have enjoyed your time with us. Feel free to take one of our free*** Nintendo DS's on your way out, And get over to Taco Bell or Fry's to get stuff goin' here. Get on with it.


***Not free. These ones cost more than usual. Fork over $703.75 US Cash if you want to take one. And if you dont pay the three quarters/75 cents, We'll track ya down and poke you with cardboard swords until you pay up. Or bust'cher kneecaps.


I still have a long siggy! Whee!


Ok now thats all over with.


I will now go find all my awards. I dont have very many. I forgot most of them, I'll make some up, and randomly decide how many i have of a few of them. >_>;;


1 Kitty award

1 Joy Pendant Award

1 Lots O' Laughter Award

4 Gold Star Awards

1 Prose Award

64 Typo Awards (Now including the ones that I SUCESSFULLY STOLE FROM KAT. Now get over it. I stole some of them.)

1... Something banana award that top_banana gimme

1 Wierdo 'Ward

1 Super Siggy Award


I will also list the awards i give away! Once i go get the list. I copied it down somewhere, i'll put it in here later.

Ok I found them


HamsterModDiety (Spiffy moderators. Horatio and maybe HK gets it. You lowlife members (me too) dont get one. Tough luck.)

SpiffyMod (...Spiffy... moderator. This one, Could only go to Horatio. I think i gave him one already though.)

SpiffyPerson (Spiffy people get this! Do something that I say is spiffy, And you get one.)

Spiffy Writer (Make a spiffy story book novel thing. In the writings forum. I dont read all the stories there, So if someone wants this (and has written a story) Then tell me to read it. Note, Songs can be stories, if they explain happenings. Pictures and art can be too. Like comics or something. Anyway.)

Hugged award (If i give you a hug, I probably give you one of these too. Hugged award. w00t.)

Vampire Award (Kat was the first and only person to get it though. It was for RPing a vampire all awsome-type.)

Procrastination Award (Post like you have nothing better to do. 'Nuff said.)

Blue Award (Blue is a spiffy color. So. If you make any art, A picture or something, That involves Blue in ANY way, (Green even. Blue is in green. Cerulean. Pallet. (i think) Sky blue. Just blue stuff. Or if you just make really spiffy art, i give you one of these.)

Prose Award (You ramble on and on about nothing, wierdness, Nobody really cares, Its just Prose. Its prose, Write Prose and you get the Prose award. How handy. In fact, Im giving myself one of these awards for a siggy like this.)

Irregularity Award (Do something wierd. I mean, Not wierd as in funny, Do something completely out of the ordinary, Or that makes you a freakin' freak. Prance around nude or something. Eat a spleen. stick sporks in your neighbors lawn and take a picture of it. Anything thats creepy and wierd.)

Typoish award (Kat has authority to take this award away from people and throw it at me. This is for making a hilarious typo. This is nearly identical to Kat's Typo award. If you make a Typo, And kat has NOT given you a Typo award, And I give this to you first, then Mwah. You cant have a Typoish Award and a Typo award for the same thing. First person to give the award gets the... spiff. Yeah.)

Arkcher Award (ML made this one up for me. When I find something thats worthy of an award, but dont really know what to call it, why its award-worthy, or maybe even why its spiffy, I just give this out. If something deserves an award. Its my Miscellaneous award, something that wont fit into the categories above.)

Hilarity Award (As its name implies, Say/do something hilarious, And get a hilarity award. w00t.)

Random Award (I give these out randomly. You never know when you'll get one. You may not have even done something tog et the award other than just post here.)

Super-type Award (If you get ALL of these awards, You get one of these really rare awards. This does not include the Moderating awards, I want members to have these too. Dont be too greedy, Horatio. xD)


Wow. A lot of awards.


Random quotes or hilarious things:

Zeeky Boogy Doog!

I did something one time. It was pretty funny, kinda like that other thing that happened.

You dont have to know what your doing, Just do!

Mr. Burns says that if you dont come to work tomorrow, Dont bother coming in on monday!

WOOHOO! Four day weekend!

I am immortal!!

Well Jeez, Frylock, You didnt have to yell at me, but... Could you repeat what you just said?


I wanna link to my website(s). ._.



There are currently... 9956 characters in my siggy!

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I give out a new award:


w00t award (When i say w00t to something, like... you, Then you get a w00t award. Huzzah.)


I got a new award! n_n:


The very first ever double platinum moon surrounded by two gold stars, i think its what its called. Huzzah.

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Hmm... Blood donations... But im only 13... Oh well. -walks in- Yes, I know i have to be 18 or older to donate blood. Heres my credit card/fake ID. Mmhmm. OUCH! ...... Woohoo... -walks outside- Hehhheeeehh... Wow, 12 bucks and a free cookie... What a country! -passes out- X_X


Now, Lacking something else to put in here, I put some wierd Lyrics of a song im listening to, In this siggy.


Breaking the Habit


Mem'ries consume, Like opening the wound, I'm breaking me apart again

You all assume, I'm searching in my room, Unless I try to start again


I dont want to be the one the battles always choose, Cuz inside I realize, That I'm the one confused


I dont know whats worth fighting for, Or why I have to scream

I dont know why I instigate, And say what I dont mean

I dont know how I got this way, I know its not alright


So I'm breaking the habit,

I'm breaking the habit,



Watching My cure, I tried to lock the door, I tried to catch my breath again

I heard much more than anytime before, I have no motions left again


I dont want to be the one The battles always choose, Cuz inside I realize, Than I'm the one confused


I dont know whats worth fighting for, Or why I have to scream

I dont know why I instigate, And say what I dont mean

I dont know how I got this way, I'll never be alright,


So i'm breaking the habit,

I'm breaking the habit



I'll paint it on the walls,

Cuz im the one at fault

I'll never fight again

And this is how it ends


I dont know whats worth fighting for, Or why I have to scream

But now i have some poverty, to show you what I mean

I dont know how I got this way, I'll never be alright,


So I'm breaking the habit,

I'm breaking the habit,

I'm Breaking The Habit,



Linkin Park, Breaking the Habit

Cheezits. n_n

I have decided to put my old siggy back in. In addition to this one. So heres my old siggy again. Im going to re-do my old 'tradition' i suppose i'd call it, And put in my awards, And how many characters are in the siggy, And maybe some siggy-talkings. MW and I used to do those. n_n Fun time.


I have a long siggy! Whee!


Welcome to Arkchers siggy. Enjoy your stay with us, You'll find your suite in the door to your right, and the laundry* room to your left. Go straight ahead and you will find you just walked off the 20th floor of the text hotel thing this is, And go plummeting to your doom via osmosis, Or the birds coming and pecking at your eyes as you fall. And just hope you dont crash into any Alcoholics Anonymous members or the occasional old lady. Both tend to get rather grouchy about these things...


* Laundy costs 5 dollars for washing, and you hafta turn this little crank in order to run the dryer. and keep at it for like, ever. just to dry it. I'd just reccomend going across the street to either Taco Bell to wash your clothes, or Fry's Electronics. That place it rockin awsome ya know, So pick up some gamecube stuff while you're there and grab your washing machine there instead of our laundry room. I'd still take Taco bell... Mmmm, Fajita burritos...


Random spiffy person of the day whom i post their name in my siggy and change it every day**: Honey (1? 2? 65?) ! Yay. Go get your nobel prize.


** Or so. Usually every week or so. Heck, it may stay the same for a few months until i feel like changing it.


Happy happy whoo.



Yater Eru Dorn

Dare You Enter

(random thought of the day)




And its custom installed!


In your suite room, You will find a sofa seat, Stuffed with pre-cooked turkeys. Please do not eat them. Before they were brought to the butcher shop place, They were fed nothing but Antifreeze for everypeoples' cars. These turkey's are highly toxic.




Whoa, the phones ringing. -runs off to get it-

-5 hours later- Wow. He talks a lot about N64 games. --;


We hope you have enjoyed your time with us. Feel free to take one of our free*** Nintendo DS's on your way out, And get over to Taco Bell or Fry's to get stuff goin' here. Get on with it.


***Not free. These ones cost more than usual. Fork over $703.75 US Cash if you want to take one. And if you dont pay the three quarters/75 cents, We'll track ya down and poke you with cardboard swords until you pay up. Or bust'cher kneecaps.


I still have a long siggy! Whee!


Ok now thats all over with.


I will now go find all my awards. I dont have very many. I forgot most of them, I'll make some up, and randomly decide how many i have of a few of them. >_>;;


1 Kitty award

1 Joy Pendant Award

1 Lots O' Laughter Award

4 Gold Star Awards

1 Prose Award

64 Typo Awards (Now including the ones that I SUCESSFULLY STOLE FROM KAT. Now get over it. I stole some of them.)

1... Something banana award that top_banana gimme

1 Wierdo 'Ward

1 Super Siggy Award


I will also list the awards i give away! Once i go get the list. I copied it down somewhere, i'll put it in here later.

Ok I found them


HamsterModDiety (Spiffy moderators. Horatio and maybe HK gets it. You lowlife members (me too) dont get one. Tough luck.)

SpiffyMod (...Spiffy... moderator. This one, Could only go to Horatio. I think i gave him one already though.)

SpiffyPerson (Spiffy people get this! Do something that I say is spiffy, And you get one.)

Spiffy Writer (Make a spiffy story book novel thing. In the writings forum. I dont read all the stories there, So if someone wants this (and has written a story) Then tell me to read it. Note, Songs can be stories, if they explain happenings. Pictures and art can be too. Like comics or something. Anyway.)

Hugged award (If i give you a hug, I probably give you one of these too. Hugged award. w00t.)

Vampire Award (Kat was the first and only person to get it though. It was for RPing a vampire all awsome-type.)

Procrastination Award (Post like you have nothing better to do. 'Nuff said.)

Blue Award (Blue is a spiffy color. So. If you make any art, A picture or something, That involves Blue in ANY way, (Green even. Blue is in green. Cerulean. Pallet. (i think) Sky blue. Just blue stuff. Or if you just make really spiffy art, i give you one of these.)

Prose Award (You ramble on and on about nothing, wierdness, Nobody really cares, Its just Prose. Its prose, Write Prose and you get the Prose award. How handy. In fact, Im giving myself one of these awards for a siggy like this.)

Irregularity Award (Do something wierd. I mean, Not wierd as in funny, Do something completely out of the ordinary, Or that makes you a freakin' freak. Prance around nude or something. Eat a spleen. stick sporks in your neighbors lawn and take a picture of it. Anything thats creepy and wierd.)

Typoish award (Kat has authority to take this award away from people and throw it at me. This is for making a hilarious typo. This is nearly identical to Kat's Typo award. If you make a Typo, And kat has NOT given you a Typo award, And I give this to you first, then Mwah. You cant have a Typoish Award and a Typo award for the same thing. First person to give the award gets the... spiff. Yeah.)

Arkcher Award (ML made this one up for me. When I find something thats worthy of an award, but dont really know what to call it, why its award-worthy, or maybe even why its spiffy, I just give this out. If something deserves an award. Its my Miscellaneous award, something that wont fit into the categories above.)

Hilarity Award (As its name implies, Say/do something hilarious, And get a hilarity award. w00t.)

Random Award (I give these out randomly. You never know when you'll get one. You may not have even done something tog et the award other than just post here.)

Super-type Award (If you get ALL of these awards, You get one of these really rare awards. This does not include the Moderating awards, I want members to have these too. Dont be too greedy, Horatio. xD)


Wow. A lot of awards.


Random quotes or hilarious things:

Zeeky Boogy Doog!

I did something one time. It was pretty funny, kinda like that other thing that happened.

You dont have to know what your doing, Just do!

Mr. Burns says that if you dont come to work tomorrow, Dont bother coming in on monday!

WOOHOO! Four day weekend!

I am immortal!!

Well Jeez, Frylock, You didnt have to yell at me, but... Could you repeat what you just said?


I wanna link to my website(s). ._.

There are currently... 9956 characters in my siggy!

Add the Poisoned thin mint award that I'm giving you now. :D:P:lol::)


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, Im gonna list some recently received awards...


1 Cloudy Aisha award

1 Neo Neo Award

1 Neo Ranba Award

50 Super Shyin Awards

345 Arty Farty Awards


So now i've got... a lot of awards. o_o;

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will also make a new award to give out to people, Of course, In honor of ML/Biggest Fan of Fuzzy.


The Stupid I-went-to-a-topic-and-got-this Award!


For whomever goes to a random topic, and posts there. I give these out randomly.

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I will also make a new award to give out to people, Of course, In honor of ML/Biggest Fan of Fuzzy.


The Stupid I-went-to-a-topic-and-got-this Award!


For whomever goes to a random topic, and posts there. I give these out randomly.

The post needs to be sensible. No random posts to random topics. :huh:

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I will also make a new award to give out to people, Of course, In honor of ML/Biggest Fan of Fuzzy.


The Stupid I-went-to-a-topic-and-got-this Award!


For whomever goes to a random topic, and posts there. I give these out randomly.

The post needs to be sensible. No random posts to random topics. :huh:

Yes, see, The post doesnt have to be entirely random. I pick a topic and give the award to some people inside, regardless of what their post contains.

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I will also make a new award to give out to people, Of course, In honor of ML/Biggest Fan of Fuzzy.


The Stupid I-went-to-a-topic-and-got-this Award!


For whomever goes to a random topic, and posts there. I give these out randomly.

The post needs to be sensible. No random posts to random topics. :huh:

Yes, see, The post doesnt have to be entirely random. I pick a topic and give the award to some people inside, regardless of what their post contains.

I am trying to keep a million posts from showing up in the posting contest that make no sense whatsoever.

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I will also make a new award to give out to people, Of course, In honor of ML/Biggest Fan of Fuzzy.


The Stupid I-went-to-a-topic-and-got-this Award!


For whomever goes to a random topic, and posts there. I give these out randomly.

The post needs to be sensible. No random posts to random topics. :huh:

Yes, see, The post doesnt have to be entirely random. I pick a topic and give the award to some people inside, regardless of what their post contains.

I am trying to keep a million posts from showing up in the posting contest that make no sense whatsoever.

I'd try to help if I could, but all I could do was just not post there. xD

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  • 2 months later...

I fixed up the siggy. n_n


Hmm... Blood donations... But im only 13... Oh well. -walks in- Yes, I know i have to be 18 or older to donate blood. Heres my credit card/fake ID. Mmhmm. OUCH! ...... Woohoo... -walks outside- Hehhheeeehh... Wow, 12 bucks and a free cookie... What a country! -passes out- X_X


Now, Lacking something else to put in here, I put some wierd Lyrics of a song im listening to, In this siggy.


Walking Dead


In the chill of the night

I can feel my heart racing

As I run towards the light

that seems so far away

Wondering forever

In the darkest of shadows

Wondering if I will ever see you again


Wondering if I will ever see you again


I'll take your love

(I'll take your love)

I'll take your hate

(take your hate)

I'll take you're desire


I'll take the world

when it turns on you

(when it turns on you)

I'll set it on fire


W-the-w-th-th-the walking dead

The walking dead (walking dead)


Digging in the dirt

I can feel you getting closer

Steadying my hands through the blistering pain

Anxiously awaiting for the earth to reveal you

Wondering if I will ever see you again (see you again)


Wondering if I will ever see you again


Chorus x3


Linkin Park, Walking Dead




Cheezits. n_n



I have decided to put my old siggy back in. In addition to this one. So heres my old siggy again. Im going to re-do my old 'tradition' i suppose i'd call it, And put in my awards, And how many characters are in the siggy, And maybe some siggy-talkings. MW and I used to do those. n_n Fun time.


I have a long siggy! Whee!


Welcome to Arkchers siggy. Enjoy your stay with us, You'll find your suite in the door to your right, and the laundry* room to your left. Go straight ahead and you will find you just walked off the 20th floor of the text hotel thing this is, And go plummeting to your doom via osmosis, Or the birds coming and pecking at your eyes as you fall. And just hope you dont crash into any Alcoholics Anonymous members or the occasional old lady. Both tend to get rather grouchy about these things...


* Laundy costs 5 dollars for washing, and you hafta turn this little crank in order to run the dryer. and keep at it for like, ever. just to dry it. I'd just reccomend going across the street to either Taco Bell to wash your clothes, or Fry's Electronics. That place it rockin awsome ya know, So pick up some gamecube stuff while you're there and grab your washing machine there instead of our laundry room. I'd still take Taco bell... Mmmm, Fajita burritos...


Random spiffy person of the day whom i post their name in my siggy and change it every day**: Honey (1? 2? 65?) ! Yay. Go get your nobel prize.


** Or so. Usually every week or so. Heck, it may stay the same for a few months until i feel like changing it.


Happy happy whoo.


















Yater Eru Dorn

Dare You Enter

(random thought of the day)














And its custom installed!


In your suite room, You will find a sofa seat, Stuffed with pre-cooked turkeys. Please do not eat them. Before they were brought to the butcher shop place, They were fed nothing but Antifreeze for everypeoples' cars. These turkey's are highly toxic.




Whoa, the phones ringing. -runs off to get it-





















-5 hours later- Wow. He talks a lot about N64 games. --;


We hope you have enjoyed your time with us. Feel free to take one of our free*** Nintendo DS's on your way out, And get over to Taco Bell or Fry's to get stuff goin' here. Get on with it.


***Not free. These ones cost more than usual. Fork over $703.75 US Cash if you want to take one. And if you dont pay the three quarters/75 cents, We'll track ya down and poke you with cardboard swords until you pay up. Or bust'cher kneecaps.


I still have a long siggy! Whee!


Ok now thats all over with.


I will now go find all my awards. I dont have very many. I forgot most of them, I'll make some up, and randomly decide how many i have of a few of them. >_>;;


1 Kitty award

1 Joy Pendant Award

1 Lots O' Laughter Award

4 Gold Star Awards

1 Prose Award

64 Typo Awards (Now including the ones that I SUCESSFULLY STOLE FROM KAT. Now get over it. I stole some of them.)

1... Something banana award that top_banana gimme

1 Wierdo 'Ward

1 Super Siggy Award

1 Poisoned thin mint Award

1 Cloudy Aisha award

1 Neo Neo Award

1 Neo Ranba Award

50 Super Shyin Awards

345 Arty Farty Awards

10 Super Record Awards


I will also list the awards i give away! Once i go get the list. I copied it down somewhere, i'll put it in here later.

Ok I found them


HamsterModDiety (Spiffy moderators. Horatio and maybe HK gets it. You lowlife members (me too) dont get one. Tough luck.)

SpiffyMod (...Spiffy... moderator. This one, Could only go to Horatio. I think i gave him one already though.)

SpiffyPerson (Spiffy people get this! Do something that I say is spiffy, And you get one.)

Spiffy Writer (Make a spiffy story book novel thing. In the writings forum. I dont read all the stories there, So if someone wants this (and has written a story) Then tell me to read it. Note, Songs can be stories, if they explain happenings. Pictures and art can be too. Like comics or something. Anyway.)

Hugged award (If i give you a hug, I probably give you one of these too. Hugged award. w00t.)

Vampire Award (Kat was the first and only person to get it though. It was for RPing a vampire all awsome-type.)

Procrastination Award (Post like you have nothing better to do. 'Nuff said.)

Blue Award (Blue is a spiffy color. So. If you make any art, A picture or something, That involves Blue in ANY way, (Green even. Blue is in green. Cerulean. Pallet. (i think) Sky blue. Just blue stuff. Or if you just make really spiffy art, i give you one of these.)

Prose Award (You ramble on and on about nothing, wierdness, Nobody really cares, Its just Prose. Its prose, Write Prose and you get the Prose award. How handy. In fact, Im giving myself one of these awards for a siggy like this.)

Irregularity Award (Do something wierd. I mean, Not wierd as in funny, Do something completely out of the ordinary, Or that makes you a freakin' freak. Prance around nude or something. Eat a spleen. stick sporks in your neighbors lawn and take a picture of it. Anything thats creepy and wierd.)

Typoish award (Kat has authority to take this award away from people and throw it at me. This is for making a hilarious typo. This is nearly identical to Kat's Typo award. If you make a Typo, And kat has NOT given you a Typo award, And I give this to you first, then Mwah. You cant have a Typoish Award and a Typo award for the same thing. First person to give the award gets the... spiff. Yeah.)

Arkcher Award (ML made this one up for me. When I find something thats worthy of an award, but dont really know what to call it, why its award-worthy, or maybe even why its spiffy, I just give this out. If something deserves an award. Its my Miscellaneous award, something that wont fit into the categories above.)

Hilarity Award (As its name implies, Say/do something hilarious, And get a hilarity award. w00t.)

Random Award (I give these out randomly. You never know when you'll get one. You may not have even done something tog et the award other than just post here.)

The Stupid I-went-to-a-topic-and-got-this Award! I make a topic, you come post in it, I give this award to you if I feel like it.

Super-type Award (If you get ALL of these awards, You get one of these really rare awards. This does not include the Moderating awards, I want members to have these too. Dont be too greedy, Horatio. xD)


Wow. A lot of awards.


Random quotes or hilarious things:

Zeeky Boogy Doog!

I did something one time. It was pretty funny, kinda like that other thing that happened.

You dont have to know what your doing, Just do!

Mr. Burns says that if you dont come to work tomorrow, Dont bother coming in on monday!

WOOHOO! Four day weekend!

I am immortal!!

Well Jeez, Frylock, You didnt have to yell at me, but... Could you repeat what you just said?


I wanna link to my website(s). ._.



There are currently... A lot of characters in my siggy!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 9 months later...
  • 2 months later...
The Hoops person gimmie a Hoops Award for humorous comments. i think.


=o Oh my fitting gawsh.


Your username backwards






... yeah.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Which is sorta like SPOOON.

*Steals a couple of Arkcher's awards*

Ha-HA! I just stole nine awards.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, Okay. Guys.


S'like, I went digging up old stuff in my harddrive(s) and found Supra Archive of old HD stuff!


I have records of my siggies as they've changed in the past few years. Yeah, i was bored and recorded them to my compy. shuddup. I'll probably do it again.


Heres my siggy from... one or two years ago, in case you guys really wanted to see that mess:




Enter thou not into the dark chambers of wizardry...

For thou art crunchy, and good with ketchup!!

8 Awards

Bud List~ Anyone who reads this. That means you, too. Woohoo.


You dont need to know what your doing, Just do!

-Me, on some other chat room


Yay! I finally know what IDK means! I DON'T KNOW!!!!!!!!!!



So do you know what it means? OR do you not know what you dont know that i dont know what i dont know/IDK means?

Arkcher: I figured as much which is why i did this for confusing you and whoever else feels like reading this. Dunno who'd waste their time doing that of all things though. You sure seem to though. (in a good way i mean. of.. course. n_n;; )

Arkcher: Booyah, Wasting time and procrastination is what keeps the world running (literally, world leaders dont do squat o_O) And yeah, More people should have recorded siggy conversations more often. This does give you an excuse for a long siggy and something to put in it.

Arkcher:I feel like procrastinating. Whee.

Yeah... What should we do about it? I mean, if we keep procrastinating then we wont get anything done about people with siggy convos. o_o

lazy people and their problems, I swear...

Arkcher: You know who, eh? I feel like a villain from a rather popular book sieries now. :lol:

Yellow text now. Woohoo.

True dat, true dat. xD Im lazy too. Summer or winter, Im planted here on my computer with nothing better to do, trying to figure out this Comcast stuff so i cana ctually make my website, prowling websites for game sprites so i can make a sprite' comic online, (i dont have anywhere to put it though) Writing novels and hoping i'll get around to finishing them, wasting my time on this board and writing siggy convos, dreamweaving and creating new campaigns for StarCraft, making my own cheap message board and checkin' emails. Nothing better to do 'round here. n_n




my buddy list: Horatio, HHam, TGHL, Arckcher, kaei, katdacatis#1, ...

-Some of Mastermind's Bud list

My comments on this:

The second (that i know) person thats put me on a bud list or has expressed feelings toward the fact i actually exist. Woohoo. (the other one is Otter. I feel like giving 'er an award for it, but i dunno. o_O) BTW, You spelled meh name wrong. n_n; MW is now the third.

CheetaSpot! I forgot CS. CS is deh fourth. n_n; sorry.






I gotta get some sleep.


Lloyd-man must know that i figured out how to get a bonus on SSBM. We sat in his room for like an hour trying to figure it out on teh Gamecube. And i got it, Now if i can get around to calling him or something...


Dude... Your gettin' a Dell.


War against the Giyga's! (I may never outsmart this SNES. -kicks it- )


F-zeroX is only good for death races. e_e Ehheeehhehehehheheeeehh. (<-- crazed maniacal laugh)


We are net piraaates who dont steal anythiiinnngg. we just sit at hoooooome and load Kazaa, And if you ask uuusss to steal anythiiiiinng we'll probably ignore you and then uh.... Do somethiiiinnngg. o_o

I cant write parodies even if i tried. xD








I wanna go to sleep but im tired and hyper. and dont really wanna sleep. Thats when you just eat more sugar and tank of on more ginsyng. provided i spell it right and dont run out of pills. n_n;;


Woowoo! xD!


Woohoo! I found eBay again. Now i can continue taking over the world. n_n (and of course bid 1 cent above everyone else to make them frustrated. Sometimes i get what i bid for though. I think i'll get this starfox64 game. It ends in 4 hours. o_o Not a bad thing, i really want that game xD) Woohoo, I won 'da bid. It should get in the mail in about a week. (i think o_o) Now im excited e__e


Yay MW, You spelled it right. Now we can give yeh a hug. not like we couldnt before, but yeah. how to hug a wolf, hmmm.... I dunno.


Yes, in case you were wondering. Im using up as much room as i can to be the first person to exceed the 10000 character limit. It looks like im a way off, cuz i have 5390 (or so) letters in here... Heh. Maybe i wont?

Im coming close to 5000 letters! Woo.

I could downsize it a bit to take up less room on the boards... Mneh.

Woo! I got the 5K letters in meh sig. -does wierd dance-


I have a very colorful siggy now. n_n


Wally is my overweight superhero Ninja Guinea pig who can Fly. All hail Wally. Wally can fly. He saves us all from the homicidal deer.


Wally! 'The fudge happened?! Wally seems to have died, The Homicidal deer are gonna get us all now, theres no super-pig to save us...




Wow. I was such a nerd a longtime ago. XD

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So, Okay. Guys.


S'like, I went digging up old stuff in my harddrive(s) and found Supra Archive of old HD stuff!


I have records of my siggies as they've changed in the past few years. Yeah, i was bored and recorded them to my compy. shuddup. I'll probably do it again.


Heres my siggy from... one or two years ago, in case you guys really wanted to see that mess:




Enter thou not into the dark chambers of wizardry...

For thou art crunchy, and good with ketchup!!

8 Awards

Bud List~ Anyone who reads this. That means you, too. Woohoo.


You dont need to know what your doing, Just do!

-Me, on some other chat room


Yay! I finally know what IDK means! I DON'T KNOW!!!!!!!!!!



So do you know what it means? OR do you not know what you dont know that i dont know what i dont know/IDK means?

Arkcher: I figured as much which is why i did this for confusing you and whoever else feels like reading this. Dunno who'd waste their time doing that of all things though. You sure seem to though. (in a good way i mean. of.. course. n_n;; )

Arkcher: Booyah, Wasting time and procrastination is what keeps the world running (literally, world leaders dont do squat o_O) And yeah, More people should have recorded siggy conversations more often. This does give you an excuse for a long siggy and something to put in it.

Arkcher:I feel like procrastinating. Whee.

Yeah... What should we do about it? I mean, if we keep procrastinating then we wont get anything done about people with siggy convos. o_o

lazy people and their problems, I swear...

Arkcher: You know who, eh? I feel like a villain from a rather popular book sieries now. :lol:

Yellow text now. Woohoo.

True dat, true dat. xD Im lazy too. Summer or winter, Im planted here on my computer with nothing better to do, trying to figure out this Comcast stuff so i cana ctually make my website, prowling websites for game sprites so i can make a sprite' comic online, (i dont have anywhere to put it though) Writing novels and hoping i'll get around to finishing them, wasting my time on this board and writing siggy convos, dreamweaving and creating new campaigns for StarCraft, making my own cheap message board and checkin' emails. Nothing better to do 'round here. n_n




my buddy list: Horatio, HHam, TGHL, Arckcher, kaei, katdacatis#1, ...

-Some of Mastermind's Bud list

My comments on this:

The second (that i know) person thats put me on a bud list or has expressed feelings toward the fact i actually exist. Woohoo. (the other one is Otter. I feel like giving 'er an award for it, but i dunno. o_O) BTW, You spelled meh name wrong. n_n; MW is now the third.

CheetaSpot! I forgot CS. CS is deh fourth. n_n; sorry.






I gotta get some sleep.


Lloyd-man must know that i figured out how to get a bonus on SSBM. We sat in his room for like an hour trying to figure it out on teh Gamecube. And i got it, Now if i can get around to calling him or something...


Dude... Your gettin' a Dell.


War against the Giyga's! (I may never outsmart this SNES. -kicks it- )


F-zeroX is only good for death races. e_e Ehheeehhehehehheheeeehh. (


We are net piraaates who dont steal anythiiinnngg. we just sit at hoooooome and load Kazaa, And if you ask uuusss to steal anythiiiiinng we'll probably ignore you and then uh.... Do somethiiiinnngg. o_o

I cant write parodies even if i tried. xD








I wanna go to sleep but im tired and hyper. and dont really wanna sleep. Thats when you just eat more sugar and tank of on more ginsyng. provided i spell it right and dont run out of pills. n_n;;


Woowoo! xD!


Woohoo! I found eBay again. Now i can continue taking over the world. n_n (and of course bid 1 cent above everyone else to make them frustrated. Sometimes i get what i bid for though. I think i'll get this starfox64 game. It ends in 4 hours. o_o Not a bad thing, i really want that game xD) Woohoo, I won 'da bid. It should get in the mail in about a week. (i think o_o) Now im excited e__e


Yay MW, You spelled it right. Now we can give yeh a hug. not like we couldnt before, but yeah. how to hug a wolf, hmmm.... I dunno.


Yes, in case you were wondering. Im using up as much room as i can to be the first person to exceed the 10000 character limit. It looks like im a way off, cuz i have 5390 (or so) letters in here... Heh. Maybe i wont?

Im coming close to 5000 letters! Woo.

I could downsize it a bit to take up less room on the boards... Mneh.

Woo! I got the 5K letters in meh sig. -does wierd dance-


I have a very colorful siggy now. n_n


Wally is my overweight superhero Ninja Guinea pig who can Fly. All hail Wally. Wally can fly. He saves us all from the homicidal deer.


Wally! 'The fudge happened?! Wally seems to have died, The Homicidal deer are gonna get us all now, theres no super-pig to save us...




Wow. I was such a nerd a longtime ago. XD

I remember that siggy!!! LOL I thought it was a great siggy!!!

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I need to put funny stuff in my siggy.


Maybe I

I'll delete the Pyrimids and replace it with funny stuff. IDK.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 months later...
Everyone here has so many awards! I have the platinum moon award. That's all. :blink:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




an award.


Follow the handy Awards link in mah siggy and pick one out.


Or Syd Barrett will eat your soul.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Everyone here has so many awards! I have the platinum moon award. That's all. :blink:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




an award.


Follow the handy Awards link in mah siggy and pick one out.


Or Syd Barrett will eat your soul.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

*Sqeaks, And hides in my hamster blanket* Look how scared you made me.[ How i'm hiding in my blanket, see this is a picture of me, not my hamster.(( since i don't have one yet! I have to wait 5 more days))

See you made poor tiny me scared!

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Everyone here has so many awards! I have the platinum moon award. That's all. :blink:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




an award.


Follow the handy Awards link in mah siggy and pick one out.


Or Syd Barrett will eat your soul.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

*Sqeaks, And hides in my hamster blanket* Look how scared you made me.[ How i'm hiding in my blanket, see this is a picture of me, not my hamster.(( since i don't have one yet! I have to wait 5 more days))

See you made poor tiny me scared!

You have the greatest pictures! I just love the face.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*throws horatio in the Meat Grinder*

FOOL! Why didn't you tell her about me?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*throws horatio in the Meat Grinder*

FOOL! Why didn't you tell her about me?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Because you have a very big Meat Grinder and I did not want to scare her! :blink:

*makes a super-leap out of the meat grinder just in time*

*puts Gorilla Glue into Meat Grinder to stop of the works*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*throws horatio in the Meat Grinder*

FOOL! Why didn't you tell her about me?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Because you have a very big Meat Grinder and I did not want to scare her! :blink:

*makes a super-leap out of the meat grinder just in time*

*puts Gorilla Glue into Meat Grinder to stop of the works*

*Peeks out of blanket, like in picture* *watches Them yell, and watches the meat grinder* *Shakes hamster fur to flatten it out, since it had rose*

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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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