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Werewolf (Two)

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[Okay, This first post will not contain no story. No. This is just the foreword/warning, and brief explanation of stuff.]


[Foreword/warning, This, Like this story's prequel, Will more than likely contain some violence, Which some people may not approve of or appreciate. Although, I'm trying to work around this so that things wont be so violent, and things will be more stable and somewhat more family-oriented, But this still may be beyond some peoples reading level or beyond their interest, attention, whatever. Anyway. Im far off subject, So before i do it agian, I'll just leave it at that.]


[brief Explanation of what happens here. I'm trying a new approach on things here, that i havent... done... before. being new and all. This will need some testing, so there will be a few nonsensical posts, testing this 'html' ish code. Im testing the font differences, bolds, italics and their readability. I'll do that later though.


Anyway. There are about three things that happen at once here. There will be different fonts and sizes of text to indicate where the action is taking place, in ways. From the werewolf's surroundings or area, its Times New Roman (Or so it says on the Microsoft Word thing i use.) and when its... the... bad-guys, Its Arial font. For other things, i havent decided which font yet so for the time being, It is also Times font. I was thinking Tahoma or Courier or something, but i dunno. I'll check... some other time. So yeah, I'll be using different fonts for the good guys and bad guys. Just clearing things up a bit.]


[Another thing here, This storyline includes a lot more characters than the last. At least twenty characters are involved some way or another. Things will get confusing, Especially since Kat wanted to be in here. One of my IM friends is Caitlin, while Kat in here is Kate. Caitlin, Kate, This will cause some confusion i'm sure. (This is all your fault! ;-; One of you. uh.... i dunno which one to blame. I might kick one of you out.) MW and Kris are in here too. If anyone wants to be involved, DO NOT post about it here, Post that in the other Werewolf story topic. That part ended, this is the sequel, So we can post out-of-character all the time. In that topic. Im taking character requests there, NOT here. Ever. <.< There is no consequence, its not really strict, It'll just be real annoying. So dont do it.]


[And now, Upon thinking about it, This story probably will not contain violence. Its content may creep out the younger of you people though, But hopefully this long intro will have lost the kiddos' attention. This is kind of a creepy/scary story, inhumanity, Kind of a lesser form of horror. Still a dark story. But I still like it. I'll post it here, and if Horatio says it gets too out of hand, Either he or I will take care of that since i have to many fans here who want the story to go on.]


[Like i've said before (NOTE: This part isnt really important, you can read over it.) This werewolf series was supposed'ta be a test to see what people would think of my storywriting, and it turned out better than I thought it would. If people continue to encore and keep demand high for more of this, I'll probably make a revision, spiffed-up remake of the story (It'll probably be longer. Maybe more detailed.) and get it published, And probably delete the story here so people wont get it for free, Cuz im so mean and awful.]


[Well then. Its already passed midnight, And as some of you may know by now, Whenever i post something close to midnight i do a howl thing. So. Here it is:

w00t, Its midnight. n_n -howls-

Wasnt that fun. .......... Scary, I had noticed i've been staying up a lot later than before, since i had started writing this, and got my interest up in wolves and all their awsomeness. Hopefully this story wont actually effect me. That'd be creepy. o_o]


[so. People can now post, cheer, get all excited and stuff about Part Two of deh Werewolf-itude. Im already on like... chapter friggin eleven or so on this, (I try to stay ahead of the posting. If i post too fast, i'll run out of story to post and people hafta wait a long timeand yeah. ._.]


[i'll shut up, go to sleep, and post deh first chapter tomorrow. 'Night yalls. -howls again- n_n]

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[i said you could take me out if I didn't work! Just boot me and end to confusion!]

[......... No. >_>;; You could be called something else if you want in this story though. So then... yeah. You can just be called something else. Either way, you ARE going to be involved. Mwahahaha. >.>]

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[First nonsensical post!:]


This is some text. w00t. This is what most of the first chapter looks like. >.> So, I'll test it a-like so to see what it looks like. Mwah.


This is what some of the other text looks like. Isnt it pretty. >.> I might use sizes and such, but i dunno.


And this is what most of it looks like. >.> Isnt it pretty.


[There it is, for now.]

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[Okay, This first post will not contain no story. No. This is just the foreword/warning, and brief explanation of stuff.]


[Foreword/warning, This, Like this story's prequel, Will more than likely contain some violence, Which some people may not approve of or appreciate. Although, I'm trying to work around this so that things wont be so violent, and things will be more stable and somewhat more family-oriented, But this still may be beyond some peoples reading level or beyond their interest, attention, whatever. Anyway. Im far off subject, So before i do it agian, I'll just leave it at that.]


[brief Explanation of what happens here. I'm trying a new approach on things here, that i havent... done... before. being new and all. This will need some testing, so there will be a few nonsensical posts, testing this 'html' ish code. Im testing the font differences, bolds, italics and their readability. I'll do that later though.


Anyway. There are about three things that happen at once here. There will be different fonts and sizes of text to indicate where the action is taking place, in ways. From the werewolf's surroundings or area, its Times New Roman (Or so it says on the Microsoft Word thing i use.) and when its... the... bad-guys, Its Arial font. For other things, i havent decided which font yet so for the time being, It is also Times font. I was thinking Tahoma or Courier or something, but i dunno. I'll check... some other time. So yeah, I'll be using different fonts for the good guys and bad guys. Just clearing things up a bit.]


[Another thing here, This storyline includes a lot more characters than the last. At least twenty characters are involved some way or another. Things will get confusing, Especially since Kat wanted to be in here. One of my IM friends is Caitlin, while Kat in here is Kate. Caitlin, Kate, This will cause some confusion i'm sure. (This is all your fault! ;-; One of you. uh.... i dunno which one to blame. I might kick one of you out.) MW and Kris are in here too. If anyone wants to be involved, DO NOT post about it here, Post that in the other Werewolf story topic. That part ended, this is the sequel, So we can post out-of-character all the time. In that topic. Im taking character requests there, NOT here. Ever. <.< There is no consequence, its not really strict, It'll just be real annoying. So dont do it.]


[And now, Upon thinking about it, This story probably will not contain violence. Its content may creep out the younger of you people though, But hopefully this long intro will have lost the kiddos' attention. This is kind of a creepy/scary story, inhumanity, Kind of a lesser form of horror. Still a dark story. But I still like it. I'll post it here, and if Horatio says it gets too out of hand, Either he or I will take care of that since i have to many fans here who want the story to go on.]


[Like i've said before (NOTE: This part isnt really important, you can read over it.) This werewolf series was supposed'ta be a test to see what people would think of my storywriting, and it turned out better than I thought it would. If people continue to encore and keep demand high for more of this, I'll probably make a revision, spiffed-up remake of the story (It'll probably be longer. Maybe more detailed.) and get it published, And probably delete the story here so people wont get it for free, Cuz im so mean and awful.]


[Well then. Its already passed midnight, And as some of you may know by now, Whenever i post something close to midnight i do a howl thing. So. Here it is:

w00t, Its midnight. n_n -howls-

Wasnt that fun. .......... Scary, I had noticed i've been staying up a lot later than before, since i had started writing this, and got my interest up in wolves and all their awsomeness. Hopefully this story wont actually effect me. That'd be creepy. o_o]


[so. People can now post, cheer, get all excited and stuff about Part Two of deh Werewolf-itude. Im already on like... chapter friggin eleven or so on this, (I try to stay ahead of the posting. If i post too fast, i'll run out of story to post and people hafta wait a long timeand yeah. ._.]


[i'll shut up, go to sleep, and post deh first chapter tomorrow. 'Night yalls. -howls again- n_n]

[Woo. Brackets are cool. Anyways. Awesome.]

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[......... No. >_>;; You could be called something else if you want in this story though. So then... yeah. You can just be called something else. Either way, you ARE going to be involved. Mwahahaha. >.>]

[Fine. You could just go with Kat. or you could stic kwith Kate. I dun care.]

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[Woo. Brackets are cool. Anyways. Awesome.]

[brackets! I forgot about the brackets.]


[Everypeople must use brackets for OOC talkings. IT helps you differ the IC and OOC posts. so you can read stories and not ramblings. And if your scrolling through my real-long siggy, then theres no brackets in a post you know its significant.]

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[Chapter One doesnt make a lott'a sense, but hey. I'll post it. It works best if Chap 1 and 2 are read 'bout the same time. I'll post chap1 right now though.]


Chapter One


The result of a captivating, (lacking a better word) rather 'addictive' hobby of mine was an obsession with the near extinct species Wolf. I have grown an obsession, a strange love for these creatures, And have thus dedicated my life to that animal's revival.


You must though understand, My lack of time will not permit me to see this, my dream, come true in spite of the faith I have put into it. So I am putting my project in the hands of my most trusted friend, Kevin. I feel that he is the only one who will understand the importance of this task... My lack of time denies my going into detail on the subject, Kevin, The one thing necessary to say in my last words, is Claws. Only you understand the importance of this private term. Please to this for me, and for Claws.


Contained inside this preservation capsule, Are some specially designed vessels. These vessels contain a genetic transformation serum, which can be injected or ingested. Either way, It will change its victim's body into that a Wolf of the indicated species, Timber, Mountain, Snow... There is an enclosed document for instructions of reproducing this serum, Which may be used for changing Humans into Wolves.


There is also a Beta, Untested substance that you must complete for me, It can be safely added to the transformation serum, But as the changing takes place, They will not lose their human memory. They will still know who they are, what you had done to them, And still have memory...


This is entirely optional. It will be a mentally painful experience, the victims will be emotionally hurt.


Understand this please, The cause of my shortage of time is that due to recent events, And genetic procreation of bio-weapons, Genetic alterations/procreation is penaltable, Punishable varied on the severity of the crime. My product will be passed on to you, And I can only hope, I pray that governing officers will not track this document down... The Law punishers will be here in any moment now. The minority of my product will not kill me by law- They have chosen to erase my memory, and transform my body into that a wolf. Thinking that no longer being a human would be punishment sufficient, But it is quite the opposite... This penalty is fulfilling my previously incredulous dream... My last words to humans in their tongue is... Farewell...



Peter J. Beamly

November 26, 2029




"What does all of this mean, Kevin?"


A rather tall, formal man behind a desk leered at his subordinate employee.


"What do you think this means, Jacob?! This could be a change to the world, Fulfilling one madman’s dream, Reduce Human overpopulation, And revive the wolven extinct race. ... And for Peter of all people, This is something that i would feel comfortable doing."


"But, who is this Peter?"


"He was my life-long friend, growing up. We were rarely seen apart in childhood years... I would trust him with anything. And as you see here, He feels the same trust with me."


"And so we are going around turning people into wolves now recreating nature? Sure we are a powerful industry, Preserving nature and all, But I think this is a little extreme for this business. I really don’t think these measures are really that necessary..."


Kevin intensed his not-too-intimidating leer.


"You aren’t paid for your foolhardy opinions! You happened upon this capsule, And did your real job well done. 500 Eltems more, How's that for a raise."


Kevin suggested an increase in pay, Eltems being the 'futuristic' currency used. Without waiting for a response, He continued,


"Excellent, Good choice. Begone from my sight, Digger."


He gestured a shooing motion for Jacob to leave his office, Indicating for him to get back to work. As a bone digger, He and men of equal inferiority would get paid a rather low payment, Which is low for its effortless workings. All they do is use shovels and machinery, fans, drills, Not often working themselves, just machinery, Using these tools to dig up quarries, Permitted sites, in hopes of finding evidence of species and creatures previously undiscovered, and they have, in the past, made at least three million Eltems finding out about these creatures.


[yes, when i found out about it, Incredulous is a cool word and I use it a lot now. >.>]

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[Chapter One doesnt make a lott'a sense, but hey. I'll post it. It works best if Chap 1 and 2 are read 'bout the same time. I'll post chap1 right now though.]


Chapter One


The result of a captivating, (lacking a better word) rather 'addictive' hobby of mine was an obsession with the near extinct species Wolf. I have grown an obsession, a strange love for these creatures, And have thus dedicated my life to that animal's revival.


You must though understand, My lack of time will not permit me to see this, my dream, come true in spite of the faith I have put into it. So I am putting my project in the hands of my most trusted friend, Kevin. I feel that he is the only one who will understand the importance of this task... My lack of time denies my going into detail on the subject, Kevin, The one thing necessary to say in my last words, is Claws. Only you understand the importance of this private term. Please to this for me, and for Claws.


Contained inside this preservation capsule, Are some specially designed vessels. These vessels contain a genetic transformation serum, which can be injected or ingested. Either way, It will change its victim's body into that a Wolf of the indicated species, Timber, Mountain, Snow... There is an enclosed document for instructions of reproducing this serum, Which may be used for changing Humans into Wolves.


There is also a Beta, Untested substance that you must complete for me, It can be safely added to the transformation serum, But as the changing takes place, They will not lose their human memory. They will still know who they are, what you had done to them, And still have memory...


This is entirely optional. It will be a mentally painful experience, the victims will be emotionally hurt.


Understand this please, The cause of my shortage of time is that due to recent events, And genetic procreation of bio-weapons, Genetic alterations/procreation is penaltable, Punishable varied on the severity of the crime. My product will be passed on to you, And I can only hope, I pray that governing officers will not track this document down... The Law punishers will be here in any moment now. The minority of my product will not kill me by law- They have chosen to erase my memory, and transform my body into that a wolf. Thinking that no longer being a human would be punishment sufficient, But it is quite the opposite... This penalty is fulfilling my previously incredulous dream... My last words to humans in their tongue is... Farewell...



  Peter J. Beamly

  November 26, 2029

"What does all of this mean, Kevin?"


A rather tall, formal man behind a desk leered at his subordinate employee.


"What do you think this means, Jacob?! This could be a change to the world, Fulfilling one madman’s dream, Reduce Human overpopulation, And revive the wolven extinct race. ... And for Peter of all people, This is something that i would feel comfortable doing."


"But, who is this Peter?"


"He was my life-long friend, growing up. We were rarely seen apart in childhood years... I would trust him with anything. And as you see here, He feels the same trust with me."


"And so we are going around turning people into wolves now recreating nature? Sure we are a powerful industry, Preserving nature and all, But I think this is a little extreme for this business. I really don’t think these measures are really that necessary..."


Kevin intensed his not-too-intimidating leer.


"You aren’t paid for your foolhardy opinions! You happened upon this capsule, And did your real job well done. 500 Eltems more, How's that for a raise."


Kevin suggested an increase in pay, Eltems being the 'futuristic' currency used. Without waiting for a response, He continued,


"Excellent, Good choice. Begone from my sight, Digger."


He gestured a shooing motion for Jacob to leave his office, Indicating for him to get back to work. As a bone digger, He and men of equal inferiority would get paid a rather low payment, Which is low for its effortless workings. All they do is use shovels and machinery, fans, drills, Not often working themselves, just machinery, Using these tools to dig up quarries, Permitted sites, in hopes of finding evidence of species and creatures previously undiscovered, and they have, in the past, made at least three million Eltems finding out about these creatures.


[yes, when i found out about it, Incredulous is a cool word and I use it a lot now. >.>]

[Whee story! ^_^]

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[Ok now im here and have internet access, I can post the second chapter. Now things might make sense? I dunno. Read it and weep or something. <.<]


Chapter Two


My Werewolf body strode along the forest floor, Smirking, rather amused by the human's fear and determination for escape. I was biding my time for the Human I was following to get worn out. My werewolf body could easily pick up speed, and attack this helpless human...


No, I would bide my time, the fear ratio ever increasing. I was 'striding' at more/less the same speed as this human was running as fast as she could. Once it was worn out, I would need to decide if I would bite her, Add more werewolf population, or eat her... I was rather hungry, but seemed to be addicted to the sensation of becoming more pure of a werewolf- seeing my victims change...


I would have to decide sooner or later.


Each step that I took stimulated me more and more; I salivated at the thought of relieving my hunger, the taste of human blood...


The human in front of me ran and ran, obviously getting tired of it, But not too keen on giving up.

I did want developed and strong muscles in my food, more nutritious, more to eat...


I was distracted by hunger, and no longer felt it necessary to wait. I was growing impatient.


I leapt through the air with ease, and landed, harshly impacting my human victim- slamming her into the ground, immobile. I was mostly hungry, I did not have much interest in making this human suffer more, I immediately bit her on the side, Knocking her out with pain. If I waited, She too would become a werewolf, and I would become stronger, but I must eat to survive...


I used my clawed hands to dig into her back, Attempted to eat from there, But this annoying cloth that covered her body kept getting in the way...

I used my bloody claws once more, and ripped off any of the clothes that would get in my way.


I looked down at her, and hesitantly lowered my head, and continued eating through the human body, vaguely reminded of when Mike had attacked me, changing me into a wolf...


I decided against thinking about it, and concentrated on my eating, oblivious to my surroundings.


When I felt that I had enough of this, I left the remains of the human there in the forest. I could not help but wonder, would she become a dead werewolf or something of that nature...?


No matter, She is dead now...


I looked around, searching for something to do.


At finding nothing, I turned around and walked back to my ‘home’ that I had evicted Derek out of, a few months before now.


I had been living there for about three years now, only four months or so since I was a Werewolf though…


A Werewolf like myself approached me cut me off from my thinking, I recognized him as Michael.

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[Oh dangit. I just broke one of my own rules. Horatio, uh. Be happy. <__<; And do a jig w/ kat.]


[ignore all that OOC stuff i posted at the end of my last post. I'll put it in the other werewolf topic. like. tomorrow. Tired. Must sleep. <.<]

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[Oh dangit. I just broke one of my own rules. Horatio, uh. Be happy. <__ and do a jig w kat.>


[ignore all that OOC stuff i posted at the end of my last post. I'll put it in the other werewolf topic. like. tomorrow. Tired. Must sleep. <.>

Does that mean you want it deleted? I have left your post in the queue until you tell me what you want me to do.

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Does that mean you want it deleted?  I have left your post in the queue until you tell me what you want me to do.

[Go ahead and post it on there, I'll copy-paste the OOC-ness into the other topic, And then you edit out the OOC stuff. eh? that work?]

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[Oh dangit. I just broke one of my own rules. Horatio, uh. Be happy. <__<; And do a jig w/ kat.]


[ignore all that OOC stuff i posted at the end of my last post. I'll put it in the other werewolf topic. like. tomorrow. Tired. Must sleep. <.<]

[Yay jig! ^.^ *does one*

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[Another short chapter. >.>]


Chapter Three



“Hello, Brennan.â€




“Whatever your name is. I had been looking for you for quite a while, Where have you been?â€


“Hunting, Eating some fresh Human. There is still some there, if you want.â€


“No, I am fine.â€


A brief silence.


“Hey Mike… I have been thinking about something for a while…â€


“And that would be?â€


“Do you remember, about four months ago, when you had bitten me into a Werewolf…â€


“Good time. I thought your reaction was hilarious.â€


I glared at him.


“You bit me once, and ran off, and came the next day and bit me again. Why is that?â€


He was silent for a moment.


“As you may remember, Chris, my brother, Tends to get in trouble with anything.â€


I interrupted him,


“Chris is here too? Heh… Let me guess, He still dyes his hair reds and blacks, Still has all those chains hanging off of him, And is the pyromaniac as always?â€


“In ways, Yes. Chris, despite his better body, is still rather stupid. That night, I had to help him fight off some Humans that came by. What was rather amusing about it, Was they were all wearing a strange tan-colored shirt, As if it were a Uniform. Chris pointed this out to me, and I came to find that we just killed a boy scouts troop, on a camping trip. We bit a few of them, and just killed the rest. Then I had to help Chris dig out all of the knives that were thrown at him and myself. Who knows how he got himself into that mess, I would not ask… Anyway. You can just blame Chris, in short.â€


I remained silent.


"Well then, how has Chris been lately?"


Mike glanced at me.


"He has been... Chris. What more is there to say? He has been talking about seeing a lot of new wolves lately. He says these new wolves seem to have little to no memory at all. I do not believe him, but..."


"I am intrigued by this. Where is he, I would like to talk to him about it."


Mike gave me an incredulous look.


"Are you sure that you want to do that?"


I nodded.


[Theres like... five chapters short like this.]

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[Another short chapter. >.>]


Chapter Three

“Hello, Brennan.”




“Whatever your name is. I had been looking for you for quite a while, Where have you been?”


“Hunting, Eating some fresh Human. There is still some there, if you want.”


“No, I am fine.”


A brief silence.


“Hey Mike… I have been thinking about something for a while…”


“And that would be?”


“Do you remember, about four months ago, when you had bitten me into a Werewolf…”


“Good time. I thought your reaction was hilarious.”


I glared at him.


“You bit me once, and ran off, and came the next day and bit me again. Why is that?”


He was silent for a moment.


“As you may remember, Chris, my brother, Tends to get in trouble with anything.”


I interrupted him,


“Chris is here too? Heh… Let me guess, He still dyes his hair reds and blacks, Still has all those chains hanging off of him, And is the pyromaniac as always?”


“In ways, Yes. Chris, despite his better body, is still rather stupid. That night, I had to help him fight off some Humans that came by. What was rather amusing about it, Was they were all wearing a strange tan-colored shirt, As if it were a Uniform. Chris pointed this out to me, and I came to find that we just killed a boy scouts troop, on a camping trip. We bit a few of them, and just killed the rest. Then I had to help Chris dig out all of the knives that were thrown at him and myself. Who knows how he got himself into that mess, I would not ask… Anyway. You can just blame Chris, in short.”


I remained silent.


"Well then, how has Chris been lately?"


Mike glanced at me.


"He has been... Chris. What more is there to say? He has been talking about seeing a lot of new wolves lately. He says these new wolves seem to have little to no memory at all. I do not believe him, but..."


"I am intrigued by this. Where is he, I would like to talk to him about it."


Mike gave me an incredulous look.


"Are you sure that you want to do that?"


I nodded.


[Theres like... five chapters short like this.]

[Excellent! I am looking forward to more!]

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[Chris is an idiot.]


Chapter Four



After about twenty minutes of walking and 'socializing', We had come to a small grove, featuring a rather demented looking werewolf, Snarling an snorting, crouched and slouching, Still wearing a few human clothing articles, along with some 'masculine' jewelry. Simple piercings, chains, and the like.


"Here we are... Chris' lair."


Chris looked up, with some blood on his face from apparently eating a rabbit.


“Hello there, Mike. How have you been doing…?â€


He turned his gaze over toward me.


“And, You are?â€


“This is Brandon. You remember him? From Texas? We both would go over to his place there and get some of those homemade pizzas. Those were good. Or those Egyptian burgers, what did you call those…?â€


“I do not remember what they were called, but I do remember you were eating them nonstop.â€


“Oh, That Brandon. You are the one who had the backpack, and a constantly changing case of acne, and would always break any headphones that he had? Yes, I remember you. … It seems like I remember seeing some new wolves around here. They do not remember much of anything, except a big building full of humans, and then being in the forests here… Some of them resembled like, eh, Glen, or Aaron… I think there was Mark and Trevor here, too.â€


I thought for a moment, vaguely recognizing these names.


“Well… Why would my Texas friends be all the way up here in North Dakota? I came here because it was colder.â€


I spoke, without remembering truly why I was here.




I continued.


“Mike here was telling me that you had seen some wolves that seem to strangely appear from nowhere, or something to that effect…?â€


“Yes. Human population has been decreasing, only to increase the wolf population. I do not see much anything wrong with this, as you know, but I just find it unusual. They come every twenty minutes or so, they come from over that way.â€


He pointed his head northwest of where we were.


“This intrigues me. How far northwest would you say this is?â€


I asked.


“Northwest? Who said anything about that being northwest?â€


“Chris. Shut up and tell me how far away it is.â€


“I would estimate about a quarter of a mile, they seem to be about that tired…â€


“I want to go check out what is going on with this. Would either of you like to come along?â€


Mike just gave me an aloof, incredulous look, obviously disagreeing.


“I will stay here and keep digging, there are some syringes buried here that I need to get.â€


“Chris, Seriously. How do you know that there are syringes buried in the grove here? And why do you need them?â€


Mike lamented against Chris, not seeing logic in this.


“There are syringes buried here, I just know it! And if I can get them, then I can give them to Paul.â€


“Who is Paul, Why does he need a syringe, and why are they buried underground?â€


Mike continued. I decided against staying for this conversation, and just walked off northwest.


[That's pretty much the storyline here. A lot'a wolves that seem to come from nowhere, and I get to go see why. o_o Eeeeeeeeeeee. (Paul is an idiot too.)]

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Chapter Five


After a short while of walking, I had broken the forest borders, and was no longer underneath the treetops; I felt the moonlight within me. Invigorating, I loved it… I also noticed, the thick treetops were keeping a thick cloud of snow from descending on the forest ground. As I walked, Snow was floating in the air, drifting all around me…


Upon walking a good quarter mile or so, I came to something I definitely did not expect to see- the border dividing Canada and America. I did not see much security by Humans within their eyesight, so I crossed the border, unknown to the Humans.


Upon walking about 30 feet, a large semi truck was driving my way. My eyes widened as I froze in the bright light of the vehicles headlights, not knowing what to do, or really what was going on…

The driver inside didn’t seem very surprised to see a werewolf, and steered around me a bit to the right. The driver of the vehicle stopped the truck, and eyed me suspiciously. I looked at the cargo behind him, which had indication of live cargo, and I vaguely understood the human text written on it, it seemed to say something to the effect of ‘Manitoba Dalhood Corp.’


I stepped aside, as the truck turned around, And four humans jumped out of the side, Opened the back, and revealed several- hundreds of metal bar cages. Each cage with at least two feral wolves in them, all of them seemed to be unconscious…? I watched in confusion and wonder, as the humans took the cages one by one, and emptied them out on to the ground passed the border. Each wolf lay motionless; I couldn’t help but wonder what their health condition was.

As I watched in, well, Disturbance more than anything else, but was soon distracted by the Humans talking to each other. They were muttering something about a werewolf; I had turned my ears toward their direction and got better audio reception.


“There’s a real werewolf over there… It doesn’t seem interested in attacking. It would be perfect…!â€

“Kevin has been wanting someone to sell him, or just give him a werewolf, then he can do blood tests, take samples and try to take its genetic information or whatever it is he does.â€

“What should we do?â€

“Well, we do have some of those tranquilizer dart guns. We’ll just go and catch it!â€


The last human talking had stricken fear to me, This, Something Werewolves were not used to feeling. I looked around desperately, Should I run? What if those wolves are trained by humans to kill? What if they attack me? What if I attack them...? What would happen if I went and attacked those humans…? I decided that would be my best option, and looked to where the humans were standing. They were gone. The back of the semi truck was still open. I silently strode to the other side of this truck and scanned the area through the blinding snow. I saw nothing.


I walked around to the back of the truck, and saw the open cargo door. Curiously, I silently padded inside, and looked around, sniffing the air periodically. Near the far end of the cargo, farthest from the door, I picked up a scent… of Humans. I couldn’t let them see me in here; they’d close the door…! I ran as fast as I could, but this cargo seemed very long… The light that illuminated the area slowly faded as the humans worked the collapsible ramp, and closed the doors before I could get to them…!


Fear constantly struck at me, I felt the cargo moving, the humans in a hurry to get me in to their ‘base’… I could not allow this to happen!


I took a few backward steps, and immediately rammed my body into the back doors of the cargo, critically indenting it. I heard a quiet, nearby siren sound off, As the humans were warned of the hull breach, As I took more steps back, And rammed myself into the doors again, Putting a huge indention in it. I extended my claws, and slashed at the metals, they easily shredded and cut out of my way. I pushed on the slit of metal, and widened the opening. I found it was still too small for me to fit through, So I did the last step necessary- Backed up, And rammed into the doors again, Throwing one off of its hinges, And the other dangling by two damaged hinges, Both doors with unbelievable dents and marks on them. I looked around wildly, not knowing where to go. The same four humans jumped out of the truck, all with tranquilizer dart guns… They all aimed, keeping me still at fire point. I was trapped…


[Aaaahhh Oh no. Kill deh humans. Eeeee. o_o]

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Chapter Six


A small blinking light indicated a call waiting to be answered in Kevin’s office, with four excited employees, impatient, they waited for Kevin to pick up.


Kevin glanced down at the phone system, and saw a flashing light on line 5. He answered it with the push of a button,


“What is it, Abandon Team?â€


He answered, with a rather annoyed tone of voice.


“Kevin sir, while we were over at the dumping site, abandoning the wolves, we saw a real live Werewolf on the border. We used the tranquilizer dart guns you supplied us with- we knocked it out and we have it in transit back to the E sector, building two. This one looks to be Male, And as you may remember, Study Team had caught a Female werewolf, we’ll put them in the same sector, with your confirmation… If you’d like to come down and see, sir, then you are welcome to come.â€


Kevin’s eyes widened with unbelief.


“Are you sure that’s really a Werewolf?â€




The four employees were excitedly huddled around the trucks radio unit, anxiously awaiting his reply, hoping for a raise in payment.


“Very well, Very well indeed. Good job. I’ll meet you there. End transmission.â€


Kevin pushed the button again, and the communication deactivated. Kevin deviously smirked, as he stood up, Gathered a few accessories into his briefcase, and started from his office through the hallways, to the elevators, and off to Sector E, Building 2.


“Floor it, Ryan! Get there as fast as you can!â€


The workers could wait no longer, and instructed the driver to move faster, With the Werewolf in the back of their truck, With a wall of Wolf cages stacked all around him, And a wall of Wolf cages blocking the missing doorway.




About ten minutes following the Abandon team’s informing Kevin of their capture, they had arrived at the Manitoba Dalhood Corp. plant. Located somewhere between Deloraine and Boissovan, They often switched from Canada to U.S. to do their studies, evading the governments hand.


Ryan drove the truck through the weaving roads that led to sectors A, Association and Visitor Center, B, Beta Deck, C, Cafeteria, D, Demolition, E, Experimental, F, Fatality Offices, G, Genetic Experimentalism, H1 & H2, Habitat sector Human, Habitat sector Wolf, I, Industrial Offices, J, Janitorial Headquarters, K, Quality Control, L, Transportation, M, Medical Center, N, Overall Sales, O, Official Transformation Center, P, Master Offices.


Within moments, The five workers backed the truck into the reception deck in building two, Sector E, And got some more workers to help them take the Werewolf out of the cargo, And into the building, With the rather pleased Kevin inside.


[Oooooooo, Eeeeeeee. o_o]

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[i just realized something... o_O Why am I postingeach chapter seperately. and wait for one chapter to be moderated before I continue. o_O; I dunno. -goes to get the next chapter-]

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Chapter Seven


I weakly opened my eyes and lazily looked around, not having much energy, for unknown reasons. I saw that I was bound by metal on a table.


There were scientists and testers of the like; all working in a nearby computer or contraption, all of them seemed to be testing something…?


I weakly watched as another human came over to me with a syringe, and withdrew some blood from my arm. The human walked away; off to run genetic tests and load information, whatever it is they were doing…


I looked around again; two humans with a small drill were approaching me. One of them opened my mouth- I was too weak to do anything about it. I felt a few drips emitting from my fangs, the genetic transformation serum. One human held my jaws open, while the other used the drill and drove a hole through one of my fangs, also causing me immense pain; this serum was squirting out in varied places. The humans immediately put a vessel of unknown matter to me, and caught some of it, And walked off with it, Supposedly to run more tests and the like.


I twitched as I tried to move my limbs, and let out a quiet groan of discomfort. All the humans cautiously watched me, not knowing what I was doing… And as I slipped from consciousness once more, they returned to their work.




[Note: This is not where Kat is. o_o]



Caitlin watched in disbelief as the humans took captive her werewolf master, and had him bound on a metal table. They took blood samples and genetic code information just as the humans had done to her. They took his genetic changing serum, and ran similar tests on it.


She could only watch in terror, trapped inside a small Transparisteel cell, she overheard one of the humans discussing with another how when they get a male werewolf, they can put him with the female, and they can sexually reproduce from there, and they would have more and more werewolves.


Caitlin walked over to the other side of her cage, and looked out that side. There were strange vehicles operated by humans, which seemed to carry other humans. She watched in curiosity as she tried to figure out what was happening. All of these seemed to be trucks, towing large bar cages behind them, with humans inside separate cells. All of them seemed either unconscious, Or standing up, watching everything fearfully, or crouched down in terror. Caitlin vaguely understood the text on the signs posted on each cage, they each named some location…


Central OK, North Kansas, South California, Central s. Dakota, East Ohio, Massachusetts, South Texas… All having some humans inside from each location.


Caitlin’s ears perked as she heard sound nearby, three humans were approaching the cell she was in. He just watched as they approached, and then pushed Caitlin’s cage along the ground, which was rather mobile being on wheels. (Imagine that.)


Caitlin’s cage was put on a computer operated conveyer belt that rarely moved, but had other wolves on it. They all seemed to be in line for blood samples and tests, and identification, approval, or whatever it is these humans intend on doing, as they please, with the wolves.


Caitlin remembered from her human business years, Companies and industries often used Transparisteel, bulletproof glass and in a few cases, standard glass, to make things seem more ‘futuristic’ or ‘advanced’. She looked around to see that Dalhood seemed to use the same policy. She could take advantage of her advanced werewolf eyes, and see a much further visual perception that Humans did.


Caitlin spied into the Transparisteel walls, and saw a curved, rather circular building, with some 8x8 Transparisteel rooms, each with either a Feral Wolf or an unconscious human in it. She watched as a feral wolf carefully, and unstably walked around, as if it had not walked before. It saw an exit from its cage, and walked out, rather anxious to escape. Caitlin looked into a different cell; a human awoke from unconsciousness, looked rather intimidated and confused. It had a brief conversation in English with a scientist, whom they seemed to be able to communicate through the Transparisteel somehow, and then the human seemed to grow covered with fur, change shape and size, as it momentarily transformed into a feral wolf.


Caitlin’s eyes widened, at seeing that these humans were taking others captive, and turning them into wolves…?! All of the wolves were herded into a big room full of metal bar cages, and separated individually into each one, and placed inside a semi trucks cargo.


She still didn’t understand it entirely, but looked around to see that there were only two wolves in front of her, Her moment would soon come. She didn’t know what to expect, But didn’t really want to find out. She looked around for a way out, rather desperate.


Suddenly, Caitlin got an idea... She smirked deviously, and soon took into action...

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Chapter Seven


I weakly opened my eyes and lazily looked around, not having much energy, for unknown reasons. I saw that I was bound by metal on a table.


There were scientists and testers of the like; all working in a nearby computer or contraption, all of them seemed to be testing something…?


I weakly watched as another human came over to me with a syringe, and withdrew some blood from my arm. The human walked away; off to run genetic tests and load information, whatever it is they were doing…


I looked around again; two humans with a small drill were approaching me. One of them opened my mouth- I was too weak to do anything about it. I felt a few drips emitting from my fangs, the genetic transformation serum. One human held my jaws open, while the other used the drill and drove a hole through one of my fangs, also causing me immense pain; this serum was squirting out in varied places. The humans immediately put a vessel of unknown matter to me, and caught some of it, And walked off with it, Supposedly to run more tests and the like.


I twitched as I tried to move my limbs, and let out a quiet groan of discomfort. All the humans cautiously watched me, not knowing what I was doing… And as I slipped from consciousness once more, they returned to their work.




[Note: This is not where Kat is. o_o]

Caitlin watched in disbelief as the humans took captive her werewolf master, and had him bound on a metal table. They took blood samples and genetic code information just as the humans had done to her. They took his genetic changing serum, and ran similar tests on it.


She could only watch in terror, trapped inside a small Transparisteel cell, she overheard one of the humans discussing with another how when they get a male werewolf, they can put him with the female, and they can sexually reproduce from there, and they would have more and more werewolves.


Caitlin walked over to the other side of her cage, and looked out that side. There were strange vehicles operated by humans, which seemed to carry other humans. She watched in curiosity as she tried to figure out what was happening. All of these seemed to be trucks, towing large bar cages behind them, with humans inside separate cells. All of them seemed either unconscious, Or standing up, watching everything fearfully, or crouched down in terror. Caitlin vaguely understood the text on the signs posted on each cage, they each named some location…


Central OK, North Kansas, South California, Central s. Dakota, East Ohio, Massachusetts, South Texas… All having some humans inside from each location.


Caitlin’s ears perked as she heard sound nearby, three humans were approaching the cell she was in. He just watched as they approached, and then pushed Caitlin’s cage along the ground, which was rather mobile being on wheels. (Imagine that.)


Caitlin’s cage was put on a computer operated conveyer belt that rarely moved, but had other wolves on it. They all seemed to be in line for blood samples and tests, and identification, approval, or whatever it is these humans intend on doing, as they please, with the wolves.


Caitlin remembered from her human business years, Companies and industries often used Transparisteel, bulletproof glass and in a few cases, standard glass, to make things seem more ‘futuristic’ or ‘advanced’. She looked around to see that Dalhood seemed to use the same policy. She could take advantage of her advanced werewolf eyes, and see a much further visual perception that Humans did.


Caitlin spied into the Transparisteel walls, and saw a curved, rather circular building, with some 8x8 Transparisteel rooms, each with either a Feral Wolf or an unconscious human in it. She watched as a feral wolf carefully, and unstably walked around, as if it had not walked before. It saw an exit from its cage, and walked out, rather anxious to escape. Caitlin looked into a different cell; a human awoke from unconsciousness, looked rather intimidated and confused. It had a brief conversation in English with a scientist, whom they seemed to be able to communicate through the Transparisteel somehow, and then the human seemed to grow covered with fur, change shape and size, as it momentarily transformed into a feral wolf.


Caitlin’s eyes widened, at seeing that these humans were taking others captive, and turning them into wolves…?! All of the wolves were herded into a big room full of metal bar cages, and separated individually into each one, and placed inside a semi trucks cargo.


She still didn’t understand it entirely, but looked around to see that there were only two wolves in front of her, Her moment would soon come. She didn’t know what to expect, But didn’t really want to find out. She looked around for a way out, rather desperate.


Suddenly, Caitlin got an idea... She smirked deviously, and soon took into action...

[i forgot if i ever wrote what Caitlins plan was, or if i wrote it happening. -looks for t-]

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[Heres where Kat and Kris were almost added. The next time you see these guys, you were almost added again. Your not in till like. chapter 15 or something. o_______o]


Chapter Eight


“Kansas… The great state of lethargy and inactivity. Why would anyone want to live here of all places…â€


A member of a Retrieving Team murmured against his orders, in the Semi Truck that carried an empty cargo behind it, waiting to be filled…

The worker turned on his communication radio, and sent a request to speak to Kevin. A few moments later, Kevin answered in a rather pleased tone of voice, Obviously rather happy about the new werewolf capture.


“Kevin sir…â€


“What is it?â€


“Are you sure you want us to go here? We’re driving about and not seeing anything. Nothing. Nothing but corn, cows and barbwire fences. No humans. I don’t think you would want any cows, get those into wolves…â€


“Keep looking, retrieving team. There are a few cities and towns, not with a lot of population, but there are humans there, I promise you. Oh… Can you hold? Just a minute.â€


“Yes sir.â€


A few moments later, the radio connects back to the Retrieving Team, and they heard Kevin cheering for himself briefly, rather gleeful.


“Keep your looking going on, From what your tracking device tells me, There’s a rather large town about five miles from you. Not being small like the rest, you will get some humans. No state in that country has no humans. … For now anyway. We’ll change that. Aside from that, I just got a message from the science deck, From taking samples and running tests, They’ve found a way to use the werewolf’ changing serum, and change any human into a werewolf, as opposed to the domestic feral ones we’ve been getting. So we now have two forms available… Feral Wolves and Werewolves… This should be interesting… Retrieving team, keep searching. You will find something.â€


“Yes sir.â€


The radio connection was cancelled, as the truck drove passed the borders of Topeka. [Kat & Kris, I’ll just say you live in Topeka. Just go with that.]

The workers opened a container in their truck, which contained six coats for each of them, which had advanced Transparisteel fractions in them, which makes the entire jacket invisible, Along with any biological form nearby. The six retriever team members put them on, and within seconds, they were undetectable by the human eye.


Flaws in this method still remain; they are vulnerable to detection through thermal view and/or x-ray viewing. If they make too much noise, they can draw attention to themselves, and being human, they still need to breathe, which can lead to sneezing or coughing, giving away their position.

Each team member has their own rifle, which has been added on to, with extras and attachments.

There is a small grappling rope and hook, to pull their victims toward themselves.

The standard effect is tranquilizer darts, which are capable of knocking out a human without them feeling anything. They are out before they realize what happened…

A rapid-fire feature enables them to take out small groups of humans at one time.

If necessary, which is rare in these cases, the rifle can shot bullets and kill.

There is a microscopic computer embedded, which has auto-targeting and tracking, for near-flawless accuracy while shooting.


Separate from their firearm unit, the humans have a robotic arm attachment for their right arm, which allows them to lift their unconscious victims with ease, which are also cloaked by the advanced Transparisteel effect.


A fearsome foe indeed, these retrievers always plan for success, and rarely to never fail. The six retrievers all ran out from the truck, and searched the area for a station to fire at.


[big scary people. o_o ph34r thems. o_o]

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[w00t for MW! Heres where MW......... Wait a minute........ o_o............ I wrote MW in as if she were still 14 or however old you are. o_____o -runs off to fix it- n_n MW's chapter is the next one! Yeah. >.>]

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[Okay, I fixed it. o_o]


Chapter Nine


Southeastern California Batch 3, Shipment 4, Cell 12, contained the rather frightened Jeanette, Who was tranquilized while walking around with a few of her old childhood friends.


The original intention here, Was that she had set up an appointment with some of her old childhood friends whom she had found on the internet, They had arranged to all meet together. Although, As she was walking away from her parked car, A strange numbness appeared in her side, Before she could do anything about it, She had blacked out.


She was crouched in a ball shape, trapped inside a small 3x3 (6 feet tall) cell, Along with at least 20 others, Which were all contained in a huge bar cage, which were waiting to… Go through some process that she knew not of.


This huge cage was in tow behind a small truck, which seemed to be shipping the humans through a big urbanized power plant looking system.

After a good ten minutes of being shipped around through approval and identifications, Jeanette along with some other Californians were all taken out of the cage, but still in separate cells.


Jeanette watched as all of her friends were taken off into a big building, and who knows what is to become of them… She remained silent as hers was picked up by a robotic worker, and put on a conveyer belt as the rest were… She watched as the remaining humans were put on the belt with her, turned around and noted the belt came to its end momentarily, As more of these robotic workers grabbed each cell, lifted it, And took it through an endless corridor, And seemed to know exactly where to go. It turned left, and an automatic door opened for them. They entered, and the robot unlocked the side of the cage, causing Jeanette to fall out of the small dingy cell, On to a tile floor. She looked around, confused and desperate. There were three white painted walls, none of which showed signs of ever having a door on it...?


The remaining wall was identifiable as Transparisteel, And through the transparent wall, Jeanette could see hundreds of scientists, observers, guards and… Well, multiple categories of humans. She looked around through the wall; all of the humans were oblivious to her presence. She turned her attention to the room she was in, there was still no sign of a door, there was a loudspeaker in one of the upper corners, and the robotic worker was deactivated in one of the corners of the room.


Jeanette strained her ears; she thought she had heard something. Despite it was one of the hardest surfaces known to anyone, Transparisteel is not sound resistant, And just lightly muffles noises that go through it. She heard one of the scientists behind the Transparisteel wall talking to the human in the room next to Jeanette’s. They briefly spoke for a moment, and the human next to her, identified as male from the following sound, had begun groaning, and grunting rather loudly, but its human voice seemed to be cut off by a wolf’s voice. The wolf seemed to pick up at the same place the human was, and continued moaning in pain, but it soon stopped, and no longer seemed to be hurting…? She felt worried and confused about what was happening, as momentarily the scientist that was talking earlier had approached her room. He began speaking as he had to the previous victims.


“Jeanette, I assume is your name…? Well then Jeanette, Do allow me to explain a few things of what is happening here….â€


He cleared his throat, and Jeanette listened rather carefully.


“In case you were wondering where the door to that room that you are in is, it is still there. We have a hologram projector in each of these rooms; all of the walls are Transparisteel. We just have an illusion to block the light from going through. And with the touch of a button here…â€


He flipped a switch on a remote controller he had. The wall to Jeanette’s left seemed no longer the white painted wall, it was Transparisteel, and there were a few rooms beyond hers, each with a feral wolf in it.


“Your human body has been injected with half of the chemicals necessary to change your body into that a wolf- as these other humans have.â€


He motioned toward the rooms with wolves in them.


“You’re turning us into wolves?!â€


She screamed. The scientist nodded.


“Earth cannot handle the human overpopulation, so we are lowering the Human population, and raising the count of endangered species. Do not worry, by doing this, regardless of how willing you are, you are doing a service to nature. Now, as I was saying, the remaining chemicals needed to complete your transformation will be emitted through a gas into that room.â€


A quiet hissing filled the room Jeanette was in, as a strange white misty gas was flowing into the room.


“Starting now. All the other humans seem rather pleased with their new bodies, there is nothing for you to fear…â€


Jeanette tried to speak back, protest against him, try and fight back, but she found she seemed incapable of speech…? Her breathing was getting uneasy, as a strange odor was filling the room…


“Your memory will be erased in the process. Your human life is now… Over.â€


She didn’t know how to react, She looked around the room desperate for somewhere to hide, while holding her breath, trying not to inhale the chemical gasses, but her futile effort soon failed…


And the transformation began.


Jeanette body began uncontrollably writhing, overheated as immense pain rushed through her body. It seemed as if her hair was growing longer…? It seemed as if fur was sprouting rapidly from all over her body…within moments, She was covered in a thick brown fur.

Jeanette began panicking, Moving around in her ever changing body, To find her limbs were decreasing in size but also reshaping, as they resembled that a wolfs feet.


She looked around, rather terrified, and saw that she had better eyesight. She scanned the area curiously, Her bright amber eyes glowing from behind her shadowy fur, As it seemed that all of the light pain in her body tensed and focused itself in one spot- It all moved up to her head, As it painfully decreased in size a small amount, but seemed to grow longer, flatter, As a long muzzle extended out of her head, with her canine-like nose at the end.


As her head reshaped, Jeanette’s ears were moved to the top of her head, as her teeth became pointed fangs…


Jeanette looked around, rather confused; She didn’t seem to feel pain any longer. Was she now a wolf? She saw that her ‘casual’ clothing now laid in a torn heap of cloth, But she comfortably stood on all four legs, Clothed now in a thick brown fur coat. She felt something toward her back, and turned her wolf head to look behind herself to find a long tail, wagging energetically.


This is it… Jeanette’s human life really is over… She looked around herself, Through the Transparisteel walls she could see a series of rooms identical to hers, all with a feral wolf in them. What is to happen now, She did not know… Although, It did seem very strange. Jeanette didn’t seem to recognize what the other wolves were there for…?


She looked around, confused, and saw a strange object in one corner… How did she get here? Why is she a wolf? Jeanette tried to think, remember what has happened recently… Nothing came. She could not remember anything…


[MW's pretty much done now. For a while, at least. >.>]


[MW Didnt get very many lines to speak. Kat wont shut up in her chapter. xD]

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[i think this is about where the story actually gets good. Although, The last chapter was about the begginning of it, But hey. This one will probably need modding. >.> this is also where I decided adding some humor in wouldnt hurt. (This being another reason, why Kat and Kris were put after this point, so they can be hilarious too. o_o) So the Dalhood people are rather amusing. S'pecially here. >.>]


Chapter Ten


“Master… Are you there? Wolf master, Are you alive?â€


I heard a familiar voice calling me, I flickered my eyes open, I felt unnaturally… inactive, Very tired…


“Wolf master! I am glad you are well… Are you?â€


I looked around, and saw Caitlin sitting near me. I sat up, and looked over at her…


“No, I do not think I am… I am unbelievably sleepy. What has happened?â€


My memory was failing me for what has happened lately…


“All of those humans have been taking your blood, running tests, bio scans, and they had drilled a hole through one of your fangs and took some of your changing serum. Who knows what they plan on doing with it… Aside from that, they found out our gender differences, they put both of us in a cage together in hopes that we would reproduce…â€


My eyes widened in awe.


“They want us to what?!â€


“Sexually reproduce. I am not sure about you, but I do not want to do that. Never.â€


“I would never do that! They are insane!â€


“They want more werewolves. I don’t think I could ever bear that. Being pregnant, and doing that in an environment like this…â€


“That will not work. I refuse. I was married. That will not work out with me… I cannot. I will not.â€


“I am afraid we will be forced to… The humans have more power than we realize.â€


I stared at her rather incredulously.


“Do not be discouraged like that! Be strong! And besides, we have more power than the humans realize. I assure you. We are superior. They cannot force us to do anything. Our Werewolf strength, combined, Can in fact break through Transparisteel, We can escape. But only with teamwork, and you having faith that we can do so.â€



“The two werewolves aren’t doing anything. Just communicating… What should we do?â€


An observer reported to a supervisor employee of Dalhood corp.


“Force them if you have to, but just keep watching them closely.â€


“How would we force them? The male wolf is sleeping! The female is rather energetic though, and might be willing to… reminds me of my ex-wife… ‘Friggin wolf looks a lot like her, too… ‘Never shaved her friggin legs… Anyway, What if the werewolves attack us? How would we force them?â€


The supervisor perked a brow at hearing the comments in between.


“Just keep watching them. Let them rest; they may build up lust over time. When they feel they are energetic enough. As for forcing them… Well, I’ll get back to you on that. We do have ways though. We’ve tested it out before…â€


The supervisor replied. He soon afterward deviously looked at the observer worker, as if hinting toward something. The observer shuddered, ignored his supervisor and kept watching and note-taking.




The Retriever Team unit number two kneeled down, leaning against a small brick wall of a planter, which contained a few small trees and multiple flowers. The worker looked carefully through the crosshair aimer, and turned on the computer to sense a human nearby to track down for accuracy. After a moment of scanning and searching, the computer soon reported back to note there are no humans to retrieve, that are not guarded by trees or buildings. [The original intention was that Kat and Kris would appear here, And end up sitting on this retriever guy or kicking him unintentionally or something, But i didnt. I dunno how that'd end up working out. So no. You people are later.] The worker stood up, and walked off somewhere else, carefully and silently walking along the gravel floor of the Topeka Junior High School.


Another Retriever Team unit had two unconscious humans on each shoulder, as he carried the two humans into a large, dark ally way, which contained the semi truck. The worker placed each human in the small 3X3X6 cages, and strategically placed the cages behind other empty ones, in attempt of concealment, as he jumped back out of the cargo and ran off to find more victims to change into wolves.


The Retriever Team unit number five was silently walking along a small neighborhood street, as he thought about what really is it that he was doing. He is paid to go and kidnap humans…

What of these humans’ families or friends? What would the cities think of their inhabitants disappearing? What if anyone were to find out about this… He thought about, what would happen if he was living his everyday life, and was unknowingly tranquilized, and taken to Manitoba Canada, to be turned into a wolf, ending his human life…

He would hate it more than anything else… He could not bear it. It would be terrible…

Unit number Five stopped walking, looked around, and turned on a headset GPS unit to locate him and give him directions back to the truck. He decided he would quit this job; He refused to support this dark act. He will not be a part of it…[i wouldnt. >.>]


[The next chapter has more MW-ness in it. >.>]

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[i think this is about where the story actually gets good. Although, The last chapter was about the begginning of it, But hey. This one will probably need modding. >.> this is also where I decided adding some humor in wouldnt hurt. (This being another reason, why Kat and Kris were put after this point, so they can be hilarious too. o_o) So the Dalhood people are rather amusing. S'pecially here. >.>]


Chapter Ten


“Master… Are you there? Wolf master, Are you alive?â€


I heard a familiar voice calling me, I flickered my eyes open, I felt unnaturally… inactive, Very tired…


“Wolf master! I am glad you are well… Are you?â€


I looked around, and saw Caitlin sitting near me. I sat up, and looked over at her…


“No, I do not think I am… I am unbelievably sleepy. What has happened?â€


My memory was failing me for what has happened lately…


“All of those humans have been taking your blood, running tests, bio scans, and they had drilled a hole through one of your fangs and took some of your changing serum. Who knows what they plan on doing with it… Aside from that, they found out our gender differences, they put both of us in a cage together in hopes that we would reproduce…â€


My eyes widened in awe.


“They want us to what?!â€


“Sexually reproduce. I am not sure about you, but I do not want to do that. Never.â€


“I would never do that! They are insane!â€


“They want more werewolves. I don’t think I could ever bear that. Being pregnant, and doing that in an environment like this…â€


“That will not work. I refuse. I was married. That will not work out with me… I cannot. I will not.â€


“I am afraid we will be forced to… The humans have more power than we realize.â€


I stared at her rather incredulously.


“Do not be discouraged like that! Be strong! And besides, we have more power than the humans realize. I assure you. We are superior. They cannot force us to do anything. Our Werewolf strength, combined, Can in fact break through Transparisteel, We can escape. But only with teamwork, and you having faith that we can do so.â€



“The two werewolves aren’t doing anything. Just communicating… What should we do?â€


An observer reported to a supervisor employee of Dalhood corp.


“Force them if you have to, but just keep watching them closely.â€


“How would we force them? The male wolf is sleeping! The female is rather energetic though, and might be willing to… reminds me of my ex-wife… ‘Friggin wolf looks a lot like her, too… ‘Never shaved her friggin legs… Anyway, What if the werewolves attack us? How would we force them?â€


The supervisor perked a brow at hearing the comments in between.


“Just keep watching them. Let them rest; they may build up lust over time. When they feel they are energetic enough. As for forcing them… Well, I’ll get back to you on that. We do have ways though. We’ve tested it out before…â€


The supervisor replied. He soon afterward deviously looked at the observer worker, as if hinting toward something. The observer shuddered, ignored his supervisor and kept watching and note-taking.




The Retriever Team unit number two kneeled down, leaning against a small brick wall of a planter, which contained a few small trees and multiple flowers. The worker looked carefully through the crosshair aimer, and turned on the computer to sense a human nearby to track down for accuracy. After a moment of scanning and searching, the computer soon reported back to note there are no humans to retrieve, that are not guarded by trees or buildings. [The original intention was that Kat and Kris would appear here, And end up sitting on this retriever guy or kicking him unintentionally or something, But i didnt. I dunno how that'd end up working out. So no. You people are later.] The worker stood up, and walked off somewhere else, carefully and silently walking along the gravel floor of the Topeka Junior High School.


Another Retriever Team unit had two unconscious humans on each shoulder, as he carried the two humans into a large, dark ally way, which contained the semi truck. The worker placed each human in the small 3X3X6 cages, and strategically placed the cages behind other empty ones, in attempt of concealment, as he jumped back out of the cargo and ran off to find more victims to change into wolves.


The Retriever Team unit number five was silently walking along a small neighborhood street, as he thought about what really is it that he was doing. He is paid to go and kidnap humans…

What of these humans’ families or friends? What would the cities think of their inhabitants disappearing? What if anyone were to find out about this… He thought about, what would happen if he was living his everyday life, and was unknowingly tranquilized, and taken to Manitoba Canada, to be turned into a wolf, ending his human life…

He would hate it more than anything else… He could not bear it. It would be terrible…

Unit number Five stopped walking, looked around, and turned on a headset GPS unit to locate him and give him directions back to the truck. He decided he would quit this job; He refused to support this dark act. He will not be a part of it…[i wouldnt. >.>]


[The next chapter has more MW-ness in it. >.>]

[XD @ That one dude about his ex-wife.]

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[This chapter is kinda confusing. It has all three, Times, Tahoma and Aria fonts, there being happenings from all three perspectives here. Lets see if i can do it right. >.> This is one of the longer chapters...]


Chapter Eleven


Scared out of her wits, Jeanette was cowering in one of the corners of this strange room she found herself in. She looked around, to find a human-like being, natural or mechanical she did not know or care, had approached her and grabbed at the back of her neck.


She soon found that this being had strategically planned to do so, It gripped firmly close to her head to prevent her head to move, so she could not bite anything, and she had to follow wherever this being led her to.


It took loud booming steps that scared her slightly, every time it took a striding step. After she walked down a long corridor, there was a rather unusual view of the sky; there were strange objects in the way, blocking her view as she looked up, curiously. Before she realized it, the view was no longer available, as she, being in a small dark room, replaced it. Light from outside illuminated it somewhat, as she was led into a horizontal cage. About three feet tall, wide, and six feet long. They were vaguely familiar, but she ignored that thought.


Within moments, Jeanette was packed into the cargo of a semi truck with multiple other dazed and confused wolves.




“Uh, John… That wolf over there isn’t moving.â€


One of the rather stupid, intelligence-lacking workers, who were hired for their obedience and muscle, had commented to his supervisor.


John’s attention was drawn to the rather dense worker, who redirected John’s attention to one of the wolves.

He walked up the ramp, for a closer inspection on it. He reached his arm through the bars, checked its pulse and breathing.


“It’s probably dead. Take this one out, take it to the Demolition sector.â€


“John, That one over there isn’t moving much either.â€


“It appears to be sleeping.â€


“But that one over there… John, Just look them all over.â€


John rolled his eyes, and did so.


He kneeled down next to one of the cages, and did the same as the last wolf.

He took note in his mind, that:

One appeared to have gotten so frightened or confused it either died or passed out.

One of them was just acting to be dead, trying to get them to release it.

One seemed to have died, Regardless of what it was.


“Take these three cages out, Take them to the Demolition Sector. They’ll take care of it.â€


John looked back in one of the cages.


“This one too.â€


He pointed at one nearby. The thickheaded workers obediently lifted the cages carelessly, and took them off into a separate, smaller truck’s cargo, and sent a driver to take them to Sector D.




Jeanette watched, confused, as these strange creatures were carrying off other wolves, who knows what is to become of them...?


She watched, still rather curious, as a sliding door slammed shut, the cargo door, leaving all of the twenty-five wolves in the darkness, clueless of what is happening.


Jeanette listened, rather pained by the sad howls, whimpers and cries of her surrounding wolves. She could only join in, they apparently were calling for help, and if ever it would come. She saw no reason why help should not come, so she just joined in with the chorus of despairing wolf sounds.




After a brief discussion on the matter, Caitlin and I, both joined force together, doubled the strength of just one werewolf, And slammed our overpowered limbs into the side of the Transparisteel imprisonment we were in.


And after about four bashings, The Transparisteel wall finally shattered under the force of our combined Werewolf bodies. Shards of the material flew all around, as we both heard loud security warning sirens sound off.


“Be prepared for some fighting off. Keep alert for tranquilizers of any kind.â€


I warned Caitlin, as she nodded in acknowledgement. We scanned the area, as the scent of fear had filled the area… Which is what Werewolves need in order to stimulate their killing ways.


I smirked deviously, and flung into battle with the army of humans that approached us…!


[Melee time! Keelingyoudead scene in next chapter. Huzzah? ........... Wait. Next chapter doesnt have the Me werewolf. Thats the one after next. o_o]


[Just a quick question for kat or whoever feels like answering it, Do you think having more than one (or two) perspectives here is a good idea, regardless of if it is or not, How good is this turning out? o_o And hows the storyline so far? (Most all of the story here is in the Dalhood place. Summarized, Its the Me werewolf going, getting stuck for like 17 chapters, which is spent trying to get out, Then at the end everything blows up or something. o_o (Nothing really blows up though.) Yup.) I didnt think people would like it this much...]


[The original intention was that this Dalhood thing would be a whole seperate story thing, But would have interaction and coexistance with the Werewolf2 part. Something like that. I dint think that'd work, So i was gonna have the Dalhood part just be independantly its own story. Then i lacked a storyline for part two, so i just combined it all together. o_O The end.]


[i did though, yesterday, Think of a end for the series! Werewolf five or something. Its rather violent and keelingyoudead-ish. o_o I might not do it. Anyway. Any thoughts or ideas for part three? anyone?]

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[This chapter is kinda confusing. It has all three, Times, Tahoma and Aria fonts, there being happenings from all three perspectives here. Lets see if i can do it right. >.> This is one of the longer chapters...]


Chapter Eleven


Scared out of her wits, Jeanette was cowering in one of the corners of this strange room she found herself in. She looked around, to find a human-like being, natural or mechanical she did not know or care, had approached her and grabbed at the back of her neck.


She soon found that this being had strategically planned to do so, It gripped firmly close to her head to prevent her head to move, so she could not bite anything, and she had to follow wherever this being led her to.


It took loud booming steps that scared her slightly, every time it took a striding step. After she walked down a long corridor, there was a rather unusual view of the sky; there were strange objects in the way, blocking her view as she looked up, curiously. Before she realized it, the view was no longer available, as she, being in a small dark room, replaced it. Light from outside illuminated it somewhat, as she was led into a horizontal cage. About three feet tall, wide, and six feet long. They were vaguely familiar, but she ignored that thought.


Within moments, Jeanette was packed into the cargo of a semi truck with multiple other dazed and confused wolves.




“Uh, John… That wolf over there isn’t moving.â€


One of the rather stupid, intelligence-lacking workers, who were hired for their obedience and muscle, had commented to his supervisor.


John’s attention was drawn to the rather dense worker, who redirected John’s attention to one of the wolves.

He walked up the ramp, for a closer inspection on it. He reached his arm through the bars, checked its pulse and breathing.


“It’s probably dead. Take this one out, take it to the Demolition sector.â€


“John, That one over there isn’t moving much either.â€


“It appears to be sleeping.â€


“But that one over there…  John, Just look them all over.â€


John rolled his eyes, and did so.


He kneeled down next to one of the cages, and did the same as the last wolf.

He took note in his mind, that:

One appeared to have gotten so frightened or confused it either died or passed out.

One of them was just acting to be dead, trying to get them to release it.

One seemed to have died, Regardless of what it was.


“Take these three cages out, Take them to the Demolition Sector. They’ll take care of it.â€


John looked back in one of the cages.


“This one too.â€


He pointed at one nearby. The thickheaded workers obediently lifted the cages carelessly, and took them off into a separate, smaller truck’s cargo, and sent a driver to take them to Sector D.




Jeanette watched, confused, as these strange creatures were carrying off other wolves, who knows what is to become of them...?


She watched, still rather curious, as a sliding door slammed shut, the cargo door, leaving all of the twenty-five wolves in the darkness, clueless of what is happening.


Jeanette listened, rather pained by the sad howls, whimpers and cries of her surrounding wolves. She could only join in, they apparently were calling for help, and if ever it would come. She saw no reason why help should not come, so she just joined in with the chorus of despairing wolf sounds.




After a brief discussion on the matter, Caitlin and I, both joined force together, doubled the strength of just one werewolf, And slammed our overpowered limbs into the side of the Transparisteel imprisonment we were in.


And after about four bashings, The Transparisteel wall finally shattered under the force of our combined Werewolf bodies. Shards of the material flew all around, as we both heard loud security warning sirens sound off.


“Be prepared for some fighting off. Keep alert for tranquilizers of any kind.â€


I warned Caitlin, as she nodded in acknowledgement. We scanned the area, as the scent of fear had filled the area… Which is what Werewolves need in order to stimulate their killing ways.


I smirked deviously, and flung into battle with the army of humans that approached us…!


[Melee time! Keelingyoudead scene in next chapter. Huzzah? ........... Wait. Next chapter doesnt have the Me werewolf. Thats the one after next. o_o]


[Just a quick question for kat or whoever feels like answering it, Do you think having more than one (or two) perspectives here is a good idea, regardless of if it is or not, How good is this turning out? o_o And hows the storyline so far? (Most all of the story here is in the Dalhood place. Summarized, Its the Me werewolf going, getting stuck for like 17 chapters, which is spent trying to get out, Then at the end everything blows up or something. o_o (Nothing really blows up though.) Yup.) I didnt think people would like it this much...]


[The original intention was that this Dalhood thing would be a whole seperate story thing, But would have interaction and coexistance with the Werewolf2 part. Something like that. I dint think that'd work, So i was gonna have the Dalhood part just be independantly its own story. Then i lacked a storyline for part two, so i just combined it all together. o_O The end.]


[i did though, yesterday, Think of a end for the series! Werewolf five or something. Its rather violent and keelingyoudead-ish. o_o I might not do it. Anyway. Any thoughts or ideas for part three? anyone?]

[i think that this is turning out awsome. Having more than one perspective makes it interesting.


You're doing great. Keep going. ^^]

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[MW is impatient. >.> in here anyway.]


Chapter Twelve


After a long period of time, that was beyond Jeanette’s attention to measure definitely, She felt that the truck had come to a stop, and heard a familiar sound, of doors slamming shut as the humans jumped out of the cab, to open the cargo door for who-knows-what.


A light, being nighttime dim, soon illuminated the cargo space, As human workers came in, picked up some of the cages carelessly, and walked them across the a border, And opened a side of the cage, letting the wolves out of the cage.


She impatiently waited, as all of the humans grabbed the other wolves, and dumped them out on to the snowy ground.


Her cage cell shook violently, as she lost balance and stumbled over in what little space she had to do so in. She soon heard the creaky metal slide, as the cage opened, was turned on its side as Jeanette fell out of it, and impacted the ground from about two feet above the ground.


She regained balance, stood up, and looked around, still somewhat confused. Small snowflakes drifted through the air, As she saw the other wolves wander around, more or less disoriented than she.


Jeanette rather unhesitantly took a well-needed breath of fresh air, As she breathed slowly, taking in the fresh outside air.


She looked around, still gathering information of their whereabouts.

[Keelingyoudead time! Aaaaahhh.]


[Just a reminder. This has nothing to do with the Jack that lives over by Horatio and had a head-surgery thing. This has nothing to do with it. Ever. o_o This is that one jack that lived in misouri. that was a moron. >_o;]


Jack opened his eyes, for the first time in quite a while. He noticed that his was one of the first cages to be removed from the rest of the wolves, As he was placed with only a few others, who were either lethargic, lifeless or just unsociable. He looked around, And saw that small metal rings had bound his four limbs to the floor, or whatever surface he was on…


Upon looking around more, Jack saw that he was bound to a slowly moving conveyer belt. There were other unconscious or dead wolves around him. All were together, heading for the same place…


Jack looked up, to see where they were going, Only to get a misting splatter of wolf blood had just flown into his face. He looked around, alarmed, And noted that all of these ‘dead’ wolves were in some demolition system.


Jack’s eyes widened in fear as he beheld another wolf being carried into a series of spiked wheels, compression pistons, razor bars, And a large variety of bloodstained blades and strange devices.


Another splatter of blood flew in every direction, As Jack wildly looked around again. He stared in the direction they were heading toward, Two wolves in front of him had just been eliminated. He watched in terror as the wolf in front of him was torn to shreds, flesh, blood, gores and bones were flung in every direction…


As there was nothing between Jack and this system of demolition.


Jack struggled against his binds, They were too tight for him to move through. He pulled, twisted, writhed, Thrashed desperately to escape…! But could not escape!


Seconds later, A pain like no other had appeared in his abdominal body- His own new wolf body was ripped to shreds as he slipped away into death’s grip, his body was torn and smashed, processed and compressed into a small heap of fleshy substance…


“Henry, Look!â€


The observer who was supervising the two werewolves was alarmed at seeing their escape, as his supervisor came running to take a look.


Henry, the supervisor, grabbed a radio communication unit, activated it…


“Alert, Alert, The two Werewolves have broken out! Priority three, Melee teams, Get over here now!!!â€


Henry screamed into the radio, And ran off, grabbed a Tranquilizer dart gun, And took three leaping steps, and stopped suddenly at remembering something.


“Travis, Grab a firearm and come on!â€


Henry shouted back at the Observer unit, And then ran off once more to try and fight off the werewolves.


[Yeah, I gave them names now. >.>;]

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[After this chapter, Kat and Kris get to be in. Huzzah.]


Chapter Thirteen


I grabbed at one of the armorless humans’ throat, Squeezed my clawed hand, piercing through its tender flesh, And ripped out any body parts that I would have grasped, And used my other hand and tossed the body aside.


Another human kill, I felt more confident about myself, We would be able to escape… All until I saw that some of the humans seemed to have different garments…


I heard one of them fearfully dispatch radio to another one.


“Sector D, Send as many mobile Demolition units that you can!â€


More problems. Just what I needed.


I saw a small group of humans, who seemed to be clothed differently…


Let’s see. A handgun that fires who-knows-what, A separate firearm that is attached to the left arm, a right forearm-mounted scythe, And thick armor that looked rather hard to penetrate. Like what few other humans seemed to have, These too humans also had robotic arm enhancements, increasing their strength. They were fearless, confident in their weaponry. This is a problem indeed…


Tranquilizer Darts flew in every direction, As the rather brainless humans were not necessarily aiming, as the inaccurate darts flew this way and that, Either missing us completely, or unintentionally hitting one of their human allies.


I could only continue fighting- So I did. I can only defend myself.




“Kill them if you have to! Regain control at all costs. Get those werewolves taken care of!!â€


Kevin called loud and clear through the radio, which was broadcast across the sector the Werewolves were kept in.


“They keep fighting back! They’ve already killed off twelve units! We cant handle them!â€


The workers called back, their voice barely distinguishable from the humans yelling, the wolves roaring, and guns firing.


“You have the Melee Team units! Have everyone else fall back, They have sufficient armor, Its secondarily enhanced Transparisteel, Harder than normal.â€


“There are too many of us workers in the way already, We’re holding them back unintentionally and only-gyaah!â€


The unit was cut off by a werewolf slashing through its neck, ending the humans’ life.


Kevin slammed the radio unit on his desk, rather enraged by this, While cursing unnecessarily.


“I can’t afford to try and get another male and female werewolf, and keep them here… I’ve got to get those two to safety somehow… I can’t cancel off the attack, there’ll be too many casualties and the Werewolves will escape…â€


Kevin thought aloud, And paced, uncomfortably and speedily across his office, thinking hard.


“What to do, what to do…. What do I do… I’ve got to think of something, Either all of my workers or both the wolves will die if I don’t do something here…!â€


He thought along again, And stopped pacing, He had thought of something…!


[More problems. Them stoopid werewolves keep keelingyoudead people. xD]

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[After this chapter, Kat and Kris get to be in. Huzzah.]


Chapter Thirteen


I grabbed at one of the armorless humans’ throat, Squeezed my clawed hand, piercing through its tender flesh, And ripped out any body parts that I would have grasped, And used my other hand and tossed the body aside.


Another human kill, I felt more confident about myself, We would be able to escape… All until I saw that some of the humans seemed to have different garments…


I heard one of them fearfully dispatch radio to another one.


“Sector D, Send as many mobile Demolition units that you can!â€


More problems. Just what I needed.


I saw a small group of humans, who seemed to be clothed differently…


Let’s see. A handgun that fires who-knows-what, A separate firearm that is attached to the left arm, a right forearm-mounted scythe, And thick armor that looked rather hard to penetrate. Like what few other humans seemed to have, These too humans also had robotic arm enhancements, increasing their strength. They were fearless, confident in their weaponry. This is a problem indeed…


Tranquilizer Darts flew in every direction, As the rather brainless humans were not necessarily aiming, as the inaccurate darts flew this way and that, Either missing us completely, or unintentionally hitting one of their human allies.


I could only continue fighting- So I did. I can only defend myself.




“Kill them if you have to! Regain control at all costs. Get those werewolves taken care of!!â€


Kevin called loud and clear through the radio, which was broadcast across the sector the Werewolves were kept in.


“They keep fighting back! They’ve already killed off twelve units! We cant handle them!â€


The workers called back, their voice barely distinguishable from the humans yelling, the wolves roaring, and guns firing.


“You have the Melee Team units! Have everyone else fall back, They have sufficient armor, Its secondarily enhanced Transparisteel, Harder than normal.â€


“There are too many of us workers in the way already, We’re holding them back unintentionally and only-gyaah!â€


The unit was cut off by a werewolf slashing through its neck, ending the humans’ life.


Kevin slammed the radio unit on his desk, rather enraged by this, While cursing unnecessarily.


“I can’t afford to try and get another male and female werewolf, and keep them here… I’ve got to get those two to safety somehow… I can’t cancel off the attack, there’ll be too many casualties and the Werewolves will escape…â€


Kevin thought aloud, And paced, uncomfortably and speedily across his office, thinking hard.


“What to do, what to do…. What do I do… I’ve got to think of something, Either all of my workers or both the wolves will die if I don’t do something here…!â€


He thought along again, And stopped pacing, He had thought of something…!


[More problems. Them stoopid werewolves keep keelingyoudead people. xD]

[Yay for violence! It solves everything!]

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[This is the chapter that Kat and Kris get to be it! Huzzah. This is my favorite part so far. xD]


Chapter Fourteen


“Attention! This is Kevin… Melee team, Fall back, Do not attack the wolves, Return to your office. All other workers, Anyone who survives gets a 200 Eltem pay, And an twice that for the single or two people who tranquilize the wolves. Do not overtranquilize them, They can die from that. Take care of the wolves as soon as possible, And get out of there.â€


I heard someone’s booming voice over the loudspeakers throughout the building, As the fighter humans did as they were ordered, Fall back and leave. The remaining humans who had little to no aim with their firearms, were still wasting their ammunition on the ceiling, floor and their teammates.


“Wolf master! Come here to me!â€


I heard Caitlin calling me, As my attention was drawn to her. She had knocked down most all of the humans in front of her, And if both of us worked at the same place, We would escape with ease.


I acknowledged, And swung my arm behind me, knocking multiple humans away from me, As one had run-jumped and landed on my back, Although had soon fallen off from being tranquilized.


I just accepted that, And ran over to where Caitlin was, And lunged into battle there, slashing, biting, and punching our way out.


Within a few moments, Caitlin and I both had a clear path to run through, As we jumped on the opportunity and began retreating. We took at most two steps of running, before Caitlin made a loud grunt of discomfort, I glanced at her to see a Tranquilizer dart in her back. My eyes widened in shock, As I felt the same feeling…


The two of us were soon side by side, on the ground, too weak to move. Before we had slipped to unconsciousness, We heard some humans radio units calling to their leader.


“Kevin, We’ve got the wolves tranquilized. … How many darts in them? … More than I care to count. … Right away, sir.â€


He turned off the radio, and called to the remaining humans,


“They’re overtranquilized, Get them to the Medical sector, Building… something or another. Just get them to the emergency room, Along with any injured co-workers. Move, move, move!â€


That, Being the last thing I sensed.


[Eeeeeee Suspense or something. Heres Kat and Kris. >.>]



“Kate… Kate. Katie! Calm down already!â€


Kris was in persuit attempt to get her best friend Kate to calm down, after having a dose of sugars, ginseng and caffeine, in a mixture of a few soda drinks they bought from a Quick Trip station.


“Heh…. Hehhheehh…. Heh he hhh….â€


Was all that Katie could say, being twitching furiously from excess energy. Kris was only growing impatient with her energy spasm.


“K… Hhheh… Kris, You have got to try this stuff… Hhhehhh… Hhehhhehh….â€


Kate replied to her friend, Who apparently did not see the importance in this over-energized beverage.


“Kate, shut up, drop the drink and come on.â€


“No. This is good. Try some… Hhhheh….â€


“… What’s in there, anyway?â€


Kate’s eye twitched more vigorously than the rest of her body.


“Oh, A little bit of everything. Mostly that Vanilla drink flavoring. But its got that… hhehh… Hheeeeeheh… That one stuff you know that makes you really hyper. Hyper. Hyper. Happy. Whee. Sugar. Hyper. Energetic. Sugar. Hyper. Caffeeiiiiiiinnnnnee!â€


Kate began jumping up and down speedily, either excited or energetic, Kris could not tell.


Kris just rolled her eyes, Grabbed the drink away from Kate, and with her own, Reasonable and sane drink, Walked out of the store with Kate, who was still insanely twitching and jumping up and down, and rambling nonstop.


As time passed, Kate eventually calmed down, And looked at her surroundings, rather confused.


“Kris, Where are we now?â€


“You got this super-weird drink off’a Quik Trip back there, And went all wack on me. I’d be surprised if you remembered much of anything.â€


Kate just gave Kris a rather blank stare, still confused.


“You got a sip of this crazed drink and went all hyper on me. You don’t get any more. Let’s give it to like… some lethargic or anorexic person? Maybe? Dancing anorexic skeletons? I dunno… Anyway. Theres that, eh, Retirement home or whatever you want to call it… Old folks’ place. Our apartment building is off that’aways, So let’s keep going. Not much we can do out here.â€


Kris started talking, with no subject that continued more than five seconds, or without much a general reason for talking at all.


“Not much to do? Quik trip? I want some more of that super-drink. That’s real good.â€


“No, You don’t get any more of that, Not after what happened last time. We’ll give this to Jared’s cat, hows that. See what he does.â€


“Who does, Jared or the cat?â€


“Both. Seeing a cat all hyped-up on this stuff would be great.â€


“Seeing ME on that would be better! Gimmie!â€


“Just wait till we get home.â€


“No, I want some of that…. Like. Now. Fork it over.â€


“Kate, just… Calm down. You don’t need this stuff. Jared’s cat, whatever his name was, needs it more. That weird lump of furry fat needs a workout more than you do.â€


“I can’t wait that long! Give it to me!â€


“What you really need, is to calm down.â€

What the two girls did not see though, was a Retriever team member, Unit number four, Was scanning the area surrounding the two humans he saw. He saw that if he fired at these two, there would be witnesses; He’d have to take them out as well.


He rose up his hand, and activated a communication between all six Retriever team members.



“I need some backup, there’s a small group that needs taking care of. I can shoot them all down, I need you guys’ Transparisteel effect and I need you to carry them off. Use your GPS to locate me; I’m just south of some retirement home. Unit five, over.â€


He quietly spoke through the microphone, and scanned the area carefully once more.



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[This is the chapter that Kat and Kris get to be it! Huzzah. This is my favorite part so far. xD]


Chapter Fourteen


“Attention! This is Kevin… Melee team, Fall back, Do not attack the wolves, Return to your office. All other workers, Anyone who survives gets a 200 Eltem pay, And an twice that for the single or two people who tranquilize the wolves. Do not overtranquilize them, They can die from that. Take care of the wolves as soon as possible, And get out of there.â€


I heard someone’s booming voice over the loudspeakers throughout the building, As the fighter humans did as they were ordered, Fall back and leave. The remaining humans who had little to no aim with their firearms, were still wasting their ammunition on the ceiling, floor and their teammates.


“Wolf master! Come here to me!â€


I heard Caitlin calling me, As my attention was drawn to her. She had knocked down most all of the humans in front of her, And if both of us worked at the same place, We would escape with ease.


I acknowledged, And swung my arm behind me, knocking multiple humans away from me, As one had run-jumped and landed on my back, Although had soon fallen off from being tranquilized.


I just accepted that, And ran over to where Caitlin was, And lunged into battle there, slashing, biting, and punching our way out.


Within a few moments, Caitlin and I both had a clear path to run through, As we jumped on the opportunity and began retreating. We took at most two steps of running, before Caitlin made a loud grunt of discomfort, I glanced at her to see a Tranquilizer dart in her back. My eyes widened in shock, As I felt the same feeling…


The two of us were soon side by side, on the ground, too weak to move. Before we had slipped to unconsciousness, We heard some humans radio units calling to their leader.


“Kevin, We’ve got the wolves tranquilized. … How many darts in them? … More than I care to count. … Right away, sir.â€


He turned off the radio, and called to the remaining humans,


“They’re overtranquilized, Get them to the Medical sector, Building… something or another. Just get them to the emergency room, Along with any injured co-workers. Move, move, move!â€


That, Being the last thing I sensed.


[Eeeeeee Suspense or something. Heres Kat and Kris. >.>]



“Kate… Kate. Katie! Calm down already!â€


Kris was in persuit attempt to get her best friend Kate to calm down, after having a dose of sugars, ginseng and caffeine, in a mixture of a few soda drinks they bought from a Quick Trip station.


“Heh…. Hehhheehh…. Heh he hhh….â€


Was all that Katie could say, being twitching furiously from excess energy. Kris was only growing impatient with her energy spasm.


“K… Hhheh… Kris, You have got to try this stuff… Hhhehhh… Hhehhhehh….â€


Kate replied to her friend, Who apparently did not see the importance in this over-energized beverage.


“Kate, shut up, drop the drink and come on.â€


“No. This is good. Try some… Hhhheh….â€


“… What’s in there, anyway?â€


Kate’s eye twitched more vigorously than the rest of her body.


“Oh, A little bit of everything. Mostly that Vanilla drink flavoring. But its got that… hhehh… Hheeeeeheh… That one stuff you know that makes you really hyper. Hyper. Hyper. Happy. Whee. Sugar. Hyper. Energetic. Sugar. Hyper. Caffeeiiiiiiinnnnnee!â€


Kate began jumping up and down speedily, either excited or energetic, Kris could not tell.


Kris just rolled her eyes, Grabbed the drink away from Kate, and with her own, Reasonable and sane drink, Walked out of the store with Kate, who was still insanely twitching and jumping up and down, and rambling nonstop.


As time passed, Kate eventually calmed down, And looked at her surroundings, rather confused.


“Kris, Where are we now?â€


“You got this super-weird drink off’a Quik Trip back there, And went all wack on me. I’d be surprised if you remembered much of anything.â€


Kate just gave Kris a rather blank stare, still confused.


“You got a sip of this crazed drink and went all hyper on me. You don’t get any more. Let’s give it to like… some lethargic or anorexic person? Maybe? Dancing anorexic skeletons? I dunno… Anyway. Theres that, eh, Retirement home or whatever you want to call it… Old folks’ place. Our apartment building is off that’aways, So let’s keep going. Not much we can do out here.â€


Kris started talking, with no subject that continued more than five seconds, or without much a general reason for talking at all.


“Not much to do? Quik trip? I want some more of that super-drink. That’s real good.â€


“No, You don’t get any more of that, Not after what happened last time. We’ll give this to Jared’s cat, hows that. See what he does.â€


“Who does, Jared or the cat?â€


“Both. Seeing a cat all hyped-up on this stuff would be great.â€


“Seeing ME on that would be better! Gimmie!â€


“Just wait till we get home.â€


“No, I want some of that…. Like. Now. Fork it over.â€


“Kate, just… Calm down. You don’t need this stuff. Jared’s cat, whatever his name was, needs it more. That weird lump of furry fat needs a workout more than you do.â€


“I can’t wait that long! Give it to me!â€


“What you really need, is to calm down.â€

What the two girls did not see though, was a Retriever team member, Unit number four, Was scanning the area surrounding the two humans he saw. He saw that if he fired at these two, there would be witnesses; He’d have to take them out as well.


He rose up his hand, and activated a communication between all six Retriever team members.

“I need some backup, there’s a small group that needs taking care of. I can shoot them all down, I need you guys’ Transparisteel effect and I need you to carry them off. Use your GPS to locate me; I’m just south of some retirement home. Unit five, over.â€


He quietly spoke through the microphone, and scanned the area carefully once more.



[Wow...that's, like, exactly what would happen in that situation. Good job. o.o]

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[Huzzah, Im smart and psychic. n.n]

[Yep. She'll go in and get a Mr. Pid, or something, and I'll get a Big Gulp cup, mix about seven sodas from the fountain, and add about ten packets of sugar from the coffee machine. x.x]

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[w00t for next-chapter-time!]


Chapter Fifteen


“They are over tranquilized. Why… How did you manage that?â€


“Kevin sir, There were at least twenty workers with the dart guns, All aiming for

the same two targets.â€


“Get them to the medical center as fast as possible. I’ll tell then what’s going on while you’re on your way. Get going, Now! Save them as fast as you can…!â€


“Yes sir…â€


The eight workers who managed to shoot down the two werewolves walked out of Kevin’s office, with their heads low and waling somewhat slowly.


“Get going! Faster! There’ll be a lot more penalties if I lose those wolves!â€


Kevin shouted over his desk at them, trying to get them on their way. Upon their leaving his office, He hurriedly dispatched to the Medical sector, And informed them of the situation.


“Sector M, We have a problem. … Yes. About those werewolves. To make a long story short, They broke out of whatever kind of cell we had them in, And all the idiot workers over tranquilized them. Get all the tranquilizing fluid out, As much as you can, at least. They’re already unconscious, But on the verge of death if you don’t get it out soon. Pump their blood system, Do whatever you can. Win or lose, The team that takes care of them, Successful, Then they get an extra 500 Eltems added to their salary. If they fail, They get laid off. Who’s up for it? Scratch that, Lower the stakes. They win or lose 500 Eltems from their yearly salary, how’s that. … No, I don’t care who does it, As long as it gets done as soon as possible. … Fine, It’s win/win. 500 Eltems added to their salary, And nothing to lose. Now get going! The wolves are in transit to building one. Assemble your medics there, take them in and work on it. On the side note, The Female wolf was tranquilized first, And has more of the tranquilization fluid in her. The male was a few seconds later, and had less tranquilization fluid. Take care of the Female first, But give the male attention as well. Get as many medics on the female as possible, But the male is also important. … Yes, Very good. Be ready for their arrival, It’ll be in about… Thirty seconds? More-less, Just… be ready for it.â€


Upon closing the line between them, Kevin opened a small case of stress balls.



“Mike… Had you noticed, Brandon has been off ‘northwest’ for a few days now. I would think he would have come back by now, let us know what is happening…â€


Chris pointed this out to Michael, Who was eating some deer that he had caught. He looked up from his food, and looked over at Chris, Who was idly sitting alone by a few small trees.


“I had noticed that. He can take care of himself, I am sure; He has pulled himself out of some tight situations. I do not think that is something to worry about much.â€


Mike stated, in evasive attempt to change the subject, so he could get back to eating. And that’s what he did.





My eyes flickered open, as my eyes varied in and out of focus. I had a splitting headache, I could not believe the pain… Oh… …


I looked around myself, To see eight humans, all handling Caitlin’s body. She was unconscious… or something? I tried to ignore the headache I had, and watched what they were doing. Caitlin seemed abnormally stiff…? … Oh no…! … Had she died? What happened…?!


I weakly sat my body up, and found I was in a very uncomfortable position. I moved myself into a better sitting position, and saw that there was nothing blocking my attacking the humans…? I looked around, as most of the humans seemed oblivious to me. I tried to walk, I took one step and had lost my sense of balance, and fell over on my side, which impacted the ground hard, and drew attention to me.


A human calmly approached me, and tied a muzzle around my head, Knowing that I was too weak to attack, struggle or fight back.


He or she was right; all I could do was weakly lay down, as other humans carried Caitlin off.


“Which building in the Demolition sector?â€


One of them asked.


“… Get it over in building three. I don’t care. Just put it in front of one of the buildings and run, for all I care.â€


I could not help but feel mournful, or sad that one of my… Well, I guess they’d be called offspring… One of My Offspring was killed.


“Over tranquilization… What were they thinking… Kevin’s gonna be so mad. How or where would we get another female werewolf?â€


One of the humans was thinking aloud. Over tranquilization…? The same human walked over to me, And sat down nearby. I moved my body around uncomfortably.


“Well then, Wolfy-guy… Single again. Now we’ve got to get someone else for you... I don’t really get why Kevin wants you two to reproduce though, We’ve got some changing serums and such, We have the technology to change humans into werewolves, Why not just get a woman for you, and change her… Kevin was saying, It wouldn’t be a purebred, It’d be too fake, And you probably wouldn’t like her. I was thinkin’ though, since we got some samples of your changing serum, in your fangs… We could just inject that into people; It’d be just an natural, That’s what I think… Ah well. Kevin doesn’t listen to the low-life workers like myself.â€


He seemed rather sociable, but rather lonely, considering he was talking to a werewolf. He looked over at me, and had looked into my eyes, curiously.


“Now why do you always kill people? Why do you always kill off humans… I have dreamt of an age when all animals, Including you feral, insane werewolves, And humans… all humans and animals just live harmoniously together. Why is there such primitive population, Why can’t we all just get along… I suppose that’s a little impossible, There isn’t much any way for humans to communicate to animals. We cant manipulate nature that much. …â€


He sighed, and stared off in the ceiling, thinking. All that I could do was lay there as he rambled on.


[Theres more Kate and Kris in the next chapter. >.>]

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[w00t for next-chapter-time!]


Chapter Fifteen


“They are over tranquilized. Why… How did you manage that?â€


“Kevin sir, There were at least twenty workers with the dart guns, All aiming for

the same two targets.â€


“Get them to the medical center as fast as possible. I’ll tell then what’s going on while you’re on your way. Get going, Now! Save them as fast as you can…!â€


“Yes sir…â€


The eight workers who managed to shoot down the two werewolves walked out of Kevin’s office, with their heads low and waling somewhat slowly.


“Get going! Faster! There’ll be a lot more penalties if I lose those wolves!â€


Kevin shouted over his desk at them, trying to get them on their way. Upon their leaving his office, He hurriedly dispatched to the Medical sector, And informed them of the situation.


“Sector M, We have a problem. … Yes. About those werewolves. To make a long story short, They broke out of whatever kind of cell we had them in, And all the idiot workers over tranquilized them. Get all the tranquilizing fluid out, As much as you can, at least. They’re already unconscious, But on the verge of death if you don’t get it out soon. Pump their blood system, Do whatever you can. Win or lose, The team that takes care of them, Successful, Then they get an extra 500 Eltems added to their salary. If they fail, They get laid off. Who’s up for it? Scratch that, Lower the stakes. They win or lose 500 Eltems from their yearly salary, how’s that. … No, I don’t care who does it, As long as it gets done as soon as possible. … Fine, It’s win/win. 500 Eltems added to their salary, And nothing to lose. Now get going! The wolves are in transit to building one. Assemble your medics there, take them in and work on it. On the side note, The Female wolf was tranquilized first, And has more of the tranquilization fluid in her. The male was a few seconds later, and had less tranquilization fluid. Take care of the Female first, But give the male attention as well. Get as many medics on the female as possible, But the male is also important. … Yes, Very good. Be ready for their arrival, It’ll be in about… Thirty seconds? More-less, Just… be ready for it.â€


Upon closing the line between them, Kevin opened a small case of stress balls.



“Mike… Had you noticed, Brandon has been off ‘northwest’ for a few days now. I would think he would have come back by now, let us know what is happening…â€


Chris pointed this out to Michael, Who was eating some deer that he had caught. He looked up from his food, and looked over at Chris, Who was idly sitting alone by a few small trees.


“I had noticed that. He can take care of himself, I am sure; He has pulled himself out of some tight situations. I do not think that is something to worry about much.â€


Mike stated, in evasive attempt to change the subject, so he could get back to eating. And that’s what he did.



My eyes flickered open, as my eyes varied in and out of focus. I had a splitting headache, I could not believe the pain… Oh… …


I looked around myself, To see eight humans, all handling Caitlin’s body. She was unconscious… or something? I tried to ignore the headache I had, and watched what they were doing. Caitlin seemed abnormally stiff…? … Oh no…! … Had she died? What happened…?!


I weakly sat my body up, and found I was in a very uncomfortable position. I moved myself into a better sitting position, and saw that there was nothing blocking my attacking the humans…? I looked around, as most of the humans seemed oblivious to me. I tried to walk, I took one step and had lost my sense of balance, and fell over on my side, which impacted the ground hard, and drew attention to me.


A human calmly approached me, and tied a muzzle around my head, Knowing that I was too weak to attack, struggle or fight back.


He or she was right; all I could do was weakly lay down, as other humans carried Caitlin off.


“Which building in the Demolition sector?â€


One of them asked.


“… Get it over in building three. I don’t care. Just put it in front of one of the buildings and run, for all I care.â€


I could not help but feel mournful, or sad that one of my… Well, I guess they’d be called offspring… One of My Offspring was killed.


“Over tranquilization… What were they thinking… Kevin’s gonna be so mad. How or where would we get another female werewolf?â€


One of the humans was thinking aloud. Over tranquilization…? The same human walked over to me, And sat down nearby. I moved my body around uncomfortably.


“Well then, Wolfy-guy… Single again. Now we’ve got to get someone else for you... I don’t really get why Kevin wants you two to reproduce though, We’ve got some changing serums and such, We have the technology to change humans into werewolves, Why not just get a woman for you, and change her… Kevin was saying, It wouldn’t be a purebred, It’d be too fake, And you probably wouldn’t like her. I was thinkin’ though, since we got some samples of your changing serum, in your fangs… We could just inject that into people; It’d be just an natural, That’s what I think… Ah well. Kevin doesn’t listen to the low-life workers like myself.â€


He seemed rather sociable, but rather lonely, considering he was talking to a werewolf. He looked over at me, and had looked into my eyes, curiously.


“Now why do you always kill people? Why do you always kill off humans… I have dreamt of an age when all animals, Including you feral, insane werewolves, And humans… all humans and animals just live harmoniously together. Why is there such primitive population, Why can’t we all just get along… I suppose that’s a little impossible, There isn’t much any way for humans to communicate to animals. We cant manipulate nature that much. …â€


He sighed, and stared off in the ceiling, thinking. All that I could do was lay there as he rambled on.


[Theres more Kate and Kris in the next chapter. >.>]

[Yay for more spiffy writtings!]

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[its Long Chapter time!]


Chapter Sixteen

“Well, Kris…â€




“I can’t wait any longer. You’re either going to give me that drink, Or I’m going wack on you again.â€


“No matter what, You aren’t getting this. Its too powerful for you.â€


“No it isn’t! Gimmie!â€


Kris and Katie continued bickering over the pointless subject, But not necessarily aware of some of the dangers lurking around the corner.


“Disregard my last message, There will not be anyone to see these victims. Continue retrieving. Disregard my last message. Unit number five, out.â€


Retriever team unit five cancelled his backup request, at seeing there wouldn’t be anyone to see this. He could just grab the two victims, and then fire at them.


Upon seeing no flaw in this plan, Unit five commenced the action.



Jeanette watched carefully, still rather confused, As the semi truck drove off, Abandoning them out in the snow.


Jeanette didn’t really feel cold out in this snowy, cold weather. She had a thick fur coat that kept her warm. … Good or bad, She could not decide.


“Hey… Do you know what is going on here?â€


Jeanette jumped slightly at hearing a language she understood, that was other than English (Or whatever other language(s) MW can speak. >.>) Which resembled a few barks, grunts or growls, Noises of that effect. She also found she was able to speak back in this canine’ language.


“No, I do not… I am so confused… it is rather scary to me, I do not remember anything. …â€


Jeanette responded back. The two wolves looked around, And saw a forest not too far away.


“I am somewhat hungry. … Perhaps there is something in the forest there?â€


The other wolf wondered aloud as they looked at the forest, curiously. They had then walked over towards the woods, Joining in with multiple other wolves as they all padded toward the forest. Jeanette saw nothing wrong with this, And followed behind them all.




“Wow… I don’t remember our apartments being this far away. We’ve been walking for quite a while now, don’t you think?â€


Kate pointed this out to her god cousin, Kris. (I assume you two’s are best friends or something outside deh board, right?)


“Yeah… Did we take a wrong turn?â€


“We didn’t turn to begin with.â€


“Uh-oh. We have to make a few turns to get from our apartment to Quik trip and such…â€


“Don’t worry, We’ll find our way… sometime… somehow… Meh.â€


Kris looked over at Kate.


“You sure about that?â€


“No. But might as well get a positive look of things, right? Cant go wrong that way.â€


“Which way?â€






The two turned left at the corner of the roads. What seemed very strange about it though, Was that as the two walked along, It felt as if there was more than one person in their group.


“… You know that weird eerie feeling you get like someone’s watching you?â€


“Yeah. I feel it too, Don’t worry.â€


The two looked around, cautiously, as they walked along.


The two continued talking for a short while, Ignoring the feeling they had that they were not alone.


As Kate walked along the sidewalk, Now with no conversation between the two, She noted that it seemed very quiet. It seemed as if just one set of feet were walking. Kate looked around herself, cautiously.


“Kris…? …â€


She looked behind herself, and about 15 feet away, Laid Kris, Motionless on the sidewalk.


“What the…!â€


Kate walked over to Kris, to check if she was alright, When Kris apparently… disappeared? She seemed to vanish out of sight.


“Kris! … Kris?â€


Kate called for her, but didn’t see anything. Amid her fret in looking for Kris, Kate felt something poke at her back, She turned around, rather scared, But saw nothing.

Retriever Team unit five smirked at seeing his victims reaction to all this, And ‘mercifully’ decided to end the humans’ pain in this situation, And pulled the trigger to his Tranquilizer Dart Gun, With his other outstretched arm to keep his helpless victim from escape. (And to catch her when falling. How romantic or something.) (On the side note, I didn’t feel like putting the shootin’ from Kat’s point of view. Dunno how I’d do that. Wouldn’t work very well.) A short moment later, She had fallen unconscious, And had become invisible as he with the Transparisteel. Unit Five’s robotic arm attachment activated, upon sensing pressure and movement that the human strength could not have handled. He smirked again, And hoisted the two upward and sat them both on his shoulders, and gripped them firmly to keep them from falling. He then walked off, with his GPS unit locating the semi truck, and his location, and gave brief directions on how to get there.




“Hey, Mike… Here comes another group of those fake wolves that I keep telling you about.â€


Chris pointed this out to his brother, Who was finishing off some fresh meat he had caught. Mike looked up from the bloody mess, To find a small pack of feral wolves cautiously approaching them. Before Mike could do anything about it, Chris approached them and spoke,


“Hey, I was expecting this group of wolves to come. Hello to all of you. As I have figured from previous wolves coming, You all… do not seem to remember anything, correct?â€


Chris greeted the confused pack of wolves, Who either looked at each other, confused, or just stared at him. Silent.


“You wolves came from the border there, of Canadia and Northwest Dakota or something?â€


“This is North Dakota we are in. It is pronounced Canada. Remember that, now.â€


Mike commented to Chris, who mostly just ignored him, but continued on with his planned introduction ‘speech’ to explain to the wolves what is happening.


“Shut up, Mike. You wolves there, from what I understand, all you remember would be is a big urban human-overrun place, with no idea what is going on. Do not worry about anything, as long as I am here nearby… You can go ahead and find yourself a home, place of dwelling, cave, hole, whatever you want to call it, Nobody has really claimed this whole forest, So do as you please. If any of you felt up to it, I have some tree bark that I had scraped off, I have been trying to get it up in the treetops and/or bury it underground if anyone wants to help…?â€


He asked, hinting toward them helping him out.


“Chris, No birds are going to fly by and snatch the bark and drop it on some humans. Burying it underground will not accomplish anything.â€


“Mike… My brother, you do not understand the importance of this, it must be done. For Claws, at least. [Le Gasp! He knows about Claws too! Relation to Peter, by chance? Hmm?] Now, since you do not understand, then shut up.â€


Later, As time passed on, Chris and Michael had convinced the group of wolves to go elsewhere, Go their separate ways, stick together, to what they feel like, and let them run their own lives. After they all had left, Chris sighed and sat down, and went into thought.


“Mike, What do you think could be going on here, Why are there wolves appearing out of nowhere, And we are seeing less and less humans…? It just does not make sense to me. What if… wherever these wolves are coming from, I can tell that they are fake, they are not natural wolves, yes, But what if there were fake werewolves as well? What would we do with them? We are a superior species to most or all creatures, Prime in many biological ways, But if there are fake werewolves, They will all see a relationship with us, They will think we are related, And only the natural wolves like you and I can tell who is fake and who is not. I cannot decide what I will do if there are fake werewolves… unless… …â€


[Chris and mike tend to tell each other to shut up. rahter often. o_o They're usually hilarious. (You can blame them for reviving my title of a hacker, so you know. xD) And chris has a million and a half knives.]

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[Whoo! That's still just like deh real me!]

[Woohoo! Im smart. o.o Thats just like deh real Chris, too. A moron. MW, I think thats all i wrote you into. Kat, (And kris.) Thats the last time you... uh... do... something. No it isnt. Dont listen to me.]


[bUT. In chapter Tooty-two, You are both done. Yay. (Mostly.)]

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[Woohoo! Im smart. o.o Thats just like deh real Chris, too. A moron. MW, I think thats all i wrote you into. Kat, (And kris.) Thats the last time you... uh... do... something. No it isnt. Dont listen to me.]


[bUT. In chapter Tooty-two, You are both done. Yay. (Mostly.)]

[Twoody-two sounds like Hoody-hoo.]

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[Woohoo! Im smart. o.o Thats just like deh real Chris, too. A moron. MW, I think thats all i wrote you into. Kat, (And kris.) Thats the last time you... uh... do... something. No it isnt. Dont listen to me.]


[bUT. In chapter Tooty-two, You are both done. Yay. (Mostly.)]

[it was awesome and I liked my part!]

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[it was awesome and I liked my part!]

[Good to hear. Glad you like it. n_n -writes some more-]


[This is a prime example of the following: The more freqently i get feedback (Negative or positive) I write more often. So keep doing that stuffs. n_n]


[bTW: Im going on another trip tomorrow, i'll be back sometime saturday. just an overnight whatsit, so I wont be able to post somethin for a while. So i'll do it right now!]

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Chapter Seventeen


I found myself in a transportation truck, a large Transparisteel cage on the back of another human-operated vehicle. From what I had heard, The humans had concluded (Hesitantly) to keep me in a Wolf Habitat sector, for ‘storage’ Lacking somewhere else to put me. The humans were hesitant to place me there, The Habitat sector is close to the edge of their property, And if I were to escape, I’d have a clear path ahead to run away from Dalhood Corporation. I saw nothing wrong with this though.


As time passed, The truck that was carrying me had come to a stop, as it backed up toward a reception bay in the wolf habitat sector. I smirked deviously, As an escape plan had already come to mind, just by looking this scene over.


Alpha Transparisteel is too strong (Alpha, Being standard affordable material, Beta, being the transparency-radiant material, which is also more fragile than Alpha, and Gamma, being the increased strength and durability material, All of Transparisteel format) for just one werewolf to handle alone. Any substance weaker than that, I can break. The walls and surfaces of the buildings are not made of Transparisteel…


Two humans exited the truck’s cab, And walked to the back of the Transparisteel cage that I was in. Collapsible walls extended to separate the humans and I, As I was beckoned to exit the cage and into the impressive forest replica. I was impressed to see how well it was made, But did not plan on staying here. I looked from side to side, ‘cautiously’, and determined that the collapsible walls are within arms length of me.


So I took the first step into the escape plan.


I immediately extended my arms fully, and noted I overestimated the length. I then extended by razor-like claws, pierced them through the thin metals, And pulled as hard as I could.


The cheap hinges to hold the collapsible walls snapped without any effort to me, as I had two large aluminum walls in my hands. I threw one at a human, And smashed the other against the sturdier metal wall. Both humans were either knocked out, dead, or just weakened enough so they could do nothing about my escape.


I turned around, And took two steps toward the wall, I grabbed the human relentlessly, And threw it behind me, Smashing against the wall again. I then squeezed between the metal wall and the truck, Which was a mobile unit- I just pushed it and it moved out of my way.


I looked around wildly, And saw that the poor security in these parts did not yet detect my escape. I smirked again, And darted across the stone ground of Dalhood Corporation, With a security fence in view. This wire fence was capable of keeping humans out, to a degree, But… I do not assume it is designed for werewolves. (If it was an electric fence, We’re in trouble.)


I ran as fast as I could toward this fence, With claws extended, I raised my arm to slash at it upon approach…


A startling noise sounded off as loud security sirens blared in every direction. I looked around, taken by surprise, But did not have much time. I slashed my way through the fences, As the wires cut easily, making a big enough hole for me to fit through.


I glanced behind myself, And saw the Dalhood Corporation fading out of view as I sped across the Canadian grounds. I steered myself to the right- now going south, Back into my home country.


[Huzzah! Escaping! n_n]

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Chapter Seventeen


I found myself in a transportation truck, a large Transparisteel cage on the back of another human-operated vehicle. From what I had heard, The humans had concluded (Hesitantly) to keep me in a Wolf Habitat sector, for ‘storage’ Lacking somewhere else to put me. The humans were hesitant to place me there, The Habitat sector is close to the edge of their property, And if I were to escape, I’d have a clear path ahead to run away from Dalhood Corporation. I saw nothing wrong with this though.


As time passed, The truck that was carrying me had come to a stop, as it backed up toward a reception bay in the wolf habitat sector. I smirked deviously, As an escape plan had already come to mind, just by looking this scene over.


Alpha Transparisteel is too strong (Alpha, Being standard affordable material, Beta, being the transparency-radiant material, which is also more fragile than Alpha, and Gamma, being the increased strength and durability material, All of Transparisteel format) for just one werewolf to handle alone. Any substance weaker than that, I can break. The walls and surfaces of the buildings are not made of Transparisteel…


Two humans exited the truck’s cab, And walked to the back of the Transparisteel cage that I was in. Collapsible walls extended to separate the humans and I, As I was beckoned to exit the cage and into the impressive forest replica. I was impressed to see how well it was made, But did not plan on staying here. I looked from side to side, ‘cautiously’, and determined that the collapsible walls are within arms length of me.


So I took the first step into the escape plan.


I immediately extended my arms fully, and noted I overestimated the length. I then extended by razor-like claws, pierced them through the thin metals, And pulled as hard as I could.


The cheap hinges to hold the collapsible walls snapped without any effort to me, as I had two large aluminum walls in my hands. I threw one at a human, And smashed the other against the sturdier metal wall. Both humans were either knocked out, dead, or just weakened enough so they could do nothing about my escape.


I turned around, And took two steps toward the wall, I grabbed the human relentlessly, And threw it behind me, Smashing against the wall again. I then squeezed between the metal wall and the truck, Which was a mobile unit- I just pushed it and it moved out of my way.


I looked around wildly, And saw that the poor security in these parts did not yet detect my escape. I smirked again, And darted across the stone ground of Dalhood Corporation, With a security fence in view. This wire fence was capable of keeping humans out, to a degree, But… I do not assume it is designed for werewolves. (If it was an electric fence, We’re in trouble.)


I ran as fast as I could toward this fence, With claws extended, I raised my arm to slash at it upon approach…


A startling noise sounded off as loud security sirens blared in every direction. I looked around, taken by surprise, But did not have much time. I slashed my way through the fences, As the wires cut easily, making a big enough hole for me to fit through.


I glanced behind myself, And saw the Dalhood Corporation fading out of view as I sped across the Canadian grounds. I steered myself to the right- now going south, Back into my home country.


[Huzzah! Escaping! n_n]

i like it!

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Chapter Seventeen


I found myself in a transportation truck, a large Transparisteel cage on the back of another human-operated vehicle. From what I had heard, The humans had concluded (Hesitantly) to keep me in a Wolf Habitat sector, for ‘storage’ Lacking somewhere else to put me. The humans were hesitant to place me there, The Habitat sector is close to the edge of their property, And if I were to escape, I’d have a clear path ahead to run away from Dalhood Corporation. I saw nothing wrong with this though.


As time passed, The truck that was carrying me had come to a stop, as it backed up toward a reception bay in the wolf habitat sector. I smirked deviously, As an escape plan had already come to mind, just by looking this scene over.


Alpha Transparisteel is too strong (Alpha, Being standard affordable material, Beta, being the transparency-radiant material, which is also more fragile than Alpha, and Gamma, being the increased strength and durability material, All of Transparisteel format) for just one werewolf to handle alone. Any substance weaker than that, I can break. The walls and surfaces of the buildings are not made of Transparisteel…


Two humans exited the truck’s cab, And walked to the back of the Transparisteel cage that I was in. Collapsible walls extended to separate the humans and I, As I was beckoned to exit the cage and into the impressive forest replica. I was impressed to see how well it was made, But did not plan on staying here. I looked from side to side, ‘cautiously’, and determined that the collapsible walls are within arms length of me.


So I took the first step into the escape plan.


I immediately extended my arms fully, and noted I overestimated the length. I then extended by razor-like claws, pierced them through the thin metals, And pulled as hard as I could.


The cheap hinges to hold the collapsible walls snapped without any effort to me, as I had two large aluminum walls in my hands. I threw one at a human, And smashed the other against the sturdier metal wall. Both humans were either knocked out, dead, or just weakened enough so they could do nothing about my escape.


I turned around, And took two steps toward the wall, I grabbed the human relentlessly, And threw it behind me, Smashing against the wall again. I then squeezed between the metal wall and the truck, Which was a mobile unit- I just pushed it and it moved out of my way.


I looked around wildly, And saw that the poor security in these parts did not yet detect my escape. I smirked again, And darted across the stone ground of Dalhood Corporation, With a security fence in view. This wire fence was capable of keeping humans out, to a degree, But… I do not assume it is designed for werewolves. (If it was an electric fence, We’re in trouble.)


I ran as fast as I could toward this fence, With claws extended, I raised my arm to slash at it upon approach…


A startling noise sounded off as loud security sirens blared in every direction. I looked around, taken by surprise, But did not have much time. I slashed my way through the fences, As the wires cut easily, making a big enough hole for me to fit through.


I glanced behind myself, And saw the Dalhood Corporation fading out of view as I sped across the Canadian grounds. I steered myself to the right- now going south, Back into my home country.


[Huzzah! Escaping! n_n]

[Woot! I should be writing my story after I get done posting and checkin' deh e-mails and such, but Alex got another imulater and now I have Chrono Trigger. ._____.;;;]

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[i have returned! With good news. n_n I FINISHED WRITING PART TWO =D HUZZAH. And i have almost three chapters in part three. n_____n Eeeeeeeee. I'll post more on this in deh other WErewolf topic.]


Chapter Eighteen


I walked rather slowly in case I missed something, But as I walked along, I scanned the area carefully for anything familiar.


It must have been an hour or more before I actually got to the Canada Manitoba/USA North Dakota border. I speedily and silently slipped through, undetected, As a forest came in view no more than a quarter mile away. I quickened my pace, And steered southeast through the forest.


Time passed, I vaguely recognized my surroundings, having been here before, upon going to Dalhood Corp, Not knowing the consequences to follow.


“Chris, It sounds like another pack of your imaginary wolves are coming.â€


A familiar voice spoke, As a werewolf sat up from its sleeping position, And groggily looked around, and spotted me.


“Mike, You dolt, It is just Brandon. Yarr…â€


“Brandon? I did not expect to see him for a while…â€


Mike turned around, and looked over at my approaching. His eyes widened slightly, As he looked me over with vague concern.


“What happened over there? You look horrible…â€


“I do? Considering the rather unpleasant experiences I have had recently, I would not be surprised, so…â€


“What happened? Where did you go?â€


Mike and Chris both seemed rather interested and attentive, as I explained to them what was happening back as Dalhood Corporation.



“Alright, Joel… Topeka KS batch has arrived. We got approval from HQ to use the Werewolf change effect as opposed to the standard wolf transformation we’ve been using. We had also found, that if you put two percent sulfur in the chemical emitted, Then the Sulfur goes to their memory integration, and divides all of it up. There’ll be some rather unpleasant fumes though, But that’s none of our concern. If two percent sulfur in the gasses, then they lose memory completely. If just one percent sulfur, then they have a weakened, ‘shattered’ memory. They remember bits and parts of their memory, but cannot quite piece things together. We have not yet found a need for this, though.â€


“Greg… We already had two percent sulfur in the gas. None of those wolves remember anything. The science team had though discovered that the sulfur could be removed, letting them keep their memory.â€


“… All right then. I’ll try to keep up with the current events.â€


The disappointed Greg walked back to his observation desk in the transformation deck.


Joel watched from the upper floor, peering through the Transparisteel, as their robotic units emptied the weakened humans out of their cages. He looked down the aisle to see how many more humans were due (There are always at least twenty, to occupy each of twenty rooms.)


“Joel! Joel, There is a problem here…â€


A rather exhausted worker had run up to Joel, to report.


“And that would be…?â€


“The Retriever team, unit number… two or three, something like that, Had decided to quit his job. So he did.â€


“How is this a problem?â€


“Let me continue. The other units heard this and tried to get extra victims to cover him, And came back with too many humans. We have exactly 38.â€


“There’s a way around that. Just do twenty, then the remaining eighteen.â€


“There are four other batches that need in here before the shifts are over. If we don’t get them all before eight tonight, Well… One word to describe what’d happen. Kevin. I don’t want to put up with that. I’d like to keep my job.â€


Joel remained silent for a moment.


“Pair up all the humans, two in each room. They’ll just go in groups. The only way I can think of around this…â€


[Yeah. Thats how Kate and Kat ended up in the same room, So i didnt hafta do thems individually.]

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[i have returned! With good news. n_n I FINISHED WRITING PART TWO =D HUZZAH. And i have almost three chapters in part three. n_____n Eeeeeeeee. I'll post more on this in deh other WErewolf topic.]


Chapter Eighteen


I walked rather slowly in case I missed something, But as I walked along, I scanned the area carefully for anything familiar.


It must have been an hour or more before I actually got to the Canada Manitoba/USA North Dakota border. I speedily and silently slipped through, undetected, As a forest came in view no more than a quarter mile away. I quickened my pace, And steered southeast through the forest.


Time passed, I vaguely recognized my surroundings, having been here before, upon going to Dalhood Corp, Not knowing the consequences to follow.


“Chris, It sounds like another pack of your imaginary wolves are coming.â€


A familiar voice spoke, As a werewolf sat up from its sleeping position, And groggily looked around, and spotted me.


“Mike, You dolt, It is just Brandon. Yarr…â€


“Brandon? I did not expect to see him for a while…â€


Mike turned around, and looked over at my approaching. His eyes widened slightly, As he looked me over with vague concern.


“What happened over there? You look horrible…â€


“I do? Considering the rather unpleasant experiences I have had recently, I would not be surprised, so…â€


“What happened? Where did you go?â€


Mike and Chris both seemed rather interested and attentive, as I explained to them what was happening back as Dalhood Corporation.



“Alright, Joel… Topeka KS batch has arrived. We got approval from HQ to use the Werewolf change effect as opposed to the standard wolf transformation we’ve been using. We had also found, that if you put two percent sulfur in the chemical emitted, Then the Sulfur goes to their memory integration, and divides all of it up. There’ll be some rather unpleasant fumes though, But that’s none of our concern. If two percent sulfur in the gasses, then they lose memory completely. If just one percent sulfur, then they have a weakened, ‘shattered’ memory. They remember bits and parts of their memory, but cannot quite piece things together. We have not yet found a need for this, though.â€


“Greg… We already had two percent sulfur in the gas. None of those wolves remember anything. The science team had though discovered that the sulfur could be removed, letting them keep their memory.â€


“… All right then. I’ll try to keep up with the current events.â€


The disappointed Greg walked back to his observation desk in the transformation deck.


Joel watched from the upper floor, peering through the Transparisteel, as their robotic units emptied the weakened humans out of their cages. He looked down the aisle to see how many more humans were due (There are always at least twenty, to occupy each of twenty rooms.)


“Joel! Joel, There is a problem here…â€


A rather exhausted worker had run up to Joel, to report.


“And that would be…?â€


“The Retriever team, unit number… two or three, something like that, Had decided to quit his job. So he did.â€


“How is this a problem?â€


“Let me continue. The other units heard this and tried to get extra victims to cover him, And came back with too many humans. We have exactly 38.â€


“There’s a way around that. Just do twenty, then the remaining eighteen.â€


“There are four other batches that need in here before the shifts are over. If we don’t get them all before eight tonight, Well… One word to describe what’d happen. Kevin. I don’t want to put up with that. I’d like to keep my job.â€


Joel remained silent for a moment.


“Pair up all the humans, two in each room. They’ll just go in groups. The only way I can think of around this…â€


[Yeah. Thats how Kate and Kat ended up in the same room, So i didnt hafta do thems individually.]

[YOu mean Kate and Kris?]

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[Prepare yourselves for the SHORTEST CHAPTER IN TEH WHOLE SERIES. o_o Dont ask WHAT I was thinking while writing this. xD Stupid.]


Chapter Nineteen


“Wow… That is all I needed… Hmm… That is it, if that Dalhood place advances one more step into this demonic mockery of wolvenry…â€


Chris stepped back from me, and looked upward. It seemed as if he could see the sky, But all that I could see was the leaves in the treetops.


“Chris… Why do you always look up like that when you get angered by something?â€


“I do it for approval.â€


“What? Approval for what or from whom?â€


“That is none of your concern.â€



“Kate? Kate, Are you there?â€


Kris was kneeling down next to Kate, Occasionally shaking her body to get her attention. Kate seemed unconscious, And did not respond to Kris in the least…Which only scared her even more.


Kris was huddled against herself in the corner of a strange white room, While all that she could hear was either despairing cries of people like herself, Or a highly disturbing howl from nearby wolves.


Kris glanced behind herself, expecting to see a white wall, But saw a Transparisteel wall there instead. She saw through it, an organization of scientists and people who all seemed to think that this imprisonment was nothing out of the ordinary…


She looked around through the Transparisteel wall, and as she looked in a broader area, She saw a man in a lab coat standing nearby, but through the Transparisteel… He seemed to be watching them closely, uninterested…?


“Hey Joel… Since we’re short on time, Will it be necessary to go through the whole explanation of what’s happening to the humans here?â€


The scientist called over to his supervisor,


“Go ahead and release the gasses, We need to move along here. Pairing up all the rooms took enough time already, Just… Do them individually though. Our observers can’t observe all of them at once, now…â€


“Alright then.â€


With that…


[Oh wow. Thats short and stoopid and the ending makes no sense without the beginning of the next chapter.]

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[im mad at myself now. Im posting the next chapter, too. xD]


[w00t for Kat and Kris-ness! w00t.]


Chapter Twenty

The scientist flipped a switch on the remote controller unit he had, as a strange hissing noise filled Kris and Kate’s room.


Kate immediately jumped, And sat up, and looked around, very confused.


“Kris...! What the… What’s… Where… What is that weird smell…?!â€


Kris tried to speak back, Took a breath to speak, But was cut off by a strange gagging sensation as she had taken a breath of the chemical…! (I dunno what it’d be called…)


Kris felt the instinctive need to do a variety of things, She felt like yawning, But couldn’t, She tried to cough, But this was cut off by a sneeze, As she gasped for air, having difficulty breathing.


Kate was breathing rather calmly, But as she inhaled, There was a strange scent, Familiar to her as Sulfur, knowing this from a science class she had taken, This was vaguely hinted among the coconut-like scent, or a strange adhesive scent…? (A.k.a. the magical scent of duct-tape.) As she tried to identify what these scents were, She too began having some breathing problems, but these passed by rather quickly…


Kris was about to look over herself at feeling a vague itch all over her body, While it was also rather warm, But before she could do so, She… Seemed to have a brief daydream, hallucination, Phantasm of sorts… It appeared she was foreseeing future happenings or something?


She stood before the burning wreckage of a home that she had seen very active before, As she turned her gaze off to the left, Only to see a blinding flash of light- The environment changed. She was fighting off a huge crowd of humans all rushing her way with strange tools in their hands, A diagonal splatter of blood sprayed off from an unknown scource- A flash of light. Kris was standing near a werewolf, It was strange, This wolf was not as big as she had seen before… Unless she was the same size? She felt something, an empty feeling that should be taken by emotion… This werewolf seemed to be dead? Everything went black for a moment, Kris looked around as she saw that she was standing now in the same white/Transparisteel room she was in with Kate…? She looked down, But as opposed to her skin and clothing that was once there, There was thick brown fur all over her…?!


Another flash of light, Kris was looking at a Werewolf of her equal height, Which was gripping various parts of its body in immense pain, as it swayed in and out of balance…?


Kate watched in disbelief and fear as her friend was cringing all over, As her body slowly expanded and began growing fur all over it…? Within five seconds or less, Kris was covered with a thick brown coat of fur. Kate began panicking, gradually more and more, As she glanced down at her hand (in somewhat a kneeling position) to see the same symptoms happening there. Her manicured nails were fading into a disturbing dark… black color…? While they seemed more curved, more sharp… more claw-like…!


[FREAK OUT. o_o]

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[im mad at myself now. Im posting the next chapter, too. xD]


[w00t for Kat and Kris-ness! w00t.]


Chapter Twenty

The scientist flipped a switch on the remote controller unit he had, as a strange hissing noise filled Kris and Kate’s room.


Kate immediately jumped, And sat up, and looked around, very confused.


“Kris...! What the… What’s… Where… What is that weird smell…?!â€


Kris tried to speak back, Took a breath to speak, But was cut off by a strange gagging sensation as she had taken a breath of the chemical…! (I dunno what it’d be called…)


Kris felt the instinctive need to do a variety of things, She felt like yawning, But couldn’t, She tried to cough, But this was cut off by a sneeze, As she gasped for air, having difficulty breathing.


Kate was breathing rather calmly, But as she inhaled, There was a strange scent, Familiar to her as Sulfur, knowing this from a science class she had taken, This was vaguely hinted among the coconut-like scent, or a strange adhesive scent…? (A.k.a. the magical scent of duct-tape.) As she tried to identify what these scents were, She too began having some breathing problems, but these passed by rather quickly…


Kris was about to look over herself at feeling a vague itch all over her body, While it was also rather warm, But before she could do so, She… Seemed to have a brief daydream, hallucination, Phantasm of sorts… It appeared she was foreseeing future happenings or something?


She stood before the burning wreckage of a home that she had seen very active before, As she turned her gaze off to the left, Only to see a blinding flash of light- The environment changed. She was fighting off a huge crowd of humans all rushing her way with strange tools in their hands, A diagonal splatter of blood sprayed off from an unknown scource- A flash of light. Kris was standing near a werewolf, It was strange, This wolf was not as big as she had seen before… Unless she was the same size? She felt something, an empty feeling that should be taken by emotion… This werewolf seemed to be dead? Everything went black for a moment, Kris looked around as she saw that she was standing now in the same white/Transparisteel room she was in with Kate…? She looked down, But as opposed to her skin and clothing that was once there, There was thick brown fur all over her…?!


Another flash of light, Kris was looking at a Werewolf of her equal height, Which was gripping various parts of its body in immense pain, as it swayed in and out of balance…?


Kate watched in disbelief and fear as her friend was cringing all over, As her body slowly expanded and began growing fur all over it…? Within five seconds or less, Kris was covered with a thick brown coat of fur. Kate began panicking, gradually more and more, As she glanced down at her hand (in somewhat a kneeling position) to see the same symptoms happening there. Her manicured nails were fading into a disturbing dark… black color…? While they seemed more curved, more sharp… more claw-like…!


[FREAK OUT. o_o]

[GASP-O! *awaits more*]

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Chapter Twenty One

Kate cringed excessively, She closed her eyes and let out a loud screech of pain- What is happening to her?


Her body now covered with fur, Kate's crying voice gradually sunk lower, deeper, within a short moment, her beautiful 'feminine' voice resembled the growling ferality of a wolf...?!


Kris' overheated body had risen beyond her varying tolerance, as she raised her strangely muscular arms, and then brought them down to rip off any remaining clothes on her body.


Kris looked around, rather frightened, Though this feeling seemed to no longer have a name in her mind. She stood towering above the panicking Kate, Who’s head was reshaping into a muzzle, resembling a Wolf. Kris didn’t see a human mutating in this way out of the ordinary…? She just stood still, Watching Kate, below Kris’ furry body.


Kris looked over herself, Anything, Any body part visible was completely changed. She was a werewolf…?! How is that?


Kris felt as if something was missing, Something is wrong here… If she were human, and capable of such emotions, She’d feel scared, and panicked. She felt nothing.


Kris felt a strange sensation though… It felt as if her blood circulation was cutting in and out in various places, She saw that the room and surroundings were strangely expanding…? Kris looked down, And saw two furry wolf legs supporting her domestic body…?


Being a feral wolf was rather interesting… Kris would need to get used to having four limbs to walk on, And a tail that actually extended long enough to be used properly.



“The transformation is done an all subjects, Joel. Give the word, And we’ll haul them out.â€


“Go ahead, Take them out.â€


“Yes sir…â€


Two of the scientists walked out of the room, to inform the lifting team that they can commence action, As they each distributed themselves into separate rooms- with two muzzles in each hand, in preparation to bind the wolves with them.


“Joel, This part concerns me. Some humans go into a room, alone with wild untamed creatures, that are fully capable of killing our workers- What the…!â€


He was cut off by some werewolf roarings, Human screamings, And blood splattering all around.


A brief moment of silence.


“See, that’s what I mean. We need more defense. You could see about programming the robotic units to do this…?â€


The two’s conversation was cut off once more, having almost everyones attention drawn to the blood-filled room, As the werewolf took use of its massive strength, And had bashed its way through the door, And into the hallways. There wont be much to stop it from escaping Dalhood corporation boundaries…!


As many people as there were available, grabbed a Tranquilizer dart gun, And calmly walked over to the werewolf, And sufficiently tranquilized it enough.


Having this fatality was not necessarily encouraging to the other workers, Who were going into a room with two feral wolves, one of which is capable of killing a whole army of humans.


[Yay? o-o]

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Chapter Twenty One

Kate cringed excessively, She closed her eyes and let out a loud screech of pain- What is happening to her?


Her body now covered with fur, Kate's crying voice gradually sunk lower, deeper, within a short moment, her beautiful 'feminine' voice resembled the growling ferality of a wolf...?!


Kris' overheated body had risen beyond her varying tolerance, as she raised her strangely muscular arms, and then brought them down to rip off any remaining clothes on her body.


Kris looked around, rather frightened, Though this feeling seemed to no longer have a name in her mind. She stood towering above the panicking Kate, Who’s head was reshaping into a muzzle, resembling a Wolf. Kris didn’t see a human mutating in this way out of the ordinary…? She just stood still, Watching Kate, below Kris’ furry body.


Kris looked over herself, Anything, Any body part visible was completely changed. She was a werewolf…?! How is that?


Kris felt as if something was missing, Something is wrong here… If she were human, and capable of such emotions, She’d feel scared, and panicked. She felt nothing.


Kris felt a strange sensation though… It felt as if her blood circulation was cutting in and out in various places, She saw that the room and surroundings were strangely expanding…? Kris looked down, And saw two furry wolf legs supporting her domestic body…?


Being a feral wolf was rather interesting… Kris would need to get used to having four limbs to walk on, And a tail that actually extended long enough to be used properly.



“The transformation is done an all subjects, Joel. Give the word, And we’ll haul them out.â€


“Go ahead, Take them out.â€


“Yes sir…â€


Two of the scientists walked out of the room, to inform the lifting team that they can commence action, As they each distributed themselves into separate rooms- with two muzzles in each hand, in preparation to bind the wolves with them.


“Joel, This part concerns me. Some humans go into a room, alone with wild untamed creatures, that are fully capable of killing our workers- What the…!â€


He was cut off by some werewolf roarings, Human screamings, And blood splattering all around.


A brief moment of silence.


“See, that’s what I mean. We need more defense. You could see about programming the robotic units to do this…?â€


The two’s conversation was cut off once more, having almost everyones attention drawn to the blood-filled room, As the werewolf took use of its massive strength, And had bashed its way through the door, And into the hallways. There wont be much to stop it from escaping Dalhood corporation boundaries…!


As many people as there were available, grabbed a Tranquilizer dart gun, And calmly walked over to the werewolf, And sufficiently tranquilized it enough.


Having this fatality was not necessarily encouraging to the other workers, Who were going into a room with two feral wolves, one of which is capable of killing a whole army of humans.


[Yay? o-o]

[i'ma wolf! ^___^]

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Chapter Twenty Two


“Brandon, It is about time another batch of those human wolves came by again. Since you know this area so well, Shall we go over to meet them?â€


Chris asked me.


“Well, If you two necessarily wanted to… I do not, Although, Upon not seeing any of this for yourselves, I would be intrigued as well.â€


I looked upward, in attempt to use the stars as navigation, But only saw leafy treetops…

I remembered seeing that moss usually grows on the north side of the bases on trees, As I investigated some of the growths nearby, And determined which way was northwest.


“It is this way.â€


I signaled to the other two werewolves, As they anxiously followed behind me. Although, Within about six paces, Chris bounded up to me…


“I do not have the patience to travel at this pace. Let us build speed.â€


I nodded, And broke into a speedy dash along the forest grounds, As Chris and Mike followed behind me at nearly the same speed.



Both Kate and Kris felt the same feeling now, They were both domestic, feral wolves, Although they felt somewhat helpless, At the mercy of whatever these humans had planned. Both of them had a sense that this helplessness would soon be brought to an end. That they will soon be united with what could be their own kind?


The two ignored this feeling, And cooperatively followed instruction or lead that the humans gave them, As the two were divided into separate cages, And stored in the cargo of a large truck, To be transported to places unknown.



“And here we are. The border of Manitoba Canada and North Dakota America. When I came here, there was a semi-truck that came by and dumped a lot of wolves out across the border here. And from what Chris says, another one should be arriving soon. I highly recommend proceeding any further than this.â€


I looked over at Michael, Who was twitching his ears as they picked up sound from quite a distance away. I strained my ears as well, And to my great surprise, I had even heard Chris’ muscles tensing and moving as he strained as well.


Chris’ curiosity seemed to be more than he could handle, as he silently padded along the snowy ground, Across the border and picked up his pace after a short while, Too anxious to see what would happen.


“Chris, No!â€


Mike called after him, And chased Chris down.


“Mike! Wait, Stop!â€


I followed them as well.


Mike lunged, Landed on top of the thrashing Chris, And tried pinning him to the ground or drag him back to North Dakota or Whatever it was he was planning. The way they were violently handling this did not seem to work very well.


“Mike, Chris! Stop this now!â€


I roared at them, And attempted to pry the two apart with my arms…


But was only pulled into the fray. I fought back in attempt to defend myself, And let these two resolve it themselves, But… Considering the snow underneath them was, in places, A scarlet red, As the two seemed more focused on fighting than resolving this issue.


Something had to be done, But what can I do?


I struggled my way out of the fight, Tensed my right arms muscles, Expanding it remarkably, And thrusted with all the power I felt necessary, Flawlessly accurate, Hitting Michael in the head, Knocking him out for the time being.


Chris scrambled on the ground, Eventually got to his feet, And was again stopped from running by my jumping on to him.


“Chris! Calm down! Stop this!â€


[Da Chris ish going insane. >.> For reasons I think i forgot to add in there, but I dunno.]

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Chapter Twenty Two


“Brandon, It is about time another batch of those human wolves came by again. Since you know this area so well, Shall we go over to meet them?â€


Chris asked me.


“Well, If you two necessarily wanted to… I do not, Although, Upon not seeing any of this for yourselves, I would be intrigued as well.â€


I looked upward, in attempt to use the stars as navigation, But only saw leafy treetops…

I remembered seeing that moss usually grows on the north side of the bases on trees, As I investigated some of the growths nearby, And determined which way was northwest.


“It is this way.â€


I signaled to the other two werewolves, As they anxiously followed behind me. Although, Within about six paces, Chris bounded up to me…


“I do not have the patience to travel at this pace. Let us build speed.â€


I nodded, And broke into a speedy dash along the forest grounds, As Chris and Mike followed behind me at nearly the same speed.



Both Kate and Kris felt the same feeling now, They were both domestic, feral wolves, Although they felt somewhat helpless, At the mercy of whatever these humans had planned. Both of them had a sense that this helplessness would soon be brought to an end. That they will soon be united with what could be their own kind?


The two ignored this feeling, And cooperatively followed instruction or lead that the humans gave them, As the two were divided into separate cages, And stored in the cargo of a large truck, To be transported to places unknown.



“And here we are. The border of Manitoba Canada and North Dakota America. When I came here, there was a semi-truck that came by and dumped a lot of wolves out across the border here. And from what Chris says, another one should be arriving soon. I highly recommend proceeding any further than this.â€


I looked over at Michael, Who was twitching his ears as they picked up sound from quite a distance away. I strained my ears as well, And to my great surprise, I had even heard Chris’ muscles tensing and moving as he strained as well.


Chris’ curiosity seemed to be more than he could handle, as he silently padded along the snowy ground, Across the border and picked up his pace after a short while, Too anxious to see what would happen.


“Chris, No!â€


Mike called after him, And chased Chris down.


“Mike! Wait, Stop!â€


I followed them as well.


Mike lunged, Landed on top of the thrashing Chris, And tried pinning him to the ground or drag him back to North Dakota or Whatever it was he was planning. The way they were violently handling this did not seem to work very well.


“Mike, Chris! Stop this now!â€


I roared at them, And attempted to pry the two apart with my arms…


But was only pulled into the fray. I fought back in attempt to defend myself, And let these two resolve it themselves, But… Considering the snow underneath them was, in places, A scarlet red, As the two seemed more focused on fighting than resolving this issue.


Something had to be done, But what can I do?


I struggled my way out of the fight, Tensed my right arms muscles, Expanding it remarkably, And thrusted with all the power I felt necessary, Flawlessly accurate, Hitting Michael in the head, Knocking him out for the time being.


Chris scrambled on the ground, Eventually got to his feet, And was again stopped from running by my jumping on to him.


“Chris! Calm down! Stop this!â€


[Da Chris ish going insane. >.> For reasons I think i forgot to add in there, but I dunno.]


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[-posts some more- n.n]


Chapter Twenty Three

Ryan squinted his eyes in attempt to see better, It appeared there were more Werewolves ahead of him.


“Leroy…! Leroy, Get over here.â€


Ryan called behind himself, And one of the Abandon team members came up to the driver, And peered through the windshield, To see a trio of quarreling werewolves.


“Alright, Abandon’n Team. There's more werewolves, Get’cher Dart guns and we’ll try getting them taken care of.â€


Leroy called to the back of the cab, to the rest of his team.


“Leroy, Ones already knocked out. They’re rather upset about something…?â€


“… I see that.â€


“Hey Ryan, Hows’about we let out the other wolves here. I dun’ want to go and handle more werewolves, Someone got killed last time. Lets just let the weakened ones out here. All in favor?â€


“Aye. Stop the truck, Ryan.â€


Their plan commenced, Leroy and Ryan had dart guns, stood to protect the others in case those wolves came close enough. The other four people abandoned the wolves outside.



“Chris! Look! More werewolves…!â€


I roared at Chris, rather loudly to get his attention. We both froze in our positions, And turned our menacing gazes at the humans, who were abandoning feral and werewolves.


“Get off, Brandon.â€


I did so, He had a more serious, angered, determined tone of voice.


“They have gone way too far. This has to stop now. Most preferably before Claws finds out.â€


“Who or what is this Claws you speak of?â€


“I will tell you when the time is right. I have business to tend to.â€


With that, Chris took a step back, Reared his head back speedily in a loud, disturbing howl that could be heard from who knows how long away. It was rather loud.

It was also rather strange, Chris seemed to have three different voices with this howl, It sounded like three werewolves, synchronized in the howl.


Chris’ howl came to a stop, As he looked up at the sky, expectantly. I glanced at the humans, Chris had their undivided attention, they were fully attentive and alarmed at this.


I looked up, And spotted what Chris was watching. A dim, blue-ish green light was forming behind the clouds, As it soon illuminated past them. The clouds parted, And a thin beam of the same off-green blue light streaked down, and landed on the ground close to Chris.


“Chris… Chris, What is happening?â€


He ignored me, and seemed more interested in this ritual of sorts.


I looked over to the beam of light, As it dissipated, Or rather, Focused itself all in one place. A strange specter presence was within a wispy mist of light.


It all reshaped and formed into a figure- Three figures, all of them Werewolves, Except they seemed entirely composed of this energy. My eyes widened in awe, I vaguely recognized this?


“Christopher, Why have you summoned me?â€


A strange, wolf voice called to Chris.


“Artemis, Have you seen these actions that the humans have done?â€


“No, I have not.â€


“… what? Artemis, You are deity. Deity can see all!â€


“No, You are thinking of Santa Claus.â€


“… Whatever the case is. These humans are procreating and illegally spawning werewolves. This is not acceptable!â€


Upon thinking about it, I remembered Michael telling me about Artemis. The goddess of ferality, Wild, Hunting, Wolves and wild creatures. She is the essence of werewolves!


Artemis’ eyes widened.


“They are what?!â€


“I request that you put an end to this- End this before Claws discovers this.â€


“It will be done. I cannot accept this mockery of wolves…â€


With that, Artemis and her two subordinate werewolves, Who I assume are her bodyguards or assistants in ways, All charged off toward the humans. One of them stopped, and turned back toward us.


“Come, Assist us in this hostility.â€


I glanced behind be, at the unconscious Mike. I ignored it, and followed the willing Chris, As we charged off toward the humans.


[Huzzah for teh Artemis! =D -glomps her- n_n -ish keeled dead- x_X]

[Teh next chapter is a good example of what Kat and My's Melee went like. in that one topic. where we were Meleeing. >.>;; Cuz the next chapter has meleeing in it.]



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[-posts some more- n.n]


Chapter Twenty Three

Ryan squinted his eyes in attempt to see better, It appeared there were more Werewolves ahead of him.


“Leroy…! Leroy, Get over here.â€


Ryan called behind himself, And one of the Abandon team members came up to the driver, And peered through the windshield, To see a trio of quarreling werewolves.


“Alright, Abandon’n Team. There's more werewolves, Get’cher Dart guns and we’ll try getting them taken care of.â€


Leroy called to the back of the cab, to the rest of his team.


“Leroy, Ones already knocked out. They’re rather upset about something…?â€


“… I see that.â€


“Hey Ryan, Hows’about we let out the other wolves here. I dun’ want to go and handle more werewolves, Someone got killed last time. Lets just let the weakened ones out here. All in favor?â€


“Aye. Stop the truck, Ryan.â€


Their plan commenced, Leroy and Ryan had dart guns, stood to protect the others in case those wolves came close enough. The other four people abandoned the wolves outside.



“Chris! Look! More werewolves…!â€


I roared at Chris, rather loudly to get his attention. We both froze in our positions, And turned our menacing gazes at the humans, who were abandoning feral and werewolves.


“Get off, Brandon.â€


I did so, He had a more serious, angered, determined tone of voice.


“They have gone way too far. This has to stop now. Most preferably before Claws finds out.â€


“Who or what is this Claws you speak of?â€


“I will tell you when the time is right. I have business to tend to.â€


With that, Chris took a step back, Reared his head back speedily in a loud, disturbing howl that could be heard from who knows how long away. It was rather loud.

It was also rather strange, Chris seemed to have three different voices with this howl, It sounded like three werewolves, synchronized in the howl.


Chris’ howl came to a stop, As he looked up at the sky, expectantly. I glanced at the humans, Chris had their undivided attention, they were fully attentive and alarmed at this.


I looked up, And spotted what Chris was watching. A dim, blue-ish green light was forming behind the clouds, As it soon illuminated past them. The clouds parted, And a thin beam of the same off-green blue light streaked down, and landed on the ground close to Chris.


“Chris… Chris, What is happening?â€


He ignored me, and seemed more interested in this ritual of sorts.


I looked over to the beam of light, As it dissipated, Or rather, Focused itself all in one place. A strange specter presence was within a wispy mist of light.


It all reshaped and formed into a figure- Three figures, all of them Werewolves, Except they seemed entirely composed of this energy. My eyes widened in awe, I vaguely recognized this?


“Christopher, Why have you summoned me?â€


A strange, wolf voice called to Chris.


“Artemis, Have you seen these actions that the humans have done?â€


“No, I have not.â€


“… what? Artemis, You are deity. Deity can see all!â€


“No, You are thinking of Santa Claus.â€


“… Whatever the case is. These humans are procreating and illegally spawning werewolves. This is not acceptable!â€


Upon thinking about it, I remembered Michael telling me about Artemis. The goddess of ferality, Wild, Hunting, Wolves and wild creatures. She is the essence of werewolves!


Artemis’ eyes widened.


“They are what?!â€


“I request that you put an end to this- End this before Claws discovers this.â€


“It will be done. I cannot accept this mockery of wolves…â€


With that, Artemis and her two subordinate werewolves, Who I assume are her bodyguards or assistants in ways, All charged off toward the humans. One of them stopped, and turned back toward us.


“Come, Assist us in this hostility.â€


I glanced behind be, at the unconscious Mike. I ignored it, and followed the willing Chris, As we charged off toward the humans.


[Huzzah for teh Artemis! =D -glomps her- n_n -ish keeled dead- x_X]

[Teh next chapter is a good example of what Kat and My's Melee went like. in that one topic. where we were Meleeing. >.>;; Cuz the next chapter has meleeing in it.]



[Yay for meleeing! ^___^]

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[w00t for melee-age and Kris 'n Kate-ness. o_o I think this whole chapter is those two. >.>; yes.


Chapter Twenty Four

Kate and Kris found themselves dropped on to the ground by the humans, As they gradually got to their feet and stood up, and looked around, somewhat confused. They did however, see five werewolves running straight for them, Three of which were apparently composed entirely of a strange blue light…?


Kris glanced off to her left- The humans were firing aimlessly at the oncoming werewolves, The three blue wolves were invulnerable somehow- all the darts just flew right through them. Although, The two other wolves were not like this though- One got hit with a dart and immediately collapsed.


“Tobias, Take care of Christopher.â€


One of them spoke to the other in a language that was made entirely of grunts, barks or growls, though both Kate and Kris understood this language flawlessly though…


One of the three blue wolves stopped, turned around and assisted the tranquilized werewolf, Who was soon revived and back on his feet, and continued running.


After a short conversation, The blue wolf ran speedily away from the humans…? Kate watched closely, As it revived another unconscious werewolf, And the two of them ran back toward the rest of its wolves.


A melee of twelve broke out, Six werewolves viciously fighting against six humans. Kate nor Kris knew how to react to this.


“Hey, What is happening? What is going on out there?â€


Kris heard a wolf voice from inside the semi trucks cargo. There were still several wolves trapped in the cages there.


In a ferocious werewolf shape, Kris jumped into the back of the truck and ripped apart each one of the cages, releasing the wolves one by one. She knew herself, that it was not necessarily comfortable or pleasing to be in these cages, So she released the wolves, so that they could also see this event.


“Brandon, What are you doing? Kill something!â€


One of the werewolves called to the other, As a werewolf came charging toward Kate with a violent look of death in its eyes, And lunged and made every attempt possible at killing Kate.


The two were equal in strength and power, Though one of them had more experience and had more strategy. Kate’s opponent seemed rather determined to kill though.


“Werewolf…! Stop! Get off of me!â€


Kate cried out, trying to get someone’s attention, so they could help her.


“Kate…! I am coming!â€


Kris came running after the fighting wolves, Lunged and tackled the hostile wolf off of Kate.


The two fought for a short time, The other gaining the upper hand only for a split second, Until the other rose back up to superiority with strategy. This continued for a while, As Kate tried to think of a reaction to this.


“Brandon! Come here, I can not handle this human alone.â€


A werewolf called out, As Kate and Kris’ opponent’s attention was drawn elsewhere, As he jumped from off of Kris, And darted over to help his ally.


Kris vaguely recognized this werewolf’s name, reactions and personality, But could not quite place where, or how. She unintentionally spoke what was on her mind…


[ba-da-dum. o_o;]

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[w00t for melee-age and Kris 'n Kate-ness. o_o I think this whole chapter is those two. >.>; yes.


Chapter Twenty Four

Kate and Kris found themselves dropped on to the ground by the humans, As they gradually got to their feet and stood up, and looked around, somewhat confused. They did however, see five werewolves running straight for them, Three of which were apparently composed entirely of a strange blue light…?


Kris glanced off to her left- The humans were firing aimlessly at the oncoming werewolves, The three blue wolves were invulnerable somehow- all the darts just flew right through them. Although, The two other wolves were not like this though- One got hit with a dart and immediately collapsed.


“Tobias, Take care of Christopher.â€


One of them spoke to the other in a language that was made entirely of grunts, barks or growls, though both Kate and Kris understood this language flawlessly though…


One of the three blue wolves stopped, turned around and assisted the tranquilized werewolf, Who was soon revived and back on his feet, and continued running.


After a short conversation, The blue wolf ran speedily away from the humans…? Kate watched closely, As it revived another unconscious werewolf, And the two of them ran back toward the rest of its wolves.


A melee of twelve broke out, Six werewolves viciously fighting against six humans. Kate nor Kris knew how to react to this.


“Hey, What is happening? What is going on out there?â€


Kris heard a wolf voice from inside the semi trucks cargo. There were still several wolves trapped in the cages there.


In a ferocious werewolf shape, Kris jumped into the back of the truck and ripped apart each one of the cages, releasing the wolves one by one. She knew herself, that it was not necessarily comfortable or pleasing to be in these cages, So she released the wolves, so that they could also see this event.


“Brandon, What are you doing? Kill something!â€


One of the werewolves called to the other, As a werewolf came charging toward Kate with a violent look of death in its eyes, And lunged and made every attempt possible at killing Kate.


The two were equal in strength and power, Though one of them had more experience and had more strategy. Kate’s opponent seemed rather determined to kill though.


“Werewolf…! Stop! Get off of me!â€


Kate cried out, trying to get someone’s attention, so they could help her.


“Kate…! I am coming!â€


Kris came running after the fighting wolves, Lunged and tackled the hostile wolf off of Kate.


The two fought for a short time, The other gaining the upper hand only for a split second, Until the other rose back up to superiority with strategy. This continued for a while, As Kate tried to think of a reaction to this.


“Brandon! Come here, I can not handle this human alone.â€


A werewolf called out, As Kate and Kris’ opponent’s attention was drawn elsewhere, As he jumped from off of Kris, And darted over to help his ally.


Kris vaguely recognized this werewolf’s name, reactions and personality, But could not quite place where, or how. She unintentionally spoke what was on her mind…


[ba-da-dum. o_o;]


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Chapter Twenty Five


“Brandon…! Arkcher!â€


The werewolf I was fighting moments before seemed to recognize me. I glanced back toward them.


“Kat… Kate…! What are you doing here of all places?â€


“Kris. I am Kris. This here is Kate.â€


“I am who? Who is that? What are you talking about?â€


“Brandon! A little help over here?!â€


I reluctantly left their presence, Off to help Mike, Who now had two humans on him, While he tried to stall for time with them.


I extended my razor-like claws to full extension, As I padded along the ground, Raised my arms, Lunged, And made several quick swipes and slashed at the two humans, Who were incompletely divided- Painfully cut, Not enough to kill them soon. Their cut and exposed body interns would kill them slowly.


I shoved them off of Mike’s body, And assisted him to regain balance and stand up.


“Arkcher! Help!â€


I heard either Kris or Cat calling for me, Though there was too much action around me to tell where they were. My attention was turned to one of the blue wolves, Who was alertly blocking attacks from a human nearby, with a small blade.


“Brandon, Wolf… I will distract this human, When the time is right, Attack it!â€


I was instructed, This would require my full attention though. I was distracted by a cry of


“Arkcher!!! Please help!â€


And a following,


“Do not defy deity, mortal!â€


Which only meant that Artemis was attacking them…!


I punched at the distracted humans’ head, Knocking it out.


“Wolf- You take care of it. I have other things to do.â€


I instructed, and dashed off toward Kris and Kate. One of their voices let out a loud screech of pain.


“Where are you!?â€


One of them called for me. I scanned the area wildly, And eventually spotted one of the three blue wolves, pinning another to the ground. I careened towards it recklessly, Knocking anything that stood before me out of the way.


“Artemis! Stop!â€


She glared up at me, Obviously not pleased with my interrupting.


“What is it, Mortal?!â€


I caught my breath, And asked,


“Artemis, I request that you do not harm these two wolves.â€


Her bad mood only seemed to worsen.


“WHAT? These are not wolves! These are mutated, dreadful humans that their own kind has put them in a werewolf’s body!â€


“These two are an exception, do not harm them!â€


“They and their kind are a disgrace, They bring shame to the werewolf kind! This race must be stopped at all costs! This must be stopped before Claws finds out!â€


“Who or what is Claws?â€


“I will tell you some other time. For the time being, I will spare these two. I hold you responsible for them- Do not let them cross my path again…â€


She turned her menacing gaze back at Kate and Kris.


“You two, You two leave. Hie elsewhere.â€


I nodded to them to confirm this.


“Thanks to you. Let us meet again.â€


“Who are you? What is going on?â€


“Come on, Kate.â€


“Kate? Who? Do you think I’M this Kate you speak of?â€


“Yes. Follow me.â€


The two ran off out of sight- I was intending on watching them, But I was interrupted by a


“Brandon, Watch out! Look behind you…â€


As a strange cold sensation rushed through my head, And all faded numb and black, As I fell unconscious.


[Eeeeeeee. >.> Arent I so heroic. No im not.]


[P.s., The 'hie' was not a typo. o_o]

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Chapter Twenty Five


“Brandon…! Arkcher!â€


The werewolf I was fighting moments before seemed to recognize me. I glanced back toward them.


“Kat… Kate…! What are you doing here of all places?â€


“Kris. I am Kris. This here is Kate.â€


“I am who? Who is that? What are you talking about?â€


“Brandon! A little help over here?!â€


I reluctantly left their presence, Off to help Mike, Who now had two humans on him, While he tried to stall for time with them.


I extended my razor-like claws to full extension, As I padded along the ground, Raised my arms, Lunged, And made several quick swipes and slashed at the two humans, Who were incompletely divided- Painfully cut, Not enough to kill them soon. Their cut and exposed body interns would kill them slowly.


I shoved them off of Mike’s body, And assisted him to regain balance and stand up.


“Arkcher! Help!â€


I heard either Kris or Cat calling for me, Though there was too much action around me to tell where they were. My attention was turned to one of the blue wolves, Who was alertly blocking attacks from a human nearby, with a small blade.


“Brandon, Wolf… I will distract this human, When the time is right, Attack it!â€


I was instructed, This would require my full attention though. I was distracted by a cry of


“Arkcher!!! Please help!â€


And a following,


“Do not defy deity, mortal!â€


Which only meant that Artemis was attacking them…!


I punched at the distracted humans’ head, Knocking it out.


“Wolf- You take care of it. I have other things to do.â€


I instructed, and dashed off toward Kris and Kate. One of their voices let out a loud screech of pain.


“Where are you!?â€


One of them called for me. I scanned the area wildly, And eventually spotted one of the three blue wolves, pinning another to the ground. I careened towards it recklessly, Knocking anything that stood before me out of the way.


“Artemis! Stop!â€


She glared up at me, Obviously not pleased with my interrupting.


“What is it, Mortal?!â€


I caught my breath, And asked,


“Artemis, I request that you do not harm these two wolves.â€


Her bad mood only seemed to worsen.


“WHAT? These are not wolves! These are mutated, dreadful humans that their own kind has put them in a werewolf’s body!â€


“These two are an exception, do not harm them!â€


“They and their kind are a disgrace, They bring shame to the werewolf kind! This race must be stopped at all costs! This must be stopped before Claws finds out!â€


“Who or what is Claws?â€


“I will tell you some other time. For the time being, I will spare these two. I hold you responsible for them- Do not let them cross my path again…â€


She turned her menacing gaze back at Kate and Kris.


“You two, You two leave. Hie elsewhere.â€


I nodded to them to confirm this.


“Thanks to you. Let us meet again.â€


“Who are you? What is going on?â€


“Come on, Kate.â€


“Kate? Who? Do you think I’M this Kate you speak of?â€


“Yes. Follow me.â€


The two ran off out of sight- I was intending on watching them, But I was interrupted by a


“Brandon, Watch out! Look behind you…â€


As a strange cold sensation rushed through my head, And all faded numb and black, As I fell unconscious.


[Eeeeeeee. >.> Arent I so heroic. No im not.]


[P.s., The 'hie' was not a typo. o_o]

[Woot for not being dead! And I was gone. Sorry.]

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[Woot for not being dead! And I was gone. Sorry.]

[That was kris who was being keelingyoudead-ed by Artemis. You were standing over there freakin' out not knowing what to do. o_o; Cuz... like. You dont remember anything, remember? :lol: the wolfy-ness keelingyoudead-ed yer memory. But not Kris. Kris remembers meh. ^-^]


[-pokes Kat- D'joo go see that Dautta thing yet? >.> I got most of that taken care of in part 3 already. xD ........ Not really, but hey. just.. intro-ed it. ._. Anyway.]

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Chapter Twenty Six


“Brandon…? … Ah! He’s awake now.â€


“What did you expect?â€


“I can not say I knew what to think.â€


My eyes flickered open to see two blue werewolves and four normal werewolves gathered around me. I sat up, And looked around myself. I spotted what I had not expected to see, The Dalhood Corporation headquarters was within view. I pointed over to it,


“Dalhood! That is the place where the false lycanthropes are coming from!â€


I cried,


“Arkcher, Calm down. Artemis has it taken care of.â€


Kris explained,


“Artemis is patrolling around this so-called Dalhood, And is strategically planning the attack.â€


One of the blue werewolves continued,




I asked.


“Well, Dalhood’s goal was apparently to reduce human overpopulation, And increase extinct or endangered species’ populace. Their procreated animals, such as the False Lycanthropes, Are not in the least natural, They are literally freaks of nature.â€


Mike began, but was interrupted.




Kris commented,


“It’s true. Artemis is planning an attack as we speak, She, Nathan and Tobias, Her left and right hand assistants, Are all going to have a mass-murder melee, And destroy everything that ever had anything to do with Dalhood. … Well, Most anything. Nathan here revived you from a bashing one of the humans gave you…â€


Mike continued,


“It was more than that. The humans have small blades at the tips of their firearms, And used this, Came at you from behind, And stabbed through your skull with the blade, and you had a severe concussion. Being sub-deity, I was able to heal you.â€


“And I thank you for that…â€


I replied, And was somewhat enlightened, but still somewhat confused. I heard a rather quiet, supposedly secret howl from a distance away.


“Artemis is calling us. You werewolves need to get into the forest, It is nearly sunrise.â€


“Yes, But what about you?â€


“We’re using an ectoplasm and spirit energy to keep the sunlight out, the humans in, And block all communication with the outside world. We’re in basic, Using our power to eliminate them completely, without warning or any chance of survival. We are only partially physical- Their technology and weapons are just an annoyance to us. We are completely immune to their attacks. Do not worry about us, else Apollo will catch you.â€




Kate asked.


“God of the sun. Leave now.â€


We watched the two blue werewolves dash off into the distance, To slay the humans of Dalhood.


“Tobias! I have a request for you… When you come across Kevin, The leader of this company… Please do save him for later. Either save him for me, Or spare his life, And change him into a werewolf.â€


“It will be done.â€


[Much talking. Yes.]

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[-pokes 'yall'- I figured by now i'd have a million and a half questions about who/what Claws is. <.< (Hint- Wait till part 4. xD That'll explain like friggin everything.) Meh. -continues writing part 3- n.n]

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Chapter Twenty Six


“Brandon…? … Ah! He’s awake now.â€


“What did you expect?â€


“I can not say I knew what to think.â€


My eyes flickered open to see two blue werewolves and four normal werewolves gathered around me. I sat up, And looked around myself. I spotted what I had not expected to see, The Dalhood Corporation headquarters was within view. I pointed over to it,


“Dalhood! That is the place where the false lycanthropes are coming from!â€


I cried,


“Arkcher, Calm down. Artemis has it taken care of.â€


Kris explained,


“Artemis is patrolling around this so-called Dalhood, And is strategically planning the attack.â€


One of the blue werewolves continued,




I asked.


“Well, Dalhood’s goal was apparently to reduce human overpopulation, And increase extinct or endangered species’ populace. Their procreated animals, such as the False Lycanthropes, Are not in the least natural, They are literally freaks of nature.â€


Mike began, but was interrupted.




Kris commented,


“It’s true. Artemis is planning an attack as we speak, She, Nathan and Tobias, Her left and right hand assistants, Are all going to have a mass-murder melee, And destroy everything that ever had anything to do with Dalhood. … Well, Most anything. Nathan here revived you from a bashing one of the humans gave you…â€


Mike continued,


“It was more than that. The humans have small blades at the tips of their firearms, And used this, Came at you from behind, And stabbed through your skull with the blade, and you had a severe concussion. Being sub-deity, I was able to heal you.â€


“And I thank you for that…â€


I replied, And was somewhat enlightened, but still somewhat confused. I heard a rather quiet, supposedly secret howl from a distance away.


“Artemis is calling us. You werewolves need to get into the forest, It is nearly sunrise.â€


“Yes, But what about you?â€


“We’re using an ectoplasm and spirit energy to keep the sunlight out, the humans in, And block all communication with the outside world. We’re in basic, Using our power to eliminate them completely, without warning or any chance of survival. We are only partially physical- Their technology and weapons are just an annoyance to us. We are completely immune to their attacks. Do not worry about us, else Apollo will catch you.â€




Kate asked.


“God of the sun. Leave now.â€


We watched the two blue werewolves dash off into the distance, To slay the humans of Dalhood.


“Tobias! I have a request for you… When you come across Kevin, The leader of this company… Please do save him for later. Either save him for me, Or spare his life, And change him into a werewolf.â€


“It will be done.â€


[Much talking. Yes.]

[*is having fun imagining what a me with memory loss would do to entertain herself* The world would not be a safe place.

And I havn't seen it yet. I sorta fogot. >_>]

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[*is having fun imagining what a me with memory loss would do to entertain herself* The world would not be a safe place.

And I havn't seen it yet. I sorta fogot. >_>]

[Just not remembering things wouldnt be fun! >.> That couldnt be a danger to anyone (that i can imagine) if you just dont remember stuff.


[Well go watch it. =D]

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[Last chapter! =o Its almost over. Eeeeeeeeee.]


Chapter Twenty Seven


I watched as Tobias and Nathan entered through the boundaries of Dalhood, As a tall barrier of blue-green energy divided Dalhood with the rest of the world, As human screams and groans began sounding off from inside it, As the massacre began.


“Brandon… Do you… Well…â€




“Brandon, Kate, Get over here!â€


My attention was drawn away from Kate, And saw a familiar sign… The sun was split seconds away from contacting us- breaking the surface of treetops.


I grabbed Kate’s arm, And ran as fast as I could to the safety of the forest.


“Being a werewolf in sunlight is not really a good thing…â€


I commented as I strode, Pulling her along with me.


Under the treetops, I felt safe once more.


As the group of werewolves, False or natural, searched the forest for a place to rest, I commented to Kate,


“What is it you were going to ask me earlier?â€


She hesitated.


“Nevermind that. For now, Let us… We should sleep here for the day?â€


The group stopped, And we all agreed on it.


“We will stay here for the day. Chris and I are not ones for traveling much, So… Brandon, Kris, Kate… You’ll need to break off of the group, And… Do whatever it is you want to.â€


“That is fine.â€


I replied, and sat down on the ground.


“We’ll go off and find something for us to do. You two can go back to Chris’ Lair, or whatever you called it.â€


Within moments, The five of us were comfortably laying on the ground, in varied positions. Only now did I realize, In comparison to chrome and Transparisteel Human habitats, The forests are a much better environment.


I yawned, And enjoyed the reduced warmth from the sun, Which got me rather comfortable. The gentle breezes from the forests was comforting, The whispers of the wind rushing through the treetops…


It was all so very perfect. Not being able to enjoy this scenario for very long though- It always got me into sleeping before I could truly appreciate it.


I eventually dozed off, And went to sleep in this forest grove.


The End

Or, Better yet, To be continued


[Huzzah! Now once i actually get beyond chapter 4, I might post part 3. >_<;]


[i now declare this topic as well no longer story-ing! Now you may post withOUT brackets. Only if you feel like it though.


Aahhh much better. n_n

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Yay for the end and a new story! ^___^


I'm trying to ask something! What is it? o.o


It would be dangerous because I get bored when I don't know what is going on, and bad things happen when I'm bored. >_>;;;

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Yay for the end and a new story! ^___^


I'm trying to ask something! What is it? o.o


It would be dangerous because I get bored when I don't know what is going on, and bad things happen when I'm bored. >_>;;;

Huzzah indeed.


............................... I forgot. o__o; Read part 3. =D


Like what?


-pokes everypeoples- Im more than likely not to post part 3 here. Imm'a probably get this series published (After a lot of fixing up. Its not at full spiffy-age yet. a few typoes, a few grammar errors, Lacking the word of lycanthrope (I forgot all about that whilst writing it. X_x) And needs more... spiffing up. Then i might be published. huzzah. =D) and get part 1, 2, and 3. Then i'll work on 4 and 5. Perhaps 6 if i get any ideas for another storyline.


Sssooooo Gimmie like. ten bucks if'n yeh was the published parts of the series. You can have part 3, too. =D


So you people'd have to do a lot of influencial talkings if you really wanted me to post part 3 here. (I dont think it'll be worth the effort. Just wait.)


Oh, Good news for Horatio and maybe whoever else wants to have it:

Whilst spiffing up part 1, possibley 2, I will edit out some of teh violent stuff. =D Huzzah.

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Huzzah indeed.


............................... I forgot. o__o; Read part 3. =D


Like what?


-pokes everypeoples- Im more than likely not to post part 3 here. Imm'a probably get this series published (After a lot of fixing up. Its not at full spiffy-age yet. a few typoes, a few grammar errors, Lacking the word of lycanthrope (I forgot all about that whilst writing it. X_x) And needs more... spiffing up. Then i might be published. huzzah. =D) and get part 1, 2, and 3. Then i'll work on 4 and 5. Perhaps 6 if i get any ideas for another storyline.


Sssooooo Gimmie like. ten bucks if'n yeh was the published parts of the series. You can have part 3, too. =D


So you people'd have to do a lot of influencial talkings if you really wanted me to post part 3 here. (I dont think it'll be worth the effort. Just wait.)


Oh, Good news for Horatio and maybe whoever else wants to have it:

Whilst spiffing up part 1, possibley 2, I will edit out some of teh violent stuff. =D Huzzah.

*gives da 10 bucks* I'm where again?

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Huzzah indeed.


............................... I forgot. o__o; Read part 3. =D


Like what?


-pokes everypeoples- Im more than likely not to post part 3 here. Imm'a probably get this series published (After a lot of fixing up. Its not at full spiffy-age yet. a few typoes, a few grammar errors, Lacking the word of lycanthrope (I forgot all about that whilst writing it. X_x) And needs more... spiffing up. Then i might be published. huzzah. =D) and get part 1, 2, and 3. Then i'll work on 4 and 5. Perhaps 6 if i get any ideas for another storyline.


Sssooooo Gimmie like. ten bucks if'n yeh was the published parts of the series. You can have part 3, too. =D


So you people'd have to do a lot of influencial talkings if you really wanted me to post part 3 here. (I dont think it'll be worth the effort. Just wait.)


Oh, Good news for Horatio and maybe whoever else wants to have it:

Whilst spiffing up part 1, possibley 2, I will edit out some of teh violent stuff. =D Huzzah.

So...wait...you'll post it here if we give you monies?

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We are not desparate.... we are just big, big, HUGE fans.  :D

Well then, The fans will need to wait. I've got editting to do, and once I do that i'll start a search on how to publish the books.


If I recall correctly, I'd need monies to fund a publishing if I want to get it out myself, but if I take the book to a publishing company/industry thing, they'll do it for free for me... Anybody know how that is done?

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Well then, The fans will need to wait. I've got editting to do, and once I do that i'll start a search on how to publish the books.


If I recall correctly, I'd need monies to fund a publishing if I want to get it out myself, but if I take the book to a publishing company/industry thing, they'll do it for free for me... Anybody know how that is done?

I know a bit about it. :blink:

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Look i havent even got five chapters yet! o__O; Why are you all peoples so depserate for just that small bit?!


No. I want to keep mah monies. =D

Not exactly desperate, and I'll wait until your done, I'm just poor but still want to know how the story ends.

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Not exactly desperate, and I'll wait until your done, I'm just poor but still want to know how the story ends.

I can't find any stories i've written with happy endings, I'll let you know that much. I can never think of any good ones. Two or three other series' i've written end up with the main character getting killed off somehow. I nevr got to that point, those stories never goit very long till I got tired of them, I can't decide if I should do that in this series or not. o_o;

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