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Ok. I have two hamsters now as most of you may know. And this being the first time i've ever had one, I dont know much about this, And now you people need to tell me stuff.


First, I will say that this is an FAQ for everyone. well... This isnt necessarily an FAQ, Same thing. anyway. Ask hamster-ish questions and Horatio the HamsterMaster tells you stuff.


Now here are comments/questions on Hamster-ness.

I have two hamsters. One is aggressive and the other one isnt. (Spider is the aggressive one, Spider is her name 'cuz she climbs the wire walls and bites everything.) (Samus is the other one. She likes to run around in the tubes a lot. w00t.) Spider and Samus most always get in a fight. My sister looked up online how to keep them from biting everything, And it says to wear gloves and hold the hamsters at least once a week for a while. Anyway. First, Will that work? And Samus and Spider keep fighting, Spider has chewed off most of Samus' ears. Samus is also missing a small patch of fur. What can i do to keep them from fighting?


Beth, My sister, Figured something out about the hamsters thats rather hilarious. When they are fighting or... moving, doing something, And you blow on them rather quickly, They immediately freeze and look around, confused. Hilarious to watch. Will this have an effect on anything?


Samus tries to spend most of her time away from Spider. So she is most always up in an excersize wheel. Shes always running around and stuff, While spider is elsewhere, Usually in the tubes, Just sitting down or sleeping. Spider is big, fat and heavy, and Samus is still rather light and still in shape, Active, And Spider is getting very lazy. What can I do about this?


Most of the time when Samus (Or sometimes when Spider) goes up to the wheel, Its cylindrical and... wheel shaped, Plastic, its not wire. The hamsters stuff their mouth full of food, Go up to the wheel and spit it all out, And then run in the wheel with the food flying everywhere. It makes so much noise... The food is also conveniently the same size as the airholes in the wheel, So sometimes the food gets out of the tube... So they have a shortage of food, Because its on top of their cage or all over the floor, Or its flinging around in the wheel, or its escaped the wheel. What can be done about this?


Whenever Beth or I hold the hamsters, They dont seem interested in moving their back legs. They just use their front legs to waddle around and be cute an fluffy, But they usually pull themselves around with their front legs. Whats with this?


Spider is lazy and rarely to never uses her back legs, And therefore, When she is on an uneven surface or on a slope, She always falls. Sometimes shes rather suicidal and walks over to some ledges or drops, Slips, And falls down a foot or two...!


Spider spends a majority of time in the tubes. The horizontal, flat tubes is where she sleeps most of the day. She gets bored or something, But these tubes have the little steps and... ledges? i guess youd say, Little steps for them to climb up and down tubes, as humans would stairs or a ladder. Spider gets bored or something, And chews them all day. She sits down and chews on the bars (i guess) and their disappearing somewhat... What can be done about this?


These are two dwarf hamsters, if that will effect anything...


Anyway. Just thought i'd ask you Hamsterpeoples about this.

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Ok. I have two hamsters now as most of you may know. And this being the first time i've ever had one, I dont know much about this, And now you people need to tell me stuff.


First, I will say that this is an FAQ for everyone. well... This isnt necessarily an FAQ, Same thing. anyway. Ask hamster-ish questions and Horatio the HamsterMaster tells you stuff.


Now here are comments/questions on Hamster-ness.

I have two hamsters. One is aggressive and the other one isnt. (Spider is the aggressive one, Spider is her name 'cuz she climbs the wire walls and bites everything.) (Samus is the other one. She likes to run around in the tubes a lot. w00t.) Spider and Samus most always get in a fight. My sister looked up online how to keep them from biting everything, And it says to wear gloves and hold the hamsters at least once a week for a while. Anyway. First, Will that work? And Samus and Spider keep fighting, Spider has chewed off most of Samus' ears. Samus is also missing a small patch of fur. What can i do to keep them from fighting?


Beth, My sister, Figured something out about the hamsters thats rather hilarious. When they are fighting or... moving, doing something, And you blow on them rather quickly, They immediately freeze and look around, confused. Hilarious to watch. Will this have an effect on anything?


Samus tries to spend most of her time away from Spider. So she is most always up in an excersize wheel. Shes always running around and stuff, While spider is elsewhere, Usually in the tubes, Just sitting down or sleeping. Spider is big, fat and heavy, and Samus is still rather light and still in shape, Active, And Spider is getting very lazy. What can I do about this?


Most of the time when Samus (Or sometimes when Spider) goes up to the wheel, Its cylindrical and... wheel shaped, Plastic, its not wire. The hamsters stuff their mouth full of food, Go up to the wheel and spit it all out, And then run in the wheel with the food flying everywhere. It makes so much noise... The food is also conveniently the same size as the airholes in the wheel, So sometimes the food gets out of the tube... So they have a shortage of food, Because its on top of their cage or all over the floor, Or its flinging around in the wheel, or its escaped the wheel. What can be done about this?


Whenever Beth or I hold the hamsters, They dont seem interested in moving their back legs. They just use their front legs to waddle around and be cute an fluffy, But they usually pull themselves around with their front legs. Whats with this?


Spider is lazy and rarely to never uses her back legs, And therefore, When she is on an uneven surface or on a slope, She always falls. Sometimes shes rather suicidal and walks over to some ledges or drops, Slips, And falls down a foot or two...!


Spider spends a majority of time in the tubes. The horizontal, flat tubes is where she sleeps most of the day. She gets bored or something, But these tubes have the little steps and... ledges? i guess youd say, Little steps for them to climb up and down tubes, as humans would stairs or a ladder. Spider gets bored or something, And chews them all day. She sits down and chews on the bars (i guess) and their disappearing somewhat... What can be done about this?


These are two dwarf hamsters, if that will effect anything...


Anyway. Just thought i'd ask you Hamsterpeoples about this.

First, I am guessing that you should separate them even though they should be able to stay together. Ears don't grow back. If Spider goes for the eyes or something else, your poor little hammie may get hurt so bad that she does not make it. As far as getting lazy, I wouldn't worry about it. They might be getting exercise when you are sleeping.


When hammies get food in nature, they then have to run back to their home, empty their pouches and leave the food. So in the cage, they fill their pouches, run in the wheel and then hid their food. As for spitting it out in the wheel, well, I have to think about that. I have one that does that.


You want to make sure that you never blow on their faces, ears or eyes. What you are doing is simulating a predator that is why they freeze in position. You will see their heart's speed up from fear.


Do you have wooden logs, blocks other chewing items for the hammies?


I will get back to you on this later as I am getting tired and not thinking straight.

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First, I am guessing that you should separate them even though they should be able to stay together.  Ears don't grow back.  If Spider goes for the eyes or something else, your poor little hammie may get hurt so bad that she does not make it.  As far as getting lazy, I wouldn't worry about it.  They might be getting exercise when you are sleeping.


When hammies get food in nature, they then have to run back to their home, empty their pouches  and leave the food.  So in the cage, they fill their pouches, run in the wheel and then hid their food.  As for spitting it out in the wheel, well, I have to think about that.  I have one that does that.


You want to make sure that you never blow on their faces, ears or eyes.  What you are doing is simulating a predator that is why they freeze in position.  You will see their heart's speed up from fear.


Do you have wooden logs, blocks other chewing items for the hammies?


I will get back to you on this later as I am getting tired and not thinking straight.

Alright, ill see what I can do about that... thanks anyway

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The part about the food flying everywhere is pretty funny. :lol::lol:

However, I agree with Hortario, don't blow on them, and separate them ASAP.

Also, taking Spider out of the cage and putting him in a ball might help him excersize.


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