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Either from what I remember of what you peebles describe to me, I'll make them an avatar. And then attach it here. I already made one for myself, like two months ago, And i made one for Kat like. two weeks ago or something. I'll post them both here. n_n


post-765-1110384508_thumb.png Kat's Avvie


post-765-1110384576_thumb.png One Avvie that I made for whoever. Maybe me.


post-765-1110384650_thumb.png An avvie i made for my board. And for Val. I drew Val. Pig picture. I might upload it here sometime.


Thats all i have for right now, But if someone wants an avvie, I'll make them one that vaguely resembles what they told me, 'cuz i dont do things perfectly. Ever.

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Either from what I remember of what you peebles describe to me, I'll make them an avatar. And then attach it here. I already made one for myself, like two months ago, And i made one for Kat like. two weeks ago or something. I'll post them both here. n_n


KatAvvie.png Kat's Avvie


ArkcherAvvie.png One Avvie that I made for whoever. Maybe me.


VaHawPrev.png An avvie i made for my board. And for Val. I drew Val. Pig picture. I might upload it here sometime.


Thats all i have for right now, But if someone wants an avvie, I'll make them one that vaguely resembles what they told me, 'cuz i dont do things perfectly. Ever.

*wonders where the Horatio avatar is*


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Okay this time i'll do it for real o_o


This idea came to me, wondering how i would draw a hamster in an airplane. And then came up with this wierd idea, Horatio could be shooting stuff, too. :lol:




And there you go. I might make a better one sometime though. You go with that one for the time being.


And like i said, ML, All i need to do is PSP-ify it and color it, And then post it here and la-dee-flippin-da, you'll have an avvie.

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Okay this time i'll do it for real o_o


This idea came to me, wondering how i would draw a hamster in an airplane. And then came up with this wierd idea, Horatio could be shooting stuff, too. :lol:




And there you go. I might make a better one sometime though. You go with that one for the time being.


And like i said, ML, All i need to do is PSP-ify it and color it, And then post it here and la-dee-flippin-da, you'll have an avvie.

I :wub: LOVE :wub: IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thank you Arkcher!!!

*hops in jet and starts shooting paint balls at TGHL*

*hits the Phoenix with lime greens, hot pink, neon colors*

This is great!

Here I was really wondering what your reaction to that would be. :lol: On an art website i gos to, I submitted that in the category of Macabre & Horror, being a hamster killing everyone. >_>;; Anyway...


ML, I havent done anything with yours since. i posted then. Im gonna work on it now. w00t.

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Yeth..And mine too! :P

Ok i decided to do something different with yours. I havent decided what though, ssssooooooooooo


What do you want on deh avatar? Earlier i was gonna use a black & white 'drawing' of a hamster i made yesterday and color it with money print stuffs, put encrested golds and jewels and stuff all over it, But I cant... make. money print. and google image search isnt helping neither. o_<;


So whadd'you want for an avvie? You could be the first avvie that I made here thats animated, provided i can make all the frames. :lol:

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Okay this time i'll do it for real o_o


This idea came to me, wondering how i would draw a hamster in an airplane. And then came up with this wierd idea, Horatio could be shooting stuff, too. :lol:




And there you go. I might make a better one sometime though. You go with that one for the time being.


And like i said, ML, All i need to do is PSP-ify it and color it, And then post it here and la-dee-flippin-da, you'll have an avvie.

Wooo..Go Nick, Go Nick!!!


Thankles a bunchOs


Also..Nice job on zee Horatio's avieeeeeee

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Okay this time i'll do it for real o_o


This idea came to me, wondering how i would draw a hamster in an airplane. And then came up with this wierd idea, Horatio could be shooting stuff, too. :lol:




And there you go. I might make a better one sometime though. You go with that one for the time being.


And like i said, ML, All i need to do is PSP-ify it and color it, And then post it here and la-dee-flippin-da, you'll have an avvie.

Thar is completly friggin' awsome. You should get some sort of award for that. You get the...erm...I dunno. Pick one.

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*wonders where top bananana's avvie is*

I made one for you, too. n_n Just now. in 20 seconds or so.




I drew it in that Yahoo IM doodle thing. Too lazy to open PSP7. o_o

Muh friend in Houston who helped make this thinks im wierd. I wonder why.

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I made one for you, too. n_n Just now. in 20 seconds or so.




I drew it in that Yahoo IM doodle thing. Too lazy to open PSP7. o_o

Muh friend in Houston who helped make this thinks im wierd. I wonder why.


That's great! Pick up your Gold Star Award! :D

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Ok i decided to do something different with yours. I havent decided what though, ssssooooooooooo


What do you want on deh avatar? Earlier i was gonna use a black & white 'drawing' of a hamster i made yesterday and color it with money print stuffs, put encrested golds and jewels and stuff all over it, But I cant... make. money print. and google image search isnt helping neither. o_<;


So whadd'you want for an avvie? You could be the first avvie that I made here thats animated, provided i can make all the frames. :lol:

Eeeeh... Yes..Coolness..Animation Avie!!!!! And, anything, you pick..Wait...No wait, make it for my soon to be name..TBFOFuzzy... Like with fuzzums and the words across the top and any surprises u want.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Eeeeh... Yes..Coolness..Animation Avie!!!!! And, anything, you pick..Wait...No wait, make it for my soon to be name..TBFOFuzzy... Like with fuzzums and the words across the top and any surprises u want.

I already know how i'll animate it and such, i just havent made the frames or... havent... started anything on it yet. o_o


Top banana! Come retrieve your avvie!

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Thank you Arkcher!!!

*hops in jet and starts shooting paint balls at TGHL*

*hits the Phoenix with lime greens, hot pink, neon colors*

This is great!

LOL!!!!!! I'm making some avatars too, everybuggy, but they're GIFs. My first one's about done!!!


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It looks like you just took half of a drawing that was already attached here, and downsized it. I dont think you made that. o_o

i did that origionaly! if you don't believe me, do a search for "pretty pretty good"

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i did that origionaly!  if you don't believe me, do a search for "pretty pretty good"

I remember seeing that somwhere else on the board, I dont mean to accuse you of vandelizing.


So if you did or didnt, Use that for yer avvie. -has a brilliant idea and makes an avvie for Cheesemaster anyway- xD

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I remember seeing that somwhere else on the board, I dont mean to accuse you of vandelizing.


So if you did or didnt, Use that for yer avvie. -has a brilliant idea and makes an avvie for Cheesemaster anyway- xD

lemme see please!

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Ok I finished it.


Didnt turn out how I imagined though.

(It would have been a still picture if there was enough room. o-o; )



(Its animated, so click on it. Or else. o_o)


You likey? eh?

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Ok I finished it.


Didnt turn out how I imagined though.

(It would have been a still picture if there was enough room. o-o; )



(Its animated, so click on it. Or else. o_o)


You likey? eh?


That is excellent! I love it!

*hands Arkcher The Platinum Moon Award*

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  • 2 weeks later...
Either from what I remember of what you peebles describe to me, I'll make them an avatar. And then attach it here. I already made one for myself, like two months ago, And i made one for Kat like. two weeks ago or something. I'll post them both here. n_n


post-765-1110384508_thumb.png Kat's Avvie


post-765-1110384576_thumb.png One Avvie that I made for whoever. Maybe me.


post-765-1110384650_thumb.png An avvie i made for my board. And for Val. I drew Val. Pig picture. I might upload it here sometime.


Thats all i have for right now, But if someone wants an avvie, I'll make them one that vaguely resembles what they told me, 'cuz i dont do things perfectly. Ever.

I am a Cat wering a Kimono,I wear a hat similer to Toad off the Mario games,

one side is black and the other is Rainbow. Ha. I am the Elemental.

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LOL!!!!!! I'm making some avatars too, everybuggy, but they're GIFs. My first one's about done!!!


Hey the Thingy under your avater is Mushroom Monkey Madness! Do you mean me?

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Eeeeh... Yes..Coolness..Animation Avie!!!!! And, anything, you pick..Wait...No wait, make it for my soon to be name..TBFOFuzzy... Like with fuzzums and the words across the top and any surprises u want.

If you change it you will never hear from me AGAIN!

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WHY??????  Moneylover is truly The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy!!!  That name fits him much better!!!

I made an avvie for you. Ill try to get it.

Oops, Forgot to put it on my destop. How do I do that?

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WHY??????  Moneylover is truly The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy!!!  That name fits him much better!!!

Hes got the Avatar, Siggy, and Title He dousnt need a Name...

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I forgot all about that description you gave me while making this avatar. >_< But I made one! (That, And upon reading it, I've no idea how i'd make the elemental mushroom kimono-deal. o_o)


But here it is anyway. Its a blinkie (animated). n_n I make those now. Real easy to make.





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I forgot all about that description you gave me while making this avatar. >_


But here it is anyway. Its a blinkie (animated). n_n I make those now. Real easy to make.






You pic is absolutely PHENOMENAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*goes to give Arkcher an award, but remembers he thinks there are too many of my awards out there*

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You pic is absolutely PHENOMENAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*goes to give Arkcher an award, but remembers he thinks there are too many of my awards out there*

Another award for something that took 40 seconds to make. :lol:

(More than 40 seconds this time, I messed up putting it together at first. I was adding frames from one of my other freinds' avvie I made. So half the time our avvie would'a had a wolf running on it, or a royal mushroom. :lol: I fixed it though...


Now since when did I think that? :huh: I dun remember this.

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You get the Cloudy Aisha award,

Neo Neo Award,

Neo Ranba Award,

and thats it.


( How do I make it Animated?)

Woohoo! More awards.


It requires some software that would need purchasing, I dont think its possible to get hold of some freeware that lets you get animated GIF images.

I use Animation Shop3, which comes with Paint Shop Pro7. The two combined make some pretty spiffy artwork.

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Woohoo! More awards.


It requires some software that would need purchasing, I dont think its possible to get hold of some freeware that lets you get animated GIF images.

I use Animation Shop3, which comes with Paint Shop Pro7. The two combined make some pretty spiffy artwork.






wow that sounds complicated. as i'm in a good mood (infact i just gave toto 72 awards) you get 50 super shyin awards and 345 arty farty awards and you just broke the record for getting the most arty farty award so you get 10 super record awards. i am out of awards now!

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wow that sounds complicated. as i'm in a good mood (infact i just gave toto 72 awards) you get 50 super shyin awards and 345 arty farty awards and you just broke the record for getting the most arty farty award so you get 10 super record awards. i am out of awards now!

Whoa... o_o; I have a million awards now.


Making animations isnt too complicated, just takes... some kinda time.And you need simple software, and the art to make frames (which is the hardest part) But i'll take the awards anyway!

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Guest Skwerlhugger Will
wow that sounds complicated. as i'm in a good mood (infact i just gave toto 72 awards) you get 50 super shyin awards and 345 arty farty awards and you just broke the record for getting the most arty farty award so you get 10 super record awards. i am out of awards now!

Whoa... o_o; I have a million awards now.


Making animations isnt too complicated, just takes... some kinda time.And you need simple software, and the art to make frames (which is the hardest part) But i'll take the awards anyway!

can i have an avvie?

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Aaaaahhhhhh Three people want avvies. <.<;; I'll... I'll start working on you peoples' avvies right now. Eh. =D

you dont have to make one for me if your over loaded.

That, And I cant think of something for yer avvie. o_O;

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Aaaaahhhhhh Three people want avvies. <.<;; I'll... I'll start working on you peoples' avvies right now. Eh. =D

you dont have to make one for me if your over loaded.

That, And I cant think of something for yer avvie. o_O;


hint hint skwerlz hint hint

Yeah but it'd be boring if it was just a squirrel sittin' there. :lol:

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Guest Skwerlhugger Will
Aaaaahhhhhh Three people want avvies. <.<;; I'll... I'll start working on you peoples' avvies right now. Eh. =D

you dont have to make one for me if your over loaded.

That, And I cant think of something for yer avvie. o_O;


hint hint skwerlz hint hint

Yeah but it'd be boring if it was just a squirrel sittin' there. :lol:

how bout an evil skwerl eatin some one?

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I forgot all about that description you gave me while making this avatar. >_< But I made one! (That, And upon reading it, I've no idea how i'd make the elemental mushroom kimono-deal. o_o)


But here it is anyway. Its a blinkie (animated). n_n I make those now. Real easy to make.






how'd u animate it?

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Aaaaahhhhhh Three people want avvies. <.<;; I'll... I'll start working on you peoples' avvies right now. Eh. =D

you dont have to make one for me if your over loaded.

That, And I cant think of something for yer avvie. o_O;


hint hint skwerlz hint hint

Yeah but it'd be boring if it was just a squirrel sittin' there. :lol:

how bout an evil skwerl eatin some one?

>) I am intrigued. -starts drawing mah own sprites- =D

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Eeeeh... Yes..Coolness..Animation Avie!!!!! And, anything, you pick..Wait...No wait, make it for my soon to be name..TBFOFuzzy... Like with fuzzums and the words across the top and any surprises u want.

If you change it you will never hear from me AGAIN!

*Wonders if we'll hear from him again.

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Guest Skwerlhugger Will
Eeeeh... Yes..Coolness..Animation Avie!!!!! And, anything, you pick..Wait...No wait, make it for my soon to be name..TBFOFuzzy... Like with fuzzums and the words across the top and any surprises u want.

If you change it you will never hear from me AGAIN!

*Wonders if we'll hear from him again.

just tellin ya cauz it makes her made when people call her a boy, mush is a girl

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hes got the Avatar, Siggy, and Title He dousnt need a Name...

I have been waiting way longer than you. And I don't see you claiming you are the biggest, so yeah. I can have it.

WHERE THE DID I SAY I WAS THE BIGGEST FAN OF FUZZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not to mention, do you know what? you don't like me anyway. You Agreed

To be my freind you said I could. You Lied. That is very Hurtful. You want to know what you are to me? Some Moron whoruns around saying,

"Duh I'm the Biggest fan of fuzzy! Your not so i'll boast in yer face!1!!! I have morre MNoney than you to!!!" You know what? I was pretty sure that I was okay and that No one would hate me Ever again. No. You Hate me and Personally, I think I would rather be trapped in a Pitchblack room at midnight

with TGHL,a Chainsaw, and a sanity Stealer. I Thought that I would never get into fights again. Guess what? When Horatio, Hoops ahshirt, Top_bannana, Toto, Arkcher, Skwerlhugger will, Mullaypop, and My other freinds come Crying because I'm gone and never coming back, They can go complain to you.

The one thing that keeps me from Leaving is Hoops and the Mushroom Army. But now I have to go. All because of you.

Edited by Horatio
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Hes got the Avatar, Siggy, and Title He dousnt need a Name...

I have been waiting way longer than you. And I don't see you claiming you are the biggest, so yeah. I can have it.

WHERE THE DID I SAY I WAS THE BIGGEST FAN OF FUZZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not to mention, do you know what? you don't like me anyway. You Agreed

To be my freind you said I could. You Lied. That is very Hurtful. You want to know what you are to me? Some Moron whoruns around saying,

"Duh I'm the Biggest fan of fuzzy! Your not so i'll boast in yer face!1!!! I have morre MNoney than you to!!!" You know what? I was pretty sure that I was okay and that No one would hate me Ever again. No. You Hate me and Personally, I think I would rather be trapped in a Pitchblack room at midnight

with TGHL,a Chainsaw, and a sanity Stealer. I Thought that I would never get into fights again. Guess what? When Horatio, Hoops ahshirt, Top_bannana, Toto, Arkcher, Skwerlhugger will, Mullaypop, and My other freinds come Crying because I'm gone and never coming back, They can go complain to you.

The one thing that keeps me from Leaving is Hoops and the Mushroom Army. But now I have to go. All because of you.

One thing that I really think is causing you to lose friends is when you lose control like this, You take everything too personally and seriously. nobody on this board hates anyone else.


If you want to leave, well, there really isnt anything we can do to stop you, but I will not blame ML for it. Its your own decision on how to handle these things, and you take them the wrong way and always get real mad at everyone.

You'll have more, and better freinds if you try to be their friend, and be tolerant of anything they may or may not say that is offensive to you.

And rather than exploding like that, you can just ask somebody not to act like that...

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Hes got the Avatar, Siggy, and Title He dousnt need a Name...

I have been waiting way longer than you. And I don't see you claiming you are the biggest, so yeah. I can have it.

WHERE THE DID I SAY I WAS THE BIGGEST FAN OF FUZZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not to mention, do you know what? you don't like me anyway. You Agreed

To be my freind you said I could. You Lied. That is very Hurtful. You want to know what you are to me? Some Moron whoruns around saying,

"Duh I'm the Biggest fan of fuzzy! Your not so i'll boast in yer face!1!!! I have morre MNoney than you to!!!" You know what? I was pretty sure that I was okay and that No one would hate me Ever again. No. You Hate me and Personally, I think I would rather be trapped in a Pitchblack room at midnight

with TGHL,a Chainsaw, and a sanity Stealer. I Thought that I would never get into fights again. Guess what? When Horatio, Hoops ahshirt, Top_bannana, Toto, Arkcher, Skwerlhugger will, Mullaypop, and My other freinds come Crying because I'm gone and never coming back, They can go complain to you.

The one thing that keeps me from Leaving is Hoops and the Mushroom Army. But now I have to go. All because of you.

*pats on back* Calm down. Nobody hates you. It was a misunderstanding and I'm sure that TBFOF didn't mean to insult you by saying it.

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Hes got the Avatar, Siggy, and Title He dousnt need a Name...

I have been waiting way longer than you. And I don't see you claiming you are the biggest, so yeah. I can have it.

WHERE THE DID I SAY I WAS THE BIGGEST FAN OF FUZZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not to mention, do you know what? you don't like me anyway. You Agreed

To be my freind you said I could. You Lied. That is very Hurtful. You want to know what you are to me? Some Moron whoruns around saying,

"Duh I'm the Biggest fan of fuzzy! Your not so i'll boast in yer face!1!!! I have morre MNoney than you to!!!" You know what? I was pretty sure that I was okay and that No one would hate me Ever again. No. You Hate me and Personally, I think I would rather be trapped in a Pitchblack room at midnight

with TGHL,a Chainsaw, and a sanity Stealer. I Thought that I would never get into fights again. Guess what? When Horatio, Hoops ahshirt, Top_bannana, Toto, Arkcher, Skwerlhugger will, Mullaypop, and My other freinds come Crying because I'm gone and never coming back, They can go complain to you.

The one thing that keeps me from Leaving is Hoops and the Mushroom Army. But now I have to go. All because of you.

*pats on back* Calm down. Nobody hates you. It was a misunderstanding and I'm sure that TBFOF didn't mean to insult you by saying it.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Here I was really wondering what your reaction to that would be. :lol: On an art website i gos to, I submitted that in the category of Macabre & Horror, being a hamster killing everyone. >_>;; Anyway...


ML, I havent done anything with yours since. i posted then. Im gonna work on it now. w00t.



:unsure: that art website wouldn't happen to start with a D would it?.... :unsure:

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Here I was really wondering what your reaction to that would be. :lol: On an art website i gos to, I submitted that in the category of Macabre & Horror, being a hamster killing everyone. >_>;; Anyway...


ML, I havent done anything with yours since. i posted then. Im gonna work on it now. w00t.



:unsure: that art website wouldn't happen to start with a D would it?.... :unsure:

I did find you on that site. :lol: With subtle comments and hintings!

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I was implying something.

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  • 2 months later...
-bumsps topic- Im so evil.

You do realize that now that you've reminded people of this topic, you will be required to make avatars again.

I didnt make them then, I probably wont make them now, either. :lol:

Yeah, but people will still bother you about it. XD

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-bumsps topic- Im so evil.

You do realize that now that you've reminded people of this topic, you will be required to make avatars again.

I didnt make them then, I probably wont make them now, either. :lol:

Yeah, but people will still bother you about it. XD

... So. <.<

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-bumsps topic- Im so evil.

You do realize that now that you've reminded people of this topic, you will be required to make avatars again.

I didnt make them then, I probably wont make them now, either. :lol:

Yeah, but people will still bother you about it. XD

... So. <.<


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