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My dog is sick

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My dog, Miles, he's got an infection. He's been running around in plants and he's got a bit of raw skin now. He's on medication, and he's got a cream for it. I can tell he's in a lot of pain. He whimpers when it's really itchy, he attempts to gnaw at it with his teeth to stop the itch, but we tell him to leave it. That's all I got to say about it. Just thought you guys might've wanted to know if that sort of thing happened. Don't worry, though. He'll get better.
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Yes, but the vets didn't. My dog just acted like the world was about to end when we put one on once. He managed to paw it off his head.

Oh, poor little baby.  I always feel so sorry for the animals when we cannot explain to them that this is for their own good.  It reminds me of the time we got boots for our dog.  First, he did not want to put any of his feet on the floor.  Second, my mother said no laughing as this would hurt the dogs feelings.  (It was hilarious!  I wish we had thought to record this on camera!)  Anyway, the dog finally got used to the boots and then he became ridulous about it, he never wanted to go out in the rain or snow unless he had his boots on.  Sometimes, we had to put them on because he would stand at the doggie door and howl, with his boots right beside him.   Well, that was off the topic, but your puppy made me think of mine.


:laughing       :laughing       :laughing       :laughing       :laughing       :laughing       :laughing       :laughing       :laughing       :laughing

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lol that sounds funny

My mother was phenomenal with animals.  But sometimes she would have the strangest rules.  For instance, when it started to get hot, the dogs would always go swimming in the canal.  So just prior to summer, my mother would send them in for a major hair removal.  Of course, when they came home from the Pooch Palace Salon, they looked very funny, almost bald.  We were never allowed to laugh at them because my mother was worried about their feelings.  Instead we had to tell them how beautiful they looked.  I know some dogs are smart, but do you think that they know when you are laughing at them? ???  ???  ???

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There is some spray that you can put pver bandages, skin, ointment that stops the iching , and I don't think it tastes good, but it's not toxic and pet friendly. You can buy it at PetsMart or Petco, just ask for help, because I still don't know what it's called! :angry:
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hmmm.... i dont believe u can hurt a dogs feelings by laughing. they might just end up thinking they're cute mayb, but i don't think they would think you're embarrassing them. ya, i'd say ur mother has some very odd rules about the pets :P  :o
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My dog, Miles, he's got an infection. He's been running around in plants and he's got a bit of raw skin now. He's on medication, and he's got a cream for it. I can tell he's in a lot of pain. He whimpers when it's really itchy, he attempts to gnaw at it with his teeth to stop the itch, but we tell him to leave it. That's all I got to say about it. Just thought you guys might've wanted to know if that sort of thing happened. Don't worry, though. He'll get better.

Im sorry MW. I hope he gets better really really fast!!

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There is some spray that you can put pver bandages, skin, ointment that stops the iching , and I don't think it tastes good, but it's not toxic and pet friendly. You can buy it at PetsMart or Petco, just ask for help, because I still don't know what it's called! :angry:

well one with the flavor of Bitter Apple my dog just licked. :P

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Guest Honey3

My dog Sammy had a skin problem like that he is ok though he is just gunna b bald in one of his spots 4 a while!!!MW u should go 2 warm wishes and see the topic WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm losing a pet!!! :))


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my dog is better now.

Oh thats great news to hear! I was wondering, I am getting myself a dog soon, can you help me, like tell me all the things I will need to do to get my house ready for him and what to like expect for when he comes? Can you just go into the topic Might Be Getting me a new puppy soon...

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