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Tiny friends graveyard

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I used the prettiest rock ever. It was red/pinkish granit(?) very pretty!

Oh, what a great rock. Granite always has beautiful colors and the red/pinkish is one of my favorites.  I really like granite.  Thank you for taking the time to find such a great rock. :sleepy:

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well, this beats my graveyard... :upside:  :(

No it doesn't !!!!!!!  It just shows you what a great idea you have.  People can place their thoughts in both places.  I know that Rocky and Horatio and all the other hammies, guinea pigs, snakes, lizards, fish, etc. are pals now.

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i have 2 rocks to choose from, both from the beach. which should i use for teddy? which should i use for horatio? i'll get more soon as possible, but i dunno when. one is jadite and the other one is some-orange-igneous-rock-i-have-no-idea-what-it's-called-but-it's-orange-with-some-white-streaks-but-it's-pretty. so who should have which?
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i have 2 rocks to choose from, both from the beach. which should i use for teddy? which should i use for horatio? i'll get more soon as possible, but i dunno when. one is jadite and the other one is some-orange-igneous-rock-i-have-no-idea-what-it's-called-but-it's-orange-with-some-white-streaks-but-it's-pretty. so who should have which?

If it is okay, orange with white streaks would be really great.  Kind of like Horatio's colors!  I love the beach.  The rocks are always so pretty there.  Do you ever find any beach glass.  Those are really pretty pieces of color.  I once found a dark orange piece of beach glass.  It was great.

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okay, horatio's rock says:


|Horatio    |

|------     |

|Beloved   |

|hamster   |

|of Patricia|


but the rock's pretty small, so i sort of squished it on... 8)

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okay, horatio's rock says:


|Horatio    |

|------     |

|Beloved   |

|hamster   |

|of Patricia|


but the rock's pretty small, so i sort of squished it on... 8)

I am sure that it looks just beautiful!   :sleepy:

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  • 2 weeks later...


                  [  bob & guber      ]

                  [                        ]

                  [  2003-2003        ]

                  [                        ]

                  [     RIP               ]


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my dog died ....about 3 weeks ago ......im still not over it ......i had that dog sence i was in kindergarden .......she was climen the fence and sliped and hung herself..... she had climed that fence a millon time.........never had she sliped never........*crys*
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my dog died ....about 3 weeks ago ......im still not over it ......i had that dog sence i was in kindergarden .......she was climen the fence and sliped and hung herself..... she had climed that fence a millon time.........never had she sliped never........*crys*

Oh, I am so, so sorry to hear this.  It is heartbreaking.  Your heart must hurt so very much.  Please read the poem for pets that have passed away.  The Rainbow Bridge.  It is very beautiful.  It will make you cry, but it will make you feel better.  Hope that you come back and post again. :sleepy:

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Guest Honey3

Please could you put down Dot & Hannah.Dot was my best friend.And Hannah was kinda mean but she is still my hamster and I love her. :love:  :love:  :love:


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I have not made a graveyard yet, since the graveyard would be lost since I'm moving. But I plan on making a graveyard when I move. Just so they've got international(or national)graves.
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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
okay, horatio's rock says:


| Horatio |

|  ------ |

| Beloved  |

| hamster  |

|of Patricia|


but the rock's pretty small, so i sort of squished it on... 8)



                           :)  :(  :bowwow:

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we already have a sugar...but one could count as two~

You could distinguish between the two Sugars by putting the owner's name or initials with it.  For example...  Pashima's Sugar could be the second one or PTH's Sugar.  What do your think? ???

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well this is for you donatello and kato *sniff*if you didnt bite my brothers face we'd still have you *sniff* :(
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hes ok *sniff* but we had to give Kato to the pound when i was 3*cries*i lost donnatelo at age 1 and i only pet him once*cries* :(  :(
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
I wouldn't do that.  It is a good thing that these topics are not needed.  That means that everyone's best friends are healthy and happy. :D

Yes, good. *sticks temporary gravestone in ground* "This is the grave of Deaths of Pets. They are all busy being alive. That is good."

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<font color='#0000FF'>Can some one please make one for my poor Westie who died 3 years ago. His name was Polar cause he looked like a miny polar bear. I got him for My birthday in  1998 and he died september of 2001. I would like a nice big one in the shape of a cross for him. And I want a big rose bush on each side please.</font>

Since Im too lazy, and one will make me one in Rockey's Cemetary..I have came here...Someone please use the above to make one..

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How did he die at such a young age :(

He, He, :( Had his back legs and some of his body run over by a tractor trailer and since I could see he was miserable and in so much pain, I made the most hard decision of my life, put him to sleep...My doctor had been suggesting it but I kept refusing :(:(:(

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He, He,  :( Had his back legs and some of his body run over by a tractor trailer and since I could see he was miserable and in so much pain, I made the most hard decision of my life, put him to sleep...My doctor had been suggesting it but I kept refusing :(  :(  :(

*Oh....... feels the pain for the poor baby* :(:(:(

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He, He,  :( Had his back legs and some of his body run over by a tractor trailer and since I could see he was miserable and in so much pain, I made the most hard decision of my life, put him to sleep...My doctor had been suggesting it but I kept refusing :(  :(  :(

*cries for doggy*

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  • 4 weeks later...

Put one in for my kitty. She was, like one year old. She was running, trying to get out on the deck, as my mom was closing the heavy sliding glass door. The door closed on her neck. :( She was okay for an hour, but then she started panting for 10 seconds, then fell over and died.T-T :( That was about 6 months ago.

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Put one in for my kitty.  She was, like one year old.  She was running, trying to get out on the deck, as my mom was closing the heavy sliding glass door.  The door closed on her neck. :( She was okay for an hour, but then she started panting for 10 seconds, then fell over and died.T-T :( That was about 6 months ago.

:( Oh, I am sorry to hear that. :( What was her name?

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Put one in for my kitty.  She was, like one year old.  She was running, trying to get out on the deck, as my mom was closing the heavy sliding glass door.  The door closed on her neck. :( She was okay for an hour, but then she started panting for 10 seconds, then fell over and died.T-T :( That was about 6 months ago.

Poor kitty :(:(:(

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  • 3 months later...

My Baby Boy Cheeky died yesterday peacefully in his sleep :( . So I made him a prayer


God bless cheeky,

let him pass to the next life in peace.

I love him as i love my old hamster Blinky.

Let them be in eternal happiness,

and enjoy themselves

for ever and ever.




I had a old hamster called Blinky


God bless Cheeky and Blinky.

I love you

Cheeky RIP

Blinky RIP

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My Baby Boy Cheeky died yesterday peacefully in his sleep :( . So I made him a prayer


God bless cheeky,

let him pass to the next life in peace.

I love him as i love my old hamster Blinky.

Let them be in eternal happiness,

and enjoy themselves

for ever and ever.




I had a old hamster called Blinky


God bless Cheeky and Blinky.

I love you

Cheeky RIP

Blinky RIP


Your words are so beautiful.

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This is a memorial for a litter of puppies that died of Parvovirus. :(


This is for

ted :)

runt :D

lizzie :blink:

jake :lol:

toby B)

sarah ;)

charlie  :D

lucy :rolleyes:


I love you guys and hope you like it up in rainbow bridge


God bless :wub:


That is so nice.

*thinks about all my wonderful friends who are at Rainbow Bridge with those precious puppies*

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  • 2 months later...

here is me Crying for me pet pencil dude....



Some people just thought that he was just a pencil,

But Dude "the dumb pencil" was more than cruel,

Dude was cool fun and kind,'

Now hes dead and haunts me mind,

He promised me to get rid of Mondrobi,

Before he died they were great freinds by

He just died yesterday, I made him a grave,

and in his will, To Mondrobi he gave,

All his freinds, his money and things,

and now a Dirge Song I shall sing,

Dude was great kind aND nice,

And he would never Hide at night,\

he would never poke the guests,

and now I cry for Dude to lest

the pain when I weep over his gave, Dude was good, Kind and dead,

That is all I have to said.

( This poem also describes me 2 Hamsters I had years ago, There names were NooNoo and Pikachu. Just replace "Dude" with one of those names, and its a good Dirge Poem. :(

You all get the Funeral of Dude awards.

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I also need some sort of Poem fo me dog Tolly, and me Hamsters Noonoo and Pikachu. I used to have a Dog Named Rainai, But we hads to get id of him. Make poems for all of em.

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  • 3 months later...

wasnt it called hammy graveyard id like to rip to my to dead baby hamsters brooke and brooke :unsure::unsure::(:(:(:( i had lots of fun running in the feild in till one day [crie] my first hamster not second one someone hated me so much my sister put sun flower seeds in the road when we got done walking around the feild and she and her freind myra killed her my sister whanted a hamster she couldnt have one i sat their as her and her freind drove right on my hamster i sat their waching my hamster die :o lader my sis had a broken leg becuse of what she did and my second hamster comidied suisid becuse my sister kept radlling the cage now i have toke revenge :angry::angry: and now my hamsters can r.i.p

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i whant to give a pray to my to dead hamsters as i sat their waching them get murdered bye my own sister brooke and brooke where good hamsters everyday after we toke a walk down town weded go colect sun flower seads their was my sister that planed the murder i whant my to hamsters to now r.i.p becuse i have toke revenge :angry:

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My best friend Cutiepie died in her sleep

I've never seen that colour on a hamster before lovely coat. cutiepie is in heaven with my Jimmy 2 now...... :( .... :unsure:.................



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Hey, guys?


ZombieCat died tonight.



RIP, ZoeApplePie.


Jun 23 2005 to Aug 29 2005

Your memory lives on, my Bristol-ese counterpart.

May we meet again, and hopefully, it will be longer than the instant I am judged.






ZAP will live on in my heart.

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Hey, guys?


ZombieCat died tonight.



RIP, ZoeApplePie.


Jun 23 2005 to Aug 29 2005

Your memory lives on, my Bristol-ese counterpart.

May we meet again, and hopefully, it will be longer than the instant I am judged.






ZAP will live on in my heart.

Outstanding pic, but I am sorry to hear that ZombieCat is no longer with us.

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Hey, guys?


ZombieCat died tonight.



RIP, ZoeApplePie.


Jun 23 2005 to Aug 29 2005

Your memory lives on, my Bristol-ese counterpart.

May we meet again, and hopefully, it will be longer than the instant I am judged.






ZAP will live on in my heart.

Outstanding pic, but I am sorry to hear that ZombieCat is no longer with us.

Yes. I am sad. Maybe when I figure out how to change the name of an account, we will have a friend among us named Flash. Then it will be fun!


Err... Could you help me out here? I know MoneyLover changed his name to TBFOF (right? yeah.) so I know it's possible. :)B)

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Hey, guys?


ZombieCat died tonight.



RIP, ZoeApplePie.


Jun 23 2005 to Aug 29 2005

Your memory lives on, my Bristol-ese counterpart.

May we meet again, and hopefully, it will be longer than the instant I am judged.






ZAP will live on in my heart.

Outstanding pic, but I am sorry to hear that ZombieCat is no longer with us.

Yes. I am sad. Maybe when I figure out how to change the name of an account, we will have a friend among us named Flash. Then it will be fun!


Err... Could you help me out here? I know MoneyLover changed his name to TBFOF (right? yeah.) so I know it's possible. :)B)

Sure. You let me know what name you want changed and exactly how you want the new name to appear. For example, if you want flash, Flash, fLaSh or +F+L+A+S+H+... you have to let me know. I am a blonde hamster and have not developed the mind reading skill. :lol: Then I will let HampsterKing know. He has a couple to do, Top Banana and Vanilla Star Hamster, so get your request in now. Operators are standing by.

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Hey, guys?


ZombieCat died tonight.



RIP, ZoeApplePie.


Jun 23 2005 to Aug 29 2005

Your memory lives on, my Bristol-ese counterpart.

May we meet again, and hopefully, it will be longer than the instant I am judged.






ZAP will live on in my heart.

You know, I thought Zap was always dead. You know, being a zombie and all.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey, guys?


ZombieCat died tonight.



RIP, ZoeApplePie.


Jun 23 2005 to Aug 29 2005

Your memory lives on, my Bristol-ese counterpart.

May we meet again, and hopefully, it will be longer than the instant I am judged.






ZAP will live on in my heart.

Outstanding pic, but I am sorry to hear that ZombieCat is no longer with us.

Yes. I am sad. Maybe when I figure out how to change the name of an account, we will have a friend among us named Flash. Then it will be fun!


Err... Could you help me out here? I know MoneyLover changed his name to TBFOF (right? yeah.) so I know it's possible. :)B)

Sure. You let me know what name you want changed and exactly how you want the new name to appear. For example, if you want flash, Flash, fLaSh or +F+L+A+S+H+... you have to let me know. I am a blonde hamster and have not developed the mind reading skill. :lol: Then I will let HampsterKing know. He has a couple to do, Top Banana and Vanilla Star Hamster, so get your request in now. Operators are standing by.

Oh, Okay. ƒĺẵšħ is what I'd like. You may have to cut and paste those characters, because I don't know the Alt codes for them.


Hey, guys?


ZombieCat died tonight.



RIP, ZoeApplePie.


Jun 23 2005 to Aug 29 2005

Your memory lives on, my Bristol-ese counterpart.

May we meet again, and hopefully, it will be longer than the instant I am judged.






ZAP will live on in my heart.

You know, I thought Zap was always dead. You know, being a zombie and all.

She felt like a zombie, what with being physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, verbally and sxeually abused...? She was emotionally numb. The cat never existed. I made that account in order to fool TGHL, but I ended up just using it to kill off my former, Atheistic self.


So how are you?


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Oh, Okay. ƒĺẵšħ is what I'd like. You may have to cut and paste those characters, because I don't know the Alt codes for them.

I am not sure if HampsterKing has that capability. I will ask and let you know. :D

Okay. That's fine.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...
my hampster died.i feel bad. :(

My hamster died last year. His name was Micheal. He was a great hampy. (he died in his food bowl.) He was 3 years old.



What ever happend to that cool system where the more you posted the more popularity and albums you made? That was probably like 5 years ago.

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my hampster died.i feel bad. :(

My hamster died last year. His name was Micheal. He was a great hampy. (he died in his food bowl.) He was 3 years old.



What ever happend to that cool system where the more you posted the more popularity and albums you made? That was probably like 5 years ago.

The system is coming back. HampsterKing is currently working on upgrading the boards, adding new games, avatars and other terrific features. The system of popularity and albums will return after the other items are accomplished. :D


One of my hammie friends passed away in half in and half out of her food bowl. I guess that was a great way to go. Happy.

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  • 6 months later...


My aunt brought a tiny, newborn kitten wrapped in a towel into our house one day. It was so cute and it looked like a tiny version of our cat, Jake. We had some milk and a bottle for it. Later that evening, it started breathing funny, and my family tried everything (even CPR!) to help it survive. Sadly, we couldn't help it.

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My aunt brought a tiny, newborn kitten wrapped in a towel into our house one day. It was so cute and it looked like a tiny version of our cat, Jake. We had some milk and a bottle for it. Later that evening, it started breathing funny, and my family tried everything (even CPR!) to help it survive. Sadly, we couldn't help it.

I am so very sorry to hear about the kitty. You really tried and that was wonderful.

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  • 10 months later...

people that have lost pets, here is a poem to cheer you up... it is the whole version of rainbow bridge.


There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge, there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass. When a pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is always food and water, and warm spring weather. Those old and frail animals are young again. Those who have been maimed are made whole again. They play all day with each other. But, there is one thing missing. They are not with their special person who loved them on earth. So, each day they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up. The nose twitches, the ears are up, the eyes are staring, and this one suddenly runs from the group. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. Your face is kissed again and again and again; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated. Some of them here by the Bridge are different. These pets were beaten, starved, tortured, and unloved. They watch wistfully as their friends leave one by one, to cross the bridge with their special person. For them there is no one, no special one. Their time on earth did not give them one. But one day, as they run and play, they notice someone standing by the road to the bridge. This person wistfully watches the reunions of friends, for during life, this person had no pet. This person was beaten, starved, tortured, and unloved. Standing there alone, one of the unloved pets approaches, curious as to why this one is alone. And as the unloved pet and the unloved person get nearer to each other, a miracle occurs, for these are the ones who were meant to be together, the special person and the beloved pet who never had the chance to meet while on Earth. Finally, now, at the edge of the Rainbow Bridge, their souls meet, the pain and the sorrow disappears, and two friends are together. They cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated. Anonymous

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