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We all live in a Yellow Submarine,


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I now quote a post by me. From Xanga. >_>


While sittin' here waiting for one of my online friends to post on muh message board, Something strange came to mind...


I had deep concentration on...


What were those people THINKING when they were making the Yellow Submarine movie?! (Was that the beatles? i forgot o_O) Gotta be the wierdest thing i've EVER seen... If gives you much headache if you try to make sense out of it, Which causes the question to rise: What were they thinking when making that movie? Its like a drunk hallucination in yer DVD remote. Press Play and your off in headache-land.


Wierdest thing ever. o_o

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That wasn't weird. It made perfect sense to me. The Queen music videos, now they are works of art and mildly confusing at the same time.

When watching deh Yellow Submarine movie, I didnt understand a lick of it. o_____o; So im glad you did. -wierded out and runs away-

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That movie is firggin' wierd. I saw it. I think I had nightmares that the Nowhere Man was chasing me that night...

Considering that Lennon had probably a little bit too much drugs (i.e. any amount at all. Remember kids, drugs are bad. Stay in school.) when he designed it, it isn't that suprising you were scared. He certainly wrote in the Sky with Diamonds and also Lucy when he was exceedingly "high"

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That movie is firggin' wierd. I saw it. I think I had nightmares that the Nowhere Man was chasing me that night...

Same here, That night i watched it, It was like 3 AM. The rest of the time i was up i couldnt tell reality from that movie. I was freakin out on everyone, too.

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Same here, That night i watched it, It was like 3 AM. The rest of the time i was up i couldnt tell reality from that movie. I was freakin out on everyone, too.

Yep. I watched it at a friend's house when I slept over. The fact that they had little action figures from the movie in the room we were sleeping in didn't help. I swear, that big finder thingy kept moving...


TGHL: That's what I had been thinking. Even I can't get that scary without drugs. (Not saying I do drugs, I'm just saying that I would need to in order to make something that creepy.).

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Yep. I watched it at a friend's house when I slept over. The fact that they had little action figures from the movie in the room we were sleeping in didn't help. I swear, that big finder thingy kept moving...


TGHL: That's what I had been thinking. Even I can't get that scary without drugs. (Not saying I do drugs, I'm just saying that I would need to in order to make something that creepy.).

Just keep in mind that this was the 60's when people drove Volkswagon (English from German traslation: The People's car, started by guess who? Hitler.) vans, laughed at the ceiling and were amazed by the colours in lava lamps.

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Just keep in mind that this was the 60's when people drove Volkswagon (English from German traslation: The People's car, started by guess who? Hitler.) vans, laughed at the ceiling and were amazed by the colours in lava lamps.

I know. I'm glad I wasn't around back then. Hippies can be scary. 'Specially if you find them at Fest and they pin you in your own shop corner and yell at you about we shouldn't make things out of leather and if we have to, we shouldn't make it so expensive. x.x

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I know. I'm glad I wasn't around back then. Hippies can be scary. 'Specially if you find them at Fest and they pin you in your own shop corner and yell at you about we shouldn't make things out of leather and if we have to, we shouldn't make it so expensive. x.x

You got attacked by Hippies? New horror movie coming out called: "Attack of the killer hippies".

Soon to be annoying you in a Blockbuster store near you.

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Aren't hippies supposed to be "For the world, man."?? Then they're vegetarians, then they wear cow?

Drugs, more Drugs, World Harmony, promiscuity, a side helping of drugs, sitting round a campfire singing songs, animals (ha, like to see them say 'Help the Animals' after they get vicously mauled by a bear) and what else.... oh yeah Peace.

Being a veggie doesn't mean you won't wear cow. Being a Vegan does.

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You got attacked by Hippies? New horror movie coming out called: "Attack of the killer hippies".

Soon to be annoying you in a Blockbuster store near you.

Yes! There were like, five of them! And they were yelling at me because we "charged too much and slaughtered helpless animals". I could't do anything like yell back because it was friggin' scary!

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Hippies are scary. I know, I was one for Halloween. I did the whole act. I started singing, "Save the cows, be a vegetarian!" holding up an orange. And with the orange, I tossed it up and down saying, "Be one with the orange!"

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Yes! There were like, five of them! And they were yelling at me because we "charged too much and slaughtered helpless animals". I could't do anything like yell back because it was friggin' scary!


Lucky you. Did you take them to court for assault or at least report them to the police?

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Lucky you. Did you take them to court for assault or at least report them to the police?

Naw. I was fine when they left. Kyle the ocerena guy started playing something and they when outside to investigate. He probably got yelled at for "diging up the Earth to make the ocerenas that were too expensive", or something.

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Naw. I was fine when they left. Kyle the ocerena guy started playing something and they when outside to investigate. He probably got yelled at for "diging up the Earth to make the ocerenas that were too expensive", or something.

As in Ocrinina of Time?

you need Hippie repellant! Works on all hippies! Coming to a walmart near you or Horatio! Which ever is closer!

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well, if nothing else, the hippes taught us that Communism will work, provided everyone is on drugs all the time.

Communism does work, under certain circumstances. Anyway, the only reason you hate communism is because you tusted Stalin and started crying about it when he stabbed you in the back!

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Not some cheap replica at a Rennaisance festival or something. The real one that Link used. >.>

1. Ocerenas existed before Zelda, so they wouldn't be knock offs, just different types.

2. And...err...yes. Link used all of them. >.>

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1. Ocerenas existed before Zelda, so they wouldn't be knock offs, just different types.

2. And...err...yes. Link used all of them. >.>

1. Medieval instrument methinks, privee, sirah?

2. All of them bound into one giant ocirina, which needs transporting around on two carts and the cows need several bottles of Lon-Lon Milk to get them moving!

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1. Medieval instrument methinks, privee, sirah?

2. All of them bound into one giant ocirina, which needs transporting around on two carts and the cows need several bottles of Lon-Lon Milk to get them moving!

1. ...Si?

2. Yesh. It blocks all the streets and gets mud everywhere.

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1. Ocerenas existed before Zelda, so they wouldn't be knock offs, just different types.

2. And...err...yes. Link used all of them. >.>


my brother lks those games, i lk 2 watch, lol! :P

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*finally saw the Numa Numa thing* I dunno which is better. The guy dancing or the animation. *has the song on her MP3 player* ._____.;;;

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When did we not agree on something? We agreed that the world should be dominated by a completely tyrannical ruler! (except it fell apart when we came to WHO should be the ruler)

*koffkoff*ME*koffkoff* >.>;;;

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Shya. I would ban it from the country, but then they'd get made at me and kill me a shtuffs.

I know some people that would hunt you down, rip yer eyes out with a rusty spork, and force you to eat them if you banned them. x.x Friggin' weird people.

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I thought the Yakuza just killed and then gouged out the left eye.... or was it the left pinkie?

I dunno. But that punishment came directly from a quote of one of the people that would be upset without henti/yaoi.

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Right. *organizes a Yakuza raid on the Hentai and Yaoi lovers*

-organizes a poke-them-till-they-die-strike-of-all-Hentai-people-or-whatever-Yaoi's-are,-And-maybe-TGHL,-depending-on-how-much-he-fights-back plan- Muhahahahaha.

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-organizes a poke-them-till-they-die-strike-of-all-Hentai-people-or-whatever-Yaoi's-are,-And-maybe-TGHL,-depending-on-how-much-he-fights-back plan- Muhahahahaha.

Huh??????? :huh::huh::huh::huh::huh:


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-organizes a poke-them-till-they-die-strike-of-all-Hentai-people-or-whatever-Yaoi's-are,-And-maybe-TGHL,-depending-on-how-much-he-fights-back plan- Muhahahahaha.

If you don't know what yaoi or hentai is, you're lucky. x.x

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Never heard of Yaoi before. Hentai is a buncha nudist anime art people. (In ways. I dont want to go into detail. No.) Frikkin idiots. o_o

Yaio is...well...erm...*tries to think of a way to say this that won't need modding*...

Most of the characters are about as straight as a cirlce. >.>;;;

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Yaio is...well...erm...*tries to think of a way to say this that won't need modding*...

Most of the characters are about as straight as a cirlce. >.>;;;

And usually clotheless. And more like straight as a curvy line that closes up. But isn't a circle.

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  • 3 months later...
Aren't hippies supposed to be "For the world, man."?? Then they're vegetarians, then they wear cow?

There are 4 ebbil hippies in my class. And Im one. But Im not Ebbil. No.

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I'm terrible at it, but I play it anyways. >.>;;;

Everyone must play it. If I ever control the world, mandatory DS, N64 and Gamecube playing will be made compulsary and one Zelda game must be played each day!


*grabs a Keaton mask and Ocarina of Time*

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I'm terrible at it, but I play it anyways. >.>;;;

Everyone must play it. If I ever control the world, mandatory DS, N64 and Gamecube playing will be made compulsary and one Zelda game must be played each day!


*grabs a Keaton mask and Ocarina of Time*

N64 gaming is now scrapped, going on the revolution and playing old games is now mandatory. Sony is banned. As is Microsoft. The XBox 360 is stupid. It is not spherical for a start.

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I'm terrible at it, but I play it anyways. >.>;;;

Everyone must play it. If I ever control the world, mandatory DS, N64 and Gamecube playing will be made compulsary and one Zelda game must be played each day!


*grabs a Keaton mask and Ocarina of Time*

N64 gaming is now scrapped, going on the revolution and playing old games is now mandatory. Sony is banned. As is Microsoft. The XBox 360 is stupid. It is not spherical for a start.

*fights the power and plays DDR on her PS2* >:D

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I'm terrible at it, but I play it anyways. >.>;;;

Everyone must play it. If I ever control the world, mandatory DS, N64 and Gamecube playing will be made compulsary and one Zelda game must be played each day!


*grabs a Keaton mask and Ocarina of Time*

N64 gaming is now scrapped, going on the revolution and playing old games is now mandatory. Sony is banned. As is Microsoft. The XBox 360 is stupid. It is not spherical for a start.

*fights the power and plays DDR on her PS2* >:D

Yay for DDR. maybe. <.<;; It should be for Gamecube. Then it'd probably be the coolest game ever and I could sue PS2 for being dumb. ;D

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I'm terrible at it, but I play it anyways. >.>;;;

Everyone must play it. If I ever control the world, mandatory DS, N64 and Gamecube playing will be made compulsary and one Zelda game must be played each day!


*grabs a Keaton mask and Ocarina of Time*

N64 gaming is now scrapped, going on the revolution and playing old games is now mandatory. Sony is banned. As is Microsoft. The XBox 360 is stupid. It is not spherical for a start.

*fights the power and plays DDR on her PS2* >:D

*tries to perssuade Kat into turning to the Ninty side by showing her the spiffiness of Mario DDR*

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I'm terrible at it, but I play it anyways. >.>;;;

Everyone must play it. If I ever control the world, mandatory DS, N64 and Gamecube playing will be made compulsary and one Zelda game must be played each day!


*grabs a Keaton mask and Ocarina of Time*

N64 gaming is now scrapped, going on the revolution and playing old games is now mandatory. Sony is banned. As is Microsoft. The XBox 360 is stupid. It is not spherical for a start.

*fights the power and plays DDR on her PS2* >:D

Yay for DDR. maybe. <.<;; It should be for Gamecube. Then it'd probably be the coolest game ever and I could sue PS2 for being dumb. ;D

*is suprised that Arkcher has not heard about the uber-spiffiness of Mario DDR* LOTZ: Twilight Princess! WHEEEEEEEE!

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I'm terrible at it, but I play it anyways. >.>;;;

Everyone must play it. If I ever control the world, mandatory DS, N64 and Gamecube playing will be made compulsary and one Zelda game must be played each day!


*grabs a Keaton mask and Ocarina of Time*

N64 gaming is now scrapped, going on the revolution and playing old games is now mandatory. Sony is banned. As is Microsoft. The XBox 360 is stupid. It is not spherical for a start.

*fights the power and plays DDR on her PS2* >:D

*tries to perssuade Kat into turning to the Ninty side by showing her the spiffiness of Mario DDR*

Mario DDR? o.o *instantly interested*


It would also aid your cause to have Donkey Conga over there...

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I'm terrible at it, but I play it anyways. >.>;;;

Everyone must play it. If I ever control the world, mandatory DS, N64 and Gamecube playing will be made compulsary and one Zelda game must be played each day!


*grabs a Keaton mask and Ocarina of Time*

N64 gaming is now scrapped, going on the revolution and playing old games is now mandatory. Sony is banned. As is Microsoft. The XBox 360 is stupid. It is not spherical for a start.

*fights the power and plays DDR on her PS2* >:D

*tries to perssuade Kat into turning to the Ninty side by showing her the spiffiness of Mario DDR*

Mario DDR? o.o *instantly interested*


It would also aid your cause to have Donkey Conga over there...

Oh yes, Mario DDR is one of the latest games to be revealed at E3.


We have them both, Donkey Konga 1 and 2.

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I'm terrible at it, but I play it anyways. >.>;;;

Everyone must play it. If I ever control the world, mandatory DS, N64 and Gamecube playing will be made compulsary and one Zelda game must be played each day!


*grabs a Keaton mask and Ocarina of Time*

N64 gaming is now scrapped, going on the revolution and playing old games is now mandatory. Sony is banned. As is Microsoft. The XBox 360 is stupid. It is not spherical for a start.

*fights the power and plays DDR on her PS2* >:D

*tries to perssuade Kat into turning to the Ninty side by showing her the spiffiness of Mario DDR*

Mario DDR? o.o *instantly interested*


It would also aid your cause to have Donkey Conga over there...

Oh yes, Mario DDR is one of the latest games to be revealed at E3.


We have them both, Donkey Konga 1 and 2.

*severly tempted*...*looks at her DDR game that has awsome songs such as Look to the Sky, My Generation, Rhythem and Police, and Candy* ...

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I'm terrible at it, but I play it anyways. >.>;;;

Everyone must play it. If I ever control the world, mandatory DS, N64 and Gamecube playing will be made compulsary and one Zelda game must be played each day!


*grabs a Keaton mask and Ocarina of Time*

N64 gaming is now scrapped, going on the revolution and playing old games is now mandatory. Sony is banned. As is Microsoft. The XBox 360 is stupid. It is not spherical for a start.

*fights the power and plays DDR on her PS2* >:D

*tries to perssuade Kat into turning to the Ninty side by showing her the spiffiness of Mario DDR*

Mario DDR? o.o *instantly interested*


It would also aid your cause to have Donkey Conga over there...

Oh yes, Mario DDR is one of the latest games to be revealed at E3.


We have them both, Donkey Konga 1 and 2.

*severly tempted*...*looks at her DDR game that has awsome songs such as Look to the Sky, My Generation, Rhythem and Police, and Candy* ...

Mario DDR will still have all the good songs, plus the Mario songs and of course the characters will be from Mario. Imagine dancing as Wario. :lol:

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I'm terrible at it, but I play it anyways. >.>;;;

Everyone must play it. If I ever control the world, mandatory DS, N64 and Gamecube playing will be made compulsary and one Zelda game must be played each day!


*grabs a Keaton mask and Ocarina of Time*

N64 gaming is now scrapped, going on the revolution and playing old games is now mandatory. Sony is banned. As is Microsoft. The XBox 360 is stupid. It is not spherical for a start.

*fights the power and plays DDR on her PS2* >:D

*tries to perssuade Kat into turning to the Ninty side by showing her the spiffiness of Mario DDR*

Mario DDR? o.o *instantly interested*


It would also aid your cause to have Donkey Conga over there...

Oh yes, Mario DDR is one of the latest games to be revealed at E3.


We have them both, Donkey Konga 1 and 2.

*severly tempted*...*looks at her DDR game that has awsome songs such as Look to the Sky, My Generation, Rhythem and Police, and Candy* ...

Mario DDR will still have all the good songs, plus the Mario songs and of course the characters will be from Mario. Imagine dancing as Wario. :lol:

My imagination makes it seem hilarious.

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I'm terrible at it, but I play it anyways. >.>;;;

Everyone must play it. If I ever control the world, mandatory DS, N64 and Gamecube playing will be made compulsary and one Zelda game must be played each day!


*grabs a Keaton mask and Ocarina of Time*

N64 gaming is now scrapped, going on the revolution and playing old games is now mandatory. Sony is banned. As is Microsoft. The XBox 360 is stupid. It is not spherical for a start.

*fights the power and plays DDR on her PS2* >:D

*tries to perssuade Kat into turning to the Ninty side by showing her the spiffiness of Mario DDR*

Mario DDR? o.o *instantly interested*


It would also aid your cause to have Donkey Conga over there...

Oh yes, Mario DDR is one of the latest games to be revealed at E3.


We have them both, Donkey Konga 1 and 2.

*severly tempted*...*looks at her DDR game that has awsome songs such as Look to the Sky, My Generation, Rhythem and Police, and Candy* ...

Mario DDR will still have all the good songs, plus the Mario songs and of course the characters will be from Mario. Imagine dancing as Wario. :lol:

I'll probably be Yoshi. Can you be Yoshi. It will signifigantly lower my level of interest in the game if you can't be Yoshi...

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I'm terrible at it, but I play it anyways. >.>;;;

Everyone must play it. If I ever control the world, mandatory DS, N64 and Gamecube playing will be made compulsary and one Zelda game must be played each day!


*grabs a Keaton mask and Ocarina of Time*

N64 gaming is now scrapped, going on the revolution and playing old games is now mandatory. Sony is banned. As is Microsoft. The XBox 360 is stupid. It is not spherical for a start.

*throws a Neo neo award at TGHL* Whoo. Xbox is stoopid. Nintendo is better than Microsoft. Sony is OK.

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|||||||||||||||| Submarinee. Yay.


I wanna ride in one. They look so cool.

LENNON! He he! You ARE Jhon Lennons long-Lost brother. Nick lennon! oooh spiff.

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I'm terrible at it, but I play it anyways. >.>;;;

Everyone must play it. If I ever control the world, mandatory DS, N64 and Gamecube playing will be made compulsary and one Zelda game must be played each day!


*grabs a Keaton mask and Ocarina of Time*

N64 gaming is now scrapped, going on the revolution and playing old games is now mandatory. Sony is banned. As is Microsoft. The XBox 360 is stupid. It is not spherical for a start.

*fights the power and plays DDR on her PS2* >:D

*tries to perssuade Kat into turning to the Ninty side by showing her the spiffiness of Mario DDR*

Mario DDR? o.o *instantly interested*


It would also aid your cause to have Donkey Conga over there...

Oh yes, Mario DDR is one of the latest games to be revealed at E3.


We have them both, Donkey Konga 1 and 2.

*severly tempted*...*looks at her DDR game that has awsome songs such as Look to the Sky, My Generation, Rhythem and Police, and Candy* ...

Mario DDR will still have all the good songs, plus the Mario songs and of course the characters will be from Mario. Imagine dancing as Wario. :lol:

Is toad in thuis game? *hopes* if not, My intrest for it willl be no more.

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I'm terrible at it, but I play it anyways. >.>;;;

Everyone must play it. If I ever control the world, mandatory DS, N64 and Gamecube playing will be made compulsary and one Zelda game must be played each day!


*grabs a Keaton mask and Ocarina of Time*

N64 gaming is now scrapped, going on the revolution and playing old games is now mandatory. Sony is banned. As is Microsoft. The XBox 360 is stupid. It is not spherical for a start.

*throws a Neo neo award at TGHL* Whoo. Xbox is stoopid. Nintendo is better than Microsoft. Sony is OK.

You = teh cool

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I'm terrible at it, but I play it anyways. >.>;;;

Everyone must play it. If I ever control the world, mandatory DS, N64 and Gamecube playing will be made compulsary and one Zelda game must be played each day!


*grabs a Keaton mask and Ocarina of Time*

N64 gaming is now scrapped, going on the revolution and playing old games is now mandatory. Sony is banned. As is Microsoft. The XBox 360 is stupid. It is not spherical for a start.

*throws a Neo neo award at TGHL* Whoo. Xbox is stoopid. Nintendo is better than Microsoft. Sony is OK.

You = teh cool

Yay! *does a jig*

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  • 4 months later...
I now quote a post by me. From Xanga. >_>


While sittin' here waiting for one of my online friends to post on muh message board, Something strange came to mind...


I had deep concentration on...


What were those people THINKING when they were making the Yellow Submarine movie?! (Was that the beatles? i forgot o_O) Gotta be the wierdest thing i've EVER seen... If gives you much headache if you try to make sense out of it, Which causes the question to rise: What were they thinking when making that movie? Its like a drunk hallucination in yer DVD remote. Press Play and your off in headache-land.


Wierdest thing ever. o_o

Look..i know this is probably a little late to be talking about this but anyways...Keeping in mind that this movie was created in the 1960's when everything was phsycedelic colours, and back then this movie was a landmark cartoon as it used all sorts of different techniques never used before, and the animations were based on the works of Lucien Freud a famous artist ( this is where the oversized hands and feet come from ) and the pop art of Andy Warhol. I may be the only person who got this but in the movie..all the blue meanies came to the mystical Pepperland and painted evrything blue and took away all of the music. In come the Beatles to put all of the colour back in pepperland and return the songs. To me this means that you can't see the world in only one colour, or listen to the the tune of only one song...open your eyes and ears to all the world has to offer. appreciate different types of everything and most importantly: "All you need is love."


That movie is firggin' wierd. I saw it. I think I had nightmares that the Nowhere Man was chasing me that night...

Considering that Lennon had probably a little bit too much drugs (i.e. any amount at all. Remember kids, drugs are bad. Stay in school.) when he designed it, it isn't that suprising you were scared. He certainly wrote in the Sky with Diamonds and also Lucy when he was exceedingly "high"

I would like to point out that although they sound like it, many of the Beatles songs werenot written while doing drugs, they were written with drugs and their effects as an influence. In fact the song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" was based on a painting that John Lennon's son Julian had done when he was very young. The picture was of one of his schoolmates, Lucy O'Donnell, in the picture she was flying in the sky with diamonds all around her and,well, the rest is history :) sorry if i sounded like a kind of a know-it-all but i just wanted to defend my favorite band and make a point....


Hampton and the Hampsters should sing Yellow Submarine

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:) sorry if i sounded like a kind of a know-it-all but i just wanted to defend my favorite band and make a point....

You definitely did not sound like a know-it-all. Thank you for your information. I never knew that about Lucy. It is always great to learn new information. :D


Thank you for returning!!! Great to see your smiling face. :D

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Incidentally by new law any submarine passing through the White House's bathtub must now be yellow or the crew will face being bundled into a CIA chartered flight in a far-off country and get sent to a Soviet Prison Camp in either Germany or Eastern Europe and later have a small bowl of a Vietmanese export that is grown in paddy fields say to NATO; "If you don't back down, a nuke is coming your way."

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This is Off-topic, but want to know how I nearly Cussed this one Kid out the other day at my Orchestra Concert last night? The day Before that, He didn't have his Instrument. When the Curtain closed for us to practice, I Started telling everyone "Gimme your Lunch Money So I Can Buy Pink Floyd The Wall On DVD!" And it was just meant to be a Joke. Well, The kid who forgot his Instrument said

" What kind of Retard makes a Movie about a Wall?" and I got angry, because you all know how much I love Pink Floyd and get angry when people say they are dumb. I said, "It's about- Well.... It's about... well, You wouldn't really understand it, unless youv'e bought the Soundtrack." Well, Since he forgot his Cello, He Just read "The People of Sparks" While the rest of us played (We arn't lazy bums who forget there Instruments, Unlike some people). Well, He started calling me a Retard and other names and He said "While you Play your Instrument, I'll read this. But it's not like you'd understand it." In fact, Mr Expert, I've read "The City of Ember" and I would Understand it. And Weak-minded Boffins like YOU who use "Retard" as an Insult need to get a freaking life. I mean, Good Goth. Just to let you know, I've met someone who's In fact retarted, and he is a great person. Seriously.

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some people just don't understand metaphor. but you really do have to see the movie to understand it.

it's pretty good, despite the whole hiring-skinheads-as-extras thing,

and making Worm look a complete ####, instead of the nightmare beast of the superego I had imagined him as.

(you really ought to take a basic psycology class, everything will make more sense afterwards.)

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some people just don't understand metaphor. but you really do have to see the movie to  understand it.

it's pretty good, despite the whole hiring-skinheads-as-extras thing,

and making Worm look a complete ####, instead of the nightmare beast of the superego I had imagined him as.

(you really ought to take a basic psycology class, everything will make more sense afterwards.)

I've seen the Movie once. But My Mom Won't let me get it on DVD because it has Sexual Content in it.

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some people just don't understand metaphor. but you really do have to see the movie to  understand it.

it's pretty good, despite the whole hiring-skinheads-as-extras thing,

and making Worm look a complete ####, instead of the nightmare beast of the superego I had imagined him as.

(you really ought to take a basic psycology class, everything will make more sense afterwards.)

I've seen the Movie once. But My Mom Won't let me get it on DVD because it has Sexual Content in it.

yeah, I rented it once, didn't really notice Worm looked like a... well, if you've seen the movie, you probably know what he looks like. until the second time I watched it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I now quote a post by me. From Xanga. >_>


While sittin' here waiting for one of my online friends to post on muh message board, Something strange came to mind...


I had deep concentration on...


What were those people THINKING when they were making the Yellow Submarine movie?! (Was that the beatles? i forgot o_O) Gotta be the wierdest thing i've EVER seen... If gives you much headache if you try to make sense out of it, Which causes the question to rise: What were they thinking when making that movie? Its like a drunk hallucination in yer DVD remote. Press Play and your off in headache-land.


Wierdest thing ever. o_o

Iv'e seen it. It's Understandable.

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  • 2 weeks later...
my next trick: rent Xanadu.

I thought it was supposed to be super-terrible...

It's got olivia neutron-bomb, how bad can it be?

XD I dunno. I've never seen it, I just read somewhere that nobody liked it.

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  • 1 year later...

*starts singing*


In the town where I was born

Lived a man who sailed to sea

And he told us of his life

In the land of submarines


So we sailed up to the sun

Till we found the sea of green

And we lived beneath the waves

In our yellow submarine


We all live in our yellow submarine,

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

We all live in our yellow submarine,

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine


And our friends are all on board

Many more of them live next door

And the band begins to play


We all live in our yellow submarine,

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

We all live in our yellow submarine,

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine


As we live a life of ease

Everyone of us has all we need

Sky of blue and sea of green

In our yellow submarine.


We all live in our yellow submarine,

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

We all live in our yellow submarine,

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine


We all live in our yellow submarine,

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

We all live in our yellow submarine,

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine




Yes, Im a hippie beatles fan!!! This used to be my favorite song, I still like it alought though!


I tried watching the movie once, but couldn't watch more then maybe a half an hour or so. The producerers had to be on drugs when they made the movie!

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*starts singing*


In the town where I was born

Lived a man who sailed to sea

And he told us of his life

In the land of submarines


So we sailed up to the sun

Till we found the sea of green

And we lived beneath the waves

In our yellow submarine


We all live in our yellow submarine,

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

We all live in our yellow submarine,

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine


And our friends are all on board

Many more of them live next door

And the band begins to play


We all live in our yellow submarine,

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

We all live in our yellow submarine,

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine


As we live a life of ease

Everyone of us has all we need

Sky of blue and sea of green

In our yellow submarine.


We all live in our yellow submarine,

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

We all live in our yellow submarine,

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine


We all live in our yellow submarine,

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

We all live in our yellow submarine,

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine




Yes, Im a hippie beatles fan!!! This used to be my favorite song, I still like it alought though!


I tried watching the movie once, but couldn't watch more then maybe a half an hour or so. The producerers had to be on drugs when they made the movie!

Hahaha my roomie was watching that movie awhile ago, so I saw bits and pieces of it. I'm inclined to agree with you... :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


yea except ALL the bands from way back then were stoned a lot.


Except Boston.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


yea except ALL the bands from way back then were stoned a lot.


Except Boston.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I don't really care that they were stoned. Really, I'm not that picky about the backgrounds of the bands I like. Even if they have highly editted songs. I mean really. Music to me is music. Unless it gives me headaches.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


yea except ALL the bands from way back then were stoned a lot.


Except Boston.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I don't really care that they were stoned. Really, I'm not that picky about the backgrounds of the bands I like. Even if they have highly editted songs. I mean really. Music to me is music. Unless it gives me headaches.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


That reminds me of this little rant I have, about people thinking all the old Classic Rock musicans are dead, but I would rather not bore you.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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the a.d. lives in a yellow submarine ha ha

Welcome back!!! We have missed you!!!

Have you seen all the new avatars???????



NICE!!!! :D

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The post that says Fishey made me grin really wide. :D


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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