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What is your pets talent?

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tell me about your pets cool talent, or a neat trick that you taught it.

Hello and welcome again.  I have left you a rather long post on your first post.  There are some details that might help you if I do not put you to sleep first.  Glad to see you here.


As for special tricks or talents, the only talents that my hammies have is eating and eating and eating. :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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  • 2 weeks later...
tell me about your pets cool talent, or a neat trick that you taught it.








Sorry no email addresses permitted here.  Thanks.  Horatio

Crack-Head "Houdini" the Tegu. My latest tegu, super piggy, keeps bitting it and etc. Anyways, Houdini keeps escaping from the tank....we even went so far as to putting duct tape on it.....it broke it! Hm....maybe I should enter it in a contest...lol

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my old guinea pig, Chocolate (he died about 8 monthes ago  :sleepy: ) He used to be able to do the stuff show dogs do. Like, you know the jumps and little tunnels they make them run through for competition? I made him a little set like that out of household stuff and he could run through it. He loved to, i think it was cause i'd give him a big treat after, but i was so cute. he was really smart.
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