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Rainbow bridge

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I live in a house full of dogs, cats, hamsters, fish, ferrets, rats andchickens.

I have been brought up with animals. :rolleyes:


But because of this I have experienced many animal's deaths. Just recently my beloved hamster cheeky died peacefully in his sleep at the age of 31/2 years. :( But though I have seen much death at least I know that these animals are now in eternal bliss in Rainbow bridge. :mellow:


I can imagen it now cheeky stuffing his face and running on his wheel.......


I'm gonna have to stop cause i'm starting to cry because I loved them all soooo much. So please tell me your opinions on




sob,sob,sob I want my cheeky baby WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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I live in a house full of dogs, cats, hamsters, fish, ferrets, rats andchickens.

I have been brought up with animals.  :rolleyes:


But because of this I have experienced many animal's deaths. Just recently my beloved hamster cheeky died peacefully in his sleep at the age of 31/2 years.  :( But though I have seen much death at least I know that these animals are now in eternal bliss in Rainbow bridge. :mellow:


I can imagen it now cheeky stuffing his face and running on his wheel.......


I'm gonna have to stop cause i'm starting to cry because I loved them all soooo much. So please tell me your opinions on

                                                                RAINBOW BRIDGE

sob,sob,sob I want my cheeky baby WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

I love Rainbow Bridge, The Poem for Passed Away Pets. It always makes me cry for all my pets.


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I am star 4 life i had to change accounts. :rolleyes:


I think rainbow bridge is a place up in heaven where animals go when they move on. They get to do whatever they want and all get on with eachother. :)


When you die you get to see them. ;)



If anyone is upset about their pet post here and i can help.










Sorry no PM is available here. Horatio

Edited by Horatio
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I am star 4 life i had to change accounts. :rolleyes:


I think rainbow bridge is a place up in heaven where animals go when they move on. They get to do whatever they want and all get on with eachother. :)


When you die you get to see them.  ;)

If anyone is upset about their pet post here and i can help.

Sorry no PM is available here.  Horatio

Did you read the topic that is pinned in this forum called: Poem for Passed Away Pets??

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