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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Two Hamsters!

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About 8:30 We went teh Petco, And got two female hamsters (didnt want one of each gender, we'd have a million of them in no time. o_o; That, And there was only one male hammie there.) with cute-ness and fuzzy-type.


Two female dwarf hamsters (So tiny and cute. o_O) whom upon watching them for a while, We have named one, who climbs the vertical wire walls, Spiderwoman. xD... The other is Samus Aran (Imagine that!) 'cuz she likes to climb all around those little tubes that go all over the place. And we couldnt think of a better name for her. And note, Naming the hamster Samus was NOT my idea. T'was

Cassandras, one of muh sisters.


At first, Spiderwomans name was Laura Croft, 'Cuz she kept running around with her big bust and short shorts (I didnt think of this. This was Beths idea.) and jumped around a whole lot.




They're so cuuutttee!

I think its Samus, who cleans herself a lot and sleeps most of the time, Who also goes to the excersize wheel, Runs arouund for a minute, And does not seem to see that she can get OUT of the wheel. They cant seem to get out, so we need tog et the out ourselves. Wierd.


Im gonna get pictures of them later. Got a big cage on ebay for like, 7 bucks cheaper than at Petco. o_O; Shipping and insurance put it up to just 3 dollars cheaper. Anyway...

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I posted a topic to build suspense and excitement that i would be getting hamsters at some point, And i made this topic to confirm that the event took place. There are two topics on the matter, So you may have one confused with another. :lol:

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Haha...I was wondering when you would realize that. *has many friends who got dwarf hamsters and had to wear gloves when taking them out so that their hands didn't bleed off*

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Haha...I was wondering when you would realize that. *has many friends who got dwarf hamsters and had to wear gloves when taking them out so that their hands didn't bleed off*

Well Beth trained Samus out of biting people. Samus doesnt kill stuff. Spider does. Sometimes i wears the leather gloves next to their cage for holding them... Still cute though

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Well Beth trained Samus out of biting people. Samus doesnt kill stuff. Spider does. Sometimes i wears the leather gloves next to their cage for holding them... Still cute though

Perhaps porcupine gloves would stop the biting problem.


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