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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Pet photo gallery

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In this topic we are going to have a Pet Photo Gallery.  It will take a little bit of time for HampsterKing to set up, but in the meantime, please email your pet photos to HampsterKing at support@hampsterdance.com and let him know that the photos you are sending are for the Pet Photo Gallery.


Thank you so much!!



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  • 4 weeks later...
do you guys  :love: animals?

Absolutely!  Animals are the greatest.  If you have any pictures of your pet, please email them in either .jpg or .gif to HampsterKing at support@hampsterdance.com  Please write in the email subject:  Pet Photo Gallery.  This will help to get your photo approved faster.  Please keep the files on the smaller size.  No really large files please.

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Well... i cant show u a picture of my pets but i can tell u 1 thing I WANT a PENGUIN FOR A PET YAY! :penguin

Well Penguin_King...  you could always start a penguin petting zoo.

Then you would have lots of penguin pets!


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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Well... i cant show u a picture of my pets but i can tell u 1 thing I WANT a PENGUIN FOR A PET YAY! :penguin

Well Penguin_King...  you could always start a penguin petting zoo.

Then you would have lots of penguin pets!


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

lol :laughing  :laugh:  :laughing

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Well... i cant show u a picture of my pets but i can tell u 1 thing I WANT a PENGUIN FOR A PET YAY! :penguin

Well Penguin_King...  you could always start a penguin petting zoo.

Then you would have lots of penguin pets!


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

lol :laughing  :laugh:  :laughing

I can drive a bull dozer... would you like me to start work on the pool for you and your friends to swim in?  I have a spectacular idea on how to design the penguin estate.

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Well... i cant show u a picture of my pets but i can tell u 1 thing I WANT a PENGUIN FOR A PET YAY! :penguin

Well Penguin_King...  you could always start a penguin petting zoo.

Then you would have lots of penguin pets!


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

lol :laughing  :laugh:  :laughing

Here it goes...


Heres translation...

Lagh out loud, wow that felt good! I can't beleive I survived that! That post was horlarius, or was it?

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I just emailed HK !



I hope he posts my picture!!

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Well, my dad finally got my pictures taken to be developed. Now if only I could get him to pick them up...

LOL!   c&g! :D  8)  8)

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:dixie My hamster kinda looks like that excep he doesnt have that much white if sumbody could pleez tell me how to put pics of my hammy up on my page!!! :dixie

You would e-mail them to HamsterKing. Sorry, you'll have to ask Horatio the rest.

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:dixie My hamster kinda looks like that excep he doesnt have that much white if sumbody could pleez tell me how to put pics of my hammy up on my page!!! :dixie

You would e-mail them to HamsterKing. Sorry, you'll have to ask Horatio the rest.

As Otter said, you will email the photos to HampsterKing at support@hampsterdance.com and in the subject you will write: Pet Photos. The files you send must be in either .jpg or .gif and cannot be too large.


Hope that this helps.


Thank you Otter.



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They are developed and home! Now all I have to do is pick out the ones I want to use and give them to my mom to scan in for me! She'll e-mail 'em to me, I'll e-mail them to hampsterking, and you can see them!
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Are they coming up? Does anyone even care?

I really care!!!   HampsterKing is trying to get the boards improved at the same time he starts the new Pet Photo Gallery, so it is taking a little longer than he had planned.  It will happen, I do promise you!  Besides, Horatio's photo needs to be on there, don't you think?? :laughing  :laughing

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Are they coming up? Does anyone even care?

I really care!!!   HampsterKing is trying to get the boards improved at the same time he starts the new Pet Photo Gallery, so it is taking a little longer than he had planned.  It will happen, I do promise you!  Besides, Horatio's photo needs to be on there, don't you think?? :laughing  :laughing

True. And I heard about what happened to Horatio, and I am truly sorry! Hey! Maybe we can start a Horatio memorial topic! Then all the newbies and other people would know the greatness of that little hamster!

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hm, i e-mailed pics of Ollie and Mollie 2 my penpal once, so if my dad gets a digital camera from work, i could show u all Stanley, Regis, Pooch, Marvin AND Marshmallo!!
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hm, i e-mailed pics of Ollie and Mollie 2 my penpal once, so if my dad gets a digital camera from work, i could show u all Stanley, Regis, Pooch, Marvin AND Marshmallo!!

How many hampsters do you have?






I have 4.



It sounds like she has A LOT! :D

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Why aren't mine here?I'll try sending them again..sigh.
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I got to see TBFOH's hammie!


It's so cute.

I am so glad to hear that you like Forest !!!!  He is the sweetest, nicest, most adorable, loving hammie that you will ever meet!  He also gets special privileges.   :D

I must agree with you, he is sweet, nice, adorable, and loving.


Though I only saw a picture, I'll take your word for it.



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I have an idea!

Please let me know what your idea is... HampsterKing is always open to any idea!!! :D

I made a topping in the Ask the Admins forum asking him to put them up. HE said that he is getting the site updated enough to post pickies. Now I want him to keep working on that, instead of looking at the pickies!

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I have an idea!

Please let me know what your idea is... HampsterKing is always open to any idea!!! :D

I made a topping in the Ask the Admins forum asking him to put them up. HE said that he is getting the site updated enough to post pickies. Now I want him to keep working on that, instead of looking at the pickies!

A topping? You should give yourself a Typo award. Well, at least have a Harry award. *gives her award* :))

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I have an idea!

Please let me know what your idea is... HampsterKing is always open to any idea!!! :D

I made a topping in the Ask the Admins forum asking him to put them up. HE said that he is getting the site updated enough to post pickies. Now I want him to keep working on that, instead of looking at the pickies!

A topping? You should give yourself a Typo award. Well, at least have a Harry award. *gives her award* :))

GAK! Topping?! Why the heck did I write topping?! I mean, topping and topinc have nothing in common! Topping! :eek

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I have an idea!

Please let me know what your idea is... HampsterKing is always open to any idea!!! :D

I made a topping in the Ask the Admins forum asking him to put them up. HE said that he is getting the site updated enough to post pickies. Now I want him to keep working on that, instead of looking at the pickies!

A topping? You should give yourself a Typo award. Well, at least have a Harry award. *gives her award* :))

GAK! Topping?! Why the heck did I write topping?! I mean, topping and topinc have nothing in common! Topping! :eek

Perhaps you were eating ice cream at the time and you were thinking of hot fudge topping, caramel topping, strawberry topping, chocolate topping....


:eat     :eat     :eat     :eat     :eat

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I have an idea!

Please let me know what your idea is... HampsterKing is always open to any idea!!! :D

I made a topping in the Ask the Admins forum asking him to put them up. HE said that he is getting the site updated enough to post pickies. Now I want him to keep working on that, instead of looking at the pickies!

A topping? You should give yourself a Typo award. Well, at least have a Harry award. *gives her award* :))

GAK! Topping?! Why the heck did I write topping?! I mean, topping and topinc have nothing in common! Topping! :eek

GAAA! I can't spell! First topping, then topinc! The word I am trying to spell is topic. T-O-P-I-C.

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I have an idea!

Please let me know what your idea is... HampsterKing is always open to any idea!!! :D

I made a topping in the Ask the Admins forum asking him to put them up. HE said that he is getting the site updated enough to post pickies. Now I want him to keep working on that, instead of looking at the pickies!

A topping? You should give yourself a Typo award. Well, at least have a Harry award. *gives her award* :))

GAK! Topping?! Why the heck did I write topping?! I mean, topping and topinc have nothing in common! Topping! :eek

Perhaps you were eating ice cream at the time and you were thinking of hot fudge topping, caramel topping, strawberry topping, chocolate topping....


:eat     :eat     :eat     :eat     :eat

Maybe. Or I might just be insane. I wouldn't be suprised.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:eek  :eek  :eek     OH NO !!!!!!!    :eek  :eek  :eek


No please do not die.... there is an old saying...

Good things take time.

HampsterKing is working really hard on this and has said that it will take about one month longer.  He said that he is trying to improve the boards so that when you want to look at a photo or listen to MIDI music, it will not take forever to download or appear.  So please, I am anxious for this to happen as much as you are.  Please just a little bit longer.

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:eek  :eek  :eek     OH NO !!!!!!!    :eek  :eek  :eek


No please do not die.... there is an old saying...

Good things take time.

HampsterKing is working really hard on this and has said that it will take about one month longer.  He said that he is trying to improve the boards so that when you want to look at a photo or listen to MIDI music, it will not take forever to download or appear.  So please, I am anxious for this to happen as much as you are.  Please just a little bit longer.

*un dies* I'm sorry for being so impatient and ungratefull to both HK and Horatio.

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:eek  :eek  :eek     OH NO !!!!!!!    :eek  :eek  :eek


No please do not die.... there is an old saying...

Good things take time.

HampsterKing is working really hard on this and has said that it will take about one month longer.  He said that he is trying to improve the boards so that when you want to look at a photo or listen to MIDI music, it will not take forever to download or appear.  So please, I am anxious for this to happen as much as you are.  Please just a little bit longer.

*un dies* I'm sorry for being so impatient and ungratefull to both HK and Horatio.

No, you are neither impatient nor ungrateful, it is just that you are not aware of what HampsterKing is trying to accomplish and I am.  So, we can wait together and when it happens, I promise you will  :love:  it!!!!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
* drops pin and hears it* it's so quiet here you ca here a pin drop!Come on!Post the pics! :upside:
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*hears echo from pin dropping*


HampsterKing has said that it should only be very soon.  I keep asking HampsterKing as I really want everyone to show off their friends.

How soon?

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Guest puppydog
i never got a pic of emma up... when i get to it i'll put one of her 1st birthday party and ill put one of her grave(we dont have the tombstone yet)
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  • 2 weeks later...

do you guys  :love: animals?

of corse I do!!! I cant get enough of animals

When I get home from school I:

play with my dog

feed my neighbors goats some grass

spend time to myself

play with my hamster


And this summer I will be voulenteering at the Animal Care Council (A.C.C.) :)  :)  :))

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  • 2 weeks later...
This month is the month when they put up the pickies, right Horatio?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

RIGHT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 8)  :eek  8)  :eek  8)  :eek  8)  :eek  8)  :eek

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This month is the month when they put up the pickies, right Horatio?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I sure hope so! :D   I have about one million pics to post. :eek











ime*AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY'RE GONNA BE UP SOON! HOPEFULY!

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HampsterKing has said that he is waiting on only one more thing to finish the update on the boards!  It should be done soon, maybe at the worst three weeks or so.


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*just realizes that she never stopped cartwheeling* Ooooooooh, I don't feel good. *runs to bathroom*

Are you feeling better now? :laughing  I think you did about one trillion cartwheels!  :eek

Oh, well, now? Yeah. I think it was closer to a trillion and 50 *is still kindda dizzy*

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Now?! Somebody please answer!

:D  Yes! Katdacatis#!,  I have missed you!  So have lots of other people.  In fact there is a topic for you in Warm Wishes.  I thought you were up to 143 zillion, 498 triillion, 439 million and 50 cartwheels. :laughing  :laughing  :laughing  I am so glad to see you.  Now get down to the Stories forum and let's continue with my RP (Another!).  This is my first, so I would really like for it to keep going. :D


*knows why Katdacatis#1 is standing slightly to one side and twirling*

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Guest Honey3

I have a pic of Dot and it is very speacial because she is now at Rainbow Bridge. :sleepy:


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I sent my picies! Where are they?!?!?!?! Hello?!?!?! AM I ALL ALONE?!?!?!


HampsterKing will be adding all the piccies as soon as he has finished working out the bugs. Such as repairing topics into the correct chronological order. :D You are not alone. Your piccies were the first submitted. He will also be adding avatar piccies.

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HampsterKing will be adding all the piccies as soon as he has finished working out the bugs.  Such as repairing topics into the correct chronological order. :D You are not alone.  Your piccies were the first submitted.  He will also be adding avatar piccies.

Really? I thought HHam's were first.

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Yes you are correct.  When you are an old hammie, as I am, things get jumbled together.  I have two sisters that I continually confuse their names. :wacko:

Okay. I know I close that color tag. I I know that I'm closing this one, too. See?!?! It's closed! NOW WORK, DAG NABBIT!

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Hmmm....should I add my pics.It depends if anyone wants to see them.

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Eh you might want to know that we are the Hampsterteers, not hamsketeers :P or did you spell it that way on purpose?

I noticed that earlier and chnged it. How did I go about getting myself to be a Hampsterteer? This outfit really is quite comfordable. And I love this hat! *hugs hat* Awwww...

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I noticed that earlier and chnged it. How did I go about getting myself to be a Hampsterteer? This outfit really is quite comfordable. And I love this hat! *hugs hat* Awwww...

Yes, these outfits are quite comfy! *thinks of katdacatis#1 in a hampsterteer outfit* *thinks of puss in boots*

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Yes, these outfits are quite comfy! *thinks of katdacatis#1 in a hampsterteer outfit* *thinks of puss in boots*

There is a puss in boots picture out a Fest that I want really bad. That also remindes me of a funny part of a book. *looks for people to tickle*

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There is a puss in boots picture out a Fest that I want really bad. That also remindes me of a funny part of a book. *looks for people to tickle*


When I was in Germany, I brought back a Puss in Boots puppet for a friend of mine. He is such an outstanding looking puppet. :D

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I noticed that earlier and chnged it. How did I go about getting myself to be a Hampsterteer? This outfit really is quite comfordable. And I love this hat! *hugs hat* Awwww...


You earned the status of becoming a Hampsterteer with Honey and Mega Wolf, when you kept finding me! :lol::lol::lol: I tried to hide from the three of you and you all sort of unknowingly grouped together and found me. :lol::lol::lol:

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You earned the status of becoming a Hampsterteer with Honey and Mega Wolf, when you kept finding me! :lol:  :lol:  :lol: I tried to hide from the three of you and you all sort of unknowingly grouped together and found me. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


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Why am I being tickled, It hurts when Im tickled cause I laugh to hard, Im sueing you 3!

Sorry you cannot sue the Three Hampsterteers! You will just have to find a way to keep them from tickling you like I do.

*hands Moneylover some skunk odor spray*

Get that on their clothing and they will stop tickling you. :lol::lol::lol:

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Sorry you cannot sue the Three Hampsterteers!  You will just have to find a way to keep them from tickling you like I do. 

*hands Moneylover some skunk odor spray*

Get that on their clothing and they will stop tickling you. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:





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Why am I being tickled, It hurts when Im tickled cause I laugh to hard, Im sueing you 3!

Oh well don't u want 2 laugh???Once I laughed so hard that it hurt and I found myself in a happier mood but people r different!!! ^_^

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You all are very smelly!


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Ahh! NOT THE SKUNK SPRAY! *runs off into the distance*

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Ahh! NOT THE SKUNK SPRAY! *runs off into the distance*

*hands out skunk-spray resistant outfits to her fellow hampsterteers* Don't worry! They look exactly like our other stylish ones, but they are invincible to all smells, stains and stuff like that! GO HAMPSTERTEERS!

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*hands out skunk-spray resistant outfits to her fellow hampsterteers* Don't worry! They look exactly like our other stylish ones, but they are invincible to all smells, stains and stuff like that! GO HAMPSTERTEERS!

*puts on outfit* GO HAMPSTERTEERS!!!!!!!! TICKLE ALL!!!!!!!!

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i had a cute pic of a bird but as i shot it it moved and became road kill :( :( :(:(:( poor bird it was a little baby blue jay just learning to fly :(:(:(:(:(

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  • 2 weeks later...
Anyone going to reply about my pets pics? I will get my other pets pics when I can find my digital camera.

You had better find your digital camera! I want to see those pics. Those are really great, I like Argus the lizard. Do those gloves give you enough protection?

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You had better find your digital camera!  I want to see those pics.  Those are really great, I like Argus the lizard.  Do those gloves give you enough protection?


That is my friend robert who was going to hold it...I haven't tried the gloves myself. I do know, however, that the gloves don't work as good as someone would want them to. The claws of Argus monitors are very sharp and big.

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