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A poem for passed away animals

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I got thi poem from a friend who sent it to me in my email after my hamster Pashmina died.I thought i could share it with you guys so when you lose an animal you lov this might makeyou feel better.


The Rainbow Bridge


Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.


When an animal dies that has been especially close to somone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.There are meadows and hills for all our special friends so they can run and play together.There is plenty of food, water, and sunshine and our friends are warm and comfortable.


All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor;those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing:they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.


They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance.His bright eyes are intent;his eager body quivers.Suddenly he begins to run from the group.Flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.


You have been spotted.And when you and your special friend finally meet you cling to each other in joyous reunion, never to be parted again.The happy kisses rain upon your face;your hands again caress the beloved body.And you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet.So long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.


Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together...

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Yes, it a lovely poem.No one knows the author tho. :sleepy:

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I'm glad everyone likes it... :sleepy:
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I think thats a beautiful poem. When I first read it-tears came to my eyes. I really miss my cat Cuddles and I used to think I'd never see him again. i have high hopes that he's in a happy place now.
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Cuddles, please take the links out of your signature.They are not allowed here. :)
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
*sniffs* wow, that was sooooo good, sad and beautiful. Since my hamster is old, I dread the day when he will go on, but now I am inspired by this poem and know we will be together always in heaven. :sleepy:

Yes,Spot is getting old as well.I dread the day when he passes on from this life. :(  I hope we meet on Rainbow Bridge! :(  :(  :sleepy:

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*sniffs* wow, that was sooooo good, sad and beautiful. Since my hamster is old, I dread the day when he will go on, but now I am inspired by this poem and know we will be together always in heaven. :sleepy:

Yes,Spot is getting old as well.I dread the day when he passes on from this life. :(  I hope we meet on Rainbow Bridge! :(  :(  :sleepy:

You hope ??  ???


No... you WILL meet at Rainbow Bridge. :sleepy:

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  • 4 weeks later...
one of my kitties died today. :(  :(  :(  i cant wate to see sirius, pippin, smeogal, gonnie and totie on rainbow bridge :(  :(  :(
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That poem made me cry, I miss my baby bird so much. She was an Indian Mynah. I used to hand feed her and i was teaching her how to fly from her cage to me. She would follow me every where, running as fast as her little legs would take her.

So this is for you, Amber. A poem of my own:


Little Amber Mynah, full of flight

You struggled for life with all your might

I can't believe I didn't see you fight

because your baby birdy face was so bright.

And now I know you see the light

and I'll see you in my dreams tonight

Little Amber Mynah, full of flight


By Liandra (Lee) S.



 What a beautiful poem.  I am sorry, but last names are not permitted.  Horatio

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 9 months later...

my dog bonnie she died wen i was 10 omg hold on lemmie get a tissiue......im back i saved her from a snake bite but she died 2 weeks lata i miss her so much but we have alredy crossed that bridge of love and she has folled me back because write the very moment you are reading this i see her h=shadow in my hart and by my side i love and she is pre=sent with me all day and all night i can feel it see it know it and belive it she is and was the best friend i ever had i love you bonnie and know you r reding this srry if this is hard to reed but my eyes sterted to tear up

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my dog bonnie she died wen i was 10 omg hold on lemmie get a tissiue......im back i saved her from a snake bite but she died 2 weeks lata i miss her so much but we have alredy crossed that bridge of love and she has folled me back because write the very moment you are reading this i see her h=shadow in my hart and by my side i love and she is pre=sent with me all day and all night i can feel it see it know it and belive it she is and was the best friend i ever had i love you bonnie and know you r reding this srry if this is hard to reed but my eyes sterted to tear up



ya so how r u theez dayz noing that yor petz and u can meat once again wen they r gone

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  • 2 weeks later...

my dog bonnie she died wen i was 10 omg hold on lemmie get a tissiue......im back i saved her from a snake bite but she died 2 weeks lata i miss her so much but we have alredy crossed that bridge of love and she has folled me back because write the very moment you are reading this i see her h=shadow in my hart and by my side i love and she is pre=sent with me all day and all night i can feel it see it know it and belive it she is and was the best friend i ever had i love you bonnie and know you r reding this srry if this is hard to reed but my eyes sterted to tear up



ya so how r u theez dayz noing that yor petz and u can meat once again wen they r gone

man if i could wriet a poem that could i would publish it asap

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  • 2 weeks later...

:(:( I understand what u will fell when yr pets die,I experienced this tooo...And my........hamster just die a hour ago..I was trying to find out wat is her's death reason but could't find,I know that it might be my fault as if i didn't adopted her mum n dad,she would surely not die..I was very sad,bcause they one by one leave me,first her daddy gone missing,next her mum ,then her......I know that her dad might have escapedd as the cage is very low,but how would her mum escaped?Her mum's cage was a TANK normally used to rise fishes!I supsected that it is the idoit n crazy birds there that killed my hamster(her mum)....When i came home from school,i saw her legs straight n didn't react me when i knocked the tank!!!!


MY HAMSTER!!!!cried....sniff....

Why all my pets leave me!!!Including my doggy cause my mum give it away..!!

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:(:( I understand what u will fell when yr pets die,I experienced this tooo...And my........hamster just die a hour ago..I was trying to find out wat is her's death reason but could't find,I know that it might be my fault as if i didn't adopted her mum n dad,she would surely not die..I was very sad,bcause they one by one leave me,first her daddy gone missing,next her mum ,then her......I know that her dad might have escapedd as the cage is very low,but how would her mum escaped?Her mum's cage was a TANK normally used to rise fishes!I supsected that it is the idoit n crazy birds there that killed my hamster(her mum)....When i came home from school,i saw her legs straight n didn't react me when i knocked the tank!!!!


MY HAMSTER!!!!cried....sniff....

Why all my pets leave me!!!Including my doggy cause my mum give it away..!!

I am so sorry that your pets have passed away. If a hammie escapes, I can tell you a very quick way to catch them. The father might still be out there and you can catch him. If you take a tall bucket, place food in the bottom and make a ramp up to the top of the bucket, your hammie will go up the ramp and jump into the bucket to get the food. As long as the bucket is tall, your hammie will not be able to escape. If the hammie just got out, you can usually catch him almost immediately. As your hammie has been out on his own for a while, then it might take a while. The bucket of food is best put out at night.


As for the tank with the mother. It is really important NOT to put the tank in a window or someplace where sunlight can enter the tank. If sunlight is streaming through the glass, your hammie would die of heat stroke. Also, never place your cage or tank on the floor as the hammie's can get mites, fleas and other little insects from the floor.


Lastly, never give your hammies toilet paper, kleenex, tissue, paper towels or any white paper product. There is bleach in the paper product and the type of paper the tissue is made of makes it very hard for the hammie to get this out of his or her pouches.


Hope you are doing better.

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  • 5 weeks later...

:(:( I understand what u will fell when yr pets die,I experienced this tooo...And my........hamster just die a hour ago..I was trying to find out wat is her's death reason but could't find,I know that it might be my fault as if i didn't adopted her mum n dad,she would surely not die..I was very sad,bcause they one by one leave me,first her daddy gone missing,next her mum ,then her......I know that her dad might have escapedd as the cage is very low,but how would her mum escaped?Her mum's cage was a TANK normally used to rise fishes!I supsected that it is the idoit n crazy birds there that killed my hamster(her mum)....When i came home from school,i saw her legs straight n didn't react me when i knocked the tank!!!!


MY HAMSTER!!!!cried....sniff....

Why all my pets leave me!!!Including my doggy cause my mum give it away..!!

:unsure::unsure::(:( i thoght i had it bad wow for caring about your hamsters i give you the cupcake champion award

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  • 1 month later...

I went back and read my old poem about my pet mynah bird. I forgot I posted it here. It brought a tear to my eye.


♥ Lee

That happens. :mellow:

Yeah I miss her.


♥ Lee

When Huette passes, I will be heartbroken for a long time. She is the most phenomenal precious hammy and is always happy to see me.

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I went back and read my old poem about my pet mynah bird. I forgot I posted it here. It brought a tear to my eye.


♥ Lee

That happens. :mellow:

Yeah I miss her.


♥ Lee

When Huette passes, I will be heartbroken for a long time. She is the most phenomenal precious hammy and is always happy to see me.

I don't want my kitty, Tiger to go. I've been with him for 8 years.


♥ Lee

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  • 2 months later...

My rabbit passed away, but he lived a long life for a rabbit. A month later, my hamster passed away. The normal life expectancy for the kind of hammy I had was a year, but he lived to almost two. And when we first saw him in his cage, we thought he was sleeping because he was still curled up. That told us that he didn't suffer.

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My rabbit passed away, but he lived a long life for a rabbit. A month later, my hamster passed away. The normal life expectancy for the kind of hammy I had was a year, but he lived to almost two. And when we first saw him in his cage, we thought he was sleeping because he was still curled up. That told us that he didn't suffer.

I am sorry to hear about your rabbit and hammie. It is always comforting to know that they did not suffer. I had a friend, she passed away half in and half out of her food dish, so I assumed that she did not suffer either.


I am so happy to see you have returned. Hopefully you will stay and post more. :D

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  • 5 years later...

*gives Kris a cyber hug*


I am so sorry. Just because a pet is old and has lived a long and full life, does not mean the pain is any less. Pets are family members and it hurts so much when they are gone.


By the way... our Suzie was a bassett hound. What a terrific dog she was!!!


*thinks of Suzie with very fond memories*

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  • 10 months later...
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  • 5 months later...

No problem! that's always been one of my favorite pictures of him, even if it is super bright. But remembering him being curled up in front of the window on my bed is one of the strongest memories I've got.

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