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Non-Evil Masterclasses.

The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy

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Rise up everyone cast under TGHL spell. I shall show you why the good side beats the bad side. So come one, come all, Sign up and let the Good Ol' Times Begin!!!!

*climbs out of shadow* i have a new master........

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The classes wont be giving in this building, We are moving. And we a are hiring top security guards to keep you away.

*security guys suddenly meet a terrible end when a mysterious metiorite crashes on top of them*

*Second building also burns down when a volcanic fissure opens up next to the building*

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Ah, I remember last time we had this arguement of who owns what. It ended in a 10 page war. With lots of asteriks. And guns. And holograms. And cyborgs.

Yes, that was an interesting conversation. Something about my army being larger than yours and bribery and such.

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Actually the end result was that I am the owner and sole contoller of the universe! 

Bow down to my powers! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

And somehow you managed that while still being blonde? That must 99999999999999999999999999 to the power of 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999



9999 years away

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*security guys suddenly meet a terrible end when a mysterious metiorite crashes on top of them*

*Second building also burns down when a volcanic fissure opens up next to the building*


You arent the master of the Elemants! pyro_elememantal_hitman_boy is!

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and what where the continents I had?

Europe, Africa, and Australia. And then there's Russia. And I'm feeling generous so you can have the middle east. The only thing wrong with your post was the all commonwealth countries part.

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I am baffled as to why you both are discussing what you think you own.  Just in case you missed it before.............




*evil laugh hear to echo throughout the solar system and beyond*

*watches as Horatio throws himself against the padded walls of his cell* *sighs as Horatio bites the eye of one of her guards as a sign of affection*

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*watches as Horatio throws himself against the padded walls of his cell* *sighs as Horatio bites the eye of one of her guards as a sign of affection*

*watches as TGHL realizes that he is in an aviary with no way out and someone is filling his food bowl with bird seed*

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Guest Skwerlhugger Will
Rise up everyone cast under TGHL spell. I shall show you why the good side beats the bad side. So come one, come all, Sign up and let the Good Ol' Times Begin!!!!


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Guest Skwerlhugger Will

i did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



















































































! :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
I can't believe that Nintendo didn't try that idea. Would of been great. See what Mario's hat tastes like, try a yoshi egg, lightly fried. Taste the sensational quality of a shy-guy souffle.

I would give you an all-natural cheese puff award, but i'm not gonna cuz I don't like you. :P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P



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maybe they are cheese flavored words.........(licks screen) nope, taste the same.

since YOU'RE SO OBSESSED with cheese, have an all-natural cheese puff award to add to your collection.


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I would give you an all-natural cheese puff award, but i'm not gonna cuz I don't like you.  :P  :P  :P  :P  :P  :P  :P  :P  :P



TGHL just might have been having a bad day. He is really a nice Phoenix.

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*starts the laser from Goldfinger, so it slowly cuts up milkyway2626* Er... Yes. Yes I am usually nice.

Very nice.

Exceptionally nice.



Very Funny, Mr. Illuminati. What is an Illuminati anyway?


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*does an especially sarcastic motion of pretending to push through a Huge admiring crowd of applicants*

I'll just push through here, thank you.

Wow, ML. Look at all these applicants, 'tis amazing how popular good is today.

*turns round to class*

Everyone, evil laugh time!

*Hears a cricket chirping with a lack of laughter..Ehh, That didn't come out right.*

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*does an especially sarcastic motion of pretending to push through a Huge admiring crowd of applicants*

I'll just push through here, thank you.

Wow, ML. Look at all these applicants, 'tis amazing how popular good is today.

*turns round to class*

Everyone, evil laugh time!


I'm here for you ML! truely, i ALWAYS choose the good side when playing games.

Being evil may be cooler, but the good guys always win! .... theoretically..... :blink:

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I'm here for you ML! truely, i ALWAYS choose the good side when playing games.

Being evil may be cooler, but the good guys always win! .... theoretically..... :blink:

And unforunately that's only an outdated thesis. Look at real life, evil always triumphs. Look at Bush, he won the Elections didn't he? Although his evil is stupid evil, not my high-class evil.

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  • 5 weeks later...

TGHL , could u come up with an evil plan to destroy all exams??

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  • 7 months later...
I am baffled as to why you both are discussing what you think you own.  Just in case you missed it before.............




*evil laugh hear to echo throughout the solar system and beyond*

*suddenly, The sound of Squeking and a Meat Grinder running is echoing throgh the Galexy... and all is Quiet...*

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*does an especially sarcastic motion of pretending to push through a Huge admiring crowd of applicants*

I'll just push through here, thank you.

Wow, ML. Look at all these applicants, 'tis amazing how popular good is today.

*turns round to class*

Everyone, evil laugh time!

*Hears a cricket chirping with a lack of laughter..Ehh, That didn't come out right.*

*Laughs Maniaclly*

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*does an especially sarcastic motion of pretending to push through a Huge admiring crowd of applicants*

I'll just push through here, thank you.

Wow, ML. Look at all these applicants, 'tis amazing how popular good is today.

*turns round to class*

Everyone, evil laugh time!

*Hears a cricket chirping with a lack of laughter..Ehh, That didn't come out right.*

*Laughs Maniaclly*

BEGONE FROM THIS PLACE BEFORE HORATIOBOT GETS YOU FOR TRESSPASSING! *lasers start firing through the wall as Horatiobot detects the soon-to-be-admonished MK*

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*does an especially sarcastic motion of pretending to push through a Huge admiring crowd of applicants*

I'll just push through here, thank you.

Wow, ML. Look at all these applicants, 'tis amazing how popular good is today.

*turns round to class*

Everyone, evil laugh time!

*Hears a cricket chirping with a lack of laughter..Ehh, That didn't come out right.*

*Laughs Maniaclly*

BEGONE FROM THIS PLACE BEFORE HORATIOBOT GETS YOU FOR TRESSPASSING! *lasers start firing through the wall as Horatiobot detects the soon-to-be-admonished MK*

*starts reading heat sensor monitors to detect where the Phoenix might be hiding*

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*does an especially sarcastic motion of pretending to push through a Huge admiring crowd of applicants*

I'll just push through here, thank you.

Wow, ML. Look at all these applicants, 'tis amazing how popular good is today.

*turns round to class*

Everyone, evil laugh time!

*Hears a cricket chirping with a lack of laughter..Ehh, That didn't come out right.*

*Laughs Maniaclly*

BEGONE FROM THIS PLACE BEFORE HORATIOBOT GETS YOU FOR TRESSPASSING! *lasers start firing through the wall as Horatiobot detects the soon-to-be-admonished MK*

*starts reading heat sensor monitors to detect where the Phoenix might be hiding*

*speaker crackles on* I'm using the TARDIS to interface with the speaker circuits in the building *speaker crackles off*

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*does an especially sarcastic motion of pretending to push through a Huge admiring crowd of applicants*

I'll just push through here, thank you.

Wow, ML. Look at all these applicants, 'tis amazing how popular good is today.

*turns round to class*

Everyone, evil laugh time!

*Hears a cricket chirping with a lack of laughter..Ehh, That didn't come out right.*

*Laughs Maniaclly*

BEGONE FROM THIS PLACE BEFORE HORATIOBOT GETS YOU FOR TRESSPASSING! *lasers start firing through the wall as Horatiobot detects the soon-to-be-admonished MK*

*starts reading heat sensor monitors to detect where the Phoenix might be hiding*

*speaker crackles on* I'm using the TARDIS to interface with the speaker circuits in the building *speaker crackles off*

*dons Dragon Skin Body Armour*

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*does an especially sarcastic motion of pretending to push through a Huge admiring crowd of applicants*

I'll just push through here, thank you.

Wow, ML. Look at all these applicants, 'tis amazing how popular good is today.

*turns round to class*

Everyone, evil laugh time!

*Hears a cricket chirping with a lack of laughter..Ehh, That didn't come out right.*

*Laughs Maniaclly*

BEGONE FROM THIS PLACE BEFORE HORATIOBOT GETS YOU FOR TRESSPASSING! *lasers start firing through the wall as Horatiobot detects the soon-to-be-admonished MK*

*starts reading heat sensor monitors to detect where the Phoenix might be hiding*

*speaker crackles on* I'm using the TARDIS to interface with the speaker circuits in the building *speaker crackles off*

*dons Dragon Skin Body Armour*

*speaker crackles on* What was the point in that? *speaker crackles off*

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*does an especially sarcastic motion of pretending to push through a Huge admiring crowd of applicants*

I'll just push through here, thank you.

Wow, ML. Look at all these applicants, 'tis amazing how popular good is today.

*turns round to class*

Everyone, evil laugh time!

*Hears a cricket chirping with a lack of laughter..Ehh, That didn't come out right.*

*Laughs Maniaclly*

BEGONE FROM THIS PLACE BEFORE HORATIOBOT GETS YOU FOR TRESSPASSING! *lasers start firing through the wall as Horatiobot detects the soon-to-be-admonished MK*

*starts reading heat sensor monitors to detect where the Phoenix might be hiding*

*speaker crackles on* I'm using the TARDIS to interface with the speaker circuits in the building *speaker crackles off*

*dons Dragon Skin Body Armour*

*speaker crackles on* What was the point in that? *speaker crackles off*

*laughs to self... protection, simply for protection*

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*does an especially sarcastic motion of pretending to push through a Huge admiring crowd of applicants*

I'll just push through here, thank you.

Wow, ML. Look at all these applicants, 'tis amazing how popular good is today.

*turns round to class*

Everyone, evil laugh time!

*Hears a cricket chirping with a lack of laughter..Ehh, That didn't come out right.*

*Laughs Maniaclly*

BEGONE FROM THIS PLACE BEFORE HORATIOBOT GETS YOU FOR TRESSPASSING! *lasers start firing through the wall as Horatiobot detects the soon-to-be-admonished MK*

*starts reading heat sensor monitors to detect where the Phoenix might be hiding*

*speaker crackles on* I'm using the TARDIS to interface with the speaker circuits in the building *speaker crackles off*

*dons Dragon Skin Body Armour*

*speaker crackles on* What was the point in that? *speaker crackles off*

*laughs to self... protection, simply for protection*

*speaker crackles on* Exterminate *speaker crackles off*

*Dalek appears*

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