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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Whats your pets name

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How many pets do you guys have? I have my hammie, my dog

who I treasure greatly,but who is getting old   :(  and my brother has a fish. I used to have a cat but someone shot her in the leg and we had to put her to sleep *sobs*

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How many pets do you guys have? I have my hammie, my dog

who I treasure greatly,but who is getting old   :(  and my brother has a fish. I used to have a cat but someone shot her in the leg and we had to put her to sleep *sobs*

Oh how horrible... :eek  your poor cat.  I am so sorry to hear that happened.  How could someone do something like that. :eek   She is now at Rainbow Bridge. :sleepy:

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I have a hampster(Spot),cat(Ambrosia),dog(Jenna),turtle(Rosy),parrot(Polly),& 2 finches(Buster & Moonlight).





Sorry about ur cat. :(   :bowwow:

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Guest Honey3

I have 1 cat (Jenny) 3 dogs (Dingo,Buddy,andSammy) 2 hermit crabs (Sandy and Helen Keller) 1 mouse (Squeaker) 1 hamster (Honey) 1 bird (C.J.) 6 goats (Mehow,Casper,Lilly,Dixie,Jake,and Jessie) 5 fish (Lone Star,Shark,Sharpedo,Lightning,and well I forgot the other 1s name).Thats 20.

                     Sorry about your cat.I knew a dog that got shot and was killed because of that. :(  :(  :(


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Sorry. I cant make a poll.

Yes!!!  You can make a poll,  Here is what you need to do.  Write a post and say you want to make a poll.  Write the title, a maximum of 10 choices and anything that you want to be written in a following post.  I will copy what you have written and post the poll for you.  We love polls, so I will be waiting to post yours!   Please get the poll up today!!! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just have one hammie right now.  His name is Fat Albert, cuz he's so fat.  I used to have dwarf hammies, but they don't live too long and that is sad when your little friends pass on  :(


I'd like to get a girl hammie for him.  Anybody want to come to the wedding?

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i have a cat named marble and a dog, prissy....and trust me we didnt name her that, when we got her that was already her name. lol....prissy. XD
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  • 2 weeks later...
Umm, unless u want baby hammies, don't put them in the same cage. Or, you can have a vet spay and neuter them, meaning they can't have babies, for the people who don't know.

Good point! I learned that lesson the hard way, with mice. :o  :P

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I have two cats anmed Puck and Sophie. They'll be in the pet photo gallery soon!

And it is getting close!  I am really excited about this!

That will be fun! Today I figured out how to put pics up in Jesse's boards, maybe it will work the same here.  :upside:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Umm, unless u want baby hammies, don't put them in the same cage. Or, you can have a vet spay and neuter them, meaning they can't have babies, for the people who don't know.

Good point! I learned that lesson the hard way, with mice. :o  :P

:P Better to learn late than never :P

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
my rabbit, charmin, after the toilet paper, though hes black. i didn't know at the time how much the name fit him.  he poops so much. like his whole body-weight. daily.  my sister likes to call him kitty, though. :P or another name, which i cant say here... :rolleyes:

Charmin! :lol::lol::lol: Do you have a pic of your rabbit?

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its creepy, he sounds like a cow. mabey it a guy thing.

Bertha's husband, Bart and her son, Baxter do not make any sounds either. Of course they are not around as much as Bertha, so I cannot really say. These are Florida Marsh Rabbits and their warren is in the bushes in my front yard. :D

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my rabbit, charmin, after the toilet paper, though hes black. i didn't know at the time how much the name fit him.  he poops so much. like his whole body-weight. daily.  my sister likes to call him kitty, though. :P or another name, which i cant say here... :rolleyes:

Poop+Needed name=Toilet Paper!

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