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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow. It's times like this that i'm glad I post stories online.


I somehow lost the WerewolfMR file on my compy. I searched all over but couldnt find it. =o So I went through here and copied it back on to my compy.

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By the way, I had an odd dream about you last night, Arkcher.


We were talking to each other in this topic, and you said you had drawn another picture for the story, and I asked you to post it, so you did. It was really good, but it was of a bleeding tree. I was all, "That's really good, but why is it of a bleeding tree?" and then you said something that I forget what was and then I woke up. o_o;;;

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By the way, I had an odd dream about you last night, Arkcher.


We were talking to each other in this topic, and you said you had drawn another picture for the story, and I asked you to post it, so you did. It was really good, but it was of a bleeding tree. I was all, "That's really good, but why is it of a bleeding tree?" and then you said something that I forget what was and then I woke up. o_o;;;

...... o_o No, There arent any trees or anything tree-significant in the future stories. No. <.< Not al all. Go away. =D


I was gonna draw another picture for it. In the forest, in that one thing that happened in part 3. chapter 4 or something. <.<

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...... o_o No, There arent any trees or anything tree-significant in the future stories. No. <.< Not al all. Go away. =D


I was gonna draw another picture for it. In the forest, in that one thing that happened in part 3. chapter 4 or something. <.<

I think you said it was for one of the later parts, but I don't remember. I just found it amusing.

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I think you said it was for one of the later parts, but I don't remember. I just found it amusing.

At first i thought that said the Laser Parts. o_o


The bleeding tree does have nothing to do with the storyline though.


And upon thinking about it, I'm thinking part 4 has a creepy storyline that wont work, like part 3 did. ;o;

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At first i thought that said the Laser Parts. o_o


The bleeding tree does have nothing to do with the storyline though.


And upon thinking about it, I'm thinking part 4 has a creepy storyline that wont work, like part 3 did. ;o;

Laser stories would be awsome.


I know. But it was odd.


Write about lasers!

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Laser stories would be awsome.


I know. But it was odd.


Write about lasers!

.... No. I just got a better idea, not 5 minutes ago. (Par-tay, ever people. There could be SEVEN parts of this series! =o Hopefully i'll find more storylines and there could be EIGHT! w00t. I'm planning on 7 as of now though.) So yeah. >=3 Ebbil! w00t. Keelingyoudead. -nod-

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[At 1 AM, I finished Chapter nineteen, Now i finished dis part of deh story. w00t. Now to post the next chapter. n_n]


[i think its chapter 16 that needs postin'. So i'll just post this one. n_n]


Chapter Sixteen


I awoke once again, Next to the still unconscious subordinate wolf of mine, With my ‘master’ wolf nearby. I sat up, and looked around, somewhat exhausted from all that had happened earlier.


“Finally you are up. I had to fight off all of those humans that had you surrounded, How did you manage to get yourself into that mess?â€


“I did not get myself in that. It was you.â€


“Regrettably, Yes. But you personally, are none of my concern at the moment. I had underestimated the humans capabilities. They had taken blood samples from both you and Caitlin, Your ‘subordinate’ wolf. Yes. She has a name. As do I, And you do too. But away from that, The humans now have almost as much strength as we do. They can use our Werewolf blood, and infuse it with their own, And we will no longer me unmatched in power. And who knows what else they could do… But on the better side of this, They took blood from You and Caitlin. You are both weak, new werewolves, They do not have our full strength, But one huge step closer.â€


He had continued talking, Until he was cut off by a nearby human, Who sounded to be in great pain.


“Alright, Five of the who-knows how many humans you bit last night were gathered up and put here in this part of the forest, There is a clearing in the trees directly above them. The Moon goddess will complete their change… You do know about the Greek lunar goddess, Artemis, do you not? Goddess of the moon, Who also became goddess over hunting, And wildlife animals. If it were not for her, Werewolves would be entirely different creatures… Come follow me, We’ll watch your children grow from their weak states.â€


I had nothing wrong with this, So I did as I was told, And followed the still unidentified wolf, to a large, circular clearing in the forest. There, were three humans on the ground, who appeared to still be unconscious, While One human was standing in the middle of the clearing, Desperately looking around for a way out of the endless forest, That didn’t have a werewolf blocking the way.


“That human is trying to escape. If he tries hard enough, Just let him go before he hurts something. In the mean time, The more fear, The better a show it is to watch…â€


He eyed me deviously, with a strange look in his eyes.


“All that you an I have to do, is make sure he stays in one place. Do not let him leave that forestry clearing. Our goddess, Artemis, Will take care of the rest.â€




“Greek goddess of ferality, hunting, wild creatures, The moon. Putting that in short, She is the essence of werewolves, She is what makes us whole. She changes pathetic humans into our wolf shapes. On undefined times, or whenever she pleases, she will appear as a physical wolf as you and I, A rare, ‘formal’ and significant event. She appears where she wants to. She favors unpopulated idle areas, Places like this. The night of my changing was one of the nights of her appearing.â€


I was silent for a moment.


“Might I ask, What is your name?â€


“Michael. What is yours…?â€


My eyes widened.


“Mike? As in, Lisa the Midget?â€


“Brandon?! As in, The Texan-Canadian hybrid?â€


“That’s me.â€


“So we meet again… It’s been so long since I last saw you, you were, what, 15? Wow…â€


“What brings you up in North Dakota?â€


Mike fell silent for a moment.


“I… cant remember that…â€


We were interrupted by a human grunting in pain, In the middle of the clearing, Hunched over in pain, as familiar symptoms were occurring in the humans body. It writhed and twitched is pain as it went through a series of sensations, As its once rather hairless body was slowly engulfed in thick wolf fur.


I watched, And as Mike had told me, It was very satisfying to see ones victim go through this change. I felt much more invigorated, More energetic, Stronger… It was a feeling like no other.


“Yes, Biting a human and watching their change is not only satisfying, But it stimulates your senses, You become even more of a werewolf. You progress more toward perfection. If you keep this pace up, We may become of equal strength.â€


“I’m a year older and about 2 feet taller! And now you are the superior?â€


He gave me an incredulous look.


“Height and age have nothing to do with superiority. With opinions like that, You only go down.â€


I ignored his comment, And watched as the human’s transformation had completed, They let out a loud howl that echoed through the forests. I felt as if I was somewhat bigger? I thought nothing of it, And if my dark mind were capable of it, I’m sure that I would have smiled as the new Werewolf walked over to me.

:o:o:o My Name is Caitlin!!!!!( On Earth it is, But my REAL name is JapanCat Pitchblack) :o:o:o

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Laser stories would be awsome.


I know. But it was odd.


Write about lasers!

.... No. I just got a better idea, not 5 minutes ago. (Par-tay, ever people. There could be SEVEN parts of this series! =o Hopefully i'll find more storylines and there could be EIGHT! w00t. I'm planning on 7 as of now though.) So yeah. >=3 Ebbil! w00t. Keelingyoudead. -nod-

WHOMAG 8!!!11one

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[At 1 AM, I finished Chapter nineteen, Now i finished dis part of deh story. w00t. Now to post the next chapter. n_n]


[i think its chapter 16 that needs postin'. So i'll just post this one. n_n]


Chapter Sixteen


I awoke once again, Next to the still unconscious subordinate wolf of mine, With my ‘master’ wolf nearby. I sat up, and looked around, somewhat exhausted from all that had happened earlier.


“Finally you are up. I had to fight off all of those humans that had you surrounded, How did you manage to get yourself into that mess?â€


“I did not get myself in that. It was you.â€


“Regrettably, Yes. But you personally, are none of my concern at the moment. I had underestimated the humans capabilities. They had taken blood samples from both you and Caitlin, Your ‘subordinate’ wolf. Yes. She has a name. As do I, And you do too. But away from that, The humans now have almost as much strength as we do. They can use our Werewolf blood, and infuse it with their own, And we will no longer me unmatched in power. And who knows what else they could do… But on the better side of this, They took blood from You and Caitlin. You are both weak, new werewolves, They do not have our full strength, But one huge step closer.â€


He had continued talking, Until he was cut off by a nearby human, Who sounded to be in great pain.


“Alright, Five of the who-knows how many humans you bit last night were gathered up and put here in this part of the forest, There is a clearing in the trees directly above them. The Moon goddess will complete their change… You do know about the Greek lunar goddess, Artemis, do you not? Goddess of the moon, Who also became goddess over hunting, And wildlife animals. If it were not for her, Werewolves would be entirely different creatures… Come follow me, We’ll watch your children grow from their weak states.â€


I had nothing wrong with this, So I did as I was told, And followed the still unidentified wolf, to a large, circular clearing in the forest. There, were three humans on the ground, who appeared to still be unconscious, While One human was standing in the middle of the clearing, Desperately looking around for a way out of the endless forest, That didn’t have a werewolf blocking the way.


“That human is trying to escape. If he tries hard enough, Just let him go before he hurts something. In the mean time, The more fear, The better a show it is to watch…â€


He eyed me deviously, with a strange look in his eyes.


“All that you an I have to do, is make sure he stays in one place. Do not let him leave that forestry clearing. Our goddess, Artemis, Will take care of the rest.â€




“Greek goddess of ferality, hunting, wild creatures, The moon. Putting that in short, She is the essence of werewolves, She is what makes us whole. She changes pathetic humans into our wolf shapes. On undefined times, or whenever she pleases, she will appear as a physical wolf as you and I, A rare, ‘formal’ and significant event. She appears where she wants to. She favors unpopulated idle areas, Places like this. The night of my changing was one of the nights of her appearing.â€


I was silent for a moment.


“Might I ask, What is your name?â€


“Michael. What is yours…?â€


My eyes widened.


“Mike? As in, Lisa the Midget?â€


“Brandon?! As in, The Texan-Canadian hybrid?â€


“That’s me.â€


“So we meet again… It’s been so long since I last saw you, you were, what, 15? Wow…â€


“What brings you up in North Dakota?â€


Mike fell silent for a moment.


“I… cant remember that…â€


We were interrupted by a human grunting in pain, In the middle of the clearing, Hunched over in pain, as familiar symptoms were occurring in the humans body. It writhed and twitched is pain as it went through a series of sensations, As its once rather hairless body was slowly engulfed in thick wolf fur.


I watched, And as Mike had told me, It was very satisfying to see ones victim go through this change. I felt much more invigorated, More energetic, Stronger… It was a feeling like no other.


“Yes, Biting a human and watching their change is not only satisfying, But it stimulates your senses, You become even more of a werewolf. You progress more toward perfection. If you keep this pace up, We may become of equal strength.â€


“I’m a year older and about 2 feet taller! And now you are the superior?â€


He gave me an incredulous look.


“Height and age have nothing to do with superiority. With opinions like that, You only go down.â€


I ignored his comment, And watched as the human’s transformation had completed, They let out a loud howl that echoed through the forests. I felt as if I was somewhat bigger? I thought nothing of it, And if my dark mind were capable of it, I’m sure that I would have smiled as the new Werewolf walked over to me.

:o:o:o My Name is Caitlin!!!!!( On Earth it is, But my REAL name is JapanCat Pitchblack) :o:o:o

Zomfg or something. o_o So is that one person in Canadia that this Caitlin was supposta be.

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[At 1 AM, I finished Chapter nineteen, Now i finished dis part of deh story. w00t. Now to post the next chapter. n_n]


[i think its chapter 16 that needs postin'. So i'll just post this one. n_n]


Chapter Sixteen


I awoke once again, Next to the still unconscious subordinate wolf of mine, With my ‘master’ wolf nearby. I sat up, and looked around, somewhat exhausted from all that had happened earlier.


“Finally you are up. I had to fight off all of those humans that had you surrounded, How did you manage to get yourself into that mess?â€


“I did not get myself in that. It was you.â€


“Regrettably, Yes. But you personally, are none of my concern at the moment. I had underestimated the humans capabilities. They had taken blood samples from both you and Caitlin, Your ‘subordinate’ wolf. Yes. She has a name. As do I, And you do too. But away from that, The humans now have almost as much strength as we do. They can use our Werewolf blood, and infuse it with their own, And we will no longer me unmatched in power. And who knows what else they could do… But on the better side of this, They took blood from You and Caitlin. You are both weak, new werewolves, They do not have our full strength, But one huge step closer.â€


He had continued talking, Until he was cut off by a nearby human, Who sounded to be in great pain.


“Alright, Five of the who-knows how many humans you bit last night were gathered up and put here in this part of the forest, There is a clearing in the trees directly above them. The Moon goddess will complete their change… You do know about the Greek lunar goddess, Artemis, do you not? Goddess of the moon, Who also became goddess over hunting, And wildlife animals. If it were not for her, Werewolves would be entirely different creatures… Come follow me, We’ll watch your children grow from their weak states.â€


I had nothing wrong with this, So I did as I was told, And followed the still unidentified wolf, to a large, circular clearing in the forest. There, were three humans on the ground, who appeared to still be unconscious, While One human was standing in the middle of the clearing, Desperately looking around for a way out of the endless forest, That didn’t have a werewolf blocking the way.


“That human is trying to escape. If he tries hard enough, Just let him go before he hurts something. In the mean time, The more fear, The better a show it is to watch…â€


He eyed me deviously, with a strange look in his eyes.


“All that you an I have to do, is make sure he stays in one place. Do not let him leave that forestry clearing. Our goddess, Artemis, Will take care of the rest.â€




“Greek goddess of ferality, hunting, wild creatures, The moon. Putting that in short, She is the essence of werewolves, She is what makes us whole. She changes pathetic humans into our wolf shapes. On undefined times, or whenever she pleases, she will appear as a physical wolf as you and I, A rare, ‘formal’ and significant event. She appears where she wants to. She favors unpopulated idle areas, Places like this. The night of my changing was one of the nights of her appearing.â€


I was silent for a moment.


“Might I ask, What is your name?â€


“Michael. What is yours…?â€


My eyes widened.


“Mike? As in, Lisa the Midget?â€


“Brandon?! As in, The Texan-Canadian hybrid?â€


“That’s me.â€


“So we meet again… It’s been so long since I last saw you, you were, what, 15? Wow…â€


“What brings you up in North Dakota?â€


Mike fell silent for a moment.


“I… cant remember that…â€


We were interrupted by a human grunting in pain, In the middle of the clearing, Hunched over in pain, as familiar symptoms were occurring in the humans body. It writhed and twitched is pain as it went through a series of sensations, As its once rather hairless body was slowly engulfed in thick wolf fur.


I watched, And as Mike had told me, It was very satisfying to see ones victim go through this change. I felt much more invigorated, More energetic, Stronger… It was a feeling like no other.


“Yes, Biting a human and watching their change is not only satisfying, But it stimulates your senses, You become even more of a werewolf. You progress more toward perfection. If you keep this pace up, We may become of equal strength.â€


“I’m a year older and about 2 feet taller! And now you are the superior?â€


He gave me an incredulous look.


“Height and age have nothing to do with superiority. With opinions like that, You only go down.â€


I ignored his comment, And watched as the human’s transformation had completed, They let out a loud howl that echoed through the forests. I felt as if I was somewhat bigger? I thought nothing of it, And if my dark mind were capable of it, I’m sure that I would have smiled as the new Werewolf walked over to me.

:o:o:o My Name is Caitlin!!!!!( On Earth it is, But my REAL name is JapanCat Pitchblack) :o:o:o

You have an Earth name?! :o I always thought of you as JCPB...

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-does a stupid dance- =D

*does a jig next to Arkcher doing a stupid dance*

- 'accidentally' kicks Kat off elsewhere- =D

[*accidentally plows Arkcher off a cliff and resumes jigging as a spotlight turns on*]

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-does a stupid dance- =D

*does a jig next to Arkcher doing a stupid dance*

- 'accidentally' kicks Kat off elsewhere- =D

[*accidentally plows Arkcher off a cliff and resumes jigging as a spotlight turns on*]

Why you using brackets? :huh:

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-does a stupid dance- =D

*does a jig next to Arkcher doing a stupid dance*

- 'accidentally' kicks Kat off elsewhere- =D

[*accidentally plows Arkcher off a cliff and resumes jigging as a spotlight turns on*]

Why you using brackets? :huh:

Because I'm in too many online RPGs. x_x;;;

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-does a stupid dance- =D

*does a jig next to Arkcher doing a stupid dance*

- 'accidentally' kicks Kat off elsewhere- =D

[*accidentally plows Arkcher off a cliff and resumes jigging as a spotlight turns on*]

Why you using brackets? :huh:

Because I'm in too many online RPGs. x_x;;;

Go find some of them that I made. o_o Nobody goes there no more.

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-does a stupid dance- =D

*does a jig next to Arkcher doing a stupid dance*

- 'accidentally' kicks Kat off elsewhere- =D

[*accidentally plows Arkcher off a cliff and resumes jigging as a spotlight turns on*]

Why you using brackets? :huh:

Because I'm in too many online RPGs. x_x;;;

Go find some of them that I made. o_o Nobody goes there no more.

I would if I could...

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  • 1 year later...

I was rereading this, and for some reason, I now find Mike the Werewolf hillarious. I dunno. Mike is just such a generic name, and then he's a werewolf...it would be like Debbie the Werewolf...


Oh and I also found that one movie with the bunny and cat you were talking about earlier, only I had forgoten about it when I read about it here and my brother ended up showing to to me a while ago, and now I luff it. :D I wan the "There She Is!!!" mp3

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I was rereading this, and for some reason, I now find Mike the Werewolf hillarious. I dunno. Mike is just such a generic name, and then he's a werewolf...it would be like Debbie the Werewolf...


Oh and I also found that one movie with the bunny and cat you were talking about earlier, only I had forgoten about it when I read about it here and my brother ended up showing to to me a while ago, and now I luff it. :D I wan the "There She Is!!!" mp3

I had that MP3 a long time ago... i dunno if I still do. I think I decided that the singers voice, regardless of it was in korean, sounded terrible. o_o;


..... -throws a poptart at j00- D=

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I was rereading this, and for some reason, I now find Mike the Werewolf hillarious. I dunno. Mike is just such a generic name, and then he's a werewolf...it would be like Debbie the Werewolf...


Oh and I also found that one movie with the bunny and cat you were talking about earlier, only I had forgoten about it when I read about it here and my brother ended up showing to to me a while ago, and now I luff it. :D I wan the "There She Is!!!" mp3

I had that MP3 a long time ago... i dunno if I still do. I think I decided that the singers voice, regardless of it was in korean, sounded terrible. o_o;


..... -throws a poptart at j00- D=

I like that song...


I have "Happy Birthday to Me!", though, which is the song for There She Is!!! step 2.


*goes into bullet time and dodges the poptart, catches it, and eats it*

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I was rereading this, and for some reason, I now find Mike the Werewolf hillarious. I dunno. Mike is just such a generic name, and then he's a werewolf...it would be like Debbie the Werewolf...


Oh and I also found that one movie with the bunny and cat you were talking about earlier, only I had forgoten about it when I read about it here and my brother ended up showing to to me a while ago, and now I luff it. :D I wan the "There She Is!!!" mp3

I had that MP3 a long time ago... i dunno if I still do. I think I decided that the singers voice, regardless of it was in korean, sounded terrible. o_o;


..... -throws a poptart at j00- D=

I like that song...


I have "Happy Birthday to Me!", though, which is the song for There She Is!!! step 2.


*goes into bullet time and dodges the poptart, catches it, and eats it*

Maybe if I go listen to it again, it'll be cool.


And I just remembered, that Yeah, Mike is a stupid name for a werewolf, but as I specified earlier (i think...) About 90% of the characters in this series are all people I know or some friends. Mike is one of the guys I was... 'off and on' friends with. He was admirable when he wanted to be, so he lost brownie points rather often. Shortly after I added him in there, i thought about it, and decided it wasnt such a great idea. :lol:

The some odd 10% of the characters that arent people I know are the expendable Dalhood workers. And a few wolves here and there.

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I was rereading this, and for some reason, I now find Mike the Werewolf hillarious. I dunno. Mike is just such a generic name, and then he's a werewolf...it would be like Debbie the Werewolf...


Oh and I also found that one movie with the bunny and cat you were talking about earlier, only I had forgoten about it when I read about it here and my brother ended up showing to to me a while ago, and now I luff it. :D I wan the "There She Is!!!" mp3

I had that MP3 a long time ago... i dunno if I still do. I think I decided that the singers voice, regardless of it was in korean, sounded terrible. o_o;


..... -throws a poptart at j00- D=

I like that song...


I have "Happy Birthday to Me!", though, which is the song for There She Is!!! step 2.


*goes into bullet time and dodges the poptart, catches it, and eats it*

Maybe if I go listen to it again, it'll be cool.


And I just remembered, that Yeah, Mike is a stupid name for a werewolf, but as I specified earlier (i think...) About 90% of the characters in this series are all people I know or some friends. Mike is one of the guys I was... 'off and on' friends with. He was admirable when he wanted to be, so he lost brownie points rather often. Shortly after I added him in there, i thought about it, and decided it wasnt such a great idea. :lol:

The some odd 10% of the characters that arent people I know are the expendable Dalhood workers. And a few wolves here and there.

I've reread all the Werewolf stuff, and now I wanna write something. x_x Maybe I'll get back to putting that one spiffy RP back together...


Is that topic even still around, Horatio? Or did it die? o.o

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I was rereading this, and for some reason, I now find Mike the Werewolf hillarious. I dunno. Mike is just such a generic name, and then he's a werewolf...it would be like Debbie the Werewolf...


Oh and I also found that one movie with the bunny and cat you were talking about earlier, only I had forgoten about it when I read about it here and my brother ended up showing to to me a while ago, and now I luff it. :D I wan the "There She Is!!!" mp3

I had that MP3 a long time ago... i dunno if I still do. I think I decided that the singers voice, regardless of it was in korean, sounded terrible. o_o;


..... -throws a poptart at j00- D=

I like that song...


I have "Happy Birthday to Me!", though, which is the song for There She Is!!! step 2.


*goes into bullet time and dodges the poptart, catches it, and eats it*

Maybe if I go listen to it again, it'll be cool.


And I just remembered, that Yeah, Mike is a stupid name for a werewolf, but as I specified earlier (i think...) About 90% of the characters in this series are all people I know or some friends. Mike is one of the guys I was... 'off and on' friends with. He was admirable when he wanted to be, so he lost brownie points rather often. Shortly after I added him in there, i thought about it, and decided it wasnt such a great idea. :lol:

The some odd 10% of the characters that arent people I know are the expendable Dalhood workers. And a few wolves here and there.

I've reread all the Werewolf stuff, and now I wanna write something. x_x Maybe I'll get back to putting that one spiffy RP back together...


Is that topic even still around, Horatio? Or did it die? o.o

I'll dig it up for you.

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