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[*claps hand over MW's mought* Shush. He might get ideas...]

[i already had. I did that with the last awsome story i posted here. Everyone got real ticked off'at me too. o__o So i wont dissapoint them now... >_> ... Graagh i cant decide X_x I'll probably just publish it anyway. And all you peebles have free copies or something cuz yall are spiffy.]

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[i already had. I did that with the last awsome story i posted here. Everyone got real ticked off'at me too. o__o So i wont dissapoint them now... >_> ... Graagh i cant decide X_x I'll probably just publish it anyway. And all you peebles have free copies or something cuz yall are spiffy.]


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[i know, but he was just bein' mean at the moment, and that was my first impresstion of him]

[First impressions can go bad. o_o ... The truth on that is, I still havent decided who that is yet. I was thinkin' Dimitri, but naw... probably not... That may be one of the few characters who i actually made up in this story. o_o]

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[First impressions can go bad. o_o ... The truth on that is, I still havent decided who that is yet. I was thinkin' Dimitri, but naw... probably not... That may be one of the few characters who i actually made up in this story. o_o]

[GASP! And I thought you stopped that one 'cause you couldn't think of anything to finish it, or something...]

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[i was talking about the one you never finished that was the first one of your I read with the magical dude and the dragon with the eyes and stuff.]

[Oh, That first story. I thought you were talking about one of these chapters. Im all like. Whaaa? >_> Relver if i recall correctly, It was your character? wun'nit?]

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[Oh, That first story. I thought you were talking about one of these chapters. Im all like. Whaaa? >_> Relver if i recall correctly, It was your character? wun'nit?]

[Yeah. Something like that.

I just noticed how specific I was when I said, "The dragon with the eyes.".]

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[Yeah. Something like that.

I just noticed how specific I was when I said, "The dragon with the eyes.".]

[im reminded of when,

"Pom-pom asked Homestar to enter some kind of eyeless fish beast. He said Ok."

"Everyone is different. No two people are not on fire! Awww."

Good times.... Bad oldies... o_o]

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[im reminded of when,

"Pom-pom asked Homestar to enter some kind of eyeless fish beast. He said Ok."

"Everyone is different. No two people are not on fire! Awww."

Good times.... Bad oldies... o_o]

[Homestar is deh awsomes. <5]

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Chapter Fifteen


“Its still unconscious…â€


“The question is though, What should be do with it? If we leave this wolf alone until it wakes up, It’ll rampage through here again and kill us all! We have to act now!â€


“Give it to Animal control. Enough said. They can run DNA tests, Trace its bloodline, Find out what these things really are… Better yet, What is their weakness. We may be able to seize control of these monsters…! A good army fighter, I’d bet.â€


My conscience faded in and out, As I heard varied parts of Human Conversation, Apparently planning to use me as the key to controlling Werewolves. Considering how weak I am, I could do nothing about it but listen.


I assume I had again fallen unconscious, But once I had woken up once more, I had enough energy to open my eyes, and sit up.


Upon doing so, I had looked around to find that a familiar being was nearby. Not moments ago, or from my perspective, The werewolf I was talking to was no more than 20 feet from me. This, the one being the human that I had bitten, This made me feel rather proud of my efforts, Though it was interrupted to see that this wolf had already been overtaken by the humans!


“Wolf! Master! Help!â€


I had heard the wolf calling to me, In language aside from English. I heard it was calling by a mixture of howls and barks, But being a wolf, I understood this language.


“We have the female wolf taken care of, tied down! The male wolf over there is next, Get him!â€


A human commander instructed, As a swarm of animal control units and humans with ropes, chains and the like all came rushing toward me.


I immediately jumped to my feet, Stood up straight on my hind legs, And let out a menacing roar of warning.


And I then made the attack…


I dodged two darts whizzing by, Ran to the closest human and punched it hard in… whatever body part it was that was closest, And jumped upward just in time to evade another tranquilizer dart. Upon hearing the wolf nearby again, My attention had been drawn over to her.


“Wolf! Master! Release me, I will help!â€


I so no flaw in this logic, If I could get over to my subordinate, Then she could help me fight off the Humans, to protect us both.


I glanced back at the crowd of humans, chasing me and occasionally shooting at me with darts, Which I found rather amusing to dodge all of the shots. I rolled, jumped, sidestepped, and so on, Until I got to where my subordinate wolf was bound, Ropes and chains tied her front and hinds legs together (separately), Which were also staked to the ground, Disabling her to move.


I raised my left hand high, And slammed down onto the wolf’s binds, My claws cutting through the ropes and damaging the chains, As I grabbed the chains with my hand and pulled on them, causing their weak links to break under my strength.


“You take care of yourself from there.â€


I called to her, As I ran back into the group of humans, barely missing a few darts. I ran up and punched one, causing it to fall backwards and hit other humans as well, which tripped even more of them from walking.


I reached over to my left, And grabbed an Animal Control unit’s dart gun, And threw the device at one of its comrades, And mercilessly bit the human in front of me, on its left shoulder, Causing it to go limp, just before it had let out a scream of pain.


Upon biting one more human, I heard my subordinate wolf behind me give a familiar call, Which wasn’t necessarily a word, but communication nonetheless. She had let out a loud, long piercing howl, and had summoned our Werewolf allies, in desperation of help.


Within a matter of seconds, She was on my side, helping fend off the weakling humans. She, too, snuck in the occasional bite, and ejected her genetic serum in her teeth, as I have, To her, and few others.


I swiped, scratched, punched, bit and attacked any human that had come into sight, I heard many of them calling for reinforcements and more equipment via their radios. Any of them within my capability to harm, I took the opportunity. The last thing I needed was more humans to be here… So I had bitten any human as often as possible, in hopes of converting more Humans to the Werewolf side.


The two of us continued at this, For only a few more seconds until my subordinate Wolf had let out a loud whimper of pain, As she lost balance and toppled over, Inconveniently falling right on top of me, With several tranquilizing darts visible on her body. I had tried to push her off of me, But Werewolves are rather heavy. Muscle is heavier than fat, Making their incredible bulk putting their weight to 250 lbs, More less. I tried pushing her off- She wouldn’t move. I was trapped.


I let out another howl as a call for help, Which was cut short by a series of simultaneous pierce sensations on my body- 5 darts were ejecting into my system. Within three weakening seconds, I collapsed under my weight, no longer able to support myself, as I slipped into unconsciousness, Once again.


[im posting these faster than I can write them! Aaahhhh. >_>]

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[Then write faster! o_o;;;]

[im almost done with deh 16th chapter. o_o Its about as long as that one...... But I cant write faster, A lot of things be happening that involve not being on my computer, And I have RP's to attend. And an animation to make. (It was supposta be done in november. o_o;; I feel bad now.) I'll go write now. >.> After I post. on that RP. n_n]

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[i thought that was rather hilarious.]

[>.>;;; Just keep on writing. And RPing. 'Cause RPing is awsome and you and I are the only ones who post regularly in that one RP. You know...with the people...and the vampires...that one.]

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[>.>;;; Just keep on writing. And RPing. 'Cause RPing is awsome and you and I are the only ones who post regularly in that one RP. You know...with the people...and the vampires...that one.]

[s'about the only one I do in here. I tried to do another RP topic, but it died. o_o]

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[i'm almost done with Chapter seventeen! w00t! I esitmate the end coming. About 2, maybe three more chapters. About 20 in total. n_n Ooooh, Im excited.]

[i should be writing something for HD, but I'm too lazy. Maybe I'll be all inspired once you finish this.]

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[i should be writing something for HD, but I'm too lazy. Maybe I'll be all inspired once you finish this.]

[Probably not. You might steal the awsome idea for the ending though. >_> But i think you should do it. Write something. I have some storylines i could give you that I never wrote about, if you want those.]

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[Probably not. You might steal the awsome idea for the ending though. >_> But i think you should do it. Write something. I have some storylines i could give you that I never wrote about, if you want those.]

[Naw. I get plenty of story lines. Just no time to think about them. x.x]

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[Naw. I get plenty of story lines. Just no time to think about them. x.x]

[Thats why I bought a PDA. :lol: I got one of them little. handheld computer thingy-types. I take notes for stories like this on it. And write parts of the story on deh Visor. (Handspring Visor Prism. w00t. $80. o_o) Not internet compatible, (yet) But i can take pictures with it. >_> Anyway. I have the handy little palm compy. I sotry-with it.]

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[Thats why I bought a PDA. :lol: I got one of them little. handheld computer thingy-types. I take notes for stories like this on it. And write parts of the story on deh Visor. (Handspring Visor Prism. w00t. $80. o_o) Not internet compatible, (yet) But i can take pictures with it. >_> Anyway. I have the handy little palm compy. I sotry-with it.]

[You do what now? o_o;;;]

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[At 1 AM, I finished Chapter nineteen, Now i finished dis part of deh story. w00t. Now to post the next chapter. n_n]


[i think its chapter 16 that needs postin'. So i'll just post this one. n_n]


Chapter Sixteen


I awoke once again, Next to the still unconscious subordinate wolf of mine, With my ‘master’ wolf nearby. I sat up, and looked around, somewhat exhausted from all that had happened earlier.


“Finally you are up. I had to fight off all of those humans that had you surrounded, How did you manage to get yourself into that mess?â€


“I did not get myself in that. It was you.â€


“Regrettably, Yes. But you personally, are none of my concern at the moment. I had underestimated the humans capabilities. They had taken blood samples from both you and Caitlin, Your ‘subordinate’ wolf. Yes. She has a name. As do I, And you do too. But away from that, The humans now have almost as much strength as we do. They can use our Werewolf blood, and infuse it with their own, And we will no longer me unmatched in power. And who knows what else they could do… But on the better side of this, They took blood from You and Caitlin. You are both weak, new werewolves, They do not have our full strength, But one huge step closer.â€


He had continued talking, Until he was cut off by a nearby human, Who sounded to be in great pain.


“Alright, Five of the who-knows how many humans you bit last night were gathered up and put here in this part of the forest, There is a clearing in the trees directly above them. The Moon goddess will complete their change… You do know about the Greek lunar goddess, Artemis, do you not? Goddess of the moon, Who also became goddess over hunting, And wildlife animals. If it were not for her, Werewolves would be entirely different creatures… Come follow me, We’ll watch your children grow from their weak states.â€


I had nothing wrong with this, So I did as I was told, And followed the still unidentified wolf, to a large, circular clearing in the forest. There, were three humans on the ground, who appeared to still be unconscious, While One human was standing in the middle of the clearing, Desperately looking around for a way out of the endless forest, That didn’t have a werewolf blocking the way.


“That human is trying to escape. If he tries hard enough, Just let him go before he hurts something. In the mean time, The more fear, The better a show it is to watch…â€


He eyed me deviously, with a strange look in his eyes.


“All that you an I have to do, is make sure he stays in one place. Do not let him leave that forestry clearing. Our goddess, Artemis, Will take care of the rest.â€




“Greek goddess of ferality, hunting, wild creatures, The moon. Putting that in short, She is the essence of werewolves, She is what makes us whole. She changes pathetic humans into our wolf shapes. On undefined times, or whenever she pleases, she will appear as a physical wolf as you and I, A rare, ‘formal’ and significant event. She appears where she wants to. She favors unpopulated idle areas, Places like this. The night of my changing was one of the nights of her appearing.â€


I was silent for a moment.


“Might I ask, What is your name?â€


“Michael. What is yours…?â€


My eyes widened.


“Mike? As in, Lisa the Midget?â€


“Brandon?! As in, The Texan-Canadian hybrid?â€


“That’s me.â€


“So we meet again… It’s been so long since I last saw you, you were, what, 15? Wow…â€


“What brings you up in North Dakota?â€


Mike fell silent for a moment.


“I… cant remember that…â€


We were interrupted by a human grunting in pain, In the middle of the clearing, Hunched over in pain, as familiar symptoms were occurring in the humans body. It writhed and twitched is pain as it went through a series of sensations, As its once rather hairless body was slowly engulfed in thick wolf fur.


I watched, And as Mike had told me, It was very satisfying to see ones victim go through this change. I felt much more invigorated, More energetic, Stronger… It was a feeling like no other.


“Yes, Biting a human and watching their change is not only satisfying, But it stimulates your senses, You become even more of a werewolf. You progress more toward perfection. If you keep this pace up, We may become of equal strength.â€


“I’m a year older and about 2 feet taller! And now you are the superior?â€


He gave me an incredulous look.


“Height and age have nothing to do with superiority. With opinions like that, You only go down.â€


I ignored his comment, And watched as the human’s transformation had completed, They let out a loud howl that echoed through the forests. I felt as if I was somewhat bigger? I thought nothing of it, And if my dark mind were capable of it, I’m sure that I would have smiled as the new Werewolf walked over to me.

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[At 1 AM, I finished Chapter nineteen, Now i finished dis part of deh story. w00t. Now to post the next chapter. n_n]


[i think its chapter 16 that needs postin'. So i'll just post this one. n_n]


Chapter Sixteen


I awoke once again, Next to the still unconscious subordinate wolf of mine, With my ‘master’ wolf nearby. I sat up, and looked around, somewhat exhausted from all that had happened earlier.


“Finally you are up. I had to fight off all of those humans that had you surrounded, How did you manage to get yourself into that mess?â€


“I did not get myself in that. It was you.â€


“Regrettably, Yes. But you personally, are none of my concern at the moment. I had underestimated the humans capabilities. They had taken blood samples from both you and Caitlin, Your ‘subordinate’ wolf. Yes. She has a name. As do I, And you do too. But away from that, The humans now have almost as much strength as we do. They can use our Werewolf blood, and infuse it with their own, And we will no longer me unmatched in power. And who knows what else they could do… But on the better side of this, They took blood from You and Caitlin. You are both weak, new werewolves, They do not have our full strength, But one huge step closer.â€


He had continued talking, Until he was cut off by a nearby human, Who sounded to be in great pain.


“Alright, Five of the who-knows how many humans you bit last night were gathered up and put here in this part of the forest, There is a clearing in the trees directly above them. The Moon goddess will complete their change… You do know about the Greek lunar goddess, Artemis, do you not? Goddess of the moon, Who also became goddess over hunting, And wildlife animals. If it were not for her, Werewolves would be entirely different creatures… Come follow me, We’ll watch your children grow from their weak states.â€


I had nothing wrong with this, So I did as I was told, And followed the still unidentified wolf, to a large, circular clearing in the forest. There, were three humans on the ground, who appeared to still be unconscious, While One human was standing in the middle of the clearing, Desperately looking around for a way out of the endless forest, That didn’t have a werewolf blocking the way.


“That human is trying to escape. If he tries hard enough, Just let him go before he hurts something. In the mean time, The more fear, The better a show it is to watch…â€


He eyed me deviously, with a strange look in his eyes.


“All that you an I have to do, is make sure he stays in one place. Do not let him leave that forestry clearing. Our goddess, Artemis, Will take care of the rest.â€




“Greek goddess of ferality, hunting, wild creatures, The moon. Putting that in short, She is the essence of werewolves, She is what makes us whole. She changes pathetic humans into our wolf shapes. On undefined times, or whenever she pleases, she will appear as a physical wolf as you and I, A rare, ‘formal’ and significant event. She appears where she wants to. She favors unpopulated idle areas, Places like this. The night of my changing was one of the nights of her appearing.â€


I was silent for a moment.


“Might I ask, What is your name?â€


“Michael. What is yours…?â€


My eyes widened.


“Mike? As in, Lisa the Midget?â€


“Brandon?! As in, The Texan-Canadian hybrid?â€


“That’s me.â€


“So we meet again… It’s been so long since I last saw you, you were, what, 15? Wow…â€


“What brings you up in North Dakota?â€


Mike fell silent for a moment.


“I… cant remember that…â€


We were interrupted by a human grunting in pain, In the middle of the clearing, Hunched over in pain, as familiar symptoms were occurring in the humans body. It writhed and twitched is pain as it went through a series of sensations, As its once rather hairless body was slowly engulfed in thick wolf fur.


I watched, And as Mike had told me, It was very satisfying to see ones victim go through this change. I felt much more invigorated, More energetic, Stronger… It was a feeling like no other.


“Yes, Biting a human and watching their change is not only satisfying, But it stimulates your senses, You become even more of a werewolf. You progress more toward perfection. If you keep this pace up, We may become of equal strength.â€


“I’m a year older and about 2 feet taller! And now you are the superior?â€


He gave me an incredulous look.


“Height and age have nothing to do with superiority. With opinions like that, You only go down.â€


I ignored his comment, And watched as the human’s transformation had completed, They let out a loud howl that echoed through the forests. I felt as if I was somewhat bigger? I thought nothing of it, And if my dark mind were capable of it, I’m sure that I would have smiled as the new Werewolf walked over to me.

[New werewolf!]

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[No, you sotryed.]

[True. >.> The new werewolf is never seen again though. xD In this part of the story anyway. I might write about him/her some other time. Although, It could be one of you peoples who read it, you were showing interest in being included in here. Any suggestions? It'll be in the next part though]

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Chapter Seventeen


The loud howl had awoken two of the Humans that remained in the clearing, Who looked around, Began panicking, And did the same as the New Werewolf had done- Look frantically for a way out of the barrier of Werewolves that surrounded them.


Within moments, The two humans started the transformation…


Invigorating, Yes, But as I watched the Humans change… I felt something inside tell me, What I was doing was horribly wrong…


Time passed, I did feel more like a Werewolf, I fit in better with the others… But this is not as pleasing as it seems.




I stood next to the Transparisteel prison I was once kept in, And rested my left arm on it. I glanced through the transparency, And saw the poorly made Forest copy.


It brought grief to me to think, That animals would feel comfortable in the cheap homes than the Humans build for them. They want freedom more than anything else, And ‘pets’ for the Humans’ enjoyment, Is somewhat a torture for the underling of the two.


While looking off to my left, I noticed something on my hand…


There was a glint of yellow-ish light. I had not noticed this before…


I brought my hand closer to my eyes, And saw, Buried under the thick fur, Was a small gold band.

My Wedding ring.

I could only think about it, My Werewolf was not capable of tears, Heartache or anything like that… My emotions are so limited… I looked down, My oversize Werewolf form seemed to look back up at me. I loathingly put my right hand on the ground, It disgusted me to see the bloodstained, crimson claws on my fingers, The thick fur, The unnecessary and overpowered muscle all over my body… I hated myself. This is not what I should have to go through…


I felt a familiar sensation on my body, But I did not look up to see anything… I felt raindrops crashing into my body, Individually, They all landed in the surrounding area… I heard thunder booming off in the distance, The moon peeking from behind the clouds.


Drops of water were falling from gathered water on my body… My wet fur shone rather beautifully in the moonlight, And looked somewhat better in the light of the flashing lightning. I glanced behind myself, Just as another bolt of lightning tore across the sky, Illuminating the silhouette of my home…


I thought for a moment. I felt as if I should get revenge at Mike, But he did the only thing natural, I cannot blame him for this, For all I know, He could have this unbearable heartache that I do, About his family and friends… I sighed, And turned my thoughts toward something else.


What I did feel needed to be settled though, Was this billionaire who has taken over my home, property and observatory… He has taken over my life…


Standing here and just thinking will get me nowhere. I turned around, And strode back toward what used to be my home… I need to take action, I need to really do something here, I need to…




[Muahahahahaaa! >_>;; The next chapter contains no violence. But yes, suspense. I was on the edge of my seat writing it. :lol: The chapter after this (ending) Does involve killing though, So Horatio can. uh. Do a jig with Kat. >.>;]

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[-howls- n_n 12:00! Midnight be here! Par-tay!]












[Maybe writing this is having effect on me. Scary thinking about it. >_> -hides behind Kat-]

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[Go to sleep, it is 01H00 here and I need to get in my wheel! ]

[sleep is for the weak! MUHAHAHAHAHAAAAHH! I see Horatio already figured this out, By evilly plotting to like. Break out and go to Starbucks or something, As opposed to sleeping. -gives a Horatiotreatthing- n.n w00t]

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Chapter Eighteen


Each step closer that I took, Longer than the last. Anxiety was building, The house came in view.


I stood next to the front door, which was surprisingly well repaired for the damage I had done to it. I looked it over, Somewhat distracted.

I found a nearby window, I walked over to it and peered through the glass. The design was very similar to what I had, when I lived there, Though much of it was remodeled. I leered through the glass, and opened the front door.


A thermal change, I felt somewhat warmer inside. I had forgotten the feeling of comfort, of inside of a home… I looked around, Looking for the owner of the home.


It was obvious he was self-centered, There were portraits and paintings of him all on the walls. His name was carved into some metal… subtitles, for the pictures.



Derek D. Vigata.


I smirked, and continued deeper into the home, silently padding through the area. I scanned the scenery closely for any signs of movement, And strained for any sounds.


I silently padded through Derek's house, Frequently sniffing the air for signs of humans. As I walked through, a familiar scent filled the air...




Derek must be nearby...


My ears turned, twitched upon hearing an increase in human heartbeat...


I immediately threw my body- slammed into the floor, I ducked just in time to miss the speeding bullet that dashed passed me.


I immediately kicked myself off the ground, And leapt through the air- and swiped my hand in Derek's direction...


Only to knock the firearm out of his grasp. It careened through the air wildly, leaving Derek defenseless.


I leered at him, A look of death in my eyes... But Derek already had me figured out.

I could see that he knew, Fear would only kill him.


He knew not of the loathing I had...


I raised my left hand, with my wedding ring visible. I wanted him to know, I had a human life before all this...


My claws extended. His fear intensed for a brief moment, But he smirked, trying to intimidate me into thinking he is superior…


Not in the least…


I raised my hand higher, And brought it down with a blood-drawing slash, that scratched across his body diagonally.

He withdrew, took a step back as he let out a loud groan, And crouched over… He was too busy protecting his minor wound, I had him as a flawless target, helpless before my wrath…!


[And then theres some keeling in the next chapter, And the ending. w00t. Its rather quick and undescriptive, so dont worry too much.]

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[-howls- n_n 12:00! Midnight be here! Par-tay!]

[Maybe writing this is having effect on me. Scary thinking about it. >_> -hides behind Kat-]



Oh, and lkike I said, if you wanna put me in the story, some sort of werecat would be bestest 'cause I like cats better. Or I could still be a werewolf. Or I could be some freaky little girl that the werewolves see outside playing DDR in her head because her parents hath taken over the TV. Or I could not be in it. Whatevo.]

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Oh, and lkike I said, if you wanna put me in the story, some sort of werecat would be bestest 'cause I like cats better. Or I could still be a werewolf. Or I could be some freaky little girl that the werewolves see outside playing DDR in her head because her parents hath taken over the TV. Or I could not be in it. Whatevo.]

[Werecat could work... I'll have to see about that. If not, Mike or someone will go and bite you. I dun think you want to be brutally slaughtered though. No. MW, Wha'bout you?]

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[Anyone want me to post the last chapter tonight b'fore Horatio leaves, or should i wait till tomorrow. How impatient are yeh people? I kinda wanna post it. Not really. maybe. Eeeeeeee. You decide. Kat, When should I post it?]

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Chapter Nineteen



Squirts of human blood were flying everywhere, I slashed, I clawed, I bit, I punched, I grabbed, I ripped, Putting all of my loathing and hate into every strike I made…


Moments later, I stood there in the wreckage of Derek’s home, Blood staining everything… An eerie sensation crept over the scenery, As I looked down at the bloody heap of various Human body parts that remained.


Though I had gotten revenge on this person who I hated, I felt that there is still some business I have to tend to… It may be, This was not the enemy of mine that ailed me.


I shuddered at thinking, Is Michael the one that I must kill? How could I turn and betray one of my best friends? … I wouldn’t be able to handle it, Despite what he had done, It was only natural.


I awoke from my thinking trance, And looked around. It seemed as if Derek had used the same plan that I had for the home decoration, style and furnishings. There was a grand piano in the same place as Mine…


I walked over to it, As memories flooded back to me…


Jalen and I had descent skill with Piano music. We’d often play music for each other, Especially when the other was feeling down, or depressed about something. We’d play each others favorite piano song, Which never failed to cheer the other one…

This time may or may not be different…?


I sat down in my wolf shape, Now equally in height as if a human was sitting at its bench. I placed my two enormous furry hands on the piano keys, And put them into motion.


My fingers moved from side to side rather easily, And pressed down on the keys…


My eyes closed, I continued filling the scenery with music, Something I would have assumed my Wolf incapable of… I glanced around, And to my shock, I saw a translucent image of Jalen, Standing next to me… Composed entirely of my memory, apparently, The ghost-like figure of Jalen smiled at me, As I played one of her favorite songs, Greensleeves.


Much, Or all of my heartache and pain had faded then, Upon seeing Jalen again…

Tears formed in my eyes as I had thought about how I missed her so.

I took a deep sigh, As the song came to conclusion. I glanced at Jalen, Just in time to see her transparent body fading away, Possibly never to be seen again… And as she left, It felt as if I had gone with her…


I looked down, Closed my eyes and imagined Jalen next to me, Solacing… A single tear had dropped from my face, Impacted the ground, As I mentally left my Werewolf body, Paradisiacal with Jalen…


The End

Or a To be continued. I’m ending this part of a series. So this is the end, aye? Aye.


[The friggin end. n-n And and and. I figured out a title for the next part! n___n Werewolf: Surfeited Wolf Populace. a.k.a. Wolven overpopulation. o_o Dun dun dun. This time, We actually do something instead of freak out about Jalen and just messing around in a werewolf body.]

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[Werecat could work... I'll have to see about that. If not, Mike or someone will go and bite you. I dun think you want to be brutally slaughtered though. No. MW, Wha'bout you?]

[being not-dead would be nice, yes.]

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[Anyone want me to post the last chapter tonight b'fore Horatio leaves, or should i wait till tomorrow. How impatient are yeh people? I kinda wanna post it. Not really. maybe. Eeeeeeee. You decide. Kat, When should I post it?]

[Not yet...not yet...NOT YET...NOW!]

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[Werecat could work... I'll have to see about that. If not, Mike or someone will go and bite you. I dun think you want to be brutally slaughtered though. No. MW, Wha'bout you?]

[Oooo! I could be Jeanette(mneh! my real name! woot!) da wolf of some sort. Werewolf, normal wolf. Whatevo. I'm picking up so many habits, like the mneh thing, from you and Kat....]

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[Oooo! I could be Jeanette(mneh! my real name! woot!) da wolf of some sort. Werewolf, normal wolf. Whatevo. I'm picking up so many habits, like the mneh thing, from you and Kat....]

[Haha! Oh, and if Arkcher is gonna use meh, my name = Katie, Kate, Kat, whatever.]

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[i have two open positions, Which you two can take. Which one of you wants to be that wolf that got changed in chapter... something. And I said was never seen again. No. I dun think you guys would work for animal control in North Dakota. That position is taken by. uh. Isaac. >_> Sure. One of my friends in missouri. He'll be that one wolf. You two can be in Part Two, and get changed there. MW, Whats your location-type place? Like what state. I already knows Kat is in... Northwest kansas or something. Somewhere in kansas, The great... state of... Plains and nothing and boringitude. o_o And MW is in Minnesota or something. Where are you? (Gimmie a made up location if you feel like it.) Or you can tell me to make something up myself. Either way, I needs a location for it to make sense. o_o]

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I thought there was going to be 20 chapters not 19 ! I wanna be in the story.

[Yeah well. I might add an extra chapter when/if its published. >_>; And im indecisive.]


[im assuming your in that one Kansas place, where Kat is, right? Yeah. okay. You two'll be together in the same. thing. on there. w00t.]


[Okay, Important stuff now listen up.]


I hereby delcares this topic no longer needs to use brackets. So stop it. It annoys me now. :lol:


Aah, So releiving. No brackets. Dun need em no more. n_n


Anyway. MW. Jeanate the cool sim. Person. Where are you?

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[i have two open positions, Which you two can take. Which one of you wants to be that wolf that got changed in chapter... something. And I said was never seen again. No. I dun think you guys would work for animal control in North Dakota. That position is taken by. uh. Isaac. >_> Sure. One of my friends in missouri. He'll be that one wolf. You two can be in Part Two, and get changed there. MW, Whats your location-type place? Like what state. I already knows Kat is in... Northwest kansas or something. Somewhere in kansas, The great... state of... Plains and nothing and boringitude. o_o And MW is in Minnesota or something. Where are you? (Gimmie a made up location if you feel like it.) Or you can tell me to make something up myself. Either way, I needs a location for it to make sense. o_o]

[NE, but you were close. And Kansas is boring. x.x


MW = Califonia]

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[NE, but you were close. And Kansas is boring. x.x


MW = Califonia]

Ooh, California. ^-^ Where in california, might I ask? (Just wondering. My brother is in there somewheres. If hes where you are be nice to him or i keel you dead. With kats claymore. Provided she didnt keel you dead first. with the claymore. and if she dun' let me steal it i use a bow. w00t.

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Ooh, California. ^-^ Where in california, might I ask? (Just wondering. My brother is in there somewheres. If hes where you are be nice to him or i keel you dead. With kats claymore. Provided she didnt keel you dead first. with the claymore. and if she dun' let me steal it i use a bow. w00t.

[Mah Claymore. >_>]

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Im currently writing the part where you two Da#1 peebles (Kat and deh Kris person) are being in it. Its like. Chapter 8 or 9. o_O

Chapter eight. MW will be changed. Muahahahaha. Important detail i needs to know from all three'a you. MW, kris, kat. Do you wants to be:

Feral wolf, Feral/Werewolf, Or just Werewolf? Not gonna be human for very long in here. We dun like humans, r'member? Yeah. So. I needs to know. what species of wolf.

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Antother thing for you peoples. Um. Nevermind, Kat and kris. wont. uh. You dont get a choice on the matter. (You two being in the same... place. thing, right? S you happen together. mwah.)


Okay. MW. When you are written about, What perspective do you want things? D'yeh want things from your point of view, someone elses perspective, or just. all-around perspective thing. Answer quick, im writing the part your in. <__<;.

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Chapter eight. MW will be changed. Muahahahaha. Important detail i needs to know from all three'a you. MW, kris, kat. Do you wants to be:

Feral wolf, Feral/Werewolf, Or just Werewolf? Not gonna be human for very long in here. We dun like humans, r'member? Yeah. So. I needs to know. what species of wolf.

I'll be a feral whatever you end up deciding I am. *stil doesn't know if she is a werewolf or werecat, but werewolf would still be good if werecat doesn't fit. It is Arkcher's story*

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I'll be a feral whatever you end up deciding I am. *stil doesn't know if she is a werewolf or werecat, but werewolf would still be good if werecat doesn't fit. It is Arkcher's story*

MW doesnt get a choice on the matter 'cuz shes. not. with someone else. And will be added first. Kat has to wait. Mwahahaha.


Ok. Kat, You want to be Feral/Werewolf, or just Werewolf? MW gets to be feral-ness. all of the time. Unless she gets all mad at me or something and makes me write her as something else.

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MW doesnt get a choice on the matter 'cuz shes. not. with someone else. And will be added first. Kat has to wait. Mwahahaha.


Ok. Kat, You want to be Feral/Werewolf, or just Werewolf? MW gets to be feral-ness. all of the time. Unless she gets all mad at me or something and makes me write her as something else.

Werewolf/feral, if I can.

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Another thing for you peoples (Yes, more xD)


What is your reaction to being a wolf of whatever kind you are?

Fill deh blank:


Kat/kris/MW feels ___ at being a wolf of whatever she chose. (I think they're all she's....)

Angry, sad, grateful, pleased, aloof, dun care... what is the reaction to it?

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What is a feral/ werewolf?

As opposed to being human by day and werewolf by night, all that junk, whoever is feral/werewolf (normal one, in ways) is feral instead of human.

They have the ability to change from feral to anthro, so... yeah. Its what 'I' am in the werewolf story here. Being bitten once, whoever is a human/werewolf, Bitten twice is fera/werewolf, three times is just werewolf all the time, and four times equals dead. o_o Too much of the changing serum in their body, it overloads and kills them. Bad.

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Another thing for you peoples (Yes, more xD)


What is your reaction to being a wolf of whatever kind you are?

Fill deh blank:


Kat feels confused at being a wolf of whatever she chose. (I think they're all she's....)

Angry, sad, grateful, pleased, aloof, dun care... what is the reaction to it?

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Another thing for you peoples (Yes, more xD)


What is your reaction to being a wolf of whatever kind you are?

Fill deh blank:


Kat/kris/MW feels ___ at being a wolf of whatever she chose. (I think they're all she's....)

Angry, sad, grateful, pleased, aloof, dun care... what is the reaction to it?

Weeelll! Sorry about muh not being here. Mom wasn't lettin' me on. And so. Yeah feral is fine. I live in southern Cali. And I'm grateful for bein' a wolf. And. Point of view? Er... Both ways work.

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Weeelll! Sorry about muh not being here. Mom wasn't lettin' me on. And so. Yeah feral is fine. I live in southern Cali. And I'm grateful for bein' a wolf. And. Point of view? Er... Both ways work.

S'aight, its happened to me before. :lol:


Feral, okay, south cali, not really important... wel it is, yeah, so... gratefull...? okay, Point of view for you will be first person. characters perspective. Maybe. Okay, now i can continue writng. >_o;


Kat be confused? aight. Im the one confused now. :lol: naw...

Okay. i'll... keep writing. o_o

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As opposed to being human by day and werewolf by night, all that junk, whoever is feral/werewolf (normal one, in ways) is feral instead of human.

They have the ability to change from feral to anthro, so... yeah. Its what 'I' am in the werewolf story here. Being bitten once, whoever is a human/werewolf, Bitten twice is fera/werewolf, three times is just werewolf all the time, and four times equals dead. o_o Too much of the changing serum in their body, it overloads and kills them. Bad.

Kris, here's Arkchers reply. And feral means wild.

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Kris, here's Arkchers reply. And feral means wild.

Looking it up in'a dictionary, Feral can mean Devious, Wild, Ferocious, Natural, or something to that effect. IT fits the description of normal wolves. I canns them Feral in this story.


MW, I just finished writing the part you were in... With a bad part.

I got yours and Kats request mixed up, so MW is confused about being a wolf and Kat is. over there. >__> Kat, You're gonna get shot, okay? xD mneh

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Looking it up in'a dictionary, Feral can mean Devious, Wild, Ferocious, Natural, or something to that effect. IT fits the description of normal wolves. I canns them Feral in this story.


MW, I just finished writing the part you were in... With a bad part.

I got yours and Kats request mixed up, so MW is confused about being a wolf and Kat is. over there. >__> Kat, You're gonna get shot, okay? xD mneh

With what? x.x (Just out of curiosity. I'm not gonna make you change it or anything.)

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With what? x.x (Just out of curiosity. I'm not gonna make you change it or anything.)

Tranquilizer dart gun. o_o; Or depending on how evasive or hard you are to catch, More than just one/maybe shot by a rifle/stabbed or something. Or just grabbed, hows that. o_____o;


Tranquilizer dart gun. Yup. >.>;

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Tranquilizer dart gun. o_o; Or depending on how evasive or hard you are to catch, More than just one/maybe shot by a rifle/stabbed or something. Or just grabbed, hows that. o_____o;


Tranquilizer dart gun. Yup. >.>;


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ok, not to distract you terribly from your work, Arkcher, but this came to me in a dream, would the Lycanth serum effect any sort of change in other animals? or does it just affect humans?

I think Arkcher should make the story so that I, Horatio hamster, happen to injest some of the Lycanth serum, and you can find out the answer to your question Lexscrapham.

*hint, hint, hint Arkcher*

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hm, hamsterwere?,

I was thinking more along the lines of a giant carnivorous rabbit,

but that could work:


"to the humans it likely would look the work of an axe-weilding psycopath, but I knew better. The whole truck was heavy with the scent. this was the work of a hamwere, the driver had just been in the way, the cargo was the real target."

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hm, hamsterwere?,

I was thinking more along the lines of a giant carnivorous rabbit,

but that could work:


"to the humans it likely would look the work of an axe-weilding psycopath, but I knew better.  The whole truck was heavy with the scent. this was the work of a hamwere, the driver had just been in the way, the cargo was the real target."


I like that!

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If you read chapter two in part two of deh werewolfy-ness, I was thinkin like. Some dead human that i just ate would half-way mutate or something. Probably not.


I had thought of that before, And might use that idea for part three. Y'know, like, make some kinda reversed and spiffed up serum and inject it, Then it'd build an immunity system for the humans so they can tolerate more than four doses of Werewolf serum, And then make some kind of super-powered wolf. About five times normal werewolf strength. I might use that for part three, Sooo yeah.


Good thinking though. I remember i was doing some kinda were-dragon RP thing with one of my IM friends in UK. Being scratched my the dragon claws is what changed peoples or critters, Anything that they scratched (as long as it was a living creature) would change into the draconic diety' that they were. So ,My dragon character person thing goes over and taps all the ants on a sidewalk. tapping on them barely with the big huge claw and such. yeah. It was hilarious.


Anyway. I'll probably do that.

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If you read chapter two in part two of deh werewolfy-ness, I was thinkin like. Some dead human that i just ate would half-way mutate or something. Probably not.


I had thought of that before, And might use that idea for part three. Y'know, like, make some kinda reversed and spiffed up serum and inject it, Then it'd build an immunity system for the humans so they can tolerate more than four doses of Werewolf serum, And then make some kind of super-powered wolf. About five times normal werewolf strength. I might use that for part three, Sooo yeah.


Good thinking though. I remember i was doing some kinda were-dragon RP thing with one of my IM friends in UK. Being scratched my the dragon claws is what changed peoples or critters, Anything that they scratched (as long as it was a living creature) would change into the draconic diety' that they were. So ,My dragon character person thing goes over and taps all the ants on a sidewalk. tapping on them barely with the big huge claw and such. yeah. It was hilarious.


Anyway. I'll probably do that.

That reminds me of one of the things my group did in Steve's game. My brother and I were both necromancers, so whenever we walked by a butcher's and saw a dead pig, or something, we would reanimate it and it would become our minion. o_o;;;

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That reminds me of one of the things my group did in Steve's game. My brother and I were both necromancers, so whenever we walked by a butcher's and saw a dead pig, or something, we would reanimate it and it would become our minion. o_o;;;

o_o................ Sure it is!

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Okay, This is copied from chapter two in the Part two. Its a news update and such.


[News update. I thought of an ending. w00t. Now i can start it when i feel like and then start of part three. >.> I havent thought of a storyline yet though. Hhmmmmmmmmm. Maybe. Mmmmmmmmm. I needs to think about it eventually. Another subject: Kat and kris were short, booyah. So. uh. MW, You arent in the story anymore. ....... You're in the past few chapters, yeah. But your done now. I cant think of stuff for you to do anymore. MW and Kat and Kris all play a rather important part here. So dont feel too bad cuz your dumb and insignificant in the beggining. Toward the end of your 'turn' in the story, You get to be real important. Anyway. Another subject: The ending will be awsome... Another subject: It turns out this story WILL contain a bit less, maybe as much, But somewhat a lot of violence like the last one. Not too detailed methinks though. X'cept for that one part. <.<; Anyway thats not till like chapter 13 or something... Another subject: Im on chapter 16 or something already! I can start the ending once i fix Kat and Kris up all spiffy.]


[Kat and Kris persons. Just checking for some accuracy here... You two are godcousins, And are more/less best friends with each other outside the board here...? I decided you two live in Topeka Kansas. I dun care where you really live, Your in topeka now. <.<; And you two live in an apartment together. Another thing. In Kats siggy, she quoted Kris or someone at Quik trip or race trac or some kinda gas station that has drinks in it. And you have issues with gensing and caffeine and sugars, so you go all hyper-whee. Correct? Yes. Okay. You still do that in 20 years. Good job. <__< You live about a quarter mile away from that one retirement home that one of my relatives lived and then died at like two months ago. (I go to Topeka sometimes. Sometimes like. Missouri, nebraska, kansas, places like that. w00t.) You two's talk a lot and act somewhat hilarious while doing so. Or at least in... whenever this is. 21...27 or whenever. Is all this right? or will be right?]


[A question for Kris and Kat person. Both of you are Feral/Werewolf. One or both of you will either lose memory or keep all memory. Which one of you does what? (Options being, you both lose all memory, you both dont lose anything, or one of you loses memory and the other doesnt, making the other sound insane.) Anyway. Memory options here is important. So answer that here pretty soon, cuz... im gonna be writing that part here purty soon.]


[Note: The next chapter clears up some confusion about previous and future happenings. I'll post it tomorrow or something.]


[im tired of typing and wanna go sleep. I got up at 4 in da mornin' and its 11:30. u_u Sleeping now. Night.]


Now Horatio shall edit this part out of the other post. n_n

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Okay, This is copied from chapter two in the Part two. Its a news update and such.


[News update. I thought of an ending. w00t. Now i can start it when i feel like and then start of part three. >.> I havent thought of a storyline yet though. Hhmmmmmmmmm. Maybe. Mmmmmmmmm. I needs to think about it eventually. Another subject: Kat and kris were short, booyah. So. uh. MW, You arent in the story anymore. ....... You're in the past few chapters, yeah. But your done now. I cant think of stuff for you to do anymore. MW and Kat and Kris all play a rather important part here. So dont feel too bad cuz your dumb and insignificant in the beggining. Toward the end of your 'turn' in the story, You get to be real important. Anyway. Another subject: The ending will be awsome... Another subject: It turns out this story WILL contain a bit less, maybe as much, But somewhat a lot of violence like the last one. Not too detailed methinks though. X'cept for that one part. <.<; Anyway thats not till like chapter 13 or something... Another subject: Im on chapter 16 or something already! I can start the ending once i fix Kat and Kris up all spiffy.]


[Kat and Kris persons. Just checking for some accuracy here... You two are godcousins, And are more/less best friends with each other outside the board here...? I decided you two live in Topeka Kansas. I dun care where you really live, Your in topeka now. <.<; And you two live in an apartment together. Another thing. In Kats siggy, she quoted Kris or someone at Quik trip or race trac or some kinda gas station that has drinks in it. And you have issues with gensing and caffeine and sugars, so you go all hyper-whee. Correct? Yes. Okay. You still do that in 20 years. Good job. <__< You live about a quarter mile away from that one retirement home that one of my relatives lived and then died at like two months ago. (I go to Topeka sometimes. Sometimes like. Missouri, nebraska, kansas, places like that. w00t.) You two's talk a lot and act somewhat hilarious while doing so. Or at least in... whenever this is. 21...27 or whenever. Is all this right? or will be right?] Yep. That's pretty much how it goes. XD


[A question for Kris and Kat person. Both of you are Feral/Werewolf. One or both of you will either lose memory or keep all memory. Which one of you does what? (Options being, you both lose all memory, you both dont lose anything, or one of you loses memory and the other doesnt, making the other sound insane.) Anyway. Memory options here is important. So answer that here pretty soon, cuz... im gonna be writing that part here purty soon.] Me loosing my memory could be fun. Or me keeping it all. I'd rather loose it, if possible, though.


[Note: The next chapter clears up some confusion about previous and future happenings. I'll post it tomorrow or something.]


[im tired of typing and wanna go sleep. I got up at 4 in da mornin' and its 11:30. u_u Sleeping now. Night.]


Now Horatio shall edit this part out of the other post. n_n

Read the red parts.

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MW, I posted the chapter you are in! n_n


Now, Im at the part where im writing Kat and Kris being all wolf-y now. >.>; Im still trying to figure out how i'll change thems into a feral/were wolf. Cuz... cuz yeah. Which form do they go into first, and how will they discover the other form? and like, how... do I do this and all...? I dunnooooooooooo

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MW, I posted the chapter you are in! n_n


Now, Im at the part where im writing Kat and Kris being all wolf-y now. >.>; Im still trying to figure out how i'll change thems into a feral/were wolf. Cuz... cuz yeah. Which form do they go into first, and how will they discover the other form? and like, how... do I do this and all...? I dunnooooooooooo


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Ooooooh. Now I get it. x_x

Yes. Try getting high off'a Ducttape fumes. Its fun. Paint fumes! WinterFresh Gum fumes. >.> One of my friends would like... buy five of those, dump out all the gum and get high off'a the fumes. Frikkin wierd.

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Yes. Try getting high off'a Ducttape fumes. Its fun. Paint fumes! WinterFresh Gum fumes. >.> One of my friends would like... buy five of those, dump out all the gum and get high off'a the fumes. Frikkin wierd.

I know somebody who got high off of rubber cement once. He put on a skirt. x.x


Then our intire Art class got high off of rubber cememnt fumes a few weeks ago because our teacher was filling the bottles.


And I was high on paint from Friday until last Tuesday because of my room. x.x

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you know, the problem can be alleviated by opening a window while handling chemicals. well, exept in chemistry class, then you just try not to blow anything up too badly.


BTW: Acetelyene really is Flammable

Yes. Windows are good. (Not deh Microsoft kind. No.)


BTW: That... That one chemical is, too.

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Wow. I just started Chap 24. I didnt think it'd be THIS long.


Im almost done, I swear! :lol:


I estimate Chap 26 will be the end of this part.


Kate and Kris, You might die. o_o; Probably not. For I shall stop it from keelingyoudead! Huzzah.


This is where MW and Kat and Kris get to be important the most. Yay for all'a you.


I also need some ideas for part three. Anybody? Mm?


Hmmmmmmmmmm.... I think i has an idea! (ish thinkin of deh storyline for MetroidPrime. Maybe Transparisteel could actually be some form of Phazon? Or theres a Prime Metroid in the meteor the Transparisteel came from? Maybe even another meteor? Hmmmmm... I think that'll work. n_n (w00t for whoever has played MP and MP2. o_o Even more w00t for people who OWN a copy of the game. Even more w00t than that for people who have beaten both games. .... Scratch that. Just a lot of w00t for people who beat/have MP1. Anyone who has MP2 dont get anything till I get that game. ;_; -wants it so bad- ;_; ) )

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Wow. I just started Chap 24. I didnt think it'd be THIS long.


Im almost done, I swear! :lol:


I estimate Chap 26 will be the end of this part.


Kate and Kris, You might die. o_o; Probably not. For I shall stop it from keelingyoudead! Huzzah.


This is where MW and Kat and Kris get to be important the most. Yay for all'a you.


I also need some ideas for part three. Anybody? Mm?


Hmmmmmmmmmm.... I think i has an idea! (ish thinkin of deh storyline for MetroidPrime. Maybe Transparisteel could actually be some form of Phazon? Or theres a Prime Metroid in the meteor the Transparisteel came from? Maybe even another meteor? Hmmmmm... I think that'll work. n_n (w00t for whoever has played MP and MP2. o_o Even more w00t for people who OWN a copy of the game. Even more w00t than that for people who have beaten both games. .... Scratch that. Just a lot of w00t for people who beat/have MP1. Anyone who has MP2 dont get anything till I get that game. ;_; -wants it so bad- ;_; ) )

if i knew you in the "real world" people live in (where is that? can't find it) i would lend you mine! but i don't so i won't.

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Wow. I just started Chap 24. I didnt think it'd be THIS long.


Im almost done, I swear! :lol:


I estimate Chap 26 will be the end of this part.


Kate and Kris, You might die. o_o; Probably not. For I shall stop it from keelingyoudead! Huzzah.


This is where MW and Kat and Kris get to be important the most. Yay for all'a you.


I also need some ideas for part three. Anybody? Mm?


Hmmmmmmmmmm.... I think i has an idea! (ish thinkin of deh storyline for MetroidPrime. Maybe Transparisteel could actually be some form of Phazon? Or theres a Prime Metroid in the meteor the Transparisteel came from? Maybe even another meteor? Hmmmmm... I think that'll work. n_n (w00t for whoever has played MP and MP2. o_o Even more w00t for people who OWN a copy of the game. Even more w00t than that for people who have beaten both games. .... Scratch that. Just a lot of w00t for people who beat/have MP1. Anyone who has MP2 dont get anything till I get that game. ;_; -wants it so bad- ;_; ) )

[i dun care if I die. It would be part of the story. u.u


And I've only played the origional Metriod for the NES.]

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Anyways I said i was gonna post here earlier today and then i didnt So now i will.


I got back from that one overnight trip, Went to Oklahoma University to look at stuff with muh sister, Who will be going to college their for a business in culinary arts degree thing. w00t.


When i was NOT motion sick, carsick, puking all over, sleeping or feeling sick and gross, I was writing the conclusion of part two for deh werewolfyness.


I also started Chapter Two on part three in deh Werewolf series! Huzzah.

I also came up with storylines, titles and some character-ings for the next two parts. Huzzah! So, Unless i get another idea for part six or somewhere between 3 and 5, There will be a total of Five parts in this series. w00t for planning ahead. ^-^


Ssssssssooooooooooooooo. This part, Another character will be added, Some girl at muh church whom i suspect thinks im hawt. Nothing new of course. X_x; (Everyone thinks that. Im ugly, i tell you! Now lemee alone. <.<) So, Likewise shall happen here.


If anyone has seen it, Think of the Ddautta music video (Can be found at ABS) Which is the side-story of part three. The video's happenings explain most of it. X'cept the end of it. ....... Maybe.

(This, Ddautta, (More information is English title: 'there she is' Sung by 'witches') Is the song i had heard online, That i highly suspect is Korean, And would much like a translation for the lyrics. Energetic hilarious song. I have no idea what its saying. :lol: Its either Korean or Japanese, if anyone can understand these two languages, Go look and tell meh what it says.)


Anyway, Im off subject. That video is bunnies and kitties, Not werewolves, So it'll be hard to imagine like that.

Im off subject again.

But then, There isnt much of a subject here no more, So heres a stupid note you probably wont care about:

Holy poo. Puberty puts hair all over meh. ;_; Get it off ;_;




Oh, While I was writing the end of Part Two, I got two nosebleeds. o____o My nose couldnt decide what it was going to do. Itch, feel wierd, explode, bleed all over, turn red, itch some more... Wierdness. I got two nosebleeds cuz it was indecicive.


Anyway, Im writing part three. Huzzah. Unless someone can suggest good ideas for another part of the series, Part Five will be the last.


(27 chapters in Part Two. O.O; It was almost 28, but i cut some of it short.)

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Anyways I said i was gonna post here earlier today and then i didnt So now i will.


I got back from that one overnight trip, Went to Oklahoma University to look at stuff with muh sister, Who will be going to college their for a business in culinary arts degree thing. w00t.


When i was NOT motion sick, carsick, puking all over, sleeping or feeling sick and gross, I was writing the conclusion of part two for deh werewolfyness.


I also started Chapter Two on part three in deh Werewolf series! Huzzah.

I also came up with storylines, titles and some character-ings for the next two parts. Huzzah! So, Unless i get another idea for part six or somewhere between 3 and 5, There will be a total of Five parts in this series. w00t for planning ahead. ^-^


Ssssssssooooooooooooooo. This part, Another character will be added, Some girl at muh church whom i suspect thinks im hawt. Nothing new of course. X_x; (Everyone thinks that. Im ugly, i tell you! Now lemee alone. <.<) So, Likewise shall happen here.


If anyone has seen it, Think of the Ddautta music video (Can be found at ABS) Which is the side-story of part three. The video's happenings explain most of it. X'cept the end of it. ....... Maybe.

(This, Ddautta, (More information is English title: 'there she is' Sung by 'witches') Is the song i had heard online, That i highly suspect is Korean, And would much like a translation for the lyrics. Energetic hilarious song. I have no idea what its saying. :lol:  Its either Korean or Japanese, if anyone can understand these two languages, Go look and tell meh what it says.)


Anyway, Im off subject. That video is bunnies and kitties, Not werewolves, So it'll be hard to imagine like that.

Im off subject again.

But then, There isnt much of a subject here no more, So heres a stupid note you probably wont care about:

Holy poo. Puberty puts hair all over meh. ;_; Get it off ;_;




Oh, While I was writing the end of Part Two, I got two nosebleeds. o____o My nose couldnt decide what it was going to do. Itch, feel wierd, explode, bleed all over, turn red, itch some more... Wierdness. I got two nosebleeds cuz it was indecicive.


Anyway, Im writing part three. Huzzah. Unless someone can suggest good ideas for another part of the series, Part Five will be the last.


(27 chapters in Part Two. O.O; It was almost 28, but i cut some of it short.)

Yay for not dying! *huggs*


I hate getting car sick. I get it really fast. Like, thirty minutes after driving around. x.x


Anywhoo, yay for more story bits! And yay for part three!


Yay for a new character! *is saying yay for a lot of things* >_>;;;


I think I might have seen the video. I dunno. I'll go watch.


Nose bleeds = deh icky. But they aren't as bad as the dry heaves. Those are even more not fun. x.x


Can't think of anything right now. Maybe later.


Oh, and don't worry, I'm sure you're very ugly. u.u *patts on back*

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Yay for not dying! *huggs* Yay for not dying. Yes. -ish hugged n.n-


I hate getting car sick. I get it really fast. Like, thirty minutes after driving around. x.x I dun get carsick very often... But when I do, Its not fun. ._. Not never.

I used to get carsick all the frikkin time though, i dunno why not anymore.


Anywhoo, yay for more story bits! And yay for part three! Yes yay for part three! It be spiffy. And the Ddautta thing is about half the storyline for it. o_o; Thats not the focus of it all. Its other idiot wolves persistance and mah idiocy and mah refusing to do.. stuff. -has said too much- I SAID NOTHING.


Yay for a new character! *is saying yay for a lot of things* >_>;;; Yes. Many things. <.<


I think I might have seen the video. I dunno. I'll go watch. Its spiffy. o.o -nods-


Nose bleeds = deh icky. But they aren't as bad as the dry heaves. Those are even more not fun. x.x I dun think i've had a dry heave. But nosebleeds arent too bad, But considering the wierd position I was sittin' in, With a lot of blood circulation, They werent really short. xD


Can't think of anything right now. Maybe later. But, I thought upa  friggin brilliant idea for what happens now in part 3. Huzzah.


Oh, and don't worry, I'm sure you're very ugly. u.u *patts on back* I'M FRIGGIN HIDEOUS. DUN TOUCH MEH. o-o;

-put text in teh quote- o.o

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Yay for not dying! *huggs* Yay for not dying. Yes. -ish hugged n.n- Dying isn't very fun. It can be quite fatal.


I hate getting car sick. I get it really fast. Like, thirty minutes after driving around. x.x I dun get carsick very often... But when I do, Its not fun. ._. Not never.

I used to get carsick all the frikkin time though, i dunno why not anymore. I hate bein' carsick. x.x I'm worse than I used to be.


Anywhoo, yay for more story bits! And yay for part three! Yes yay for part three! It be spiffy. And the Ddautta thing is about half the storyline for it. o_o; Thats not the focus of it all. Its other idiot wolves persistance and mah idiocy and mah refusing to do.. stuff. -has said too much- I SAID NOTHING. *in zombie mode* You said nothing...


Yay for a new character! *is saying yay for a lot of things* >_>;;; Yes. Many things. <.< Oh, well. Yay for everything! Expect for bad things. They get no yays. XP


I think I might have seen the video. I dunno. I'll go watch. Its spiffy. o.o -nods- I've been messing around in Photoshop all day making a pic for a new character, so I havn't seen it yet. I will eventually, though. Probably.


Nose bleeds = deh icky. But they aren't as bad as the dry heaves. Those are even more not fun. x.x I dun think i've had a dry heave. But nosebleeds arent too bad, But considering the wierd position I was sittin' in, With a lot of blood circulation, They werent really short. xD They dry heaves is when you puke up blood. I did that for three days straight once. Not fun. Not fun at all. x_x And it tastes horrible, too...


Can't think of anything right now. Maybe later. But, I thought upa  friggin brilliant idea for what happens now in part 3. Huzzah.Woot!


Oh, and don't worry, I'm sure you're very ugly. u.u *patts on back* I'M FRIGGIN HIDEOUS. DUN TOUCH MEH. o-o; *runns away from deh hideousness*

-put text in teh quote- o.o

Me, too.

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if i knew you in the "real world" people live in (where is that?  can't find it) i would lend you mine!  but i don't so i won't.

I'd give you a mailing adress (Not home adress. >.>) for yeh to send it to me, but thats probably gonna cost us more than $30 or however much teh game is now.


Or, You could just gimmie regardless of the limitations the laws of physics set. >.> -steals teh MP2 from afar- >D Muhahahahaha.

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