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[Ok. Just like in RP topics, Im putting authors notes or comments or OOC things in brackets like i am now. This post will not contain any of the story, with the exception of the prologue.


I write my stories in first-person perspective, So everything is from the main characters view, Except when specified otherwise.


This story, while I was writing it, Was rather violent and if i wanted to post it here, Horatio and/or HK will have to come mod it. I expect this will be a slow moving topic, due to frequent modding.]


[This is entirely in the future, 23 years from now, This, Like few of my other stories, Is based off of My family and I. Im the main character. Technology hasnt advanced much. (I cant think of just how futuristic this is, So im going with whats happening now.) Only the prologue is here, I'll post the first chapter once this topic is up and modded. Everyone who reads this needs not post in brackets as I am. Do it if you want.]


[The following story is © to Arkcher, 2004-2005]




My Rebirth


My name is Brandon. Over the past year, a few things have happened to me out of pure luck. The misfortune to follow was not anything I’d have seen coming. But come it did.


Last year, 2028, I was a newlywed to Jalen Sacréde. Soon afterward, we were looking for a real estate company who could find us a descent place for two and checking if we could save money in any way. About that same time, I had received a mailing letter from a family estate executor, telling me I had inherited a five hundred acre property land in North Dakota. It was about forty miles from any nearby city, some odd one or two miles from a non-interstate highway, along with a fifty thousand dollar will, which, mind you, does happen.

After a year of labor, hard work and using much of the inheritance money, I’d built my own three-story home taking up some ten thousand square feet on each floor. Included were a swimming pool, home theatre, game room, underground bowling alley and some odd eight bathrooms, which, as you know, are highly needed in a large home. The only thing I’d forgotten to add while constructing was the air conditioning. I'm going to have to fix that eventually, but right now I'm currently making plans for an artificial ecosystem of different terrains. I’ll have a rain forest, island, desert, plains, jungle, forestry and mountain, all put into the additional twenty-acre space we have next to our natural ecosystem, the forest. I was out cutting bark and grass by the forest to mark the observatory/ecosystem grounds, when it all began…

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[Woohoo! Topics up.]


Chapter One


I heard a loud, deep growl from in front of me and at the same time, a sharp splitting pain seared through my right forearm. *What’s happening?!* I thought frantically. Another sharp pain in my arm; I screamed in agony. Now scared out of my wits, I struggled to back away from the mist and fog that had gathered that night and were blinding my vision. The harsh throbbing in my forearm intensified and I could feel hot blood oozing from the wound. It was at this point in time that my wife called out to me saying that supper was ready, not knowing of my current situation. Before I could make any type of reply, I heard a slight pitter-patter of what sounded like an animal galloping away, until it slowly faded into the silent darkness of the night.

*What was that?!* I thought to myself, utterly shaken by the experience. Whatever that creature was, it had bitten me multiple times, all of them excruciatingly painful. In the short moment while I gripped my wound, a bit of fog cleared up as the clouds moved, and a bright light shone from the almost full moon above me. Tomorrow it would be a full moon.

When I inspected my injury, I could see that it was still dripping crimson blood. I now looked around at my surroundings and saw nothing. Gray fog and mist, pronounced clearly by the shining moonlight, was all I could see. I crouched and felt around the ground. There was only grass, a lot of which felt somewhat wet, though from dew or blood, I wasn’t sure. That's when I began to feel dizzy; the already unclear fog in front of me began churning in my vision. I could hear my wife desperately calling my name, but she sounded so very far away...


I had fallen unconscious.


At once I was aroused by a blinding light. I groggily blinked and struggled to sit up in the grassy environment. The sun's rising had awakened me. I focused my eyes and waited as they adjusted to the bright level of light and looked around. In front of me was a patch of blood-spattered grass, from my arm of course. Then I found splotches of it on my clothing and frowned, surely those would stain. When I checked my right arm, I was surprised to see that the wound was already halfway healed. A few spots around it were disturbingly dark purple and black… Heck, all I needed to do was wash it off and bandage it for a few days and it would be fine!

My whereabouts at that time were still unknown to me, though I saw multiple trees, a dense forest, in fact. I stood up and viewed the scenery from a higher perspective, having no idea where I was. From the looks of things, the bloodstains on my clothes and on the ground, the forest in front of me, and still signs of slight fog, I was at the same place where I had been attacked. But where was that?

I had sat back down, trying to relax myself; I didn’t need to take everything in at once. Last night I was attacked, I remember that. Then I must have blacked out and woke up here. But what was I doing before that? Maybe... Ah, I remember now! I was walking back from the woods, back to my home. I had been marking some of my property to show where we needed to clear out trees for building an observatory and an artificial ecosystem. If I was heading back, that meant that I wasn’t far from home, so I should be heading back now. Jalen is probably worried sick.

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[Wow...if that ever happens, can I come live with you? >.>;;;]

[Your one of the spiffiest people i've met online, I wouldnt mind. xD


This story hasnt yet gotten to a good part. I'll be sure to post some more... later or something.]

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[Or just post some more right now!]


I stood up once more, my muscles rather sore and a few of them ached due to lack of blood circulation in my body overnight. I had then set off back to my house, having a bit of trouble walking and gripping my wound with my left hand.

It wasn’t long after that when I saw someone striding in my direction; I recognized it as my wife, Jalen. By her attitude and mannerism of walking, I could tell she was upset about something. Most likely it was me being out all night without calling or saying a word. My mind raced of how I would explain this whole bloody mess and why I was out so late. A few shorts moments passed and she came close enough to see and hear clearly. She had opened her mouth to start on about me not being home last night, but at the sight of all my bloodstained clothes, scratches, wounds and cuts, her eyes widened more than what I knew her capable of and she covered her mouth with her hands.


“It’s alright, Jay. Just don’t worry about it.†I tried stopping her.


“Y… Y-your…clothes…bleeding…look at yourself!!†She stuttered out at me.


“Yes, yes, I usually feel it when I’m bleeding all over and see my own stained clothes. I know what happened, but what matters is that I’m fine now.†I tried explaining to her… I looked off into the distance, and had seen an odd silhouette of our home. I couldn’t quite focus my eyes to see that distance.


“What… Happened…?†She asked, checking me over and remaining silent when she saw all of the cuts.


“I’ll just say I had a rude encounter with something in the forest back there.†I hesitantly answered.


“Are you sure you're ok?†she persisted.


“Shh, just don’t worry about it. I'm fine.†I protested.


“No, you're not fine. You go to cut up the forest around your little Observatory last night at ten and now I find you hours later like… Like this!!†she said, straining for the right words. With that she had taken my left arm and walked with me back to our house, careful not to grip too hard.


When we had arrived at our home, our pet cat, Looney, was rubbing his fur against everything in sight, as happy cats normally do. But as he approached me, his eyes grew large as saucers, the hair on his tail expanded, and he ran off, frightened out of his little mind and hissing all the way.


“What’s with Looney?†I asked curiously.


“… Did you really have to name him Looney of all things?" Jalen sighed. "And no, I haven’t seen him lately, I don’t know…â€


“Looney is a good name for him." I argued. "How many cats do you see that chase away Great Danes, put half living gophers on your front porch rather killing them, knock over the food bowl and eat it off the floor, consider any inanimate object a friend and licks its tail constantly? He’s freakin’ loony, I tell you.â€


We continued the pointless discussion until Jalen helped me climb the hill up to our front door. I looked up at the three story home I had made, proud of my efforts. Jalen saw this, and asked, “So, when are you going to get the air conditioning installed?â€

I chose not to respond. We’ve gone through this matter before and every time I answer she doesn’t comprehend the fact that we already built the walls. Jalen hurried ahead of me and opened the door. I passed through into our shady home and felt safe once more.


[Again, I'll comment it hast (but is getting there) gotten to a good part. n_n I had to have some introduction... i dont like it much...]

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[Ok. Just like in RP topics, Im putting authors notes or comments or OOC things in brackets like i am now. This post will not contain any of the story, with the exception of the prologue.


I write my stories in first-person perspective, So everything is from the main characters view, Except when specified otherwise.


This story, while I was writing it, Was rather violent and if i wanted to post it here, Horatio and/or HK will have to come mod it. I expect this will be a slow moving topic, due to frequent modding.]


[This is entirely in the future, 23 years from now, This, Like few of my other stories, Is based off of My family and I. Im the main character. Technology hasnt advanced much. (I cant think of just how futuristic this is, So im going with whats happening now.) Only the prologue is here, I'll post the first chapter once this topic is up and modded. Everyone who reads this needs not post in brackets as I am. Do it if you want.]


[The following story is © to Arkcher, 2004-2005]




My Rebirth


My name is Brandon. Over the past year, a few things have happened to me out of pure luck. The misfortune to follow was not anything I’d have seen coming. But come it did.


Last year, 2028, I was a newlywed to Jalen Sacréde. Soon afterward, we were looking for a real estate company who could find us a descent place for two and checking if we could save money in any way. About that same time, I had received a mailing letter from a family estate executor, telling me I had inherited a five hundred acre property land in North Dakota. It was about forty miles from any nearby city, some odd one or two miles from a non-interstate highway, along with a fifty thousand dollar will, which, mind you, does happen.

After a year of labor, hard work and using much of the inheritance money, I’d built my own three-story home taking up some ten thousand square feet on each floor. Included were a swimming pool, home theatre, game room, underground bowling alley and some odd eight bathrooms, which, as you know, are highly needed in a large home. The only thing I’d forgotten to add while constructing was the air conditioning. I'm going to have to fix that eventually, but right now I'm currently making plans for an artificial ecosystem of different terrains. I’ll have a rain forest, island, desert, plains, jungle, forestry and mountain, all put into the additional twenty-acre space we have next to our natural ecosystem, the forest. I was out cutting bark and grass by the forest to mark the observatory/ecosystem grounds, when it all began…

[Can Nick Live with you?]

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Chapter Three


Jalen closed the door behind us and instructed me to sit down while she grabbed some bandages.


Time passed, slower than I thought it ever could. It seemed like hours by the time Jalen had came back. I let go of my arm with the injury so that she could fix it up. To our surprise, the wound was completely gone and there was no sign of it ever having been there at all. Yet the clothes around it remained completely torn, bloodstained and ripped.


“That’s weird… Well, now I don’t need to wear a bandage.†I admitted, not seeing anything wrong with the situation.


Time passed once again, slow as ever, and every time, I paid no attention to it. I felt rather warm and uncomfortable, so Jalen and I decided to take a leisurely hour or two in the swimming pool that I had built. After we did that, I couldn’t keep my mind off of what had happened in the forest.


It was now eight in the morning and Jalen was cooking some breakfast when I walked in. She was frying some eggs for herself while I opened a cupboard and got out some Fajita Mix seasoning. Strangely though, I never considered it a seasoning for Fajita Tacos specifically, rather a flavor enhancer for anything edible. I put it on most anything… Potatoes, vegetables, meats…pretty much anything that isn’t really dairy or fruit related. I can’t help it if it tastes good…


“Jay, go ahead and cook everything, I’m going to be right back. I'm going to the forest again; see if I can find any signs of what that was that got me last night.†I suddenly announced.


She turned quickly in a shocked manner.


“You’re going back again?! This time that thing that got you last night is going to kill you! Don’t go; your good as dead if you do!†She protested.


“Would you like to come along as well?†I asked, seeing it as the only way I was going to get to go.


She stopped, hesitated, and nodded. I smiled. I liked it a lot when she was in one of her adventurous moods. She scooped the eggs into a leftovers container and refrigerated it. After that she got a change of clothes on and we both set out back to the forest.

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[im too impatient to wait till tomorrow to post this. So i will right now! n_n]


[THIS is where it gets good. I likes this and the next chapter.]


Chapter Four


In due time, we had come to a spot some ten feet from the forest edge. The grass had changed to a lethal red color, blood all around. I scanned the forest where I had marked the terrain, looking upon it with the impression, somehow, that this was a #### spawn. This shouldn’t be here; there’d be no benefit to it. I turned my eye to the forest itself, and then glanced back in the direction of my house, then back at the forest again. It pulled at my heart, my very being… So much, that it now seemed to have more feeling of home than my actual house. What was coming over me, I may never know.


Later when the clock read six PM (though the numbers now seem to have no meaning in my mind), I was back at home. The final rays of the sun were fading and I somehow had the impression that I should be outside. The book I had been reading now only appeared to me as worthless scribbles, so I got up from the reclining chair and went to the window. Something strange was definitely going on…


Silently, I opened the front door and walked outside. When I looked up, gathered clouds began repelling and moving away from one another. At a straight forty-five degree angle from me…was the full moon. I stared at it, completely absorbed. Out of the blue a fear struck my heart. Something horrible was happening…but what? I fear something I know nothing about.


I darted to the back of my house and looked at the swimming pool below me. The still water cast a reflection of my body; the full moon behind me. I continued to gaze at the water there, not being able to take my eyes off of the beautiful orb of light. Soon afterward, Jalen came walking outside, apparently wondering what I was doing.


“Brandon? What are you doing, come inside!†she called.


I heard her, but could not respond. I just stood there, staring at the water. I then saw something strange in the reflection across from me… A lumpy, short figure crouched over the side of the pool; two bright, yellow eyes peering from under the shadowy body. Oddly, I was not alarmed. I thought the figure very strange, but I was more curious than anything. What was it, more to the point, why was it there? I then somehow recognized exactly what it was…a wolf. I would not have figured that out on my own. It didn’t look like a normal crazed canine. Abruptly, it lunged four feet to the side of the pool and began bounding towards me. I found myself unable to move. Frozen in that position, I could only watch as a wolf tore its way toward me. Jalen somehow managed not to see this. She only stood there and watched me with slight concern.


A large, muscular, furry object collided with me and I fell backward. I thrashed and struggled against the beast. Who wouldn’t when there was a crazed wolf pinning you down and trying to bite you? I jumped on the opportunity to kick the wolf in the abdomen area, which weakened it somewhat. It didn’t physically damage it much, though it made the wolf rather upset. With a final snarl, the wolf opened its jaws wide…and struck. I let out a piercing yell of pain; the wolf had locked its jaws on the same place I was bitten last time. This time however, it was a great deal longer and more painful.


I felt weak, though I was still aware of a fluid ejecting from the wolf’s teeth into my veins. A genetic serum was secreted in this wolf’s mouth, and now, it had been injected into my body. I heard Jalen gasp, followed by a scream of terror as she beheld her husband being attacked. A few seconds afterward, the wolf removed its lock on my arm. By then my body had become almost entirely paralyzed; only a few muscles had mobility, but even those were limited. I lay on the ground, helpless. Jalen was rooted to her spot in fear, unable to do anything but watch. The wolf took some backward steps and eyed me suspiciously, apparently watching for my reaction.

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[Your one of the spiffiest people i've met online, I wouldnt mind. xD


This story hasnt yet gotten to a good part. I'll be sure to post some more... later or something.]


[And Kat, If you knew just how wierd my ancestry of bankrobbers, horse theives and drunk looneys really is, This isnt too unlikely. I'd say it'll happen.]

Double swoot!

[*watches Katdacatis#1's head expand until it is the size of a float in the Macy's Parade*]


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[...Well, that stinks for Brandon. o_o *wonders if that word is even allowed*


Oh, and I love the story, Arkcher! It gets and A+!]

Edited by Horatio
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*is waiting kinda patiently for next chapter* *starts twitching* *full body spasm*

TWITCHITY TWITCH TWITCH! *starts flumping on the ground* (flumping is rolling around on the ground while twitching uncontrollably)

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[...Well, that stinks for Brandon. o_o *wonders if that word is even allowed*


Oh, and I love the story, Arkcher! It gets and A+!]

Yay! I get more spiffy feedback!


No it isnt. I've tried it... And yeah. There should be less werewolves in North Dakota. I only chose that state 'cuz it was up north. I dont like this scorching hot texas weather. Gotta get to like. Canada or something. (Dual citizen, I can do that more legally, too! I can decide if im Canadian or American. Doot-do-doo.)

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Chapter Five


I found myself in a kneeling position, left hand gripping my right arm again. A full moon shone above me and before I realized what was happening, a sharp, splitting pain impacted my body, blinding my senses. This knocked me off balance as I cringed on the ground, the feeling almost as if brick walls were crushing my form. Simultaneous rushes of that torture surged through my body, but soon left. I then felt oddly strange, sick at the stomach as if I were to puke at any moment. This sensation varied into all sorts of feelings; underwater, burning, itching, pressure, as I just lay still on the ground. Soon my body felt as if it were overheating and dehydrating. I was sweating profusely… The sweat glands in my skin had demanded too much hydration from my insides; I was going through heat stroke, until… A few seconds later, I felt fine. Nothing wrong…then the overheating sensation returned once again. My skin felt bizarrely irritated as I lay on the ground, panting. I couldn’t see or hear Jalen, but strangely, I could smell her.


A small amount of extra weight formed on my limbs and body. With the little strength I had, I glanced down at my right arm. A dark brown hair was creeping up entire figure at an incredible rate. Soon I seemed to be covered in the thick fur. Great…just what I needed; fur to keep the unbearable heat in me. This extreme temperature was more than I could handle so I grabbed at my shirt and jeans and ripped them off until only a few torn cloths were dangling from my changing body. It helped somewhat and I looked around, strangely more energized.


The wolf was gone.


I then realized what was happening; not until now did I really think about it… That thing that had attacked me yesterday, and just now, was a werewolf in its feral shape. Its genetic serum was now changing my body… I was becoming a werewolf too!


The overheated feeling was joined once more by a sharp pain.


“Auuaaaagh…!†I screamed. To my surprise, my voice was louder, deeper, and in a more violent tone. Was I even able to speak words anymore?


I got back into a kneeling position, not completely strengthened yet. I looked in the swimming again, but my reflection was no longer that of a man. Two amber eyes stared out at me from a body that was covered in a thick coat of chocolate brown fur.


The palms of my hands, and the underside of the arch in my feet had deformed; they were now cushioned paws. The hair on my head had grown excessively longer; apparently around my neck and jaw line it had formed a sort of mane.


My overall physical frame began to change now. My fingernails and toenails were painfully splitting as they were replaced by strangely retractable claws. They slid outward, adjusted into position, and I began to test their movements. In addition to this, all the bones in my body began twisting, cracking and bending in all manners of rearrangement. My feet, if that was what you could call them anymore, shifted so that I stood on the ending arch of my toes, heels in the air, and the arch bone extended some three inches. Beyond that is near impossible to describe, as is the pain that went with it.


In addition to what I already had, the muscles in my arms, forearms, abdomen, and legs began expanding rather frighteningly. It felt as if I could lift anything now. My lower spine began to sear with pain as it wormed its way around my body until its tip connected with the tailbone and that extended and pierced through my skin. The fur began covering the new tail as well. My senses heightened excessively, almost in a literate manner. My now triangular ears had somehow moved to the top of my head, as the skull itself was shortening into a more flat structure. My human canine teeth had lengthened into fangs and I felt a strange liquid filling in the hollow parts of them; the same secretion and genetic serum that was used against me.


Now my mouth extended outwards to become a muzzle as my facial features reshaped to resemble that of a wolf’s. I raised my head to let out the final cry of pain as my transformation completed itself. The cry, however, came out as a long, deep howl in a horrific tone, not the human voice I was so used to hearing. What surprised me most though, was the hint of expression in the vocals. I sounded like a lethally tortured soul crying out for help, again and again.


It was all very strange, but nothing compared to the mystifying fact that I was now…a werewolf.

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Yay! I get more spiffy feedback!


No it isnt. I've tried it...  And yeah. There should be less werewolves in North Dakota. I only chose that state 'cuz it was up north. I dont like this scorching hot texas weather. Gotta get to like. Canada or something. (Dual citizen, I can do that more legally, too! I can decide if im Canadian or American. Doot-do-doo.)

[i saw a comercial saying to go to North Dakota, but it didn't say anything about werewolves...I should sue...]

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Chapter Six


When I stood up, I heard Jalen. My ears twitched and swiveled as they picked up sounds that my human ones could never of. The thing that amazed me most of all was the sense of smell. It had been magnified to such astounding levels that it seemed to have opened up a whole new world. It was like I could see with my nose.


A slight breeze played through my fur and I instantly detected a scent of perfume; it was Jalen’s favorite…but who was Jalen? Some small part of my mind told me that I knew her, but it mattered little to me now. Looking up, I was somehow able to see through the blinding darkness as if it were a bright, sunny day. I now noticed that I was in an anthromorph’s wolf shape, not feral like the one that had bitten me. Speaking of which, where was that thing?


Standing up, I found myself unable to balance as I walked. If I wanted to get anywhere, it would have to be on all fours. Careening at fifteen mph from the start, I was on the other side of my house in little over two seconds.


Suddenly I became distracted by the strangest scent… I actually smelt fear. The animal in my brain saw nothing odd about this, but it was certainly new to me. Someone or something feared me right now and my instincts rapidly kicked into full swing. I had to track down this source of fear…


I ran to the front door; locked. But locks and doors were such silly things to me now… I stepped back and threw my weight into the wooden structure, satisfied when it flew off its hinges. The frame splintered and shattered, throwing hunks of wood everywhere. I looked around wildly. The scent was stronger now…bitter. I didn’t like it, but another part of me adored it; fear made for easier kills.


I padded up one of the staircases. My paws now made my traveling completely silent. The scent grew somewhat stronger now as I came to the second floor.


I battered down several more doors as I had the front, each one leading me closer to the irritating; yet somehow intoxicating scent. A second staircase came into view and the stench of fear grew to enormous levels; whatever was causing it was on the third floor. I continued careening down hallways, through rooms, tearing at anything that got in my way. I had to get to that scent!




Jalen was crouched down into a little ball, hiding in the darkest corner she could find on the top floor. She heard the crashing and rumbling that was going on down below and knew what was doing it as well. The woman was so scared that she felt her heart would explode at any second. To make it worse, the monster coming to get her, and she knew it was, had once been her beloved husband. He had built this house with his bare hands and was now destroying it in the same way.


She continued to sit, curled up in her hiding place, as tears formed in her eyes and wild fear clawed at her heart. Then everything went deadly silent. A mere three seconds seemed like days on end as a huge, monstrous creature exploded through the locked door of her hiding room. She jumped and looked up to find a 6’5 werewolf glaring down at her, a dangerous, homicidal glint in its eyes.


She let out a blood-curdling scream that was cut short as the creature lunged at her throat. Massive fangs sunk into the woman’s neck, piercing her windpipe, as one of its clawed hands tore into her chest and ripped out the still beating heart. Jalen’s beautiful sapphire eyes, once so full of life, now dimmed and clouded over as she slipped away. The man, her dear, sweet husband, to whom she had given all her trust and love, had just brutally murdered her. Even in death, it seemed she had given him her very heart… And without a second thought, he cast her body aside and ravenously ate it.


[being a werewolf aint much fun. ._.]

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[i saw a comercial saying to go to North Dakota, but it didn't say anything about werewolves...I should sue...]


To use Arkcher's words... this should be interesting. So who exactly do you plan to sue? The State, the political officials or the ad company?


BTW Katdacatis#1, you have earned The Gold Star Award for your post.!!!

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:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

To use Arkcher's words... this should be interesting.  So who exactly do you plan to sue?  The State, the political officials or the ad company?


BTW Katdacatis#1, you have earned The Gold Star Award for your post.!!!

Or the Animal control. They be enemies in muh story. With their evil tranquilizer dart guns, and creepy nets, restraint poles... The pox on ye, and your kind.

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Chapter Six


When I stood up, I heard Jalen. My ears twitched and swiveled as they picked up sounds that my human ones could never of. The thing that amazed me most of all was the sense of smell. It had been magnified to such astounding levels that it seemed to have opened up a whole new world. It was like I could see with my nose.


A slight breeze played through my fur and I instantly detected a scent of perfume; it was Jalen’s favorite…but who was Jalen? Some small part of my mind told me that I knew her, but it mattered little to me now. Looking up, I was somehow able to see through the blinding darkness as if it were a bright, sunny day. I now noticed that I was in an anthromorph’s wolf shape, not feral like the one that had bitten me. Speaking of which, where was that thing?


Standing up, I found myself unable to balance as I walked. If I wanted to get anywhere, it would have to be on all fours. Careening at fifteen mph from the start, I was on the other side of my house in little over two seconds.


Suddenly I became distracted by the strangest scent… I actually smelt fear. The animal in my brain saw nothing odd about this, but it was certainly new to me. Someone or something feared me right now and my instincts rapidly kicked into full swing. I had to track down this source of fear…


I ran to the front door; locked. But locks and doors were such silly things to me now… I stepped back and threw my weight into the wooden structure, satisfied when it flew off its hinges. The frame splintered and shattered, throwing hunks of wood everywhere. I looked around wildly. The scent was stronger now…bitter. I didn’t like it, but another part of me adored it; fear made for easier kills.


I padded up one of the staircases. My paws now made my traveling completely silent. The scent grew somewhat stronger now as I came to the second floor.


I battered down several more doors as I had the front, each one leading me closer to the irritating; yet somehow intoxicating scent. A second staircase came into view and the stench of fear grew to enormous levels; whatever was causing it was on the third floor. I continued careening down hallways, through rooms, tearing at anything that got in my way. I had to get to that scent!




Jalen was crouched down into a little ball, hiding in the darkest corner she could find on the top floor. She heard the crashing and rumbling that was going on down below and knew what was doing it as well. The woman was so scared that she felt her heart would explode at any second. To make it worse, the monster coming to get her, and she knew it was, had once been her beloved husband. He had built this house with his bare hands and was now destroying it in the same way.


She continued to sit, curled up in her hiding place, as tears formed in her eyes and wild fear clawed at her heart. Then everything went deadly silent. A mere three seconds seemed like days on end as a huge, monstrous creature exploded through the locked door of her hiding room. She jumped and looked up to find a 6’5 werewolf glaring down at her, a dangerous, homicidal glint in its eyes.


She let out a blood-curdling scream that was cut short as the creature lunged at her throat. Massive fangs sunk into the woman’s neck, piercing her windpipe, as one of its clawed hands tore into her chest and ripped out the still beating heart. Jalen’s beautiful sapphire eyes, once so full of life, now dimmed and clouded over as she slipped away. The man, her dear, sweet husband, to whom she had given all her trust and love, had just brutally murdered her. Even in death, it seemed she had given him her very heart… And without a second thought, he cast her body aside and ravenously ate it.


[being a werewolf aint much fun. ._.]

I think Horatio's slacking off. Or the edit button finally broke. >_>;

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Chapter Six


When I stood up, I heard Jalen. My ears twitched and swiveled as they picked up sounds that my human ones could never of. The thing that amazed me most of all was the sense of smell. It had been magnified to such astounding levels that it seemed to have opened up a whole new world. It was like I could see with my nose.


A slight breeze played through my fur and I instantly detected a scent of perfume; it was Jalen’s favorite…but who was Jalen? Some small part of my mind told me that I knew her, but it mattered little to me now. Looking up, I was somehow able to see through the blinding darkness as if it were a bright, sunny day. I now noticed that I was in an anthromorph’s wolf shape, not feral like the one that had bitten me. Speaking of which, where was that thing?


Standing up, I found myself unable to balance as I walked. If I wanted to get anywhere, it would have to be on all fours. Careening at fifteen mph from the start, I was on the other side of my house in little over two seconds.


Suddenly I became distracted by the strangest scent… I actually smelt fear. The animal in my brain saw nothing odd about this, but it was certainly new to me. Someone or something feared me right now and my instincts rapidly kicked into full swing. I had to track down this source of fear…


I ran to the front door; locked. But locks and doors were such silly things to me now… I stepped back and threw my weight into the wooden structure, satisfied when it flew off its hinges. The frame splintered and shattered, throwing hunks of wood everywhere. I looked around wildly. The scent was stronger now…bitter. I didn’t like it, but another part of me adored it; fear made for easier kills.


I padded up one of the staircases. My paws now made my traveling completely silent. The scent grew somewhat stronger now as I came to the second floor.


I battered down several more doors as I had the front, each one leading me closer to the irritating; yet somehow intoxicating scent. A second staircase came into view and the stench of fear grew to enormous levels; whatever was causing it was on the third floor. I continued careening down hallways, through rooms, tearing at anything that got in my way. I had to get to that scent!




Jalen was crouched down into a little ball, hiding in the darkest corner she could find on the top floor. She heard the crashing and rumbling that was going on down below and knew what was doing it as well. The woman was so scared that she felt her heart would explode at any second. To make it worse, the monster coming to get her, and she knew it was, had once been her beloved husband. He had built this house with his bare hands and was now destroying it in the same way.


She continued to sit, curled up in her hiding place, as tears formed in her eyes and wild fear clawed at her heart. Then everything went deadly silent. A mere three seconds seemed like days on end as a huge, monstrous creature exploded through the locked door of her hiding room. She jumped and looked up to find a 6’5 werewolf glaring down at her, a dangerous, homicidal glint in its eyes.


She let out a blood-curdling scream that was cut short as the creature lunged at her throat. Massive fangs sunk into the woman’s neck, piercing her windpipe, as one of its clawed hands tore into her chest and ripped out the still beating heart. Jalen’s beautiful sapphire eyes, once so full of life, now dimmed and clouded over as she slipped away. The man, her dear, sweet husband, to whom she had given all her trust and love, had just brutally murdered her. Even in death, it seemed she had given him her very heart… And without a second thought, he cast her body aside and ravenously ate it.


[being a werewolf aint much fun. ._.]

creepy. this story keeps getting better by the chapter! :D

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*is waiting kinda patiently for next chapter* *starts twitching*  *full body spasm*

TWITCHITY TWITCH TWITCH! *starts flumping on the ground* (flumping is rolling around on the ground while twitching uncontrollably)

[o____o -watches- I must say i've never seen break-dancing Cheese.

Or a Cheese ninja having a seizure. (... Flump?) ]

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[someone's gonna have nightmares of Arkcher changing to a wolf and killing her....]

[Yeah, I told Horatio to get ready to edit something. And pointed that out earlier. And Horatio just laughs at himself for slacking off. >_>]

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[Yeah, I told Horatio to get ready to edit something. And pointed that out earlier. And Horatio just laughs at himself for slacking off. >_>]

A bit gruesome for me, but, I thought that you were doing a great job and you all read some books that are worse.


If anyone is upset or does not feel comfortable with Arkcher's story, please let me know and I will get the edit button warmed up. Thanks. :)

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Chapter Six


When I stood up, I heard Jalen. My ears twitched and swiveled as they picked up sounds that my human ones could never of. The thing that amazed me most of all was the sense of smell. It had been magnified to such astounding levels that it seemed to have opened up a whole new world. It was like I could see with my nose.


A slight breeze played through my fur and I instantly detected a scent of perfume; it was Jalen’s favorite…but who was Jalen? Some small part of my mind told me that I knew her, but it mattered little to me now. Looking up, I was somehow able to see through the blinding darkness as if it were a bright, sunny day. I now noticed that I was in an anthromorph’s wolf shape, not feral like the one that had bitten me. Speaking of which, where was that thing?


Standing up, I found myself unable to balance as I walked. If I wanted to get anywhere, it would have to be on all fours. Careening at fifteen mph from the start, I was on the other side of my house in little over two seconds.


Suddenly I became distracted by the strangest scent… I actually smelt fear. The animal in my brain saw nothing odd about this, but it was certainly new to me. Someone or something feared me right now and my instincts rapidly kicked into full swing. I had to track down this source of fear…


I ran to the front door; locked. But locks and doors were such silly things to me now… I stepped back and threw my weight into the wooden structure, satisfied when it flew off its hinges. The frame splintered and shattered, throwing hunks of wood everywhere. I looked around wildly. The scent was stronger now…bitter. I didn’t like it, but another part of me adored it; fear made for easier kills.


I padded up one of the staircases. My paws now made my traveling completely silent. The scent grew somewhat stronger now as I came to the second floor.


I battered down several more doors as I had the front, each one leading me closer to the irritating; yet somehow intoxicating scent. A second staircase came into view and the stench of fear grew to enormous levels; whatever was causing it was on the third floor. I continued careening down hallways, through rooms, tearing at anything that got in my way. I had to get to that scent!




Jalen was crouched down into a little ball, hiding in the darkest corner she could find on the top floor. She heard the crashing and rumbling that was going on down below and knew what was doing it as well. The woman was so scared that she felt her heart would explode at any second. To make it worse, the monster coming to get her, and she knew it was, had once been her beloved husband. He had built this house with his bare hands and was now destroying it in the same way.


She continued to sit, curled up in her hiding place, as tears formed in her eyes and wild fear clawed at her heart. Then everything went deadly silent. A mere three seconds seemed like days on end as a huge, monstrous creature exploded through the locked door of her hiding room. She jumped and looked up to find a 6’5 werewolf glaring down at her, a dangerous, homicidal glint in its eyes.


She let out a blood-curdling scream that was cut short as the creature lunged at her throat. Massive fangs sunk into the woman’s neck, piercing her windpipe, as one of its clawed hands tore into her chest and ripped out the still beating heart. Jalen’s beautiful sapphire eyes, once so full of life, now dimmed and clouded over as she slipped away. The man, her dear, sweet husband, to whom she had given all her trust and love, had just brutally murdered her. Even in death, it seemed she had given him her very heart… And without a second thought, he cast her body aside and ravenously ate it.


[being a werewolf aint much fun. ._.]

[sounds like it. o_o;;; *waits for more*


Oh, and thankies for the award, Horatio! I'll be sueing the state of North Dakota itself...isn't there a court topic around here somewhere?]

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Chapter Seven


After I had come to my senses later and realized exactly what it was that I had done, words could not explain the despair and horror of which I felt. Jalen was no more and it was entirely my fault. How could I have murdered my wife!? How!? I guess it doesn’t even matter anymore…she’s gone and nothing will ever bring her back. I am now more alone than ever and yet I shed no tears. My werewolf form isn’t capable of such emotions…




Hours later I solemnly lay in the wreckage of the house that I built. Its structure remains, but rage had consumed my mind and I had driven myself mad, demolishing the building. Eventually I had grown tired; it was getting me nowhere…


Now I was out in the forest. Was this where I belonged? Was this my true fate? There were no signs of other wolves around. How could I stay here…?


I slowly walked back to the remains of my house again, not knowing what else to do. Hearing a noise from inside, I picked up my pace. I didn’t need intruders in my home; I had enough to deal with as it was. If they found out that I was here, who knew what would happen…


I peered through the front door; or what was left of it… A medical squad was searching the place, a few policemen, and what looked to be some executives of a major corporation. There were also two animal control squad members, both with tranquilizer guns. I didn’t need or want to be near them so I pulled back and looked off into the distance. I was feeling very tired. There was an orange-red glow on the horizon, indicating it was almost sunrise. Now being nocturnal, I couldn’t be caught out in the sunlight. Galloping over the terrain and back to the forest, I stopped at what would have eventually become my observatory/ecosystem grounds.


I skidded to a halt as I beheld some researchers holding my building layout plans and observing the marks I had made. There were humans investigating my property, trying to rebuild my home, finish and reconstruct my observatory and cleaning up my wife. What scared me most though was that my plans for the ecosystem included keeping all kinds of animals in there. I was now an animal, so if I was shot by one of those tranquilizer darts, I’d probably be kept captive here forever, possibly sold off to other places, put in circuses and shows, researched…my life would be ####. Best not to think about it though…


I silently padded off into the trees and for a short few moments, I was virtually invisible to the humans’ eyes. I was safe in this forest, but safe as a nightmare creature…never to see the sun again. I continued further into the forest, finding a small grove. It seemed to be a rather enjoyable environment.

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So are you going to kill the ploice or just walk into the forest? Oh nice story I just love the part where you murder your wife. Just don't come after me.

Im on the sixteenth chapter, writing it now, Theres a lot more that happens here. So pretty much both of those things.


I would say the most violent part is over though, There isnt all that much detail in violence from that point on. Not to worry. n_n


I still cant think of an ending. This is a beginning of a werewolf series im going to be writing, Hence the title, If this wasnt a series it'd just be Werewolf. I do have some things planned for future versions though.

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[Whenever a post is written that is NOT part of the RP, then it must be in brackets.  Did I get that correct Katdacatis#1?]

[That is partially true. If this was an RP topic, THat would be right all the way. Since this isnt, ITs just an option.]

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Chapter Eight


I woke on the next day; or rather the same day after the sun had started to go down. I found myself in a feral wolf’s shape, no longer a werewolf. How very strange…but then again, what wasn’t strange about this whole mess? Perhaps only on nights with a full moon I become a werewolf? This would need some thought… At any rate, I set back out toward my home.


Those humans were still there…and making progress in their constructing. The round boundary of the circular observatory for a telescope was set by a one inch metal structure; the same material I had intended to use. There were large 20X20 ft structures where I planned to put ecosystems for different terrains… I ran along the side of the forest toward the house to see the progress that was being made.


When I looked inside a window, I saw that the lower floor had been cleaned, half-reconstructed, and looked as if the crew had gone upstairs…as did I.


There were about fifteen humans moving the wreckage on the second floor, close to the staircase. I heard comments and somehow understood the language.


“Nice house they built here.†one said.

“What do you think happened here?†another asked.

“This is creepy, what would have damaged a house this much…?†a third inquired.


Clearly everyone was still confused about the events that had taken place the night before.




I later found out that there was a quarter-billionaire who had claimed this house for their own. They had hired mechanics, builders and all sorts of others to repair the damage I had caused. They were going to finish the plans for the ecosystem and observatory, and buy creatures from all around. They had located the plans for this property; observatory, swimming pool, structure, even some plans I had for a missile launcher in case someone decided to move in next to us. Okay, I guess I didn’t have that… Nor necessarily need it. Who would decide to live with a werewolf anyhow?


As I stayed a safe distance away from the humans, mostly just spying at them, I had found myself in direct eye contact with one of the worker humans. I could smell, once again, a fear growing within this being, as it peered into two, bright amber eyes, floating in the dark forest air.


The scent grew ever stronger, as my wolf instincts had taken over again- the scent irritated my form, I felt I must get rid of it...


So I did.



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[i thought it was. I likes it. -hugs it- n_n -be's demolished by a wolf- X_x -be's... um... ducttaped to... a... an amputated leg-]

[i could fix it! I've been doing such a great job with your nail wound! >.>;;;


And you hadn't written any when I posted that. u.u *heartes deh story*]

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[Fine then! I'll just... Post then! o_o]


Chapter Nine


I had found myself on top of the fear-stricken Hispanic, for reasons yet unknown I was in the anthromorph werewolf shape again, pinning his limbs to the ground as all he could do was struggle against my grip, and scream in its terror. A peculiar thing there had been detected- Rather than smelling the human's fear alone, I could feel it, an intoxicating sensation, I felt it irresistible. My ears had detected this persons coworkers, colleagues, friends and allies, all have a fear of their own welling up inside, As they screeched their own terror out.


My clawed arms had risen from their grip, and tore into the human’s abdomen, They had shattered through its rib cage, as the claws had torn through anything they felt, while the cracked bones had broken off and pierced through the body's intern as well.


Before me was another bloody corpse, that I had killed because of my violent wolf shape. But at seeing this, the other humans had seen me- I am a threat to them, they are a threat to me. All of them darted in every direction possible, Their fear had driven them away from me- But causing me to follow them! I was running about 25 MPH, after the worker who had the strongest fear signature, As I lunged- and another storm, of flying fleshy lumps of body launched in every direction, as my wolf had torn the body apart. By now, Three times as more people knew of my presence. This was none of my concern at the moment- this means three times the fear!!


My human mind's senses had faded, the wolfs instincts were in complete control over me. I could no longer sense or control what I did... All I could do was wait.


I came to- I was standing in the midst of a total 8 kills, just tonight. The feared humans had retreated before I got rid of all of them.

I considered this moment- This means that they know the previous owner of this property had been changed to a werewolf, Which also means there is another werewolf here, which could possibly lead to another wolf. This also means, to them, there is a wolf trying to regain its land. This means, to me, they now know of my presence and what a threat I pose to them. The next time they come, will be tomorrow. This time, they'll be more prepared...


[Thats like. The shortest chapter here. o_o This is barly one page long. The next one is about 5 pages. Seriously. I checked. o_O I think i should divide it a bit.]

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[Fine then! I'll just... Post then! o_o]


Chapter Nine


I had found myself on top of the fear-stricken Hispanic, for reasons yet unknown I was in the anthromorph werewolf shape again, pinning his limbs to the ground as all he could do was struggle against my grip, and scream in its terror. A peculiar thing there had been detected- Rather than smelling the human's fear alone, I could feel it, an intoxicating sensation, I felt it irresistible. My ears had detected this persons coworkers, colleagues, friends and allies, all have a fear of their own welling up inside, As they screeched their own terror out.


My clawed arms had risen from their grip, and tore into the human’s abdomen, They had shattered through its rib cage, as the claws had torn through anything they felt, while the cracked bones had broken off and pierced through the body's intern as well.


Before me was another bloody corpse, that I had killed because of my violent wolf shape. But at seeing this, the other humans had seen me- I am a threat to them, they are a threat to me. All of them darted in every direction possible, Their fear had driven them away from me- But causing me to follow them! I was running about 25 MPH, after the worker who had the strongest fear signature, As I lunged- and another storm, of flying fleshy lumps of body launched in every direction, as my wolf had torn the body apart. By now, Three times as more people knew of my presence. This was none of my concern at the moment- this means three times the fear!!


My human mind's senses had faded, the wolfs instincts were in complete control over me. I could no longer sense or control what I did... All I could do was wait.


I came to- I was standing in the midst of a total 8 kills, just tonight. The feared humans had retreated before I got rid of all of them.

I considered this moment- This means that they know the previous owner of this property had been changed to a werewolf, Which also means there is another werewolf here, which could possibly lead to another wolf. This also means, to them, there is a wolf trying to regain its land. This means, to me, they now know of my presence and what a threat I pose to them. The next time they come, will be tomorrow. This time, they'll be more prepared...


[Thats like. The shortest chapter here. o_o This is barly one page long. The next one is about 5 pages. Seriously. I checked. o_O I think i should divide it a bit.]


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[i didnt divide it at all, But heres the next chapter. 'Cuz i... made... it... and its real long. Horatio, This time you should need to edit. :lol: ]


Chapter Ten



I woke up, its 6:30 or so, the sun had just faded. I heard more population this time, but even from where I was, there was an intense scent of...




Though, By now I felt I have lost control enough times over human's fear, I felt a part of me try to get up and satisfy a bloodlust that beckoned me to attack everyone... I must do what I can to resist. What’s left of my human mind is the superior strategist in my opinion, and there are animal control squads out there who, this time, know what their in for.

I can feel, smell, almost taste their fear as I breathed- they are scared stiff of me, but this is making me go and kill them.

No! ... I don’t want to go and kill innocent people, they’re only... well, they’re not so innocent.... They shouldn’t be here.


While thinking, my mind had wandered from what I was trying to accomplish- stay in one place. I found myself on the forest edge, Anthromorph shape, running at a 5 MPH pace, toward the humans. They wont stand a chance against me...


I had let out a menacing roar as I lunged toward another human worker- my clawed hands pierced through its body, not giving it enough time before dying to vocalize, as it fell to the ground lifeless. I stepped back, grabbed the human by one of its legs, and threw the body about 34 ft out into the open, where the others could see.


I strode along the forest edge, scanning the humans activity. I resisted temptation to rid the source of the fear I can sense, by now mastering how to avoid it. I later killed two more people who were far from a group, and left them somewhere visible. I smirked deviously. The fear is increasing. I heard a rushed footstep pace through the grass, as I looked upon about 16 animal control units. About a third of them had tranquilizer guns, another third had restraint poles with loops on the end, and the remaining units had varied spray cans, Identifiable as insect repellant, poisons, sleeping gas, tear gas, and others I was not familiar with. I saw a few workers, either construction, medical, or animal control, had some handbooks on facts and fictions, safety tips and frequently asked questions, trying to keep prepared for when I come. But, They knew I was here... the fear ratio had increased.


I saw one person in a foldout chair, with one of these books. Every few minutes they would look up from their book, and scan the area nervously.

A perfect target.


There weren’t any people around it, so I backed up some 50 ft into the forest, this fearing human still in eyesight. Then I darted at it- ran as fast as I could, totaled 38 MPH when I lunged at it, My right arm latched a grip on its upper body, just underneath its arms. Still in a good speed, I dragged the screaming human into the nearest forest-terrain.

I threw it to the ground, and put it out of its painful life as a human, I opened my jaws wide, and sunk my teeth into the nearest body part available. In this case, the humans right abdomen/side. It stopped vocalizing- A series of pains surged through its body as it just lay there, paralyzed, twitching every once and again. I stood and watched it go through more and more pain- when I heard another human step closer to me.


The grass parted as soon I heard a gun latch and load. I stood there motionless- Ears straining for any movement to sound. We waited for the other to move, when I had run out of patience and time. My enormous arm swung around and collided into the gun, launching it out of the human’s hands. I let out a loud roar at the human, The scent of fear increased remarkably, As the human ran out into the open where the other humans could see as I chased it across the terrain, As I lunged and struck the fearing human dead. It fell lifeless again, as I looked around myself wildly... A group of humans in white clothes, with restraint poles, tranquilizers, and poisons.


I ran, once more, as fast as my overpowered muscles would allow, as I glided across the terrain. I glanced behind myself, the squad was chasing after me still, and I sharply dodged a few tranquilizer darts. As I watched their behavior, reminded of my own fear at being attacked by a wolf, I finally turned my head again to where I was going... To find myself within 6 inches of a tree. Within seconds, I was scrambling uncontrollably on the ground, pushed back from impacting a tree. I finally jumped to my feet, to commence retreat, When I found a black loop, on the end of a sturdy pole, Around my neck as the animal control had began restraining my motion.


For lack of better word, Crud!!


Without hesitation, I immediately let out a loud roar, and leaned over, and swung my body in a flip, and the human had a strong grip on the pole...And went flying with it. The pole still in firm grip, the human soared through the air and crashed into the tree, and fell to the ground unconscious. I then rushed into the forest, running around trees in my way.


I went off to my right, to a sloping hill, and careened upward, until I came to the remains of the house I had built. From where I was, I peered through one of the windows.

I saw some rather disgusting men, who looked like drug and women addicts, who were carrying the remains of Jalen on a stretcher. After they had added their own crude commentary, I had actually regretted... one of two things. Killing her in the first place, or not finishing off her body.


“Pretty good lookin' gal here... Who was the guy lucky enough to score with this one?â€


“Heh, That ones another Wolf-man. We see spot run every once and again, the huge fat dog killed off a few of our security guards. But man, this girl's hot.â€


One of them replied to the other, while looking underneath the white cloth that covered the body, and smirking.


This is more than I will accept, or just let slip by. Nothing else mattered at that moment...


I backed up, and ran once again, and crashed through this window I had looked through seconds ago, pieces of glass flew out in every direction. I ignored the men's screams, as I once again took advantage of the sharp claws in my hands as I tore through the humans' necks.


In the storm of claws and blood, Jalen's stretcher had fallen to the ground, the white cloth shifting around, exposing parts of her body. I looked down on her again, as it reminded me of the time we had first met...


I was at a high school, trying to run through the hallways to stay on time, when as I came to a set of double-doors, I saw a group of three teenagers, who were ganging up on Jalen, delaying a class time, harassing and. physically disrespecting her. I had never seen her before, but this I didn’t approve of, Especially when I had known the leader of this group, who was nearest to Jalen...

I thout a second thought, I dropped everything and ran up to Dimitri, the head of the group, And put all the loathing and hatred into a clenched fist, And threw the most invigorated punch of .my life, at Dimitri's head. This didn’t go well with his allies, so they stopped with Jalen and all switched on to attacking me instead.

They weren’t the brightest of strategists, So I just sharply dodged any strike they threw at me, until they attacked the others or grew tired enough for me to leave them alone.

After they had surrendered, I took Jalen by the hand and walked her to her next period.

We were then rarely seen apart...


[Yes, I do know an idiot who acts like that, by the name of Dimitri. >_o; And this is something i would gladly do.]


I woke myself up from my memory, and stood still in regret. Though in my lack of motion of alertness, I failed to realize that the animal control was surrounding me, as I found myself thrashing against the grasp of a muzzle one of them had slipped over my head. They immediately tightened the knot, pre-tied, as I was unable to use my most effective weapon. My limbs and speed were mostly all that remained, As I let out an occasional roar and constantly struggled against its sturdy form, and against the grips the humans had on my body, trying to keep me still in hopes of the other animal control members would come with the restraint poles.


I used my right arm, which had three humans attached to it, And swung it to my left and punched off two humans from my left arm and shook off the ones from my right. While doing this, another human had long-jumped from a distance and clung on to my back, its arms around my neck. I felt its hands latch to one another, getting a firm grip to stay on no matter what. I took advantage of this, and swung my whole frame in a rotating motion, causing this human to be hanging on to my body by its arms, as it unwillingly kicked its allies.

The scent, feeling, flavor, Sight of the humans’ fear was intoxicating, but I must resist against my wolf to kill all these people, though this seems impossible…

I lifted up my head high as I let out a loud roar, Muffled by the muzzle placed on my head. I was about to Make the first strike, and tear through the human’s bodies, when I felt a strange sensation… It felt like a thick needle had pierced into the underside of my head, but this couldn’t be a needle shot from a gun… More like a Dart. A tranquilizer dart to be specific… My consciousness is limited, The scent of fear is intoxicating, The discomfort of Jalen nearby is irritating, The fact these humans are here, Everything dawned on me at once, As I let out another ear-splitting roar of pain. Not only physical, But nothing mends this broken a heart, More to the point, my spleen may never recover either...


Another piercing numbness feeling had entered my body, this time through my back. Another dart. My limbs had started trembling, nearing their end of being able to support my weight, and the humans persistently attacking. I felt restraint poles fitting around my neck, some of them tightening to fasten around my limbs, as my frame collapsed, being pulled down. I let out a loud growl, and struggled against the restraints and pinning grips.

I was about to let out another long roar, but it swayed off tune, and faded to a whimper.

With the remaining and limited energy I had, I had let out a screeching roar, as I found myself relaxing, but unable to move. Paralyzed. I found myself having difficulty breathing, and coughing every few seconds. Every time I drew a sufficing breath, I’d try to make another growl, but they all turned into weak whimpering.


The environment I was in had began swaying, swimming around in my vision, as its contrast was fading, as all had gone black. I heard the humans communicating with one another, saying… well, I couldn’t quite understand it, though after I turned my attention from that, it felt as if I was deaf, I couldn’t hear a thing. And just before my body had gone numb, I felt the humans dragging my limp body out of the wrecked house I had built…

Edited by Horatio
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[Yup. I likes it. S'pecially on chapter 16 or whatever one im on right now. Stuff happens. Many spiffy stuff happens. n_n]

[>.> *definetly is NOT hacking into Arkcher's compy to read his story*]

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[>.> *definetly is NOT hacking into Arkcher's compy to read his story*]

Suuuuuuuurrrrrrreeeeeeeee. You dont have the admin/mod capability to see muh IP adress, Even if you did i doubt you had the software to track down my computer, or even hack into it. I have a firewall anyhow. *cough*itdoesntwork*cough*. o_O;; I said nothing. -kicks the internet router with'firewall' Psh. As if.-


And if you are, Then how long is the 16th chapter if you know so much? And which chapter is it that i add other wolf characters? ... (I forgot, so dont answer that question! o_O One of these added cast characters is the one i had just bitten in the last chapter. Woo.)

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Suuuuuuuurrrrrrreeeeeeeee. You dont have the admin/mod capability to see muh IP adress, Even if you did i doubt you had the software to track down my computer, or even hack into it. I have a firewall anyhow. *cough*itdoesntwork*cough*. o_O;; I said nothing. -kicks the internet router with'firewall' Psh. As if.-


And if you are, Then how long is the 16th chapter if you know so much? And which chapter is it that i add other wolf characters? ... (I forgot, so dont answer that question! o_O One of these added cast characters is the one i had just bitten in the last chapter. Woo.)

[You tell me so that I know that you already know and aren't just trying to get me to spoil it for you.]

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I like your story so far arkcher.  how many chapters will there be altogether?

[Thanks. I dont know how long it will be, really. My best estimate would be 20 chapters, im almost done. This is going to be the beginning part of a series, There'll be more Werewolf stories by me. I have other storylines and stuff planned out. And a side-story that will explain happenings for future... happenings. Yup. Fun stuff.


This, Like others, I will probably have voulenteers from this board to participate and i'll write thems into the story. I just might do this, Not sure. (Human peoples. Not hamsters or cats or moneylovers stuff.]

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[Thanks. I dont know how long it will be, really. My best estimate would be 20 chapters, im almost done. This is going to be the beginning part of a series, There'll be more Werewolf stories by me. I have other storylines and stuff planned out. And a side-story that will explain happenings for future... happenings. Yup. Fun stuff.


This, Like others, I will probably have voulenteers from this board to participate and i'll write thems into the story. I just might do this, Not sure. (Human peoples. Not hamsters or cats or moneylovers stuff.]

[You mean I gotta sign up as Katie?! But she's so boring!]

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[To answer both of your posts, I may or may not be doing this. If i do, Then no matter how boring you are, You dont have to sign up to begin with. :lol: And what would a little kitty or a hamster do in these situations? Seriously, Think of how this would work. Im open for suggestions on the matter.]

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[To answer both of your posts, I may or may not be doing this. If i do, Then no matter how boring you are, You dont have to sign up to begin with. :lol: And what would a little kitty or a hamster do in these situations? Seriously, Think of how this would work. Im open for suggestions on the matter.]

werewolf: mmmmm kitty snacks!

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[To answer both of your posts, I may or may not be doing this. If i do, Then no matter how boring you are, You dont have to sign up to begin with. :lol: And what would a little kitty or a hamster do in these situations? Seriously, Think of how this would work. Im open for suggestions on the matter.]

[i could be a weretiger, or something! If you do it, that is...]

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[Woot. If you do have humans in yer next one, I'm sure you can use Jeanette Da Strange Child(not my sim! me!) in yer story.

[Theres already humans in this one. o_o that have significance. Yup.]


[i think this is rather hilarious that im basing these characters off'a people i know personally. Dimitri is a wierd aggressive moron who cant seem to think sensably, always rebelling and this has earned him untrustworthiness, And little to no friends. And he acts all fancy-pants type. o_o He, Jacob and Jared (maybe korey, he and Jared are some of my friends in texas) seem to be part of the same ameoba that sticks together with everything. I plan on adding thems in here at some point. (Not jacob though. He's just a hilarious idiot.) And muh best freind in missouri will be in here, to. Since this is supposedly Me this is happening to, Im adding things from my perspecitve IRL-ish. I did forget to add a room in that awsome house though. A Gamecube room, Woot. Full'a posters and millions of shelves full'a GC stuffs. (accessories, games, cases, extensions, backup systems, All that good stuff) This room will not support the evil PS2 or Xbox. I dont like neither of them.]


[something i had considered for adding here, Was having a kid. Woohoo. Offspring to add to deh horror? Mneh. I decided against it. Coolest names ever for naming kiddos: Nathan (male) Kerrigan (female) Despite their awsomeness, I wont tell nobody that muh kids'd be named after video game characters. x_x They're awsome, OK? (Nathan Graves off'a Castlevania. Cirlce of the moon, GBA. Kerrigan off'a Starcraft, Brood war. PC/N64. Awsomeness to both games, Woot.]


[Well, This is my daily blathering, hope ya lived through it. I ramble a lot. Yup.]

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Of course he does!  The first copy off the press is mine and he is signing it for me.    :D

*twists Arkcher's arm until he agrees*

[Your little hamster hands couldnt twist bread dough. Even if you could, Im double jointed that way, Won't work Horatio, Let it go now. You cant win! -hopes Horatio doesnt start chewing on muh shin or something-]

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so do you plan on getting this published?

[A little late for that now, eh? Its already posted on a free website, This'll be a free contribution to 'da net. I might publish the sequels though. Or i might publish this, and you peoples just had a free peek at it without havin' to fork over some dough for me. o_o]


[This isnt the best of my storywriting works, (Although really good. I loves it.) So the real good stuff would be published. Junk like this is free. :lol: And copyrighted, dun forget that. Never.]

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[A little late for that now, eh? Its already posted on a free website, This'll be a free contribution to 'da net. I might publish the sequels though. Or i might publish this, and you peoples just had a free peek at it without havin' to fork over some dough for me. o_o]


[This isnt the best of my storywriting works, (Although really good. I loves it.) So the real good stuff would be published. Junk like this is free. :lol: And copyrighted, dun forget that. Never.]

[Anything that is posted on HampsterDance is copyrighted. HampsterKing has said that he will protect everyone who posts here and their work.]

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[Theres already humans in this one. o_o that have significance. Yup.]


[i think this is rather hilarious that im basing these characters off'a people i know personally. Dimitri is a wierd aggressive moron who cant seem to think sensably, always rebelling and this has earned him untrustworthiness, And little to no friends. And he acts all fancy-pants type. o_o He, Jacob and Jared (maybe korey, he and Jared are some of my friends in texas) seem to be part of the same ameoba that sticks together with everything. I plan on adding thems in here at some point. (Not jacob though. He's just a hilarious idiot.) And muh best freind in missouri will be in here, to. Since this is supposedly Me this is happening to, Im adding things from my perspecitve IRL-ish. I did forget to add a room in that awsome house though. A Gamecube room, Woot. Full'a posters and millions of shelves full'a GC stuffs. (accessories, games, cases, extensions, backup systems, All that good stuff) This room will not support the evil PS2 or Xbox. I dont like neither of them.]


[something i had considered for adding here, Was having a kid. Woohoo. Offspring to add to deh horror? Mneh. I decided against it. Coolest names ever for naming kiddos: Nathan (male) Kerrigan (female) Despite their awsomeness, I wont tell nobody that muh kids'd be named after video game characters. x_x They're awsome, OK? (Nathan Graves off'a Castlevania. Cirlce of the moon, GBA. Kerrigan off'a Starcraft, Brood war. PC/N64. Awsomeness to both games, Woot.]


[Well, This is my daily blathering, hope ya lived through it. I ramble a lot. Yup.]

another name i made up that i think sounds japanese- Nutsayaby (pronounced noot-sigh-ahby) i was board, i dunno. i agree, PS2 and Xbox are taking over with all of their fighting, First-person-shooters with no story, wrastling, and pointless games. :angry:

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Of course he does!  The first copy off the press is mine and he is signing it for me.    :D

*twists Arkcher's arm until he agrees*

[*bends Arkcher's thumb back since Horatio's attenps weren't working*


If I ever have kids, they could be named Alucard(male), Lulu(female), Yuna(Female), Sora(Male), Rikku(male/female), or Terra(female), all from video games. There is more, but I think that's enought oddness for one post. x.x]

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[ Im online at midnight, Woo! o_o ]

[i got all uber tired at 10:30 last night, but I couldn't go to bed untill after 1:00 because we had people over. It was weird, because normally I stay up untill 4:00 reading. o_o;;;]

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[i can't help it! I'm a night person! Then I get up at seven thirty and I'm tired untill about third hour.]

3 1/2 hours sleep?!?!? I am astonished that you can make it. If I was a human, I would be asleep at my desk in school and they would be calling my parents! :lol::lol::lol: In hammie school, we get to take naps. :lol:

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3 1/2 hours sleep?!?!?  I am astonished that you can make it.  If I was a human, I would be asleep at my desk in school and they would be calling my parents! :lol:  :lol:  :lol: In hammie school, we get to take naps.  :lol:

[i make up for it by sleeping in reeeeally late on weekends.]

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Chapter Eleven


Unconscious again… Black void, all numb, No sounds, No nothing. Time passed, nothing happened in my mind or perspective…


Four days later, I found my aching body lying down in a forest-like terrain. I weakly sat up, and looked around, Still in Anthromorph Wolf shape. Strange, I don’t recognize this part of the forest. But strangely, I saw, some 21 feet away from me, there was orange-red sand on the ground, with a few scorpions and cactus’ here and there… Then I beheld what looked like a large 20X20X20 Aquarium. Various fish of all kinds were swimming around in it, but it didn’t look like there was anything dividing these terrains…

I turned my head left, and saw short grass, some hill terrain, with small forests of trees around. A good distance away, was what looked like a tall, three story house. Reconstructed, Rebuilt, and added on to. I continued scanning the area, until I saw a strange grey stone-like dome. A strange pipe was aiming diagonally out the side of it…


Which is the telescope I was planning to put in my observatory/ecosystem.

I realized, I am in a crudely made artificial ecosystem of a forest… Next to me is a blazing hot desert. Then an aquatic area… Jungle, rainforest, beach, mountain, arctic, and all the terrains I was planning to put it my observatory.

The humans had put me in the ecosystem I was going to build, and completed my plans… Remade the house I had built myself, which was now the home of an idiot who had more money that they knew what to do with.


I stood up, and walked around in this small space I had, until I came to the wall. It was virtually transparent; it looked like nothing between me and outside… I pounded against the surface; it just made a deep beating noise, and absorbed my blow. I tensed my muscles, till they had expanded at least half an inch diameter, And with all the strength I had in me, I slammed my fist into the material, As it just made a louder noise and sent an impact pain into my arm.

This is it. My imprisonment. For all I can tell, this may be the place I’ll be stuck in until I die…


I looked off in the distance to see a familiar orange-red glow on the horizon… The sun, rising. I turned away from it and ran. Some odd 20 feet away from where I was, I ran into another one of the transparent walls… Then hit a different one. And a fourth. I have nowhere to go, I’ll be caught in the sunlight…

I let out a howl, as I ran around the small terrain I had in search of a place I’d be safe from the sunlight….

I looked up. The tree! I can jump into the tree and hide in the treetops until the sun is overhead, and I can drop down into their shade. I crouched down, and kicked off the ground…

But waited too long.



[Ever wonder what happens to a werewolf in sunlight? You'll know, In the next chapter. Oooooooooo.]

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Chapter Twelve

My eyesight went haywire, everything in view was white, an off color of yellows, reds, ivory, And in all manner of bright colors…


In addition to this, an excessive, uncontrollable heat surged through my body, skyrocketing my body temperature to at least 160 F. My skin felt harshly sun burnt underneath my fur, while a mixture of heat and pain seared through my body uncontrollably…


I let out a series of roars, howls of pain, and whimpering, as I writhed on the ground. With all the strength I had in me, I stood up, and kicked off the ground with all the strength I could use, and grabbed on to a tree branch. I didn’t care if it was real or fake, it could pose as a guard from the sun.


I struggled against the branches, and tried to move in the treetops. Not something wolves are used to doing, I frequently found myself tripping, slipping and falling every few seconds. I sat down on a thick branch in the East, where the most shade can be provided. With that, I sighed and in the discomforting position I had, tried to sleep or at least get some rest.




Two days later, The Observatory master, who I haven’t seen yet, and I assume is the quarter-billionaire who stole my home from me, Seemed to feel secure and comfortable with me enough to show it to other people, and release me to public. This is just my best guess, because there were three helicopters from local news stations that had reporters and interviewers invading every corner of the place. No 5 seconds would go by without at least one camera flash.


I saw a short man in a formal suit, who I’ve watched with opportunities given, assume is the quarter-billionaire, Was directing the newscasters and setting each of them permissions to certain parts. He got one of them to follow him to the ecosystem/observatory. I remained in the treetops, it was just before sundown. I saw the billionaire show the news reporter all of the ecosystems except mine. The news reporter asked about this one, And the reply was that this was a rare species, his most prized possession, And it will be visible once the sun had fully set, Which is in two minutes.


Two minutes gives me enough time to strategize something here… I shouldn’t disappoint this billionaire, I want to please him as much as possible so he gets cocky, and will be sure about things more often. That’s when I can betray him, and get out of here…


Or better yet. Once the sun is down, I’ll make a good scare out of the two people watching me, and squeeze all the fear out of them I can get. Once that matchless, flawless incomparable scent instigates me, I’ll gain enough strength to break free of this place… And once more, satisfy a bloodlust.


Come to think of it, I haven’t eaten anything for a while… Not since I changed shape… No, Not since… Jalen… My Wolf had forced me to eat the dead body of Jalen, for satisfaction of bloodlust…


The more concern means the more fear of death, I noted that this billionaire showed interest in this female newscaster, This means that if they care much for each other, When one of their lives are threatened, The more fear… I can gather enough of this resource of my brutality and kill not only them, But also everyone else in my path… They assume this imprisonment is enough to hold me down.


… Not me…


[instigation! Rebellion! Killing-stuff-ion! Woohoo. Get'cha edit button ready for deh next chapter, Horatio.]

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So do you ever turn back to your nomal self? Or do just saty a bloodlust animal?

[You'll just hafta wait and see. Muahahahaha. (Im not sure myself, so i couldnt say. Cant decide.) -does that whole demonic laughin' grin shpeel-]

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[im on again at midnight! OoooOOOOOOOooooo o_o; ......... Only this time its later. This is like, 12:15. o_o; Imma go sleep now.]

[At midnight last night, I was getting my hair dyed! Wheeeeeeeee! *runns around punching people with firsts* Hey...this does work...]

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Chapter Thirteen


The sun had set. The two humans were still there… I jumped on the opportunity.

Upon feeling that I had mastered this technique, I jumped down from the tree in the feral wolf shape. Doing so on the opposing side of the cage I was in, having only a pair of brightly glowing amber eyes approaching the two.


“Here it comes…â€


I heard one of them say, as I gazed intently at them while slowly approaching. The newscaster got out her video camera and started filming this ‘amazing sight’ as she referred to it. The sun was barely illuminating the scenery, as the newscaster commented something to the effect of, ‘Wow, What a beautiful wolf!’ I had been distracted by her common emphasizing, tone of voice and their familiarities. I had felt as if I knew this woman before now…She looked no older than… roughly 17 years. Upon thinking about it, My older sister, Cassandra, Was in pure glee upon knowing her 17 year old daughter had finally got a job, ‘in spite of its low pay, Ariel got a part-time job with a group of traveling newscasters’ as Cassandra had said. Ariel’s pink clothing gave the signal to me that she was most likely related to my sister.


Regardless of who she is, I must escape from here… I continued my silent and slow padding along the forest ground. Until I felt the change come…


I closed my eyes, A short moment later I opened them up once again, Them now being larger and disturbingly bloodshot, As I let out a loud roar while the same incredible muscle bulk began forming all over my body, And I lifted my body off the front legs to stand up as humans do, in my Anthromorphic Wolf shape. Half visible in the fading sun and the growing moon. I shot a menacing glare at the two in front of me, as my lips curled to bear some intimidating teeth, as a growl formed in my throat, which instigated the presence of fear in the two humans… This wasn’t enough fear to ignite my homicidal counterpart though, which is the only thing I know that can break through this substance.


I lunged forward, and landed with just enough space between the divider and myself. I then let out a horrific roar, and screamed it toward the two humans, who got a good look at my overbore teeth and the exact power of my crushing jaws. Upon seeing the off-blue purple color of the fear surrounding the humans, I felt a familiar, intoxicating sensation…


My wolf had taken over my body once more.


I backed up, and rammed my body into the dividing surface of unknown material, and put a small crack into the center of where I had hit it. I backed up once again, and clenched a wolf fist, and threw a vigorous punch at the weakest spot visible. The loud thundering crashes and had drawn attention to me, As several news recorders were all taping my escape, the insane brutal werewolf crashing through the Transparisteel, a discovered surface material discovered on a small group of passing asteroids, which surprisingly lightly impacted the earths surface. (Like glass, If exposed to molten thermal conditions (9000 C’+) It can me molded into shapes and used for one of the strongest materials known to humans)


A satisfying crunching feeling had told me that my punch had penetrated the Transparisteel, but on the down side, it hasn’t gone through enough. My fist had gone half way through the 6-inch plating.


This is not what I was looking forward to…


I pulled my arm out- or tried to. It had been jammed into the Transparisteel, I couldn’t move it out. I grabbed my forearm with the other hand, and pulled twice as hard. I looked at where my fist had impacted the Transparisteel, Which had maroons, crimsons and reds of all shades indicating the unstable mixture of human, wolf and werewolf blood in my system on the inside, and in the middle as my blood shared the space with my hand… I persisted at pulling my arm out- it didn’t work. I had let out a roar of frustration, and pulled with all I had- It didn’t move. The long roar had turned into a howl, as I threw my head upward as the howl sounded through the Transparisteel, being that loud.


Within seconds, The newscasters were distracted from me, And were all stirred by three or four simultaneous wolf howls, Similar to mine, Sounding from different parts of the forest. I looked around, to find five other werewolves like myself, all rampaging through the terrain, chasing the humans away from where I was. A few of the Wolves ran to the Humans’ transportation machines, And attacked the helicopters, vehicles and so on, By slamming the engines, Preventing their escape.


Within moments, the wolves had cleaned out the Humans, by either chasing them off, or killing them, as I had been so fond of. Upon ridding us of their presence, two of them ran back into the forests, and three of them approached the cage I was in.


To my great surprise, Two Werewolves changed to feral shape and the third, remained Anthromorphic. What I found amazing, What that it seemed to be able to communicate with me in ways I never would have thought possible. This wolf was speaking to me. It moved its mouth in ways I had seen in humans, But seemed to speak English…


“What are you doing there? Do you expect us to get you out of there?â€


I stared at the other wolves, rather stunned.


“Hey! Are you going to answer me?â€


It tried to get my attention. A Feral wolf to its side looked upward at the Anthro, as is spoke as well.


“This looks like a new Werewolf, I would not say it is more than 2 weeks old. It may not know itself capable of speech.â€


The Anthro wolf nodded, understanding.


“You do know that you can talk, correct? Provided you were capable of speech as a human, you are just as capable now, if not more.â€


This hadn’t occurred to me, I didn’t think Wolves could speak.


“I… Must… Say, I… Had not… Realized that…â€


I stuttered, this being the first time I had spoken as a Wolf, not knowing myself capable of this. The Anthro wolf in front of me smirked,


“Don’t feel too bad about yourself, when I was bitten, I had a speech impediment. And I was a Lone wolf as you are for at least a month, before I knew myself capable of much either.â€


The wolf hesitated, and looked my situation over.


“Brace yourself, we will try to get you out of that prison ecosystem…â€


It warned me, As the two wolves beside it changed back to Anthro shape, As all three of them backed up, to gain speed, and slammed their bodies into the Transparisteel, The impact, in addition to my pulling, Threw my hand out of the Transparisteel, As the wolves backed up once more for another strike…

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Chapter Thirteen


The sun had set. The two humans were still there… I jumped on the opportunity.

Upon feeling that I had mastered this technique, I jumped down from the tree in the feral wolf shape. Doing so on the opposing side of the cage I was in, having only a pair of brightly glowing amber eyes approaching the two.


“Here it comes…â€


I heard one of them say, as I gazed intently at them while slowly approaching. The newscaster got out her video camera and started filming this ‘amazing sight’ as she referred to it. The sun was barely illuminating the scenery, as the newscaster commented something to the effect of, ‘Wow, What a beautiful wolf!’ I had been distracted by her common emphasizing, tone of voice and their familiarities. I had felt as if I knew this woman before now…She looked no older than… roughly 17 years. Upon thinking about it, My older sister, Cassandra, Was in pure glee upon knowing her 17 year old daughter had finally got a job, ‘in spite of its low pay, Ariel got a part-time job with a group of traveling newscasters’ as Cassandra had said. Ariel’s pink clothing gave the signal to me that she was most likely related to my sister.


Regardless of who she is, I must escape from here… I continued my silent and slow padding along the forest ground. Until I felt the change come…


I closed my eyes, A short moment later I opened them up once again, Them now being larger and disturbingly bloodshot, As I let out a loud roar while the same incredible muscle bulk began forming all over my body, And I lifted my body off the front legs to stand up as humans do, in my Anthromorphic Wolf shape. Half visible in the fading sun and the growing moon. I shot a menacing glare at the two in front of me, as my lips curled to bear some intimidating teeth, as a growl formed in my throat, which instigated the presence of fear in the two humans… This wasn’t enough fear to ignite my homicidal counterpart though, which is the only thing I know that can break through this substance.


I lunged forward, and landed with just enough space between the divider and myself. I then let out a horrific roar, and screamed it toward the two humans, who got a good look at my overbore teeth and the exact power of my crushing jaws. Upon seeing the off-blue purple color of the fear surrounding the humans, I felt a familiar, intoxicating sensation…


My wolf had taken over my body once more.


I backed up, and rammed my body into the dividing surface of unknown material, and put a small crack into the center of where I had hit it. I backed up once again, and clenched a wolf fist, and threw a vigorous punch at the weakest spot visible. The loud thundering crashes and had drawn attention to me, As several news recorders were all taping my escape, the insane brutal werewolf crashing through the Transparisteel, a discovered surface material discovered on a small group of passing asteroids, which surprisingly lightly impacted the earths surface. (Like glass, If exposed to molten thermal conditions (9000 C’+) It can me molded into shapes and used for one of the strongest materials known to humans)


A satisfying crunching feeling had told me that my punch had penetrated the Transparisteel, but on the down side, it hasn’t gone through enough. My fist had gone half way through the 6-inch plating.


This is not what I was looking forward to…


I pulled my arm out- or tried to. It had been jammed into the Transparisteel, I couldn’t move it out. I grabbed my forearm with the other hand, and pulled twice as hard. I looked at where my fist had impacted the Transparisteel, Which had maroons, crimsons and reds of all shades indicating the unstable mixture of human, wolf and werewolf blood in my system on the inside, and in the middle as my blood shared the space with my hand… I persisted at pulling my arm out- it didn’t work. I had let out a roar of frustration, and pulled with all I had- It didn’t move. The long roar had turned into a howl, as I threw my head upward as the howl sounded through the Transparisteel, being that loud.


Within seconds, The newscasters were distracted from me, And were all stirred by three or four simultaneous wolf howls, Similar to mine, Sounding from different parts of the forest. I looked around, to find five other werewolves like myself, all rampaging through the terrain, chasing the humans away from where I was. A few of the Wolves ran to the Humans’ transportation machines, And attacked the helicopters, vehicles and so on, By slamming the engines, Preventing their escape.


Within moments, the wolves had cleaned out the Humans, by either chasing them off, or killing them, as I had been so fond of. Upon ridding us of their presence, two of them ran back into the forests, and three of them approached the cage I was in.


To my great surprise, Two Werewolves changed to feral shape and the third, remained Anthromorphic. What I found amazing, What that it seemed to be able to communicate with me in ways I never would have thought possible. This wolf was speaking to me. It moved its mouth in ways I had seen in humans, But seemed to speak English…


“What are you doing there? Do you expect us to get you out of there?â€


I stared at the other wolves, rather stunned.


“Hey! Are you going to answer me?â€


It tried to get my attention. A Feral wolf to its side looked upward at the Anthro, as is spoke as well.


“This looks like a new Werewolf, I would not say it is more than 2 weeks old. It may not know itself capable of speech.â€


The Anthro wolf nodded, understanding.


“You do know that you can talk, correct? Provided you were capable of speech as a human, you are just as capable now, if not more.â€


This hadn’t occurred to me, I didn’t think Wolves could speak.


“I… Must… Say, I… Had not… Realized that…â€


I stuttered, this being the first time I had spoken as a Wolf, not knowing myself capable of this. The Anthro wolf in front of me smirked,


“Don’t feel too bad about yourself, when I was bitten, I had a speech impediment. And I was a Lone wolf as you are for at least a month, before I knew myself capable of much either.â€


The wolf hesitated, and looked my situation over.


“Brace yourself, we will try to get you out of that prison ecosystem…â€


It warned me, As the two wolves beside it changed back to Anthro shape, As all three of them backed up, to gain speed, and slammed their bodies into the Transparisteel, The impact, in addition to my pulling, Threw my hand out of the Transparisteel, As the wolves backed up once more for another strike…

[it's getting cooler!]

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Chapter Fourteen


Within moments, I had found myself taking in the much-needed whiff of fresh air, as I took in a deep breath and sighed, satisfied.

One of the Werewolves changed back to its Feral shape, and continued on about its business in the forests. One of the others was about to do so, When it hesitated, And looked up at me intently. I glanced back down at it. Gender didn’t seem to matter much…

The wolf gazed in my eyes, as if it had recognized me, as a long lost friend.

“Do tell me, Have you yourself bitten any other humans recently?â€

I thought for a moment.

“Yes. I have.â€

If the other wolf was capable of it, I’m sure it would have smiled.

“It was me.â€

“… Oh… I am… Sorry?â€

I didn’t know how to react.

“No, Do not apologize. I must say, This is the best thing that has ever happened to me! It is hard to believe I found myself a superior to other creatures back when I was human… Thank you for this, I love it more than anything else!â€

Again, I didn’t know how to react. Despite I’ve been a wolf for some time now, I still don’t know entirely what I’m doing.

“I hate this. I hate being a werewolf, More than anything else, I wish I could go back, and right all the wrongs that I have done… I hate myself for not fighting back against that idiot wolf… I swear, If I ever see it, I-â€


My speaking was cut off by my internal fury that let loose, As I let out a loud, ferocious roar of fury, bearing fangs and tensing all muscles, as my rage driven body had gone mad, Waving my claw-born limbs around wildly, Until I had put an end to it by slamming my fist into the ground, which sent a shockwave impact through the earth.

The two werewolves in front of me were both eying me strangely. The one to my left finally commented,


“You what?! You hate being a werewolf, How can that be! You and I are far superior than our previous forms!â€


Then the wolf to the right took a step closer to me, With a somewhat angered facial expression.


“You are talking… to that idiot wolf. I am the one who bit you. So then? What are you going to do? Roar at me? Heh… You never cease to amaze me.â€


All other thoughts and feelings had come to a screeching halt, As the unbearable fury of my heart had gone wild. I let out a louder, more intense roar than previous to this, And threw my undamaged clenched fist at the wolf in front of me.

All the wolf did was move its hand in front of my blow, and caught my hand and wrapped its fingers around my fist, and prevented it from moving.


“Remember… You are just in the infant stages of a werewolf. You have an unstable mixture of bloods- You are still partially the weakling human you once were!â€


The wolf then squeezed its hand over mine, and clenched its own fist, my own inside of its. It squeezed mine- knuckles had cracked, The pressure increased, bones were broken, the pressure increased. I let out a whimpering howl of pain, As the wolf before me had nearly destroyed my right hand.


“I am your superior! You are but an underling! Feel the power of a full-grown Werewolf!!â€


It spoke loud and clear, As it had pushed my hand away from its, letting go as it did so.


“You are not my superior entirely! You just use muscle and strength, And have no mental stability! A poor strategist! A fool!â€


I shot back at it, Pointing out the obvious to it. The wolf didn’t seem to pleased with me.


“I regret ever getting you out of that cage! I will let your humans take it from here…!â€


With that, He had used his oversized right arm, and pummeled me in an impacting punch to the head- This, Knocking out my conscience.

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[He's sorta a jerk wolf...]

[Yeah. >_>; But dont make comments on characters till you know who they are- Remember that im basing this story off'a my life. All (most) of these characters are either some peoples i used to know or muh current IRL friends. o-o Mnyeeh.]

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[boy Arkcher, that is a great story! Good Job! Remember, if you publish your book, sign mine after Horiato!~  :lol:  :lol:  ]

[seriously, If im going to publish it, It wouldnt be on this site free oc charge for viewing! If i wanted to make a profit out of publishing it, It would have to ben taken off this site for me to get more than like. $5. o_o;]

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[Yeah. >_>; But dont make comments on characters till you know who they are- Remember that im basing this story off'a my life. All (most) of these characters are either some peoples i used to know or muh current IRL friends. o-o Mnyeeh.]

[i know, but he was just bein' mean at the moment, and that was my first impresstion of him]

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[seriously, If im going to publish it, It wouldnt be on this site free oc charge for viewing! If i wanted to make a profit out of publishing it, It would have to ben taken off this site for me to get more than like. $5. o_o;]

[You can stop now and put it as a preview! :lol: ]

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