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Imaginary Advertisements!

Mega Wolf

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Strange...Strange people

Au contraire!!!!!!


Wonderfully, creative and imaginative people!!!!!!!!

To each and every person who has submitted an imaginary advert...

...............I present you with The Platinum Moon Award!








And no, Mega Wolf, you do not get two. :lol::lol::lol:

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Au contraire!!!!!!


Wonderfully, creative and imaginative people!!!!!!!!

To each and every person who has submitted an imaginary advert...

...............I present you with The Platinum Moon Award!

And no, Mega Wolf, you do not get two. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Swoot! *dances*

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Au contraire!!!!!!


Wonderfully, creative and imaginative people!!!!!!!!

To each and every person who has submitted an imaginary advert...

...............I present you with The Platinum Moon Award!

And no, Mega Wolf, you do not get two. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

*accepts the one award* :lol:

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Thats a what now? At first i thought you posted the Van Halen logo. I dont think anybody here even knows Van Halen. Xc'ept me, maybe. Or maybe im the only one who knows the hilarious glory of TheyMightBeGiants? TMBG anyone?

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Yay! This topic isn't gonna die as I expected it! Good job on the swordchucks, Kat, and good job on the.. string Cheesey!



Fighter likes swords. Very lot, yes. Fighter does not like it when BM puts a spider in his hair though.

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Fighter likes swords. Very lot, yes. Fighter does not like it when BM puts a spider in his hair though.



"My comics will have lots of sword in them!"

"No. Really?"


Oh, and I've heard of Van Halen, but not anything by him/her/whatever. The sign was from a book.

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Thats a what now? At first i thought you posted the Van Halen logo. I dont think anybody here even knows Van Halen. Xc'ept me, maybe. Or maybe im the only one who knows the hilarious glory of TheyMightBeGiants? TMBG anyone?

ZOMG They Might Be Giants! *glomps her many TMBG CDs*

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wouldn't the cd's be too small to do a "flying-tackle-hug" as you described it before?

I didn't flying tackle hug, I glomped, and if you have about fourty of them, they make a nice, neat, oh-so-glompable pile.

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"My comics will have lots of sword in them!"

"No. Really?"


Oh, and I've heard of Van Halen, but not anything by him/her/whatever. The sign was from a book.

My BSA Scoutmaster is hopelessly obsessed with Van Halen. And listens to it like... all the time. Its... like a late '80s to early '90s 'heavy rock' group. Its pretty light music, in consideration of a lot of popular music i've seen nowadays... Linkin park....

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Swootness Yaaaaay


Rubber airplanes! Dont lets start! Mr. Horrible! Oh man that group is hilarious... Gotta luff John & John. (The two singers. John and John. o_O; Wierd.)

I haven't listened to them in forever, though... *tries to find her CDs...*


Oh, and now to post something on topic. o_o;;;


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in a post in a different topic you described it as a tackle hug thing.

...I did? Well, then I was mistaken. A glomp is a giant hug, normally from behind.


Oh, and I just realized that my Voldy adverisement says "pure" instead of "pour". x.x

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  • 2 weeks later...
Try one anyway.  Pretend you are another advertising company trying to win their ad campaign.  Go for it! :D

I might later. I just drained myself of all creative juces making an action-oriented post in an RP.

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Get YOUR Blurr-cam 2000 TODAY!!




Yes, those are real pictures of me. My new webcam broke so its out of focus horribly, so i took some pictures with it and now its a product im advertising for here.


Note: I put the little Y! thing in cuz there was a little tiny space i couldnt fit anything into.

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That would be rather strange...


I dun like FinalFantasy. They arent very Final if theres about 15 of them.

1. There is twelve. Well, thirteen, if you count X2. And I don't know how many if you count the horrible American versions of, like, two through five.

2. It's called Final Fantasy because when Square made it, they were doing really bad, and they thought it would be their final game. But it did so well that they kept making sequals. Or sequils. Whatevo. Anyway, that is why it's called Final Fantasy, even though none of them have been the final one.

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Horatoi always sounds like:  horror toy. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

That's beside the point... Thanks for letting me now in the club. :D

*runs away with badge before Katdacatis#1 changes her mind*

That is the second time I've done that...

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if the first hadn't been so good, it would have been, supposedly even now square wouldn't last long if the next FF title fails.

Of course FF rocks and has many devoted fans. Plus there's only one true sequal with FF. Everything else varies and has completely different characters, maintaining some minor ones. Like moogles and chocobos are always there. ^^

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I thought it was some kind of Freudian slip... horror toy  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

NAw. It was supposed to be Horatio.


Oh, and MW, moogles and chocobos have been kept in every one 'cause they are deh spiff. \o/

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I dunno...it's just a cheer guy. He has his arms in the air and her's cheering. See? \o/


YOu can also make people giving eachother high fives. o/\o

Or just have an army of half-amputated duoplegic ASCII humans invading Tokyo or something. A new force against godzilla!


\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/..........\^/ \^/

...\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/......(.`".....\/>

\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/..........vv)\.....\_...<-- A horribly made godzilla head xD

...\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/........--{ ).....)/

\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/..........^^)/..../>



Army of half-



ASCII humans!

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new force against godzilla!


\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/..........\^/ \^/

...\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/......(.`".....\/>

\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/..........vv)\.....\_...

...\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/........--{ ).....)/

\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/..........^^)/..../>




This is great!!! :lol::lol::lol:

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Or just have an army of half-amputated duoplegic ASCII humans invading Tokyo or something. A new force against godzilla!


\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/..........\^/ \^/

...\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/......(.`".....\/>

\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/..........vv)\.....\_...<-- A horribly made godzilla head xD

...\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/........--{ ).....)/

\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/..........^^)/..../>



Army of half-



ASCII humans!


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I have a cool advertisment for Sims 2 on Playstation its called



but, i still have some bugs in utting it on here it says





Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload a file with that file extension.


Could I have some help?

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I have a cool advertisment for Sims 2 on Playstation its called


                    THE COMPUTER SHOCK

but, i still have some bugs in  utting it on here it says



Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload a file with that file extension.

Could I have some help?

Sometimes the files are too big. In this case you will end up with a white (blank) screen or the error code.

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I finally figured it out, i hope!

:lol:  :lol:



You did great!!! That's a great advertisement!!! Now you just have to create something for the Contest in Warm Wishes, topic: My Friend Jack. He is recuperating from brain surgery and any and all entries will be considered. So, I will be looking for you there. :D

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Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload a file with that file extension.


Sometimes the files are too big.  In this case you will end up with a white (blank) screen or the error code.

The file extension is your problem, not the file size, from the look of things. Make sure its a valid format. Try Gif or Jpg. Bmp is a huge format, and is about 5 times the size of jpg. (But has high color quality.) Png might be good too, but hey...


Try the files format, then check if the file is too big. (Which is also a possibility.)

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Buy YOUR TheThingy-Izer3000 toDAY!! >_>;......




Upon cooking it in 15 cups of water over your stove, Then you will find you will have enough money to buy sodas*!!


Cook the TheThingy-Izer3000 until it catches on fire, regardless of its subaquatic condition (this can take a few days) After cooking it, PIck it up with some tongs, Apply it to hairy places. You will then see that the out-of-control facial hair or chesthair overgrowth will catch on fire, Burn, And no longer be a problem.


This also works with: goatees, nosehairs, ear hairs, eyelashes, eyebrows, armhair, leg hairs, Toehair, Or even your little brothers hair!


*No, It doesnt really give you enough money to buy sodas, But it does in fact play CDs. Try it. -holds back laughing-

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You did great!!!  That's a great advertisement!!!  Now you just have to create something for the Contest in Warm Wishes, topic:  My Friend Jack.  He is recuperating from brain surgery and any and all entries will be considered.  So, I will be looking for you there. :D


i think i already did

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Buy YOUR TheThingy-Izer3000 toDAY!! >_>;......




Upon cooking it in 15 cups of water over your stove, Then you will find you will have enough money to buy sodas*!!


Cook the TheThingy-Izer3000 until it catches on fire, regardless of its subaquatic condition (this can take a few days) After cooking it, PIck it up with some tongs, Apply it to hairy places. You will then see that the out-of-control facial hair or chesthair overgrowth will catch on fire, Burn, And no longer be a problem.


This also works with: goatees, nosehairs, ear hairs, eyelashes, eyebrows, armhair, leg hairs, Toehair, Or even your little brothers hair!


*No, It doesnt really give you enough money to buy sodas, But it does in fact play CDs. Try it. -holds back laughing-


This is hilarious!

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Buy YOUR TheThingy-Izer3000 toDAY!! >_>;......




Upon cooking it in 15 cups of water over your stove, Then you will find you will have enough money to buy sodas*!!


Cook the TheThingy-Izer3000 until it catches on fire, regardless of its subaquatic condition (this can take a few days) After cooking it, PIck it up with some tongs, Apply it to hairy places. You will then see that the out-of-control facial hair or chesthair overgrowth will catch on fire, Burn, And no longer be a problem.


This also works with: goatees, nosehairs, ear hairs, eyelashes, eyebrows, armhair, leg hairs, Toehair, Or even your little brothers hair!


*No, It doesnt really give you enough money to buy sodas, But it does in fact play CDs. Try it. -holds back laughing-

Yay! I could use it because I can jig! But...I don't have hair problems...

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I made the pic last night while trying to do algebra homewrok and made it into an advertisement 'cause I could.


Yay for illegible hand lettering! >.>;;;

Musta been bored. But not as bored as I was when I did 'pirate booty'*. :lol:




*For further reference, go backwards in da topic.

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I am awarding anyone who made an advertisment and posted it a Weirdo Ward or a Creative Critter. It is your choice. Only one though.. :P

I already have a Weirdo Ward, so I'll take the creative one! *adds to sig*

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Thats a what now? At first i thought you posted the Van Halen logo. I dont think anybody here even knows Van Halen. Xc'ept me, maybe. Or maybe im the only one who knows the hilarious glory of TheyMightBeGiants? TMBG anyone?

i love They Might Be Giants! (particle man, particle man)

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i love They Might Be Giants! (particle man, particle man)

Does everything that a Particle can! n_n


Someone keeps moving my chair and Nothings gonna change my clothes are like. The coolest songs ever.

























































EVER. >_>

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Does everything that a Particle can! n_n


Someone keeps moving my chair and Nothings gonna change my clothes are like. The coolest songs ever.


EVER. >_>

I havn't listened to them in forever...*needs to find her CDs and get all the ones that Alex is holding hostage back*

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WIth the claymore or something less painful? *thinks of Kat's spiked club*

With a pillow, actually. If I hurt him badly, he won't give anything back. x.x *has asked him many times and hasn't gotten anything back*

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No it wasnt. You didnt even see it. You dont even know the hilarious part. how Spider escaped and all. <__<;

Yesh I did. In your hamster topic that you posted when you got them. MKG told you to beware the dwarf hamsters and then you were all like "Yeah, I sorta figured that out 'cause one made my hand bleed off."

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