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=k I am going to start posting now=

Ally was driving her car. First day at a new job and already late this was pathetic. She sighed and tryed to go right on the speed limit.*ring ring* Her cell phone. She reached down and picked it up. "hello", "hi, Ally" "yes this is she" "are you sure you can babysit Jake Saturday at 1:00" "of course Mrs.Jones" "ok dear well I have to go" "ok bye" "bye". *click* The Jones family were herĀ  neighbors. They had been so nice. Mrs. Jones raising 3 children as a single mom was tough so Ally helped out by babysitting Jake the only one not old enough to go to school.=I hope thats good enough :) =

=I want to change my character if thats ok if not just tell me

Name: Ally Richards


poistion:cash register

Looks: brown hair that goes past her shoulders a little, brown eyes, a little below average wieght but not underwieght, average hieght, overall pretty.

Story:Lived in America all her life. Looking for a way to help pay for college. Is looking for a tutor in fighting. Looking for some friends. :) =

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The man said..I am *pause* ..

He kicked her in the stomache and fell to the ground she quickly got back up but she was too slow..He had darted out the front door and into his car and onto the freeway.



Setsuna tried to run after him, but was grabbed by...=Anybody who replys to this!=

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Setsuna tried to run after him, but was grabbed by...=Anybody who replys to this!=

[i thought it was Kay.]

grabbed by Miki."Let him go, Setsuna. Not gonna do you any good to chase him anyways, he's got a freaking car. I got his liscense plate number. It said MBURGER. Looks like horrible rivals."

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[i thought it was Kay.]

grabbed by Miki."Let him go, Setsuna. Not gonna do you any good to chase him anyways, he's got a freaking car. I got his liscense plate number. It said MBURGER. Looks like horrible rivals."

=It is. I just keep making typos. Kris's character is named KAY!=

Still extreamly ticked off, Setsuna when back to the grill to plot revenge.

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= It is KAY!=


Kay was still tring to firgue out what just happened. " What was THAT?"

"Some freak has been trying to off me all day! That was him!" Setsuna yelled, nearly hopping over the counter and running outside. So what if he was in a car? He couldn't drive forever...

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"Some freak has been trying to off me all day! That was him!" Setsuna yelled, nearly hopping over the counter and running outside. So what if he was in a car? He couldn't drive forever...

=May I suggest that Setsuna remember that Horatio had his helicopter parked on the roof of the restaurant?=

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=May I suggest that Setsuna remember that Horatio had his helicopter parked on the roof of the restaurant?=

=AH HA!= Setsuna turned to Horatio. "Can I barrow your helicopter?" she asked, not believing that she hadn't thought if this sooner.

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= Kay has also been there for two years and knew Setsuna very well. is that ok I thoght that we could know each other alot better so that it didn't seem that Kay doesn't know anyone that well yet and was looking for a friend. Just a thoght=


Kay broke in by saying " what does that creep want form you, Setsuna? What did you do to him."


= I'll leave it up to you. Kat.=

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= Kay has also been there for two years and knew Setsuna very well. is that ok I thoght that we could know each other alot better so that it didn't seem that Kay doesn't know anyone that well yet and was looking for a friend. Just a thoght=


Kay broke in by saying " what does that creep want form you, Setsuna? What did you do to him."Ā 


= I'll leave it up to you. Kat.=

"I don't know." said Setsuna, running after Horatio to get to the helicopter. "I think it would be better if you flew..." said Setsuna. She remembered the last time Horatio let her use the helicopter. It haddn't been pretty. They both hopped in andHoratio took of. Setsuna scanned the ground for any sign of the car. "There it is!" she yelled, pionting towards it. Horatio trailed it until it stopped at...=ML?=

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"setsuna sure is mad at that guy." said J.J to Kay, as they watched Horatio and Setsuna leave. "we should probably stay here incase they send backup." she said, fingering the hilt of her katana.

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"I don't know." said Setsuna, running after Horatio to get to the helicopter. "I think it would be better if you flew..." said Setsuna. She remembered the last time Horatio let her use the helicopter. It haddn't been pretty. They both hopped in andHoratio took of. Setsuna scanned the ground for any sign of the car. "There it is!" she yelled, pionting towards it. Horatio trailed it until it stopped at...=ML?=

..an open field up ahead. Horatio and Setsuna waited on the side of the road till the man came by. They saw the car approaching, but it was someone else. THEY HAD THE WRONG CAR!! =Kat?=

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..an open field up ahead. Horatio and Setsuna waited on the side of the road till the man came by. They saw the car approaching, but it was someone else. THEY HAD THE WRONG CAR!! =Kat?=

Taking to the skys again, Horatio and Setsuna flew all over New York, looking for the guy. After nearly giving up, they headed back to the ried Dragon Inn, but felt a jolt. A shiruken was sticking up through the floor, right next to Setsuna's foot. =I'm not done, but I'm getting booted off the computer, so I'll finish later.=

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Taking to the skys again, Horatio and Setsuna flew all over New York, looking for the guy. After nearly giving up, they headed back to the ried Dragon Inn, but felt a jolt. A shiruken was sticking up through the floor, right next to Setsuna's foot. =I'm not done, but I'm getting booted off the computer, so I'll finish later.=

=I'll be waiting, this is getting good!=

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Taking to the skys again, Horatio and Setsuna flew all over New York, looking for the guy. After nearly giving up, they headed back to the ried Dragon Inn, but felt a jolt. A shiruken was sticking up through the floor, right next to Setsuna's foot. =I'm not done, but I'm getting booted off the computer, so I'll finish later.=


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=It's one of those thrings star thingies ninjas use.=

Setsuna carefully stuck her head out the window. Another shiruken flew towards her. She moved her head just in time, but it still grazed her, giving her a nasty cut on her cheek. She wiped the blood away so it didn't get into her eyes. Horatio started looking for her bandages. Now severly angered, Setsuna looked even harder for the source of the shiruken. She found it as another one went whizing past her head. The same man was standing on a rooftop, another shiruken in his hand. Before Horatio could sop her, Setsuna had leaped out of the helicopter. They were fairly close the the roof top. And if he aimed just right, just could land on the man to cushion her fall. =Ha! I can do this in wire-fu!=It worked, sort of. He sidestepped a second too late, causing Setsuna to grab his arm. They both skidded across the roof and landed in a large pile. The man was completly out of it, and Setsuna was fading in and out of consiousness. Horatio landed and called Kay and J.J to help get them back to the store.

=Oh, and MW, I guess we couldn't see the licence plate. I was kindda wondering about that, too.=

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=It's one of those thrings star thingies ninjas use.=

Setsuna carefully stuck her head out the window. Another shiruken flew towards her. She moved her head just in time, but it still grazed her, giving her a nasty cut on her cheek. She wiped the blood away so it didn't get into her eyes. Horatio started looking for her bandages. Now severly angered, Setsuna looked even harder for the source of the shiruken. She found it as another one went whizing past her head. The same man was standing on a rooftop, another shiruken in his hand. Before Horatio could sop her, Setsuna had leaped out of the helicopter. They were fairly close the the roof top. And if he aimed just right, just could land on the man to cushion her fall. =Ha! I can do this in wire-fu!=It worked, sort of. He sidestepped a second too late, causing Setsuna to grab his arm. They both skidded across the roof and landed in a large pile. The man was completly out of it, and Setsuna was fading in and out of consiousness. Horatio landed and called Kay and J.J to help get them back to the store.

=Oh, and MW, I guess we couldn't see the licence plate. I was kindda wondering about that, too.=

=I see now.=


The man did something crazy. He gave up and let Setsuna lock him up with handcuffs. But he had a plan, he must have.

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=It's one of those thrings star thingies ninjas use.=

Setsuna carefully stuck her head out the window. Another shiruken flew towards her. She moved her head just in time, but it still grazed her, giving her a nasty cut on her cheek. She wiped the blood away so it didn't get into her eyes. Horatio started looking for her bandages. Now severly angered, Setsuna looked even harder for the source of the shiruken. She found it as another one went whizing past her head. The same man was standing on a rooftop, another shiruken in his hand. Before Horatio could sop her, Setsuna had leaped out of the helicopter. They were fairly close the the roof top. And if he aimed just right, just could land on the man to cushion her fall. =Ha! I can do this in wire-fu!=It worked, sort of. He sidestepped a second too late, causing Setsuna to grab his arm. They both skidded across the roof and landed in a large pile. The man was completly out of it, and Setsuna was fading in and out of consiousness. Horatio landed and called Kay and J.J to help get them back to the store.

=Oh, and MW, I guess we couldn't see the licence plate. I was kindda wondering about that, too.=


J.J rushed to setsuna. "oh my goodness! lets get her back downstairs!" she cried, brushing Setusuna's hair away from the cut on her cheek. J.J, horatio, and Kay carried her downstairs, and laid her on the counter. "someone fetch some ice packs!" said J.J, while she and Horatio started bandaging, Kay looked around for some ice. [would do more, but g2g]

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J.J rushed to setsuna. "oh my goodness! lets get her back downstairs!" she cried, brushing Setusuna's hair away from the cut on her cheek. J.J, horatio, and Kay carried her downstairs, and laid her on the counter. "someone fetch some ice packs!" said J.J, while she and Horatio started bandaging, Kay looked around for some ice. [would do more, but g2g]

=Just for clarification, Setsuna has passed out by now. And ML, you're knocked out, too. He didn't have much of a choice.=

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Ally walked in to see everyone crowed around someone who looked to be hurt or something like that. She looked around and saw it was quite a neat place. Mabey I should of had some ninja training. Taunting herself with her own stupidity she cautiously walked up to the group of people. "hi" she said and then paused for a sec., "I'm Ally." Ally looked around as she saw some people glance or stare at her but most of them were worried about the person laying down. She looked at the person and say she was bleeding and unconsious. What happened, she thought to herself. Suddenly someone turned around completely and said "hello, I am sorry but we have a crisis mabey you can come back later or wait a bit." Ally quickly replied" I actually am here to be an employee."=ok whoever wants to be talking to me can decide :) =

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Ally walked in to see everyone crowed around someone who looked to be hurt or something like that. She looked around and saw it was quite a neat place. Mabey I should of had some ninja training. Taunting herself with her own stupidity she cautiously walked up to the group of people. "hi" she said and then paused for a sec., "I'm Ally." Ally looked around as she saw some people glance or stare at her but most of them were worried about the person laying down. She looked at the person and say she was bleeding and unconsious. What happened, she thought to herself. Suddenly someone turned around completely and said "hello, I am sorry but we have a crisis mabey you can come back later or wait a bit." Ally quickly replied" I actually am here to be an employee."=ok whoever wants to be talking to me can decide :) =

"Hi, I am Horatio. Ally, do you have any EMT skills? Does anyone here have any ideas? I need a couple people to fly alongside with these two. We are flying them to the hospital. Let's get them in the helicopter."

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"Hi, I am Horatio.Ā  Ally, do you have any EMT skills?Ā  Does anyone here have any ideas?Ā  I need a couple people to fly alongside with these two.Ā  We are flying them to the hospital.Ā  Let's get them in the helicopter."

Just then, Setsuna regained counciousness. She bolted up, but a searing pain in her cheek and head pushed her back down. "What happened?" she asked. "Where is the physco that was impersonating me?" JJ pointed to the man. He was laying nearby, still knocked out. His hands were tied behind his back. Setsuan got up again, only slower. She stood up, shaking. "L-Let's go...take him to the police." she said, taking a trembling step towards him.

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Just then, Setsuna regained counciousness. She bolted up, but a searing pain in her cheek and head pushed her back down. "What happened?" she asked. "Where is the physco that was impersonating me?" JJ pointed to the man. He was laying nearby, still knocked out. His hands were tied behind his back. Setsuan got up again, only slower. She stood up, shaking. "L-Let's go...take him to the police." she said, taking a trembling step towards him.

"Hold up, you aren't going anywhere. Except for maybe the hospital. That guy will be dealt with later!"exclaimed Naoyo.



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"Hold up, you aren't going anywhere. Except for maybe the hospital. That guy will be dealt with later!"exclaimed Naoyo.



"no!" said Setsuna, walking slowly but determinedly to the man. "Let's take care of him first. he might get away."


=Don't worry about it, ML. ^^=

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"no!" said Setsuna, walking slowly but determinedly to the man. "Let's take care of him first. he might get away."


=Don't worry about it, ML. ^^=


"oh no you dont!" said J.J blocking the doorway. "you're hurt!"

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Setsuna tried to force a smile. "Guys, I'm fine." she said weakly, not convincing anyone. "It's only a cut. Now lets do somethingw ith this guy! I promise I'll lay down after."

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Setsuna tried to force a smile. "Guys, I'm fine." she said weakly, not convincing anyone. "It's only a cut. Now lets do somethingw ith this guy! I promise I'll lay down after."

"No. He's still just sitting here with us. You stay here, a few of us will take that gu to the police, while Jen stays with you."Naoyo replied.

"I am?"questioned Jen.

"Yes, you are."

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"No. He's still just sitting here with us. You stay here, a few of us will take that gu to the police, while Jen stays with you."Naoyo replied.

"I am?"questioned Jen.

"Yes, you are."

Setsuna sighed. "Fine..." she said. She sat back down on the table, possitioned herself, and allowed herself to pass out. She had been fighting to urge ever sence she got up.

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"Hi, I am Horatio.Ā  Ally, do you have any EMT skills?Ā  Does anyone here have any ideas?Ā  I need a couple people to fly alongside with these two.Ā  We are flying them to the hospital.Ā  Let's get them in the helicopter."

"Hello Horatio. I don't have any EMT skills I am sorry. May I ask what happened?" ,but as sudenly as Ally said that Setsuna bolted upright but went down again. Setsuna once again got up and Ally watched as everyone pleaded with Setsuna to lay down. Ally was shocked, my first day of work and I have witnesses someone terribly hurt. Setsuna finally let in and fainted. "Horatio is there anything I can do to help?" Ally said obviously frightened.

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"oo, ill help look 4 the guy!" said J.J excitedly, as she fingered the hilt of her katana. she pulled it out, and looked at her reflection in the glassy mirror like blade. the sunglasses were still in order, but she noticed bit of silver hair poking out from the wig. J.J quickly tucked it back in, hoping noone saw. she sheathed the katana. "ok, is any1 just dying2 go w/ me, or can i go alone?"

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"oo, ill help look 4 the guy!" said J.J excitedly, as she fingered the hilt of her katana. she pulled it out, and looked at her reflection in the glassy mirror like blade. the sunglasses were still in order, but she noticed bit of silver hair poking out from the wig. J.J quickly tucked it back in, hoping noone saw. she sheathed the katana. "ok, is any1 just dying2 go w/ me, or can i go alone?"

=The guy is tied up in the corner of the roof of the building top we are on.=

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=take it wherever you want it to go=

=Like I said, I'm sortta passed out at the moment. *rocks out to Stacy's Mom, even though she only knows six other people on the planet that still like it*=

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"Hello Horatio. I don't have any EMT skills I am sorry. May I ask what happened?" ,but as sudenly as Ally said that Setsuna bolted upright but went down again. Setsuna once again got up and Ally watched as everyone pleaded with Setsuna to lay down. Ally was shocked, my first day of work and I have witnesses someone terribly hurt. Setsuna finally let in and fainted. "Horatio is there anything I can do to help?" Ally said obviously frightened.

I am back and noticed my post was overlooked or something so just pulling it up again. :)

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"Kay, Scotland Yards called and the guy on the roof has an ID from a Japanese Circus, to try and lure or kidnap Setsuna to parts unknown. J.J. and Kay you two work with Ally to get some bandages, antiseptics and clean up Setsuna's wounds, while Jen finds a doctor to come here to check Setsuna and make sure that all is okay. We also need to focus on securing the guy on the roof until the authorities arrive. Any and all ideas are accepted. We then need to try and get the place open for business."

"Here comes the mail."

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"Kay, Scotland Yards called and the guy on the roof has an ID from a Japanese Circus, to try and lure or kidnap Setsuna to parts unknown.Ā  J.J. and Kay you two work with Ally to get some bandages, antiseptics and clean up Setsuna's wounds, while Jen finds a doctor to come here to check Setsuna and make sure that all is okay.Ā  We also need to focus on securing the guy on the roof until the authorities arrive.Ā  Any and all ideas are accepted.Ā  We then need to try and get the place open for business."

"Here comes the mail."

=Gaa! I need to wake up soon so I can RP!=

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" ok " she said and walked up to the kit. She brought over to where the sleeping Setsuna was. " Here we go" she handed the kit to J.J.

Ally watched as J.J. took the kit and grabed the bandeges, onitment, and whatever else was needed. Setsuna was still sleeping. Ally was suprised at how different this resturaunt was from others."Can I help you with anything," Ally quickly asked to J.J. or Kay.

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" not sure but thanks anyway" said Kay nicely.

"oh," Ally said and was quiet for a while, "how long have you been working here like long enough to know like all those cool ninja moves, or did you already know that?" Ally final said to Kay.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

I was thinking about this a few days ago. I might just make up all origional characters and write it as a story, 'cause I really wanna do it, but the RP always dies. x_x

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[Wolfie... you must made me a very happy hammie by restarting this RP. Thank you. :D ]


Horatio receives a telephone call to hop in the helicopter with the rescue equipment and some expert mountain climbers as they need to fly in an rescue Jane, then take her to the hospital. He puts out an urgent message to all those who need to come.

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Okay. I'ma restart this ONE more time. x_x Mostly because I forget what's going on. Just copy your bio from this topic if you're still interested.

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Okay. I'ma restart this ONE more time. x_x Mostly because I forget what's going on. Just copy your bio from this topic if you're still interested.

[can I make some changes???

Name:Ally Richards


poistion:cash register

Looks: dark brown hair that goes past her shoulders a little, blue eyes, average wieght, average hieght, overall pretty.

Story:Her mother lived in Japan, she taught her self to become a ninja and was further trained by Ally's dad's dad. Well needless to say Ally's mom and dad fell in love, and moved to America. Ally's dad was born American but moved to Japan with his dad. Then Ally was born and 2yrs later her brother was. Ally's mom taught Ally to be a ninja. Now Ally is trying to earn more money for college. And Ally is looking for friends.(sorry it was so long)]

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  • 1 year later...

XD My...I think it was second attempt at FDP? Ah, memories...


What about that RP Arkcher started? Is it still there? *feels bad about ordering Horatio around* x_x

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