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Alrighty. In the last one, nobody knew what was happening, so we're starting again. Max has just left to go back to Master burger. Please repost your character bio or post one for the first time if you wish to join. Just remember to include your character's name, posstion, PD, weapons, and a small backround. Surround OOC posts with =. Remember, this is like a Jackie Chan wire-fu movie, so get creative!


Name: Setuna Myaki

Possition: Frycook

PD: 18 years old, tall, thin, looks a little above average, has long black hair with a single, bright red streak in the front that is about two inches thick, and all of her hair is natually colored that way. She also has red eyes.

Weapons: Very skilled in all forms of martial arts, uses a bladed spatula like a sword, frozen patties as shirukins, and frozen fries as darts.

Backround: At the age of 16, Setuna ran away from a Japanese circus, where she learned all of her matial arts skills. She had to run away because her parents were forcing her to be in it, but she had bigger plans for her life, so she sneaked away to New York City and found a job at The Fried Dragon Inn (The fast-food place that everyone works at.). She is working there to afford her appartment and put herself through veteranary school. She's been working there for two years.

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Name: Horatio

Position: Manager

PD: 3 1/2 year old blonde, hazel eyed, male hamster who does not like violence and fighting.

No Weapons, but flies helicopters and jet planes.

Background: Horatio was abandoned on a pet store door in the middle of winter in Tennessee and almost froze to death. Adopted by a new family. During the near death experience, special powers were awakened in his body only to be realized after he arrived at his new home. He was called to come to New York and manage this restaurant.

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I want to join but would like too have a position made for me I don't want to take anybodys. :D

If you would pick the name you want and a description of yourself, I am sure that Katdacatis#1 would give you a position. You just give her all the rest of the details. Weapon and personal history.

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Oh yeah I forgot everything but the name..... I just realised that.

Then remake her!



Here are all of the possitons left:

1 Janitor

2 Cashiers

2 People at the windows


If anybody else thinks of a different possition, run it by me and I'll see if you can use it! ^^

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Uhh?? What was I?

You were the janitor, but you can make a new person if you want to. In fact, I think it would be easier if we started from the begining, anyways. We're missing people. o_o;;;

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Name: Kay Wan

Job: 2nd window

Pd: Has dark hair with green streaks in it, blue eyes,and is tall. She is beautiful , smarty, and tanleted. She is thin too.

Wepons: do any type of martials arts and can thorw money really fast.

Backround: At the age of 17 she already has passed high school and is earning money for collage but her parents are rich so she likes to earn it herself. She wears a ring on her fingue that was given to her by her late grandmother. It is her most prize postion.

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name: jane

posistion: janitor

weapon: Staff with removable mop head and magical powers

Pd:Average hieght, 18 years old, pretty strong, blonde hair with black waves in it, blue eyes with black around the edge(turns all black when angered)

History: Growing up in the ghettos, she learned how to defend herself. Both her parents died when she was young, and her only friend was a kind old lady who too care of her. Losing her only mad jan even harder and colder. She hopes that getting a job with others will help her be more social. All she wants is a friend.

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Oh yeah I forgot everything but the name..... I just realised that.

Ok, I'm just gonna make an entirely different person.


Name: Naoyo Fujiwara

Position: Accountant(just a position that might possibly be needed, since before I had no clue who handled the money since cashiers just do stuff like take peoples orders and ask if they'd like fries with that...)

Weapons: Tough, wooden sword with burgers and money signs printed on it. Mainly uses fists.

PD: Female, average height. Dark, dark brown hair that nearly looks black that goes down to the shoulders. Her eyes are hazel, normally yellowish, like a cat. Age 22. She is thin, with almost pale skin, but it fits her well. Her favorite outfit is a red shirt with black pants.

Backround: Born and raised in California, her mother and father are Japanese, but her mom is a very small bit European. That is how she got her intriguing eyes. Born extremely intelligent, she took advantage of this. Her brain absorbed everything she read. Naoyo had decided already when she was 12 that she wanted to be an accountant. She researched all the information an accountant needed to know, and she had learned every skill within a year. As she had already known highschool level material, by the age of 15, she had graduated from highschool. Still aiming to be an accountant, at the age of 19 she graduated from college, which had given her rights to be an accountant and get a job. She had always wanted to live in New York, so for two years she worked as an accountant for The Amazing Fries Fries Co. By then she had gained more money than many who were her age, and she had enough to fly to New York with the few possessions she had, as she knew early on that if she was to go to New York without having to have certain complications, she would have to only have what she needed. Suitcase in hand, she had bade her parents farewell and flown to New York, and as she had planned, she rented a small apartment for one person. Hearing of The Fried Dragon Inn, she immediately headed over there to ask for a job. Luckily enough, their accountant had recently quit and it was difficult to find a qualified person to fill in the space. She has now worked there for a year, and had been taking lessons in martial arts from Sensei Haku. She quickly advanced to become a black belt, and was the top in her class. Her sensei died, leaving her all his knowlege of martial arts and the dojo. Now once a week on Sundays, she takes a day off from work to train the students that her sensei had left her to teach. She is known as Sensei Naoyo, as she feels that the name Sensei Fujiwara would make her feel old. Her favorite student, Mikihiro who is just a year older than her, likes to visit her while she is working.


(lol I didn't even see krisdadoggs post until after i'd written all this, and no, I wasn't copying you when I thought of the intelligence thing, actually it was completely by coincidence :o )

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If you would pick the name you want and a description of yourself, I am sure that Katdacatis#1 would give you a position.  You just give her all the rest of the details.  Weapon and personal history.


Name:Maiko Kinishoka

discription:black, long hair, purple eyes, fair skin, slim, average hieght over all very pretty.18 yrs old.

personal history: lived in Japan with her father,mother,and older brother. Just moved to Japan knows english though.looking for a job to get into college.Can do Jackie Chan style fighting very well but none sees her working out. Usally in school girl uniform or Kimono.

Weapons:None just a very talented fighter


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What do you mean Mega Wolf?

Weellll I kinda sorta ended up not noticing til I was done that I'd graduated highschool at 15 and you at 17. o.O . Oh well not like anyone will really notice that. And plus you're earning money for college and I've already gone through it so that makes a difference there. Now allow me to stop rambling. *shuts mouth*

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Name:  Horatio

Position:  Manager

PD:  3 1/2 year old blonde, hazel eyed, male hamster who does not like violence and fighting.

No Weapons, but flies helicopters and jet planes.

Background:  Horatio was abandoned on a pet store door in the middle of winter in Tennessee and almost froze to death. Adopted by a new family.  During the near death experience, special powers were awakened in his body only to be realized after he arrived at his new home.  He was called to come to New York and manage this restaurant.

Patricia, is that true about Horatio? :(

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Weellll I kinda sorta ended up not noticing til I was done that I'd graduated highschool at 15 and you at 17. o.O . Oh well not like anyone will really notice that. And plus you're earning money for college and I've already gone through it so that makes a difference there. Now allow me to stop rambling. *shuts mouth*

*tapes it*

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Patricia, is that true about Horatio? :(

Yes that is true. Except it is much worse than that. Horatio was left on the pet store door in Memphis, Tennessee in the worst part of winter. It was 10 degrees (20 degrees below freezing) outside and he was put in a flimsy plastic grocery store bag with no paper or bedding or towel to keep him warm. He had almost frozen to death when the store workers arrived. They made a home for him in a tank and put him in. He warmed up and came back to life.

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Yes that is true.  Except it is much worse than that.  Horatio was left on the pet store door in Memphis, Tennessee in the worst part of winter.  It was 10 degrees (20 degrees below freezing) outside and he was put in a flimsy plastic grocery store bag with no paper or bedding or towel to keep him warm.  He had almost frozen to death when the store workers arrived.  They made a home for him in a tank and put him in.  He warmed up and came back to life.

gee, why are people so thoughtless? But at least he recovered.

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That's terrible...

The good news is that when I arrived at the store, they had his glass tank on a bottom shelf where there was no human interaction, with a wire wheel that had bloodied his feet. I asked the store clerk if he was for sale. She tried over and over to talk me out of buying him. Basically she said that he was over two years old and was just hanging out in that tank to die. A Death Sentence!!!!!!! Now more than ever I wanted him. So, when I bought all the required stuff, (cages, food, supplies, etc) from them, they gave me this wonderful hammie. At that point I would have paid whatever they asked. Horatio lived almost two years in our house. So much for "dying any day!" He ended up on our 12 foot dining room table with three cages, tons and tons of tubes, outposts, restaurants, and a variety of little hiding places. He had ball time once and sometimes twice a day. We gave him only the best.


Both my boyfriend and I cried when he passed away.


*cries now*

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The good news is that when I arrived at the store, they had his glass tank on a bottom shelf where there was no human interaction, with a wire wheel that had bloodied his feet.  I asked the store clerk if he was for sale.  She tried over and over to talk me out of buying him.  Basically she said that he was over two years old and was just hanging out in that tank to die.  A Death Sentence!!!!!!!  Now more than ever I wanted him.  So, when I bought all the required stuff, (cages, food, supplies, etc) from them, they gave me this wonderful hammie.  At that point I would have paid whatever they asked.  Horatio lived almost two years in our house.  So much for "dying any day!"  He ended up on our 12 foot dining room table with three cages, tons and tons of tubes, outposts, restaurants, and a variety of little hiding places.  He had ball time once and sometimes twice a day.  We gave him only the best.   


Both my boyfriend and I cried when he passed away. 


*cries now*

that is sad :mellow::(

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gee, why are people so thoughtless?  But at least he recovered.

I wish that God would do to humans ten times worse than the hurt the humans inflict on animals.


Animals never hurt humans unless humans have done something to provoke this behavior. And then usually the animal is put to death. For example, there was a 14 foot alligator that people had seen in the canal for many, many years. Some idiot started feeding it. (If they had just used whatever cell matter was upstairs they would have realized that the alligator was doing quite well without their intervention.) Anyway, the alligator started liking not having to search for food and naturally, got closer and closer to the house. Well, the people got a bit nervous when the alligator started knocking on the back door asking for dinner. Instead of calling animal control THEN......... they waited until it ate Fifi, their toy poodle. Welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, what were they thinking??? It thought that they had put out live dinner.


So, sadly, the alligator was killed.


When Animal Control did an autopsy and checked the contents of the alligator's stomach, Fifi was not there. So, the people then figured that someone stole the dog. They had killed the alligator for absolutely nothing.


So, so sad.

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Cool! As soon as we get another window and two cashiers, we can start! Oh and Honey, which of those do you want to be? You didn't say...

I will be a window. And I am from Japan moved to America. :) Oh and I were the Japanese school girl uniform I had to wear for school in Japan and a kimoni(sp) but yes I have other clothes like jeans and a t-shirt. :)

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I know two stories one were this kid would play with his nieghbors dogs anyways one day he and his pals covered the dog in gasoline and set the dog on fire. And another one were this guy was watching his nieghbos chichauia(sp) and he like totured it and decapitated it. :angry::angry::angry: makes so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so ANGRY!!! :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

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I know two stories one were this kid would play with his nieghbors dogs anyways one day he and his pals covered the dog in gasoline and set the dog on fire. And another one were this guy was watching his nieghbos chichauia(sp) and he like totured it and decapitated it. :angry:  :angry:  :angry: makes so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so ANGRY!!!  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

i would sue those people. :angry::angry:

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Yes that is true.  Except it is much worse than that.  Horatio was left on the pet store door in Memphis, Tennessee in the worst part of winter.  It was 10 degrees (20 degrees below freezing) outside and he was put in a flimsy plastic grocery store bag with no paper or bedding or towel to keep him warm.  He had almost frozen to death when the store workers arrived.  They made a home for him in a tank and put him in.  He warmed up and came back to life.


poor horatio! i am sure he was saved by a certain caring citizen whos name just happens to be Patricia,lol ;)

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makes so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so ANGRY!!!  :angry: 


oh, i h8 people lk that! i mean, why dont they lock ^ nutzo people lk that in the psyche ward, so they cant grow up to be people lk hitler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry::angry::angry:

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I wish that God would do to humans ten times worse than the hurt the humans inflict on animals.


Animals never hurt humans unless humans have done something to provoke this behavior.  And then usually the animal is put to death.  For example, there was a 14 foot alligator that people had seen in the canal for many, many years.  Some idiot started feeding it.  (If they had just used whatever cell matter was upstairs they would have realized that the alligator was doing quite well without their intervention.)  Anyway, the alligator started liking not having to search for food and naturally, got closer and closer to the house.  Well, the people got a bit nervous when the alligator started knocking on the back door asking for dinner.  Instead of calling animal control THEN.........  they waited until it ate Fifi, their toy poodle.  Welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, what were they thinking???  It thought that they had put out live dinner.


So, sadly, the alligator was killed. 


When Animal Control did an autopsy and checked the contents of the alligator's stomach, Fifi was not there.  So, the people then figured that someone stole the dog.  They had killed the alligator for absolutely nothing.


So, so sad.


that type of thing mks me so mad! lk has any1 seen the butterfly effect, the part where the dog is killed? i only saw that part a few wks ago, and it still haunts me. i have a fish, a gerbil, a rabbit, and a dog, i love animals, and cant stand to hear these things. its so stupid! lk how they kill any dog who bites a child under 3 years old. thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard! its not the dogs fault, its the parents' fault for not watching the child, or not teaching it to stay away from dogs when they're eating, ect. but no, no, they kill the poor dog so the stupid parents dont press charges! WHO MADE UP THESE LAWS, ANYWAY?!?! I MEAN, ANIMALS ARE GOD'S CREATURES TO! lk Jesus said "see the birds! they do not sow, or reap, yet God takes care of them. of how much more worth are you than the birds?" animals are God's creatures too, and God wants us to care for them, not kill them because we are too dumb to behave correctly around them. gosh, i sure hope there are more people who care about animals than people who torture them, and i hope those people change they're ways, because i will hunt them down, and teach them the error of they're ways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry::angry::angry:

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Name: J.J. (shorts 4 Josephine Jen, but thinks that J.J is easier to say)

Position: drive-up window

PD: 17 years old, tall, thin, w/ waist length naturaly colored pure white hair. she is from Japan, but has slitted bright green eyes, lk a cat's.

Weapons: her specialty is martial arts. judo, karate, kung fu, you name it, she has a major in it. J.J almost always carries an unusually long Katana around w/ her, and that is all she needs besides balance of body and mind.

background: J.J was origianally a supermodel in her home country of Japan, but her pretty face, and friendly disposition didnt do much to stop people from being creeped out by her hair and eyes, so she moved to New York, and got a Job @ the Fried Dragon. J.J is something of a Pacifist, and prefers the mind-body inner balance that martial arts requires, but will defend herself if necessary. she has an apartment in New York, and is making some new friends.

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that type of thing mks me so mad! lk has any1 seen the butterfly effect, the part where the dog is killed? i only saw that part a few wks ago, and it still haunts me. i have a fish, a gerbil, a rabbit, and a dog, i love animals, and cant stand to hear these things. its so stupid! lk how they kill any dog who bites a child under 3 years old. thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard! its not the dogs fault, its the parents' fault for not watching the child, or not teaching it to stay away from dogs when they're eating, ect. but no, no, they kill the poor dog so the stupid parents dont press charges! WHO MADE UP THESE LAWS, ANYWAY?!?! I MEAN, ANIMALS ARE GOD'S CREATURES TO! lk Jesus said "see the birds! they do not sow, or reap, yet God takes care of them. of how much more worth are you than the birds?" animals are God's creatures too, and God wants us to care for them, not kill them because we are too dumb to behave correctly around them. gosh, i sure hope there are more people who care about animals than people who torture them, and i hope those people change they're ways, because i will hunt them down, and teach them the error of they're ways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

Judges have the power to put these people away for many, many, many years and throw away the key.

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Err...now we have three windows. Would one of you three care to switch to a casheir?


Oh, and Honey, I just thought that they would all wear the uniform for the restaruant.

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I could be a cashier part of the time and do all the money managing at other times.

You cold, and that would make us only need one more cashier, which would either be Honey, Kris, or Mastermind. The problem was, there is only two windows and three peole were saying they wanted to be at a window. One we get that cleared up, we can start!

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You cold, and that would make us only need one more cashier, which would either be Honey, Kris, or Mastermind. The problem was, there is only two windows and three peole were saying they wanted to be at a window. One we get that cleared up, we can start!

Who's cold?

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Yes that is true.  Except it is much worse than that.  Horatio was left on the pet store door in Memphis, Tennessee in the worst part of winter.  It was 10 degrees (20 degrees below freezing) outside and he was put in a flimsy plastic grocery store bag with no paper or bedding or towel to keep him warm.  He had almost frozen to death when the store workers arrived.  They made a home for him in a tank and put him in.  He warmed up and came back to life.


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Wooops..Can I still do. Can I make a new character? Can I be the manager of that other rival restaurant..forgot them name

[but this is about the Fried Dragon Inn, not the Master Burger.... eh you can take my position as the register and I'll just do my job intended.]

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Wooops..Can I still do. Can I make a new character? Can I be the manager of that other rival restaurant..forgot them name

Yeah. I kindda need to be the rival place becasue they do important things for the plot. We still need a janitor, though! ^^


As soon as ML responds, I'll make the firstpost! *does a dance*

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Yeah. I kindda need to be the rival place becasue they do important things  for the plot. We still need a janitor, though! ^^


As soon as ML responds, I'll make the firstpost! *does a dance*

i am a janitor :mellow: .

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You cold, and that would make us only need one more cashier, which would either be Honey, Kris, or Mastermind. The problem was, there is only two windows and three peole were saying they wanted to be at a window. One we get that cleared up, we can start!


ill be chashier, i wuz a drive ^ b4, so i assumed that would be the same, but chashier is gewd 2! :P

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Judges have the power to put these people away for many, many, many years and throw away the key.


thats good! lk those animal precinct shows, where a special police department arrests animal abusers. i lk those shows, but cant stand 2 watch them, if that mks sense,lol.

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thats good! lk those animal precinct shows, where a special police department arrests animal abusers. i lk those shows, but cant stand 2 watch them, if that mks sense,lol.

It hurts my heart to see people be cruel to animals. I want to put them in prison and throw away the key for anyone who hurts an animal.

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ill be chashier, i wuz a drive ^ b4, so i assumed that would be the same, but chashier is gewd 2!  :P

Honey already volenteered, but thanks anyways! ^^


As soon as Money Lover GETS THE #$%& OVER HERE then we can start. o_o;;;

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yep my old dog Bou was abused but we took him away form the pound so he lives with us.

ZOMG BOU! *supa-uber-petts*


Our friend Rachel had a dog named Abby, but she had to be put to sleep. She was abused as a puppy, so she was very aggresive towards people she didn't know. We all knew she was a good dog. Her previous owners just made her not trust humans. URRRG, people like that make me so mad my stomache hurts...*prays for Abby*

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yep my old dog Bou was abused but we took him away form the pound so he lives with us.

the same thng happened to my dog, who also happens to be named bou. :blink: O_o O)<----(smiling cyclops) y'know, that is just freaky.

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Can we do this, let Moneylover be the manager and I will be the company pilot.  I would like that better. :D

Laright, but there are some plot points that he's just gonna have to go with, because they need to happen. I wan't so worried when you were the manager because I know you're always open to sugestions. Ml can be the manager of the Fired Dragon Inn, but only if he agrees not to change the plot. u.u

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Laright, but there are some plot points that he's just gonna have to go with, because they need to happen. I wan't so worried when you were the manager because I know you're always open to sugestions. Ml can be the manager of the Fired Dragon Inn, but only if he agrees not to change the plot. u.u

*He'll agree! (evil laugh) I have control of the edit button.... remember?!? :lol::lol::lol: *

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Yeah Abby was a great dog... even though she tried to kill me because she was sarced of me. Oh and Cheesemaster I didn't pick the name but my Bou name's is short for some type of French wine.

ah well it's pronounced the same and they had the same story.

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When you are stating at a angey dog that has the ablity to hurt you then tell me that it wasn't going to hurt me if i did something that dog didn't like.


My other dog, Suzie, is named after a french wine too. My mom named them so there you go on weird names.

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When you are stating at a angey dog that has the ablity to hurt you then tell me that it wasn't going to hurt me if i did something that dog didn't like.


My other dog, Suzie, is named after a french wine too. My mom named them so there you go on weird names.

What kind of wine is "Suzie"?????????????


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When you are stating at a angey dog that has the ablity to hurt you then tell me that it wasn't going to hurt me if i did something that dog didn't like.

She might have bit you to make you go away, but not kill you. She was afraid. She just wanted you to leave because she didn't know you.

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It hurts my heart to see people be cruel to animals.  I want to put them in prison and throw away the key for anyone who hurts an animal.


i would probably scream @ them summer lk this "WHY DID YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT??!?!?!?!?!? WHAT DID THAT POOR SWEET ANIMAL DO TO YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!? DO YOU LAUGH AT OTHERS TORTURE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" and id probably go on and on,lol. i would lk 2 beat them up, and lock them up in the psyche ward. but not kill them, thought they might deserve it. i mean, some peeps who live deserve to die, but many who die deserve to live. can we give them life? no, so we shouldnt be dealing out death, if we cant deal out life. does that mk sense? lol, a little off topic, but still.

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it's been fie pages and we havn't even started yet! :lol:

That's because there is a side conversation about animal abuse and we now don't have a janitor. If nessicary, I'll make one until somebody else wants to join.

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That's because there is a side conversation about animal abuse and we now don't have a janitor. If nessicary, I'll make one until somebody else wants to join.

[ I know, i was just pointing it out. when we have all the characters, why don't we rerestart it?

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[i'll do that. My other person probably won't make a ton of appearances anyways, so having two people will make things more fun for me.][Can we start?]

=Yes! Remember to use the = now! *steals beginning of last topic but changes names* >.>;;;=

Setsuna was listening to the radio as she cooked the burger for the customer at the window. "A new fast food chain, Master Burger, is being finnaly being built in New York, right next to the much loved Fried Dragon Inn. Will the newcomer make a dent in Fried Dragon Inn's large income?" Setsuna smiled to herself. New fast food places came and went, but Fried Dragon Palace had never had any real competition. She bagged up the burger and fries and handed them to Kay.

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=Yes! Remember to use the = now! *steals beginning of last topic but changes names* >.>;;;=

Setsuna was listening to the radio as she cooked the burger for the customer at the window. "A new fast food chain, Master Burger, is being finnaly being built in New York, right next to the much loved Fried Dragon Inn. Will the newcomer make a dent in Fried Dragon Inn's large income?" Setsuna smiled to herself. New fast food places came and went, but Fried Dragon Palace had never had any real competition. She bagged up the burger and fries and handed them to Kay.


J.J smiled thoughtfully as she adjusted the mirror of her brand new black Aston Martin, and checked to see that her brown wig, and mirrored sunglasses completely hid her thick, long, bright white hair, and catlike bright green slitted eyes. ever since seh was a child, people had been frighted of these things, so frighted that they did not notice her lovely face, or friendly disposition. J.J hoped that the people at her new job would be less judging than those who she interacted with as a supermodel. but a wig and sunglasses, just in case. she adjusted the seatbelt to fit her tiny figure, and turned on the radio as she drove through the streets of New York City. she heard about the Master Burger, and frowned. this was her first day at the Fried Dragon, and she already had to deal with competition? she sighed. J.J pulled into the parkinglot. she walked inside to see a charming little fast food place, very clean, and with a pleasant atmosphere. she again smoothed the wig, and pushed the sunglasses further up her nose. Horatio, the manager, came to talk to her. "hello, Miss-" he looked down at a clipboard "Josephine Jen Lao Che! welcome to your new job." J.J smiled a straight, bright white smile. "thank you sir. please call me J.J, though, its much easier." "ok!" horatio said. J.J could see he was a very agreeable person. "why the sunglasses?" he inquired. "oh!" J.J stumbled. "um, im just getting over pinkeye! its not contagious, i just need to wear sunglasses for a little while longer." she nervously smoothed the wig, and adjusted the glasses.

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=Wee! Off to a running start!==BTW Jen is mysterious now. No real backround. All people know is she's nice and a female. And 18. Weapon being her mop. XD

Looks: Brown haired, brown eyed, wears preppy clothes, and has a little pudge, but not a lot. But it looks good on her.

And she trains un Naoyo.=

Jen mopped the floor. She suddenly twirled her mop. Meanwhile, Naoyo had decided to hang out in the cafeteria area with her laptop to do her work. Naoyo laughed at Jen's silliness. Jen's response? "Neyahhh!"She said with her toungue out.

"You're rediculously immature, Jen."was Naoyo's response.

"Thank you!"the janitor replied.

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Setsuna poked her head out from behind the grill. "Hey." she said kindly. "Welcome to the Fried Dragon Inn." She turned to look at Jen, who was playing with her mop again. She chucked a fry at her playfully. =Not her pointy kind, mind you. Just a normal, cooked one.= She turned back to J.J. "So," she said, "What brings you to the FDI?"

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=Wee! Off to a running start!==BTW Jen is mysterious now. No real backround. All people know is she's nice and a female. And 18. Weapon being her mop. XD

Looks: Brown haired, brown eyed, wears preppy clothes, and has a little pudge, but not a lot. But it looks good on her.

And she trains un Naoyo.=

Jen mopped the floor. She suddenly twirled her mop. Meanwhile, Naoyo had decided to hang out in the cafeteria area with her laptop to do her work. Naoyo laughed at Jen's silliness. Jen's response? "Neyahhh!"She said with her toungue out.

"You're rediculously immature, Jen."was Naoyo's response.

"Thank you!"the janitor replied.

[sounds like my character]

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jane walked up to the fried dragon and nervously asked the manager, "Hi. um, my names jane. i would like to get a job as a janitor. I, uh, brought my own mop. May i ask your name?"


The manager said, "of course. My name's Horatio. Go meet jen in the cafeteria. she's our other janitor. I'm sure you'll be good friends."


And that was just what jane wanted, a friend.


She walked over and saw someone twirling a mop. Cautiously, Jane asked "are you jen? Horatio sent me back here to get filled in on as to what to do around here. My name is Jane. And i know we just met, but," then she added quietly, "you want to be friends?"

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=HaHa..I had a good idea..=


*Poor homeless man comes crawling into MasterBuger..*


Heh, Heh, Hel, Help Help Me...Food..Help..*Passes out*

Setsuna quickly turned to Horatio to see what should be done.

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There was no one there.  Setsuna looked but couldn't find Horatio.  Then she remembered he would always take a nap.  Where was it that he hid for his nap?

Setsuna franticly searched for Horatio, not noticing the poor person sneak into the pantry. She looked in all his usuall places, but he wasn't there. "JEN! KAY! NAYAO! HELP ME FIND HORATIO! AND SOMEBODY FIND THE POOR DUDE!" she yelled, crawling around to look under all the stoves.

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Setsuna poked her head out from behind the grill. "Hey." she said kindly. "Welcome to the Fried Dragon Inn." She turned to look at Jen, who was playing with her mop again. She chucked a fry at her playfully. =Not her pointy kind, mind you. Just a normal, cooked one.= She turned back to J.J. "So," she said, "What brings you to the FDI?"


J.J was about to reply when a hobo came crawling in. she lept behind the counter to get him some thing to eat, when she realized she didnt know where anything was! when she came bak out, Setsuna and everyone else was searching for the hobo and horatio.

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[wait, do we work for master burger or fried dragon?]

[Fried Dragon.]

"Yeah sure!"Jen replied to Jane. But then she heard Setsuna yelling.

"Eh we should help."Naoyo said."I'll find the poor dude. Jen, Jane, find Horatio please."

"Bossy bossy."Jen laughed. So she went to her task of finding Horatio.

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After a while, Horatio was found under the counter. Setsuna prodded him gently to wake him up. "Err...Horatio?" she said softly as the small hamster opened his eyes, "There is a homeless guy hiding in the restaurant somewhere wanting food. Should we give him some?"

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*before Horatio could utter a reply, that was a loud bang*

"What is happening?  What was that?"

"Setsuna, sure please see that the gentleman gets something to eat.  I need to find out what that was!"  :blink:

SEetsuna ran back to the grills and fixed up some fries and a burger while Horatio went to find out the source of the noise.

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SEetsuna ran back to the grills and fixed up some fries and a burger while Horatio went to find out the source of the noise.

[Katdacatis#1, I was thinking that it would be a great to have the noise be a giant crane hanging the competitor's sign. What do you think?]

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jane walked over to where Setsuna was grilling. she saw massive puddles of grease on the floor, and she knew just what to do. Get Jen to do it. Meanwhile, Jane looked out side and saw a crane putting up the MAsterburger sign. the sun was at an odd angle, making it an ominous shape against the morning sky. she scowled in disgust. what a cheap place. no decorative style whatsoever. and she didn't like the name either. she called out to horatio, "i found out what that noise was. you might wanna check it out. come out front."

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[Katdacatis#1, I was thinking that it would be a great to have the noise be a giant crane hanging the competitor's sign.  What do you think?]

=I like it! You can do that! And you don't need to ask! Just do whatever you want. It's your character. ^^=

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jane walked over to where Setsuna was grilling.  she saw massive puddles of grease on the floor, and she knew just what to do.  Get Jen to do it.  Meanwhile, Jane looked out side and saw a crane putting up the MAsterburger sign.  the sun was at an odd angle, making it an ominous shape against the morning sky.  she scowled in disgust.  what a cheap place.  no decorative style whatsoever.  and she didn't like the name either.  she called out to horatio, "i found out what that noise was.  you might wanna check it out.  come out front."

*runs out front and sees the massive sign*

*realizes the sign strategy*

"Well, their sign is so big, anyone traveling up the road from the west, will not be able to see our sign. It will be blocked. They selected a position so people will only see their sign. Now we must think of another plan to get customers to know we are here*

*runs back inside to get a steamy cup of fresh brewed black coffee*

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*runs out front and sees the massive sign*

*realizes the sign strategy*

"Well, their sign is so big, anyone traveling up the road from the west, will not be able to see our sign.  It will be blocked.  They selected a position so people will only see their sign.  Now we must think of another plan to get customers to know we are here*

*runs back inside to get a steamy cup of fresh brewed black coffee*


J.J looked out the window, and gasped. "what? horatio, thats illegal! they cant block our sign! lets sue!" "no"said horatio "that would just bring us to thier level." "you're right" said J.J "but what can we do?"

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*runs out front and sees the massive sign*

*realizes the sign strategy*

"Well, their sign is so big, anyone traveling up the road from the west, will not be able to see our sign.  It will be blocked.  They selected a position so people will only see their sign.  Now we must think of another plan to get customers to know we are here*

*runs back inside to get a steamy cup of fresh brewed black coffee*

"What happened?" Setsuna asked, still cooking.

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suddenly jane was overcome by a sudden flash of inspiration. "Horatio, your the manager. what do think of this idea. We get a big pole, and make a dragon out of plexiglass and a metal frame, and have it wrapping around the pole, which we will use that big crane over there to raise it on top of the store? If necessary, we can get a sponser. and make coupons for $1 off! People love that!

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*runs out front and sees the massive sign*

*realizes the sign strategy*

"Well, their sign is so big, anyone traveling up the road from the west, will not be able to see our sign.  It will be blocked.  They selected a position so people will only see their sign.  Now we must think of another plan to get customers to know we are here*

*runs back inside to get a steamy cup of fresh brewed black coffee*

"I know!",Naoyo exclaimed,"Invest in a BIGGER sign!"

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suddenly jane was overcome by a sudden flash of inspiration.  "Horatio, your the manager.  what do think of this idea.  We get a big pole, and make a dragon out of plexiglass and a metal frame, and have it wrapping around the pole, which we will use that big crane over there to raise it on top of the store?  If necessary, we can get a sponser.  and make coupons for $1 off!  People love that!

"Now that is a spectacular idea! Unfortunately the crane will be gone before we can create our dragon."

*sips his coffee*

*thinks, a bigger sign would only mean that we are playing their game, but something unique like a dragon on a pole, how could we do this*

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"Now that is a spectacular idea!  Unfortunately the crane will be gone before we can create our dragon."

*sips his coffee*

*thinks, a bigger sign would only mean that we are playing their game, but something unique like a dragon on a pole, how could we do this*

Setsuna set the bad on the counter for the homeless guy to find. "Hmmm..." she said to herself. She went outside and hopped up a coulpe of trash cans to teh roof to get a better view. Master Burger did have a very large sign...it was a giant burger wearing a toga with the words "Master Burger" revolving around it. She looked at her watch and realized that it was nearly time to open the store, so she gracefully flipped off the roof and went back in. She might have a plan...

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"Just give the driver $20 and a free meal here and i think he might stay," said jane. And we would neeed to make the dragon as light as possible and the part where the pole attaches as sturdy as possible.

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Setsuna hopped over the counter and back to the grills. "But a dragon around a pole would be kindda thin." she said. "Not many people could see it unless they were close to us..."

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*While everyone was looking out the window..The man grabed Stesuna and pulled her back to the storage room. He hog tied her and threw her in an empty grabage.*


*The man escaped out the back door.*


J.J was thinking about the dragon idea, and how cool it would look, when she heard a muffled cry. she looked around, and could not find Setsuna! she ran back to the grill: Setsuna was still missing!

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J.J was thinking about the dragon idea, and how cool it would look, when she heard a muffled cry. she looked around, and could not find Setsuna! she ran back to the grill: Setsuna was still missing!

"Where's Setsuna?"asked Naoyo, sounding quite alarmed. Just then, Naoyo's best student, Mikihiro, walked in.

"Hiya Miki! What made ya decide to come at a time like this?"she inquired.

"Er... I see you got a problem with the Master Booger moving in and hiding your sign."he replied, not sure whether to laugh or to look worried.

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Suddenly jane had an idea. She walked over to jen. Jen, i need to talk to you for a second. I have a secret i need to tell you.[and no one else knows this, K?]"i have been gifted throughout my childhood. things happened arround me that no one could explain. i figured out that when i really wanted some thing, needed it, it would happen or appear. i honed these powers, and now i can use them at will. please don't tell anyone else. but what do you think of this? i use my powers to make that sign dissapear." She felt extremely relieved, as if a great weight had been lifted off of her, when she finally told someone her biggest secret. But that doesn't mean there aren't any more...

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*While everyone was looking out the window..The man grabed Stesuna and pulled her back to the storage room. He hog tied her and threw her in an empty grabage.*


*The man escaped out the back door.*

Setsuna untied herself using the small knife she always keeps on her. She burst out of the door and ran outside, trying to find the creep that tied her up.

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Setsuna untied herself using the small knife she always keeps on her. She burst out of the door and ran outside, trying to find the creep that tied her up.

The man was waiting on top of the building waiting for Setsuna to come out. He hog tied her again and threw her into the dumpster. ~This man wanted Setsuna...GONE!!!~

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The man was waiting on top of the building waiting for Setsuna to come out. He hog tied her again and threw her into the dumpster. ~This man wanted Setsuna...GONE!!!~


J.J saw Setsuna run out of the building, to be caught by a man, who threw her into the dumpster! J.J was appalled, and wanted to help. she secretly crept out of her Aston Martin, and grabbed her unusually long katana that she had just in case of an emergency. she hoped she would not have to hurt the man. J.J tied the sheath to her belt, and silently began to follow the man.


p.s if having trouble picturing J.J, think of Din from the legend of Zelda, and give her bright white hair, and catish eyes.

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The man was waiting on top of the building waiting for Setsuna to come out. He hog tied her again and threw her into the dumpster. ~This man wanted Setsuna...GONE!!!~

Setsuna once again freed herself and chased the man. She was weaponless at the moment, so it would be tough. =Can I RP the dude, ML? I need to do a fight seen...=

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J.J saw Setsuna run out of the building, to be caught by a man, who threw her into the dumpster! J.J was appalled, and wanted to help. she secretly crept out of her Aston Martin, and grabbed her unusually long katana that she had just in case of an emergency.  she hoped she would not have to hurt the man. J.J tied the sheath to her belt, and silently began to follow the man. 


p.s if having trouble picturing J.J, think of Din from the legend of Zelda, and give her bright white hair, and catish eyes.

=k I am going to start posting now=

Maiko was driving her car. First day at a new job and already late this was pathetic. She sighed and tryed to go right on the speed limit.*ring ring* Her cell phone. She reached down and picked it up. "hello", "hi, Maiko" "yes this is she" "are you sure you can babysit Jake Saturday at 1:00" "of course Mrs.Jones" "ok dear well I have to go" "ok bye" "bye". *click* The Jones family were her new neighbors. They had been so nice. Mrs. Jones rising 3 children as a singal mom was tough so Maiko helped out by babysitting Jake the only one not old enough to go to school.=I hope thats good enough :) =

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Setsuna once again freed herself and chased the man. She was weaponless at the moment, so it would be tough. =Can I RP the dude, ML? I need to do a fight seen...=

=Surely..But can I try something first?=


The man saw J.J. and Setsuna chasing after him..So he ran into a bush and waited for them to go by. Stesuna and J.J. passes him by and he ran back to the store. He threw on a wig and dressed up just like Setsuna....

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=k I am going to start posting now=

Maiko was driving her car. First day at a new job and already late this was pathetic. She sighed and tryed to go right on the speed limit.*ring ring* Her cell phone. She reached down and picked it up. "hello", "hi, Maiko" "yes this is she" "are you sure you can babysit Jake Saturday at 1:00" "of course Mrs.Jones" "ok dear well I have to go" "ok bye" "bye". *click* The Jones family were her new neighbors. They had been so nice. Mrs. Jones rising 3 children as a singal mom was tough so Maiko helped out by babysitting Jake the only one not old enough to go to school.=I hope thats good enough :) =

=That is great, Honey! ^^=

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= luv what u added to yopur siggy kat! but the ginecide will remain one of my favorite drinks* starts to giggle* how long has your RP person been at FDI kat?=


Kay was a little worried about the sign thingy but though that FDI was going to be alright.

" Hey, Setsuna I need some fries and burgers here." she called as she took the firdt order of the day.

"Horatio, I know we already said this but what are we going to do about the sign thingy? oh Hi and welcome J.J. and Jane. Name's Kay and it's great that you are here."

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= luv what u added to yopur siggy kat! but the ginecide will remain one of my favorite drinks* starts to giggle* how long has your RP person been at FDI kat?=


Kay was a little worried about the sign thingy but though that FDI was going to be alright.

" Hey, Setsuna I need some fries and burgers here." she called as she took the firdt order of the day.

"Horatio, I know we already said this but what are we going to do about the sign thingy? oh Hi and welcome J.J. and Jane. Name's Kay and it's great that you are here."

=She's been there for two years. And Setsuna is currently chasing the person that kept tying her up.=

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=Surely..But can I try something first?=


The man saw J.J. and Setsuna chasing after him..So he ran into a bush and waited for them to go by. Stesuna and J.J. passes him by and he ran back to the store. He threw on a wig and dressed up just like Setsuna....

=Here goes the first fight post!=

Setsuna and JJ, after running around for a while with no success, gave up and went back to the store. Setsuna walked in through the bakc door and gasped. Somebody that was dressed like her was at the grills cooking! Before she was noticed, she darted behind the boxes of patties and grabbed a few. Her circus training taking over, she crept into the shadows and watched the imposter talk to everyone for a while. He had her voice down perfectly. Setsuna noticed JJ right behind her, glaring at the fake. Right as the man turned around to talk to Key, Setsuna poopped up and threw the frozen patties, missing one purpose. The man whipped around and threw some of Setsuna's frozen fries at her. She flipped over the boxes, doging the fries while grabbing more patties at the same time. =I'm inagining that nobody else would fight because they don't know who the Real Setsuna is. JJ is the only one, and I don't have Mastermind's permission. Besides, Setsuna is pretty ticked at this guy and wants to fight him alone.= She tossed them again, pinning the man to a wall by his shirt. He ripped away, losing his sleeve, and lunged at Setsuna. Just as he was bout to hit her, she stepped to the side and grabbed him, using his own momentum to slam him into the counter. He quickly recovered and got up. He charged at Setsuna and jumped, hitting her in the stomach with a flying kick. Setsuna went flying into a wall, but turned around and kicked off of it, and aimed a kick at the guy. He ducted low enough for her kick to miss, but she grabbed onto the overhead menu =You know, those things hanging from the ceiling behind the counter that say all the food and its prices?= and swung around it, kicking him again as he got up. He hit his head hard on the register. He was barly still consious. Setsuna walked up to him slowly, giving him a look of complete and other loathing. She hated using her martial arts skills, especially at work. She picked him up by his collar and glared right into his eyes. "Who are you?" she asked coldly.

=First fight. I'm not too happy with it, but what do you all think?=

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=Here goes the first fight post!=

Setsuna and JJ, after running around for a while with no success, gave up and went back to the store. Setsuna walked in through the bakc door and gasped. Somebody that was dressed like her was at the grills cooking! Before she was noticed, she darted behind the boxes of patties and grabbed a few. Her circus training taking over, she crept into the shadows and watched the imposter talk to everyone for a while. He had her voice down perfectly. Setsuna noticed JJ right behind her, glaring at the fake. Right as the man turned around to talk to Key, Setsuna poopped up and threw the frozen patties, missing one purpose. The man whipped around and threw some of Setsuna's frozen fries at her. She flipped over the boxes, doging the fries while grabbing more patties at the same time. =I'm inagining that nobody else would fight because they don't know who the Real Setsuna is. JJ is the only one, and I don't have Mastermind's permission. Besides, Setsuna is pretty ticked at this guy and wants to fight him alone.= She tossed them again, pinning the man to a wall by his shirt. He ripped away, losing his sleeve, and lunged at Setsuna. Just as he was bout to hit her, she stepped to the side and grabbed him, using his own momentum to slam him into the counter. He quickly recovered and got up. He charged at Setsuna and jumped, hitting her in the stomach with a flying kick. Setsuna went flying into a wall, but turned around and kicked off of it, and aimed a kick at the guy. He ducted low enough for her kick to miss, but she grabbed onto the overhead menu =You know, those things hanging from the ceiling behind the counter that say all the food and its prices?= and swung around it, kicking him again as he got up. He hit his head hard on the register. He was barly still consious. Setsuna walked up to him slowly, giving him a look of complete and other loathing. She hated using her martial arts skills, especially at work. She picked him up by his collar and glared right into his eyes. "Who are you?" she asked coldly.

=First fight. I'm not too happy with it, but what do you all think?=



The man said..I am *pause* ..



He kicked her in the stomache and fell to the ground she quickly got back up but she was too slow..He had darted out the front door and into his car and onto the freeway.



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=Here goes the first fight post!=

Setsuna and JJ, after running around for a while with no success, gave up and went back to the store. Setsuna walked in through the bakc door and gasped. Somebody that was dressed like her was at the grills cooking! Before she was noticed, she darted behind the boxes of patties and grabbed a few. Her circus training taking over, she crept into the shadows and watched the imposter talk to everyone for a while. He had her voice down perfectly. Setsuna noticed JJ right behind her, glaring at the fake. Right as the man turned around to talk to Key, Setsuna poopped up and threw the frozen patties, missing one purpose. The man whipped around and threw some of Setsuna's frozen fries at her. She flipped over the boxes, doging the fries while grabbing more patties at the same time. =I'm inagining that nobody else would fight because they don't know who the Real Setsuna is. JJ is the only one, and I don't have Mastermind's permission. Besides, Setsuna is pretty ticked at this guy and wants to fight him alone.= She tossed them again, pinning the man to a wall by his shirt. He ripped away, losing his sleeve, and lunged at Setsuna. Just as he was bout to hit her, she stepped to the side and grabbed him, using his own momentum to slam him into the counter. He quickly recovered and got up. He charged at Setsuna and jumped, hitting her in the stomach with a flying kick. Setsuna went flying into a wall, but turned around and kicked off of it, and aimed a kick at the guy. He ducted low enough for her kick to miss, but she grabbed onto the overhead menu =You know, those things hanging from the ceiling behind the counter that say all the food and its prices?= and swung around it, kicking him again as he got up. He hit his head hard on the register. He was barly still consious. Setsuna walked up to him slowly, giving him a look of complete and other loathing. She hated using her martial arts skills, especially at work. She picked him up by his collar and glared right into his eyes. "Who are you?" she asked coldly.

=First fight. I'm not too happy with it, but what do you all think?=


=BTW, who is key?

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