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My sig??


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youngun. I love that word.


T-i-m-e. It's like the the spelling bee. How to you spell time? T-i-m-e.

I get it! Sorry for startin' this big thing but now I get it.


T-i-m-e is like an adverb. It describes the adjective. (cool or awesome) So, you don't t-i-m-e, the thing is t-i-m-e.


Did I help, or make it more confusing? :P

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i've got the longest sigon hamsterdance

Yeah, but that's because you have about eighty-bazillion of those little







These a

These ar

These are

These are d

These are du

These are dum

These are dumb

These are dumb.


thina-mabobs. I don't count those as real siggy.

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Ack...you guys like sugar?? Like..kisses??



uh :blink: ...........yeah???


































































































i duuno

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  • 4 weeks later...
Making typos does not make you stupid.  It could be that you are reading and typing really fast.




i am the fastest typer(sp?) in my class but thats not saying much seeing as they alll go umm.... h.....um wheres o oh there it is umm r a t ummm i.... there it is o um that letter i found 5 minutes ago. oh there it is again. i spelt horatio i 10 minutes!!they are really slow

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I'm a fairly fast typer. With okay grammar, and spelling. And I don't use e-lingo. One of my friends, he's 19, I was talking to him on IM, and he was like, "I'm talking to a 13 year old...who can type twice as fast as me."



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