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sooooooo...when is the pic getting into my 500th post, horatio?

*slaps forehead*

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I thought you wanted that pic in your 1500th post.



Ummmmmmmm... would you believe.......

*voice trails off*


Would you believe it was devoured by a rabid bottle of bubbles?!

That is a very good excuse! I really like your thinking!!!

:lol: I thought it was too. Now to see if she believes it...

(she doesnt)

I seeeeeeeeeeeee.

*resorts to Plan B* :blink:

*whispers to Horatio: What's plan B?*

*whispers back to Hoops: I don't know. I am thinking.*

*whispers back: Okay. I'll help you think.*

The product of the two of you thinking together should be quite interesting.

You might be very careful if you would prefer not to be turned into Cheese Whiz!


What if I already am?


*calls - Kat - to borrow her Claymore*

Won't do you much good. *puts up protective wax (reinforced with 10 feet of titanium) shell*

I have strong teeth...

*whispers to Horatio: I'll eat the shell and you hit him with the stolen Claymore.* Note to Cheesie: It's the internet. Anything can happen, you know.

Yes, it should be interesting. As long as... um... our brains aren't devoured by a random monster. Yeah.

anything can happen, huh. Well, in that case... *grins maniacly* CHEESE NINJA!!!! I now have dual katanas, and supa-ninja skills! *deflects all attempts at claymore pwnage* *traps Horatio on a sealed off running wheel* *Knocks out hoops' teeth*

*stops running and takes a nap to get up energy to start chewing my way out*

You didn't notice that IT NEVER STOOPS TURNING!!!!

You stated I was on a sealed off running wheel, not a wheel that was perpetually in motion or a spinning running wheel.


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sooooooo...when is the pic getting into my 500th post, horatio?

*slaps forehead*

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I thought you wanted that pic in your 1500th post.



Ummmmmmmm... would you believe.......

*voice trails off*


Would you believe it was devoured by a rabid bottle of bubbles?!

That is a very good excuse! I really like your thinking!!!

:lol: I thought it was too. Now to see if she believes it...

(she doesnt)

I seeeeeeeeeeeee.

*resorts to Plan B* :blink:

*whispers to Horatio: What's plan B?*

*whispers back to Hoops: I don't know. I am thinking.*

*whispers back: Okay. I'll help you think.*

The product of the two of you thinking together should be quite interesting.

You might be very careful if you would prefer not to be turned into Cheese Whiz!


What if I already am?


*calls - Kat - to borrow her Claymore*

Won't do you much good. *puts up protective wax (reinforced with 10 feet of titanium) shell*

I have strong teeth...

*whispers to Horatio: I'll eat the shell and you hit him with the stolen Claymore.* Note to Cheesie: It's the internet. Anything can happen, you know.

Yes, it should be interesting. As long as... um... our brains aren't devoured by a random monster. Yeah.

anything can happen, huh. Well, in that case... *grins maniacly* CHEESE NINJA!!!! I now have dual katanas, and supa-ninja skills! *deflects all attempts at claymore pwnage* *traps Horatio on a sealed off running wheel* *Knocks out hoops' teeth*

*stops running and takes a nap to get up energy to start chewing my way out*

You didn't notice that IT NEVER STOOPS TURNING!!!!

You stated I was on a sealed off running wheel, not a wheel that was perpetually in motion or a spinning running wheel.


Haha, you misunderstood! The wheel itself was running, you were inside!

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sooooooo...when is the pic getting into my 500th post, horatio?

*slaps forehead*

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I thought you wanted that pic in your 1500th post.



Ummmmmmmm... would you believe.......

*voice trails off*


Would you believe it was devoured by a rabid bottle of bubbles?!

That is a very good excuse! I really like your thinking!!!


:lol: I thought it was too. Now to see if she believes it...

(she doesnt)


I seeeeeeeeeeeee.

*resorts to Plan B* :blink:

*whispers to Horatio: What's plan B?*

*whispers back to Hoops: I don't know. I am thinking.*

*whispers back: Okay. I'll help you think.*

The product of the two of you thinking together should be quite interesting.

You might be very careful if you would prefer not to be turned into Cheese Whiz!


What if I already am?


*calls - Kat - to borrow her Claymore*

Won't do you much good. *puts up protective wax (reinforced with 10 feet of titanium) shell*

I have strong teeth...

*whispers to Horatio: I'll eat the shell and you hit him with the stolen Claymore.* Note to Cheesie: It's the internet. Anything can happen, you know.

Yes, it should be interesting. As long as... um... our brains aren't devoured by a random monster. Yeah.

anything can happen, huh. Well, in that case... *grins maniacly* CHEESE NINJA!!!! I now have dual katanas, and supa-ninja skills! *deflects all attempts at claymore pwnage* *traps Horatio on a sealed off running wheel* *Knocks out hoops' teeth*

That's okay. I have another set. *pulls open invisible door to get teeth* *chews Horatio out without hurting him* :)

Saved!!! Thank you!!!!

*brushes plastic bits off fur*

No problem. *waits for another attack by Cheesie*

Great! Now you can go through the 50-foot thick lead block I put you in! And no, YOu can't dig out, for it is also 50 feet below you! Plus, there are may veins of cinesra going through, so if you do try to gnaw through, you will be fatally poisoned! Muahahahaha! Also, there is an anti - missle system outside, and a small artillary defense sytem outside, all the way around.

That's why I teleported. To... the White House.

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sooooooo...when is the pic getting into my 500th post, horatio?

*slaps forehead*

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I thought you wanted that pic in your 1500th post.



Ummmmmmmm... would you believe.......

*voice trails off*


Would you believe it was devoured by a rabid bottle of bubbles?!

That is a very good excuse! I really like your thinking!!!


:lol: I thought it was too. Now to see if she believes it...

(she doesnt)


I seeeeeeeeeeeee.

*resorts to Plan B* :blink:

*whispers to Horatio: What's plan B?*

*whispers back to Hoops: I don't know. I am thinking.*

*whispers back: Okay. I'll help you think.*

The product of the two of you thinking together should be quite interesting.

You might be very careful if you would prefer not to be turned into Cheese Whiz!


What if I already am?


*calls - Kat - to borrow her Claymore*

Won't do you much good. *puts up protective wax (reinforced with 10 feet of titanium) shell*

I have strong teeth...

*whispers to Horatio: I'll eat the shell and you hit him with the stolen Claymore.* Note to Cheesie: It's the internet. Anything can happen, you know.

Yes, it should be interesting. As long as... um... our brains aren't devoured by a random monster. Yeah.

anything can happen, huh. Well, in that case... *grins maniacly* CHEESE NINJA!!!! I now have dual katanas, and supa-ninja skills! *deflects all attempts at claymore pwnage* *traps Horatio on a sealed off running wheel* *Knocks out hoops' teeth*

That's okay. I have another set. *pulls open invisible door to get teeth* *chews Horatio out without hurting him* :)

Saved!!! Thank you!!!!

*brushes plastic bits off fur*

No problem. *waits for another attack by Cheesie*

Great! Now you can go through the 50-foot thick lead block I put you in! And no, YOu can't dig out, for it is also 50 feet below you! Plus, there are may veins of cinesra going through, so if you do try to gnaw through, you will be fatally poisoned! Muahahahaha! Also, there is an anti - missle system outside, and a small artillary defense sytem outside, all the way around.

That's why I teleported. To... the White House.

Sorry, the lead disables any magical abilities, or ate least dulls them so much that the strongest magician in the world can only go 3 feet in and everything else they can do is completely nullified. :P

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ummmmmmmm.....(no comment)

Aaahhhhh come on... give in and say something!


why are u making so many excuses not to put the pic in?


(see? i said something) :P


and something that started with me (wondering about the pic) ended up with cheese attacks and plastic bits of wax on someone's fur...i think i missed something... :blink:

I have been trying to get the pic in. If you sent the pic in either jpg or gif, this would be easy like Mr. Moosey368's pic. Unfortunately you sent it in bmp and I have been unable to move it into any of my picture programs. I have tried to take a photo of your drawing so that I would then be able to ad it to your post, but I am unable to stop the glare. I have not given up though. I am still trying.

If you can see the entire picture on the screen at once, perhaps you should try using the printscreen(PrtScrn) button? Or does your Mac not have that capability? =p

I hadn't thought of that. On two pics I can do exactly what you suggest. On the third pic, it would take me four screens to show the entire pic. Thank you for that idea!!!!

so....is it there? (ill go check)


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my class was GOING to go see wicked. but instead we are seeing tarzan. although its not till like june. and i heard tarzan was replacing lion king, butthat is WRONG (sigh of relief) although we do have tickets for lion king for february....and im getting deja vu.....i think i already discussed this..............


and i saw the christmas spectacular for the 10 millionth time, although thats not really broadway. just a lot of rockettes dancing. but i like the last scene, with the nativity (if u go, notice thats the scene that gets most photographed, even though flash photography is not allowed, but no one cares) dont get me worng, i do like it, but its a lot of the same year after year. although in the multiple santa scene this year, instead of a big mirror to make it look like there's more, they just had a screen with digital santas. they used that screen a lot....technology is taking over what's left of the world that it hasn't taken over!


i dont think theres any real update.....

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sooooooo...when is the pic getting into my 500th post, horatio?

*slaps forehead*

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I thought you wanted that pic in your 1500th post.



Ummmmmmmm... would you believe.......

*voice trails off*


Would you believe it was devoured by a rabid bottle of bubbles?!

That is a very good excuse! I really like your thinking!!!


:lol: I thought it was too. Now to see if she believes it...

(she doesnt)


I seeeeeeeeeeeee.

*resorts to Plan B*

*whispers to Horatio: What's plan B?*

*whispers back to Hoops: I don't know. I am thinking.*

*whispers back: Okay. I'll help you think.*

The product of the two of you thinking together should be quite interesting.

You might be very careful if you would prefer not to be turned into Cheese Whiz!


What if I already am?


*calls - Kat - to borrow her Claymore*

Won't do you much good. *puts up protective wax (reinforced with 10 feet of titanium) shell*

I have strong teeth...

*whispers to Horatio: I'll eat the shell and you hit him with the stolen Claymore.* Note to Cheesie: It's the internet. Anything can happen, you know.

Yes, it should be interesting. As long as... um... our brains aren't devoured by a random monster. Yeah.

anything can happen, huh. Well, in that case... *grins maniacly* CHEESE NINJA!!!! I now have dual katanas, and supa-ninja skills! *deflects all attempts at claymore pwnage* *traps Horatio on a sealed off running wheel* *Knocks out hoops' teeth*

That's okay. I have another set. *pulls open invisible door to get teeth* *chews Horatio out without hurting him* :)

Saved!!! Thank you!!!!

*brushes plastic bits off fur*

No problem. *waits for another attack by Cheesie*

Great! Now you can go through the 50-foot thick lead block I put you in! And no, YOu can't dig out, for it is also 50 feet below you! Plus, there are may veins of cinesra going through, so if you do try to gnaw through, you will be fatally poisoned! Muahahahaha! Also, there is an anti - missle system outside, and a small artillary defense sytem outside, all the way around.

That's why I teleported. To... the White House.

Sorry, the lead disables any magical abilities, or ate least dulls them so much that the strongest magician in the world can only go 3 feet in and everything else they can do is completely nullified. :P

Not unless you have an anti-lead wand. :rolleyes:

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ummmmmmmm.....(no comment)

Aaahhhhh come on... give in and say something!


why are u making so many excuses not to put the pic in?


(see? i said something) :P


and something that started with me (wondering about the pic) ended up with cheese attacks and plastic bits of wax on someone's fur...i think i missed something... :blink:

I have been trying to get the pic in. If you sent the pic in either jpg or gif, this would be easy like Mr. Moosey368's pic. Unfortunately you sent it in bmp and I have been unable to move it into any of my picture programs. I have tried to take a photo of your drawing so that I would then be able to ad it to your post, but I am unable to stop the glare. I have not given up though. I am still trying.

If you can see the entire picture on the screen at once, perhaps you should try using the printscreen(PrtScrn) button? Or does your Mac not have that capability? =p

I hadn't thought of that. On two pics I can do exactly what you suggest. On the third pic, it would take me four screens to show the entire pic. Thank you for that idea!!!!

so....is it there? (ill go check)


Your pic was posted but not - Kat's - . I have emailed the topic to HampsterKing and the pic

- Kat - creative as well.

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sooooooo...when is the pic getting into my 500th post, horatio?

*slaps forehead*

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I thought you wanted that pic in your 1500th post.



Ummmmmmmm... would you believe.......

*voice trails off*


Would you believe it was devoured by a rabid bottle of bubbles?!

That is a very good excuse! I really like your thinking!!!


:lol: I thought it was too. Now to see if she believes it...

(she doesnt)


I seeeeeeeeeeeee.

*resorts to Plan B*

*whispers to Horatio: What's plan B?*

*whispers back to Hoops: I don't know. I am thinking.*

*whispers back: Okay. I'll help you think.*

The product of the two of you thinking together should be quite interesting.

You might be very careful if you would prefer not to be turned into Cheese Whiz!


What if I already am?


*calls - Kat - to borrow her Claymore*

Won't do you much good. *puts up protective wax (reinforced with 10 feet of titanium) shell*

I have strong teeth...

*whispers to Horatio: I'll eat the shell and you hit him with the stolen Claymore.* Note to Cheesie: It's the internet. Anything can happen, you know.

Yes, it should be interesting. As long as... um... our brains aren't devoured by a random monster. Yeah.

anything can happen, huh. Well, in that case... *grins maniacly* CHEESE NINJA!!!! I now have dual katanas, and supa-ninja skills! *deflects all attempts at claymore pwnage* *traps Horatio on a sealed off running wheel* *Knocks out hoops' teeth*

That's okay. I have another set. *pulls open invisible door to get teeth* *chews Horatio out without hurting him* :)

Saved!!! Thank you!!!!

*brushes plastic bits off fur*

No problem. *waits for another attack by Cheesie*

Great! Now you can go through the 50-foot thick lead block I put you in! And no, YOu can't dig out, for it is also 50 feet below you! Plus, there are may veins of cinesra going through, so if you do try to gnaw through, you will be fatally poisoned! Muahahahaha! Also, there is an anti - missle system outside, and a small artillary defense sytem outside, all the way around.

That's why I teleported. To... the White House.

Sorry, the lead disables any magical abilities, or ate least dulls them so much that the strongest magician in the world can only go 3 feet in and everything else they can do is completely nullified. :P

Not unless you have an anti-lead wand. :rolleyes:

That is what is cool about cinesra, it disables those.

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ummmmmmmm.....(no comment)

Aaahhhhh come on... give in and say something!


why are u making so many excuses not to put the pic in?


(see? i said something) :P


and something that started with me (wondering about the pic) ended up with cheese attacks and plastic bits of wax on someone's fur...i think i missed something... :blink:

I have been trying to get the pic in. If you sent the pic in either jpg or gif, this would be easy like Mr. Moosey368's pic. Unfortunately you sent it in bmp and I have been unable to move it into any of my picture programs. I have tried to take a photo of your drawing so that I would then be able to ad it to your post, but I am unable to stop the glare. I have not given up though. I am still trying.

If you can see the entire picture on the screen at once, perhaps you should try using the printscreen(PrtScrn) button? Or does your Mac not have that capability? =p

I hadn't thought of that. On two pics I can do exactly what you suggest. On the third pic, it would take me four screens to show the entire pic. Thank you for that idea!!!!

so....is it there? (ill go check)


Your pic was posted but not - Kat's - . I have emailed the topic to HampsterKing and the pic

- Kat - creative as well.

yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let me go see it.....nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it is not there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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sooooooo...when is the pic getting into my 500th post, horatio?

*slaps forehead*

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I thought you wanted that pic in your 1500th post.



Ummmmmmmm... would you believe.......

*voice trails off*


Would you believe it was devoured by a rabid bottle of bubbles?!

That is a very good excuse! I really like your thinking!!!


:lol: I thought it was too. Now to see if she believes it...

(she doesnt)


I seeeeeeeeeeeee.

*resorts to Plan B* :blink:

*whispers to Horatio: What's plan B?*

*whispers back to Hoops: I don't know. I am thinking.*

*whispers back: Okay. I'll help you think.*

The product of the two of you thinking together should be quite interesting.

You might be very careful if you would prefer not to be turned into Cheese Whiz!


What if I already am?


*calls - Kat - to borrow her Claymore*

Won't do you much good. *puts up protective wax (reinforced with 10 feet of titanium) shell*

I have strong teeth...

*whispers to Horatio: I'll eat the shell and you hit him with the stolen Claymore.* Note to Cheesie: It's the internet. Anything can happen, you know.

Yes, it should be interesting. As long as... um... our brains aren't devoured by a random monster. Yeah.

anything can happen, huh. Well, in that case... *grins maniacly* CHEESE NINJA!!!! I now have dual katanas, and supa-ninja skills! *deflects all attempts at claymore pwnage* *traps Horatio on a sealed off running wheel* *Knocks out hoops' teeth*

That's okay. I have another set. *pulls open invisible door to get teeth* *chews Horatio out without hurting him* :)

Saved!!! Thank you!!!!

*brushes plastic bits off fur*

No problem. *waits for another attack by Cheesie*

Great! Now you can go through the 50-foot thick lead block I put you in! And no, YOu can't dig out, for it is also 50 feet below you! Plus, there are may veins of cinesra going through, so if you do try to gnaw through, you will be fatally poisoned! Muahahahaha! Also, there is an anti - missle system outside, and a small artillary defense sytem outside, all the way around.

That's why I teleported. To... the White House.

Sorry, the lead disables any magical abilities, or ate least dulls them so much that the strongest magician in the world can only go 3 feet in and everything else they can do is completely nullified. :P

Who say says I used magic? :P

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ummmmmmmm.....(no comment)

Aaahhhhh come on... give in and say something!


why are u making so many excuses not to put the pic in?


(see? i said something) :P


and something that started with me (wondering about the pic) ended up with cheese attacks and plastic bits of wax on someone's fur...i think i missed something... :blink:

I have been trying to get the pic in. If you sent the pic in either jpg or gif, this would be easy like Mr. Moosey368's pic. Unfortunately you sent it in bmp and I have been unable to move it into any of my picture programs. I have tried to take a photo of your drawing so that I would then be able to ad it to your post, but I am unable to stop the glare. I have not given up though. I am still trying.

If you can see the entire picture on the screen at once, perhaps you should try using the printscreen(PrtScrn) button? Or does your Mac not have that capability? =p

I hadn't thought of that. On two pics I can do exactly what you suggest. On the third pic, it would take me four screens to show the entire pic. Thank you for that idea!!!!

so....is it there? (ill go check)


Your pic was posted but not - Kat's - . I have emailed the topic to HampsterKing and the pic

- Kat - creative as well.

yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let me go see it.....nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it is not there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look again... it is there.DSCN1336.JPG

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ummmmmmmm.....(no comment)

Aaahhhhh come on... give in and say something!


why are u making so many excuses not to put the pic in?


(see? i said something) :P


and something that started with me (wondering about the pic) ended up with cheese attacks and plastic bits of wax on someone's fur...i think i missed something... :blink:

I have been trying to get the pic in. If you sent the pic in either jpg or gif, this would be easy like Mr. Moosey368's pic. Unfortunately you sent it in bmp and I have been unable to move it into any of my picture programs. I have tried to take a photo of your drawing so that I would then be able to ad it to your post, but I am unable to stop the glare. I have not given up though. I am still trying.

If you can see the entire picture on the screen at once, perhaps you should try using the printscreen(PrtScrn) button? Or does your Mac not have that capability? =p

I hadn't thought of that. On two pics I can do exactly what you suggest. On the third pic, it would take me four screens to show the entire pic. Thank you for that idea!!!!

so....is it there? (ill go check)


Your pic was posted but not - Kat's - . I have emailed the topic to HampsterKing and the pic

- Kat - creative as well.


aaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let me go see it.....nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it is not there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look again... it is there.post-678-1132094913_thumb.jpg

the one for my 500th post? (ill go check again) nope. and i sent that one in first!

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ummmmmmmm.....(no comment)

Aaahhhhh come on... give in and say something!


why are u making so many excuses not to put the pic in?


(see? i said something) :P


and something that started with me (wondering about the pic) ended up with cheese attacks and plastic bits of wax on someone's fur...i think i missed something... :blink:

I have been trying to get the pic in. If you sent the pic in either jpg or gif, this would be easy like Mr. Moosey368's pic. Unfortunately you sent it in bmp and I have been unable to move it into any of my picture programs. I have tried to take a photo of your drawing so that I would then be able to ad it to your post, but I am unable to stop the glare. I have not given up though. I am still trying.

If you can see the entire picture on the screen at once, perhaps you should try using the printscreen(PrtScrn) button? Or does your Mac not have that capability? =p

I hadn't thought of that. On two pics I can do exactly what you suggest. On the third pic, it would take me four screens to show the entire pic. Thank you for that idea!!!!

so....is it there? (ill go check)


Your pic was posted but not - Kat's - . I have emailed the topic to HampsterKing and the pic

- Kat - creative as well.


aaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let me go see it.....nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it is not there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look again... it is there.DSCN1336.JPG

the one for my 500th post? (ill go check again) nope. and i sent that one in first!

The problem is the files are in .bmp and I have to take a pic of my screen as my program will not work with .bmp. Sometimes I cannot get rid of the glare as the camera will not cooperate.

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ummmmmmmm.....(no comment)

Aaahhhhh come on... give in and say something!


why are u making so many excuses not to put the pic in?


(see? i said something) :P


and something that started with me (wondering about the pic) ended up with cheese attacks and plastic bits of wax on someone's fur...i think i missed something... :blink:

I have been trying to get the pic in. If you sent the pic in either jpg or gif, this would be easy like Mr. Moosey368's pic. Unfortunately you sent it in bmp and I have been unable to move it into any of my picture programs. I have tried to take a photo of your drawing so that I would then be able to ad it to your post, but I am unable to stop the glare. I have not given up though. I am still trying.

If you can see the entire picture on the screen at once, perhaps you should try using the printscreen(PrtScrn) button? Or does your Mac not have that capability? =p

I hadn't thought of that. On two pics I can do exactly what you suggest. On the third pic, it would take me four screens to show the entire pic. Thank you for that idea!!!!

so....is it there? (ill go check)


Your pic was posted but not - Kat's - . I have emailed the topic to HampsterKing and the pic

- Kat - creative as well.


aaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let me go see it.....nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it is not there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look again... it is there.post-678-1132094913_thumb.jpg

the one for my 500th post? (ill go check again) nope. and i sent that one in first!

The problem is the files are in .bmp and I have to take a pic of my screen as my program will not work with .bmp. Sometimes I cannot get rid of the glare as the camera will not cooperate.

What happened to the PrtScrn idea?

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ummmmmmmm.....(no comment)

Aaahhhhh come on... give in and say something!


why are u making so many excuses not to put the pic in?


(see? i said something) :P


and something that started with me (wondering about the pic) ended up with cheese attacks and plastic bits of wax on someone's fur...i think i missed something... :blink:

I have been trying to get the pic in. If you sent the pic in either jpg or gif, this would be easy like Mr. Moosey368's pic. Unfortunately you sent it in bmp and I have been unable to move it into any of my picture programs. I have tried to take a photo of your drawing so that I would then be able to ad it to your post, but I am unable to stop the glare. I have not given up though. I am still trying.

If you can see the entire picture on the screen at once, perhaps you should try using the printscreen(PrtScrn) button? Or does your Mac not have that capability? =p

I hadn't thought of that. On two pics I can do exactly what you suggest. On the third pic, it would take me four screens to show the entire pic. Thank you for that idea!!!!

so....is it there? (ill go check)


Your pic was posted but not - Kat's - . I have emailed the topic to HampsterKing and the pic

- Kat - creative as well.


aaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let me go see it.....nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it is not there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look again... it is there.DSCN1336.JPG

the one for my 500th post? (ill go check again) nope. and i sent that one in first!

The problem is the files are in .bmp and I have to take a pic of my screen as my program will not work with .bmp. Sometimes I cannot get rid of the glare as the camera will not cooperate.

What happened to the PrtScrn idea?

I tried your idea, but I am trying to change the format so I can shrink it and the PrtScrn did not help. Any other ideas? You are smart in this area. :D

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ummmmmmmm.....(no comment)

Aaahhhhh come on... give in and say something!


why are u making so many excuses not to put the pic in?


(see? i said something) :P


and something that started with me (wondering about the pic) ended up with cheese attacks and plastic bits of wax on someone's fur...i think i missed something... :blink:

I have been trying to get the pic in. If you sent the pic in either jpg or gif, this would be easy like Mr. Moosey368's pic. Unfortunately you sent it in bmp and I have been unable to move it into any of my picture programs. I have tried to take a photo of your drawing so that I would then be able to ad it to your post, but I am unable to stop the glare. I have not given up though. I am still trying.

If you can see the entire picture on the screen at once, perhaps you should try using the printscreen(PrtScrn) button? Or does your Mac not have that capability? =p

I hadn't thought of that. On two pics I can do exactly what you suggest. On the third pic, it would take me four screens to show the entire pic. Thank you for that idea!!!!

so....is it there? (ill go check)


Your pic was posted but not - Kat's - . I have emailed the topic to HampsterKing and the pic

- Kat - creative as well.


aaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let me go see it.....nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it is not there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look again... it is there.post-678-1132094913_thumb.jpg

the one for my 500th post? (ill go check again) nope. and i sent that one in first!

The problem is the files are in .bmp and I have to take a pic of my screen as my program will not work with .bmp. Sometimes I cannot get rid of the glare as the camera will not cooperate.

What happened to the PrtScrn idea?

I tried your idea, but I am trying to change the format so I can shrink it and the PrtScrn did not help. Any other ideas? You are smart in this area. :D

Hmm... well, are you viewing it on Paint Program, first of all?

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ummmmmmmm.....(no comment)

Aaahhhhh come on... give in and say something!


why are u making so many excuses not to put the pic in?


(see? i said something) :P


and something that started with me (wondering about the pic) ended up with cheese attacks and plastic bits of wax on someone's fur...i think i missed something... :blink:

I have been trying to get the pic in. If you sent the pic in either jpg or gif, this would be easy like Mr. Moosey368's pic. Unfortunately you sent it in bmp and I have been unable to move it into any of my picture programs. I have tried to take a photo of your drawing so that I would then be able to ad it to your post, but I am unable to stop the glare. I have not given up though. I am still trying.

If you can see the entire picture on the screen at once, perhaps you should try using the printscreen(PrtScrn) button? Or does your Mac not have that capability? =p

I hadn't thought of that. On two pics I can do exactly what you suggest. On the third pic, it would take me four screens to show the entire pic. Thank you for that idea!!!!

so....is it there? (ill go check)


Your pic was posted but not - Kat's - . I have emailed the topic to HampsterKing and the pic

- Kat - creative as well.


aaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let me go see it.....nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it is not there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look again... it is there.DSCN1336.JPG

the one for my 500th post? (ill go check again) nope. and i sent that one in first!

The problem is the files are in .bmp and I have to take a pic of my screen as my program will not work with .bmp. Sometimes I cannot get rid of the glare as the camera will not cooperate.

What happened to the PrtScrn idea?

I tried your idea, but I am trying to change the format so I can shrink it and the PrtScrn did not help. Any other ideas? You are smart in this area. :D

Hmm... well, are you viewing it on Paint Program, first of all?

I have it on my desktop. I don't need Paint to view it.

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ummmmmmmm.....(no comment)

Aaahhhhh come on... give in and say something!


why are u making so many excuses not to put the pic in?


(see? i said something) :P


and something that started with me (wondering about the pic) ended up with cheese attacks and plastic bits of wax on someone's fur...i think i missed something... :blink:

I have been trying to get the pic in. If you sent the pic in either jpg or gif, this would be easy like Mr. Moosey368's pic. Unfortunately you sent it in bmp and I have been unable to move it into any of my picture programs. I have tried to take a photo of your drawing so that I would then be able to ad it to your post, but I am unable to stop the glare. I have not given up though. I am still trying.

If you can see the entire picture on the screen at once, perhaps you should try using the printscreen(PrtScrn) button? Or does your Mac not have that capability? =p

I hadn't thought of that. On two pics I can do exactly what you suggest. On the third pic, it would take me four screens to show the entire pic. Thank you for that idea!!!!

so....is it there? (ill go check)


Your pic was posted but not - Kat's - . I have emailed the topic to HampsterKing and the pic

- Kat - creative as well.


aaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let me go see it.....nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it is not there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look again... it is there.post-678-1132094913_thumb.jpg

the one for my 500th post? (ill go check again) nope. and i sent that one in first!

The problem is the files are in .bmp and I have to take a pic of my screen as my program will not work with .bmp. Sometimes I cannot get rid of the glare as the camera will not cooperate.

What happened to the PrtScrn idea?

I tried your idea, but I am trying to change the format so I can shrink it and the PrtScrn did not help. Any other ideas? You are smart in this area. :D

Hmm... well, are you viewing it on Paint Program, first of all?

I have it on my desktop. I don't need Paint to view it.

can you get it into paint, i just remembered how to fix your problem there.

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ummmmmmmm.....(no comment)

Aaahhhhh come on... give in and say something!


why are u making so many excuses not to put the pic in?


(see? i said something) :P


and something that started with me (wondering about the pic) ended up with cheese attacks and plastic bits of wax on someone's fur...i think i missed something... :blink:

I have been trying to get the pic in. If you sent the pic in either jpg or gif, this would be easy like Mr. Moosey368's pic. Unfortunately you sent it in bmp and I have been unable to move it into any of my picture programs. I have tried to take a photo of your drawing so that I would then be able to ad it to your post, but I am unable to stop the glare. I have not given up though. I am still trying.

If you can see the entire picture on the screen at once, perhaps you should try using the printscreen(PrtScrn) button? Or does your Mac not have that capability? =p

I hadn't thought of that. On two pics I can do exactly what you suggest. On the third pic, it would take me four screens to show the entire pic. Thank you for that idea!!!!

so....is it there? (ill go check)


Your pic was posted but not - Kat's - . I have emailed the topic to HampsterKing and the pic

- Kat - creative as well.


aaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let me go see it.....nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it is not there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look again... it is there.post-678-1132094913_thumb.jpg

the one for my 500th post? (ill go check again) nope. and i sent that one in first!

The problem is the files are in .bmp and I have to take a pic of my screen as my program will not work with .bmp. Sometimes I cannot get rid of the glare as the camera will not cooperate.

What happened to the PrtScrn idea?

I tried your idea, but I am trying to change the format so I can shrink it and the PrtScrn did not help. Any other ideas? You are smart in this area. :D

Hmm... well, are you viewing it on Paint Program, first of all?

I have it on my desktop. I don't need Paint to view it.

Have you thought of using a Paint or Paint-type program to resize it?

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ummmmmmmm.....(no comment)

Aaahhhhh come on... give in and say something!


why are u making so many excuses not to put the pic in?


(see? i said something) :P


and something that started with me (wondering about the pic) ended up with cheese attacks and plastic bits of wax on someone's fur...i think i missed something... :blink:

I have been trying to get the pic in. If you sent the pic in either jpg or gif, this would be easy like Mr. Moosey368's pic. Unfortunately you sent it in bmp and I have been unable to move it into any of my picture programs. I have tried to take a photo of your drawing so that I would then be able to ad it to your post, but I am unable to stop the glare. I have not given up though. I am still trying.

If you can see the entire picture on the screen at once, perhaps you should try using the printscreen(PrtScrn) button? Or does your Mac not have that capability? =p

I hadn't thought of that. On two pics I can do exactly what you suggest. On the third pic, it would take me four screens to show the entire pic. Thank you for that idea!!!!

so....is it there? (ill go check)


Your pic was posted but not - Kat's - . I have emailed the topic to HampsterKing and the pic

- Kat - creative as well.


aaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let me go see it.....nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it is not there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look again... it is there.DSCN1336.JPG

the one for my 500th post? (ill go check again) nope. and i sent that one in first!

The problem is the files are in .bmp and I have to take a pic of my screen as my program will not work with .bmp. Sometimes I cannot get rid of the glare as the camera will not cooperate.

What happened to the PrtScrn idea?

I tried your idea, but I am trying to change the format so I can shrink it and the PrtScrn did not help. Any other ideas? You are smart in this area. :D

Hmm... well, are you viewing it on Paint Program, first of all?

I have it on my desktop. I don't need Paint to view it.

can you get it into paint, i just remembered how to fix your problem there.

I don't have Paint. I have Appleworks, but I will try placing it there.

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ummmmmmmm.....(no comment)

Aaahhhhh come on... give in and say something!


why are u making so many excuses not to put the pic in?


(see? i said something) :P


and something that started with me (wondering about the pic) ended up with cheese attacks and plastic bits of wax on someone's fur...i think i missed something... :blink:

I have been trying to get the pic in. If you sent the pic in either jpg or gif, this would be easy like Mr. Moosey368's pic. Unfortunately you sent it in bmp and I have been unable to move it into any of my picture programs. I have tried to take a photo of your drawing so that I would then be able to ad it to your post, but I am unable to stop the glare. I have not given up though. I am still trying.

If you can see the entire picture on the screen at once, perhaps you should try using the printscreen(PrtScrn) button? Or does your Mac not have that capability? =p

I hadn't thought of that. On two pics I can do exactly what you suggest. On the third pic, it would take me four screens to show the entire pic. Thank you for that idea!!!!

so....is it there? (ill go check)


Your pic was posted but not - Kat's - . I have emailed the topic to HampsterKing and the pic

- Kat - creative as well.


aaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let me go see it.....nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it is not there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look again... it is there.DSCN1336.JPG

the one for my 500th post? (ill go check again) nope. and i sent that one in first!

The problem is the files are in .bmp and I have to take a pic of my screen as my program will not work with .bmp. Sometimes I cannot get rid of the glare as the camera will not cooperate.

What happened to the PrtScrn idea?

I tried your idea, but I am trying to change the format so I can shrink it and the PrtScrn did not help. Any other ideas? You are smart in this area. :D

Hmm... well, are you viewing it on Paint Program, first of all?

I have it on my desktop. I don't need Paint to view it.

Have you thought of using a Paint or Paint-type program to resize it?

I hadn't thought of using Paint, but I will try that now.

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wow i feel important....

You should!

*crowns Dog lover Queen for a day!* :lol:

*places robe over shoulders and hands a bouquet of roses*

yay!!! (my parents did always call me queen elizabeth!)


What a great nickname!!!

thank u!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

hey horatio....are we allowed to put our aim screen names here? cause if someone weird starts IMing us, we can just block them....i dont see any problem, but i'll wait b4 doing anything.....although if i did post it and it wasnt allowed, u would just mod it out, but im saving u the trouble....im so nice......and so bored.......u know what this should have? a spell checker. like in this type post part, not like the modders have to do it...just like if we wanted to and see if we made any pointless typos. century gothic is cool,even tho im not gothic. lol. im SOOOOO BORRRREEEEEDDD!!!!!!! i like customizing font and color and stuff. makes my post feel "me" and im REALLY BORED ....... and i have a dance on friday and HOPEFULLY i can get up the courage to ask the guy i like to dance.....strange....im not afraid of ghosts or anyhting stupid like that, im afraid of asking tim to dance. and the worst he could say is no, although he'll probably say yes beacause he'll feel like he has to or he'll hurt my feelings. then i will be ecstatic because i havent danced with him since last year's valentine's dance and he'll be like "ok i hope this is a short song" and i'll be like" :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D " and i think that's the limit on smileys and im rambling so ill stop. bye.

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hey horatio....are we allowed to put our aim screen names here? cause if someone weird starts IMing us, we can just block them....i dont see any problem, but i'll wait b4 doing anything.....although if i did post it and it wasnt allowed, u would just mod it out, but im saving u the trouble....im so nice......and so bored.......u know what this should have? a spell checker. like in this type post part, not like the modders have to do it...just like if we wanted to and see if we made any pointless typos. century gothic is cool,even tho im not gothic. lol. im SOOOOO BORRRREEEEEDDD!!!!!!! i like customizing font and color and stuff. makes my post feel "me" and im REALLY BORED ....... and i have a dance on friday and HOPEFULLY i can get up the courage to ask the guy i like to dance.....strange....im not afraid of ghosts or anyhting stupid like that, im afraid of asking tim to dance. and the worst he could say is no, although he'll probably say yes beacause he'll feel like he has to or he'll hurt my feelings. then i will be ecstatic because i havent danced with him since last year's valentine's dance and he'll be like "ok i hope this is a short song" and i'll be like" :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D " and i think that's the limit on smileys and im rambling so ill stop. bye.

Unfortunately NO screen names, user names, URL links.... etc. are permitted. HampsterKing prides himself on protecting you all and if I allowed you to do it, I would have to allow everyone and I probably would no longer be a moderator. So, please do not do it. Thank you. :D

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hey horatio....are we allowed to put our aim screen names here? cause if someone weird starts IMing us, we can just block them....i dont see any problem, but i'll wait b4 doing anything.....although if i did post it and it wasnt allowed, u would just mod it out, but im saving u the trouble....im so nice......and so bored.......u know what this should have? a spell checker. like in this type post part, not like the modders have to do it...just like if we wanted to and see if we made any pointless typos. century gothic is cool,even tho im not gothic. lol. im SOOOOO BORRRREEEEEDDD!!!!!!! i like customizing font and color and stuff. makes my post feel "me" and im REALLY BORED ....... and i have a dance on friday and HOPEFULLY i can get up the courage to ask the guy i like to dance.....strange....im not afraid of ghosts or anyhting stupid like that, im afraid of asking tim to dance. and the worst he could say is no, although he'll probably say yes beacause he'll feel like he has to or he'll hurt my feelings. then i will be ecstatic because i havent danced with him since last year's valentine's dance and he'll be like "ok i hope this is a short song" and i'll be like" :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D " and i think that's the limit on smileys and im rambling so ill stop. bye.

Unfortunately NO screen names, user names, URL links.... etc. are permitted. HampsterKing prides himself on protecting you all and if I allowed you to do it, I would have to allow everyone and I probably would no longer be a moderator. So, please do not do it. Thank you. :D

k thanx.....no comment on the rambling...interesting....DANCE 2NITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im gona straighten my hair......it looks so pretty when i do that but it takes so long!!!!!!! like 45min. arg. the price of being pretty...liz1.bmp the color's messed up but this is me at my 14th b-day party with my hair striaghtened....dont worry i colored over my face so u cant see it

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hey horatio....are we allowed to put our aim screen names here? cause if someone weird starts IMing us, we can just block them....i dont see any problem, but i'll wait b4 doing anything.....although if i did post it and it wasnt allowed, u would just mod it out, but im saving u the trouble....im so nice......and so bored.......u know what this should have? a spell checker. like in this type post part, not like the modders have to do it...just like if we wanted to and see if we made any pointless typos. century gothic is cool,even tho im not gothic. lol. im SOOOOO BORRRREEEEEDDD!!!!!!! i like customizing font and color and stuff. makes my post feel "me" and im REALLY BORED ....... and i have a dance on friday and HOPEFULLY i can get up the courage to ask the guy i like to dance.....strange....im not afraid of ghosts or anyhting stupid like that, im afraid of asking tim to dance. and the worst he could say is no, although he'll probably say yes beacause he'll feel like he has to or he'll hurt my feelings. then i will be ecstatic because i havent danced with him since last year's valentine's dance and he'll be like "ok i hope this is a short song" and i'll be like" :D :D :D :D :D :D :D " and i think that's the limit on smileys and im rambling so ill stop. bye.

Unfortunately NO screen names, user names, URL links.... etc. are permitted. HampsterKing prides himself on protecting you all and if I allowed you to do it, I would have to allow everyone and I probably would no longer be a moderator. So, please do not do it. Thank you. :D

k thanx.....no comment on the rambling...interesting....DANCE 2NITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im gona straighten my hair......it looks so pretty when i do that but it takes so long!!!!!!! like 45min. arg. the price of being pretty...liz1.bmp the color's messed up but this is me at my 14th b-day party with my hair striaghtened....dont worry i colored over my face so u cant see it

Looks really great! Now can you give us an unstraightened hair pic please?

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Ha. There's a dance at my school tonight too. Last night I was volunteering at a local clothing room, and the lady in charge of it was trying to get me to go, and wear this very girly dress with flowers and stuff on it.


I was honestly thinking about going just to wear the dress and stand by the wall.


It would have been hilarious.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

hey this chat disappeared so im bringing it back 2 life............................................................................








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im REALLY BORED ....... and i have a dance on friday and HOPEFULLY i can get up the courage to ask the guy i like to dance.....strange....im not afraid of ghosts or anyhting stupid like that, im afraid of asking tim to dance. and the worst he could say is no, although he'll probably say yes beacause he'll feel like he has to or he'll hurt my feelings. then i will be ecstatic because i havent danced with him since last year's valentine's dance and he'll be like "ok i hope this is a short song" and i'll be like" :D :D :D :D :D :D " and i think that's the limit on smileys and im rambling so ill stop. bye.

Unfortunately NO screen names, user names, URL links.... etc. are permitted. HampsterKing prides himself on protecting you all and if I allowed you to do it, I would have to allow everyone and I probably would no longer be a moderator. So, please do not do it. Thank you. :D

k thanx.....no comment on the rambling...interesting....DANCE 2NITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im gona straighten my hair......it looks so pretty when i do that but it takes so long!!!!!!! like 45min. arg. the price of being pretty...liz1.bmp the color's messed up but this is me at my 14th b-day party with my hair striaghtened....dont worry i colored over my face so u cant see it

we are now allowed to wear any t-shirt with our gym uniforms, which we wear all day on gym days (we wear another uniform other days) and they just started it this week and my mom thought it had to be a sports-related shirt but it wasnt but i just wore my normal gym shirt....ANYWAY the guy i like (tim) was wearing this shirt that said "made in ireland" but the shirt was made in mexico, or so i heard... :P and he looked really cute! although he always does.....but more cute than normal....and we played volleyball in gym 2day and he was like the only one on our team who could actually serve.......and i stare at him SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant help it!!! me: :wub::blush:

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yes i remember....


2 other palys i forgot i saw(on broadway):


Big River (based on huckleberry finn)


thats it


I LOVE OKLAHOMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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we are now allowed to wear any t-shirt with our gym uniforms, which we wear all day on gym days (we wear another uniform other days) and they just started it this week and my mom thought it had to be a sports-related shirt but it wasnt but i just wore my normal gym shirt....ANYWAY the guy i like (tim) was wearing this shirt that said "made in ireland" but the shirt was made in mexico, or so i heard... :P and he looked really cute! although he always does.....but more cute than normal....and we played volleyball in gym 2day and he was like the only one on our team who could actually serve.......and i stare at him SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant help it!!! me: :wub::blush:


I LOVE IRELAND never been thogh but i am getting married there i am forcing who ever i mary to do cause.............................. BEING IRISH ROCKS MY SOCKS!!!!!!!!!!! WOOO i have a shall made in ireland!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'll take a pic and post it ................................ once i figure out how to load pics onto the computer lol btw I have an irish backroundy person boyfriend ^_^

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he was absent 2day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :angry2: i had no one to stare at!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You really had a bad day!


:o;)^_^ i would if my "crush" was gone i am a bad person is it bad to have a boyfriend and still like someone else?!?!?!???!??!?!? :huh::huh::blush:

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he was absent 2day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :angry2: i had no one to stare at!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You really had a bad day!


:o;)^_^ i would if my "crush" was gone i am a bad person is it bad to have a boyfriend and still like someone else?!?!?!???!??!?!? :huh::huh::blush:

It depends on what kind of "like" you have for this other guy. If you like him like a friend and not more, then this is okay. But if you would like to have a closer relationship with him, then you need to break-up with your current boyfriend. I want you to think how you would feel if the situation was reversed. It is better not to have a boyfriend then to keep someone around while you look for another guy to take his place. Please always use The Golden Rule when you think of how to deal with other people. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Always think how you would want to be treated.

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he was absent 2day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :angry2: i had no one to stare at!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You really had a bad day!


:o;)^_^ i would if my "crush" was gone i am a bad person is it bad to have a boyfriend and still like someone else?!?!?!???!??!?!? :huh::huh::blush:

It depends on what kind of "like" you have for this other guy. If you like him like a friend and not more, then this is okay. But if you would like to have a closer relationship with him, then you need to break-up with your current boyfriend. I want you to think how you would feel if the situation was reversed. It is better not to have a boyfriend then to keep someone around while you look for another guy to take his place. Please always use The Golden Rule when you think of how to deal with other people. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Always think how you would want to be treated.


um ok i thought and your right me stiking to one right now

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he was absent 2day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :angry2: i had no one to stare at!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:lol: LOL :lol:

You really had a bad day!


:o;)^_^ i would if my "crush" was gone i am a bad person is it bad to have a boyfriend and still like someone else?!?!?!???!??!?!? :huh::blush:

It depends on what kind of "like" you have for this other guy. If you like him like a friend and not more, then this is okay. But if you would like to have a closer relationship with him, then you need to break-up with your current boyfriend. I want you to think how you would feel if the situation was reversed. It is better not to have a boyfriend then to keep someone around while you look for another guy to take his place. Please always use The Golden Rule when you think of how to deal with other people. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Always think how you would want to be treated.


um ok i thought and your right me stiking to one right now

This is good news. :)

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he was absent 2day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :angry2: i had no one to stare at!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:lol: LOL :lol:

You really had a bad day!


:o;)^_^ i would if my "crush" was gone i am a bad person is it bad to have a boyfriend and still like someone else?!?!?!???!??!?!? :huh::blush:

It depends on what kind of "like" you have for this other guy. If you like him like a friend and not more, then this is okay. But if you would like to have a closer relationship with him, then you need to break-up with your current boyfriend. I want you to think how you would feel if the situation was reversed. It is better not to have a boyfriend then to keep someone around while you look for another guy to take his place. Please always use The Golden Rule when you think of how to deal with other people. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Always think how you would want to be treated.


um ok i thought and your right me stiking to one right now

This is good news. :)


:huh: really

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he was absent 2day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :angry2: i had no one to stare at!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:lol: LOL :lol:

You really had a bad day!


:o;)^_^ i would if my "crush" was gone i am a bad person is it bad to have a boyfriend and still like someone else?!?!?!???!??!?!? :huh::blush:

It depends on what kind of "like" you have for this other guy. If you like him like a friend and not more, then this is okay. But if you would like to have a closer relationship with him, then you need to break-up with your current boyfriend. I want you to think how you would feel if the situation was reversed. It is better not to have a boyfriend then to keep someone around while you look for another guy to take his place. Please always use The Golden Rule when you think of how to deal with other people. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Always think how you would want to be treated.


um ok i thought and your right me stiking to one right now

This is good news. :)


:huh: really

It is good news that you came to a decision.

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yeah....did u know im part german in adition to irish and he is too.....u can tell he's irish he has red hair and my last name is irish but i cant tell u!

I love red hair!!! :D


me too i have light brown hair with natural red and blond highlights and the under layer is gold ... and i have some fake blond highlights

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yeah....did u know im part german in adition to irish and he is too.....u can tell he's irish he has red hair and my last name is irish but i cant tell u!

I love red hair!!! :D


me too i have light brown hair with natural red and blond highlights and the under layer is gold ... and i have some fake blond highlights

Your hair sounds soooooo beautiful!!!

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yeah....did u know im part german in adition to irish and he is too.....u can tell he's irish he has red hair and my last name is irish but i cant tell u!

I love red hair!!! :D


me too i have light brown hair with natural red and blond highlights and the under layer is gold ... and i have some fake blond highlights

Your hair sounds soooooo beautiful!!!



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yeah....did u know im part german in adition to irish and he is too.....u can tell he's irish he has red hair and my last name is irish but i cant tell u!

I love red hair!!! :D


me too i have light brown hair with natural red and blond highlights and the under layer is gold ... and i have some fake blond highlights

Your hair sounds soooooo beautiful!!!



I have some hammie friends who have that same problem! :lol:

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yeah....did u know im part german in adition to irish and he is too.....u can tell he's irish he has red hair and my last name is irish but i cant tell u!

I love red hair!!! :D


me too i have light brown hair with natural red and blond highlights and the under layer is gold ... and i have some fake blond highlights

Your hair sounds soooooo beautiful!!!



I have some hammie friends who have that same problem! :lol:


:huh: ........................EEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW...............lol :lol:

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yeah....did u know im part german in adition to irish and he is too.....u can tell he's irish he has red hair and my last name is irish but i cant tell u!

I love red hair!!! :D

i love him! and his red hair :wub: ....my mom had red hair when she was a kid but now its mostly brown...i could have gotten the gene, but i like my blonde-ish hair...everyone says its 2 long but i like it

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yeah....did u know im part german in adition to irish and he is too.....u can tell he's irish he has red hair and my last name is irish but i cant tell u!

I love red hair!!! :D

i love him! and his red hair :wub: ....my mom had red hair when she was a kid but now its mostly brown...i could have gotten the gene, but i like my blonde-ish hair...everyone says its 2 long but i like it

Ignore what those other people say. If you like the length of your hair, then I believe it must be beautiful!!!

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yeah....did u know im part german in adition to irish and he is too.....u can tell he's irish he has red hair and my last name is irish but i cant tell u!

I love red hair!!! :D

i love him! and his red hair :wub: ....my mom had red hair when she was a kid but now its mostly brown...i could have gotten the gene, but i like my blonde-ish hair...everyone says its 2 long but i like it

Ignore what those other people say. If you like the length of your hair, then I believe it must be beautiful!!!

why thank u! :blush: although i should get it trimmed 4 the split ends, but thats not bad, it grows back

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yeah....did u know im part german in adition to irish and he is too.....u can tell he's irish he has red hair and my last name is irish but i cant tell u!

I love red hair!!! :D

i love him! and his red hair :wub: ....my mom had red hair when she was a kid but now its mostly brown...i could have gotten the gene, but i like my blonde-ish hair...everyone says its 2 long but i like it

Ignore what those other people say. If you like the length of your hair, then I believe it must be beautiful!!!

why thank u! :blush: although i should get it trimmed 4 the split ends, but thats not bad, it grows back

If you get your mother to trim the very ends, about 1/8 of an inch every 3 to 4 weeks, you hair will grow down to your feet with no split ends whatsoever!!!!!!!

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yeah....did u know im part german in adition to irish and he is too.....u can tell he's irish he has red hair and my last name is irish but i cant tell u!

I love red hair!!! :D

i love him! and his red hair :wub: ....my mom had red hair when she was a kid but now its mostly brown...i could have gotten the gene, but i like my blonde-ish hair...everyone says its 2 long but i like it

Ignore what those other people say. If you like the length of your hair, then I believe it must be beautiful!!!

why thank u! :blush: although i should get it trimmed 4 the split ends, but thats not bad, it grows back

If you get your mother to trim the very ends, about 1/8 of an inch every 3 to 4 weeks, you hair will grow down to your feet with no split ends whatsoever!!!!!!!

heehee....i get my hair done at a hair place, tho...my dad used to cut my bangs when i had them...i grew them out a few years ago

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yeah....did u know im part german in adition to irish and he is too.....u can tell he's irish he has red hair and my last name is irish but i cant tell u!

I love red hair!!! :D

i love him! and his red hair :wub: ....my mom had red hair when she was a kid but now its mostly brown...i could have gotten the gene, but i like my blonde-ish hair...everyone says its 2 long but i like it

Ignore what those other people say. If you like the length of your hair, then I believe it must be beautiful!!!

why thank u! :blush: although i should get it trimmed 4 the split ends, but thats not bad, it grows back

If you get your mother to trim the very ends, about 1/8 of an inch every 3 to 4 weeks, you hair will grow down to your feet with no split ends whatsoever!!!!!!!

heehee....i get my hair done at a hair place, tho...my dad used to cut my bangs when i had them...i grew them out a few years ago

It ends up costing too much if you go to a hair place every 3 to 4 weeks. If your father can cut your bangs, then he will do great at trimming your hair. Just make sure your hair is wet when he trims it and he only takes off an 1/8th of an inch.

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yeah....did u know im part german in adition to irish and he is too.....u can tell he's irish he has red hair and my last name is irish but i cant tell u!

I love red hair!!! :D

i love him! and his red hair :wub: ....my mom had red hair when she was a kid but now its mostly brown...i could have gotten the gene, but i like my blonde-ish hair...everyone says its 2 long but i like it

Ignore what those other people say. If you like the length of your hair, then I believe it must be beautiful!!!

why thank u! :blush: although i should get it trimmed 4 the split ends, but thats not bad, it grows back

If you get your mother to trim the very ends, about 1/8 of an inch every 3 to 4 weeks, you hair will grow down to your feet with no split ends whatsoever!!!!!!!

heehee....i get my hair done at a hair place, tho...my dad used to cut my bangs when i had them...i grew them out a few years ago

It ends up costing too much if you go to a hair place every 3 to 4 weeks. If your father can cut your bangs, then he will do great at trimming your hair. Just make sure your hair is wet when he trims it and he only takes off an 1/8th of an inch.

yeah it is a lot of $.....ill think about it.....sometimes im almost convinced its 2 long, but then i think that cutting it takes so quick and growing it back takes so long....if only it took the same amount of time to grow it back as to cut it!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
BROADWAY UPDATE: (from easter break)


-The Wedding Singer


both good, though VERY different!


i forgot to write them b4...sry!

You lucky girl! Please put me in your pocket next time to go to a Broadway play! :D

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BROADWAY UPDATE: (from easter break)


-The Wedding Singer


both good, though VERY different!


i forgot to write them b4...sry!

You lucky girl! Please put me in your pocket next time to go to a Broadway play! :D

next time is our class field trip! we're going to see tarzan and its going to be so much fun...we're going to madame tuseuds however u spell it and espn zone and we're not getting homw till 1am since we're going to the evening performance...its not tomorrow (wed.) but the next wed. SO EXCITED!

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BROADWAY UPDATE: (from easter break)


-The Wedding Singer


both good, though VERY different!


i forgot to write them b4...sry!

You lucky girl! Please put me in your pocket next time to go to a Broadway play! :D

next time is our class field trip! we're going to see tarzan and its going to be so much fun...we're going to madame tuseuds however u spell it and espn zone and we're not getting homw till 1am since we're going to the evening performance...its not tomorrow (wed.) but the next wed. SO EXCITED!

Are you going to take me?????????


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BROADWAY UPDATE: (from easter break)


-The Wedding Singer


both good, though VERY different!


i forgot to write them b4...sry!

You lucky girl! Please put me in your pocket next time to go to a Broadway play! :D

next time is our class field trip! we're going to see tarzan and its going to be so much fun...we're going to madame tuseuds however u spell it and espn zone and we're not getting homw till 1am since we're going to the evening performance...its not tomorrow (wed.) but the next wed. SO EXCITED!

Are you going to take me?????????


of course! u just have to fly on up to where i live! im guessing ur on rite now as i just posted that a few miutes ago...where's gina's post?

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BROADWAY UPDATE: (from easter break)


-The Wedding Singer


both good, though VERY different!


i forgot to write them b4...sry!

You lucky girl! Please put me in your pocket next time to go to a Broadway play! :D

next time is our class field trip! we're going to see tarzan and its going to be so much fun...we're going to madame tuseuds however u spell it and espn zone and we're not getting homw till 1am since we're going to the evening performance...its not tomorrow (wed.) but the next wed. SO EXCITED!

Are you going to take me?????????


of course! u just have to fly on up to where i live! im guessing ur on rite now as i just posted that a few miutes ago...where's gina's post?

I am heading to my jet as we speak. I should be up there in a couple of hours.


Patience.... Gina's post did not appear until yours did.

What do you think this is... the internet??? :lol::rolleyes::lol:

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my other post didnt show up yet...i asked gina 2day at school if she had seen it, but she hadnt been on...she was absent the past 2 days because she had to get blood tests because she might have mono...but she was at school 2day, and i was like "dont worry gina i wont kiss u" becuase mono is spread by saliva...today was our last gym class! next week we have all half days and gym is in the afternoon, so...this was our last gym class! and i have to go now, so bye!

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my other post didnt show up yet...i asked gina 2day at school if she had seen it, but she hadnt been on...she was absent the past 2 days because she had to get blood tests because she might have mono...but she was at school 2day, and i was like "dont worry gina i wont kiss u" becuase mono is spread by saliva...today was our last gym class! next week we have all half days and gym is in the afternoon, so...this was our last gym class! and i have to go now, so bye!

What other post? All your posts have been moderated! :blink:

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my other post didnt show up yet...i asked gina 2day at school if she had seen it, but she hadnt been on...she was absent the past 2 days because she had to get blood tests because she might have mono...but she was at school 2day, and i was like "dont worry gina i wont kiss u" becuase mono is spread by saliva...today was our last gym class! next week we have all half days and gym is in the afternoon, so...this was our last gym class! and i have to go now, so bye!

What other post? All your posts have been moderated! :blink:

the post where i talk about my field trip...i could have sworn i put it in here...

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my other post didnt show up yet...i asked gina 2day at school if she had seen it, but she hadnt been on...she was absent the past 2 days because she had to get blood tests because she might have mono...but she was at school 2day, and i was like "dont worry gina i wont kiss u" becuase mono is spread by saliva...today was our last gym class! next week we have all half days and gym is in the afternoon, so...this was our last gym class! and i have to go now, so bye!

What other post? All your posts have been moderated! :blink:

the post where i talk about my field trip...i could have sworn i put it in here...

I moderated that post... now to remember where is was.

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my other post didnt show up yet...i asked gina 2day at school if she had seen it, but she hadnt been on...she was absent the past 2 days because she had to get blood tests because she might have mono...but she was at school 2day, and i was like "dont worry gina i wont kiss u" becuase mono is spread by saliva...today was our last gym class! next week we have all half days and gym is in the afternoon, so...this was our last gym class! and i have to go now, so bye!

What other post? All your posts have been moderated! :blink:

the post where i talk about my field trip...i could have sworn i put it in here...

I moderated that post... now to remember where is was.

oh, so it is somewhere....good! i am not losing my mind! :wacko: lol

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OMG. There's been this rumour going around that Pink Floyd's "The Wall" was going to Broadway, and all the 'Fans' at school have been all over it. It's not true. How do i know? A wonderful source called Guitar World- It interveiwed Roger Waters, and he told them someone had asked him to make a Broadway version of the Film, but he was going to think about it. It would be cool if it did go to broadway, though. :ninja:

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  • 1 month later...

im going to see wicked again sometime this summer!!!!!!!!! im so excited....id like to see phantom again too (it would be the 4th time if i did...) wicked is gonna be my 3rd....i <3 broadway!!!!!!! i have a five-cd set of tons of broadway songs that i listen to a lot...its called "broadway: the american musical" i have 55 of the songs from it on my mp3 player....i can recognize the song name, play, and singer on most of them from the first few bars...its so cool....

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hi! its D.L.! i (obviously) just started a topic about broadway because i like it so much! I actually dont live in NYC, but im about 2 hours away, and my aunt + uncle live there, so i go there a lot. here are the plays ive seen there:


-the sound of Music

-peter pan

-beauty and the beast

-Jesus Christ Superstar (i dont really remember seeing it but now i LOVE the soundtrack!!!!!!!!) (such great music!!!!!!!!!)

-bells are ringing (i know, probably no one's heard of that, I barely remember it)


-phantom of the opera (i saw it 3 times!!!!!) (Its so good!!!!!)

-mamma mia (Very Good) (made up of songs that the group ABBA wrote)

-Wicked (VERY GOOD!!!!!!!!) (in case you haven't heard of it, its about the 2 witches from "The Wizard of Oz" glinda and the wicked witch of the west, and how they used to be friends and al the stuff that happened b4 dorothy came...the soundtrack is excellent!) (and BTW i was with starz425 / converse all star when i saw it!)


i have the soundtracks to:

-sound of music

-Jesus Christ Superstar

-Phantom of the Opera

-Mamma Mia (i actually dont know where that one is, but i also have the karaeoke version!! LOL)



Plays i have seen the movies of but not the plays themselves:


-Les Miserable (it was a weird version though, mostly just people standing around singing, no acting)

-part of Cats

-Fiddler on the Roof

-West Side story (I just watched it 2day!)


Plays I have been in (not broadway)

-the Pied Piper (my debut!!)


I want to be an actress when i grow up...or an author, but that isnt on topic..



so....I like broadway, what about you?




Liz...the dog lover!



i dont know wuts going on in this topic now but wutever.

i just saw wicked like a week ago and i LOVED it.

it was soooooooooooo good.


im not much of a broadway person.

ive seen Phantom of the Opera,Lion King, and wicked.

loved them all.


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hi! its D.L.! i (obviously) just started a topic about broadway because i like it so much! I actually dont live in NYC, but im about 2 hours away, and my aunt + uncle live there, so i go there a lot. here are the plays ive seen there:


-the sound of Music

-peter pan

-beauty and the beast

-Jesus Christ Superstar (i dont really remember seeing it but now i LOVE the soundtrack!!!!!!!!) (such great music!!!!!!!!!)

-bells are ringing (i know, probably no one's heard of that, I barely remember it)


-phantom of the opera (i saw it 3 times!!!!!) (Its so good!!!!!)

-mamma mia (Very Good) (made up of songs that the group ABBA wrote)

-Wicked (VERY GOOD!!!!!!!!) (in case you haven't heard of it, its about the 2 witches from "The Wizard of Oz" glinda and the wicked witch of the west, and how they used to be friends and al the stuff that happened b4 dorothy came...the soundtrack is excellent!) (and BTW i was with starz425 / converse all star when i saw it!)


i have the soundtracks to:

-sound of music

-Jesus Christ Superstar

-Phantom of the Opera

-Mamma Mia (i actually dont know where that one is, but i also have the karaeoke version!! LOL)



Plays i have seen the movies of but not the plays themselves:


-Les Miserable (it was a weird version though, mostly just people standing around singing, no acting)

-part of Cats

-Fiddler on the Roof

-West Side story (I just watched it 2day!)


Plays I have been in (not broadway)

-the Pied Piper (my debut!!)


I want to be an actress when i grow up...or an author, but that isnt on topic..



so....I like broadway, what about you?




Liz...the dog lover!



i dont know wuts going on in this topic now but wutever.

i just saw wicked like a week ago and i LOVED it.

it was soooooooooooo good.


im not much of a broadway person.

ive seen Phantom of the Opera,Lion King, and wicked.

loved them all.


I could become a Broadway hammie very easily!!!!!!!!!!

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hi! its D.L.! i (obviously) just started a topic about broadway because i like it so much! I actually dont live in NYC, but im about 2 hours away, and my aunt + uncle live there, so i go there a lot. here are the plays ive seen there:


-the sound of Music

-peter pan

-beauty and the beast

-Jesus Christ Superstar (i dont really remember seeing it but now i LOVE the soundtrack!!!!!!!!) (such great music!!!!!!!!!)

-bells are ringing (i know, probably no one's heard of that, I barely remember it)


-phantom of the opera (i saw it 3 times!!!!!) (Its so good!!!!!)

-mamma mia (Very Good) (made up of songs that the group ABBA wrote)

-Wicked (VERY GOOD!!!!!!!!) (in case you haven't heard of it, its about the 2 witches from "The Wizard of Oz" glinda and the wicked witch of the west, and how they used to be friends and al the stuff that happened b4 dorothy came...the soundtrack is excellent!) (and BTW i was with starz425 / converse all star when i saw it!)


i have the soundtracks to:

-sound of music

-Jesus Christ Superstar

-Phantom of the Opera

-Mamma Mia (i actually dont know where that one is, but i also have the karaeoke version!! LOL)



Plays i have seen the movies of but not the plays themselves:


-Les Miserable (it was a weird version though, mostly just people standing around singing, no acting)

-part of Cats

-Fiddler on the Roof

-West Side story (I just watched it 2day!)


Plays I have been in (not broadway)

-the Pied Piper (my debut!!)


I want to be an actress when i grow up...or an author, but that isnt on topic..



so....I like broadway, what about you?




Liz...the dog lover!



i dont know wuts going on in this topic now but wutever.

i just saw wicked like a week ago and i LOVED it.

it was soooooooooooo good.


im not much of a broadway person.

ive seen Phantom of the Opera,Lion King, and wicked.

loved them all.


I could become a Broadway hammie very easily!!!!!!!!!!



its like... even if you hate everything they put SOOO much work into it you cant hate it :P


haha. broadway hammie.

i miss my billy. i never payed enough attention to her. :[

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hi! its D.L.! i (obviously) just started a topic about broadway because i like it so much! I actually dont live in NYC, but im about 2 hours away, and my aunt + uncle live there, so i go there a lot. here are the plays ive seen there:


-the sound of Music

-peter pan

-beauty and the beast

-Jesus Christ Superstar (i dont really remember seeing it but now i LOVE the soundtrack!!!!!!!!) (such great music!!!!!!!!!)

-bells are ringing (i know, probably no one's heard of that, I barely remember it)


-phantom of the opera (i saw it 3 times!!!!!) (Its so good!!!!!)

-mamma mia (Very Good) (made up of songs that the group ABBA wrote)

-Wicked (VERY GOOD!!!!!!!!) (in case you haven't heard of it, its about the 2 witches from "The Wizard of Oz" glinda and the wicked witch of the west, and how they used to be friends and al the stuff that happened b4 dorothy came...the soundtrack is excellent!) (and BTW i was with starz425 / converse all star when i saw it!)


i have the soundtracks to:

-sound of music

-Jesus Christ Superstar

-Phantom of the Opera

-Mamma Mia (i actually dont know where that one is, but i also have the karaeoke version!! LOL)



Plays i have seen the movies of but not the plays themselves:


-Les Miserable (it was a weird version though, mostly just people standing around singing, no acting)

-part of Cats

-Fiddler on the Roof

-West Side story (I just watched it 2day!)


Plays I have been in (not broadway)

-the Pied Piper (my debut!!)


I want to be an actress when i grow up...or an author, but that isnt on topic..



so....I like broadway, what about you?




Liz...the dog lover!



i dont know wuts going on in this topic now but wutever.

i just saw wicked like a week ago and i LOVED it.

it was soooooooooooo good.


im not much of a broadway person.

ive seen Phantom of the Opera,Lion King, and wicked.

loved them all.


I could become a Broadway hammie very easily!!!!!!!!!!



its like... even if you hate everything they put SOOO much work into it you cant hate it :P


haha. broadway hammie.

i miss my billy. i never payed enough attention to her. :[

:( I can totally relate.

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hi! its D.L.! i (obviously) just started a topic about broadway because i like it so much! I actually dont live in NYC, but im about 2 hours away, and my aunt + uncle live there, so i go there a lot. here are the plays ive seen there:


-the sound of Music

-peter pan

-beauty and the beast

-Jesus Christ Superstar (i dont really remember seeing it but now i LOVE the soundtrack!!!!!!!!) (such great music!!!!!!!!!)

-bells are ringing (i know, probably no one's heard of that, I barely remember it)


-phantom of the opera (i saw it 3 times!!!!!) (Its so good!!!!!)

-mamma mia (Very Good) (made up of songs that the group ABBA wrote)

-Wicked (VERY GOOD!!!!!!!!) (in case you haven't heard of it, its about the 2 witches from "The Wizard of Oz" glinda and the wicked witch of the west, and how they used to be friends and al the stuff that happened b4 dorothy came...the soundtrack is excellent!) (and BTW i was with starz425 / converse all star when i saw it!)


i have the soundtracks to:

-sound of music

-Jesus Christ Superstar

-Phantom of the Opera

-Mamma Mia (i actually dont know where that one is, but i also have the karaeoke version!! LOL)



Plays i have seen the movies of but not the plays themselves:


-Les Miserable (it was a weird version though, mostly just people standing around singing, no acting)

-part of Cats

-Fiddler on the Roof

-West Side story (I just watched it 2day!)


Plays I have been in (not broadway)

-the Pied Piper (my debut!!)


I want to be an actress when i grow up...or an author, but that isnt on topic..



so....I like broadway, what about you?




Liz...the dog lover!



i dont know wuts going on in this topic now but wutever.

i just saw wicked like a week ago and i LOVED it.

it was soooooooooooo good.


im not much of a broadway person.

ive seen Phantom of the Opera,Lion King, and wicked.

loved them all.


I could become a Broadway hammie very easily!!!!!!!!!!



its like... even if you hate everything they put SOOO much work into it you cant hate it :P


haha. broadway hammie.

i miss my billy. i never payed enough attention to her. :[

:( I can totally relate.


i promise when i get my piggy, i will pay attention to her everyday :]

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those are 3 good ones to see, i liked them all very much. mamma mia is also good...


les miz is coming back, my mom wants me to see it....u know the soundtrack has like 40 songs!!!!!! i only know a few....castle on a cloud, do u hear the people sing, empty chairs at empty tables, and master of the house.....and none of them too well, except do u hear the people sing, cuz that's on the broadway set & my mp3 player. i g2g now....bye

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those are 3 good ones to see, i liked them all very much. mamma mia is also good...


les miz is coming back, my mom wants me to see it....u know the soundtrack has like 40 songs!!!!!! i only know a few....castle on a cloud, do u hear the people sing, empty chairs at empty tables, and master of the house.....and none of them too well, except do u hear the people sing, cuz that's on the broadway set & my mp3 player. i g2g now....bye

Please ask your mother to allow me to go. I promise I will not leave your pocket. I will be a very good hamster.


Please, Please, Please!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Speaking of Broadway, I just came back from NYC yesterday. I saw 3 musicals: "Wicked, Sweeney Todd, and The Color Purple." They were all so awesome, and I had so much fun!


I met lots of the actors at the backstage doors. Is it okay if I post some photos of them?

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Speaking of Broadway, I just came back from NYC yesterday. I saw 3 musicals: "Wicked, Sweeney Todd, and The Color Purple." They were all so awesome, and I had so much fun!


I met lots of the actors at the backstage doors. Is it okay if I post some photos of them?

Absolutely! Glad to hear you had a great time. :D

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@ xMyOwnMindx: You really should see Beauty and the Beast. It's great. I saw it a long time ago when they were touring the USA.


Broadway photos ahoy!!



Me and Eden Espinosa. She was Elphaba in Wicked. We're so goofy. :P



Me and Derrick Williams. He was Fiyero in Wicked. My aunt's friend's aunt wanted me to get a picture with him.



Ben Magnuson signing playbills. He looks like such a dude. :P He was Anthony in Sweeney Todd



Lauren Molina about to sign my playbill. She was Johanna in Sweeney Todd



Lauren and me.



Michael Cerveris signing playbills. He was the infamous Sweeney Todd in Sweeney Todd



Michael and Me.(He was wearing a lot of cologne. :P )



Donna Lyyne Champlin played Pirelli. She was awesome.



Manoel Felciano and Me. He was Tobias in Sweeney. I always thought he was pretty hot. ^_^



Me and Patti LuPone.(One of my idols) She played Mrs. Lovett in Sweeney Todd. This photo has a LONG story behind it. I'll put that in my next post.



Me and Krisha, who was Squeak in The Color Purple. (sorry it's a little blurry)



Me and Felicia Fields, who played Sofia in The Color Purple. Hillarious woman.



Me and tony-winning actress LaChanze. She was Celie in The Color Purple. She's such a sweetheart. :)

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@ xMyOwnMindx: You really should see Beauty and the Beast. It's great. I saw it a long time ago when they were touring the USA.


Broadway photos ahoy!!



Me and Eden Espinosa. She was Elphaba in Wicked. We're so goofy. :P



Me and Derrick Williams. He was Fiyero in Wicked. My aunt's friend's aunt wanted me to get a picture with him.

WOW!!!! how did u get to meet them? do u know people or did u just walk up? i just saw wicked for the 3rd time yesterday, with them in it.... theyre cool, although i have to admit i like the orignal cast better....yeah.....right now im in chicago (well not technically, one of the 'burbs....) and my mom and i are at a hampton inn (i can say that as long as i dont specify the city, rite?) and im at the computer in the lobby which happens to be FREE to use which is cool...my mom & i are here visitng my dad's sister (i know, weird, rite?) but he (dad) had to work....o well itll be a girls long weekend! we did this b4 not last memorial day but the one b4....so 2005.....with my mom and i.....and then in december it was her 50th bday, so my mom, dad, grandparents, other aunt & uncle, and i all came here....so fun! neither of my aunts have kids, so i call the aunt that lives here's pets my cousins.....rite now she has 4 dogs, a cat, a rabbit, and a bunch of birds (litttle ones, like parakeets, cockatiels, etc...) one of the dogs is a new little puppy called scribbles, shes SOOOOOOOOO cute! and soft! and cute! and little! and cute! shes a chinese crested, but shes like a mutant (No, not like an alien...) most chinese crested have almost no hair, but she has hair all over and she looks NOTHING like one! shes so cute!!!!!!!!!!! ok this is getting long....ttyl!

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  • 3 weeks later...

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


IDK whether I've posted here or not. But I don't care.


I've seen:


Cats I have th soundtrack! My Favourite!)



Lucky Stiff (AWSOME!!)


*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


IDK whether I've posted here or not. But I don't care.


I've seen:


Cats I have th soundtrack! My Favourite!)



Lucky Stiff (AWSOME!!)


*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

The theatre is wonderful!

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my skool is doing bye bye birdie in the spring....i have seen the movie but not the play....we're doing the diary of anne frank this fall (which is not a musical, btw).....i didnt get in, but considering there were only 5 female parts and im a freshman, i didnt really think id get in.....but im gonna work backstage if i can....yeah.

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my skool is doing bye bye birdie in the spring....i have seen the movie but not the play....we're doing the diary of anne frank this fall (which is not a musical, btw).....i didnt get in, but considering there were only 5 female parts and im a freshman, i didnt really think id get in.....but im gonna work backstage if i can....yeah.

Bye Bye Birdie is really a lot of fun! I guarantee you will have a great time, no matter what you do!!!

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my skool is doing bye bye birdie in the spring....i have seen the movie but not the play....we're doing the diary of anne frank this fall (which is not a musical, btw).....i didnt get in, but considering there were only 5 female parts and im a freshman, i didnt really think id get in.....but im gonna work backstage if i can....yeah.

Bye Bye Birdie is really a lot of fun! I guarantee you will have a great time, no matter what you do!!!

the girl who got anne is in some of my classes...and i eat lunch w/her and some other kids....shes a freshman, which i wasnt expecting.....and then theres another girl in some of my classes the wrote a book that is getting published....she had the proof with her today....she said it should hit stores in october.....i think this is very cool, considering i want to be a writer...ive been working on a book since i was going into 3rd grade, its long but i need to work on like the characters and the plot and everything......its called the flying saucer adventures but its not too science-fiction-y.

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my skool is doing bye bye birdie in the spring....i have seen the movie but not the play....we're doing the diary of anne frank this fall (which is not a musical, btw).....i didnt get in, but considering there were only 5 female parts and im a freshman, i didnt really think id get in.....but im gonna work backstage if i can....yeah.

Bye Bye Birdie is really a lot of fun! I guarantee you will have a great time, no matter what you do!!!

the girl who got anne is in some of my classes...and i eat lunch w/her and some other kids....shes a freshman, which i wasnt expecting.....and then theres another girl in some of my classes the wrote a book that is getting published....she had the proof with her today....she said it should hit stores in october.....i think this is very cool, considering i want to be a writer...ive been working on a book since i was going into 3rd grade, its long but i need to work on like the characters and the plot and everything......its called the flying saucer adventures but its not too science-fiction-y.

*crosses paws for Dog lover*

The Flying Saucer Adventures sound like something that could start with one and grow into as many as you can write. Sounds fantastic. Is there a camp that develop writing skills? There are music camps, art camps, so why not a writer's camp.

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my skool is doing bye bye birdie in the spring....i have seen the movie but not the play....we're doing the diary of anne frank this fall (which is not a musical, btw).....i didnt get in, but considering there were only 5 female parts and im a freshman, i didnt really think id get in.....but im gonna work backstage if i can....yeah.

Bye Bye Birdie is really a lot of fun! I guarantee you will have a great time, no matter what you do!!!

the girl who got anne is in some of my classes...and i eat lunch w/her and some other kids....shes a freshman, which i wasnt expecting.....and then theres another girl in some of my classes the wrote a book that is getting published....she had the proof with her today....she said it should hit stores in october.....i think this is very cool, considering i want to be a writer...ive been working on a book since i was going into 3rd grade, its long but i need to work on like the characters and the plot and everything......its called the flying saucer adventures but its not too science-fiction-y.

*crosses paws for Dog lover*

The Flying Saucer Adventures sound like something that could start with one and grow into as many as you can write. Sounds fantastic. Is there a camp that develop writing skills? There are music camps, art camps, so why not a writer's camp.

ive taken a writing class before, in which i started a whole new story....and we are learning about literature in english class, so i suppose that helps

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  • 4 weeks later...

my skool is doing bye bye birdie in the spring....i have seen the movie but not the play....we're doing the diary of anne frank this fall (which is not a musical, btw).....i didnt get in, but considering there were only 5 female parts and im a freshman, i didnt really think id get in.....but im gonna work backstage if i can....yeah.

Bye Bye Birdie is really a lot of fun! I guarantee you will have a great time, no matter what you do!!!

the girl who got anne is in some of my classes...and i eat lunch w/her and some other kids....shes a freshman, which i wasnt expecting.....and then theres another girl in some of my classes the wrote a book that is getting published....she had the proof with her today....she said it should hit stores in october.....i think this is very cool, considering i want to be a writer...ive been working on a book since i was going into 3rd grade, its long but i need to work on like the characters and the plot and everything......its called the flying saucer adventures but its not too science-fiction-y.

*crosses paws for Dog lover*

The Flying Saucer Adventures sound like something that could start with one and grow into as many as you can write. Sounds fantastic. Is there a camp that develop writing skills? There are music camps, art camps, so why not a writer's camp.

ive taken a writing class before, in which i started a whole new story....and we are learning about literature in english class, so i suppose that helps

i havent worked on actually continuing my story in a while....although i have been working on typing it into my computer on and off...i wrote most of it during my spare time in grade school....i havent worked on it since i started highschool....o well, its a work in progress.....................

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my skool is doing bye bye birdie in the spring....i have seen the movie but not the play....we're doing the diary of anne frank this fall (which is not a musical, btw).....i didnt get in, but considering there were only 5 female parts and im a freshman, i didnt really think id get in.....but im gonna work backstage if i can....yeah.

Bye Bye Birdie is really a lot of fun! I guarantee you will have a great time, no matter what you do!!!

the girl who got anne is in some of my classes...and i eat lunch w/her and some other kids....shes a freshman, which i wasnt expecting.....and then theres another girl in some of my classes the wrote a book that is getting published....she had the proof with her today....she said it should hit stores in october.....i think this is very cool, considering i want to be a writer...ive been working on a book since i was going into 3rd grade, its long but i need to work on like the characters and the plot and everything......its called the flying saucer adventures but its not too science-fiction-y.

*crosses paws for Dog lover*

The Flying Saucer Adventures sound like something that could start with one and grow into as many as you can write. Sounds fantastic. Is there a camp that develop writing skills? There are music camps, art camps, so why not a writer's camp.

ive taken a writing class before, in which i started a whole new story....and we are learning about literature in english class, so i suppose that helps

i havent worked on actually continuing my story in a while....although i have been working on typing it into my computer on and off...i wrote most of it during my spare time in grade school....i havent worked on it since i started highschool....o well, its a work in progress.....................

Although you already know this, make a back up copy. I became aware of this the hard way... they swapped my hard drive. :o

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Broadway Update: I saw Phantom for the 4th time last week....discount tickets with these emails my mom gets....it was awesome.....

And you didn't take me????


airfare from fla. to ny. is kinda expenisive...sry....i videoed it for u (lol)


i havent worked on actually continuing my story in a while....although i have been working on typing it into my computer on and off...i wrote most of it during my spare time in grade school....i havent worked on it since i started highschool....o well, its a work in progress.....................

Although you already know this, make a back up copy. I became aware of this the hard way... they swapped my hard drive.

i dont think it will fit on a floppy....and my cds are un-rewritable, so i would have to make a new one every time i changed my story....so how do i back it up? (i usually know a lot about computers but im not sure about this)

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Broadway Update: I saw Phantom for the 4th time last week....discount tickets with these emails my mom gets....it was awesome.....

And you didn't take me????


airfare from fla. to ny. is kinda expenisive...sry....i videoed it for u (lol)


i havent worked on actually continuing my story in a while....although i have been working on typing it into my computer on and off...i wrote most of it during my spare time in grade school....i havent worked on it since i started highschool....o well, its a work in progress.....................

Although you already know this, make a back up copy. I became aware of this the hard way... they swapped my hard drive.

i dont think it will fit on a floppy....and my cds are un-rewritable, so i would have to make a new one every time i changed my story....so how do i back it up? (i usually know a lot about computers but im not sure about this)

Let me think on this. Can you get a new CD? This would help. Otherwise, put some of the story on one floppy and more on another floppy. Let's say, chapters 1 though 5 on the first floppy and chapters 5 through 10 on the second. If you were to change something in the first group of chapters, then just recopy the first floppy. I am going to research this a bit more.

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Broadway Update: I saw Phantom for the 4th time last week....discount tickets with these emails my mom gets....it was awesome.....

And you didn't take me????


airfare from fla. to ny. is kinda expenisive...sry....i videoed it for u (lol)


i havent worked on actually continuing my story in a while....although i have been working on typing it into my computer on and off...i wrote most of it during my spare time in grade school....i havent worked on it since i started highschool....o well, its a work in progress.....................

Although you already know this, make a back up copy. I became aware of this the hard way... they swapped my hard drive.

i dont think it will fit on a floppy....and my cds are un-rewritable, so i would have to make a new one every time i changed my story....so how do i back it up? (i usually know a lot about computers but im not sure about this)

Let me think on this. Can you get a new CD? This would help. Otherwise, put some of the story on one floppy and more on another floppy. Let's say, chapters 1 though 5 on the first floppy and chapters 5 through 10 on the second. If you were to change something in the first group of chapters, then just recopy the first floppy. I am going to research this a bit more.

as my story is 50+ pages, that might take awhile.....and i might have unopened cd-rw's, i have to check....

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Broadway Update: I saw Phantom for the 4th time last week....discount tickets with these emails my mom gets....it was awesome.....

And you didn't take me????


airfare from fla. to ny. is kinda expenisive...sry....i videoed it for u (lol)


i havent worked on actually continuing my story in a while....although i have been working on typing it into my computer on and off...i wrote most of it during my spare time in grade school....i havent worked on it since i started highschool....o well, its a work in progress.....................

Although you already know this, make a back up copy. I became aware of this the hard way... they swapped my hard drive.

i dont think it will fit on a floppy....and my cds are un-rewritable, so i would have to make a new one every time i changed my story....so how do i back it up? (i usually know a lot about computers but im not sure about this)

Let me think on this. Can you get a new CD? This would help. Otherwise, put some of the story on one floppy and more on another floppy. Let's say, chapters 1 though 5 on the first floppy and chapters 5 through 10 on the second. If you were to change something in the first group of chapters, then just recopy the first floppy. I am going to research this a bit more.

as my story is 50+ pages, that might take awhile.....and i might have unopened cd-rw's, i have to check....

The CD's would be the best way to go.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
b'way update:

drowsy chaperone


i saw it with the girl scouts of my county (not telling which county) it was good, funny. has anyone else seen it? if they do, i want to ask them a question.

Unfortunately no. I wish I was able to see all the plays and shows you attend. You are so fortunate to be able to go.

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I was recently a runner for a musical that came through town ...


But, tomorrow I'm trying out for The Mousetrap. Wish me luck. (:

"Break a leg!!!"

No thanks. I like walking.

But Glowurm... you don't have any legs.

*wonders how Glowurm thinks he can walk*

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I was recently a runner for a musical that came through town ...


But, tomorrow I'm trying out for The Mousetrap. Wish me luck. (:

"Break a leg!!!"

No thanks. I like walking.

But Glowurm... you don't have any legs.

*wonders how Glowurm thinks he can walk*

Two words: Fake legs.

*wonders how many pairs of fake legs a wurm requires* LOL

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I was recently a runner for a musical that came through town ...


But, tomorrow I'm trying out for The Mousetrap. Wish me luck. (:

"Break a leg!!!"

No thanks. I like walking.

But Glowurm... you don't have any legs.

*wonders how Glowurm thinks he can walk*

Two words: Fake legs.

*wonders how many pairs of fake legs a wurm requires* LOL

Actually, one. I can stand straight up, you know, why can't I use them while straight on the end, therefore only needing one?

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I was recently a runner for a musical that came through town ...


But, tomorrow I'm trying out for The Mousetrap. Wish me luck. (:

"Break a leg!!!"

No thanks. I like walking.

But Glowurm... you don't have any legs.

*wonders how Glowurm thinks he can walk*

Two words: Fake legs.

*wonders how many pairs of fake legs a wurm requires* LOL

Actually, one. I can stand straight up, you know, why can't I use them while straight on the end, therefore only needing one?

Because you have no spine to keep you upright. :lol:

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I was recently a runner for a musical that came through town ...


But, tomorrow I'm trying out for The Mousetrap. Wish me luck. (:

"Break a leg!!!"

No thanks. I like walking.

But Glowurm... you don't have any legs.

*wonders how Glowurm thinks he can walk*

Two words: Fake legs.

*wonders how many pairs of fake legs a wurm requires* LOL

Actually, one. I can stand straight up, you know, why can't I use them while straight on the end, therefore only needing one?

Because you have no spine to keep you upright. :lol:

I do recall you quite clearly explaining at one point that I can stand on my tail. Need I find it and quote it or can we just say you're having a blonde moment and move on?

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I was recently a runner for a musical that came through town ...


But, tomorrow I'm trying out for The Mousetrap. Wish me luck. (:

"Break a leg!!!"

No thanks. I like walking.

But Glowurm... you don't have any legs.

*wonders how Glowurm thinks he can walk*

Two words: Fake legs.

*wonders how many pairs of fake legs a wurm requires* LOL

Actually, one. I can stand straight up, you know, why can't I use them while straight on the end, therefore only needing one?

Because you have no spine to keep you upright. :lol:

I do recall you quite clearly explaining at one point that I can stand on my tail. Need I find it and quote it or can we just say you're having a blonde moment and move on?

A blonde moment? What's a blonde moment? :o


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I was recently a runner for a musical that came through town ...


But, tomorrow I'm trying out for The Mousetrap. Wish me luck. (:

"Break a leg!!!"

No thanks. I like walking.

But Glowurm... you don't have any legs.

*wonders how Glowurm thinks he can walk*

Two words: Fake legs.

*wonders how many pairs of fake legs a wurm requires* LOL

Actually, one. I can stand straight up, you know, why can't I use them while straight on the end, therefore only needing one?

Because you have no spine to keep you upright. :lol:

I do recall you quite clearly explaining at one point that I can stand on my tail. Need I find it and quote it or can we just say you're having a blonde moment and move on?

A blonde moment? What's a blonde moment? :o


The thing you can't live without.

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"Break a leg!!!"

No thanks. I like walking.

But Glowurm... you don't have any legs.

*wonders how Glowurm thinks he can walk*

Two words: Fake legs.

*wonders how many pairs of fake legs a wurm requires* LOL

Actually, one. I can stand straight up, you know, why can't I use them while straight on the end, therefore only needing one?

Because you have no spine to keep you upright. :lol:

I do recall you quite clearly explaining at one point that I can stand on my tail. Need I find it and quote it or can we just say you're having a blonde moment and move on?

A blonde moment? What's a blonde moment? :o


The thing you can't live without.

Coffee!!! I have a hot, steaming cup in my favorite butter rum coffee in my paw! :D

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  • 1 month later...
hi!!! sorry i havent been here in a while....horatio, is that u in ur avvie? ...um i said some updates about me in animorphs...so go there...give your mouse some exercise...bye!

Handsome little devil, isn't he? LOL

No, I must say, that avvie is of Heron my buddy.

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hi!!! sorry i havent been here in a while....horatio, is that u in ur avvie? ...um i said some updates about me in animorphs...so go there...give your mouse some exercise...bye!

Handsome little devil, isn't he? LOL

No, I must say, that avvie is of Heron my buddy.

cool! oh, ur a blonde hammie, right? (i should have remembered that...)

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hi!!! sorry i havent been here in a while....horatio, is that u in ur avvie? ...um i said some updates about me in animorphs...so go there...give your mouse some exercise...bye!

Handsome little devil, isn't he? LOL

No, I must say, that avvie is of Heron my buddy.

cool! oh, ur a blonde hammie, right? (i should have remembered that...)

LOL... I thought you just thought I got old and all my blonde fur turned white. LOL

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  • 1 month later...

im seeing 2 more broadway shows & one off-broadway this easter break...its fun to get discount tickets, you can see more shows...

im going to see:

-the pirate queen

-legally blonde the musical

-anne of green gables (off-B'way)

anyone know anything about them? just dont give away anything major plot-wise..i have seen legally blonde the movie...



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im seeing 2 more broadway shows & one off-broadway this easter break...its fun to get discount tickets, you can see more shows...

im going to see:

-the pirate queen

-legally blonde the musical

-anne of green gables (off-B'way)

anyone know anything about them? just dont give away anything major plot-wise..i have seen legally blonde the movie...



Yeah!!!!!!!!! I love the puppy pics!

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now make me a sandwich.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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now make me a sandwich.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

;.; No sandwich?

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now make me a sandwich.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

;.; No sandwich?


*makes j00 a sammich*

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  • 3 weeks later...

B'Way Update:


-The Pirate Queen

-Legally Blonde

-Anne of Green Gables (Off-Broadway)


All very good, although different. Pirate Queen got bad reviews in the newspaper, but I definitely recommend it. Don't listen to them. Legally Blonde, very funny. Good production. Anne of Green Gables, cute. Small theater in the Village, and my mom, my aunt, and I got kind of lost trying to find Little Italy from there. Strange neighborhood (the village). By the time we found Little Italy, it was too late to have a real sit-down dinner, so we ate in a little deli place. Fun time at all three plays. Recommend all of them.



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B'Way Update:


-The Pirate Queen

-Legally Blonde

-Anne of Green Gables (Off-Broadway)


All very good, although different. Pirate Queen got bad reviews in the newspaper, but I definitely recommend it. Don't listen to them. Legally Blonde, very funny. Good production. Anne of Green Gables, cute. Small theater in the Village, and my mom, my aunt, and I got kind of lost trying to find Little Italy from there. Strange neighborhood (the village). By the time we found Little Italy, it was too late to have a real sit-down dinner, so we ate in a little deli place. Fun time at all three plays. Recommend all of them.



You are so fortunate to have a mother who loves the theatre! I wish I could see as many plays as you do.

As for the people who do the reviews, I never listen to them. Glad you liked all the plays.

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B'Way Update:


-The Pirate Queen

-Legally Blonde

-Anne of Green Gables (Off-Broadway)


All very good, although different. Pirate Queen got bad reviews in the newspaper, but I definitely recommend it. Don't listen to them. Legally Blonde, very funny. Good production. Anne of Green Gables, cute. Small theater in the Village, and my mom, my aunt, and I got kind of lost trying to find Little Italy from there. Strange neighborhood (the village). By the time we found Little Italy, it was too late to have a real sit-down dinner, so we ate in a little deli place. Fun time at all three plays. Recommend all of them.



You are so fortunate to have a mother who loves the theatre! I wish I could see as many plays as you do.

As for the people who do the reviews, I never listen to them. Glad you liked all the plays.

thanks! and we got some degree of discount on all 3 plays...so we werent paying 110 a ticket, which is too much. but that's the normal orchestra price now...

gotta go now, bye

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B'Way Update:


-The Pirate Queen

-Legally Blonde

-Anne of Green Gables (Off-Broadway)


All very good, although different. Pirate Queen got bad reviews in the newspaper, but I definitely recommend it. Don't listen to them. Legally Blonde, very funny. Good production. Anne of Green Gables, cute. Small theater in the Village, and my mom, my aunt, and I got kind of lost trying to find Little Italy from there. Strange neighborhood (the village). By the time we found Little Italy, it was too late to have a real sit-down dinner, so we ate in a little deli place. Fun time at all three plays. Recommend all of them.



You are so fortunate to have a mother who loves the theatre! I wish I could see as many plays as you do.

As for the people who do the reviews, I never listen to them. Glad you liked all the plays.

thanks! and we got some degree of discount on all 3 plays...so we werent paying 110 a ticket, which is too much. but that's the normal orchestra price now...

gotta go now, bye

$110 per orchestra seat!!! Oh my!!!!

I could only afford the seats that were located in the hallway next to the bathroom! LOL

Please, put me in your pocket and take me to the next play!!! Please, please, please!!!!!

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B'Way Update:


-The Pirate Queen

-Legally Blonde

-Anne of Green Gables (Off-Broadway)


All very good, although different. Pirate Queen got bad reviews in the newspaper, but I definitely recommend it. Don't listen to them. Legally Blonde, very funny. Good production. Anne of Green Gables, cute. Small theater in the Village, and my mom, my aunt, and I got kind of lost trying to find Little Italy from there. Strange neighborhood (the village). By the time we found Little Italy, it was too late to have a real sit-down dinner, so we ate in a little deli place. Fun time at all three plays. Recommend all of them.



You are so fortunate to have a mother who loves the theatre! I wish I could see as many plays as you do.

As for the people who do the reviews, I never listen to them. Glad you liked all the plays.

thanks! and we got some degree of discount on all 3 plays...so we werent paying 110 a ticket, which is too much. but that's the normal orchestra price now...

gotta go now, bye

$110 per orchestra seat!!! Oh my!!!!

I could only afford the seats that were located in the hallway next to the bathroom! LOL

Please, put me in your pocket and take me to the next play!!! Please, please, please!!!!!


actually i dont think we got a discount on anne of green gables, which didnt matter since the seats were $25 each..now if only broadway could do that!

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B'Way Update:


-The Pirate Queen

-Legally Blonde

-Anne of Green Gables (Off-Broadway)


All very good, although different. Pirate Queen got bad reviews in the newspaper, but I definitely recommend it. Don't listen to them. Legally Blonde, very funny. Good production. Anne of Green Gables, cute. Small theater in the Village, and my mom, my aunt, and I got kind of lost trying to find Little Italy from there. Strange neighborhood (the village). By the time we found Little Italy, it was too late to have a real sit-down dinner, so we ate in a little deli place. Fun time at all three plays. Recommend all of them.



You are so fortunate to have a mother who loves the theatre! I wish I could see as many plays as you do.

As for the people who do the reviews, I never listen to them. Glad you liked all the plays.

thanks! and we got some degree of discount on all 3 plays...so we werent paying 110 a ticket, which is too much. but that's the normal orchestra price now...

gotta go now, bye

$110 per orchestra seat!!! Oh my!!!!

I could only afford the seats that were located in the hallway next to the bathroom! LOL

Please, put me in your pocket and take me to the next play!!! Please, please, please!!!!!


actually i dont think we got a discount on anne of green gables, which didnt matter since the seats were $25 each..now if only broadway could do that!

Oh, I love plays. Thanks for taking me with you.

If only Broadway prices would come down to those off-off-off Broadway. LOL

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B'Way Update:


-The Pirate Queen

-Legally Blonde

-Anne of Green Gables (Off-Broadway)


All very good, although different. Pirate Queen got bad reviews in the newspaper, but I definitely recommend it. Don't listen to them. Legally Blonde, very funny. Good production. Anne of Green Gables, cute. Small theater in the Village, and my mom, my aunt, and I got kind of lost trying to find Little Italy from there. Strange neighborhood (the village). By the time we found Little Italy, it was too late to have a real sit-down dinner, so we ate in a little deli place. Fun time at all three plays. Recommend all of them.



You are so fortunate to have a mother who loves the theatre! I wish I could see as many plays as you do.

As for the people who do the reviews, I never listen to them. Glad you liked all the plays.

thanks! and we got some degree of discount on all 3 plays...so we werent paying 110 a ticket, which is too much. but that's the normal orchestra price now...

gotta go now, bye

$110 per orchestra seat!!! Oh my!!!!

I could only afford the seats that were located in the hallway next to the bathroom! LOL

Please, put me in your pocket and take me to the next play!!! Please, please, please!!!!!


actually i dont think we got a discount on anne of green gables, which didnt matter since the seats were $25 each..now if only broadway could do that!

Oh, I love plays. Thanks for taking me with you.

If only Broadway prices would come down to those off-off-off Broadway. LOL

yeah...my school play was $10 ...how's that for affordable!

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