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bizzare fish deaths!

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so, who has stories about bizzare deaths of goldfish?  i had a neighbor whos fish exploded after slowly inflating. *pop!*  so, its sharing time!  whooo! (i havn't had sugar at all )

So, how many candy canes have you eaten today? :lol:

Unfortunately, I do not have any stories of bizarre goldfish deaths.

*thinks back and thought only weasels went "pop" :unsure: *

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i did that once, the reddi-whip was for something, so my mom got really mad when it was gone. OOOOO!!!! has anyone done a bunny-contest before?  you see how many jumbo marshmallows you can fit in your mouth without flatning them. i hear the world record is 13. :blink:  :D


Did you learn of this contest while you were ice fishing?

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has anyone done a bunny-contest before?  you see how many jumbo marshmallows you can fit in your mouth without flatning them. i hear the world record is 13. :blink:  :D

*heads for the pantry and selects 15 marshmallows to try and stuff them into my pouches without flattening them*


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no, why do you ask? oh, and i thought you left? :P  :blink: creepy...*shudders* *giggles*

Well, I was trying to... but I am having too much fun.

*knows the jacuzzi has been heating for over an hour and Bertha and the squirrels knocking on the front door* :lol::lol::lol:

But now, I am on my way... stop back please! :D

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My friend was taking care of our pets one time when we were camping, and she somehow turned the heater up. Our fish got cooked. And one time my mom had a really big koi. It was out in our little pond outback when one night it froze, and it got stck.

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My friend was taking care of our pets one time when we were camping, and she somehow turned the heater up.  Our fish got cooked.  And one time my mom had a really big koi.  It was out in our little pond outback when one night it froze, and it got stck.

:( Ooohhhhhhh :(

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:(  Ooohhhhhhh  :(

When we got the koi, it was like this long. l-----------------------------lAnd grew this long.l---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------l

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