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What religion are you?


What religion are you?  

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  1. 1. What religion are you?

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"Nor male or female, all are equal in God's eyes." Says so in the bibble.


I never said he made everyone equal. Humans screwed that up for themselves.  :lol:  :lol:


Eve ate the fruit, and gave it to her husband. That's why she was asked first.


And, yes, I'm sure if God had a daughter, the males would be asking, "Why didn't he have son?"

And then why didn't he have TWO children? Eh? EH? :lol:


Anyhow, why is it that all 12 Apostles were men?


And if I just say, "I believe God is real." without meaning it but attempting to believe, would I go to heaven?

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Why is it that the bible subtley makes men seem more powerful than women? Like the fact that Eve was the one who ate the forbidden fruit first. Or the fact that he had a SON, not a daughter.

God is going to be looking at an exceedingly long prison sentence for discrimination if it turns out he exists.

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"Nor male or female, all are equal in God's eyes." Says so in the bibble.


I never said he made everyone equal. Humans screwed that up for themselves.  :lol:  :lol:


Eve ate the fruit, and gave it to her husband. That's why she was asked first.


And, yes, I'm sure if God had a daughter, the males would be asking, "Why didn't he have son?"

I am STILL waiting for HARD EVIDENCE (that means evidence that can't be disproven) that God exists Toto, otherwise the score remains the same.

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Hmm. You have to believe. Aboslutley know and trust in your heart that Jesus died on the cross for your sins. You wanted two people to come to earth to die for you? How selfless.


There are books. Not just from the bible, but thousands of years old about the people of the bible...and God.


But, yet, TGHl, you have not told me how your therory is real. The only thing you're doing is rambling about my religion, what about yours?

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There are many good, rational arguments.


But if you do not want to believe in God, you never will. The arguments for his existence can never be completely iron-clad.



There is no strict physical proof, simply because God is not physical, He is spiritual and infinite. Even things in this world cannot really be proven with 100% certainty. Entire books have been written about how the U.S. space program has been faked by the government. All you have to do is set the standards of proof high enough, and absolutely nothing can be proven. Proof is a tricky subject.


In the real world, we base our lives, and all of our actions, on probabilities, not proofs. The sun will probably rise today, so we get out of bed. We will probably not be killed in a car accident this morning, so we head off to work. The food at the restaurant is probably not poisoned either by accident or by a homicidal maniac, so we eat it.


Yes. The actual words of Christ are in complete agreement with the conscience of every person of good will, and have been for two thousand years. And with so many historical references to his life, including four eyewitnesses who followed him around for three years, the facts of his life are well documented. Will people still refuse to accept him? Of course. That is human nature

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Hmm. You have to believe. Aboslutley know and trust in your heart that Jesus died on the cross for your sins. You wanted two people to come to earth to die for you? How selfless.


There are books. Not just from the bible, but thousands of years old about the people of the bible...and God.


But, yet, TGHl, you have not told me how your therory is real. The only thing you're doing is rambling about my religion, what about yours?

Yes, I still notice that we have no proof that Jesus was actually a healer of such people do we? I admit that Roman cenuses have proven that there was a Jesus of Nazarrath, but he wasn't crucified nor are there any texts mentioning that Jesus accomplished the things the Bible claims he did. They chose to die, I never asked them to.


Are you refering to the Red Sea scrolls? (not books as their name suggests) I notice that they, unlike the Bible in fact do not claim that God did all these things that the Bible says he did, but rather are unexplained phenomenon. They say the Noah's flood and ark was in fact just the huge floods that took place in Ancient Mesoptamia and the Middle East and in fact Noah was just a simple river trader who got caught up in the floods. Similar case with the tower of Babylon and other such events.


Sorry? The reason I cannot give you any evidence that my religon is correct, is because I have no religon. None at all, all I know is what the current scientifc evidence is. It has a huge amount of HARD EVIDENCE in its favour, can prove them to be true etc. If some new evidence comes along and flips it and disproves it, then I will know that that is true. Because I move with the times it allows me to be more flexible and thankfully doesn't take up my Sundays, so I can work on homework and play etc.


If you want proof that we evolved from Apes (not Monkeys, I'm afraid. Apes are much better anyway). Toto, you should go down to any place where people go. Sit back and watch. I did that in the Champs Elysees and suprisingly there were few ape-like people, but in certain places I notice more of these evolutionary back waters who got to prove that there was some smooth evolution between Ape and Man. They are the sort who become P.E. teachers (sorry, not true but common joke over here), the ones who think certain things are cool (unfortuantely all bad stuff, i.e. cigarettes, drugs etc.) and display such minimal intelligence that Apes can do more complex maths. See Toto, proof? Can't handle it? Do you need more? I have more. The rocks themselves tell you, Toto. Oh and do you believe that story that the earth is 4000 years old? you must do if you say everything in the Bible is true.

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There are many good, rational arguments.


But if you do not want to believe in God, you never will. The arguments for his existence can never be completely iron-clad.

There is no strict physical proof, simply because God is not physical, He is spiritual and infinite. Even things in this world cannot really be proven with 100% certainty. Entire books have been written about how the U.S. space program has been faked by the government. All you have to do is set the standards of proof high enough, and absolutely nothing can be proven. Proof is a tricky subject.


In the real world, we base our lives, and all of our actions, on probabilities, not proofs. The sun will probably rise today, so we get out of bed. We will probably not be killed in a car accident this morning, so we head off to work. The food at the restaurant is probably not poisoned either by accident or by a homicidal maniac, so we eat it.


Yes. The actual words of Christ are in complete agreement with the conscience of every person of good will, and have been for two thousand years. And with so many historical references to his life, including four eyewitnesses who followed him around for three years, the facts of his life are well documented. Will people still refuse to accept him? Of course. That is human nature

Nice arguement. I was expecting some sort of rubbish connecting to the FAKED evidence about some of the Old testament, but that works too. Tell me in all his spirituality, isn't it the idea of spirit from our heads? Just feelings after all? SO it is not Science in the head of a Scientist, but rather Religon in the head of the congregation or preist or church and every other number of people who worship God?


Actually we base our actions on experience and risks. From previous experience, the Sun rises everyday in the East and if it rises in the West, who cares? If it doesn't rise, well? I need to get to work on time and if I don't then the Boss is going to fire me, even if there is no sunlight. We risk our lives every time we get in the car, but we know that with all the security and technology in the thing the risk is pretty low that we will get involved in a car crash, so lets take that risk. Again, it is a combination of risk and experience that we eat at the Diner ( I refuse to touch those things with a barge pole, they usualy are poisioned and give you food poisoning) or Resturant or Cafeteria. So on. We don't actually think about probability at all Toto, we just eat, work, sleep and do everything else. We don't even think about risk. We just do. Examin human nature, very closely before you comment on what we do.


Historical references? Well documented? Just because 12 people who may or may not have been following the example set by your aforementioned prophets say so or write so doesn't mean it is true. We know that Leprosy is easily curable now anyway. Some Deaf cases aren't permemant nor is lameness or Blindness. That is Human Nature? What do you know about Human nature? Human nature is to get on with our lives, complain to everyone and point out the obvious. We are the only "sentient" lifeform that bothers to ask the corpse whether it is all right after falling down a skyscraper or asking the person hit by some shrapnel whether they are all right and whether they would like a glass of water and some painkillers. We are stupid. Not super-intelligent, not even average intelligent. Just stupid. And do know how I can tell we are stupid? Because everyday we kid ourselves that we will never die and that that day is never going to come.

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And then why didn't he have TWO children? Eh? EH? :lol:


Anyhow, why is it that all 12 Apostles were men?


And if I just say, "I believe God is real." without meaning it but attempting to believe, would I go to heaven?

No. If you can stand sinless and blameless before god, Then yes.

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First, let me say Arkcher, that no one is sinless, so how could anyone do that?


Nice arguement. I was expecting some sort of rubbish connecting to the FAKED evidence about some of the Old testament, but that works too. Tell me in all his spirituality, isn't it the idea of spirit from our heads? Just feelings after all? SO it is not Science in the head of a Scientist, but rather Religon in the head of the congregation or preist or church and every other number of people who worship God?


Actually we base our actions on experience and risks. From previous experience, the Sun rises everyday in the East and if it rises in the West, who cares? If it doesn't rise, well? I need to get to work on time and if I don't then the Boss is going to fire me, even if there is no sunlight. We risk our lives every time we get in the car, but we know that with all the security and technology in the thing the risk is pretty low that we will get involved in a car crash, so lets take that risk. Again, it is a combination of risk and experience that we eat at the Diner ( I refuse to touch those things with a barge pole, they usualy are poisioned and give you food poisoning) or Resturant or Cafeteria. So on. We don't actually think about probability at all Toto, we just eat, work, sleep and do everything else. We don't even think about risk. We just do. Examin human nature, very closely before you comment on what we do.


Historical references? Well documented? Just because 12 people who may or may not have been following the example set by your aforementioned prophets  say so or write so doesn't mean it is true. We know that Leprosy is easily curable now anyway. Some Deaf cases aren't permemant nor is lameness or Blindness. That is Human Nature? What do you know about Human nature? Human nature is to get on with our lives, complain to everyone and point out the obvious. We are the only "sentient" lifeform that bothers to ask the corpse whether it is all right after falling down  a skyscraper or asking the person hit by some shrapnel whether they are all right and whether they would like a glass of water and some painkillers. We are stupid. Not super-intelligent, not even average intelligent. Just stupid. And do know how I can tell we are stupid? Because everyday we kid ourselves that we will never die and that that day is never going to come.


I prefer live debates. I'm tried of this, too. Like I said before: if you do not want to believe in God, you never will. The arguments for his existence can never be completely iron-clad.

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Didn't Toto say that no one can be sinless or blameless? See what I mean when I say the Bible contradicts itself, the Church is having constant schisms and no one can actually agree on what it really means. Great.

I havent read this whole friggin topic. Its too long.

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Arkcher and I are different religions.


Christianity looks more towards God. The same with the bible.


Mormanism thinks different things, and the Morman bible talks more about John Smith hoo-macallit who founded their religion.

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Arkcher and I are different religions.


Christianity looks more towards God. The same with the bible.


Mormanism thinks different things, and the Morman bible talks more about John Smith hoo-macallit who founded their religion.

Different religions, yes, But both of us use the same bible. (i think... James king version, correct?)


All religions are different, So yes we do talk about different things.

Joseph Smith was alive in 1805-1842, Nowhere near biblical 5000BC stuffs.

Joseph did not found the religion, It had been lost for who-knows-how-long, And Joseph at the age 14 had restored it to the earth.

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First, let me say Arkcher, that no one is sinless, so how could anyone do that?

I prefer live debates. I'm tried of this, too. Like I said before: if you do not want to believe in God, you never will. The arguments for his existence can never be completely iron-clad.

Well, I am still suprised that you haven't drawn on the whole:

"I want to the Vatican and felt God's presence" or "I saw the Virgin Mary!" religo-quasi-spiritual experiences. Load of rubbish anyway. So is the Paley theory. Visions can be brought on by anything and "feeling" a presence is worse.

As the FBI agent said to the Court:

"I shot those two tourists because I had a bad feeling about them."

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Different religions, yes, But both of us use the same bible. (i think... James king version, correct?)


All religions are different, So yes we do talk about different things.

Joseph Smith was alive in 1805-1842, Nowhere near biblical 5000BC stuffs.

Joseph did not found the religion, It had been lost for who-knows-how-long, And Joseph at the age 14 had restored it to the earth.

James King? You mean The King James the First (I think he was the First, maybe it was the second. Hmmm....) version?


Actually the same religon can be different to the same religon. Look at all the branches of Christianity and don't say that they are diferent religons because they're not, ok? And actually Islam and Christiantiy (and of course Judaism, because they're just Christians who rightly believe Jesus was nonsense, worship the same God, just with slight differences, ways of worship for example.


Actually, according to the Bible the world began in 4000BC, so according to the fanatics, God was just floating in nothingness at that point wondering what he should do to pass the time.

Sorry, but Wah? That made no sense. Are you talking modern day semi-fanatic religon or ye-olde-style-lets-go-kill-the-Saracens religon or maybe even ancient smite-the-unfaithful religon?

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James King? You mean The King James the First (I think he was the First, maybe it was the second. Hmmm....) version?


Actually the same religon can be different to the same religon. Look at all the branches of Christianity and don't say that they are diferent religons because they're not, ok? And actually Islam and Christiantiy (and of course Judaism, because they're just Christians who rightly believe Jesus was nonsense, worship the same God, just with slight differences, ways of worship for example.


Actually, according to the Bible the world began in 4000BC, so according to the fanatics, God was just floating in nothingness at that point wondering what he should do to pass the time.

Sorry, but Wah? That made no sense. Are you talking modern day semi-fanatic religon or ye-olde-style-lets-go-kill-the-Saracens religon or maybe even ancient smite-the-unfaithful religon?

:huh: ...... Its just no use trying to talk to you about anything..... :huh:

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Maybe our bibles are the same, but we think differently over matters. The "temple" or whatever in Missouri that was distoryed is about 50 miles away from me...and where the mormans think The Garden of Eden is about an hour away.

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Well, I am still suprised that you haven't drawn on the whole:

"I want to the Vatican and felt God's presence" or "I saw the Virgin Mary!" religo-quasi-spiritual experiences. Load of rubbish anyway. So is the Paley theory. Visions can be brought on by anything and "feeling" a presence is worse.

As the FBI agent said to the Court:

"I shot those two tourists because I had a bad feeling about them."


That's the whole..umm...I forgot which relgion. Not Catholic, even though they think that Mary is more important than Jesus....


Mary was just used to bring Jesus to earth. She wasn't the one that went through suffering on the cross.

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Maybe our bibles are the same, but we think differently over matters. The "temple" or whatever in Missouri that was distoryed is about 50 miles away from me...and where the mormans think The Garden of Eden is about an hour away.

SOrry, but is the Mormon religon slightly biased in its holy site selection? It seems to be Missouri or America and nowhere else, of course I maybe wrong.

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That's the whole..umm...I forgot which relgion. Not Catholic, even though they think that Mary is more important than Jesus....


Mary was just used to bring Jesus to earth. She wasn't the one that went through suffering on the cross.

The Vatican is, the experiences aren't. The Anglican, Protestant, Puritan, Roman Catholic, Quaker and church of the one true cross (bunch of loonies) churches all use religous experiences for evidence that the Lord is indeed "with us." Even if it is possible to explain most of them away, particuarly the visions of the Virgin Mary. *cough*burst-gas-pipe-found-at-site*cough*


I wasn't aware that the Catholic's thought Mary was more important than Jesus, especially since they WERE the first major Christian church.

Btw, you should see the unrotting body of St.Bernadette in France. Slightly disturbing.

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Yes it is. I just replied to what you said, I can't help it if:

a) You don't understand it

B ) I don't know anything about your religon, which is so obscure it doesn't exist outside America

c) It is too one-sided for your taste

My religion is all over the world.


-eye twitchings- I choose against answering the other two comments.

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Salt Lake City, Utah is the "Head courters" of the mormans. I lived there. There's only, like, one Baptist church in the entire city. :lol:


...wish to say more, I will later. Must go pick up a friend.

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Salt Lake City, Utah is the "Head courters" of the mormans. I lived there. There's only, like, one Baptist church in the entire city.  :lol:


...wish to say more, I will later. Must go pick up a friend.

Not really, Thats where the... Church leader lives, And where one of the church temples are.

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And these "religous-historical" sites being?

You know, TGHL, I dont feel comfortable telling that to you. You have already critisized me and my religion more than I will tolerate. I dont want to tell you anything about me or my religion if you'll just react in that way. I must say that I no longer trust you with these things that are important to me. :mellow:

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My religion is all over the world.


-eye twitchings- I choose against answering the other two comments.

Really? So thats when I dregged up some information on Christian denominations, I found you had less than 5 churches in Britain, 1 in Paris (despite the fact that every church in the world manages to have at least 10) and less and less as we progress as we progress through Europe into Russia and near-non existant in the Far East? Thats what I call an international church.

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You know, TGHL, I dont feel comfortable telling that to you. You have already critisized me and my religion more than I will tolerate. I dont want to tell you anything about me or my religion if you'll just react in that way. I must say that I no longer trust you with these things that are important to me. :mellow:

Really? So I rather than getting a first hand account of where all these church sites are I should go get some guide to Mormon religous locations? and how did I insult it? By saying that it is specifically American based? It is. Having a small church (well, chapels at best) in major cities across Europe doesn't mean anything. Paris and London have thousands of churches hidden among the buildings and the twisting passageways, with the major religons and denominations thereof getting maginificant cathedrals.

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Really? So I rather than getting a first hand account of where all these church sites are I should go get some guide to Mormon religous locations? and how did I insult it? By saying that it is specifically American based? It is. Having a small church (well, chapels at best) in major cities across Europe doesn't mean anything. Paris and London have thousands of churches hidden among the buildings and the twisting passageways, with the major religons and denominations thereof getting maginificant cathedrals.

....................................... :unsure:

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Kat's given you so many beatings you can't help but suffer from the internal haemorraging.

Brain damage was more what I was thinking.

*thinks Satupid, perhaps his brain has been relocated to where he sat*


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That's the whole..umm...I forgot which relgion. Not Catholic, even though they think that Mary is more important than Jesus....


Mary was just used to bring Jesus to earth. She wasn't the one that went through suffering on the cross.

Actually, Mary is not more important in Catholicism. They pray a different prayer than what is depicted by the media and etc.


Mary just wasn't the person used to being in Jesus. She was the person who gave him life, raised him from birth until man-hood. Again, there the mainstream christian ways go with being sexist. They do not seem to believe a woman holy.

Take women out of the world and what do you have? Death. Devistation. Gays-Slang Usage (Yeah! There needs to be more!).


I am not gay but I do have many friends who are. And it really bothers me when I hear other people say "Look at that 'fag'. Or look at that 'female version'. I love gays. They are just another person in the world. And guess what? They atleast show more respect and love towards everyone. The general populas? They loathe the people who choose their own preference. When I use gay, exlcuding when I refer to them in a rant, I use it as the true and old usage; happy.


And what really makes me flustered is Pres. Bush and his gay issue. In one of 'his' speeches (we all know he cannot speak), he said something similar to "Gay goes against our religion's culture, heritage, and laws." And that was one of his reasons for wanting to ban Gay Marriges. Um...one of the U.S. laws is that RELIGION shall not be used with the government and how it is run. But you know, you have to expect it from illiterate people who come from Texas.


Anyways, back to the subject....


Um...she might not have suffered on the cross but she did suffer watching her son being treated as he was. Which is worse? Watching it happen to your child or the child's perspective? I had a baby brother who was more of a son than a brother who died at age 3. I was 13. For those 3 years my father was in another country for the military and my mother had to work. I was the one taking care of him, I was the one who raised him, I was the one who watched him being unplugged from the resp. machine in the hospital! He died, he is dead. I am the one living with the pain and the forgotten memories. Forgotten yes. Why? Because such a tragic event seems to have erased my memories. It also has caused problems with addiciton. When I type and make an argument, I know what I am talking about. People who live my life would have killed themselves by now but I am still living. It is drastically hard, however. Remember some of my poems I have posted on the old new forums? Deep? Demonic? Yes......because of my emotions.

I have had more deaths in my family than the majority of people in the world.

I lost one of my best friends to suicide. He shot himself through the mouth. I was about 5 years old. I lost my great grandmothers, 3 of them, one year after the other. I lost my great aunt about 1 month before my baby brothers death. I lost my grandfather who I had first met when I was in 3rd grade! That was the last time I saw him too. He died of diabetes shortly after my baby brother. I lost my counsin, Logan, to suicide 1 week before Christmas. My father is in Iraq right now. I won't see him until his body comes after he dies or until I am about to turn 20, which is in about 2 years. I lost my best friend Nikki and her brother to a car wreck last year. Nikki was a 'special' student who had special needs. Oh the pain I felt. I lost another friend Chistopher Adam (Not his last name). He killed himself after stabbing his friend in the leg and shooting a police officer. 1 month before that, I lost a close aquantince to a car wreck. And there are more. 2 of my friends have scoliosis and one of them is under going treatment very soon. It is either the treatment, 10% chance of living...maybe even lower....maybe like 3%, or he can go without the treatment and certainly die in a few weeks/1-2 months. His sister also has it. She does not have it as bad, yet. And that is only half of my problems!


I know I got off of the subject COMPLETELY...but I hope I kind of got my point across.

Yes my life is screwed up. But I know enough to know that Mary suffered alot more than Jesus. I believe that Jesus was alive, yes. I am Wiccan, yes. But I do not believe that Jesus was the son of his god.


What I would like to see from this topic is more positive attitudes. The topics name and desc is "What religion are you? Do you like it?". Talk about what you like. Do not argue. Live is the longest thing that you will ever do, but is also very short.


Be like Ozzy Osbourne (Who is not satanic) and love everyone. Just listen to his lyrics in his songs. You will find out that they are talking about loving one another and not fighting. They are not about 'Worship the devil!'.


I say adieu til' hast I behold reason to reappear.

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Actually, Mary is not more important in Catholicism. They pray a different prayer than what is depicted by the media and etc.


Mary just wasn't the person used to being in Jesus. She was the person who gave him life, raised him from birth until man-hood. Again, there the mainstream christian ways go with being sexist.  They do not seem to believe a woman holy.

Take women out of the world and what do you have? Death. Devistation. Gays-Slang Usage (Yeah! There needs to be more!).


I am not gay but I do have many friends who are. And it really bothers me when I hear other people say "Look at that 'fag'. Or look at that 'female version'. I love gays. They are just another person in the world. And guess what? They atleast show more respect and love towards everyone. The general populas? They loathe the people who choose their own preference. When I use gay, exlcuding when I refer to them in a rant, I use it as the true and old usage; happy.


And what really makes me flustered is Pres. Bush and his gay issue. In one of 'his' speeches (we all know he cannot speak), he said something similar to "Gay goes against our religion's culture, heritage, and laws." And that was one of his reasons for wanting to ban Gay Marriges. Um...one of the U.S. laws is that RELIGION shall not be used with the government and how it is run. But you know, you have to expect it from illiterate people who come from Texas.


Anyways, back to the subject....


Um...she might not have suffered on the cross but she did suffer watching her son being treated as he was. Which is worse? Watching it happen to your child or the child's perspective? I had a baby brother who was more of a son than a brother who died at age 3. I was 13. For those 3 years my father was in another country for the military and my mother had to work. I was the one taking care of him, I was the one who raised him, I was the one who watched him being unplugged from the resp. machine in the hospital! He died, he is dead. I am the one living with the pain and the forgotten memories. Forgotten yes. Why? Because such a tragic event seems to have erased my memories. It also has caused problems with addiciton. When I type and make an argument, I know what I am talking about. People who live my life would have killed themselves by now but I am still living. It is drastically hard, however.  Remember some of my poems I have posted on the old new forums? Deep? Demonic? Yes......because of my emotions.

I have had more deaths in my family than the majority of people in the world.

I lost one of my best friends to suicide. He shot himself through the mouth. I was about 5 years old. I lost my great grandmothers, 3 of them, one year after the other. I lost my great aunt about 1 month before my baby brothers death. I lost my grandfather who I had first met when I was in 3rd grade! That was the last time I saw him too. He died of diabetes shortly after my baby brother. I lost my counsin, Logan, to suicide 1 week before Christmas. My father is in Iraq right now. I won't see him until his body comes after he dies or until I am about to turn 20, which is in about  2 years. I lost my best friend Nikki and her brother to a car wreck last year. Nikki was a 'special' student who had special needs. Oh the pain I felt.  I lost another friend Chistopher Adam (Not his last name). He killed himself after stabbing his friend in the leg and shooting a police officer. 1 month before that, I lost a close aquantince to a car wreck. And there are more. 2 of my friends have scoliosis and one of them is under going treatment very soon. It is either the treatment, 10% chance of living...maybe even lower....maybe like 3%, or he can go without the treatment and certainly die in a few weeks/1-2 months. His sister also has it. She does not have it as bad, yet. And that is only half of my problems!


I know I got off of the subject COMPLETELY...but I hope I kind of got my point across.

Yes my life is screwed up. But I know enough to know that Mary suffered alot more than Jesus. I believe that Jesus was alive, yes. I am Wiccan, yes. But I do not believe that Jesus was the son of his god.


What I would like to see from this topic is more positive attitudes. The topics name and desc is "What religion are you? Do you like it?". Talk about what you like. Do not argue. Live is the longest thing that you will ever do, but is also very short.


Be like Ozzy Osbourne (Who is not satanic) and love everyone. Just listen to his lyrics in his songs. You will find out that they are talking about loving one another and not fighting. They are not about 'Worship the devil!'.


I say adieu til' hast I behold reason to reappear.

Taynio, you have suffered much, and you live on. I respect you for that. You care for everyones' happiness. You don't disrespect others beliefs. All you do is kindly reason with them.


BTW another anti-Bush comment relating to religion: He used the government's money to help churches! And he's trying to prove to the Muslims the US doesn't hate them? Uh-huh. Great proving.

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My heart goes out to you, Tanyio.


But, your last comment was a little...disturbing..."Mary suffered alot more than Jesus."


Sure, Mary gave birth to him, and Mary saw him die. Emotionaly, yes, she did suffer more than him, I believe.


But, as physical, Jesus had to hang on a cross for several days, and before that he was beaten. Brutally. I don't really know Jesus' emotional feelings. He was sinless, therefore, he didn't have any self-pitty.


And, Tanyio, are you Vegan?...I was told that Vegans are vegetarians, that are also Wiccan, that hug mother earth...


We all go through pain and misery, and we all need someone to lean on, that's human nature.


If you don't mind me asking, Tanyio, If Jesus is not absolutely God and only a good man then why did he claim to be God over and over?

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But, your last comment was a little...disturbing..."Mary suffered alot more than Jesus." I do not doubt it was disturbing.


Sure, Mary gave birth to him, and Mary saw him die. Emotionaly, yes, she did suffer more than him, I believe. That is what I was refering to


But, as physical, Jesus had to hang on a cross for several days, and before that he was beaten. Brutally. I don't really know Jesus' emotional feelings. He was sinless, therefore, he didn't have any self-pitty. Yes he did suffer agony of the physical realm, but it didn't bring down his morale, therefore only making him stronger. Correct? Also, Jesus died on the same day as he was put on the cross. They used a spear, remember?


And, Tanyio, are you Vegan?...I was told that Vegans are vegetarians, that are also Wiccan, that hug mother earth...Lol....funny! Phew, I needed a good laugh. I am a vegetarian, yes. Vegan was just a word I made up to shorten vegetarian. Sounds cooler too. But I also happen to be Wiccan. ;P


We all go through pain and misery, and we all need someone to lean on, that's human nature. Aye, it is. It takes longer for some to find others too. Especially when everyone handles things differently


If you don't mind me asking, Tanyio, If Jesus is not absolutely God and only a good man then why did he claim to be God over and over? I do not want to sound rude to you when I say this or give my opinion, but it is what I think. I think, personally, that Jesus was not right in the head. It could have also been fed to him by Mary and Joseph that he was the son of God. Now I am not going to go into a TGHL's scientific kind of thing, but rather take a psychologic kind. Mary could have mated with another man, claimed to have been visited by an angel by the name of Gabriel, and claim to be a virigin with a son. People back then were easily mislead. Then she and joseph could have fed to Jesus the story of him being God's son. Then Jesus would grow up doing all the stuff in the bible because he thought he was God's son. The rest of what I think is pretty much obvious.

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My heart goes out to you, Tanyio.


But, your last comment was a little...disturbing..."Mary suffered alot more than Jesus."


Sure, Mary gave birth to him, and Mary saw him die. Emotionaly, yes, she did suffer more than him, I believe.


But, as physical, Jesus had to hang on a cross for several days, and before that he was beaten. Brutally. I don't really know Jesus' emotional feelings. He was sinless, therefore, he didn't have any self-pitty.


And, Tanyio, are you Vegan?...I was told that Vegans are vegetarians, that are also Wiccan, that hug mother earth...


We all go through pain and misery, and we all need someone to lean on, that's human nature.


If you don't mind me asking, Tanyio, If Jesus is not absolutely God and only a good man then why did he claim to be God over and over?

Oh god, not Christian Charity again. All the prayers in the world do not atone for the loss of a loved one, a devestation of a life or a lifetime of agony. So "my heart goes out to you?" I don't recall Tayino asking for sympathy or someone looking down their nose at him and saying "Look at the unfortunate child, we should pity him in our own theocratic way." Sorry about that. I just loathe that saying. And its made worse by the fact I have an Religous Education exam tomorrow.


Disturbing? So people's points of view are now disturbing? Just a thought.

Well, if you can imagine the pain and then death through crucifixtion, then imagine watching someone you love and you are overpowered to help them, but you can't. And you watch them slowly die, wishing it was you and then the final thud of death, the one that can push the living so hard they bash their heads. That would be worse than death for me.


So? I don't see you making a matyr out of the various hostages that the world has seen beaten and beheaded (Oh, yes. I saw Ken Bigley the British hostage decapitated on the nice, live internet video. Very nice.)? Oh well this person has had the gas chamber treatment done to him over the past couple of days, with him being pulled out just before death. Oh and before that he was beaten with a cat o'nine tails and now we're going to use some oriental torture instruments to keep him alive for as long as possible with the maximum amount of pain and then we're going to let him watch.... his.... heart... stop... beating.....


1) Stupid defintion of Vegans.

2) Vegans are the ones who refuse to use, eat or have anything to do with products that were made from animal suffering. Ultra-strict vegetarians.

3) Wiccans are not 'let's huge mother nature and mother earth' Wiccans are the ones who use herbs and various other natural ingredients to make poultices and treatments. They did not dabble in the occult. They were not witches. They were just what we call apothecarys. Whereas your Puritan fore-fathers and probably one of my ancestors called it the occult and subsequently burnt them.


Actually I believe Human nature is being ridiculously stupid, beavering away at making our lives better and then dying.


Dreams are powerful Toto. Jesus, say, has a vision of God saying that "Thou art my son, the messiah and you get the free Aston Martin that goes with it." He believes it, despite all it is is his sub-concious firing off what he wants to become or whatever. He goes out. Thinks he is God's son. Jews get angry. Jews ask Romans to arrest this blasphemer. Romans arrest. Romans crucify. Jews are happy.

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If you don't mind me asking, Tanyio, If Jesus is not absolutely God and only a good man then why did he claim to be God over and over? I do not want to sound rude to you when I say this or give my opinion, but it is what I think. I think, personally, that Jesus was not right in the head. It could have also been fed to him by Mary and Joseph that he was the son of God. Now I am not going to go into a TGHL's scientific kind of thing, but rather take a psychologic kind. Mary could have mated with another man, claimed to have been visited by an angel by the name of Gabriel, and claim to be a virigin with a son. People back then were easily mislead. Then she and joseph could have fed to Jesus the story of him being God's son. Then Jesus would grow up doing all the stuff in the bible because he thought he was God's son. The rest of what I think is pretty much obvious.

You rang?

Oh. So you're not going to go for the Big Bang? Even if it is possible that all there was before this expanding matter was pure energy (for what is matter, but stored energy?) and all it took was a catalyst to activate a reaction which causes the energy to be stored, compressed (whatever you want really) into matter. This is what Einstein proved himself. E=MC squared is part of it, but the main bit is the WELL ESTABLISHED FACT (which means it cannot be overthrown by meddling Theocrats) is that energy cannot be destroyed or made, only transferred. But since you don't support the Big Bang, I won't go on further.

That's probably what happened, with Jesus that is. Small child, grows up being fed on stories. Believes them. So on. And if Toto says human nature isn't like that or something similar. I beg her to look at how:

1) Propoganda works and entire populations are led down this way of believing

2) Look at the best example in the world (apart from religon and Christianity), The Hitler Jugend. Or Hitler Youth. An entire generation brought up on lies, trained as soldiers. Their lessons had militarian twists. Maths: Calculate the trajectory of the bomb. If I had 6 million Jews in all my concentration camps and I killed 3 million, two thousand and twenty seven, how many would I have left?

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Oh god, not Christian Charity again. All the prayers in the world do not atone for the loss of a loved one, a devestation of a life or a lifetime of agony. So "my heart goes out to you?" I don't recall Tayino asking for sympathy or someone looking down their nose at him and saying "Look at the unfortunate child, we should pity him in our own theocratic way." Sorry about that. I just loathe that saying. And its made worse by the fact I have an Religous Education exam tomorrow.


Disturbing? So people's points of view are now disturbing? Just a thought.

Well, if you can imagine the pain and then death through crucifixtion, then imagine watching someone you love and you are overpowered to help them, but you can't. And you watch them slowly die, wishing it was you and then the final thud of death, the one that can push the living so hard they bash their heads. That would be worse than death for me.


So? I don't see you making a matyr out of the various hostages that the world has seen beaten and beheaded (Oh, yes. I saw Ken Bigley the British hostage decapitated on the nice, live internet video. Very nice.)? Oh well this person has had the gas chamber treatment done to him over the past couple of days, with him being pulled out just before death. Oh and before that he was beaten with a cat o'nine tails and now we're going to use some oriental torture instruments to keep him alive for as long as possible with the maximum amount of pain and then we're going to let him watch.... his.... heart... stop... beating.....


1) Stupid defintion of Vegans.

2) Vegans are the ones who refuse to use, eat or have anything to do with products that were made from animal suffering. Ultra-strict vegetarians.

3) Wiccans are not 'let's huge mother nature and mother earth' Wiccans are the ones who use herbs and various other natural ingredients to make poultices and treatments. They did not dabble in the occult. They were not witches. They were just what we call apothecarys. Whereas your Puritan fore-fathers and probably one of my ancestors called it the occult and subsequently burnt them.


Actually I believe Human nature is being ridiculously stupid, beavering away at making our lives better and then dying.


Dreams are powerful Toto. Jesus, say, has a vision of God saying that "Thou art my son, the messiah and you get the free Aston Martin that goes with it." He believes it, despite all it is is his sub-concious firing off what he wants to become or whatever. He goes out. Thinks he is God's son. Jews get angry. Jews ask Romans to arrest this blasphemer. Romans arrest. Romans crucify. Jews are happy.


Oh, please, TGHL, stick a sock in it. You don't think my life is hard? You know nothing about myself, and all you're doing is judging me. You obviously know nothing over my relgion, accept the "thous" and "arths". Yes, and a day before Jesus was crufied, the Jews bowed down to Jesus and placed palm leaves on the ground. They knew nothing over the next few days.

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I'd like to say something here, which is, unfortunately, against my very own religion. It goes back to Mideival-Ren times. The Europeans wre so convinced that their religion, Christianity, was so correct. So what did they do? Kill off the Jewish! Kill off the Muslims! Killed every heretic they disagreed with! They persecuted Galileo for believing the Sun was the center of the universe. All because they thought the Earth was the center. Easily fooled buffoons. And what did they do to Joan of Arc? Burned her for disagreeable beliefs! Back to the Crusades. Immediate salvation was promised by the pope for anyone who killed in the Crusades. Just a bit of information.

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1) Stupid defintion of Vegans.

2) Vegans are the ones who refuse to use, eat or have anything to do with products that were made from animal suffering. Ultra-strict vegetarians.

3) Wiccans are not 'let's huge mother nature and mother earth' Wiccans are the ones who use herbs and various other natural ingredients to make poultices and treatments. They did not dabble in the occult. They were not witches. They were just what we call apothecarys. Whereas your Puritan fore-fathers and probably one of my ancestors called it the occult and subsequently burnt them.

I just typed Vegans (I like that word...Vegan..ITS VEGAN STRIPS! lol)as a shorter version of vegetarian for myself. I am your definition, however.


We Wiccans are those who believe in many Goddess's and Gods. The two main ones being the fair Goddess and her Lord. Herbs and other natural ingredients are used to make potions, treatments, poultices, and etc. But that is not the only thing we do. We also use things such as dragon's breath, lustice, etc. Those are not really natural, but not man-made. They are...hard to explain.

We are, in a way, witches as you might say. We do use spells, much like the clerics of the Celtics. It is mostly to promote something in our life and help ourselves. Black Magick is not something we like to deal with. It is the corruption of the soul. Apothecary would be a correct term to use for us. So would alchemist, magister, and etc.


Yes, we were burned in the past. It was because Christians believed us to be of the 'Devil'. Occult? Oh my. I am surprised anyone on here knew of them. We have many names. Some of them being: Wiccans, Pagans, Neo-Pagans, Occult, Witches, Mystics, Satanists, etc.


We are not bad though.

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You rang? Yes...and "You can ring my bell, ring my bell.

Oh. So you're not going to go for the Big Bang? I do not care how we were created or put on this confounded piece of rock. Even if it is possible that all there was before this expanding matter was pure energy (for what is matter, but stored energy?) and all it took was a catalyst to activate a reaction which causes the energy to be stored, compressed (whatever you want really) into matter. This is what Einstein proved himself. E=MC squared is part of it, but the main bit is the WELL ESTABLISHED FACT (which means it cannot be overthrown by meddling Theocrats) is that energy cannot be destroyed or made, only transferred. I am well aware of Einstein and his theories. Need not you to try and reason with me.But since you don't support the Big Bang, I won't go on further. Please, go on. I wish to read what I already know.

That's probably what happened, with Jesus that is. Small child, grows up being fed on stories. Believes them. So on. And if Toto says human nature isn't like that or something similar. I beg her to look at how:

1) Propoganda works and entire populations are led down this way of believing

2) Look at the best example in the world (apart from religon and Christianity), The Hitler Jugend. Or Hitler Youth. An entire generation brought up on lies, trained as soldiers. Their lessons had militarian twists. Maths: Calculate the trajectory of the bomb. If I had 6 million Jews in all my concentration camps and I killed 3 million, two thousand and twenty seven, how many would I have left? Hitler also implemented a kind of ROTC in German schools where it was like a class/privelage to join for a male. Another illusion used by the great Wizard. I love that Hitler. Such a protagonist. Such a speaker! Many people loathe and depise him but do not realize actually how smart and outspoken he was. He was a true Wizard. Watch some of his speeches and tell me you still believe the same thing as you did before.

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I'd like to say something here, which is, unfortunately, against my very own religion. It goes back to Mideival-Ren times. The Europeans wre so convinced that their religion, Christianity, was so correct. So what did they do? Kill off the Jewish! Kill off the Muslims! Killed every heretic they disagreed with! They persecuted Galileo for believing the Sun was the center of the universe. All because they thought the Earth was the center. Easily fooled buffoons. And what did they do to Joan of Arc? Burned her for disagreeable beliefs! Back to the Crusades. Immediate salvation was promised by the pope for anyone who killed in the Crusades. Just a bit of information.


Eh. That's just what the stupid people back in the day thought was good. People are wiser now. We can't go off killing anyone who disagrees with us. And, that was also the Catholics. Catholics were a tad....mental in the head. They thought of their own ways to change the bible, which is wrong...


Horatio, did you delete my French? :lol:



(For goodness sake)

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Eh. That's just what the stupid people back in the day thought was good. People are wiser now. We can't go off killing anyone who disagrees with us. And, that was also the Catholics. Catholics were a tad....mental in the head. They thought of their own ways to change the bible, which is wrong...


Horatio, did you delete my French?  :lol:



(For goodness sake)

Eh, don't diss my religion, which I just dissed. And Christians and Catholics are extremely similar.

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TGHL, I have a comment for you...


You sure are persistant at doing one thing. Why is that? Why not look on the bright side of things, Why are you getting other peoples beleifs, Looking at everything you think is wrong with them, And shoving it in Toto's face. Why are you so negative about all of this? Despite i dont agree with it, Im respecting your relegious opinions, Im not even gonna touch it. But why are you reasoning everything with this 'big bang' you speak of. (I dont think its true, How likely is it to be, nothing was existed, all of a sudden theres a huge explosion and planets and stars magically formed, On earth, a monkey popped up outta nowhere, turned into a human and thus civilization began. How likely is this to happen, I dont see why you or anyone beleives this. You may not see why people beleive in god though...)


In short, The question is, What are you doing?!

You know, TGHL, You are not persistant as I said you were. Thats being stubborn. You seem to have just one goal in these topics, Force other people into beleiving they are wrong and you are right. Soften up a little, You're really starting to creep me out. o_o;

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I'd like to say something here, which is, unfortunately, against my very own religion. It goes back to Mideival-Ren times. The Europeans wre so convinced that their religion, Christianity, was so correct. So what did they do? Kill off the Jewish! Kill off the Muslims! Killed every heretic they disagreed with! They persecuted Galileo for believing the Sun was the center of the universe. All because they thought the Earth was the center. Easily fooled buffoons. And what did they do to Joan of Arc? Burned her for disagreeable beliefs! Back to the Crusades. Immediate salvation was promised by the pope for anyone who killed in the Crusades. Just a bit of information.

See, Toto? Why do you worship a God so tyrannical and despotic that he compelled men to commit acts that should never have happened! All for your supreme being! All for the lies! As Mulder said: "Sometimes the truth is so fantastic and sickening that a lie more unbelivable and fantastic must be created!" Explains a lot. And MW, have you noticed that one of the races the Crusaders fought, the Saracens, only turned into the blood hungry monsters they showed the monsters after the Crusaders attacked? Before they were a race that loved the arts, literature, music, all the trappings of sophisticated society. And then they were attacked. Turning their passion for the arts into a passion for the jihad.

Toto, Your religon has stopped human advancement in its tracks. If it were not for the way the world was governed by a Theocratic system in the Medieval Ages and the 1600s, we may have seen man flying for years before the Wright brothers, we may have traveresed the sea beds many times before now and so on. But no. And today, your stupid Theocratic system and way of blindly believing the lies, is still governing human advancement! With your stupid predjudices and hate for science, you have prevented what may have been and delayed the truth from being shown to the world! You may not brand the men of science anymore, but you still hinder and prevent the truth from being known. So, is it any wonder the Illuminati were formed? Thou bringeth thy own destuction upon ye.

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You know, TGHL, You are not persistant as I said you were. Thats being stubborn. You seem to have just one goal in these topics, Force other people into beleiving they are wrong and you are right. Soften up a little, You're really starting to creep me out. o_o;

Stubborn? How so?

And by the way, if you think I am trying to convert those who do not know the truth, you should try looking at the Christian church and see how they convert the masses to their lies and false truths. No belief has been so readily thrust upon people as Christianity. Although it is no longer a case of believe or be burnt, it still happpens, but today it is believe or be shunned, well at least in a dominantly Christian community.

Soften up? Do you mean try and make the idea that we are infinitely insignificant and small compared to the rest of the universe more appealing or nice?

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Eh. That's just what the stupid people back in the day thought was good. People are wiser now. We can't go off killing anyone who disagrees with us. And, that was also the Catholics. Catholics were a tad....mental in the head. They thought of their own ways to change the bible, which is wrong...


Horatio, did you delete my French?  :lol:



(For goodness sake)

HA! Catholics are no worse than the Aglican church, the Protestant, the various Orthodoxs, the Evanglists, The Quakers, the Methodists, the Puritans or any other church! All have burnt, staked, killed, prostcuted, shunned and destroyed unbelievers except the Quakers and Methodists since they are more recent. Tell me Toto, what Christian denomination are you?

Change the Bible? THE ONLY CHRISTIAN DENOMINATION THAT HASN'T CHANGED THE BIBLE ARE THE ORTHODOX CHURCHES! EACH CHURCH HAS CHANGED WHAT HAS BEEN STATED TO SUIT THEIR BELIEFS! NO CHURCH TAKES WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS LITERALLY EXCEPT THE ORTHODOX CHURCHES! See, now what was that about me not knowing anything about Christianity? I know all about, since it is forced into my head with hydraulic force over twice a week.

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Stubborn? How so?

And by the way, if you think I am trying to convert those who do not know the truth, you should try looking at the Christian church and see how they convert the masses to their lies and false truths. No belief has been so readily thrust upon people as Christianity. Although it is no longer a case of believe or be burnt, it still happpens, but today it is believe or be shunned, well at least in a dominantly Christian community.

Soften up? Do you mean try and make the idea that we are infinitely insignificant and small compared to the rest of the universe more appealing or nice?


Do you know what you're doing? You're lumping all Christians into one big group. You know better than that. ;) There are many types of Christiand that are all very different. And yes, a lot of Christians twist the Bible to suit their needs, but please, if you're going to attack Christianity, attack it from the roots, the Bible, not the people. Of course you're going to find faults in "religion" and the people who practice it. The Bible however, I believe is faultless. And by the way, the Bible tells us to love everyone, Christian or not. "Love the sinner, hate the sin."

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Do you know what you're doing? You're lumping all Christians into one big group. You know better than that. ;) There are many types of Christiand that are all very different. And yes, a lot of Christians twist the Bible to suit their needs, but please, if you're going to attack Christianity, attack it from the roots, the Bible, not the people. Of course you're going to find faults in "religion" and the people who practice it. The Bible however, I believe is faultless. And by the way, the Bible tells us to love everyone, Christian or not. "Love the sinner, hate the sin."

Really? I know that there are so many different denominations of Christianity that eventually, one day, theres going to be such a schism that Christianity falls down the ensuing fissure.

What you have to remember though is that each and every division of Christianity has split with the first Church, Roman Catholic, or one of the main branches over ways of worship or interepretations of the Bible, not over the acts of the Church. No church memeber has ever said that the Crusaders were wrong, no Christian priest, pastor or so on has said that the persecution of Gallileo was wrong, or the way the Church treated the Scientists or the Illuminati. And until that day comes, all churches basically condone these "Acts of God."


Things about the Bible being blameless:

1) Are we talking "Smite the unbelieving" Old Testament or "Dither about for awhile, loose the meaning and make sure that there is plenty to Schism over" New Testament?

2) Don't be so sure about that.

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English posting is one of the HampsterDance rules I must follow to ensure posts are not nasty Mr. TGHL.

Ð’Ñ‹ подразумеваете что Ñ Ð¸Ñпользовал мои ÑпоÑобноÑти Ñзыка Чуж Ñказать гадкие вещи? Будет говорÑщ о коммунизме плох?

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Вы подразумеваете что я использовал мои способности языка Чуж сказать гадкие вещи? Будет говорящ о коммунизме плох?

Okay, okay, okay, so I can't write a good sentence. I should have said "Posting in the English language..." :lol::lol::lol:

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See, TGHL. You are apart of an act of independancy that discriminated the Jew, or any religious being. 50 million of them. Before act our wrong doings, point out your's.

1) What are you talking about Toto? I keep reading this over and over again, and each time it make less and less sense.

2) Mine? I see, so improving people's knowledge, understanding and quality of life is a wrong doing(well.... it is if Toto is saying that I represent science)?

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Toto, before we carry on posting in this battle of wits (and of mudslinging, undermining and much cross-referencing too. :lol: ) I reccomned you read Angels and Demons by the same author of the Da Vinci Code (My tour guide at the Louvre exploded at the 100th person to ask her about the Da Vinci code and could they see it?) Dan Brown. Read the entire book and contrast it (except the ending and the Hassasin's er..... trophies....) against this Topic. There are SOME similarities.

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Toto, before we carry on posting in this battle of wits (and of mudslinging, undermining and much cross-referencing too. :lol: ) I reccomned you read Angels and Demons by the same author of the Da Vinci Code (My tour guide at the Louvre exploded at the 100th person to ask her about the Da Vinci code and could they see it?) Dan Brown. Read the entire book and contrast it (except the ending and the Hassasin's er..... trophies....) against this Topic. There are SOME similarities.

*writes down the book recommendation and a note to go to the library tomorrow*

Thanks, I would like to read that too!

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1) What are you talking about Toto? I keep reading this over and over again, and each time it make less and less sense.

2) Mine? I see, so improving people's knowledge, understanding and quality of life is a wrong doing(well.... it is if Toto is saying that I represent science)?


I was talking about WWII. The death camps. What was done.

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I was talking about WWII. The death camps. What was done.

Hmmm... Was Hitler and aethiest Toto or an agnostic? I don't think so. Keep in mind this is not Europe VS. America, this is Science VS. Church. And Hitler was a believer in God, thats why he said "God is on our side." So it backfires on yourself Toto, it is not blaming Science.

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The Da Vinci Code? Isn't that a liberal book. Yes, I believe it is.

What do you mean by Liberal? You keep using it and each time it makes no sense. "Duh. Da Vinci Code must be Liberal because it has Opus Dei as Bad guys... ooh.... and that is bad." For the Truth's sake, would you just cut the faeces and just read the book before you criticise it? It is called FICTION, there are bits that are well researched, but it is never the less, FICTION. Just read Angels and Demons and then, if you decided to stop calling everything Liberal just because you've been told or influenced that it is bad, read the Da Vinci Code.

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What do you mean by Liberal? You keep using it and each time it makes no sense. "Duh. Da Vinci Code must be Liberal because it has Opus Dei as Bad guys... ooh.... and that is bad." For the Truth's sake, would you just cut the faeces and just read the book before you criticise it? It is called FICTION, there are bits that are well researched, but it is never the less, FICTION. Just read Angels and Demons and then, if you decided to stop calling everything Liberal just because you've been told or influenced that it is bad,  read the Da Vinci Code.

Hah! I have gone off and read the text book definition of a "Liberal" book and it means that a book is written to leave the reader to come to an open decision about the books context and plot, rather than channeling them down one route of thought. Of course you may be using it as a critical term, which completely astounds me because to be "liberal" means you are open minded, allow all points of view to be heard etc. Which is what a democracy is, so really because of the purges in America lead by Truman and the FBI director of the time, Hoover, you can't really call it a democracy can you? because nothing communist is allowed to be printed, seen or heard anywhere in the US, and it is still that way to day! SO being Liberal is a good thing, whereas being Extreme Democrats or Republicans is a bad thing because it is sealing off any influences from Right or Left Wing partys!

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Hmmm... Was Hitler and aethiest Toto or an agnostic? I don't think so. Keep in mind this is not Europe VS. America, this is Science VS. Church. And Hitler was a believer in God, thats why he said "God is on our side." So it backfires on yourself Toto, it is not blaming Science.


Is that true, TGHL? Hilter constantly said that he was against christians and God all together. God would not be on his side, since, after all, he was killing Christians. It was Nazis VS. Religious people. If I lived in the 1940's, I'd probably be in a death camp, and you would have been a Neo-Nazi. Nazis were against Christians, Jews, and Catholics...like you, I believe. Correct me if I'm mistaken.

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Hah! I have gone off and read the text book definition of a "Liberal" book and it means that a book is written to leave the reader to come to an open decision about the books context and plot, rather than channeling them down one route of thought. Of course you may be using it as a critical term, which completely astounds me because to be "liberal" means you are open minded, allow all points of view to be heard etc. Which is what a democracy is, so really because of the purges in America lead by Truman and the FBI director of the time, Hoover, you can't really call it a democracy can you? because nothing communist is allowed to be printed, seen or heard anywhere in the US, and it is still that way to day! SO being Liberal is a good thing, whereas being Extreme Democrats or Republicans is a bad thing because it is sealing off any influences from Right or Left Wing partys!


I've never read it. I've just been told it was Liberal. What's the deffinition for Liberal?


Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded. Tending to give freely; generous: a liberal benefactor.


So, liberal means lenient. It means you lean to one side or the other. You change your thoughts oftenly, which can be a good or a bad thing. Matters where you perspective is.


Oh, and about your whole Atheism thing, here's some quotes.


"Unless you assume [there is] a God, the question of life's purpose is meaningless." -Bertrand Russell, Atheist


By what you believe, you have no purpose of life. God is glorified through rebellion. (Exidous 7)

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Is that true, TGHL? Hilter constantly said that he was against christians and God all together. God would not be on his side, since, after all, he was killing Christians. It was Nazis VS. Religious people. If I lived in the 1940's, I'd probably be in a death camp, and you would have been a Neo-Nazi. Nazis were against Christians, Jews, and Catholics...like you, I believe. Correct me if I'm mistaken.

You really need a new History teacher if you're going to spout out that sort of thing, especially when Hitler set up a new state church in Germany to replace the Catholicism and hmmm.... let me think, I believe it was (suprise, suprise) a Christian church, so he wasn't against Christianity, just other denominations of the Christian Church that challenged him or met him with opposition. So please Toto, don't pretend to know something when you don't.


And no you wouldn't Toto, because a) You'd be completely different because you wouldn't have had the same upbringing

b)Even if you were still Anglo-Italian or whatever race you are, you wouldn't be in Germany, you'd be in England because it would be likely your parents wouldn't be in Italy because of Mussolini.

c) You don't fall into one of Hitler's hate groups, he even addmited he liked the English in one of his speeches.


I wouldn't be a Nazi even if I was German for the following reasons:

i) I cannot tolerate racists

ii) I'd be in one of the groups Hitler prosecuted and processed (Upper Middle Class and onwards)

iii) I couldn't be a Neo-Nazi because that has only been recently formed and it was the Nazis in 1940.

Also I am offended that you would call me a Nazi, because just because I'm a scientist doesn't mean I'm a Nazi. And anyway, most of the respectable scientists (Einstein) fled Germany in 1933. SO MEH!

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So, liberal means lenient. It means you lean to one side or the other. You change your thoughts oftenly, which can be a good or a bad thing. Matters where you perspective is.

So that would make you Liberal know wouldn't it, Toto? And since I'm still in a raging fury from your Nazi comment, not only am I going to say Deleted by Horatio...

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So that would make you Liberal know wouldn't it, Toto? And since I'm still in a raging fury from your Nazi comment, not only am I going to say Deleted by Horatio...

Please respond to this when you have calmed down. Thank you.

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Please respond to this when you have calmed down.  Thank you.

That'll take the lifetime of a star if Toto keeps going on about stupidity and Liberal (btw, STupidly when you called our government Liberal you failed to realise that that could mean it is more a true Democracy system than the American Democratic system, making the joke be on you and make me just be right about your abuse of the word Liberal) and not only it be the lifetime of a star, it'll be the white hot heat of a supernova and the intensity of a Black Hole, oh just wait, I;m not allowed to use the term Black Hole am I, because Toto still thinks the Earth is flat and the sky is Heaven.

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You really need a new History teacher if you're going to spout out that sort of thing, especially when Hitler set up a new state church in Germany to replace the Catholicism and hmmm.... let me think, I believe it was (suprise, suprise) a Christian church, so he wasn't against Christianity, just other denominations of the Christian Church that challenged him or met him with opposition. So please Toto, don't pretend to know something when you don't.


And no you wouldn't Toto, because a) You'd be completely different because you wouldn't have had the same upbringing

b)Even if you were still Anglo-Italian or whatever race you are, you wouldn't be in Germany, you'd be in England because it would be likely your parents wouldn't be in Italy because of Mussolini.

c) You don't fall into one of Hitler's hate groups, he even addmited he liked the English in one of his speeches.


I wouldn't be a Nazi even if I was German for the following reasons:

i) I cannot tolerate racists

ii) I'd be in one of the groups Hitler prosecuted and processed (Upper Middle Class and onwards)

iii) I couldn't be a Neo-Nazi because that has only been recently formed and it was the Nazis in 1940.

Also I am offended that you would call me a Nazi, because just because I'm a scientist doesn't mean I'm a Nazi. And anyway, most of the respectable scientists (Einstein) fled Germany in 1933. SO MEH!


I was just saying, that if I was Germish (I know, it's German...). My mother's side was Catholic, and some people on my father's side were Jewish.


Hilter has said several things leaning towards his "godly" faith, but most has not.


"National Socialism and religion cannot exist together...."


"The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity...."


"Let it not be said that Christianity brought man the life of the soul, for that evolution was in the natural order of things."


"Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure."


"The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death.... When understanding of the universe has become widespread... Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity...."


"Christianity has reached the peak of absurdity.... And that's why someday its structure will collapse.... "


"...the only way to get rid of Christianity is to allow it to die little by little.... "


"Christianity <is> the liar...."


"We'll see to it that the Churches cannot spread abroad teachings in conflict with the interests of the State."


Let's just remember Hitler was a very, very sick man.


-Laughs- I love you too, TGHL.

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"National Socialism and religion cannot exist together...."


"Let it not be said that Christianity brought man the life of the soul, for that evolution was in the natural order of things."


"Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure."


"When understanding of the universe has become widespread... Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity...."


"Christianity has reached the peak of absurdity.... And that's why someday its structure will collapse.... "


"Christianity <is> the liar...."


"We'll see to it that the Churches cannot spread abroad teachings in conflict with the interests of the State."


-Laughs- I love you too, TGHL.

Actually, some of those things don't really make Hitler a sick man, rather someone who knew the Truth and unforunately pushed his other ideas (which were uninfluenced by the Truth) to an extremist limit.


Of course you do, thats why you called me a Neo-Nazi.

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Ok, first off...

Does anyone besides me no one what Nazi actually stands for? It is like a short version of National Socialist.... Na.......Si.......get it?


And Toto.... please do not condemn the Nazi or you will be answering to me. I just happen to be a great grandson of a SS, a high ranking one. Alot of my family members were high ranking in the Nazi party. But also know this, I had many family members killing each other. My family comes from 3 main areas; France, Germany, and since there wasn't a real place Jews were back then I cannot really say a third place. If it was not for Sir Elton John and "Candle in the Wind" V. 1997 for Princess Dianna, I would be so flippin' mad right now. Your words and pathetique comprehension of what you think to be what Hitler meant is nothing.








I need not say more that. Well, maybe a little. Forget your religion when you read stuff and try to understand it. Things were not created from your religion or any religion at all for that matter. They are made from the obvious and guesses. Christians, in general mind you, are narrow-minded and think everything that is done has to deal with God and Satan. In the Christian Bible it even says that very few things have to deal with God and Satan. God even says in the bible to live your life and have fun but to always remember to live it for him. That does not mean give your whole entire life and thought to him.



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Ok, first off...

Does anyone besides me no one what Nazi actually stands for? It is like a short version of National Socialist.... Na.......Si.......get it? National Socialist Deutsches Party if you want the full title.


And Toto.... please do not condemn the Nazi or you will be answering to me. I just happen to be a great grandson of a SS, a high ranking one. Alot of my family members were high ranking in the Nazi party. But also know this, I had many family members killing each other. My family comes from 3 main areas; France, Germany, and since there wasn't a real place Jews were back then I cannot really say a third place. If it was not for Sir Elton John and "Candle in the Wind" V. 1997 for Princess Dianna, I would be so flippin' mad right now. Your words and pathetique comprehension of what you think to be what Hitler meant is nothing. Wow, although that makes sense. Many SS officers and scientists were protected by the American goverment after Germany was defeated and then they were taken to work on the next step up from the V2 rocket (Two members of my family were killed in London by this weapon, so you can guess my feelings about it and American protection of the idiots who made this weapon and what they created next). I agree with you in the last bit, Hitler is not a forgotten thing, it should never be forgotten, as to stop another Dictator to rise. And also, Toto, don't treat Hitler so lightly because you have to remember many of those with European connections have had some sort of connection with WWII, be it the SOE, The French Resistance, the Military or in Germany.







You would do better to forget your religon Toto, but thats your choice. Just don't let it influence your actions, your way of thinking and your actions (for example Won't read Da Vinci code because it talks about the incorrectness of Modern Christinaity and the Holy Grail. But, it wasn't written to change your thinking, it was just written for the sake of it and all of it is well researched when it comes to the historical references).

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I cannot FORGET FORGET FORGET my faith. Maybe you should REMEMBER REMEMBER REMEMBER that what the bible says is the truth.


No one will listen to me, of course. Just remember guys, keep your ears blocked and stay inside your house, and you won't have to be forced to change your ideas.


Che cio era?

(What was that?)

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o_o................... No. <.<; I like my religion.

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I cannot FORGET FORGET FORGET my faith. Maybe you should REMEMBER REMEMBER REMEMBER that what the bible says is the truth.


No one will listen to me, of course. Just remember guys, keep your ears blocked and stay inside your house, and you won't have to be forced to change your ideas.


Che cio era?

(What was that?)

Again, you are putting your religion ahead of realization. I said to Forget your Religion when you are reading things people have said! Not forget it entirely.


I listen to you more than you realize Toto. I will not keep my ears blocked nor have I ever. Have I ever once, once told you that your religion is is fake and you should stop believing in it? No. You may have percieved it that way, because you believe yours to be the only true religion and must "protect" it even when someone agrees with you. Your religion is exactly what it is; your religion


I will not remember that what the bible says is the truth because I do not believe in the bible. At once I did, but I am not tottaly different and I have been realizing there are other things out there than giving every thought, every breath, everything to one single being who does not show themselves or any sign to me. I will give what my Goddess and Gods ask for and nothing more.




Oh, and again, I never said forget your religion as to FORGET it entirely. I was saying put it aside when you read certain things. They will cloud your vision.... oh.....and something you read might actually make you understand more in your own religion.......................... judge not yet ye be judged.... right?


I never judge. I observe, write down my analysis and data, and let my conclusion be known. I am not always right. No one is.

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I cannot FORGET FORGET FORGET my faith. Maybe you should REMEMBER REMEMBER REMEMBER that what the bible says is the truth.


No one will listen to me, of course. Just remember guys, keep your ears blocked and stay inside your house, and you won't have to be forced to change your ideas.


Che cio era?

(What was that?)

Actually, I never said you should forget your faith, just don't let it influence... See above blue text within Quote.


Definition of Faith: Blindly believing something for which there is no explanation, proof or evidence.

So that makes those who worship God as bad as those who go UFO watching or search for the modern version of the Holy Grail, doesn't it?


I don't like staying indoors a lot, I prefer to go outside and do things like Orienteer or Rock Climb. Keep my ears blocked? Why would I do that? I couldn't listen to anything or hear someone elses point of view, t'would be a bit stupid. I'll change my ideas when new evidence or proof comes to light, but until then I'll guard the truth that seems most probable with everything I have.



Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

(Who will guard the guards?)

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Wow, TGHL. I was always told, and I knew that I must make Jesus the ruler of my life. And that's what I'm doing. My shirt today says "Jesus Freak" in Chinese. And, that is what I will be.


Actuall, there are a few deffinitions of faith:


Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.


often Faith Christianity. The theological virtue defined as secure belief in God and a trusting acceptance of God's will.

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Wow, TGHL. I was always told, and I knew that I must make Jesus the ruler of my life. And that's what I'm doing. My shirt today says "Jesus Freak" in Chinese. And, that is what I will be.


Actuall, there are a few deffinitions of faith:


Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.


often Faith Christianity. The theological virtue defined as secure belief in God and a trusting acceptance of God's will.

Which one of my seas of posts was that a reply to?

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<font color='#32CD32'>Kewl. My favourites are audio adrenaline, newsboys, and the supertones. :cool:</font>

newsboys rock ya'll!!!!! PEACE!!!!

C.P. :)

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Why is there so much ceremony in many Christian faiths anyways? And then the Protestants say you only need to believe?


I was told in bible school that the ceremonies(i.e., baptism, marriage, etc.) were important. Or if you couldn't you'd have to want to. That's dumb. I don't have faith in anything really, by TGHL's definition. I try to believe God is real. But I only believe facts. I try to take in the things that I just can't. I'm too scientific about tings. How can God exist? Why is He called by the name of the male, no matter what form?

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Why is there so much ceremony in many Christian faiths anyways? And then the Protestants say you only need to believe?


I was told in bible school that the ceremonies(i.e., baptism, marriage, etc.) were important. Or if you couldn't you'd have to want to. That's dumb. I don't have faith in anything really, by TGHL's definition. I try to believe God is real. But I only believe facts. I try to take in the things that I just can't. I'm too scientific about tings. How can God exist? Why is He called by the name of the male, no matter what form?

There is a very good book called "When God Was a Woman". It might be a little boring for you, but it really interesting. It has some archeological facts that get you thinking. I liked the book.

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Why is there so much ceremony in many Christian faiths anyways? And then the Protestants say you only need to believe?


I was told in bible school that the ceremonies(i.e., baptism, marriage, etc.) were important. Or if you couldn't you'd have to want to. That's dumb. I don't have faith in anything really, by TGHL's definition. I try to believe God is real. But I only believe facts. I try to take in the things that I just can't. I'm too scientific about tings. How can God exist? Why is He called by the name of the male, no matter what form?


Roman Catholics start off as the 1 true church, founded by Peter and centred in Rome. The First schism happens during the crusades when the Knight Templars (worlds first bankers, famous for agressive takeovers) are hunted down to teh death by the loving Roman Catholic church. Then some Europeans in 1600s decide that the Roman Catholics are becoming too lax and the the almighty pig Henry VIII has decided that they are too strict. Here we have the Protestants being set up to follow the Bible word for word and the formation of the Anglican church. Then it goes on and on, withe Methodists and Quakers being formed in the 1800s, then at some point Arkcher's Mormons are set up, and then it goes on with more and more schisms.


The most notable one and perhaps the biggest is the Anglican church (Archbishop of Cantebury and Archbishop of York) kicking the American church and the Canadian out of a key church conference because of the gay bishop. Which addmitedly, we did do it first, but he had to resign when the angry mob turned up.... *sigh*

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Not if they are a Christian rock group they don't!


Newsboys are the coolest people in the world. I've had them in my sig a few times...


"When the toast is burnt, and all the milk is turned, Capin' Crunch is waving far-well. When the big one finds you, may this song remind you that they don't serve breakfast in ####"

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<font color='#48CCCD'>I beleived in God once.. until my older brother died then I saw that if God cared after his creation he would let the ones who never deserve death stay on earth and purge the world of all who cause insufferable pain to those who deserve it least.  I get bullied just because I am, thats the reason they say they beat me up because I am, because I exsist. If God surely cared as the vicars preach surley he would spare me from suffering. Then again maybe he takes the good people to allow them to avoid the suffering of the world.</font>

thats just plain sad even if i dont agree with you...

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What Scripture id that?</font>

<font color='#FF0000'>You probably dont have it in your bible protestant ministers removed many books of the real bible it is very sad that not all Christians will be saved :sleepy:  :(  :sleepy:  i know what ur gunna say that we catholics added books but we didnt too bad ull never beleive me :down:</font>

it doesnt matter wat type of christian u r as long as u r 1

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it dosnt make sence cuz it's not true.it's a lie.\


i dont even believe in hevena and #### so wutever. when u die u go 6 feet under so i guess thats down ?:roll

It is not a lie and if you went to church it would make more since.Is not is not is not

? ? ?:dixie</font>

<font color='#000F22'>But how do you know it's not a lie?  The thing is, we don't know anything.  All people have these days is blind faith.  There is no answer.  We have no proof that it is true.</font>

if i no 1 thing in this world its that jesus christ died for me and loves me very much!!! :)

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Roman Catholics start off as the 1 true church, founded by Peter and centred in Rome. The First schism happens during the crusades when the Knight Templars (worlds first bankers, famous for agressive takeovers) are hunted down to teh death by the loving Roman Catholic church. Then some Europeans in 1600s decide that the Roman Catholics are becoming too lax and the the almighty pig Henry VIII has decided that they are too strict. Here we have the Protestants being set up to follow the Bible word for word and the formation of the Anglican church. Then it goes on and on, withe Methodists and Quakers being formed in the 1800s, then at some point Arkcher's Mormons are set up, and then it goes on with more and more schisms.


The most notable one and perhaps the biggest is the Anglican church (Archbishop of Cantebury and Archbishop of York) kicking the American church and the Canadian out of a key church conference because of the gay bishop. Which addmitedly, we did do it first, but he had to resign when the angry mob turned up.... *sigh*


Wrong! :P You're a bit mixed up on your Biblical history here. There is no mention of a Catholic church in the Bible. The Baptists were the first, when John the Baptist started baptizing people. The Bible then records divisions even in the early churches when different Christian leaders were saying different things. As for forget my religion, you must be out of your mind. My "religion*" as you say, is as much a part of my life as your thoughts are part of yours. Of course it affects much of what I do. I keep an open mind, and I consider everything I hear, but until I see some solid proof that my Bible is full of lies, I will continue to believe what I believe. As for people not accepting the wrongs of famous "Christians," yes, a lot of people did do things that were wrong, even though they might have based their ideas on the Bible. People have been misenterpreting the Bible since it was being written.


*I don't like to use the word "religion" to describe my beliefs. Religion refers to the practices and the stuff that you do, and al the rules and regulations. I prefer to use the word faith, which refers to what you believe. Catholocism is a religion, what I believe is faith. Jesus pointed out that the rules that were provided weren't all meant to be observed in a super strict manner (Jews in His time weren't allowed to spit in a garden on the sabbath because that would be watering plants which is work). The problem is that people get so caught up in their religion that they forget the whole point of why Jesus showed up in the first place.

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Newsboys are the coolest people in the world. I've had them in my sig a few times...


"When the toast is burnt, and all the milk is turned, Capin' Crunch is waving far-well. When the big one finds you, may this song remind you that they don't serve breakfast in ####"


I love that song! ^_^:wub:

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As for forget my religion, you must be out of your mind. My "religion*" as you say, is as much a part of my life as your thoughts are part of yours. Of course it affects much of what I do. I keep an open mind, and I consider everything I hear, but until I see some solid proof that my Bible is full of lies, I will continue to believe what I believe. As for people not accepting the wrongs of famous "Christians," yes, a lot of people did do things that were wrong, even though they might have based their ideas on the Bible. People have been misenterpreting the Bible since it was being written.

Don't point the forgetting the religon thing at me. That's Tayino. And I'm all for wasting your life on a pointless and time consuming system of unfounded beliefs, which is most likely a load of rubbish thought up on the spot, so long as it doesn't make you decide what to do, what to eat, what to read etc.


and Re: the solid proof? It depends on what you mean by the Bible? Are we refering to: The Old Testament (got proof)? The current new testament (got oh so much proof)? or the New Testament (not so much proof here thanks to stupid Constantine)?

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Easy Mr. TGHL.  It is okay if you don't care for it, but others might like it.

Yes, but why pollute an already depressing and, to be frank, skill-less genre of music with Christian sentiments? I mean, how do you go out and try and depress people? Just stick a repetitive Christian rock song with the same chord playing over and over again and some lyrics about Christ or God. And why do the artists do this? because they are incapable of playing more than 1 chord, failed at being a priest and decided to make people commit suicide in their own homes by forcing them to listen to rubbish lyrics linked in with a tune/rhtyhm that Simon Cowell himself would commit suicide during the performance and usually he struggles through the worst of Pop Idol or American Idol or "Annoy-the-Nation" Idol songs to deliever a cynical and pessimistic view.

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Not if they are a Christian rock group they don't!

What do you know about how totally awesome the Newsboys are?????


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I love that song! ^_^:wub:

ME TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I like Joy and Who? and the God is not a Secret remix with Tobymac and Woohoo and....erm.... ALL OF THEIR SONGS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


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Don't point the forgetting the religon thing at me. That's Tayino. And I'm all for wasting your life on a pointless and time consuming system of unfounded beliefs, which is most likely a load of rubbish thought up on the spot, so long as it doesn't make you decide what to do, what to eat, what to read etc.


and Re: the solid proof? It depends on what you mean by the Bible? Are we refering to: The Old Testament (got proof)? The current new testament (got oh so much proof)? or the New Testament (not so much proof here thanks to stupid Constantine)?

Hey TGHL, remember what I said in the Terri Schiavo case? This is your last warning.


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Yes, but why pollute an already depressing and, to be frank, skill-less genre of music with Christian sentiments? I mean, how do you go out and try and depress people? Just stick a repetitive Christian rock song with the same chord playing over and over again and some lyrics about Christ or God. And why do the artists do this? because they are incapable of playing more than 1 chord, failed at being a priest and decided to make people commit suicide in their own homes by forcing them to listen to rubbish lyrics linked in with a tune/rhtyhm that Simon Cowell himself would commit suicide during the performance and usually he struggles through the worst of Pop Idol or American Idol or "Annoy-the-Nation" Idol songs to deliever a cynical and pessimistic view.



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About the Newsboys, or any other christian band


1) They don't Curse

2) They're not just good, they're great

3) Every youth group loves them.


I'm sure no one else has a problem with them, just you and your problem phobia.

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sorry, but I think the entire "christan music" industry is running on people who feel that they will be bettered by listening to mediore music. the only christian groups I will generally listen to willingly are Lost and Found, and

The Benidictine Monks of Santo Domingo De Silos


I do try and keep an open mind,

perhaps someday some group will actually play "A Mighty Fortress is our God."and do it well.

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About the Newsboys, or any other christian band


1) They don't Curse

2) They're not just good, they're great

3) Every youth group loves them.


I'm sure no one else has a problem with them, just you and your problem phobia.

In answer to those points:


1) Wow, you know what it is amazing how many other bands don't curse, but you seem to be implying that it is just the badly named Newsboys and the rest of the Religous Rock genre that doesn't swear, and they probably do off stage.

2) Don't need to answer this, already answered in an above post.

3) Really? So even the Satanist Youth Groups, Hitler Youth, Al Queada YOuth, Young Saddam Husseins of the future group and the "Aliens Take me!" Youth Group ages 5-17 know it? and how come when I asked one of my friends who is woefully in the stupid local youth group doesn't even know of the genre, let alone a specific genre.

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We have freedom of speech, too. And with it, We shall say for you to shut deh (Insert rather necessary cursing here) up about our country!

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In answer to those points:


1) Wow, you know what it is amazing how many other bands don't curse, but you seem to be implying that it is just the badly named Newsboys and the rest of the Religous Rock genre that doesn't swear, and they probably do off stage.

2) Don't need to answer this, already answered in an above post.

3) Really? So even the Satanist Youth Groups, Hitler Youth, Al Queada YOuth, Young Saddam Husseins of the future group and the "Aliens Take me!" Youth Group ages 5-17 know it? and how come when I asked one of my friends who is woefully in the stupid local youth group doesn't even know of the genre, let alone a specific genre.

o_______________o;..................................................... -glomps TGHL for no apparent reason- ^-^

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Face it, christian bands don't have fan clubs, they have Cults. I admit I'm kind of contribute to the problem, but "something" is a pretty good album.


in other news, there are three topics it is best to avoid discussing socially, every message board on the internet seems to have a thread dedicated to one, at the minimum.


interesting, ne ce pas?

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We have freedom of speech, too. And with it, We shall say for you to shut deh (Insert rather necessary cursing here) up about our country!

Did I say it was UK exclusive? No. I was refering to the fact that all countries must have it or suffer Bush's oil grabbing wroth.

When was I refering to your country?

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In answer to those points:


1) Wow, you know what it is amazing how many other bands don't curse, but you seem to be implying that it is just the badly named Newsboys and the rest of the Religous Rock genre that doesn't swear, and they probably do off stage.

2) Don't need to answer this, already answered in an above post.

3) Really? So even the Satanist Youth Groups, Hitler Youth, Al Queada YOuth, Young Saddam Husseins of the future group and the "Aliens Take me!" Youth Group ages 5-17 know it? and how come when I asked one of my friends who is woefully in the stupid local youth group doesn't even know of the genre, let alone a specific genre.


They've been around for 10 years, or so. Remember, you're on the other side of the world, that hasn't heard of major bands around here.


Yeah, I admit that sometimes the normal Christian music is stupid, but, they're cool.

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