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What religion are you?


What religion are you?  

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  1. 1. What religion are you?

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Ill-M-I, Ill-M-I, Ill-M-I..and you.


lol. Sorry. , well, with THC's theory on a permanent coma, that is quite possible. Anyhow, if God exists, then why does he let people suffer? And why does he let the 'unintelligent' suffer for not believing he exists, therefore going into a life of 'sin'? And then he sends you to #### for not believing what you can't see....


Sure, but there's still the thought of who created us? Is there a book by the monkies on how they created us?? He doesn't let anyone suffer. Satan, once again. He's the one that causes world distruction, and pain. Well, it does say in the bible that the ones that cannot think for themselves (Autistic, Deaf, special disease that causes them to not understand anything.) go to heaven. And Embros too. Everyone sins...Something you can't see?? You can't see your brain, therefor it's not real to you?

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Ill-M-I, Ill-M-I, Ill-M-I..and you.


lol. Sorry. , well, with THC's theory on a permanent coma, that is quite possible. Anyhow, if God exists, then why does he let people suffer? And why does he let the 'unintelligent' suffer for not believing he exists, therefore going into a life of 'sin'? And then he sends you to #### for not believing what you can't see....


Sure, but there's still the thought of who created us? Is there a book by the monkies on how they created us?? He doesn't let anyone suffer. Satan, once again. He's the one that causes world distruction, and pain. Well, it does say in the bible that the ones that cannot think for themselves (Autistic, Deaf, special disease that causes them to not understand anything.) go to heaven. And Embros too. Everyone sins...Something you can't see?? You can't see your brain, therefor it's not real to you?

TOTO!!!!!!!!!! Deaf????? as someone who cannot think for themselves? Just because you are deaf does not mean that you cannot think. It simply means that your hearing is impaired. Toto, Toto, Toto! :blink::huh::blink::huh::blink:

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Ill-M-I, Ill-M-I, Ill-M-I..and you.


lol. Sorry. , well, with THC's theory on a permanent coma, that is quite possible. Anyhow, if God exists, then why does he let people suffer? And why does he let the 'unintelligent' suffer for not believing he exists, therefore going into a life of 'sin'? And then he sends you to #### for not believing what you can't see....


Sure, but there's still the thought of who created us? Is there a book by the monkies on how they created us?? He doesn't let anyone suffer. Satan, once again. He's the one that causes world distruction, and pain. Well, it does say in the bible that the ones that cannot think for themselves (Autistic, Deaf, special disease that causes them to not understand anything.) go to heaven. And Embros too. Everyone sins...Something you can't see?? You can't see your brain, therefor it's not real to you?

Autistic people can think for themselves, just in a different way.


Anyways. Your brain thing. Your brain is proven to be there. Comparing God to a brain would be like comparing a human's existance to a woodland sprite's.

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Ill-M-I, Ill-M-I, Ill-M-I..and you.


Sure, but there's still the thought of who created us? Is there a book by the monkies on how they created us?? He doesn't let anyone suffer. Satan, once again. He's the one that causes world distruction, and pain. Well, it does say in the bible that the ones that cannot think for themselves (Autistic, Deaf, special disease that causes them to not understand anything.) go to heaven. And Embros too. Everyone sins...Something you can't see?? You can't see your brain, therefor it's not real to you?

He let people suffer. You forget he the almighty person who LET people suffer. This Satan person is cause, but God allows to happen.


As for brain, we see brain. We do operation and take out.

Air? We feel air. We, sense, can see air. During America disaster from tornado, is not it in a sense air?

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Sorry, I'm just saying, people that can't let God rule their lives. He doesn't let anyone suffer, if you're going to blame anyone, blame adam and eve. Earth was once perfect. *sigh* And, then, Satan sook revenge. He tempts you..anything and everything, that's him. The bible says that Gid created satan to be like him, with less power. So, satan really can do whatever he wants with God in no control over him.


Sprite, as in the drink?

Si, people do operations for the dead people, not everyone. Sure, you can have an ex-ray to see if you have a brain, but it could just be a large mass in your skull.


Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not there.

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it dosnt make sence cuz it's not true.it's a lie.


i dont even believe in hevena and #### so wutever. when u die u go 6 feet under so i guess thats down ?:roll
It is not a lie and if you went to church it would make more since.Is not is not is not

? ? ?

But how do you know it's not a lie?  The thing is, we don't know anything.  All people have these days is blind faith.  There is no answer.  We have no proof that it is true.

AnimalKidd, If you ever get back..Nice icon.

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Sorry, I'm just saying, people that can't let God rule their lives. He doesn't let anyone suffer, if you're going to blame anyone, blame adam and eve. Earth was once perfect. *sigh* And, then, Satan sook revenge. He tempts you..anything and everything, that's him. The bible says that Gid created satan to be like him, with less power. So, satan really can do whatever he wants with God in no control over him.


Sprite, as in the drink?

Si, people do operations for the dead people, not everyone. Sure, you can have an ex-ray to see if you have a brain, but it could just be a large mass in your skull.


Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not there.

they do operations on the brain on live people too, and it has been scientifically proven that you need your brain to live. so it has to be there.

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they do operations on the brain on live people too, and it has been scientifically proven that you need your brain to live.  so it has to be there.

So where exactly would the brain be located in a piece of cheese? I want to make sure that I don't eat it. :lol:

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So where exactly would the brain be located in a piece of cheese?  I want to make sure that I don't eat it. :lol:

well, swiss cheese was operated on and had it removed, and the other cheeses' brains werekilled by the bacteria and mold that makes cheese. however, i am the cheese overlord and therefore i am special and have a huge brain.

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Fast Facts:

-Agnostics hold to some sort of moral code. (See above note.)

The word “agnostic†literally means “one without knowledge.â€


-Atheists usually hold to some sort of moral code.

Note: This is where atheists are inconsistent. Although they don’t believe in a moral lawgiver (God), they do believe in morals (i.e., “murder is wrongâ€). However, if there is no God, there are no morals!


I'm tired of people asking me questions, I have a few for you.


For those Atheists/Agnostics, I have a question for you:


Do you see this beautiful painting on the wall?(Let's think, see it, you do, good!) It did not just suddenly appear! An artist made a plana nd then took his time, creativity, and energy to paint the picture. In the same way, things much more vast, beautiful, and complicated than a painting - like people, plants, and stars require Someone much more creative, strategic, and powerful than an artist. That Someone is God!


For the evolutionists:


"How could life come from non-living material??"

"Where did matter originate?"

"If evolution is true, what is the basis for morals? law? ethics?"

"If evolution is true, then why shouldn’t we murder, ####, and steal?"

"How does a personality or conscience evolve?"

"Which came first, the light or the eye?"


And, for Tanyio, if you're reading this:

"How do you know that neo-paganism (witchcraft) is true?"

"What if you are wrong?"

"If there are such things as gods and goddesses why have they not revealed themselves physically like Jesus Christ has?"

"If Jesus is not absolutely God and only a good man then why did he claim to be God over and over?"

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Fast Facts:

-Agnostics hold to some sort of moral code. (See above note.)

The word “agnostic†literally means “one without knowledge.â€


-Atheists usually hold to some sort of moral code.

Note: This is where atheists are inconsistent. Although they don’t believe in a moral lawgiver (God), they do believe in morals (i.e., “murder is wrongâ€). However, if there is no God, there are no morals!


I'm tired of people asking me questions, I have a few for you.


For those Atheists/Agnostics, I have a question for you:


Do you see this beautiful painting on the wall?(Let's think, see it, you do, good!) It did not just suddenly appear! An artist made a plana nd then took his time, creativity, and energy to paint the picture. In the same way, things much more vast, beautiful, and complicated than a painting - like people, plants, and stars require Someone much more creative, strategic, and powerful than an artist. That Someone is God!


For the evolutionists:


"How could life come from non-living material??"

"Where did matter originate?"

"If evolution is true, what is the basis for morals? law? ethics?"

"If evolution is true, then why shouldn’t we murder, ####, and steal?"

"How does a personality or conscience evolve?"

"Which came first, the light or the eye?"


And, for Tanyio, if you're reading this:

"How do you know that neo-paganism (witchcraft) is true?"

"What if you are wrong?"

"If there are such things as gods and goddesses why have they not revealed themselves physically like Jesus Christ has?"

"If Jesus is not absolutely God and only a good man then why did he claim to be God over and over?"

1) Watch who your talking to, since Britain has a 98% agnostic population. AND we do have knowledge, we have invented various things including the Jump Jet, we poured huge amounts of scientists into the Manhattan project, we led the Industrial Revolution and years before that we made technological advancements like the world had never seen before! The Steam train for example, we first changed boats into the huge ships that you see in History books, and then invented the modern day boat. All that could not be achieved without knowledge. And anyway, belief in God is "without knowledge" because you have no evidence, no proof, just your ideals and your shabby book written by long dead men who needed something to do, not forgetting your blindness in the face of overwhelming evidence of evolution.


2) Inconsitent? Since when did God come up with morals? He did not come up with morals, morals are things designed by the human sub-conscious, the instict of knowing what is wrong and what is right, whether you would have these things done to you or if you wouldn't.


3) Ok, I'll answer all of yours except the neo-paganasim one and all will be correct, but you will most likely say they are wrong because Christians like you just block out the sounds of people telling you are wrong and for all your belief in justice, you cannot face the truth.


i) The universe is not a beautiful painting, it is sparse and bleak, there is nothing beautiful about it when you think about it truely. Individual galaxies may be beautiful with the eye-catching patterns of stars playing on nebulas, but look at the planets, desolate pieces of rock most of the time, some are blazing infernos, some are cold ice planets with nothing to see. Nothing about a lump of ice is beautiful, except for those rare few planets, or for example the ice moon of Jupiter, the most likely place for there to be life in the Solar System apart from Earth. If God did create this, it seems to me he worked for a bit, got bored and did the rest half- ars... (remembers Horatio is going to see this) bottomed.


ii) a)Easy enough its called SCIENCE!!!!!!!! DUH!

B) Heard of the Big Bang? Universe contracted on its self, retaining all the matter it had previously and then it expands again into the universe we know and love.

c)Didn't I answer this? YES I DID.

d) Oh? So now you are encouraging violence Toto? Shame on you, shame. There are morals, NOT CREATED BY THIS NON-EXISTANT ENTITY YOU CALL GOD, created by the human sub-conscious by what be believe to be right or wrong, explaining why people have different morals. SHEESH.

e) it happens to be created by something called the "Brain" which apparently most Christians don't use much if their blind belief in God is anything to go by. PErsonality is also created by something called genetics with means that certain traits of your predecessors get passed down to you.

f) Easy, light, since life didn't come into existance for years and years (millions) and suns have been around since the beginning.

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Well done. Yet, how can something not alive, and not-existant come into being as you said?


And, you never really answered my questions, either.


Please answer these, please.


"How could life come from non-living material??"

"Where did matter originate?"

"If evolution is true, what is the basis for morals? law? ethics?"

"If evolution is true, then why shouldn’t we murder, ####, and steal?"

"How does a personality or conscience evolve?"


You can babble on and on about Britian. I'm British, but right now I'd rather have more of my mother's side. She does not want me to move to Britian because of it's Liberal ways. The way I look at it is to witness.

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Well done. Yet, how can something not alive, and not-existant come into being as you said?


And, you never really answered my questions, either.


Please answer these, please.


"How could life come from non-living material??"

"Where did matter originate?"

"If evolution is true, what is the basis for morals? law? ethics?"

"If evolution is true, then why shouldn’t we murder, ####, and steal?"

"How does a personality or conscience evolve?"


You can babble on and on about Britian. I'm British, but right now I'd rather have more of my mother's side. She does not want me to move to Britian because of it's Liberal ways. The way I look at it is to witness.

I did, see ii)


Remind me, was your mother the Italian or the Britain? Liberal ways? Do tell your mother that we apologise for providing an excellent, free health service (and that includes dentistry for those Ohio people who replied to the Observer's (see THC's refrence in his signature to 52 million to understand what it is) letter to the Ohio people to vote Kerry, not Bush and decided to reply and call us.. hmm... let me think. Limey toothed illegitamate sons of female dogs (replace with other term for this) from a dog doo-doo(replace with other term for this) island that could never hold a true election because we're all communists anyway. Remind me to write a letter in reply to that one some day) and we don't have the Liberal Democrats in power, nor have they ever been, we currently have Labour and Tony Blair as you know.

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He was always here. Everything must have a creator, unless for the creator himself.


Italian. And, you can babble on and on about how you can hate Bush, but you can't do anything. The 60 million some that coted for him obviously thought he'd do a good job.

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"How could life come from non-living material??"

"Where did matter originate?"

"If evolution is true, what is the basis for morals? law? ethics?"

"If evolution is true, then why shouldn’t we murder, ####, and steal?"

"How does a personality or conscience evolve?"

"Which came first, the light or the eye?"


1) Watch who your talking to, since Britain has a 98% agnostic population. AND we do have knowledge, we have invented various things including the Jump Jet, we poured huge amounts of scientists into the Manhattan project, we led the Industrial Revolution and years before that we made technological advancements like the world had never seen before! The Steam train for example, we first changed boats into the huge ships that you see in History books, and then invented the modern day boat. All that could not be achieved without knowledge. And anyway, belief in God is "without knowledge" because you have no evidence, no proof, just your ideals and your shabby book written by long dead men who needed something to do, not forgetting your blindness in the face of overwhelming evidence of evolution.


Ah yes. Like I'd want to be considered a monkey, or become from a big "BOOM!" and wow, look! The world's perfect, the grass is green, and people are there! That must be so great.


2) Inconsitent? Since when did God come up with morals? He did not come up with morals, morals are things designed by the human sub-conscious, the instict of knowing what is wrong and what is right, whether you would have these things done to you or if you wouldn't.


Well, if you are aware, before the bible was created people went around killing eachother. They lied, commited adultery. So, yes, I suppose that you say that the Big Bang came back and said, "Shoot. People are killing their brothers. Must change that." "SHBAM!!"


3) Ok, I'll answer all of yours except the neo-paganasim one and all will be correct, but you will most likely say they are wrong because Christians like you just block out the sounds of people telling you are wrong and for all your belief in justice, you cannot face the truth.


Face the truth?? The truth is everywhere. In my room, next to me. It's called the Bible.


i) The universe is not a beautiful painting, it is sparse and bleak, there is nothing beautiful about it when you think about it truely. Individual galaxies may be beautiful with the eye-catching patterns of stars playing on nebulas, but look at the planets, desolate pieces of rock most of the time, some are blazing infernos, some are cold ice planets with nothing to see. Nothing about a lump of ice is beautiful, except for those rare few planets, or for example the ice moon of Jupiter, the most likely place for there to be life in the Solar System apart from Earth. If God did create this, it seems to me he worked for a bit, got bored and did the rest half- ars... (remembers Horatio is going to see this) bottomed.


Earth used to beautiful. For some reason over the past...200 years it's gotten bleaker. People may have different reasons, but Jesus is coming back. And, it may just get worse until he does.


ii) a)Easy enough its called SCIENCE!!!!!!!! DUH!

    B) Heard of the Big Bang? Universe contracted on its self, retaining all the matter it had previously and then it expands again into the universe we know and love.

    c)Didn't I answer this? YES I DID.

    d) Oh? So now you are encouraging violence Toto? Shame on you, shame. There are morals, NOT CREATED BY THIS NON-EXISTANT ENTITY YOU CALL GOD, created by the human sub-conscious by what be believe to be right or wrong, explaining why people have different morals. SHEESH.

Oh. Alright. Please beg my pardon for being so shady minded. So, if what you say, is that the law, your law is wrong for someone might think that murder is ok, but others don't. So, you the person is free to go on and keep on killing. Either/or....another liberal way, I suppose.



    e) it happens to be created by something called the "Brain" which apparently most Christians don't use much if their blind belief in God is anything to go by. PErsonality is also created by something called genetics with means that certain traits of your predecessors get passed down to you.

Oh, yes. The brain created us?? And, I'm sure it pooped out the heart. :lol:


    f) Easy, light, since life didn't come into existance for years and years (millions) and suns have been around since the beginning.

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He was always here. Everything must have a creator, unless for the creator himself.


Italian. And, you can babble on and on about how you can hate Bush, but you can't do anything. The 60 million some that coted for him obviously thought he'd do a good job.

We can try having a nuclear missile stuck someplace on his body and see if that solves anything, we can also depose him, make war on him, shoot him, bomb him, rip his body apart atom-by-atom so on and so forth, we just won't do any of these things.

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We can try having a nuclear missile stuck someplace on his body and see if that solves anything, we can also depose him, make war on him, shoot him, bomb him, rip his body apart atom-by-atom so on and so forth, we just won't do any of these things.


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I'm not a monkey. I'm God's Child.


You can kill God, silly. An all-knowing, all-seeing creator? Don't think so. :lol:

Apparently you haven't read the trilogy.. uh what was it called again? Anyways, it consists of The Golden Compass, (forgot the name of the next one), and the Amber Spyglass? For all you know these ideas are real....

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I'm not a monkey. I'm God's Child.


You can kill God, silly. An all-knowing, all-seeing creator? Don't think so. :lol:

You are a monkey. A simian. A small furry creature. A banana eating, tree jumping monkey.

See this is why you can't argue with Christians, they are so pious and holy that they can't face the facts and that they are WRONG.

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Apparently you haven't read the trilogy.. uh what was it called again? Anyways, it consists of The Golden Compass, (forgot the name of the next one), and the Amber Spyglass? For all you know these ideas are real....

Northern Lights, Sutble Kinfe and Amber Spyglass. They might of changed the names for American release. They are real, the ideas are real and it certainly merges science with killing God.

Toto probably will read it and then organise a good, old-fashioned book BBQ, just like the churches old days. The pope himself actually says that you should read these books, for some reason.

Oh and for Toto, why do you worship a God that had his worshipers do what they did to Galileo, Da Vinci and other great scientists. Your own religon Toto, has put back human advancement decades, claiming that these things are an affront unto a non-existant entity and I refuse to even like someone who supports the church.

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And what are you doing, TGHL? You are stubborn too, I assure you. You can believe you're a primate for all I care, but I for one am not. I'm not holy, OK? I'm not Catholic, either. Ohhh.....so, TGHL, you were Catholic? So, that maked you think all people that study the bible are stuck up, right?


You think all these things happend? First, the big bang. World poofed out of a cloud of smoke. Next, Darwin came out of the sea and became a monkey. Then, the monkey found a book of morals and became human.


It's all coming clearer now. Maybe I should become an evolutionist too.


Read your silly little books that were made in 1890. From someone's silly ideas that some lights were our creator...

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And what are you doing, TGHL? You are stubborn too, I assure you. You can believe you're a primate for all I care, but I for one am not. I'm not holy, OK? I'm not Catholic, either. Ohhh.....so, TGHL, you were Catholic? So, that maked you think all people that study the bible are stuck up, right?


You think all these things happend? First, the big bang. World poofed out of a cloud of smoke. Next, Darwin came out of the sea and became a monkey. Then, the monkey found a book of morals and became human.


It's all coming clearer now. Maybe I should become an evolutionist too.


Read your silly little books that were made in 1890. From someone's silly ideas that some lights were our creator...

No, I just know what is real and what is not. I can see what is the actual reality. We are primates, Toto. Just intelligent monkeys. Face the facts for a change. And by the way, I don't have a religon, I am not Catholic and why would I think that people who read the Bible are stuck up? They are obviously delusional.


No, for a start, the world was a lump of lava that solidfied and secondly bacteria formed and then over millions of millions of millions of years it evolved into us and monkey didn't find book because book couldn't be written.


No, I prefer to read the ones now and are more up to date and correct, however you can stick to your book of stories written while man was still living in mud huts.

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And what are you doing, TGHL? You are stubborn too, I assure you. You can believe you're a primate for all I care, but I for one am not. I'm not holy, OK? I'm not Catholic, either. Ohhh.....so, TGHL, you were Catholic? So, that maked you think all people that study the bible are stuck up, right?


You think all these things happend? First, the big bang. World poofed out of a cloud of smoke. Next, Darwin came out of the sea and became a monkey. Then, the monkey found a book of morals and became human.


It's all coming clearer now. Maybe I should become an evolutionist too.


Read your silly little books that were made in 1890. From someone's silly ideas that some lights were our creator...

all the matter was condensed into a tiny little extremely dense ball, and it couldn't stay together, and all the matter that exsists today came from that and is still expanding outward. atoms went through chemical bondings and bacame particles which were atracted to each other, and gases pulled in on themselves and formed rock shapes whose gravity pulled themselves into spherical shapes, which we know of as planets. now how did god create the planets? and tiny one celled creatures appeared from different amino acids and other chemicals, and through evolution, over millions of years, adapted to the environment and became bigger, and they got gills and fins, which some species developed into legs and lungs, and they got scales. eventually, the skales turned to skin, and they continued to grow in size and variety. the common ancestor between monkeys and humans had developed two subgroups, which kept forming more subgroups and that is how we have all of these various types of primates, including homo sapians and other primates. the homo sapiens' brain developed and we had more than just survival instinct because of our large frontal cortex(frontal lobe) and homo sapiens began to think about others. we now know these thoughts as feelings, emotions, and morals.

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He let people suffer. You forget he the almighty person who LET people suffer. This Satan person is cause, but God allows to happen.


As for brain, we see brain. We do operation and take out.

Air? We feel air. We, sense, can see air. During America disaster from tornado, is not it in a sense air?

In one day you started spelling everything right, just not completely correct grammar..

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Northern Lights, Sutble Kinfe and Amber Spyglass. They might of changed the names for American release. They are real, the ideas are real and it certainly merges science with killing God.

Toto probably will read it and then organise a good, old-fashioned book BBQ, just like the churches old days. The pope himself actually says that you should read these books, for some reason.

Oh and for Toto, why do you worship a God that had his worshipers do what they did to Galileo, Da Vinci and other great scientists. Your own religon Toto, has put back human advancement decades, claiming that these things are an affront unto a non-existant entity and I refuse to even like someone who supports the church.

Yes, those are correct titles. I love those books.

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And what are you doing, TGHL? You are stubborn too, I assure you. You can believe you're a primate for all I care, but I for one am not. I'm not holy, OK? I'm not Catholic, either. Ohhh.....so, TGHL, you were Catholic? So, that maked you think all people that study the bible are stuck up, right?


You think all these things happend? First, the big bang. World poofed out of a cloud of smoke. Next, Darwin came out of the sea and became a monkey. Then, the monkey found a book of morals and became human.


It's all coming clearer now. Maybe I should become an evolutionist too.


Read your silly little books that were made in 1890. From someone's silly ideas that some lights were our creator...

Well I suppose it's just as possible as your idea of God that little lights were the ones who created us.



I'm such a sad excuse for a Christian...

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You people make someone not want to stay.

Who cares what you think? There are many different beliefs, no one say what right and what it is. It is the essence of faith that lets people live.

Even if you be athiest, you believe that nothing exists. You can disagree, but you THINK about it, it is true. You deny there is omnipotent figure and believe there isn't one. Understand?


I just started.

Christians. Stop pressure other people to believe your "true" religion. So many loop-holes there are in your religion AND everyone elses (example: Who created your God? If existence was created from big bang, what created necessary thing for big bang?). Those just SOME of questions.


Stop arguing with people and let people believe what they wish. In you bible it says God gave his "children" own will and mind. It says not condem others. Sorry, but there is much hypocrisy in bible. 1) In general, Christians put there religion on everyone all though they say they not do this. (Look at history and other documents). 2) Reincarnation? Christians claim not believe in this, but go to heaven with new body, name, etc is reincarnation. Right? Yes, I am.


If God gave people own will, why let people live life God ALREADY knows. I hear people say "Because he gave us own free will and wants to see what choices we make!" But thing is, HE KNOWS CHOICES YOU MAKE BEFORE YOU BE BORN IF HE OMNIPOTENT AND ACTUALLY EXIST!


My religion is Paganism. I not force it upon you. This is way I raised. There is loop-holes in it. We have "many" Gods. Mainly, we have 2: The Female God (Goddess) and the male god (god). Who created them? Don't know. Another loop-hole! But we no dwell on this and use things to slash out at other people. Our religion was first one recorded. Christians, argue here and say Christianity first. Was Jesus born at beginning of time? Don't think so! Therefore, Christianity not exist. No I believe Jesus was born and etc. But I NOT believe that he born the son of "Omnipotent God". OHHHH! I go to burn in #### for saying that, am I? Can I burn in #### when I don't believe it exist? Didn't think so.


Buddhist. They don't believe God was created since beginning of time. The real name of Buhdda is Siddhartha Gautama. There was small country in what now southern Nepal, ruled by clan called Shakyas. The head of clan, and the king of country, was name Shuddodana Gautama, and his wife was beautiful Mahamaya. Mahamaya was expecting her first child. She had strange dream in which baby elephant blessed her with his trunk, which understood to be very auspicious sign. They named him Siddhartha, which means "he who has attained his goals." Sadly, Mahamaya died only seven days after the birth. After Siddhartha was raised by his mothers kind sister, Mahaprajapati.



He was real person. They not worship a God, but a man. He was known to say: "When ignorant people see someone who old, they are disgusted and horrified, even though they too will be old some day. I thought to myself: I not want to be like ignorant people. After that, I couldn’t feel the usual intoxication with youth anymore.

When ignorant people see someone who sick, they are disgusted and horrified, even though they too will be sick some day. I thought to myself: I not want to be like ignorant people. After that, I couldn’t feel the usual intoxication with health anymore.


When ignorant people see someone who dead, they are disgusted and horrified, even thought they too will be dead some day. I thought to myself: I not want to be like ignorant people. After than, I couldn’t feel the usual intoxication with life anymore."


I will leave the rest of story for you to read yourself.


YOU SEE? There be many things going on besides "your true religon" or the "true/right" way. No one correct until otherwise proven correct. For Christians, that will be during there "Rapture". For others, I not sure when that be but until then, Adieu, Adieu.


Is a big rant??????

Anyone agree? What about Horatio?

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In one day you started spelling everything right, just not completely correct grammar..


In one day? In ONE DAY? Sorry to tell you, but I didn't learn it in one day. I have been learning english for over 3 months! I have become so good at it that they have mad my visits only about 3 hours long. I only have to visit every other day also. And when you have to post english on an english website forum, you kind of learn even quicker! Grammar? Lets see.......hm........ (That isn't correct grammar. Correct grammar should not have that many (.) periods. )

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In one day? In ONE DAY? Sorry to tell you, but I didn't learn it in one day. I have been learning english for over 3 months! I have become so good at it that they have mad my visits only about 3 hours long. I only have to visit every other day also. And when you have to post english on an english website forum, you kind of learn even quicker! Grammar? Lets see.......hm........ (That isn't correct grammar. Correct grammar should not have that many (.) periods. )

I have doubts about you, no offence..And proper grammar..I know proper grammar..But i always do this..

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I have proof. Your theroies are from books that were just recently created. Plus, your "Creators" don't show themselves like God did.

And that would be? What? hmmm? Your belief? What you THINK? Thats not proof, thats being brain-washed.

No, our knowledge was discovered recently, its not a theory, its proofa and its real.

Yes, you notice that Darwin didn't have to show himself off because he was real. Nor, did the bacteria which we stemmed from, but mainly because they were dead.

And before you start questioning reality, I want to hear what REAL evidence there is for God's existance that can't be disproven. There is a load of evidence when it comes to proving evolution, but you can't seem to produce any evidence Toto, ergo God does not exist.

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Anyone agree? What about Horatio?

Moderators are not permitted to comment on controversial subjects such as religion, politics.


That being said, I live life like this. I respect each and every person for their views, beliefs and personal opinions. Just as we all do not like the same color in the rainbow, or the same food to eat, and no one else complains, then why not respect each person for their personal views and beliefs.


That is my rant. :D

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Moderators are not permitted to comment on controversial subjects such as religion, politics.


That being said, I live life like this.  I respect each and every person for their views, beliefs and personal opinions.  Just as we all do not like the same color in the rainbow, or the same food to eat, and no one else complains, then why not respect each person for their personal views and beliefs. 


That is my rant.  :D

Oh I respect people who are Christians, I just hate it when they start preaching and dismissing the truth as lies.

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You people make someone not want to stay.

Who cares what you think? There are many different beliefs, no one say what right and what it is. It is the essence of faith that lets people live.

Even if you be athiest, you believe that nothing exists. You can disagree, but you THINK about it, it is true. You deny there is omnipotent figure and believe there isn't one. Understand?


I just started.

Christians. Stop pressure other people to believe your "true" religion. So many loop-holes there are in your religion AND everyone elses (example:  Who created your God? If existence was created from big bang, what created necessary thing for big bang?). Those just SOME of questions.


Stop arguing with people and let people believe what they wish. In you bible it says God gave his "children" own will and mind. It says not condem others. Sorry, but there is much hypocrisy in bible. 1) In general, Christians put there religion on everyone all though they say they not do this. (Look at history and other documents).  2) Reincarnation? Christians claim not believe in this, but go to heaven with new body, name, etc is reincarnation. Right? Yes, I am.


If God gave people own will, why let people live life God ALREADY knows. I hear people say "Because he gave us own free will and wants to see what choices we make!" But thing is, HE KNOWS CHOICES YOU MAKE BEFORE YOU BE BORN IF HE OMNIPOTENT AND ACTUALLY EXIST!


My religion is Paganism. I not force it upon you. This is way I raised. There is loop-holes in it. We have "many" Gods.  Mainly, we have 2: The Female God (Goddess) and the male god (god). Who created them? Don't know. Another loop-hole! But we no dwell on this and use things to slash out at other people. Our religion was first one recorded. Christians, argue here and say Christianity first. Was Jesus born at beginning of time? Don't think so! Therefore, Christianity not exist. No I believe Jesus was born and etc. But I NOT believe that he born the son of "Omnipotent God". OHHHH! I go to burn in #### for saying that, am I? Can I burn in #### when I don't believe it exist? Didn't think so.


Buddhist. They don't believe God was created since beginning of time. The real name of Buhdda is Siddhartha Gautama. There was small country in what now southern Nepal, ruled by clan called Shakyas.  The head of clan, and the king of country, was name Shuddodana Gautama, and his wife was beautiful Mahamaya.  Mahamaya was expecting her first child.  She had strange dream in which baby elephant blessed her with his trunk, which understood to be very auspicious sign. They named him Siddhartha, which means "he who has attained his goals."  Sadly, Mahamaya died only seven days after the birth.  After Siddhartha was raised by his mothers kind sister,  Mahaprajapati.

He was real person. They not worship a God, but a man. He was known to say: "When ignorant people see someone who old, they are disgusted and horrified, even though they too will be old some day.  I thought to myself:  I not want to be like ignorant people.  After that, I couldn’t feel the usual intoxication with youth anymore.

When ignorant people see someone who sick, they are disgusted and horrified, even though they too will be sick some day.  I thought to myself:  I not want to be like ignorant people.  After that, I couldn’t feel the usual intoxication with health anymore.


When ignorant people see someone who dead, they are disgusted and horrified, even thought they too will be dead some day.  I thought to myself:  I not want to be like ignorant people.  After than, I couldn’t feel the usual intoxication with life anymore."


I will leave the rest of story for you to read yourself.


YOU SEE? There be many things going on besides "your true religon" or the "true/right" way. No one correct until otherwise proven correct. For Christians, that will be during there "Rapture". For others, I not sure when that be but until then, Adieu, Adieu.


Is a big rant??????

Anyone agree? What about Horatio?

yes it is a big rant! :lol: but i like your theories and the way you don't force religions on others (unlike someone else who trys to. <_< )

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What I think? WHAT I KNOW. People back in the day were so much wiser than those now.


Sure, sure, you can say Darwin's right, but he's not the most preached, knowlagable man on earth is he? He hasn't started millions of congregations over his faith, has he? 100s of people a day don't believe in what he did, do they?


Your answer would be No on each of these.


Sure, there's tons of proof over evelution. There's no book that the gorilla pooped out, is there? No sign in the water. Just genetics. So what if you look and act like a monkey's behind. Your behind looks the same as a hamster's, does that make you part hamster too?

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Moderators are not permitted to comment on controversial subjects such as religion, politics.


That being said, I live life like this.  I respect each and every person for their views, beliefs and personal opinions.  Just as we all do not like the same color in the rainbow, or the same food to eat, and no one else complains, then why not respect each person for their personal views and beliefs. 


That is my rant.  :D



well how come sheena made a topic called us government rants and raves??

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well how come sheena made a topic  called us government rants and raves??

Actually Animal Kidd made the U.S. Govt topic. When the boards were changed over to this new format, many of the topics arrived mixed-up, it shows the wrong people starting topics and if you look at the dates on the posts, a number of them are all mixed up. The posts are not in chronological order.

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Actually Animal Kidd made the U.S. Govt topic.  When the boards were changed over to this new format, many of the topics arrived mixed-up, it shows the wrong people starting topics and if you look at the dates on the posts, a number of them are all mixed up.  The posts are not in chronological order.



ah right. ok

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Actually Animal Kidd made the U.S. Govt topic.  When the boards were changed over to this new format, many of the topics arrived mixed-up, it shows the wrong people starting topics and if you look at the dates on the posts, a number of them are all mixed up.  The posts are not in chronological order.

But she still posted about it..Ill go find a post to show thou..

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You know, Vlad is right(see her rant). And Toto, well, I'm not sure about her proof. And TGHL has good points too. Gee, I should try to learn to at least try to follow my religion(Christianity) for once, shouldn't I?

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You people make someone not want to stay.

Who cares what you think? There are many different beliefs, no one say what right and what it is. It is the essence of faith that lets people live.

Even if you be athiest, you believe that nothing exists. You can disagree, but you THINK about it, it is true. You deny there is omnipotent figure and believe there isn't one. Understand?


I just started.

Christians. Stop pressure other people to believe your "true" religion. So many loop-holes there are in your religion AND everyone elses (example:  Who created your God? If existence was created from big bang, what created necessary thing for big bang?). Those just SOME of questions.


Stop arguing with people and let people believe what they wish. In you bible it says God gave his "children" own will and mind. It says not condem others. Sorry, but there is much hypocrisy in bible. 1) In general, Christians put there religion on everyone all though they say they not do this. (Look at history and other documents).  2) Reincarnation? Christians claim not believe in this, but go to heaven with new body, name, etc is reincarnation. Right? Yes, I am.


If God gave people own will, why let people live life God ALREADY knows. I hear people say "Because he gave us own free will and wants to see what choices we make!" But thing is, HE KNOWS CHOICES YOU MAKE BEFORE YOU BE BORN IF HE OMNIPOTENT AND ACTUALLY EXIST!


My religion is Paganism. I not force it upon you. This is way I raised. There is loop-holes in it. We have "many" Gods.  Mainly, we have 2: The Female God (Goddess) and the male god (god). Who created them? Don't know. Another loop-hole! But we no dwell on this and use things to slash out at other people. Our religion was first one recorded. Christians, argue here and say Christianity first. Was Jesus born at beginning of time? Don't think so! Therefore, Christianity not exist. No I believe Jesus was born and etc. But I NOT believe that he born the son of "Omnipotent God". OHHHH! I go to burn in #### for saying that, am I? Can I burn in #### when I don't believe it exist? Didn't think so.


Buddhist. They don't believe God was created since beginning of time. The real name of Buhdda is Siddhartha Gautama. There was small country in what now southern Nepal, ruled by clan called Shakyas.  The head of clan, and the king of country, was name Shuddodana Gautama, and his wife was beautiful Mahamaya.  Mahamaya was expecting her first child.  She had strange dream in which baby elephant blessed her with his trunk, which understood to be very auspicious sign. They named him Siddhartha, which means "he who has attained his goals."  Sadly, Mahamaya died only seven days after the birth.  After Siddhartha was raised by his mothers kind sister,  Mahaprajapati.

He was real person. They not worship a God, but a man. He was known to say: "When ignorant people see someone who old, they are disgusted and horrified, even though they too will be old some day.  I thought to myself:  I not want to be like ignorant people.  After that, I couldn’t feel the usual intoxication with youth anymore.

When ignorant people see someone who sick, they are disgusted and horrified, even though they too will be sick some day.  I thought to myself:  I not want to be like ignorant people.  After that, I couldn’t feel the usual intoxication with health anymore.


When ignorant people see someone who dead, they are disgusted and horrified, even thought they too will be dead some day.  I thought to myself:  I not want to be like ignorant people.  After than, I couldn’t feel the usual intoxication with life anymore."


I will leave the rest of story for you to read yourself.


YOU SEE? There be many things going on besides "your true religon" or the "true/right" way. No one correct until otherwise proven correct. For Christians, that will be during there "Rapture". For others, I not sure when that be but until then, Adieu, Adieu.


Is a big rant??????

Anyone agree? What about Horatio?

*stumbles back in the face of the huge rant bearing down on him*

Monkeys of Satan's back hair. Well done Vlad, well done.

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You know, Vlad is right(see her rant). And Toto, well, I'm not sure about her proof. And TGHL has good points too. Gee, I should try to learn to at least try to follow my religion(Christianity) for once, shouldn't I?

No, you should try not following your religon, which as Vlad has pointed out, as I have repeatedly pointed out and Toto has strived disprove, but failed, God is not real. you can believe he is, but belief is blindness and faith, both of which act without proof and both of which are destructive. ask yourself, "Do I want to waste my life praying to a non-existant entity?" Prayers which never get answered, never get heard.

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What I think? WHAT I KNOW. People back in the day were so much wiser than those now.


Sure, sure, you can say Darwin's right, but he's not the most preached, knowlagable man on earth is he? He hasn't started millions of congregations over his faith, has he? 100s of people a day don't believe in what he did, do they?


Your answer would be No on each of these.


Sure, there's tons of proof over evelution. There's no book that the gorilla pooped out, is there? No sign in the water. Just genetics. So what if you look and act like a monkey's behind. Your behind looks the same as a hamster's, does that make you part hamster too?

Toto, 100s of people do believe what he did was right and they know it is. All of Europe (well, I don't know about Vlad or the Polish. Goose-stepping Poles, ironic.) knows it is. Many of your fellow Americans tht aren't following a church that hung people a 300 years ago if they didn't admit that the world was flat, believ and know it. And btw Toto, having millions following you doesn't mean it is right. Millions of people accepted that the world was flat, it turns out it isn't. Millions of people accepted that the brain originally was a cooling system for your blood, turned it was more important. Millions of people accepted that the sun went round the earth, they turned out to be wrong. and let me see, hmm... they were all followers of the Christian chruch, what could that mean? Could it mean that they are taken in by the easiest of lies? Lies spread by governments, lies spread by others and lies spread by the masses? Seems to be taht way, they certainly were taken in by the lie that G.W.Bush would be the better president out of him and Kerry.


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What causes wars, and what causes fightings among you? Is it not your passions that are at war in your members? You desire and do not have; so you kill. And you covet and cannot obtain; so you fight and wage war. You do not have, because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions. Unfaithful creatures! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Or do you suppose it is in vain that the scripture says, "He yearns jealously over the spirit which he has made to dwell in us"? But he gives more grace; therefore it says, "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you

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Does your church have an active youth group MW?? If not, I suggest finding one.


Hmm. TGHL, if you tell me what proof of evolution there is, I'll tell you about my faith. (You seem to get off-tracked on some of my questions)

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Does your church have an active youth group MW?? If not, I suggest finding one.


Hmm. TGHL, if you tell me what proof of evolution there is, I'll tell you about my faith. (You seem to get off-tracked on some of my questions)

No. I have explained the evidence. I have proven it again and again, and yet I find that you are avoiding actually putting forward God's holy evidence. Where is it? Hmmmm... Is it because it doesn't exist? It doesn't, ergo you find that you cannot put any truth forward and you hide behind constantly seeking information that you would not believe even if it was so well presented that you could not poke any holes in it. Give me evidence Toto of your belief, because I am sick to death of explaining the truth.


(and who cares about active church groups, they ruin any game that they do by revealing that it had a hidden God-connected theme which makes no sense. And anyway, who is so sad that they do these things?)

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Does your church have an active youth group MW?? If not, I suggest finding one.


Hmm. TGHL, if you tell me what proof of evolution there is, I'll tell you about my faith. (You seem to get off-tracked on some of my questions)


What would it matter if there was or is proof?

No religion or faith or belief of the realm of the beginning has proof.

All religions ,except for some like Buddhism and a few others, all have the same puzzeling questions to ask each other: How did your God arrive? What was before your God? How was the world created? And more......


Tell us about your faith, Toto. TGHL will never get proof of evolution just as you will never have proof of your God.



Frankly, I wish that religion stopped being discussed cruely and this topic turn into things that YOU like about your own. That is what makes us different. Would it really be good if we were all the same religion? No.

Being all the same religion won't work anyways. Why? Because there are people who have different views.


Take christianity for the best and biggest/most obvious example. There are so many beliefs inside of Christianity. (i.e. Baptist, Catholic, Mormon, Universal, etc).

Why would your God have so many beliefs inside of the Christian faith if there is only ONE/1/Uno/Primera/I/. way in your religion to go to heaven? Is it maybe because he doesn't exist? I will leave for you to decide.

If you want him to exist and believe he exists, then you know what......HE EXISTS!

If you don't want him to exist and don't believe he exists......HE IS NOT REAL!


Basically what I am saying is get over your prejudice discrimination and be what all religions want..................friends...........lovers...........etc....!!!!


There is no religion that just wants to hurt people. There are cults and etc that hurt people......but that is a different story for another time.


This is mainly for Toto and TGHL.


OH! BTW! I'M BAAAAACCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What causes wars, and what causes fightings among you? Is it not your passions that are at war in your members? You desire and do not have; so you kill. And you covet and cannot obtain; so you fight and wage war. You do not have, because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions. Unfaithful creatures! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Or do you suppose it is in vain that the scripture says, "He yearns jealously over the spirit which he has made to dwell in us"? But he gives more grace; therefore it says, "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you

Actually, there have been more religous wars than wars done for passion, for gain and greed. We go back to the days when the Church actually believed, the true belief which is only felt by the select few now-a-days. The belief which drives you insane and drives you to kill those who do not believe in what you do. The crusades was an example of it, why a modern day example would be Bush's own war on Terror. So don't say that governments are wrong for fighting, why sometimes they go to war for the right reasons, truth, justice, freedom and a hard boiled egg. Allow me to explain the hard boiled egg. Whereas truth, justice and freedom are all noble causes, a hard boiled egg is why soilders choose to be soilders in this country. Fighting for his/her (we do have a unisex army) home and family, for the warmth of their loved ones hug, for the things that are truely worth living for (i.e. a hard boiled egg, a warm home and a lie in on sundays :) ) and of course for Queen and country in the case of those few patriots. We don't go to war for the sake of it like the church's fanatics in the crusades, but we go to war for the defence of those things, to make sure they go on and to make sure they stay the way they are. I don't know if thats how the US Army recruit or why people join up to your army (if CNN and the BBC are anything to go by then its just so they can bully, shoot people for no reason and abuse), but its certainly why people sign up to the armed forces over here.

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What causes wars, and what causes fightings among you? Is it not your passions that are at war in your members? You desire and do not have; so you kill. And you covet and cannot obtain; so you fight and wage war. You do not have, because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions. Unfaithful creatures! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Or do you suppose it is in vain that the scripture says, "He yearns jealously over the spirit which he has made to dwell in us"? But he gives more grace; therefore it says, "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you


It is not passion that one uses to wage war. It is the desire to become more powerful, feared, and etc. What causes war is mis-communication.


Passions are for the weak. That is why they are always conqured. Take the Jedi and Sith codes (Star Wars geek here) and apply them to your real life. You are either one or the other. Chrisitanity is like the Universal Side of Star Wars. It has some good parts of the Jedi Code and some explicit parts of the Sith Code.


"He yearns jealously over the spirit which he has made to dwell in us" to me means....... exactly nothing at all. It is like a sentence fragment. I can read old text.....just as I can read Elizabethean/Shakespearean.


My translation of it is nothing. Why? Read the last few sentences.


Toto, do not worry. I am not against you.......and don't think you are the only one I am pointing out. TGHL will get his soon enough.

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TGHL, I have a comment for you...


You sure are persistant at doing one thing. Why is that? Why not look on the bright side of things, Why are you getting other peoples beleifs, Looking at everything you think is wrong with them, And shoving it in Toto's face. Why are you so negative about all of this? Despite i dont agree with it, Im respecting your relegious opinions, Im not even gonna touch it. But why are you reasoning everything with this 'big bang' you speak of. (I dont think its true, How likely is it to be, nothing was existed, all of a sudden theres a huge explosion and planets and stars magically formed, On earth, a monkey popped up outta nowhere, turned into a human and thus civilization began. How likely is this to happen, I dont see why you or anyone beleives this. You may not see why people beleive in god though...)


And since your all fancy-pants british, superior to americans, You sure do know how to lose respect, freindship or any relationship...


In short, The question is, What are you doing?!

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Guest Skwerlhugger Will
*shuts up for a moment*


Anyways, I'll try not to talk to much in this topic any more. My talking only causes arguments.




Welcome back Taynio!

dont leave arguments arre good they make you think about things wich is great in understanding the realigons of others :D

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I knew you were here all along.


What I posted was not from me, but a bible verse. I thought it would be good. Being friends with the world...bad stuff. It always turns on you. (Because, you know, it doesn't love you like God does.)


TGHL, I know you belive in God, you told me yourself. And just get over with Bush being President. They're nothing you can do! The election's over, and all you can to is complain..which it isn't doing any good.


TGHL had never explained how earth came into being. Blah, blah, blah.


You're right. This doesn't matter to anyone, why should I care?



But rumors from the East and from the North will disturb him, and he will go forth with great wrath to destroy and annihilate many

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I knew you were here all along.


What I posted was not from me, but a bible verse. I thought it would be good. Being friends with the world...bad stuff. It always turns on you. (Because, you know, it doesn't love you like God does.)


TGHL, I know you belive in God, you told me yourself. And just get over with Bush being President. They're nothing you can do! The election's over, and all you can to is complain..which it isn't doing any good.


TGHL had never explained how earth came into being. Blah, blah, blah.


You're right. This doesn't matter to anyone, why should I care?

But rumors from the East and from the North will disturb him, and he will go forth with great wrath to destroy and annihilate many

knew who was where all along?


Which post was that? The one about war? The Earth turns on you? Nah. It just finds destructive ways of balancing things out. Hurricanes for example. Just a way of moving huge amounts of energy across the Globe, without them things would be a lot worse. Its not the Earth's fault Florida just happens to be in the way. :P


No, I didn't. I used to, yes. When I was small, before I became a scientist, seeking the truth in real places and not heeding what everyone else says and making my own decisions. Therefore, I weighed up the evidence for and against God's existed and found that the truth was not in the Bible as I had believed previously but in Science, with people like Newton, Da Vinci and Darwin discovering the truth. And I can still do something, everyone can still do something. If I was older, I could incite riots and revolutions in America to depose Bush, but I can't. So I'll stick with ranting about him and challenging those who believe he is on the right track.


Yes I did. We'll go back several Big Bangs right to the BEGINNING. There is a singular atom, nothing more or less, a single atom. No one knows if it was Hydrogen or Oxygen or whatever element it was, we just know it was there. Then, it explodes as it had been decaying (like we do, and this is how carbon dating is done by seeing how long the atoms have been decaying for etc.) Every neutron, electron and proton, exploding and expanding and in a chain reaction, every single atom in the universe was made by the constant expanding and exploding of new atoms created by the previous explosion. (Imagine a tree diagram, but on a huge scale). Then, depending on how these atoms were composed they became gas, solid or liquid. The Liquid froze, the gas floated and the solid spun off in new and interesting directions (explaining the random positions of the planets). Then after an incomprehensible number of years, the universe contracted on itself until it repeated what happened all those years ago and then it repeated, meaning that their have in fact been several Big Bangs, like a wash and repeat on a universal scale. That in fact is probably all wrong, but its as close as you are going to get without me copying and pasting the actual Big Bang theory off the internet.


It does matter, it gives us a sense of insignificance. Think, this is a huge universe and you are tiny beyond belief, who passes through time like the speed of light. FEEL THE INSIGNIFICANCE!

Where was that quote from Toto?

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TGHL, I have a comment for you...


You sure are persistant at doing one thing. Why is that? Why not look on the bright side of things, Why are you getting other peoples beleifs, Looking at everything you think is wrong with them, And shoving it in Toto's face. Why are you so negative about all of this? Despite i dont agree with it, Im respecting your relegious opinions, Im not even gonna touch it. But why are you reasoning everything with this 'big bang' you speak of. (I dont think its true, How likely is it to be, nothing was existed, all of a sudden theres a huge explosion and planets and stars magically formed, On earth, a monkey popped up outta nowhere, turned into a human and thus civilization began. How likely is this to happen, I dont see why you or anyone beleives this. You may not see why people beleive in god though...)


And since your all fancy-pants british, superior to americans, You sure do know how to lose respect, freindship or any relationship...


In short, The question is, What are you doing?!

Go ahead, but if you make one more racist comment like, I don't know, something like "Since you're a fancy-pants Brit", you will be searching for your head on Bush's front lawn since you admire him so much.


Of course I am persistant, if you just do a half baked job and give up after awhile what was the point in even starting? I am looking on the bright side of things. I have 80 years on this small planet in which I must do the most I can do to make my life as enjoyable. (btw, a comma is not anything like a question mark and after each question, you need to have a question mark not a comma. Just to clarify what a question mark is I shall show you. Here is a Question Mark; ? )

I am getting at other people's beliefs because they get at mine and they also are following a lie. DO you like lies Arkcher? Do you enjoy lapping up the rubbish Bush spreads? Talk about Brain-washed.

Looking at what is wrong, is sometimes the only way to find what is true. Take away everything that is wrong and you are often left with the truth, unless it turns out it is just one colossal lie.

Negative? Have I been Negative? have I said, "All Christians should be shot?" or maybe you were refering to something less extreme like "I am not going to listen to your arguements because I am obviously right"? I have said neither, I have listened to Toto's arguements and as assertive they maybe that God exists, it still appears that the truth is what Science has revealed. Respecting Arkcher? RESPECTING? you are at the moment doing anything but respecting, so far in your post I have gathered several reasons to shout at you for 10 hours, explaining how I don't like people like you who are as bad as the Nazis and how it is bad enough that a minority my own countrymen are like this (those BNP, how I loathe them).

Arkcher, don't bother speaking unless you know what you are talking about. No scientist has said that nothing become everything and that on Earth we just suddenly existed, it actually took millions of millions of millions of years for us to evolve, not 5 seconds like you said and anyway, didn't God create humans in the space of a second? hmmm.... sounds exactly what you refuse to believe in Arkcher. Think before you talk, it may be new this concept of "thinking" to you, but you should try it sometime.


Ah, now I get to shout at you for making a comment that I am suprised Horatio let through, Horatio not wanting any... unpleasentness on the boards. And tell me, when did I say being British was superior? I love my country, perhaps. but I have met many Americans (mainly on this board for some reason) that are superior to many people who go to my school alone. We have townies who think it is fun to sniff glue and ride around playing music that would deafen you in beat up cars that they think are cool. We have sheer idiots who have a short life because they look the wrong way when crossing the road. We have many people who are inferior (in a general sense, not compared to Americans), but we also have those who are gifted and we have these in no short supply. Neither do the scottish. Alexander Graham Bell for example was Scottish, not American like I have heard one person call him. All countries produce the gifted, Germany, Britain, France, America, Japan, China, Russia. The whole world produces people who are gifted, not just Britain. Everyone has invented something, everyone has done something to further human advancement. And anyway, there is no race since we all evolved from the same bacteria or for you who believe in God are decended from the same person. So really, by insulting the British, you are insulting yourself. HA!

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Guys. Just stop. Like I said, just don't care anymore.


And TGHL, stop complaining about Bush. We have 4 more years, and you can just hug your beloved liberal democr**.

No, I won't. He refuses to sign the Kyoto protocall, he invades anywhere he can and he would see America back in Isolationism. We have had Blair for more than 4 years and he is about to enter his third term if he wins the General election. And for the last time, do not say things if you are ignorant of them. For example, which party is currently in the Cabinet. The Liberal Democrats have NEVER been in the cabinet, not once. We have "New labour" in power and for some reason, the are not Liberal Democrats. And the second most powerful party is the Establishment or Conservatives. Not the liberal democrats, they barely have any seats in the Houses of Parliment. Oh and by the way, for all your calling yourselves the "true" democracy, I notice that the Republicans are in power and messing up the entire world, not just the country you live in.

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TGHL, Perhaps you can explain it to me (i seriously dont know) If this evolution theroy is true, Why did it just stop all the sudden? If our previous forms evolved to humans, Then why not advance more? How could it have just stopped?

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People. Stop. This Republican't(my comeback) and Democrat stuff is highly insulting. Especially that Democr** comment.


By the way, you republicans must live in central US area, seeing as that is where Bush got all his votes.


And I live in California. A state that is VERY anti-Bush. 'Cept for this little poor excuse of Californians are. AKA San Diego area. Hah.

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And what would Kerry do for us?...please, Democrats, tell me.


I want to know why you would want Kerry to be a leader for our country.


And no, "Just because I feel like it. I don't have to tell you. GOSH!" please.


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People. Stop. This Republican't(my comeback) and Democrat stuff is highly insulting. Especially that Democr** comment.


By the way, you republicans must live in central US area, seeing as that is where Bush got all his votes.


And I live in California. A state that is VERY anti-Bush. 'Cept for this little poor excuse of Californians are. AKA San Diego area. Hah.

Unwillingly, Im in Texas. I wanna move back up to canada though >_o; that way i can make fun of americans too, eh? :lol: (Im starting to lose me 'eh' habit, and getting into that 'yall' deal. Rather scary. One of my online freinds does both. o_O; )

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Rebulicans rock, yo. (lol. Sorry)


And what are we doing wrong? You think Kerry would do better? If Kerry won, we would literally be living in ####.

of course they do. *turns round and mouths to the hidden panel of pschatrists "brainwashed"*


And what are you doing wrong? It would be quicker to say what you are doing right, because the only thing I can put on that list is this: "nothing".

Actually if you were living in ####, that would be an improvement ot the current state of affairs. (my witiscism)

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TGHL, Perhaps you can explain it to me (i seriously dont know) If this evolution theroy is true, Why did it just stop all the sudden? If our previous forms evolved to humans, Then why not advance more? How could it have just stopped?

It hasn't stopped Arkcher. It is still going on, but because it is such a slow process we don't notice it.

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People. Stop. This Republican't(my comeback) and Democrat stuff is highly insulting. Especially that Democr** comment.


By the way, you republicans must live in central US area, seeing as that is where Bush got all his votes.


And I live in California. A state that is VERY anti-Bush. 'Cept for this little poor excuse of Californians are. AKA San Diego area. Hah.

Do. I. Have. To? Republican't? I missed the humour. Sorry. :(


Definetly central US. Most of the results voting for Bush came from the Centre, where people think they make Religon better by mixing it with Popular music and/or Rock and Roll, but all they are doing is making both genres worse. Christian rock = Bad for health. If you are going to have any religous music, let it be old women on the organ playing dreary or annoyingly cheerful music, with senile old people, disturbed middle-aged kiddie fiddlers and brainwashed children *cough*Toto and Arkcher*cough* clapping mindlessly to the beat. And of course there are the equally disturbing priests, who have microphones and go "Do you BELIEVE!?!??!?!" while making hand actions that would make Hitler proud (watch one of his speeches and you'll see what I mean), oh and of course strolling down the isles and pretending to heal the ill etc. (completely fake, believe me. I proved it)

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It hasn't stopped Arkcher. It is still going on, but because it is such a slow process we don't notice it.

Wow. And over 5000+ years, Not anything has happened to our species (although, you would say a millions people died and it's all bush's fault, right? There are other bad things in the world you know) Its so slow that i think it has stopped. And what is it that you propose humans evolve into next? I see no proof of evolution, But nor do you see proof of god existing. So just disregard this post.

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Do. I. Have. To? Republican't? I missed the humour. Sorry.  :(


Definetly central US. Most of the results voting for Bush came from the Centre, where people think they make Religon better by mixing it with Popular music and/or Rock and Roll, but all they are doing is making both genres worse. Christian rock = Bad for health. If you are going to have any religous music, let it be old women on the organ playing dreary or annoyingly cheerful music, with senile old people, disturbed middle-aged kiddie fiddlers and brainwashed children *cough*Toto and Arkcher*cough* clapping mindlessly to the beat. And of course there are the equally disturbing priests, who have microphones and go "Do you BELIEVE!?!??!?!" while making hand actions that would make Hitler proud (watch one of his speeches and you'll see what I mean), oh and of course strolling down the isles and pretending to heal the ill etc. (completely fake, believe me. I proved it)

Republican't. Republicans can't do much good for the country. Ever why there's never a famous Asian comedian? Actually Toto is funny so that doesn't apply to her. Anyhow. Bush hasn't done much except get us into problems that he's using to brainwash you into thinking that he's doing good. And one newspaper article I saw said,"Farmers That Once Supported Bush Are Angry At Budget".

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And what would Kerry do for us?...please, Democrats, tell me.


I want to know why you would want Kerry to be a leader for our country.


And no, "Just because I feel like it. I don't have to tell you. GOSH!" please.

ha Ha, what a hilarious picture. I notice that that it reveals a very smal piece of the overall picture and is getting filed under Bush administration propoganda. Especially since MI6 just found evidence that it might not be Saddam that the troops caught, just an actor.

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And what would Kerry do for us?...please, Democrats, tell me.


I want to know why you would want Kerry to be a leader for our country.


And no, "Just because I feel like it. I don't have to tell you. GOSH!" please.


Bush himself is incompetent and illiterate. I for one do not want a president who is dumber than a door knob.


All that he has done? All that he has done my butt. Christians will vote for Christians, that is all I have to say. One christian does it, they all will do it. Can you say prejudice? I sure can.


Kerry as a leader for our country? Hm....let me see....NEHYET/NEIN/NUNCA/NO/NAUGHT/etc etc etc.


Kerry is a self-centered moron and Bush is just......brainless.


I would rather have a Satanist or Muslim or someone else than a Texan Red Neck who cannot even say one thing without messing up and a, obviously, self-centered moron.


Done. Over. Let us skip this subject and move on with our lives. It doesn't even matter till you can vote. *Is glad bush cannot run again and hope Kerry doesn't*

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Well. I'm glad you at least don't like Kerry if you don't like Bush.


Kerry is a funny-large hat waring person....(Catholic? Prespiterian? Dunno...)


And, yes, you can be a republican and vote for a democrat. It's their morals and beliefs that matter.

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Well. I'm glad you at least don't like Kerry if you don't like Bush.


Kerry is a funny-large hat waring person....(Catholic? Prespiterian? Dunno...)


And, yes, you can be a republican and vote for a democrat. It's their morals and beliefs that matter.

Anything is better than Bush. With Kerry, yes you would be living in Vietnam world/####, with daily silumlations of what it was like in Vietnam as Kerry has trouble distinguishing between reality and Vietnam. *imagines Horatio in Vietnam* *shudders violently as Horatio goes insane and attacks the North Vietmanese*

However, #### is an improvement over what Bush has you living in.

In reply to what Tayino said about why can't you have a smart president? My reply is that you tried smart, Jimmy Carter is the only president so far except Lincoln and Washington to have an IQ of over 100 and believe Jimmy Carter is your least favourite president? Over the Afganistan war (well, the first Aganistan war between America and Russia, not the one we had in the late 1800s). Remember?


Funny Hat? I got the impression he was Vietnam mad idiot, which is not a good thing. Vietnam was not your finest hour. Not comething to proud of is fighting in that war. And Toto? Don't slag off other denominations of the Christain church, please? For [God of your choice here]'s sake, if you can't unite with your own Church then what are you going to do to Muslims? Don't become the KKK or the BNP, please.


No, Just morals and policies. Then again, probably just policies. Don't mix religon with politics. Religon is bad enough and Politics has too many scandals already we don't need either becoming worse. So long as they run the country well, make our lives better in some way etc. WHo cares whether they are Muslim, Christian or Buddhist, so long as they make our lives better and raise our standard of living, don't make wars on Middle Eastern countries etc.


NB, Bush is attacking Middle Eastern countries to make up for the Crusades, as I said earlier, Bush is going back over every war he thinks the other side should have won and fighting it in a modern day way. Conflict Desert Storm for example, avenging Dad's failures. Syria and Iran, avenging previous failures to do with the Terrorists. Lybia (which we got them to disarm, not Bush get your facts straight Bush administration) avenging some more Terrorists and also making sure no one is sitting on top of more nuclear explosives than him.

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Anything is better than Bush. With Kerry, yes you would be living in Vietnam world/####, with daily silumlations of what it was like in Vietnam as Kerry has trouble distinguishing between reality and Vietnam. *imagines Horatio in Vietnam* *shudders violently as Horatio goes insane and attacks the North Vietmanese*

However, #### is an improvement over what Bush has you living in.

In reply to what Tayino said about why can't you have a smart president? My reply is that you tried smart, Jimmy Carter is the only president so far except Lincoln and Washington to have an IQ of over 100 and believe Jimmy Carter is your least favourite president? Over the Afganistan war (well, the first Aganistan war between America and Russia, not the one we had in the late 1800s). Remember?


Funny Hat? I got the impression he was Vietnam mad idiot, which is not a good thing. Vietnam was not your finest hour. Not comething to proud of is fighting in that war. And Toto? Don't slag off other denominations of the Christain church, please? For [God of your choice here]'s sake, if you can't unite with your own Church then what are you going to do to Muslims? Don't become the KKK or the BNP, please.


No, Just morals and policies. Then again, probably just policies. Don't mix religon with politics. Religon is bad enough and Politics has too many scandals already we don't need either becoming worse. So long as they run the country well, make our lives better in some way etc. WHo cares whether they are Muslim, Christian or Buddhist, so long as they make our lives better and raise our standard of living, don't make wars on Middle Eastern countries etc.


NB, Bush is attacking Middle Eastern countries to make up for the Crusades, as I said earlier, Bush is going back over every war he thinks the other side should have won and fighting it in a modern day way. Conflict Desert Storm for example, avenging Dad's failures. Syria and Iran, avenging previous failures to do with the Terrorists. Lybia (which we got them to disarm, not Bush get your facts straight Bush administration) avenging some more Terrorists and also making sure no one is sitting on top of more nuclear explosives than him.

About Vietnam... Bush was there too I think. Er something.

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Dear friends,


There are many theories about how life was created. An accident? I don't think so. Evolved from fish?...don't think so, so why wouldn't we be turning into bigger and better things? Why are there so many theories?? Satan. He doesn't want Jesus to win. He puts obsticals for everyone...you...to stop an question Jesus. You must fight the power.




Read my sig too...

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Dear friends,


There are many theories about how life was created. An accident? I don't think so. Evolved from fish?...don't think so, so why wouldn't we be turning into bigger and better things? Why are there so many theories?? Satan. He doesn't want Jesus to win. He puts obsticals for everyone...you...to stop an question Jesus. You must fight the power.




Read my sig too...

My REAL question is whe da heck is Kevin??

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It's not a real letter, just a pigment of what ####'s like.

What? They'd send you to #### even if you're good but don't believe? That's scat. *starts with an s and ends in a t, comes out of you and comes outta me, I know what you're thinking but lets not call it that, lets be scientific and call it scat! piece of scat! piece of scat!*

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The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips then walk out the door and deny them with their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.

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I changed my signature today, so if anyone wants to see what it was..



Dear Sarah,


I died today. Well, you know that already. When the car crashed, and I was lying in my own blood, surrounded by people, I heard you. But I just couldn't see you. I wanted to shoutout, "SARAH!" but, my mouth couldn't move. I saw a light, and I was suddenly in a line of 100s...1000s of people. I asked one man where we were. He said, "Judgment", and something about the Book of Life. I should surely live, I mean, I was a good person and all...hardly ever drank or did anything wrong. But, when I got to the stand, a man put his hand to the left. What did that mean?! Where was I going?! An angel grabbed me, and said that my name was not in the Book of life, and that I was going to ####, because I never trusted in Jesus. I thought you were my friend. Aren't friends supposed to look out for eachother? Why didn't you tell me about Jesus, Sarah? Please!! Help!! I'm sinking into a lake of fire and brimstone. A fire that burns forever...enternity. I'll be here for that long. Please help!! Demons are surrounding me..please help me!! They're laughing at me now.

Well, I don't blame you for any of this.


"Your friend",



P.S. Wish you were here.

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Bush himself is incompetent and illiterate. I for one do not want a president who is dumber than a door knob.


All that he has done? All that he has done my butt. Christians will vote for Christians, that is all I have to say. One christian does it, they all will do it. Can you say prejudice? I sure can.


Kerry as a leader for our country? Hm....let me see....NEHYET/NEIN/NUNCA/NO/NAUGHT/etc etc etc.


Kerry is a self-centered moron and Bush is just......brainless.


I would rather have a Satanist or Muslim or someone else than a Texan Red Neck who cannot even say one thing without messing up and a, obviously, self-centered moron.


Done. Over. Let us skip this subject and move on with our lives. It doesn't even matter till you can vote. *Is glad bush cannot run again and hope Kerry doesn't*


Ahhh!!! Tackles Taynio and pins him to the ground so he can't leave again!!!! EEEEEKK..So good to see you again! :D:D:D

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Everyone sins....It never says not to sin, since everyone does. You must ask for forgiveness of yours sins. :)

But I thought we just had to believe... I s'pose your answer to this will be "If you believe you'd follow instructions."

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I changed my signature today, so if anyone wants to see what it was..

Dear Sarah,


I died today. Well, you know that already. When the car crashed, and I was lying in my own blood, surrounded by people, I heard you. But I just couldn't see you. I wanted to shoutout, "SARAH!" but, my mouth couldn't move. I saw a light, and I was suddenly in a line of 100s...1000s of people. I asked one man where we were. He said, "Judgment", and something about the Book of Life. I should surely live, I mean, I was a good person and all...hardly ever drank or did anything wrong. But, when I got to the stand, a man put his hand to the left. What did that mean?! Where was I going?! An angel grabbed me, and said that my name was not in the Book of life, and that I was going to ####, because I never trusted in Jesus. I thought you were my friend. Aren't friends supposed to look out for eachother? Why didn't you tell me about Jesus, Sarah? Please!! Help!! I'm sinking into a lake of fire and brimstone. A fire that burns forever...enternity. I'll be here for that long. Please help!! Demons are surrounding me..please help me!! They're laughing at me now.

Well, I don't blame you for any of this.


"Your friend",



P.S. Wish you were here.

:huh: Seriously, Think about this. Do you think it is fair for someone to have eternal suffering because someone else didnt let them know about the correct relegion, They did not have a chance. If God is so merciful, Why would he let us suffer like that? That doesnt make sense.

(This is why there are second chances. (Not meaning you go right back to earth, no. >_>) )

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I have a friend name Erin, and when me and my friend Camielle were discussing religion and all the wierd loop holes, she was all quiet and stuff. And then we asked her why and she said she disagreed with most of what we were saying and preferred to stay out of it. From now on, no talk about that around her, seeing as she doesn't like it. :P




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Ahha! Yes! Second chances!!


During the rapture (when ever that'll happen) you guys will get 7 years. 3 1/2 good, 3 1/2 bad.......


That's why there's Christians on Earth, too. To SHARE the word. Not to keep it to themselves. If they let their friends go to #### and never tell them, it's their deal.


(I haven't really studied Mormanism all too much...you don't believe that you go to differnent spots until you reach reach heaven?.....)


Here's the GOSPEL....


G od created us to be with him. Genesis 1-2

O ur sin separated us from God. Genesis 3

S ins cannot be removed by good deeds. Genesis 4 - Malachi 4

P aying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again. Matthew-Luke

E veryone who trusts in him alone has eternal life. John-Jude

L ife that’s eternal means we will be with Jesus forever in heaven. Revelation 22:5

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Ahha! Yes! Second chances!!


During the rapture (when ever that'll happen) you guys will get 7 years. 3 1/2 good, 3 1/2 bad.......


That's why there's Christians on Earth, too. To SHARE the word. Not to keep it to themselves. If they let their friends go to #### and never tell them, it's their deal.


(I haven't really studied Mormanism all too much...you don't believe that you go to differnent spots until you reach reach heaven?.....)


Here's the GOSPEL....


G od created us to be with him. Genesis 1-2

O ur sin separated us from God. Genesis 3

S ins cannot be removed by good deeds. Genesis 4 - Malachi 4

P aying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again. Matthew-Luke

E veryone who trusts in him alone has eternal life. John-Jude

L ife that’s eternal means we will be with Jesus forever in heaven. Revelation 22:5

Not necessarily, We just beleive there would be places in between heavan and Hades. (two capital i's to bypass the filter, do you mind that Horatio? HK? for this subject?) I mean, What if someone didnt even know about relegion? (pigmys or uncivilized groups, they're just as human as us. just an example) OR what if someone chose the wrong relegion to beleive? They shouldnt go to Hades if they dont even know what they're doing, am i right?

And my relegion doesnt necessarily beleive there IS a heavan or Hades, But... Im not here to be telling people what to beleive, preaching and all that. I'll just leave it there. (Ask any questions if you feel necessary though.)




Sorry, I had to change it. I used Hades (the God of the underworld) which is in informal word for the word you wanted. Hope this is okay with you. Horatio

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Excuuuuuuuuussssssssssseeeeeeeeeeee meeeeeeeee!

You Cheesie were missed!!!  Where have you been??? :o  :o  :o

some neopets, but mostly preparing (and going on) my trip to florida for my robotics competition! We stayed in this days in that had an i hop near it. When we first got there, it smelled like chlorine. The ihop had terrible service, it took them an hour to cook pancakes. And they just didn't get the concept of hot tea. here is a dialogue from there:

us: four hot teas please.

waiter: 3 ice teas?

us: no, four hot teas

waiter: 4 ice teas?

us: no, four HOT teas.

Waiter: 4 hot teas?

us: yes.

On sunday, we went to wet'n wild, and that place was cool. They had this really big water slide where you're standing in a bomb-like capsule, waiting for the operator to press the button. Then the floor just drops out from below you, and you practically fall several stories. Another ride had you going down this long tube and into a bid bowl thing that you span around in and you had to try to line yourself up so you fell straight int the water instead of on your back or backwards. And they also had this big bubble thing where you climb up on ropes and jump off and slide down. that was more fun than it sounds. They also had two water slides entwined togetther like this ><><><><. They were completely dark inside and you went really fast. Monday we went to MGM. I rode the rock'n roller coaster twice, which is a powered launch coater that takes you from 0-60 in 2.8 seconds. It is dark inside and you go through two loops and two corkscrews. There is also the tower of terror which is a big drop-you thing. You go down up down up, down up, ND YOU GET THE POINT. Oops, caps lock was on. We also went on the star tours, which is a motion simulator. Not that great. And there were big lines so that is about all the rides we went on. For lunch, we had turkey legs and frozen lemonade, and for dinner we went to holley wood and vine all you can eat buffet. good stuffs. Tuesday was the whole competition, which we wonO(by a mile) and for dinner we had red lobster. Wednesday we swam all day at a hotel close by in a heated pool. we also relaxed in their hot tubs. we rented an inner tube and took turns trying to jump through it. Good times. We left for the airport around 4 and our plane was late because of this big storm. i got home around tent thirty, and went to bed.*takes deep breath.*

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*wonders how someone can sin in their sleep*

:huh:  :huh:  :huh:

Probably by thinking unholy thoughts. huh. Stupid God and his oppression of free will! He does. For all his so called free and bestowing upon mankind will doesn't that mean we have the choice to decide what is a sin and what is not, therefore meaning that we can decide that nothing is a sin and go to heaven (but as it doesn't exist, you won't really enjoy it) even if we commit Genocide?




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*sighs as the first post he sees from returning from Paris is Horatio playing on typos and making awful puns*

And greeting TGHL with a Bonjour, comment ca va?

Translation: Hello, how are you? We have missed you! Did you have a great holiday?

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I love French food, all French food!

With the firey flame of truth, we should have some great discussions! :D

Welcome back!!!

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Probably by thinking unholy thoughts. huh. Stupid God and his oppression of free will! He does. For all his so called free and bestowing upon mankind will doesn't that mean we have the choice to decide what is a sin and what is not, therefore meaning that we can decide that nothing is a sin and go to heaven (but as it doesn't exist, you won't really enjoy it) even if we commit Genocide?




I'm afraid that what you have is not the "Firey flame of the truth", but a little heart burn from all the frogs you've eaten. The bible actually does tell you what sin is. It usuallys says, "Thou shall not..." You've obviously have not read the bible clearly.


You canNOT get to heaven by good deeds. (i.e. Not sining)


You get to heaven by confessing with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and living the life.


Here's the GOSPEL...again.


G od created us to be with him. Genesis 1-2

O ur sin separated us from God. Genesis 3

S ins cannot be removed by good deeds. Genesis 4 - Malachi 4

P aying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again. Matthew-Luke

E veryone who trusts in him alone has eternal life. John-Jude

L ife that’s eternal means we will be with Jesus forever in heaven. Revelation 22:5

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Probably by thinking unholy thoughts. huh. Stupid God and his oppression of free will! He does. For all his so called free and bestowing upon mankind will doesn't that mean we have the choice to decide what is a sin and what is not, therefore meaning that we can decide that nothing is a sin and go to heaven (but as it doesn't exist, you won't really enjoy it) even if we commit Genocide?




Free agency, TGHL. People can decide if they want to be stupid and sin, or actually do right. God does not opress anyone of free will.

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And greeting TGHL with a Bonjour, comment ca va?

  Translation:  Hello, how are you?  We have missed you!  Did you have a great holiday?

Bonjour Horatio. Je suis dans bonne sante et Paris etait superbe et la grande palais Versaille etait impressionant.


Translation: Hello Horatio. I am in good health and Paris was superb and the big palace Versaille was impressive.

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I love French food, all French food!

With the firey flame of truth, we should have some great discussions!  :D

Welcome back!!!

And there is so much of it as well. Pain au chocolat, croissants (which means to rise/grow), baguettes, pate de fois gras, escargot and of course frogs legs. Yummy.

And of course I could not fail to notice that Toto has already replied to it and I have forseen it to be a negative and rather bad reply.

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I'm afraid that what you have is not the "Firey flame of the truth", but a little heart burn from all the frogs you've eaten. The bible actually does tell you what sin is. It usuallys says, "Thou shall not..." You've obviously have not read the bible clearly.


You canNOT get to heaven by good deeds. (i.e. Not sining)


You get to heaven by confessing with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and living the life.


Here's the GOSPEL...again.


G od created us to be with him. Genesis 1-2

O ur sin separated us from God. Genesis 3

S ins cannot be removed by good deeds. Genesis 4 - Malachi 4

P aying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again. Matthew-Luke

E veryone who trusts in him alone has eternal life. John-Jude

L ife that’s eternal means we will be with Jesus forever in heaven. Revelation 22:5

Ha Ha, that was about as funny as getting anthrax in my post.

I know it does and I pointed out that if God truely wanted us to have free will, then he would not command us to not do this, not do that, thou shalt not etc. and would allow us to design our own life styles and decide what is right and what is wrong. See, again more evidence that the bible was meerly written by a bunch of old men who frothed at the mouth and had eaten one too many magic mushrooms, explaining all those mysterious voices and other disturbing hallucinations and were also probably just a little power hungry.


Did I say you could? Also, you canNOT get to Heaven anyway because all it is is an imaginary place cooked up by the human imagination in an effort to reassure ourselves that there is a life after death.




GOD DOES NOT EXIST. See. However, GOSPEL is wrong, just because there are words on some paper and you decide to come up with a catchy and completely wrong abbreviation does not mean it is true. And I AM STILL WAITING FOR YOU TO GIVE ME SOME HARD EVIDENCE TOTO THAT GOD EXISTS! And until you do Toto (and I want evidence that cannot be disproven), the score is still: Evolution and the Truth: Infinity. Toto, the Church and the non-existant Holy Trio: Negative Infinity.

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What if you're a mute?

See, God can't be that great if he discriminates against mutes. And since you did say he made everyone equal (which he didn't, how stupid and how good of him to give me another reason for why God doesn't exist) and therfore should be treated equal, this is really just poking himself in the eye.

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See, God can't be that great if he discriminates against mutes. And since you did say he made everyone equal (which he didn't, how stupid and how good of him to give me another reason for why God doesn't exist) and therfore should be treated equal, this is really just poking himself in the eye.

Why is it that the bible subtley makes men seem more powerful than women? Like the fact that Eve was the one who ate the forbidden fruit first. Or the fact that he had a SON, not a daughter.

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Ha. People always ask that. I really don't know about the mute people, I mean, if they can hear and someone can tell them, and they can conprehend it, then they can go to heaven.


But, if they can't, God is gracious. He lets the ones that cannot understand (i.e. emryos, babies, mental..ect. ect.) into heaven.

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"Nor male or female, all are equal in God's eyes." Says so in the bibble.


I never said he made everyone equal. Humans screwed that up for themselves. :lol::lol:


Eve ate the fruit, and gave it to her husband. That's why she was asked first.


And, yes, I'm sure if God had a daughter, the males would be asking, "Why didn't he have son?"

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