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What religion are you?


What religion are you?  

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  1. 1. What religion are you?

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And I'm sorry about yesterday. I had a fever. Seriously.


It's ok Mega Wolf. Sometimes it takes different people longer to grasp the power of the Lord. Where is God, you ask? Everytime a miricle happens, everytime a beautiful site is shown, everytime a baby is born, everytime you hear a little voice that says 'Don't do it!', that is God.


I have witnessed miricles in my church. An older lady was told by her doctors that she had cancer. She went back to the doctors a month later, and the tumor was gone.


A 3-year-old boy was said that he was to die in a month when he was one, from tumors in his brain. They disappered, but in 2 years, they have sadly came back. The doctors said that he didn't have much longer left after Christmas, and his health is increasing. We are just waiting for God to preform another miricle.

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OK. Spontaneous generation had to happen at some point. How it happened and why, is something that I believe is incomprehensible. So people created faith, to explain why things happen. A scientific theory about Earth was that it used to be all gases in which nothing could live upon. All those gases mixed up and created oxygen. Spontaneous generation occured again later when single-celled organisms popped up. And from there, those cells evolved into what is here today. Along with everything else that has changed from billions of years. Now what do people have to say about that?

what I have to say: exactly the point i was trying to say. B)

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Attention everyone!


I will let you have a great debate about religion, but I would like people not to fight.  We all have our individual thoughts and beliefs and that is what makes us individuals.  Please do not get mad at someone else if they do not agree with you're thinking.  Let us have a great debate or you will see me hit the delete key.


Thank you.


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Once again. There are lots of theroys and thoughts of this matter.


"We looked to theroys, philosophys, and thought, for a sure foundation in the belief we once sought. While the shadow of truth cast an image so clear, if we really wanted truth we would live and believe in it."



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Once again. There are lots of theories and thoughts of this matter.


"We looked to theories, philosophys, and thought, for a sure foundation in the belief we once sought. While the shadow of truth cast an image so clear, if we really wanted truth we would live and believe in it."



Very good, Toto. You are learning. Either that or you are just now showing us another side. That goes with all religions and beliefs. It is all faith and believing in what you seek. That is why there are so many. As for me, I don't really care that much for the truth because there never is a truth to much of anything. Religion is like alebra. There is many answers and every one of the answers are correct.

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Either that or you are just now showing us another side


That's right. But, you must ask yourself, "What am I getting out of believing in this?" And that goes along the lines of your nature-ness belief. Sure, you say you get nature out of it, but what do you get from believing in God, and confessing that he sent his son to die on a cross for your sins?


-All the good works of this universe. (Not just fruit.)

-A one-way ticket to heaven, forever.

-A close, personal friend.

-An everlasting love.



Don't you want to believe in a God that'll send you to heaven if you die?

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That's right. But, you must ask yourself, "What am I getting out of believing in this?" And that goes along the lines of your nature-ness belief. Sure, you say you get nature out of it, but what do you get from believing in God, and confessing that he sent his son to die on a cross for your sins?


-All the good works of this universe. (Not just fruit.)

-A one-way ticket to heaven, forever.

-A close, personal friend.

-An everlasting love.



Don't you want to believe in a God that'll send you to heaven if you die?



The thing is.... I don't believe in heaven or #### so these material places mean nothing to me.


And it is never a one-way ticket to heavn untill you are dead andd standing infront of god to decide where you are going.


I do not wish to have friends. Friends are nothing but a waste of time.


Love? What is love?

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And it is never a one-way ticket to heavn untill you are dead andd standing infront of god to decide where you are going.

Let me elaborate on this.....................


What I mean is that even sinners that are going to Hades go up to heaven to be judged for the final time (according to the bible).


They get to see heavens pearly gates but then are shot down into the brimestone and sulfurs of hades.

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The thing is.... I don't believe in heaven or #### so these material places mean nothing to me.


Well, wouldn't you want to go to a place much, much better than earth? Where there is no crying, or dying? Where you can see your true friends. (The ones that believed.)


And it is never a one-way ticket to heavn untill you are dead andd standing infront of god to decide where you are going.


Nope. Once you say, "Lord, I know I sinned. I know that you sent your son to die on a cross for my sins," God puts you into the book of life. That's it. And you know that when you die, you will be going to heaven.


I do not wish to have friends. Friends are nothing but a waste of time.


Are you sure about that? Everyone, yes, including you, want to be loved and be accepted. Everyone needs somebody to lean on.


Love? What is love?


Yes, and everyone needs to be loved. It's a human affection everyone wants and needs.

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Well, wouldn't you want to go to a place much, much better than earth? Where there is no crying, or dying? Where you can see your true friends. (The ones that believed.)


I do not wish to have friends, therefor I will never see true friends.


Nope. Once you say, "Lord, I know I sinned. I know that you sent your son to die on a cross for my sins," God puts you into the book of life. That's it. And you know that when you die, you will be going to heaven.


Please read my post right before this one. You will see.


Are you sure about that? Everyone, yes, including you, want to be loved and be accepted. Everyone needs somebody to lean on.


Yes I am sure about that! I do not want to be loved and accepted. I want to be feared and revered as the destroyer.



Yes, and everyone needs to be loved. It's a human affection everyone wants and needs.


That is another thing that weakens the power of humans. That is why I don't believe in it.

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Let me elaborate on this.....................


What I mean is that even sinners that are going to Hades go up to heaven to be judged for the final time (according to the bible).


They get to see heavens pearly gates but then are shot down into the brimestone and sulfurs of hades.



Actually, the bible says that it's met half way. Horatio just wont let me post exactly where. :D

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My last post, I meant, that he wont let me post where in the bible.


Oh! You didn't answer my question. Don't you want to go to a place with no crying, or dying? Just eteral peace. Like your karma, I suppose.

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Oh, and Tanyio...Do you are loved. Everyday. By your real father.


Jesus performed miracles. He healed people...blind, crippled, deaf, even raised a couple of people from the dead. He had power over objects...created food out of thin air, enough to feed crowds of several thousand people. He performed miracles over nature...walked on top of a lake, commanding a raging storm to stop for some friends. People everywhere followed Jesus, because He constantly met their needs, doing the miraculous.

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Religion confuses me too much and Im glad I dont care about it..Why must there be different religions..cant we just come to hink there is no god or sumthing and be all one big happy family..

Ill take a guess and say no..

Because some people like green and some people like blue. There are different religions for all those people who like something different. Why can't people just accept others for who they are and not worry about what they want to believe.

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Any of you hear that theory that all the suffering in the world results from the fact that god had to get out of the universe's way? that's kind of an oversimplification, but it came up in literature class while discussing a book.


consider this: when you die, you find yourself in a large room with all the appeal of an office of the department of motor vehicles, without the informative pamphlets on motorcycle registration and whatnot. here you must wait your turn.

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Any of you hear that theory that all the suffering in the world results from the fact that god had to get out of the universe's way? that's kind of an oversimplification, but it came up in literature class while discussing a book.

Which book were you discussing?

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consider this: when you die, you find yourself in a large room with all the appeal of an office of the department of motor vehicles, without the informative pamphlets on motorcycle registration and whatnot. here you must wait your turn.

What an image.... :lol::lol::lol:

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Well, in some beliefs some people may go to a lake of fire and brimstone...



And, Tanyio..I dunno what you mean..


But, I forgot to say that, in the bible it says that the world will get darker, until the Lord comes again. That's an explination of all the hapinings. And, the world will just keep on getting darker.

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Oh, and Tanyio...Do you are loved. Everyday. By your real father.


Jesus performed miracles. He healed people...blind, crippled, deaf, even raised a couple of people from the dead. He had power over objects...created food out of thin air, enough to feed crowds of several thousand people. He performed miracles over nature...walked on top of a lake, commanding a raging storm to stop for some friends. People everywhere followed Jesus, because He constantly met their needs, doing the miraculous.

The strange thing is science contradicts the fact that these miracles can happen... and that's part of the reason I want to believe in God but yet I can't quite grasp the idea.

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then god said "let there be a firmament in the midst of the of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters" thus god ma........ (you get the picture)

Then god did proclaimeth "And in the early 2000s (AD), let there be an idiot so great that he does annoy the world most mightily and also let my church in this land produce 52 million people who will most mightly annoy the rest of my creation. And also, let one of my most beautiful creations in the aforementioned land, called the Everglades, be most rudely be destroyed in a slow urbanisation and tourist fashion!"

And in return his creation did most mightly get annoyed except for adam and Eve who pointed out that since he denied to give people proof, because with proof there is no faith and without faith God ceases to exist, that since Humans could not evolve purely by chance God must have created them, therefore prooving he exists and therefore meaning that he does not exist.

And in a puff of logic, GOd most mightly ceased to exist, unravelling everything and allowing the universe to form conventianally, except that his prophecies would come true.

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Then god did proclaimeth "And in the early 2000s (AD), let there be an idiot so great that he does annoy the world most mightily and also let my church in this land produce 52 million people who will most mightly annoy the rest of my creation. And also, let one of my most beautiful creations in the aforementioned land, called the Everglades, be most rudely be destroyed in a slow urbanisation and tourist fashion!"

And in return his creation did most mightly get annoyed except for adam and Eve who pointed out that since he denied to give people proof, because with proof there is no faith and without faith God ceases to exist, that since Humans could not evolve purely by chance God must have created them, therefore prooving he exists and therefore meaning that he does not exist.

And in a puff of logic, GOd most mightly ceased to exist, unravelling everything and allowing the universe to form conventianally, except that his prophecies would come true.


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Then god did proclaimeth "And in the early 2000s (AD), let there be an idiot so great that he does annoy the world most mightily and also let my church in this land produce 52 million people who will most mightly annoy the rest of my creation. And also, let one of my most beautiful creations in the aforementioned land, called the Everglades, be most rudely be destroyed in a slow urbanisation and tourist fashion!"

And in return his creation did most mightly get annoyed except for adam and Eve who pointed out that since he denied to give people proof, because with proof there is no faith and without faith God ceases to exist, that since Humans could not evolve purely by chance God must have created them, therefore prooving he exists and therefore meaning that he does not exist.

And in a puff of logic, GOd most mightly ceased to exist, unravelling everything and allowing the universe to form conventianally, except that his prophecies would come true.

How do you know all this?

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That's what life's all about. To know God and make him known. If I cannot here, then I have no use to be here.



You needn't go. I guess this is partially my fault that the arguements started in the first place.... You can make him known other ways, like you can quote from the Bible some things that won't cause arguments...

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Horatio won't let me do that. That's what I tried.

Trying to enlighten the godless peoples who don't believe in God (i.e. a non-existant entity)? Waste of time, I have a God. Its called Truth. I seek it. I live for it. I do not worship it, but I believe in it.

Toto, Christianity is one of the most aggresively converting religons in the world, no Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu or Sikh vicously bludgeoning you to death with pamphlets or verbally assaulting you with reasons to join the biggest scam since... since... the beginning of time! Let people get on with their lives, don't attempt to save them "from eternal damnation" especially since Christians more likely to go to #### than them does it even matter whether they believe in God or not?

Ah, the advantages of being Agnostic

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There are no advantages. You do not get promise eternal life, even though there's a slight chance that it may not be true, since no one really has proof of life after death. Only the bible. Please, Horatio, just let me post this. Believing in Christ, and knowing he died on the croos has one advantage that you get from no other religion. Eternal life. What do you get from being atheist? Nothing. Wiccan. Nothing. Bu'hia. Nothing. You only gain something from christianity.


And even though there's no way of knowing this, I promise that I'm going because I've gotta get out of here, and I'm begging you to be my escape.


Good! You believe in God. Even the demons do, and shudder.


I'll be here to check up on you guys, and to see that this post was added. But I will not post unless I must. (i.e. Death, ect ect)

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There are no advantages. You do not get promise eternal life, even though there's a slight chance that it may not be true, since no one really has proof of life after death. Only the bible. Please, Horatio, just let me post this. Believing in Christ, and knowing he died on the croos has one advantage that you get from no other religion. Eternal life. What do you get from being atheist? Nothing. Wiccan. Nothing. Bu'hia. Nothing. You only gain something from christianity.


And even though there's no way of knowing this, I promise that I'm going because I've gotta get out of here, and I'm begging you to be my escape.


Good! You believe in God. Even the demons do, and shudder.


I'll be here to check up on you guys, and to see that this post was added. But I will not post unless I must. (i.e. Death, ect ect)

Posting is great. Debating is great. Just no proselytizing.
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And, I'm very sorry guys, but my rudeness has been caused by my grandmothers death. I loved her very much, and I'll miss her Italian food.  :(

it's o.k. i am so sorry to hear that, toto. *huggles* i will leave the glomping to katdacatis#1.

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Thanks cheezy. *hugs back* By the way, what is your real name? I have a hard time spelling cheese (even though I love it....eating it now. :P). Just like I have a problem spelling narrortator...I mean...

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And, I'm very sorry guys, but my rudeness has been caused by my grandmothers death. I loved her very much, and I'll miss her Italian food.  :(

Aww, Im very sorry to hear this. The 17th was the anniversery of the 5th year since we lost my grandma. And then tomorrow is another 4 year anniversary for my step moms mother and even though we werent related we were close.

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There are no advantages. You do not get promise eternal life, even though there's a slight chance that it may not be true, since no one really has proof of life after death. Only the bible. Please, Horatio, just let me post this. Believing in Christ, and knowing he died on the croos has one advantage that you get from no other religion. Eternal life. What do you get from being atheist? Nothing. Wiccan. Nothing. Bu'hia. Nothing. You only gain something from christianity.


And even though there's no way of knowing this, I promise that I'm going because I've gotta get out of here, and I'm begging you to be my escape.


Good! You believe in God. Even the demons do, and shudder.


I'll be here to check up on you guys, and to see that this post was added. But I will not post unless I must. (i.e. Death, ect ect)

I get something from atheism....

I get to insult theists by pointing out the huge flaws in their theological arguements!

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Thanks cheezy. *hugs back* By the way, what is your real name? I have a hard time spelling cheese (even though I love it....eating it now. :P). Just like I have a problem spelling narrortator...I mean...

meh real name is Neil. but horatio has a new nick name for me. THC. (the head cheese) you can call me either.

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There are no advantages. You do not get promise eternal life, even though there's a slight chance that it may not be true, since no one really has proof of life after death. Only the bible. Please, Horatio, just let me post this. Believing in Christ, and knowing he died on the croos has one advantage that you get from no other religion. Eternal life. What do you get from being atheist? Nothing. Wiccan. Nothing. Bu'hia. Nothing. You only gain something from christianity.


And even though there's no way of knowing this, I promise that I'm going because I've gotta get out of here, and I'm begging you to be my escape.


Good! You believe in God. Even the demons do, and shudder.


I'll be here to check up on you guys, and to see that this post was added. But I will not post unless I must. (i.e. Death, ect ect)

I sînt Paegon. Er alt word it called Wicca. I don know orice Creştin. But in belief, we get somteing. Ce are demons?

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Not to scare away a new person, but, what do you get from the demons? Do they give you live after death, or eteral life in a beautiful place?....oh, wait, are you saying that you get something, and what are demons? What do you get from wiccanism? You're a wiccan, but you don't know what demons are?

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Not to scare away a new person, but, what do you get from the demons? Do they give you live after death, or eteral life in a beautiful place?....oh, wait, are you saying that you get something, and what are demons? What do you get from wiccanism? You're a wiccan, but you don't know what demons are?

Nu, I not know what demons be. Y da, I get something from meu Paegan. I get life y power. I nu really Wicca. Esr a alt nombre for western paegan. I true paegan.


Ce is demon? Be they bad?

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You can get that from any relgion. You get something physical and spritual with being a Christian.

Physical? You get God coming round to your house for tea or maybe if you aren't being holy enough God comes and beats you up?

Spiritual? Does that mean God kicks you in the souls teeth if you are sinful?

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Physical? You get God coming round to your house for tea or maybe if you aren't being holy enough God comes and beats you up?

Spiritual? Does that mean God kicks you in the souls teeth if you are sinful?


Dear, dear TGHL. Everyone sins. No one is "holy" as you may reply.

Physical- People notice how you act kinder, you become happier.

Spiritual- You get an eteral living place in heaven, and a close, personal friend.


And what do you get besides the crude and untrue coments?


Oh...and guys, before you start slaggin the bible...read it.

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French. What he's saying is:


What, I not know what demons be. I get something wiccan. I get life and power. I  really Wicca. Also a western paegan. I true paegan.


What  is demon? Be they bad

Ce I say is "No, I not know what demons be. I get something from meu Paegan. I get life and power. I not really "wicca". It other name for western paegan. I true paegan."


What is demon? Be they bad?


That is ce I say. I nu speak bun englez, but I know enough. I have friend type mostly for meu. He from Britain. Him family move.

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I'm just saying, for the ones that say it's not true. They mostlikely haven't even read it. :D (Or at least not the good parts.)

like when Noah gets drunk?{gen 9:21}


of course, many bible verses are somewhat open to interpretation,

for example; one could say that the leather bikini was God's last act of creation

{gen 3:21}


of course, there are many other bits like that.

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Physical? You get God coming round to your house for tea or maybe if you aren't being holy enough God comes and beats you up?

Spiritual? Does that mean God kicks you in the souls teeth if you are sinful?


Dear, dear TGHL. Everyone sins. No one is "holy" as you may reply.

Physical- People notice how you act kinder, you become happier.

Spiritual- You get an eteral living place in heaven, and a close, personal friend.


And what do you get besides the crude and untrue coments?


Oh...and guys, before you start slaggin the bible...read it.

*restaining self from typing*

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Exactly. It's hard to explain how to believe in something. If you know it's real, and you believe in it, that's your own doing. Not someone else. When you're all alone, have you ever felt like someone was there, and it was soothing?

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Exactly. It's hard to explain how to believe in something. If you know it's real, and you believe in it, that's your own doing. Not someone else. When you're all alone, have you ever felt like someone was there, and it was soothing?

Well it's like, sometimes I even doubt my mere existance! Existing is an odd thing.

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Sometimes (even when I was 4) I would be doing something, and be like, "Whoa. I'm really here...on earth." Then I think I'm just dreaming or something, but then I relize I am real, and thank God for creating me. :D

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Physical? You get God coming round to your house for tea or maybe if you aren't being holy enough God comes and beats you up?

Spiritual? Does that mean God kicks you in the souls teeth if you are sinful?


Dear, dear TGHL. Everyone sins. No one is "holy" as you may reply.

Physical- People notice how you act kinder, you become happier.

Spiritual- You get an eteral living place in heaven, and a close, personal friend.


And what do you get besides the crude and untrue coments?


Oh...and guys, before you start slaggin the bible...read it.

Response to the Physical comment- Nah, completely evil and sadistic people like G.W.Bush become the happier by killing middle eastern countries and threatning Korea, and thats hardly "Nice".

Response to the Spiritual comment- So you die a horrible and painful death, after living a meaningless and fruitless life by worshipping an (non-existant) entity, only to find yourself in a place which is so white and boring you get driven insane.


From what do I get it from? And btw, all comments relating to God's non-existance are true. Ask God next time and you won't get an answer.


I have been forced to read, listen and breathe on it. SO why do you think I hate religion? It is RUBBISH. IT IS STUPIDITY. IT IS BLINDNESS.

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Exactly. It's hard to explain how to believe in something. If you know it's real, and you believe in it, that's your own doing. Not someone else. When you're all alone, have you ever felt like someone was there, and it was soothing?

when i am all alone and it feels like someone is there and i can't see them, then i feel kinda creeped out.

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Yet another topic I've neglected. TGHL, I get great pleasure in pointing the flaws in Athiests ideas too. ^_^ As for existance, God put us here. All this couldn't have possibly happened by mere chance. Chaos never turns into organization without outside help. If you took a bunch of flowerd and threw them in the air, would they turn into a prize winning bouquet? No, you'd have a big mess of flowers on the ground. THC, maybe you feel like there's someone there because there is someone there. God is everywhere, which can be either cool or creepy, depending on your perspective. Delirious old men? Inconsistancy? Give me some examples there TGHL.

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Yet another topic I've neglected. TGHL, I get great pleasure in pointing the flaws in Athiests ideas too. ^_^ As for existance, God put us here. All this couldn't have possibly happened by mere chance. Chaos never turns into organization without outside help. If you took a bunch of flowerd and threw them in the air, would they turn into a prize winning bouquet? No, you'd have a big mess of flowers on the ground. THC, maybe you feel like there's someone there because there is someone there. God is everywhere, which can be either cool or creepy, depending on your perspective. Delirious old men? Inconsistancy? Give me some examples there TGHL.

Take the issues on equal rights for example. The side that says men and women should have equal rights (Protestants and Orthodox) use a passage in the bible, in which Jesus clearly says men and women are equal, to justify that men and women should have equal rights. The side that believes that men are superior etc. (Evanglicans) use another passage in the Bible, where Jesus says that men are superior and women should stay at home, to justify that men are better and should be priests, so on and so forth. Explain to me how that isn't a sign of inconsistancies and bad story telling.

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This is great. Anyone and everyone that was forced to go to church rejects Christ. One of my friends for Italy says, "Ha. The Pope is a crazy, ****in hag." Therefore, people like him reject Christ. (That may have been the weed talking, though.) Where does it say that men are superior? And, plus, the bible was made by several people. Some things are their perspective, and some are really God's. Read the New Testiment, that gives the most recent, true facts.

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Take the issues on equal rights for example. The side that says men and women should have equal rights (Protestants and Orthodox) use a passage in the bible, in which Jesus clearly says men and women are equal, to justify that men and women should have equal rights. The side that believes that men are superior etc. (Evanglicans) use another passage in the Bible, where Jesus says that men are superior and women should stay at home, to justify that men are better and should be priests, so on and so forth. Explain to me how that isn't a sign of inconsistancies and bad story telling.

The whole men and women thing has been so twisted it's not even funny. It doesn't say anywhere that men are better, it just says that men and women have different natural roles in life. Women make naturally better mothers, and men are naturally stronger physically and can work harder. I'm not sure what God's reasoning is for saying that only men should be in charge of the church, but it does say it in there somewhere. Maybe because women tend to bring personal issues into things more than men?

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The whole men and women thing has been so twisted it's not even funny. It doesn't say anywhere that men are better, it just says that men and women have different natural roles in life. Women make naturally better mothers, and men are naturally stronger physically and can work harder. I'm not sure what God's reasoning is for saying that only men should be in charge of the church, but it does say it in there somewhere. Maybe because women tend to bring personal issues into things more than men?

Sorry? I was trying to be funny? Everything I said was true and for someone who is supposed to be the HampsterBoard expert on the Bible, you must be experiencing some serious denile if you twist what the Bible says just to prove a point. Next time I have a Religous Education lesson, I will be sure to get the exact passages and refrences so I can prove my point in the Bible's inconcictences. BTW, This is the same as the Divorce issue. If God was real don't you think he might of been a little bit more specific than just rambling on for ages and then leaving the issue open to a couple of religous wars.

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Yarr. I am still not sure if I exist. This is confusing! Is life all a big dream? Or is it reality, and our minds, souls, and bodies crumble away when we er.... pass? Or is this God stuff right? And what kind of morons were the crusaders? They were promised immediate salvation if they killed while on the Crusades.....

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Yarr. I am still not sure if I exist. This is confusing! Is life all a big dream? Or is it reality, and our minds, souls, and bodies crumble away when we er.... pass? Or is this God stuff right? And what kind of morons were the crusaders? They were promised immediate salvation if they killed while on the Crusades.....

What :huh:

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Im confused. Yes you are Romanian, or No?


By The Way. I admit I had doubts about you staying but I am very happy you have chose to stay especially since your english is not perfect yet. You are doing great so far with it. Dont give up.


Is the same thing, Romanian and Rumanian is. The West call it Romania and East call it Rumania and Romana is what I call it.

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Yarr. I am still not sure if I exist. This is confusing! Is life all a big dream? Or is it reality, and our minds, souls, and bodies crumble away when we er.... pass? Or is this God stuff right? And what kind of morons were the crusaders? They were promised immediate salvation if they killed while on the Crusades.....


You exist. Really, there has to be a purpose for life. It's reality! Crusades? I don't understand. The bible clearly says you must confess with your mouth. That's the only way you can get to heaven. Everyone says, "What do I get out of it?", no matter what it is. Jesus died on a cross for you, and you get eternal life. What more could you want?

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You exist. Really, there has to be a purpose for life. It's reality! Crusades? I don't understand. The bible clearly says you must confess with your mouth. That's the only way you can get to heaven. Everyone says, "What do I get out of it?", no matter what it is. Jesus died on a cross for you, and you get eternal life. What more could you want?

Oh, in Social Studies(aka history) we're learning about the crusader morons. They thought if they killed a Muslim person on the crusades that they would immediately have salvation.

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I can tell TGHL fears God. Is this true? Watch what you'll say. I can tell when someone's afraid.

Boo hoo. I am soooooooo afraid of a non-existant entity. Oh no, it may try and beat me up for not being a good idiot and following him blindly. Although, if Judgement Day happens (which it won't because God doesn't exist so it can't happen) I would like to have a theological arguement with God (even though he doesn't exist).

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You exist. Really, there has to be a purpose for life. It's reality! Crusades? I don't understand. The bible clearly says you must confess with your mouth. That's the only way you can get to heaven. Everyone says, "What do I get out of it?", no matter what it is. Jesus died on a cross for you, and you get eternal life. What more could you want?

1) The Saracen people who we fought in the Crusades were a people who were as advanced as the countries who attacked them and it was only after the Crusaders attacked did they turn into the monsters we depicted them as. Notice how Christianity ruins everything? This is proof.

2) I would like a to be ruler of the world for a start. Btw, God may grant people's wishes via miracles etc. But he doesn't give the people what they really NEED. Needing and wanting are different things most of the time. And I also note a lack of help in Africa.

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1) The Saracen people who we fought in the Crusades were a people who were as advanced as the countries who attacked them and it was only after the Crusaders attacked did they turn into the monsters we depicted them as. Notice how Christianity ruins everything? This is proof.

2) I would like a to be ruler of the world for a start. Btw, God may grant people's wishes via miracles etc. But he doesn't give the people what they really NEED. Needing and wanting are different things most of the time. And I also note a lack of help in Africa.

i like reading your posts against christianity. :D

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1) Ah..si. I read that in a Social studies book. Did these crusaders say they were Christians? I highly doubt they truely were. People can bee two-faced (like those Atheists at a place called "Landover"...).


2) Si. Need and want are two different things. Like, you becoming a princess is a want. Being cured of tumors is a need . God does not grant "wishes" as you may say. The bible says that he only does things like miracles to those in need. You don't see the people losing 34 pounds off the Krispy Kreme diet because they prayed, or you don't see the missing sock return because someone prayed. You (Well, I do) see the people with the tumors, and sicknesses cured. You may say, "Well, little Suzie didn't live, she died! Where was God then?" Do you possibly think God could save each and every person from death? Death can be good, or bad. Depending on where you're going. It's their time, and for some it's not. Bad things do happen in the world, you know. That is what the bible says as "The time Jesus will come back." Therefore, everything going on in this world serves a purpose.


Dear, dear TGHL. But you just said that You knew God existed. Sarcasim. I have a good memory. heh heh.

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1) Ah..si. I read that in a Social studies book. Did these crusaders say they were Christians? I highly doubt they truely were. People can bee two-faced (like those Atheists at a place called "Landover"...).


2) Si. Need and want are two different things. Like, you becoming a princess is a want. Being cured of tumors is a need . God does not grant "wishes" as you may say. The bible says that he only does things like miracles to those in need. You don't see the people losing 34 pounds off the Krispy Kreme diet because they prayed, or you don't see the missing sock return because someone prayed. You (Well, I do) see the people with the tumors, and sicknesses cured. You may say, "Well, little Suzie didn't live, she died! Where was God then?" Do you possibly think God could save each and every person from death? Death can be good, or bad. Depending on where you're going. It's their time, and for some it's not. Bad things do happen in the world, you know. That is what the bible says as "The time Jesus will come back." Therefore, everything going on in this world serves a purpose.


Dear, dear TGHL. But you just said that You knew God existed. Sarcasim. I have a good memory. heh heh.

I tempted to argue with myself because I can think of a reason god lets the Good people die. Then again define Good.

People pray to God for more often what they want rather than need. they pray to God as a method persuading him to let this happen extra. Ergo wishing, even if it is praying that these tumours would go away, it is still a wish, it just coincides with a need. Also, just because a story book (the bible) says so does not mean it will happen, vis-r-vie Dead people are incapable of coming back. The lack of a working physical body often prevents those who are dead from coming back and no one can be created from pure matter, even God (who doesn't exist) couldn't do it in your story book, he took a piece of himself and then crafted it into a human and then he nicked the man's rib and tranformed it into a woman.

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I know some Christianity.

Do you possibly think God could save each and every person from death?



He suppose be almighty and omnipotent. If he do anything, he save "all person" from death.


I no want an debate but is hypocrisy. It is being a heretique.

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I know some Christianity.


He suppose be almighty and omnipotent. If he do anything, he save "all person" from death.


I no want an debate but is hypocrisy. It is being a heretique.

*shakes Vlad's hand* Congratulations on pointing out the biggest hole in their theological arguement.

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It's all about purposes. Back in the day, when people were living 980 years, God noticed something. The people grew unhappy, and bored with the world.


Also, what would be the purpose of life? To live forever? God wants to see what road we will chose. The narrow one, or the wide one?

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It's all about purposes. Back in the day, when people were living 980 years, God noticed something. The people grew unhappy, and bored with the world.


Also, what would be the purpose of life? To live forever? God wants to see what road we will chose. The narrow one, or the wide one?

I wouldn't get bored. Only simpletons get bored, for the world is full of interesting stuff. Even if you lived for eternity, you could still keep your mind challenged with new and interesting problems.

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Yes, but would you want to travel around the world, being 999 years old, tubes in your throut so you can breath and eat, and have someone help you go to the bathroom?


I think not.

if god is al powerful, couldn't he just stop the aging process?

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Yes, but would you want to travel around the world, being 999 years old, tubes in your throut so you can breath and eat, and have someone help you go to the bathroom?


I think not.

Then doesn't mean that if God let that happen, then he has the intelligence of an amoeba, cos any truely sentient being with that kind of power, would make sure that eternal life came with eternal youth as part of a 2 for the price of 1 package.

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Yes, he could. But, what would be the purpose of life at all? To always live. Plus, since there's a heaven and ####, God wants to see if we are wise to go which ever way. :)

to see how wise we are, he could promise to send anyone who misbehaves enough a one-way ticket to death.

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Um, well, with THC's theory on a permanent coma, that is quite possible. Anyhow, if God exists, then why does he let people suffer? And why does he let the 'unintelligent' suffer for not believing he exists, therefore going into a life of 'sin'? And then he sends you to #### for not believing what you can't see....

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