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What religion are you?


What religion are you?  

80 members have voted

  1. 1. What religion are you?

    • Christian
    • Islam
    • Jewish
    • Hindu
    • Buddhist
    • New Age
    • Other

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I notice more and more people are going away from the traditional evil laugh (MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!) to this modern, MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Revive the old ways! Say MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, everyday! Hire one manservant, called Igor. Be a Megalomanaic! Have an evil layer, preferably on a tropical island or under the sea. Make booby traps! Have at least one Indutrial strength laser, reserved for British spies! Make sure that said British spy, watches at least the death of one NSA/CIA agent, preferably death by Pirana, Shark or other flesh eating creature! Associate yourself with North Korea, China or Libya! Supprot Russia! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *a distant MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHARKARK! is heard* Sheena?

Is there some special application i need to fill out to get the position as an evil masterminds Igor person? I might do good on that, And do you know how well it pays? I dont really wanna hunch over all the time though...

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Is there some special application i need to fill out to get the position as an evil masterminds Igor person? I might do good on that, And do you know how well it pays? I dont really wanna hunch over all the time though...

I have contacted the Romanian agency "Lending a hand" igor agency, your igor should arrive within 10 working days.

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-one eye is bulging somewhat disturbingly- Yeeeeesh mastehr, We wants to be un Igor!!!! O_o

You can't become an Igor, an Igor is something you are. However you seem to already be an Igor. Well, answer these 3 questions then to make sure;

1) Are you good at performing amputations, reattachments and other surgical methods? Can you practice on yourself?

2) Do you limp and lisp? And can you appear mysteriously behind someone when called for?

3) Will not question your master, but know that when he is doing something suicidal or is being attacked by an angry mob that the game is up?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Uh, wow, this topic was seriously condensed during the move. Yeah, I did start it, bot KennyBoy. I think I started it before he even showed up.  :blink:

What happened is that some of the topics were mixed up completely from the person who started it and then every post was out of order. Very crazy! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
Whats New Age?

New age I think includes several different things. I don't know a whole lot about it, I think one part involves crystals. Not sure. As for Maggles, she went around saying she was in love with Jesse, and after getting no positive response, she left. This was back on the second old boards.

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Oh :mellow:

New age I think includes several different things. I don't know a whole lot about it, I think one part involves crystals. Not sure. As for Maggles, she went around saying she was in love with Jesse, and after getting no positive response, she left. This was back on the second old boards.

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New age I think includes several different things. I don't know a whole lot about it, I think one part involves crystals. Not sure. As for Maggles, she went around saying she was in love with Jesse, and after getting no positive response, she left. This was back on the second old boards.

*raises eyebrow, ike, eh, wha?! thats a crazy idea...*

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New age I think includes several different things. I don't know a whole lot about it, I think one part involves crystals. Not sure. As for Maggles, she went around saying she was in love with Jesse, and after getting no positive response, she left. This was back on the second old boards.

Isn't new age that odd thing with all the scents and the crystals and those dodgy shops...

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I am going to ask one more time to drop this or I will ask HampsterKing to delete the topic. :(

Sorry Horatio, I am trying to stop it, but every time I do ML comes out with a comment. For example when I said:

*eats lead pencils*

In another topic, he responded in true G.W.Bush style:

And you have issues
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Sorry Horatio, I am trying to stop it, but every time I do ML comes out with a completely rude and ignorable comment. For example when I said:

*eats lead pencils*

In another topic, he responded in true G.W.Bush style:

Thank you for trying. I will stop the other side. :D

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i've been writing and listening to my pillar disc, and have come up with a few key points that really hit home for a lot of us.



first off, never ever doubt what you believe in. there are two kinds of bravery:

one kind shown in those who have blind faith, and that shown in those who have none at all. i think that it's dangerous to have no concept formed of an afterlife, so to speak. i also think it's dangerous to expound on your faith. it's important to persist when trying to talk about it, but you should try to talk at a p[oint in time where they'll listen.


second, this isn't really pertaining to much, but like some of us have said in this place, i, too, know the feeling of depression. (see back on page four and five for the posts about depression from others) frankly, it stinks. big time. in middle school, i was one of the most teased and made fun of kids in the city. i swear, i would cry almost every day. my mom got counseling for me, it was so bad. *rolls eyes* i never hurt myself physically, but i admit i entertained the thought. for three years, i suffered, convinced high school would be better than this. anything would be. (high school is way better than middle school) anyways, my life was a living h-e-double-hockeysticks, if you know what i mean. i never cussed (i find that quite lame, cussing) in school, even when i wanted to. luckily, in seventh grade, i found an outlet: writing. poetry, short stories, long stories (i'm on page 279 in my series books [i number them together as one book as well as seperately] and am on 119 in the specific one im working on), excerpts... anything. even songs, a little bit. good thing i discovered my passion for writing, or i might not be talking to you all.


third, back on topic, the bible is real and true. it's hard to prove, but it's possible. there are enough cross-references throughout the world to destroy any doubt in one's mind as to the value of this sacred book. it is sacred, because it has God's word written down in a way that we can comprehend.


also, Christians are prosecuted all over the world. i know what it's like. they have actually banned prayer in school. (as long as there are tests, there will be prayer in school) i ignore it. schools are trying to make us conform. DOWN WITH CONFORMITY!!! I find it stupid. they've banned unnatural hair color and dog collars, as well as wallet chains of all things! puh-leeze. people are scared of an uprising of individualists. wise up, folks, that's not going to happen.


on another topic, i tend to sound cynical sometimes, and it's because of my middle school life. unless you know me or are in my creative writing class, i am very shy. but here, it's easy because i don't see you. i blame it on middle school, because, before, even though i was shy, i was open to my classes.


i am so sorry, i've babbled on!

but this is my thoughts on the topics hit in this thread.

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Wow that was wierd. I just voted in a topic I created at least a year ago. As for TGHL and Arkcher,  :ph34r:


i actually remmeber reading this board. i haven't been here for at least a year. That can tell you something about how old it is (ancient)


I actually voted in this when it was posted originally, and i just voted again, i wonder why it let me do that? glitch? maybe it loses track of who voted after so long.

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I actually voted in this when it was posted originally, and i just voted again, i wonder why it let me do that? glitch? maybe it loses track of who voted after so long.

The reason it let you vote again was due to the switchover from the last board to this one. :D

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*claps for tazopia* That's so true. Pillar is a great band. What other music do you listen too?



I listen to a little of Steve Fee and ZOE Girl.

I memorized Pillar's "Echelon".


Mostly nowadays I listen to rock alternative seccular, but I love Three Days Grace!

I know two songs by them:

I hate everything about you

and, Just like you.


I also know a few by linkin park.




what about you?







world peace, man!

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i've been writing and listening to my pillar disc, and have come up with a few key points that really hit home for a lot of us.

first off, never ever doubt what you believe in. there are two kinds of bravery:

one kind shown in those who have blind faith, and that shown in those who have none at all. i think that it's dangerous to have no concept formed of an afterlife, so to speak. i also think it's dangerous to expound on your faith. it's important to persist when trying to talk about it, but you should try to talk at a p[oint in time where they'll listen.


second, this isn't really pertaining to much, but like some of us have said in this place, i, too, know the feeling of depression. (see back on page four and five for the posts about depression from others) frankly, it stinks. big time. in middle school, i was one of the most teased and made fun of kids in the city. i swear, i would cry almost every day. my mom got counseling for me, it was so bad. *rolls eyes* i never hurt myself physically, but i admit i entertained the thought. for three years, i suffered, convinced high school would be better than this. anything would be. (high school is way better than middle school) anyways, my life was a living h-e-double-hockeysticks, if you know what i mean. i never cussed (i find that quite lame, cussing) in school, even when i wanted to. luckily, in seventh grade, i found an outlet: writing. poetry, short stories, long stories (i'm on page 279 in my series books [i number them together as one book as well as seperately] and am on 119 in the specific one im working on), excerpts... anything. even songs, a little bit. good thing i discovered my passion for writing, or i might not be talking to you all.


third, back on topic, the bible is real and true. it's hard to prove, but it's possible. there are enough cross-references throughout the world to destroy any doubt in one's mind as to the value of this sacred book. it is sacred, because it has God's word written down in a way that we can comprehend.


also, Christians are prosecuted all over the world. i know what it's like. they have actually banned prayer in school. (as long as there are tests, there will be prayer in school) i ignore it. schools are trying to make us conform. DOWN WITH CONFORMITY!!! I find it stupid. they've banned unnatural hair color and dog collars, as well as wallet chains of all things! puh-leeze. people are scared of an uprising of individualists. wise up, folks, that's not going to happen.


on another topic, i tend to sound cynical sometimes, and it's because of my middle school life. unless you know me or are in my creative writing class, i am very shy. but here, it's easy because i don't see you. i blame it on middle school, because, before, even though i was shy, i was open to my classes.


i am so sorry, i've babbled on!

but this is my thoughts on the topics hit in this thread.


Yup! *claps* My elementary and middle school years were pretty bad too. :blink: Yeah. As for the school rules, mine doesn't have such rules, but we're in a city and we're one of the most diverse schools in the state! As for praying, you have a Constitutional right to pray in school as long as you aren't disrupting class. "I broke a rule, I prayed in school. I'm such a menace to society." :rolleyes: And always trust God! If I wasn't saved, I would be a completely different person, and that would be very bad. :rolleyes:

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I am Christian and I love it! My favorite Christian bands are Jump5 and Swithfoot. I love being Christian.


I love praying, infact you know how the are thying to abandon religion at school. Well I am in the 5th grade and I have a shirt that says:



On the front

and on the back it says




Thanks bye everybody

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I like that...



hey, nicegirl59, love your shirt!




now, something i've been wondering about:

why aren't we allowed to pray in schools? that's baloney!

i'll pray whenever i want to! God encourages that!


:P to all the mean school administrators trying to do away with it.













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Lol...I would always glace at your name and think of tazopia. Same letters, wrong places. LOL. No one every said to me, "No praying." But, ah well, I usually don't pray out loud, and when I do, it's with a group of friends.


As for me, I was witnessing at the age of 2.


"My momma got bab-a-tized."

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I like that...

hey, nicegirl59, love your shirt!

now, something i've been wondering about:

why aren't we allowed to pray in schools? that's baloney!

i'll pray whenever i want to! God encourages that!


:P to all the mean school administrators trying to do away with it.


Hmm... nobody ever said we aren't allowed to pray in school. They just don't have teachers make people pray because of religion differences.

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actually, MegaWolf, there is a law stating that there is to be no praying in public schools or religion classes in the schools. there's also a law that states that we have the right of the pursuit of happiness, as well as freedom of religion!


doesn't this contradict itself? i mean, don't they realize that this "no prayer in school" law is infringing (trampling) on our rights? that's baloney! i mean, dude, come on! We, the students, have every right to pray, silently or aloud, during school.


People are trying to make america adapt to the diversity our culture now contains. You know what? THE CONSTITUTION AND ALL THOSE DOCUMENTS WERE CHRISTIANITY-BASED! That's why I'm against the banishment of prayer in school. That's why I feel so upset with America these days. Because we're breaking our own laws to make others.


Loopholes are no excuse. There shouldn't be any loopholes. Unfortunately, many people take the laws literally, word-for-word, verbatim, and get away with all this crap. It's bullistic. That's where the loopholes come from: the sneaky lawyers (not all lawyers, for the benefit of any lawyers on here, but we all know there are some sneaks) and people that do everything in their power (which is often more than you think) to get mass murderers of the hook or to pass these dumb laws that make no sense at all.


As for stupid laws, talk about prejudice. not just racism, but also sexism. Women still don't get as much money as men in the same job, even though it's law that they do. Men are still known as the stronger gender. BALONEY! I'm stronger than my 14-yr-old brother who's bigger and heavier than me. (I can pick him up, he can't.) I can lift my 170 lb friend no problem! And I've been known to stand up to bullies twice my size, literally. (I'm 5'1''/105 lbs, so that's saying something.)


Don't get me started on racism. I have a lot of friends from several ethnic groups. In fact, one of my best friends is AfricanAmerican. (i'm caucasian) Most of my friends are Latino, and one of my guy friends is "black" too. So what if your skin tone is a little darker than others'? That's not what makes the person. The personality is what makes you desirable as a friend or not! Quite frankly, the "minority groups" aren't a minority anymore. There are more "minorities" then there are white people in the USA, now.


I have a lot to say about a lot of things. I like to be well rounded in my opinions. As you can see, I just went over quite a few subjects that are discussed everyday in the realworld.


Speaking of the real world, isn't school supposed to prepare us for the real world? If so, why is it that we're training for what is soon going to be the past. We're learning things that will soon be no longer a part of everyday life! As the population trends increasingly toward technology as the main means of transportation-slash-communicating-slash-everything... Why are we learning what won't be important? Gym is important. Really! But, unfortunately, History of the English Language Courses 1-4 aren't.


Again, I'm well rounded in my opinions. I just have strong beliefs, so I sound almost closed minded. But really, I'm very open!


er... like my siggy? :wacko::):wacko::):wacko:

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actually, MegaWolf, there is a law stating that there is to be no praying in public schools or religion classes in the schools. there's also a law that states that we have the right of the pursuit of happiness, as well as freedom of religion!


doesn't this contradict itself? i mean, don't they realize that this "no prayer in school" law is infringing (trampling) on our rights? that's baloney! i mean, dude, come on! We, the students, have every right to pray, silently or aloud, during school.


People are trying to make america adapt to the diversity our culture now contains. You know what? THE CONSTITUTION AND ALL THOSE DOCUMENTS WERE CHRISTIANITY-BASED! That's why I'm against the banishment of prayer in school. That's why I feel so upset with America these days. Because we're breaking our own laws to make others.


Loopholes are no excuse. There shouldn't be any loopholes. Unfortunately, many people take the laws literally, word-for-word, verbatim, and get away with all this crap. It's bullistic. That's where the loopholes come from: the sneaky lawyers (not all lawyers, for the benefit of any lawyers on here, but we all know there are some sneaks) and people that do everything in their power (which is often more than you think) to get mass murderers of the hook or to pass these dumb laws that make no sense at all.


As for stupid laws, talk about prejudice. not just racism, but also sexism. Women still don't get as much money as men in the same job, even though it's law that they do. Men are still known as the stronger gender. BALONEY! I'm stronger than my 14-yr-old brother who's bigger and heavier than me. (I can pick him up, he can't.) I can lift my 170 lb friend no problem! And I've been known to stand up to bullies twice my size, literally. (I'm 5'1''/105 lbs, so that's saying something.)


Don't get me started on racism. I have a lot of friends from several ethnic groups. In fact, one of my best friends is AfricanAmerican. (i'm caucasian) Most of my friends are Latino, and one of my guy friends is "black" too. So what if your skin tone is a little darker than others'? That's not what makes the person. The personality is what makes you desirable as a friend or not! Quite frankly, the "minority groups" aren't a minority anymore. There are more "minorities" then there are white people in the USA, now.


I have a lot to say about a lot of things. I like to be well rounded in my opinions. As you can see, I just went over quite a few subjects that are discussed everyday in the realworld.


Speaking of the real world, isn't school supposed to prepare us for the real world? If so, why is it that we're training for what is soon going to be the past. We're learning things that will soon be no longer a part of everyday life! As the population trends increasingly toward technology as the main means of transportation-slash-communicating-slash-everything... Why are we learning what won't be important? Gym is important. Really! But, unfortunately, History of the English Language Courses 1-4 aren't.


Again, I'm well rounded in my opinions. I just have strong beliefs, so I sound almost closed minded. But really, I'm very open!


er... like my siggy? :wacko:  :)  :wacko:  :)  :wacko:


I'm extrememly opinionated too. ^_^ As far as I know, the rule saying you can't pray in school no longer exists. You can pray as long as you're not disrupting class. Teachers, however, cannot include a prayer in class, or express their opinions or beliefs as fact.

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I'm extrememly opinionated too. ^_^  As far as I know, the rule saying you can't pray in school no longer exists. You can pray as long as you're not disrupting class. Teachers, however, cannot include a prayer in class, or express their opinions or beliefs as fact.

Yeah that rule does not exist. My social studies teacher says he's sure that there are kids in class who are praying before a test or whatever. Nobody says they can't. It's not like you have to pray out loud.

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Feel honored...  she keeps an eye on me all the time! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:



look, an eye on horatio!








i'm so talented!

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*A barren wasteland is left after the Clone wars and a load of hungry MW clones jumping on a ML clone to get its sugar* See what happens when clones fight Jesusfreak? MW wins......

*wonders if there is a new type of vampire... the Sugar Vampire* :blink:

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Big Bad? All vampires have to wear evening dress, live in castles with dusty curtains that can be ripped off, things that can be bent into religous objects, a couple of axes and a stake and hammer.

You know, Big Bad Wolf. My evening dress was at the laundromat.

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:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

TGHL, what do you call the place where people who do not have home washers and dryers go to do their wash?

Maybe they don't have them where he lives. Or they call it a different name. The name never made sense to me seeing as it has nothing to do with mats.

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<font color='#48CCCD'>I beleived in God once.. until my older brother died then I saw that if God cared after his creation he would let the ones who never deserve death stay on earth and purge the world of all who cause insufferable pain to those who deserve it least.  I get bullied just because I am, thats the reason they say they beat me up because I am, because I exsist. If God surely cared as the vicars preach surley he would spare me from suffering. Then again maybe he takes the good people to allow them to avoid the suffering of the world.</font>





Okay, God is not bad, i swear. You may hate him for taking away your older brother, who you loved, but it was for a good reason. He has completed all he has had to do in life, and therfore, has served his time. You should feel proud that god wanted him. gotta go

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Silvia, to show your feelings is really wonderful. ?It takes a great deal of courage to express your feelings. ?If you hurt, please do not insult yourself. ?There is no need for this. ?You have done nothing wrong.


Hate is a very, very strong emotion that not many people experience and I doubt that you are hated by anyone. ?If someone has hate inside them, this is because they have some problems that they need to deal with. ?It has nothing to do with you. ?In the process of getting to know people, when there is like or even love involved, you open yourself up, show feelings and show a vulnerability. ?If someone hurts your feelings, it is a good chance that this hurt comes from miscommunication. ?Occasionally someone will hurt your feelings and this stems from a range of emotions and insecurities on their part. ?This is nothing that you have done. ?As for dislike, not everyone likes everyone. ?People can show dislike for reasons that even they do not understand. ?They may dislike you because you are too nice, beautiful, smart, talented, etc.. ?When this happens please do not take it to heart. ?You have friends who like you and care about you, so focus on the good people in your life. ?


When we are trying to get to know each other, sometimes we express ourselves and the words are not exactly what we mean. ?That is okay. ?What we do is work through the problem. ?If I hurt your feelings I am so sorry. ?You do not deserve to be insulted. ?I believe that you are a very thoughtful, nice, kind, considerate and good person. ?You deserve to be proud of yourself and the fact that you are able to express your feelings. ?We all want to know what you think and who you are as a person. ?I believe that I am speaking for everyone when I say that we all like you very much. ?


Please try and express what you are feeling so that we can be better friends. ?If you have to help us to understand your thoughts, please know that we are asking because we like you and want to know you better. ?


From now on, I want you to think positively. ?No more being hard on yourself. ?You are too precious a person for anything negative.


Thank you for listening...





<font color='#48CCCD'>Horatio you get the MPPE award (Most Philosophical Person Ever) and you deserve it that was so.. so... so I can't describe it. Also I wan't to apologize for an earlier post, if it was let through. I didn't want it to be offensive or anything I just wanted you to know my view and how I felt after my brother was taken from me.</font>




I just wanted to add something else-


I know that if one of my brothers or if my parents were taken away, i'd be crushed, and i'd probably feel like you. but dont let what happened to your brother destroy your life. Dont forget him, but dont let him intefere with your life. Do things that you think would make him happy, but that also make you happy. God bless you ( :D )

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I beleived in God once.. until my older brother died then I saw that if God cared after his creation he would let the ones who never deserve death stay on earth and purge the world of all who cause insufferable pain to those who deserve it least.  I get bullied just because I am, thats the reason they say they beat me up because I am, because I exsist. If God surely cared as the vicars preach surley he would spare me from suffering. Then again maybe he takes the good people to allow them to avoid the suffering of the world


Oh My..Im soo sorry.. :mellow::(

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Okay, God is not bad, i swear. You may hate him for taking away your older brother, who you loved, but it was for a good reason. He has completed all he has had to do in life, and therfore, has served his time. You should feel proud that god wanted him. gotta go

WHo the dickens are you and gave you permission to interfere with my belief? Christianity has no right to preach or to convert people of other religons, no religon has that right or will ever have that right. Also if I want preaching to I will talk to a vicar, so at least I can throw back reasons for God not existing. Also, stay out of my life and stop trying to give me therapy, I don't need it.

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Even though I know this post will be deleted...No, just edited. Horatio


I'm sorry about your brother, TGHL.

Do you believe in the here after? I mean, where else can you go?


I believe in the Big Bang. God Spoke, and BANG. It happend.

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Alright, alright. Here's so lyrics by relient K...


I’ve given up, I’m giving up slowly, I’m blending in so

You won’t even know me apart from this whole world that shares my fate

This one last call that You mentioned is my one last shot at redemption

because I know to live you must give your life away

And I’ve been housing all this doubt and insecurity and

I’ve been locked inside that house all the while You hold the key

And I’ve been dying to get out and that might be the death of me

And even though, there’s no way in knowing where to go, promise I’m going because

I gotta get outta here

I’m stuck inside this rut that I fell into by mistake

I gotta get outta here

And I’m begging You, I’m begging You, I’m begging You to be my escape.


I’m giving up I’m doing this alone now

Cause I’ve failed and I’m ready to be shown how

He’s told me the way and I’m trying to get there

And this life sentence that I’m serving

I admit that I’m every bit deserving

But the beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair


Cause I’ve been housing all this doubt and insecurity and

I’ve been locked inside that house all the while You hold the key

And I’ve been dying to get out and that might be the death of me

And even though, there’s no way in knowing where to go, promise I’m going because

I gotta get outta here

Cause I’m afraid that this complacency is something I can’t shake

I gotta get outta here

And I’m begging You, I’m begging You, I’m begging You to be my escape.


I am a hostage to my own humanity

Self detained and forced to live in this mess I’ve made

And all I’m asking is for You to do what You can with me

But I can’t ask You to give what You already gave


Cause I’ve been housing all this doubt and insecurity and

I’ve been locked inside that house all the while you hold the key

And I’ve been dying to get out and that might be the death of me

And even though, there’s no way in knowing where to go, promise I’m going because

I’ve gotta get outta here

I’m stuck inside this rut that I fell into by mistake

I’ve gotta get outta here

And I’m begging You, I’m begging You, I’m begging

You to be my escape.


I fought You for so long

I should have let You in

Oh how we regret those things we do

And all I was trying to do was save my own skin

But so were You


So were You

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DUDE! Why was that post brought back up?! I knew that arguing was going to start. I mean, people shouldn't be trying to interfere with others beliefs if its not going to hurt them. Not only that, that post is over a year old. Why bring it back now? :unsure:

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I beleive that any beleif is better than none, which is why agnostics stink, they refuse to have faith in anything they can't touch.


if I am mixing philosophies in that statement, forgive me.

If you are not forced to follow what someone else chooses, then why be concerned with another's belief or lack of belief?


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where is the proof of god? Did all the babies deserve to die in the tsunamis? Did all those people deserve to die? If god has his reasons for everything, why is their sickness and disease and all other sorts of evil? Where is he? Where is the proof?

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Sorry, MW, but he does. Everyone has been informed somehow, I would hope. YOU have. Everyone sins. You sin, you refuse God and what he has don't for you, you go to ####. Plain and simple. People freak out when they here that word.

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I hope no one thinks I forcing them to believe in God.


"Life is to know God and make him known," is what I go by.


I don't care if you believe in what you want to believe in, but, I just don't like to think of people going to a burning lake with satan for eiternity, when they could go to a much better place.

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Sorry, MW, but he does. Everyone has been informed somehow, I would hope. YOU have. Everyone sins. You sin, you refuse God and what he has don't for you, you go to ####. Plain and simple. People freak out when they here that word.

Well, I haven't been given much proof by God, no matter how much I try to believe that he exists. Think of all who have suffered. For what? Nothing. He allows some criminals to live, yet he doesn't allow certain innocent children and adults to survive. People say God loves you. If He loved so much, why would he allow people to be tormented by pain when they deserve better? All the proof I have of God is a Bible, and it's full of made-up stories.

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I beleive that any beleif is better than none, which is why agnostics stink, they refuse to have faith in anything they can't touch.


if I am mixing philosophies in that statement, forgive me.

98% of Britains are Agnostic, 1% are aethists and the other 1% are devout church goers. Guess which percentage bracket I fall into, Lexx.

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How are you so sure that they are made up? The bible is one of the oldest books in the world, 6,000 to be exact. But, you know, you're right. You have no proof. That's why so many people don't believe. But, don't you want to believe? If it is true, that means that you can go to heaven, or somewhere else. In one of my songs be relient K, in "Be my Escape" It says,


"I've been housing all this doubt, and insecurity, and I've been locked inside that house, while You hold the key, and I've been dying to get out, and it might be the death of me. And even though there's no way of knowing, I promise that I'm going because I've gotta get out of here, and I'm begging You to be my escape ."


God is your escape from this horrible world we call "home", but there is a much bigger, better place.


Now onto, "Why would God do this if he loved everyone so much?"

You see the good things happen in the world, right? And you see the bad. In the begining, God created satan too. Satan puts doubt in you, Satan creates distruction and chaos. That isn't God's works.


But, hey. That's my thoughts against yours.


Rock on.

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How are you so sure that they are made up? The bible is one of the oldest books in the world, 6,000 to be exact. But, you know, you're right. You have no proof. That's why so many people don't believe. But, don't you want to believe? If it is true, that means that you can  go to heaven, or somewhere else. In one of my songs be relient K, in "Be my Escape" It says,


"I've been housing all this doubt, and insecurity, and I've been locked inside that house, while You hold the key, and I've been dying to get out, and it might be the death of me. And even though there's no way of knowing, I promise that I'm going because I've gotta get out of here, and I'm begging You to be my escape ."


God is your escape from this horrible world we call "home", but there is a much bigger, better place.


Now onto, "Why would God do this if he loved everyone so much?"

You see the good things happen in the world, right? And you see the bad. In the begining, God created satan too. Satan puts doubt in you, Satan creates distruction and chaos. That isn't God's works.


But, hey. That's my thoughts against yours.


Rock on.

why did he create satan?

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Well, I'm not God, so I'm guessing he needed temptation for Adam and Eve, and it turns out that they caved into it. God changed satan to crawl on the ground and to have no arms or feet, then he threw him into the lake of fire and brimstone. (####). Satan needed revenge. That's why.

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Well, I'm not God, so I'm guessing he needed temptation for Adam and Eve, and it turns out that they caved into it. God changed satan to crawl on the ground and to have no arms or feet, then he threw him into the lake of fire and brimstone. (####). Satan needed revenge. That's why.

If adam and eve were the first humans, then they would hve had children. That means brother and sister had kids. With all this in breeding, we must all be mentally challenged. Whcih means they must have been super ultra extreme geniuses according to that theory. So they should have been able to see through his plan. Also the adam and eve story disagrees with evolution, which has been proven to be true. And don't even start with "if we evolved from monkeys, thn why are they still there." We didn't. Monkeys and us evolved form a similar ancestor.

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You post kinda confused me. Evelution is a bunch of poo. They have no proof. Where did the monkeys evolve from? You believe what you want to believe in, and I'll believe in what I want to believe in.

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Cheese, cheese, cheese! We did not evolve from a similar ancestor. We evolved from nature. Mother nature gave birth to us and gave us shape. We rely on our mother and father who is nature. As far as God, WHO created God? What was before God? How did God get there? Why did he just decide to create us after probably so many years of being alone? He is god, right? He can do anything? Then tell him and make him make me believe.


You see, there are so many questions that will prove your "god" wrong.




What if the satanist are right? Then what are you going to do? What if no religion is right? Then what are you going to do? YOU cannot say you are the "right" person JUST because of your religion. ALL the other religions say the same thing as you!


As for me, I am ancient wiccan (not modern) and my "god" is nature. BUT, my god actually exists and shows herself. I live and rely off of my god. My god feeds me and gives me oxygen. Christians (Those who believe in Christ), what has your god done for you? Anything that cant be proven false by evidence?


Ask yourself, does god love you? If he did, why must you suffer? Is he just a non-emotion, self-centred, ............, .........? If he "loved" you, than why are you the one paying the price for him and his "son"?


Answer this questions WITHOUT "You just have to believe" or quoting some pathetic, non evidence supporting verse from the bible. THEN I will start to believe.


Trust me, I know the bible. I was christian for about 13 years. I studied the bible. Some people even claimed me to be a minister of god. I am a minister, but not of your god.




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ok, I think I forgot one statement in my prior post:


Even atheism requires faith, faith that there is nothing out there to beleive in.


Tanyio, I think I agree with you, any book that is used to support veganism, nudism, omnivorism, wearing of fur, and slavery, and also to condemn birth control, among other things, must be considered carefully.

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Tanyio, tanyio, tanyio. Who created nature then? It's not your religion, it's what you belive in. For every creator, there is another. But, there has to be something to create the first creator. Something powerful, someone who can raise someone from the dead, create the world. God was always here. I always thought him in an endless amount of space, one day he was bored.


Now, I am happy...so don't ruin it for me.

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As for me, I am ancient wiccan (not modern) and my "god" is nature. BUT, my god actually exists and shows herself. I live and rely off of my god. My god feeds me and gives me oxygen. Christians (Those who believe in Christ), what has your god done for you? Anything that cant be proven false by evidence?


I repeat this part for you Toto because you seem not to understand. I am not trying to ruin all for your stuff. I am simply expressing myself.


As I said, I am ancient Wiccan and my god is nature. Nature was a substance that grew and formed on this barren wasteland and has been brought with powers. Her children of her faith gain powers as well.


You see, I can back up more than what Christians can.


How did this barren wasteland get here? It was formed from energy and an ancient borgir. How did this energy and borgir get here? Simple. It came from nothing. Nothing eventually becomes something.


HOWEVER!!! That is as far as my religion goes just as all religions do. They all cease to exist before a certain time period. But Christianity just starts with God and nothing more.......................and WICCAN is a religion. Just because it is NOT your religion does not mean that it is just a belief/fath. I actually call your "belief" a religion....................give me that same benefit Toto.


I did not try to "ruin" anything Toto. I was simply explaining something to people.



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Did I say "me"?? I meant you....


We are all intitled to our opinoin...but, sadly for you, you don't have a 6,000 year old book to back you up, or practlicly any proof what-so-ever...just nature itself :rolleyes: .


It doesn't matter your religion, it's what you believe, again. So, if your creator created you, where are you going after die?...wait, I don't need your explination..

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Did I say "me"?? I meant you....


We are all intitled to our opinoin...but, sadly for you, you don't have a 6,000 year old book to back you up, or practlicly any proof what-so-ever...just nature itself  :rolleyes: .


It doesn't matter your religion, it's what you believe, again. So, if your creator created you, where are you going after die?...wait, I don't need your explination..


Where do I go after I die? No where. That is where. I do not believe in "life after death" which alot of religions do.


Then I guess your religion is not christianity, is it Toto? Remember? You said it is what you believe.


There is a wiccan book that is older than that. Research things before bringins false information. And I have more proof than just "Just because you cant see him doesn't mean he isn't there." and other little things like that.

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Yup, I don't have a religion. I just go to a baptist church.


Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there.


Somtimes you just have to have faith.


And I don't want to research wiccan. I don't care about it. And, plus, you say you can 'raise people from the dead'. But why aren't there a billion people that should have died in 1855??.


I'm done with that.

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Earth happened because clouds of dust were pulled together, just a random happening. Everything happened from chance. Microbacteria slowly evolved into the millions of plant and animal species. And did god create earth? What about the rest of the universe? Who created the rest of the planets? Where is god? At least we know where mother nature is.

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Yup, I don't have a religion. I just go to a baptist church.


Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there.


Somtimes you just have to have faith.


And I don't want to research wiccan. I don't care about it. And, plus, you say you can 'raise people from the dead'. But why aren't there a billion people that should have died in 1855??.


I'm done with that.

You have a religion. It is christianity. The reason why is because it means you believe in the fact that christ rose after 3 days of death in his little tomb thingy.


And I CANNOT raise people from the dead. Since when did I say that?

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Attention everyone!


I will let you have a great debate about religion, but I would like people not to fight. We all have our individual thoughts and beliefs and that is what makes us individuals. Please do not get mad at someone else if they do not agree with your thinking. Let us have a great debate or you will see me hit the delete key.


Thank you.


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Attention everyone!


I will let you have a great debate about religion, but I would like people not to fight.  We all have our individual thoughts and beliefs and that is what makes us individuals.  Please do not get mad at someone else if they do not agree with your thinking.  Let us have a great debate or you will see me hit the delete key.


Thank you.


aack! not the delete key! *runs and hides while i start to fade...*

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OK. Spontaneous generation had to happen at some point. How it happened and why, is something that I believe is incomprehensible. So people created faith, to explain why things happen. A scientific theory about Earth was that it used to be all gases in which nothing could live upon. All those gases mixed up and created oxygen. Spontaneous generation occured again later when single-celled organisms popped up. And from there, those cells evolved into what is here today. Along with everything else that has changed from billions of years. Now what do people have to say about that?

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How are you so sure that they are made up? The bible is one of the oldest books in the world, 6,000 to be exact. But, you know, you're right. You have no proof. That's why so many people don't believe. But, don't you want to believe? If it is true, that means that you can  go to heaven, or somewhere else. In one of my songs be relient K, in "Be my Escape" It says,


"I've been housing all this doubt, and insecurity, and I've been locked inside that house, while You hold the key, and I've been dying to get out, and it might be the death of me. And even though there's no way of knowing, I promise that I'm going because I've gotta get out of here, and I'm begging You to be my escape ."


God is your escape from this horrible world we call "home", but there is a much bigger, better place.


Now onto, "Why would God do this if he loved everyone so much?"

You see the good things happen in the world, right? And you see the bad. In the begining, God created satan too. Satan puts doubt in you, Satan creates distruction and chaos. That isn't God's works.


But, hey. That's my thoughts against yours.


Rock on.

I try to beleive, but... I just can't grasp it. *sigh*

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