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What religion are you?


What religion are you?  

80 members have voted

  1. 1. What religion are you?

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so wuts new with all ur religous people?


i'm curently in the market for a religion... i havnt been lookin too hard.

I have a religion for you.....it is called Daft Punk.


*goes andd listens to some Daft Punk*


"Harder. Better. Faster. Stronger."

"Work it, make it, do it, makes us."

"More than, hour after, work is, over"

"Ever, after, our, never"

"Work it harder, make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger. More than ever hour after our work is never"

"Work it harder, make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger. More than ever hour after our work is never"

"Work it harder, make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger. More than ever hour after our work is never"


It is a great religion. Lol.

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so wuts new with all ur religous people?


i'm curently in the market for a religion... i havnt been lookin too hard.

Have you ever thought of Buddism?  Just a thought. :)

Heh. That is coinside. I was thinking about that today.

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so wuts new with all ur religous people?


i'm curently in the market for a religion... i havnt been lookin too hard.

Have you ever thought of Buddism?  Just a thought. :)

Heh. That is coinside. I was thinking about that today.

There is a husband and wife acupunturist team.  They were born in China, practiced acupuncture in a Chinese hospital before coming to the USA.  Dr. Lucy, the wife and I were talking about the Buddist religion.  I did not know anything about it and wanted to know, so she was kind enough to tell me all about it.  I learned quite a lot. :D

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so wuts new with all ur religous people?


i'm curently in the market for a religion... i havnt been lookin too hard.

Have you ever thought of Buddism?  Just a thought. :)

Heh. That is coinside. I was thinking about that today.

There is a husband and wife acupunturist team.  They were born in China, practiced acupuncture in a Chinese hospital before coming to the USA.  Dr. Lucy, the wife and I were talking about the Buddist religion.  I did not know anything about it and wanted to know, so she was kind enough to tell me all about it.  I learned quite a lot. :D

Buddist people are interesting. I would like to talk to them (buddist) if any was around me.

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I am Christian! And I am glad!! I believe!!!!!

I know some Christian bands! Jump5, Swithfoot<--- my dad listens to that. Well can't think of anymore but you can go to Mardels and they will have lots of Christian music and you can take the cd out of the case and put it in the player there and listen to make sure you like it!! It is really awesome @ mardels!!!

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so wuts new with all ur religous people?


i'm curently in the market for a religion... i havnt been lookin too hard.

Me too.  I might make my own religion...I've been thinking of my own political party as well...calling it the Tee Party.  It sounds like "tea party", but the "tee" part means that we believe everyone is created equal...so no living in the White House for members of the Tee Party...they can live in normal houses and wear normal clothes.  :P

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so wuts new with all ur religous people?


i'm curently in the market for a religion... i havnt been lookin too hard.

Me too.  I might make my own religion...I've been thinking of my own political party as well...calling it the Tee Party.  It sounds like "tea party", but the "tee" part means that we believe everyone is created equal...so no living in the White House for members of the Tee Party...they can live in normal houses and wear normal clothes.  :P

I was also thinking about starting my own, called 'The Wrong Church' See how many people would join, In my opinion, There can be only one true church, I wont say its mine, I wont say its yours, I'll just keep things like that to myself...

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Guest puppydog
so wuts new with all ur religous people?


i'm curently in the market for a religion... i havnt been lookin too hard.

Have you ever thought of Buddism?  Just a thought. :)

i dont kno [   ] about it  :D cept for that they got that fat looking dude as their icons. i think i might either just no believe anything offically and just believe wutever i want. and anyway it's hard to be tried down by a religion  when i get these moodswings.

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Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you all a question:


WHY do you believe in God? What makes you believe if there is no pure proof to non C's.


Go for it... :D





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Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you all a question:


WHY do you believe in God? What makes you believe if there is no pure proof to non C's.


Go for it... :D




Welcome Hez to HampsterDance Boards.  I am guessing that the non - C's you refer to are non - Christians?



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( i wanna add this avatar as mine but i cant find the option for adding ure own)?!



theres no option to add it! please help



(we'll get bac onto topic soon!! promise!)




Sorry that I could not permit your avatar, but we do not allow any links here.  If you would like an avatar approved, you would send an email to HampsterKing at support@hampsterdance.com with a picture of your avatar.  Again, he will not approve links, so I suggest that you draw the avatar you want or submit a photo of the avatar you would like.  Sorry.  Horatio]

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Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you all a question:


WHY do you believe in God? What makes you believe if there is no pure proof to non C's.


Go for it... :D





What makes me so sure God exists? I'm a non-"C" as u call them, but I still believe in God and other Gods. I am believer that the Human sub-concious has the ability to cause diety's to spring into life by believing in the God. Complete and utter faith isn't required only a small bit.

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Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you all a question:


WHY do you believe in God? What makes you believe if there is no pure proof to non C's.


Go for it... :D





What makes me so sure God exists? I'm a non-"C" as u call them, but I still believe in God and other Gods. I am believer that the Human sub-concious has the ability to cause diety's to spring into life by believing in the God. Complete and utter faith isn't required only a small bit.

im a catholic, and yes, though this is not their teachings, i agree with you TGHL, whatever god someone thinks is real, its real, tho that is sort of an odd thing to think about. I've thought about it many times, and I think if someone beleives something, it becomes true. so if someone thinks Satan is the one who rules heaven, then it is. and if someone thinks a dog named Snuffles is the god of death-world and in death world its wonderful, then it's true to that person. im guessing thats the type of thing ur saying, right? what someone beleives is true to them when it comes to religious beliefs?

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But then if you think that...what about when you die? If person A thinks when you die you become a rabbit and go round making wishes on people etc...is that REALLY gonna happen?



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Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you all a question:


WHY do you believe in God? What makes you believe if there is no pure proof to non C's.


Go for it... :D





i have no special beleif strictly speaking. i agree with hez.

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I'm Methodist nyu...
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Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you all a question:


WHY do you believe in God? What makes you believe if there is no pure proof to non C's.


Go for it... :D





What makes me so sure God exists? I'm a non-"C" as u call them, but I still believe in God and other Gods. I am believer that the Human sub-concious has the ability to cause diety's to spring into life by believing in the God. Complete and utter faith isn't required only a small bit.

im a catholic, and yes, though this is not their teachings, i agree with you TGHL, whatever god someone thinks is real, its real, tho that is sort of an odd thing to think about. I've thought about it many times, and I think if someone beleives something, it becomes true. so if someone thinks Satan is the one who rules heaven, then it is. and if someone thinks a dog named Snuffles is the god of death-world and in death world its wonderful, then it's true to that person. im guessing thats the type of thing ur saying, right? what someone beleives is true to them when it comes to religious beliefs?

Glad to find some one who agrees with me and some people. Being agnostic is sometimes a good thing. It allows you to look on religon without being biased.

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Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you all a question:


WHY do you believe in God? What makes you believe if there is no pure proof to non C's.


Go for it... :D





Well, How did everything come into existance? God would have had to create it. (The big bang thing makes no sense whatsoever to me. Its like. Some asteroid ran into another, A nuclear detonation happened (for lack of better word) and then all the planets are hunks of all the rock, And them some bacterial cells evolved into a monkey then evolved to humans and there ya go. This is like saying that a rock blew up, A monkey popped up outta nowhere and then turned human and thus civilization began. That isnt possible, as far as i know.)


One word explains this- Continuity.


An example: A kids bedroom is all nice and tidy. Then it turns into a wreck.

No continuity- How'd it happen? Something needs to happen to provoke further action and thus the result.


And for stubborn people: How did the big bang actually happen?! Something needed to happen and make the explosion, So what happened?


A diety has power, We all know that. So, God (diety) had created the earth, the surrounding planets, galaxies and stuff. THERE is some continuity. Diety had created it, As opposed to something blowing up.


Something has to happen in order for futher action to take place. Diety had to create the earth. If god did NOT exist, Neither would we. God created humans after his own image, Theres more proof. Thats why humans look wierd. (Its true. o_O; Humans are very interesting species.) Because we are all copies of diety. And with proper athourity, It is possible for these copies of diety to have the power of their previous image.


I'll shut up now n_n;;

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And yes, Accoding to diety, We are all sent here for a reason (BY DIETY) and hteres a porpuse (did i spell it right this itme, horatio? :laughing ) in life.
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But then if you think that...what about when you die? If person A thinks when you die you become a rabbit and go round making wishes on people etc...is that REALLY gonna happen?



yes, yes, I think it will. only it will be an alternate reality and ect. yes, i believe that will happen. in their own little world, that is similar to earth. and i suppose people would decide whether or not their memory of the past life is wiped out. i mean, i could have been a tree in my past life and someone cut me down and i decided that in my next life i would probably turn into a human. or somethin like that.

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Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you all a question:


WHY do you believe in God? What makes you believe if there is no pure proof to non C's.


Go for it... :D





Well, How did everything come into existance? God would have had to create it. (The big bang thing makes no sense whatsoever to me. Its like. Some asteroid ran into another, A nuclear detonation happened (for lack of better word) and then all the planets are hunks of all the rock, And them some bacterial cells evolved into a monkey then evolved to humans and there ya go. This is like saying that a rock blew up, A monkey popped up outta nowhere and then turned human and thus civilization began. That isnt possible, as far as i know.)


One word explains this- Continuity.


An example: A kids bedroom is all nice and tidy. Then it turns into a wreck.

No continuity- How'd it happen? Something needs to happen to provoke further action and thus the result.


And for stubborn people: How did the big bang actually happen?! Something needed to happen and make the explosion, So what happened?


A diety has power, We all know that. So, God (diety) had created the earth, the surrounding planets, galaxies and stuff. THERE is some continuity. Diety had created it, As opposed to something blowing up.


Something has to happen in order for futher action to take place. Diety had to create the earth. If god did NOT exist, Neither would we. God created humans after his own image, Theres more proof. Thats why humans look wierd. (Its true. o_O; Humans are very interesting species.) Because we are all copies of diety. And with proper athourity, It is possible for these copies of diety to have the power of their previous image.


I'll shut up now n_n;;

but why? how dya know its not just a myth? how do u know what u BELIVE in isnt a lie? im a christian by the way! haha...but i love challenging people!


(oo guys on a quick little note....any of you christian guys(people) got CU's {christian union} at your schools?! aa its our last Cu today!! noo...although im being one of the leaders next year! exciting eh! scarrry! x)



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Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you all a question:


WHY do you believe in God? What makes you believe if there is no pure proof to non C's.


Go for it... :D





Well, How did everything come into existance? God would have had to create it. (The big bang thing makes no sense whatsoever to me. Its like. Some asteroid ran into another, A nuclear detonation happened (for lack of better word) and then all the planets are hunks of all the rock, And them some bacterial cells evolved into a monkey then evolved to humans and there ya go. This is like saying that a rock blew up, A monkey popped up outta nowhere and then turned human and thus civilization began. That isnt possible, as far as i know.)


One word explains this- Continuity.


An example: A kids bedroom is all nice and tidy. Then it turns into a wreck.

No continuity- How'd it happen? Something needs to happen to provoke further action and thus the result.


And for stubborn people: How did the big bang actually happen?! Something needed to happen and make the explosion, So what happened?


A diety has power, We all know that. So, God (diety) had created the earth, the surrounding planets, galaxies and stuff. THERE is some continuity. Diety had created it, As opposed to something blowing up.


Something has to happen in order for futher action to take place. Diety had to create the earth. If god did NOT exist, Neither would we. God created humans after his own image, Theres more proof. Thats why humans look wierd. (Its true. o_O; Humans are very interesting species.) Because we are all copies of diety. And with proper athourity, It is possible for these copies of diety to have the power of their previous image.


I'll shut up now n_n;;

Well I can tell you that the Big bang involved a load of Atoms exploding at exactly the same time causing  dust, planets etc. etc to be formed. Just imagine an infinite amount of Nuclear bombs exploding at the same time. (Soon to be made a reality by G.Bush)

Think how easy it is for us to split the atom, you don't need to be a diety to do that. So it isn't all that complex, despite what some people would have you believe. Also just because we exist doesn't mean that there has to have been someone who made us.

And before you start harking back to the Puritan days, I would like to point one thing out. All gods exist even our pious one. Just look at my other post for more detail.

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Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you all a question:


WHY do you believe in God? What makes you believe if there is no pure proof to non C's.


Go for it... :D





Well, How did everything come into existance? God would have had to create it. (The big bang thing makes no sense whatsoever to me. Its like. Some asteroid ran into another, A nuclear detonation happened (for lack of better word) and then all the planets are hunks of all the rock, And them some bacterial cells evolved into a monkey then evolved to humans and there ya go. This is like saying that a rock blew up, A monkey popped up outta nowhere and then turned human and thus civilization began. That isnt possible, as far as i know.)


One word explains this- Continuity.


An example: A kids bedroom is all nice and tidy. Then it turns into a wreck.

No continuity- How'd it happen? Something needs to happen to provoke further action and thus the result.


And for stubborn people: How did the big bang actually happen?! Something needed to happen and make the explosion, So what happened?


A diety has power, We all know that. So, God (diety) had created the earth, the surrounding planets, galaxies and stuff. THERE is some continuity. Diety had created it, As opposed to something blowing up.


Something has to happen in order for futher action to take place. Diety had to create the earth. If god did NOT exist, Neither would we. God created humans after his own image, Theres more proof. Thats why humans look wierd. (Its true. o_O; Humans are very interesting species.) Because we are all copies of diety. And with proper athourity, It is possible for these copies of diety to have the power of their previous image.


I'll shut up now n_n;;

Well I can tell you that the Big bang involved a load of Atoms exploding at exactly the same time causing  dust, planets etc. etc to be formed. Just imagine an infinite amount of Nuclear bombs exploding at the same time. (Soon to be made a reality by G.Bush)

Think how easy it is for us to split the atom, you don't need to be a diety to do that. So it isn't all that complex, despite what some people would have you believe. Also just because we exist doesn't mean that there has to have been someone who made us.

And before you start harking back to the Puritan days, I would like to point one thing out. All gods exist even our pious one. Just look at my other post for more detail.

Ah this topic's hopeless. You all argue about this junk, imma go write about other stuff. o_O


So, Multiple nukes going off at once would create another big bang theory and fracturing earth into a million other planets? And it'd all be Bush's fault then?


Look people, Just becuase the US presidency isnt flawless does NOT mean it isnt any good. Its not perfect, Far from it, Nothing and nobody is perfect, So why criticize this specific country, Not everybody elses is so hot either.

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Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you all a question:


WHY do you believe in God? What makes you believe if there is no pure proof to non C's.


Go for it... :D





Well, How did everything come into existance? God would have had to create it. (The big bang thing makes no sense whatsoever to me. Its like. Some asteroid ran into another, A nuclear detonation happened (for lack of better word) and then all the planets are hunks of all the rock, And them some bacterial cells evolved into a monkey then evolved to humans and there ya go. This is like saying that a rock blew up, A monkey popped up outta nowhere and then turned human and thus civilization began. That isnt possible, as far as i know.)


One word explains this- Continuity.


An example: A kids bedroom is all nice and tidy. Then it turns into a wreck.

No continuity- How'd it happen? Something needs to happen to provoke further action and thus the result.


And for stubborn people: How did the big bang actually happen?! Something needed to happen and make the explosion, So what happened?


A diety has power, We all know that. So, God (diety) had created the earth, the surrounding planets, galaxies and stuff. THERE is some continuity. Diety had created it, As opposed to something blowing up.


Something has to happen in order for futher action to take place. Diety had to create the earth. If god did NOT exist, Neither would we. God created humans after his own image, Theres more proof. Thats why humans look wierd. (Its true. o_O; Humans are very interesting species.) Because we are all copies of diety. And with proper athourity, It is possible for these copies of diety to have the power of their previous image.


I'll shut up now n_n;;

Well I can tell you that the Big bang involved a load of Atoms exploding at exactly the same time causing  dust, planets etc. etc to be formed. Just imagine an infinite amount of Nuclear bombs exploding at the same time. (Soon to be made a reality by G.Bush)

Think how easy it is for us to split the atom, you don't need to be a diety to do that. So it isn't all that complex, despite what some people would have you believe. Also just because we exist doesn't mean that there has to have been someone who made us.

And before you start harking back to the Puritan days, I would like to point one thing out. All gods exist even our pious one. Just look at my other post for more detail.

Ah this topic's hopeless. You all argue about this junk, imma go write about other stuff. o_O


So, Multiple nukes going off at once would create another big bang theory and fracturing earth into a million other planets? And it'd all be Bush's fault then?


Look people, Just becuase the US presidency isnt flawless does NOT mean it isnt any good. Its not perfect, Far from it, Nothing and nobody is perfect, So why criticize this specific country, Not everybody elses is so hot either.

But this is a debate type topic now!

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this topic is sooooo long i didnt read it i just posted!

It would be really great if you would write a comment that went with the topic.  Otherwise what will happen is you will ask a question or hand out an award and people will miss your post, because all you usually only write is that you are posting.  You don't want people to miss a good thing, do you?

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From school trips to Space Camp, I have found out all of the theorys that people think are true. Like, Darwin's theory, or the theory that we came from Aliens or Jellyfish like creatures that live at the bottom of the ocean, underneath everything. If we took a DNA sample, would it say that we have fish DNA or Alien DNA?.....Mostlikly not. We all have our beliefs, but I know that our true Father created us!
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From school trips to Space Camp, I have found out all of the theorys that people think are true. Like, Darwin's theory, or the theory that we came from Aliens or Jellyfish like creatures that live at the bottom of the ocean, underneath everything. If we took a DNA sample, would it say that we have fish DNA or Alien DNA?.....Mostlikly not. We all have our beliefs, but I know that our true Father created us!

???  *thinking*  ???

Actually, I remember my mother telling me that it took my mother AND my father to create me. :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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From school trips to Space Camp, I have found out all of the theorys that people think are true. Like, Darwin's theory, or the theory that we came from Aliens or Jellyfish like creatures that live at the bottom of the ocean, underneath everything. If we took a DNA sample, would it say that we have fish DNA or Alien DNA?.....Mostlikly not. We all have our beliefs, but I know that our true Father created us!

???  *thinking*  ???

Actually, I remember my mother telling me that it took my mother AND my father to create me. :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

Shyah. It happens.

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From school trips to Space Camp, I have found out all of the theorys that people think are true. Like, Darwin's theory, or the theory that we came from Aliens or Jellyfish like creatures that live at the bottom of the ocean, underneath everything. If we took a DNA sample, would it say that we have fish DNA or Alien DNA?.....Mostlikly not. We all have our beliefs, but I know that our true Father created us!

???  *thinking*  ???

Actually, I remember my mother telling me that it took my mother AND my father to create me. :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

lol!!!!!!!!!!! :laughing

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Honestly...what difference does it make what religion you are? I mean we all have our own belief of things. Whether you believe in the bible and etc. or believe in Hinduism or what the heck ever....you are a person under that belief. Take this into consideration...what if you all are wrong? What if it is actually the athiest who are the correct people or perhaps the satanic? All I ever hear, not read, is Christians saying this and that....and they also do not condemn and judge people...but what the heck do they do in their services.....?hmm? can anyone answer? They talk about God and the people not believing in him and stuff going down the wrong path.


And I mean, correct me if I am wrong, but is it not true in the bible it says God gave us our own choice for our lives? And if so, how does he know who is going to #### and heaven if he gives us a choice? It is pre-destination is what it really is....It is written that God knows what the final choice is..no matter what your going to that place. So WHY would he give us a choice? (I know I said the same thing twice, but I am trying to make a point) Just thought I would make a rant. Adios amgios.

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Honestly...what difference does it make what religion you are? I mean we all have our own belief of things. Whether you believe in the bible and etc. or believe in Hinduism or what the heck ever....you are a person under that belief. Take this into consideration...what if you all are wrong? What if it is actually the athiest who are the correct people or perhaps the satanic? All I ever hear, not read, is Christians saying this and that....and they also do not condemn and judge people...but what the heck do they do in their services.....?hmm? can anyone answer? They talk about God and the people not believing in him and stuff going down the wrong path.


And I mean, correct me if I am wrong, but is it not true in the bible it says God gave us our own choice for our lives? And if so, how does he know who is going to #### and heaven if he gives us a choice? It is pre-destination is what it really is....It is written that God knows what the final choice is..no matter what your going to that place. So WHY would he give us a choice? (I know I said the same thing twice, but I am trying to make a point) Just thought I would make a rant. Adios amgios.

No, our earthy parents are important, but it's just like Jesus (though we aren't Jesus) he came to earth, by his earth mother, Mary. And when they lost him in town, they found him at a temple. Mary and Joesph said, "Son, why do you dissobey us and come to a temple?" He replied, "I am doing my Father's work." For they had forgotten that he was not their real son.


Taynio- Jesus knows who's going to Heavan and **** since he created us. He wants all the earth to know that He sent His son, Jesus as a baby and died on a cross for our sins, then rose again 3 days later. And also, that once you die, you either spend eternity in Heavan or ****, not that you skip around from place to place. Also, you cannot get to heavan by good works, but by accepting Jesus into your heart!

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Mine is kind of easy to guess...I'm a hard core Christian! Anyone heard of any cool Christian bands? :love:

Anyone hear of Jessica King? She is/was a christian singer. I lived beside her, babysitted her children(twins are about 5 or 6) now, took them to eat, took them to swimming pools, etc.


Sadly, I know the real Jessica. A side only real close friends would know. If you had my email, I could tell you, but since this is hampsterdance, I cannot because I must look out for the young people. But I actually think it is good I don't tell it at all.

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Guest puppydog
Honestly...what difference does it make what religion you are? I mean we all have our own belief of things. Whether you believe in the bible and etc. or believe in Hinduism or what the heck ever....you are a person under that belief. Take this into consideration...what if you all are wrong? What if it is actually the athiest who are the correct people or perhaps the satanic? All I ever hear, not read, is Christians saying this and that....and they also do not condemn and judge people...but what the heck do they do in their services.....?hmm? can anyone answer? They talk about God and the people not believing in him and stuff going down the wrong path.


And I mean, correct me if I am wrong, but is it not true in the bible it says God gave us our own choice for our lives? And if so, how does he know who is going to #### and heaven if he gives us a choice? It is pre-destination is what it really is....It is written that God knows what the final choice is..no matter what your going to that place. So WHY would he give us a choice? (I know I said the same thing twice, but I am trying to make a point) Just thought I would make a rant. Adios amgios.

it dosnt make sence cuz it's not true.it's a lie.\


i dont even believe in hevena and #### so wutever. when u die u go 6 feet under so i guess thats down  :roll

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Honestly...what difference does it make what religion you are? I mean we all have our own belief of things. Whether you believe in the bible and etc. or believe in Hinduism or what the heck ever....you are a person under that belief. Take this into consideration...what if you all are wrong? What if it is actually the athiest who are the correct people or perhaps the satanic? All I ever hear, not read, is Christians saying this and that....and they also do not condemn and judge people...but what the heck do they do in their services.....?hmm? can anyone answer? They talk about God and the people not believing in him and stuff going down the wrong path.


And I mean, correct me if I am wrong, but is it not true in the bible it says God gave us our own choice for our lives? And if so, how does he know who is going to #### and heaven if he gives us a choice? It is pre-destination is what it really is....It is written that God knows what the final choice is..no matter what your going to that place. So WHY would he give us a choice? (I know I said the same thing twice, but I am trying to make a point) Just thought I would make a rant. Adios amgios.

No, our earthy parents are important, but it's just like Jesus (though we aren't Jesus) he came to earth, by his earth mother, Mary. And when they lost him in town, they found him at a temple. Mary and Joesph said, "Son, why do you dissobey us and come to a temple?" He replied, "I am doing my Father's work." For they had forgotten that he was not their real son.


Taynio- Jesus knows who's going to Heavan and **** since he created us. He wants all the earth to know that He sent His son, Jesus as a baby and died on a cross for our sins, then rose again 3 days later. And also, that once you die, you either spend eternity in Heavan or ****, not that you skip around from place to place. Also, you cannot get to heavan by good works, but by accepting Jesus into your heart!



I think that there is no real way of telling which people go to one of these two places, People are put on earth as a test of faith and how well each individual can do on their own.

Most of us know, if we die, we go to a place of spirits and such, Judged THEN where we go, and there ya go. What of the people who chose the wrong relegion? do they get eternal ####ation? It wasnt their fault! Why should someone suffer if they didnt know better.

So. If there are two places... One is paradisical, One is pure horror. What about... in between? Should there not be something in between? Its like... We make one small mistake from perfection and to heck yeh go. That doesnt seem right to me.

What about people who chose the wrong faith or relegion? Do they have to go to '####'?!


And taynio, Its called Agency. All humans have the right to go to a paradisical and eternal life, Or to eternal ####ation, like i said. We just do the right thing, There ya go, Life is that simple.

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Guest Honey3

Honestly...what difference does it make what religion you are? I mean we all have our own belief of things. Whether you believe in the bible and etc. or believe in Hinduism or what the heck ever....you are a person under that belief. Take this into consideration...what if you all are wrong? What if it is actually the athiest who are the correct people or perhaps the satanic? All I ever hear, not read, is Christians saying this and that....and they also do not condemn and judge people...but what the heck do they do in their services.....?hmm? can anyone answer? They talk about God and the people not believing in him and stuff going down the wrong path.


And I mean, correct me if I am wrong, but is it not true in the bible it says God gave us our own choice for our lives? And if so, how does he know who is going to #### and heaven if he gives us a choice? It is pre-destination is what it really is....It is written that God knows what the final choice is..no matter what your going to that place. So WHY would he give us a choice? (I know I said the same thing twice, but I am trying to make a point) Just thought I would make a rant. Adios amgios.

it dosnt make sence cuz it's not true.it's a lie.\


i dont even believe in hevena and #### so wutever. when u die u go 6 feet under so i guess thats down  :roll

It is not a lie and if you went to church it would make more since.Is not is not is not


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Guest Honey3

I am proud to be christian.And I love Jesus!!!

Not to offend anyone but I want to pray for those that are not of the christian religion.




Hey JF wouldn't b c :cool:  :cool: l if there was a bible group here on HD!!!


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Honestly...what difference does it make what religion you are? I mean we all have our own belief of things. Whether you believe in the bible and etc. or believe in Hinduism or what the heck ever....you are a person under that belief. Take this into consideration...what if you all are wrong? What if it is actually the athiest who are the correct people or perhaps the satanic? All I ever hear, not read, is Christians saying this and that....and they also do not condemn and judge people...but what the heck do they do in their services.....?hmm? can anyone answer? They talk about God and the people not believing in him and stuff going down the wrong path.


And I mean, correct me if I am wrong, but is it not true in the bible it says God gave us our own choice for our lives? And if so, how does he know who is going to #### and heaven if he gives us a choice? It is pre-destination is what it really is....It is written that God knows what the final choice is..no matter what your going to that place. So WHY would he give us a choice? (I know I said the same thing twice, but I am trying to make a point) Just thought I would make a rant. Adios amgios.

No, our earthy parents are important, but it's just like Jesus (though we aren't Jesus) he came to earth, by his earth mother, Mary. And when they lost him in town, they found him at a temple. Mary and Joesph said, "Son, why do you dissobey us and come to a temple?" He replied, "I am doing my Father's work." For they had forgotten that he was not their real son.


Taynio- Jesus knows who's going to Heavan and **** since he created us. He wants all the earth to know that He sent His son, Jesus as a baby and died on a cross for our sins, then rose again 3 days later. And also, that once you die, you either spend eternity in Heavan or ****, not that you skip around from place to place. Also, you cannot get to heavan by good works, but by accepting Jesus into your heart!



I think that there is no real way of telling which people go to one of these two places, People are put on earth as a test of faith and how well each individual can do on their own.

Most of us know, if we die, we go to a place of spirits and such, Judged THEN where we go, and there ya go. What of the people who chose the wrong relegion? do they get eternal ####ation? It wasnt their fault! Why should someone suffer if they didnt know better.

So. If there are two places... One is paradisical, One is pure horror. What about... in between? Should there not be something in between? Its like... We make one small mistake from perfection and to heck yeh go. That doesnt seem right to me.

What about people who chose the wrong faith or relegion? Do they have to go to '####'?!


And taynio, Its called Agency. All humans have the right to go to a paradisical and eternal life, Or to eternal ####ation, like i said. We just do the right thing, There ya go, Life is that simple.

You are LDS, or better known as Morman? I noticed the words and that's why I added, you either go to Heavan or **** and you won't skip around or be inbetween!


We were not put here to see how well we could survive! HA! Darwin's theory...Survival of the Fittest, eh? We were merly put here on earth, for God was lonley and for his ammusment! In our services we talk about many different things. It comes out of our true bible, the Holy Bible. Not a remake. Pure and simple.

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Honestly...what difference does it make what religion you are? I mean we all have our own belief of things. Whether you believe in the bible and etc. or believe in Hinduism or what the heck ever....you are a person under that belief. Take this into consideration...what if you all are wrong? What if it is actually the athiest who are the correct people or perhaps the satanic? All I ever hear, not read, is Christians saying this and that....and they also do not condemn and judge people...but what the heck do they do in their services.....?hmm? can anyone answer? They talk about God and the people not believing in him and stuff going down the wrong path.


And I mean, correct me if I am wrong, but is it not true in the bible it says God gave us our own choice for our lives? And if so, how does he know who is going to #### and heaven if he gives us a choice? It is pre-destination is what it really is....It is written that God knows what the final choice is..no matter what your going to that place. So WHY would he give us a choice? (I know I said the same thing twice, but I am trying to make a point) Just thought I would make a rant. Adios amgios.

No, our earthy parents are important, but it's just like Jesus (though we aren't Jesus) he came to earth, by his earth mother, Mary. And when they lost him in town, they found him at a temple. Mary and Joesph said, "Son, why do you dissobey us and come to a temple?" He replied, "I am doing my Father's work." For they had forgotten that he was not their real son.


Taynio- Jesus knows who's going to Heavan and **** since he created us. He wants all the earth to know that He sent His son, Jesus as a baby and died on a cross for our sins, then rose again 3 days later. And also, that once you die, you either spend eternity in Heavan or ****, not that you skip around from place to place. Also, you cannot get to heavan by good works, but by accepting Jesus into your heart!



I think that there is no real way of telling which people go to one of these two places, People are put on earth as a test of faith and how well each individual can do on their own.

Most of us know, if we die, we go to a place of spirits and such, Judged THEN where we go, and there ya go. What of the people who chose the wrong relegion? do they get eternal ####ation? It wasnt their fault! Why should someone suffer if they didnt know better.

So. If there are two places... One is paradisical, One is pure horror. What about... in between? Should there not be something in between? Its like... We make one small mistake from perfection and to heck yeh go. That doesnt seem right to me.

What about people who chose the wrong faith or relegion? Do they have to go to '####'?!


And taynio, Its called Agency. All humans have the right to go to a paradisical and eternal life, Or to eternal ####ation, like i said. We just do the right thing, There ya go, Life is that simple.

I didnt know we had filters, I thought that was Horatio. xD

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Honestly...what difference does it make what religion you are? I mean we all have our own belief of things. Whether you believe in the bible and etc. or believe in Hinduism or what the heck ever....you are a person under that belief. Take this into consideration...what if you all are wrong? What if it is actually the athiest who are the correct people or perhaps the satanic? All I ever hear, not read, is Christians saying this and that....and they also do not condemn and judge people...but what the heck do they do in their services.....?hmm? can anyone answer? They talk about God and the people not believing in him and stuff going down the wrong path.


And I mean, correct me if I am wrong, but is it not true in the bible it says God gave us our own choice for our lives? And if so, how does he know who is going to #### and heaven if he gives us a choice? It is pre-destination is what it really is....It is written that God knows what the final choice is..no matter what your going to that place. So WHY would he give us a choice? (I know I said the same thing twice, but I am trying to make a point) Just thought I would make a rant. Adios amgios.

I think about the "What if those people are wrong?" thing a lot...


About Jessica King, I've never heard of her, but now you have sparked my interest, so I guess I'll try looking...

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Honestly...what difference does it make what religion you are? I mean we all have our own belief of things. Whether you believe in the bible and etc. or believe in Hinduism or what the heck ever....you are a person under that belief. Take this into consideration...what if you all are wrong? What if it is actually the athiest who are the correct people or perhaps the satanic? All I ever hear, not read, is Christians saying this and that....and they also do not condemn and judge people...but what the heck do they do in their services.....?hmm? can anyone answer? They talk about God and the people not believing in him and stuff going down the wrong path.


And I mean, correct me if I am wrong, but is it not true in the bible it says God gave us our own choice for our lives? And if so, how does he know who is going to #### and heaven if he gives us a choice? It is pre-destination is what it really is....It is written that God knows what the final choice is..no matter what your going to that place. So WHY would he give us a choice? (I know I said the same thing twice, but I am trying to make a point) Just thought I would make a rant. Adios amgios.

it dosnt make sence cuz it's not true.it's a lie.\


i dont even believe in hevena and #### so wutever. when u die u go 6 feet under so i guess thats down  :roll

It is not a lie and if you went to church it would make more since.Is not is not is not


But how do you know it's not a lie?  The thing is, we don't know anything.  All people have these days is blind faith.  There is no answer.  We have no proof that it is true.

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But how do you know it's not a lie?  The thing is, we don't know anything.  All people have these days is blind faith.  There is no answer.  We have no proof that it is true.


I dont have blind faith.


Since im the only 'mormon' around here, I'll just say im taking my chances, If i got a wrong relegion then so what. I have faith in my relegion, And thats something you can never change.


You accuse us of having blind faith?! We dont have an answer?! We dont know anything?! You arent so hot over there yourself you know, I can take advantage of a freedom in this country to choose a relegion, And im staying that way. I can beleive what i want to.


I dont care if its a lie or not, I have a testimony that this is not a lie. I do not have blind faith. I have no physical proof any of this exists, In spirit we do.

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Honestly...what difference does it make what religion you are? I mean we all have our own belief of things. Whether you believe in the bible and etc. or believe in Hinduism or what the heck ever....you are a person under that belief. Take this into consideration...what if you all are wrong? What if it is actually the athiest who are the correct people or perhaps the satanic? All I ever hear, not read, is Christians saying this and that....and they also do not condemn and judge people...but what the heck do they do in their services.....?hmm? can anyone answer? They talk about God and the people not believing in him and stuff going down the wrong path.


And I mean, correct me if I am wrong, but is it not true in the bible it says God gave us our own choice for our lives? And if so, how does he know who is going to #### and heaven if he gives us a choice? It is pre-destination is what it really is....It is written that God knows what the final choice is..no matter what your going to that place. So WHY would he give us a choice? (I know I said the same thing twice, but I am trying to make a point) Just thought I would make a rant. Adios amgios.

it dosnt make sence cuz it's not true.it's a lie.\


i dont even believe in hevena and #### so wutever. when u die u go 6 feet under so i guess thats down  :roll

It is not a lie and if you went to church it would make more since.Is not is not is not


But how do you know it's not a lie?  The thing is, we don't know anything.  All people have these days is blind faith.  There is no answer.  We have no proof that it is true.

we humans are dumb(ok maybe not that dumb, but fairly dumb). we think we know everything. we actually think we are intelligent life when we haven't even gotten .01% of all the knowledge there is in the universe. heck, we don't know if there's anything within black holes. isn't likely of course. it probably just blows stuff into zillions of pieces. we don't know every species of animals. we give them at least two names just to make ourselves sound smart. or the evolutions of mankind. homo habilus is one of them. we gave it an interesting name just to make ourselves sound smart. people deny that. why bother giving it a technical name and a non technical name? just give it one simple name. anyways, as animal kidd said, we don't have any proof of religion unless you count little stories of 'miracles'. but yet, we still believe.(sorry if I went on too long)

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horatio? where is my "essay" that took me forever to write? i poured my soul into that!! please dont tell me it's gone!

No it is not gone.  I just need to edit it a bit and I am trying to find the best way to accomplish this without harming your post.  Give me a bit please.  I will make a copy for you.

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horatio? where is my "essay" that took me forever to write? i poured my soul into that!! please dont tell me it's gone!

No it is not gone.  I just need to edit it a bit and I am trying to find the best way to accomplish this without harming your post.  Give me a bit please.  I will make a copy for you.

thank you, why do u have to edit it? why sugar-coat things?

 :sleepy:  :sleepy:  :sleepy:

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Every christian religion thinks they are the correct way and there is no other. Hinduism believes the same thing. There are alot of religions which belief this. So WHO is to say you are correct and that your side of the story is true and all others are false? Because of some book that says it? A book that is written and read by alot of people? A book that can be taken different ways?  There is atleast one true way.....for everything...I do not know what it is....and no one ever will.


Perhaps half of Jewish populas is correct. Perhaps "Jesus" hasnt come yet. Perhaps they are wrong. Who are we to decide the fate for others?


I am tired of writing these stupid things all because of people think they are correct. Enough is enough. Stop quarreling about religions! Do something better with your time....please.

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horatio? where is my "essay" that took me forever to write? i poured my soul into that!! please dont tell me it's gone!

No it is not gone.  I just need to edit it a bit and I am trying to find the best way to accomplish this without harming your post.  Give me a bit please.  I will make a copy for you.

thank you, why do u have to edit it? why sugar-coat things?

 :sleepy:  :sleepy:  :sleepy:

It is better if I edit it than have HampsterKing delete it.   :D   Actually I am not sugar coating things, just making them a little less emotional, a little less heated.  Yours is not the only one being edited. :upside:

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horatio? where is my "essay" that took me forever to write? i poured my soul into that!! please dont tell me it's gone!

No it is not gone.  I just need to edit it a bit and I am trying to find the best way to accomplish this without harming your post.  Give me a bit please.  I will make a copy for you.

thank you, why do u have to edit it? why sugar-coat things?

 :sleepy:  :sleepy:  :sleepy:

It is better if I edit it than have HampsterKing delete it.   :D   Actually I am not sugar coating things, just making them a little less emotional, a little less heated.  Yours is not the only one being edited. :upside:

yea, thats true. but it IS heated this whole conversation and topic that has been going one for thousands of years.

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We do have proof, it's the Holy Bible.

But how do we know it's not made by some insane dude who was drunk at the time?(or something like that)



Oh, if everything the Bible says is the right thing to do, then why aren't people in America, a country that was supposedly founded on the Christian faith, then how come people in America aren't getting married at age 12 anymore?  ???

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We do have proof, it's the Holy Bible.

But how do we know it's not made by some insane dude who was drunk at the time?(or something like that)

The Bible has been around FOREVER! Since Genisis..."In the Begining God created the heavans and the earth, and the earth was with God and the earth was God." In Museums in different countries there have been tests...they go wayyyy back! The oldest book is supposeably Job, made in 1500 B.C. I am appaled that you would say that an "insane drunk dude" made it. Siriously...which single person could make something that great?! It was made by several people. Other religions..and bibles were created from God's word! What about Moses, David, so on who are stated in books that are old..so it is true!!

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BTW, America didn't find the Religion. Jesus was a Jew. Jews were getting married at 12..that was the way the parents did it. "OH! I don't want my daugter anymore..I'll sell her to so-and-so." Well, now we have things called "Child endagerment"! The Bible never said, "Tho must get married at the age of twelve or else!" That was the parent's desicion...

Here is part of a rap by Grits...called believe...


Everybody needs something to see

Something to feel

And something to be

Everybody needs something as proof

Something in hand

To know the truth


There's a way that seems right

In the heart of a man

And many angels of light

In disguise destroying man

So most chose to refuse

The absolute truth

Replace it with lies

Use ignorance as excuse

It’s hard to conceive

What the mind can’t comprehend

And harder to believe

What the eyes can't understand

We look to theory, philosophies and thought

For a sure foundation

In a belief we once sought

While the shadow of truth

Cast an image so clear

The closer it gets

We reject it out of fear

If we really wanted truth

We would give our lives for it

Walk in its direction of light

For God's glory

The saga continues

Cause most hearts are deceived

If we really wanted truth

We would live and believe

So the saga continues

Cause most hearts are deceived

If we really wanted truth

We would live and believe in it


Everybody needs something to see

Something to feel

And something to be

Everybody needs something as proof

Something in hand

To know the truth

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Here's the full rap. It's pretty bomb-diggity!


Grits - Believe


What do you believe?


Everybody needs something to see

Something to feel

And something to be

Everybody needs something as proof

Something in hand

To know the truth


Everybody needs something to see

Something to feel

And something to be

Everybody needs something as proof

Something in hand

To know the truth


Everybody needs something to see

Something to feel

And something to be

Everybody needs something as proof

Something in hand

To know the truth


Livin lavish like the biltmore

What the blood spilt for

A ship in harbor is safe

But that ain't what it's built for

Do all I can to help you get more

If you forgive my slight intrusion

I see this night is confusin

A constant fight with illusions

Shed a light on conclusions

What you desire is a way out

Day in and day out

Do not disturb signs so I’ll stay out

How long will you let the torture grasp you

I see spirits manifestin

Blockin blessings with the questions

That you hear me ask you

Keep it up so much will pass you

You can make it on a prayer

Yeah that’s true

But barely getting by when you can do more

Why would you want to

Forgettin that the wood’s dry and the fire's on you

Life's a hassle

Be prepared to rassle

It can be rough

But it don’t have to

You can make it full of smiles

Something to laugh to

So pick and chose my message thick

So squeeze and watch it ooze

Make it a game to where your fears lose

Let's go


Everybody needs something to see

Something to feel

And something to be

Everybody needs something as proof

Something in hand

To know the truth


Everybody needs something to see

Something to feel

And something to be

Everybody needs something as proof

Something in hand

To know the truth


There's a way that seems right

In the heart of a man

And many angels of light

In disguise destroying man

So most chose to refuse

The absolute truth

Replace it with lies

Use ignorance as excuse

It’s hard to conceive

What the mind can’t comprehend

And harder to believe

What the eyes can't understand

We look to theory, philosophies and thought

For a sure foundation

In a belief we once sought

While the shadow of truth

Cast an image so clear

The closer it gets

We reject it out of fear

If we really wanted truth

We would give our lives for it

Walk in its direction of light

For God's glory

The saga continues

Cause most hearts are deceived

If we really wanted truth

We would live and believe

So the saga continues

Cause most hearts are deceived

If we really wanted truth

We would live and believe in it


Everybody needs something to see

Something to feel

And something to be

Everybody needs something as proof

Something in hand

To know the truth


Everybody needs something to see

Something to feel

And something to be

Everybody needs something as proof

Something in hand

To know the truth


Everybody needs something to see

Something to feel

And something to be

Everybody needs something as proof

Something in hand

To know the truth


Everybody needs something to see

Something to feel

And something to be

Everybody needs something as proof

Something in hand

To know the truth


Everybody needs something as proof

Something in hand

To know the truth


Everybody needs something to see

Something to feel

And something to be

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We do have proof, it's the Holy Bible.

But how do we know it's not made by some insane dude who was drunk at the time?(or something like that)

The Bible has been around FOREVER! Since Genisis..."In the Begining God created the heavans and the earth, and the earth was with God and the earth was God." In Museums in different countries there have been tests...they go wayyyy back! The oldest book is supposeably Job, made in 1500 B.C. I am appaled that you would say that an "insane drunk dude" made it. Siriously...which single person could make something that great?! It was made by several people. Other religions..and bibles were created from God's word! What about Moses, David, so on who are stated in books that are old..so it is true!!

Correction:  It says that in the beginning God MADE everything.  The book came later.  God did not sit Adam and Eve down in a garden and say "Here's a book.  Write it."  The book was created after the earth had begun.

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We do have proof, it's the Holy Bible.

But how do we know it's not made by some insane dude who was drunk at the time?(or something like that)

The Bible has been around FOREVER! Since Genisis..."In the Begining God created the heavans and the earth, and the earth was with God and the earth was God." In Museums in different countries there have been tests...they go wayyyy back! The oldest book is supposeably Job, made in 1500 B.C. I am appaled that you would say that an "insane drunk dude" made it. Siriously...which single person could make something that great?! It was made by several people. Other religions..and bibles were created from God's word! What about Moses, David, so on who are stated in books that are old..so it is true!!

Correction:  It says that in the beginning God MADE everything.  The book came later.  God did not sit Adam and Eve down in a garden and say "Here's a book.  Write it."  The book was created after the earth had begun.

Ive gotta go with ANimalMan on this one.The bible is older than... well, a lot of things. Its not the first thing created. Like you said, David, Moses 'and so on' had to pitch in and writw some of it.

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I never said, "THE BIBLE WAS THE FIRST THING CREATED"! Where in my post does it say that? No where. The stories were ages apart...so how could someone write that? NO ONE! Lol...that's funny. I'm guessing you didn't read



















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We do have proof, it's the Holy Bible.

But how do we know it's not made by some insane dude who was drunk at the time?(or something like that)

The Bible has been around FOREVER! Since Genisis..."In the Begining God created the heavans and the earth, and the earth was with God and the earth was God." In Museums in different countries there have been tests...they go wayyyy back! The oldest book is supposeably Job, made in 1500 B.C. I am appaled that you would say that an "insane drunk dude" made it. Siriously...which single person could make something that great?! It was made by several people. Other religions..and bibles were created from God's word! What about Moses, David, so on who are stated in books that are old..so it is true!!

Correction:  It says that in the beginning God MADE everything.  The book came later.  God did not sit Adam and Eve down in a garden and say "Here's a book.  Write it."  The book was created after the earth had begun.

Ive gotta go with ANimalMan on this one.The bible is older than... well, a lot of things. Its not the first thing created. Like you said, David, Moses 'and so on' had to pitch in and writw some of it.

Thank you very much but I am not a man.  :P

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We do have proof, it's the Holy Bible.

But how do we know it's not made by some insane dude who was drunk at the time?(or something like that)

The Bible has been around FOREVER! Since Genisis..."In the Begining God created the heavans and the earth, and the earth was with God and the earth was God." In Museums in different countries there have been tests...they go wayyyy back! The oldest book is supposeably Job, made in 1500 B.C. I am appaled that you would say that an "insane drunk dude" made it. Siriously...which single person could make something that great?! It was made by several people. Other religions..and bibles were created from God's word! What about Moses, David, so on who are stated in books that are old..so it is true!!

Correction:  It says that in the beginning God MADE everything.  The book came later.  God did not sit Adam and Eve down in a garden and say "Here's a book.  Write it."  The book was created after the earth had begun.

Ive gotta go with ANimalMan on this one.The bible is older than... well, a lot of things. Its not the first thing created. Like you said, David, Moses 'and so on' had to pitch in and writw some of it.

Therefore, alloting them to create own stories or stories that would influence/presuade one to join the religion and continue to believe.

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We do have proof, it's the Holy Bible.

But how do we know it's not made by some insane dude who was drunk at the time?(or something like that)

The Bible has been around FOREVER! Since Genisis..."In the Begining God created the heavans and the earth, and the earth was with God and the earth was God." In Museums in different countries there have been tests...they go wayyyy back! The oldest book is supposeably Job, made in 1500 B.C. I am appaled that you would say that an "insane drunk dude" made it. Siriously...which single person could make something that great?! It was made by several people. Other religions..and bibles were created from God's word! What about Moses, David, so on who are stated in books that are old..so it is true!!

How in the world would we know about Adam and Eve? How do you know that it wasn't a bunch of desperate people writing the bible for attention? How, I ask, how? Oh yeah, by the way, I meant drunk person as an example, sorry if I confused you. I don't think a drunk person could write that type of thing. It could have been a bunch of loonys or desperate people though.



Note: I do not mean to offend people. This is only a debate. I repeat, I am only debating, I need some real proof to believe in what I am trying to believe, the catholic faith type thing. I am that religion, but I am trying to truly believe in it. I have way too many doubts to just end this debate and say Toto wins. I just don't get it. Please don't complain about my debating.

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We do have proof, it's the Holy Bible.

But how do we know it's not made by some insane dude who was drunk at the time?(or something like that)

The Bible has been around FOREVER! Since Genisis..."In the Begining God created the heavans and the earth, and the earth was with God and the earth was God." In Museums in different countries there have been tests...they go wayyyy back! The oldest book is supposeably Job, made in 1500 B.C. I am appaled that you would say that an "insane drunk dude" made it. Siriously...which single person could make something that great?! It was made by several people. Other religions..and bibles were created from God's word! What about Moses, David, so on who are stated in books that are old..so it is true!!

How in the world would we know about Adam and Eve? How do you know that it wasn't a bunch of desperate people writing the bible for attention? How, I ask, how? Oh yeah, by the way, I meant drunk person as an example, sorry if I confused you. I don't think a drunk person could write that type of thing. It could have been a bunch of loonys or desperate people though.



Note: I do not mean to offend people. This is only a debate. I repeat, I am only debating, I need some real proof to believe in what I am trying to believe, the catholic faith type thing. I am that religion, but I am trying to truly believe in it. I have way too many doubts to just end this debate and say Toto wins. I just don't get it. Please don't complain about my debating.

That is how simple minded we humans are. We believe anything we hear or read. That is why so many paper medias get so much sales. The people will buy it, believe it, and buy every other one because they BELIEVE it.


About Adam and Eve...How the hades can we know about the first people? How do we know that it took god 7 days to create the heavens and earth, but it says on the 7th day he rested?


It is so simple to believe in something. Me- I have to see it to believe it. I cannot just read it or hear it on tv. It must be me and it in real life in the same place at the same time.

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It is so simple to believe in something. Me- I have to see it to believe it. I cannot just read it or hear it on tv. It must be me and it in real life in the same place at the same time.

Oh, thank you dear tanyio. This reminds me of a story in class....*dreams off into clouds*


"Ok, class today we will be talking about evelution. Now who believes in God?"

*Toto raises hand*

"Oh, you do? well, how do you know that he's real? You have never seen him before, therfor, he's no real."

"Well, you know what, you've never seen your brain, so how do you know you have one? You don't. So, to find out that you really have one, you must cut open your skull and look inside. but, you would be dead, so how would you ever know? You have to have faith."

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It is so simple to believe in something. Me- I have to see it to believe it. I cannot just read it or hear it on tv. It must be me and it in real life in the same place at the same time.

Oh, thank you dear tanyio. This reminds me of a story in class....*dreams off into clouds*


"Ok, class today we will be talking about evelution. Now who believes in God?"

*Toto raises hand*

"Oh, you do? well, how do you know that he's real? You have never seen him before, therfor, he's no real."

"Well, you know what, you've never seen your brain, so how do you know you have one? You don't. So, to find out that you really have one, you must cut open your skull and look inside. but, you would be dead, so how would you ever know? You have to have faith."

But other people HAVE seen a brain.  We have scientific proof that it exists.  Not the same when it comes to religion.

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It is so simple to believe in something. Me- I have to see it to believe it. I cannot just read it or hear it on tv. It must be me and it in real life in the same place at the same time.

Oh, thank you dear tanyio. This reminds me of a story in class....*dreams off into clouds*


"Ok, class today we will be talking about evelution. Now who believes in God?"

*Toto raises hand*

"Oh, you do? well, how do you know that he's real? You have never seen him before, therfor, he's no real."

"Well, you know what, you've never seen your brain, so how do you know you have one? You don't. So, to find out that you really have one, you must cut open your skull and look inside. but, you would be dead, so how would you ever know? You have to have faith."

Well first off, with the brain, we have cut open the skulls of dead people. Second, teachers are not supposed to talk about religion. They are not supposed to tell you what to believe. Seeing may be believing, but believing is at some times, seeing. They cannot tell you about your religion. And yes, you are right. You cannot always know, you have to have faith sometimes.

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It is so simple to believe in something. Me- I have to see it to believe it. I cannot just read it or hear it on tv. It must be me and it in real life in the same place at the same time.

Oh, thank you dear tanyio. This reminds me of a story in class....*dreams off into clouds*


"Ok, class today we will be talking about evelution. Now who believes in God?"

*Toto raises hand*

"Oh, you do? well, how do you know that he's real? You have never seen him before, therfor, he's no real."

"Well, you know what, you've never seen your brain, so how do you know you have one? You don't. So, to find out that you really have one, you must cut open your skull and look inside. but, you would be dead, so how would you ever know? You have to have faith."

Well first off, with the brain, we have cut open the skulls of dead people. Second, teachers are not supposed to talk about religion. They are not supposed to tell you what to believe. Seeing may be believing, but believing is at some times, seeing. They cannot tell you about your religion. And yes, you are right. You cannot always know, you have to have faith sometimes.

What if they are Religous Educatn teachers? If they didn't talk about religon they wouldn't be doing their job.

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It is so simple to believe in something. Me- I have to see it to believe it. I cannot just read it or hear it on tv. It must be me and it in real life in the same place at the same time.

Oh, thank you dear tanyio. This reminds me of a story in class....*dreams off into clouds*


"Ok, class today we will be talking about evelution. Now who believes in God?"

*Toto raises hand*

"Oh, you do? well, how do you know that he's real? You have never seen him before, therfor, he's no real."

"Well, you know what, you've never seen your brain, so how do you know you have one? You don't. So, to find out that you really have one, you must cut open your skull and look inside. but, you would be dead, so how would you ever know? You have to have faith."

Well first off, with the brain, we have cut open the skulls of dead people. Second, teachers are not supposed to talk about religion. They are not supposed to tell you what to believe. Seeing may be believing, but believing is at some times, seeing. They cannot tell you about your religion. And yes, you are right. You cannot always know, you have to have faith sometimes.

What if they are Religous Educatn teachers? If they didn't talk about religon they wouldn't be doing their job.

u know what i mean. school teachers.

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It is so simple to believe in something. Me- I have to see it to believe it. I cannot just read it or hear it on tv. It must be me and it in real life in the same place at the same time.

Oh, thank you dear tanyio. This reminds me of a story in class....*dreams off into clouds*


"Ok, class today we will be talking about evelution. Now who believes in God?"

*Toto raises hand*

"Oh, you do? well, how do you know that he's real? You have never seen him before, therfor, he's no real."

"Well, you know what, you've never seen your brain, so how do you know you have one? You don't. So, to find out that you really have one, you must cut open your skull and look inside. but, you would be dead, so how would you ever know? You have to have faith."

But other people HAVE seen a brain.  We have scientific proof that it exists.  Not the same when it comes to religion.

but have you seen YOUR brain? Ah HA!

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It is so simple to believe in something. Me- I have to see it to believe it. I cannot just read it or hear it on tv. It must be me and it in real life in the same place at the same time.

Oh, thank you dear tanyio. This reminds me of a story in class....*dreams off into clouds*


"Ok, class today we will be talking about evelution. Now who believes in God?"

*Toto raises hand*

"Oh, you do? well, how do you know that he's real? You have never seen him before, therfor, he's no real."

"Well, you know what, you've never seen your brain, so how do you know you have one? You don't. So, to find out that you really have one, you must cut open your skull and look inside. but, you would be dead, so how would you ever know? You have to have faith."

But other people HAVE seen a brain.  We have scientific proof that it exists.  Not the same when it comes to religion.

but have you seen YOUR brain? Ah HA!

I have seen my brain, somewhat. It was on a medical thingy at a hospital I was at. I was having "problems" (not insane but health problems), and they showed me my brain on this device. SO HAH! I have seen my brain!


As for the believing is seeing and having faith....


How can YOU prove that God exists? Don't give some lame "Well, in the bible......blah blah blah" or anything like that.


Tell us/me HOW you know he exists. You cannot believe he exists by just faith.....or else Buddah and Zen Buddah and all the others exists BECAUSE OF FAITH! You see how hipocritical you "religion" christians can be?

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It is so simple to believe in something. Me- I have to see it to believe it. I cannot just read it or hear it on tv. It must be me and it in real life in the same place at the same time.

but, you would be dead, so how would you ever know? You have to have faith."

Shes got a point here, Humans arent as simple minded as people think. I dont beleive the bible because i simply saw it. For things like that to work, it involves faith and prayer.When you do that, its clear to you. There is no way christians like me to describe to you what it is we feel, So we just have faith.

Faith will lead to a testimonial, And then you have more chance of beleiving things like this truly.

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It is so simple to believe in something. Me- I have to see it to believe it. I cannot just read it or hear it on tv. It must be me and it in real life in the same place at the same time.

Oh, thank you dear tanyio. This reminds me of a story in class....*dreams off into clouds*


"Ok, class today we will be talking about evelution. Now who believes in God?"

*Toto raises hand*

"Oh, you do? well, how do you know that he's real? You have never seen him before, therfor, he's no real."

"Well, you know what, you've never seen your brain, so how do you know you have one? You don't. So, to find out that you really have one, you must cut open your skull and look inside. but, you would be dead, so how would you ever know? You have to have faith."

But other people HAVE seen a brain.  We have scientific proof that it exists.  Not the same when it comes to religion.

but have you seen YOUR brain? Ah HA!

Well its kind of obvious you have one...Someone correect me if im wrong...You have a spinal cord cause you can walk..That sends the nerve pulse thingys to make you walk...That spinal cord is connected to your brain which makes it work...So therefore you have a brain...And also kind of the same thing...what else would tell you to like move and stuff..You Stomache? :laughing

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It is so simple to believe in something. Me- I have to see it to believe it. I cannot just read it or hear it on tv. It must be me and it in real life in the same place at the same time.

Oh, thank you dear tanyio. This reminds me of a story in class....*dreams off into clouds*


"Ok, class today we will be talking about evelution. Now who believes in God?"

*Toto raises hand*

"Oh, you do? well, how do you know that he's real? You have never seen him before, therfor, he's no real."

"Well, you know what, you've never seen your brain, so how do you know you have one? You don't. So, to find out that you really have one, you must cut open your skull and look inside. but, you would be dead, so how would you ever know? You have to have faith."

But other people HAVE seen a brain.  We have scientific proof that it exists.  Not the same when it comes to religion.

but have you seen YOUR brain? Ah HA!

Not that I can remember, but I have seen my teeth, my jaw structure, and my sinuses.


But you've never seen YOUR Brain.

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It is so simple to believe in something. Me- I have to see it to believe it. I cannot just read it or hear it on tv. It must be me and it in real life in the same place at the same time.

Oh, thank you dear tanyio. This reminds me of a story in class....*dreams off into clouds*


"Ok, class today we will be talking about evelution. Now who believes in God?"

*Toto raises hand*

"Oh, you do? well, how do you know that he's real? You have never seen him before, therfor, he's no real."

"Well, you know what, you've never seen your brain, so how do you know you have one? You don't. So, to find out that you really have one, you must cut open your skull and look inside. but, you would be dead, so how would you ever know? You have to have faith."

But other people HAVE seen a brain.  We have scientific proof that it exists.  Not the same when it comes to religion.

but have you seen YOUR brain? Ah HA!

I have seen my brain, somewhat. It was on a medical thingy at a hospital I was at. I was having "problems" (not insane but health problems), and they showed me my brain on this device. SO HAH! I have seen my brain!


As for the believing is seeing and having faith....


How can YOU prove that God exists? Don't give some lame "Well, in the bible......blah blah blah" or anything like that.


Tell us/me HOW you know he exists. You cannot believe he exists by just faith.....or else Buddah and Zen Buddah and all the others exists BECAUSE OF FAITH! You see how hipocritical you "religion" christians can be?

Yes and what aboutthis whole "Afterlife" buisness? Prove that there is a meta-physical kingdom that science cannot find, somewhere were the pious all wear looks of pious bordem because to have fun is a sin. Anyway, most people in the world who believe in God will go to #### because they can't be pious enough. No one (except maybe Jesusfreak and a few others) can actually be that pious and holy.

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It is so simple to believe in something. Me- I have to see it to believe it. I cannot just read it or hear it on tv. It must be me and it in real life in the same place at the same time.

thought u said u had some religion... dont remember which one u said.

I said I am Ostrogoth. But it isn't a religion or anything to do with beliefs. You will have to read up on Ostrogoth and Visigoth to understand.

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It is so simple to believe in something. Me- I have to see it to believe it. I cannot just read it or hear it on tv. It must be me and it in real life in the same place at the same time.

Oh, thank you dear tanyio. This reminds me of a story in class....*dreams off into clouds*


"Ok, class today we will be talking about evelution. Now who believes in God?"

*Toto raises hand*

"Oh, you do? well, how do you know that he's real? You have never seen him before, therfor, he's no real."

"Well, you know what, you've never seen your brain, so how do you know you have one? You don't. So, to find out that you really have one, you must cut open your skull and look inside. but, you would be dead, so how would you ever know? You have to have faith."

But other people HAVE seen a brain.  We have scientific proof that it exists.  Not the same when it comes to religion.

but have you seen YOUR brain? Ah HA!

Not that I can remember, but I have seen my teeth, my jaw structure, and my sinuses.


But you've never seen YOUR Brain.

True, I could easily take you in for a CAT scan at any hospital (British, cos it's free!) THen you'd see your brain.

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It is so simple to believe in something. Me- I have to see it to believe it. I cannot just read it or hear it on tv. It must be me and it in real life in the same place at the same time.

thought u said u had some religion... dont remember which one u said.

I said I am Ostrogoth. But it isn't a religion or anything to do with beliefs. You will have to read up on Ostrogoth and Visigoth to understand.

I know that the Ostrogoths and Visigoths were two groups of people that controled Germany all the way up to the Roman Empire, when they took over.

However I think you are saying that you are a "Goth" and wear dark clothes and mascara and other such modern goth activites.

So which one are you? A decendent of a huge Ostrogoth empire or a modern Goth?

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It is so simple to believe in something. Me- I have to see it to believe it. I cannot just read it or hear it on tv. It must be me and it in real life in the same place at the same time.

but, you would be dead, so how would you ever know? You have to have faith."

Shes got a point here, Humans arent as simple minded as people think. I dont beleive the bible because i simply saw it. For things like that to work, it involves faith and prayer.When you do that, its clear to you. There is no way christians like me to describe to you what it is we feel, So we just have faith.

Faith will lead to a testimonial, And then you have more chance of beleiving things like this truly.

Thank you Arkcher.

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Well, just because it's a certin shape that LOOKS like a brain doesn't mean it's a brain. It could be some ruber like material that LOOKS like a brain and you have a special symtom or something and you don't really have a real brain. So what about the people that students and pathologists did cut open? few they did have to cut open their skull, but most of them they didn't. And, they didn't cut open every singly person that went into a cript.
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Thank you very much but I am not a man.  :P

lmao that was so great. :D

Its like i should care or something what gender who is. o_O;

Well you'd get a bit defensive if I called you a girl...


Oh my gosh, Arkcher, you are such a funny girl!  GIRL POWER!  LOL!


See, my point exactly.

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It is so simple to believe in something. Me- I have to see it to believe it. I cannot just read it or hear it on tv. It must be me and it in real life in the same place at the same time.

thought u said u had some religion... dont remember which one u said.

I said I am Ostrogoth. But it isn't a religion or anything to do with beliefs. You will have to read up on Ostrogoth and Visigoth to understand.

I know that the Ostrogoths and Visigoths were two groups of people that controled Germany all the way up to the Roman Empire, when they took over.

However I think you are saying that you are a "Goth" and wear dark clothes and mascara and other such modern goth activites.

So which one are you? A decendent of a huge Ostrogoth empire or a modern Goth?

I said I like to wear the modern goth look, however I am ostrogoth. I just like the way the modern teenage goths look. Don't ask me why, but I just do.


You were half correct in assuming that I said I was goth.  But the correct answer is  I am not GOTH but Ostrogoth that likes to wear modern goth.

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Thank you very much but I am not a man.  :P

lmao that was so great. :D

er... i do not think horatio is up to date on computer talk. perhaps we should tell him what lmao is?







I know a few of the basics... what do you expect for someone who is only 3 and one/half?

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Thank you very much but I am not a man.  :P

lmao that was so great. :D

er... i do not think horatio is up to date on computer talk. perhaps we should tell him what lmao is?







I know a few of the basics... what do you expect for someone who is only 3 and one/half?

*Checks for for PTMYLOLs* Oh thank god, there is no sign of a PTMYLOL... ARGGGGHHHHH! NOOOOOO!

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Thank you very much but I am not a man.  :P

lmao that was so great. :D

er... i do not think horatio is up to date on computer talk. perhaps we should tell him what lmao is?







I know a few of the basics... what do you expect for someone who is only 3 and one/half?

Oooh, Limbo =3 Woo

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Lol AnimalKidd. Do you think someone would name their kid sarah if it was a guy? I'm not a guy!  :P Ok, I admit it, I thought Arkcher was a gal because horatio said "Arkchers not a dude a dudett!" Ah, I see why Arkcher said I was 8 or 9....
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Thank you very much but I am not a man.  :P

lmao that was so great. :D

er... i do not think horatio is up to date on computer talk. perhaps we should tell him what lmao is?







I know a few of the basics... what do you expect for someone who is only 3 and one/half?

*Checks for for PTMYLOLs* Oh thank god, there is no sign of a PTMYLOL... ARGGGGHHHHH! NOOOOOO!

I could start some PTMY's if you would like me to!

:laughing     :laughing     :laughing     :laughing     :laughing

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Lol AnimalKidd. Do you think someone would name their kid sarah if it was a guy? I'm not a guy!  :P Ok, I admit it, I thought Arkcher was a gal because horatio said "Arkchers not a dude a dudett!" Ah, I see why Arkcher said I was 8 or 9....

Every now and then I get confused myself.

:laughing       :laughing       :laughing       :laughing       :laughing

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Lol AnimalKidd. Do you think someone would name their kid sarah if it was a guy? I'm not a guy!  :P Ok, I admit it, I thought Arkcher was a gal because horatio said "Arkchers not a dude a dudett!" Ah, I see why Arkcher said I was 8 or 9....

Drop that already, and besides. i know a lot of 12 year olds who act 5 or 6, so your a lot better than some i know. You use proper grammar and actually capitalize things. 8)

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Thank you very much but I am not a man.  :P

lmao that was so great. :D

er... i do not think horatio is up to date on computer talk. perhaps we should tell him what lmao is?







I know a few of the basics... what do you expect for someone who is only 3 and one/half?

*Checks for for PTMYLOLs* Oh thank god, there is no sign of a PTMYLOL... ARGGGGHHHHH! NOOOOOO!

I could start some PTMY's if you would like me to!

:laughing     :laughing     :laughing     :laughing     :laughing


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Thank you very much but I am not a man.  :P

lmao that was so great. :D

er... i do not think horatio is up to date on computer talk. perhaps we should tell him what lmao is?







I know a few of the basics... what do you expect for someone who is only 3 and one/half?

*Checks for for PTMYLOLs* Oh thank god, there is no sign of a PTMYLOL... ARGGGGHHHHH! NOOOOOO!

I could start some PTMY's if you would like me to!

:laughing     :laughing     :laughing     :laughing     :laughing


Oh boo hoo TGHL, where is your spirit of adventure?? ?? ?? ?? ??

:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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Thank you very much but I am not a man.  :P

lmao that was so great. :D

er... i do not think horatio is up to date on computer talk. perhaps we should tell him what lmao is?







I know a few of the basics... what do you expect for someone who is only 3 and one/half?

*Checks for for PTMYLOLs* Oh thank god, there is no sign of a PTMYLOL... ARGGGGHHHHH! NOOOOOO!

I could start some PTMY's if you would like me to!

:laughing     :laughing     :laughing     :laughing     :laughing


Oh boo hoo TGHL, where is your spirit of adventure?? ?? ?? ?? ??

:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

oo, oo! i wanna start! lol!

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It is so simple to believe in something. Me- I have to see it to believe it. I cannot just read it or hear it on tv. It must be me and it in real life in the same place at the same time.

thought u said u had some religion... dont remember which one u said.

I said I am Ostrogoth. But it isn't a religion or anything to do with beliefs. You will have to read up on Ostrogoth and Visigoth to understand.

i intend to.

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Thank you very much but I am not a man.  :P

lmao that was so great. :D

er... i do not think horatio is up to date on computer talk. perhaps we should tell him what lmao is?







I know a few of the basics... what do you expect for someone who is only 3 and one/half?

*Checks for for PTMYLOLs* Oh thank god, there is no sign of a PTMYLOL... ARGGGGHHHHH! NOOOOOO!

I could start some PTMY's if you would like me to!

:laughing     :laughing     :laughing     :laughing     :laughing


Oh boo hoo TGHL, where is your spirit of adventure?? ?? ?? ?? ??

:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

oo, oo! i wanna start! lol!

Noooooooooooooooooooooo.............. *evactuates topic*

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Thank you very much but I am not a man.  :P

lmao that was so great. :D

er... i do not think horatio is up to date on computer talk. perhaps we should tell him what lmao is?







I know a few of the basics... what do you expect for someone who is only 3 and one/half?

*Checks for for PTMYLOLs* Oh thank god, there is no sign of a PTMYLOL... ARGGGGHHHHH! NOOOOOO!

I could start some PTMY's if you would like me to!

:laughing     :laughing     :laughing     :laughing     :laughing


Grr! What are these PTMY things?

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it's just that i dont know wut i'm editing for...curses?


Here is a guideline... (not all these apply to you, but are general guideline for everyone), no curses and no words such as z*********. Length to be not too long, more on the short side. No lecturing or proselytizing on how to believe. This post is your point of view and your words, so no copying and pasting from someone else. That should give you a place to start. You know where to find me if you need more assistance.

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That is because I am concentrating on one thing.....  being able to go for a swim and a jacuzzi before the storm hit.  Just you wait and see.  Of course, I need your word that you will co-conspire with me.

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

*starts to co-conspire* LOL!!!!!!!

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Here is a guideline...  (not all these apply to you, but are general guideline for everyone), no curses and no words such as z*********.  Length to be not too long, more on the short side.  No lecturing or proselytizing on how to believe.  This post is your point of view and your words, so no copying and pasting from someone else.  That should give you a place to start.  You know where to find me if you need more assistance.

...um i'm a little slow about wutever that z word is... but ok,can i have it...

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So it begins... :mellow:



I notice more and more people are going away from the traditional evil laugh (MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!) to this modern, MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Revive the old ways! Say MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, everyday! Hire one manservant, called Igor. Be a Megalomanaic! Have an evil layer, preferably on a tropical island or under the sea. Make booby traps! Have at least one Indutrial strength laser, reserved for British spies! Make sure that said British spy, watches at least the death of one NSA/CIA agent, preferably death by Pirana, Shark or other flesh eating creature! Associate yourself with North Korea, China or Libya! Supprot Russia! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *a distant MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHARKARK! is heard* Sheena?

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