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What religion are you?


What religion are you?  

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  1. 1. What religion are you?

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Depression and stress have an enormous effect on people.  

And the people around them.

Yup. They put one of my friends in the psychiatric institute because he was suicidal. Yet he keeps me sane in English class by finding ways to entertain us. (like firing giant spitballs at the window) 8)

:laughing   LOL   :laughing


Giant spitballs!    AAaaagggghhhhh!  :eek

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Depression and stress have an enormous effect on people. 

And the people around them.

Yup. They put one of my friends in the psychiatric institute because he was suicidal. Yet he keeps me sane in English class by finding ways to entertain us. (like firing giant spitballs at the window) 8)

:laughing   LOL   :laughing


Giant spitballs!    AAaaagggghhhhh!  :eek

lol it was pretty funny.  :laughing  A few days ago some other kids were firing small spitballs at the teacher-and she didn't notice! 8)

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Depression and stress have an enormous effect on people.  

And the people around them.

Yup. They put one of my friends in the psychiatric institute because he was suicidal. Yet he keeps me sane in English class by finding ways to entertain us. (like firing giant spitballs at the window) 8)

:laughing   LOL   :laughing


Giant spitballs!    AAaaagggghhhhh!  :eek

lol it was pretty funny.  :laughing  A few days ago some other kids were firing small spitballs at the teacher-and she didn't notice! 8)

If the teacher did not notice, this would make me laugh even harder!!!

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Depression and stress have an enormous effect on people. 

And the people around them.

Yup. They put one of my friends in the psychiatric institute because he was suicidal. Yet he keeps me sane in English class by finding ways to entertain us. (like firing giant spitballs at the window) 8)

:laughing   LOL   :laughing


Giant spitballs!    AAaaagggghhhhh!  :eek

lol it was pretty funny.  :laughing  A few days ago some other kids were firing small spitballs at the teacher-and she didn't notice! 8)

If the teacher did not notice, this would make me laugh even harder!!!

I just found out the kid got expelled. :sleepy:  I don't know why though. :(

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maybe someone ratted on them!
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i like it better cause in scripture it says not all that say lord lord will be saved.i know people think were brainwashed but were not i beleive in Jesus and live him as my own brother.(because he is :D

What Scripture id that? Do you belive in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour? That's what gets you to Heaven. :)

I do beleive he is but u still hafta work for salvation, when moses gets the cammandments God tells him to follow these if u want eternal salvation.

Matthew 7:21

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

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i like it better cause in scripture it says not all that say lord lord will be saved.i know people think were brainwashed but were not i beleive in Jesus and live him as my own brother.(because he is :D

What Scripture id that? Do you belive in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour? That's what gets you to Heaven. :)

I do beleive he is but u still hafta work for salvation, when moses gets the cammandments God tells him to follow these if u want eternal salvation.

Matthew 7:21

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Right. Asking God for help does nothing, you need to repent of your sins and ask Jesus to be your Saviour. That is the will of our Father in Heaven.

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I just found out the kid got expelled. :sleepy:  I don't know why though. :(

???  Did you ever hear why?  ???

Nope.  :sleepy:

???   I hope that he didn't have to go back into the hospital.   ???

I know he was in intensive outpatient program (IOP) while he was still in school, but I wonder what he did to get expelled. :sleepy:

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I beleived in God once.. until my older brother died then I saw that if God cared after his creation he would let the ones who never deserve death stay on earth and purge the world of all who cause insufferable pain to those who deserve it least.  I get bullied just because I am, thats the reason they say they beat me up because I am, because I exsist. If God surely cared as the vicars preach surley he would spare me from suffering. Then again maybe he takes the good people to allow them to avoid the suffering of the world.

God loves you very much!  And I'm sure he loved your brother too.  Just like he loved my dad, who was murdered.  Please don't blame Him (God) for all the bad in the world.  God makes the sun shine on the wicked and to shine on the righteous.  God makes the rain pour down on the wicked, as well as the righteous.  That is because God allows these things to happen for a reason, to carry out His plan and His purpose for our lives.  All the bad stuff comes from the devil, and the devil is very cunning to trick you and make you blame God.  There will come a time when all the wicked people will be cast into @*&%, and God will no longer tolerate the evil in this world.  he doesn't want you to be sad.  Let me ask you all this:


If you were standing at the gates of Heaven, and God asked you... "...Why should I allow you in to my heaven?" What reason would you give Him?


a. Good deeds/just live life as good as you can

b. You go to church

c. Unsure how to get to heaven

d. I don't believe in heaven/@*&%/both.


If you answered any of the above... I'd like to take the time to share with you how the Bible answers this question... There is a word that can be used to answer how people get into heaven. That word is FAITH. It can also be an acronym:


F = FORGIVENESS. We can not have eternal life and heaven w/o God's forgiveness. "In Him (Jesus) we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins"--Ephesians 1:7a Forgiveness is...


A = AVAILABLE- Forgiveness is AVAILABLE... For ALL OF Us. "For God so loved the world (YOU)that He gave His only begotten Son (FOR YOU), that whoever (YOU) believeth in Him should NOT perish, but (YOU) HAVE ETERNAL LIFE." John 3:16

But forgiveness is not AUTOMATIC. "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven" Matthew 7:21a. Why? This is why :


I = IMPOSSIBLE. It is IMPOSSIBLE for God to allow sin into heaven. It's true that God is LOVE as seen in John 3:16, but God is also JUST "The Lord will execute judgement upon all men." Isaiah 66:16. Judgement on what? MAN'S SIN. God is just, because man is SINFUL. "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God"--Romans 3:23

So, you ask, "How can a sinful person enter heaven, where God allows no sin?" Well, my friend, that's where we:


T = TURN. If you were driving down the road, and someone asked you to turn,they'd be asking you to change direction, right? Well, "turn" in the Bible means to REPENT... TURN from something - TURN FROM SIN AND SELF. "But unless you repent you will all likewise perish"--Luke 13:3b You TURN TO SOMEONE, trust CHRIST ONLY. The Bible tells us... "Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures."--1 Corinthians 15:3b-4 The Bible also tells us that "If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus (meaning, confessing that Jesus is Lord) and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you WILL be saved."--Romans 10:9

When we turn from our sins, that leads us to:


H = HEAVEN (eternal life).


We can have heaven HERE, also... "I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly."--John 10:10b


We also have heaven in the HEREAFTER. We can be sure of this because Jesus says, "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and recieve you unto Myself; that where I am, there you may be also."--John 14:3. Still asking "How can a person have God's forgiveness, heaven, and eternal life, AND Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord?"


It's simply FAITH... in Jesus.


Friend, you can be religous all you want, but if you don't have Jesus in your heart, you are lost. I'm not being intolerant, nor pushy. You have a choice to either accept His gift, or reject it... I'm telling you this because I care for your soul. More importantly, Jesus cares for your soul too. If you'd like to have eternal life in heaven, and have abundant life here on earth, and have peace, even in the midst of chaos, then friend, it's time to get on your knees and accept Jesus. Only Jesus can save you. :o) He forgives you. He WANTS to SAVE you. If you can grasp this and accept it, then friend, PLEASE accept Jesus - accept God's FREE gift of redemption/salvation through Jesus Christ's death on the cross. Accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord is the most important decision anyone will ever make. All that is required is that you pray this prayer sincerely:


"Dear God, I admit that I have sinned and that my sin separates me from You. I am sorry for my sin. I believe Jesus died on the cross for me so my sin can be forgiven. I also believe Jesus rose from the dead and is alive. God, please forgive me and clease my sins through Jesus' precious blood that was shed on the cross for me. I commit my life to Jesus as my Savior and Lord. I will obey You and live for You the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen."


If you prayed this prayer with all your heart...

Welcome to God's Family! You are now a child of God and God gives you the gift of "eternal life through Jesus Christ the Lord" (Romans 6:23 B).


If you have prayed to receive Christ, please let me know!


Remember: It is important to be baptized as soon as possible upon receiving Christ as your Savior. After you have said the prayer for accepting Jesus as your Savior, you must be baptized. Being baptized shows your obedience to Christ by publicly proclaiming your faith in Him, and you are re-enacting Christ's burial and resurrection, and your burial/resurrection with/in Him. Contrary to poular belief, baptism WON'T save you, and baptism won't wash away your sins. Only Jesus can wash away your sins and save you. You have to BELIEVE first, then be baptized. Jesus walked 60 miles to be baptized! Since he placed that much importance on it, won't you?   :)

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I just found out the kid got expelled. :sleepy:  I don't know why though. :(

???  Did you ever hear why?  ???

Nope.  :sleepy:

???   I hope that he didn't have to go back into the hospital.   ???

I know he was in intensive outpatient program (IOP) while he was still in school, but I wonder what he did to get expelled. :sleepy:

Maybe the rumor was that he got expelled and really he just needed to go back into the hospital.  Perhaps we should keep him in our thoughts and prayers that he is okay.


:)  :)  :)  :)  :)

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I just found out the kid got expelled. :sleepy:  I don't know why though. :(

Did you ever hear why?  ???

Nope.  :sleepy:

???   I hope that he didn't have to go back into the hospital.   ???

I know he was in intensive outpatient program (IOP) while he was still in school, but I wonder what he did to get expelled. :sleepy:

Maybe the rumor was that he got expelled and really he just needed to go back into the hospital.  Perhaps we should keep him in our thoughts and prayers that he is okay.



No, he was expelled. I heard he was going to court to challenge it. :sleepy:

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I beleived in God once.. until my older brother died then I saw that if God cared after his creation he would let the ones who never deserve death stay on earth and purge the world of all who cause insufferable pain to those who deserve it least.  I get bullied just because I am, thats the reason they say they beat me up because I am, because I exsist. If God surely cared as the vicars preach surley he would spare me from suffering. Then again maybe he takes the good people to allow them to avoid the suffering of the world.

God loves you very much!  And I'm sure he loved your brother too.  Just like he loved my dad, who was murdered.  Please don't blame Him (God) for all the bad in the world.  God makes the sun shine on the wicked and to shine on the righteous.  God makes the rain pour down on the wicked, as well as the righteous.  That is because God allows these things to happen for a reason, to carry out His plan and His purpose for our lives.  All the bad stuff comes from the devil, and the devil is very cunning to trick you and make you blame God.  There will come a time when all the wicked people will be cast into @*&%, and God will no longer tolerate the evil in this world.  he doesn't want you to be sad.  Let me ask you all this:


If you were standing at the gates of Heaven, and God asked you... "...Why should I allow you in to my heaven?" What reason would you give Him?


a. Good deeds/just live life as good as you can

b. You go to church

c. Unsure how to get to heaven

d. I don't believe in heaven/@*&%/both.


If you answered any of the above... I'd like to take the time to share with you how the Bible answers this question... There is a word that can be used to answer how people get into heaven. That word is FAITH. It can also be an acronym:


F = FORGIVENESS. We can not have eternal life and heaven w/o God's forgiveness. "In Him (Jesus) we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins"--Ephesians 1:7a Forgiveness is...


A = AVAILABLE- Forgiveness is AVAILABLE... For ALL OF Us. "For God so loved the world (YOU)that He gave His only begotten Son (FOR YOU), that whoever (YOU) believeth in Him should NOT perish, but (YOU) HAVE ETERNAL LIFE." John 3:16

But forgiveness is not AUTOMATIC. "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven" Matthew 7:21a. Why? This is why :


I = IMPOSSIBLE. It is IMPOSSIBLE for God to allow sin into heaven. It's true that God is LOVE as seen in John 3:16, but God is also JUST "The Lord will execute judgement upon all men." Isaiah 66:16. Judgement on what? MAN'S SIN. God is just, because man is SINFUL. "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God"--Romans 3:23

So, you ask, "How can a sinful person enter heaven, where God allows no sin?" Well, my friend, that's where we:


T = TURN. If you were driving down the road, and someone asked you to turn,they'd be asking you to change direction, right? Well, "turn" in the Bible means to REPENT... TURN from something - TURN FROM SIN AND SELF. "But unless you repent you will all likewise perish"--Luke 13:3b You TURN TO SOMEONE, trust CHRIST ONLY. The Bible tells us... "Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures."--1 Corinthians 15:3b-4 The Bible also tells us that "If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus (meaning, confessing that Jesus is Lord) and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you WILL be saved."--Romans 10:9

When we turn from our sins, that leads us to:


H = HEAVEN (eternal life).


We can have heaven HERE, also... "I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly."--John 10:10b


We also have heaven in the HEREAFTER. We can be sure of this because Jesus says, "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and recieve you unto Myself; that where I am, there you may be also."--John 14:3. Still asking "How can a person have God's forgiveness, heaven, and eternal life, AND Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord?"


It's simply FAITH... in Jesus.


Friend, you can be religous all you want, but if you don't have Jesus in your heart, you are lost. I'm not being intolerant, nor pushy. You have a choice to either accept His gift, or reject it... I'm telling you this because I care for your soul. More importantly, Jesus cares for your soul too. If you'd like to have eternal life in heaven, and have abundant life here on earth, and have peace, even in the midst of chaos, then friend, it's time to get on your knees and accept Jesus. Only Jesus can save you. :o) He forgives you. He WANTS to SAVE you. If you can grasp this and accept it, then friend, PLEASE accept Jesus - accept God's FREE gift of redemption/salvation through Jesus Christ's death on the cross. Accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord is the most important decision anyone will ever make. All that is required is that you pray this prayer sincerely:


"Dear God, I admit that I have sinned and that my sin separates me from You. I am sorry for my sin. I believe Jesus died on the cross for me so my sin can be forgiven. I also believe Jesus rose from the dead and is alive. God, please forgive me and clease my sins through Jesus' precious blood that was shed on the cross for me. I commit my life to Jesus as my Savior and Lord. I will obey You and live for You the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen."


If you prayed this prayer with all your heart...

Welcome to God's Family! You are now a child of God and God gives you the gift of "eternal life through Jesus Christ the Lord" (Romans 6:23 B).


If you have prayed to receive Christ, please let me know!


Remember: It is important to be baptized as soon as possible upon receiving Christ as your Savior. After you have said the prayer for accepting Jesus as your Savior, you must be baptized. Being baptized shows your obedience to Christ by publicly proclaiming your faith in Him, and you are re-enacting Christ's burial and resurrection, and your burial/resurrection with/in Him. Contrary to poular belief, baptism WON'T save you, and baptism won't wash away your sins. Only Jesus can wash away your sins and save you. You have to BELIEVE first, then be baptized. Jesus walked 60 miles to be baptized! Since he placed that much importance on it, won't you?   :)

*applauds* Very good! Just one reminder-that prayer isn't a magic formula. It doesn't have to be worded exactly as such. Just saying that prayer doesn't save you, you have to mean it. It comes down to this-If you were to die today, do you know for certain that you'd be in Heaven? I do, and that's a wonderful thing to know. If anyone here is saved and doesn't know where to go from there, let me know. I'm thinking about posting the Bible study references from my Quiet Time.

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According to some horrible person, the bible says that the world will 'end' in 2006, the aztecs say that thw world will 'end' in 2012 and another person says that we have only until tomorrow. These so called 'prophicies' are really starting to throw me back into my sucidal phase which I had up until I joined the boards. I just hated life because I was constantly bullied just because I am smart and that I live. Sorry, being a little too depressing.

NOBODY - NOT EVEN Jesus - knows when the end will be.


Matthew 24:6 - "And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet."


Matthew 24:36 - "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."


Mark 13:32 - "But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father."


If Jesus resides in your heart, then you shouldn't fear this coming to pass.


Revelation 7:17 - "For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes."


You should rejoice that those who have done evil against you will finally get a taste of their own medicine in the last days.  (This doesn't mean you shuoldn't pray for them).  Continue praying for those who use and abuse you that they too will come to know Jesus, and will avoid God's wrath.  But woe to those who don't come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior!  I'd hate to be them...    :(

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I just found out the kid got expelled. :sleepy:  I don't know why though. :(

Did you ever hear why?  ???

Nope.  :sleepy:

???   I hope that he didn't have to go back into the hospital.   ???

I know he was in intensive outpatient program (IOP) while he was still in school, but I wonder what he did to get expelled. :sleepy:

Maybe the rumor was that he got expelled and really he just needed to go back into the hospital.  Perhaps we should keep him in our thoughts and prayers that he is okay.



No, he was expelled. I heard he was going to court to challenge it. :sleepy:

Hhhhmmmm, I wonder if he will shoot spitballs at the judge?


If so, I do think the judge will notice!


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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I just found out the kid got expelled. :sleepy:  I don't know why though. :(

Did you ever hear why?  ???

Nope.  :sleepy:

I hope that he didn't have to go back into the hospital.  

I know he was in intensive outpatient program (IOP) while he was still in school, but I wonder what he did to get expelled. :sleepy:

Maybe the rumor was that he got expelled and really he just needed to go back into the hospital.  Perhaps we should keep him in our thoughts and prayers that he is okay.



No, he was expelled. I heard he was going to court to challenge it. :sleepy:

Hhhhmmmm, I wonder if he will shoot spitballs at the judge?


If so, I do think the judge will notice!



I sure hope not.  8) But with him you never know. I think he just does it at the teacher b/c she's lost one too many brain cells.

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If anyone here is saved and doesn't know where to go from there, let me know. I'm thinking about posting the Bible study references from my Quiet Time.

The Bible Study references would be nice!


:D  :D  :D

I'll go get them.


This week is/was:

Sunday:Revelation 14:8-13

Monday:Revelation 14:14-20

Tuesday: Revelation 15:1-8

Wednesday: Revelation 16:1-12

Thursday: Revelation 16:13-21

Friday: Revelation 17:1-8

Saturday: Revelation 17:9-18


Those are for this week. For those who have never used a Bible, it works like this: The Bible is divided into two Testaments-the Old and the New. Old Testament is before Jesus, and the New Testament is during and after Jesus. These Testaments are divided into books (Genesis, Exodus, Matthew, Mark, Revelation). Each of these books is divided into chapters. The first number in the reference (above) is the chapter number. The numbers after the : are the verse numbers. Each chapter is divided into verses, which contain a sentence or so. So a reference goes Book (Revelation) Chapter Number (14) : Verse Numbers (8-13). Just a helpful hint-Revelation is the last book in the Bible.  If anyone is still having a hard time finding these let me know.

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If anyone here is saved and doesn't know where to go from there, let me know. I'm thinking about posting the Bible study references from my Quiet Time.

The Bible Study references would be nice!


:D  :D  :D

I'll go get them.


This week is/was:

Sunday:Revelation 14:8-13

Monday:Revelation 14:14-20

Tuesday: Revelation 15:1-8

Wednesday: Revelation 16:1-12

Thursday: Revelation 16:13-21

Friday: Revelation 17:1-8

Saturday: Revelation 17:9-18


Those are for this week. For those who have never used a Bible, it works like this: The Bible is divided into two Testaments-the Old and the New. Old Testament is before Jesus, and the New Testament is during and after Jesus. These Testaments are divided into books (Genesis, Exodus, Matthew, Mark, Revelation). Each of these books is divided into chapters. The first number in the reference (above) is the chapter number. The numbers after the : are the verse numbers. Each chapter is divided into verses, which contain a sentence or so. So a reference goes Book (Revelation) Chapter Number (14) : Verse Numbers (8-13). Just a helpful hint-Revelation is the last book in the Bible.  If anyone is still having a hard time finding these let me know.

People should appreciate those!!!!


:D  :D  :D

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If anyone here is saved and doesn't know where to go from there, let me know. I'm thinking about posting the Bible study references from my Quiet Time.

The Bible Study references would be nice!


:D  :D  :D

I'll go get them.


This week is/was:

Sunday:Revelation 14:8-13

Monday:Revelation 14:14-20

Tuesday: Revelation 15:1-8

Wednesday: Revelation 16:1-12

Thursday: Revelation 16:13-21

Friday: Revelation 17:1-8

Saturday: Revelation 17:9-18


Those are for this week. For those who have never used a Bible, it works like this: The Bible is divided into two Testaments-the Old and the New. Old Testament is before Jesus, and the New Testament is during and after Jesus. These Testaments are divided into books (Genesis, Exodus, Matthew, Mark, Revelation). Each of these books is divided into chapters. The first number in the reference (above) is the chapter number. The numbers after the : are the verse numbers. Each chapter is divided into verses, which contain a sentence or so. So a reference goes Book (Revelation) Chapter Number (14) : Verse Numbers (8-13). Just a helpful hint-Revelation is the last book in the Bible.  If anyone is still having a hard time finding these let me know.

People should appreciate those!!!!


:D  :D  :D

I hope so. Revelation is kinda like a science fiction movie.Except it's not fiction. We're a couple of weeks into it tho, so I suggest to anyone who wants to do the study read the beginning as well.

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I went to a Catholic school and we were basically taught if you live a good life and accept the teachings of Christ you are saved.

Hello Clean Machine, welcome to HampsterDance Boards!  We are please to see you posting here.  You will make lots of friends here.  Please take a look at all the topics and post to all those that interest you.  We get to know you through your posts, so please post, post, post.







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You know Jesusfreak and all the others...there is no "correct" way to be saved.  Everybody who tries to lead a good life and follows what is right (whether that's God or Buddah or any other religious figure) will be saved in their own right.  That is why I'm Taoist.  Everything has it's place in the world and as long as you respect that place, harmony will be achieved.  BTW, I was a Christian in my youth, but I reached an age of enlightenment and reason.  Taoists believe that all should be treated with due respect, much like the Christian mantra of "do unto others as they would to unto you".  There are so many similarities between every major religion that no one way is correct.
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Hello Squall959, welcome to HampsterDance Boards!  Thank you for coming and posting here!  We are happy to see you!  Please wander around, visit all  the forums, read as many topics as your eyes can stand, then post, post, post your thoughts to as many topics as you can.  You will make lots of friends and we get to know you through your posts.  So please, post away!







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Mine is kind of easy to guess...I'm a hard core Christian! Anyone heard of any cool Christian bands? :love:

Yes, I know a good christian band, their name is vineyard. They are really good, although that is just my opinion.

-Rosebud :penguin

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Mine is kind of easy to guess...I'm a hard core Christian! Anyone heard of any cool Christian bands? :love:

Yes, I know a good christian band, their name is vineyard. They are really good, although that is just my opinion.

-Rosebud :penguin

Thanks Rosebud for your post!  The band should be a good one to listen too!

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Hi people I'm back again. @those who said you get to heaven by being good-I say that's wrong. The Bible says "not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy, He saved us." That's it plain and simple.

@squall-I agree with that except for how you think people are saved.

@rosebud. Kewl. I've never heard of them.  :upside:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not to undermine your beliefs or anything but...

Tell me have any of you watched Room 101 recently? The one concerning Christian rock bands. To quote the celebrity

Rock is the music of the devil, it's dark, it's evil everything that Chritianity isn't. Christian music is all about old people making funny little hand movements.
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Hi people I'm back again. @those who said you get to heaven by being good-I say that's wrong. The Bible says "not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy, He saved us." That's it plain and simple.

@squall-I agree with that except for how you think people are saved.

@rosebud. Kewl. I've never heard of them.  :upside:

I'm pretty sure that @ means "at", not "and".

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hi jesus freak!!!! i'm a christian and darn proud of it 2!!!!!!i like the christian band delirious do u wana b m8's ? my uncle works in viz a viz ( dennis) my name's sarah!!! :)  


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ramember people anyone can say that they beleave in God, but so do demans, but they don't love him. @ bummy - Yay! We've got quite a list here. Delirious is cool.

That's right. @TGHL - LOL! That's so funny! No, rock music isn't of the devil. The lyrics however.....yeah.  8)  You guys look up audio adrenaline's web site. There's tons of music vids there.

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ramember people anyone can say that they beleave in God, but so do demans, but they don't love him. @ bummy - Yay! We've got quite a list here. Delirious is cool.

That's right. @TGHL - LOL! That's so funny! No, rock music isn't of the devil. The lyrics however.....yeah.  8)  You guys look up audio adrenaline's web site. There's tons of music vids there.

I was only quoting a celebrity. *ducks toilet paper been thrown by a lynch mob* HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


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ramember people anyone can say that they beleave in God, but so do demans, but they don't love him. @ bummy - Yay! We've got quite a list here. Delirious is cool.

That's right. @TGHL - LOL! That's so funny! No, rock music isn't of the devil. The lyrics however.....yeah.  8)  You guys look up audio adrenaline's web site. There's tons of music vids there.

I was only quoting a celebrity. *ducks toilet paper been thrown by a lynch mob* HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


LOL! *sprays tp away* Maybe you should have mentioned that. :P

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I don't really like rock music in general, but I do like Pillar and P.O.D.  Those guys and ZOE Girl are pretty rad.  Some non-Christian artists I like are Billy Gilman, the kid who wrote "One Voice"; Weird Al Yanchovich (that is how you spell it, I think.), the parody king; and another Christain artist is Micheal W. Smith.  I really like his music.


Oh, yeah, Twila Paris and Graham Kendrick write pretty good stuff, too.

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ramember people anyone can say that they beleave in God, but so do demans, but they don't love him. @ bummy - Yay! We've got quite a list here. Delirious is cool.

That's right. @TGHL - LOL! That's so funny! No, rock music isn't of the devil. The lyrics however.....yeah.  8)  You guys look up audio adrenaline's web site. There's tons of music vids there.

I was only quoting a celebrity. *ducks toilet paper been thrown by a lynch mob* HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


LOL! *sprays tp away* Maybe you should have mentioned that. :P

you know, when you said the sprays toilet paper away the tp made me think of a game. When you play online people say tp (signalling for a town portal so they can help you)

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ramember people anyone can say that they beleave in God, but so do demans, but they don't love him. @ bummy - Yay! We've got quite a list here. Delirious is cool.

That's right. @TGHL - LOL! That's so funny! No, rock music isn't of the devil. The lyrics however.....yeah.  8)  You guys look up audio adrenaline's web site. There's tons of music vids there.

I was only quoting a celebrity. *ducks toilet paper been thrown by a lynch mob* HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


LOL! *sprays tp away* Maybe you should have mentioned that. :P

you know, when you said the sprays toilet paper away the tp made me think of a game. When you play online people say tp (signalling for a town portal so they can help you)

Jack Rabbit...  it is so nice to see you!


:D  :D  :D

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ramember people anyone can say that they beleave in God, but so do demans, but they don't love him. @ bummy - Yay! We've got quite a list here. Delirious is cool.

That's right. @TGHL - LOL! That's so funny! No, rock music isn't of the devil. The lyrics however.....yeah.  8)  You guys look up audio adrenaline's web site. There's tons of music vids there.

I was only quoting a celebrity. *ducks toilet paper been thrown by a lynch mob* HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


LOL! *sprays tp away* Maybe you should have mentioned that. :P

you know, when you said the sprays toilet paper away the tp made me think of a game. When you play online people say tp (signalling for a town portal so they can help you)

Jack Rabbit...  it is so nice to see you!


:D  :D  :D

Yeah I...Wow what happened to JR's posts?

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ramember people anyone can say that they beleave in God, but so do demans, but they don't love him. @ bummy - Yay! We've got quite a list here. Delirious is cool.

That's right. @TGHL - LOL! That's so funny! No, rock music isn't of the devil. The lyrics however.....yeah.  8)  You guys look up audio adrenaline's web site. There's tons of music vids there.

I was only quoting a celebrity. *ducks toilet paper been thrown by a lynch mob* HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


LOL! *sprays tp away* Maybe you should have mentioned that. :P

you know, when you said the sprays toilet paper away the tp made me think of a game. When you play online people say tp (signalling for a town portal so they can help you)

Jack Rabbit...  it is so nice to see you!


:D  :D  :D

Yeah I...Wow what happened to JR's posts?

Did they go someplace?? ??  Or do you mean something else??


???  ???  ???

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ramember people anyone can say that they beleave in God, but so do demans, but they don't love him. @ bummy - Yay! We've got quite a list here. Delirious is cool.

That's right. @TGHL - LOL! That's so funny! No, rock music isn't of the devil. The lyrics however.....yeah.  8)  You guys look up audio adrenaline's web site. There's tons of music vids there.

I was only quoting a celebrity. *ducks toilet paper been thrown by a lynch mob* HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


LOL! *sprays tp away* Maybe you should have mentioned that. :P

you know, when you said the sprays toilet paper away the tp made me think of a game. When you play online people say tp (signalling for a town portal so they can help you)

Jack Rabbit...  it is so nice to see you!


:D  :D  :D

Yeah I...Wow what happened to JR's posts?

Did they go someplace?? ??  Or do you mean something else??


???  ???  ???

Or sometimes not at all.

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iam a christan i belive that god died on the cross and is our savior. HEY! jesusfreak i love ur signature: *if ur born once u die twice if ur born twice u die once* i know of a cool christan band its called PETRA it sings some powerful songs and it is a christan rock band



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ramember people anyone can say that they beleave in God, but so do demans, but they don't love him. @ bummy - Yay! We've got quite a list here. Delirious is cool.

That's right. @TGHL - LOL! That's so funny! No, rock music isn't of the devil. The lyrics however.....yeah.  8)  You guys look up audio adrenaline's web site. There's tons of music vids there.

I was only quoting a celebrity. *ducks toilet paper been thrown by a lynch mob* HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


LOL! *sprays tp away* Maybe you should have mentioned that. :P

you know, when you said the sprays toilet paper away the tp made me think of a game. When you play online people say tp (signalling for a town portal so they can help you)

Jack Rabbit...  it is so nice to see you!


:D  :D  :D

Yeah I...Wow what happened to JR's posts?

Did they go someplace?? ??  Or do you mean something else??


???  ???  ???

Or sometimes not at all.

\Now where was I going with that?

s][[sf;;klh\h,t9a05uo=z 0906

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iam a christan i belive that god died on the cross and is our savior. HEY! jesusfreak i love ur signature: *if ur born once u die twice if ur born twice u die once* i know of a cool christan band its called PETRA it sings some powerful songs and it is a christan rock band



Yay! Another saved person! :D  Sorry I haven't been on much, I've been reallllly busy lately. :o

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Heh heh, my mom likes the Christian band Striper, lol.


I just got an electric guitar and she wants me to learn some of their songs!

Kewl! They're an older band. My youth group leader said they kinda went downhill though.

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*hums a tune similar to the background music on Prince of Egypt when Moses meets his sister*


Christain Future

the lord has come before

the lord will come twice more

to save our souls from certain death and pain

he'll come to us

and take us home

and Satan wont come again



i made this one up sometime last year.

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pillar is awesome!


i like their "fireproof"


it's total

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okay, see ya next week, coz that's gonna take quite a bit of time, don't ya know.
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  • 2 weeks later...

To be honest, i dont kno my religon, i think it starts with a

"k".... if you kno any religons that start with a k just post them and they might tring a bell...


i can think of a cult that starts with k, nut i'm pretty sure your not, moneyluver.


hey! guess what?

i'm episcopalian, and i am really ticked at who ever voted yes for gene robinson! it says, right in the bible, gayism is wrong!


and i quote:


oh, nuts, i forgot the verse.



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Mine is kind of easy to guess...I'm a hard core Christian! Anyone heard of any cool Christian bands? :love:

Yup, Charlies band. Go to our church, occasianally DO CHURCH.

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no comment?
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no comment?

No comment on your last post?  Is that the question? ???




i forgot the verse, but it's really cute.

it's right next to the one that says women should not teach men.

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I guess it has been easier for me 2 be christian lately. I mean I have really needed God and he has benn their for me thick nad thin. :dixie  
Sammy the Hamster Loves God!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Я буду чисто goth. Хотя много видят его как life-style вместо вероисповедания. Готски вы имеете strayedd от бога for the time being потому что вы confused.




Use an online translator to get a broad translation, however, certain sites can only translate it so far so bear with me here...as I pay for my translator and get very good results...(no offense)

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:logo lucky I am jewish imagine after what Mel Gibson did what it is like to go to middle school. :hado  :dixie  :hampton  :fuzzy  :eat  :roll  :laughing  :sleep  :o
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Я буду чисто goth. Хотя много видят его как life-style вместо вероисповедания. Готски вы имеете strayedd от бога for the time being потому что вы confused.




Use an online translator to get a broad translation, however, certain sites can only translate it so far so bear with me here...as I pay for my translator and get very good results...(no offense)

What translator do/did you use?



Please pardon this thought, but it seems to me that you're afraid of persecution.  That's why you posted like that.  That was just a random thought, by the way.

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Я буду чисто goth. Хотя много видят его как life-style вместо вероисповедания. Готски вы имеете strayedd от бога for the time being потому что вы confused.




Use an online translator to get a broad translation, however, certain sites can only translate it so far so bear with me here...as I pay for my translator and get very good results...(no offense)

What translator do/did you use?



Please pardon this thought, but it seems to me that you're afraid of persecution.  That's why you posted like that.  That was just a random thought, by the way.

No, I believe that there are some programs that when you take something and try to copy it into your HampsterDance Boards post, it changes it once you click on Add Reply.  If you remember, TGHL had this problem in a couple of his stories.  It kept showing up the same way as this and he knew what the problem was.  Something with a particular program.

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Я буду чисто goth. Хотя много видят его как life-style вместо вероисповедания. Готски вы имеете strayedd от бога for the time being потому что вы confused.




Use an online translator to get a broad translation, however, certain sites can only translate it so far so bear with me here...as I pay for my translator and get very good results...(no offense)

Can you at least give me the translations for the 5 vowels?

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Я буду чисто goth. Хотя много видят его как life-style вместо вероисповедания. Готски вы имеете strayedd от бога for the time being потому что вы confused.




Use an online translator to get a broad translation, however, certain sites can only translate it so far so bear with me here...as I pay for my translator and get very good results...(no offense)

What translator do/did you use?



Please pardon this thought, but it seems to me that you're afraid of persecution.  That's why you posted like that.  That was just a random thought, by the way.

No, I believe that there are some programs that when you take something and try to copy it into your HampsterDance Boards post, it changes it once you click on Add Reply.  If you remember, TGHL had this problem in a couple of his stories.  It kept showing up the same way as this and he knew what the problem was.  Something with a particular program.

AUGH!  So I'll NEVER know what he said!


AUGH!!!!!!!!! :eek  :eek

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Я буду чисто goth. Хотя много видят его как life-style вместо вероисповедания. Готски вы имеете strayedd от бога for the time being потому что вы confused.




Use an online translator to get a broad translation, however, certain sites can only translate it so far so bear with me here...as I pay for my translator and get very good results...(no offense)

What translator do/did you use?



Please pardon this thought, but it seems to me that you're afraid of persecution.  That's why you posted like that.  That was just a random thought, by the way.

No, I believe that there are some programs that when you take something and try to copy it into your HampsterDance Boards post, it changes it once you click on Add Reply.  If you remember, TGHL had this problem in a couple of his stories.  It kept showing up the same way as this and he knew what the problem was.  Something with a particular program.

But still, he said to use a translator so he tried to post in a foreign language to begin with.

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:logo lucky I am jewish imagine after what Mel Gibson did what it is like to go to middle school. :hado  :dixie  :hampton  :fuzzy  :eat  :roll  :laughing  :sleep  :o

But surely that's not the worst thing that could happen.

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:;):  :angry:  :eek  :roll  :sleep  :dixie pha, i have been called christ killer, jude, and even kike. also people say i should got to heck, they have burnt a jewish flag at our bus stop, and people say go hitler, down with jews.

:hado  :hampton

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:;):angry:  :eek  :roll  :sleep  :dixie pha, i have been called christ killer, jude, and even kike. also people say i should got to heck, they have burnt a jewish flag at our bus stop, and people say go hitler, down with jews.

:hado  :hampton

Those kind of people really make me mad! How would they like it if you called them stupid names and s***?! I am Lutheren(sp?), but I feel very bad for you.

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Я буду чисто goth. Хотя много видят его как life-style вместо вероисповедания. Готски вы имеете strayedd от бога for the time being потому что вы confused.




Use an online translator to get a broad translation, however, certain sites can only translate it so far so bear with me here...as I pay for my translator and get very good results...(no offense)

What translator do/did you use?



Please pardon this thought, but it seems to me that you're afraid of persecution.  That's why you posted like that.  That was just a random thought, by the way.

No, I believe that there are some programs that when you take something and try to copy it into your HampsterDance Boards post, it changes it once you click on Add Reply.  If you remember, TGHL had this problem in a couple of his stories.  It kept showing up the same way as this and he knew what the problem was.  Something with a particular program.

But still, he said to use a translator so he tried to post in a foreign language to begin with.

It is Russian just to let you know. There are different dialects of Russian so there will be differences in what thing will say. What is says is

"I am a pure goth. Although many see it as life-style instead of a religion. Gothic means you have strayed from god for the time being because you are confused.
It also isn't that you wear black and say "I want to die!" IT is actually from ancient Germania's  2 types of classes. 1 is the Ostrogoths and the other is the Visigoths. I am a Ostrogoth."
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:;):angry:  :eek  :roll  :sleep  :dixie pha, i have been called christ killer, jude, and even kike. also people say i should got to heck, they have burnt a jewish flag at our bus stop, and people say go hitler, down with jews.

:hado  :hampton

Those kind of people really make me mad! How would they like it if you called them stupid names and s***?! I am Lutheren(sp?), but I feel very bad for you.

I say go Hitler too, but not for killing. He had a good way of doing technology and stuff. My brother and step-dad calls me a Nazi just because I think Hitler had good ideas and stuff dealing with TECHNOLOGY! In WW2, it took about 10-17 of our tanks to take down 1 of Hitler's Tiger King. The same thing with the Panzer. They even started inventing ABoms/WMD before we did, but never got far because they could create a medium to contain the split atoms. I DO NOT, however, say down with the Jews. I say Love the Jews, because I have family who are Jews. And Also, many didnt know this but Hitler himself was a Jew. He was a hipocrit! He was a German Jew and told German Catholics and stuff to kill Jews, Gypsies, etc. It just wasn't the Jews.

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:;):angry:  :eek  :roll  :sleep  :dixie pha, i have been called christ killer, jude, and even kike. also people say i should got to heck, they have burnt a jewish flag at our bus stop, and people say go hitler, down with jews.

:hado  :hampton

Those kind of people really make me mad! How would they like it if you called them stupid names and s***?! I am Lutheren(sp?), but I feel very bad for you.

I say go Hitler too, but not for killing. He had a good way of doing technology and stuff. My brother and step-dad calls me a Nazi just because I think Hitler had good ideas and stuff dealing with TECHNOLOGY! In WW2, it took about 10-17 of our tanks to take down 1 of Hitler's Tiger King. The same thing with the Panzer. They even started inventing ABoms/WMD before we did, but never got far because they could create a medium to contain the split atoms. I DO NOT, however, say down with the Jews. I say Love the Jews, because I have family who are Jews. And Also, many didnt know this but Hitler himself was a Jew. He was a hipocrit! He was a German Jew and told German Catholics and stuff to kill Jews, Gypsies, etc. It just wasn't the Jews.

*cough cough* Right one Hitler's technology rant coming up.

As Tayino said Hitler did have one of the best technological warfare scientists in the world. Einstein had already fled to America to be spied on by the FBI (tis true) but he still had the best scientists in the world. THey invented the first cruise missiles (VI & VII) which blew up most of London, they had in fact started messing around with peoples genes and they started creating sick, twisted "Superhumans". However in the middle of WWII many of the Scientists were *cough*kidnapped*cough* defecting to AMerica. THis was dubbed Opertation Paperclip. Afterwards, many of scientists were on the Manhattan project and were behind the experiments at that place, desert place in the Southern states where the first Nuclear explosion happened (NB it was very small). What the American government didn't tell you until recently that certain island populous' were being *cough*genetically modidified*cough* mysteriously abducted. So before insulting the nazi's remember it is because of them you can now threaten middle eastern countries with a nuclear arsenal of over a hundred thousand.

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I am agnostic. That means I have no religion at all. I am not atheist, but I also have no belief in any sort of god. I'll believe it when I get proof.

My girlfriend is wiccan.

When I saw the large quantity of Christian fundamentalists here, I fought hard against the urge to goatse this forum blind. I won that fight, so don't worry. I decided debate would be more satisfying and beneficial to all involved than an instant banning. I'll only scar you all for life if people here are absolute jerks, but from what I've read here, you're all pretty friendly and tolerant.

Now, to the Christians of all types (Catholic, protestant, whatever), I ask you: Why do you believe that the Bible is, in fact, the word of God?

It's getting late, and I want to talk to my girlfriend, so this is all I'll post for now. Tomorrow, I'll describe my life, and maybe post a summary of Plato's "Allegory of the Cave". Perhaps it will help show you a different side of things.

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:;):angry:  :eek  :roll  :sleep  :dixie pha, i have been called christ killer, jude, and even kike. also people say i should got to heck, they have burnt a jewish flag at our bus stop, and people say go hitler, down with jews.

:hado  :hampton

Those kind of people really make me mad! How would they like it if you called them stupid names and s***?! I am Lutheren(sp?), but I feel very bad for you.

I say go Hitler too, but not for killing. He had a good way of doing technology and stuff. My brother and step-dad calls me a Nazi just because I think Hitler had good ideas and stuff dealing with TECHNOLOGY! In WW2, it took about 10-17 of our tanks to take down 1 of Hitler's Tiger King. The same thing with the Panzer. They even started inventing ABoms/WMD before we did, but never got far because they could create a medium to contain the split atoms. I DO NOT, however, say down with the Jews. I say Love the Jews, because I have family who are Jews. And Also, many didnt know this but Hitler himself was a Jew. He was a hipocrit! He was a German Jew and told German Catholics and stuff to kill Jews, Gypsies, etc. It just wasn't the Jews.

*cough cough* Right one Hitler's technology rant coming up.

As Tayino said Hitler did have one of the best technological warfare scientists in the world. Einstein had already fled to America to be spied on by the FBI (tis true) but he still had the best scientists in the world. THey invented the first cruise missiles (VI & VII) which blew up most of London, they had in fact started messing around with peoples genes and they started creating sick, twisted "Superhumans". However in the middle of WWII many of the Scientists were *cough*kidnapped*cough* defecting to AMerica. THis was dubbed Opertation Paperclip. Afterwards, many of scientists were on the Manhattan project and were behind the experiments at that place, desert place in the Southern states where the first Nuclear explosion happened (NB it was very small). What the American government didn't tell you until recently that certain island populous' were being *cough*genetically modidified*cough* mysteriously abducted. So before insulting the nazi's remember it is because of them you can now threaten middle eastern countries with a nuclear arsenal of over a hundred thousand.

TGHL, I see you are very knowledgable. How old are you? You seem to be even older than me.  As for Hitler, I knew all of that stuff, but not the islands stuff. I am a history fanatic. But what seems funny is that most of history deals with wars. I know why but it is just funny. Anyways.....There are alot of no-religion people out there. Whether you are athiest or whatever, that should not exclude you from other people who have different views. (Not to name anyone). I used to be a Minister in training till like 4 years ago or so when my baby brother died.  Then I went to Ostrogoth. Man! When I listen to outkast "the whole world" i just want type and type.....I don't like rap but outkast is different. And also, I diffenitly agree with you TGHL with not insulting them just because of their ideas/views with the arian(spelling) race. They helped alot.

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I am agnostic. That means I have no religion at all. I am not atheist, but I also have no belief in any sort of god. I'll believe it when I get proof.

My girlfriend is wiccan.

When I saw the large quantity of Christian fundamentalists here, I fought hard against the urge to goatse this forum blind. I won that fight, so don't worry. I decided debate would be more satisfying and beneficial to all involved than an instant banning. I'll only scar you all for life if people here are absolute jerks, but from what I've read here, you're all pretty friendly and tolerant.

Now, to the Christians of all types (Catholic, protestant, whatever), I ask you: Why do you believe that the Bible is, in fact, the word of God?

It's getting late, and I want to talk to my girlfriend, so this is all I'll post for now. Tomorrow, I'll describe my life, and maybe post a summary of Plato's "Allegory of the Cave". Perhaps it will help show you a different side of things.

To me, individually, The bible is NOT the word of god.

They are the words of ancient prophets and geneological records of BC.

Yet they are still holy scriptures.

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Welcome, TADOS(is it ok that i call u that?). Well, I'm Catholic, and although I have no proof, I believe in God. The only reason is this question: How was the Earth and everything created? I do ask sometimes, "How was He, God, created." But then I say, "Oh well, I guess it's better to believe than to suffer an eternal death." Even though I'm not Buddhist, and if the Buddhist way is right, I always have another life if I'm wrong. However, I do believe the way of The Father, The Son, And The Holy Spirit may be right, and as I said, I don't want to risk eternal death. I have a big mouth for a 12 year old sometimes, don't I? :D
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Call me ADoS.

Apparently, the posts must be reviewed by moderators before they are displayed. Oh well.

I'm still waiting for the particularly fundamentalistic members to say why they believe so strongly in the Bible's infallibility. I can't debate if I have nothing to debate against.






Sorry no usernames or screennames.  My apologies.  Horatio

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hello people. do ya wanna know mine? i picked other. if ya wanna know what it is. and i am not tryin to be a snob or nothin. lol.





Sorry no email, usernames, screen names etc.  Horatio

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I'm a Jehovah's Witness. I may have already posted that but I don't have time to look thru the whole topic, sorry. :) Hope everyone is doing well, I haven't been here in a very long time. Ciao'
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Hey guys....a m8 just showed me this thread!! hm, read alot of it and i totally agree with jesusfreak! my life...everything u sed i think totally!!

Bin a gud debate tho between som of u, and some valid stuff!!

God actually rules my life(was baptised on easter sunday this yr) after having been a C since i was lik 5!

i bin thu som tough stuff(my parents were missionaries in africa-so i lived there) but god actally rulez!

cya around xxx Ruth :hampton

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Hey guys....a m8 just showed me this thread!! hm, read alot of it and i totally agree with jesusfreak! my life...everything u sed i think totally!!

Bin a gud debate tho between som of u, and some valid stuff!!

God actually rules my life(was baptised on easter sunday this yr) after having been a C since i was lik 5!

i bin thu som tough stuff(my parents were missionaries in africa-so i lived there) but god actally rulez!

cya around xxx Ruth :hampton

Very kewl! Sorry I haven't been around. Great to see more of us out there!

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Hey guys....a m8 just showed me this thread!! hm, read alot of it and i totally agree with jesusfreak! my life...everything u sed i think totally!!

Bin a gud debate tho between som of u, and some valid stuff!!

God actually rules my life(was baptised on easter sunday this yr) after having been a C since i was lik 5!

i bin thu som tough stuff(my parents were missionaries in africa-so i lived there) but god actally rulez!

cya around xxx Ruth :hampton

Very kewl! Sorry I haven't been around. Great to see more of us out there!

*sneaks behind Jesusfreak* BOO! *steals Jesusfreak's sanity and deports it to the COOL BOX!!!!*

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hehehe! can't get Jesusfreak's sanity because has some good sanity gear! mwahahahaha! Those were original decoys made by Jesusfreak! mine look exactly like sanities, but, Jesusfreak's look really good on the back!
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hehehe! can't get Jesusfreak's sanity because has some good sanity gear! mwahahahaha! Those were original decoys made by Jesusfreak! mine look exactly like sanities, but, Jesusfreak's look really good on the back!

Tell me MW have you considered buying this:

The sanity stealer detector helmet, detects Sanity stelaers within a range of 1000ft. Now costs: H$ 600.

So have you? HAVE YOU? It maybe worth it when SHEENA IS BEHIND YOU!!! *Sheena steals Jenny Smorgan but Google bits her flipper*

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hehehe! can't get Jesusfreak's sanity because has some good sanity gear! mwahahahaha! Those were original decoys made by Jesusfreak! mine look exactly like sanities, but, Jesusfreak's look really good on the back!

Tell me MW have you considered buying this:

The sanity stealer detector helmet, detects Sanity stelaers within a range of 1000ft. Now costs: H$ 600.

So have you? HAVE YOU? It maybe worth it when SHEENA IS BEHIND YOU!!! *Sheena steals Jenny Smorgan but Google bits her flipper*

I must correct you. It's Jenny and Google Smorgan. By the way, I sell those in my shop, and they're better quality and they're cheaper! So HA!

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Mormon Is way different then Christian.

A good band is Jericho Road.


I don't believe in Christianity. Since Christians believe they are the correct way and there are so many, many branches of it, including: baptist, penicostal(spelling?), presbiterian(spelling), catholic, roman catholic, anglican(spelling and sounding?), church of england,methodist,  etc.


If ANYTHING, if I wasn't goth right now, I would be CHRISTtian(Christ instead of christian)


With so many  branches, christianity isn't a religion.

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For me it's not really a religion, but a faith. Although my church is a Baptist church, it's best summed up as born again, having a new life in Christ. "Religion is man's attempt to get closer to God, and faith is God getting closer to man."
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hehehe! can't get Jesusfreak's sanity because has some good sanity gear! mwahahahaha! Those were original decoys made by Jesusfreak! mine look exactly like sanities, but, Jesusfreak's look really good on the back!

Tell me MW have you considered buying this:

The sanity stealer detector helmet, detects Sanity stelaers within a range of 1000ft. Now costs: H$ 600.

So have you? HAVE YOU? It maybe worth it when SHEENA IS BEHIND YOU!!! *Sheena steals Jenny Smorgan but Google bits her flipper*

I must correct you. It's Jenny and Google Smorgan. By the way, I sell those in my shop, and they're better quality and they're cheaper! So HA!

Give me the specs. and then I'll decide whether it's better or not.

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hehehe! can't get Jesusfreak's sanity because has some good sanity gear! mwahahahaha! Those were original decoys made by Jesusfreak! mine look exactly like sanities, but, Jesusfreak's look really good on the back!

Tell me MW have you considered buying this:

The sanity stealer detector helmet, detects Sanity stelaers within a range of 1000ft. Now costs: H$ 600.

So have you? HAVE YOU? It maybe worth it when SHEENA IS BEHIND YOU!!! *Sheena steals Jenny Smorgan but Google bits her flipper*

I must correct you. It's Jenny and Google Smorgan. By the way, I sell those in my shop, and they're better quality and they're cheaper! So HA!

Give me the specs. and then I'll decide whether it's better or not.

You're still trying to steal other people's sanities huh? Does yours not work or something?  :P

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Mormon Is way different then Christian.

A good band is Jericho Road.


I don't believe in Christianity. Since Christians believe they are the correct way and there are so many, many branches of it, including: baptist, penicostal(spelling?), presbiterian(spelling), catholic, roman catholic, anglican(spelling and sounding?), church of england,methodist,  etc.


If ANYTHING, if I wasn't goth right now, I would be CHRISTtian(Christ instead of christian)


With so many  branches, christianity isn't a religion.

Actually, if you think about it, Christianity is a cult.

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Mormon Is way different then Christian.

A good band is Jericho Road.


I don't believe in Christianity. Since Christians believe they are the correct way and there are so many, many branches of it, including: baptist, penicostal(spelling?), presbiterian(spelling), catholic, roman catholic, anglican(spelling and sounding?), church of england,methodist,  etc.


If ANYTHING, if I wasn't goth right now, I would be CHRISTtian(Christ instead of christian)


With so many  branches, christianity isn't a religion.

Actually, if you think about it, Christianity is a cult.


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im a christian :)




But my sister says im weird! ^_^ wow! i don't know what brought up! LOL i guess it's because i like to wear all black and a cross ^_^ lol should of fingered that out earlyer!



i had to much sugar!!! YAY!!!!!!!!

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hehehe! can't get Jesusfreak's sanity because has some good sanity gear! mwahahahaha! Those were original decoys made by Jesusfreak! mine look exactly like sanities, but, Jesusfreak's look really good on the back!

Tell me MW have you considered buying this:

The sanity stealer detector helmet, detects Sanity stelaers within a range of 1000ft. Now costs: H$ 600.

So have you? HAVE YOU? It maybe worth it when SHEENA IS BEHIND YOU!!! *Sheena steals Jenny Smorgan but Google bits her flipper*

I must correct you. It's Jenny and Google Smorgan. By the way, I sell those in my shop, and they're better quality and they're cheaper! So HA!

Give me the specs. and then I'll decide whether it's better or not.

You're still trying to steal other people's sanities huh? Does yours not work or something?  :P

No Fire and Ice are happy as sanity overseer's in my COOL BOX!!!! And guess whose sanity is in there Jesusfreak YOURS!!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHA!!!!!

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Mormon Is way different then Christian.

A good band is Jericho Road.


I don't believe in Christianity. Since Christians believe they are the correct way and there are so many, many branches of it, including: baptist, penicostal(spelling?), presbiterian(spelling), catholic, roman catholic, anglican(spelling and sounding?), church of england,methodist,  etc.


If ANYTHING, if I wasn't goth right now, I would be CHRISTtian(Christ instead of christian)


With so many  branches, christianity isn't a religion.

Actually, if you think about it, Christianity is a cult.


You just have to think about it.

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:logo lucky I am jewish imagine after what Mel Gibson did what it is like to go to middle school. :hado  :dixie  :hampton  :fuzzy  :eat  :roll  :laughing  :sleep  :o

What exactly did Mel Gibson do to you? All he did was make a movie on his beliefs. I personally thought this was a great movie, if not the best movie of all time. It isn't anti-simitic either. Did you even see the movie?

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Mormon Is way different then Christian.

A good band is Jericho Road.


I don't believe in Christianity. Since Christians believe they are the correct way and there are so many, many branches of it, including: baptist, penicostal(spelling?), presbiterian(spelling), catholic, roman catholic, anglican(spelling and sounding?), church of england,methodist,  etc.


If ANYTHING, if I wasn't goth right now, I would be CHRISTtian(Christ instead of christian)


With so many  branches, christianity isn't a religion.

All of the other religions formed from Catholicism. They did not accept some of the beliefs of their fellow Catholics and so they decided to "make their own religions."


Also usually if you ask someone what religion they are and they respond "Christian." then that means they may be non-denominational. (or however you spell it) Non-denominational is when they can't decide which religion to be so they just say they're Christian.


By the way, I have proof that Catholicism is the religion. Christ made Peter the head of his flock, (the church) right? Well The head of the flock is called the pope, and he is pope of the CATHOLIC CHURCH. They have records of every pope ever since St. Peter was appointed. Look it up on the internet right now as I can see you're on the computer anyways reading this.

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Umm, whats the dirrerence between, Christian and Catholic?

Well, ermmm.... Chathlocisim is a branch of Chritisnity. I think what you're asking is whats the difference between the Catholic and Protestant churches. Well it's just basically how you should worship. Catholics believe in well having everything exceptionallu colourful and bright to show the glory of God. Protestants think that the church believe that Church should be a formal affair where people dress very smartly and act very formal because they are talking to a supreme being.

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Mormon Is way different then Christian.

A good band is Jericho Road.


I don't believe in Christianity. Since Christians believe they are the correct way and there are so many, many branches of it, including: baptist, penicostal(spelling?), presbiterian(spelling), catholic, roman catholic, anglican(spelling and sounding?), church of england,methodist,  etc.


If ANYTHING, if I wasn't goth right now, I would be CHRISTtian(Christ instead of christian)


With so many  branches, christianity isn't a religion.

All of the other religions formed from Catholicism. They did not accept some of the beliefs of their fellow Catholics and so they decided to "make their own religions."


Also usually if you ask someone what religion they are and they respond "Christian." then that means they may be non-denominational. (or however you spell it) Non-denominational is when they can't decide which religion to be so they just say they're Christian.


By the way, I have proof that Catholicism is the religion. Christ made Peter the head of his flock, (the church) right? Well The head of the flock is called the pope, and he is pope of the CATHOLIC CHURCH. They have records of every pope ever since St. Peter was appointed. Look it up on the internet right now as I can see you're on the computer anyways reading this.

Ok....I am 18 and know everything you just said. They even know where Peter is buried or atleast to the smallest area of about 5 feet because it recorded he was buried there but not exact pinpoint location. They did say they supposedly found his body though. Anyways.....Catholicism is a branch of Christianity due to its beliefs of CHRIST. If you believe in christ and god, it is christianity. It would also start with penicostal or presbiterian or however they are spelled. Jesus spoke in a holy tongue (not armayic) but a different one when he prayed. So did Peter and the other disciples. It is a tongue only you and God understand. Everyone's is supposed to be different. When you speak english, Satan can tweak it and form it to something else.  Jesus healed with the power of god/by touching people. Catholicism doesnt believe in that.

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i am christian and i do know a kool christiann band it is called broken vessels but they are in florida and welli am but i doubt u know where frostproof fl is! :logo
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JeenyusGirl Posted on June 17 2004, 2:31 pm



All of the other religions formed from Catholicism. They did not accept some of the beliefs of their fellow Catholics and so they decided to "make their own religions."


No, the oldest form of Christianity is the Orthodox Church.  The Catholic Church began when the bishop of Rome decided he wanted more power than the other bishops.  If anyone is interested about the first spilt (schism) in Christianity betwwen Orthodox and Catholic, and then the reformations that crated protestant churches like Methodist, Anglican and Lutheran.



 I have deleted it from here as it was too long, but I made a copy for you in my notepad.  It would be great if you could make a very brief version.  Sorry, I know you put in a great deal of effort.  Horatio  

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Personally...I believe in the man downstairs..and not the so called one up thataway...^^^...i mean seriously...theres like no evidence that there is a God or whatever...but hey, its my opinion so...whatever

:) that's what we like here. a varity of people who believe in different things. that way, we can just ask people what it's like to be a different religion. not that it's a big deal. :)

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ookay I've got a lot to respond to.

@TGHL-You're wrong about both your posession of my sanity and the differences in religion. My sanity is nice and safe in my head thankyouverymuch! :P There are a lot of differences between Catholocism and other forms of Christianity. Catholics have a hierarchy of Pope, Archbishops, Bishops, etc. Most others do not (by having maybe a priest/pastor and deacons or elders). Catholics also believe that when they take communion that the bread and wine is actually the body of Christ. Most others believe it to be symbolic, as a reminder of what Jesus did for us. Catholics also think you have to go to confession and confess your sins through the priest. I personally think this to be wrong, as we have direct access to God through prayer, and we can say we're sorry on our own. There are tons of other things, but I'm not going to get into those. Baptists trace their origin back too John the Baptist, who baptized believers in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. :) :upside:

@Rebel...if God doesn't exist, then how did matter come into existance? ???

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Personally...I believe in the man downstairs..and not the so called one up thataway...^^^...i mean seriously...theres like no evidence that there is a God or whatever...but hey, its my opinion so...whatever

:) that's what we like here. a varity of people who believe in different things. that way, we can just ask people what it's like to be a different religion. not that it's a big deal. :)

Well, finally my arm is doing alot better. I can move it this time. As for have a plethora of people here, that is what makes thing so special. If it was all one thing...would there be anythin exciting?

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Mormon Is way different then Christian.

A good band is Jericho Road.


And how so is 'mormonism' different from chistianity?


If i hear about how my relegion is obsessed with poligamy one more time outta this topic, Im going to go insane, i swear.

WHY does everyone think we're poligamists?! And what of the youth, Im 12, Does that mean i got married to 15 different people because of obligations everyone else made up?! Jeez!

Mormon isnt even the correct word for it anyhow, There is no 'mormon' church, It is Latter-Day Saint. (LDS) Any by the way, How can we not be 'CHRISTians' if its called 'The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints', HMMM?!


-eye twitching furiously- ..... Im just... Going to stop talking in this topic. Every time i come i get offended by everyone elses negative opinions about 'mormons' and confused at everyone elses.

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ookay I've got a lot to respond to.

@TGHL-You're wrong about both your posession of my sanity and the differences in religion. My sanity is nice and safe in my head thankyouverymuch! :P There are a lot of differences between Catholocism and other forms of Christianity. Catholics have a hierarchy of Pope, Archbishops, Bishops, etc. Most others do not (by having maybe a priest/pastor and deacons or elders). Catholics also believe that when they take communion that the bread and wine is actually the body of Christ. Most others believe it to be symbolic, as a reminder of what Jesus did for us. Catholics also think you have to go to confession and confess your sins through the priest. I personally think this to be wrong, as we have direct access to God through prayer, and we can say we're sorry on our own. There are tons of other things, but I'm not going to get into those. Baptists trace their origin back too John the Baptist, who baptized believers in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. :) :upside:

@Rebel...if God doesn't exist, then how did matter come into existance? ???

Look if you want to know what I believe in then here it is. The human sub-concious has the ability to produce faithons, the smallest measurable partical of belief. If enough of these faithons relating to a certain diety are produced that god springs into exsistence. Eg. If enough people even slightly in Cello-Flame lord of masking tape, then the sticky firey one springs into exsistence.

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