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What religion are you?


What religion are you?  

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  1. 1. What religion are you?

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Another note to Topazia;

Christianity is not peace loving, it claims to be. Isn't. That's why Christianity holds all the nukes. Like I said. And don't give me that self-defence rubbish, I've heard it from Bush enough times already and both you and I know, its a load of rubbish. AND Christianity has been the root of most wars. AND its a hyporiscy. Claiming it is peace loving and then setting fire to Muslims. What kind of religon is that? A hypocrtical one.





And do not dispute with me about the Hinduism and Buddhism stuff, I did it for my coursework and I got the top mark and you can't do that by getting things wrong. I also had to do them both for 3 years. I have probably covered each one for a year cumulatively, so do not tell me what is right and wrong about those. Unless you really want to search through their scriptures just to make a point. The Polytheism thing about Hinduism is just an outside conception which is wrong.


As the admirable Leonardo da Vinci said, "You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand. "

Of course the problem with that is what Leonardo Da Vinci also said about Christianity and all other religons. Its in my siggy. Leonardo was such an enigmatic person.


Just like you, TGHL. Changing the subject.


But, I've never actually seen those quotes before, quoted by Leonardo Da Vinci. Maybe they're just by the TGHL-i.

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Another note to Topazia;

Christianity is not peace loving, it claims to be. Isn't. That's why Christianity holds all the nukes. Like I said. And don't give me that self-defence rubbish, I've heard it from Bush enough times already and both you and I know, its a load of rubbish. AND Christianity has been the root of most wars. AND its a hyporiscy. Claiming it is peace loving and then setting fire to Muslims. What kind of religon is that? A hypocrtical one.





And do not dispute with me about the Hinduism and Buddhism stuff, I did it for my coursework and I got the top mark and you can't do that by getting things wrong. I also had to do them both for 3 years. I have probably covered each one for a year cumulatively, so do not tell me what is right and wrong about those. Unless you really want to search through their scriptures just to make a point. The Polytheism thing about Hinduism is just an outside conception which is wrong.


As the admirable Leonardo da Vinci said, "You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand. "

Of course the problem with that is what Leonardo Da Vinci also said about Christianity and all other religons. Its in my siggy. Leonardo was such an enigmatic person.


Just like you, TGHL. Changing the subject.


But, I've never actually seen those quotes before, quoted by Leonardo Da Vinci. Maybe they're just by the TGHL-i.

Nor have I seen yours. Perhaps some more misinterpritation by you?

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Ah, but Paz, what if we as humans cannot achieve eternal life, heaven or Earth or any other place? And why don't we let people die if heaven is so great?

Because we love them so much, we don't want to lose them. I lost my grampa to esopho-something cancer. I didn't want to. But he died anyway. Of course we can't achieve heavenly stature! That's why God sent Jesus to die for us! Gosh! [crappy NapDyna impression]


Message to Topazia; You really were annoyed weren't you?

1) You have failed to understand me completely if you feel I am normal or conform to any conceptualist ideal of normality. I have disappointed if you do you feel I am normal. Very disappointed.

2) I never said you mother took pills, I was making a statement based on observation of people.

3) I just really don't want to respond to a post that was made as a way of venting anger.

1) No. You are not normal. Abnormalcy is the norm, friend.

2) Well, never make generalizations. We live in two different nations. They aren't that similar.

3) I wasn't venting, I was speaking my mind! Trust me, that wasn'r anger. You've never seen me more than mildly perturbed. so :P !


Another note to Topazia;

Christianity is not peace loving, it claims to be. Isn't. That's why Christianity holds all the nukes. Like I said. And don't give me that self-defence rubbish, I've heard it from Bush enough times already and both you and I know, its a load of rubbish. AND Christianity has been the root of most wars. AND its a hyporiscy. Claiming it is peace loving and then setting fire to Muslims. What kind of religon is that? A hypocrtical one.





And do not dispute with me about the Hinduism and Buddhism stuff, I did it for my coursework and I got the top mark and you can't do that by getting things wrong. I also had to do them both for 3 years. I have probably covered each one for a year cumulatively, so do not tell me what is right and wrong about those. Unless you really want to search through their scriptures just to make a point. The Polytheism thing about Hinduism is just an outside conception which is wrong.

Perhaps you are right on the Hindi and Bhuddist religions, but again, you are wrong about Christianity. Just ask Ichthus. He'll tell you.

Those hypocrites were just zealots, thinking they followed the right kind of God, but they were confused, so they were no better than Al Qeada!


You've probably heard it a billion times. So I'm not going to bother anymore.


You can always say, "WELL. WHY DID GOD JUST LET US ALL LIVE IN HEAVEN?" Or something of the sort. And I'll be frank. You're never going to understand anything if you don't have an open mind towards the topic. You can't always go by what other people in your country say or believe. We all have the freedom of our own opinion. You are absolutely right, Toto!


I'm not sure what made you this way. All negative and such, trying to take down something that's bigger than you. Bigger than all of us.

Can't you see? None of that matters. We live in a world that is always living, dying, and changing. People choose a path for themselves, or choose the one others have taken. What ever you do is up to you, and no one can force you to believe something you don't want to. Good point. He hasn't experienced the pain I have, and if he'd read the topics I've put in the Story forum, he'd know what I mean. Gee, you sound like my youth leader, Bryan. Major compliments to you.


You never think, "Hey. I'm really here. I'm really real. This is a real life."?


Everything has a purpose. And what is that purpose? That's for you to decide. Search the stars, the fossils, science books. You're not going to find the answers you want. Because the answers aren't in science books or books by Charles Darwin. Brilliant! Brilliant! Props to you! Brilliant!


But, sadly. I can't make you believe what I believe. Again, that's your choice.


Are you debating to win the argument, or really prove something?

Get your priorities straight before you start controling others.

I couldn't have said it better myself, dear. (sorry. I can't help it.)

When you read about Buddha, or any of the gods or goddesses, you never see he or she capitalized, do you? Gods and goddesses aren't even capitalized unless the word is at the beginning of a sentence. But God is always capitalized. He is always capitalized. It's a way of showing respect.

You are smart.

I admit, TGHL. You are very smart, but you turn to philosophers and the people that think they have the answers in the world. Your flaw is that you're not thinking for yourself. You're letting the world control you. The world can't be your master. Philosophers aren't always going to be right. You can't go to a science book to find out about King George. We have no evidence that he was ever alive. If you go to a history book, though, you'll surely find that he was once alive.

Now, you're right. One thing: I've been where he is. I've turned to the fallacies and philosophies of this world. I only truly accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior about a year or so ago. I know where he's coming from. I have a leg up on this one.

We walk by faith, and not by sight.

Did you just quote a song or a verse? That sounds so familiar. Brilliant!

As the admirable Leonardo da Vinci said, "You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand. "

That last one, I'll speak of here. True! But... Constantine... Nevermind. TGHL knows more about that than I do, but I know Constantine was helped by God. I read a NONCHRISTIAN book about it, thank you very much, TGHL!


Of course the problem with that is what Leonardo Da Vinci also said about Christianity and all other religons. Its in my siggy. Leonardo was such an enigmatic person.Yes, we know. Most artists, visual, literary, or otherwise, generally are. I know I am.

Nor have I seen yours. Perhaps some more misinterpritation by you?

Misinterpretation. Hers seem more like an original cathphrase she personally came up with, rather than quotes, O Wise One. [facetious tone of voice that I reserve only for the times I'm surprised at a friend.]



There is only one thing I can say that explains what I want to say:

I love you. I want the best for you.

That is why I try to help you see the Light.


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In regards to Constantine;

He was a callous and evil ruler, but so was every other Roman Emperor. Are you saying God condones Prostitution being legal (and being taxed), fights to the death and the such? You claim Constantine was guided but all he was was the first spin doctor. He chucked out all references to the old pagan sacred feminine (In this case Jesus' lover Mary), any claims that Jesus was mortal and introduced and nicked aspects from old cultures to make everything about Christianity more appealing to the average Pagan. Halos were nicked from the Egyptians' sun disks, what most people see as God (kindly old Grandfather figure) was taken from Greek and Roman mythology.

However, I commend you on blindly ignoring this or at least looking at most historical facts and then choosing to believe that God is just testing you. He might. Who knows? Oh, wait, I do. In addition to this I would like to point out that nothing in Revelations can be taken as solid fact as it is all smoke and shadows for most of it. 666 we don't even know is the Devil's phone number, just the beast. No evil mentioned. Flip 666 upside down and you get 999. Does that mean 999 is an evil number too and next time I need the emergency services I can't because of someone else's superstitions. One nice thing about Revelations is that it gives you the figures of the size of Heaven.

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When you read about Buddha, or any of the gods or goddesses, you never see he or she capitalized, do you? Gods and goddesses aren't even capitalized unless the word is at the beginning of a sentence. But God is always capitalized. He is always capitalized. It's a way of showing respect.

I'm gonna be picky and point out that Buddha was the one who had envisioned and created the Buddhist ideas/religion through pretty much the same source as the ones who created the bible, visions. But y'know. Visions can be misleading so you kind of have to guess who's right and what's the logical thing to believe in.


What if God and evolution are real? What if Adam and Eve were bacteria who ate off of the forbidden fungi?

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Of course the problem with that is what Leonardo Da Vinci also said about Christianity and all other religons. Its in my siggy. Leonardo was such an enigmatic person.Yes, we know. Most artists, visual, literary, or otherwise, generally are. I know I am.

Nor have I seen yours. Perhaps some more misinterpritation by you?

Misinterpretation. Hers seem more like an original cathphrase she personally came up with, rather than quotes, O Wise One. [facetious tone of voice that I reserve only for the times I'm surprised at a friend.]



"Whoever in discussion adduces authority uses not intellect but memory."


Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)



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When you read about Buddha, or any of the gods or goddesses, you never see he or she capitalized, do you? Gods and goddesses aren't even capitalized unless the word is at the beginning of a sentence. But God is always capitalized. He is always capitalized. It's a way of showing respect.

I'm gonna be picky and point out that Buddha was the one who had envisioned and created the Buddhist ideas/religion through pretty much the same source as the ones who created the bible, visions. But y'know. Visions can be misleading so you kind of have to guess who's right and what's the logical thing to believe in.


What if God and evolution are real? What if Adam and Eve were bacteria who ate off of the forbidden fungi?

Toto; Notice how you, MW and I all capatalise Buddha. Don't contradict yourself.

MW; :lol: I love the idea. Does that mean God was a single celled bacteria who divided himself in two and told the other one he created it?

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Interesting thought given to me today. God created us in his own image right? So we obviously share some natural needs with God. Ergo every time you ask for breakfast you are playing God. I'm sure God wakes up each morning and says "Could I have a bowl of cornflakes please" and Gabriel appears in a puff of feathers carrying some Cornflakes. The same goes for driving to work. God is not going to live in the suburbs or centre of Heaven Enterprises is he? Nah, he'd live in a big country mansion in the country and commute to work each day, sort of like what some people do in London. Does this mean God gets stuck on the heavenly M25 and swears at people who wash his car when he doesn't want them to and then gets his BMW's wheels slashed? The list goes on. And to put a serious sting in the tail on this, this argument means I can go and clone myself, get accused of Playing God and get away without having to face International Law. For my next trick I shall set fire to McDonalds and claim I was doing it via God's heavenly orders.

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Interesting thought given to me today. God created us in his own image right? So we obviously share some natural needs with God. Ergo every time you ask for breakfast you are playing God. I'm sure God wakes up each morning and says "Could I have a bowl of cornflakes please" and Gabriel appears in a puff of feathers carrying some Cornflakes. The same goes for driving to work. God is not going to live in the suburbs or centre of Heaven Enterprises is he? Nah, he'd live in a big country mansion in the country and commute to work each day, sort of like what some people do in London. Does this mean God gets stuck on the heavenly M25 and swears at people who wash his car when he doesn't want them to and then gets his BMW's wheels slashed? The list goes on. And to put a serious sting in the tail on this, this argument means I can go and clone myself, get accused of Playing God and get away without having to face International Law. For my next trick I shall set fire to McDonalds and claim I was doing it via God's heavenly orders.

It means physically. God is above breakfast cereals and traffic jams.

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In regards to Constantine;

He was a callous and evil ruler, but so was every other Roman Emperor. Are you saying God condones Prostitution being legal (and being taxed), fights to the death and the such? You claim Constantine was guided but all he was was the first spin doctor. He chucked out all references to the old pagan sacred feminine (In this case Jesus' lover Mary), any claims that Jesus was mortal and introduced and nicked aspects from old cultures to make everything about Christianity more appealing to the average Pagan. Halos were nicked from the Egyptians' sun disks, what most people see as God (kindly old Grandfather figure) was taken from Greek and Roman mythology.

However, I commend you on blindly ignoring this or at least looking at most historical facts and then choosing to believe that God is just testing you. He might. Who knows? Oh, wait, I do. In addition to this I would like to point out that nothing in Revelations can be taken as solid fact as it is all smoke and shadows for most of it. 666 we don't even know is the Devil's phone number, just the beast. No evil mentioned. Flip 666 upside down and you get 999. Does that mean 999 is an evil number too and next time I need the emergency services I can't because of someone else's superstitions. One nice thing about Revelations is that it gives you the figures of the size of Heaven.

HAHAHA that was funny.

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Interesting thought given to me today. God created us in his own image right? So we obviously share some natural needs with God. Ergo every time you ask for breakfast you are playing God. I'm sure God wakes up each morning and says "Could I have a bowl of cornflakes please" and Gabriel appears in a puff of feathers carrying some Cornflakes. The same goes for driving to work. God is not going to live in the suburbs or centre of Heaven Enterprises is he? Nah, he'd live in a big country mansion in the country and commute to work each day, sort of like what some people do in London. Does this mean God gets stuck on the heavenly M25 and swears at people who wash his car when he doesn't want them to and then gets his BMW's wheels slashed? The list goes on. And to put a serious sting in the tail on this, this argument means I can go and clone myself, get accused of Playing God and get away without having to face International Law. For my next trick I shall set fire to McDonalds and claim I was doing it via God's heavenly orders.

:lol: good point. But why would he be like us if he is immortal and all powerful? We are suseptible to maladies and injuries of the flesh. Could we kill him with, let's say, Napalm (sp?)? I'm sure if we were created by him in our image, we would be much different. You know what? He didn't create us in his image, we created him in our image. chew on that.

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Of course the problem with that is what Leonardo Da Vinci also said about Christianity and all other religons. Its in my siggy. Leonardo was such an enigmatic person.Yes, we know. Most artists, visual, literary, or otherwise, generally are. I know I am.

Nor have I seen yours. Perhaps some more misinterpritation by you?

Misinterpretation. Hers seem more like an original cathphrase she personally came up with, rather than quotes, O Wise One. [facetious tone of voice that I reserve only for the times I'm surprised at a friend.]



"Whoever in discussion adduces authority uses not intellect but memory."


Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)






Didn't you see it, Horatio?

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When you read about Buddha, or any of the gods or goddesses, you never see he or she capitalized, do you? Gods and goddesses aren't even capitalized unless the word is at the beginning of a sentence. But God is always capitalized. He is always capitalized. It's a way of showing respect.

I'm gonna be picky and point out that Buddha was the one who had envisioned and created the Buddhist ideas/religion through pretty much the same source as the ones who created the bible, visions. But y'know. Visions can be misleading so you kind of have to guess who's right and what's the logical thing to believe in.


What if God and evolution are real? What if Adam and Eve were bacteria who ate off of the forbidden fungi?

Toto; Notice how you, MW and I all capatalise Buddha. Don't contradict yourself.

MW; :lol: I love the idea. Does that mean God was a single celled bacteria who divided himself in two and told the other one he created it?


Yes. Because Buddha was supposably on earth at one time...And that was his name. Buddah.


But, when you write down something about him, for say, "Buddha was fat. And later he died."


Do you capitalize "he"? No.


But...when you talk about God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit you put, "God is three people in one. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, He is all three."


You capitalize "he" when you're talking about God.


As a song goes....


"You’re to proud to realize you’re a moron

Defend what you want whether it’s right or wrong

And this applies to both sides of the equation

Arrogant men in power sure are frustrating

On a pedestal you hear them reigning and reigning

Proudly proclaiming what they know nothing about..."



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Of course the problem with that is what Leonardo Da Vinci also said about Christianity and all other religons. Its in my siggy. Leonardo was such an enigmatic person.Yes, we know. Most artists, visual, literary, or otherwise, generally are. I know I am.
Nor have I seen yours. Perhaps some more misinterpritation by you?

Misinterpretation. Hers seem more like an original cathphrase she personally came up with, rather than quotes, O Wise One. [facetious tone of voice that I reserve only for the times I'm surprised at a friend.]



"Whoever in discussion adduces authority uses not intellect but memory."


Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)






Didn't you see it, Horatio?

That was the third quote. :lol:

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Of course the problem with that is what Leonardo Da Vinci also said about Christianity and all other religons. Its in my siggy. Leonardo was such an enigmatic person.Yes, we know. Most artists, visual, literary, or otherwise, generally are. I know I am.
Nor have I seen yours. Perhaps some more misinterpritation by you?

Misinterpretation. Hers seem more like an original cathphrase she personally came up with, rather than quotes, O Wise One. [facetious tone of voice that I reserve only for the times I'm surprised at a friend.]



"Whoever in discussion adduces authority uses not intellect but memory."


Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)






Didn't you see it, Horatio?

That was the third quote. :lol:


But you saw it on the website, yes?

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Of course the problem with that is what Leonardo Da Vinci also said about Christianity and all other religons. Its in my siggy. Leonardo was such an enigmatic person.Yes, we know. Most artists, visual, literary, or otherwise, generally are. I know I am.
Nor have I seen yours. Perhaps some more misinterpritation by you?

Misinterpretation. Hers seem more like an original cathphrase she personally came up with, rather than quotes, O Wise One. [facetious tone of voice that I reserve only for the times I'm surprised at a friend.]



"Whoever in discussion adduces authority uses not intellect but memory."


Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)






Didn't you see it, Horatio?

That was the third quote. :lol:


But you saw it on the website, yes?

Yes. I thought you wanted me to post it for you.

*is confused*

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Interesting thought given to me today. God created us in his own image right? So we obviously share some natural needs with God. Ergo every time you ask for breakfast you are playing God. I'm sure God wakes up each morning and says "Could I have a bowl of cornflakes please" and Gabriel appears in a puff of feathers carrying some Cornflakes. The same goes for driving to work. God is not going to live in the suburbs or centre of Heaven Enterprises is he? Nah, he'd live in a big country mansion in the country and commute to work each day, sort of like what some people do in London. Does this mean God gets stuck on the heavenly M25 and swears at people who wash his car when he doesn't want them to and then gets his BMW's wheels slashed? The list goes on. And to put a serious sting in the tail on this, this argument means I can go and clone myself, get accused of Playing God and get away without having to face International Law. For my next trick I shall set fire to McDonalds and claim I was doing it via God's heavenly orders.

:lol: good point. But why would he be like us if he is immortal and all powerful? We are suseptible to maladies and injuries of the flesh. Could we kill him with, let's say, Napalm (sp?)? I'm sure if we were created by him in our image, we would be much different. You know what? He didn't create us in his image, we created him in our image. chew on that.

*chews on it, spits it out, then stomps on it*

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Interesting thought given to me today. God created us in his own image right? So we obviously share some natural needs with God. Ergo every time you ask for breakfast you are playing God. I'm sure God wakes up each morning and says "Could I have a bowl of cornflakes please" and Gabriel appears in a puff of feathers carrying some Cornflakes. The same goes for driving to work. God is not going to live in the suburbs or centre of Heaven Enterprises is he? Nah, he'd live in a big country mansion in the country and commute to work each day, sort of like what some people do in London. Does this mean God gets stuck on the heavenly M25 and swears at people who wash his car when he doesn't want them to and then gets his BMW's wheels slashed? The list goes on. And to put a serious sting in the tail on this, this argument means I can go and clone myself, get accused of Playing God and get away without having to face International Law. For my next trick I shall set fire to McDonalds and claim I was doing it via God's heavenly orders.

It means physically. God is above breakfast cereals and traffic jams.

Ah, but if God created us in his own image, we obviously have the same internal organs and such like otherwise where would God have got the idea from? So if we have the same organs we have the same needs. So God is quite likely to need breakfast, PLUS if you take into account the size of heaven and how much we estimate Heaven enterprises to take up (2/3 of it) then God isn't going to want to live in the grotty central bit is he? He'll want to live on the outskirts where woods are close by and you can take your dog for a walk. And since he is on the outskirts, he will have to commute to work, and since Heaven is basically Earth but without the annoying bits (only the major bits, traffic congestion was unfortunately overlooked) it is likely he will have a car. And since 2/3 of heaven is God Enterprises you need a lot of workers who are also likely to commute to work. And then you get traffic jams because the road can't cope with the numbers and God can't expand it because that would take up vital space saved for the hoardes of people coming every day, you get LA (Los Angeles) style grid-lock but without the LA-style sunshine and passing gang wars which make it bearable.

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Interesting thought given to me today. God created us in his own image right? So we obviously share some natural needs with God. Ergo every time you ask for breakfast you are playing God. I'm sure God wakes up each morning and says "Could I have a bowl of cornflakes please" and Gabriel appears in a puff of feathers carrying some Cornflakes. The same goes for driving to work. God is not going to live in the suburbs or centre of Heaven Enterprises is he? Nah, he'd live in a big country mansion in the country and commute to work each day, sort of like what some people do in London. Does this mean God gets stuck on the heavenly M25 and swears at people who wash his car when he doesn't want them to and then gets his BMW's wheels slashed? The list goes on. And to put a serious sting in the tail on this, this argument means I can go and clone myself, get accused of Playing God and get away without having to face International Law. For my next trick I shall set fire to McDonalds and claim I was doing it via God's heavenly orders.

:lol: good point. But why would he be like us if he is immortal and all powerful? We are suseptible to maladies and injuries of the flesh. Could we kill him with, let's say, Napalm (sp?)? I'm sure if we were created by him in our image, we would be much different. You know what? He didn't create us in his image, we created him in our image. chew on that.

*chews on it, spits it out, then stomps on it*

You shouldn't be so readily dismissive of his idea. He has actually given a very valid point. Say God exists. BUT, he didn't create us. Instead we created him. Because the human imagination is such a powerful thing, and provided we believe whole-heartedly that it exists, it comes into existance. And don't say "that's a stupid idea, shut up, I'm off to join the Spanish Inquisition and do some book burning, starting with the Da Vinci code." We imagine things every day that masses of people everyday swear are true, but in fact don't exist. Freedom would be a nice one to start off with. (you really need to read the Bill of Rights, if you look at the bottom someone has added on in crayon "You have the freedom to have the government take your freedom away. P.S I have the freedom to invade Iraq.... and Iran... And Korea.... And 'Nam.... And China.... perhaps Russia." No reference to Bush has been made in this argument. Ahem. Cough It actually has Cough.

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I just had the strangest idea...

the Church of Hampsterdance.

*wonders where this will go, but is sure it will go somewhere*

I think it should basically be;

Be nice to people.


Thats it. Just that. I visited a country in Bo (a suburb in London) that was a flat called the Kingdom of Lovely (yet to be recognised by the UN... should have though. It had more citizens than Monaco.) and that was its founding principle. There wasn't much else actually. There should be no hierachy, no political agenda or anything but the fundamental principle that you should be nice to people. No God either, because that just complicates things.

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I just had the strangest idea...

the Church of Hampsterdance.

*wonders where this will go, but is sure it will go somewhere*

I think it should basically be;

Be nice to people.

Quite similar to the basis of The Golden Rule.

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Say God exists. BUT, he didn't create us. Instead we created him. Because the human imagination is such a powerful thing, and provided we believe whole-heartedly that it exists, it comes into existance.

Sort of like St. Nicholas, the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy.

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Say God exists. BUT, he didn't create us. Instead we created him. Because the human imagination is such a powerful thing, and provided we believe whole-heartedly that it exists, it comes into existance.

Sort of like St. Nicholas, the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy.


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Interesting thought given to me today. God created us in his own image right? So we obviously share some natural needs with God. Ergo every time you ask for breakfast you are playing God. I'm sure God wakes up each morning and says "Could I have a bowl of cornflakes please" and Gabriel appears in a puff of feathers carrying some Cornflakes. The same goes for driving to work. God is not going to live in the suburbs or centre of Heaven Enterprises is he? Nah, he'd live in a big country mansion in the country and commute to work each day, sort of like what some people do in London. Does this mean God gets stuck on the heavenly M25 and swears at people who wash his car when he doesn't want them to and then gets his BMW's wheels slashed? The list goes on. And to put a serious sting in the tail on this, this argument means I can go and clone myself, get accused of Playing God and get away without having to face International Law. For my next trick I shall set fire to McDonalds and claim I was doing it via God's heavenly orders.

It means physically. God is above breakfast cereals and traffic jams.

Ah, but if God created us in his own image, we obviously have the same internal organs and such like otherwise where would God have got the idea from? So if we have the same organs we have the same needs. So God is quite likely to need breakfast, PLUS if you take into account the size of heaven and how much we estimate Heaven enterprises to take up (2/3 of it) then God isn't going to want to live in the grotty central bit is he? He'll want to live on the outskirts where woods are close by and you can take your dog for a walk. And since he is on the outskirts, he will have to commute to work, and since Heaven is basically Earth but without the annoying bits (only the major bits, traffic congestion was unfortunately overlooked) it is likely he will have a car. And since 2/3 of heaven is God Enterprises you need a lot of workers who are also likely to commute to work. And then you get traffic jams because the road can't cope with the numbers and God can't expand it because that would take up vital space saved for the hoardes of people coming every day, you get LA (Los Angeles) style grid-lock but without the LA-style sunshine and passing gang wars which make it bearable.

Ah, but you're assuming that God created our organs and such in His own likeness. God is God. He doesn't need organs and cars and food. We, on the other hand, are not God, or even gods, so we do need things like that. And He came up with the idea of organs because He's God and He decided that things would only work right if we had them they way they are.

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Interesting thought given to me today. God created us in his own image right? So we obviously share some natural needs with God. Ergo every time you ask for breakfast you are playing God. I'm sure God wakes up each morning and says "Could I have a bowl of cornflakes please" and Gabriel appears in a puff of feathers carrying some Cornflakes. The same goes for driving to work. God is not going to live in the suburbs or centre of Heaven Enterprises is he? Nah, he'd live in a big country mansion in the country and commute to work each day, sort of like what some people do in London. Does this mean God gets stuck on the heavenly M25 and swears at people who wash his car when he doesn't want them to and then gets his BMW's wheels slashed? The list goes on. And to put a serious sting in the tail on this, this argument means I can go and clone myself, get accused of Playing God and get away without having to face International Law. For my next trick I shall set fire to McDonalds and claim I was doing it via God's heavenly orders.

:lol: good point. But why would he be like us if he is immortal and all powerful? We are suseptible to maladies and injuries of the flesh. Could we kill him with, let's say, Napalm (sp?)? I'm sure if we were created by him in our image, we would be much different. You know what? He didn't create us in his image, we created him in our image. chew on that.

*chews on it, spits it out, then stomps on it*

You shouldn't be so readily dismissive of his idea. He has actually given a very valid point. Say God exists. BUT, he didn't create us. Instead we created him. Because the human imagination is such a powerful thing, and provided we believe whole-heartedly that it exists, it comes into existance. And don't say "that's a stupid idea, shut up, I'm off to join the Spanish Inquisition and do some book burning, starting with the Da Vinci code." We imagine things every day that masses of people everyday swear are true, but in fact don't exist. Freedom would be a nice one to start off with. (you really need to read the Bill of Rights, if you look at the bottom someone has added on in crayon "You have the freedom to have the government take your freedom away. P.S I have the freedom to invade Iraq.... and Iran... And Korea.... And 'Nam.... And China.... perhaps Russia." No reference to Bush has been made in this argument. Ahem. Cough It actually has Cough.

Actually, from what I've heard about the Da Vinci Code, it sounds really interesting and I want to read it. My mom really liked it.


This is where the whole faith part comes in. I believe what the Bible says, and it says that God made us, so that's how it is.

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I just had the strangest idea...

the Church of Hampsterdance.

My brother thinks that in the distant future, there will be some sort of HampsterDance cult, and all us people who had joined before it was just the hip thing to do will be saints, or something.

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I just had the strangest idea...

the Church of Hampsterdance.

My brother thinks that in the distant future, there will be some sort of HampsterDance cult, and all us people who had joined before it was just the hip thing to do will be saints, or something.

I like that thought!!!! :lol:

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I just had the strangest idea...

the Church of Hampsterdance.

My brother thinks that in the distant future, there will be some sort of HampsterDance cult, and all us people who had joined before it was just the hip thing to do will be saints, or something.

=o Zomfg, Kat posted in this topic! of doom!

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Say God exists. BUT, he didn't create us. Instead we created him. Because the human imagination is such a powerful thing, and provided we believe whole-heartedly that it exists, it comes into existance.

Sort of like St. Nicholas, the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy.



Children believe in imaginary figures. They give up that thought when they're 5 or 6, when they realize that the Easter Bunny doesn't poop rotten, pink eggs.


St. Nicholas was a real person, he just didn't have magical powers. God, though is believed and known by children and adults.

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I just had the strangest idea...

the Church of Hampsterdance.

My brother thinks that in the distant future, there will be some sort of HampsterDance cult, and all us people who had joined before it was just the hip thing to do will be saints, or something.

=o Zomfg, Kat posted in this topic! of doom!

I know. *points* I also posted about things that were actually on topic. :o My tendancy to voice my oppinion and argue when people disagree with it claimed victory over my common sense.

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I just had the strangest idea...

the Church of Hampsterdance.

My brother thinks that in the distant future, there will be some sort of HampsterDance cult, and all us people who had joined before it was just the hip thing to do will be saints, or something.

that is amusing.

I can see it.

the monestary of dakatis#1, a place for peace,meditaion and DDR. but deep beneath it's halls, a cavern where claymore-weilding ninjas train to fight ebbilness.

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I just had the strangest idea...

the Church of Hampsterdance.

*wonders where this will go, but is sure it will go somewhere*

I think it should basically be;

Be nice to people.

Quite similar to the basis of.

The Golden Rule

There's a golden rule... sorry I meant. There's a Golden Rule? Must put the emphasis on the key point.

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Say God exists. BUT, he didn't create us. Instead we created him. Because the human imagination is such a powerful thing, and provided we believe whole-heartedly that it exists, it comes into existance.

Sort of like St. Nicholas, the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy.



Children believe in imaginary figures. They give up that thought when they're 5 or 6, when they realize that the Easter Bunny doesn't poop rotten, pink eggs.


St. Nicholas was a real person, he just didn't have magical powers. God, though is believed and known by children and adults.

But can you give a reason why these figures are any different to God, apart from the fact they don't dictate our lives and claim to be all-everything?

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I just had the strangest idea...

the Church of Hampsterdance.

My brother thinks that in the distant future, there will be some sort of HampsterDance cult, and all us people who had joined before it was just the hip thing to do will be saints, or something.

that is amusing.

I can see it.

the monestary of dakatis#1, a place for peace,meditaion and DDR. but deep beneath it's halls, a cavern where claymore-weilding ninjas train to fight ebbilness.

I would be the leader I guess. You know, The Head Cheese.

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I just had the strangest idea...

the Church of Hampsterdance.

My brother thinks that in the distant future, there will be some sort of HampsterDance cult, and all us people who had joined before it was just the hip thing to do will be saints, or something.

that is amusing.

I can see it.

the monestary of dakatis#1, a place for peace,meditaion and DDR. but deep beneath it's halls, a cavern where claymore-weilding ninjas train to fight ebbilness.

That would be the official COOLEST THING TO EVER EXIST EVER. *gives Lexxy Man 800,000 point*

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I just had the strangest idea...

the Church of Hampsterdance.

My brother thinks that in the distant future, there will be some sort of HampsterDance cult, and all us people who had joined before it was just the hip thing to do will be saints, or something.

that is amusing.

I can see it.

the monestary of dakatis#1, a place for peace,meditaion and DDR. but deep beneath it's halls, a cavern where claymore-weilding ninjas train to fight ebbilness.

I would be the leader I guess. You know, The Head Cheese.

And I could not pick a better Cheese for the job. :lol:

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I'm gonna be picky and point out that Buddha was the one who had envisioned and created the Buddhist ideas/religion through pretty much the same source as the ones who created the bible, visions. But y'know. Visions can be misleading so you kind of have to guess who's right and what's the logical thing to believe in.


What if God and evolution are real? What if Adam and Eve were bacteria who ate off of the forbidden fungi?

That would just be stupid, because we've already disproven macroevolution. Look deeper into the studies of evolution, you'll see how wrong it is.


Toto; Notice how you, MW and I all capatalise Buddha. Don't contradict yourself.

MW; :lol: I love the idea. Does that mean God was a single celled bacteria who divided himself in two and told the other one he created it?

Bhudda was a human being. He is the fat guy who said to be simple and you will be enlightened. and yet he was fat, not light??? haha!


Interesting thought given to me today. God created us in his own image right? So we obviously share some natural needs with God. Ergo every time you ask for breakfast you are playing God. I'm sure God wakes up each morning and says "Could I have a bowl of cornflakes please" and Gabriel appears in a puff of feathers carrying some Cornflakes. The same goes for driving to work. God is not going to live in the suburbs or centre of Heaven Enterprises is he? Nah, he'd live in a big country mansion in the country and commute to work each day, sort of like what some people do in London. Does this mean God gets stuck on the heavenly M25 and swears at people who wash his car when he doesn't want them to and then gets his BMW's wheels slashed? The list goes on. And to put a serious sting in the tail on this, this argument means I can go and clone myself, get accused of Playing God and get away without having to face International Law. For my next trick I shall set fire to McDonalds and claim I was doing it via God's heavenly orders.

Well that's just both random and incorrect. I'm being serious here!


It means physically. God is above breakfast cereals and traffic jams.

THANK YOU! I totally agree.


In regards to Constantine;

He was a callous and evil ruler, but so was every other Roman Emperor. Are you saying God condones Prostitution being legal (and being taxed), fights to the death and the such? You claim Constantine was guided but all he was was the first spin doctor. He chucked out all references to the old pagan sacred feminine (In this case Jesus' lover Mary), any claims that Jesus was mortal and introduced and nicked aspects from old cultures to make everything about Christianity more appealing to the average Pagan. Halos were nicked from the Egyptians' sun disks, what most people see as God (kindly old Grandfather figure) was taken from Greek and Roman mythology.

However, I commend you on blindly ignoring this or at least looking at most historical facts and then choosing to believe that God is just testing you. He might. Who knows? Oh, wait, I do. In addition to this I would like to point out that nothing in Revelations can be taken as solid fact as it is all smoke and shadows for most of it. 666 we don't even know is the Devil's phone number, just the beast. No evil mentioned. Flip 666 upside down and you get 999. Does that mean 999 is an evil number too and next time I need the emergency services I can't because of someone else's superstitions. One nice thing about Revelations is that it gives you the figures of the size of Heaven.ugh... I'm disgusted at your immaturity and sad attempts to ridicule me.

HAHAHA that was funny.

Yes it was, I just wasn't impressed.


As a song goes....


"You’re to proud to realize you’re a moron

Defend what you want whether it’s right or wrong

And this applies to both sides of the equation

Arrogant men in power sure are frustrating

On a pedestal you hear them reigning and reigning

Proudly proclaiming what they know nothing about..."



Where is that from?


:lol: good point. But why would he be like us if he is immortal and all powerful? We are suseptible to maladies and injuries of the flesh. Could we kill him with, let's say, Napalm (sp?)? I'm sure if we were created by him in our image, we would be much different. You know what? He didn't create us in his image, we created him in our image. chew on that.Done! you're wrong.

*chews on it, spits it out, then stomps on it*

I agree, Kat.


I just had the strangest idea...

the Church of Hampsterdance.

*wonders where this will go, but is sure it will go somewhere*

THAT WOULD BE AWESOME! Whoops. Caps lock. Well, it got the point across, so I'm leaving it.


Ah, but if God created us in his own image, we obviously have the same internal organs and such like otherwise where would God have got the idea from? So if we have the same organs we have the same needs. So God is quite likely to need breakfast, PLUS if you take into account the size of heaven and how much we estimate Heaven enterprises to take up (2/3 of it) then God isn't going to want to live in the grotty central bit is he? He'll want to live on the outskirts where woods are close by and you can take your dog for a walk. And since he is on the outskirts, he will have to commute to work, and since Heaven is basically Earth but without the annoying bits (only the major bits, traffic congestion was unfortunately overlooked) it is likely he will have a car. And since 2/3 of heaven is God Enterprises you need a lot of workers who are also likely to commute to work. And then you get traffic jams because the road can't cope with the numbers and God can't expand it because that would take up vital space saved for the hoardes of people coming every day, you get LA (Los Angeles) style grid-lock but without the LA-style sunshine and passing gang wars which make it bearable.

You are so confused about the Bible and what it says. Have you even read the Bible, or are you just going on what you "learned" in religious courses?


I think it should basically be;

Be nice to people.


Thats it. Just that. I visited a country in Bo (a suburb in London) that was a flat called the Kingdom of Lovely (yet to be recognised by the UN... should have though. It had more citizens than Monaco.) and that was its founding principle. There wasn't much else actually. There should be no hierachy, no political agenda or anything but the fundamental principle that you should be nice to people. No God either, because that just complicates things.


"Do unto others as you have them do unto you." --My homeboy, Joshua


Quite similar to the basis of The Golden Rule.

You caught that, too?


Say God exists. BUT, he didn't create us. Instead we created him. Because the human imagination is such a powerful thing, and provided we believe whole-heartedly that it exists, it comes into existance.

Sort of like St. Nicholas, the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy.

No. Not like that at all.


Children believe in imaginary figures. They give up that thought when they're 5 or 6, when they realize that the Easter Bunny doesn't poop rotten, pink eggs.

urgh... nice image, kid.

St. Nicholas was a real person, he just didn't have magical powers. God, though is believed and known by children and adults.

At least someone's thinking.


But can you give a reason why these figures are any different to God, apart from the fact they don't dictate our lives and claim to be all-everything?



God is real! I have seen, heard, and felt His presence! It's awesome, in full meaning of that word! Santa has always been a fairy tale to me, just like the easter bunny! God says He's real, and adults believe it! Everyone but five year olds knows that Santa and EB are fake! In fact, the EB was only created so that non-Christian kids could celebrate w/ their friends!

I can give you an infinite amount of reasons, just ask, and I will! You don't believe us when we tell you a simple truth, especially the Truth, and yet you try to disprove it with our own words? Anyone can disprove God by using logic and obviousness, but how many can confirm his existence through the written word? I know three groups of people: Lee Strobel and his interviewees; Moses and them who all wrote the Bible with what God said; and DCTALK W/ DA VOICE OF THE MARTYRS! You need to read some of this stuff before yu go ragging on us and our trusts, kid. You're nothin' special. Well, you are, b/c God made you, but you're nothin' compared to ther Promise He has for yu that you refuse to take!


gotta go, it's bedtime.


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But can you give a reason why these figures are any different to God, apart from the fact they don't dictate our lives and claim to be all-everything?



God is real! I have seen, heard, and felt His presence! It's awesome, in full meaning of that word! Santa has always been a fairy tale to me, just like the easter bunny! God says He's real, and adults believe it! Everyone but five year olds knows that Santa and EB are fake! In fact, the EB was only created so that non-Christian kids could celebrate w/ their friends!

I can give you an infinite amount of reasons, just ask, and I will! You don't believe us when we tell you a simple truth, especially the Truth, and yet you try to disprove it with our own words? Anyone can disprove God by using logic and obviousness, but how many can confirm his existence through the written word? I know three groups of people: Lee Strobel and his interviewees; Moses and them who all wrote the Bible with what God said; and DCTALK W/ DA VOICE OF THE MARTYRS! You need to read some of this stuff before yu go ragging on us and our trusts, kid. You're nothin' special. Well, you are, b/c God made you, but you're nothin' compared to ther Promise He has for yu that you refuse to take!


gotta go, it's bedtime.


If that is what you're going to go down in terms of argument, what makes your intamcy with God any different than a child claiming that they felt, have seen or heard the presence of Santa, the tooth fairy or Easter Bunny? If you except feeling a presence proof of existence then that means you must accept everything spiritual as having an existence, be it Ghosts and Gremlins or Khali, the Hindi goddess of death. You cannot be selective in your approach otherwise that just opens up the way for hypocrisy although judging by Christianity its already open and little ants of hypocrisy are marching up and down it, creating a high speed Motorway.


Suprisingly we have a literary genre called fiction for books like that, or alternatively heavily opinionated, with solid connection with reality books. Lee Strobel, I know nothing about him, so he could just be trying to pedal books to get more money, he could have turned to religon for emotional reasons trying to find solstice in the much abused words of generations of preachers and peddlars of faith, if he was a true aethiest who was truely "turned" there must be a reason, you don't just wake up and find that overnight your position on God has changed. Often people return to God because they feel let down and need to escape from the real world and devulge in some false hope. You may be upset to hear this, but the saints are dead. And despite all your claims of holy visions, most are induced by a substance and the other half are brought on by their own fevrent belief, coming back to imagination. In that respect the saints are keeping an even lower profile than God in the modern world. Probably stuck in traffic. Sorry, I lost you after that incoherent outburst of DCTALK. Keep in mind that I abhor both rap, hip-hop and most modern music, so I have no idea what you are talking about. Unless of course DCTALK is like MSN Messanger? I can imagine that, God using an IM service to contact his servants.

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But can you give a reason why these figures are any different to God, apart from the fact they don't dictate our lives and claim to be all-everything?



God is real! I have seen, heard, and felt His presence! It's awesome, in full meaning of that word! Santa has always been a fairy tale to me, just like the easter bunny! God says He's real, and adults believe it! Everyone but five year olds knows that Santa and EB are fake! In fact, the EB was only created so that non-Christian kids could celebrate w/ their friends!

I can give you an infinite amount of reasons, just ask, and I will! You don't believe us when we tell you a simple truth, especially the Truth, and yet you try to disprove it with our own words? Anyone can disprove God by using logic and obviousness, but how many can confirm his existence through the written word? I know three groups of people: Lee Strobel and his interviewees; Moses and them who all wrote the Bible with what God said; and DCTALK W/ DA VOICE OF THE MARTYRS! You need to read some of this stuff before yu go ragging on us and our trusts, kid. You're nothin' special. Well, you are, b/c God made you, but you're nothin' compared to ther Promise He has for yu that you refuse to take!


gotta go, it's bedtime.


If that is what you're going to go down in terms of argument, what makes your intamcy with God any different than a child claiming that they felt, have seen or heard the presence of Santa, the tooth fairy or Easter Bunny? If you except feeling a presence proof of existence then that means you must accept everything spiritual as having an existence, be it Ghosts and Gremlins or Khali, the Hindi goddess of death. You cannot be selective in your approach otherwise that just opens up the way for hypocrisy although judging by Christianity its already open and little ants of hypocrisy are marching up and down it, creating a high speed Motorway.


Suprisingly we have a literary genre called fiction for books like that, or alternatively heavily opinionated, with solid connection with reality books. Lee Strobel, I know nothing about him, so he could just be trying to pedal books to get more money, he could have turned to religon for emotional reasons trying to find solstice in the much abused words of generations of preachers and peddlars of faith, if he was a true aethiest who was truely "turned" there must be a reason, you don't just wake up and find that overnight your position on God has changed. Often people return to God because they feel let down and need to escape from the real world and devulge in some false hope. You may be upset to hear this, but the saints are dead. And despite all your claims of holy visions, most are induced by a substance and the other half are brought on by their own fevrent belief, coming back to imagination. In that respect the saints are keeping an even lower profile than God in the modern world. Probably stuck in traffic. Sorry, I lost you after that incoherent outburst of DCTALK. Keep in mind that I abhor both rap, hip-hop and most modern music, so I have no idea what you are talking about. Unless of course DCTALK is like MSN Messanger? I can imagine that, God using an IM service to contact his servants.

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When you read about Buddha, or any of the gods or goddesses, you never see he or she capitalized, do you? Gods and goddesses aren't even capitalized unless the word is at the beginning of a sentence. But God is always capitalized. He is always capitalized. It's a way of showing respect.

I'm gonna be picky and point out that Buddha was the one who had envisioned and created the Buddhist ideas/religion through pretty much the same source as the ones who created the bible, visions. But y'know. Visions can be misleading so you kind of have to guess who's right and what's the logical thing to believe in.


What if God and evolution are real? What if Adam and Eve were bacteria who ate off of the forbidden fungi?

Toto; Notice how you, MW and I all capatalise Buddha. Don't contradict yourself.

MW; :lol: I love the idea. Does that mean God was a single celled bacteria who divided himself in two and told the other one he created it?

Yes, and then God made up all these silly stories about how he created everything and he got a bit carried away. Or perhaps he was a human who did the same thing.

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When you read about Buddha, or any of the gods or goddesses, you never see he or she capitalized, do you? Gods and goddesses aren't even capitalized unless the word is at the beginning of a sentence. But God is always capitalized. He is always capitalized. It's a way of showing respect.

I'm gonna be picky and point out that Buddha was the one who had envisioned and created the Buddhist ideas/religion through pretty much the same source as the ones who created the bible, visions. But y'know. Visions can be misleading so you kind of have to guess who's right and what's the logical thing to believe in.


What if God and evolution are real? What if Adam and Eve were bacteria who ate off of the forbidden fungi?

Toto; Notice how you, MW and I all capatalise Buddha. Don't contradict yourself.

MW; :lol: I love the idea. Does that mean God was a single celled bacteria who divided himself in two and told the other one he created it?

Yes, and then God made up all these silly stories about how he created everything and he got a bit carried away. Or perhaps he was a human who did the same thing.

A similar point was made by Philip Pullman in His Dark Materials. For those who shun everything that is criticising God, like the Da Vinci code, it basically says that God was meerly the first angel and tricked all those who came afterwards by claiming he created them. It also shows how God wastes away and becomes senile and mad by the time he is killed by the subtle knife. But don't take my word for it, why not go read it and then burn it like the Archbishop of Canterbury did. AND the Pope. Old pope. The new pope was in the Magestrium (also in book) which is the modern day equivelant of the Spanish Inquisition.

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If capitalizing "god" is such a great sign of respect, how come capitalizing the first word of a sentence or your name isn't? And what is the difference between capitalizing "he" and "i?" "I" isn't a sign of respect.

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When you read about Buddha, or any of the gods or goddesses, you never see he or she capitalized, do you? Gods and goddesses aren't even capitalized unless the word is at the beginning of a sentence. But God is always capitalized. He is always capitalized. It's a way of showing respect.

I'm gonna be picky and point out that Buddha was the one who had envisioned and created the Buddhist ideas/religion through pretty much the same source as the ones who created the bible, visions. But y'know. Visions can be misleading so you kind of have to guess who's right and what's the logical thing to believe in.


What if God and evolution are real? What if Adam and Eve were bacteria who ate off of the forbidden fungi?

Toto; Notice how you, MW and I all capatalise Buddha. Don't contradict yourself.

MW; :lol: I love the idea. Does that mean God was a single celled bacteria who divided himself in two and told the other one he created it?

Yes, and then God made up all these silly stories about how he created everything and he got a bit carried away. Or perhaps he was a human who did the same thing.

A similar point was made by Philip Pullman in His Dark Materials. For those who shun everything that is criticising God, like the Da Vinci code, it basically says that God was meerly the first angel and tricked all those who came afterwards by claiming he created them. It also shows how God wastes away and becomes senile and mad by the time he is killed by the subtle knife. But don't take my word for it, why not go read it and then burn it like the Archbishop of Canterbury did. AND the Pope. Old pope. The new pope was in the Magestrium (also in book) which is the modern day equivelant of the Spanish Inquisition.

I haven't read the last book. I want to but I can't find it. It's somewhere in my house.

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When you read about Buddha, or any of the gods or goddesses, you never see he or she capitalized, do you? Gods and goddesses aren't even capitalized unless the word is at the beginning of a sentence. But God is always capitalized. He is always capitalized. It's a way of showing respect.

I'm gonna be picky and point out that Buddha was the one who had envisioned and created the Buddhist ideas/religion through pretty much the same source as the ones who created the bible, visions. But y'know. Visions can be misleading so you kind of have to guess who's right and what's the logical thing to believe in.


What if God and evolution are real? What if Adam and Eve were bacteria who ate off of the forbidden fungi?

Toto; Notice how you, MW and I all capatalise Buddha. Don't contradict yourself.

MW; :lol: I love the idea. Does that mean God was a single celled bacteria who divided himself in two and told the other one he created it?

Yes, and then God made up all these silly stories about how he created everything and he got a bit carried away. Or perhaps he was a human who did the same thing.

A similar point was made by Philip Pullman in His Dark Materials. For those who shun everything that is criticising God, like the Da Vinci code, it basically says that God was meerly the first angel and tricked all those who came afterwards by claiming he created them. It also shows how God wastes away and becomes senile and mad by the time he is killed by the subtle knife. But don't take my word for it, why not go read it and then burn it like the Archbishop of Canterbury did. AND the Pope. Old pope. The new pope was in the Magestrium (also in book) which is the modern day equivelant of the Spanish Inquisition.

I haven't read the last book. I want to but I can't find it. It's somewhere in my house.

Best one of them all it is.

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But can you give a reason why these figures are any different to God, apart from the fact they don't dictate our lives and claim to be all-everything?



God is real! I have seen, heard, and felt His presence! It's awesome, in full meaning of that word! Santa has always been a fairy tale to me, just like the easter bunny! God says He's real, and adults believe it! Everyone but five year olds knows that Santa and EB are fake! In fact, the EB was only created so that non-Christian kids could celebrate w/ their friends!

I can give you an infinite amount of reasons, just ask, and I will! You don't believe us when we tell you a simple truth, especially the Truth, and yet you try to disprove it with our own words? Anyone can disprove God by using logic and obviousness, but how many can confirm his existence through the written word? I know three groups of people: Lee Strobel and his interviewees; Moses and them who all wrote the Bible with what God said; and DCTALK W/ DA VOICE OF THE MARTYRS! You need to read some of this stuff before yu go ragging on us and our trusts, kid. You're nothin' special. Well, you are, b/c God made you, but you're nothin' compared to ther Promise He has for yu that you refuse to take!


gotta go, it's bedtime.


If that is what you're going to go down in terms of argument, what makes your intamcy with God any different than a child claiming that they felt, have seen or heard the presence of Santa, the tooth fairy or Easter Bunny? If you except feeling a presence proof of existence then that means you must accept everything spiritual as having an existence, be it Ghosts and Gremlins or Khali, the Hindi goddess of death. You cannot be selective in your approach otherwise that just opens up the way for hypocrisy although judging by Christianity its already open and little ants of hypocrisy are marching up and down it, creating a high speed Motorway.


Suprisingly we have a literary genre called fiction for books like that, or alternatively heavily opinionated, with solid connection with reality books. Lee Strobel, I know nothing about him, so he could just be trying to pedal books to get more money, he could have turned to religon for emotional reasons trying to find solstice in the much abused words of generations of preachers and peddlars of faith, if he was a true aethiest who was truely "turned" there must be a reason, you don't just wake up and find that overnight your position on God has changed. Often people return to God because they feel let down and need to escape from the real world and devulge in some false hope. You may be upset to hear this, but the saints are dead. And despite all your claims of holy visions, most are induced by a substance and the other half are brought on by their own fevrent belief, coming back to imagination. In that respect the saints are keeping an even lower profile than God in the modern world. Probably stuck in traffic. Sorry, I lost you after that incoherent outburst of DCTALK. Keep in mind that I abhor both rap, hip-hop and most modern music, so I have no idea what you are talking about. Unless of course DCTALK is like MSN Messanger? I can imagine that, God using an IM service to contact his servants.


Grim, I love you, and only want the best for you, so I'm going to tell you that you've managed to make yourself sound very egotistical and pessimistic in this topic.


One that thing before I leave this topic, never to return again.


I really think that very few people in this topic are actually arguing to help somebody else. Most are just arguing because they don't want to be wrong. What is the point of proving to somebody that God doesn't exist? What do they gain? Why try to do it? Paz, I know what you're doing. I know that the Bible says to be fishers of men, and I completely respect and admire how hard you're trying to do that. But they aren't going to change their minds. This is no longer about religion. It's about which side can make the other look like idiots. I think that we should just let this topic die and not bring it up again.

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But can you give a reason why these figures are any different to God, apart from the fact they don't dictate our lives and claim to be all-everything?



God is real! I have seen, heard, and felt His presence! It's awesome, in full meaning of that word! Santa has always been a fairy tale to me, just like the easter bunny! God says He's real, and adults believe it! Everyone but five year olds knows that Santa and EB are fake! In fact, the EB was only created so that non-Christian kids could celebrate w/ their friends!

I can give you an infinite amount of reasons, just ask, and I will! You don't believe us when we tell you a simple truth, especially the Truth, and yet you try to disprove it with our own words? Anyone can disprove God by using logic and obviousness, but how many can confirm his existence through the written word? I know three groups of people: Lee Strobel and his interviewees; Moses and them who all wrote the Bible with what God said; and DCTALK W/ DA VOICE OF THE MARTYRS! You need to read some of this stuff before yu go ragging on us and our trusts, kid. You're nothin' special. Well, you are, b/c God made you, but you're nothin' compared to ther Promise He has for yu that you refuse to take!


gotta go, it's bedtime.


If that is what you're going to go down in terms of argument, what makes your intamcy with God any different than a child claiming that they felt, have seen or heard the presence of Santa, the tooth fairy or Easter Bunny? If you except feeling a presence proof of existence then that means you must accept everything spiritual as having an existence, be it Ghosts and Gremlins or Khali, the Hindi goddess of death. You cannot be selective in your approach otherwise that just opens up the way for hypocrisy although judging by Christianity its already open and little ants of hypocrisy are marching up and down it, creating a high speed Motorway.


Suprisingly we have a literary genre called fiction for books like that, or alternatively heavily opinionated, with solid connection with reality books. Lee Strobel, I know nothing about him, so he could just be trying to pedal books to get more money, he could have turned to religon for emotional reasons trying to find solstice in the much abused words of generations of preachers and peddlars of faith, if he was a true aethiest who was truely "turned" there must be a reason, you don't just wake up and find that overnight your position on God has changed. Often people return to God because they feel let down and need to escape from the real world and devulge in some false hope. You may be upset to hear this, but the saints are dead. And despite all your claims of holy visions, most are induced by a substance and the other half are brought on by their own fevrent belief, coming back to imagination. In that respect the saints are keeping an even lower profile than God in the modern world. Probably stuck in traffic. Sorry, I lost you after that incoherent outburst of DCTALK. Keep in mind that I abhor both rap, hip-hop and most modern music, so I have no idea what you are talking about. Unless of course DCTALK is like MSN Messanger? I can imagine that, God using an IM service to contact his servants.


Grim, I love you, and only want the best for you, so I'm going to tell you that you've managed to make yourself sound very egotistical and pessimistic in this topic.


One that thing before I leave this topic, never to return again.


I really think that very few people in this topic are actually arguing to help somebody else. Most are just arguing because they don't want to be wrong. What is the point of proving to somebody that God doesn't exist? What do they gain? Why try to do it? Paz, I know what you're doing. I know that the Bible says to be fishers of men, and I completely respect and admire how hard you're trying to do that. But they aren't going to change their minds. This is no longer about religion. It's about which side can make the other look like idiots. I think that we should just let this topic die and not bring it up again.

Well, then I have at least conveyed my pessimism, or rather the fact I have accepted that once you are dead that is the end, deal with it. Well, I would like to say that by arguing and trying to proove the opposition's ideal wrong you try and make more people live their lives properly in Paz's case and in mine, you try and make less people's lives be governed by something (which in my opinion) is false and wrong. But really all this topic is is practising ping-pong style debate, sort of like Congress and congressional inquisitions, which isn't really my style, but we can't really have an open debate because of the system, no interruptions or anything. Ah, I still laugh everytime I see George Galloway (someone I usually dislike) attacking the Congressional commiteee over their false accusations that he got money from Saddam, so what if he did? Does it matter? No bribes or anything, just a present for defending Saddam in British Parliament. Where was I? Oh yes, No, all this topic is about now is arguing for the sake of it.


But since I like arguing for the sake of it I'm going to point out that Bush is now claiming that God told him to invade Iraq. Dare I say anymore? This is final proof that;

a) God is insane


B) God doesn't exist


c) George Bush is insane.


Take your pick. Ever since he claimed that, the satirists have been having a field day. If only you could see Rory Bremner's take on Bush and God.

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But can you give a reason why these figures are any different to God, apart from the fact they don't dictate our lives and claim to be all-everything?



God is real! I have seen, heard, and felt His presence! It's awesome, in full meaning of that word! Santa has always been a fairy tale to me, just like the easter bunny! God says He's real, and adults believe it! Everyone but five year olds knows that Santa and EB are fake! In fact, the EB was only created so that non-Christian kids could celebrate w/ their friends!

I can give you an infinite amount of reasons, just ask, and I will! You don't believe us when we tell you a simple truth, especially the Truth, and yet you try to disprove it with our own words? Anyone can disprove God by using logic and obviousness, but how many can confirm his existence through the written word? I know three groups of people: Lee Strobel and his interviewees; Moses and them who all wrote the Bible with what God said; and DCTALK W/ DA VOICE OF THE MARTYRS! You need to read some of this stuff before yu go ragging on us and our trusts, kid. You're nothin' special. Well, you are, b/c God made you, but you're nothin' compared to ther Promise He has for yu that you refuse to take!


gotta go, it's bedtime.


If that is what you're going to go down in terms of argument, what makes your intamcy with God any different than a child claiming that they felt, have seen or heard the presence of Santa, the tooth fairy or Easter Bunny? If you except feeling a presence proof of existence then that means you must accept everything spiritual as having an existence, be it Ghosts and Gremlins or Khali, the Hindi goddess of death. You cannot be selective in your approach otherwise that just opens up the way for hypocrisy although judging by Christianity its already open and little ants of hypocrisy are marching up and down it, creating a high speed Motorway.


Suprisingly we have a literary genre called fiction for books like that, or alternatively heavily opinionated, with solid connection with reality books. Lee Strobel, I know nothing about him, so he could just be trying to pedal books to get more money, he could have turned to religon for emotional reasons trying to find solstice in the much abused words of generations of preachers and peddlars of faith, if he was a true aethiest who was truely "turned" there must be a reason, you don't just wake up and find that overnight your position on God has changed. Often people return to God because they feel let down and need to escape from the real world and devulge in some false hope. You may be upset to hear this, but the saints are dead. And despite all your claims of holy visions, most are induced by a substance and the other half are brought on by their own fevrent belief, coming back to imagination. In that respect the saints are keeping an even lower profile than God in the modern world. Probably stuck in traffic. Sorry, I lost you after that incoherent outburst of DCTALK. Keep in mind that I abhor both rap, hip-hop and most modern music, so I have no idea what you are talking about. Unless of course DCTALK is like MSN Messanger? I can imagine that, God using an IM service to contact his servants.


Grim, I love you, and only want the best for you, so I'm going to tell you that you've managed to make yourself sound very egotistical and pessimistic in this topic.


One that thing before I leave this topic, never to return again.


I really think that very few people in this topic are actually arguing to help somebody else. Most are just arguing because they don't want to be wrong. What is the point of proving to somebody that God doesn't exist? What do they gain? Why try to do it? Paz, I know what you're doing. I know that the Bible says to be fishers of men, and I completely respect and admire how hard you're trying to do that. But they aren't going to change their minds. This is no longer about religion. It's about which side can make the other look like idiots. I think that we should just let this topic die and not bring it up again.

True, we are. But humans just have a hard time dropping everything they believe, just based on what someone else says. And we are stubborn, and try to prove that "we are right and you are wrong."

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But can you give a reason why these figures are any different to God, apart from the fact they don't dictate our lives and claim to be all-everything?



God is real! I have seen, heard, and felt His presence! It's awesome, in full meaning of that word! Santa has always been a fairy tale to me, just like the easter bunny! God says He's real, and adults believe it! Everyone but five year olds knows that Santa and EB are fake! In fact, the EB was only created so that non-Christian kids could celebrate w/ their friends!

I can give you an infinite amount of reasons, just ask, and I will! You don't believe us when we tell you a simple truth, especially the Truth, and yet you try to disprove it with our own words? Anyone can disprove God by using logic and obviousness, but how many can confirm his existence through the written word? I know three groups of people: Lee Strobel and his interviewees; Moses and them who all wrote the Bible with what God said; and DCTALK W/ DA VOICE OF THE MARTYRS! You need to read some of this stuff before yu go ragging on us and our trusts, kid. You're nothin' special. Well, you are, b/c God made you, but you're nothin' compared to ther Promise He has for yu that you refuse to take!


gotta go, it's bedtime.


If that is what you're going to go down in terms of argument, what makes your intamcy with God any different than a child claiming that they felt, have seen or heard the presence of Santa, the tooth fairy or Easter Bunny? If you except feeling a presence proof of existence then that means you must accept everything spiritual as having an existence, be it Ghosts and Gremlins or Khali, the Hindi goddess of death. You cannot be selective in your approach otherwise that just opens up the way for hypocrisy although judging by Christianity its already open and little ants of hypocrisy are marching up and down it, creating a high speed Motorway.


Suprisingly we have a literary genre called fiction for books like that, or alternatively heavily opinionated, with solid connection with reality books. Lee Strobel, I know nothing about him, so he could just be trying to pedal books to get more money, he could have turned to religon for emotional reasons trying to find solstice in the much abused words of generations of preachers and peddlars of faith, if he was a true aethiest who was truely "turned" there must be a reason, you don't just wake up and find that overnight your position on God has changed. Often people return to God because they feel let down and need to escape from the real world and devulge in some false hope. You may be upset to hear this, but the saints are dead. And despite all your claims of holy visions, most are induced by a substance and the other half are brought on by their own fevrent belief, coming back to imagination. In that respect the saints are keeping an even lower profile than God in the modern world. Probably stuck in traffic. Sorry, I lost you after that incoherent outburst of DCTALK. Keep in mind that I abhor both rap, hip-hop and most modern music, so I have no idea what you are talking about. Unless of course DCTALK is like MSN Messanger? I can imagine that, God using an IM service to contact his servants.


Grim, I love you, and only want the best for you, so I'm going to tell you that you've managed to make yourself sound very egotistical and pessimistic in this topic.


One that thing before I leave this topic, never to return again.


I really think that very few people in this topic are actually arguing to help somebody else. Most are just arguing because they don't want to be wrong. What is the point of proving to somebody that God doesn't exist? What do they gain? Why try to do it? Paz, I know what you're doing. I know that the Bible says to be fishers of men, and I completely respect and admire how hard you're trying to do that. But they aren't going to change their minds. This is no longer about religion. It's about which side can make the other look like idiots. I think that we should just let this topic die and not bring it up again.

Well, then I have at least conveyed my pessimism, or rather the fact I have accepted that once you are dead that is the end, deal with it. Well, I would like to say that by arguing and trying to proove the opposition's ideal wrong you try and make more people live their lives properly in Paz's case and in mine, you try and make less people's lives be governed by something (which in my opinion) is false and wrong. But really all this topic is is practising ping-pong style debate, sort of like Congress and congressional inquisitions, which isn't really my style, but we can't really have an open debate because of the system, no interruptions or anything. Ah, I still laugh everytime I see George Galloway (someone I usually dislike) attacking the Congressional commiteee over their false accusations that he got money from Saddam, so what if he did? Does it matter? No bribes or anything, just a present for defending Saddam in British Parliament. Where was I? Oh yes, No, all this topic is about now is arguing for the sake of it.


But since I like arguing for the sake of it I'm going to point out that Bush is now claiming that God told him to invade Iraq. Dare I say anymore? This is final proof that;

a) God is insane


B) God doesn't exist


c) George Bush is insane.


Take your pick. Ever since he claimed that, the satirists have been having a field day. If only you could see Rory Bremner's take on Bush and God.

But what if we like living by our religious principles?

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But can you give a reason why these figures are any different to God, apart from the fact they don't dictate our lives and claim to be all-everything?



God is real! I have seen, heard, and felt His presence! It's awesome, in full meaning of that word! Santa has always been a fairy tale to me, just like the easter bunny! God says He's real, and adults believe it! Everyone but five year olds knows that Santa and EB are fake! In fact, the EB was only created so that non-Christian kids could celebrate w/ their friends!

I can give you an infinite amount of reasons, just ask, and I will! You don't believe us when we tell you a simple truth, especially the Truth, and yet you try to disprove it with our own words? Anyone can disprove God by using logic and obviousness, but how many can confirm his existence through the written word? I know three groups of people: Lee Strobel and his interviewees; Moses and them who all wrote the Bible with what God said; and DCTALK W/ DA VOICE OF THE MARTYRS! You need to read some of this stuff before yu go ragging on us and our trusts, kid. You're nothin' special. Well, you are, b/c God made you, but you're nothin' compared to ther Promise He has for yu that you refuse to take!


gotta go, it's bedtime.


If that is what you're going to go down in terms of argument, what makes your intamcy with God any different than a child claiming that they felt, have seen or heard the presence of Santa, the tooth fairy or Easter Bunny? If you except feeling a presence proof of existence then that means you must accept everything spiritual as having an existence, be it Ghosts and Gremlins or Khali, the Hindi goddess of death. You cannot be selective in your approach otherwise that just opens up the way for hypocrisy although judging by Christianity its already open and little ants of hypocrisy are marching up and down it, creating a high speed Motorway.


Suprisingly we have a literary genre called fiction for books like that, or alternatively heavily opinionated, with solid connection with reality books. Lee Strobel, I know nothing about him, so he could just be trying to pedal books to get more money, he could have turned to religon for emotional reasons trying to find solstice in the much abused words of generations of preachers and peddlars of faith, if he was a true aethiest who was truely "turned" there must be a reason, you don't just wake up and find that overnight your position on God has changed. Often people return to God because they feel let down and need to escape from the real world and devulge in some false hope. You may be upset to hear this, but the saints are dead. And despite all your claims of holy visions, most are induced by a substance and the other half are brought on by their own fevrent belief, coming back to imagination. In that respect the saints are keeping an even lower profile than God in the modern world. Probably stuck in traffic. Sorry, I lost you after that incoherent outburst of DCTALK. Keep in mind that I abhor both rap, hip-hop and most modern music, so I have no idea what you are talking about. Unless of course DCTALK is like MSN Messanger? I can imagine that, God using an IM service to contact his servants.


Grim, I love you, and only want the best for you, so I'm going to tell you that you've managed to make yourself sound very egotistical and pessimistic in this topic.


One that thing before I leave this topic, never to return again.


I really think that very few people in this topic are actually arguing to help somebody else. Most are just arguing because they don't want to be wrong. What is the point of proving to somebody that God doesn't exist? What do they gain? Why try to do it? Paz, I know what you're doing. I know that the Bible says to be fishers of men, and I completely respect and admire how hard you're trying to do that. But they aren't going to change their minds. This is no longer about religion. It's about which side can make the other look like idiots. I think that we should just let this topic die and not bring it up again.

True, we are. But humans just have a hard time dropping everything they believe, just based on what someone else says. And we are stubborn, and try to prove that "we are right and you are wrong."

Too true, Cheesey.

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But can you give a reason why these figures are any different to God, apart from the fact they don't dictate our lives and claim to be all-everything?



God is real! I have seen, heard, and felt His presence! It's awesome, in full meaning of that word! Santa has always been a fairy tale to me, just like the easter bunny! God says He's real, and adults believe it! Everyone but five year olds knows that Santa and EB are fake! In fact, the EB was only created so that non-Christian kids could celebrate w/ their friends!

I can give you an infinite amount of reasons, just ask, and I will! You don't believe us when we tell you a simple truth, especially the Truth, and yet you try to disprove it with our own words? Anyone can disprove God by using logic and obviousness, but how many can confirm his existence through the written word? I know three groups of people: Lee Strobel and his interviewees; Moses and them who all wrote the Bible with what God said; and DCTALK W/ DA VOICE OF THE MARTYRS! You need to read some of this stuff before yu go ragging on us and our trusts, kid. You're nothin' special. Well, you are, b/c God made you, but you're nothin' compared to ther Promise He has for yu that you refuse to take!


gotta go, it's bedtime.


If that is what you're going to go down in terms of argument, what makes your intamcy with God any different than a child claiming that they felt, have seen or heard the presence of Santa, the tooth fairy or Easter Bunny? If you except feeling a presence proof of existence then that means you must accept everything spiritual as having an existence, be it Ghosts and Gremlins or Khali, the Hindi goddess of death. You cannot be selective in your approach otherwise that just opens up the way for hypocrisy although judging by Christianity its already open and little ants of hypocrisy are marching up and down it, creating a high speed Motorway.


Suprisingly we have a literary genre called fiction for books like that, or alternatively heavily opinionated, with solid connection with reality books. Lee Strobel, I know nothing about him, so he could just be trying to pedal books to get more money, he could have turned to religon for emotional reasons trying to find solstice in the much abused words of generations of preachers and peddlars of faith, if he was a true aethiest who was truely "turned" there must be a reason, you don't just wake up and find that overnight your position on God has changed. Often people return to God because they feel let down and need to escape from the real world and devulge in some false hope. You may be upset to hear this, but the saints are dead. And despite all your claims of holy visions, most are induced by a substance and the other half are brought on by their own fevrent belief, coming back to imagination. In that respect the saints are keeping an even lower profile than God in the modern world. Probably stuck in traffic. Sorry, I lost you after that incoherent outburst of DCTALK. Keep in mind that I abhor both rap, hip-hop and most modern music, so I have no idea what you are talking about. Unless of course DCTALK is like MSN Messanger? I can imagine that, God using an IM service to contact his servants.


Grim, I love you, and only want the best for you, so I'm going to tell you that you've managed to make yourself sound very egotistical and pessimistic in this topic.


One that thing before I leave this topic, never to return again.


I really think that very few people in this topic are actually arguing to help somebody else. Most are just arguing because they don't want to be wrong. What is the point of proving to somebody that God doesn't exist? What do they gain? Why try to do it? Paz, I know what you're doing. I know that the Bible says to be fishers of men, and I completely respect and admire how hard you're trying to do that. But they aren't going to change their minds. This is no longer about religion. It's about which side can make the other look like idiots. I think that we should just let this topic die and not bring it up again.

Well, then I have at least conveyed my pessimism, or rather the fact I have accepted that once you are dead that is the end, deal with it. Well, I would like to say that by arguing and trying to proove the opposition's ideal wrong you try and make more people live their lives properly in Paz's case and in mine, you try and make less people's lives be governed by something (which in my opinion) is false and wrong. But really all this topic is is practising ping-pong style debate, sort of like Congress and congressional inquisitions, which isn't really my style, but we can't really have an open debate because of the system, no interruptions or anything. Ah, I still laugh everytime I see George Galloway (someone I usually dislike) attacking the Congressional commiteee over their false accusations that he got money from Saddam, so what if he did? Does it matter? No bribes or anything, just a present for defending Saddam in British Parliament. Where was I? Oh yes, No, all this topic is about now is arguing for the sake of it.


But since I like arguing for the sake of it I'm going to point out that Bush is now claiming that God told him to invade Iraq. Dare I say anymore? This is final proof that;

a) God is insane


B) God doesn't exist


c) George Bush is insane.


Take your pick. Ever since he claimed that, the satirists have been having a field day. If only you could see Rory Bremner's take on Bush and God.

But what if we like living by our religious principles?

And what if we like living without religion?

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But can you give a reason why these figures are any different to God, apart from the fact they don't dictate our lives and claim to be all-everything?



God is real! I have seen, heard, and felt His presence! It's awesome, in full meaning of that word! Santa has always been a fairy tale to me, just like the easter bunny! God says He's real, and adults believe it! Everyone but five year olds knows that Santa and EB are fake! In fact, the EB was only created so that non-Christian kids could celebrate w/ their friends!

I can give you an infinite amount of reasons, just ask, and I will! You don't believe us when we tell you a simple truth, especially the Truth, and yet you try to disprove it with our own words? Anyone can disprove God by using logic and obviousness, but how many can confirm his existence through the written word? I know three groups of people: Lee Strobel and his interviewees; Moses and them who all wrote the Bible with what God said; and DCTALK W/ DA VOICE OF THE MARTYRS! You need to read some of this stuff before yu go ragging on us and our trusts, kid. You're nothin' special. Well, you are, b/c God made you, but you're nothin' compared to ther Promise He has for yu that you refuse to take!


gotta go, it's bedtime.


If that is what you're going to go down in terms of argument, what makes your intamcy with God any different than a child claiming that they felt, have seen or heard the presence of Santa, the tooth fairy or Easter Bunny? If you except feeling a presence proof of existence then that means you must accept everything spiritual as having an existence, be it Ghosts and Gremlins or Khali, the Hindi goddess of death. You cannot be selective in your approach otherwise that just opens up the way for hypocrisy although judging by Christianity its already open and little ants of hypocrisy are marching up and down it, creating a high speed Motorway.


Suprisingly we have a literary genre called fiction for books like that, or alternatively heavily opinionated, with solid connection with reality books. Lee Strobel, I know nothing about him, so he could just be trying to pedal books to get more money, he could have turned to religon for emotional reasons trying to find solstice in the much abused words of generations of preachers and peddlars of faith, if he was a true aethiest who was truely "turned" there must be a reason, you don't just wake up and find that overnight your position on God has changed. Often people return to God because they feel let down and need to escape from the real world and devulge in some false hope. You may be upset to hear this, but the saints are dead. And despite all your claims of holy visions, most are induced by a substance and the other half are brought on by their own fevrent belief, coming back to imagination. In that respect the saints are keeping an even lower profile than God in the modern world. Probably stuck in traffic. Sorry, I lost you after that incoherent outburst of DCTALK. Keep in mind that I abhor both rap, hip-hop and most modern music, so I have no idea what you are talking about. Unless of course DCTALK is like MSN Messanger? I can imagine that, God using an IM service to contact his servants.


Grim, I love you, and only want the best for you, so I'm going to tell you that you've managed to make yourself sound very egotistical and pessimistic in this topic.


One that thing before I leave this topic, never to return again.


I really think that very few people in this topic are actually arguing to help somebody else. Most are just arguing because they don't want to be wrong. What is the point of proving to somebody that God doesn't exist? What do they gain? Why try to do it? Paz, I know what you're doing. I know that the Bible says to be fishers of men, and I completely respect and admire how hard you're trying to do that. But they aren't going to change their minds. This is no longer about religion. It's about which side can make the other look like idiots. I think that we should just let this topic die and not bring it up again.

Well, then I have at least conveyed my pessimism, or rather the fact I have accepted that once you are dead that is the end, deal with it. Well, I would like to say that by arguing and trying to proove the opposition's ideal wrong you try and make more people live their lives properly in Paz's case and in mine, you try and make less people's lives be governed by something (which in my opinion) is false and wrong. But really all this topic is is practising ping-pong style debate, sort of like Congress and congressional inquisitions, which isn't really my style, but we can't really have an open debate because of the system, no interruptions or anything. Ah, I still laugh everytime I see George Galloway (someone I usually dislike) attacking the Congressional commiteee over their false accusations that he got money from Saddam, so what if he did? Does it matter? No bribes or anything, just a present for defending Saddam in British Parliament. Where was I? Oh yes, No, all this topic is about now is arguing for the sake of it.


But since I like arguing for the sake of it I'm going to point out that Bush is now claiming that God told him to invade Iraq. Dare I say anymore? This is final proof that;

a) God is insane


B) God doesn't exist


c) George Bush is insane.


Take your pick. Ever since he claimed that, the satirists have been having a field day. If only you could see Rory Bremner's take on Bush and God.

But what if we like living by our religious principles?

What if you are just denying yourselves perfectly sensible and acceptable options of modern day life for what eventually turns out to be nothing? Abortion would be the first one that comes to mind. Also, didn't you see you were making a farewell post with that last one?

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But can you give a reason why these figures are any different to God, apart from the fact they don't dictate our lives and claim to be all-everything?



God is real! I have seen, heard, and felt His presence! It's awesome, in full meaning of that word! Santa has always been a fairy tale to me, just like the easter bunny! God says He's real, and adults believe it! Everyone but five year olds knows that Santa and EB are fake! In fact, the EB was only created so that non-Christian kids could celebrate w/ their friends!

I can give you an infinite amount of reasons, just ask, and I will! You don't believe us when we tell you a simple truth, especially the Truth, and yet you try to disprove it with our own words? Anyone can disprove God by using logic and obviousness, but how many can confirm his existence through the written word? I know three groups of people: Lee Strobel and his interviewees; Moses and them who all wrote the Bible with what God said; and DCTALK W/ DA VOICE OF THE MARTYRS! You need to read some of this stuff before yu go ragging on us and our trusts, kid. You're nothin' special. Well, you are, b/c God made you, but you're nothin' compared to ther Promise He has for yu that you refuse to take!


gotta go, it's bedtime.


If that is what you're going to go down in terms of argument, what makes your intamcy with God any different than a child claiming that they felt, have seen or heard the presence of Santa, the tooth fairy or Easter Bunny? If you except feeling a presence proof of existence then that means you must accept everything spiritual as having an existence, be it Ghosts and Gremlins or Khali, the Hindi goddess of death. You cannot be selective in your approach otherwise that just opens up the way for hypocrisy although judging by Christianity its already open and little ants of hypocrisy are marching up and down it, creating a high speed Motorway.


Suprisingly we have a literary genre called fiction for books like that, or alternatively heavily opinionated, with solid connection with reality books. Lee Strobel, I know nothing about him, so he could just be trying to pedal books to get more money, he could have turned to religon for emotional reasons trying to find solstice in the much abused words of generations of preachers and peddlars of faith, if he was a true aethiest who was truely "turned" there must be a reason, you don't just wake up and find that overnight your position on God has changed. Often people return to God because they feel let down and need to escape from the real world and devulge in some false hope. You may be upset to hear this, but the saints are dead. And despite all your claims of holy visions, most are induced by a substance and the other half are brought on by their own fevrent belief, coming back to imagination. In that respect the saints are keeping an even lower profile than God in the modern world. Probably stuck in traffic. Sorry, I lost you after that incoherent outburst of DCTALK. Keep in mind that I abhor both rap, hip-hop and most modern music, so I have no idea what you are talking about. Unless of course DCTALK is like MSN Messanger? I can imagine that, God using an IM service to contact his servants.


Grim, I love you, and only want the best for you, so I'm going to tell you that you've managed to make yourself sound very egotistical and pessimistic in this topic.


One that thing before I leave this topic, never to return again.


I really think that very few people in this topic are actually arguing to help somebody else. Most are just arguing because they don't want to be wrong. What is the point of proving to somebody that God doesn't exist? What do they gain? Why try to do it? Paz, I know what you're doing. I know that the Bible says to be fishers of men, and I completely respect and admire how hard you're trying to do that. But they aren't going to change their minds. This is no longer about religion. It's about which side can make the other look like idiots. I think that we should just let this topic die and not bring it up again.

Well, then I have at least conveyed my pessimism, or rather the fact I have accepted that once you are dead that is the end, deal with it. Well, I would like to say that by arguing and trying to proove the opposition's ideal wrong you try and make more people live their lives properly in Paz's case and in mine, you try and make less people's lives be governed by something (which in my opinion) is false and wrong. But really all this topic is is practising ping-pong style debate, sort of like Congress and congressional inquisitions, which isn't really my style, but we can't really have an open debate because of the system, no interruptions or anything. Ah, I still laugh everytime I see George Galloway (someone I usually dislike) attacking the Congressional commiteee over their false accusations that he got money from Saddam, so what if he did? Does it matter? No bribes or anything, just a present for defending Saddam in British Parliament. Where was I? Oh yes, No, all this topic is about now is arguing for the sake of it.


But since I like arguing for the sake of it I'm going to point out that Bush is now claiming that God told him to invade Iraq. Dare I say anymore? This is final proof that;

a) God is insane


B) God doesn't exist


c) George Bush is insane.


Take your pick. Ever since he claimed that, the satirists have been having a field day. If only you could see Rory Bremner's take on Bush and God.

But what if we like living by our religious principles?

What if you are just denying yourselves perfectly sensible and acceptable options of modern day life for what eventually turns out to be nothing? Abortion would be the first one that comes to mind. Also, didn't you see you were making a farewell post with that last one?

Yeah, I know, but then I ealized that people would reply to it and came back. ._.;;;

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But can you give a reason why these figures are any different to God, apart from the fact they don't dictate our lives and claim to be all-everything?



God is real! I have seen, heard, and felt His presence! It's awesome, in full meaning of that word! Santa has always been a fairy tale to me, just like the easter bunny! God says He's real, and adults believe it! Everyone but five year olds knows that Santa and EB are fake! In fact, the EB was only created so that non-Christian kids could celebrate w/ their friends!

I can give you an infinite amount of reasons, just ask, and I will! You don't believe us when we tell you a simple truth, especially the Truth, and yet you try to disprove it with our own words? Anyone can disprove God by using logic and obviousness, but how many can confirm his existence through the written word? I know three groups of people: Lee Strobel and his interviewees; Moses and them who all wrote the Bible with what God said; and DCTALK W/ DA VOICE OF THE MARTYRS! You need to read some of this stuff before yu go ragging on us and our trusts, kid. You're nothin' special. Well, you are, b/c God made you, but you're nothin' compared to ther Promise He has for yu that you refuse to take!


gotta go, it's bedtime.


If that is what you're going to go down in terms of argument, what makes your intamcy with God any different than a child claiming that they felt, have seen or heard the presence of Santa, the tooth fairy or Easter Bunny? If you except feeling a presence proof of existence then that means you must accept everything spiritual as having an existence, be it Ghosts and Gremlins or Khali, the Hindi goddess of death. You cannot be selective in your approach otherwise that just opens up the way for hypocrisy although judging by Christianity its already open and little ants of hypocrisy are marching up and down it, creating a high speed Motorway.


Suprisingly we have a literary genre called fiction for books like that, or alternatively heavily opinionated, with solid connection with reality books. Lee Strobel, I know nothing about him, so he could just be trying to pedal books to get more money, he could have turned to religon for emotional reasons trying to find solstice in the much abused words of generations of preachers and peddlars of faith, if he was a true aethiest who was truely "turned" there must be a reason, you don't just wake up and find that overnight your position on God has changed. Often people return to God because they feel let down and need to escape from the real world and devulge in some false hope. You may be upset to hear this, but the saints are dead. And despite all your claims of holy visions, most are induced by a substance and the other half are brought on by their own fevrent belief, coming back to imagination. In that respect the saints are keeping an even lower profile than God in the modern world. Probably stuck in traffic. Sorry, I lost you after that incoherent outburst of DCTALK. Keep in mind that I abhor both rap, hip-hop and most modern music, so I have no idea what you are talking about. Unless of course DCTALK is like MSN Messanger? I can imagine that, God using an IM service to contact his servants.


Grim, I love you, and only want the best for you, so I'm going to tell you that you've managed to make yourself sound very egotistical and pessimistic in this topic.


One that thing before I leave this topic, never to return again.


I really think that very few people in this topic are actually arguing to help somebody else. Most are just arguing because they don't want to be wrong. What is the point of proving to somebody that God doesn't exist? What do they gain? Why try to do it? Paz, I know what you're doing. I know that the Bible says to be fishers of men, and I completely respect and admire how hard you're trying to do that. But they aren't going to change their minds. This is no longer about religion. It's about which side can make the other look like idiots. I think that we should just let this topic die and not bring it up again.

Well, then I have at least conveyed my pessimism, or rather the fact I have accepted that once you are dead that is the end, deal with it. Well, I would like to say that by arguing and trying to proove the opposition's ideal wrong you try and make more people live their lives properly in Paz's case and in mine, you try and make less people's lives be governed by something (which in my opinion) is false and wrong. But really all this topic is is practising ping-pong style debate, sort of like Congress and congressional inquisitions, which isn't really my style, but we can't really have an open debate because of the system, no interruptions or anything. Ah, I still laugh everytime I see George Galloway (someone I usually dislike) attacking the Congressional commiteee over their false accusations that he got money from Saddam, so what if he did? Does it matter? No bribes or anything, just a present for defending Saddam in British Parliament. Where was I? Oh yes, No, all this topic is about now is arguing for the sake of it.


But since I like arguing for the sake of it I'm going to point out that Bush is now claiming that God told him to invade Iraq. Dare I say anymore? This is final proof that;

a) God is insane


B) God doesn't exist


c) George Bush is insane.


Take your pick. Ever since he claimed that, the satirists have been having a field day. If only you could see Rory Bremner's take on Bush and God.

But what if we like living by our religious principles?

And what if we like living without religion?

Exactly! Neither side is going to back down, so this argument is pointless and we should just stop it.

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But can you give a reason why these figures are any different to God, apart from the fact they don't dictate our lives and claim to be all-everything?



God is real! I have seen, heard, and felt His presence! It's awesome, in full meaning of that word! Santa has always been a fairy tale to me, just like the easter bunny! God says He's real, and adults believe it! Everyone but five year olds knows that Santa and EB are fake! In fact, the EB was only created so that non-Christian kids could celebrate w/ their friends!

I can give you an infinite amount of reasons, just ask, and I will! You don't believe us when we tell you a simple truth, especially the Truth, and yet you try to disprove it with our own words? Anyone can disprove God by using logic and obviousness, but how many can confirm his existence through the written word? I know three groups of people: Lee Strobel and his interviewees; Moses and them who all wrote the Bible with what God said; and DCTALK W/ DA VOICE OF THE MARTYRS! You need to read some of this stuff before yu go ragging on us and our trusts, kid. You're nothin' special. Well, you are, b/c God made you, but you're nothin' compared to ther Promise He has for yu that you refuse to take!


gotta go, it's bedtime.


If that is what you're going to go down in terms of argument, what makes your intamcy with God any different than a child claiming that they felt, have seen or heard the presence of Santa, the tooth fairy or Easter Bunny? If you except feeling a presence proof of existence then that means you must accept everything spiritual as having an existence, be it Ghosts and Gremlins or Khali, the Hindi goddess of death. You cannot be selective in your approach otherwise that just opens up the way for hypocrisy although judging by Christianity its already open and little ants of hypocrisy are marching up and down it, creating a high speed Motorway.


Suprisingly we have a literary genre called fiction for books like that, or alternatively heavily opinionated, with solid connection with reality books. Lee Strobel, I know nothing about him, so he could just be trying to pedal books to get more money, he could have turned to religon for emotional reasons trying to find solstice in the much abused words of generations of preachers and peddlars of faith, if he was a true aethiest who was truely "turned" there must be a reason, you don't just wake up and find that overnight your position on God has changed. Often people return to God because they feel let down and need to escape from the real world and devulge in some false hope. You may be upset to hear this, but the saints are dead. And despite all your claims of holy visions, most are induced by a substance and the other half are brought on by their own fevrent belief, coming back to imagination. In that respect the saints are keeping an even lower profile than God in the modern world. Probably stuck in traffic. Sorry, I lost you after that incoherent outburst of DCTALK. Keep in mind that I abhor both rap, hip-hop and most modern music, so I have no idea what you are talking about. Unless of course DCTALK is like MSN Messanger? I can imagine that, God using an IM service to contact his servants.

Grim, I love you, and only want the best for you, so I'm going to tell you that you've managed to make yourself sound very egotistical and pessimistic in this topic.


One that thing before I leave this topic, never to return again.


I really think that very few people in this topic are actually arguing to help somebody else. Most are just arguing because they don't want to be wrong. What is the point of proving to somebody that God doesn't exist? What do they gain? Why try to do it? Paz, I know what you're doing. I know that the Bible says to be fishers of men, and I completely respect and admire how hard you're trying to do that. But they aren't going to change their minds. This is no longer about religion. It's about which side can make the other look like idiots. I think that we should just let this topic die and not bring it up again.

Well, then I have at least conveyed my pessimism, or rather the fact I have accepted that once you are dead that is the end, deal with it. Well, I would like to say that by arguing and trying to proove the opposition's ideal wrong you try and make more people live their lives properly in Paz's case and in mine, you try and make less people's lives be governed by something (which in my opinion) is false and wrong. But really all this topic is is practising ping-pong style debate, sort of like Congress and congressional inquisitions, which isn't really my style, but we can't really have an open debate because of the system, no interruptions or anything. Ah, I still laugh everytime I see George Galloway (someone I usually dislike) attacking the Congressional commiteee over their false accusations that he got money from Saddam, so what if he did? Does it matter? No bribes or anything, just a present for defending Saddam in British Parliament. Where was I? Oh yes, No, all this topic is about now is arguing for the sake of it.


But since I like arguing for the sake of it I'm going to point out that Bush is now claiming that God told him to invade Iraq. Dare I say anymore? This is final proof that;

a) God is insane


B) God doesn't exist


c) George Bush is insane.


Take your pick. Ever since he claimed that, the satirists have been having a field day. If only you could see Rory Bremner's take on Bush and God.

In what way did he say that God told him to invade Iraq? If anything, even though God would know humans well enough to know that they can't just sort things out through talking, God would say not to cause killings.


So I'd say George Bush is insane.

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  • 2 weeks later...
If that is what you're going to go down in terms of argument, what makes your intamcy with God any different than a child claiming that they felt, have seen or heard the presence of Santa, the tooth fairy or Easter Bunny? If you except feeling a presence proof of existence then that means you must accept everything spiritual as having an existence, be it Ghosts and Gremlins or Khali, the Hindi goddess of death. You cannot be selective in your approach otherwise that just opens up the way for hypocrisy although judging by Christianity its already open and little ants of hypocrisy are marching up and down it, creating a high speed Motorway.


Suprisingly we have a literary genre called fiction for books like that, or alternatively heavily opinionated, with solid connection with reality books. Lee Strobel, I know nothing about him, so he could just be trying to pedal books to get more money, he could have turned to religon for emotional reasons trying to find solstice in the much abused words of generations of preachers and peddlars of faith, if he was a true aethiest who was truely "turned" there must be a reason, you don't just wake up and find that overnight your position on God has changed. Often people return to God because they feel let down and need to escape from the real world and devulge in some false hope. You may be upset to hear this, but the saints are dead. And despite all your claims of holy visions, most are induced by a substance and the other half are brought on by their own fevrent belief, coming back to imagination. In that respect the saints are keeping an even lower profile than God in the modern world. Probably stuck in traffic. Sorry, I lost you after that incoherent outburst of DCTALK. Keep in mind that I abhor both rap, hip-hop and most modern music,you wouldn't dislike them if you heard their Intermission album. I like track 13. so I have no idea what you are talking about. Unless of course DCTALK is like MSN Messanger? I can imagine that, God using an IM service to contact his servants.


That was just stupid, Phoenix. Judas went to **** for committing suicide! Get your facts straight b4 you shove your foot any further down your intestinal tract!


Grim, I love you, and only want the best for you,That's my whole point. so I'm going to tell you that you've managed to make yourself sound very egotistical and pessimistic in this topic.


One that thing before I leave this topic, never to return again.


I really think that very few people in this topic are actually arguing to help somebody else. Most are just arguing because they don't want to be wrong. What is the point of proving to somebody that God doesn't exist? What do they gain? Why try to do it? Paz, I know what you're doing. I know that the Bible says to be fishers of men, and I completely respect and admire how hard you're trying to do that. But they aren't going to change their minds. This is no longer about religion. It's about which side can make the other look like idiots. I think that we should just let this topic die and not bring it up again.

Hey, now, I have to disagree. I was almost as adamant as TGHL, and now look at me! Just because he's stubborn in his faith doesn't mean he's any less wrong. Lee Strobel, TGHL, converted over a period of time. I'm the one who gave it up within a week's time!


Well, then I have at least conveyed my pessimism, or rather the fact I have accepted that once you are dead that is the end, deal with it. Well, I would like to say that by arguing and trying to proove the opposition's ideal wrong you try and make more people live their lives properly in Paz's case and in mine, you try and make less people's lives be governed by something (which in my opinion) is false and wrong. But really all this topic is is practising ping-pong style debate, sort of like Congress and congressional inquisitions, which isn't really my style, but we can't really have an open debate because of the system, no interruptions or anything. Ah, I still laugh everytime I see George Galloway (someone I usually dislike) attacking the Congressional commiteee over their false accusations that he got money from Saddam, so what if he did? Does it matter? No bribes or anything, just a present for defending Saddam in British Parliament. Where was I? Oh yes, No, all this topic is about now is arguing for the sake of it.


But since I like arguing for the sake of it I'm going to point out that Bush is now claiming that God told him to invade Iraq. Dare I say anymore? This is final proof that;

a) God is insane


B) God doesn't exist


c) George Bush is insane.God is real, Bush is an idiot. I'm a rep, too.


Take your pick. Ever since he claimed that, the satirists have been having a field day. If only you could see Rory Bremner's take on Bush and God.

I love you, TGHL. It is such a shame that you can't see how much God loves you and wants you to know Him. Nothing you say can change the facts:


God is real.

Satan is real, and when we say he isn't, it only gives him more power.

Jesus was, is, and will be real forever.

He did come down from heaven.

Jesus is God manifested in the flesh.

Jesus did everything they say he did.

He fulfilled all the prophecies.

He did die on the cross.

He did come back in all the glory of heaven after three days.

Jesus did promise to come back.

That time will be very soon.

Most of the world will not be ready.

The deadly prophecies found in Revelation will come true.

I will go home when the Day of the Lord's Return comes.

I can ony hope and pray that you will, too, TGHL.






again, I love you. I love TGHL, Kat, Horatio, Taynio, all of you.

I can only hope I see you all when I'm in heaven worshiping the Lord like there's no tomorrow!

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If that is what you're going to go down in terms of argument, what makes your intamcy with God any different than a child claiming that they felt, have seen or heard the presence of Santa, the tooth fairy or Easter Bunny? If you except feeling a presence proof of existence then that means you must accept everything spiritual as having an existence, be it Ghosts and Gremlins or Khali, the Hindi goddess of death. You cannot be selective in your approach otherwise that just opens up the way for hypocrisy although judging by Christianity its already open and little ants of hypocrisy are marching up and down it, creating a high speed Motorway.


Suprisingly we have a literary genre called fiction for books like that, or alternatively heavily opinionated, with solid connection with reality books. Lee Strobel, I know nothing about him, so he could just be trying to pedal books to get more money, he could have turned to religon for emotional reasons trying to find solstice in the much abused words of generations of preachers and peddlars of faith, if he was a true aethiest who was truely "turned" there must be a reason, you don't just wake up and find that overnight your position on God has changed. Often people return to God because they feel let down and need to escape from the real world and devulge in some false hope. You may be upset to hear this, but the saints are dead. And despite all your claims of holy visions, most are induced by a substance and the other half are brought on by their own fevrent belief, coming back to imagination. In that respect the saints are keeping an even lower profile than God in the modern world. Probably stuck in traffic. Sorry, I lost you after that incoherent outburst of DCTALK. Keep in mind that I abhor both rap, hip-hop and most modern music,you wouldn't dislike them if you heard their Intermission album. I like track 13. so I have no idea what you are talking about. Unless of course DCTALK is like MSN Messanger? I can imagine that, God using an IM service to contact his servants.


That was just stupid, Phoenix. Judas went to **** for committing suicide! Get your facts straight b4 you shove your foot any further down your intestinal tract!


Grim, I love you, and only want the best for you,That's my whole point. so I'm going to tell you that you've managed to make yourself sound very egotistical and pessimistic in this topic.


One that thing before I leave this topic, never to return again.


I really think that very few people in this topic are actually arguing to help somebody else. Most are just arguing because they don't want to be wrong. What is the point of proving to somebody that God doesn't exist? What do they gain? Why try to do it? Paz, I know what you're doing. I know that the Bible says to be fishers of men, and I completely respect and admire how hard you're trying to do that. But they aren't going to change their minds. This is no longer about religion. It's about which side can make the other look like idiots. I think that we should just let this topic die and not bring it up again.

Hey, now, I have to disagree. I was almost as adamant as TGHL, and now look at me! Just because he's stubborn in his faith doesn't mean he's any less wrong. Lee Strobel, TGHL, converted over a period of time. I'm the one who gave it up within a week's time!


Well, then I have at least conveyed my pessimism, or rather the fact I have accepted that once you are dead that is the end, deal with it. Well, I would like to say that by arguing and trying to proove the opposition's ideal wrong you try and make more people live their lives properly in Paz's case and in mine, you try and make less people's lives be governed by something (which in my opinion) is false and wrong. But really all this topic is is practising ping-pong style debate, sort of like Congress and congressional inquisitions, which isn't really my style, but we can't really have an open debate because of the system, no interruptions or anything. Ah, I still laugh everytime I see George Galloway (someone I usually dislike) attacking the Congressional commiteee over their false accusations that he got money from Saddam, so what if he did? Does it matter? No bribes or anything, just a present for defending Saddam in British Parliament. Where was I? Oh yes, No, all this topic is about now is arguing for the sake of it.


But since I like arguing for the sake of it I'm going to point out that Bush is now claiming that God told him to invade Iraq. Dare I say anymore? This is final proof that;

a) God is insane


B) God doesn't exist


c) George Bush is insane.God is real, Bush is an idiot. I'm a rep, too.


Take your pick. Ever since he claimed that, the satirists have been having a field day. If only you could see Rory Bremner's take on Bush and God.

I love you, TGHL. It is such a shame that you can't see how much God loves you and wants you to know Him. Nothing you say can change the facts:


God is real.

Satan is real, and when we say he isn't, it only gives him more power.

Jesus was, is, and will be real forever.

He did come down from heaven.

Jesus is God manifested in the flesh.

Jesus did everything they say he did.

He fulfilled all the prophecies.

He did die on the cross.

He did come back in all the glory of heaven after three days.

Jesus did promise to come back.

That time will be very soon.

Most of the world will not be ready.

The deadly prophecies found in Revelation will come true.

I will go home when the Day of the Lord's Return comes.

I can ony hope and pray that you will, too, TGHL.






again, I love you. I love TGHL, Kat, Horatio, Taynio, all of you.

I can only hope I see you all when I'm in heaven worshiping the Lord like there's no tomorrow!

For a start;

And where did anyone say that Judas was going to ####? Did Jesus come back down and have a little rant about betrayal and how Judas was going to be admonished for all enternity by his mother? No. Don't make assumptions, although considering that assuming the most ridiculous option is the right one seems to be how Christianity was born, so maybe you're keeping up the old traditions and are off to carry out some more like attack the Middle East and burn some witches.


G.W.Bush is an idiot and a failure, type in Failure to Google and hit I'm feeling lucky and it comes up with the Bush Administration. However, explain to me why having the universe created by what in most people's minds is a kindly, old man is anymore plausible than having it created by a flying spaghetti monster or sneezed from the nose of green dragon and since then fearing the coming of the great white handkerchief.


If we are going to start talking about facts, you must also accept these facts about facts;

1) Gossip can be claimed as fact

2) Rumour can be claimed as fact

3) Hallucinations can be claimed as fact

4) What you see as fact isn't necessairily fact

5) What you first see as fact, may turn out not be completely a fact

6) There are many undiscovered facts which affect the factuality of your fact

7) I could claim that If God exists, I am a small can of soup containing many nourishing items and as I am not a small can of soup containing many nourishing items, God does not exist. Is that fact? It seems to be. So does this mean I have defeated your arguement by pointing out that I am not a can of soup? How did I start making this point? How is it relevant to teh original subject?


Anyway some of those facts make no sense, especially the Satan one. Denial makes him stronger? Ok then, denial makes him stronger. But since his power is taken from denial, denial must have some effect on him as he is partly denial. Does this mean Satan needs a psychatrist?

Also, talking stupidly about apocolypses is usually followed by it not coming true and the claimer being discredited and cast out from society. Its not hard anyway. Ooh, I predict that the world will end tomorrow, because the planets are in a certain alignment and spell out "The end is nigh." Of course this makes it all true, and from a week from now I will bend spoons and read your mind using my Medium-o-matic. Most of this rubbish is trickery and lies anyway, Revelations is not fact they are all strange riddles which confuse most people. And what will cause this end of the world anyway? George Bush labelling the EU part of teh Axis of Evil and throwing crayons at German chancellor Angela Merkel? There is no chance of a natural disaster wiping us out for at least another couple of centuries which is hardly soon, and the Earth is only going to explode in about 5 billion years so thats not soon either. Anyway, whatever it is the human race is about as versatile as the cockroach. Somewhere, some place a human is going to escape the Nuclear holocaust or whatever you are predicting and the Earth will heal and life begins again.

Oh dear, you scare me by threatning me with eternal dammnation. Infinity doesn't last forever you know. Anyway, #### would be looking at a serious overcrowding problem if you just go and dump everyone who's not Christian in there, which is what you're saying isn't it? Its not whether you've been good or not, its whether you are a Christian or not. How... typical and hypocritical. Oh yes, we offer an open door policy into heaven, everyone's welcome, oh sorry sir you're not allowed in you were a Buddhist. Oh no, sorry ma'am you were Agnostic. Er.. sir? You were a Muslim, its #### for you. Oh and you, you, you, you, you, you, you, your pet dog and the next door neighbour's cat are all earmaked for #### I'm afraid. What? You were Christian? Er... well.... I'm afraid you weren't pious enough to get in sir. What do you mean thats not fair? Excuse me, I am an angel you know, I am naturally fair. WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M JUST A PONCY HUMAN IN A TOGA AND WINGS!??!?! Why I oughta....


To round off, you can waste your life with your sad little rituals and claiming you love everyone while making war on Tehran and Korea, not to mention China, Russia, Vietnam, Egypt, The rest of the middle East, Europe, Japan and yourselves and I'll just get on with life, deal with what I've got to do now and see what happens. I would say we'd see who's laughing on the other side, but unfortunately there is no other side. There are far too many problems NOW, to be worrying about whether you will pass the entrence exam for heaven.

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Gimme a sec, boys. I lost my reply, so I have to retype and hope it all makes sense for your deluded minds.

For a start;

And where did anyone say that Judas was going to ####?Suicide is an unforgivable sin because you don't have time to repent. Did Jesus come back down and have a little rant about betrayal and how Judas was going to be admonished for all enternity by his mother?#### is not the worst thing you caqn imagine, it is an eternally burning lake of fire. Just look in Revelation. It's right there: The burning lake of fire...lake of eternal fire...etc. No. Don't make assumptions, although considering that assuming the most ridiculous option is the right one seems to be how Christianity was born, so maybe you're keeping up the old traditions and are off to carry out some more like attack the Middle East and burn some witches.Grow up. Those people are zealots deluded by stranger practices than these. We don't do that anymore.


G.W.Bush is an idiot and a failure, type in Failure to Google and hit I'm feeling lucky and it comes up with the Bush Administration. However, explain to me why having the universe created by what in most people's minds is a kindly, old man is anymore plausible than having it created by a flying spaghetti monster or sneezed from the nose of green dragon and since then fearing the coming of the great white handkerchief.Because those are ludicrous and even silly, and if you would just delve a little deeper into the science of religion, you would be surprised with what you came up with.


If we are going to start talking about facts, you must also accept these facts about facts;

1) Gossip can be claimed as factYes, but it is a sin to talk behind someone's back.

2) Rumour can be claimed as factBut you know it's usually not.

3) Hallucinations can be claimed as factBut they are obviously not!

4) What you see as fact isn't necessairily factExample: ???

5) What you first see as fact, may turn out not be completely a factYes, I know. However, the human mind cannot encompass what is fact and fiction until it is made clear.

6) There are many undiscovered facts which affect the factuality of your factYou just said that to throw me off.

7) I could claim that If God exists, I am a small can of soup containing many nourishing items and as I am not a small can of soup containing many nourishing items, God does not exist. Is that fact? It seems to be. So does this mean I have defeated your arguement by pointing out that I am not a can of soup? How did I start making this point? How is it relevant to teh original subject?

Yes, but those two things are completely unrelated, so stop trying to play with me. It's very early for me to be debating.

Anyway some of those facts make no sense, especially the Satan one. Denial makes him stronger? Ok then, denial makes him stronger. But since his power is taken from denial, denial must have some effect on him as he is partly denial. Does this mean Satan needs a psychatrist?No. Satan is a paradox: A contradiction wherein lies a hidden truth. Satan is fed by our denial, and lies are not exactly denial. When we lie to ourslves and eventually believe it, it is denial. Satan feeds off of that, especially in our two countries. Satan is weakened by the power of the Great Sacrifice, which you already know about. If you'd like, we can gave a Q+A session if you are confused about anything in the Christian faith.

Also, talking stupidly about apocolypses is usually followed by it not coming true and the claimer being discredited and cast out from society. Its not hard anyway. Ooh, I predict that the world will end tomorrow, because the planets are in a certain alignment and spell out "The end is nigh." Of course this makes it all true, and from a week from now I will bend spoons and read your mind using my Medium-o-matic. Most of this rubbish is trickery and lies anyway, Revelations is not fact they are all strange riddles which confuse most people. And what will cause this end of the world anyway? George Bush labelling the EU part of teh Axis of Evil and throwing crayons at German chancellor Angela Merkel? There is no chance of a natural disaster wiping us out for at least another couple of centuries which is hardly soon, and the Earth is only going to explode in about 5 billion years so thats not soon either. Anyway, whatever it is the human race is about as versatile as the cockroach. Somewhere, some place a human is going to escape the Nuclear holocaust or whatever you are predicting and the Earth will heal and life begins again.Since when are geniuses straightforward, Phoenix?! Look: Microevolution is true. It has to be true for the resistant strains of bacteria to develop. It has to be true for pine trees to live on. Survival of the fittest is true. Monkeys to man is not. It is incredibly fallacious, and you would know that if you would just look at it with clear eyes!

Oh dear, you scare me by threatning me with eternal dammnation.I don't want to scare anyone. Fear is not how I want to win followers for my God. Infinity doesn't last forever you know.Then why do we call it infinity? Anyway, #### would be looking at a serious overcrowding problem if you just go and dump everyone who's not Christian in there, which is what you're saying isn't it?Yes. Its not whether you've been good or not, its whether you are a Christian or not. Yes. Ascention is given through faith, not earned by deeds.How... typical and hypocritical.How is it hypocritical? Oh yes, we offer an open door policy into heaven, everyone's welcome, oh sorry sir you're not allowed in you were a Buddhist. Oh no, sorry ma'am you were Agnostic. Er.. sir? You were a Muslim, its #### for you. Oh and you, you, you, you, you, you, you, your pet dog and the next door neighbour's cat are all earmaked for #### I'm afraid. What? You were Christian? Er... well.... I'm afraid you weren't pious enough to get in sir.Christians get in. Babies and kids get in. That's the whole point: Innonence is a virtue that only exists through the wonderful love of Jesus Christ, God, and the miracles of the Holy Spirit... Which is all the samew person. What do you mean thats not fair? Excuse me, I am an angel you know, I am naturally fair. WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M JUST A PONCY HUMAN IN A TOGA AND WINGS!??!?! Why I oughta....Well, that was a waste of characters if I ever saw one worse than some of the signatures in here.


To round off, you can waste your life with your sad little rituals and claiming you love everyone while making war on Tehran and Korea, not to mention China, Russia, Vietnam, Egypt, The rest of the middle East, Europe, Japan and yourselves and I'll just get on with life, deal with what I've got to do now and see what happens. I would say we'd see who's laughing on the other side, but unfortunately there is no other side. There are far too many problems NOW, to be worrying about whether you will pass the entrence exam for heaven.But the thing is, TGHL, we should be worrying more than ever now. You don't know if a nuke is going to fall on your house tomorrow. You of all ppl should have a greater perspective on where you stand, because 1) you have experienced close death in your family, and 2) you weren't far from the bus bombings. You are being kept alive for a reason, child. Wouldn't you like to know what it was?


I'm back in action... for now.

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OMG, I typed in Failure and I'm Feeling Lucky actually came u[p w/ white house web page!

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Suicide is an unforgivable sin because you don't have time to repent. #### is not the worst thing you caqn imagine, it is an eternally burning lake of fire. Just look in Revelation. It's right there: The burning lake of fire...lake of eternal fire...etc. Grow up. Those people are zealots deluded by stranger practices than these. We don't do that anymore.


Because those are ludicrous and even silly, and if you would just delve a little deeper into the science of religion, you would be surprised with what you came up with.


Yes, but it is a sin to talk behind someone's back.

But you know it's usually not. Rumour and Gossip are sometimes the same, why I could start a rumour saying that I saw an Angel when its not true and people may believe me.

But they are obviously not! Ah yes, but what if you thought they were true? That means that visions can be dismissed as hallucinations.

Example: ???Apart from God's existance? FIne then, some people see Anti-biotics as helping you recover and say that that is a fact, but Antibiotics actually harm you in the long run, so that fact is false.

Yes, I know. However, the human mind cannot encompass what is fact and fiction until it is made clear. Be careful with the word clear, it can mean you can see straight through something or you can't see it at all.

You just said that to throw me off.No, for example we currently think that Space is curved based on Einstein's research, but if we add in a previously unknown fact into the equations it could mean that space is U-shaped and time is like a Jam Doughnut.

Yes, but those two things are completely unrelated, so stop trying to play with me. It's very early for me to be debating.I wouldn't say so, as I was making the point that just because someone says something doesn't mean its necessailrily true..... That wasn't the point I was making, but I can't remember the original one anyway.

No. Satan is a paradox: A contradiction wherein lies a hidden truth. Satan is fed by our denial, and lies are not exactly denial. When we lie to ourslves and eventually believe it, it is denial. Satan feeds off of that, especially in our two countries. Satan is weakened by the power of the Great Sacrifice, which you already know about. If you'd like, we can gave a Q+A session if you are confused about anything in the Christian faith. Ah yes, but if you ask a theologist who has studied the Bible or specifically Satan, he might say something different to what you said, you gave your interpretation which is pretty much all you are basing your claims on isn't it? Your own individual interpretation of the Bible, which means it isn't necessairily right or what it was originally meant to be read as. BE CAREFUL. Do not base your argument on your opinion or interpretation because it can easily be dismissed. And ok, Q+A session. WHY? Why bother? Why must you be so hypocritical? Why must you persecute everyone else just because they don't agree with you? Why must you automatically feel that you have duty to help mankind? Why do you have to force your religon in everyone's faces? (these are general questions about Christianity, not you Topazia)

Since when are geniuses straightforward, Phoenix?! Look: Microevolution is true. It has to be true for the resistant strains of bacteria to develop. It has to be true for pine trees to live on. Survival of the fittest is true. Monkeys to man is not. It is incredibly fallacious, and you would know that if you would just look at it with clear eyes!So just wait, you are embracing evolution, but you are doing what everyone hates most, picking out the bits you like and throwing away the rest? And why not? It makes perfect sense and explains a lot about humanity and human nature. Why do you think pyschologists always look at monkeys to study some of our more primitive instincts?

I don't want to scare anyone. Fear is not how I want to win followers for my God. Oh really? Then why do you keep saying I will confined to eternal dammnation if I don't change my ways? I am perfectly "good" if not better than some Christians, but just because I didn't pray and didn't praise the Lord I go to the firey pit of eternal dammnation. But that is the only way isn't it? The only way you can get your followers is by saying you get some insurance for after-death and if you don't you have to live your worst nightmeres for eternity. Then why do we call it infinity? Because human beings are stupid and have failed to realise that infinity only exists while there is someone to have the concept of infinity. Yes. HA! Welcome to my trap! Fallen into it, or rather blundered into it, you have now unleashed my full wroth. Even you! Yes, you! Are subject to hypocriscy. Amongst all your piety and love and morals, you still discriminate against people. You say that discrimination (this is getting more general as it goes along) is bad, you are accepting of everyone else's point of view, you accept everyone's culture, you are accepting of everyone else's religon, but ultimately it's me who's going to be laughing because we don't let your sort into heaven, regardless of good deeds or not, regardless of how kind you've been, I get into heaven and you don't. KKK members get into heaven because they have been faithful to God and shown how much they would do for him, even the ones who got drunk and ended up hurting someone get to come in. Hitler gets in, because he didn't actually, personally kill anyone or break our laws, but you Mr.Jew or Muslim or whatever don't get in for all your helping of those in need. Jews don't get in despite the fact they had the same root as Christianity! This binds in with your comment about ascension incidentally. Even murderers get in, because everyone is ultimately a murderer as not taking a bottle off of a drunk is killing them, you just kill by fractions instead. So yes, you can murder, but you can't come in if you were the most helpful and kindly person in the world because you are the wrong religon.Yes. Ascention is given through faith, not earned by deeds. This bit is just disgusting.How is it hypocritical? You should have read the next bit and taken it into account. Christians get in. Babies and kids get in. That's the whole point: Innonence is a virtue that only exists through the wonderful love of Jesus Christ, God, and the miracles of the Holy Spirit... Which is all the samew person. See? Discrimination. HAH! And to the other two, you are sorely mistaken, although I suppose it depends. Babies, who have not had time to be Christianed go to Limbo, Purgotory or whatever it is you want to kill that in between bit. ANd Children are selfish, mean and often cranky. The only ones who manage to be innocents are either a bit pyscho or have parents that scare them so much with their zealous faith. And yes, I know the Holy Trinity, the Spirt, the Son and the Holy Father. Do not waste my life with pointless information.Or I'll come and get those precious minutes/seconds etc. back and it won't be nice....

Well, that was a waste of characters if I ever saw one worse than some of the signatures in here.Actually, if you didn't just skim read stuff about other people's views you may have noticed that I was criticising your belief that angels are better than us just because they have wings. I could go into futher detail, but I don't want to.


But the thing is, TGHL, we should be worrying more than ever now. You don't know if a nuke is going to fall on your house tomorrow. You of all ppl should have a greater perspective on where you stand, because 1) you have experienced close death in your family, and 2) you weren't far from the bus bombings. You are being kept alive for a reason, child. Wouldn't you like to know what it was?

Worrying more than ever? Did you neglect your History? As far as this period goes, everything is as safe as... something that is extremly safe! The Cold War? Did you miss learning about the constant threat of death looming over our heads? (our in the human race terms) The world was actually due to end on the day the Communists backed off over Cuba! And all the allies have the nukes now, no "enemy of the state" has them, except China, but that is on friendly terms at them minute. You are starting to sound as if you are actually buying into this propoganda Bush is spurting out! Oh I do, and you of all people should understand that you shouldn't question my knowledge on current affairs. Do you know anything at all about the war in Sudan? Do you know about allegations against the CIA about secret terrorism prisons (a load of rubbish, but the Washington Post insists its true)? Do you know about the situation in North Korea and how I can barely get in to visit my Korean connections (friends)? Do you know about Japan's royal family and the problems it now faces? Probably not unless you nipped off to read up on them. Do not try and understand what I have been through because you can't, won't and, if you knew, don't want to. I am being kept alive by my own knowledge and survival instincts, in some cases I have come close to death, the London Bombings being one of two. Nothing is keeping me alive, especially not your God.

Apologies if you get upset, but it's what I think and after some of those comments, in someway you deserved the nastier bits.

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Suicide is an unforgivable sin because you don't have time to repent. #### is not the worst thing you caqn imagine, it is an eternally burning lake of fire. Just look in Revelation. It's right there: The burning lake of fire...lake of eternal fire...etc. Grow up. Those people are zealots deluded by stranger practices than these. We don't do that anymore.


Because those are ludicrous and even silly, and if you would just delve a little deeper into the science of religion, you would be surprised with what you came up with.


Yes, but it is a sin to talk behind someone's back.

But you know it's usually not. Rumour and Gossip are sometimes the same, why I could start a rumour saying that I saw an Angel when its not true and people may believe me.

But they are obviously not! Ah yes, but what if you thought they were true? That means that visions can be dismissed as hallucinations.

Example: ???Apart from God's existance? FIne then, some people see Anti-biotics as helping you recover and say that that is a fact, but Antibiotics actually harm you in the long run, so that fact is false. Another thing: It is called being wrong.Yes, I know. However, the human mind cannot encompass what is fact and fiction until it is made clear. Be careful with the word clear, it can mean you can see straight through something or you can't see it at all.

You just said that to throw me off.No, for example we currently think that Space is curved based on Einstein's research, but if we add in a previously unknown fact into the equations it could mean that space is U-shaped and time is like a Jam Doughnut.

Yes, but those two things are completely unrelated, so stop trying to play with me. It's very early for me to be debating.I wouldn't say so, as I was making the point that just because someone says something doesn't mean its necessailrily true..... That wasn't the point I was making, but I can't remember the original one anyway.

No. Satan is a paradox: A contradiction wherein lies a hidden truth. Satan is fed by our denial, and lies are not exactly denial. When we lie to ourslves and eventually believe it, it is denial. Satan feeds off of that, especially in our two countries. Satan is weakened by the power of the Great Sacrifice, which you already know about. If you'd like, we can gave a Q+A session if you are confused about anything in the Christian faith. Ah yes, but if you ask a theologist who has studied the Bible or specifically Satan, he might say something different to what you said, you gave your interpretation which is pretty much all you are basing your claims on isn't it? Your own individual interpretation of the Bible, which means it isn't necessairily right or what it was originally meant to be read as. BE CAREFUL. Do not base your argument on your opinion or interpretation because it can easily be dismissed. And ok, Q+A session. WHY? Why bother? Why must you be so hypocritical? Why must you persecute everyone else just because they don't agree with you? Why must you automatically feel that you have duty to help mankind? Why do you have to force your religon in everyone's faces? (these are general questions about Christianity, not you Topazia)

Since when are geniuses straightforward, Phoenix?! Look: Microevolution is true. It has to be true for the resistant strains of bacteria to develop. It has to be true for pine trees to live on. Survival of the fittest is true. Monkeys to man is not. It is incredibly fallacious, and you would know that if you would just look at it with clear eyes!So just wait, you are embracing evolution, but you are doing what everyone hates most, picking out the bits you like and throwing away the rest? And why not? It makes perfect sense and explains a lot about humanity and human nature. Why do you think pyschologists always look at monkeys to study some of our more primitive instincts?

I don't want to scare anyone. Fear is not how I want to win followers for my God. Oh really? Then why do you keep saying I will confined to eternal dammnation if I don't change my ways? I am perfectly "good" if not better than some Christians, but just because I didn't pray and didn't praise the Lord I go to the firey pit of eternal dammnation. But that is the only way isn't it? The only way you can get your followers is by saying you get some insurance for after-death and if you don't you have to live your worst nightmeres for eternity. Then why do we call it infinity? Because human beings are stupid and have failed to realise that infinity only exists while there is someone to have the concept of infinity. Yes. HA! Welcome to my trap! Fallen into it, or rather blundered into it, you have now unleashed my full wroth. Even you! Yes, you! Are subject to hypocriscy. Amongst all your piety and love and morals, you still discriminate against people. You say that discrimination (this is getting more general as it goes along) is bad, you are accepting of everyone else's point of view, you accept everyone's culture, you are accepting of everyone else's religon, but ultimately it's me who's going to be laughing because we don't let your sort into heaven, regardless of good deeds or not, regardless of how kind you've been, I get into heaven and you don't. KKK members get into heaven because they have been faithful to God and shown how much they would do for him, even the ones who got drunk and ended up hurting someone get to come in. Hitler gets in, because he didn't actually, personally kill anyone or break our laws, but you Mr.Jew or Muslim or whatever don't get in for all your helping of those in need. Jews don't get in despite the fact they had the same root as Christianity! This binds in with your comment about ascension incidentally. Even murderers get in, because everyone is ultimately a murderer as not taking a bottle off of a drunk is killing them, you just kill by fractions instead. So yes, you can murder, but you can't come in if you were the most helpful and kindly person in the world because you are the wrong religon.Yes. Ascention is given through faith, not earned by deeds. This bit is just disgusting.How is it hypocritical? You should have read the next bit and taken it into account. Christians get in. Babies and kids get in. That's the whole point: Innonence is a virtue that only exists through the wonderful love of Jesus Christ, God, and the miracles of the Holy Spirit... Which is all the samew person. See? Discrimination. HAH! And to the other two, you are sorely mistaken, although I suppose it depends. Babies, who have not had time to be Christianed go to Limbo, Purgotory or whatever it is you want to kill that in between bit. ANd Children are selfish, mean and often cranky. The only ones who manage to be innocents are either a bit pyscho or have parents that scare them so much with their zealous faith. And yes, I know the Holy Trinity, the Spirt, the Son and the Holy Father. Do not waste my life with pointless information.Or I'll come and get those precious minutes/seconds etc. back and it won't be nice....

Well, that was a waste of characters if I ever saw one worse than some of the signatures in here.Actually, if you didn't just skim read stuff about other people's views you may have noticed that I was criticising your belief that angels are better than us just because they have wings. I could go into futher detail, but I don't want to.


But the thing is, TGHL, we should be worrying more than ever now. You don't know if a nuke is going to fall on your house tomorrow. You of all ppl should have a greater perspective on where you stand, because 1) you have experienced close death in your family, and 2) you weren't far from the bus bombings. You are being kept alive for a reason, child. Wouldn't you like to know what it was?

Worrying more than ever? Did you neglect your History? As far as this period goes, everything is as safe as... something that is extremly safe! The Cold War? Did you miss learning about the constant threat of death looming over our heads? (our in the human race terms) The world was actually due to end on the day the Communists backed off over Cuba! And all the allies have the nukes now, no "enemy of the state" has them, except China, but that is on friendly terms at them minute. You are starting to sound as if you are actually buying into this propoganda Bush is spurting out! Oh I do, and you of all people should understand that you shouldn't question my knowledge on current affairs. Do you know anything at all about the war in Sudan? Do you know about allegations against the CIA about secret terrorism prisons (a load of rubbish, but the Washington Post insists its true)? Do you know about the situation in North Korea and how I can barely get in to visit my Korean connections (friends)? Do you know about Japan's royal family and the problems it now faces? Probably not unless you nipped off to read up on them. Do not try and understand what I have been through because you can't, won't and, if you knew, don't want to. I am being kept alive by my own knowledge and survival instincts, in some cases I have come close to death, the London Bombings being one of two. Nothing is keeping me alive, especially not your God.

Apologies if you get upset, but it's what I think and after some of those comments, in someway you deserved the nastier bits.

I was going to type more, but i am being taken off the compy. :( I am not sucking up to you TGHL, but once again, your views are mine. However, I have nowhere near the knowledge on current affairs. All that is on the new over here is about America "the great."

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Suicide is an unforgivable sin because you don't have time to repent. #### is not the worst thing you caqn imagine, it is an eternally burning lake of fire. Just look in Revelation. It's right there: The burning lake of fire...lake of eternal fire...etc. Grow up. Those people are zealots deluded by stranger practices than these. We don't do that anymore. I have seen things in a church that say believe in god and you will not perish, but live eternally. That could be taken that you will just fade out, not go on at all or to #### if you aren't christian. But if you are christian, you have a chance of going to either place. So why take that chance? Or is it that being christian is an automatic free pass to heaven? That would make #### just some fantasy used to scare people into christianity. In the same place, I saw something that said christianity is the only way to heaven. That disgusts me. Also, It said "the holy spirit says to take advice from parents, teachers, and friends. Does that mean peer pressure is okay? That you shouldn't listen to any other family member? Also, There were lots of things saying "say yes to god and no to sex." Teaching abstinance of love is wrong.

Because those are ludicrous and even silly, and if you would just delve a little deeper into the science of religion, you would be surprised with what you came up with.


Yes, but it is a sin to talk behind someone's back.What about in psychiatry? You talk to the psychiatrist about what is happening, usually has to do with people, to make yourself feel better. Is that a sin?

now i have more time.

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Suicide is an unforgivable sin because you don't have time to repent. #### is not the worst thing you caqn imagine, it is an eternally burning lake of fire. Just look in Revelation. It's right there: The burning lake of fire...lake of eternal fire...etc. Grow up. Those people are zealots deluded by stranger practices than these. We don't do that anymore. I have seen things in a church that say believe in god and you will not perish, but live eternally. That could be taken that you will just fade out, not go on at all or to #### if you aren't christian. But if you are christian, you have a chance of going to either place. So why take that chance? Or is it that being christian is an automatic free pass to heaven? That would make #### just some fantasy used to scare people into christianity. In the same place, I saw something that said christianity is the only way to heaven. That disgusts me. Also, It said "the holy spirit says to take advice from parents, teachers, and friends. Does that mean peer pressure is okay? That you shouldn't listen to any other family member? Also, There were lots of things saying "say yes to god and no to sex." Teaching abstinance of love is wrong.

Because those are ludicrous and even silly, and if you would just delve a little deeper into the science of religion, you would be surprised with what you came up with.


Yes, but it is a sin to talk behind someone's back.What about in psychiatry? You talk to the psychiatrist about what is happening, usually has to do with people, to make yourself feel better. Is that a sin?

now i have more time.

I guess that was a bad example. I don't think little tweens should be doing that. But when they are of an appropriate age, they won't do it because of fear of eternal damnation. How is keeping people from having babies right? Isn't that wrong? There were also things about saying "yes to god and no to kissing."

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Ah yes, but what if you thought they were true? That means that visions can be dismissed as hallucinations.

Visions are from a higher source, not a source that causes a high.

Apart from God's existance? FIne then, some people see Anti-biotics as helping you recover and say that that is a fact, but Antibiotics actually harm you in the long run, so that fact is false.

That's why we only use ABs for as long as we need them, no longer.

Be careful with the word clear, it can mean you can see straight through something or you can't see it at all.

Clear in this sense as easy to understand, punk.

No, for example we currently think that Space is curved based on Einstein's research, but if we add in a previously unknown fact into the equations it could mean that space is U-shaped and time is like a Jam Doughnut.

For practical purposes, let's stick with elementary basics.

I wouldn't say so, as I was making the point that just because someone says something doesn't mean its necessailrily true..... That wasn't the point I was making, but I can't remember the original one anyway.

Yes, that would be a lie, Phoenix.

Ah yes, but if you ask a theologist who has studied the Bible or specifically Satan, he might say something different to what you said, you gave your interpretation which is pretty much all you are basing your claims on isn't it? Your own individual interpretation of the Bible, which means it isn't necessairily right or what it was originally meant to be read as. BE CAREFUL. Do not base your argument on your opinion or interpretation because it can easily be dismissed. And ok, Q+A session. WHY? Why bother? Why must you be so hypocritical? Why must you persecute everyone else just because they don't agree with you? Why must you automatically feel that you have duty to help mankind? Why do you have to force your religon in everyone's faces? (these are general questions about Christianity, not you Topazia)

I can only give my own interpretation. However, if you would search back in the story forum and find a topic by me called Tainted, you would realize that I can't afford to have a limited visual on life. I've been hurt, and, though it affects me to this day, (I'm afraid of the dark.) I will continue to remain open minded, though it is impossible to truthfully say I have much tolerance for stupidity.

Answers to Q+A:

Why what?

What do you mean?

Sometimes, I wonder the same thing myself, but not because of my faith.

I don't persecute. I long to be persecuted in a more direct way than ever before, but I refuse to commit so treacherous a sin. Just b/c someone doesn't agree w/ me doesn't give me the right to be terrorous to them.

My God tells me to do good things, because it's nice to do them, not b/c it'll get me into heaven. It is my duty b/c not everyone believes in Christ as the Holy Saviour, and God wants them to believe it.

We don't force these beliefs (It's is not a religion, rather, a freedom of the soul from this materialistic world.) on anyone. We simply state our side of the story, the right side, I might add, and hope the other takes it to heart. We can't force you to walk the same path, but we can certainly tell you the directions.

So just wait, you are embracing evolution, but you are doing what everyone hates most, picking out the bits you like and throwing away the rest? And why not? It makes perfect sense and explains a lot about humanity and human nature. Why do you think pyschologists always look at monkeys to study some of our more primitive instincts?

No, I'm not. I'm not embracing evolution until God tells me He used it the first seven days to create the world. My youth pastor has been talking to us about this lately. I don't pick and choose either. Darwin simply took the theory of evolution too far. I accept his first theory of evolution,. but not his second. They are two entirely different things.

Oh really? Then why do you keep saying I will confined to eternal dammnation if I don't change my ways? I am perfectly "good" if not better than some Christians, but just because I didn't pray and didn't praise the Lord I go to the firey pit of eternal dammnation. But that is the only way isn't it? The only way you can get your followers is by saying you get some insurance for after-death and if you don't you have to live your worst nightmeres for eternity. Yes. Because it's true, no matter how scary it seems. You are not perfectly good. No one is truly good at heart. We are the work of God, but fall subject to the hand of Satan. Yes, that is the only way. Now, that isn't the only way. When people see how hectic our lives are, and yet we are at peace, they are curious, and they ask us how we are so happy all the time. So we tell them: No matter what the circumstance is, as long as we are close to our Father in heaven, we are not afraid, or worried, or insecure, or anything of that nature. We know that we are safe in His hands. Because human beings are stupid and have failed to realise that infinity only exists while there is someone to have the concept of infinity. You are exactly right. I agree with you on this one. I have known that infinity in a timely sense does, in fact, have an end. But numerically speaking, there is no end to infinity. HA! Welcome to my trap! Fallen into it, or rather blundered into it,No, not necessarily. you have now unleashed my full wroth?how? Even you! Yes, you! Are subject to hypocrisy.Yes. So are you. I know I'm not infallible. Perfection doesn't exist on this place, only good attempts. Even Mother Teresa had a human mind. Amongst all your piety and love and morals, you still discriminate against people.NO I DO NOT, PHOENIX! I DO NOT HAVE ANY PREJUDGEMENTS AGAINST ANYONE, AND YOU OF ALL PEOPLE SHOULD REALIZE THIS, SINCE I STILL TALK TO YOU DESPITE YOUR RUDE AND SOMETIMES CRUEL COMMENTS TOWARD ME AND MY FELLOW CHRISTIANS! IF I DISCRIMINATE AGAINST ANYONE, IT IS A SIN! THOU SHALL LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF IS A DIFFICULT COMMANDMENT TO FOLLOW, BUT A FULLFILLING ONE NONETHELESS! I WISH TO FEEL THAT GOODNESS INSIDE OF ME, EVEN THOUGH I HAVE A BAD HABIT OF LOVING OTHERS MORE THAN I COULD EVER LOVE MY SELF! I'll explain that in a later post. You say that discrimination (this is getting more general as it goes along) is bad, you are accepting of everyone else's point of view, you accept everyone's culture, you are accepting of everyone else's religon, but ultimately it's me who's going to be laughing because we don't let your sort into heaven, regardless of good deeds or not, regardless of how kind you've been, I get into heaven and you don't. KKK members get into heaven because they have been faithful to God and shown how much they would do for him, even the ones who got drunk and ended up hurting someone get to come in.No they don't. triple k ppl don't get into heaven because they hurt and steal and strike fear in innocents' hearts and minds. They are interested in nothing more than bodily and mental pain, and so lose sight of the truth, they have been dubbed a cult. Hitler gets in, because he didn't actually, personally kill anyone or break our laws, but you Mr.Jew or Muslim or whatever don't get in for all your helping of those in need.[colro=red]Hitler doesn't get in. He is directly responsible for the deaths of thousands, Jewish and otherwise: Jews, Bhuddists, Twins, Agnostics, Atheists, Christians, Men, Women, Children, Brits, Germans, Americans, Frenchmen, Irishmen, Scots, Greeks, Itialians, Russians, Poles, Whites, Blacks, Reds, and any other groups I failed to mention. He was a masochistic menace with no remorse whatsoever, in fact, he killed himself and his wife. Again, deeds are not what redeem us; faith and belief that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Saviour are.[/color] Jews don't get in despite the fact they had the same root as Christianity!But they do not accept Christ as anything more than an average prophet! This binds in with your comment about ascension incidentally. Even murderers get in, because everyone is ultimately a murderer as not taking a bottle off of a drunk is killing them, you just kill by fractions instead. So yes, you can murder, but you can't come in if you were the most helpful and kindly person in the world because you are the wrong religon.Yes, that's right. It seems wrong by our standards, but so does God's asking Abe to kill Isaac, then having a prerogativeThis bit is just disgusting.How so? You should have read the next bit and taken it into account. I did, that's the point. See? Discrimination. HAH! And to the other two, you are sorely mistaken, although I suppose it depends. Babies, who have not had time to be Christianed go to Limbo, Purgotory or whatever it is you want to kill that in between bit.no, they get in because God loves the little children, if you would read the gospels. ANd Children are selfish, mean and often cranky. The only ones who manage to be innocents are either a bit pyscho or have parents that scare them so much with their zealous faith.what's wrong w/ being a little psycho? I am, but that doesn't affect my faith at all. My mom didn't scare me, and I was a good kid, despite my agnosia. And yes, I know the Holy Trinity, the Spirt, the Son and the Holy Father. Do not waste my life with pointless information.Good. I should hope you know w/ 2 yrs of religion courses under your belt. Deal with it, immature one.

You don't scare me, TGHL. You can try anything you like, but you can't intimidate me. Trust me: at homecoming, this kid got up in my face right in front of my BF, and I was the one who, though inwardly terrified, spoke up in his face despite the lewd looks he was sending.[/color][/b][/i]

[Actually, if you didn't just skim read stuff about other people's views you may have noticed that I was criticising your belief that angels are better than us just because they have wings. I could go into futher detail, but I don't want to.

I don't skim. Please go into further detail.

Worrying more than ever?yes. Did you neglect your History?no. As far as this period goes, everything is as safe as... something that is extremly safe!nope. dangerous. The lulls are always the most dangerous. Satan is plotting right now. The Cold War? Did you miss learning about the constant threat of death looming over our heads? (our in the human race terms)no. I never miss anything in school. The world was actually due to end on the day the Communists backed off over Cuba!Yeah? On whose calendar? And all the allies have the nukes now, no "enemy of the state" has them, except China, but that is on friendly terms at them minute. You are starting to sound as if you are actually buying into this propoganda Bush is spurting out!I have a very clear view on where we are as a world, thank you very much. Bush is an idiot, but he's better than Kerry! Oh I do, and you of all people should understand that you shouldn't question my knowledge on current affairs.Oh? why's that? Do you know anything at all about the war in Sudan? Do you know about allegations against the CIA about secret terrorism prisons (a load of rubbish, but the Washington Post insists its true)?yes, to both, though I wish none of it were happening. I like peace. Do you know about the situation in North Korea and how I can barely get in to visit my Korean connections (friends)?That I didn't know, because I don't know you personally. But I know of the situation. Do you know about Japan's royal family and the problems it now faces? Probably not unless you nipped off to read up on them.You're right, I don't. Does it really affect me, though? Do not try and understand what I have been through because you can't, won't and, if you knew, don't want to.I can't help it, love. My imagination is very vivid. I am being kept alive by my own knowledge and survival instincts, in some cases I have come close to death, the London Bombings being one of two. Nothing is keeping me alive, especially not your God.What is the other, may I ask? Now, I have to disagree there. I felt the same way as you at your age, so listen up: Coincidences are just God preferring to remain anonymous.

Apologies if you get upset, but it's what I think and after some of those comments, in someway you deserved the nastier bits.



Suicide is an unforgivable sin because you don't have time to repent. #### is not the worst thing you caqn imagine, it is an eternally burning lake of fire. Just look in Revelation. It's right there: The burning lake of fire...lake of eternal fire...etc. Grow up. Those people are zealots deluded by stranger practices than these. We don't do that anymore. I have seen things in a church that say believe in god and you will not perish, but live eternally. That could be taken that you will just fade out, not go on at all or to #### if you aren't christian. But if you are christian, you have a chance of going to either place. So why take that chance? Or is it that being christian is an automatic free pass to heaven? That would make #### just some fantasy used to scare people into christianity. In the same place, I saw something that said christianity is the only way to heaven. That disgusts me. Also, It said "the holy spirit says to take advice from parents, teachers, and friends. Does that mean peer pressure is okay? That you shouldn't listen to any other family member? Also, There were lots of things saying "say yes to god and no to sex." Teaching abstinance of love is wrong.

Because those are ludicrous and even silly, and if you would just delve a little deeper into the science of religion, you would be surprised with what you came up with.


Yes, but it is a sin to talk behind someone's back.What about in psychiatry? You talk to the psychiatrist about what is happening, usually has to do with people, to make yourself feel better. Is that a sin?

now i have more time.

Okay. See above.


this has certainly been an interesting topic so far. if for no other reason than if you didn't have an internet in between the major participants, we likely would have ended this discussion in bloodshed about thirty pages ago.

3,000 or so miles helps too.

lol! Cute!


one more thing- Humans didn't come from monkeys. We both came from a common ancestor.

Nope. Read my Biology book!

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Nope. Read my Biology book!

The one that says "edited by the church" on the cover? Mine has a chart in it, with monkeys and humans coming from a common ancestor. About the commandment "though shall love thy neighbor as thyself," What if you hate yourself? Then is hating others okay? If you try to kill yourself, is it okay to kill yourself?

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Reasons to be Miserable... His name is Marvin.

Visions are from a higher source, not a source that causes a high. And what is the difference between the two? There isn't one before you even answer, since I already know you would say God creates one and the other is caused by all manner of earthly sources. But what difference is there between the two? A man with long hair and a goatee appearing out the clouds? A junkie could have that vision and he'd think nothing of it. And anyway, if I was to go out on the streets anbd proclaimed that Jesus spoke unto me, they'd lock me up. Dreams are just our subconcious formulating ideas that we have not found the answers to yet or sometimes don't want to face the answer. This explanation can account for pretty much all visions I think. Of course hope is awful and can make dreams seem real.

That's why we only use ABs for as long as we need them, no longer. No, you missed the point. You don't need to use ABs and the only reasons I was talking about them was to illustrate a point.

Clear in this sense as easy to understand, punk. Oh sorry, I thought you were being intellectual and making a point about the word clear, never mind then. Also, don't use the derogatory language, but I'm going to come to that when I get to the KKK.

For practical purposes, let's stick with elementary basics. Why? Complexity is subject, if not more so, to new information than basics. And also, you have just illustrated the reason why Christians are always so dull, because they are happy to take the simplest (note, I do not use the term obvious) explanation and leave it. You don't poke anything. You don't wonder, what makes this work? You are happy with just knowing that it works and leave it at that.

Yes, that would be a lie, Phoenix. So what if a prophet was lying and everyone excepted it as fact, but he just never admitted that he was lying before he died. Anyway, look at Aristotle. He claimed that everything was made up out of 4 (there is actually a fifth, the element of suprise) elements and he turned out wrong when someone questioned his ideas. Which is mainly why religon is waning, because everyone is questioning, how do we know this God chap exists? I mean he hasn't really been active since Jesus' day and even then people who were with Jesus didn't see anything.

I can only give my own interpretation. However, if you would search back in the story forum and find a topic by me called Tainted, you would realize that I can't afford to have a limited visual on life. I've been hurt, and, though it affects me to this day, (I'm afraid of the dark.) I will continue to remain open minded, though it is impossible to truthfully say I have much tolerance for stupidity.

Answers to Q+A:

Why what?

What do you mean?

Sometimes, I wonder the same thing myself, but not because of my faith.

I don't persecute. I long to be persecuted in a more direct way than ever before, but I refuse to commit so treacherous a sin. Just b/c someone doesn't agree w/ me doesn't give me the right to be terrorous to them.

My God tells me to do good things, because it's nice to do them, not b/c it'll get me into heaven. It is my duty b/c not everyone believes in Christ as the Holy Saviour, and God wants them to believe it.

We don't force these beliefs (It's is not a religion, rather, a freedom of the soul from this materialistic world.) on anyone. We simply state our side of the story, the right side, I might add, and hope the other takes it to heart. We can't force you to walk the same path, but we can certainly tell you the directions.

Answers to rather rubbish answers:

Just Why?

Work it out, its simple enough.

I'll rephrase, why is your religon hypocritical?

Oh really? But surely you persecute me because of how I think. Look at the comments you make towards me, punk, immature, idiot. And linking into the hypocirsy, you calim to love yet you insult. That's where it gets complicated, because you are commiting the crime, but you can't admit to it. Bad idea.

No he doesn't. You make the decision. And what is a good act? Anyway, you back Freedom and Free Speech, but by taking a bottle of a drunk surely you are curtailing freedom. Hypocriscy, this time God is the culprit. And where did it say that drunkness was bad? Sorry, but I am currently in the process of moving anything in my mind that comes under the heading "pointless" and anything connected to religon comes under that heading into low-priority storage. ANd also, I don't want to know what some stoned idiot said on the virtues of God.

Yes you do. You go round to people's houses and try and get them to join and ask "have you let God into your life sir?" "NO I have not. Get off my porch before I get the police to remove you." I don't see Islam doing that or Jews. Also, have you seen any Jews wearing things like "Noahfreak" (variation of Jesusfreak) or t-shirts with the star of david on? No. And Youth Pastors, Youth Christian clubs? My small chicken pie of a tentacular nature, how sad. Don't you have anything better to do? Like read a book? Try reading Great Expectations, gain an insight into Victorian England. What insight do you gain from a Christian Youth Movement? "Ooh, I gained insight on how I am right and everyone else is wrong." or perhaps "I now know that if I see an Abortion clinic I should nail some babies (live or dead, doesn't matter to you fanaticists) to a cross and go march outside it and cause a breach of the peace!" Anyway, why should it be that just because Christianity objects to something everyone should be banned from having it? Who gives a darn what you say!??! I need this so it needs to be made readily available. Now shut up and go whinge at someone else! I don't need directions, I prefer walking my own path.

No, I'm not. I'm not embracing evolution until God tells me He used it the first seven days to create the world. My youth pastor has been talking to us about this lately. I don't pick and choose either. Darwin simply took the theory of evolution too far. I accept his first theory of evolution,. but not his second. They are two entirely different things. You skim read again. You failed to taken into account the comments about picking out the bits you like and throwing away the rest. DO I CARE ABOUT WHAT YOUR YOUTH PASTOR SAYS? No. He could say anything and I really couldn't give a blank. Why? Because he doesn't matter. He doesn't do anything, nor do I really think he will accomplish anything greater than polluting the minds of some teenagers. Incidentally, how do you explain dinosaurs? I would really like to know because its going to be exceptionally funny, nay, hilarious when you try to explain where they came from.

Yes. Because it's true, no matter how scary it seems. You are not perfectly good. No one is truly good at heart. We are the work of God, but fall subject to the hand of Satan. Yes, that is the only way. Now, that isn't the only way. When people see how hectic our lives are, and yet we are at peace, they are curious, and they ask us how we are so happy all the time. So we tell them: No matter what the circumstance is, as long as we are close to our Father in heaven, we are not afraid, or worried, or insecure, or anything of that nature. We know that we are safe in His hands.This is rather amusing. You can only be completely good if you are Christian. This despite teh fact that the most pious and fanatical believers in God who follow his every word, do nothing wrong, it will turn out that they did do something wrong. Or they thought the wrong thought. So looking at two people who have done the same things, done the same good deeds and bad deedsm the only difference is their belief. ANd because of this, the one who doesn't believe in God, goes to ####. Because God is a mean person and gets annoyed if you worship Allah (which is just him in a disguise). You are exactly right. I agree with you on this one. I have known that infinity in a timely sense does, in fact, have an end. But numerically speaking, there is no end to infinity. Then, Heaven does not last forever. You said infinity in a timely sense does. And we are talking about heaven lasting forever, in the timely sense. So #### and Heaven therefore is not that bad because eventually it will end. No, not necessarily. You did, because I got you so angry that you started making mistakes and shouting. So you did fall into my trap.how?I feel I should play dumb like you did in the QA session. How what?Yes. So are you. I know I'm not infallible. Perfection doesn't exist on this place, only good attempts. Even Mother Teresa had a human mind. The difference is you bother about it. Ooh, I'm flawed I need to do something about it. I don't care, I know I'm flawed I can trying changing it, but it'll always be there regardless. NO I DO NOT, PHOENIX! I DO NOT HAVE ANY PREJUDGEMENTS AGAINST ANYONE, AND YOU OF ALL PEOPLE SHOULD REALIZE THIS, SINCE I STILL TALK TO YOU DESPITE YOUR RUDE AND SOMETIMES CRUEL COMMENTS TOWARD ME AND MY FELLOW CHRISTIANS! IF I DISCRIMINATE AGAINST ANYONE, IT IS A SIN! THOU SHALL LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF IS A DIFFICULT COMMANDMENT TO FOLLOW, BUT A FULLFILLING ONE NONETHELESS! I WISH TO FEEL THAT GOODNESS INSIDE OF ME, EVEN THOUGH I HAVE A BAD HABIT OF LOVING OTHERS MORE THAN I COULD EVER LOVE MY SELF! I'll explain that in a later post. Oh really? You don't have any prejudgments? Then why have you prejudged that everyone else goes to ####? Why have you prejudged that I am completely wrong and that there is no truth in what I have to say? Why have you prejudged that the Bible is always right? The list goes on.

And you don't make rude towards me? Don't think you don't make rude comments about me, you do so and you do so conciously. Punk. Idiot. Immature. These are all rude. These are all prejudgments as well actually, nicely tying in. And don't say they aren't prejudgments because you have no understanding or conception of what I am like or what I know. Making all personal comments about me, prejudgments. How nice of you to give me some ammunition Topazia. Nice of you to be joining me in #### too considering you have broken that same commandment.No they don't. triple k ppl don't get into heaven because they hurt and steal and strike fear in innocents' hearts and minds. They are interested in nothing more than bodily and mental pain, and so lose sight of the truth, they have been dubbed a cult. But you do when you commit the same crimes, just without the physical pains?Hitler doesn't get in. He is directly responsible for the deaths of thousands, Jewish and otherwise: Jews, Bhuddists, Twins, Agnostics, Atheists, Christians, Men, Women, Children, Brits, Germans, Americans, Frenchmen, Irishmen, Scots, Greeks, Itialians, Russians, Poles, Whites, Blacks, Reds, and any other groups I failed to mention. He was a masochistic menace with no remorse whatsoever, in fact, he killed himself and his wife. Again, deeds are not what redeem us; faith and belief that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Saviour are. He didn't pull the switch though did he? And anyway all he did was take action on the same belief of yours. He believes that everything else is wrong. So he gets rid of it so it won't pollute the offspring. You and him share that quality in that respect, you are willing to go to any lengths to keep hold of your believers. I don't need a History lesson Topazia, so save the pointless information. But they do not accept Christ as anything more than an average prophet! Which was all he was if you take into the account of what Constantine did (he keeps coming up doesn't he?) Yes, that's right. It seems wrong by our standards, but so does God's asking Abe to kill Isaac, then having a prerogative So what if God asked a KKK member to kill someone then? And he did so, because his faith in the "Lord" was so powerful. This makes God no better than a Mob Boss in that respect and also makes him a sadist and fails to appreciate the significance of human life.How so?Because it makes me feel despair at how much like sheep you are?I did, that's the point. No you didn't otherwise it would have made sense. Tch.no, they get in because God loves the little children, if you would read the gospels. And if you read outside the box (or Gospels) and looked at the section which makes Catholics believe that Children go to Purgatory then you'd understand why I said it. Also, God is stupid if he automatically accepts all children. I have met 8 year olds who have criminal records, they classify as a child, so despite everything else they get into Heaven? what's wrong w/ being a little psycho? I am, but that doesn't affect my faith at all. My mom didn't scare me, and I was a good kid, despite my agnosia. It's unhealthy for other people. Yes it does, it makes you p.o.v less valid. Don't have to, they can as easily just feed them it  by doing it at a young age. Which is another thing Hitler and God have in common, they recognise the need to brainwash children young. AGood. I should hope you know w/ 2 yrs of religion courses under your belt. Deal with it, immature one. MORE RUDE COMMENTS!

You don't scare me, TGHL. You can try anything you like, but you can't intimidate me. Trust me: at homecoming, this kid got up in my face right in front of my BF, and I was the one who, though inwardly terrified, spoke up in his face despite the lewd looks he was sending.[/b][/i] Sorry weren't you just doing a rather sad attempt at indimidating me?

I don't skim. Please go into further detail. Yes you do as I pointed out above.

yes. No. That was a rhetorical question and it isn't. no. You did considering your lack of knowledge about the scare of the Cuban Missile Crisis. nope. dangerous. The lulls are always the most dangerous. Satan is plotting right now. That was one of the most stupid comments ever, have you not considered that the lulls are the best periods? Mainly because there is nothing happening and so if nothing is happening to threaten us. It is not very dangerous is it? And let Satan plot, if you weren't making so much mistakes maybe you would have realised that that gives us time to prepare. And also, plotting is fine, plotting 9/10 times comes to nothing. The 1/10 time is when you get psychos who will do anything for their faith. SOrry? Did I just slip a reference to you? My apologies. no. I never miss anything in school. You failed to listen very hard then, or bother much considering your next comment.Yeah? On whose calendar? Let's see, the public, the media and pretty much everyone. Everyone thought that one of them was going to lash out. They were wrong. The masses can be wrong. Lots of people believing in one thing doesn't make it right. Like about Chirstianity for example. I have a very clear view on where we are as a world, thank you very much. Bush is an idiot, but he's better than Kerry! Then why are you scared if you posses this transparent view of the world? Oh? why's that? Because you shouldn't be so limited and sticking to this one topic. yes, to both, though I wish none of it were happening. I like peace. Really, perhaps then considering your obviously vast knowledge about both you can tell me what the causes of Darf.. Actually no, don't answer because you'll just look on some website. That I didn't know, because I don't know you personally. But I know of the situation. Oh really? Which situation?You're right, I don't. Does it really affect me, though?Yes it does actually. Everything effects you. Cause and Effect. A change in the hereditary laws for the Imperial family could mean a huge different number of things that will end up affecting you. Don't be so limited in your views. I can't help it, love. My imagination is very vivid. I find the fact you are calling me love rude, for another example. Not vivid enough I'm afraid. What is the other, may I ask? Now, I have to disagree there. I felt the same way as you at your age, so listen up: Coincidences are just God preferring to remain anonymous. You can ask, just don't expect an answer. Of course. God wants to be anonymous. Has it considered that if he was much more open that he might gain a follower not push me further away. God is stupid, no matter what you say. Why? His brain structure is the same as ours. End of argument.

w/e And you call me immature? How pathetic.


lol! Cute!

I think what I said above applies here, not to mention the fact you found a perfectly sensible statement "cute." Cute is a word used by oh why here's a suprise, immature people.

Nope. Read my Biology book!Oh so here's where your huge repository of knowledge comes from. You copy sections out of a book, oh rather you look at the book and skim read missing the key points and often interpreting it when there is no need to interpret. Anyway, you really are silly if you believe what a book tells you. I can proove that that book is wrong as well, for example how many senses does it claim the body has? In addition to this, how can you just deny that evolution is wrong? Despite the fact we can trace ourselves back to these creatures. And also how can you deny it when you see adaptation (just evoultion really) in the wild. If you go for creationism that means that all these plants stay the same, constantly because God wrote their blueprint and he made sure it could not change, so how can these millions of different species adapt to different situations? Sometimes I wonder, are you mad, stupid or merely just been fed too much propoganda? Possibly a combination of both. And please do read everything properly this time and answer how dinosaurs came about, because otherwise I'm just going to ignore you. And why will I ignore you because you can't accept anything that is contrary to your point of view. Or rather your "youth pastor's" point of view. Notice the venom interjected into the phrase Youth Pastor.

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Nope. Read my Biology book!

The one that says "edited by the church" on the cover? Mine has a chart in it, with monkeys and humans coming from a common ancestor. About the commandment "though shall love thy neighbor as thyself," What if you hate yourself? Then is hating others okay? If you try to kill yourself, is it okay to kill yourself?

I don't have time to reply to TGHL's post, but I'll reply to you.

No, not edited. I go to public school. We do come from a common ancestor: GOD!


As to the commandment, How many people honestly hate themselves? Do they have a violent past, or do the other people at their day-to-day destinations tease them a lot? We tend to believe what others say about us. We should never hate anyone, least of all our peers. I values others' lives over mine, because I feel that God put me here to serve others. So, It is not okay to harm others. Just look at the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Everyone likes to be treated nicely, whether theyhate themselves or not. You know that.


It is not okay to kill anyone, especially yourself. There are two things that God will not forgive: Blaspheming the Holy Spirit w/out repenting, and suicide. Both will send you on a one-way trip to ####, and that's that.

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To add to that; #### won't be so bad as you say it is just heat and lava right? So due to the adaptive nature of our bodies after a couple of 100 years, possibly less we will adapt to the heat and it will become bearable. Like plants that have been exposed to volcanic heat have adapted to it, so shall humans since we can't die in ####.

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Nope. Read my Biology book!

The one that says "edited by the church" on the cover? Mine has a chart in it, with monkeys and humans coming from a common ancestor. About the commandment "though shall love thy neighbor as thyself," What if you hate yourself? Then is hating others okay? If you try to kill yourself, is it okay to kill yourself?

I don't have time to reply to TGHL's post, but I'll reply to you.

No, not edited. I go to public school. We do come from a common ancestor: GOD!


As to the commandment, How many people honestly hate themselves? Do they have a violent past, or do the other people at their day-to-day destinations tease them a lot? We tend to believe what others say about us. We should never hate anyone, least of all our peers. I values others' lives over mine, because I feel that God put me here to serve others. So, It is not okay to harm others. Just look at the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Everyone likes to be treated nicely, whether theyhate themselves or not. You know that.


It is not okay to kill anyone, especially yourself. There are two things that God will not forgive: Blaspheming the Holy Spirit w/out repenting, and suicide. Both will send you on a one-way trip to ####, and that's that.

If god is our common ancestor, are you saying that there was an entire race of gods? You can't mean family-wise, because we all came from Adam and Eve, according to the bible. Which brings up another interesting topic- Are we all mentally slow? Think of All the inbreeding if we all came from tow origianol parents.

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You got to that chapter yet, you know, the one with that picture of the two frogs?

of course, your book might use a different illustration, or, might not cover that area of biology.


for some reason the jocks seemed surprised that chapeter was there, pays to read the table of contents, I guess.

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You got to that chapter yet, you know, the one with that picture of the two frogs?

of course, your book might use a different illustration, or, might not cover that area of biology.


for some reason the jocks seemed surprised that chapeter was there, pays to read the table of contents, I guess.


Jocks read?


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You got to that chapter yet, you know, the one with that picture of the two frogs?

of course, your book might use a different illustration, or, might not cover that area of biology.


for some reason the jocks seemed surprised that chapeter was there, pays to read the table of contents, I guess.


Jocks read?


well, it was well-illustrated.

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You got to that chapter yet, you know, the one with that picture of the two frogs?

of course, your book might use a different illustration, or, might not cover that area of biology.


for some reason the jocks seemed surprised that chapeter was there, pays to read the table of contents, I guess.


Jocks read?


well, it was well-illustrated.

Looking at the pictures would be much like seeing the plays on the blackboard! :lol:

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You got to that chapter yet, you know, the one with that picture of the two frogs?

of course, your book might use a different illustration, or, might not cover that area of biology.


for some reason the jocks seemed surprised that chapeter was there, pays to read the table of contents, I guess.


Jocks read?


well, it was well-illustrated.

Looking at the pictures would be much like seeing the plays on the blackboard! :lol:

Jocks get far too bad a reputation, you just need to speak their language. Unfortunately their language consists of two "words" which to spell them phonetically; "Hut!" and "Ug!" Another problem is no one except Jocks speak the language and the only reason they speak it is because the steroids have worn away at their brain so much. (are Jocks the ones who play American Football, find only the lowest humour on the planet funny and end up crashing and burning as soon as they get out of High School because the only good thing they could do was American Football?)

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You got to that chapter yet, you know, the one with that picture of the two frogs?

of course, your book might use a different illustration, or, might not cover that area of biology.


for some reason the jocks seemed surprised that chapeter was there, pays to read the table of contents, I guess.


Jocks read?


well, it was well-illustrated.

Looking at the pictures would be much like seeing the plays on the blackboard! :lol:

Jocks get far too bad a reputation, you just need to speak their language. Unfortunately their language consists of two "words" which to spell them phonetically; "Hut!" and "Ug!" Another problem is no one except Jocks speak the language and the only reason they speak it is because the steroids have worn away at their brain so much. (are Jocks the ones who play American Football, find only the lowest humour on the planet funny and end up crashing and burning as soon as they get out of High School because the only good thing they could do was American Football?)

pretty much, exept some of learn to say "hooah" and join the Marines.

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You got to that chapter yet, you know, the one with that picture of the two frogs?

of course, your book might use a different illustration, or, might not cover that area of biology.


for some reason the jocks seemed surprised that chapeter was there, pays to read the table of contents, I guess.


Jocks read?


well, it was well-illustrated.

Looking at the pictures would be much like seeing the plays on the blackboard! :lol:

Jocks get far too bad a reputation, you just need to speak their language. Unfortunately their language consists of two "words" which to spell them phonetically; "Hut!" and "Ug!" Another problem is no one except Jocks speak the language and the only reason they speak it is because the steroids have worn away at their brain so much. (are Jocks the ones who play American Football, find only the lowest humour on the planet funny and end up crashing and burning as soon as they get out of High School because the only good thing they could do was American Football?)

pretty much, exept some of learn to say "hooah" and join the Marines.

Ah but they don't count as Jocks because they managed to scrape 1 brain cell together.

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You got to that chapter yet, you know, the one with that picture of the two frogs?

of course, your book might use a different illustration, or, might not cover that area of biology.


for some reason the jocks seemed surprised that chapeter was there, pays to read the table of contents, I guess.


Jocks read?


well, it was well-illustrated.

Looking at the pictures would be much like seeing the plays on the blackboard! :lol:

Jocks get far too bad a reputation, you just need to speak their language. Unfortunately their language consists of two "words" which to spell them phonetically; "Hut!" and "Ug!" Another problem is no one except Jocks speak the language and the only reason they speak it is because the steroids have worn away at their brain so much. (are Jocks the ones who play American Football, find only the lowest humour on the planet funny and end up crashing and burning as soon as they get out of High School because the only good thing they could do was American Football?)

pretty much, exept some of learn to say "hooah" and join the Marines.

Ah but they don't count as Jocks because they managed to scrape 1 brain cell together.


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Wow, this topic is still alive!  :blink:

Of course! :lol:

Chock full of debates and such!


One of these days I'm gonna put this data into one book and publish it as, "Debates from the Young Minds". Cashing in on all of you. BEST SELLER! :lol:

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Wow, this topic is still alive!  :blink:

Of course! :lol:

Chock full of debates and such!


One of these days I'm gonna put this data into one book and publish it as, "Debates from the Young Minds". Cashing in on all of you. BEST SELLER! :lol:

lol :P You'd have to share the royalties, of course. ;)

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Wow, this topic is still alive!  :blink:

Of course! :lol:

Chock full of debates and such!


One of these days I'm gonna put this data into one book and publish it as, "Debates from the Young Minds". Cashing in on all of you. BEST SELLER! :lol:

lol :P You'd have to share the royalties, of course. ;)

Great thinking!

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Wow, this topic is still alive!  :blink:

Of course! :lol:

Chock full of debates and such!


One of these days I'm gonna put this data into one book and publish it as, "Debates from the Young Minds". Cashing in on all of you. BEST SELLER! :lol:

lol :P You'd have to share the royalties, of course. ;)

Don't you mean give all profits to me? :lol::lol:

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Wow, this topic is still alive!  :blink:

Of course! :lol:

Chock full of debates and such!


One of these days I'm gonna put this data into one book and publish it as, "Debates from the Young Minds". Cashing in on all of you. BEST SELLER! :lol:

lol :P You'd have to share the royalties, of course. ;)

Don't you mean give all profits to me? :lol::lol:

I'd probably only share profits with people such as Paz, TGHL, and Toto, as they are main debaters and I'd probably only use a few of the mainstream debates. Oh. And I'd share with the website creator and Horatio, perhaps. I'm odd. Thinking up funny stuff like this.

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Wow, this topic is still alive!  :blink:

Of course! :lol:

Chock full of debates and such!


One of these days I'm gonna put this data into one book and publish it as, "Debates from the Young Minds". Cashing in on all of you. BEST SELLER! :lol:

lol :P You'd have to share the royalties, of course. ;)

Don't you mean give all profits to me? :lol:

I'd probably only share profits with people such as Paz, TGHL, and Toto, as they are main debaters and I'd probably only use a few of the mainstream debates. Oh. And I'd share with the website creator and Horatio, perhaps. I'm odd. Thinking up funny stuff like this.

*was worried for a moment*

Phew! Thanks for including me! :D

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Looks like you bought into everybody's misconception of God.

Many many others like you have declared there is no God after they've suffered through something.


Suffering--[injury,sickness and accidents]--does not have a mind...it does not CHOOSE who it will strike....it strikes both good people AND bad people equally.

Evil, on the other hand is a whole different thing.

Evil WANTS more suffering than there already is. Evil needs people to do This dirty work for him......


God does not block suffering.--[He's not in that bussiness]

God does not CAUSE suffering


God's job is not to protect us, He is nothing more than the source of OUR knowledge.

So that US HUMANS can some day be the blockers of suffering, evil and those that spread it


This planet and the life forms on it are ours to do with as we please.

Neither Evil OR God has the physical ability to MAKE their wishes happen.

They both need HUMANS to carry out their wishes on this planet.

Do with it as you please.....do you want God's wishes done on this planet or do you want to assist Evil.........Either one of these will be more than happy to give free advice on how to live. You are under NO obligation to work for either one.



Author: Mike Deleted by Horatio. Sorry addresses are not permitted.


<font color='#48CCCD'>I beleived in God once.. until my older brother died then I saw that if God cared after his creation he would let the ones who never deserve death stay on earth and purge the world of all who cause insufferable pain to those who deserve it least.font>

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Wow, this topic is still alive!  :blink:

Of course! :lol:

Chock full of debates and such!


One of these days I'm gonna put this data into one book and publish it as, "Debates from the Young Minds". Cashing in on all of you. BEST SELLER! :lol:

lol :P You'd have to share the royalties, of course. ;)

Don't you mean give all profits to me? :lol:

I'd probably only share profits with people such as Paz, TGHL, and Toto, as they are main debaters and I'd probably only use a few of the mainstream debates. Oh. And I'd share with the website creator and Horatio, perhaps. I'm odd. Thinking up funny stuff like this.

*was worried for a moment*

Phew! Thanks for including me! :D

You've stepped into this argument enough times to stop outright murder, grevious bodily harm and conspiracy to commit an affray.

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You are under NO obligation to work for either one.


Author:  Mike  Deleted by Horatio.  Sorry addresses are not permitted.


<font color='#48CCCD'>I beleived in God once.. until my older brother died then I saw that if God cared after his creation he would let the ones who never deserve death stay on earth and purge the world of all who cause insufferable pain to those who deserve it least.font>

Thank you for saying that. I am not obligated to follow christianity, and I won't. You won't be able to change my mind, paz. No hard feelings, I guess we all just got caught up in the dabate. Peace?

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Looks like you bought into everybody's misconception of God.

Many many others like you have declared there is no God after they've suffered through something.


Suffering--[injury,sickness and accidents]--does not have a mind...it does not CHOOSE who it will strike....it strikes both good people AND bad people equally.

Evil, on the other hand is a whole different thing.

Evil WANTS more suffering than there already is.  Evil needs people to do This dirty work for him......


God does not block suffering.--[He's not in that bussiness]

God does not  CAUSE suffering 


God's job is not to protect us, He is nothing more than the source of OUR knowledge.

So that US HUMANS can some day be the blockers of suffering, evil and those that spread it


This planet and the life forms on it are ours to do with as we please.

Neither Evil OR God has the physical ability to  MAKE their wishes happen.

They both need HUMANS to carry out their wishes on this planet.

Do with it as you please.....do you want  God's wishes done on this planet or do you want to assist Evil.........Either one of these will be more than happy to give free advice on how to live.  You are under NO obligation to work for either one.



Author:  Mike  Deleted by Horatio.  Sorry addresses are not permitted.


<font color='#48CCCD'>I beleived in God once.. until my older brother died then I saw that if God cared after his creation he would let the ones who never deserve death stay on earth and purge the world of all who cause insufferable pain to those who deserve it least.font>

Another crazy newbie who has stopped in to suddenly say something of value. Never to return again.

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Looks like you bought into everybody's misconception of God.

Many many others like you have declared there is no God after they've suffered through something.


Suffering--[injury,sickness and accidents]--does not have a mind...it does not CHOOSE who it will strike....it strikes both good people AND bad people equally.

Evil, on the other hand is a whole different thing.

Evil WANTS more suffering than there already is.  Evil needs people to do This dirty work for him......


God does not block suffering.--[He's not in that bussiness]

God does not  CAUSE suffering 


God's job is not to protect us, He is nothing more than the source of OUR knowledge.

So that US HUMANS can some day be the blockers of suffering, evil and those that spread it


This planet and the life forms on it are ours to do with as we please.

Neither Evil OR God has the physical ability to  MAKE their wishes happen.

They both need HUMANS to carry out their wishes on this planet.

Do with it as you please.....do you want  God's wishes done on this planet or do you want to assist Evil.........Either one of these will be more than happy to give free advice on how to live.  You are under NO obligation to work for either one.



Author:  Mike  Deleted by Horatio.  Sorry addresses are not permitted.


<font color='#48CCCD'>I beleived in God once.. until my older brother died then I saw that if God cared after his creation he would let the ones who never deserve death stay on earth and purge the world of all who cause insufferable pain to those who deserve it least.

Another crazy newbie who has stopped in to suddenly say something of value. Never to return again.

He annoys me. It wasn't even a good argument. It was a very bad one. I can come up with better arguments than that against myself. Why does everyone keep dragging that quote up? Fine I stopped believing in God at that point, woop di doo. But is that the sole reason for my Aethiesm? Nooo. Only n00bs and people who think trawling through thousands of posts just to try and find something to poke me with do that. What kind of name is zoofzoof anyway?it sounds like a bad vaccum cleaner with an apple in its nozzle.

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Looks like you bought into everybody's misconception of God.

Many many others like you have declared there is no God after they've suffered through something.


Suffering--[injury,sickness and accidents]--does not have a mind...it does not CHOOSE who it will strike....it strikes both good people AND bad people equally.

Evil, on the other hand is a whole different thing.

Evil WANTS more suffering than there already is.   Evil needs people to do This dirty work for him......


God does not block suffering.--[He's not in that bussiness]

God does not  CAUSE suffering 


God's job is not to protect us, He is nothing more than the source of OUR knowledge.

So that US HUMANS can some day be the blockers of suffering, evil and those that spread it


This planet and the life forms on it are ours to do with as we please.

Neither Evil OR God has the physical ability to  MAKE their wishes happen.

They both need HUMANS to carry out their wishes on this planet.

Do with it as you please.....do you want  God's wishes done on this planet or do you want to assist Evil.........Either one of these will be more than happy to give free advice on how to live.   You are under NO obligation to work for either one.



Author:  Mike  Deleted by Horatio.  Sorry addresses are not permitted.


<font color='#48CCCD'>I beleived in God once.. until my older brother died then I saw that if God cared after his creation he would let the ones who never deserve death stay on earth and purge the world of all who cause insufferable pain to those who deserve it least.

Another crazy newbie who has stopped in to suddenly say something of value. Never to return again.

He annoys me. It wasn't even a good argument. It was a very bad one. I can come up with better arguments than that against myself. Why does everyone keep dragging that quote up? Fine I stopped believing in God at that point, woop di doo. But is that the sole reason for my Aethiesm? Nooo. Only n00bs and people who think trawling through thousands of posts just to try and find something to poke me with do that. What kind of name is zoofzoof anyway?it sounds like a bad vaccum cleaner with an apple in its nozzle.

Zoofzoof does sound like a cheap vaccum cleaner. For some reason, z's make things sound like vaccum cleaners. Like. Zatmo. Doesn't it sound like a vaccum cleaner?

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Looks like you bought into everybody's misconception of God.

Many many others like you have declared there is no God after they've suffered through something.


Suffering--[injury,sickness and accidents]--does not have a mind...it does not CHOOSE who it will strike....it strikes both good people AND bad people equally.

Evil, on the other hand is a whole different thing.

Evil WANTS more suffering than there already is.  Evil needs people to do This dirty work for him......


God does not block suffering.--[He's not in that bussiness]

God does not  CAUSE suffering 


God's job is not to protect us, He is nothing more than the source of OUR knowledge.

So that US HUMANS can some day be the blockers of suffering, evil and those that spread it


This planet and the life forms on it are ours to do with as we please.

Neither Evil OR God has the physical ability to  MAKE their wishes happen.

They both need HUMANS to carry out their wishes on this planet.

Do with it as you please.....do you want  God's wishes done on this planet or do you want to assist Evil.........Either one of these will be more than happy to give free advice on how to live.  You are under NO obligation to work for either one.



Author:  Mike  Deleted by Horatio.  Sorry addresses are not permitted.


I beleived in God once.. until my older brother died then I saw that if God cared after his creation he would let the ones who never deserve death stay on earth and purge the world of all who cause insufferable pain to those who deserve it least.

Another crazy newbie who has stopped in to suddenly say something of value. Never to return again.

He annoys me. It wasn't even a good argument. It was a very bad one. I can come up with better arguments than that against myself. Why does everyone keep dragging that quote up? Fine I stopped believing in God at that point, woop di doo. But is that the sole reason for my Aethiesm? Nooo. Only n00bs and people who think trawling through thousands of posts just to try and find something to poke me with do that. What kind of name is zoofzoof anyway?it sounds like a bad vaccum cleaner with an apple in its nozzle.

Zoofzoof does sound like a cheap vaccum cleaner. For some reason, z's make things sound like vaccum cleaners. Like. Zatmo. Doesn't it sound like a vaccum cleaner?

Sounds much better than Oreck. :lol:

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Looks like you bought into everybody's misconception of God.

Many many others like you have declared there is no God after they've suffered through something.


Suffering--[injury,sickness and accidents]--does not have a mind...it does not CHOOSE who it will strike....it strikes both good people AND bad people equally.

Evil, on the other hand is a whole different thing.

Evil WANTS more suffering than there already is.  Evil needs people to do This dirty work for him......


God does not block suffering.--[He's not in that bussiness]

God does not  CAUSE suffering 


God's job is not to protect us, He is nothing more than the source of OUR knowledge.

So that US HUMANS can some day be the blockers of suffering, evil and those that spread it


This planet and the life forms on it are ours to do with as we please.

Neither Evil OR God has the physical ability to  MAKE their wishes happen.

They both need HUMANS to carry out their wishes on this planet.

Do with it as you please.....do you want  God's wishes done on this planet or do you want to assist Evil.........Either one of these will be more than happy to give free advice on how to live.  You are under NO obligation to work for either one.



Author:  Mike  Deleted by Horatio.  Sorry addresses are not permitted.


<font color='#48CCCD'>I beleived in God once.. until my older brother died then I saw that if God cared after his creation he would let the ones who never deserve death stay on earth and purge the world of all who cause insufferable pain to those who deserve it least.

Another crazy newbie who has stopped in to suddenly say something of value. Never to return again.

He annoys me. It wasn't even a good argument. It was a very bad one. I can come up with better arguments than that against myself. Why does everyone keep dragging that quote up? Fine I stopped believing in God at that point, woop di doo. But is that the sole reason for my Aethiesm? Nooo. Only n00bs and people who think trawling through thousands of posts just to try and find something to poke me with do that. What kind of name is zoofzoof anyway?it sounds like a bad vaccum cleaner with an apple in its nozzle.

Zoofzoof does sound like a cheap vaccum cleaner. For some reason, z's make things sound like vaccum cleaners. Like. Zatmo. Doesn't it sound like a vaccum cleaner?

Sounds much better than Oreck. :lol:

Or perhaps Dyson

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Looks like you bought into everybody's misconception of God.

Many many others like you have declared there is no God after they've suffered through something.


Suffering--[injury,sickness and accidents]--does not have a mind...it does not CHOOSE who it will strike....it strikes both good people AND bad people equally.

Evil, on the other hand is a whole different thing.

Evil WANTS more suffering than there already is.   Evil needs people to do This dirty work for him......


God does not block suffering.--[He's not in that bussiness]

God does not  CAUSE suffering 


God's job is not to protect us, He is nothing more than the source of OUR knowledge.

So that US HUMANS can some day be the blockers of suffering, evil and those that spread it


This planet and the life forms on it are ours to do with as we please.

Neither Evil OR God has the physical ability to  MAKE their wishes happen.

They both need HUMANS to carry out their wishes on this planet.

Do with it as you please.....do you want  God's wishes done on this planet or do you want to assist Evil.........Either one of these will be more than happy to give free advice on how to live.   You are under NO obligation to work for either one.



Author:  Mike  Deleted by Horatio.  Sorry addresses are not permitted.


<font color='#48CCCD'>I beleived in God once.. until my older brother died then I saw that if God cared after his creation he would let the ones who never deserve death stay on earth and purge the world of all who cause insufferable pain to those who deserve it least.

Another crazy newbie who has stopped in to suddenly say something of value. Never to return again.

He annoys me. It wasn't even a good argument. It was a very bad one. I can come up with better arguments than that against myself. Why does everyone keep dragging that quote up? Fine I stopped believing in God at that point, woop di doo. But is that the sole reason for my Aethiesm? Nooo. Only n00bs and people who think trawling through thousands of posts just to try and find something to poke me with do that. What kind of name is zoofzoof anyway?it sounds like a bad vaccum cleaner with an apple in its nozzle.

Zoofzoof does sound like a cheap vaccum cleaner. For some reason, z's make things sound like vaccum cleaners. Like. Zatmo. Doesn't it sound like a vaccum cleaner?

Sounds much better than Oreck. :lol:

Or Bissel. They don't really mean clean.

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Looks like you bought into everybody's misconception of God.

Many many others like you have declared there is no God after they've suffered through something.


Suffering--[injury,sickness and accidents]--does not have a mind...it does not CHOOSE who it will strike....it strikes both good people AND bad people equally.

Evil, on the other hand is a whole different thing.

Evil WANTS more suffering than there already is.  Evil needs people to do This dirty work for him......


God does not block suffering.--[He's not in that bussiness]

God does not  CAUSE suffering 


God's job is not to protect us, He is nothing more than the source of OUR knowledge.

So that US HUMANS can some day be the blockers of suffering, evil and those that spread it


This planet and the life forms on it are ours to do with as we please.

Neither Evil OR God has the physical ability to  MAKE their wishes happen.

They both need HUMANS to carry out their wishes on this planet.

Do with it as you please.....do you want  God's wishes done on this planet or do you want to assist Evil.........Either one of these will be more than happy to give free advice on how to live.  You are under NO obligation to work for either one.



Author:  Mike  Deleted by Horatio.  Sorry addresses are not permitted.


I beleived in God once.. until my older brother died then I saw that if God cared after his creation he would let the ones who never deserve death stay on earth and purge the world of all who cause insufferable pain to those who deserve it least.

Another crazy newbie who has stopped in to suddenly say something of value. Never to return again.

He annoys me. It wasn't even a good argument. It was a very bad one. I can come up with better arguments than that against myself. Why does everyone keep dragging that quote up? Fine I stopped believing in God at that point, woop di doo. But is that the sole reason for my Aethiesm? Nooo. Only n00bs and people who think trawling through thousands of posts just to try and find something to poke me with do that. What kind of name is zoofzoof anyway?it sounds like a bad vaccum cleaner with an apple in its nozzle.

Zoofzoof does sound like a cheap vaccum cleaner. For some reason, z's make things sound like vaccum cleaners. Like. Zatmo. Doesn't it sound like a vaccum cleaner?

Sounds much better than Oreck. :lol:

Or perhaps Dyson

Dyson has invaded the US with his safety yellow vacuum and one zillion infomercials. :lol:

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Looks like you bought into everybody's misconception of God.

Many many others like you have declared there is no God after they've suffered through something.


Suffering--[injury,sickness and accidents]--does not have a mind...it does not CHOOSE who it will strike....it strikes both good people AND bad people equally.

Evil, on the other hand is a whole different thing.

Evil WANTS more suffering than there already is.  Evil needs people to do This dirty work for him......


God does not block suffering.--[He's not in that bussiness]

God does not  CAUSE suffering 


God's job is not to protect us, He is nothing more than the source of OUR knowledge.

So that US HUMANS can some day be the blockers of suffering, evil and those that spread it


This planet and the life forms on it are ours to do with as we please.

Neither Evil OR God has the physical ability to  MAKE their wishes happen.

They both need HUMANS to carry out their wishes on this planet.

Do with it as you please.....do you want  God's wishes done on this planet or do you want to assist Evil.........Either one of these will be more than happy to give free advice on how to live.  You are under NO obligation to work for either one.



Author:  Mike  Deleted by Horatio.  Sorry addresses are not permitted.


I beleived in God once.. until my older brother died then I saw that if God cared after his creation he would let the ones who never deserve death stay on earth and purge the world of all who cause insufferable pain to those who deserve it least.

Another crazy newbie who has stopped in to suddenly say something of value. Never to return again.

He annoys me. It wasn't even a good argument. It was a very bad one. I can come up with better arguments than that against myself. Why does everyone keep dragging that quote up? Fine I stopped believing in God at that point, woop di doo. But is that the sole reason for my Aethiesm? Nooo. Only n00bs and people who think trawling through thousands of posts just to try and find something to poke me with do that. What kind of name is zoofzoof anyway?it sounds like a bad vaccum cleaner with an apple in its nozzle.

Zoofzoof does sound like a cheap vaccum cleaner. For some reason, z's make things sound like vaccum cleaners. Like. Zatmo. Doesn't it sound like a vaccum cleaner?

Sounds much better than Oreck. :lol:

Or Bissel. They don't really mean clean.

Bissel... are these the underground vacuum cleaner races? :rolleyes:

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Looks like you bought into everybody's misconception of God.

Many many others like you have declared there is no God after they've suffered through something.


Suffering--[injury,sickness and accidents]--does not have a mind...it does not CHOOSE who it will strike....it strikes both good people AND bad people equally.

Evil, on the other hand is a whole different thing.

Evil WANTS more suffering than there already is.  Evil needs people to do This dirty work for him......


God does not block suffering.--[He's not in that bussiness]

God does not  CAUSE suffering 


God's job is not to protect us, He is nothing more than the source of OUR knowledge.

So that US HUMANS can some day be the blockers of suffering, evil and those that spread it


This planet and the life forms on it are ours to do with as we please.

Neither Evil OR God has the physical ability to  MAKE their wishes happen.

They both need HUMANS to carry out their wishes on this planet.

Do with it as you please.....do you want  God's wishes done on this planet or do you want to assist Evil.........Either one of these will be more than happy to give free advice on how to live.  You are under NO obligation to work for either one.



Author:  Mike  Deleted by Horatio.  Sorry addresses are not permitted.


<font color='#48CCCD'>I beleived in God once.. until my older brother died then I saw that if God cared after his creation he would let the ones who never deserve death stay on earth and purge the world of all who cause insufferable pain to those who deserve it least.

Another crazy newbie who has stopped in to suddenly say something of value. Never to return again.

He annoys me. It wasn't even a good argument. It was a very bad one. I can come up with better arguments than that against myself. Why does everyone keep dragging that quote up? Fine I stopped believing in God at that point, woop di doo. But is that the sole reason for my Aethiesm? Nooo. Only n00bs and people who think trawling through thousands of posts just to try and find something to poke me with do that. What kind of name is zoofzoof anyway?it sounds like a bad vaccum cleaner with an apple in its nozzle.

Zoofzoof does sound like a cheap vaccum cleaner. For some reason, z's make things sound like vaccum cleaners. Like. Zatmo. Doesn't it sound like a vaccum cleaner?

Sounds much better than Oreck. :lol:

Or perhaps Dyson

Dyson has invaded the US with his safety yellow vacuum and one zillion infomercials. :lol:

Only recently? I would have thought he'd have conquered the US market years ago or are we talking in 1995 here Horatio?

Buy the New Dyson Robo-hoover it hoovers automatically and is programmed to hit the heavy dust areas! (this actually exists and you can buy in stores that stock it!)

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Looks like you bought into everybody's misconception of God.

Many many others like you have declared there is no God after they've suffered through something.


Suffering--[injury,sickness and accidents]--does not have a mind...it does not CHOOSE who it will strike....it strikes both good people AND bad people equally.

Evil, on the other hand is a whole different thing.

Evil WANTS more suffering than there already is.   Evil needs people to do This dirty work for him......


God does not block suffering.--[He's not in that bussiness]

God does not  CAUSE suffering 


God's job is not to protect us, He is nothing more than the source of OUR knowledge.

So that US HUMANS can some day be the blockers of suffering, evil and those that spread it


This planet and the life forms on it are ours to do with as we please.

Neither Evil OR God has the physical ability to  MAKE their wishes happen.

They both need HUMANS to carry out their wishes on this planet.

Do with it as you please.....do you want  God's wishes done on this planet or do you want to assist Evil.........Either one of these will be more than happy to give free advice on how to live.   You are under NO obligation to work for either one.



Author:  Mike  Deleted by Horatio.  Sorry addresses are not permitted.


<font color='#48CCCD'>I beleived in God once.. until my older brother died then I saw that if God cared after his creation he would let the ones who never deserve death stay on earth and purge the world of all who cause insufferable pain to those who deserve it least.

Another crazy newbie who has stopped in to suddenly say something of value. Never to return again.

He annoys me. It wasn't even a good argument. It was a very bad one. I can come up with better arguments than that against myself. Why does everyone keep dragging that quote up? Fine I stopped believing in God at that point, woop di doo. But is that the sole reason for my Aethiesm? Nooo. Only n00bs and people who think trawling through thousands of posts just to try and find something to poke me with do that. What kind of name is zoofzoof anyway?it sounds like a bad vaccum cleaner with an apple in its nozzle.

Zoofzoof does sound like a cheap vaccum cleaner. For some reason, z's make things sound like vaccum cleaners. Like. Zatmo. Doesn't it sound like a vaccum cleaner?

Sounds much better than Oreck. :lol:

Or Bissel. They don't really mean clean.

Bissel... are these the underground vacuum cleaner races? :rolleyes:

Seriously, what idiot would like to race vacuums?

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Looks like you bought into everybody's misconception of God.

Many many others like you have declared there is no God after they've suffered through something.


Suffering--[injury,sickness and accidents]--does not have a mind...it does not CHOOSE who it will strike....it strikes both good people AND bad people equally.

Evil, on the other hand is a whole different thing.

Evil WANTS more suffering than there already is.  Evil needs people to do This dirty work for him......


God does not block suffering.--[He's not in that bussiness]

God does not  CAUSE suffering 


God's job is not to protect us, He is nothing more than the source of OUR knowledge.

So that US HUMANS can some day be the blockers of suffering, evil and those that spread it


This planet and the life forms on it are ours to do with as we please.

Neither Evil OR God has the physical ability to  MAKE their wishes happen.

They both need HUMANS to carry out their wishes on this planet.

Do with it as you please.....do you want  God's wishes done on this planet or do you want to assist Evil.........Either one of these will be more than happy to give free advice on how to live.  You are under NO obligation to work for either one.



Author:  Mike  Deleted by Horatio.  Sorry addresses are not permitted.


I beleived in God once.. until my older brother died then I saw that if God cared after his creation he would let the ones who never deserve death stay on earth and purge the world of all who cause insufferable pain to those who deserve it least.

Another crazy newbie who has stopped in to suddenly say something of value. Never to return again.

He annoys me. It wasn't even a good argument. It was a very bad one. I can come up with better arguments than that against myself. Why does everyone keep dragging that quote up? Fine I stopped believing in God at that point, woop di doo. But is that the sole reason for my Aethiesm? Nooo. Only n00bs and people who think trawling through thousands of posts just to try and find something to poke me with do that. What kind of name is zoofzoof anyway?it sounds like a bad vaccum cleaner with an apple in its nozzle.

Zoofzoof does sound like a cheap vaccum cleaner. For some reason, z's make things sound like vaccum cleaners. Like. Zatmo. Doesn't it sound like a vaccum cleaner?

Sounds much better than Oreck. :lol:

Or Bissel. They don't really mean clean.

Bissel... are these the underground vacuum cleaner races? :rolleyes:

Seriously, what idiot would like to race vacuums?

A homemaker who wants to go for the gold without leaving home???? :lol:

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Looks like you bought into everybody's misconception of God.

Many many others like you have declared there is no God after they've suffered through something.


Suffering--[injury,sickness and accidents]--does not have a mind...it does not CHOOSE who it will strike....it strikes both good people AND bad people equally.

Evil, on the other hand is a whole different thing.

Evil WANTS more suffering than there already is.  Evil needs people to do This dirty work for him......


God does not block suffering.--[He's not in that bussiness]

God does not  CAUSE suffering 


God's job is not to protect us, He is nothing more than the source of OUR knowledge.

So that US HUMANS can some day be the blockers of suffering, evil and those that spread it


This planet and the life forms on it are ours to do with as we please.

Neither Evil OR God has the physical ability to  MAKE their wishes happen.

They both need HUMANS to carry out their wishes on this planet.

Do with it as you please.....do you want  God's wishes done on this planet or do you want to assist Evil.........Either one of these will be more than happy to give free advice on how to live.  You are under NO obligation to work for either one.



Author:  Mike  Deleted by Horatio.  Sorry addresses are not permitted.


I beleived in God once.. until my older brother died then I saw that if God cared after his creation he would let the ones who never deserve death stay on earth and purge the world of all who cause insufferable pain to those who deserve it least.

Another crazy newbie who has stopped in to suddenly say something of value. Never to return again.

He annoys me. It wasn't even a good argument. It was a very bad one. I can come up with better arguments than that against myself. Why does everyone keep dragging that quote up? Fine I stopped believing in God at that point, woop di doo. But is that the sole reason for my Aethiesm? Nooo. Only n00bs and people who think trawling through thousands of posts just to try and find something to poke me with do that. What kind of name is zoofzoof anyway?it sounds like a bad vaccum cleaner with an apple in its nozzle.

Zoofzoof does sound like a cheap vaccum cleaner. For some reason, z's make things sound like vaccum cleaners. Like. Zatmo. Doesn't it sound like a vaccum cleaner?

Sounds much better than Oreck. :lol:

Or perhaps Dyson

Dyson has invaded the US with his safety yellow vacuum and one zillion infomercials. :lol:

Only recently? I would have thought he'd have conquered the US market years ago or are we talking in 1995 here Horatio?

Buy the New Dyson Robo-hoover it hoovers automatically and is programmed to hit the heavy dust areas! (this actually exists and you can buy in stores that stock it!)

Did I say recently???????? :lol:


hoover??????? Hovering Hoover Vacuum Cleaners. :lol:

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Looks like you bought into everybody's misconception of God.

Many many others like you have declared there is no God after they've suffered through something.


Suffering--[injury,sickness and accidents]--does not have a mind...it does not CHOOSE who it will strike....it strikes both good people AND bad people equally.

Evil, on the other hand is a whole different thing.

Evil WANTS more suffering than there already is.  Evil needs people to do This dirty work for him......


God does not block suffering.--[He's not in that bussiness]

God does not  CAUSE suffering 


God's job is not to protect us, He is nothing more than the source of OUR knowledge.

So that US HUMANS can some day be the blockers of suffering, evil and those that spread it


This planet and the life forms on it are ours to do with as we please.

Neither Evil OR God has the physical ability to  MAKE their wishes happen.

They both need HUMANS to carry out their wishes on this planet.

Do with it as you please.....do you want  God's wishes done on this planet or do you want to assist Evil.........Either one of these will be more than happy to give free advice on how to live.  You are under NO obligation to work for either one.



Author:  Mike  Deleted by Horatio.  Sorry addresses are not permitted.


<font color='#48CCCD'>I beleived in God once.. until my older brother died then I saw that if God cared after his creation he would let the ones who never deserve death stay on earth and purge the world of all who cause insufferable pain to those who deserve it least.

Another crazy newbie who has stopped in to suddenly say something of value. Never to return again.

He annoys me. It wasn't even a good argument. It was a very bad one. I can come up with better arguments than that against myself. Why does everyone keep dragging that quote up? Fine I stopped believing in God at that point, woop di doo. But is that the sole reason for my Aethiesm? Nooo. Only n00bs and people who think trawling through thousands of posts just to try and find something to poke me with do that. What kind of name is zoofzoof anyway?it sounds like a bad vaccum cleaner with an apple in its nozzle.

Zoofzoof does sound like a cheap vaccum cleaner. For some reason, z's make things sound like vaccum cleaners. Like. Zatmo. Doesn't it sound like a vaccum cleaner?

Sounds much better than Oreck. :lol:

Or perhaps Dyson

Dyson has invaded the US with his safety yellow vacuum and one zillion infomercials. :lol:

Only recently? I would have thought he'd have conquered the US market years ago or are we talking in 1995 here Horatio?

Buy the New Dyson Robo-hoover it hoovers automatically and is programmed to hit the heavy dust areas! (this actually exists and you can buy in stores that stock it!)

Did I say recently???????? :lol:


hoover??????? Hovering Hoover Vacuum Cleaners. :lol:

Yes Horatio, a hoover. Something that sucks up dust and small objects.

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Looks like you bought into everybody's misconception of God.

Many many others like you have declared there is no God after they've suffered through something.


Suffering--[injury,sickness and accidents]--does not have a mind...it does not CHOOSE who it will strike....it strikes both good people AND bad people equally.

Evil, on the other hand is a whole different thing.

Evil WANTS more suffering than there already is.   Evil needs people to do This dirty work for him......


God does not block suffering.--[He's not in that bussiness]

God does not  CAUSE suffering 


God's job is not to protect us, He is nothing more than the source of OUR knowledge.

So that US HUMANS can some day be the blockers of suffering, evil and those that spread it


This planet and the life forms on it are ours to do with as we please.

Neither Evil OR God has the physical ability to  MAKE their wishes happen.

They both need HUMANS to carry out their wishes on this planet.

Do with it as you please.....do you want  God's wishes done on this planet or do you want to assist Evil.........Either one of these will be more than happy to give free advice on how to live.   You are under NO obligation to work for either one.



Author:  Mike  Deleted by Horatio.  Sorry addresses are not permitted.


<font color='#48CCCD'>I beleived in God once.. until my older brother died then I saw that if God cared after his creation he would let the ones who never deserve death stay on earth and purge the world of all who cause insufferable pain to those who deserve it least.

Another crazy newbie who has stopped in to suddenly say something of value. Never to return again.

He annoys me. It wasn't even a good argument. It was a very bad one. I can come up with better arguments than that against myself. Why does everyone keep dragging that quote up? Fine I stopped believing in God at that point, woop di doo. But is that the sole reason for my Aethiesm? Nooo. Only n00bs and people who think trawling through thousands of posts just to try and find something to poke me with do that. What kind of name is zoofzoof anyway?it sounds like a bad vaccum cleaner with an apple in its nozzle.

Zoofzoof does sound like a cheap vaccum cleaner. For some reason, z's make things sound like vaccum cleaners. Like. Zatmo. Doesn't it sound like a vaccum cleaner?

Sounds much better than Oreck. :lol:

Or Bissel. They don't really mean clean.

Bissel... are these the underground vacuum cleaner races? :rolleyes:

Seriously, what idiot would like to race vacuums?

A homemaker who wants to go for the gold without leaving home???? :lol:

Perhaps, perhaps. :lol:

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Does anyone here have toe jam?

I have paw two toe jam. They should be back to normal in about six weeks!!!!!!! Right now, the two poor little toes are the size of the big toe!!!!!!!!!!!! They are purple as grape jam!!!!!!! :lol:


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Reasons to be Miserable... His name is Marvin.
And what is the difference between the two? There isn't one before you even answer, since I already know you would say God creates one and the other is caused by all manner of earthly sources. But what difference is there between the two? A man with long hair and a goatee appearing out the clouds? A junkie could have that vision and he'd think nothing of it. And anyway, if I was to go out on the streets anbd proclaimed that Jesus spoke unto me, they'd lock me up. Dreams are just our subconcious formulating ideas that we have not found the answers to yet or sometimes don't want to face the answer. This explanation can account for pretty much all visions I think. Of course hope is awful and can make dreams seem real.Space Pope? Popes are male, and I'm far from it. Besides, I'm Episcopalian(Anglican), not Catholic! It's the Archbishop of Cantebury! as to your sly post, you are very cynical. Can't you just answer me straightforward every once in a while? It would greatly improve the already great respect I hold for you, being injured only by your sarcastic poisons.

No, you missed the point. You don't need to use ABs and the only reasons I was talking about them was to illustrate a point.I know. I was, too.

Oh sorry, I thought you were being intellectual and making a point about the word clear, never mind then. Also, don't use the derogatory language, but I'm going to come to that when I get to the KKK.We are discussing a topic that is sometimes clouded with prejudice, so it should be obvious that I was speaking of clearf as comprehendable.

Why? Complexity is subject, if not more so, to new information than basics. And also, you have just illustrated the reason why Christians are always so dull, because they are happy to take the simplest (note, I do not use the term obvious) explanation and leave it. You don't poke anything. You don't wonder, what makes this work? You are happy with just knowing that it works and leave it at that.I wonder. I research. I'm a scientifically minded individual, probably just like you. The difference between us is tht I find proof of God, whereas you barely scratch the surface of something only your Lord God and Saviour could comprehend. (I use the term your to make a point, of course.)

So what if a prophet was lying and everyone excepted it as fact, but he just never admitted that he was lying before he died. Anyway, look at Aristotle. He claimed that everything was made up out of 4 (there is actually a fifth, the element of suprise) elements and he turned out wrong when someone questioned his ideas. Which is mainly why religon is waning, because everyone is questioning, how do we know this God chap exists? I mean he hasn't really been active since Jesus' day and even then people who were with Jesus didn't see anything.It's lucky you caught me right after my English Honors course, so I can hold my human temper in check. He is still active. It's just slightly less spectacular. I've seen it and heard of it. I've even felt it happen to me. It's amazing, in every sense of that term. Again, I question God's existence, but I research it, and He's most definitely there.

Answers to rather rubbish answers:

Just Why?How can I answer that when I can't tell what you mean? Why what? As in, Why do I believe, why do I keep bringing it up? Why what?

Work it out, its simple enough.Why bother... Why bother what? bother you about your future? believing this stuff? going through life as a freak? Why bother what?

I'll rephrase, why is your religon hypocritical? It isn't hypocritical. Give me an example, and I'll explain to you calmly and honestly why it is either a paradox or the result of a zealot's idiocy.

Oh really? But surely you persecute me because of how I think. Look at the comments you make towards me, punk, immature, idiot. And linking into the hypocirsy, you calim to love yet you insult. That's where it gets complicated, because you are commiting the crime, but you can't admit to it. Bad idea.It is literally impossible for me to persecute you. If you feel as though I am belittling your non-belief, then I apologize, because that's not what I'm trying to do. I love you, and want the best for you. I don't want to see so good a friend, so wonderful a person, so fortunate a young man, in that much pain. That isn't what God intended. He has a purpose for you, and I truly feel that I am called to help you realize it and embrace it. I'm not talking about pain and suffering. I'm not talking about great achievements. I'm talking about what's going to happen. I would like to see you do what you are meant to do, and I actually don't mean worship God, though that is what we are designed for. I mean here on earth. I don't want you to hurt, or suffer, or fall on hard times. I know in my heart that I probably will someday soon. That doesn't make it any more desirable to you. Why do you think I'm pushing this so hard? It isn't to change the world, and it isn't to annoy you, though I know it must. I do it because I can see from your writing that you need something to lean on, not just your own strength. It can't last much longer. Mine only lasted till I was fifteen and a half, and you're coming up there quickly. I don't want you to think I'm persecuting you, or anyone, because I'm not. There is nothing I want less than to make another human being feel belittled and/or hassled. I'm trying to ease up the spice in my replies, but I can see it isn't working well. Honey catches more flies than vinegar, so I must learn to control myself. I am trying, despite what you see.

No he doesn't.Yes, He does. You make the decision.I've tried that. It doesn't work out as well as we think it would. And what is a good act?Any act that is mean for one's own good. A kind act is something that we do to make someone feel better, and as a result, make ourselves feel better, too. A good act is one that we do for someone's betterment. That can be a kind act, or a rebuke, chastise, or reprimand. As long as it is brought forth with a pure heart and good intention. Anyway, you back Freedom and Free Speech, but by taking a bottle of a drunk surely you are curtailing freedom.Is he an alcoholic, or a first time drunk? Either way it's a good act, be it kind or not. Hypocriscy, this time God is the culprit. And where did it say that drunkness was bad?Overindulgence. I think it's in Ephesians. Sorry, but I am currently in the process of moving anything in my mind that comes under the heading "pointless" and anything connected to religon comes under that heading into low-priority storage. ANd also, I don't want to know what some stoned idiot said on the virtues of God.[tone=jaundiced with the strain of keeping a calm front]Like I might be someday? Am I kept in low-priority"pointless" storage? Because I'm all about Christianity (It really is not a religion, verbatim.), friend. I could very likely be killed before I'm thirty, because apart from writing, and maybe a husband (I haven't put much thought into a husband), I'm devoting my life to missionary work, and probably will end up in a hotel across the street from you. I am going to go to England in three years. I've said that. I only hope I can make a difference in just one person's life; that would be enough.

Yes you do. You go round to people's houses and try and get them to join and ask "have you let God into your life sir?" "NO I have not. Get off my porch before I get the police to remove you."That was unnecessary. That's LDS, not Anglic. That's JW, not Anglic. You know, I'm not confident enough to walk to a stranger's door like a girl scout with cookies to sell and ask them that. I know, I do it here a lot, but it's only in this forum anymore. I don't see Islam doing that or Jews. Also, have you seen any Jews wearing things like "Noahfreak" (variation of Jesusfreak) or t-shirts with the star of david on?That should be capitalized, friend. We wear it because we are willing to go bold with our belief and faith. A lot of us wear it to look cool, but I don't. I have about four or five religious based shirts, and I want more, it's just a matter of funds. No. And Youth Pastors, Youth Christian clubs?Yes there are. There are youth groups in every belief system, including Communism! Don't get me started on Communism, or Socialism. You do not want to see that harangue. My small chicken pie of a tentacular nature, how sad.what? ya lost me. Don't you have anything better to do?Probably not anything pure. Like read a book?I read all the time, mostly medical thrillers and scifi. Try reading Great Expectations, gain an insight into Victorian England.I did. It was a requirement in my ninth year english course. World literature, you know. I enjoyed the book greatly. What insight do you gain from a Christian Youth Movement?Plenty, thank you very much. Most of what I answer you with is recent lessons at GO BIG. "Ooh, I gained insight on how I am right and everyone else is wrong."Now you're just making me upset. I keep an open mind. It's part of being a teacher/social worker/architect/missionary.(all of my ambitions.) or perhaps "I now know that if I see an Abortion clinic I should nail some babies (live or dead, doesn't matter to you fanaticists) to a cross and go march outside it and cause a breach of the peace!"Now, that's not fair! Abortion is wrong, but I would never do that kind of terror work! It's evil, and I don't mean in a human sense! Anyway, why should it be that just because Christianity objects to something everyone should be banned from having it? Who gives a darn what you say!??! More people than you might think, TGHL.I need this so it needs to be made readily available.need what? Now shut up and go whinge at someone else! I don't need directions, I prefer walking my own path.You think I don't? It's human. I just prefer to stay on God's good side. God's path is my path.

You skim read again. You failed to taken into account the comments about picking out the bits you like and throwing away the rest. DO I CARE ABOUT WHAT YOUR YOUTH PASTOR SAYS? No. He could say anything and I really couldn't give a blank. Why? Because he doesn't matter. He doesn't do anything, nor do I really think he will accomplish anything greater than polluting the minds of some teenagers.Why don't you meet him before you put a label on him? That's hypocrisy. "Don't label me, deluded one!" "Don't tell me I'm wrong; you're wrong!" "Your youth pastor's not important. I don't care what he says." (Then why did you use caps lock, tghl? Do you care what I say, or are you just playing with me, getting me riled up like that jerk Bob who keeps hitting on me for kicks?) Incidentally, how do you explain dinosaurs? I would really like to know because its going to be exceptionally funny, nay, hilarious when you try to explain where they came from.In Lamentations it describes a behemoth and a laviathin. Answer your questions?

This is rather amusing. You can only be completely good if you are Christian.No. God just sees you through a Jesus filter that takes away all the black. We sin everyday. We're no better than some bum on the streets. Why should we shun them? We try to be good because we want to be like our Dad. C'mon. When you were a six year old little boy, you wanted to be just like your main male influence, be it your father, or someone else. Admit it! Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? Admit it! This despite teh fact that the most pious and fanatical believers in God who follow his every word, do nothing wrong, it will turn out that they did do something wrong. Or they thought the wrong thought.Yes, but see, we repent. So looking at two people who have done the same things, done the same good deeds and bad deedsm the only difference is their belief. ANd because of this, the one who doesn't believe in God, goes to ####.Yes. Because God is a mean person and gets annoyed if you worship Allah (which is just him in a disguise).No. He just doesn't want us to pray to something fake. And Allah says men can beat their wives and do evil things.  Then, Heaven does not last forever. You said infinity in a timely sense does.I meant distance. And we are talking about heaven lasting forever, in the timely sense. So #### and Heaven therefore is not that bad because eventually it will end.Okay. I slipped. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. Time ends, yes. But our souls, and God, are outside of time. God, at the time you read this, is at the time I write it, the time you read it, the creation, the fall, the Return, and everything in between at the same time. Time ends. Eternity is outside of time. No, not necessarily. You did, because I got you so angry that you started making mistakes and shouting.Yes. I'm only human. So you did fall into my trap.how?I feel I should play dumb like you did in the QA session. How what?How did I fall into your trap, of course.The difference is you bother about it. Ooh, I'm flawed I need to do something about it. I don't care, I know I'm flawed I can trying changing it, but it'll always be there regardless.This is the most pink I've ever used in a post. I'm highly against it. Yes. I bother about it. I don't like being flawed. I'll admit it; I'm a perfectionist at heart. I'm eagar to please, and, you wouldn't guess it from my RL demeanor, I'm a small bit of a control freak. I'm the perfect candidate for an eating disorder. What keeps me straight? No one tells me I'm over weight; they all complain how beautiful I am. I don't feel beautiful, and that is my flaw. I don't feel like a real person. Of course I bother about it. It needs to change before I get to England.  Oh really? You don't have any prejudgments? Then why have you prejudged that everyone else goes to ####?b/c I know it's true. You think I came to that conclusion by myself? No, I read. I read a lot. It keeps me that much saner, and that less likely to be diagnosed with what I know to be a mild form of bipolarism. Why have you prejudged that I am completely wrong and that there is no truth in what I have to say?No. You are a bright young man. You have the kind of creativity I long for. You, in my eyes, are smarter than me as a whole... Just misguided. Why have you prejudged that the Bible is always right?I didn't used to. Research Viggo Olsen, and look at his theological research. He's a former Atheist brought to Christ while trying to prove the Bible wrong. The list goes on.

And you don't make rude towards me? Don't think you don't make rude comments about me, you do so and you do so conciously. Punk. Idiot. Immature. These are all rude.Yes; you're right. I apologize. Can you ever forgive me? I'll try not to call you names, deserved or otherwise, in the future. These are all prejudgments as well actually, nicely tying in. And don't say they aren't prejudgments because you have no understanding or conception of what I am like or what I know.No. You're absolutely right. Again, I apologize. Making all personal comments about me, prejudgments. How nice of you to give me some ammunition Topazia. Nice of you to be joining me in #### too considering you have broken that same commandment.Well, I certainly deserve it. I'm no saint. I just aim to be one when I die. But you do when you commit the same crimes, just without the physical pains?Do I cause you mental and emotional pain? I'm sorry if I do. He didn't pull the switch though did he? And anyway all he did was take action on the same belief of yours. He believes that everything else is wrong. So he gets rid of it so it won't pollute the offspring. You and him share that quality in that respect, you are willing to go to any lengths to keep hold of your believers. I don't need a History lesson Topazia, so save the pointless information.It isn't pointless. It has a very important point. Work it out; you can do it.  Which was all he was if you take into the account of what Constantine did (he keeps coming up doesn't he?) Yes, that's right. It seems wrong by our standards, but so does God's asking Abe to kill Isaac, then having a prerogative So what if God asked a KKK member to kill someone then? And he did so, because his faith in the "Lord" was so powerful. This makes God no better than a Mob Boss in that respect and also makes him a sadist and fails to appreciate the significance of human life.How so?Because it makes me feel despair at how much like sheep you are?We are sheep... most of us. I'll explain it to you later, after I explain what I meant earlier. Later. No you didn't otherwise it would have made sense. Tch.OH, thank you., Sometimes I think law makes more sense than what I write, myself. Just read the Underground. (I'll post it later, when I find my stick. And if you read outside the box (or Gospels) and looked at the section which makes Catholics believe that Children go to Purgatory then you'd understand why I said it. Also, God is stupid if he automatically accepts all children. I have met 8 year olds who have criminal records, they classify as a child, so despite everything else they get into Heaven? Then I feel sorry for those kids with dangerous futures ahead of them. i also pray that they come to develop a conscience... It's unhealthy for other people. Yes it does, it makes you p.o.v less valid. Don't have to, they can as easily just feed them it  by doing it at a young age.I was fed, and I didn't believe it until I was 15.5 yrs old. Which is another thing Hitler and God have in common, they recognise the need to brainwash children young. No. There is a difference. Hitler had violence and perfection in his perverted masochistic mind; God has mercy and grace and loving kindness in His. MORE RUDE COMMENTS!

I apologize.

Yes you do as I pointed out above.

No, I don't, not when I'm communicating with you. No. That was a rhetorical question and it isn't. so? You did considering your lack of knowledge about the scare of the Cuban Missile Crisis. If I don't seem to know a ot, maybe it's b/c I don't see how it fits into what we are discussing. That was one of the most stupid comments ever, have you not considered that the lulls are the best periods? Mainly because there is nothing happening and so if nothing is happening to threaten us. It is not very dangerous is it? And let Satan plot, if you weren't making so much mistakes maybe you would have realised that that gives us time to prepare. And also, plotting is fine, plotting 9/10 times comes to nothing. The 1/10 time is when you get psychos who will do anything for their faith. SOrry? Did I just slip a reference to you? My apologies. Nice try. You are trying to upset me and get me to make a fool of myself. I've been thinking these last two wks (not much else to do; I'm grounded), and I've decided that, if I am going to make an impact on someone's life, I'd better make a good one, unmarred by angry outbursts and foolish remarks and mistakes. Yes, they are wonderful on the surface, but everyday, I feel more and more spiritual warfare during this lull time, and it's starting to take its toll. That's why I'm so edgy; it's because I'm nervous at the coming events. You failed to listen very hard then, or bother much considering your next comment.I listen. I just have a habit of twisting the words around. Let's see, the public, the media and pretty much everyone. Everyone thought that one of them was going to lash out. They were wrong. The masses can be wrong. Lots of people believing in one thing doesn't make it right. Like about Chirstianity for example. No. Christ is the Truth. Cults are false and what we thought abt Mike Jackson may or may not be true, but Christ is the Truth. Then why are you scared if you posses this transparent view of the world? Because this world is slowly slipping away into the terrible horrors of ####, and I don't think we should be headed to such a violent end. Because you shouldn't be so limited and sticking to this one topic. Why not? Would you rather me talk about my love life? Because there isn't much else to talk about with me, unless you're an ailurophile like me. Really, perhaps then considering your obviously vast knowledge about both you can tell me what the causes of Darf.. Actually no, don't answer because you'll just look on some website. err... I forgot what we were talking abt there. Dwarfism is a mutation gene. Oh really? Which situation?The whole situation. The violence, and fear, and hatred, and all of it.Yes it does actually. Everything effects you. Cause and Effect. A change in the hereditary laws for the Imperial family could mean a huge different number of things that will end up affecting you. Don't be so limited in your views. How can I, when I've only lived for 17 yrs, and never left the safety of my comfort zone until just recently? I find the fact you are calling me love rude, for another example. Not vivid enough I'm afraid. Wanna bet? Prove it. You can ask, just don't expect an answer. Of course. God wants to be anonymous. Has it considered that if he was much more open that he might gain a follower not push me further away. God is stupid, no matter what you say. Why? His brain structure is the same as ours. End of argument.

He! Will you please capitalize His reference if only to appease me and get me off your case?! God is not stupid. He made you. You owe Him your life! How can you shun Something that defines your very being?! In that case, I won't ask; it would only deteriorate our friendship (that I do favor, or I'd be pitting myself against you, not just debate w/ you.) How can God be stupid and manage to create this beautiful planet to house His creation?! You are not stupid! I'm not stupid! How can He possibly be stupid with the same mindset as ours, which by the way He doesn't, or the richest sucker would get in but the poor soul he cheated wouldn't, and we've only just finished discussing the whole "goodness is good, but what if you aren't faithful" concept! He isn't stupid! You know, you can say stuff abt me, abt my family, my bf, my friends, anythig you want, but I do not tolerate blatant insults to my God! You are so stuck up on how you must be right b/c evo makes sense on the surface and how "Oh, I'm an Illuminatus and I think religion is overrated" that you've shut out any possiblilty to reach you! You challenge me to prove you wrong, when you know full well (I've told you) I'm not prepared to prove anyone wrong about religion! You twist my words which half the time are honest mistakes of a human kid, and try to confuse me and you warp Constantine's lifestory into what you want it; you are no better than Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Hussein, and Nero! How can you call me a hypocrite, when you're the very epitome of hypocrisy, yourself?! Phoenix, I called you love b/c I love you. I do! I would do just about anything for you! It might make you uncomfortable to read that, but there's the Truth! God calls us to love our fellow man. I do that. I love my fellow man with a self-sacrificial love that only God can provide! It is a freedom you could never experience any other way! I have never enjoyed my life, but in the last 15 months, my life has truly been a blessing! Beneath all the turmoil, Christians find peace, and it amazes their peers. No one can understand the amazing power of God's love until they feel it! Why do you think I'm trying so hard to convince you of the Truth? It isn't because I want more friends in my nifty little club. It's because God loves you, and I love you, and I know that you need to feel that love of God before it's too late! And you call me immature? How pathetic.

I apologize for calling you names and saying mean things to you.

I think what I said above applies here, not to mention the fact you found a perfectly sensible statement "cute." Cute is a word used by oh why here's a suprise, immature people.

It was sarcasm.Oh so here's where your huge repository of knowledge comes from. You copy sections out of a book, oh rather you look at the book and skim read missing the key points and often interpreting it when there is no need to interpret.I don't skim read. Anyway, you really are silly if you believe what a book tells you.[A textbook, misleading? Never! (Note the sarcasm.)[/color] I can proove that that book is wrong as well, for example how many senses does it claim the body has?five. But I know there's more. In addition to this, how can you just deny that evolution is wrong?Easy. I just did. Despite the fact we can trace ourselves back to these creatures.which we can't And also how can you deny it when you see adaptation (just evoultion really) in the wild.That's microevolution. Macro evolution is false. Succession is part of the blueprint. If you go for creationism that means that all these plants stay the same, constantly because God wrote their blueprint and he made sure it could not change, so how can these millions of different species adapt to different situations?see above. Sometimes I wonder, are you mad, stupid or merely just been fed too much propoganda? Possibly a combination of both.Again, more pink to catch your eye. Of course I'm mad. I'm bipolar. Doesn't change the fact that I'm right. I'm not subject to propaganda. It doesn't affect me. You're the deluded one, and I'm saying this strictly as a matter of fact. You aren't completely deluded. Otherwise, I would not bother trying to talk to you. (I have a low tolerance for stupidity.) And please do read everything properly this time and answer how dinosaurs came about, because otherwise I'm just going to ignore you.I'd like to see that. Read Lamentations and Job; you'll get the point. God made those animals, just like He made you and me. I ran out of colors. And why will I ignore you because you can't accept anything that is contrary to your point of view.Then why am I such a devoted debator? I wouldn't be here if I wasn't listening.Change my mind. It's wide open. Hey, first one to change the other's mind gets a million H$! Or rather your "youth pastor's" point of view. Notice the venom interjected into the phrase Youth Pastor.

Ooooh... pretty colors.


That wasn't necessary, that crack on my good friend. You say I'm prejudiced? Look in the mirror. Look, TGHL, is this poisoned tone really necessary? Can't we hold a serious, calm, straightforward discussion without one or the other smarting off? I'll admit, I'm at fault to, but seeing it in front of me like this... Is this necessary? I don't like to argue. I've said before I do, but enough is enough. The poison ruins the fun, and you're the one delivering most of the sarcasm. I do it too, but seriously.


If god is our common ancestor, are you saying that there was an entire race of gods?  You can't mean family-wise, because we all came from Adam and Eve, according to the bible.  Which brings up another interesting topic- Are we all mentally slow?  Think of All the inbreeding if we all came from tow origianol parents.

Finally, a question I know the answer to by heart! No. There is only one God. Yes, we all came from Adam and Eve, but God has His ways of preventing the drastic results of inbreeding.


You got to that chapter yet, you know, the one with that picture of the two frogs?

of course, your book might use a different illustration, or, might not cover that area of biology.


for some reason the jocks seemed surprised that chapeter was there, pays to read the table of contents, I guess.

I'm overlooking your crack on athletes, as I am one myself.

This was last year. Which part of Biology was it again? Remember, I was pretty well handicapped the two weeks we studied evolution, as a result of breaking my tailbone the weekend before.


Yay! It took me three weeks, but I replied to the posts!



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If god is our common ancestor, are you saying that there was an entire race of gods?  You can't mean family-wise, because we all came from Adam and Eve, according to the bible.  Which brings up another interesting topic- Are we all mentally slow?  Think of All the inbreeding if we all came from tow origianol parents.

Finally, a question I know the answer to by heart! No. There is only one God. Yes, we all came from Adam and Eve, but God has His ways of preventing the drastic results of inbreeding.

Then how is god our common ancestor? And if god has found ways around inbreeding complications, why has he stopped stopping it? W would all be continuing to inbreed if the adam and eve theory was correct, yet we aren't. Only a small percentage of hmans do this, and it shows. Have they fallen out of god's graces? Or is his power limited?

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Looks like you bought into everybody's misconception of God.

Many many others like you have declared there is no God after they've suffered through something.


Suffering--[injury,sickness and accidents]--does not have a mind...it does not CHOOSE who it will strike....it strikes both good people AND bad people equally.

Evil, on the other hand is a whole different thing.

Evil WANTS more suffering than there already is. Evil needs people to do This dirty work for him......


God does not block suffering.--[He's not in that bussiness]

God does not CAUSE suffering


God's job is not to protect us, He is nothing more than the source of OUR knowledge.

So that US HUMANS can some day be the blockers of suffering, evil and those that spread it


This planet and the life forms on it are ours to do with as we please.

Neither Evil OR God has the physical ability to MAKE their wishes happen.

They both need HUMANS to carry out their wishes on this planet.

Do with it as you please.....do you want God's wishes done on this planet or do you want to assist Evil.........Either one of these will be more than happy to give free advice on how to live. You are under NO obligation to work for either one.



Author: Mike Deleted by Horatio. Sorry addresses are not permitted.


<font color='#48CCCD'>I beleived in God once.. until my older brother died then I saw that if God cared after his creation he would let the ones who never deserve death stay on earth and purge the world of all who cause insufferable pain to those who deserve it least.

Another crazy newbie who has stopped in to suddenly say something of value. Never to return again.

He annoys me. It wasn't even a good argument. It was a very bad one. I can come up with better arguments than that against myself. Why does everyone keep dragging that quote up? Fine I stopped believing in God at that point, woop di doo. But is that the sole reason for my Aethiesm? Nooo. Only n00bs and people who think trawling through thousands of posts just to try and find something to poke me with do that. What kind of name is zoofzoof anyway?it sounds like a bad vaccum cleaner with an apple in its nozzle.

Zoofzoof does sound like a cheap vaccum cleaner. For some reason, z's make things sound like vaccum cleaners. Like. Zatmo. Doesn't it sound like a vaccum cleaner?

Sounds much better than Oreck. :lol:

Or Bissel. They don't really mean clean.

Bissel... are these the underground vacuum cleaner races? :rolleyes:

Seriously, what idiot would like to race vacuums?

A homemaker who wants to go for the gold without leaving home???? :lol:

Perhaps, perhaps. :lol:

I thought we had Mario Kart DS for that. [incidentally, I am online quite a lot on MK:DS now and have so far beaten people from Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Who wants to be my first victim of the Americas?]

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Space Pope? Popes are male' date=' and I'm far from it. Besides, I'm Episcopalian(Anglican), not Catholic! It's the Archbishop of Cantebury! as to your sly post, you are very cynical. Can't you just answer me straightforward every once in a while? It would greatly improve the already great respect I hold for you, being injured only by your sarcastic poisons.[/color']I like the term Space Pope, k? Don't you think I know that, I can even say why they aren't male, but we aren't criticising Catholics are we? I'm afraid I must point out that you are not Anglican as you seem to against one of the issues that Anglicans approve of, Abortion. But let us not discuss why the Anglican church is basically a way of having a get in free card to heaven, no matter what your beliefs. Why shouldn't I be? Scepticism and cynicism are both perfectly good, as if you can't argue against the most cynicalists and sceptics what the dickens are you trying for? The only way to be good is to challenge the best. In a world where people are constantly moving in straight lines, sometimes someone moving in a curve is for the best. A slap in a face with a wet fish can sometimes improve your argument.

I know. I was, too. Then why did you go over the top?

We are discussing a topic that is sometimes clouded with prejudice, so it should be obvious that I was speaking of clearf as comprehendable.I don't see why it should be obvious, why can I not challenge your choice of words as being not as comprehensible as you want it to be? And why not use the term obvious rather than clear which is debatable?

I wonder. I research. I'm a scientifically minded individual, probably just like you. The difference between us is tht I find proof of God, whereas you barely scratch the surface of something only your Lord God and Saviour could comprehend. (I use the term your to make a point, of course.)You dream only of martyrship and the glorious death you hope to posess. You research what you want to find. You look at Microevolution and you don't want to see both sides, you just want to see the side you want to see. Do I care about your God which seems to be a buck-toothed, backwater evolutionary bumpkin? (notice the use of your God and not your and my)

It's lucky you caught me right after my English Honors course, so I can hold my human temper in check. He is still active. It's just slightly less spectacular. I've seen it and heard of it. I've even felt it happen to me. It's amazing, in every sense of that term. Again, I question God's existence, but I research it, and He's most definitely there. I congratulate you on your acceptance of being a homo sapien or human being. He is? Woah! Was that God just walking round a corner? Nope. Was that God doing anything good, bad, evil or anything at all? Nope. Quit with saying God has a sense of cloak and dagger-ness, he was bad at being obvious when he went over the top in the Old Testament, but now he's gone so cloak and dagger you can't even notice him jumping up and down and shouting in your ear.

How can I answer that when I can't tell what you mean? Why what? As in, Why do I believe, why do I keep bringing it up? Why what? I can answer it, The answer is....; Because.

Why bother... Why bother what? bother you about your future? believing this stuff? going through life as a freak? Why bother what? Why bother believing in this stuff is the closest one so there you go, answer it.

It isn't hypocritical. Give me an example, and I'll explain to you calmly and honestly why it is either a paradox or the result of a zealot's idiocy. God gave us free will and then spends all his time smiting because we didn't do what he said. Second, you say that evil and suffering was not created by God, but the Devil and yet God fails to do anything. Third, (MWHAHAHA, I like this one) Jesus says that his father's house has many rooms, yet you say that all other religons and denominations are wrong and must be exterminated with extreme Daleky force.

It is literally impossible for me to persecute you. If you feel as though I am belittling your non-belief, then I apologize, because that's not what I'm trying to do. I love you, and want the best for you. I don't want to see so good a friend, so wonderful a person, so fortunate a young man, in that much pain. That isn't what God intended. He has a purpose for you, and I truly feel that I am called to help you realize it and embrace it. I'm not talking about pain and suffering. I'm not talking about great achievements. I'm talking about what's going to happen. I would like to see you do what you are meant to do, and I actually don't mean worship God, though that is what we are designed for. I mean here on earth. I don't want you to hurt, or suffer, or fall on hard times. I know in my heart that I probably will someday soon. That doesn't make it any more desirable to you. Why do you think I'm pushing this so hard? It isn't to change the world, and it isn't to annoy you, though I know it must. I do it because I can see from your writing that you need something to lean on, not just your own strength. It can't last much longer. Mine only lasted till I was fifteen and a half, and you're coming up there quickly. I don't want you to think I'm persecuting you, or anyone, because I'm not. There is nothing I want less than to make another human being feel belittled and/or hassled. I'm trying to ease up the spice in my replies, but I can see it isn't working well. Honey catches more flies than vinegar, so I must learn to control myself. I am trying, despite what you see. Then let us settle for you to degredate, discriminate and lynch me. How flattering, but in the words of the old wives that go "Lawks", "Well I never" and "HORATIO DEMANDS MORE SUNFLOWER SEEDS!" flattery gets you nowhere. The best for me? How can you make a decision as what is best for me? What if what is best for me is something which Christianity wants to eliminate? Perhaps you can enlighten me as to what these hard times will be or hwhat suffering hwill befall me? Well, I have other things to lean on don't I? You don't need God to get through the worst, just something which is constant. And anyway, I have a way of being indifferent with most things so I can out last most of it. But we'll see won't we. Actually bright blue lights hung on porches catch even more flies.

Yes, He does.Oh no he doesn't. I've tried that. It doesn't work out as well as we think it would. Then try again, but do it differently.Any act that is mean for one's own good. A kind act is something that we do to make someone feel better, and as a result, make ourselves feel better, too. A good act is one that we do for someone's betterment. That can be a kind act, or a rebuke, chastise, or reprimand. As long as it is brought forth with a pure heart and good intention. So not an act of charity then? Is he an alcoholic, or a first time drunk? Either way it's a good act, be it kind or not. Doesn't matter for this analogy. But surely since God gave us free will he gave us the ability to make mistakes and learn from them without intervention, divine or mortal. Overindulgence. I think it's in Ephesians. But you overindulge in Oxygen don't you? That Oxygen could be given to aphyixiating fish. [tone=jaundiced with the strain of keeping a calm front]Like I might be someday? Am I kept in low-priority"pointless" storage? Because I'm all about Christianity (It really is not a religion, verbatim.), friend. I could very likely be killed before I'm thirty, because apart from writing, and maybe a husband (I haven't put much thought into a husband), I'm devoting my life to missionary work, and probably will end up in a hotel across the street from you. I am going to go to England in three years. I've said that. I only hope I can make a difference in just one person's life; that would be enough. You could be some day, after I leave the boards (this may be soon it may be later, but I suspect I'll be leaving when I start Uni. So September 2008 may be my last days on this board, but hopefully not) or after I have forgotten you, but won't I be in your low-priority storage some day? Won't you be subject to the same unfortunate lack of filing space in you rmemory? England is not a place you are likely to get killed in, if you went on missionary work to Iran, Afganistan or the region which consists of Turkmenistan to Uzbekistan (close together, but it includes former-Soviet Republics and the countries between India, Iran, China and Russia) then that might be a different case.

That was unnecessary. That's LDS, not Anglic. That's JW, not Anglic. You know, I'm not confident enough to walk to a stranger's door like a girl scout with cookies to sell and ask them that. I know, I do it here a lot, but it's only in this forum anymore. You do it by showing off your religon don't you? You wear t-shirts displaying religous mottos and such. You hand out leaflets detailing this weeks church community happenings. You get Evolution and biology wiped off the Kansas school ciriculum and have replaced with Creationism and sacking everyone who doesn't do so. You write into newspapers complaing. You protest openly against abortions. And people stop and think, "Hmmm... I am one of these people with a small brain who buys things of adverts and billboards, I am seeing this person demonstrate their faith, perhaps I should attend a meeting." You do it oh so subtly by getting people who are fringe people into being lured with honey into your little web, but of course Anglicans also do the door-to-door religon thing. That should be capitalized, friend. We wear it because we are willing to go bold with our belief and faith. A lot of us wear it to look cool, but I don't. I have about four or five religious based shirts, and I want more, it's just a matter of funds.No it should not. They asre proud of their religon, but they respect the fact that I don't really want to know. Your like certain members of the gay community who want to make sure you know they are gay and darn well want to be recognised as gay and to some extent want people to persecute them because they are gay. Now replace gay with Christian and read again. Yes there are. There are youth groups in every belief system, including Communism! Don't get me started on Communism, or Socialism. You do not want to see that harangue. Now you see, we come into the one thing I can't stand about certain people in the West. YOU LABEL EVERYTHING THAT ISN'T CAPATALIST AS EVIL. What is so bad about being Socalist, Communist is bad to some extent yes, but being a socalist is fine. All you are doing is saying that the common man or lowest class hasn't go enough representation or power, I mean look at Coporate America, there is a serious lack of working power. Nearly no strikes, no trade unions and no chance of keeping your job if you complain. You need a dose of socalism, you have a National postal service which by your standards is probably too left wing and should be privatized. Things in certain areas are better off being in the public sector. I have neither socalist or nationalist tendencies, but I tend towards the centre ground. The way you are acting is as if you are off in the far right with the tele-evangelists and those with chronic republican syndrome. You are acting in that one sentence as if we are in the 1950s with the Red Purges, or perhaps the 1920s with the Red Scare which exiled Charlie Chaplin. Communism in theory is a good idea, look at Karl Marx. Marxism is a fairly good system, no better than Capatalism, but as soon as you get someone like Stalin in there it all goes to pot. George Orwell was described as a Socalist because he was disgusted at working class living conditions, yet he criticised everything from Right-wing America to Left-Wing USSR. Would you just give the Socalists a chance rather than driving them out with pitchforks and flaming torches! When I come to Florida (still unsure as to a definite but it looks almost certain) I am going to be wearing as much Socalist related stuff as I can get, that means my Red Star Jeans, Che t-shirt and Desert Scarf and I will watch the reactions. Plus, it will make it easier fro Horatio to spot me as I will probably end up kneeing some hillbilly. what? ya lost me. You'd need to look back.Probably not anything pure. So what is classified as not "pure"? I read all the time, mostly medical thrillers and scifi. Medical thrillers? I did. It was a requirement in my ninth year english course. World literature, you know. I enjoyed the book greatly. Then why not try other classic literature, venture into the relams of 1984 and Animal Farm, look at Catch-22 and then move onto some other books like Jane Eyre and the Bronte novels. Plenty, thank you very much. Most of what I answer you with is recent lessons at GO BIG. You need to combine this with the next bit.Now you're just making me upset. I keep an open mind. It's part of being a teacher/social worker/architect/missionary.(all of my ambitions.) Keep it open and hopefully something will eventually drop in. Now, that's not fair! Abortion is wrong, but I would never do that kind of terror work! It's evil, and I don't mean in a human sense! Abortion is acceptable if you are an Anglican. Not actual babies, silly one. I was refering to a protest march in Kansas where some horse-faced old bags were waving baby dolls around on crosses and preventing people who need an abortion to stay alive from getting one. More people than you might think, TGHL. Then why should the masses be deprived just because you don't like something?need what? Need something that you don't like, like an Abortion. I have ran out of time now, so I must be off. Fare thee well

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Sorry to break the marathon post chain, but here's a little question for all you, well, the christians primarily, but I suppose anyone could have input.

In the song "Angels we have heard on high" do you pronounce it

"Ek-sell-seas" or "Eh-chell-seas"?

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Sorry to break the marathon post chain, but here's a little question for all you, well, the christians primarily, but I suppose anyone could have input.

In the song "Angels we have heard on high" do you pronounce it

"Ek-sell-seas" or "Eh-chell-seas"?

it's eck-shel-sees.


Oh, and tghl?

(I'm on my employers' pc, so this'll be short.)

Finish answering me, and I'll reply to you. capish?





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Sorry to break the marathon post chain, but here's a little question for all you, well, the christians primarily, but I suppose anyone could have input.

In the song "Angels we have heard on high" do you pronounce it

"Ek-sell-seas" or "Eh-chell-seas"?

it's eck-shel-sees.


Oh, and tghl?

(I'm on my employers' pc, so this'll be short.)

Finish answering me, and I'll reply to you. capish?





I'll decline on that if you don't mind.

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Sorry to break the marathon post chain, but here's a little question for all you, well, the christians primarily, but I suppose anyone could have input.

In the song "Angels we have heard on high" do you pronounce it

"Ek-sell-seas" or "Eh-chell-seas"?

it's eck-shel-sees.


Oh, and tghl?

(I'm on my employers' pc, so this'll be short.)

Finish answering me, and I'll reply to you. capish?





I'll decline on that if you don't mind.

please? I'll try to be nice. I'll try really really reeeeeaally hard!

(I'm begging, and I'm at school. gotta go!)

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Sorry to break the marathon post chain, but here's a little question for all you, well, the christians primarily, but I suppose anyone could have input.

In the song "Angels we have heard on high" do you pronounce it

"Ek-sell-seas" or "Eh-chell-seas"?

it's eck-shel-sees.


Oh, and tghl?

(I'm on my employers' pc, so this'll be short.)

Finish answering me, and I'll reply to you. capish?





I'll decline on that if you don't mind.

please? I'll try to be nice. I'll try really really reeeeeaally hard!

(I'm begging, and I'm at school. gotta go!)

But it's just becoming this huge ugly monster of a post that is difficult to understand because of all teh breaking up of the post you do and then I answer it and it doesn't make sense what I said because the breaking up made it so that the original sentence made no sense when put together with its other half made sense.

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Sorry to break the marathon post chain, but here's a little question for all you, well, the christians primarily, but I suppose anyone could have input.

In the song "Angels we have heard on high" do you pronounce it

"Ek-sell-seas" or "Eh-chell-seas"?

it's eck-shel-sees.


Oh, and tghl?

(I'm on my employers' pc, so this'll be short.)

Finish answering me, and I'll reply to you. capish?





I'll decline on that if you don't mind.

please? I'll try to be nice. I'll try really really reeeeeaally hard!

(I'm begging, and I'm at school. gotta go!)

But it's just becoming this huge ugly monster of a post that is difficult to understand because of all teh breaking up of the post you do and then I answer it and it doesn't make sense what I said because the breaking up made it so that the original sentence made no sense when put together with its other half made sense.

in english?


I'm kidding. It made perfect sense to me. I know what you mean by breaking up. It's just easier than quote counting.

And anyway, all I want for Christmas is a peaceful vacation from everything. The cool thing is, that means no debating after the fifteenth! I'm turning 17 on thursday!


God bless us everyone! I'll be here tomorrow night probably. After Anna goes down, babysitting means the Prices let me use their pc!


God bless!


oh, tghl, I've been meaning to tell you.

You are a wonderful friend, and your bright personality is a terrific, refreshing vacation from my life. I truly appreciate your tolerance of my unique personality. (To say the least.) You are a terrific person, and I will always hold you in high esteem, no matter what you choose to believe. You are my friend, and I figured all this banter might be getting to you. It's getting to me a little, and it takes a bit to bother me.


I guess I'm trying so say...

Enjoy your winter break.


Happy holidays, everyone!



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Sorry to break the marathon post chain, but here's a little question for all you, well, the christians primarily, but I suppose anyone could have input.

In the song "Angels we have heard on high" do you pronounce it

"Ek-sell-seas" or "Eh-chell-seas"?

it's eck-shel-sees.


Oh, and tghl?

(I'm on my employers' pc, so this'll be short.)

Finish answering me, and I'll reply to you. capish?





I'll decline on that if you don't mind.

please? I'll try to be nice. I'll try really really reeeeeaally hard!

(I'm begging, and I'm at school. gotta go!)

But it's just becoming this huge ugly monster of a post that is difficult to understand because of all teh breaking up of the post you do and then I answer it and it doesn't make sense what I said because the breaking up made it so that the original sentence made no sense when put together with its other half made sense.

in english?


I'm kidding. It made perfect sense to me. I know what you mean by breaking up. It's just easier than quote counting.

And anyway, all I want for Christmas is a peaceful vacation from everything. The cool thing is, that means no debating after the fifteenth! I'm turning 17 on thursday!


God bless us everyone! I'll be here tomorrow night probably. After Anna goes down, babysitting means the Prices let me use their pc!


God bless!


oh, tghl, I've been meaning to tell you.

You are a wonderful friend, and your bright personality is a terrific, refreshing vacation from my life. I truly appreciate your tolerance of my unique personality. (To say the least.) You are a terrific person, and I will always hold you in high esteem, no matter what you choose to believe. You are my friend, and I figured all this banter might be getting to you. It's getting to me a little, and it takes a bit to bother me.


I guess I'm trying so say...

Enjoy your winter break.


Happy holidays, everyone!



A Christmas ceasefire? That takes me back to Christmas 1914 actually. Yes, I agree let us call a ceasefire for Christmas and get round to leaving out vast quantities of Sherry and mince pies for Horatio Claus; The hamster in the traditional get up of Father Christmas (Green and White, not red and white. Red was added on by the evil Coca Cola company) spreading Christmas cheer to one and all.

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  • 2 weeks later...
A Christmas ceasefire? That takes me back to Christmas 1914 actually. Yes, I agree let us call a ceasefire for Christmas and get round to leaving out vast quantities of Sherry and mince pies for Horatio Claus; The hamster in the traditional get up of Father Christmas (Green and White, not red and white. Red was added on by the evil Coca Cola company) spreading Christmas cheer to one and all.

Yes. Think of it as my Christmas gift to you. It is such a shame I could not send one to you, as I saw the most perfect world domination shirt the other day. I was shopping for a gift for my old science teacher, who I assist as a teachers' aide. A lovely woman, that Mrs. Phelps. The shirt reminded me of your stupendous sense of humor, as well as your fun tirades on the world. ;):D


I bid you good cheer this coming new year!

(Yes, I know it rhymes.)




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  • 2 weeks later...



im back


(at skool, kinda in a hurry)

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  • 3 weeks later...

TGHL, did you have a good christmas break?

I'm back in my groove, if you're ready, too.


Prove evolution is true.

I have some interesting information about that idea.

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TGHL, did you have a good christmas break?

I'm back in my groove, if you're ready, too.


Prove evolution is true.

I have some interesting information about that idea.

Oh! Oh! I got something to say first of all. You can't prove religion, nor can you prove science. Both are based on speculation. However, I find foolish to believe in just one of the two. To believe in science, you can save lives, in the case that you live and nothing happens after that. However, if religion is correct, I find it best to believe in as much as you can. If you believe in God, and there is in fact a heaven, you may go there. If not, there is no penalty to it. So why take the risk of believing in one?

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1) I have several people at my school who are effectively examples of evolution going backwards, plus look at PE teachers and jocks.

2) Evolution explains the primative intstincts that are in the human psyche, examples? Paintballing is an example, so is boxing, wrestling and other violent sports.

3) The C of E is a get out of #### free card, face the facts, the only reason Christianity has followers is out of bullying and fear you place into their hearts and they'd rather just have it as a reserve. Win-win situation. Need to go now. Bye.

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Let's get started, then!


TGHL, did you have a good christmas break?

I'm back in my groove, if you're ready, too.


Prove evolution is true.

I have some interesting information about that idea.

Oh! Oh! I got something to say first of all. You can't prove religion, nor can you prove science. Both are based on speculation. However, I find foolish to believe in just one of the two. To believe in science, you can save lives, in the case that you live and nothing happens after that. However, if religion is correct, I find it best to believe in as much as you can. If you believe in God, and there is in fact a heaven, you may go there. If not, there is no penalty to it. So why take the risk of believing in one?

Hello, my friend! Science proves religion. I'll bring my friend Strobel back in next time I get on to further explain this. In essence, science seems to disprove religion on the surface, but the deeper you delve into it, the more confirming it is that religion is a huge part of life.


1) I have several people at my school who are effectively examples of evolution going backwards, plus look at PE teachers and jocks. I know what you mean. lol!

2) Evolution explains the primative intstincts that are in the human psyche, examples? Paintballing is an example, so is boxing, wrestling and other violent sports. Instincts are instincts. Nothing more than survival. God granted them to us to give us a better chance of making it if we get lost. Hey, wrestling isn't that bad! C'mon! (I'm biased: Rob is gonna be a championship wrestler when he graduates.)

3) The C of E is a get out of #### free card, face the facts, the only reason Christianity has followers is out of bullying and fear you place into their hearts and they'd rather just have it as a reserve. Win-win situation. Need to go now. Bye.

And to the last one: C/E is only one denom, TGHL. I didn't come to Christ out of fear or win-win, or because I was being bullied. I came to Christ because I know I am a sinner, and Jesus' blood washes that away. It's kind of like a filter. Like, I see roses as just flowers with pointy things on them. When I look at them through a colored filter, especially blue, I like them better b/c they look purple. Or, if something is stained, and you look at it through a screen of some sort, it looks clean again. You're right. It's almost a get-out-of-jail-free card, but there are requirements. You have to love your God ith all your heart, and love your neighbors as yourself. Aftr that, everything comes natural. It isn't easy. Trust me, it can be frustrating at times. But it's definitely worth it.


We somehow get into this everytime. Im christian. And im here to prove evolution is not true. I think i said that right. :D

Hey, friend! Join the club! We meet Thursdays at 4:30 in the gym, and we do have a jersey; it's green.

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We somehow get into this everytime. Im christian. And im here to prove evolution is not true. I think i said that right. :D

In the words of Yoda; "Try you might, but fail you will" And also, you can't disproove evolution, but science can disprove everything and philosophy can discount everything else! Like you existance for example. How do I know you exist and not meerly a figment of my imagination?

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Let's get started, then!


TGHL, did you have a good christmas break?

I'm back in my groove, if you're ready, too.


Prove evolution is true.

I have some interesting information about that idea.

Oh! Oh! I got something to say first of all. You can't prove religion, nor can you prove science. Both are based on speculation. However, I find foolish to believe in just one of the two. To believe in science, you can save lives, in the case that you live and nothing happens after that. However, if religion is correct, I find it best to believe in as much as you can. If you believe in God, and there is in fact a heaven, you may go there. If not, there is no penalty to it. So why take the risk of believing in one?

Hello, my friend! Science proves religion. I'll bring my friend Strobel back in next time I get on to further explain this. In essence, science seems to disprove religion on the surface, but the deeper you delve into it, the more confirming it is that religion is a huge part of life.


1) I have several people at my school who are effectively examples of evolution going backwards, plus look at PE teachers and jocks. I know what you mean. lol!

2) Evolution explains the primative intstincts that are in the human psyche, examples? Paintballing is an example, so is boxing, wrestling and other violent sports. Instincts are instincts. Nothing more than survival. God granted them to us to give us a better chance of making it if we get lost. Hey, wrestling isn't that bad! C'mon! (I'm biased: Rob is gonna be a championship wrestler when he graduates.)

3) The C of E is a get out of #### free card, face the facts, the only reason Christianity has followers is out of bullying and fear you place into their hearts and they'd rather just have it as a reserve. Win-win situation. Need to go now. Bye.

And to the last one: C/E is only one denom, TGHL. I didn't come to Christ out of fear or win-win, or because I was being bullied. I came to Christ because I know I am a sinner, and Jesus' blood washes that away. It's kind of like a filter. Like, I see roses as just flowers with pointy things on them. When I look at them through a colored filter, especially blue, I like them better b/c they look purple. Or, if something is stained, and you look at it through a screen of some sort, it looks clean again. You're right. It's almost a get-out-of-jail-free card, but there are requirements. You have to love your God ith all your heart, and love your neighbors as yourself. Aftr that, everything comes natural. It isn't easy. Trust me, it can be frustrating at times. But it's definitely worth it.


We somehow get into this everytime. Im christian. And im here to prove evolution is not true. I think i said that right. :D

Hey, friend! Join the club! We meet Thursdays at 4:30 in the gym, and we do have a jersey; it's green.

Let's focus on the C/E section. One, I know, but the way everyone keeps going on the only way you are going to get into heaven is by being part of their denomination. WHICH ONE IS THE RIGHT ONE? Or maybe there is no right one and they're bluffing. And incidentally, the filter analogy was a bad choice. All you do with a filter is "whitewashing" or blotting out the sins, so all you are doing is trying to hide them or not see them.

I'd disagree, the Anglican church doesn't actually require belief in God anymore or at least the priests say that as long as you are a member and have lived your life virtuously or as virtous as you can get. You're going to be in heaven, all 500,000,000,000,000,000,000 cubic metres of it.

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ok. umm... God created the world and the universe and well.. everything! And you me. Its very basic ;)

I am pretty sure i decided not to post anything in here a while ago, but, I'm gonna go against that decision.


If god created everything, and god is a something, then how did god create himself?

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ok. umm... God created the world and the universe and well.. everything! And you me. Its very basic ;)

That was possibly the worst argument ever. Ok, I can disprove what you just said. There was no Adam and Eve as humans evolved, evidence for; See fossils. No big flood like Noah claimed after a long night at the pub. The Old Testament is basically people on Magic Mushrooms and over-fermented yeast products. New Testament? Constantinian propoganda. But of course you can't accept this, so you resort to say a youth pastor or quoting from the Bible or perhaps messing up history and saying Constantine was a saint, not just a manipulative Roman Emperor.

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Let's get started, then!


TGHL, did you have a good christmas break?

I'm back in my groove, if you're ready, too.


Prove evolution is true.

I have some interesting information about that idea.

Oh! Oh! I got something to say first of all. You can't prove religion, nor can you prove science. Both are based on speculation. However, I find foolish to believe in just one of the two. To believe in science, you can save lives, in the case that you live and nothing happens after that. However, if religion is correct, I find it best to believe in as much as you can. If you believe in God, and there is in fact a heaven, you may go there. If not, there is no penalty to it. So why take the risk of believing in one?

Hello, my friend! Science proves religion. I'll bring my friend Strobel back in next time I get on to further explain this. In essence, science seems to disprove religion on the surface, but the deeper you delve into it, the more confirming it is that religion is a huge part of life.


1) I have several people at my school who are effectively examples of evolution going backwards, plus look at PE teachers and jocks. I know what you mean. lol!

2) Evolution explains the primative intstincts that are in the human psyche, examples? Paintballing is an example, so is boxing, wrestling and other violent sports. Instincts are instincts. Nothing more than survival. God granted them to us to give us a better chance of making it if we get lost. Hey, wrestling isn't that bad! C'mon! (I'm biased: Rob is gonna be a championship wrestler when he graduates.)

3) The C of E is a get out of #### free card, face the facts, the only reason Christianity has followers is out of bullying and fear you place into their hearts and they'd rather just have it as a reserve. Win-win situation. Need to go now. Bye.

And to the last one: C/E is only one denom, TGHL. I didn't come to Christ out of fear or win-win, or because I was being bullied. I came to Christ because I know I am a sinner, and Jesus' blood washes that away. It's kind of like a filter. Like, I see roses as just flowers with pointy things on them. When I look at them through a colored filter, especially blue, I like them better b/c they look purple. Or, if something is stained, and you look at it through a screen of some sort, it looks clean again. You're right. It's almost a get-out-of-jail-free card, but there are requirements. You have to love your God ith all your heart, and love your neighbors as yourself. Aftr that, everything comes natural. It isn't easy. Trust me, it can be frustrating at times. But it's definitely worth it.


We somehow get into this everytime. Im christian. And im here to prove evolution is not true. I think i said that right. :D

Hey, friend! Join the club! We meet Thursdays at 4:30 in the gym, and we do have a jersey; it's green.

Let's focus on the C/E section. One, I know, but the way everyone keeps going on the only way you are going to get into heaven is by being part of their denomination. WHICH ONE IS THE RIGHT ONE? Or maybe there is no right one and they're bluffing. And incidentally, the filter analogy was a bad choice. All you do with a filter is "whitewashing" or blotting out the sins, so all you are doing is trying to hide them or not see them.

I'd disagree, the Anglican church doesn't actually require belief in God anymore or at least the priests say that as long as you are a member and have lived your life virtuously or as virtous as you can get. You're going to be in heaven, all 500,000,000,000,000,000,000 cubic metres of it.

You're right, that is a bad analogy. What about a colinder or strainer of some sort? Sin is often symbolized as dirt or debris. Maybe the Anglican church over ther has become as selfish as the *wonderful* inquisition of old, but from my standpoint, you have to believe in five things:

1. God is real. He created evreything in the universe.

2. God is perfect. He has never sinned. Never.

3. God made you. You are His most beloved creation.

4. God knows he is God. He knows he is Almighty, so He knows you should worship him with all your heart.

5. God gave His only Son so that you could live a life of eternity with Him.


That's all you need to know. We all sin. It's human nature. No one, not even the most angelic newborn child, is free. God gave His Son so we could have a chance to meet Him and spend eternity hanging with Number ONE.


ttnnn, you are cool.

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Let's get started, then!


TGHL, did you have a good christmas break?

I'm back in my groove, if you're ready, too.


Prove evolution is true.

I have some interesting information about that idea.

Oh! Oh! I got something to say first of all. You can't prove religion, nor can you prove science. Both are based on speculation. However, I find foolish to believe in just one of the two. To believe in science, you can save lives, in the case that you live and nothing happens after that. However, if religion is correct, I find it best to believe in as much as you can. If you believe in God, and there is in fact a heaven, you may go there. If not, there is no penalty to it. So why take the risk of believing in one?

Hello, my friend! Science proves religion. I'll bring my friend Strobel back in next time I get on to further explain this. In essence, science seems to disprove religion on the surface, but the deeper you delve into it, the more confirming it is that religion is a huge part of life.


1) I have several people at my school who are effectively examples of evolution going backwards, plus look at PE teachers and jocks. I know what you mean. lol!

2) Evolution explains the primative intstincts that are in the human psyche, examples? Paintballing is an example, so is boxing, wrestling and other violent sports. Instincts are instincts. Nothing more than survival. God granted them to us to give us a better chance of making it if we get lost. Hey, wrestling isn't that bad! C'mon! (I'm biased: Rob is gonna be a championship wrestler when he graduates.)

3) The C of E is a get out of #### free card, face the facts, the only reason Christianity has followers is out of bullying and fear you place into their hearts and they'd rather just have it as a reserve. Win-win situation. Need to go now. Bye.

And to the last one: C/E is only one denom, TGHL. I didn't come to Christ out of fear or win-win, or because I was being bullied. I came to Christ because I know I am a sinner, and Jesus' blood washes that away. It's kind of like a filter. Like, I see roses as just flowers with pointy things on them. When I look at them through a colored filter, especially blue, I like them better b/c they look purple. Or, if something is stained, and you look at it through a screen of some sort, it looks clean again. You're right. It's almost a get-out-of-jail-free card, but there are requirements. You have to love your God ith all your heart, and love your neighbors as yourself. Aftr that, everything comes natural. It isn't easy. Trust me, it can be frustrating at times. But it's definitely worth it.


We somehow get into this everytime. Im christian. And im here to prove evolution is not true. I think i said that right. :D

Hey, friend! Join the club! We meet Thursdays at 4:30 in the gym, and we do have a jersey; it's green.

Let's focus on the C/E section. One, I know, but the way everyone keeps going on the only way you are going to get into heaven is by being part of their denomination. WHICH ONE IS THE RIGHT ONE? Or maybe there is no right one and they're bluffing. And incidentally, the filter analogy was a bad choice. All you do with a filter is "whitewashing" or blotting out the sins, so all you are doing is trying to hide them or not see them.

I'd disagree, the Anglican church doesn't actually require belief in God anymore or at least the priests say that as long as you are a member and have lived your life virtuously or as virtous as you can get. You're going to be in heaven, all 500,000,000,000,000,000,000 cubic metres of it.

You're right, that is a bad analogy. What about a colinder or strainer of some sort? Sin is often symbolized as dirt or debris. Maybe the Anglican church over ther has become as selfish as the *wonderful* inquisition of old, but from my standpoint, you have to believe in five things:

1. God is real. He created evreything in the universe.

2. God is perfect. He has never sinned. Never.

3. God made you. You are His most beloved creation.

4. God knows he is God. He knows he is Almighty, so He knows you should worship him with all your heart.

5. God gave His only Son so that you could live a life of eternity with Him.


That's all you need to know. We all sin. It's human nature. No one, not even the most angelic newborn child, is free. God gave His Son so we could have a chance to meet Him and spend eternity hanging with Number ONE.


ttnnn, you are cool.

Why should we worship him? He's making us grovel? Why is there no democracy in here?!


Okay. Before you get annoyed at me, note that I was joking here.

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Why should we worship him? He's making us grovel? Why is there no democracy in here?!


Okay. Before you get annoyed at me, note that I was joking here.

An important concept to understand, Look upon a platypus and know that humor plays a part in the universe's course.

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God is a builder. Evidence;

1) He built the world in 7 days, but specifically gave a 2 1/2 day quote

2) He promised to build the heaven and earth with everything in between, but some areas are done extremely shoddily; Birmingham, England and Birmingham, USA.

3) He took so many breaks it accumulated to an entire 24 hours off the job

4) Like all builders, he promised to come back, but didn't specify when and has yet to turn up again.

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Why should we worship him? He's making us grovel? Why is there no democracy in here?!


Okay. Before you get annoyed at me, note that I was joking here.

An important concept to understand, Look upon a platypus and know that humor plays a part in the universe's course.

Or that bears, ducks and beavers are not a good idea to mate together.

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Why should we worship him? He's making us grovel? Why is there no democracy in here?!


Okay. Before you get annoyed at me, note that I was joking here.

An important concept to understand, Look upon a platypus and know that humor plays a part in the universe's course.

Yes. Look upon the animals and find humor in them all.

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Why should we worship him? He's making us grovel? Why is there no democracy in here?!


Okay. Before you get annoyed at me, note that I was joking here.

An important concept to understand, Look upon a platypus and know that humor plays a part in the universe's course.

Or that bears, ducks and beavers are not a good idea to mate together.

well, that too, but I find animal orgies disturbing.

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God exists if you want him to.


I believe whatever you believe the after-life is like, THAT will be YOUR after-life.


I believe that every god exists because I do not try to denounce anyone. I just only follow one of the many gods who aren't "God". Mine has a name called... well... I will not put it on here for you people will go off.


If God does exists then he is the same god as I believe in. Only in a different persona. My "God" (not the christian god)created everything but left humans to fend for themselves. He doesn't like to interfere with mortals. However, he did leave special "powers" or magick if you will, with certain humans, objects, and places. That is as far as his extent to mortals.

(I need to stop converting to different religions BTW)


The Christian God caught on so quick after people started doing missionary things because the idea was just so wonderful. He would take you are as you are(Excluding the evil), and all you had to do to go to this wonderful place called heaven was believe in him (before jesus) and believe all the Jesus stuff after he died. You could also heal the weak, cure the sick, cast out demons, and etc.


Here is a problem though. I too can heal the weak, cure the sick, and cast out what you call demons. But I do this by magick. Not the all fancified magick from Harry Potter, the kind hollywood uses, and etc. No wands, candles, chants, (well candles sometimes yes), and all that mumbo jumbo. I do it by simply sticking my hand out and allowing the energy around me to do what I want, and in some cases forcing it. I have made wind inside enclosed areas, I have made fire appear and disappear, I have also made things levitate.



It is said God created the world in seven days. Why seven days for such an omnipotent God? They say because of our days and the day he rested is supposed to be our day. But many people fail to realize that our "7th" day only came up recently after the modern calendar was created. So that little part is false. Another flaw in christianity. Heaven- a new body is what it means for you. To me and according to the definition it is reincarnation. Enough said about that.


About 30 years of Jesus's life is cut off from the bible. What happend?

What about christianity before Jesus? Sure we know they just believed in God, but how come nothing is known about it?

How come other religions seems to be older than the belief in the christian god?


DO NOT take this as a "Shot" as christianity. This is NOT!

I am merely restating points I have made in the years I have posted in the religion topic here.


As for TGHL and the other "scienitology" believers out there, science is assumptions of what we believe to be fact. Science can be another word for fact. But fact leaves no room for possibilities. And until something is proven, it is not a fact. Nothing in the world if proven as a fact. Why? Because it can be taken two ways. Another possibility.

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