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What religion are you?


What religion are you?  

80 members have voted

  1. 1. What religion are you?

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Ah, I get your message. That must be hard to admit, too. Especially because many people don't understand it. Eitherway, my opinion of you hasn't changed. :) You're probably confused about it right now, so I wish you luck in your journey to understand it. Just like I must.

well, trying to understand it is what got me looking at that portion of interenet to begin with. I think the the only way you can understand it is if you are one. I'm just taking it one day at a time.



To anyone else who caught that, feel free to make your own comments. Hopefully I havn't made you reexamine your own life too much. just remember. as long as you remain true to yourself. and accept that not everyone shares your intrests. it really doesn't matter what you like.

I have some very dear friends who share your interests, so I understand completely. It is my view to accept people for who they are. When I learn the personal interests of a friend, I only feel better that they felt comfortable with me enough to share this. In my world, I do not see color, sexual preference, religious preference or anything else. I see a wonderful human who I am fortunate enough to have as my friend. Lexxscrapham, you are someone who I feel to be a friend, and I care about you. You always know where to find me and if you ever need anything, here is my email address: pmajr@earthlink.net. My email isn't going to change, so keep this and if you ever need someone to listen, I am here. My cage door is always open.

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Now you sound more like a real Christian. Thank you for clarifying. Except that if you are a gay Christian, and actively gay, then you are blaspheming and must declare celibacy or go straight if you want to be a true, God-fearing Christian. Gay is bad. Gay is a sin, yes, and we all fall short of the glory of God, but if you deliberately continue sinning in such a horrible way (I think it was in Romans Paul states that a sexual sin against your own body is among the worst second only to blaspheme and suicide), then you are not allowing God into your entire life. Inasmuch, you are NOT on the right track. Read my post on Dennis Jernigan.

There are no levels of sin, otherwise "gossip" wouldn't be in the same list as "murder". A sin is a sin, and being gay is not an "exceptionaly bad" sin or a "special" sin. Sin is not comparable...you can't say "I might be sinful, but at least I'm not as sinful as THAT guy!" God probably doesn't care how you compare to other people when it comes to sin, because there's always room for improvement and God loves everyone just the same.


You know, maybe gay people's psycological problems can prove to be an obsticale, but if they want to accept Christ, why should their psycology prevent them from being a true Christian? :angry:


Also, gay people are, for the most part, NOT deliberately sinning by their state of being. Homosexual ACTS are deliberate, but not the state of being gay (unless they chose to be that way, although that seems impossible). I've always grown up being gay. I have no idea how it got that way, except that it probably has to do with my dad. (figures...) I've never wanted to be gay. But it's a psycological thing that seems too deep for me to grasp for the time being. :(


What you're saying is on the borderline for being offensive. You act like gay people are below straight people in God's eyes. But everyone is always on the same level. When you see a gay person, you have know idea whether he/she likes being gay or not. Do not make assumptions about them, please.


I'm not discriminating. I love everyone the same. My mom has friends who chose to be gay. I know people who chose, too. You are right. God loves everyone the same. He sent Jesus for everyone, not just perfect people. After all, didn't Jesus prefer the company of tax-collectors, liars, and sinners?


I can't afford to make assumptions. Do you think I like being meek sometimes? It can get annoying. I can't stand being smart, or told I'm beautiful... I can't stand a lot of things about me. Everyone always thinks, oh, I must love life with the perfect body (I have scoliosis), a loving boyfriend (who's clinically insane), a good family (I push them away), and a great singing voice (I notice my mistakes when others don't), but I don't. I appreciate compliments and the love I receive, but I have trouble accepting it.

my support to you Jesse.




there is something that has been bothering me a bit for some time. it's something I've only really admitted to myself fairly recently. of course, a lot of you are probably just like me. at least, to a degree. but still, I hestitate to mention it directly. not so much for fear of your reaction, but fear for you, and the wonderful thing we have here that may never be quite the same afterwards.

but then who are we really kidding? all of us regulars know that we all have lives ouitside of hampsterboard that we tend to keep to ourselves.

again, Sorry for interrupting your major revalation with my own little problem I'm not really talking about. part of that could be my own fears based on some worst-case scenario. but then :) don't you plan for the worst, and hope for the best?


aiaiaiii why are you italicizing one letter in assorted words? it's driving me blind!

:angry2: Homophobia is as bad as racism and I refuse to even talk with someone who has prejudices and discriminates people over their sexual preferneces, orientation or whatever PC term we are going to use. I am infernally annoyed with you Topazia for what you have said, i.e. "It's wrong and gross"


And you have my support Jesse as well, sexuality isn't a big thing for me and you're an awesome person.

I most certainly am not being homophobic! It is! Just look in the Bible! Destestable is a strong word, so you can just eat it, okay? You are infernally annoying, thanks so much! I don't have prejudices. I can't afford it. I might lose a good friend, and I need to not be a reject. Part of my kuku complex. You can be mad all you want, but know this, kid:


You have prejudice and discriminate against those who differ from you. You might not realize it, but you do. It's perfectly human. But it's not okay. I refuse to treat anyone differently. If a straight, Christian, white man is more qualified than a lesbian, Bhuddist, black or Latina woman for a job, I will not pull quota, and if she tries to sue, I will explain that he was more qualified. I can not, will not discriminate or exude prejudice, because it is not toward the glory of God!


Jesse, you are an awesome person. Sexuality is not a big thing for me either, I just prefer to stand by my faith.




Stop jumping down my throat for stating something simple. You all are blowing it out of proportion!

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:angry2: Homophobia is as bad as racism and I refuse to even talk with someone who has prejudices and discriminates people over their sexual preferneces, orientation or whatever PC term we are going to use. I am infernally annoyed with you Topazia for what you have said, i.e. "It's wrong and gross"


And you have my support Jesse as well, sexuality isn't a big thing for me and you're an awesome person.


...I most certainly am not being homophobic!


...Destestable is a strong word, so you can just eat it, okay?


I am confused. My statements are not to support anyone, but to have you both look at how your emotions get involved before your brain. Please, both of you, take a breath.


TGHL didn't call you a Homophobic. He stated his refusal to communicate with someone with certain views.


I didn't see detestable (destestable) in TGHL's post, so I was wondering why you thought this.

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:angry2: Homophobia is as bad as racism and I refuse to even talk with someone who has prejudices and discriminates people over their sexual preferneces, orientation or whatever PC term we are going to use. I am infernally annoyed with you Topazia for what you have said, i.e. "It's wrong and gross"


And you have my support Jesse as well, sexuality isn't a big thing for me and you're an awesome person.


...I most certainly am not being homophobic!


...Destestable is a strong word, so you can just eat it, okay?


I am confused. My statements are not to support anyone, but to have you both look at how your emotions get involved before your brain. Please, both of you, take a breath.


TGHL didn't call you a Homophobic. He stated his refusal to communicate with someone with certain views.


I didn't see detestable (destestable) in TGHL's post, so I was wondering why you thought this.

he implied it, horatio. there were implications because he quoted my words out of context and detestable can be synonymous with wrong and gross.

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When I have I stated that what you do is some how fundementally wrong, I've never said you should be hunted down and physically forced to change who you are. I've said that what you believe in is a load of rubbish, but I haven't said that you should be somehow cast out of society. I apologise if you got that impression.


And I never said you were homophobic, I said that homophobia is as bad as racism and what you said about homosexsuality was infernally annoying. As Horatio kindly pointed out. And as proof, I am talking to you now Topazia, which I would not be doing if I thought you were a homophobe.


And I can eat detestable. Leaves a bitter aftertaste though. Sort of like battery acid.

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When I have I stated that what you do is some how fundementally wrong, I've never said you should be hunted down and physically forced to change who you are. I've said that what you believe in is a load of rubbish, but I haven't said that you should be somehow cast out of society. I apologise if you got that impression.


And I never said you were homophobic, I said that homophobia is as bad as racism and what you said about homosexsuality was infernally annoying. As Horatio kindly pointed out. And as proof, I am talking to you now Topazia, which I would not be doing if I thought you were a homophobe.


And I can eat detestable. Leaves a bitter aftertaste though. Sort of like battery acid.

thank you.


...battery acid? ouch.

I know antifreeze/coolant is sicklysweet with a bitter aftertaste...

not from experience.

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Now you sound more like a real Christian. Thank you for clarifying. Except that if you are a gay Christian, and actively gay, then you are blaspheming and must declare celibacy or go straight if you want to be a true, God-fearing Christian. Gay is bad. Gay is a sin, yes, and we all fall short of the glory of God, but if you deliberately continue sinning in such a horrible way (I think it was in Romans Paul states that a sexual sin against your own body is among the worst second only to blaspheme and suicide), then you are not allowing God into your entire life. Inasmuch, you are NOT on the right track. Read my post on Dennis Jernigan.

There are no levels of sin, otherwise "gossip" wouldn't be in the same list as "murder". A sin is a sin, and being gay is not an "exceptionaly bad" sin or a "special" sin. Sin is not comparable...you can't say "I might be sinful, but at least I'm not as sinful as THAT guy!" God probably doesn't care how you compare to other people when it comes to sin, because there's always room for improvement and God loves everyone just the same.


You know, maybe gay people's psycological problems can prove to be an obsticale, but if they want to accept Christ, why should their psycology prevent them from being a true Christian? :angry:


Also, gay people are, for the most part, NOT deliberately sinning by their state of being. Homosexual ACTS are deliberate, but not the state of being gay (unless they chose to be that way, although that seems impossible). I've always grown up being gay. I have no idea how it got that way, except that it probably has to do with my dad. (figures...) I've never wanted to be gay. But it's a psycological thing that seems too deep for me to grasp for the time being. :(


What you're saying is on the borderline for being offensive. You act like gay people are below straight people in God's eyes. But everyone is always on the same level. When you see a gay person, you have know idea whether he/she likes being gay or not. Do not make assumptions about them, please.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


*Hugs Jesse so hard he pops* Oops, I think I killed him. O.o


Anyway. I don't believe Gays are below Straight people in God's Eyes, and it angers me when people say offensive things about gays because I have many real-life freinds who are Gay.


*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*

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:angry2: Homophobia is as bad as racism and I refuse to even talk with someone who has prejudices and discriminates people over their sexual preferneces, orientation or whatever PC term we are going to use. I am infernally annoyed with you Topazia for what you have said, i.e. "It's wrong and gross"


And you have my support Jesse as well, sexuality isn't a big thing for me and you're an awesome person.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


To me, Sexuality is not important. Jesse is an awsome person, and I'm not going to suddenlt hate him just because of something like that.

Sadly, Homophobia is huge these days, and I get angered when people mock Gay people. Well...More like Infuriated. people will believe that Gays are unworthy of kindness, but it hardly matters in my opinion.


*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*

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Homophobia stems from the fear of anything different or something which does not fit into your world view. Change is not always good, but refusing to change leads only to extinction and stagnation.

i agree.

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Thanks, both of you. That was actually the first time I admitted to being gay, ever. It was about time! It's nice to know I have this board to come to and be comfortable. I'll definitly need support if/when I admit it to my dad, because I know that'll make a lot of friction between us :wacko:

Im glad you trust us, I can see how difficult it is for you to do this. I do not speak from experience though, but I can imagine with the way a lot of people think. And no, this is not an attack on anyone. But it will be easier to admit to your dad if you get comfortable with it on here first. :)

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Ah, I get your message. That must be hard to admit, too. Especially because many people don't understand it. Eitherway, my opinion of you hasn't changed. :) You're probably confused about it right now, so I wish you luck in your journey to understand it. Just like I must.

well, trying to understand it is what got me looking at that portion of interenet to begin with. I think the the only way you can understand it is if you are one. I'm just taking it one day at a time.



To anyone else who caught that, fell free to make your own comments. Hopefully I havn't made you reexamine your own life too much. just remember. as long as you remain true to yourself. and accept that not everyone shares your intrests. it really doesn't matter what you like.

I think it might be curiosity that started your attraction. I do not think less of you, I know you are still an awsome person, even if you are like that. I am building a theory as to the onset of that, actually. Have you had trouble with relationships with people before? As in, liked someone, and been denied multiple times? It could be from a rejection from people, but I don't know.

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Ah, I get your message. That must be hard to admit, too. Especially because many people don't understand it. Eitherway, my opinion of you hasn't changed. :) You're probably confused about it right now, so I wish you luck in your journey to understand it. Just like I must.

well, trying to understand it is what got me looking at that portion of interenet to begin with. I think the the only way you can understand it is if you are one. I'm just taking it one day at a time.



To anyone else who caught that, fell free to make your own comments. Hopefully I havn't made you reexamine your own life too much. just remember. as long as you remain true to yourself. and accept that not everyone shares your intrests. it really doesn't matter what you like.

I think it might be curiosity that started your attraction. I do not think less of you, I know you are still an awsome person, even if you are like that. I am building a theory as to the onset of that, actually. Have you had trouble with relationships with people before? As in, liked someone, and been denied multiple times? It could be from a rejection from people, but I don't know.


no, not really, I really havn't had that much interest yet to begin with. there were a few in hight school, true, but they all seemed to have their own mate-possibles. plus, I tend to avoid ritualised social interaction.


my own theory holds it to be an attempt to better answer one of the oldest philisophical questions around.


or if nothing else it at least provides some interesting versions of the "us & them" concept all social entities posess.

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we are so off topic...


I'd like to know who was going on about rain several pages back.

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we are so off topic...

Think about it; When have we stayed on subject in a whole topic?



we almost got back on topic until Paz made that comment.

we go off on a tangent, and then when we finish discussing that, we drift back to the original subject.

you have a point.

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i remember writing like BOOKS for this topic and i dont think any of them ever got approved :closedeyes:

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i remember writing like BOOKS for this topic and i dont think any of them ever got approved :closedeyes:

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I read it from the beginning once. It's so jumbled back there! I have to go off memory!

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i remember writing like BOOKS for this topic and i dont think any of them ever got approved :closedeyes:

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nah there were a few that got lost i think.

i dont have the time or motivation to go look for them really.

religion is such a pointless topic to discuss with some people.

people believe what they want.

if you have it in your head that there is a "god" and your really that faithfull then even if you did second guess it for a minute most people dont admit it.

and nothing can make you "discover" god.

no one is gonna magically make me believe in all that.

i dont care if im "saved" or not.

what a bunch of junk, do people listen to themselves?

all religions sound like they came straight from stoners or from someones imagination.

i find it funny when i go to church and everyone is praying so deeply and chanting together.. i laugh, but at the same time i pity them. they are weak, looking for something to hold on to.

i cant blame them.

hope is a rare thing

and real or fake, if people find hope in their religion then be my guest

dont feel hopeless, its rather itchy in your heart.

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i remember writing like BOOKS for this topic and i dont think any of them ever got approved :closedeyes:

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nah there were a few that got lost i think.

i dont have the time or motivation to go look for them really.

religion is such a pointless topic to discuss with some people.

people believe what they want.

if you have it in your head that there is a "god" and your really that faithfull then even if you did second guess it for a minute most people dont admit it.

and nothing can make you "discover" god.

no one is gonna magically make me believe in all that.

i dont care if im "saved" or not.

what a bunch of junk, do people listen to themselves?

all religions sound like they came straight from stoners or from someones imagination.

i find it funny when i go to church and everyone is praying so deeply and chanting together.. i laugh, but at the same time i pity them. they are weak, looking for something to hold on to.

i cant blame them.

hope is a rare thing

and real or fake, if people find hope in their religion then be my guest

dont feel hopeless, its rather itchy in your heart.

*looks thoughtful*

that's very deep. Have you thought about this a lot?

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i remember writing like BOOKS for this topic and i dont think any of them ever got approved :closedeyes:

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nah there were a few that got lost i think.

i dont have the time or motivation to go look for them really.

religion is such a pointless topic to discuss with some people.

people believe what they want.

if you have it in your head that there is a "god" and your really that faithfull then even if you did second guess it for a minute most people dont admit it.

and nothing can make you "discover" god.

no one is gonna magically make me believe in all that.

i dont care if im "saved" or not.

what a bunch of junk, do people listen to themselves?

all religions sound like they came straight from stoners or from someones imagination.

i find it funny when i go to church and everyone is praying so deeply and chanting together.. i laugh, but at the same time i pity them. they are weak, looking for something to hold on to.

i cant blame them.

hope is a rare thing

and real or fake, if people find hope in their religion then be my guest

dont feel hopeless, its rather itchy in your heart.

*looks thoughtful*

that's very deep. Have you thought about this a lot?


im a thinker.

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i remember writing like BOOKS for this topic and i dont think any of them ever got approved :closedeyes:

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nah there were a few that got lost i think.

i dont have the time or motivation to go look for them really.

religion is such a pointless topic to discuss with some people.

people believe what they want.

if you have it in your head that there is a "god" and your really that faithfull then even if you did second guess it for a minute most people dont admit it.

and nothing can make you "discover" god.

no one is gonna magically make me believe in all that.

i dont care if im "saved" or not.

what a bunch of junk, do people listen to themselves?

all religions sound like they came straight from stoners or from someones imagination.

i find it funny when i go to church and everyone is praying so deeply and chanting together.. i laugh, but at the same time i pity them. they are weak, looking for something to hold on to.

i cant blame them.

hope is a rare thing

and real or fake, if people find hope in their religion then be my guest

dont feel hopeless, its rather itchy in your heart.

*looks thoughtful*

that's very deep. Have you thought about this a lot?


im a thinker.

yes you are.

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i remember writing like BOOKS for this topic and i dont think any of them ever got approved :closedeyes:

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nah there were a few that got lost i think.

i dont have the time or motivation to go look for them really.

religion is such a pointless topic to discuss with some people.

people believe what they want.

if you have it in your head that there is a "god" and your really that faithfull then even if you did second guess it for a minute most people dont admit it.

and nothing can make you "discover" god.

no one is gonna magically make me believe in all that.

i dont care if im "saved" or not.

what a bunch of junk, do people listen to themselves?

all religions sound like they came straight from stoners or from someones imagination.

i find it funny when i go to church and everyone is praying so deeply and chanting together.. i laugh, but at the same time i pity them. they are weak, looking for something to hold on to.

i cant blame them.

hope is a rare thing

and real or fake, if people find hope in their religion then be my guest

dont feel hopeless, its rather itchy in your heart.

*looks thoughtful*

that's very deep. Have you thought about this a lot?


im a thinker.

yes you are.


and religion is a huge topic..

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i remember writing like BOOKS for this topic and i dont think any of them ever got approved :closedeyes:

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nah there were a few that got lost i think.

i dont have the time or motivation to go look for them really.

religion is such a pointless topic to discuss with some people.

people believe what they want.

if you have it in your head that there is a "god" and your really that faithfull then even if you did second guess it for a minute most people dont admit it.

and nothing can make you "discover" god.

no one is gonna magically make me believe in all that.

i dont care if im "saved" or not.

what a bunch of junk, do people listen to themselves?

all religions sound like they came straight from stoners or from someones imagination.

i find it funny when i go to church and everyone is praying so deeply and chanting together.. i laugh, but at the same time i pity them. they are weak, looking for something to hold on to.

i cant blame them.

hope is a rare thing

and real or fake, if people find hope in their religion then be my guest

dont feel hopeless, its rather itchy in your heart.

*looks thoughtful*

that's very deep. Have you thought about this a lot?


im a thinker.

yes you are.


and religion is a huge topic..

yes, it is.

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i remember writing like BOOKS for this topic and i dont think any of them ever got approved :closedeyes:

Your posts get approved. The edit function comes in for language. Go back through this topic and you will see your posts.


nah there were a few that got lost i think.

i dont have the time or motivation to go look for them really.

religion is such a pointless topic to discuss with some people.

people believe what they want.

if you have it in your head that there is a "god" and your really that faithfull then even if you did second guess it for a minute most people dont admit it.

and nothing can make you "discover" god.

no one is gonna magically make me believe in all that.

i dont care if im "saved" or not.

what a bunch of junk, do people listen to themselves?

all religions sound like they came straight from stoners or from someones imagination.

i find it funny when i go to church and everyone is praying so deeply and chanting together.. i laugh, but at the same time i pity them. they are weak, looking for something to hold on to.

i cant blame them.

hope is a rare thing

and real or fake, if people find hope in their religion then be my guest

dont feel hopeless, its rather itchy in your heart.

*looks thoughtful*

that's very deep. Have you thought about this a lot?


im a thinker.

yes you are.


and religion is a huge topic..

yes, it is.


i'm glad there are some things we can agree on :]

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im a thinker.

yes you are.


and religion is a huge topic..

yes, it is.


i'm glad there are some things we can agree on :]

we actually agree on severl things, if you'll take the time to read between the lines. I'm into subliminal.

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im a thinker.

yes you are.


and religion is a huge topic..

yes, it is.


i'm glad there are some things we can agree on :]

we actually agree on severl things, if you'll take the time to read between the lines. I'm into subliminal.


mm a few things i guess.

but theres somethings that we just dont.

im too stoopid to read between the lines.

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im a thinker.

yes you are.


and religion is a huge topic..

yes, it is.


i'm glad there are some things we can agree on :]

we actually agree on severl things, if you'll take the time to read between the lines. I'm into subliminal.


mm a few things i guess.

but theres somethings that we just dont.

im too stoopid to read between the lines.

stop saying that! Stupid people can't write, and stupid people don't gain my attention with a few words!

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im a thinker.

yes you are.


and religion is a huge topic..

yes, it is.


i'm glad there are some things we can agree on :]

we actually agree on severl things, if you'll take the time to read between the lines. I'm into subliminal.


mm a few things i guess.

but theres somethings that we just dont.

im too stoopid to read between the lines.

stop saying that! Stupid people can't write, and stupid people don't gain my attention with a few words!


wrong word.

perhaps... dense? is a better one..

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I notice that in my posting absence this topic seems to have become simple statements as to avoid argument. Like "yes it is." Well, I have no interest in reigniting any flame wars as I am off to Holland in a few days time and will be too busy practising going into a riverside cafe/florists and refusing any offers of Cannabis. :P

Amsterdam should be interesting, as I am going to Anne Frank's house. (hint; There's a nice topic which has a vaguely religous theme. Discuss Anne Frank.

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I notice that in my posting absence this topic seems to have become simple statements as to avoid argument. Like "yes it is." Well, I have no interest in reigniting any flame wars as I am off to Holland in a few days time and will be too busy practising going into a riverside cafe/florists and refusing any offers of Cannabis. :P

Amsterdam should be interesting, as I am going to Anne Frank's house. (hint; There's a nice topic which has a vaguely religous theme. Discuss Anne Frank.

Enjoy Amsterdam, Anne Frank's house and please hurry back!!!


Then take a look here... your topic has moved somewhat.


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I notice that in my posting absence this topic seems to have become simple statements as to avoid argument. Like "yes it is." Well, I have no interest in reigniting any flame wars as I am off to Holland in a few days time and will be too busy practising going into a riverside cafe/florists and refusing any offers of Cannabis. :P

Amsterdam should be interesting, as I am going to Anne Frank's house. (hint; There's a nice topic which has a vaguely religous theme. Discuss Anne Frank.

I was out walking around late at night with a friend, when all of a sudden a car pulled up next to us. Some emo/skater kid asked us if we were looking for some green . funnies

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im a thinker.

yes you are.


and religion is a huge topic..

yes, it is.


i'm glad there are some things we can agree on :]

we actually agree on severl things, if you'll take the time to read between the lines. I'm into subliminal.


mm a few things i guess.

but theres somethings that we just dont.

im too stoopid to read between the lines.

stop saying that! Stupid people can't write, and stupid people don't gain my attention with a few words!


wrong word.

perhaps... dense? is a better one..


nope. Dense people aren't talented enough to warrent my attention. Lazy is a good term.

I notice that in my posting absence this topic seems to have become simple statements as to avoid argument. Like "yes it is." Well, I have no interest in reigniting any flame wars as I am off to Holland in a few days time and will be too busy practising going into a riverside cafe/florists and refusing any offers of Cannabis. :P

Amsterdam should be interesting, as I am going to Anne Frank's house. (hint; There's a nice topic which has a vaguely religous theme. Discuss Anne Frank.

No, actually, you and I just aren't clashing liek always. But you are cool. So enjoy your trip!


*laughs at the thought of a British kid telling a Dutch that No, he doens't want any Cannabis*

what? it looks funny in my head!


I notice that in my posting absence this topic seems to have become simple statements as to avoid argument. Like "yes it is." Well, I have no interest in reigniting any flame wars as I am off to Holland in a few days time and will be too busy practising going into a riverside cafe/florists and refusing any offers of Cannabis. :P

Amsterdam should be interesting, as I am going to Anne Frank's house. (hint; There's a nice topic which has a vaguely religous theme. Discuss Anne Frank.

I was out walking around late at night with a friend, when all of a sudden a car pulled up next to us. Some emo/skater kid asked us if we were looking for some green . funnies

that's hilarious. You should have held up your IBC root beer bottle and said "No, we're good." In a very slurry voice, but make it sound childish. hehe scare the poor emos...

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So many things available in Holland. Cannabis, Euthanasia and such. None of which I will be sampling on my visit. And shall this continue now that there is 'The' Debate Topic?

No, because the new topic in The Debate Topic is: Why hasn't TGHL gone to Warm Wishes for his birthday greeting topic???????? :lol:

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  • 2 months later...

I never thought thi would happen but I have become "Christian". I am currently trying to get my ministry training going so I can get my missionary/apostle calling starting. And yes, I was called by God, not man. I have also been given the Holy Spirit gift of healing and the prophecy. I am also able to interpret dreams on a minor status. These gifts are all from favour of God. But enough of about me, and more about God.


Are you a good person? If so, then you have never committed any sin or broken any of the 10 commandments. But even Jesus said that only God is good. As humans, we are born into the life of sin so it stands to reason that we will always sin, no matter how strong our own will and determination is.


Have you had a christian background? Did you give up on God? Or do you feel like God gave up on you? God never gives up on you. You are his child and he only wants what is best for you. He will not force you to do anything. That is the free will he gives us. But do not be led astray by what "free will" means. Many are under the assumption that it means anything you do is up to you. God has revealed to me that the free will he has given us is the love of choosing to be with him in the end or to end up with Satan in the fire. That is the only free will we have.


You may think that God hates you but that is only the Devil telling you that. Everything bad that happens to you is not always the devil either. God puts us through tests and trials to test our faith to him. God loves you so much that he gave his own son over to the enemy to be killed and ressurrected on the third day.


You may wonder why there is so much evil and etc going on in the world if God is so loving, merciful, and etc. Well, that god doesn't exist. If you say "To Me: God is a loving, merciful, and would never send anyone to ####." you are right. Your god wouldn't, and that's because he doesn't exist. If you read in the bible you will find that god is a just, judging, holy/good god,etc. Yes he is loving, but he still is our father and tries to help us see our faults. All the havoc in the world is due to God's judgment on the sin. Think about it, if you did something wrong your parents wouldn't say "That's okay sweety." They would punish you justly for what you did. That is all God does.


Does God exist? Can you prove it? Yes, though I am not going to try to list MANY MANY MANY scientific data and proof that shows that God exists and that even Jesus existed and was the son of Man.


God is sitting there with you right now and wants you to join him back in Heaven. If you want Jesus in your heart, all you simply have to do is say something similar to this prayer and believe with faith and your heart.

--God, I am sorry for my sins and I ask for your forgiveness. I know you sent your son to die on the cross for our sins. I accept Jesus into my heart and want to follow your will. Amen.


If you said that prayer and meant it with all your heart, you have been saved by the blood of Jesus. There is no gift greater than the gift of salvation. If anyone needs prayer, please don't hestitate to ask. If you need someone to talk to, just post it up here and I will try my best to help you with whatever you need. And if there are still any unbelieveres out there, if you wish to talk to me and discuss the existence of god and etc, I will be more than happy to talk to you, not argue.


Blessings to you all, brothers and sisters.

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Are you a good person? If so, then you have never committed any sin or broken any of the 10 commandments. But even Jesus said that only God is good. As humans, we are born into the life of sin so it stands to reason that we will always sin, no matter how strong our own will and determination is.



Being a good person doesnt necessarily mean you're flawless, sinless, so on.


... In My religion, we're taught that We're more than likely going to screw up somewhere. We're almost incapable of perfection.

We're taught to do our very best. If you try as hard as you can, and it varies among people in their circumstances, that is acceptable. I don't beleive that you have to be flawless in every way, but keep that as a goal. Do your best. Having strong will and determination is good. and the efforts are not in vain, and just... Try as hard as you can, and you're good.

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Out of a mild interest Tayino, what denomination is it?


I've never seen a person who is on a road of life, and turns around and goes the other way so fast. We've see Taynio go through many things, and a few religions. It's refreshing to see, but I do hope it's genuine.


But, sadly, I think one of the most hilarious things I have even seen on the internet was when one of my atheist friends posted on a website that he was a born-again Christian. I almost peed in my pants, but I don't think the other memebers saw that it was posted on April Fool's Day.

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Out of a mild interest Tayino, what denomination is it?


I've never seen a person who is on a road of life, and turns around and goes the other way so fast. We've see Taynio go through many things, and a few religions. It's refreshing to see, but I do hope it's genuine.


But, sadly, I think one of the most hilarious things I have even seen on the internet was when one of my atheist friends posted on a website that he was a born-again Christian. I almost peed in my pants, but I don't think the other memebers saw that it was posted on April Fool's Day.

That is hilarious, both aspects of it. xD

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Out of a mild interest Tayino, what denomination is it?

It would be no denonimation. Not undenomination but simply a child of God. However, to suit the views of the world, I would be considered pentecostal.


Disagree.Being a good person doesnt necessarily mean you're flawless, sinless, so on.... In My religion, we're taught that We're more than likely going to screw up somewhere. We're almost incapable of perfection.We're taught to do our very best. If you try as hard as you can, and it varies among people in their circumstances, that is acceptable. I don't beleive that you have to be flawless in every way, but keep that as a goal. Do your best. Having strong will and determination is good. and the efforts are not in vain, and just... Try as hard as you can, and you're good.
You bring many valid points, my friend. But only God is good because he is flawless and perfect. Indeed in the worlds view you can be a good person because you do good acts. But from where does this deovation and determination come to do good acts? Out of want of fame? A "good" heart? Indeed, again, to the world you can be called good but in order to be truly called good you must indeed be called "flawless". Good in the sense of the way it is being used for God, it is meaning holy, righteous and without a flaw/flawless. So even in world terms, no one is perfect and therefore is not good. In order to understand words and meanings in the bible one must read and learn the meanings in the original hebrew and greek.
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Out of a mild interest Tayino, what denomination is it?

It would be no denonimation. Not undenomination but simply a child of God. However, to suit the views of the world, I would be considered pentecostal.


Disagree.Being a good person doesnt necessarily mean you're flawless, sinless, so on.... In My religion, we're taught that We're more than likely going to screw up somewhere. We're almost incapable of perfection.We're taught to do our very best. If you try as hard as you can, and it varies among people in their circumstances, that is acceptable. I don't beleive that you have to be flawless in every way, but keep that as a goal. Do your best. Having strong will and determination is good. and the efforts are not in vain, and just... Try as hard as you can, and you're good.
You bring many valid points, my friend. But only God is good because he is flawless and perfect. Indeed in the worlds view you can be a good person because you do good acts. But from where does this deovation and determination come to do good acts? Out of want of fame? A "good" heart? Indeed, again, to the world you can be called good but in order to be truly called good you must indeed be called "flawless". Good in the sense of the way it is being used for God, it is meaning holy, righteous and without a flaw/flawless. So even in world terms, no one is perfect and therefore is not good. In order to understand words and meanings in the bible one must read and learn the meanings in the original hebrew and greek.

*hugs you*

Welcome, my friend!

Welcome back to HD, too. you were gone so long.


You are exactly correct in that, Taynio. Many people misinterpret the Bible simly because they don't know what use of "father" is being used in which verse. (Mt 23:9 "Do not call anyone but the LORD your father")

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Out of a mild interest Tayino, what denomination is it?

It would be no denonimation. Not undenomination but simply a child of God. However, to suit the views of the world, I would be considered pentecostal.

Pentecostal as in the evangelical off-shoot of the methodist church or am I missing the point?


The specific denomination actually doesn't matter (I say that, but...), so long as you have willing chosen this path and not been influenced, then all that matters is that you are happy in your life.

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Out of a mild interest Tayino, what denomination is it?

It would be no denonimation. Not undenomination but simply a child of God. However, to suit the views of the world, I would be considered pentecostal.

Pentecostal as in the evangelical off-shoot of the methodist church or am I missing the point?


The specific denomination actually doesn't matter (I say that, but...), so long as you have willing chosen this path and not been influenced, then all that matters is that you are happy in your life.

Yes, You bring up a good point, TGHL. There is a huge difference between whether you decided this on your own after much thought, or if someone pushed you into it, and youjust happened to take root in it. If you are happy where you are, that is a wonderful thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

and in other news: I got bored the other day, and decided to take another dive into the depths of the intarweb. the results were somewhat interesting. One of these days I'll either give up on the idea entirely, or hit upon the right group to take it forward. still, as it stands I'm at least a few thousand dollars and a central text short of making hamsterianism more than an idea.

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and in other news: I got bored the other day, and decided to take another dive into the depths of the intarweb. the results were somewhat interesting. One of these days I'll either give up on the idea entirely, or hit upon the right group to take it forward. still, as it stands I'm at least a few thousand dollars and a central text short of making hamsterianism more than an idea.

Can you include me in?

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Out of a mild interest Tayino, what denomination is it?

It would be no denonimation. Not undenomination but simply a child of God. However, to suit the views of the world, I would be considered pentecostal.

Pentecostal as in the evangelical off-shoot of the methodist church or am I missing the point?


The specific denomination actually doesn't matter (I say that, but...), so long as you have willing chosen this path and not been influenced, then all that matters is that you are happy in your life.

Indeed the denomination does not matter. Pentecostal is sort of like apostolic. There are differences, indeed. What sets pentecostal apart from many others, obviously, is the belief. It is bascially the same as the living of the apostles in the Gospel. Many other denominations either disagree or do not believe in many things the apostles preached about. Pentecostal welcomes it all.

The closest denom to Pent would be baptist I believe.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm sorry to bring this topic up again, but what are the 10 commandments and their meanings? I mean like. I really just can't remember. And I feel like a terribly unreligious person. XD I know the basics, but that's about it.

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There are two areas fo the bible that have the ten commandments. These two places are: Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. There are slight wording differences between the two. I will just list a condensed version.


1. I am your Lord and God.

2. You shall have no other gods before me and you shall not make for yourself an idol.

3. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God.

4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.

5. Honor your parents.

6. You shall not murder

7. You shall not commit adultery.

8. You shall not steal.

9. You shall not bear false witness.

10. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. ( and for some religions, you shall not covet your neighbor's house...).


Please correct me, if I have made an error. That is the best I can remember.

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There are two areas fo the bible that have the ten commandments. These two places are: Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. There are slight wording differences between the two. I will just list a condensed version.


1. I am your Lord and God.

2. You shall have no other gods before me and you shall not make for yourself an idol.

3. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God.

4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.

5. Honor your parents.

6. You shall not murder

7. You shall not commit adultery.

8. You shall not steal.

9. You shall not bear false witness.

10. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. ( and for some religions, you shall not covet your neighbor's house...).


Please correct me, if I have made an error. That is the best I can remember.

Ah, okay. Thanks. 3 and 4 are a bit difficult for me. I constantly use the California ditz, "Oh my gawd!" and sadly it's by accident. I haven't been to church in 3 years. So basically those are things I must work on. o_o

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There are two areas fo the bible that have the ten commandments. These two places are: Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. There are slight wording differences between the two. I will just list a condensed version.


1. I am your Lord and God.

2. You shall have no other gods before me and you shall not make for yourself an idol.

3. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God.

4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.

5. Honor your parents.

6. You shall not murder

7. You shall not commit adultery.

8. You shall not steal.

9. You shall not bear false witness.

10. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. ( and for some religions, you shall not covet your neighbor's house...).


Please correct me, if I have made an error. That is the best I can remember.

Ah, okay. Thanks. 3 and 4 are a bit difficult for me. I constantly use the California ditz, "Oh my gawd!" and sadly it's by accident. I haven't been to church in 3 years. So basically those are things I must work on. o_o

Are you familiar with The Golden Rule? I think religion is more than going to a building. It is how you live your live and how you treat others that is also very, very important. There are people who go to the building every week, and are the farthest thing from a religious person.

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There are two areas fo the bible that have the ten commandments. These two places are: Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. There are slight wording differences between the two. I will just list a condensed version.


1. I am your Lord and God.

2. You shall have no other gods before me and you shall not make for yourself an idol.

3. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God.

4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.

5. Honor your parents.

6. You shall not murder

7. You shall not commit adultery.

8. You shall not steal.

9. You shall not bear false witness.

10. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. ( and for some religions, you shall not covet your neighbor's house...).


Please correct me, if I have made an error. That is the best I can remember.

Ah, okay. Thanks. 3 and 4 are a bit difficult for me. I constantly use the California ditz, "Oh my gawd!" and sadly it's by accident. I haven't been to church in 3 years. So basically those are things I must work on. o_o

Are you familiar with The Golden Rule? I think religion is more than going to a building. It is how you live your live and how you treat others that is also very, very important. There are people who go to the building every week, and are the farthest thing from a religious person.

Yeah, personally I don't regaurd going to a church as very important. As my dad said to me the other day, "If God is all around us, why does he need a house?" And it's a very good point. Perhaps that commandment is more along the lines of you must take time out of your day to think about God, not overwork, and most importantly believe... And the whole dilemma with words. I'm sure God understands the difficulties of habit and as long as I at least try to stop I'm okay. I'm trying to become more religious because I know that I've had some problems of my own. Like, twice I've had this weird paranoid feeling before I went to bed that I was going to die, and I started praying desperately to God, even in a time of doubt in God I think I did that. Apparently Thomas has done that as well and I'm not alone, but I'm sure we both know very well that we probably have psychological problems. And well, I don't want to be one of those people who only turn to Him when they have a problem. So I'm trying to become more faithful.

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There are two areas fo the bible that have the ten commandments. These two places are: Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. There are slight wording differences between the two. I will just list a condensed version.


1. I am your Lord and God.

2. You shall have no other gods before me and you shall not make for yourself an idol.

3. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God.

4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.

5. Honor your parents.

6. You shall not murder

7. You shall not commit adultery.

8. You shall not steal.

9. You shall not bear false witness.

10. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. ( and for some religions, you shall not covet your neighbor's house...).


Please correct me, if I have made an error. That is the best I can remember.

Ah, okay. Thanks. 3 and 4 are a bit difficult for me. I constantly use the California ditz, "Oh my gawd!" and sadly it's by accident. I haven't been to church in 3 years. So basically those are things I must work on. o_o

Are you familiar with The Golden Rule? I think religion is more than going to a building. It is how you live your live and how you treat others that is also very, very important. There are people who go to the building every week, and are the farthest thing from a religious person.

Yeah, personally I don't regaurd going to a church as very important. As my dad said to me the other day, "If God is all around us, why does he need a house?" And it's a very good point. Perhaps that commandment is more along the lines of you must take time out of your day to think about God, not overwork, and most importantly believe... And the whole dilemma with words. I'm sure God understands the difficulties of habit and as long as I at least try to stop I'm okay. I'm trying to become more religious because I know that I've had some problems of my own. Like, twice I've had this weird paranoid feeling before I went to bed that I was going to die, and I started praying desperately to God, even in a time of doubt in God I think I did that. Apparently Thomas has done that as well and I'm not alone, but I'm sure we both know very well that we probably have psychological problems. And well, I don't want to be one of those people who only turn to Him when they have a problem. So I'm trying to become more faithful.

The Golden Rule is along the lines you are thinking. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Basically, treat people how you would want to be treated. If you can treat people with respect and tolerance, I believe you are laying a solid foundation for being a good person. I agree with your father.

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There are two areas fo the bible that have the ten commandments. These two places are: Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. There are slight wording differences between the two. I will just list a condensed version.


1. I am your Lord and God.

2. You shall have no other gods before me and you shall not make for yourself an idol.

3. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God.

4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.

5. Honor your parents.

6. You shall not murder

7. You shall not commit adultery.

8. You shall not steal.

9. You shall not bear false witness.

10. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. ( and for some religions, you shall not covet your neighbor's house...).


Please correct me, if I have made an error. That is the best I can remember.

Ah, okay. Thanks. 3 and 4 are a bit difficult for me. I constantly use the California ditz, "Oh my gawd!" and sadly it's by accident. I haven't been to church in 3 years. So basically those are things I must work on. o_o

Are you familiar with The Golden Rule? I think religion is more than going to a building. It is how you live your live and how you treat others that is also very, very important. There are people who go to the building every week, and are the farthest thing from a religious person.

Yeah, personally I don't regaurd going to a church as very important. As my dad said to me the other day, "If God is all around us, why does he need a house?" And it's a very good point. Perhaps that commandment is more along the lines of you must take time out of your day to think about God, not overwork, and most importantly believe... And the whole dilemma with words. I'm sure God understands the difficulties of habit and as long as I at least try to stop I'm okay. I'm trying to become more religious because I know that I've had some problems of my own. Like, twice I've had this weird paranoid feeling before I went to bed that I was going to die, and I started praying desperately to God, even in a time of doubt in God I think I did that. Apparently Thomas has done that as well and I'm not alone, but I'm sure we both know very well that we probably have psychological problems. And well, I don't want to be one of those people who only turn to Him when they have a problem. So I'm trying to become more faithful.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


A bunch of kids at my school said I'm going to **** because I don't go to church and don't read The Bible every day. :angry2:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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There are two areas fo the bible that have the ten commandments. These two places are: Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. There are slight wording differences between the two. I will just list a condensed version.


1. I am your Lord and God.

2. You shall have no other gods before me and you shall not make for yourself an idol.

3. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God.

4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.

5. Honor your parents.

6. You shall not murder

7. You shall not commit adultery.

8. You shall not steal.

9. You shall not bear false witness.

10. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. ( and for some religions, you shall not covet your neighbor's house...).


Please correct me, if I have made an error. That is the best I can remember.

Ah, okay. Thanks. 3 and 4 are a bit difficult for me. I constantly use the California ditz, "Oh my gawd!" and sadly it's by accident. I haven't been to church in 3 years. So basically those are things I must work on. o_o

Are you familiar with The Golden Rule? I think religion is more than going to a building. It is how you live your live and how you treat others that is also very, very important. There are people who go to the building every week, and are the farthest thing from a religious person.

Yeah, personally I don't regaurd going to a church as very important. As my dad said to me the other day, "If God is all around us, why does he need a house?" And it's a very good point. Perhaps that commandment is more along the lines of you must take time out of your day to think about God, not overwork, and most importantly believe... And the whole dilemma with words. I'm sure God understands the difficulties of habit and as long as I at least try to stop I'm okay. I'm trying to become more religious because I know that I've had some problems of my own. Like, twice I've had this weird paranoid feeling before I went to bed that I was going to die, and I started praying desperately to God, even in a time of doubt in God I think I did that. Apparently Thomas has done that as well and I'm not alone, but I'm sure we both know very well that we probably have psychological problems. And well, I don't want to be one of those people who only turn to Him when they have a problem. So I'm trying to become more faithful.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


A bunch of kids at my school said I'm going to **** because I don't go to church and don't read The Bible every day. :angry2:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Totally untrue. Ignore them. Please do not let their words get to you.

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4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.

Excuse me, but what colour is that Sabbath?

LOL... you tell me. And no musical groups are permitted. LOL

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*






Wait! You said no Music Groups, but you didn't say No songs!


The Sabbath is Red.

Sabbath, Bloody Sabbath.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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There are two areas fo the bible that have the ten commandments. These two places are: Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. There are slight wording differences between the two. I will just list a condensed version.


1. I am your Lord and God.

2. You shall have no other gods before me and you shall not make for yourself an idol.

3. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God.

4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.

5. Honor your parents.

6. You shall not murder

7. You shall not commit adultery.

8. You shall not steal.

9. You shall not bear false witness.

10. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. ( and for some religions, you shall not covet your neighbor's house...).


Please correct me, if I have made an error. That is the best I can remember.

Ah, okay. Thanks. 3 and 4 are a bit difficult for me. I constantly use the California ditz, "Oh my gawd!" and sadly it's by accident. I haven't been to church in 3 years. So basically those are things I must work on. o_o

Are you familiar with The Golden Rule? I think religion is more than going to a building. It is how you live your live and how you treat others that is also very, very important. There are people who go to the building every week, and are the farthest thing from a religious person.

Yeah, personally I don't regaurd going to a church as very important. As my dad said to me the other day, "If God is all around us, why does he need a house?" And it's a very good point. Perhaps that commandment is more along the lines of you must take time out of your day to think about God, not overwork, and most importantly believe... And the whole dilemma with words. I'm sure God understands the difficulties of habit and as long as I at least try to stop I'm okay. I'm trying to become more religious because I know that I've had some problems of my own. Like, twice I've had this weird paranoid feeling before I went to bed that I was going to die, and I started praying desperately to God, even in a time of doubt in God I think I did that. Apparently Thomas has done that as well and I'm not alone, but I'm sure we both know very well that we probably have psychological problems. And well, I don't want to be one of those people who only turn to Him when they have a problem. So I'm trying to become more faithful.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


A bunch of kids at my school said I'm going to **** because I don't go to church and don't read The Bible every day. :angry2:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Totally untrue. Ignore them. Please do not let their words get to you.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


They're the ones who i think will be punished by God.

They make fun of people, for one.

And a handful of them are 13 and have already lost their virginity.

And the boys who say that to me are mainly perverts and I'm sure God doesn't like that.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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There are two areas fo the bible that have the ten commandments. These two places are: Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. There are slight wording differences between the two. I will just list a condensed version.


1. I am your Lord and God.

2. You shall have no other gods before me and you shall not make for yourself an idol.

3. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God.

4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.

5. Honor your parents.

6. You shall not murder

7. You shall not commit adultery.

8. You shall not steal.

9. You shall not bear false witness.

10. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. ( and for some religions, you shall not covet your neighbor's house...).


Please correct me, if I have made an error. That is the best I can remember.

Ah, okay. Thanks. 3 and 4 are a bit difficult for me. I constantly use the California ditz, "Oh my gawd!" and sadly it's by accident. I haven't been to church in 3 years. So basically those are things I must work on. o_o

Are you familiar with The Golden Rule? I think religion is more than going to a building. It is how you live your live and how you treat others that is also very, very important. There are people who go to the building every week, and are the farthest thing from a religious person.

Yeah, personally I don't regaurd going to a church as very important. As my dad said to me the other day, "If God is all around us, why does he need a house?" And it's a very good point. Perhaps that commandment is more along the lines of you must take time out of your day to think about God, not overwork, and most importantly believe... And the whole dilemma with words. I'm sure God understands the difficulties of habit and as long as I at least try to stop I'm okay. I'm trying to become more religious because I know that I've had some problems of my own. Like, twice I've had this weird paranoid feeling before I went to bed that I was going to die, and I started praying desperately to God, even in a time of doubt in God I think I did that. Apparently Thomas has done that as well and I'm not alone, but I'm sure we both know very well that we probably have psychological problems. And well, I don't want to be one of those people who only turn to Him when they have a problem. So I'm trying to become more faithful.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


A bunch of kids at my school said I'm going to **** because I don't go to church and don't read The Bible every day. :angry2:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Totally untrue. Ignore them. Please do not let their words get to you.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


They're the ones who i think will be punished by God.

They make fun of people, for one.

And a handful of them are 13 and have already lost their virginity.

And the boys who say that to me are mainly perverts and I'm sure God doesn't like that.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I am glad you do not listen to them. They do not sound like very nice people.

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There are two areas fo the bible that have the ten commandments. These two places are: Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. There are slight wording differences between the two. I will just list a condensed version.


1. I am your Lord and God.

2. You shall have no other gods before me and you shall not make for yourself an idol.

3. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God.

4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.

5. Honor your parents.

6. You shall not murder

7. You shall not commit adultery.

8. You shall not steal.

9. You shall not bear false witness.

10. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. ( and for some religions, you shall not covet your neighbor's house...).


Please correct me, if I have made an error. That is the best I can remember.

Ah, okay. Thanks. 3 and 4 are a bit difficult for me. I constantly use the California ditz, "Oh my gawd!" and sadly it's by accident. I haven't been to church in 3 years. So basically those are things I must work on. o_o

Are you familiar with The Golden Rule? I think religion is more than going to a building. It is how you live your live and how you treat others that is also very, very important. There are people who go to the building every week, and are the farthest thing from a religious person.

Yeah, personally I don't regaurd going to a church as very important. As my dad said to me the other day, "If God is all around us, why does he need a house?" And it's a very good point. Perhaps that commandment is more along the lines of you must take time out of your day to think about God, not overwork, and most importantly believe... And the whole dilemma with words. I'm sure God understands the difficulties of habit and as long as I at least try to stop I'm okay. I'm trying to become more religious because I know that I've had some problems of my own. Like, twice I've had this weird paranoid feeling before I went to bed that I was going to die, and I started praying desperately to God, even in a time of doubt in God I think I did that. Apparently Thomas has done that as well and I'm not alone, but I'm sure we both know very well that we probably have psychological problems. And well, I don't want to be one of those people who only turn to Him when they have a problem. So I'm trying to become more faithful.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


A bunch of kids at my school said I'm going to **** because I don't go to church and don't read The Bible every day. :angry2:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Totally untrue. Ignore them. Please do not let their words get to you.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


They're the ones who i think will be punished by God.

They make fun of people, for one.

And a handful of them are 13 and have already lost their virginity.

And the boys who say that to me are mainly perverts and I'm sure God doesn't like that.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I am glad you do not listen to them. They do not sound like very nice people.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


It was Mitchell The *****ell who was saying it to me. Stefan and the others we're just saying, "It's good for my soul." in a funny way.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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There are two areas fo the bible that have the ten commandments. These two places are: Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. There are slight wording differences between the two. I will just list a condensed version.


1. I am your Lord and God.

2. You shall have no other gods before me and you shall not make for yourself an idol.

3. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God.

4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.

5. Honor your parents.

6. You shall not murder

7. You shall not commit adultery.

8. You shall not steal.

9. You shall not bear false witness.

10. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. ( and for some religions, you shall not covet your neighbor's house...).


Please correct me, if I have made an error. That is the best I can remember.

Ah, okay. Thanks. 3 and 4 are a bit difficult for me. I constantly use the California ditz, "Oh my gawd!" and sadly it's by accident. I haven't been to church in 3 years. So basically those are things I must work on. o_o

Are you familiar with The Golden Rule? I think religion is more than going to a building. It is how you live your live and how you treat others that is also very, very important. There are people who go to the building every week, and are the farthest thing from a religious person.

Yeah, personally I don't regaurd going to a church as very important. As my dad said to me the other day, "If God is all around us, why does he need a house?" And it's a very good point. Perhaps that commandment is more along the lines of you must take time out of your day to think about God, not overwork, and most importantly believe... And the whole dilemma with words. I'm sure God understands the difficulties of habit and as long as I at least try to stop I'm okay. I'm trying to become more religious because I know that I've had some problems of my own. Like, twice I've had this weird paranoid feeling before I went to bed that I was going to die, and I started praying desperately to God, even in a time of doubt in God I think I did that. Apparently Thomas has done that as well and I'm not alone, but I'm sure we both know very well that we probably have psychological problems. And well, I don't want to be one of those people who only turn to Him when they have a problem. So I'm trying to become more faithful.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


A bunch of kids at my school said I'm going to **** because I don't go to church and don't read The Bible every day. :angry2:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Totally untrue. Ignore them. Please do not let their words get to you.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


They're the ones who i think will be punished by God.

They make fun of people, for one.

And a handful of them are 13 and have already lost their virginity.

And the boys who say that to me are mainly perverts and I'm sure God doesn't like that.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I am glad you do not listen to them. They do not sound like very nice people.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


It was Mitchell The *****ell who was saying it to me. Stefan and the others we're just saying, "It's good for my soul." in a funny way.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Better not to let their words get to you. You are much better than that.

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There are two areas fo the bible that have the ten commandments. These two places are: Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. There are slight wording differences between the two. I will just list a condensed version.


1. I am your Lord and God.

2. You shall have no other gods before me and you shall not make for yourself an idol.

3. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God.

4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.

5. Honor your parents.

6. You shall not murder

7. You shall not commit adultery.

8. You shall not steal.

9. You shall not bear false witness.

10. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. ( and for some religions, you shall not covet your neighbor's house...).


Please correct me, if I have made an error. That is the best I can remember.

Ah, okay. Thanks. 3 and 4 are a bit difficult for me. I constantly use the California ditz, "Oh my gawd!" and sadly it's by accident. I haven't been to church in 3 years. So basically those are things I must work on. o_o

Are you familiar with The Golden Rule? I think religion is more than going to a building. It is how you live your live and how you treat others that is also very, very important. There are people who go to the building every week, and are the farthest thing from a religious person.

Yeah, personally I don't regaurd going to a church as very important. As my dad said to me the other day, "If God is all around us, why does he need a house?" And it's a very good point. Perhaps that commandment is more along the lines of you must take time out of your day to think about God, not overwork, and most importantly believe... And the whole dilemma with words. I'm sure God understands the difficulties of habit and as long as I at least try to stop I'm okay. I'm trying to become more religious because I know that I've had some problems of my own. Like, twice I've had this weird paranoid feeling before I went to bed that I was going to die, and I started praying desperately to God, even in a time of doubt in God I think I did that. Apparently Thomas has done that as well and I'm not alone, but I'm sure we both know very well that we probably have psychological problems. And well, I don't want to be one of those people who only turn to Him when they have a problem. So I'm trying to become more faithful.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


A bunch of kids at my school said I'm going to **** because I don't go to church and don't read The Bible every day. :angry2:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Totally untrue. Ignore them. Please do not let their words get to you.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


They're the ones who i think will be punished by God.

They make fun of people, for one.

And a handful of them are 13 and have already lost their virginity.

And the boys who say that to me are mainly perverts and I'm sure God doesn't like that.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I am glad you do not listen to them. They do not sound like very nice people.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


It was Mitchell The *****ell who was saying it to me. Stefan and the others we're just saying, "It's good for my soul." in a funny way.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Better not to let their words get to you. You are much better than that.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I'm also tired of people stereotyping my way of dress and calling me an athiest.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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There are two areas fo the bible that have the ten commandments. These two places are: Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. There are slight wording differences between the two. I will just list a condensed version.


1. I am your Lord and God.

2. You shall have no other gods before me and you shall not make for yourself an idol.

3. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God.

4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.

5. Honor your parents.

6. You shall not murder

7. You shall not commit adultery.

8. You shall not steal.

9. You shall not bear false witness.

10. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. ( and for some religions, you shall not covet your neighbor's house...).


Please correct me, if I have made an error. That is the best I can remember.

Ah, okay. Thanks. 3 and 4 are a bit difficult for me. I constantly use the California ditz, "Oh my gawd!" and sadly it's by accident. I haven't been to church in 3 years. So basically those are things I must work on. o_o

Are you familiar with The Golden Rule? I think religion is more than going to a building. It is how you live your live and how you treat others that is also very, very important. There are people who go to the building every week, and are the farthest thing from a religious person.

Yeah, personally I don't regaurd going to a church as very important. As my dad said to me the other day, "If God is all around us, why does he need a house?" And it's a very good point. Perhaps that commandment is more along the lines of you must take time out of your day to think about God, not overwork, and most importantly believe... And the whole dilemma with words. I'm sure God understands the difficulties of habit and as long as I at least try to stop I'm okay. I'm trying to become more religious because I know that I've had some problems of my own. Like, twice I've had this weird paranoid feeling before I went to bed that I was going to die, and I started praying desperately to God, even in a time of doubt in God I think I did that. Apparently Thomas has done that as well and I'm not alone, but I'm sure we both know very well that we probably have psychological problems. And well, I don't want to be one of those people who only turn to Him when they have a problem. So I'm trying to become more faithful.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


A bunch of kids at my school said I'm going to **** because I don't go to church and don't read The Bible every day. :angry2:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Totally untrue. Ignore them. Please do not let their words get to you.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


They're the ones who i think will be punished by God.

They make fun of people, for one.

And a handful of them are 13 and have already lost their virginity.

And the boys who say that to me are mainly perverts and I'm sure God doesn't like that.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I am glad you do not listen to them. They do not sound like very nice people.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


It was Mitchell The *****ell who was saying it to me. Stefan and the others we're just saying, "It's good for my soul." in a funny way.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Better not to let their words get to you. You are much better than that.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I'm also tired of people stereotyping my way of dress and calling me an athiest.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

When they see a person you has a great personality, is not afraid to express her creative, artistic self, they can only try and beat you down with words.

Please, if you do one thing for me, do not let their words get to you. You are a shining star and they are only trying to make your brillance disappear.

Don't give them this opportunity.

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There are two areas fo the bible that have the ten commandments. These two places are: Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. There are slight wording differences between the two. I will just list a condensed version.


1. I am your Lord and God.

2. You shall have no other gods before me and you shall not make for yourself an idol.

3. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God.

4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.

5. Honor your parents.

6. You shall not murder

7. You shall not commit adultery.

8. You shall not steal.

9. You shall not bear false witness.

10. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. ( and for some religions, you shall not covet your neighbor's house...).


Please correct me, if I have made an error. That is the best I can remember.

Ah, okay. Thanks. 3 and 4 are a bit difficult for me. I constantly use the California ditz, "Oh my gawd!" and sadly it's by accident. I haven't been to church in 3 years. So basically those are things I must work on. o_o

Are you familiar with The Golden Rule? I think religion is more than going to a building. It is how you live your live and how you treat others that is also very, very important. There are people who go to the building every week, and are the farthest thing from a religious person.

Yeah, personally I don't regaurd going to a church as very important. As my dad said to me the other day, "If God is all around us, why does he need a house?" And it's a very good point. Perhaps that commandment is more along the lines of you must take time out of your day to think about God, not overwork, and most importantly believe... And the whole dilemma with words. I'm sure God understands the difficulties of habit and as long as I at least try to stop I'm okay. I'm trying to become more religious because I know that I've had some problems of my own. Like, twice I've had this weird paranoid feeling before I went to bed that I was going to die, and I started praying desperately to God, even in a time of doubt in God I think I did that. Apparently Thomas has done that as well and I'm not alone, but I'm sure we both know very well that we probably have psychological problems. And well, I don't want to be one of those people who only turn to Him when they have a problem. So I'm trying to become more faithful.

The Golden Rule is along the lines you are thinking. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Basically, treat people how you would want to be treated. If you can treat people with respect and tolerance, I believe you are laying a solid foundation for being a good person. I agree with your father.

Mega Wolf, this was about to get lost.

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There are two areas fo the bible that have the ten commandments. These two places are: Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. There are slight wording differences between the two. I will just list a condensed version.


1. I am your Lord and God.

2. You shall have no other gods before me and you shall not make for yourself an idol.

3. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God.

4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.

5. Honor your parents.

6. You shall not murder

7. You shall not commit adultery.

8. You shall not steal.

9. You shall not bear false witness.

10. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. ( and for some religions, you shall not covet your neighbor's house...).


Please correct me, if I have made an error. That is the best I can remember.

Ah, okay. Thanks. 3 and 4 are a bit difficult for me. I constantly use the California ditz, "Oh my gawd!" and sadly it's by accident. I haven't been to church in 3 years. So basically those are things I must work on. o_o

Are you familiar with The Golden Rule? I think religion is more than going to a building. It is how you live your live and how you treat others that is also very, very important. There are people who go to the building every week, and are the farthest thing from a religious person.

Yeah, personally I don't regaurd going to a church as very important. As my dad said to me the other day, "If God is all around us, why does he need a house?" And it's a very good point. Perhaps that commandment is more along the lines of you must take time out of your day to think about God, not overwork, and most importantly believe... And the whole dilemma with words. I'm sure God understands the difficulties of habit and as long as I at least try to stop I'm okay. I'm trying to become more religious because I know that I've had some problems of my own. Like, twice I've had this weird paranoid feeling before I went to bed that I was going to die, and I started praying desperately to God, even in a time of doubt in God I think I did that. Apparently Thomas has done that as well and I'm not alone, but I'm sure we both know very well that we probably have psychological problems. And well, I don't want to be one of those people who only turn to Him when they have a problem. So I'm trying to become more faithful.

The Golden Rule is along the lines you are thinking. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Basically, treat people how you would want to be treated. If you can treat people with respect and tolerance, I believe you are laying a solid foundation for being a good person. I agree with your father.

Mega Wolf, this was about to get lost.

Ah, right. I just remembered the Golden Rule. XD Okay, now to be respectful and tolerant! I can do that better than most people. ^.^ Oh, and MK. Those people don't know real atheists. I know atheists and they aren't all the same in dressing style. Those people are just silly children and don't know how to appreciate awesomeness like yours. ^.^

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There are two areas fo the bible that have the ten commandments. These two places are: Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. There are slight wording differences between the two. I will just list a condensed version.


1. I am your Lord and God.

2. You shall have no other gods before me and you shall not make for yourself an idol.

3. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God.

4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.

5. Honor your parents.

6. You shall not murder

7. You shall not commit adultery.

8. You shall not steal.

9. You shall not bear false witness.

10. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. ( and for some religions, you shall not covet your neighbor's house...).


Please correct me, if I have made an error. That is the best I can remember.

Ah, okay. Thanks. 3 and 4 are a bit difficult for me. I constantly use the California ditz, "Oh my gawd!" and sadly it's by accident. I haven't been to church in 3 years. So basically those are things I must work on. o_o

Are you familiar with The Golden Rule? I think religion is more than going to a building. It is how you live your live and how you treat others that is also very, very important. There are people who go to the building every week, and are the farthest thing from a religious person.

Yeah, personally I don't regaurd going to a church as very important. As my dad said to me the other day, "If God is all around us, why does he need a house?" And it's a very good point. Perhaps that commandment is more along the lines of you must take time out of your day to think about God, not overwork, and most importantly believe... And the whole dilemma with words. I'm sure God understands the difficulties of habit and as long as I at least try to stop I'm okay. I'm trying to become more religious because I know that I've had some problems of my own. Like, twice I've had this weird paranoid feeling before I went to bed that I was going to die, and I started praying desperately to God, even in a time of doubt in God I think I did that. Apparently Thomas has done that as well and I'm not alone, but I'm sure we both know very well that we probably have psychological problems. And well, I don't want to be one of those people who only turn to Him when they have a problem. So I'm trying to become more faithful.

The Golden Rule is along the lines you are thinking. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Basically, treat people how you would want to be treated. If you can treat people with respect and tolerance, I believe you are laying a solid foundation for being a good person. I agree with your father.

Mega Wolf, this was about to get lost.

Ah, right. I just remembered the Golden Rule. XD Okay, now to be respectful and tolerant! I can do that better than most people. ^.^ Oh, and MK. Those people don't know real atheists. I know atheists and they aren't all the same in dressing style. Those people are just silly children and don't know how to appreciate awesomeness like yours. ^.^

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


They's just jealous.


The A.D. is cooler than their cliques of like 2 people.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Ah, this has returned. I give it ten minutes into Topazia or Toto's appearance here for it to burst into flames and burn to the ground.


Anywho, the people who call you atheist M_K are ignorant bigots. You can't base something like belief (well, technically atheism is not a belief as atheists know God doesn't exist. Belief implies that something must be assumed to be true or that there is nothing substantial to believe in. Like the Tooth Fairy.) on clothing style or the way you dress. Its only two steps away from saying that everyone who appears to be of Middle Eastern extraction a Muslim.


On a related note, you can give as much as you want to Pat Robertson and you get automatic entrance into heaven. I mean, how can he be lying? He wants money, he is a priest ergo God wants money and shall reward me accordingly. Perfect.

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On a related note, you can give as much as you want to Pat Robertson and you get automatic entrance into heaven. I mean, how can he be lying? He wants money, he is a priest ergo God wants money and shall reward me accordingly. Perfect.

I do not believe that Pat Robertson is a priest.

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Tsk, tsk, TGHL. Atheism is still a belief. You don't know for certain what happens when you die, whether you like it or not. Please don't bring about all of that disbelief back to me, it nearly drove me completely mad and suicidal. You can say you know that God doesn't exist, but human knowledge is extremely limited still. Just as people say they KNOW God exists, you say you KNOW god doesn't exist. I am sticking to believing in God because it is much more appealing than thinking He doesn't. After all, what is there to lose in believing? And there is much more to lose in disbelief... That's my logic. I have my own morals. And belief just helps me go on in life. My fear of death is nearly gone, but it still exists for the sake of those around me...

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Ah, this has returned. I give it ten minutes into Topazia or Toto's appearance here for it to burst into flames and burn to the ground.


Anywho, the people who call you atheist M_K are ignorant bigots. You can't base something like belief (well, technically atheism is not a belief as atheists know God doesn't exist. Belief implies that something must be assumed to be true or that there is nothing substantial to believe in. Like the Tooth Fairy.) on clothing style or the way you dress. Its only two steps away from saying that everyone who appears to be of Middle Eastern extraction a Muslim.


On a related note, you can give as much as you want to Pat Robertson and you get automatic entrance into heaven. I mean, how can he be lying? He wants money, he is a priest ergo God wants money and shall reward me accordingly. Perfect.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Thanks, TGHL. :)

You win a cookie!


And MW, Horatio, you guys get one too.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Ah, this has returned. I give it ten minutes into Topazia or Toto's appearance here for it to burst into flames and burn to the ground.


Anywho, the people who call you atheist M_K are ignorant bigots. You can't base something like belief (well, technically atheism is not a belief as atheists know God doesn't exist. Belief implies that something must be assumed to be true or that there is nothing substantial to believe in. Like the Tooth Fairy.) on clothing style or the way you dress. Its only two steps away from saying that everyone who appears to be of Middle Eastern extraction a Muslim.


On a related note, you can give as much as you want to Pat Robertson and you get automatic entrance into heaven. I mean, how can he be lying? He wants money, he is a priest ergo God wants money and shall reward me accordingly. Perfect.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Thanks, TGHL. :)

You win a cookie!


And MW, Horatio, you guys get one too.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I likes cookies! =D

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Ah, this has returned. I give it ten minutes into Topazia or Toto's appearance here for it to burst into flames and burn to the ground.


Anywho, the people who call you atheist M_K are ignorant bigots. You can't base something like belief (well, technically atheism is not a belief as atheists know God doesn't exist. Belief implies that something must be assumed to be true or that there is nothing substantial to believe in. Like the Tooth Fairy.) on clothing style or the way you dress. Its only two steps away from saying that everyone who appears to be of Middle Eastern extraction a Muslim.


On a related note, you can give as much as you want to Pat Robertson and you get automatic entrance into heaven. I mean, how can he be lying? He wants money, he is a priest ergo God wants money and shall reward me accordingly. Perfect.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Thanks, TGHL. :)

You win a cookie!


And MW, Horatio, you guys get one too.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I likes cookies! =D

*sees Mega Wolf eyeballing my cookie*

Oh no you don't!!!

*quickly stuffs cookie into my pouch*

*tries to thank Mushroom_king without talking with my mouth full* :rolleyes:

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Ah, this has returned. I give it ten minutes into Topazia or Toto's appearance here for it to burst into flames and burn to the ground.


Anywho, the people who call you atheist M_K are ignorant bigots. You can't base something like belief (well, technically atheism is not a belief as atheists know God doesn't exist. Belief implies that something must be assumed to be true or that there is nothing substantial to believe in. Like the Tooth Fairy.) on clothing style or the way you dress. Its only two steps away from saying that everyone who appears to be of Middle Eastern extraction a Muslim.


On a related note, you can give as much as you want to Pat Robertson and you get automatic entrance into heaven. I mean, how can he be lying? He wants money, he is a priest ergo God wants money and shall reward me accordingly. Perfect.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Thanks, TGHL. :)

You win a cookie!


And MW, Horatio, you guys get one too.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I likes cookies! =D

*sees Mega Wolf eyeballing my cookie*

Oh no you don't!!!

*quickly stuffs cookie into my pouch*

*tries to thank Mushroom_king without talking with my mouth full* :rolleyes:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Actually Shedra (The Butler in Arkcher's Mansion) made them for Clazzik's parties, but by the time he served them, everyone had fainted from too much Alcohol. :P


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Ah, this has returned. I give it ten minutes into Topazia or Toto's appearance here for it to burst into flames and burn to the ground.


Anywho, the people who call you atheist M_K are ignorant bigots. You can't base something like belief (well, technically atheism is not a belief as atheists know God doesn't exist. Belief implies that something must be assumed to be true or that there is nothing substantial to believe in. Like the Tooth Fairy.) on clothing style or the way you dress. Its only two steps away from saying that everyone who appears to be of Middle Eastern extraction a Muslim.


On a related note, you can give as much as you want to Pat Robertson and you get automatic entrance into heaven. I mean, how can he be lying? He wants money, he is a priest ergo God wants money and shall reward me accordingly. Perfect.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Thanks, TGHL. :)

You win a cookie!


And MW, Horatio, you guys get one too.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I likes cookies! =D

*sees Mega Wolf eyeballing my cookie*

Oh no you don't!!!

*quickly stuffs cookie into my pouch*

*tries to thank Mushroom_king without talking with my mouth full* :rolleyes:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Actually Shedra (The Butler in Arkcher's Mansion) made them for Clazzik's parties, but by the time he served them, everyone had fainted from too much Alcohol. :P


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

So they got the booze, but we got the DELICIOUS stuff. XD Yay cookies! ^.^

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Ah, this has returned. I give it ten minutes into Topazia or Toto's appearance here for it to burst into flames and burn to the ground.


Anywho, the people who call you atheist M_K are ignorant bigots. You can't base something like belief (well, technically atheism is not a belief as atheists know God doesn't exist. Belief implies that something must be assumed to be true or that there is nothing substantial to believe in. Like the Tooth Fairy.) on clothing style or the way you dress. Its only two steps away from saying that everyone who appears to be of Middle Eastern extraction a Muslim.


On a related note, you can give as much as you want to Pat Robertson and you get automatic entrance into heaven. I mean, how can he be lying? He wants money, he is a priest ergo God wants money and shall reward me accordingly. Perfect.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Thanks, TGHL. :)

You win a cookie!


And MW, Horatio, you guys get one too.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I likes cookies! =D

*sees Mega Wolf eyeballing my cookie*

Oh no you don't!!!

*quickly stuffs cookie into my pouch*

*tries to thank Mushroom_king without talking with my mouth full* :rolleyes:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Actually Shedra (The Butler in Arkcher's Mansion) made them for Clazzik's parties, but by the time he served them, everyone had fainted from too much Alcohol. :P


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

So they got the booze, but we got the DELICIOUS stuff. XD Yay cookies! ^.^

ROFOCLH! True statement! I love the cookies. :D

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Ah, this has returned. I give it ten minutes into Topazia or Toto's appearance here for it to burst into flames and burn to the ground.


Anywho, the people who call you atheist M_K are ignorant bigots. You can't base something like belief (well, technically atheism is not a belief as atheists know God doesn't exist. Belief implies that something must be assumed to be true or that there is nothing substantial to believe in. Like the Tooth Fairy.) on clothing style or the way you dress. Its only two steps away from saying that everyone who appears to be of Middle Eastern extraction a Muslim.


On a related note, you can give as much as you want to Pat Robertson and you get automatic entrance into heaven. I mean, how can he be lying? He wants money, he is a priest ergo God wants money and shall reward me accordingly. Perfect.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Thanks, TGHL. :)

You win a cookie!


And MW, Horatio, you guys get one too.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I likes cookies! =D

*sees Mega Wolf eyeballing my cookie*

Oh no you don't!!!

*quickly stuffs cookie into my pouch*

*tries to thank Mushroom_king without talking with my mouth full* :rolleyes:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Actually Shedra (The Butler in Arkcher's Mansion) made them for Clazzik's parties, but by the time he served them, everyone had fainted from too much Alcohol. :P


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

So they got the booze, but we got the DELICIOUS stuff. XD Yay cookies! ^.^

ROFOCLH! True statement! I love the cookies. :D

Speaking of food. All of the people in my Spanish class had never heard of pork rinds/pork skins for eating. Or, as they say in Spanish, chicharrones! So I went to the Asian food store today where they have some. And I got my parents to buy me some because I already know I like them. So come Monday, I'm going to be eating los chicharrones as I walk into Spanish class to freak people out, because they all think it sounds gross. XD

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Ah, this has returned. I give it ten minutes into Topazia or Toto's appearance here for it to burst into flames and burn to the ground.


Anywho, the people who call you atheist M_K are ignorant bigots. You can't base something like belief (well, technically atheism is not a belief as atheists know God doesn't exist. Belief implies that something must be assumed to be true or that there is nothing substantial to believe in. Like the Tooth Fairy.) on clothing style or the way you dress. Its only two steps away from saying that everyone who appears to be of Middle Eastern extraction a Muslim.


On a related note, you can give as much as you want to Pat Robertson and you get automatic entrance into heaven. I mean, how can he be lying? He wants money, he is a priest ergo God wants money and shall reward me accordingly. Perfect.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Thanks, TGHL. :)

You win a cookie!


And MW, Horatio, you guys get one too.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I likes cookies! =D

*sees Mega Wolf eyeballing my cookie*

Oh no you don't!!!

*quickly stuffs cookie into my pouch*

*tries to thank Mushroom_king without talking with my mouth full* :rolleyes:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Actually Shedra (The Butler in Arkcher's Mansion) made them for Clazzik's parties, but by the time he served them, everyone had fainted from too much Alcohol. :P


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

So they got the booze, but we got the DELICIOUS stuff. XD Yay cookies! ^.^

ROFOCLH! True statement! I love the cookies. :D

Speaking of food. All of the people in my Spanish class had never heard of pork rinds/pork skins for eating. Or, as they say in Spanish, chicharrones! So I went to the Asian food store today where they have some. And I got my parents to buy me some because I already know I like them. So come Monday, I'm going to be eating los chicharrones as I walk into Spanish class to freak people out, because they all think it sounds gross. XD

Pork rinds are really good. I love your sense of humor!!!

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Ah, this has returned. I give it ten minutes into Topazia or Toto's appearance here for it to burst into flames and burn to the ground.


Anywho, the people who call you atheist M_K are ignorant bigots. You can't base something like belief (well, technically atheism is not a belief as atheists know God doesn't exist. Belief implies that something must be assumed to be true or that there is nothing substantial to believe in. Like the Tooth Fairy.) on clothing style or the way you dress. Its only two steps away from saying that everyone who appears to be of Middle Eastern extraction a Muslim.


On a related note, you can give as much as you want to Pat Robertson and you get automatic entrance into heaven. I mean, how can he be lying? He wants money, he is a priest ergo God wants money and shall reward me accordingly. Perfect.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Thanks, TGHL. :)

You win a cookie!


And MW, Horatio, you guys get one too.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I likes cookies! =D

*sees Mega Wolf eyeballing my cookie*

Oh no you don't!!!

*quickly stuffs cookie into my pouch*

*tries to thank Mushroom_king without talking with my mouth full* :rolleyes:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Actually Shedra (The Butler in Arkcher's Mansion) made them for Clazzik's parties, but by the time he served them, everyone had fainted from too much Alcohol. :P


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

So they got the booze, but we got the DELICIOUS stuff. XD Yay cookies! ^.^

ROFOCLH! True statement! I love the cookies. :D

Speaking of food. All of the people in my Spanish class had never heard of pork rinds/pork skins for eating. Or, as they say in Spanish, chicharrones! So I went to the Asian food store today where they have some. And I got my parents to buy me some because I already know I like them. So come Monday, I'm going to be eating los chicharrones as I walk into Spanish class to freak people out, because they all think it sounds gross. XD

Pork rinds are really good. I love your sense of humor!!!

I love getting a personal laugh. And I got my sense of humor from my dad. My dad is awesome. XD

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Ah, this has returned. I give it ten minutes into Topazia or Toto's appearance here for it to burst into flames and burn to the ground.


Anywho, the people who call you atheist M_K are ignorant bigots. You can't base something like belief (well, technically atheism is not a belief as atheists know God doesn't exist. Belief implies that something must be assumed to be true or that there is nothing substantial to believe in. Like the Tooth Fairy.) on clothing style or the way you dress. Its only two steps away from saying that everyone who appears to be of Middle Eastern extraction a Muslim.


On a related note, you can give as much as you want to Pat Robertson and you get automatic entrance into heaven. I mean, how can he be lying? He wants money, he is a priest ergo God wants money and shall reward me accordingly. Perfect.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Thanks, TGHL. :)

You win a cookie!


And MW, Horatio, you guys get one too.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I likes cookies! =D

*sees Mega Wolf eyeballing my cookie*

Oh no you don't!!!

*quickly stuffs cookie into my pouch*

*tries to thank Mushroom_king without talking with my mouth full* :rolleyes:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Actually Shedra (The Butler in Arkcher's Mansion) made them for Clazzik's parties, but by the time he served them, everyone had fainted from too much Alcohol. :P


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

So they got the booze, but we got the DELICIOUS stuff. XD Yay cookies! ^.^

ROFOCLH! True statement! I love the cookies. :D

Speaking of food. All of the people in my Spanish class had never heard of pork rinds/pork skins for eating. Or, as they say in Spanish, chicharrones! So I went to the Asian food store today where they have some. And I got my parents to buy me some because I already know I like them. So come Monday, I'm going to be eating los chicharrones as I walk into Spanish class to freak people out, because they all think it sounds gross. XD

Pork rinds are really good. I love your sense of humor!!!

I love getting a personal laugh. And I got my sense of humor from my dad. My dad is awesome. XD

Your dad must be awesome as you follow very closely in his footsteps and you are very awesome. :)

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Ah, this has returned. I give it ten minutes into Topazia or Toto's appearance here for it to burst into flames and burn to the ground.


Anywho, the people who call you atheist M_K are ignorant bigots. You can't base something like belief (well, technically atheism is not a belief as atheists know God doesn't exist. Belief implies that something must be assumed to be true or that there is nothing substantial to believe in. Like the Tooth Fairy.) on clothing style or the way you dress. Its only two steps away from saying that everyone who appears to be of Middle Eastern extraction a Muslim.


On a related note, you can give as much as you want to Pat Robertson and you get automatic entrance into heaven. I mean, how can he be lying? He wants money, he is a priest ergo God wants money and shall reward me accordingly. Perfect.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Thanks, TGHL. :)

You win a cookie!


And MW, Horatio, you guys get one too.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I likes cookies! =D

*sees Mega Wolf eyeballing my cookie*

Oh no you don't!!!

*quickly stuffs cookie into my pouch*

*tries to thank Mushroom_king without talking with my mouth full* :rolleyes:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Actually Shedra (The Butler in Arkcher's Mansion) made them for Clazzik's parties, but by the time he served them, everyone had fainted from too much Alcohol. :P


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

So they got the booze, but we got the DELICIOUS stuff. XD Yay cookies! ^.^

ROFOCLH! True statement! I love the cookies. :D

Speaking of food. All of the people in my Spanish class had never heard of pork rinds/pork skins for eating. Or, as they say in Spanish, chicharrones! So I went to the Asian food store today where they have some. And I got my parents to buy me some because I already know I like them. So come Monday, I'm going to be eating los chicharrones as I walk into Spanish class to freak people out, because they all think it sounds gross. XD

Pork rinds are really good. I love your sense of humor!!!

I love getting a personal laugh. And I got my sense of humor from my dad. My dad is awesome. XD

Your dad must be awesome as you follow very closely in his footsteps and you are very awesome. :)

Thanks. ^.^ Now, about those pork rinds. I should bring a drink with those, they grab all moisture, which isn't fun for two hours at a time. XD

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Ah, this has returned. I give it ten minutes into Topazia or Toto's appearance here for it to burst into flames and burn to the ground.


Anywho, the people who call you atheist M_K are ignorant bigots. You can't base something like belief (well, technically atheism is not a belief as atheists know God doesn't exist. Belief implies that something must be assumed to be true or that there is nothing substantial to believe in. Like the Tooth Fairy.) on clothing style or the way you dress. Its only two steps away from saying that everyone who appears to be of Middle Eastern extraction a Muslim.


On a related note, you can give as much as you want to Pat Robertson and you get automatic entrance into heaven. I mean, how can he be lying? He wants money, he is a priest ergo God wants money and shall reward me accordingly. Perfect.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Thanks, TGHL. :)

You win a cookie!


And MW, Horatio, you guys get one too.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I likes cookies! =D

*sees Mega Wolf eyeballing my cookie*

Oh no you don't!!!

*quickly stuffs cookie into my pouch*

*tries to thank Mushroom_king without talking with my mouth full* :rolleyes:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Actually Shedra (The Butler in Arkcher's Mansion) made them for Clazzik's parties, but by the time he served them, everyone had fainted from too much Alcohol. :P


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

So they got the booze, but we got the DELICIOUS stuff. XD Yay cookies! ^.^

ROFOCLH! True statement! I love the cookies. :D

Speaking of food. All of the people in my Spanish class had never heard of pork rinds/pork skins for eating. Or, as they say in Spanish, chicharrones! So I went to the Asian food store today where they have some. And I got my parents to buy me some because I already know I like them. So come Monday, I'm going to be eating los chicharrones as I walk into Spanish class to freak people out, because they all think it sounds gross. XD

Pork rinds are really good. I love your sense of humor!!!

I love getting a personal laugh. And I got my sense of humor from my dad. My dad is awesome. XD

Your dad must be awesome as you follow very closely in his footsteps and you are very awesome. :)

Thanks. ^.^ Now, about those pork rinds. I should bring a drink with those, they grab all moisture, which isn't fun for two hours at a time. XD

And exactly which drink do you think is most appropriate?

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Ah, this has returned. I give it ten minutes into Topazia or Toto's appearance here for it to burst into flames and burn to the ground.


Anywho, the people who call you atheist M_K are ignorant bigots. You can't base something like belief (well, technically atheism is not a belief as atheists know God doesn't exist. Belief implies that something must be assumed to be true or that there is nothing substantial to believe in. Like the Tooth Fairy.) on clothing style or the way you dress. Its only two steps away from saying that everyone who appears to be of Middle Eastern extraction a Muslim.


On a related note, you can give as much as you want to Pat Robertson and you get automatic entrance into heaven. I mean, how can he be lying? He wants money, he is a priest ergo God wants money and shall reward me accordingly. Perfect.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Thanks, TGHL. :)

You win a cookie!


And MW, Horatio, you guys get one too.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I likes cookies! =D

*sees Mega Wolf eyeballing my cookie*

Oh no you don't!!!

*quickly stuffs cookie into my pouch*

*tries to thank Mushroom_king without talking with my mouth full* :rolleyes:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Actually Shedra (The Butler in Arkcher's Mansion) made them for Clazzik's parties, but by the time he served them, everyone had fainted from too much Alcohol. :P


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

So they got the booze, but we got the DELICIOUS stuff. XD Yay cookies! ^.^

ROFOCLH! True statement! I love the cookies. :D

Speaking of food. All of the people in my Spanish class had never heard of pork rinds/pork skins for eating. Or, as they say in Spanish, chicharrones! So I went to the Asian food store today where they have some. And I got my parents to buy me some because I already know I like them. So come Monday, I'm going to be eating los chicharrones as I walk into Spanish class to freak people out, because they all think it sounds gross. XD

Pork rinds are really good. I love your sense of humor!!!

I love getting a personal laugh. And I got my sense of humor from my dad. My dad is awesome. XD

Your dad must be awesome as you follow very closely in his footsteps and you are very awesome. :)

Thanks. ^.^ Now, about those pork rinds. I should bring a drink with those, they grab all moisture, which isn't fun for two hours at a time. XD

And exactly which drink do you think is most appropriate?

Hmm... I currently don't have anything nobody has ever heard of. I already drank my Ramune soda, so I can't freak them out with that. XD Um. Talking Rain Ice is the only kind of drink I have right now in a plastic bottle. :lol:

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Ah, this has returned. I give it ten minutes into Topazia or Toto's appearance here for it to burst into flames and burn to the ground.


Anywho, the people who call you atheist M_K are ignorant bigots. You can't base something like belief (well, technically atheism is not a belief as atheists know God doesn't exist. Belief implies that something must be assumed to be true or that there is nothing substantial to believe in. Like the Tooth Fairy.) on clothing style or the way you dress. Its only two steps away from saying that everyone who appears to be of Middle Eastern extraction a Muslim.


On a related note, you can give as much as you want to Pat Robertson and you get automatic entrance into heaven. I mean, how can he be lying? He wants money, he is a priest ergo God wants money and shall reward me accordingly. Perfect.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Thanks, TGHL. :)

You win a cookie!


And MW, Horatio, you guys get one too.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I likes cookies! =D

*sees Mega Wolf eyeballing my cookie*

Oh no you don't!!!

*quickly stuffs cookie into my pouch*

*tries to thank Mushroom_king without talking with my mouth full* :rolleyes:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Actually Shedra (The Butler in Arkcher's Mansion) made them for Clazzik's parties, but by the time he served them, everyone had fainted from too much Alcohol. :P


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

So they got the booze, but we got the DELICIOUS stuff. XD Yay cookies! ^.^

ROFOCLH! True statement! I love the cookies. :D

Speaking of food. All of the people in my Spanish class had never heard of pork rinds/pork skins for eating. Or, as they say in Spanish, chicharrones! So I went to the Asian food store today where they have some. And I got my parents to buy me some because I already know I like them. So come Monday, I'm going to be eating los chicharrones as I walk into Spanish class to freak people out, because they all think it sounds gross. XD

Pork rinds are really good. I love your sense of humor!!!

I love getting a personal laugh. And I got my sense of humor from my dad. My dad is awesome. XD

Your dad must be awesome as you follow very closely in his footsteps and you are very awesome. :)

Thanks. ^.^ Now, about those pork rinds. I should bring a drink with those, they grab all moisture, which isn't fun for two hours at a time. XD

And exactly which drink do you think is most appropriate?

Hmm... I currently don't have anything nobody has ever heard of. I already drank my Ramune soda, so I can't freak them out with that. XD Um. Talking Rain Ice is the only kind of drink I have right now in a plastic bottle. :lol:

That would work. LOL

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Ah, this has returned. I give it ten minutes into Topazia or Toto's appearance here for it to burst into flames and burn to the ground.


Anywho, the people who call you atheist M_K are ignorant bigots. You can't base something like belief (well, technically atheism is not a belief as atheists know God doesn't exist. Belief implies that something must be assumed to be true or that there is nothing substantial to believe in. Like the Tooth Fairy.) on clothing style or the way you dress. Its only two steps away from saying that everyone who appears to be of Middle Eastern extraction a Muslim.


On a related note, you can give as much as you want to Pat Robertson and you get automatic entrance into heaven. I mean, how can he be lying? He wants money, he is a priest ergo God wants money and shall reward me accordingly. Perfect.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Thanks, TGHL. :)

You win a cookie!


And MW, Horatio, you guys get one too.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I likes cookies! =D

*sees Mega Wolf eyeballing my cookie*

Oh no you don't!!!

*quickly stuffs cookie into my pouch*

*tries to thank Mushroom_king without talking with my mouth full* :rolleyes:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Actually Shedra (The Butler in Arkcher's Mansion) made them for Clazzik's parties, but by the time he served them, everyone had fainted from too much Alcohol. :P


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

So they got the booze, but we got the DELICIOUS stuff. XD Yay cookies! ^.^

ROFOCLH! True statement! I love the cookies. :D

Speaking of food. All of the people in my Spanish class had never heard of pork rinds/pork skins for eating. Or, as they say in Spanish, chicharrones! So I went to the Asian food store today where they have some. And I got my parents to buy me some because I already know I like them. So come Monday, I'm going to be eating los chicharrones as I walk into Spanish class to freak people out, because they all think it sounds gross. XD

Pork rinds are really good. I love your sense of humor!!!

I love getting a personal laugh. And I got my sense of humor from my dad. My dad is awesome. XD

Your dad must be awesome as you follow very closely in his footsteps and you are very awesome. :)

Thanks. ^.^ Now, about those pork rinds. I should bring a drink with those, they grab all moisture, which isn't fun for two hours at a time. XD

And exactly which drink do you think is most appropriate?

Hmm... I currently don't have anything nobody has ever heard of. I already drank my Ramune soda, so I can't freak them out with that. XD Um. Talking Rain Ice is the only kind of drink I have right now in a plastic bottle. :lol:

That would work. LOL

Well, at least it'll prevent me from suffering. :lol:

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Ah, this has returned. I give it ten minutes into Topazia or Toto's appearance here for it to burst into flames and burn to the ground.


Anywho, the people who call you atheist M_K are ignorant bigots. You can't base something like belief (well, technically atheism is not a belief as atheists know God doesn't exist. Belief implies that something must be assumed to be true or that there is nothing substantial to believe in. Like the Tooth Fairy.) on clothing style or the way you dress. Its only two steps away from saying that everyone who appears to be of Middle Eastern extraction a Muslim.


On a related note, you can give as much as you want to Pat Robertson and you get automatic entrance into heaven. I mean, how can he be lying? He wants money, he is a priest ergo God wants money and shall reward me accordingly. Perfect.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Thanks, TGHL. :)

You win a cookie!


And MW, Horatio, you guys get one too.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I likes cookies! =D

*sees Mega Wolf eyeballing my cookie*

Oh no you don't!!!

*quickly stuffs cookie into my pouch*

*tries to thank Mushroom_king without talking with my mouth full* :rolleyes:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Actually Shedra (The Butler in Arkcher's Mansion) made them for Clazzik's parties, but by the time he served them, everyone had fainted from too much Alcohol. :P


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

So they got the booze, but we got the DELICIOUS stuff. XD Yay cookies! ^.^

ROFOCLH! True statement! I love the cookies. :D

Speaking of food. All of the people in my Spanish class had never heard of pork rinds/pork skins for eating. Or, as they say in Spanish, chicharrones! So I went to the Asian food store today where they have some. And I got my parents to buy me some because I already know I like them. So come Monday, I'm going to be eating los chicharrones as I walk into Spanish class to freak people out, because they all think it sounds gross. XD

Pork rinds are really good. I love your sense of humor!!!

I love getting a personal laugh. And I got my sense of humor from my dad. My dad is awesome. XD

Your dad must be awesome as you follow very closely in his footsteps and you are very awesome. :)

Thanks. ^.^ Now, about those pork rinds. I should bring a drink with those, they grab all moisture, which isn't fun for two hours at a time. XD

And exactly which drink do you think is most appropriate?

Hmm... I currently don't have anything nobody has ever heard of. I already drank my Ramune soda, so I can't freak them out with that. XD Um. Talking Rain Ice is the only kind of drink I have right now in a plastic bottle. :lol:

That would work. LOL

Well, at least it'll prevent me from suffering. :lol:

And that is the most important part. :D

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Ah, this has returned. I give it ten minutes into Topazia or Toto's appearance here for it to burst into flames and burn to the ground.


Anywho, the people who call you atheist M_K are ignorant bigots. You can't base something like belief (well, technically atheism is not a belief as atheists know God doesn't exist. Belief implies that something must be assumed to be true or that there is nothing substantial to believe in. Like the Tooth Fairy.) on clothing style or the way you dress. Its only two steps away from saying that everyone who appears to be of Middle Eastern extraction a Muslim.


On a related note, you can give as much as you want to Pat Robertson and you get automatic entrance into heaven. I mean, how can he be lying? He wants money, he is a priest ergo God wants money and shall reward me accordingly. Perfect.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Thanks, TGHL. :)

You win a cookie!


And MW, Horatio, you guys get one too.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I likes cookies! =D


I like Grandma something's peanut butter cookies.

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Ah, this has returned. I give it ten minutes into Topazia or Toto's appearance here for it to burst into flames and burn to the ground.


Anywho, the people who call you atheist M_K are ignorant bigots. You can't base something like belief (well, technically atheism is not a belief as atheists know God doesn't exist. Belief implies that something must be assumed to be true or that there is nothing substantial to believe in. Like the Tooth Fairy.) on clothing style or the way you dress. Its only two steps away from saying that everyone who appears to be of Middle Eastern extraction a Muslim.


On a related note, you can give as much as you want to Pat Robertson and you get automatic entrance into heaven. I mean, how can he be lying? He wants money, he is a priest ergo God wants money and shall reward me accordingly. Perfect.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Thanks, TGHL. :)

You win a cookie!


And MW, Horatio, you guys get one too.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I likes cookies! =D


I like Grandma something's peanut butter cookies.

I love baking peanut butter cookies.

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Ah, this has returned. I give it ten minutes into Topazia or Toto's appearance here for it to burst into flames and burn to the ground.


Anywho, the people who call you atheist M_K are ignorant bigots. You can't base something like belief (well, technically atheism is not a belief as atheists know God doesn't exist. Belief implies that something must be assumed to be true or that there is nothing substantial to believe in. Like the Tooth Fairy.) on clothing style or the way you dress. Its only two steps away from saying that everyone who appears to be of Middle Eastern extraction a Muslim.


On a related note, you can give as much as you want to Pat Robertson and you get automatic entrance into heaven. I mean, how can he be lying? He wants money, he is a priest ergo God wants money and shall reward me accordingly. Perfect.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Thanks, TGHL. :)

You win a cookie!


And MW, Horatio, you guys get one too.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I likes cookies! =D

*sees Mega Wolf eyeballing my cookie*

Oh no you don't!!!

*quickly stuffs cookie into my pouch*

*tries to thank Mushroom_king without talking with my mouth full* :rolleyes:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Actually Shedra (The Butler in Arkcher's Mansion) made them for Clazzik's parties, but by the time he served them, everyone had fainted from too much Alcohol. :P


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

So they got the booze, but we got the DELICIOUS stuff. XD Yay cookies! ^.^

ROFOCLH! True statement! I love the cookies. :D

Speaking of food. All of the people in my Spanish class had never heard of pork rinds/pork skins for eating. Or, as they say in Spanish, chicharrones! So I went to the Asian food store today where they have some. And I got my parents to buy me some because I already know I like them. So come Monday, I'm going to be eating los chicharrones as I walk into Spanish class to freak people out, because they all think it sounds gross. XD

Pork rinds are really good. I love your sense of humor!!!

I love getting a personal laugh. And I got my sense of humor from my dad. My dad is awesome. XD

Your dad must be awesome as you follow very closely in his footsteps and you are very awesome. :)

Thanks. ^.^ Now, about those pork rinds. I should bring a drink with those, they grab all moisture, which isn't fun for two hours at a time. XD

And exactly which drink do you think is most appropriate?

Hmm... I currently don't have anything nobody has ever heard of. I already drank my Ramune soda, so I can't freak them out with that. XD Um. Talking Rain Ice is the only kind of drink I have right now in a plastic bottle. :lol:



I have seen you mention that stuff before... And what is it? xD

(and by the way, I have had pork rinds before. I dun like them. >.<)

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Ah, this has returned. I give it ten minutes into Topazia or Toto's appearance here for it to burst into flames and burn to the ground.


Anywho, the people who call you atheist M_K are ignorant bigots. You can't base something like belief (well, technically atheism is not a belief as atheists know God doesn't exist. Belief implies that something must be assumed to be true or that there is nothing substantial to believe in. Like the Tooth Fairy.) on clothing style or the way you dress. Its only two steps away from saying that everyone who appears to be of Middle Eastern extraction a Muslim.


On a related note, you can give as much as you want to Pat Robertson and you get automatic entrance into heaven. I mean, how can he be lying? He wants money, he is a priest ergo God wants money and shall reward me accordingly. Perfect.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Thanks, TGHL. :)

You win a cookie!


And MW, Horatio, you guys get one too.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I likes cookies! =D

*sees Mega Wolf eyeballing my cookie*

Oh no you don't!!!

*quickly stuffs cookie into my pouch*

*tries to thank Mushroom_king without talking with my mouth full* :rolleyes:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Actually Shedra (The Butler in Arkcher's Mansion) made them for Clazzik's parties, but by the time he served them, everyone had fainted from too much Alcohol. :P


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

So they got the booze, but we got the DELICIOUS stuff. XD Yay cookies! ^.^

ROFOCLH! True statement! I love the cookies. :D

Speaking of food. All of the people in my Spanish class had never heard of pork rinds/pork skins for eating. Or, as they say in Spanish, chicharrones! So I went to the Asian food store today where they have some. And I got my parents to buy me some because I already know I like them. So come Monday, I'm going to be eating los chicharrones as I walk into Spanish class to freak people out, because they all think it sounds gross. XD

Pork rinds are really good. I love your sense of humor!!!

I love getting a personal laugh. And I got my sense of humor from my dad. My dad is awesome. XD

Your dad must be awesome as you follow very closely in his footsteps and you are very awesome. :)

Thanks. ^.^ Now, about those pork rinds. I should bring a drink with those, they grab all moisture, which isn't fun for two hours at a time. XD

And exactly which drink do you think is most appropriate?

Hmm... I currently don't have anything nobody has ever heard of. I already drank my Ramune soda, so I can't freak them out with that. XD Um. Talking Rain Ice is the only kind of drink I have right now in a plastic bottle. :lol:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


:o You have a drink that talks? :o


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


:o You have a drink that talks? :o


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Of course, you mean you don't talk to your food?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Cannibals do that all the time! =O


Note: I am not a Cannibal.


*~*Thge Psytcedelci luau*~&The Ashjk,fgj*~

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


:o You have a drink that talks? :o


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Of course, you mean you don't talk to your food?

Indeed, who doesn't?

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


:o You have a drink that talks? :o


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Of course, you mean you don't talk to your food?

Indeed, who doesn't?



Why, Hello, good potato. Nice gravy you have on today. And with a garnish of chives! Splendid! And madame Steak, why, you smell delicous! Looks like you have been losing some weight! not much farther until you are one lean beef!



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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


:o You have a drink that talks? :o


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Of course, you mean you don't talk to your food?

Indeed, who doesn't?



Why, Hello, good potato. Nice gravy you have on today. And with a garnish of chives! Splendid! And madame Steak, why, you smell delicous! Looks like you have been losing some weight! not much farther until you are one lean beef!



Hi there yogurt! Looks like the bacteria on you is growing rather nicely. You'll someday help someone's digestive track very nicely.


And then Yogurt just made me think of Spaceballs.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


:o You have a drink that talks? :o


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Of course, you mean you don't talk to your food?

Indeed, who doesn't?



Why, Hello, good potato. Nice gravy you have on today. And with a garnish of chives! Splendid! And madame Steak, why, you smell delicous! Looks like you have been losing some weight! not much farther until you are one lean beef!



Hi there yogurt! Looks like the bacteria on you is growing rather nicely. You'll someday help someone's digestive track very nicely.


And then Yogurt just made me think of Spaceballs.



Haha, great movie.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


:o You have a drink that talks? :o


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Of course, you mean you don't talk to your food?

Indeed, who doesn't?



Why, Hello, good potato. Nice gravy you have on today. And with a garnish of chives! Splendid! And madame Steak, why, you smell delicous! Looks like you have been losing some weight! not much farther until you are one lean beef!



Hi there yogurt! Looks like the bacteria on you is growing rather nicely. You'll someday help someone's digestive track very nicely.


And then Yogurt just made me think of Spaceballs.



Haha, great movie.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


You know what else is a good movie? The Goonies.


"OK, Michael jackson didn't really use my bathroom. But his sister did!"


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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hey, why does my appearance mean instant doom to a topic?


nice to know people give me the benefit of the doubt :unsure:


yeah, this topic is pretty dead anyway...pork rinds are kinda gross and are in only the tiniest way related to religion.

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hey, why does my appearance mean instant doom to a topic?


nice to know people give me the benefit of the doubt :unsure:


yeah, this topic is pretty dead anyway...pork rinds are kinda gross and are in only the tiniest way related to religion.



Not really. Some religions are against eating pork, ya know.

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I rest my case

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hey, why does my appearance mean instant doom to a topic?


nice to know people give me the benefit of the doubt :unsure:


yeah, this topic is pretty dead anyway...pork rinds are kinda gross and are in only the tiniest way related to religion.



Not really. Some religions are against eating pork, ya know.


Like Veganism.

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  • 2 weeks later...
hey, why does my appearance mean instant doom to a topic?


nice to know people give me the benefit of the doubt :unsure:


yeah, this topic is pretty dead anyway...pork rinds are kinda gross and are in only the tiniest way related to religion.



Not really. Some religions are against eating pork, ya know.


Like Veganism.

Veganism is a religion? I thought it was an unhealthy obsession. Like PETA.


Incidentally, Scientology is not a religion. Anyone who is a Scientologist should be ashamed. And see a psychiatrist. Actually, they should see several. An entire team of them. In fact, if you have a moment, they should be sent to Switzerland and placed under sterile laboratory conditions where a team of scientists from the world's great universities, Oxford, Cambridge, Paris, Berlin and Leiden and so on, can study them under controlled conditions and with full protective gear with careful attempts to make sure that the scientists' cash doesn't mysteriously go "missing" and into the coffers of the Church.

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hey, why does my appearance mean instant doom to a topic?


nice to know people give me the benefit of the doubt :unsure:


yeah, this topic is pretty dead anyway...pork rinds are kinda gross and are in only the tiniest way related to religion.



Not really. Some religions are against eating pork, ya know.


Like Veganism.

Veganism is a religion? I thought it was an unhealthy obsession. Like PETA.


Incidentally, Scientology is not a religion. Anyone who is a Scientologist should be ashamed. And see a psychiatrist. Actually, they should see several. An entire team of them. In fact, if you have a moment, they should be sent to Switzerland and placed under sterile laboratory conditions where a team of scientists from the world's great universities, Oxford, Cambridge, Paris, Berlin and Leiden and so on, can study them under controlled conditions and with full protective gear with careful attempts to make sure that the scientists' cash doesn't mysteriously go "missing" and into the coffers of the Church.

It always brings a smile to my face to read your posts TGHL, in fact, I always miss you when you are not here.

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hey, why does my appearance mean instant doom to a topic?


nice to know people give me the benefit of the doubt :unsure:


yeah, this topic is pretty dead anyway...pork rinds are kinda gross and are in only the tiniest way related to religion.



Not really. Some religions are against eating pork, ya know.


Like Veganism.

Veganism is a religion? I thought it was an unhealthy obsession. Like PETA.


Incidentally, Scientology is not a religion. Anyone who is a Scientologist should be ashamed. And see a psychiatrist. Actually, they should see several. An entire team of them. In fact, if you have a moment, they should be sent to Switzerland and placed under sterile laboratory conditions where a team of scientists from the world's great universities, Oxford, Cambridge, Paris, Berlin and Leiden and so on, can study them under controlled conditions and with full protective gear with careful attempts to make sure that the scientists' cash doesn't mysteriously go "missing" and into the coffers of the Church.

It always brings a smile to my face to read your posts TGHL, in fact, I always miss you when you are not here.

Ook! That reminds me. Horatio, you must know about the horrific case involving the Scientologists in Florida. What was the poor girl's name? Lisa McPherson, that's it.

Horrific case, truly awful. Not to mention the German man who was staying in the same hotel and was found dead in his bath after several days. He had been boiled alive and to death. I've seen the pictures. Not nice.


Anyone else like to join me in a deep loathing of Scientology and what it does to people?


I mean, all of you should hate it anyway for Operation Snow White.

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hey, why does my appearance mean instant doom to a topic?


nice to know people give me the benefit of the doubt :unsure:


yeah, this topic is pretty dead anyway...pork rinds are kinda gross and are in only the tiniest way related to religion.



Not really. Some religions are against eating pork, ya know.


Like Veganism.

Veganism is a religion? I thought it was an unhealthy obsession. Like PETA.



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o.o I heard about that McPherson case, TGHL...


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*thinks of a reply acceptable to moderator standards*

Have you heard of Lisa McPherson and the other cases at the Fort Something Hotel which is owned by the "Church" of Scientology?

Yes. That was why I wrote the post I did.

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I havn't. Elucidate.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I haven't either.




And Veganism isn't a religion.

And yes I agree on TGHL's view on Scientology.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*thinks of a reply acceptable to moderator standards*

Have you heard of Lisa McPherson and the other cases at the Fort Something Hotel which is owned by the "Church" of Scientology?

Yes. That was why I wrote the post I did.

Filed several objections and such with the State and county government?


So, filthy, disgusting living conditions and failure to treat psychiatric patients with the proper treatment aside, is there something else we could be talking about?

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*thinks of a reply acceptable to moderator standards*

Have you heard of Lisa McPherson and the other cases at the Fort Something Hotel which is owned by the "Church" of Scientology?

Yes. That was why I wrote the post I did.

Filed several objections and such with the State and county government?


So, filthy, disgusting living conditions and failure to treat psychiatric patients with the proper treatment aside, is there something else we could be talking about?

How to change the world. If we could find a way to teach humans to be kinder to each other, this would be my wish.

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*thinks of a reply acceptable to moderator standards*

Have you heard of Lisa McPherson and the other cases at the Fort Something Hotel which is owned by the "Church" of Scientology?

Yes. That was why I wrote the post I did.

Filed several objections and such with the State and county government?


So, filthy, disgusting living conditions and failure to treat psychiatric patients with the proper treatment aside, is there something else we could be talking about?

How to change the world. If we could find a way to teach humans to be kinder to each other, this would be my wish.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I agree, but sadly, many people are not doing anything for world peace and some people I know are even against it.


Now I am finished.

*continues to be a stupid emo*


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*thinks of a reply acceptable to moderator standards*

Have you heard of Lisa McPherson and the other cases at the Fort Something Hotel which is owned by the "Church" of Scientology?

Yes. That was why I wrote the post I did.

Filed several objections and such with the State and county government?


So, filthy, disgusting living conditions and failure to treat psychiatric patients with the proper treatment aside, is there something else we could be talking about?

How to change the world. If we could find a way to teach humans to be kinder to each other, this would be my wish.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I agree, but sadly, many people are not doing anything for world peace and some people I know are even against it.


Now I am finished.

*continues to be a stupid emo*


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Is something wrong?

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  • 1 month later...

Heylo folks, just dropping by to tell you that my beloved Beeb is in a row with the Scientologists for their Panorama investigation (Panorama is our main investigative journalism programme) into Scientology and the BBC are currently 1000-0 up. I recommend you all watch it through the power of the internet which you can do after it has aired at 9PM GMT on the Panorama website: BBC Panorama: Scientology & Me

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I want an oboe.

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I want an oboe.

I think you should have an oboe.

Of course, first we must question: Why an oboe? o_O


Sorry, double-reed=hilarious yet bad memories of last year for me. XD

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I want an oboe.

I think you should have an oboe.

Of course, first we must question: Why an oboe? o_O


Sorry, double-reed=hilarious yet bad memories of last year for me. XD

because War is more like a case of the runs than an oboe. :lol:


(read TGHL's siggy)

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I want an oboe.

I think you should have an oboe.

Of course, first we must question: Why an oboe? o_O


Sorry, double-reed=hilarious yet bad memories of last year for me. XD

because War is more like a case of the runs than an oboe. :lol:


(read TGHL's siggy)

Isn't your graduation today?????

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I want an oboe.

I think you should have an oboe.

Of course, first we must question: Why an oboe? o_O


Sorry, double-reed=hilarious yet bad memories of last year for me. XD

because War is more like a case of the runs than an oboe. :lol:


(read TGHL's siggy)

Isn't your graduation today?????

lol nope, it was Saturday

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I want an oboe.

I think you should have an oboe.

Of course, first we must question: Why an oboe? o_O


Sorry, double-reed=hilarious yet bad memories of last year for me. XD

because War is more like a case of the runs than an oboe. :lol:


(read TGHL's siggy)

Isn't your graduation today?????

lol nope, it was Saturday

I was a day early. Well, now that you have graduated... how do you feel??? :D

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fantabulous lol

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I want an oboe.

I think you should have an oboe.

Of course, first we must question: Why an oboe? o_O


Sorry, double-reed=hilarious yet bad memories of last year for me. XD

because War is more like a case of the runs than an oboe. :lol:


(read TGHL's siggy)

*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


But...But...Low Rider! ._.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sometimes I wonder how to fulfill the Great Commision when I'm afraid to become even more of an outcast when I try.


Being an outcast is fun.

But sometimes enough is enough.


and my tolerance is dropping...

I sound so lib >.> yet I'm a conservative at heart.


I found out Barack Obama (sp) is not Muslim but Christian. That was kinda cool.


I wish I could tell people how I feel and think without wondering if I'm conveying the right message.


I'm kinda mad bc my denomination is ashamble, and I can't do anything about it.

It's like watching a building explode on live TV. It upsets me, but it upsets me more that I can't do anything about it.

Or like seeing someone essentially kill themself and I can't do more than hold my tongue and be supportive and caring.


I want to fix things. I like to figure out what's wrong and fix it. I like puzzles. I'm actually pretty good at Sudoku, even though I refuse to play bc it's so popular. I haven't played in a while, but after a brief warm-up, I could solve a medium level sudoku in about 25-35 minutes. Most people take 45-1hr. Most people that I know anyway.


It drives me crazy because I'm passive, I avoid conflict like the plague...

yet I understand the importance of it, and I want to do SOMETHING ANYTHING to get myself out of this house and into a place where I can make a difference.


My mom calls me a little social worker bc all of my friends have major issues and I'm the one they turn to for advice...

kind of ironic seeing as how I have major issues as well.

I take it seriously, though. If someone needs advice or even just an ear, I'm available. If I'm not, I find a way to make somebody I trust available...like my mom when Mir calls and needs to talk and I'm busy with a job project.


This does revolve around religion...religion is part of just about every aspect of my life.


Politics - my beliefs are essentially those of the forefathers. NOT the ones today...these guys are celebritous idiots.

Romance - if Tom wasn't Christian I wouldn't date him. It's simple as that.

Friends - I know the answer to a lot of common questions, and it's usually from the Bible. But nobody cares, or even listens anymore...

Personality - I'm a pacifist because I believe in a non-militant approach. Befriending is a better way than forcing.

Church - it bothers me that in Washington State, there is an Episcopal priest (female) who attends a Mosque on Friday with Muslims (she is a practicing muslim) and preaches to her congregation on Sunday...and nobody sees anything wrong with this?! It bothers me that the US presiding bishop Shori does not believe Jesus is the one true path to Christ...I mean, *addresses TGHL* you know as well as I do that Christianity is about Jesus being God and He's the ONLY way to God. we might not agree that this is true, but that is what the Bible says, and you're the one who took religion courses, so you ought to know. *goes back to passive ramble* It bothers me that comparatively few people in the Episcopal denomination (not Anglican, there is a big deal going on right now in the WorldWideAnglicanCouncil) see this is wrong. It bothers me that I can't slap Shori silly and set her head on straight. a] I'd get arrested, b] I can't do that anyway.


a lot of things bother me. I can't do anything about it. I mean, I'm aware of weird things that the greater public doesn't know about, and most of them are heinous injustices in my view. I can ridicule it and display my feelings on the subject, but it's not like one voice can change the world...I don't have "connections," nor do my friends. It isn't fair because I'm kinda lost. I feel like I'm too shy to do anything...

ironic when you consider my lifegoal is to a] be an author and b] rid the world of child abuse. I can't be shy if I want to accomplish .

My characters, when I write, reflect the inner me with all the ideas and creativity and boldness.

I wish I could be like my characters. They're cool. They have superpowers and confidence. I'd like to have some confidence.


I suppose this should really go into my Ramble, but only H Cheesey and Lauren read that, from what I can see.

besides, this is about religion, and religion goes to the religion topic.


I'm done now.

I wonder what everyone will say?

*goes away*

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Sometimes I wonder how to fulfill the Great Commision when I'm afraid to become even more of an outcast when I try.


Being an outcast is fun.

But sometimes enough is enough.


and my tolerance is dropping...

I sound so lib >.> yet I'm a conservative at heart.


I found out Barack Obama (sp) is not Muslim but Christian. That was kinda cool.


I wish I could tell people how I feel and think without wondering if I'm conveying the right message.


I'm kinda mad bc my denomination is ashamble, and I can't do anything about it.

It's like watching a building explode on live TV. It upsets me, but it upsets me more that I can't do anything about it.

Or like seeing someone essentially kill themself and I can't do more than hold my tongue and be supportive and caring.


I want to fix things. I like to figure out what's wrong and fix it. I like puzzles. I'm actually pretty good at Sudoku, even though I refuse to play bc it's so popular. I haven't played in a while, but after a brief warm-up, I could solve a medium level sudoku in about 25-35 minutes. Most people take 45-1hr. Most people that I know anyway.


It drives me crazy because I'm passive, I avoid conflict like the plague...

yet I understand the importance of it, and I want to do SOMETHING ANYTHING to get myself out of this house and into a place where I can make a difference.


My mom calls me a little social worker bc all of my friends have major issues and I'm the one they turn to for advice...

kind of ironic seeing as how I have major issues as well.

I take it seriously, though. If someone needs advice or even just an ear, I'm available. If I'm not, I find a way to make somebody I trust available...like my mom when Mir calls and needs to talk and I'm busy with a job project.


This does revolve around religion...religion is part of just about every aspect of my life.


Politics - my beliefs are essentially those of the forefathers. NOT the ones today...these guys are celebritous idiots.

Romance - if Tom wasn't Christian I wouldn't date him. It's simple as that.

Friends - I know the answer to a lot of common questions, and it's usually from the Bible. But nobody cares, or even listens anymore...

Personality - I'm a pacifist because I believe in a non-militant approach. Befriending is a better way than forcing.

Church - it bothers me that in Washington State, there is an Episcopal priest (female) who attends a Mosque on Friday with Muslims (she is a practicing muslim) and preaches to her congregation on Sunday...and nobody sees anything wrong with this?! It bothers me that the US presiding bishop Shori does not believe Jesus is the one true path to Christ...I mean, *addresses TGHL* you know as well as I do that Christianity is about Jesus being God and He's the ONLY way to God. we might not agree that this is true, but that is what the Bible says, and you're the one who took religion courses, so you ought to know. *goes back to passive ramble* It bothers me that comparatively few people in the Episcopal denomination (not Anglican, there is a big deal going on right now in the WorldWideAnglicanCouncil) see this is wrong. It bothers me that I can't slap Shori silly and set her head on straight. a] I'd get arrested, b] I can't do that anyway.


a lot of things bother me. I can't do anything about it. I mean, I'm aware of weird things that the greater public doesn't know about, and most of them are heinous injustices in my view. I can ridicule it and display my feelings on the subject, but it's not like one voice can change the world...I don't have "connections," nor do my friends. It isn't fair because I'm kinda lost. I feel like I'm too shy to do anything...

ironic when you consider my lifegoal is to a] be an author and b] rid the world of child abuse. I can't be shy if I want to accomplish .

My characters, when I write, reflect the inner me with all the ideas and creativity and boldness.

I wish I could be like my characters. They're cool. They have superpowers and confidence. I'd like to have some confidence.


I suppose this should really go into my Ramble, but only H Cheesey and Lauren read that, from what I can see.

besides, this is about religion, and religion goes to the religion topic.


I'm done now.

I wonder what everyone will say?

*goes away*

*always enjoys reading Topazia's "Rambles, Rants and Raves"*


My first question: Does it matter to you what religion a political candidate is? Would you not vote for someone you thought was the best candidate because their religion was not one you approved of?


My phrase for you is: "Do everything in littles." By this I mean, if you want to make a difference, and you only influence one person, this is okay. Watch the movie "Pay It Forward". You will understand what I mean. You are looking to change the world, but you need to make a difference in littles, one person at a time.


You think Stephen King is an outgoing, social guy? Think again. He prefers to keep to himself. Look at the characters in his stories! :blink: You can be shy and accomplish the goals you want. You can write. Not many people are good at writing. Take this talent and change the world... one reader at a time.


As for your friends, they respect you and like you for who you are. Sometimes you just have to accept people the way they are and not try and change them. If you cannot accept them as they are, then look for friends with thinking more in line with yours.


As for religion and religious views, my mother was an old fashioned hammie who used to tell me there are three things hamsters never talk about in public... religion, sex and politics. I do try and avoid these topics, but sometimes I can't help myself. All I will say is that we need to have tolerance... tolerance for others because they are different.


Child abuse. I wish you could change the world and end child abuse. That would be the most phenomenal achievement. Again, back to littles, if you can stop one person from committing child abuse, you HAVE made a difference. Authoring a book on your life and how you have struggles with and overcome your abuse might be a best-seller and place you in contact with the "connections" you need. You never know what doors might open and who you might meet.


Lastly doors... always take a chance and open a door. A door to life that is. Open the door, take a look around and maybe this is a door you will want to pass through. But, if you do not take a chance and open a door, you might have missed the opportunity of a lifetime. You will never lose by opening a door and looking around.


I have ranted enough.

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Sometimes I wonder how to fulfill the Great Commision when I'm afraid to become even more of an outcast when I try.


Being an outcast is fun.

But sometimes enough is enough.


and my tolerance is dropping...

I sound so lib >.> yet I'm a conservative at heart.


I found out Barack Obama (sp) is not Muslim but Christian. That was kinda cool.


I wish I could tell people how I feel and think without wondering if I'm conveying the right message.


I'm kinda mad bc my denomination is ashamble, and I can't do anything about it.

It's like watching a building explode on live TV. It upsets me, but it upsets me more that I can't do anything about it.

Or like seeing someone essentially kill themself and I can't do more than hold my tongue and be supportive and caring.


I want to fix things. I like to figure out what's wrong and fix it. I like puzzles. I'm actually pretty good at Sudoku, even though I refuse to play bc it's so popular. I haven't played in a while, but after a brief warm-up, I could solve a medium level sudoku in about 25-35 minutes. Most people take 45-1hr. Most people that I know anyway.


It drives me crazy because I'm passive, I avoid conflict like the plague...

yet I understand the importance of it, and I want to do SOMETHING ANYTHING to get myself out of this house and into a place where I can make a difference.


My mom calls me a little social worker bc all of my friends have major issues and I'm the one they turn to for advice...

kind of ironic seeing as how I have major issues as well.

I take it seriously, though. If someone needs advice or even just an ear, I'm available. If I'm not, I find a way to make somebody I trust available...like my mom when Mir calls and needs to talk and I'm busy with a job project.


This does revolve around religion...religion is part of just about every aspect of my life.


Politics - my beliefs are essentially those of the forefathers. NOT the ones today...these guys are celebritous idiots.

Romance - if Tom wasn't Christian I wouldn't date him. It's simple as that.

Friends - I know the answer to a lot of common questions, and it's usually from the Bible. But nobody cares, or even listens anymore...

Personality - I'm a pacifist because I believe in a non-militant approach. Befriending is a better way than forcing.

Church - it bothers me that in Washington State, there is an Episcopal priest (female) who attends a Mosque on Friday with Muslims (she is a practicing muslim) and preaches to her congregation on Sunday...and nobody sees anything wrong with this?! It bothers me that the US presiding bishop Shori does not believe Jesus is the one true path to Christ...I mean, *addresses TGHL* you know as well as I do that Christianity is about Jesus being God and He's the ONLY way to God. we might not agree that this is true, but that is what the Bible says, and you're the one who took religion courses, so you ought to know. *goes back to passive ramble* It bothers me that comparatively few people in the Episcopal denomination (not Anglican, there is a big deal going on right now in the WorldWideAnglicanCouncil) see this is wrong. It bothers me that I can't slap Shori silly and set her head on straight. a] I'd get arrested, b] I can't do that anyway.


a lot of things bother me. I can't do anything about it. I mean, I'm aware of weird things that the greater public doesn't know about, and most of them are heinous injustices in my view. I can ridicule it and display my feelings on the subject, but it's not like one voice can change the world...I don't have "connections," nor do my friends. It isn't fair because I'm kinda lost. I feel like I'm too shy to do anything...

ironic when you consider my lifegoal is to a] be an author and b] rid the world of child abuse. I can't be shy if I want to accomplish .

My characters, when I write, reflect the inner me with all the ideas and creativity and boldness.

I wish I could be like my characters. They're cool. They have superpowers and confidence. I'd like to have some confidence.


I suppose this should really go into my Ramble, but only H Cheesey and Lauren read that, from what I can see.

besides, this is about religion, and religion goes to the religion topic.


I'm done now.

I wonder what everyone will say?

*goes away*


You already have made a difference. "If someone needs advice or even just an ear, I'm available."


You have helped your friends. Going back to Horatio's "littles," you have already started a journey to helping those in need. I am a confidant for several people, but I too sometimes need to just talk about my problems. If you have a problem, let someone know. I can't really comment upon your religous complaints, as I really don't have much knowledge in that area.


There is nothing else really to say that wouldn't just be a reiteration of what Horatio said.

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Sometimes I wonder how to fulfill the Great Commision when I'm afraid to become even more of an outcast when I try.


Being an outcast is fun.

But sometimes enough is enough.


and my tolerance is dropping...

I sound so lib >.> yet I'm a conservative at heart.


I found out Barack Obama (sp) is not Muslim but Christian. That was kinda cool.


I wish I could tell people how I feel and think without wondering if I'm conveying the right message.


I'm kinda mad bc my denomination is ashamble, and I can't do anything about it.

It's like watching a building explode on live TV. It upsets me, but it upsets me more that I can't do anything about it.

Or like seeing someone essentially kill themself and I can't do more than hold my tongue and be supportive and caring.


I want to fix things. I like to figure out what's wrong and fix it. I like puzzles. I'm actually pretty good at Sudoku, even though I refuse to play bc it's so popular. I haven't played in a while, but after a brief warm-up, I could solve a medium level sudoku in about 25-35 minutes. Most people take 45-1hr. Most people that I know anyway.


It drives me crazy because I'm passive, I avoid conflict like the plague...

yet I understand the importance of it, and I want to do SOMETHING ANYTHING to get myself out of this house and into a place where I can make a difference.


My mom calls me a little social worker bc all of my friends have major issues and I'm the one they turn to for advice...

kind of ironic seeing as how I have major issues as well.

I take it seriously, though. If someone needs advice or even just an ear, I'm available. If I'm not, I find a way to make somebody I trust available...like my mom when Mir calls and needs to talk and I'm busy with a job project.


This does revolve around religion...religion is part of just about every aspect of my life.


Politics - my beliefs are essentially those of the forefathers. NOT the ones today...these guys are celebritous idiots.

Romance - if Tom wasn't Christian I wouldn't date him. It's simple as that.

Friends - I know the answer to a lot of common questions, and it's usually from the Bible. But nobody cares, or even listens anymore...

Personality - I'm a pacifist because I believe in a non-militant approach. Befriending is a better way than forcing.

Church - it bothers me that in Washington State, there is an Episcopal priest (female) who attends a Mosque on Friday with Muslims (she is a practicing muslim) and preaches to her congregation on Sunday...and nobody sees anything wrong with this?! It bothers me that the US presiding bishop Shori does not believe Jesus is the one true path to Christ...I mean, *addresses TGHL* you know as well as I do that Christianity is about Jesus being God and He's the ONLY way to God. we might not agree that this is true, but that is what the Bible says, and you're the one who took religion courses, so you ought to know. *goes back to passive ramble* It bothers me that comparatively few people in the Episcopal denomination (not Anglican, there is a big deal going on right now in the WorldWideAnglicanCouncil) see this is wrong. It bothers me that I can't slap Shori silly and set her head on straight. a] I'd get arrested, b] I can't do that anyway.


a lot of things bother me. I can't do anything about it. I mean, I'm aware of weird things that the greater public doesn't know about, and most of them are heinous injustices in my view. I can ridicule it and display my feelings on the subject, but it's not like one voice can change the world...I don't have "connections," nor do my friends. It isn't fair because I'm kinda lost. I feel like I'm too shy to do anything...

ironic when you consider my lifegoal is to a] be an author and b] rid the world of child abuse. I can't be shy if I want to accomplish .

My characters, when I write, reflect the inner me with all the ideas and creativity and boldness.

I wish I could be like my characters. They're cool. They have superpowers and confidence. I'd like to have some confidence.


I suppose this should really go into my Ramble, but only H Cheesey and Lauren read that, from what I can see.

besides, this is about religion, and religion goes to the religion topic.


I'm done now.

I wonder what everyone will say?

*goes away*

*always enjoys reading Topazia's "Rambles, Rants and Raves"*


My first question: Does it matter to you what religion a political candidate is? Would you not vote for someone you thought was the best candidate because their religion was not one you approved of?


My phrase for you is: "Do everything in littles." By this I mean, if you want to make a difference, and you only influence one person, this is okay. Watch the movie "Pay It Forward". You will understand what I mean. You are looking to change the world, but you need to make a difference in littles, one person at a time.


You think Stephen King is an outgoing, social guy? Think again. He prefers to keep to himself. Look at the characters in his stories! :blink: You can be shy and accomplish the goals you want. You can write. Not many people are good at writing. Take this talent and change the world... one reader at a time.


As for your friends, they respect you and like you for who you are. Sometimes you just have to accept people the way they are and not try and change them. If you cannot accept them as they are, then look for friends with thinking more in line with yours.


As for religion and religious views, my mother was an old fashioned hammie who used to tell me there are three things hamsters never talk about in public... religion, sex and politics. I do try and avoid these topics, but sometimes I can't help myself. All I will say is that we need to have tolerance... tolerance for others because they are different.


Child abuse. I wish you could change the world and end child abuse. That would be the most phenomenal achievement. Again, back to littles, if you can stop one person from committing child abuse, you HAVE made a difference. Authoring a book on your life and how you have struggles with and overcome your abuse might be a best-seller and place you in contact with the "connections" you need. You never know what doors might open and who you might meet.


Lastly doors... always take a chance and open a door. A door to life that is. Open the door, take a look around and maybe this is a door you will want to pass through. But, if you do not take a chance and open a door, you might have missed the opportunity of a lifetime. You will never lose by opening a door and looking around.


I have ranted enough.

I own pay it forward, I can't watch it bc it makes me cry.

I know...but my mind keeps telling me I should be able to do something more.

um...Stephen King is kinda scary..I'm glad his characters aren't who he really is.

I've heard everything you say before...that doesn't make it any easier for my brain to accept.

and if Obama was a Muslim, I wouldn't vote for him. Jewish, I don't care...but not a muslim. I'd not vote for several religions because of the beliefs and doctrine.


Sometimes I wonder how to fulfill the Great Commision when I'm afraid to become even more of an outcast when I try.


Being an outcast is fun.

But sometimes enough is enough.


and my tolerance is dropping...

I sound so lib >.> yet I'm a conservative at heart.


I found out Barack Obama (sp) is not Muslim but Christian. That was kinda cool.


I wish I could tell people how I feel and think without wondering if I'm conveying the right message.


I'm kinda mad bc my denomination is ashamble, and I can't do anything about it.

It's like watching a building explode on live TV. It upsets me, but it upsets me more that I can't do anything about it.

Or like seeing someone essentially kill themself and I can't do more than hold my tongue and be supportive and caring.


I want to fix things. I like to figure out what's wrong and fix it. I like puzzles. I'm actually pretty good at Sudoku, even though I refuse to play bc it's so popular. I haven't played in a while, but after a brief warm-up, I could solve a medium level sudoku in about 25-35 minutes. Most people take 45-1hr. Most people that I know anyway.


It drives me crazy because I'm passive, I avoid conflict like the plague...

yet I understand the importance of it, and I want to do SOMETHING ANYTHING to get myself out of this house and into a place where I can make a difference.


My mom calls me a little social worker bc all of my friends have major issues and I'm the one they turn to for advice...

kind of ironic seeing as how I have major issues as well.

I take it seriously, though. If someone needs advice or even just an ear, I'm available. If I'm not, I find a way to make somebody I trust available...like my mom when Mir calls and needs to talk and I'm busy with a job project.


This does revolve around religion...religion is part of just about every aspect of my life.


Politics - my beliefs are essentially those of the forefathers. NOT the ones today...these guys are celebritous idiots.

Romance - if Tom wasn't Christian I wouldn't date him. It's simple as that.

Friends - I know the answer to a lot of common questions, and it's usually from the Bible. But nobody cares, or even listens anymore...

Personality - I'm a pacifist because I believe in a non-militant approach. Befriending is a better way than forcing.

Church - it bothers me that in Washington State, there is an Episcopal priest (female) who attends a Mosque on Friday with Muslims (she is a practicing muslim) and preaches to her congregation on Sunday...and nobody sees anything wrong with this?! It bothers me that the US presiding bishop Shori does not believe Jesus is the one true path to Christ...I mean, *addresses TGHL* you know as well as I do that Christianity is about Jesus being God and He's the ONLY way to God. we might not agree that this is true, but that is what the Bible says, and you're the one who took religion courses, so you ought to know. *goes back to passive ramble* It bothers me that comparatively few people in the Episcopal denomination (not Anglican, there is a big deal going on right now in the WorldWideAnglicanCouncil) see this is wrong. It bothers me that I can't slap Shori silly and set her head on straight. a] I'd get arrested, b] I can't do that anyway.


a lot of things bother me. I can't do anything about it. I mean, I'm aware of weird things that the greater public doesn't know about, and most of them are heinous injustices in my view. I can ridicule it and display my feelings on the subject, but it's not like one voice can change the world...I don't have "connections," nor do my friends. It isn't fair because I'm kinda lost. I feel like I'm too shy to do anything...

ironic when you consider my lifegoal is to a] be an author and b] rid the world of child abuse. I can't be shy if I want to accomplish .

My characters, when I write, reflect the inner me with all the ideas and creativity and boldness.

I wish I could be like my characters. They're cool. They have superpowers and confidence. I'd like to have some confidence.


I suppose this should really go into my Ramble, but only H Cheesey and Lauren read that, from what I can see.

besides, this is about religion, and religion goes to the religion topic.


I'm done now.

I wonder what everyone will say?

*goes away*


You already have made a difference. "If someone needs advice or even just an ear, I'm available."


You have helped your friends. Going back to Horatio's "littles," you have already started a journey to helping those in need. I am a confidant for several people, but I too sometimes need to just talk about my problems. If you have a problem, let someone know. I can't really comment upon your religous complaints, as I really don't have much knowledge in that area.


There is nothing else really to say that wouldn't just be a reiteration of what Horatio said.

heh, you both are awesome.

thanks both.

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I own pay it forward, I can't watch it bc it makes me cry.

I know...but my mind keeps telling me I should be able to do something more.

um...Stephen King is kinda scary..I'm glad his characters aren't who he really is.

I've heard everything you say before...that doesn't make it any easier for my brain to accept.

and if Obama was a Muslim, I wouldn't vote for him. Jewish, I don't care...but not a muslim. I'd not vote for several religions because of the beliefs and doctrine.

In Pay It Forward, it was about an idea that started with one good act, which changed the lives of many. Littles. The first step was a single solitary step which turned into a million steps. You need to teach your mind that one step is good. Your writing is the first step.


Stephen King is an example to show you how your writing would touch the lives of many.


I am saddened that you would not vote for someone because of their religion. What categories are acceptable to you? What categories are unacceptable to you? Are Buddhism or Hinduism okay? How about Taoism or Confucianism? Where do you draw the line? To better clarify, do you look at the religion of the person first, then decide if you like them? Do you decide about your friends this way? I know I am being tough on you, but I am saddened that you are judging a person solely by their religion. Whatever happened to the separation of church and state?

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Hm...yeah, I think that when looking into a presidentia candidate, it's more important to look at their moral values than their religion. Fact is, most muslims, jews, and christians have the same basic moral values, at least in theory. Actually, most of the other religons do too. Pity people don't actually follow them...

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Hm...yeah, I think that when looking into a presidentia candidate, it's more important to look at their moral values than their religion. Fact is, most muslims, jews, and christians have the same basic moral values, at least in theory. Actually, most of the other religons do too. Pity people don't actually follow them...

except Mohammed said that if his words contradict prior words, it nixed the first ones...and his last suras were more militant than the first.

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  • 2 weeks later...
*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I don't know what I believe.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

That's okay. You have plenty of time to figure out what you want to believe and then change your mind a few times. :D

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I don't know what I believe.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

That's okay. You have plenty of time to figure out what you want to believe and then change your mind a few times. :D

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


There's a lot about Christianity I don't believe (Witchcraft is wrong, Homosexuality is wrong, Other religions are wrong, etc.).

Plus. I don't like the way I've seen Christian people treat others.


The only time I go to church is for Easter, and I feel like the Black Sheep (Literally) among the other people. I'll be wearing a dress jacket over a hippie shirt, and grey pants, and my hair has pink blue and purple in it. And other girls there will be wearing frilly pastel dresses and have blond highlights.

At skool, some of the Christian kids look down on me because I'm not like them.

All my life Christian kids at skool have called me names like Agnostic, Athiest, etc. because of my choice in Music, Clothes, Websites, Shopping, Books, Movies, and TV and many of the Christian kids at skool would make fun of kids who weren't Christian or didn't openly express their faith.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I don't know what I believe.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

That's okay. You have plenty of time to figure out what you want to believe and then change your mind a few times. :D

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


There's a lot about Christianity I don't believe (Witchcraft is wrong, Homosexuality is wrong, Other religions are wrong, etc.).

Plus. I don't like the way I've seen Christian people treat others.


The only time I go to church is for Easter, and I feel like the Black Sheep (Literally) among the other people. I'll be wearing a dress jacket over a hippie shirt, and grey pants, and my hair has pink blue and purple in it. And other girls there will be wearing frilly pastel dresses and have blond highlights.

At skool, some of the Christian kids look down on me because I'm not like them.

All my life Christian kids at skool have called me names like Agnostic, Athiest, etc. because of my choice in Music, Clothes, Websites, Shopping, Books, Movies, and TV and many of the Christian kids at skool would make fun of kids who weren't Christian or didn't openly express their faith.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

Unfortunately there are many people who leave their religion at the church. It is sad to see this.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I don't know what I believe.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

That's okay. You have plenty of time to figure out what you want to believe and then change your mind a few times. :D

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


There's a lot about Christianity I don't believe (Witchcraft is wrong, Homosexuality is wrong, Other religions are wrong, etc.).

Plus. I don't like the way I've seen Christian people treat others.


The only time I go to church is for Easter, and I feel like the Black Sheep (Literally) among the other people. I'll be wearing a dress jacket over a hippie shirt, and grey pants, and my hair has pink blue and purple in it. And other girls there will be wearing frilly pastel dresses and have blond highlights.

At skool, some of the Christian kids look down on me because I'm not like them.

All my life Christian kids at skool have called me names like Agnostic, Athiest, etc. because of my choice in Music, Clothes, Websites, Shopping, Books, Movies, and TV and many of the Christian kids at skool would make fun of kids who weren't Christian or didn't openly express their faith.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

Unfortunately there are many people who leave their religion at the church. It is sad to see this.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I don't know why they make fun of my choices in Music and clothes. They all listen to Rap and wear shirts hardly covering themselves. They all read teen books and magazines that have no good morals. They watch Reality TV shows like Laguna Beach that have no good morals, either. They go to see painfully idiotic teen movies and chick flicks at the movies. They shop in Abercrombie and Hollister, etc.



*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I don't know what I believe.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

That's okay. You have plenty of time to figure out what you want to believe and then change your mind a few times. :D

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


There's a lot about Christianity I don't believe (Witchcraft is wrong, Homosexuality is wrong, Other religions are wrong, etc.).

Plus. I don't like the way I've seen Christian people treat others.


The only time I go to church is for Easter, and I feel like the Black Sheep (Literally) among the other people. I'll be wearing a dress jacket over a hippie shirt, and grey pants, and my hair has pink blue and purple in it. And other girls there will be wearing frilly pastel dresses and have blond highlights.

At skool, some of the Christian kids look down on me because I'm not like them.

All my life Christian kids at skool have called me names like Agnostic, Athiest, etc. because of my choice in Music, Clothes, Websites, Shopping, Books, Movies, and TV and many of the Christian kids at skool would make fun of kids who weren't Christian or didn't openly express their faith.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

Unfortunately there are many people who leave their religion at the church. It is sad to see this.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I don't know why they make fun of my choices in Music and clothes. They all listen to Rap and wear shirts hardly covering themselves. They all read teen books and magazines that have no good morals. They watch Reality TV shows like Laguna Beach that have no good morals, either. They go to see painfully idiotic teen movies and chick flicks at the movies. They shop in Abercrombie and Hollister, etc.



*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

When people make fun of others, I believe that the have not learned to like themselves.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I don't know what I believe.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

That's okay. You have plenty of time to figure out what you want to believe and then change your mind a few times. :D

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


There's a lot about Christianity I don't believe (Witchcraft is wrong, Homosexuality is wrong, Other religions are wrong, etc.).

Plus. I don't like the way I've seen Christian people treat others.


The only time I go to church is for Easter, and I feel like the Black Sheep (Literally) among the other people. I'll be wearing a dress jacket over a hippie shirt, and grey pants, and my hair has pink blue and purple in it. And other girls there will be wearing frilly pastel dresses and have blond highlights.

At skool, some of the Christian kids look down on me because I'm not like them.

All my life Christian kids at skool have called me names like Agnostic, Athiest, etc. because of my choice in Music, Clothes, Websites, Shopping, Books, Movies, and TV and many of the Christian kids at skool would make fun of kids who weren't Christian or didn't openly express their faith.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

Unfortunately there are many people who leave their religion at the church. It is sad to see this.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I don't know why they make fun of my choices in Music and clothes. They all listen to Rap and wear shirts hardly covering themselves. They all read teen books and magazines that have no good morals. They watch Reality TV shows like Laguna Beach that have no good morals, either. They go to see painfully idiotic teen movies and chick flicks at the movies. They shop in Abercrombie and Hollister, etc.



*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

When people make fun of others, I believe that the have not learned to like themselves.

I know.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~*


One things I truly hate is how a lot of Christian literature gives the impression that God is in control of your life, and you are not. I strongly disagree with this notion.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~*


One things I truly hate is how a lot of Christian literature gives the impression that God is in control of your life, and you are not. I strongly disagree with this notion.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*

Wow...those authors have completely forgotten the part of the Bible after the great flood, when Moses comes out and sees a rainbow. God says that the rainbow represents his choice to give man complete free will. That's why I like the rainbow so much. There are quite a few parts of the bible I tend to forget, but this part I never will. :)

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~*


One things I truly hate is how a lot of Christian literature gives the impression that God is in control of your life, and you are not. I strongly disagree with this notion.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*

Wow...those authors have completely forgotten the part of the Bible after the great flood, when Moses comes out and sees a rainbow. God says that the rainbow represents his choice to give man complete free will. That's why I like the rainbow so much. There are quite a few parts of the bible I tend to forget, but this part I never will. :)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I know.


Another thing i hate is how Christian literature says that if you do a lot of something, it's idolatry. I listen to music everywhere I go, and according to these Christian authors, that would make God mad.

I mean....What?????. seriously. I like music, it doesn't mean it's my God.


Me and The A.D have our own God-The Great Muffin. A bunch of Christian kids at skool got onto us about that once and it ticked me off.


*~*The Psychedelci Luau(*~(The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~*


One things I truly hate is how a lot of Christian literature gives the impression that God is in control of your life, and you are not. I strongly disagree with this notion.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*

Wow...those authors have completely forgotten the part of the Bible after the great flood, when Moses comes out and sees a rainbow. God says that the rainbow represents his choice to give man complete free will. That's why I like the rainbow so much. There are quite a few parts of the bible I tend to forget, but this part I never will. :)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I know.


Another thing i hate is how Christian literature says that if you do a lot of something, it's idolatry. I listen to music everywhere I go, and according to these Christian authors, that would make God mad.

I mean....What?????. seriously. I like music, it doesn't mean it's my God.


Me and The A.D have our own God-The Great Muffin. A bunch of Christian kids at skool got onto us about that once and it ticked me off.


*~*The Psychedelci Luau(*~(The Astronomy Domine*~*


Hah. My brother and I decided to make a church of the holy muffin once. xD

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