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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

im confused (as usual)


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ummm, what happened to the old board?  i was gone for a few months, and now theres no cheetahspot, sheena, etc. :( now im sad.

Hellooooooo Dadadeedadeedadodo20001..... welcome back! Actually, CheetaSpot had stopped in and posted a bunch of times and has returned to studying and life. Sheena has been away for quite some time and is not back yet. She will return after she has had enough rest and relaxation.


Do you like the new boards?? Have you listened to the two new songs on the home page? Head back there, take a listen and tell us what you think.


Also there are some of the old board stuff on the home page... all the way to the right!


Welcome back!

Horatio :D

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yeppers! lots o sugar! *spastically twitches and giggles for no reason* :D  :P  :lol:

Join the hammie group... :lol::lol::lol:

There is no sleeping in the daytime today!!! We have gotten into the pies, the candy canes, the ice cream and everything else with sugar in it and now we are downing coffee to dilute the sugar in our bodies! :lol::lol::lol:

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ewww.. butter rum. i like drinking the french vanilla creamers at my church...plain

Yum.... french vanilla creamers. Why waste time adding them to coffee when you can fill up a glass with french vanilla creamers and ingest that sugar straight! :lol::lol::lol:

Soooo good and tasty are those creamers. French vanilla, hazelnut... yum! When I don't have to pay for them, I love them. At home I drink my coffee black like Charmin. :lol:

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now, at the moment, the disscussion on my rabbit is now in , like 3 spots. wow.  i tried a irish cream (i think) creamer, and spat it back up on the floor of the church kitchen (not embarassing at all  :rolleyes:

That's exactly what I think of the Irish Cream!

*thinks after that I would have crawled under the table, which is okay for a hamster*

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actally, i have done that before. once, i got bored at lunch, so i thought about what would happen if you drank milk through a straw up your nose. for futre ref, it stings like MAD! recess that day stunk. <_ src="%7B___base_url___%7D/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png" alt=":P">


I bet that was funny for everyone else!

It would have a tendency to ruin your day! :P

*adds that to list of things NEVER to try*

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i swear milk was coming out of my nose for the rest of the day.  i should have used chocolate, it would have stung less, and smelled better!!!! *drools over the thought of chocolate milk in her nose*  :P  :lol::D

*has visions of Hershey's syrup and milk dripping out of dadadeedadeedadodo2001's nose*

You probably could have hooked up a straw from both nostrils directly back to your mouth and been drinking chocolate milk all day!


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i swear milk was coming out of my nose for the rest of the day.  i should have used chocolate, it would have stung less, and smelled better!!!! *drools over the thought of chocolate milk in her nose*  :P  :lol::D



erm i think whether it was plain milk or chocolate milk it would have stunk. i would have laughed if i had seen it

Edited by Horatio
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no one said it had to be cold water. in minnesota, thats all we have right now, ot seems. :P

Minnesota! You all have the greatest attitudes up there! I was in Minneapolis one Christmas and saw the parade and festivities that night. It was the coldest, yet best time I ever had in a town where I didn't know a soul. Everyone talked to you like you were their best friends. What a wonderful feeling! Somehow, although the temperature was way below freezing, it did not seem cold at all.


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DO YOU LIVE BY DISNEY WORLD?????????  i luv tht place!  oh, are the launches you see from kennedy space center? i went there once- it was all stinky and rainy :( when i was there last, it was 2000/2001 (we were there for new years) and the weather STUNK!

There is a road that goes from Cape Canaveral west to Disney World. From Cape Canaveral you cross the Banana River, then you pass over the Indian River. The first road you come to after crossing the river is US #1... I am only 2 miles south of the road from Cape Canaveral. :D

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YEAH! we would have, but the laptop was running low on its batteries! i wasn't though!  *dances like shes drunk* :P  :D  :D  :P

*thinks... great thing the invention of laptop batteries with a short battery life*


I switch between batteries and being plugged in.

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*continues to talk to sugar, but its a new bag, since she ate the last one*  youre the only on that understands me...never leave me!*looks longingly at bag* to **** with that! *attacks bag and digs in* ive never been so happy! :P

*skips the slow process of having to spoon the sugar into my mouth and waiting for it to dissolve... just drinks the maple syrup*

Bbbbbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, Bbbbbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :D

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i now realize i was the one who mentioned sugar! i accidentally win my own award!  whooo! *pumps fist, causing her to drop sugar bag**jumpsdown to llick sugar off cage floor* PRECIOUS LIFE!!!! :blink:  :P

*cuts sugar off for tonight*

Now! Go To Bed!

I caught you back up! You did 71 posts today alone!!! Now is time for bed! :P

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Go to your bed, stretch out, close your eyes with your arms stretched out along your body.  Now start counting backwards from 100.  Count very slowly. :D

*tries that for myself since I can barely sleep cuz of the sugar and caffine* *eventually becomes so good at counting backwards that its as easy as counting normal*

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