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Mr. Grim

The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy

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Shia Labeouf celebrates both. :) (Oh..and now I have $220..with a $10 gift card :) Which one did you get moneylover?)


Ok..let's see what I got.


Off the penguin list...


Penguin socks

Penguin porcelin playing a flute

Penguin hat

Gigantic Penguin

Penguin underware (:lol:)

Penguin earings

Penguin pillowcases

Penguin switchplates

Penguin wallpaper

Penguin pajamas


The regular list...


Pink pearls (Bracelet and earings)

Aura earings

Pink striped poncho

Pink "New York" shirst from Delia's


That's it. :rolleyes:

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Shia Labeouf celebrates both. :) (Oh..and now I have $220..with a $10 gift card :) Which one did you get moneylover?)


Ok..let's see what I got.


Off the penguin list...


Penguin socks

Penguin porcelin playing a flute

Penguin hat

Gigantic Penguin

Penguin underware (:lol:)

Penguin earings

Penguin pillowcases

Penguin switchplates

Penguin wallpaper

Penguin pajamas


The regular list...


Pink pearls (Bracelet and earings)

Aura earings

Pink striped poncho

Pink "New York" shirst from Delia's


That's it.  :rolleyes:

Since when are penguins pink??? Shouldn't those things be in black and white?? :lol::lol::lol:

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Shia Labeouf celebrates both. :) (Oh..and now I have $220..with a $10 gift card :) Which one did you get moneylover?)


Ok..let's see what I got.


Off the penguin list...


Penguin socks

Penguin porcelin playing a flute

Penguin hat

Gigantic Penguin

Penguin underware (:lol:)

Penguin earings

Penguin pillowcases

Penguin switchplates

Penguin wallpaper

Penguin pajamas


The regular list...


Pink pearls (Bracelet and earings)

Aura earings

Pink striped poncho

Pink "New York" shirst from Delia's


That's it.  :rolleyes:

Got the silver mini..It took a while for me to figure out itunes but once i got it the rest was easy. You get a REALLY GREAT sound from it too. I also found out instead of buying the music from itunes you can just use CDs you already have..If you have any problems I'd be glad to help ^_^

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Shia Labeouf celebrates both. :) (Oh..and now I have $220..with a $10 gift card :) Which one did you get moneylover?)


Ok..let's see what I got.


Off the penguin list...


Penguin socks

Penguin porcelin playing a flute

Penguin hat

Gigantic Penguin

Penguin underware (:lol:)

Penguin earings

Penguin pillowcases

Penguin switchplates

Penguin wallpaper

Penguin pajamas


The regular list...


Pink pearls (Bracelet and earings)

Aura earings

Pink striped poncho

Pink "New York" shirst from Delia's


That's it.  :rolleyes:

Aw the only penguin thing I got for Christmas was a stuffed animal.

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It's just a regular MP3. You can get one for cheeper, $100, for one that tells you the song titles, and it holds 5,000 songs.

You got the good points I was looking for. Those are excellent points that would get people to buy regular MP3's for cheaper.

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Oh no! Not you too Jesse! Tell me you do not support the evil of the evil, MACINTOSH!


What's so evil about it? I can name a few evil things about windows...


84,000 viruses (mac has none)

Setup "wizards" (They don't let me do what I want with the program)

Directories (Macs just let you drag and use folders wherever you want. And no stupid multiple drives either.)

Crashes and freezes (that explains itself, almost never happens under Mac OS X)

Programs not working ("Illegal operation" anyone? Haven't seen that on a mac)

Hacking problems (ha! just try to hack my mac)

Automated programs like CD menus (I'm smart enough to do it on my own)

Takes forever to start up (there must be at least 3 "windows is starting up" messages)

Takes forever to login (you thought you could get to the desktop but no! it still has to load your settings!)

Takes forever to shut down (some windows computers don't even turn themselves off!)


So tell me...what makes a windows machine convinient over a mac? Oh, and don't try the "it has more programs" thing, cause macs can use Virtual PC for windows-only programs :P

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What's so evil about it? I can name a few evil things about windows...


84,000 viruses (mac has none)

Setup "wizards" (They don't let me do what I want with the program)

Directories (Macs just let you drag and use folders wherever you want. And no stupid multiple drives either.)

Crashes and freezes (that explains itself, almost never happens under Mac OS X)

Programs not working ("Illegal operation" anyone? Haven't seen that on a mac)

Hacking problems (ha! just try to hack my mac)

Automated programs like CD menus (I'm smart enough to do it on my own)

Takes forever to start up (there must be at least 3 "windows is starting up" messages)

Takes forever to login (you thought you could get to the desktop but no! it still has to load your settings!)

Takes forever to shut down (some windows computers don't even turn themselves off!)


So tell me...what makes a windows machine convinient over a mac? Oh, and don't try the "it has more programs" thing, cause macs can use Virtual PC for windows-only programs  :P

GO JESSE GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What's so evil about it? I can name a few evil things about windows...


84,000 viruses (mac has none)

Setup "wizards" (They don't let me do what I want with the program)

Directories (Macs just let you drag and use folders wherever you want. And no stupid multiple drives either.)

Crashes and freezes (that explains itself, almost never happens under Mac OS X)

Programs not working ("Illegal operation" anyone? Haven't seen that on a mac)

Hacking problems (ha! just try to hack my mac)

Automated programs like CD menus (I'm smart enough to do it on my own)

Takes forever to start up (there must be at least 3 "windows is starting up" messages)

Takes forever to login (you thought you could get to the desktop but no! it still has to load your settings!)

Takes forever to shut down (some windows computers don't even turn themselves off!)


So tell me...what makes a windows machine convinient over a mac? Oh, and don't try the "it has more programs" thing, cause macs can use Virtual PC for windows-only programs  :P

Who said I supported coporate America via Windows?

I support the European OS, LINUX! And I have Firefox rather than Internet Explorer. GO LINUX, GO FIREFOX!

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What's so evil about it? I can name a few evil things about windows...


84,000 viruses (mac has none)

Setup "wizards" (They don't let me do what I want with the program)

Directories (Macs just let you drag and use folders wherever you want. And no stupid multiple drives either.)

Crashes and freezes (that explains itself, almost never happens under Mac OS X)

Programs not working ("Illegal operation" anyone? Haven't seen that on a mac)

Hacking problems (ha! just try to hack my mac)

Automated programs like CD menus (I'm smart enough to do it on my own)

Takes forever to start up (there must be at least 3 "windows is starting up" messages)

Takes forever to login (you thought you could get to the desktop but no! it still has to load your settings!)

Takes forever to shut down (some windows computers don't even turn themselves off!)


So tell me...what makes a windows machine convinient over a mac? Oh, and don't try the "it has more programs" thing, cause macs can use Virtual PC for windows-only programs  :P

sounds like sumbudah knows his compies!

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What's so evil about it? I can name a few evil things about windows...


84,000 viruses (mac has none)

Setup "wizards" (They don't let me do what I want with the program)

Directories (Macs just let you drag and use folders wherever you want. And no stupid multiple drives either.)

Crashes and freezes (that explains itself, almost never happens under Mac OS X)

Programs not working ("Illegal operation" anyone? Haven't seen that on a mac)

Hacking problems (ha! just try to hack my mac)

Automated programs like CD menus (I'm smart enough to do it on my own)

Takes forever to start up (there must be at least 3 "windows is starting up" messages)

Takes forever to login (you thought you could get to the desktop but no! it still has to load your settings!)

Takes forever to shut down (some windows computers don't even turn themselves off!)


So tell me...what makes a windows machine convinient over a mac? Oh, and don't try the "it has more programs" thing, cause macs can use Virtual PC for windows-only programs  :P

Now for the defense! Wee!(greeeaaaat all that Windows has for a supporter is a crazy wolf while Mac has a sane one)


We got programs to tame our evil viruses...

You're just not used to Windows and you probably just need a little practice and you'll know how to control a Windows comp.

Multiple drives can be useful... I think.... And with a Windows you can just drag things... sometimes...

Are you kidding me? This thing rarely crashes, freezes, etc. You must be think of the really old Windows.

Programs usually work for me.

Not a problem with me. Just gotta use certain programs to keep hacking from happening.

Some people are wierd and can't even get a CD menu started up.

Windows doesn't take that long to start up. Believe me, my experience with Macs takes loonnnnnggggerrrr.

Login barely takes a few seconds.

It doesn't take more than a few seconds to shut down.

And with Macs, my sister had to re-do everything, re-install everything, for some unknown reason....


Oh yeah, Mac isn't problem-free. In Elementary school, the Macs go screwed up all the time...

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Oh, and with the rest of your defense, perhaps my school uses slow computers (or can't use them right). I don't know. School computers are hard to judge systems on...either way I just find the mac less...facist I guess. Microsoft feels like a Walmart for the computer industry :P

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Oh, and with the rest of your defense, perhaps my school uses slow computers (or can't use them right). I don't know. School computers are hard to judge systems on...either way I just find the mac less...facist I guess. Microsoft feels like a Walmart for the computer industry  :P

1) Macs are so slow that they kill (I would show you a flash I made proving this, but my partner-in-flash is refusing to give me the .swf file)

2) Macs super computer is so slow that even a dell computer can go faster! A DELL!

3)Horatio uses a Mac, therefore showing off its inferiority


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Oh, and with the rest of your defense, perhaps my school uses slow computers (or can't use them right). I don't know. School computers are hard to judge systems on...either way I just find the mac less...facist I guess. Microsoft feels like a Walmart for the computer industry  :P

Walmart is where I got my life that lasted at most 24 hours! :o Microsoft isn't that bad. :lol:

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Not as bad as Mac, who may have no viri, but thats only because those who tried to make viri for the Mac ended up dying from the long wait as the Apple Macs loaded


That's probably because they still had mac os 7 and forgot to upgrade ;)

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Right now I have a self made computer..Really good. Im hoping to save up and hopefully have my mom pay for half of what I want to get..The Mac Mini..Does anybody have anything to say about if I should get it or not?

I just finished reading up on the Mac Mini and I am heading over to the Apple store tomorrow to check it out. Sounds fantastic!!!!! :D:D:D

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Ok, Ill be awaiting your report on the mini for tomorrow.

I am going without my wallet. My next purchase is a digital camera! I am way behind the times. So I am afraid that if I go with my wallet, then I will walk out with a Mac Mini. My goal is to leave with nothing in my hands, only information in my head. :lol::lol::lol:

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I am going without my wallet.  My next purchase is a digital camera!  I am way behind the times.  So I am afraid that if I go with my wallet, then I will walk out with a Mac Mini.  My goal is to leave with nothing in my hands, only information in my head. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Digital Camera's..Go with Canon..Awesome. I got the Canon A95 for X-mas, It is the best camera I've ever used.

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That's probably because they still had mac os 7 and forgot to upgrade  ;)

Explain the bodies found with:

Mac Os 10 is slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo





written on the walls near them.....

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Explain the bodies found with:

Mac Os 10 is slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo





written on the walls near them.....

I noticed that you decided to ignore my trying to educate you about LINUX and macs.... you need to do your homework TGHL. :lol::lol::lol:

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Wait a minute..I thought you said no viruses are on the mac. Wy do they have anti virus soft ware for a mac then.. --->



It's a Jungle Out There

Every time you save an email attachment or download a file from the web, you're risking exposure to viruses and other types of dangerous programs. The second-most prevalent type of virus, Macro viruses, can attack both Macs and PCs. That's why .Mac membership comes with full-strength virus protection (a US$50 value): Virex® from McAfee Security®, the first choice in anti-virus software for the Mac.

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Wait a minute..I thought you said no viruses are on the mac. Wy do they have anti virus soft ware for a mac then.. --->

It's a Jungle Out There

Every time you save an email attachment or download a file from the web, you're risking exposure to viruses and other types of dangerous programs. The second-most prevalent type of virus, Macro viruses, can attack both Macs and PCs. That's why .Mac membership comes with full-strength virus protection (a US$50 value): Virex® from McAfee Security®, the first choice in anti-virus software for the Mac.


Because they're trying to make money of course ;) I somehow doubt it's a real virus. How can a virus be multi-OS anyway??

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