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Hi! I came by to say...


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Hi! I am finally here! But I only came by to say I was leaving... But not forever. I will come back to this topic every now and then until I return from my break. See, I got a job on a website for being a mod and a leader person so I have to be there alot. More than the admin because she is usually not there. Any way, when I feel it is the right time I will return to posting. Until then, bye!

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Hi! I am finally here! But I only came by to say I was leaving... But not forever. I will come back to this topic every now and then until I return from my break. See, I got a job on a website for being a mod and a leader person so I have to be there alot. More than the admin because she is usually not there.  Any way, when I feel it is the right time I will return to posting. Until then, bye!

Well, that sounds really great! Congratulations on your job. We all wish you would return occasionally and keep in touch. Please finish your story as we are all hanging on pins and needles waiting for you to continue.


Great seeing you and I hope that you come back and visit! We miss you Otter! :D

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Well, that sounds really great!  Congratulations on your job.  We all wish you would return occasionally and keep in touch.  Please finish your story as we are all hanging on pins and needles waiting for you to continue.


Great seeing you and I hope that you come back and visit!  We miss you Otter! :D

Yes, Congrats!


Good luck and hurry back! I will miss you!!! :D

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Hi! I am finally here! But I only came by to say I was leaving... But not forever. I will come back to this topic every now and then until I return from my break. See, I got a job on a website for being a mod and a leader person so I have to be there alot. More than the admin because she is usually not there.  Any way, when I feel it is the right time I will return to posting. Until then, bye!

Yaaaay! We know you're okay! As long as you are fine, I'm happy!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh man. What you all wrote touched me so much! I'm over here crying! I know, I'm to soft. I just now realized how much I miss this! I'm sorry. I'm gonna try to fit this in with my schedule. But its so diffrent here compared to the others. I'm sorry if I will break the rules, because now I'll be in two places that have very diffrent rules!

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Oh man. What you all wrote touched me so much! I'm over here crying! I know, I'm to soft. I just now realized how much I miss this! I'm sorry. I'm gonna try to fit this in with my schedule. But its so diffrent here compared to the others. I'm sorry if I will break the rules, because now I'll be in two places that have very diffrent rules!

We are so glad to see you back. We miss your smiling face soooo much! I am sure that you can handle all the rules for both places. I have total faith in you. :D


*issues an order*

Now get down to the Stories Forum and finish your book! You have us all hanging by our toenails.


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Oh man. What you all wrote touched me so much! I'm over here crying! I know, I'm to soft. I just now realized how much I miss this! I'm sorry. I'm gonna try to fit this in with my schedule. But its so diffrent here compared to the others. I'm sorry if I will break the rules, because now I'll be in two places that have very diffrent rules!


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Hi! I am finally here! But I only came by to say I was leaving... But not forever. I will come back to this topic every now and then until I return from my break. See, I got a job on a website for being a mod and a leader person so I have to be there alot. More than the admin because she is usually not there.  Any way, when I feel it is the right time I will return to posting. Until then, bye!

I am so very glad to hear from you and I am so glad U have a great job!!! :)

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Hi! I am finally here! But I only came by to say I was leaving... But not forever. I will come back to this topic every now and then until I return from my break. See, I got a job on a website for being a mod and a leader person so I have to be there alot. More than the admin because she is usually not there.  Any way, when I feel it is the right time I will return to posting. Until then, bye!

Too long have I stood by and not seen you. Too long have I wished for your return. Too long have others been as patient as I have. Too long have we kept ourselves buckled down in our seats.








*Throws broad sword towards the sun as the other hampsters watch its

dazzling fall. It lands in the ground, blade first, and sits there. It will remain to sit there until Otter comes back. (Or until someone wants a sword and picks it up)*

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Too long have I stood by and not seen you. Too long have I wished for your return. Too long have others been as patient as I have. Too long have we kept ourselves buckled down in our seats.








*Throws broad sword towards the sun as the other hampsters watch its

dazzling fall. It lands in the ground, blade first, and sits there. It will remain to sit there until Otter comes back. (Or until someone wants a sword and picks it up)*

That is really beautiful Taynio.

*leaves sword there for Otter*

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Too long have I stood by and not seen you. Too long have I wished for your return. Too long have others been as patient as I have. Too long have we kept ourselves buckled down in our seats.








*Throws broad sword towards the sun as the other hampsters watch its

dazzling fall. It lands in the ground, blade first, and sits there. It will remain to sit there until Otter comes back. (Or until someone wants a sword and picks it up)*

*looks at sword* Hmm... I think I have an identical one in my collection, so I'll leave it there. ^.^

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Really really.

Really really really?

Really really really.

You sure?

Sure as sure.

You sure you're sure?

Sure as sure as sure can be.



100% positive?

100% positive.




Now, stop asking me if I am sure. I am positive.

Edited by Horatio
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*Throws broad sword towards the sun as the other hampsters watch its

dazzling fall. It lands in the ground, blade first, and sits there. It will remain to sit there until Otter comes back. (Or until someone wants a sword and picks it up)*

broad sword .................. it shines....Ug want, Ug want!


*Ug run get sword but Ug trip from hampster name Horatio*

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Sneaks by Horatio while he is to busy laugh at Ug and keeping an eye on MW..HaHa..The sword..Its all Mine..*runs away and hibernates*

*sees Moneylover on the run, hops in helicopter, attaches a mega metal protector to bottom of helicopter and starts the hunt for his hibernations spot*

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GASP! Otter will be coming back! She needs to, as she was my first real friend on HD! *misses the good ol' days when she, Otter, and HHam would write in the Neverending story* *sighs*

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