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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

New album in stores this october!

Guest Juicyfruit

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Guest HampsterWeb

In case you missed HampsterKing's announcement, the Hampsters will be releasing a brand new album on October 15th called "Happy Times Ten." Sony Music will be distributing to music stores all across North America!! Stay tuned!


And congrats to the Hampsters on their new music deal!  :D

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When does it come out in the uk? :)
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Guest ~dolphingirl~





                                                    ~*HaMsTeR dAnCe*~




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Is it you? It must be, you said Happy Hampstering, right? I would really like to know when its out in the uk too, and does anyone know how many cds theyv'e done?

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Guest wessa1710
sheena is that u ?if it is I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo glad u came back where are? whats ur job?what are u doing?whose ur husband?  :love:  :laugh:  :)  :D  :))
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SHEENA!!! So we DIDN'T scare you off!!! FINALLY somebody we ALL know!!!  :D :laugh:  :D

Hey, don't u know me?!

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Guest fungus
hi i am fungus . i am rotting right before my very eyes. i am alone on this matter. does this happen to any of you ?  well i hope not . well i am happy about the new hampster cd. are you ? well you should be!!!!! ok bye
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Guest puppydog
SSSSSSHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   it's u it's really really u!!!!!!!!!!!!!o my gosh    hi i missed u i've mad 2 boreds 4 u ! u got to go to them! :love:  :laugh:  :love:  :laugh:
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Hi there 11~Aud~!!
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Yo sheena!

Remember me? Android 17?

I'm back everyone.

The reason i couldn't speak to you is because hampsterdance 2 became a filter rejection! I wanted to jump off a cliff but i didn't. Anyway i'm on here because i went into google & started a search on happy times ten & hampsterdance 2 came up. I knew i wouldn't get in but i tried and here i am!!!!!

Today i'm probably gonna but it if it's in marion for under $4.80.

Marion is a monster size store it even has cinemas in it 30 cinemas!!!!!!!

I'm so sorry but i must go the bell just went. Bye sheena.

p.s I'll try to remember this site.

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Guest penelope
Yay! that sounds cool! I have 20  bucks and i just got my hamster today a couple hours ago, so i will buy it! if anyone wants tu talk to me about our pet hamsters, write me!
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Guest Rockin_Rodent

I just wanted to say I think it's really awesome about the new CD - I just wish the site wasn't down for a month or two here "preparing ... " and that it would be right snazzy to be able to buy the CD off the site before it's released ... Besides some of us out here are still after the last one!! :cool:


 Stay sweet, and looking forward to seeing everything back up and bopping soon!


 XxoxX Rockin' Rodent XxoxX

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i never can afford anything so i probly wont get it... im not aloud to get a job... :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

Couldn't you save up out of your allowance, or how about adding it to your Christmas list? :cool:

no allowance.... christmas lists never work.. santa never gets me whats on my list.. :down: :down:

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i got $4.00 for good grades and $5.00 for babysitting my 18 year old neighboor's 2-3 month old daughter while her (the baby's) grandma and 12 year old uncle(of 3) went to see the movie signs! (dont worry my entire neighboorhood isnt this messed up)

8)  :o

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Saving up???

knowing me that would take forever and christmas is far away.

And filtered out means This site became blocked off!!!!!!!

It was traggic :(  I wanted to scream when the words of FILTER REJECTION came up but now you'r hamsome android friend is back and back to stay and chat!!!! :D  

Talk back to me soon.

Scan ya later!!! :D

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i watched  my little sis every day, all summer for 3 years! and i never made even a penny!  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

Katie, if this is the case and no allowance either, how do you buy anything, or do you always have to ask your parents? :upside:

i get money for those rare occaisions of babysitting and for report card (not very much though my neighboors are cheap! like 2 dollars for 1 hour with two heathen children! i SWEAR! and sooooometimes i get birthday or christmas money but i usuallly have to save it for "my future" and to pay for my contacts!

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but i think i am going to start saving my money up to pay for drivers ed, and to buy a car! (only 1-2 more years! yeeeeeah!) :laugh:  :laugh:

AAH! I´m only allowed to drive a car with 18. That isn´t fair!

yet i´m only driving a "Mofa", that´s something like a bike with an 1 kw engine :( . it is allowed to drive 25 km/h, but mine is exactly driving 25 mph (1 mile = 1.6 km). LOL.

You kow, a little bit tuning.........

I hope i´ll get the money to have a motorcycle driving license.

Argh, here the rules are so strict. The minimum of theoretical lessons is 14!!!And it´s extremely expensive - it costs ca. 1800 Euro. (it´s nearly the same in dollar at the moment).

:(  :(  :(

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but i think i am going to start saving my money up to pay for drivers ed, and to buy a car! (only 1-2 more years! yeeeeeah!) :laugh:  :laugh:

AAH! I´m only allowed to drive a car with 18. That isn´t fair!

yet i´m only driving a "Mofa", that´s something like a bike with an 1 kw engine :( . it is allowed to drive 25 km/h, but mine is exactly driving 25 mph (1 mile = 1.6 km). LOL.

You kow, a little bit tuning.........

I hope i´ll get the money to have a motorcycle driving license.

Argh, here the rules are so strict. The minimum of theoretical lessons is 14!!!And it´s extremely expensive - it costs ca. 1800 Euro. (it´s nearly the same in dollar at the moment).

:(  :(  :(

hehe, i'm gonna start driver's ed. after i graduate, around march or april!  don't be so sad, you'll be 18 soon, right?

ps. i think what you call 'mofa' we call 'mo-ped'

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Oh my gosh! Sheena, you're a moderater now??  :))

Yup, Jesse I am.  It's good fun too. :laugh: It's also a good excuse to log on as soon as I walk in the house :cool: .

thats cool! i saw the x's under your avatar or however you spell it and i was like WHAT THE HECK?! but then i looked at your title and i was like yeeah!

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i get money for those rare occaisions of babysitting and for report card (not very much though my neighboors are cheap! like 2 dollars for 1 hour with two heathen children! i SWEAR! and sooooometimes i get birthday or christmas money but i usuallly have to save it for "my future" and to pay for my contacts!

You have to pay for your own contact lenses? :upside:


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You have to pay for your own contact lenses? :upside:


Katie, how old are you?  The reason I ask is that I never had to pay for my glasses until I started work.


I did try contact lenses, but the first time I got up to wearing them the full day, I ended up in hospital that night.  My eyes had swollen and gummed together so I couldn't open them.  The pain was terrible.  I did try again after, but never got to more than a couple of hours before the pain started again.  Anyway, I can hide my eyebrows behind the frames of my glasses, so it means that I don't have to pluck them so often :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh: !

LOL im 14... my friend told me they would bother me & stuff but they really dont! I LOVE THEM!!  :love:  :love:

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LOL im 14... my friend told me they would bother me & stuff but they really dont! I LOVE THEM!!  :love:  :love:

I'm please they worked out for you.  I know lots of other peole who wear them.  It must just be something about my eyes :cool: .

yah i guess!  :laugh:

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i wear glasses too. but i can't wait till i can wear contacts. i hate it when i have to go out in the rain and keep wiping  my glasses whenever i get inside, and when you walk into a building and it's either warmer or colder and they steam up  :P  :angry: really anoying! .......but very useful for eyebrows as sheena pointed out....... :cool:
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Guest StarHammy

I am so happy x ten that the new hampster dance cd. will come out so soon!(lol :laugh: )



:laugh:  :upside:  :laugh:

:star: Star :star:

:moon:      :moon:

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Guest funkeemusic32
How many CD's do Hampton's group have out now?

There is one out duh :P It is a good 1 too... make sure to catch the new one 2!!!

Fuzzy holla back me yah!!!

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Guest funkeemusic32
In case you missed HampsterKing's announcement, the Hampsters will be releasing a brand new album on October 15th called "Happy Times Ten." Sony Music will be distributing to music stores all across North America!! Stay tuned!


And congrats to the Hampsters on their new music deal!  :D

:cool:  :cool:   :))  Can you name some of the cuts??

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wow! I cant wait to buy it!!! I hope it comes here soon!!
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which cd has the dabadeebadeebadodo one on it?
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i wear glasses too. but i can't wait till i can wear contacts. i hate it when i have to go out in the rain and keep wiping  my glasses whenever i get inside, and when you walk into a building and it's either warmer or colder and they steam up  :P  :angry: really anoying! .......but very useful for eyebrows as sheena pointed out....... :cool:

i hate when it rains and big drops of water get in my eyes and make the contacts come out!  :angry:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest flashy hammie

:cool: hi im new here but would like to say that the hampster dance cds are awesome!!! i have one called hampster dance with the song on it called"thank god im a country boy"


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Hello! :)  I'm new! How do you do that quote thingy? I think it is cool. Sheena... I read all 10 pages and I learned some stuff! What is your a/s/? (age, sex, and i forget)

PLEASE! Thanx!

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  • 2 weeks later...


QuOtEd By FrIeNdZ


Im KoOl O Ya

Hey OMG this music is like So incredibly cute and so are all of the Funky hampsters!!! I luv FuZzY   :)  :D  :love:


PeEpZ mY ScReEn NaMe Is gummybearz1026 IM me!!!


Buy Bye

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  • 4 weeks later...
In case you missed HampsterKing's announcement, the Hampsters will be releasing a brand new album on October 15th called "Happy Times Ten." Sony Music will be distributing to music stores all across North America!! Stay tuned!


And congrats to the Hampsters on their new music deal!  :D

I have shop it then come soon to Me 1 to 2 Weaks

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  • 2 months later...
SHEENA!!! So we DIDN'T scare you off!!! FINALLY somebody we ALL know!!!  :D :laugh:  :D

I don't know Sheena! Who's Sheena? are you Sheena? How can u say we all know her when  i don't?

Sheena has a username of...Sheena! :P She's a moderator of the boards Hampton, Hado, Fuzzy, and Dixie. You can find her there.  :upside:

ya, shes really  :cool:  :cool:  :cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

i live in da uk and i have been looking for this cd for a while, i do not believe it is going to be released in the UK




(yes you will think i'm wierd when i'm wanting  a cd with 100%

annoying tracks on it but well thats me! :eat )


:angry:  debadedadedadobo.....  :angry: :fuzzy nice goggles!!



i luv sing a simplr song, i think i preffered the old video though!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I'm cool!

Your cool and I'm not! :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

:P   Guina Pig Man...you could be "cool" and "hot" at the same time!  I think that this applies to you...and you are just trying to throw us off your trail.    :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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  • 3 weeks later...
They already have the CD out in stores.... i have it!  :roll  :eat  :cool:  :fuzzy  :penguin :eek
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Hey everyone I was surfig the web yesterday and came across this web page!!!  :eat i just think that its so cool!!! Is the cd really out 8) I would really like to hear it!! :) Is it at all good!!! :)) I would like your onnest opionin!! (how every so spell it) :D Well let me know and if its good I might just go and buy it!! :D  :D  :eat  :hampton  :penguin
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  • 2 weeks later...
YES!Sheena is back!She is allways such a kind person, I luv having her to talk to!And by the way, where is Kep?She and Sheena r friends and I thought that she might be looking for her right now. :star: :moon: :star:

:rose: :love: :rose:



:unclesam: 9/11/01

wow, i feel so loved. im still being mentioned. anyway im a little late replying to this but i really hope im welcomed back...i';ve really missed you all. even the ones i dont know (yet) i totally  :love: you all. :)

Anyway, write me!



Love, Kep

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I know the answer to one of you'r questions the tracks are....

1.Sing a simple song. by fuzzy

2.Let the rythem flow.by hampton

3.Be happy now.by hampton & fuzzy

4.Life is good.by hado

5.Everybody knows (that a hampster can't sing). by hampton

6.? Sorry i can't remember?                            & dixie

7.I feel so happy. by hampton & dixie

8.ye, ya -the name is something like that. hampton

9. It's a hampster night. dixie

10.Wonderful world. hado & hampton

1. Sing a Simple Song

2. Hi Ho Let your rythem flow

3. Get Happy Now

4. Life is Good

5. Everybody Knows (That a Hampster Can't Sing)

6. In the Groove

7. Do ya, Do ya

8. I'm Feeling Happy

9. It's a Hampster Night

10. It's a Wonderful World

*11. HampsterDance (Dancin' with Hampton Remix)

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  • 3 weeks later...
shena well i am new you seem to be popular here so could you anwser a qestion. how can you put pictures along with you user name? :eat  :P  :P  :eat  :eek  :upside:  :hampton

:D   I will get Sheena to come and visit you, but until then the pictures that are with your name are called avatars.  You will find them by following my lead...On the left upper corner of your page, you will see:  Your Control Panel, click on this and then you will see a box that says Personal Info, click on this, now for the pictures, you will see Avatar Options, click on this, then you will see something called pre-installed avatars...by clicking on each one, you can see what the picture will look like.  When you have selected the avatar you desire, then you will see a bar at the bottom saying Add this avatar to my profile...click on that and you will have added the picture to just below your name.  Now if you are interested in making a signature (that is some words that you want to write as your special phrase or just a saying then follow these directions).


Go to Your Control Panel, Personal Info, Edit your profile, when you click on this it will take you to a page where you will see Your Signature (Check Length) and you can write something in there that will appear on every post.  Also just below Your Signature you will see Post Color and you can pick the color that you would like your posts to appear.  Please think about avoiding the light colors as these are very hard for everyone to read.


Good luck!


Horatio   :D

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  • 2 months later...
In case you missed HampsterKing's announcement, the Hampsters will be releasing a brand new album on October 15th called "Happy Times Ten." Sony Music will be distributing to music stores all across North America!! Stay tuned!


And congrats to the Hampsters on their new music deal!  :D

Cool im new so that rules.  :P  :love:  :laughing

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello IeatRice, welcome to HampsterDance Boards!  We are excited to see another new person posting.  Please wander around.  We have a Book Club in Jokes, Riddles and Funny Stories.  For the authors, poets, musicians and artists we have the Be Creative Here Forums.  In the Hampsters, Dogs, Cats and Other Pets, we are starting a Pet Photo Gallery.


Please join in and post your thoughts to all those topics that interest you.







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Welcome to the Hampsterdance Discussion Boards,*MiShi_pOo*!


We hope you stick around and post, post anywhere you like! You will find we are very friendly people, and we hope you enjoy your stay! Please don't be like alot of the other newbies who only post 10 times and vanish! We are truly glad you are here!







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  • 1 month later...
In case you missed HampsterKing's announcement, the Hampsters will be releasing a brand new album on October 15th called "Happy Times Ten." Sony Music will be distributing to music stores all across North America!! Stay tuned!


And congrats to the Hampsters on their new music deal!  :D

:penguin  :dixie  :roll  :eat  :))  :sleep  :love:  :eek  8)  :cool: hampsters rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...
i watched  my little sis every day, all summer for 3 years! and i never made even a penny!  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

Katie, if this is the case and no allowance either, how do you buy anything, or do you always have to ask your parents? :upside:

i get money for those rare occaisions of babysitting and for report card (not very much though my neighboors are cheap! like 2 dollars for 1 hour with two heathen children! i SWEAR! and sooooometimes i get birthday or christmas money but i usuallly have to save it for "my future" and to pay for my contacts!

You have to pay for your own contacts? Owch. My mom pays for mine.And Hey at least you get money for doing good on your report card. I have never got anymoney for being good in skewl.....

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  • 3 months later...


R=orange] hi all!!! i'm new here. :) :lol:



















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hi all!!! i'm new here. :)  :lol:

Welcome to HampsterDance Boards. We are really happy to see new faces. Sorry, but I had to remove the link from your sig. No links are permitted here. Thanks.


Please wander around and take a look everywhere. If you need help, just holler.



Horatio :D

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R=orange] hi all!!! i'm new here. :)  :lol:



















Okay! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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R=orange] hi all!!! i'm new here. :)  :lol:



















Did you ever think that 27 cups of sugar was too much!!!!!????????????!!!!!! :P

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