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Horatio's Travel Topic


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My idea is to start a topic to talk about our travels, adventures and great places. This way we can share stories of places we have been with people who may not be able to get there. If you have pics, this would be a great addition. No pics of yourself please.


We have lots of people who know great places to go on holiday, if you have been somewhere you think we should visit, please let us know. :D







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The thousand islands are is a nice place to visit, along with niagara falls. Grayson highlands in west virginia is also a pretty area. Western maryland is nice, too. Disney world isn't so bad either! :D

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My idea is to start a topic to talk about our travels, adventures and great places.  This way we can share stories of places we have been with people who may not be able to get there.  If you have pics, this would be a great addition.  No pics of yourself please.


We have lots of people who know great places to go on holiday, if you have been somewhere you think we should visit, please let us know. :D







you got it horatio!!!



i gots a question for you


is your name said hor-at-io or hor- aish-io my teacher wants to know...

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My travels? Oh dear, where do I start???

I guess I will start with Loch Sport, my second home! This is the place that me and my dad love the most. It is inbetween two lakes and the sea so it is the best place for water sports and fishing. We go canoeing when the weather is alright. There is not very much to do but just hanging out at the banks of lake Victoria is good enough. It's just so relaxing getting away from the noisy suburbs! Theres plenty of wildlife, this is a place where you can actually have a kangaroo in your backyard!

Lakes Entrance is Mum and my sister's favourite spot. It's heaps of fun, theres go carts, paddle boats, shopping centres, really big sand dunes, fishing(not as good as LS), mini golf, restaraunts and heaps more. It's a very busy place and if you wanna have fun you usually have to have money.

Other places I've been to are Wilsons Prom, Lake Tyres, The Buchan Caves, Woodside and Welshpool. In Victoria that is. I have two more states to go before I've travelled all around Australia. I been to New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Queensland (been there about 8 or 9 times), Western Australia, South Australia and of course Victoria.

Internationally I've been to India, Malaysia and Singapore. There is also talking of plans to go to England, Switzerland and America. I've been to India about 5 times! India is just the best. Mango and coconut trees in your garden, tropical climate, amazing wildlife... the list is endless!

Gotta go now, who knows where the road (and sky and sea) will take me!



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My travels? Oh dear, where do I start???

I guess I will start with Loch Sport, my second home! This is the place that me and my dad love the most. It is inbetween two lakes and the sea so it is the best place for water sports and fishing. We go canoeing when the weather is alright. There is not very much to do but just hanging out at the banks of lake Victoria is good enough. It's just so relaxing getting away from the noisy suburbs! Theres plenty of wildlife, this is a place where you can actually have a kangaroo in your backyard!

Lakes Entrance is Mum and my sister's favourite spot. It's heaps of fun, theres go carts, paddle boats, shopping centres, really big sand dunes, fishing(not as good as LS), mini golf, restaraunts and heaps more. It's a very busy place and if you wanna have fun you usually have to have money.

Other places I've been to are Wilsons Prom, Lake Tyres, The Buchan Caves, Woodside and Welshpool. In Victoria that is. I have two more states to go before I've travelled all around Australia. I been to New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Queensland (been there about 8 or 9 times), Western Australia, South Australia and of course Victoria.

Internationally I've been to India, Malaysia and Singapore. There is also talking of plans to go to England, Switzerland and America. I've been to India about 5 times! India is just the best. Mango and coconut trees in your garden, tropical climate, amazing wildlife... the list is endless!

Gotta go now, who knows where the road (and sky and sea) will take me!



That sounds wonderful! It is so great that you can tell us about your beautiful country! :D Thank you for posting about your travels. Please post more when you can. :D

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My travels? Oh dear, where do I start???

I guess I will start with Loch Sport, my second home! This is the place that me and my dad love the most. It is inbetween two lakes and the sea so it is the best place for water sports and fishing. We go canoeing when the weather is alright. There is not very much to do but just hanging out at the banks of lake Victoria is good enough. It's just so relaxing getting away from the noisy suburbs! Theres plenty of wildlife, this is a place where you can actually have a kangaroo in your backyard!

Lakes Entrance is Mum and my sister's favourite spot. It's heaps of fun, theres go carts, paddle boats, shopping centres, really big sand dunes, fishing(not as good as LS), mini golf, restaraunts and heaps more. It's a very busy place and if you wanna have fun you usually have to have money.

Other places I've been to are Wilsons Prom, Lake Tyres, The Buchan Caves, Woodside and Welshpool. In Victoria that is. I have two more states to go before I've travelled all around Australia. I been to New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Queensland (been there about 8 or 9 times), Western Australia, South Australia and of course Victoria.

Internationally I've been to India, Malaysia and Singapore. There is also talking of plans to go to England, Switzerland and America. I've been to India about 5 times! India is just the best. Mango and coconut trees in your garden, tropical climate, amazing wildlife... the list is endless!

Gotta go now, who knows where the road (and sky and sea) will take me!



Hmm... America... I bet its gonna be nowhere near as fun as India :lol:

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Hmm... America... I bet its gonna be nowhere near as fun as India :lol:

India rocked! I rode on an elepant and swam in a waterfall and slept in bamboo cottages and saw lots of animals and much more, it was the best. I would be hard to top that holiday! I'd still love to go to America!



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How do I put pics on here?



When you make your post, then look down below the smilies and you will see Attachments on the left side of the screen and in the center of the screen Browse... and to the right of this you will see Add This Attachment. My method is to click on Browse... and click on the particular picture or attachment from my desktop, click on Open, now go to the Add This Attachment (to the right of Browse...) clikc on this, now, very important, click on Add into Post that is just below the Browse... and Add This Attachment line. Then of course, go to the bottom and click on Add Reply (which you knew. :lol: ). Try it please.221103_Horatio.gif


Now, for this pic, please click on Click to Enlarge and see what happens. LifesEagle made this for me and I love it. Tell me what you think. :D You must click on Click on Enlarge for the full effect. :D

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My travels have been all over. Well I've lived in Conneticut, Virgina, and Washington(state). I've been to the Grand Canyon, Disney(way more than once :P ) , Californisa, Texas, Utah, Winscinsin,Georgia,New Jersy, and I want to go to Itally , greece(love the movie) and England. My dad however has been to Japan, The Phillapeens, Austria, China,England and lots off other places I thin k papa was a missonary!(not sure) :huh:

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My travels have been all over. Well I've lived in Conneticut, Virgina, and Washington(state). I've been to the Grand Canyon, Disney(way more than once :P ) , Californisa, Texas, Utah, Winscinsin,Georgia,New Jersy, and I want to go to Itally , greece(love the movie) and England. My dad however has been to Japan, The Phillapeens, Austria, China,England and lots off other places I thin k papa was a missonary!(not sure) :huh:

You have seen quite a bit of America and your father has seen the world!!! Would you please tell people about your trip to the Grand Canyon?!?!? Please? :D
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My travels have been all over. Well I've lived in Conneticut, Virgina, and Washington(state). I've been to the Grand Canyon, Disney(way more than once :P ) , Californisa, Texas, Utah, Winscinsin,Georgia,New Jersy, and I want to go to Itally , greece(love the movie) and England. My dad however has been to Japan, The Phillapeens, Austria, China,England and lots off other places I thin k papa was a missonary!(not sure) :huh:

Philippines? Cool, I'm half Filipino.

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You have seen quite a bit of America and your father has seen the world!!!  Would you please tell people about your trip to the Grand Canyon?!?!?  Please? :D

The grand Canyon was beautiful. I went there resently. And it snowed! we were actually there during a snow storm! I know for some thats daily winter routine but I'm from FL. WWAAAYYYY different! I didn't see much of the canyon for the first few days then it cleared up and i looked like the rocks were powdered with sugar. And hiked down a little untill we were going to collapse from all the mud and snow! Well G2G ;) *wonders why she had to leave*buys one way ticket to Arizona**leaves*

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Traveling is fun..Ive been like everywhere











New Jersey





South Dakota

South Carolina


Washington DC



New York..(Duhh)


What am I forgeting

Ohh Yea


I thinks thats all..

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Traveling is fun..Ive been like everywhere











New Jersey





South Dakota

South Carolina


Washington DC



New York..(Duhh)


What am I forgeting

Ohh Yea


I thinks thats all..

You are very lucky to have traveled all over! :D Please pick one of your favorite places and then tell us about it so that others can share in your travels.

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You are very lucky to have traveled all over! :D Please pick one of your favorite places and then tell us about it so that others can share in your travels.

I have about 5 Favs..


Ireland..( I learned about my culture alot. I am 50% Irish. I saw the house my great great grandmother lived in..) There was soo much more..But Ill type more later..number 3


Alaska - It was soo beautiful there. But it was cold!! number 5


Hawaii - Beautiful, exoctic..greta beaches..number 4


South carolina..( Kiawa Island) #0 minutes south east of charelseton..( Id say this place is number one..) I will talk about this place later.


New Jersey - Since I was 2 my family has gone down there every summer. And when I say family..I mean the WHOLE family!!! Its soo nice down there..This is probaly 2

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Traveling is fun..Ive been like everywhere











New Jersey





South Dakota

South Carolina


Washington DC



New York..(Duhh)


What am I forgeting

Ohh Yea


I thinks thats all..




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Who be sarah?  And why? :blink:

Sarah is the girl that ruined moosey368's and myselfs dance. We used to be the best of friends till I got another one and I spent more time With La Raye (the other friend) then her. I took La Raye to the mall and in the parade and Sarah had a hissy fit she asked my why Ididn't bring her. 1.didn't want to


3.couldn't contact her (she has a stupid older brother and sister tieing up the phone line) so it's really not my fault. Plus she thought I said Iwould bring her. I said only if La Raye can't come .Because we had other people going on the float and I would perfer La Raye going.(i didn't tell her the last sentence that would be really rude) And thats how the whole delama started. But wierdly we fixed our problems and became friends (not very good ones though). I stupidly got her a x-mas gift(realy only be cause she got me one)

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. When I'm on hampster dance there is knowone here to talk to

If I am on, then I can mod the posts pretty fast. You should stop by this evening, we are going to have three or four people in the same topic. If we stay all in the same topic, then I can mod everyone's post really, really fast. Last night, Moneylover did 144 posts!!!!!!!!! :lol:

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If I am on, then I can mod the posts pretty fast.  You should stop by this evening, we are going to have three or four people in the same topic.  If we stay all in the same topic, then I can mod everyone's post really, really fast.  Last night, Moneylover did 144 posts!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Are you saying we are doing it again tonight?

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  • 4 weeks later...

My favorite place was probally Florida and Chicago.Also Oklahoma


Flordia because they beaches were awsome I loved the beaches.

Chicago because I loved the hustle but some stuff I didn't like,like having to see homeless men makes me sad. :(

There was a camp site in Oklahoma I loved because I saw a doe and her fawn,I rockclimbed on the rocks,and racoons invaded our camp and chewed on my flashlight.

There was another camp were this red fox came up to our camp fire so we were feeding him like 2 marshmellows cause he was really hungry to come up to a fire. But another camp came and chased him away. :(

Yes I like traveling it is fun!!! :D

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My favorite place was probally Florida and Chicago.Also Oklahoma


Flordia because they beaches were awsome I loved the beaches.

Chicago because I loved the hustle but some stuff I didn't like,like having to see homeless men makes me sad. :(

There was a camp site in Oklahoma I loved because I saw a doe and her fawn,I rockclimbed on the rocks,and racoons invaded our camp and chewed on my flashlight.

There was another camp were this red fox came up to our camp fire so we were feeding him like 2 marshmellows cause he was really hungry to come up to a fire. But another camp came and chased him away. :(

Yes I like traveling it is fun!!! :D

yeah, rock climbing is fun. I am actually pretty good at it, without a harness or any thing. but not vertical face climbing. and i'm glad your family is good to animals. i wish everyone was like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hmm..Some Pics from New Orleans in the French Quarters..


1. A Church

2. Bourbon Street!!! (I dont know what was with those blue stickers on all the signs)

3. Random Building..(I love those balconies..)

4. Ohhh, A trolley

5. Wahoo, Street Performer!!

6. Random Worn Down..Err..forgot the name..(Boardwalk type thingy)

7. Woot..Seagulls on the sand-bar!!!

8. Err. Im not sure if this pic will pass..Its me under a heat monitor..You cant like see my face..Just the outline of it..









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8. Err. Im not sure if this pic will pass..Its me under a heat  monitor..You cant like see my face..Just the outline of it..

Those are great pics!

I think we can let the pic of you get through as you are pretty much unidentifiable. :lol::lol::lol:

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I like France, Germany and Hawaii. Hawaii was the prettiest, France was the overall coolest and Germany was... well..... I dunno. I just liked it alot.


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Good Places to visit (out of experience):

Paris, the rest of France, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Berlin, the Rhineland, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Moscow, Russia (Siberia is nice), Japan, Korea (North and South), China, NYC, Florida, California, Canada, the Great lakes, The American National Parks, Brazil, London, Cornwall, Dartmoor (visit LE while you're there), the New Forest, Bristol (see Sheena), Wales, Snowdonia, Peak District, Yorkshire Dales, Lake District (the most uber, spiffiest place in the world), North York Moors (visit Me!), All of Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, the IRA headquaters in Ireland.


Places to avoid:

The Leeds-Bradford connabation, the Manchester-Liverpool connabation, the whole entire county of Norfolk except for the Norfolk Fens where the river gypsies go, Scarbrough, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Zimbabwe.

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Good Places to visit (out of experience):

Paris, the rest of France, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Berlin, the Rhineland, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Moscow, Russia (Siberia is nice), Japan, Korea (North and South), China, NYC, Florida, California, Canada, the Great lakes, The American National Parks, Brazil,  London, Cornwall, Dartmoor (visit LE while you're there), the New Forest, Bristol (see Sheena), Wales, Snowdonia, Peak District, Yorkshire Dales, Lake District (the most uber, spiffiest place in the world), North York Moors (visit Me!), All of Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, the IRA headquaters in Ireland.


Places to avoid:

The Leeds-Bradford connabation, the Manchester-Liverpool connabation, the whole entire county of Norfolk  except for the Norfolk Fens where the river gypsies go, Scarbrough, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Zimbabwe.

too many places!

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Guest Skwerlhugger Will

well i used to live on guam because my dad was in the navy but i moved to cali, i liked guam more though. not many people getn to live on a miltary base especially one on a tropical island.

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well i used to live on guam because my dad was in the navy but i moved to cali, i liked guam more though. not many people getn to live on a miltary base especially one on a tropical island.

That's great. Did you ever go to Subic Bay, Philippines? FedEx has a base there and the crewmembers there have no desire to come back here. :lol::lol::lol:

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Guest Skwerlhugger Will
The Navy departed because sailors reported seeing a wailing ghost stalking the corridors, shrieking and throwing sunflower seeds. A photo revealed that the ghost bore a huge relation to Horatio if he dressed up in a white sheet.

what a small ghoust it was too! :lol:

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Sarah is the girl that ruined moosey368's and myselfs dance. We used to be the best of friends till I got another one and I spent more time With La Raye (the other friend) then her. I took La Raye to the mall and in the parade and Sarah had a hissy fit she asked my why Ididn't bring her. 1.didn't want to


                                                                  3.couldn't contact her (she has  a stupid older brother and sister tieing up the phone line) so it's really not my fault.    Plus she thought I said Iwould bring her. I said only if La Raye can't come .Because we had other people going on the float and I would perfer La Raye going.(i didn't tell her the last sentence that would be really rude) And thats how the whole delama started.  But wierdly  we fixed our problems and became friends (not very good ones though). I stupidly got her a x-mas gift(realy only be cause she got me one)

yeah i memgber that thats wen the whole justin thing was goin on and well that was at x-mas and in the past

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  • 1 month later...
So, where is everyone going for summer?

My cage.

Lovely. You don't seem too happy about it...

Would you prefer it if Horatio went:

"Ooh I am staying in my cage for the summer with excusions to the toilet, bed and wheel every day! OOH I am just so happy I will dance around in circles spreading flowers of no real species around my cage now to demonstrate my happiness! *dances round cage*"


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So, where is everyone going for summer?

My cage.

Lovely. You don't seem too happy about it...

Would you prefer it if Horatio went:

"Ooh I am staying in my cage for the summer with excusions to the toilet, bed and wheel every day! OOH I am just so happy I will dance around in circles spreading flowers of no real species around my cage now to demonstrate my happiness! *dances round cage*"


OOH, I love it!

*tosses flowers around cage*

I am practicing aromatherapy.

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So, where is everyone going for summer?

My cage.

Lovely. You don't seem too happy about it...

Would you prefer it if Horatio went:

"Ooh I am staying in my cage for the summer with excusions to the toilet, bed and wheel every day! OOH I am just so happy I will dance around in circles spreading flowers of no real species around my cage now to demonstrate my happiness! *dances round cage*"


OOH, I love it!

*tosses flowers around cage*

I am practicing aromatherapy.

At least you have a cage. Some hammies are wild and have no protection from the world... :):D I'm in a good mood!

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So, where is everyone going for summer?

My cage.

Lovely. You don't seem too happy about it...

Would you prefer it if Horatio went:

"Ooh I am staying in my cage for the summer with excusions to the toilet, bed and wheel every day! OOH I am just so happy I will dance around in circles spreading flowers of no real species around my cage now to demonstrate my happiness! *dances round cage*"


OOH, I love it!

*tosses flowers around cage*

I am practicing aromatherapy.

At least you have a cage. Some hammies are wild and have no protection from the world... :):D I'm in a good mood!

Feral hamsters that roam the landscape, terrorising small animal communities across the World, some packs have even been known to take on a fully grown wolf pack... And Win!

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So, where is everyone going for summer?

My cage.

Lovely. You don't seem too happy about it...

Would you prefer it if Horatio went:

"Ooh I am staying in my cage for the summer with excusions to the toilet, bed and wheel every day! OOH I am just so happy I will dance around in circles spreading flowers of no real species around my cage now to demonstrate my happiness! *dances round cage*"


OOH, I love it!

*tosses flowers around cage*

I am practicing aromatherapy.

Calm down dear, its only a commercial

However you are not practicing flowermancy?

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So, where is everyone going for summer?

My cage.

Lovely. You don't seem too happy about it...

Would you prefer it if Horatio went:

"Ooh I am staying in my cage for the summer with excusions to the toilet, bed and wheel every day! OOH I am just so happy I will dance around in circles spreading flowers of no real species around my cage now to demonstrate my happiness! *dances round cage*"


OOH, I love it!

*tosses flowers around cage*

I am practicing aromatherapy.

Calm down dear, its only a commercial

However you are not practicing flowermancy?

*spreads the favorite flower of the Phoenix around, enticing TGHL to land and smell the roses*

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So, where is everyone going for summer?

My cage.

Lovely. You don't seem too happy about it...

Would you prefer it if Horatio went:

"Ooh I am staying in my cage for the summer with excusions to the toilet, bed and wheel every day! OOH I am just so happy I will dance around in circles spreading flowers of no real species around my cage now to demonstrate my happiness! *dances round cage*"


OOH, I love it!

*tosses flowers around cage*

I am practicing aromatherapy.

Calm down dear, its only a commercial

However you are not practicing flowermancy?

*spreads the favorite flower of the Phoenix around, enticing TGHL to land and smell the roses*

Do you know my favourite flower?

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So, where is everyone going for summer?

My cage.

Lovely. You don't seem too happy about it...

Would you prefer it if Horatio went:

"Ooh I am staying in my cage for the summer with excusions to the toilet, bed and wheel every day! OOH I am just so happy I will dance around in circles spreading flowers of no real species around my cage now to demonstrate my happiness! *dances round cage*"


OOH, I love it!

*tosses flowers around cage*

I am practicing aromatherapy.

Calm down dear, its only a commercial

However you are not practicing flowermancy?

*spreads the favorite flower of the Phoenix around, enticing TGHL to land and smell the roses*

Do you know my favourite flower?

Of course, and don't ask me. I will not show you I am correct.

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So, where is everyone going for summer?

My cage.

Lovely. You don't seem too happy about it...

Would you prefer it if Horatio went:

"Ooh I am staying in my cage for the summer with excusions to the toilet, bed and wheel every day! OOH I am just so happy I will dance around in circles spreading flowers of no real species around my cage now to demonstrate my happiness! *dances round cage*"


OOH, I love it!

*tosses flowers around cage*

I am practicing aromatherapy.

Calm down dear, its only a commercial

However you are not practicing flowermancy?

*spreads the favorite flower of the Phoenix around, enticing TGHL to land and smell the roses*

Do you know my favourite flower?

Of course, and don't ask me. I will not show you I am correct.

You could tell me the only place in the world where it is grown.

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OOH, I love it!

*tosses flowers around cage*

I am practicing aromatherapy.

Calm down dear, its only a commercial

However you are not practicing flowermancy?

*spreads the favorite flower of the Phoenix around, enticing TGHL to land and smell the roses*

Do you know my favourite flower?

Of course, and don't ask me. I will not show you I am correct.

You could tell me the only place in the world where it is grown.

My lips are sealed.

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OOH, I love it!

*tosses flowers around cage*

I am practicing aromatherapy.

Calm down dear, its only a commercial

However you are not practicing flowermancy?

*spreads the favorite flower of the Phoenix around, enticing TGHL to land and smell the roses*

Do you know my favourite flower?

Of course, and don't ask me. I will not show you I am correct.

You could tell me the only place in the world where it is grown.

My lips are sealed.

With duct tape or superglue?

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OOH, I love it!

*tosses flowers around cage*

I am practicing aromatherapy.

Calm down dear, its only a commercial

However you are not practicing flowermancy?

*spreads the favorite flower of the Phoenix around, enticing TGHL to land and smell the roses*

Do you know my favourite flower?

Of course, and don't ask me. I will not show you I am correct.

You could tell me the only place in the world where it is grown.

My lips are sealed.

With duct tape or superglue?

*sigh* Horatio, have you been eating paste again?

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OOH, I love it!

*tosses flowers around cage*

I am practicing aromatherapy.

Calm down dear, its only a commercial

However you are not practicing flowermancy?

*spreads the favorite flower of the Phoenix around, enticing TGHL to land and smell the roses*

Do you know my favourite flower?

Of course, and don't ask me. I will not show you I am correct.

You could tell me the only place in the world where it is grown.

My lips are sealed.

With duct tape or superglue?

*sigh* Horatio, have you been eating paste again?

Yum! Paste is tasty!

*heads over to the elementary school arts and crafts department to raid the paste supply*

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OOH, I love it!

*tosses flowers around cage*

I am practicing aromatherapy.

Calm down dear, its only a commercial

However you are not practicing flowermancy?

*spreads the favorite flower of the Phoenix around, enticing TGHL to land and smell the roses*

Do you know my favourite flower?

Of course, and don't ask me. I will not show you I am correct.

You could tell me the only place in the world where it is grown.

My lips are sealed.

With duct tape or superglue?

*sigh* Horatio, have you been eating paste again?

Yum! Paste is tasty!

*heads over to the elementary school arts and crafts department to raid the paste supply*

*wonders what would happen if Horatio ate a Radioactive Pillow after a paste feast*

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OOH, I love it!

*tosses flowers around cage*

I am practicing aromatherapy.

Calm down dear, its only a commercial

However you are not practicing flowermancy?

*spreads the favorite flower of the Phoenix around, enticing TGHL to land and smell the roses*

Do you know my favourite flower?

Of course, and don't ask me. I will not show you I am correct.

You could tell me the only place in the world where it is grown.

My lips are sealed.

With duct tape or superglue?

*sigh* Horatio, have you been eating paste again?

Yum! Paste is tasty!

*heads over to the elementary school arts and crafts department to raid the paste supply*

*wonders what would happen if Horatio ate a Radioactive Pillow after a paste feast*

*would glow in the dark*

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OOH, I love it!

*tosses flowers around cage*

I am practicing aromatherapy.

Calm down dear, its only a commercial

However you are not practicing flowermancy?

*spreads the favorite flower of the Phoenix around, enticing TGHL to land and smell the roses*

Do you know my favourite flower?

Of course, and don't ask me. I will not show you I am correct.

You could tell me the only place in the world where it is grown.

My lips are sealed.

With duct tape or superglue?

*sigh* Horatio, have you been eating paste again?

Yum! Paste is tasty!

*heads over to the elementary school arts and crafts department to raid the paste supply*

*wonders what would happen if Horatio ate a Radioactive Pillow after a paste feast*

*would glow in the dark*

*thinks: get out of my head Horatio, and you'd turn into a paste monster*

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Skwerlhugger Will

Its time for the once a year publishment of skwerly summer adventures and this summer the skwerl visited over 4 states and his old home of guam. he was head of the nature lodge at a boy scout summer camp and attended anouther camp. he went back packing for a week too...

Counsling was hard, there was this really annoying kid name arnov who corected me when in was teaching merit badge classes. he got so annoying i brought a stump to handy craft had then carve arnov in it and i made a dunce cap with paper and sat him in the corner.

this year the staffs 1 week quidditch streak was lost... yes we created our own form of the game.


ill tell more soon..

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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I like shooting people in indoor lazer-tag

:o A new game! :o

not really... but anyways...


I didn't feel like making a new topic and this was the place to do vacation things, so here is that vacation info horatio!

On sunday two weeks ago, we left for grayson highlands, virginia. We had our Rav-4, bike rack, and camper all hitched up and ready to go. we pull out, and SSCCCCCCCRRRAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEE!!!

This was our first time traveling in the new ra-4, and we didn't know that the bike rack made the hitch connecting the car and camper together much two low, so the hitch was scraping the road. we couldn't go like this, so we had to take off the hitch and lug all the bikes and hitch back to the house. we were off to a great start. ^.^ After that, we were good. We started down, a very noneventful trip, thankfully. we listened to books on CD's, whales on stilts this time. And I played DS. WE got there, up high in the muntains, a very pretty wooded area with an open field in the middle, which was great for viewing the fighter planes that fly over often enough. The next day, after seting up and relaxing the previous night, We prepared gorp ultra (good-ole-raisens and peanutes and a bunch of other things, fruit, m&ms, sunflower seeds, prunes) and packed our bags with drinks, aforementioned gorp, and crackers, and set off for massie gap. That is the start to the hike to mount rodgers, which is 8 miles total. You start off by going up this big steep hill, but relatively easy to walk on (but not up :P.) This leads to a part of a horse trail, which leads through an open plain that has ponies along side of it that sometimes come up to you, and they let you pet them as well. After that, there is a part through a burned forest and up the first mountain, but the trail is pretty much just a bunch of rocks, not easy to walk on at all. not small rocks, ones that are a bout 3 feet across, and a bunch of sharp edges. that leads to a rocky peak, and after that it is a dirt path about 1 foot wide down to a lower part, and back up to another peak. This then goes to rhodedendron gap, which is pretty much a rhodedendron forest. you walk through that to thomas knob, which has a shelter on it for weary travelers. This is part of the appalachian, after all. it merges after the pony field, i believe. From the shelter on, it is a hike up through a steep field into a very thick, mossy, pine forest. At the end of that part, you have reached the top of mount rodgers, the highest point in virginia! then you get to turn around and do it all again! and because it is over several mountains, it is not all downhill on the way back. we finished that at about 7 at night. we went back to camp, and relaxed the rest of the night. The next day, we weren't in much of a "moving" mood, so we drove around the area for a couple of hours, looking at vairous views. we found ourselves right behind a bunch of classic MGs, all from canada. the next day, we decided to do the virginia creeper trail, a 17 mile bikeride down a mountain or two, all around damascus, a nice little town in virginia. Because we couldn't bring our bikes, we had to rent a couple from where we took the shuttle up to the top of the trail. After we finished the trail, we got ice cream at this one place where we always get ice cream at after we finish the trail, i believe it is called "off the beaten path ice cream." Over the ext couple of days, we did a hike up to the twin pinnacles, which are two pinnacles on this one mountain, a nice trail through the woods with some quite steep places, and we did abut 2.5 miles there. Also, we did this one hike down to the bottom of the mountain we were camped on. AT the bottom there is a mountain stream, quite ferocious in a couple p[laces, as in the current easily lifted and pushed away rocks the size of two fists. That was a nice hike. But alas, on saturday we had to go home. We packed up, and started the trip back. Pretty uneventful, stopped at cracker barrel for lunch/dinner, and listened to "blood lure," a mystery novel by nevada barr, or something like that, on CD. However, with about two hours left to get home, It poured. not just raining, but pouring. So we were on an interstate, with low visibility, and a bunch of cars. quite fun. <_< So we had to unpack in the rain, but by then it had let up a bit. ANd that is the end to our vacation. We had perfect weather the whole time, but we get back and look what happens. <_<

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I didn't feel like making a new topic and this was the place to do vacation things, so here is that vacation info horatio!

How phenomenal a trip. It was great you could rent bikes and continue on with your plans. You and your family sound like a really cool family who do great things! I bet you are tired now!

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I didn't feel like making a new topic and this was the place to do vacation things, so here is that vacation info horatio!

How phenomenal a trip. It was great you could rent bikes and continue on with your plans. You and your family sound like a really cool family who do great things! I bet you are tired now!

well, I got back a week ago, maybe two (time is hard to keep track of during summer,) So I am fine now. :lol: But the most tiring part was the trek up to mount rodgers. not an easy walk, but it does have many phenomenal(sp?) panoramic views of mountainscape.

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I didn't feel like making a new topic and this was the place to do vacation things, so here is that vacation info horatio!

How phenomenal a trip. It was great you could rent bikes and continue on with your plans. You and your family sound like a really cool family who do great things! I bet you are tired now!

well, I got back a week ago, maybe two (time is hard to keep track of during summer,) So I am fine now. :lol: But the most tiring part was the trek up to mount rodgers. not an easy walk, but it does have many phenomenal(sp?) panoramic views of mountainscape.

Where are your pictures???????????

You have to bring the camera to share your adventures with us!!!! :lol:

*sends TBFOF to accompany Cheesemaster on all his trips as a documentary photographer*

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I didn't feel like making a new topic and this was the place to do vacation things, so here is that vacation info horatio!

How phenomenal a trip. It was great you could rent bikes and continue on with your plans. You and your family sound like a really cool family who do great things! I bet you are tired now!

well, I got back a week ago, maybe two (time is hard to keep track of during summer,) So I am fine now. :lol: But the most tiring part was the trek up to mount rodgers. not an easy walk, but it does have many phenomenal(sp?) panoramic views of mountainscape.

Where are your pictures???????????

You have to bring the camera to share your adventures with us!!!! :lol:

*sends TBFOF to accompany Cheesemaster on all his trips as a documentary photographer*

I actually did take one picture! I just have to finish up the roll now, and get it developed.

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I didn't feel like making a new topic and this was the place to do vacation things, so here is that vacation info horatio!

How phenomenal a trip. It was great you could rent bikes and continue on with your plans. You and your family sound like a really cool family who do great things! I bet you are tired now!

well, I got back a week ago, maybe two (time is hard to keep track of during summer,) So I am fine now. :lol: But the most tiring part was the trek up to mount rodgers. not an easy walk, but it does have many phenomenal(sp?) panoramic views of mountainscape.

Where are your pictures???????????

You have to bring the camera to share your adventures with us!!!! :lol:

*sends TBFOF to accompany Cheesemaster on all his trips as a documentary photographer*

I actually did take one picture! I just have to finish up the roll now, and get it developed.

TBFOF would be shocked to hear this. He took six hundred something on his trip to Quebec! :lol:

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I didn't feel like making a new topic and this was the place to do vacation things, so here is that vacation info horatio!

How phenomenal a trip. It was great you could rent bikes and continue on with your plans. You and your family sound like a really cool family who do great things! I bet you are tired now!

well, I got back a week ago, maybe two (time is hard to keep track of during summer,) So I am fine now. :lol: But the most tiring part was the trek up to mount rodgers. not an easy walk, but it does have many phenomenal(sp?) panoramic views of mountainscape.

Where are your pictures???????????

You have to bring the camera to share your adventures with us!!!! :lol:

*sends TBFOF to accompany Cheesemaster on all his trips as a documentary photographer*

I actually did take one picture! I just have to finish up the roll now, and get it developed.

TBFOF would be shocked to hear this. He took six hundred something on his trip to Quebec! :lol:

I know, i read about that. That would cost a lot to get eveloped, though!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*Teh Final cut*~*


I'm going to try and get those pics from Europe up. But I need to edit them so you can't see me or my brother's face.


*~*teh Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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  • 4 months later...

I'm off to visit Madagascar this summer as part of the British Schools Exploration Society. :P I shall post some details of the trip for those of you who are interested;


The Expedition


Lying 400 kilometres off the east coast of Africa, Madagascar is the world's fourth largest island and offers diverse and spectacular scenery: mountains, deserts, rainforests, dazzling beaches fringing the Indian Ocean and island archipelagos linked by coral reefs and clear turquoise waters.


Isolated from the continents 160 million years ago, Madagascar followed a unique evolutionary path resulting in a diverse number of endemic species and specialisations found nowhere else on earth, including enormous tortoises, elephant birds, and lemurs. Lemurs were the highest primate form on the island until the Malagasy people, of Afro-Polynesian ancestry, arrived a mere 2000 years ago.


Working alongside a team of dedicated researchers and conservationists from the University of Antanarivo in Madagascar and in conjunction with remotely located non government organisations, you will have the chance to explore the fragile and important rainforest environment and contribute to the preservation of one of the most beautiful wilderness areas on Earth. To see some stunning footage of the wildlife and and landscapes in Madagascar have a look at the Conservation International website. We are are working with this NGO in their forest corridor establishment programme, see the science and research section for more details.

What's involved?


The expedition will last for up to five weeks departing in mid-July and your journey begins by flying to Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar, for acclimatisation, training and packing before dispersing East into the rainforest in groups called 'Fires' to begin the research and adventure projects.


Research and Adventure


No expedition to Madagascar would be complete without seeing lemurs and you will be going into the jungle to observe and record the habits of lemurs including the rare Indri lemur which is the largest species of lemur and can only be found in the area we are exploring. The rainforest in Madagascar has an unsurpassed diversity of plant species and you will be helping local botanists in surveying these species for the production of therapeutic oils and homeopathic medicines. These good are an important way in which local people can create a sustainable use and income for the forest and thus ensure its survival. There is also the opportunity to explore the coastal rivers that feed into the Indian Ocean travelling in traditional wooden boats and conducting bird and fish surveys.


This census and survey work is complemented by practical conservation projects including path maintenance to protect the fragile rainforest, collecting specimens of rare trees to be replanted in nurseries to protect the species and creating fresh transects through the forest to survey endangered tree specimens.


The experience of simply living under the dense rainforest canopy and sleeping out under stars surrounded by the wild animals of the jungle will be an adventure in itself. Other adventure activities will involve trekking, river boating and wilderness survival training. The expedition will include a week long trek in the remote central highlands of Madagascar and an ascent of the spectacular 2,643m mountain Tsiafajavona in the volcanic Ankaratra mountain range. During this trek you will have the opportunity to visit a village community and gain first hand experience of a culture very different from our own.


Trump that. :P

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I'm off to visit Madagascar this summer as part of the British Schools Exploration Society. :P I shall post some details of the trip for those of you who are interested;


The Expedition


Lying 400 kilometres off the east coast of Africa, Madagascar is the world's fourth largest island and offers diverse and spectacular scenery: mountains, deserts, rainforests, dazzling beaches fringing the Indian Ocean and island archipelagos linked by coral reefs and clear turquoise waters.


Isolated from the continents 160 million years ago, Madagascar followed a unique evolutionary path resulting in a diverse number of endemic species and specialisations found nowhere else on earth, including enormous tortoises, elephant birds, and lemurs. Lemurs were the highest primate form on the island until the Malagasy people, of Afro-Polynesian ancestry, arrived a mere 2000 years ago.


Working alongside a team of dedicated researchers and conservationists from the University of Antanarivo in Madagascar and in conjunction with remotely located non government organisations, you will have the chance to explore the fragile and important rainforest environment and contribute to the preservation of one of the most beautiful wilderness areas on Earth. To see some stunning footage of the wildlife and and landscapes in Madagascar have a look at the Conservation International website. We are are working with this NGO in their forest corridor establishment programme, see the science and research section for more details.


What's involved?


The expedition will last for up to five weeks departing in mid-July and your journey begins by flying to Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar, for acclimatisation, training and packing before dispersing East into the rainforest in groups called 'Fires' to begin the research and adventure projects.


Research and Adventure


No expedition to Madagascar would be complete without seeing lemurs and you will be going into the jungle to observe and record the habits of lemurs including the rare Indri lemur which is the largest species of lemur and can only be found in the area we are exploring. The rainforest in Madagascar has an unsurpassed diversity of plant species and you will be helping local botanists in surveying these species for the production of therapeutic oils and homeopathic medicines. These good are an important way in which local people can create a sustainable use and income for the forest and thus ensure its survival. There is also the opportunity to explore the coastal rivers that feed into the Indian Ocean travelling in traditional wooden boats and conducting bird and fish surveys.


This census and survey work is complemented by practical conservation projects including path maintenance to protect the fragile rainforest, collecting specimens of rare trees to be replanted in nurseries to protect the species and creating fresh transects through the forest to survey endangered tree specimens.


The experience of simply living under the dense rainforest canopy and sleeping out under stars surrounded by the wild animals of the jungle will be an adventure in itself. Other adventure activities will involve trekking, river boating and wilderness survival training. The expedition will include a week long trek in the remote central highlands of Madagascar and an ascent of the spectacular 2,643m mountain Tsiafajavona in the volcanic Ankaratra mountain range. During this trek you will have the opportunity to visit a village community and gain first hand experience of a culture very different from our own.


Trump that. :P


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I'm off to visit Madagascar this summer as part of the British Schools Exploration Society. :P I shall post some details of the trip for those of you who are interested;


The Expedition


Lying 400 kilometres off the east coast of Africa, Madagascar is the world's fourth largest island and offers diverse and spectacular scenery: mountains, deserts, rainforests, dazzling beaches fringing the Indian Ocean and island archipelagos linked by coral reefs and clear turquoise waters.


Isolated from the continents 160 million years ago, Madagascar followed a unique evolutionary path resulting in a diverse number of endemic species and specialisations found nowhere else on earth, including enormous tortoises, elephant birds, and lemurs. Lemurs were the highest primate form on the island until the Malagasy people, of Afro-Polynesian ancestry, arrived a mere 2000 years ago.


Working alongside a team of dedicated researchers and conservationists from the University of Antanarivo in Madagascar and in conjunction with remotely located non government organisations, you will have the chance to explore the fragile and important rainforest environment and contribute to the preservation of one of the most beautiful wilderness areas on Earth. To see some stunning footage of the wildlife and and landscapes in Madagascar have a look at the Conservation International website. We are are working with this NGO in their forest corridor establishment programme, see the science and research section for more details.

What's involved?


The expedition will last for up to five weeks departing in mid-July and your journey begins by flying to Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar, for acclimatisation, training and packing before dispersing East into the rainforest in groups called 'Fires' to begin the research and adventure projects.


Research and Adventure


No expedition to Madagascar would be complete without seeing lemurs and you will be going into the jungle to observe and record the habits of lemurs including the rare Indri lemur which is the largest species of lemur and can only be found in the area we are exploring. The rainforest in Madagascar has an unsurpassed diversity of plant species and you will be helping local botanists in surveying these species for the production of therapeutic oils and homeopathic medicines. These good are an important way in which local people can create a sustainable use and income for the forest and thus ensure its survival. There is also the opportunity to explore the coastal rivers that feed into the Indian Ocean travelling in traditional wooden boats and conducting bird and fish surveys.


This census and survey work is complemented by practical conservation projects including path maintenance to protect the fragile rainforest, collecting specimens of rare trees to be replanted in nurseries to protect the species and creating fresh transects through the forest to survey endangered tree specimens.


The experience of simply living under the dense rainforest canopy and sleeping out under stars surrounded by the wild animals of the jungle will be an adventure in itself. Other adventure activities will involve trekking, river boating and wilderness survival training. The expedition will include a week long trek in the remote central highlands of Madagascar and an ascent of the spectacular 2,643m mountain Tsiafajavona in the volcanic Ankaratra mountain range. During this trek you will have the opportunity to visit a village community and gain first hand experience of a culture very different from our own.


Trump that. :P

That sounds like a lot of fun. >.>

I wanna go. <.<

whee! >.>

I like doing alternating eyes. <.<

one way... >.>

then another...<.<


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Official photos of where I am going and such for everyone!




We go canoeing there in canoes (well, obviously) made by the indigenous population.




Guess what I'll be studying out in the wilderness!




I have to possibly spend a couple of nights like this. A prospect I do not look forward to. ZOMG! SNAKEZ!




An advance photograph of where I am falling off while exploring.

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I'm off to visit Madagascar this summer as part of the British Schools Exploration Society. :P I shall post some details of the trip for those of you who are interested;


The Expedition


Lying 400 kilometres off the east coast of Africa, Madagascar is the world's fourth largest island and offers diverse and spectacular scenery: mountains, deserts, rainforests, dazzling beaches fringing the Indian Ocean and island archipelagos linked by coral reefs and clear turquoise waters.


Isolated from the continents 160 million years ago, Madagascar followed a unique evolutionary path resulting in a diverse number of endemic species and specialisations found nowhere else on earth, including enormous tortoises, elephant birds, and lemurs. Lemurs were the highest primate form on the island until the Malagasy people, of Afro-Polynesian ancestry, arrived a mere 2000 years ago.


Working alongside a team of dedicated researchers and conservationists from the University of Antanarivo in Madagascar and in conjunction with remotely located non government organisations, you will have the chance to explore the fragile and important rainforest environment and contribute to the preservation of one of the most beautiful wilderness areas on Earth. To see some stunning footage of the wildlife and and landscapes in Madagascar have a look at the Conservation International website. We are are working with this NGO in their forest corridor establishment programme, see the science and research section for more details.


What's involved?


The expedition will last for up to five weeks departing in mid-July and your journey begins by flying to Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar, for acclimatisation, training and packing before dispersing East into the rainforest in groups called 'Fires' to begin the research and adventure projects.


Research and Adventure


No expedition to Madagascar would be complete without seeing lemurs and you will be going into the jungle to observe and record the habits of lemurs including the rare Indri lemur which is the largest species of lemur and can only be found in the area we are exploring. The rainforest in Madagascar has an unsurpassed diversity of plant species and you will be helping local botanists in surveying these species for the production of therapeutic oils and homeopathic medicines. These good are an important way in which local people can create a sustainable use and income for the forest and thus ensure its survival. There is also the opportunity to explore the coastal rivers that feed into the Indian Ocean travelling in traditional wooden boats and conducting bird and fish surveys.


This census and survey work is complemented by practical conservation projects including path maintenance to protect the fragile rainforest, collecting specimens of rare trees to be replanted in nurseries to protect the species and creating fresh transects through the forest to survey endangered tree specimens.


The experience of simply living under the dense rainforest canopy and sleeping out under stars surrounded by the wild animals of the jungle will be an adventure in itself. Other adventure activities will involve trekking, river boating and wilderness survival training. The expedition will include a week long trek in the remote central highlands of Madagascar and an ascent of the spectacular 2,643m mountain Tsiafajavona in the volcanic Ankaratra mountain range. During this trek you will have the opportunity to visit a village community and gain first hand experience of a culture very different from our own.


Trump that. :P


Sly, Horatio :rolleyes:

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I'm off to visit Madagascar this summer as part of the British Schools Exploration Society. :P I shall post some details of the trip for those of you who are interested;


The Expedition


Lying 400 kilometres off the east coast of Africa, Madagascar is the world's fourth largest island and offers diverse and spectacular scenery: mountains, deserts, rainforests, dazzling beaches fringing the Indian Ocean and island archipelagos linked by coral reefs and clear turquoise waters.


Isolated from the continents 160 million years ago, Madagascar followed a unique evolutionary path resulting in a diverse number of endemic species and specialisations found nowhere else on earth, including enormous tortoises, elephant birds, and lemurs. Lemurs were the highest primate form on the island until the Malagasy people, of Afro-Polynesian ancestry, arrived a mere 2000 years ago.


Working alongside a team of dedicated researchers and conservationists from the University of Antanarivo in Madagascar and in conjunction with remotely located non government organisations, you will have the chance to explore the fragile and important rainforest environment and contribute to the preservation of one of the most beautiful wilderness areas on Earth. To see some stunning footage of the wildlife and and landscapes in Madagascar have a look at the Conservation International website. We are are working with this NGO in their forest corridor establishment programme, see the science and research section for more details.


What's involved?


The expedition will last for up to five weeks departing in mid-July and your journey begins by flying to Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar, for acclimatisation, training and packing before dispersing East into the rainforest in groups called 'Fires' to begin the research and adventure projects.


Research and Adventure


No expedition to Madagascar would be complete without seeing lemurs and you will be going into the jungle to observe and record the habits of lemurs including the rare Indri lemur which is the largest species of lemur and can only be found in the area we are exploring. The rainforest in Madagascar has an unsurpassed diversity of plant species and you will be helping local botanists in surveying these species for the production of therapeutic oils and homeopathic medicines. These good are an important way in which local people can create a sustainable use and income for the forest and thus ensure its survival. There is also the opportunity to explore the coastal rivers that feed into the Indian Ocean travelling in traditional wooden boats and conducting bird and fish surveys.


This census and survey work is complemented by practical conservation projects including path maintenance to protect the fragile rainforest, collecting specimens of rare trees to be replanted in nurseries to protect the species and creating fresh transects through the forest to survey endangered tree specimens.


The experience of simply living under the dense rainforest canopy and sleeping out under stars surrounded by the wild animals of the jungle will be an adventure in itself. Other adventure activities will involve trekking, river boating and wilderness survival training. The expedition will include a week long trek in the remote central highlands of Madagascar and an ascent of the spectacular 2,643m mountain Tsiafajavona in the volcanic Ankaratra mountain range. During this trek you will have the opportunity to visit a village community and gain first hand experience of a culture very different from our own.


Trump that. :P


Sly, Horatio :rolleyes:

*hands Glowurm some freshly baked cookies*


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