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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Welcome back kep! (y'all lurve me!)


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Hogfather's actually a play on Santa Clause and Christmas. Features death, susan, and a bunch of other gods. (which is why its part of the gods trilogy. see? all makes sense.)


Well.. what if you didnt go autograph hunting? What if you made friends with him?? hehe.


megan is going out with andrew on saturday. am actually genuinely happy for her. we were bouncing off the walls excited. going skating sunday so she can tell me EVERYTHING. his logic, when he asked her, was so sweet! i forgot jealously before she reminded me by saying "i bet your so jealous" and i really wasnt. its nice. sort of.

sort of.


anyway... i'm off to snuggle with keegan for while. keegan is a ver' snugglie person.. and he smells nice.



Love always,


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yes it seems  we are! :)

Oh and our room is currently the shop (constuction room) therefore is not christmassy at all. school is not christmassy because the school is stupid bah-humbug.

loved brum.

gran passed on, and we had some family problems (ie, the other bits of the family didnt like us) plus we couldnt stand the food. heh.

therefore, we came back home to home sweet canada.

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nah, keegan is kira's boyfriend. (kira=one of several best friends.) we all share keegan. he's lovely. keegan could make you feel like your the most beautiful, wonderful thing on gods green earth, even if you've got mascara smeared all over your face/look like a drowned rat/have just puked your lungs out/cried your eyeballs red. Its really nice. need keegan after bottom-pinching experience and andrew dating megan. *sigh*
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He really is, Sheena. He really is. (Nah. Kira doesnt mind sharing! The other day on msn keegan said to me "i wish there were two of me so I could love you and kira equally."... it was spiff. i felt so much better about the andrew thing.)


yes, Death is my all time fave. ("I could murder a curry.")

In Discworld Monthly, the newsletter I receive each month, there was a poll on readers' fave chars and death won. the comment on that was "is it because of his wit? his charm? or is it because HE TALKS LIKE THIS." it was amazing.


bah. must be off. watching the second matrix. (stil havent seen it yet)


Love you all!

Love Kep



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as an afterthought, i am declaring my undying love for Billy Klippert. (If you havent heard of him, and have a music downloading program, search for his songs. levon is my fave. also, if you havent heard of him, look him up on google or something. hes from calg'ry too! our very on canadian idol.)
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??? Can I make my own avater?  and if so, what size does it have to be and how do I get it here.  and if not, would someone that's allowed make me a frog avater?  I guess when more where made, they didn't think I was coming back (or they forgot about me :( )      Could I be an avater maker?  U know, for the ppl that don't have their own? ok, I'm gonna stop asking Qeustion's now.  :)    Ciao'




Yes, you can make your own avatar!!!  As for size, I would take into account what you are looking at on your computer and not do too much detail in a big drawing.  Remember that when your avatar drawing is scaled down to the small size you want it to be clear!


There are no designated avatar designers.  Kaise has offered to make avatars and is doing a wonderful job, so if you decide you do not to want to draw your own, please look at Avatars under Dixie and you will find her avatar request topic.  


You can also become an avatar maker, like Kaise.  You can design some of your own avatars and submit them to Hampsterking at support@hampsterking.com, or you can start your own topic advertising for people to ask you to make their avatars.


Another idea is for you to create some artwork and submit it to our new artists forum for people to see.  You have many options and the route to get your avatars approved!


Start drawing....I am anxious to see your frog.    :D

cool! thanx!  I've been really busy latly and a little depressed so it may take awhile for me to draw one up. oh wait! I have one I can use that's already drawn!  :laugh:  I didn't even know about the new art thingy! Very cool! I'm an artist, I draw and paint all the time. I have a gallery at another website.

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:roll Ok, one more.... Sheena, has ur son ever tried to post yet? (bringing back a very old subject)

No, he's still too concious of his dyslexia :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Well now that's just silly!  I'm 19 and I can't even type or spell right!  :laugh: U need to drag that boy over and tell him to post!  Cauz I wanna meet the son of a wonderful woman! (*Hugs* your always the nicest gal)  :laughing   Ciao'

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am reading book called "The Gods Trilogy (A Discworld Omnibus)" by Terry Pratchett. I reccommend it to everyone!!!


Love you all!!!

Love Kep

:D   Kep...


We have a book club and it would be great it you would write a small review of this book in the book club!  Title, Author, Review and a one to five Hampster rating.  Five it the best and one is not so good.  It is located in Jokes, Riddles and Funny Stories and it under Book Club.  We would really appreciate your reviews!  Thanks!



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???   Can I make my own avater?  and if so, what size does it have to be and how do I get it here.  and if not, would someone that's allowed make me a frog avater?  I guess when more where made, they didn't think I was coming back (or they forgot about me :( )      Could I be an avater maker?  U know, for the ppl that don't have their own?   ok, I'm gonna stop asking Qeustion's now.  :)    Ciao'




Yes, you can make your own avatar!!!  As for size, I would take into account what you are looking at on your computer and not do too much detail in a big drawing.  Remember that when your avatar drawing is scaled down to the small size you want it to be clear!


There are no designated avatar designers.  Kaise has offered to make avatars and is doing a wonderful job, so if you decide you do not to want to draw your own, please look at Avatars under Dixie and you will find her avatar request topic.  


You can also become an avatar maker, like Kaise.  You can design some of your own avatars and submit them to Hampsterking at support@hampsterking.com, or you can start your own topic advertising for people to ask you to make their avatars.


Another idea is for you to create some artwork and submit it to our new artists forum for people to see.  You have many options and the route to get your avatars approved!


Start drawing....I am anxious to see your frog.    :D

cool! thanx!  I've been really busy latly and a little depressed so it may take awhile for me to draw one up. oh wait! I have one I can use that's already drawn!  :laugh:  I didn't even know about the new art thingy! Very cool! I'm an artist, I draw and paint all the time. I have a gallery at another website.

Emily E, how wonderful.  Now we have another HampsterDance Artist!  This is really great!!!  Please bring as much of your work as you want to this site!  We would really enjoy that!  HampsterKing is quite busy and a little slow in posting the pictures to the site, but please do bring your artwork!  As for the avatar that you have, it would be so nice for you to submit it and then any other avatars that you would like to submit would be great as well.


You have just put a smile on my face!  We have another artist joining the group!   :D  :D

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cool! thanx!  I've been really busy latly and a little depressed so it may take awhile for me to draw one up. oh wait! I have one I can use that's already drawn!  :laugh:  I didn't even know about the new art thingy! Very cool! I'm an artist, I draw and paint all the time. I have a gallery at another website.

As for being a little depressed during the holidays, here is a known fact:  the holidays put so much stress on people and for different reasons, that this is the most stressful time of the year!  So I can understand if you just want to wait until after the holidays have passed and your spring semester of school settles down.  Just a thought, art can be very good therapy!  :D

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Sheena- Whoops! Sorry. Forgot all about that URL rule.

And no, he really isn't. Kira knows he loves me. (In a different way than he loves her.) We're one big snuggle pile, with Jen and the rest! One big happy family.


Anyway.. have very first RCm theory (music) exam today. wish me luck!


And I'd love to join the book club! As soona s I get the time.


Im off now.

Talk to you all soon!

Love always,


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:roll Ok, one more.... Sheena, has ur son ever tried to post yet? (bringing back a very old subject)

No, he's still too concious of his dyslexia :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Well now that's just silly!  I'm 19 and I can't even type or spell right!  :laugh: U need to drag that boy over and tell him to post!  Cauz I wanna meet the son of a wonderful woman! (*Hugs* your always the nicest gal)  :laughing   Ciao'

I wish I could.  While you were 'away' you missed some info from me.  Benjy B actually lives with my parents.  I have an underlying medical condition that makes me a chronic clinical depressive.  I'm sorry to say that with the combination of that and the problems Benjy B's condition causes, I cannot cope with him :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

:sleepy: Oh Sheena, I'm sorry.  :sleepy:  I should have read the old posts, I didn't know that.  I hope I havent upset u. Sorry. :Hugs:

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I won't be around for awhile.  Pleaase Please Please read my post under the topic I made called, 'Never Again!' In Dixie.  :(

I may not get to reply to u if u post. Plez don't get mad. I'll miss u.  :sleepy:

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Anyway.. have very first RCm theory (music) exam today. wish me luck!


And I'd love to join the book club! As soona s I get the time.

How did you do on your music theory test?  I was thinking of you and wishing you well.


Regarding the book club, if you get only a minute, you can write the title, author, brief review and a Hampster rating.  Please, it will only take you a minute.  Thank you!

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:) hi, just wanted to let u know I'm back and I'm a good bit better.  thank you Sheena.  I've had a lot going on and I'm not gonna post about it again tonight because it just brings back hurt feelings. soo, if u wanna know what my problem is, I posted all about it in the topic 'Never Again' in Dixie. I had to get it all out. thanx, I've missed u all. :) Ciao'



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cool! thanx!  I've been really busy latly and a little depressed so it may take awhile for me to draw one up. oh wait! I have one I can use that's already drawn!  :laugh:  I didn't even know about the new art thingy! Very cool! I'm an artist, I draw and paint all the time. I have a gallery at another website.

As for being a little depressed during the holidays, here is a known fact:  the holidays put so much stress on people and for different reasons, that this is the most stressful time of the year!  So I can understand if you just want to wait until after the holidays have passed and your spring semester of school settles down.  Just a thought, art can be very good therapy!  :D

well, it's not really the holidays and I don't go to school.  :;):  thanx for caring though. :)  Yes art can be very good therapy and it would have been if it wasn't for my inhaler, I haven't needed it for almost a year but my sickness made it soo hard to breath that I had to take it and it makes me shakey. :(  But, now that I'm better, I can draw all I want. :)  Umm... u said something about Hd now having another artist? well...I've been here for quite a long time actually. ;)  I go way back to the old boards and farther.  I'm glad u like having an artist here though. :)  Ciao'



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:) hi, just wanted to let u know I'm back and I'm a good bit better.  thank you Sheena.  I've had a lot going on and I'm not gonna post about it again tonight because it just brings back hurt feelings. soo, if u wanna know what my problem is, I posted all about it in the topic 'Never Again' in Dixie. I had to get it all out. thanx, I've missed u all. :) Ciao'



EmilyE, we are all glad to hear that life is sunny again and you are feeling much better.  :D   Please do not rush into things as you do not want a relapse of any illness.  A relapse always seems to be a million times worse.


Your signature is wonderful!  Can you tell me how to create a hamster?


Glad to see you back!

 :D  :D  :D

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cool! thanx!  I've been really busy latly and a little depressed so it may take awhile for me to draw one up. oh wait! I have one I can use that's already drawn!  :laugh:  I didn't even know about the new art thingy! Very cool! I'm an artist, I draw and paint all the time. I have a gallery at another website.

As for being a little depressed during the holidays, here is a known fact:  the holidays put so much stress on people and for different reasons, that this is the most stressful time of the year!  So I can understand if you just want to wait until after the holidays have passed and your spring semester of school settles down.  Just a thought, art can be very good therapy!  :D

well, it's not really the holidays and I don't go to school.  :;):  thanx for caring though. :)  Yes art can be very good therapy and it would have been if it wasn't for my inhaler, I haven't needed it for almost a year but my sickness made it soo hard to breath that I had to take it and it makes me shakey. :(  But, now that I'm better, I can draw all I want. :)  Umm... u said something about Hd now having another artist? well...I've been here for quite a long time actually. ;)  I go way back to the old boards and farther.  I'm glad u like having an artist here though. :)  Ciao'



Oh, I am sorry that your inhaler makes you shakey.  Hopefully you will not need it too much longer as your sickness has gone away.


Yes I know that you have been here for quite a long time.  We just got the creative forum up and we are working on getting it going.  I was thrilled to see CheetaSpot return and you as well.  Hope that you all contribute art to the art forum.


:D  :cool:  :D  :cool:  :D

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Oh, I am sorry that your inhaler makes you shakey.  Hopefully you will not need it too much longer as your sickness has gone away.


Yes I know that you have been here for quite a long time.  We just got the creative forum up and we are working on getting it going.  I was thrilled to see CheetaSpot return and you as well.  Hope that you all contribute art to the art forum.


:D  :cool:  :D  :cool:  :D

hmm, u wouldn't happen to be the Horatio that commented on my art would u?   ???   I'll definitly be adding art! Umm, where do we view this art though?   ???   U know what?  I made a big hamster that took me awhile in the art forum and just as I hit the add reply button, my cp froze up.   :(  I had to turn it off (making me lose the hamster pic) and I couldn't rstart it cuz it was already really late and my mom was getting mad.  sorry, I'll try to post it again for ya. he kinnda looked more like a bear than a hammy though.  :D

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Oh, I am sorry that your inhaler makes you shakey.  Hopefully you will not need it too much longer as your sickness has gone away.


Yes I know that you have been here for quite a long time.  We just got the creative forum up and we are working on getting it going.  I was thrilled to see CheetaSpot return and you as well.  Hope that you all contribute art to the art forum.


:D  :cool:  :D  :cool:  :D

hmm, u wouldn't happen to be the Horatio that commented on my art would u?   ???   I'll definitly be adding art! Umm, where do we view this art though?   ???   U know what?  I made a big hamster that took me awhile in the art forum and just as I hit the add reply button, my cp froze up.   :(  I had to turn it off (making me lose the hamster pic) and I couldn't rstart it cuz it was already really late and my mom was getting mad.  sorry, I'll try to post it again for ya. he kinnda looked more like a bear than a hammy though.  :D

I can't remember!  I know I was looking at art and made some comments, but they were all good.  So, if it was not a glowing comment, then it wasn't me.


I look forward to all art that is posted here.  As I told Jesse about the music, HampsterKing is working to improve the site, so that people won't have to wait forever to download pictures and music.  There will be a delay in getting the music and art shown, so please do not dismay.  He is working to make this site great!!!


Oh I can imagine you felt awful!  What horrible timing your computer has.  It is so frustrating to work really hard on something and have it disappear!


BTW I love hammies and I love bears...so whatever comes out will be really fantastic!!!

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Oh, I am sorry that your inhaler makes you shakey.  Hopefully you will not need it too much longer as your sickness has gone away.


Yes I know that you have been here for quite a long time.  We just got the creative forum up and we are working on getting it going.  I was thrilled to see CheetaSpot return and you as well.  Hope that you all contribute art to the art forum.


:D  :cool:  :D  :cool:  :D

hmm, u wouldn't happen to be the Horatio that commented on my art would u?   ???   I'll definitly be adding art! Umm, where do we view this art though?   ???   U know what?  I made a big hamster that took me awhile in the art forum and just as I hit the add reply button, my cp froze up.   :(  I had to turn it off (making me lose the hamster pic) and I couldn't rstart it cuz it was already really late and my mom was getting mad.  sorry, I'll try to post it again for ya. he kinnda looked more like a bear than a hammy though.  :D

I can't remember!  I know I was looking at art and made some comments, but they were all good.  So, if it was not a glowing comment, then it wasn't me.


I look forward to all art that is posted here.  As I told Jesse about the music, HampsterKing is working to improve the site, so that people won't have to wait forever to download pictures and music.  There will be a delay in getting the music and art shown, so please do not dismay.  He is working to make this site great!!!


Oh I can imagine you felt awful!  What horrible timing your computer has.  It is so frustrating to work really hard on something and have it disappear!


BTW I love hammies and I love bears...so whatever comes out will be really fantastic!!!

You love all animals, don't you?  :upside:

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Oh, I am sorry that your inhaler makes you shakey.  Hopefully you will not need it too much longer as your sickness has gone away.


Yes I know that you have been here for quite a long time.  We just got the creative forum up and we are working on getting it going.  I was thrilled to see CheetaSpot return and you as well.  Hope that you all contribute art to the art forum.


:D  :cool:  :D  :cool:  :D

hmm, u wouldn't happen to be the Horatio that commented on my art would u?   ???   I'll definitly be adding art! Umm, where do we view this art though?   ???   U know what?  I made a big hamster that took me awhile in the art forum and just as I hit the add reply button, my cp froze up.   :(  I had to turn it off (making me lose the hamster pic) and I couldn't rstart it cuz it was already really late and my mom was getting mad.  sorry, I'll try to post it again for ya. he kinnda looked more like a bear than a hammy though.  :D

I can't remember!  I know I was looking at art and made some comments, but they were all good.  So, if it was not a glowing comment, then it wasn't me.


I look forward to all art that is posted here.  As I told Jesse about the music, HampsterKing is working to improve the site, so that people won't have to wait forever to download pictures and music.  There will be a delay in getting the music and art shown, so please do not dismay.  He is working to make this site great!!!


Oh I can imagine you felt awful!  What horrible timing your computer has.  It is so frustrating to work really hard on something and have it disappear!


BTW I love hammies and I love bears...so whatever comes out will be really fantastic!!!

You love all animals, don't you?  :upside:

Oh, I really do love all animals.  They are such wonderful creatures!  


Around our house we have a variety of animals that I feed, turtles, racoons, opossum, grey squirrels, night flying squirrels, a wild rabbit with a broken right front foot, lizards (yes, I even feed the lizards...meal worms) and birds.  Those are wild and live outside.  Inside, hammies and lizards.


I would never feed the alligator.  Anyway, he has phenomenal sight and as soon as I get near the bank of the river, he swims away.


We do not ever see any swans.  I think swans are gorgeous.  We have an Osprey nest in the tree in our front yard on the river side, and we have watched the babies of nesting Osprey's each year except for one season, when the Great Horned Owl moved in.  They had two babies that were the most wonderful sight.  I felt really fortunate to have them nest in our yard.  The parents are about 3 to 4 feet in height and when they fly, they are silent.  The owls still reside in the neighborhood.  When I go out really early in the morning, I will sometimes see them.  They scared the breath out of me one morning as one of them flew within inches of my head.  I never heard him, but felt the wind from his wings.


In Tennessee we also have chipmunks, deer and all the other animals!  Those chipmunks remind me of a outdoor hammies!


I find it very peaceful to sit with the animals.  They know me and understand that I am there to feed them and some will even let me touch them.  That is the best part.

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Ello my darlings;


Sorry for my absence, I've been quite busy and such, working with Ben on my novel, dealing with Elfwood's technical difficulties, choosing a high school and IB programe applications. Finally the winter holidays came, and instead of finishing my science project, as I intended, I found i couldnt do without some well-earned R&R, a thing I am rarely blessed with.


My holidays were fab, brill, and so forth. :) :) I got a lovely ring from Dad, and is v. v. special. Oh and Sheena, I got a hardcover copy of The Dandy and Beano, Sixty Years edition. The fabulous Forties.  :))

For New Year's, I went over to Furbud's for a party. Was v. v. fun. Have you ever seen the movie 'Being John Malkovich'?

Also, music-wise, I highliy reccomend "Raw Sugar," by Metric.


I'm off, then. I'm going to go check out the book club and this DEATH. ;)

Love you all,



Love always,


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Oh, I am sorry that your inhaler makes you shakey.  Hopefully you will not need it too much longer as your sickness has gone away.


Yes I know that you have been here for quite a long time.  We just got the creative forum up and we are working on getting it going.  I was thrilled to see CheetaSpot return and you as well.  Hope that you all contribute art to the art forum.


:D  :cool:  :D  :cool:  :D

hmm, u wouldn't happen to be the Horatio that commented on my art would u?   ???   I'll definitly be adding art! Umm, where do we view this art though?   ???   U know what?  I made a big hamster that took me awhile in the art forum and just as I hit the add reply button, my cp froze up.   :(  I had to turn it off (making me lose the hamster pic) and I couldn't rstart it cuz it was already really late and my mom was getting mad.  sorry, I'll try to post it again for ya. he kinnda looked more like a bear than a hammy though.  :D

I can't remember!  I know I was looking at art and made some comments, but they were all good.  So, if it was not a glowing comment, then it wasn't me.


I look forward to all art that is posted here.  As I told Jesse about the music, HampsterKing is working to improve the site, so that people won't have to wait forever to download pictures and music.  There will be a delay in getting the music and art shown, so please do not dismay.  He is working to make this site great!!!


Oh I can imagine you felt awful!  What horrible timing your computer has.  It is so frustrating to work really hard on something and have it disappear!


BTW I love hammies and I love bears...so whatever comes out will be really fantastic!!!

You love all animals, don't you?  :upside:

Oh, I really do love all animals.  They are such wonderful creatures!  


Around our house we have a variety of animals that I feed, turtles, racoons, opossum, grey squirrels, night flying squirrels, a wild rabbit with a broken right front foot, lizards (yes, I even feed the lizards...meal worms) and birds.  Those are wild and live outside.  Inside, hammies and lizards.


I would never feed the alligator.  Anyway, he has phenomenal sight and as soon as I get near the bank of the river, he swims away.


We do not ever see any swans.  I think swans are gorgeous.  We have an Osprey nest in the tree in our front yard on the river side, and we have watched the babies of nesting Osprey's each year except for one season, when the Great Horned Owl moved in.  They had two babies that were the most wonderful sight.  I felt really fortunate to have them nest in our yard.  The parents are about 3 to 4 feet in height and when they fly, they are silent.  The owls still reside in the neighborhood.  When I go out really early in the morning, I will sometimes see them.  They scared the breath out of me one morning as one of them flew within inches of my head.  I never heard him, but felt the wind from his wings.


In Tennessee we also have chipmunks, deer and all the other animals!  Those chipmunks remind me of a outdoor hammies!


I find it very peaceful to sit with the animals.  They know me and understand that I am there to feed them and some will even let me touch them.  That is the best part.

That's very cool. A hamster feeding animals, interesting  :upside: You've seen alot of them...

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Oh, I am sorry that your inhaler makes you shakey.  Hopefully you will not need it too much longer as your sickness has gone away.


Yes I know that you have been here for quite a long time.  We just got the creative forum up and we are working on getting it going.  I was thrilled to see CheetaSpot return and you as well.  Hope that you all contribute art to the art forum.

hmm, u wouldn't happen to be the Horatio that commented on my art would u?   ???   I'll definitly be adding art! Umm, where do we view this art though?   ???   U know what?  I made a big hamster that took me awhile in the art forum and just as I hit the add reply button, my cp froze up.   :(  I had to turn it off (making me lose the hamster pic) and I couldn't rstart it cuz it was already really late and my mom was getting mad.  sorry, I'll try to post it again for ya. he kinnda looked more like a bear than a hammy though.  :D

I can't remember!  I know I was looking at art and made some comments, but they were all good.  So, if it was not a glowing comment, then it wasn't me.


I look forward to all art that is posted here.  As I told Jesse about the music, HampsterKing is working to improve the site, so that people won't have to wait forever to download pictures and music.  There will be a delay in getting the music and art shown, so please do not dismay.  He is working to make this site great!!!


Oh I can imagine you felt awful!  What horrible timing your computer has.  It is so frustrating to work really hard on something and have it disappear!


BTW I love hammies and I love bears...so whatever comes out will be really fantastic!!!

Oh well, it was a good comment so it probably was u! :)  I hope u liked my paintings.


I'm glad u don't care if it's a hammy or a bear, lol. U'll have to decide what it is I guess.  :D  Yea, my cp always freezes at the dumbest times!  That one took awhile too, because every time I hit the space bar, if something was in front of it, it would disappear, making it very difficult to make.

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Oh, I am sorry that your inhaler makes you shakey.  Hopefully you will not need it too much longer as your sickness has gone away.


Yes I know that you have been here for quite a long time.  We just got the creative forum up and we are working on getting it going.  I was thrilled to see CheetaSpot return and you as well.  Hope that you all contribute art to the art forum.


:D  :cool:  :D

hmm, u wouldn't happen to be the Horatio that commented on my art would u?   ???   I'll definitly be adding art! Umm, where do we view this art though?   ???   U know what?  I made a big hamster that took me awhile in the art forum and just as I hit the add reply button, my cp froze up.   :(  I had to turn it off (making me lose the hamster pic) and I couldn't rstart it cuz it was already really late and my mom was getting mad.  sorry, I'll try to post it again for ya. he kinnda looked more like a bear than a hammy though.  :D

I can't remember!  I know I was looking at art and made some comments, but they were all good.  So, if it was not a glowing comment, then it wasn't me.


I look forward to all art that is posted here.  As I told Jesse about the music, HampsterKing is working to improve the site, so that people won't have to wait forever to download pictures and music.  There will be a delay in getting the music and art shown, so please do not dismay.  He is working to make this site great!!!


Oh I can imagine you felt awful!  What horrible timing your computer has.  It is so frustrating to work really hard on something and have it disappear!


BTW I love hammies and I love bears...so whatever comes out will be really fantastic!!!

You love all animals, don't you?  :upside:

Oh, I really do love all animals.  They are such wonderful creatures!  


Around our house we have a variety of animals that I feed, turtles, racoons, opossum, grey squirrels, night flying squirrels, a wild rabbit with a broken right front foot, lizards (yes, I even feed the lizards...meal worms) and birds.  Those are wild and live outside.  Inside, hammies and lizards.


I would never feed the alligator.  Anyway, he has phenomenal sight and as soon as I get near the bank of the river, he swims away.


We do not ever see any swans.  I think swans are gorgeous.  We have an Osprey nest in the tree in our front yard on the river side, and we have watched the babies of nesting Osprey's each year except for one season, when the Great Horned Owl moved in.  They had two babies that were the most wonderful sight.  I felt really fortunate to have them nest in our yard.  The parents are about 3 to 4 feet in height and when they fly, they are silent.  The owls still reside in the neighborhood.  When I go out really early in the morning, I will sometimes see them.  They scared the breath out of me one morning as one of them flew within inches of my head.  I never heard him, but felt the wind from his wings.


In Tennessee we also have chipmunks, deer and all the other animals!  Those chipmunks remind me of a outdoor hammies!


I find it very peaceful to sit with the animals.  They know me and understand that I am there to feed them and some will even let me touch them.  That is the best part.

That's very cool. A hamster feeding animals, interesting  :upside: You've seen alot of them...

The "locals" (local animals that is) and I have worked out a deal.  I will feed them breakfast, lunch and dinner complete with the beverage of their choice and they will not eat me for dinner.  Actually we have quite a friendship going!


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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Oh, I am sorry that your inhaler makes you shakey.  Hopefully you will not need it too much longer as your sickness has gone away.


Yes I know that you have been here for quite a long time.  We just got the creative forum up and we are working on getting it going.  I was thrilled to see CheetaSpot return and you as well.  Hope that you all contribute art to the art forum.

hmm, u wouldn't happen to be the Horatio that commented on my art would u?   ???   I'll definitly be adding art! Umm, where do we view this art though?   ???   U know what?  I made a big hamster that took me awhile in the art forum and just as I hit the add reply button, my cp froze up.   :(  I had to turn it off (making me lose the hamster pic) and I couldn't rstart it cuz it was already really late and my mom was getting mad.  sorry, I'll try to post it again for ya. he kinnda looked more like a bear than a hammy though.  :D

I can't remember!  I know I was looking at art and made some comments, but they were all good.  So, if it was not a glowing comment, then it wasn't me.


I look forward to all art that is posted here.  As I told Jesse about the music, HampsterKing is working to improve the site, so that people won't have to wait forever to download pictures and music.  There will be a delay in getting the music and art shown, so please do not dismay.  He is working to make this site great!!!


Oh I can imagine you felt awful!  What horrible timing your computer has.  It is so frustrating to work really hard on something and have it disappear!


BTW I love hammies and I love bears...so whatever comes out will be really fantastic!!!

Oh well, it was a good comment so it probably was u! :)  I hope u liked my paintings.


I'm glad u don't care if it's a hammy or a bear, lol. U'll have to decide what it is I guess.  :D  Yea, my cp always freezes at the dumbest times!  That one took awhile too, because every time I hit the space bar, if something was in front of it, it would disappear, making it very difficult to make.

Your paintings are wonderful!  Please submit as many as you desire to our creative art forum.  Give HampsterKing time as he is in the process of improving the boards so that people will be able to download the music and art quickly!


:D  :D

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Oh, I am sorry that your inhaler makes you shakey.  Hopefully you will not need it too much longer as your sickness has gone away.


Yes I know that you have been here for quite a long time.  We just got the creative forum up and we are working on getting it going.  I was thrilled to see CheetaSpot return and you as well.  Hope that you all contribute art to the art forum.

hmm, u wouldn't happen to be the Horatio that commented on my art would u?   ???   I'll definitly be adding art! Umm, where do we view this art though?   ???   U know what?  I made a big hamster that took me awhile in the art forum and just as I hit the add reply button, my cp froze up.   :(  I had to turn it off (making me lose the hamster pic) and I couldn't rstart it cuz it was already really late and my mom was getting mad.  sorry, I'll try to post it again for ya. he kinnda looked more like a bear than a hammy though.  :D

I can't remember!  I know I was looking at art and made some comments, but they were all good.  So, if it was not a glowing comment, then it wasn't me.


I look forward to all art that is posted here.  As I told Jesse about the music, HampsterKing is working to improve the site, so that people won't have to wait forever to download pictures and music.  There will be a delay in getting the music and art shown, so please do not dismay.  He is working to make this site great!!!


Oh I can imagine you felt awful!  What horrible timing your computer has.  It is so frustrating to work really hard on something and have it disappear!


BTW I love hammies and I love bears...so whatever comes out will be really fantastic!!!

Oh well, it was a good comment so it probably was u! :)  I hope u liked my paintings.


I'm glad u don't care if it's a hammy or a bear, lol. U'll have to decide what it is I guess.  :D  Yea, my cp always freezes at the dumbest times!  That one took awhile too, because every time I hit the space bar, if something was in front of it, it would disappear, making it very difficult to make.

Hamster, Bear or Beamster...


It will be great!!!  Hope you computer is up to it!!!!!


:D  :D

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The "locals" (local animals that is) and I have worked out a deal.  I will feed them breakfast, lunch and dinner complete with the beverage of their choice and they will not eat me for dinner.  Actually we have quite a friendship going!


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

That's nice  :D

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The "locals" (local animals that is) and I have worked out a deal.  I will feed them breakfast, lunch and dinner complete with the beverage of their choice and they will not eat me for dinner.  Actually we have quite a friendship going!


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

That's nice  :D

Wolves are always welcome!  Our feeding times are mainly at 06H15 and 17H30.  Of course, there is always an abundant supply of sunflower, pumpkin seeds, peanuts and corn out during the day.  Just for you we will leave the key to the house, so that you can help yourself to the micicles.  They are in the freezer, but I know that you knew that.


         :laughing  :cool:  :laughing

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Oh, I am sorry that your inhaler makes you shakey.  Hopefully you will not need it too much longer as your sickness has gone away.


Yes I know that you have been here for quite a long time.  We just got the creative forum up and we are working on getting it going.  I was thrilled to see CheetaSpot return and you as well.  Hope that you all contribute art to the art forum.

hmm, u wouldn't happen to be the Horatio that commented on my art would u?   ???   I'll definitly be adding art! Umm, where do we view this art though?   ???   U know what?  I made a big hamster that took me awhile in the art forum and just as I hit the add reply button, my cp froze up.   :(  I had to turn it off (making me lose the hamster pic) and I couldn't rstart it cuz it was already really late and my mom was getting mad.  sorry, I'll try to post it again for ya. he kinnda looked more like a bear than a hammy though.  :D

I can't remember!  I know I was looking at art and made some comments, but they were all good.  So, if it was not a glowing comment, then it wasn't me.


I look forward to all art that is posted here.  As I told Jesse about the music, HampsterKing is working to improve the site, so that people won't have to wait forever to download pictures and music.  There will be a delay in getting the music and art shown, so please do not dismay.  He is working to make this site great!!!


Oh I can imagine you felt awful!  What horrible timing your computer has.  It is so frustrating to work really hard on something and have it disappear!


BTW I love hammies and I love bears...so whatever comes out will be really fantastic!!!

Oh well, it was a good comment so it probably was u! :)  I hope u liked my paintings.


I'm glad u don't care if it's a hammy or a bear, lol. U'll have to decide what it is I guess.  :D  Yea, my cp always freezes at the dumbest times!  That one took awhile too, because every time I hit the space bar, if something was in front of it, it would disappear, making it very difficult to make.

Your paintings are wonderful!  Please submit as many as you desire to our creative art forum.  Give HampsterKing time as he is in the process of improving the boards so that people will be able to download the music and art quickly!


:D  :D

Thanx! I'm glad u like them! Not many ppl commented on them, so I thought maybe they were not very good.  ???  I don't know why ppl don't comment but oh well, I like to go around and tell ppl how much I like their stuff.  :))  I'm sorry I haven't been around much, I thought things where getting better but... maybe not.  I'll try to send stuff to HK but I'm probly even busier then him right now.  8)   I've added a poem to my gallery that explains my sadness right now, the snow doesn't help, it's in the poem called 'The 5th day of January'     :(  I'll try my best to be around more often, but I think I need to slow down some.  Bye.

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Oh, I am sorry that your inhaler makes you shakey.  Hopefully you will not need it too much longer as your sickness has gone away.


Yes I know that you have been here for quite a long time.  We just got the creative forum up and we are working on getting it going.  I was thrilled to see CheetaSpot return and you as well.  Hope that you all contribute art to the art forum.

hmm, u wouldn't happen to be the Horatio that commented on my art would u?   I'll definitly be adding art! Umm, where do we view this art though? U know what?  I made a big hamster that took me awhile in the art forum and just as I hit the add reply button, my cp froze up.  I had to turn it off (making me lose the hamster pic) and I couldn't rstart it cuz it was already really late and my mom was getting mad.  sorry, I'll try to post it again for ya. he kinnda looked more like a bear than a hammy though.  

I can't remember!  I know I was looking at art and made some comments, but they were all good.  So, if it was not a glowing comment, then it wasn't me.


I look forward to all art that is posted here.  As I told Jesse about the music, HampsterKing is working to improve the site, so that people won't have to wait forever to download pictures and music.  There will be a delay in getting the music and art shown, so please do not dismay.  He is working to make this site great!!!


Oh I can imagine you felt awful!  What horrible timing your computer has.  It is so frustrating to work really hard on something and have it disappear!


BTW I love hammies and I love bears...so whatever comes out will be really fantastic!!!

Oh well, it was a good comment so it probably was u!  I hope u liked my paintings.


I'm glad u don't care if it's a hammy or a bear, lol. U'll have to decide what it is I guess.   Yea, my cp always freezes at the dumbest times! That one took awhile too, because every time I hit the space bar, if something was in front of it, it would disappear, making it very difficult to make.

Your paintings are wonderful!  Please submit as many as you desire to our creative art forum.  Give HampsterKing time as he is in the process of improving the boards so that people will be able to download the music and art quickly!


Thanx! I'm glad u like them! Not many ppl commented on them, so I thought maybe they were not very good.   I don't know why ppl don't comment but oh well, I like to go around and tell ppl how much I like their stuff.  I'm sorry I haven't been around much, I thought things where getting better but... maybe not.  I'll try to send stuff to HK but I'm probly even busier then him right now.  I've added a poem to my gallery that explains my sadness right now, the snow doesn't help, it's in the poem called 'The 5th day of January'  I'll try my best to be around more often, but I think I need to slow down some.  Bye.

Oh, never go by people not writing comments.  There are many people who have good thoughts and intentions, but procrastinate so much that they never get around writing.

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Every single night,

the same arrangement

I go out and fight the fight.


still i always feel

the same estrangement

nothing here is real,

nothing here is right.




does anyone recognize that?  I love that Buffy episode. All the songs from it are stuck fast inside my head, buzzing with thoughts like bees trapped within a burning hive.

oh god I feel like writing. I think I'll introduce Carmen to the world of on-line journals. Im dying for my sci-fi story notebook, but its currently possessed by Ben.


Bleh. Was feeling especially bleg today, anda bit sick so i curled up in ben listening to Dido and kind of slipped into the blissful grey area between sleep and awake.


Also, I'm working on my on-line journal and I'd love some comments. I work with livejournal.


Love you all,



~I died, so many years ago. And you cant make me feel, like it isnt so. And why you've come to be with me, I think I finally know. You're scared, ashamed of what you feel. And you cant tell the ones you love, you know they could not deal. You whisper in a dead man's ear, but it doesn't make it real. That's great, but I dont want to play. Cause being with you touches me more than I could say. But since I'm only dead to you, I'm sayin' stay away and let me rest in peace.~

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*chuckles and goes slightly red at her type: "curls up in ben."* Bed. Definitely a typo! ;) First thing that popped to mind when I saw I'd typed 'ben' was my editor for my sci-fi stories. I did a bit of a double-take there!


the Beano and dandy havent made the trip to canada just yet. my mom ordered it from across seas, and quite often, when we order Daddy's brown sauce, I also get myself a beano. :D

The ring is white gold, with an almost slip-knot looking loop around a little diamond. its lovely, and i never take it off!


*blushes* Thankyou horatio! I'm so glad you like it. Ben often comments on how godawful i am at sci-fi, often consoling me by commenting that its very difficult to write good, original sci-fi, and hes always willing to help me out.

I've got the latest typed/edited version, and I'll post in a tick.


Must be off, I'm working on a web-page for a school project.

Love you all!


Love always,



(ps, i noticed that i wasnt allowed to tell you all my user name at livejournal. if anyone wants to know, sheena, could you pass on my email addy to them? thanks so much.)


~You're scared, ashamed of what you feel. And you can't tell the ones you love, you know they couldn't deal. Whisper in a dead man's ear, it doesn't make it real. That's great, but I don't want to play. 'Cause being with you touches me, more than I could say.~

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*blushes* Thankyou horatio! I'm so glad you like it. Ben often comments on how godawful i am at sci-fi, often consoling me by commenting that its very difficult to write good, original sci-fi, and hes always willing to help me out.

I've got the latest typed/edited version, and I'll post in a tick.

I just read it!  Another fantastic addition to your story!  Thanks!!



:love:  :love:  :love:

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*smiles* glad you liked it, horatio.


Le sigh. I'm feeling a bit plain today. A little unloved. I don't know. Anyway, you'll have to hold on for any more of the story, as ben's not been on the computer for a while, and... come to think of it, he still has my notebook. the other day, he wore a cream sweater and creamy-tan pants. i've been teasing him in my emails by calling him m'lil cream puff.

anyway, we're doing the social dance unit in gym class, and on the rare occasion, its up to us to get into partners to learn/do whatever dance. guys ask the girls, the girls cant say no. i ended up wihtout a partner, and ended up doing a three-way polka with two other girls. since then i've felt a bit plain.


anyway, i guess i should go finish the blog for my webpage. i need to be finished the webpage by the end of the month, and i've barely even started. Oh stress, how you torment me.


*waves weakly* Tara, my darlings. Love to you all.

Love always,



You're scared, ashamed of what you feel. And you cant tell the ones you love, you know they couldn't deal. Whisper in a dead man's ear, it doesn't make it real. That's great, but I don't wanna play. 'Cause being with you touches me, oh much more than I could say...

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Sorry you are feeling a little unloved today...  here's some huggles for you...

*hugs not too tightly*!  We have lots of love for you here!


Three way polka... now that had to be tough!  Ballet I was good at, but polka, well, how many dancing hamsters have you ever seen?


As for stress...  I can relate perfectly!  My flight instructor renewal exam must be finished prior to the end of the month and I have had four months to accomplish this...  you are not alone!  I have been sitting at the computer and cannot seem to finish my test!  :eek  :eek  :eek


Take care, stay warm and hope you get rid of your stress soon!




:love:  :love:  :love:

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*hugs horatio* Thanks,  :upside:

I've been having a webcam conversation with kira and keegan (kiras at keegan's house) and they look so sweet together. It keeps reminding me how alone I am. With only a glass of milk to keep me company. (to which keegan said "Milk.. can be cuddly.") If Milk even TRIES to get cuddly, I'll eviscerate it. (Kira: "Does Milk have a bowel to remove?")


I'm off, then. I need to put together a violin repertoire so as I can go around Calgary playing my violin in various restaurants/cafes/etc. (YAY!)


Tara, I'm off like a prom dress.


Love to you all,



You're scared, ashamed of what you feel. And you can't tell the ones you love, you know they couldn't deal. So whisper in a dead man's ear, it doesn't make it real. That's great, but I don't want to play. 'Cause being with you touches me, more than I can say.

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*hugs horatio* Thanks,  :upside:

I've been having a webcam conversation with kira and keegan (kiras at keegan's house) and they look so sweet together. It keeps reminding me how alone I am. With only a glass of milk to keep me company. (to which keegan said "Milk.. can be cuddly.") If Milk even TRIES to get cuddly, I'll eviscerate it. (Kira: "Does Milk have a bowel to remove?")


I'm off, then. I need to put together a violin repertoire so as I can go around Calgary playing my violin in various restaurants/cafes/etc. (YAY!)


Tara, I'm off like a prom dress.


Love to you all,



You're scared, ashamed of what you feel. And you can't tell the ones you love, you know they couldn't deal. So whisper in a dead man's ear, it doesn't make it real. That's great, but I don't want to play. 'Cause being with you touches me, more than I can say.



Do not think about how alone you are.  The question is: are you comfortable with yourself?  If so, no problem.  Even if you were with another person, you could still feel alone.  Enjoy this time with yourself and pamper your soul and body.  There will be plenty of years when you will look back and wish you had a minute or two to yourself.


BTW, I go to Calgary quite a bit for work!  If I bring my violin, we can do duets!   :laughing  :laughing  Hope you make lots of money.


Have fun!  Enjoy the peace of solitude...


:love:  :love:  :love:



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The "locals" (local animals that is) and I have worked out a deal.  I will feed them breakfast, lunch and dinner complete with the beverage of their choice and they will not eat me for dinner.  Actually we have quite a friendship going!


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

That's nice  :D

Wolves are always welcome!  Our feeding times are mainly at 06H15 and 17H30.  Of course, there is always an abundant supply of sunflower, pumpkin seeds, peanuts and corn out during the day.  Just for you we will leave the key to the house, so that you can help yourself to the micicles.  They are in the freezer, but I know that you knew that.


         :laughing  :cool:  :laughing

I don't know where you are though  :;):

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That's what this weekend is for. I'm going to pamper my spiritual side with some meditation and yoga and such. Also, as a tip, finding Nemo is a real picker-upper.


I've felt quite happy and content since the other day. Is nice. No more stress. I'm rarely stressed, and so on the off occasion, its a real downer for me.


And I'd love to have someone to do duets with. I used to play duets with my friend JN ALL the time. It was lovely. I loved playing with him. He quit the violin at his mother's request- no, demand- only to be swept into forced clarinet. I didn't even get to say goodbye. I've not seen him in over three years, and I'm going to hunt him down and get caught up. Miss JN so much. :):)


It's going to take me a number of months to chose and perfect about an hour each of various genres of music to start my carreer early -(when finished high school, am going to try for Julliard.)


What do you do for a living, Horatio? From your previous post, I'm guess you're a pilot.


Must be off to study for a science final. Tara darlings!


Love to you all.




You're scared, ashamed of what you feel. And you can't tell the ones you love, you know they couldn't deal. So whisper in a dead man's ear, it doesn't make it real. That's great, but I don't want to play. 'Cause being with you touches me, more than I could say.

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You guessed correctly!  My job is that of an Airbus Captain.  Great career and fun profession.


Good luck in your goals for Juilliard.  I had been accepted at Juilliard and then chose not to go.  I am so sorry that your friend was forced to quit the violin and begin with the clarinet.  Why did his mother pick the clarinet?  It would be interesting to know if he still played the clarinet.  Jesse is a clarinetist!  It is sad that you two have not been in touch since!


Take care!


:love:  :love:  :love:

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You were accepted? Congrats, even if you didnt go! Once I've got my b. edu. and Masters in music, i'm going to play all over the world, and take on students.

I read on their website about the residency, and they live like kings! (and queens!) Keegan's going to try for Berklee.


Phew. Have just organized my science and french binders. So much unorganized stuff in there! I am hopelessly unorganized. IB is going to kill me in that field.


Am going to have a movie night next Sat-dy with Furbud. Will watch Being John Malkovich, Mists of Avalon, the Buffy Musical (Once More with Feeling!) and such. Oh, and I thought this song was funny from the buffy musical. Its being sung by a woman who's just got a parking ticket, if you can't tell. (ps, im hoping the last line is appropriate. i've done it word for word.)


I've been having a bad bad day. Come on, won't you put that pad away? I'm asking you please no...it isnt right, it isn't fair. There was no parking anywhere. I think that hydrant wasn't there. Why can't you let it go? I think I've paid more than my share. I'm just a poor girl don't you care....


heh. the sad thing is, Buffy works so well as a musical.


Yeah, it's sad that I havent seen JN in so long. :( But next weekend, after I've asked my old violin teacher if he stil has his number, I'm going to call him. Hope I can get his number. I have no idea why his mom chose clarinet; he had no wish to play it. If I get ahold of him, I'll let you know.


Tara then, am going to watch Underworld in a bit.

Love to you all. :))


Love Kep


If every word I said could make you laugh, I'd talk forever

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You were accepted? Congrats, even if you didnt go! Once I've got my b. edu. and Masters in music, i'm going to play all over the world, and take on students.

I read on their website about the residency, and they live like kings! (and queens!) Keegan's going to try for Berklee.


Phew. Have just organized my science and french binders. So much unorganized stuff in there! I am hopelessly unorganized. IB is going to kill me in that field.


Am going to have a movie night next Sat-dy with Furbud. Will watch Being John Malkovich, Mists of Avalon, the Buffy Musical (Once More with Feeling!) and such. Oh, and I thought this song was funny from the buffy musical. Its being sung by a woman who's just got a parking ticket, if you can't tell. (ps, im hoping the last line is appropriate. i've done it word for word.)


I've been having a bad bad day. Come on, won't you put that pad away? I'm asking you please no...it isnt right, it isn't fair. There was no parking anywhere. I think that hydrant wasn't there. Why can't you let it go? I think I've paid more than my share. I'm just a poor girl don't you care....


heh. the sad thing is, Buffy works so well as a musical.


Yeah, it's sad that I havent seen JN in so long. :( But next weekend, after I've asked my old violin teacher if he stil has his number, I'm going to call him. Hope I can get his number. I have no idea why his mom chose clarinet; he had no wish to play it. If I get ahold of him, I'll let you know.


Tara then, am going to watch Underworld in a bit.

Love to you all. :))


Love Kep


If every word I said could make you laugh, I'd talk forever

aww. i know i was going out on a limb for the "no parking song." meh. if anyone really wants to hear the buffy songs, they can download them.

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Oh, I am sorry that your inhaler makes you shakey.  Hopefully you will not need it too much longer as your sickness has gone away.


Yes I know that you have been here for quite a long time.  We just got the creative forum up and we are working on getting it going.  I was thrilled to see CheetaSpot return and you as well.  Hope that you all contribute art to the art forum.

hmm, u wouldn't happen to be the Horatio that commented on my art would u?   I'll definitly be adding art! Umm, where do we view this art though? U know what?  I made a big hamster that took me awhile in the art forum and just as I hit the add reply button, my cp froze up.  I had to turn it off (making me lose the hamster pic) and I couldn't rstart it cuz it was already really late and my mom was getting mad.  sorry, I'll try to post it again for ya. he kinnda looked more like a bear than a hammy though.  

I can't remember!  I know I was looking at art and made some comments, but they were all good.  So, if it was not a glowing comment, then it wasn't me.


I look forward to all art that is posted here.  As I told Jesse about the music, HampsterKing is working to improve the site, so that people won't have to wait forever to download pictures and music.  There will be a delay in getting the music and art shown, so please do not dismay.  He is working to make this site great!!!


Oh I can imagine you felt awful!  What horrible timing your computer has.  It is so frustrating to work really hard on something and have it disappear!


BTW I love hammies and I love bears...so whatever comes out will be really fantastic!!!

Oh well, it was a good comment so it probably was u!  I hope u liked my paintings.


I'm glad u don't care if it's a hammy or a bear, lol. U'll have to decide what it is I guess.   Yea, my cp always freezes at the dumbest times! That one took awhile too, because every time I hit the space bar, if something was in front of it, it would disappear, making it very difficult to make.

Your paintings are wonderful!  Please submit as many as you desire to our creative art forum.  Give HampsterKing time as he is in the process of improving the boards so that people will be able to download the music and art quickly!


Thanx! I'm glad u like them! Not many ppl commented on them, so I thought maybe they were not very good.   I don't know why ppl don't comment but oh well, I like to go around and tell ppl how much I like their stuff.  I'm sorry I haven't been around much, I thought things where getting better but... maybe not.  I'll try to send stuff to HK but I'm probly even busier then him right now.  I've added a poem to my gallery that explains my sadness right now, the snow doesn't help, it's in the poem called 'The 5th day of January'  I'll try my best to be around more often, but I think I need to slow down some.  Bye.

Oh, never go by people not writing comments.  There are many people who have good thoughts and intentions, but procrastinate so much that they never get around writing.

Thanx, I hope thats y they don't comment and not cuz my stuff stinks.  8)

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You were accepted? Congrats, even if you didnt go! Once I've got my b. edu. and Masters in music, i'm going to play all over the world, and take on students.

I read on their website about the residency, and they live like kings! (and queens!) Keegan's going to try for Berklee.


Phew. Have just organized my science and french binders. So much unorganized stuff in there! I am hopelessly unorganized. IB is going to kill me in that field.


Am going to have a movie night next Sat-dy with Furbud. Will watch Being John Malkovich, Mists of Avalon, the Buffy Musical (Once More with Feeling!) and such. Oh, and I thought this song was funny from the buffy musical. Its being sung by a woman who's just got a parking ticket, if you can't tell. (ps, im hoping the last line is appropriate. i've done it word for word.)


I've been having a bad bad day. Come on, won't you put that pad away? I'm asking you please no...it isnt right, it isn't fair. There was no parking anywhere. I think that hydrant wasn't there. Why can't you let it go? I think I've paid more than my share. I'm just a poor girl don't you care....


heh. the sad thing is, Buffy works so well as a musical.


Yeah, it's sad that I havent seen JN in so long. :( But next weekend, after I've asked my old violin teacher if he stil has his number, I'm going to call him. Hope I can get his number. I have no idea why his mom chose clarinet; he had no wish to play it. If I get ahold of him, I'll let you know.


Tara then, am going to watch Underworld in a bit.

Love to you all. :))


Love Kep


If every word I said could make you laugh, I'd talk forever

aww. i know i was going out on a limb for the "no parking song." meh. if anyone really wants to hear the buffy songs, they can download them.

Sorry that I couldn't leave it all in.  


What grade are you in?  How long have you been playing violin?  Who is your favorite composer?  What music are you playing?  Nosy hamster I am!


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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Oh, I am sorry that your inhaler makes you shakey.  Hopefully you will not need it too much longer as your sickness has gone away.


Yes I know that you have been here for quite a long time.  We just got the creative forum up and we are working on getting it going.  I was thrilled to see CheetaSpot return and you as well.  Hope that you all contribute art to the art forum.

hmm, u wouldn't happen to be the Horatio that commented on my art would u?   I'll definitly be adding art! Umm, where do we view this art though? U know what?  I made a big hamster that took me awhile in the art forum and just as I hit the add reply button, my cp froze up.  I had to turn it off (making me lose the hamster pic) and I couldn't rstart it cuz it was already really late and my mom was getting mad.  sorry, I'll try to post it again for ya. he kinnda looked more like a bear than a hammy though.  

I can't remember!  I know I was looking at art and made some comments, but they were all good.  So, if it was not a glowing comment, then it wasn't me.


I look forward to all art that is posted here.  As I told Jesse about the music, HampsterKing is working to improve the site, so that people won't have to wait forever to download pictures and music.  There will be a delay in getting the music and art shown, so please do not dismay.  He is working to make this site great!!!


Oh I can imagine you felt awful!  What horrible timing your computer has.  It is so frustrating to work really hard on something and have it disappear!


BTW I love hammies and I love bears...so whatever comes out will be really fantastic!!!

Oh well, it was a good comment so it probably was u!  I hope u liked my paintings.


I'm glad u don't care if it's a hammy or a bear, lol. U'll have to decide what it is I guess.   Yea, my cp always freezes at the dumbest times! That one took awhile too, because every time I hit the space bar, if something was in front of it, it would disappear, making it very difficult to make.

Your paintings are wonderful!  Please submit as many as you desire to our creative art forum.  Give HampsterKing time as he is in the process of improving the boards so that people will be able to download the music and art quickly!


Thanx! I'm glad u like them! Not many ppl commented on them, so I thought maybe they were not very good.   I don't know why ppl don't comment but oh well, I like to go around and tell ppl how much I like their stuff.  I'm sorry I haven't been around much, I thought things where getting better but... maybe not.  I'll try to send stuff to HK but I'm probly even busier then him right now.  I've added a poem to my gallery that explains my sadness right now, the snow doesn't help, it's in the poem called 'The 5th day of January'  I'll try my best to be around more often, but I think I need to slow down some.  Bye.

Oh, never go by people not writing comments.  There are many people who have good thoughts and intentions, but procrastinate so much that they never get around writing.

Thanx, I hope thats y they don't comment and not cuz my stuff stinks.  8)

Take me for instance, I am moderating and think...WOW!!! This is great, or what a good idea... and then when I get back to posting... I remember that I must write a post, but somehow it is a while before I actually do it or I think about it and can't find what I was looking for.  Never think that you work stinks.  You do a really terrific job, so keep up the good work!!!   :D  :D  :D

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Oh, I am sorry that your inhaler makes you shakey.  Hopefully you will not need it too much longer as your sickness has gone away.


Yes I know that you have been here for quite a long time.  We just got the creative forum up and we are working on getting it going.  I was thrilled to see CheetaSpot return and you as well.  Hope that you all contribute art to the art forum.

hmm, u wouldn't happen to be the Horatio that commented on my art would u?   I'll definitly be adding art! Umm, where do we view this art though? U know what?  I made a big hamster that took me awhile in the art forum and just as I hit the add reply button, my cp froze up.  I had to turn it off (making me lose the hamster pic) and I couldn't rstart it cuz it was already really late and my mom was getting mad.  sorry, I'll try to post it again for ya. he kinnda looked more like a bear than a hammy though.  

I can't remember!  I know I was looking at art and made some comments, but they were all good.  So, if it was not a glowing comment, then it wasn't me.


I look forward to all art that is posted here.  As I told Jesse about the music, HampsterKing is working to improve the site, so that people won't have to wait forever to download pictures and music.  There will be a delay in getting the music and art shown, so please do not dismay.  He is working to make this site great!!!


Oh I can imagine you felt awful!  What horrible timing your computer has.  It is so frustrating to work really hard on something and have it disappear!


BTW I love hammies and I love bears...so whatever comes out will be really fantastic!!!

Oh well, it was a good comment so it probably was u!  I hope u liked my paintings.


I'm glad u don't care if it's a hammy or a bear, lol. U'll have to decide what it is I guess.   Yea, my cp always freezes at the dumbest times! That one took awhile too, because every time I hit the space bar, if something was in front of it, it would disappear, making it very difficult to make.

Your paintings are wonderful!  Please submit as many as you desire to our creative art forum.  Give HampsterKing time as he is in the process of improving the boards so that people will be able to download the music and art quickly!


Thanx! I'm glad u like them! Not many ppl commented on them, so I thought maybe they were not very good.   I don't know why ppl don't comment but oh well, I like to go around and tell ppl how much I like their stuff.  I'm sorry I haven't been around much, I thought things where getting better but... maybe not.  I'll try to send stuff to HK but I'm probly even busier then him right now.  I've added a poem to my gallery that explains my sadness right now, the snow doesn't help, it's in the poem called 'The 5th day of January'  I'll try my best to be around more often, but I think I need to slow down some.  Bye.

Oh, never go by people not writing comments.  There are many people who have good thoughts and intentions, but procrastinate so much that they never get around writing.

Thanx, I hope thats y they don't comment and not cuz my stuff stinks.  8)

Take me for instance, I am moderating and think...WOW!!! This is great, or what a good idea... and then when I get back to posting... I remember that I must write a post, but somehow it is a while before I actually do it or I think about it and can't find what I was looking for.  Never think that you work stinks.  You do a really terrific job, so keep up the good work!!!   :D  :D  :D

Aww, thank you so much! I'm so glad u like my stuff. Hopefully I can add more soon, I'm trying my hand at photography.  I wish everyone here could see my gallery. :( Oh well, maybe I'll post my poems if ppl wanna hear um. OH OH! I almost forgot, I got an e-mail the other day inviting me to read one of my poems in front of famous poets at a big convention in FL!  I entered a poetry contest and thought they would laugh at me (I'm not a poet!) but they sent me this e-mail and said I'm now a nominee for the amature poet of the year award for 2004! I'm so excited!  I get my poem published and a nice engraved trophy just for being a nominee!  


Kep, u listen to Dido? I LOVE Dido!  :cool:


Ok, sorry I haven't been around much  :upside:  I miss everybody much. Ciao'!



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Oh, I am sorry that your inhaler makes you shakey.  Hopefully you will not need it too much longer as your sickness has gone away.


Yes I know that you have been here for quite a long time.  We just got the creative forum up and we are working on getting it going.  I was thrilled to see CheetaSpot return and you as well.  Hope that you all contribute art to the art forum.

hmm, u wouldn't happen to be the Horatio that commented on my art would u?   I'll definitly be adding art! Umm, where do we view this art though? U know what?  I made a big hamster that took me awhile in the art forum and just as I hit the add reply button, my cp froze up.  I had to turn it off (making me lose the hamster pic) and I couldn't rstart it cuz it was already really late and my mom was getting mad.  sorry, I'll try to post it again for ya. he kinnda looked more like a bear than a hammy though.  

I can't remember!  I know I was looking at art and made some comments, but they were all good.  So, if it was not a glowing comment, then it wasn't me.


I look forward to all art that is posted here.  As I told Jesse about the music, HampsterKing is working to improve the site, so that people won't have to wait forever to download pictures and music.  There will be a delay in getting the music and art shown, so please do not dismay.  He is working to make this site great!!!


Oh I can imagine you felt awful!  What horrible timing your computer has.  It is so frustrating to work really hard on something and have it disappear!


BTW I love hammies and I love bears...so whatever comes out will be really fantastic!!!

Oh well, it was a good comment so it probably was u!  I hope u liked my paintings.


I'm glad u don't care if it's a hammy or a bear, lol. U'll have to decide what it is I guess.   Yea, my cp always freezes at the dumbest times! That one took awhile too, because every time I hit the space bar, if something was in front of it, it would disappear, making it very difficult to make.

Your paintings are wonderful!  Please submit as many as you desire to our creative art forum.  Give HampsterKing time as he is in the process of improving the boards so that people will be able to download the music and art quickly!


Thanx! I'm glad u like them! Not many ppl commented on them, so I thought maybe they were not very good.   I don't know why ppl don't comment but oh well, I like to go around and tell ppl how much I like their stuff.  I'm sorry I haven't been around much, I thought things where getting better but... maybe not.  I'll try to send stuff to HK but I'm probly even busier then him right now.  I've added a poem to my gallery that explains my sadness right now, the snow doesn't help, it's in the poem called 'The 5th day of January'  I'll try my best to be around more often, but I think I need to slow down some.  Bye.

Oh, never go by people not writing comments.  There are many people who have good thoughts and intentions, but procrastinate so much that they never get around writing.

Thanx, I hope thats y they don't comment and not cuz my stuff stinks.  8)

Take me for instance, I am moderating and think...WOW!!! This is great, or what a good idea... and then when I get back to posting... I remember that I must write a post, but somehow it is a while before I actually do it or I think about it and can't find what I was looking for.  Never think that you work stinks.  You do a really terrific job, so keep up the good work!!!   :D  :D  :D

Aww, thank you so much! I'm so glad u like my stuff. Hopefully I can add more soon, I'm trying my hand at photography.  I wish everyone here could see my gallery. :( Oh well, maybe I'll post my poems if ppl wanna hear um. OH OH! I almost forgot, I got an e-mail the other day inviting me to read one of my poems in front of famous poets at a big convention in FL!  I entered a poetry contest and thought they would laugh at me (I'm not a poet!) but they sent me this e-mail and said I'm now a nominee for the amature poet of the year award for 2004! I'm so excited!  I get my poem published and a nice engraved trophy just for being a nominee!  


Kep, u listen to Dido? I LOVE Dido!  :cool:


Ok, sorry I haven't been around much  :upside:  I miss everybody much. Ciao'!



Oh we would love to hear your poems.  You can start your own personal poetry topic and post your poems there.  We are trying to keep the topics on track so that each person's work is the main focus of that topic.  But you know us, we have a tendency to get side tracked.  You can start a poetry topic and submit your poems in the author's forum and in the art forum, you can open your own photo gallery!  We would love to see your photography and read your poems!


Please do this!!


:D  :D  :D

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*dances around, spreading joy, love, and sugarcane EVERYWHERE*

Im so excited! and I just can't hide it! weeeeeeeeee!


Aloha, my darlings! Can you tell that I'm happy today? Well I'm not.



Everything is wonderful, and we're having a hawiian-themed pep rally tomorrow! I'm going definitely all-out for this one. The first pep rally I've had at this school where I've made any effort at all. I don't have school spirit; our school doesnt deserve my spirit.

but for some reason, I have hawaiian spirt. And its amazing. And I love it. I've got a grass skirt (they only had kids' sizes, so its more like a grass mini- over pants, of course) two leighs, two leigh bracelets, and a couple of bright flower hair combs. Its bloody insane. And amazing!


if i can get pictures, i'll try to post one.


Wooooo! So happy, my english is depleting! Hooray for depleting english!


In fact, hooray for everying. With special thanks to sour watermelon slices and espresso.


phew. hyperactivity should end soon, as have huge webpage to hand in to computer teacher in five days, and have barely started.

also, really REALLY want to talk to ben.


blah. Love you all, my darlings! *blows kisses and poofles into a cloud of coconuts*


Love always,


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Glad to hear that you are having a spectacular day!


Tomorrow will be fun for you!  I was wondering what "hawaiian spirt" might be?  Just a very brief jolt of hawaiian feeling?   :laughing  :laughing  :laughing   (Just love those typos!)


Pictures would be fantastic.  HampsterKing would love to post them for you!


Hope you see Ben soon.


*looks up and sees coconut angel flakes descending from heaven*


Ooouuuhhh... hawaiian snow!!!

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*grins* Everything was wonderfully tropical. We limbo-ed and almost all of us wore grass skirts, leighs, the whole thing.  :laughing

also, a lot of people shaved their heads for cancer, and we raised over 11 thousand dollars.


must be off, i'll tell more later!




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*grins* Everything was wonderfully tropical. We limbo-ed and almost all of us wore grass skirts, leighs, the whole thing.  :laughing

also, a lot of people shaved their heads for cancer, and we raised over 11 thousand dollars.


must be off, i'll tell more later!




Sounds like a truly fantastic day!


You all raised a phenomenal amount of money!




:D  :D  :D  :D  :D

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wow, it seems like there were so many posts for me!


Heh. (regarding sheena's ben comment) Thats what I thought you meant before I realised what I'd typed!

Speak of the devil, he actaully struck me across the face today ("because (he) can") and I'm far to devestated to talk to him. I feel degraded. Its horrible, and I would quite love to grind him into the dust with my heel.


(regarding the pep rally) We really did raise quite a bit of money. One girl, Clarissa, had very long curly hair. She had it braided and cut the braids off first to make a wig for someone! It was very successful and all the money went to the Canadian Cancer Foundation. Im quite proud of my school!


(regarding Mists of Avalon) Im watching it with Furbud this Sunday, I'll let you all know what I thought. :))


(regarding the post-script at the end of my posts) Its actually a selection from "Rest in Peace," sung by James Marsters. (THE greatest Texan to ever pull off a British accent.) It actually strikes a chord within my own heart as well and its part of the reason I post it. The situation in which it is originally used consists of a vampire loving a mortal.


(regarding grass skirts) Was quite fun, actually! Made me feel like visiting the island.


(and, finally, regarding the here and now.) I've almost found my JN! I asked our old violin teacher, but he didnt have the phone number. On the other hand, he knew what neighbourhood he lived in! Now I have a significantly less number of people to phone this weekend. :D I am determined to find him.

Ben also made a completely unnecessary comment on my appearence. Now I feel like an ugly, angry, degraded human being. Ga-nar. And according to most and many, I'm quite pretty. Meh. I shan't let it get to me.


Well, I'll be off now. Hope to hear from all of you soon! Hugs and kisses!


Love to you all,



~You're scared, ashamed of what you feel. And you can't tell the ones you love, you know they couldn't deal. Whisper in a dead man's ear, it doesn't make it real. That's great, but I dont want to play. 'Cause being with you touches me, more than I can say.~

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It was wonderful news hearing that your Canadian Cancer Foundation pep rally event was so highly successful.  Eleven thousand dollars is simply phenomenal!!!


Mists of Avalon is a really great movie.  I am sure that you will love it!!!


Oh yes!  There is hope that you and your violin buddy with catch up with each other very soon.  Maybe only one or two phone calls and perhaps you will find and speak with him.  Please let me know how this turns out.


Regarding Ben.  Anytime one person hits another person, it is assault.  You have done nothing to deserve being hit.  No one ever does anything to deserve to be hit.  When friends fight like this, it is devastating and you must stay away from him.  Please do not make a choice to allow Ben this power over you.  There is absolutely no reason for you to feel degraded, unattractive or any less of a person.  You should not be subjected to this treatment because he believes that "he can" do this to you.  No one has a right to assault you.  Now is the time for you to take hold of yourself and make a choice not to allow anyone to treat you in this manner.  You are far too good and wonderful a person to give this power to another.  Please Kep, remove yourself from this situation as soon as possible.  


Lots of love in friendship to you Kep...


Your pal, Horatio

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Yes, I know. I am back to my perky self today, and degrading feelings are gone, but he had no excuse to do it. When he did it, we were both really shocked. It was... strange.

I'm simply going to detatch, and remove myself from his friendship until otherwise stated. I'm glad to have your kind friendship, support and concern. Thankyou for everything. It'll all come out in the wash, and I've inspected his numerology chart. Its all in his numbers. Which means either he realises this as one of his Life Challenges to overcome-and does so quickly and effectively-, or he loses my friendship for good.

It'll all come out in the wash. And you'll all be the first to know if it doesnt.


Attended drivers ed today! Was from 9-5. Learned great deal. Was youngest in class by long shot, but was v. good. :)) 1 1/2 classes to go, and I'll be done! Which gives me a 43% reduction on my insurance. (YAY!) fantastic. Loving it.



must be off.

love to you all!


love kep


~You were hiding out in the open, searching do hard for a kiss that lasts forever, out on the boulevard.~

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Glad to hear you have recovered!  Wonderful news!  


Regarding Ben, it will be hard, if the decision comes to ending your friendship, but it sounds like you know what to do.  Please do keep us posted either way.


Thanks for the driver's ed warning.  I will spread the word to our drivers and let them know you are on the road.   :laughing  :laughing   But for reasons of reducing your rates 43%, that is fantastic.  It will save lots of money.


We are thinking of you.  Take care of yourself.



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Wow this topic is packed! Kep u are very "lurved" I see! :D

Everyone is "lurved" at hampsterdance! KODIAACKAA! MOMMENT!!! SAY CHEEEZZZZEEE

:camera: ---> chi cing < FLASH

MY EYEZ! AHH! -> :eek


Lol good times! :fuzzy  :hampton  :hado  :dixie

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I am quite lurved, arent I? *blushie*  :laughing and its very mutual.

*poses for the kodiak moment*

Almost found JN!!! Three numbers to call. Yoga tomorrow night with Furbud. And bloody @*&%, where are those maps Im supposed to do? *rifles through her homework papers* I swear I put them in my binder. In fact, I know I did. Gah.

I hate how when Im angry at Ben, and making it quite obvious to him, he still tries to make me laugh- and always succeeds. I'm a slave to that, even though the &*%@'ll turn 'round and return my hostile attitude as soon as look at me. Gah.

Meh. I don't let it bother me. He knows I'm upset, and we've left it at that.


So happy! Have successfully attained the buffy musical on my computer, and watched it last night. So happy! Happyhappyjoyjoy.


Must be off.

love to you all!


Love always,


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P.S., please feel free to go to the Stories, poems, and anythig written board and sign up to be a character in my story!(Not to be confused w/ !_HogwartsHampster_!'s story, witch is really good.)
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Hello, Ms. Kep! I'm not exactly sure who you are (I just joined this month.), but I' like to be your friend! :)

welcome, kat! Love to love you, babe!

of course i want to be your friend! I want to be everybody's friend.

I'll post later, I've homework to do.

Love you all!


(horatio and sheena- watched 2/3 of mists of avalon. was blurry brill. cant wait to finish. mutalates original legend, but still blurry brill! :D)


Love to you all,



It's just like you to contest, wear it like a label on your ######. Don't you see what this takes of me? A certain callousness complies with your charm and in your pride: a hopeful look draped in despise.

I want to give you whatever you need. What is it you need? Is it what I need? I want to give you whatever you need.

What is it you need? Is it within me?

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what, have people just stopped posting here? :P Dont you love me anymore?


love kep


Boquet of clumsy words, a simple melody. This world's an ugly place, but you're so beautiful to me...

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what, have people just stopped posting here? :P Dont you love me anymore?


love kep


Boquet of clumsy words, a simple melody. This world's an ugly place, but you're so beautiful to me...

We all  :love:  you Kep!  For the last two weeks I have been taking tests and they have been completed.  Now I am just finishing up with my notes.  On Tuesday I will begin my posting frenzy, so watch out!


I did not want to scare you off about Mists of Avalon, but I still thought the television version was still great, considering it was made for TV.


Did you make the other three calls yet??  Any luck??


What is the story about Ben?  


I am thinking of you.


Take care...


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Ello my darlings,


Ah, lovely to know I'm still  :love:ed. :))

Hope you did well on your tests! Cross fingers!


Scare me off about Mists of Avalon?? Sorry, hun, I must've missed that.:laugh: I finished watching it yesterday with Furbud. Amazing movie, blurry brill and absolutely fabulous. Beautiful sountrack, too. I thought it was a v. good interpretation of the legend.

I especially loved the symbolism. Refering, of course, to Excalibur and the cross, and the Virgin Mary and the Goddess. Priceless.


About JN and the phone calls...

Ok, so I've been working myself up to do that, telling myself "ok, today I'll call JN," but no such luck. Its been a couple of weeks now, and I've discovered I'm quite nervous about it. Late last school year, I was driving past the house of an old friend, Ashley. Ashley and I had been amazing friends for so many years until she started living with her dad on weeks instead of her mom, her parents being divorced. Her dad lived in the North, and her mom in the Southeast, so of course this meant I didn't see her any more. I stopped, and knocked on the door. It had been such a spontanious action that I hadn't even thought about what I would say or what she would say. When I saw her, even though so much had obviously happened since we last talked and yet we didnt know where to start. I made attempts to get together with her- coffee or something- to get caught up, but she was never available. We drifted as fast as I had knocked on the door. I called and left a "merry christmas, happy new year" message this past christmas on their machine but no phone call back.

Maybe this past experience has something to do with it. The time that had elapsed between ashley and I was far less than that with JN and I. But, Im telling myself, I'll call him this week....maybe. ;)



Ok, I made it evident that I was ticked off at him, and he accepted that, but somehow still managed to make me laugh. Not the best thing when you're angry. Part of me still fell slave to his wit when he joked.

I attended a conference called Potentials in Motion last week, Ben was to go the next day. (We were two of a select few.) I enjoyed myself emensely, and when I came home I learned that Ben had called, needing to know some information about the conference. I called him back the next morning, although reluctantly.

I suppose the anger has dissipated- I hate staying angry long or holding grudges. They're never worth it.

Our relationship has since changed, neither for the good nor the bad, but friendship was-eventually- restored. I don't think I could've done anything to avoid that bit.


All classroom driver's ed. classes are done this sat`dy at 12. Then I go straight to take my test- And then to celebrate my birthday!

In-car lessons start the following week.


Yoga with Furbud on Tuesday. Lovely. I love yoga- I don't get the same beautiful release from anything else.


It seems I've droned on long enough. I'll talk to you all soon, and Ben's been finnishing up the first notebook I filled in with my story. It should be posted soon. (He made a special attempt to finish it this past weekend.)


Love to you all,

Take care Horatio.


Love always,



Mary walks down to the water's edge and there she hangs her head to find herself faded, a shadow of what she once was. She said "How long have I been sleeping and why do I feel so old, why do I feel so cold. My heart is saying one thing but my body won't let go."

With trembling hands she reaches up, a stranger's flesh is offered. and I would be the last to know- I would be the last the let it show. I would be the last to go.

Take her hand- she will lead you through the fire, give you back hope and hope that you won't take too much, respecting what is left. she cradled us, she held us in her arms, unselfish in her suffering she could not understand that no one seemed to have the time to cherish what was given. And I would be the last to know, and I would be the last to let it show. I would be the last to go.

Mary walks...

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On Tuesday I will begin my posting frenzy, so watch out!

*points jokingly accusing finger* Liar!

ah, you know i love you.

much to tell you.


talk to you soon.


love kep

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On Tuesday I will begin my posting frenzy, so watch out!

*points jokingly accusing finger* Liar!

ah, you know i love you.

much to tell you.


talk to you soon.


love kep

Oh, so you noticed.  So you are right, my posting frenzy did not actually begin on Tuesday... how does next Tuesday sound.  I thought that I had gotten all the references written down and I am sooooooooooooooooo slow!

I don't know how you all get all your homework done and have time to post and have time for other activities.  You all are amazing.


So Kep, what is happening up in Canada??  How's life, school and things in general?  As for here... no news is good news.  


BTW, I liked your poem.  If was quite beautiful.


Talk to you later.

Lots of love in friendship...


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Aww, allright. I forgive you. ;) Next Tues'dy sounds lovely. Can't wait to hear everything that's happening up your neck of the woods.


No news is good news? That's awful, darlin'. I hope you'll confide, and that life picks up soon for you!


I have quite a mix of estaticly wonderful news and achingly horrible news.

I'm doing a bit of a multitask, watching survivor (yes, a guilty pleasure, i know,) and writing a science report. Aack! We put 20ml copper II sulfate into a beaker with a stopper and dropped some steel wool in, put the stopper in and swished it around. it rusted the steel wool and disintegrated the lot, the amount of copper II sulfate went down and turned clear, and made the flask heat up. Then we measured the mass of the substance (after all, a gas had been created through the chemical reaction) and 1/3 the class found the mass to be equal before and after.1/3 found it to be greater, and 1/3 found it to be less. Our homework: explain WHY, if mass can neither be created nor destroyed.

Dear me. Can't wait to find out the answer to this one. I'm not really in an out-of-the-box thinking mode right now.


ouh! have just thought out of box! have decided upon a varying amount of natural air becoming trapped inside unstopper-ed flask. yes. that is good.


blah, must be off. love to you all. i'll post my news tomorrow.


love kep

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Aww, you remembered! thankyou all! love to you all.

hee. ben bought me chocos!

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Aww, you remembered! thankyou all! love to you all.

hee. ben bought me chocos!



Chocos for birthday... what for Valentine's Day?????????

actually the little ######'s not given me anything for v-day..yet. but i doubt he will, seeing as we have thurs, fri, and mon`dy off for teachers convention and family day, and so I wont see him on v-day. But Eric (another friend) got me a bernard callibeau chocolate S! (For my name, of course)

How lovely. :D


Love to you all, will post later.


Love always,




If every word I said could make you laugh, I'd talk forever.

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Dear Kep,


Happy Birthday to you,


  Happy Birthday to you,


Happy Birthday dear Kep,


  Happy Birthday to you!!!!



:present: :rose: :music: :present: :cake: :present: :music: :rose: :present:

I'm soooo sorry I missed your B-day, Ms. Kep! Happy late Birthday! :D

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Better late than ever, but:




It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now

It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now


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I'm soooo sorry I missed your B-day, Ms. Kep! Happy late Birthday! :D

Hee. No problem at all, hun. Thankyou so much!

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Better late than ever, but:

H<span style='color:orange'>APPY BIRTHDAY, KEP!</span>



It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now

It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now


*beams* Thankyou!!! I feel so  :love: ed. :))


Love you all so much,


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Better late than ever, but:

H<span style='color:orange'>APPY BIRTHDAY, KEP!</span>



It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now

It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now


ooooooo.... The pretty colours....

I can do it to!

This better work!  :alien:

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Guest puppydog

*beams* Thankyou!!! I feel so  :love: ed.


Love you all so much,


opps did i  miss it too?  8)  sorry :cake:  :present:   :present:    :present:    :present:  




:fuzzy   :hado  :penguin

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Better late than ever, but:




It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now

It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now


Oh no, Jesse's into the food coloring again!


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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Better late than ever, but:

H<span style='color:orange'>APPY BIRTHDAY, KEP!</span>



It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now

It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now


*beams* Thankyou!!! I feel so  :love: ed. :))


Love you all so much,


You're welcome  :)


I know how good it feels to have birthday wishes. At school I never get any and I feel rather empty...

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Oh no, Jesse's into the food coloring again!


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

hee.  :laughing

And heres a valentine, or, rather, an anti-valentine, for you. from meish.org with love.



Happy unimaginative consumerist-oriented and entirely arbitrary, manipulative and shallow interpretation of romance day.

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Better late than ever, but:




It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now

It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now


*beams* Thankyou!!! I feel so  :love: ed. :))


Love you all so much,


You're welcome  :)


I know how good it feels to have birthday wishes. At school I never get any and I feel rather empty...

:(  Oh, I am so sorry to hear that!   :(


Well, we will make up for it here!!!!!!!!!


For starters......  the count up and down event!!!!!!  You are almost celebrating your birthday everyday for two months! :laughing  :laughing

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Oh no, Jesse's into the food coloring again!


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

hee.  :laughing

And heres a valentine, or, rather, an anti-valentine, for you. from meish.org with love.



Happy unimaginative consumerist-oriented and entirely arbitrary, manipulative and shallow interpretation of romance day.

Hammy heart's day to you Kep!!!


:love:  :love:  :love:  :love:  :love:


*sends lots of huggles*

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Do I dare ask how have you been and what has been happening?  I have been thinking of you and wondering........


:)  :)  :)

Happy unimaginative consumerist-oriented and entirely arbitrary, manipulative and shallow interpretation of romance day, everyone.


Well, for starters my parents have decided that beause I enjoy working with my Elfwood gallery and Library in what little spare time I have, that I am now forbidden to do that because it is uneducational.

At least they tolerate my tarot cards.


Deep breath.




More confusion over Ben on my part, don't really want to get into it just yet until I've sorted myself out.


Still havent called JN. Will do it... tomorrow. Swear. Promise.


Also need to study for two finals on tuesday. Darn.


Went to Yoga this morning with Furbud. Was v. lovely and relaxing. Got a phone call from my unbiological sister (ah, best friends,) Anna. She said "I love you!!!! I sent you an ecard!" heh. Also got lovely little heart-shaped box of pot of gold with card and roses from Dad. V. nice.


Bah. Am being nagged about being on computer. Am going to watch charlie bown valentine special and the princess diaries (a movie i didnt particularly care for, but for some reason want to see again)


Love to you all! I'll post more tomorrow.



Love always,



In this Savage Garden, the innocent belong in the vampire's arms...

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Happy unimaginative consumerist-oriented and entirely arbitrary, manipulative and shallow interpretation of romance day, everyone.


At least they tolerate my tarot cards.


More confusion over Ben


Still havent called JN. Will do it... tomorrow. Swear. Promise.


Also need to study for two finals on tuesday. Darn.


"I love you!!!! I sent you an ecard!"


got lovely little heart-shaped box of pot of gold with card and roses from Dad. V. nice.


Bah. Am being nagged about being on computer.


Am going to watch charlie bown valentine special and the princess diaries (a movie i didnt particularly care for, but for some reason want to see again)

Many call this another Hallmark Holiday...  just another reason to send a card.


Tarot cards...  I lost a good friend who was a Cuban Medicine Woman and she would read Tarot cards. She was a wonderful friend and one of the nicest and most considerate people to enter my life.  I will miss her dearly.


Ben...  I will wait until the time is right.


JN...  Also when the time is right.


Good Luck on your finals, but I doubt you will need it.  You will do great!


E-cards...  a fun way to add music and animation to a greeting card!


Father's are always great for being there with just the right thoughts and actions.


Spending too much time on the computer...  An exceptional way to procrastinate.  Thank goodness that they weren't around when I was a kid.


The Charlie Brown Special...  I think Peanuts are wonderful and very uplifting.  As for the Princess Diaries, well you can fill me in as I didn't see it the first time.


Hammy Heart's Day Kep.


Lots of love in friendship.


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Ah, was semi-confusinbg post to read the first time, Horatio, hun. :P Had to read it twice.


Yes, today is the day. I've put together my Soviet Union ch 1&2 study sheets and just need to put together English (Advertising) study sheets. Advertising really was the worst unit we've done. Worse, believe it or not, than the sentence/paragraph structure unit- which was unbearable. Do they not think we can write sentences and not put "My dog's name is 'Fluffy'...." In a paragraph about Brazil by now?


Right, so like I was saying: Today is the day. The day for what, you may ask. Well, I'll reply, today is the day im ACTUALLY going to call JN. Sqwee! Finally. Its been about a mnth since I got the list of possible phone numbers.

Will let you all know after I'm through the intimidating ordeal.


As for Ben, things are far to confusing right now as it is. I shall keep you posted. Last night I consulted the Tarot in a desperate attempt for an answer, and was shown the Guidance Card, indicating that the answer is right there in front of me, pulling me to it, but im refusing to pay attention at the moment. (Silly, Silly, Kep.)

Also, revealed was the intensity card, which indicated movement from passive being into great action that will result in precisely what I want.

     ....Its like a carot dangling in front of my rabbit nose.

That's the thing with Tarot. The answers are always...vague.


Princess diaries isnt that good. Dont know why wanted to see it. Oh well.

What I really have a hankering for is "You've got Mail," despite it being one big (2 hour?) promotion for AOL. Furbud bought it, and its still in the wrapper, unopened, unwatched. I said "Give it to me-e-e-e-e!!!"

Heh. Silly Kep and her silly chick flick obsession.


Bookwise, Im going to have to do some more contributing to the book club. Everybody is urged to read the following: "The Vampire Lestat" (Anne Rice), and "The Angels Trilogy" (Lurlene McDaniel). Amazing books. Beautiful writing. This is the <insert unfathomable, black hole type number here>th time I've read The Angels Trilogy, and I still cry a number of times!


Hmm, have just read very funny diary entry from Natalie Dee (a must see in websites) about her square egg machine. Tres amusant.


Well, will keep you all up to trot. (Am going to grandma's house tonight for dinner- I'm driving!!! Hurrah for recent liscence getting.)


Take care,

Love always,




In this Savage Garden, the innocent belong in the vampire's arms.

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Just wondering how to customize my avator, as pre-made avators threaten my creative flow. :P

"Choose from a premade avator or simply upload your own"

The instructions are vague, and Im not computer savvy.

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Just wondering how to customize my avator, as pre-made avators threaten my creative flow. :P

"Choose from a premade avator or simply upload your own"

The instructions are vague, and Im not computer savvy.

Design your avatar and than email it to HampsterKing at support@hampsterdance.com.  Please note in the subject of the email that this is an:  Avatar Request.  Hopefully this will expedite your avatar.  If you let me know when you send it, I will try and keep up with HampsterKing to get these approved as fast as possible.  As soon as he let's me know it has been approved, I will let you know that it is the avatar gallery.


:D  :D  :D

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Design your avatar and than email it to HampsterKing at support@hampsterdance.com.  Please note in the subject of the email that this is an:  Avatar Request.  Hopefully this will expedite your avatar.  If you let me know when you send it, I will try and keep up with HampsterKing to get these approved as fast as possible.  As soon as he let's me know it has been approved, I will let you know that it is the avatar gallery.


:D  :D  :D

lovely. thanks hun :D

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:laughing  :laughing


Too much sugar or too little sugar...

Quite the dilemma.


On a serious note :music: , it made total sense to me, but of course, I knew what I was trying to convey.  


We will be waiting for your replies about JN and Ben.  All in their proper time.  No rush on either.


You've Got Mail and Sleepless in Seattle, I liked them both.  I do not like movies with violence.  Both these movies make you feel great!


Anne Rice is a terrific author.  There are a number of her books which I enjoy.  As for Lurene Mc Daniel, I have not read any of her books, but on your recommendation, I certainly will.


Have fun at Grandmother's house, but watch out for wolves.  Oh, you are driving.  No need to worry then.   :laughing  :laughing


Freedom is......

         having your driver's license and a car full of gas!

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8)   I'm....  well, hi.  I'm back... but now I'm lost :(  HI to the Newbs, I'll be ur friend  :))  and to Kep and Sheena and Horatio! "HI!"   :)  I miss u all.
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Awful day. Truly day from ####. Need mini-break. Badly. Horrible. Except slight downfall is both cannot afford mini-break in paradise for week, and will never be permitted by parents to go on mini-break during school year.


Took that bloody test. I, please remember, am an IB-accepted student (if you dont know what IB is,  (deleted by mod)  will give more information). I am NOT average. And I work very, very hard to be as far above average as humanly possible.


I got 68% on that test.


I could have died, right there. Had to escape to bathroom for repressive sobs. Was like knife through beating heart.


Then had to face angry scary french teacher, who loved to hand out zeros by not giving you even 5 minutes more on assignments. Had four sheets due- had done all with precise spelling etc. Had put sheets in bag. Had put sheets in locker in morning. But where have sheets gone?! OH NO! WHERE HAVE SHEETS GONE?!?!?!


Found sheets in LA room. Then she didnt take them for marks.


Semi-friend of mine got 44/50 on that test. I asked him how the #### he got that.

Oh yeah, he cheated.


(by the way, reason test was so hard is that the vocab/glossary/defining/etc section was using words- not from Russia chapters 1 and 2, like we are studying, but from things we were probably taught 2 years ago, and things we'll need to know for future grades. averge in my class was about 26/50.)


Really, really needed Ben at lunch. He can always make me smile, always make me laugh, feel better. But he was crooning over Jen, talking with her for ages. Completely ignored, I was sitting just nearby with another friend. We could talk about any one of them without their hearing us- today I was just invisible.

One day I really need Ben to be there for me, and he barely hears when I call his name.


No yoga tonight- was hoping there would be so I could let go of all that is causing me grief.


Consulted tarot- was scary in manner of scary-granny-pants (in words of bridget jones, mon hero). Answer was not such as "consider the bumblebee," as expected, but very very true and was if tarot was living being which could read my mind.


((If you could read my mind love, what a tale my thoughts would tell..just like a paperback novel...the kind the drugstores sell...))


Much to much to do. Talk to you all soon.


Love always,



If God had a face, what would it look like and would you want to see it, if seeing meant that you would have to believe?

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Dear, dear Kep...


So very sorry that you had a truly awful day.  My heart goes out to you.


I live in Paradise, and this is truly a great place for a break.  Sorry that the rules do not allow me to have you for a visit!  It is divine!!


When you told me your grade, you knocked the breath out of me.  Ohhhhhhhh, I feel so bad.  We know that you work very, very hard to achieve the best in school, music and your writings and this brings tears to my eyes, so I can only imagine how you felt. It hurts even more when someone cheats.  What they do not understand is that this has repercussions on everyone in the class.


It is sad that the French teacher did not allow you some leeway as you could have never written four pages in the time between class and when you turned those pages in.  One blow right after another.  Ooooooohhhhhhhhhh.   :(


Ben is another subject.  I am going to tell you one more time dear Kep, do NOT give another person the power to make you feel bad.   You need to hold in yourself the power over how you feel.  Please do not give this away...EVER!!!!!!!


*gives Kep an emormous huggle*...  it is okay to cry on my shoulder.  


Friends are great treasures...when you experience sadness, grief and despair; they divide the sorrow in half.  When you experience happiness, joy and love; they double the good feelings.  You now have half the sadness you had before as I have just taken half of your sorrows.


Lots of love in friendship,


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Awful day. Truly day from ####. Need mini-break. Badly. Horrible. Except slight downfall is both cannot afford mini-break in paradise for week, and will never be permitted by parents to go on mini-break during school year.


Took that bloody test. I, please remember, am an IB-accepted student (if you dont know what IB is,  (deleted by mod)  will give more information). I am NOT average. And I work very, very hard to be as far above average as humanly possible.


I got 68% on that test.


I could have died, right there. Had to escape to bathroom for repressive sobs. Was like knife through beating heart.


Then had to face angry scary french teacher, who loved to hand out zeros by not giving you even 5 minutes more on assignments. Had four sheets due- had done all with precise spelling etc. Had put sheets in bag. Had put sheets in locker in morning. But where have sheets gone?! OH NO! WHERE HAVE SHEETS GONE?!?!?!


Found sheets in LA room. Then she didnt take them for marks.


Semi-friend of mine got 44/50 on that test. I asked him how the #### he got that.

Oh yeah, he cheated.


(by the way, reason test was so hard is that the vocab/glossary/defining/etc section was using words- not from Russia chapters 1 and 2, like we are studying, but from things we were probably taught 2 years ago, and things we'll need to know for future grades. averge in my class was about 26/50.)


Really, really needed Ben at lunch. He can always make me smile, always make me laugh, feel better. But he was crooning over Jen, talking with her for ages. Completely ignored, I was sitting just nearby with another friend. We could talk about any one of them without their hearing us- today I was just invisible.

One day I really need Ben to be there for me, and he barely hears when I call his name.


No yoga tonight- was hoping there would be so I could let go of all that is causing me grief.


Consulted tarot- was scary in manner of scary-granny-pants (in words of bridget jones, mon hero). Answer was not such as "consider the bumblebee," as expected, but very very true and was if tarot was living being which could read my mind.


((If you could read my mind love, what a tale my thoughts would tell..just like a paperback novel...the kind the drugstores sell...))


Much to much to do. Talk to you all soon.


Love always,



If God had a face, what would it look like and would you want to see it, if seeing meant that you would have to believe?

Oh, Ms. Kep, that sound awful! if it makes you feel any better, i got a C on a math test I could have sworn I new the answers to :( . And i know what it feels like to work very hard in school and get bad grades. I've somehow managed my self into Quest and I'm still getting a D in Language Arts, the easiest subject on the planet. Curse you reading logs, CURSE YOU!! Whoa, lost myself of a second,there :) ! Well, anyways you are not alone when it comes to intellegent people getting bad grades. Just remember that you are still smart, you just had a bad school day, like everyone does!


As for Ben, i don't know who he is 8) . But Horatio is right about the fact that only you can control your happiness!


Well, I hope I helped you some! TTFN! :D


Katie (katdacatis#1 & SupreamKittyMisstressOfEvil who is my dark side)

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Consulted tarot- was scary in manner of scary-granny-pants (in words of bridget jones, mon hero). Answer was not such as "consider the bumblebee," as expected, but very very true and was if tarot was living being which could read my mind.

I didn't know that you where into tarot cards! Thats so cool! Of, course, I couldn't figure out their meanings to save my life 8) , ut that just makes me respect those whos brians have that compasaty! :laugh:

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I live in Paradise...


When you told me your grade, you knocked the breath out of me.  [...] I can only imagine how you felt.

It hurts even more when someone cheats.

[...] French teacher [...] One blow right after another.  Ooooooohhhhhhhhhh. :(


Ben is another subject.  I am going to tell you one more time dear Kep, do NOT give another person the power to make you feel bad. You need to hold in yourself the power over how you feel.  Please do not give this away...EVER!!!!!!!


*gives Kep an emormous huggle*...  it is okay to cry on my shoulder. 


Friends are great treasures...when you experience sadness, grief and despair; they divide the sorrow in half.  When you experience happiness, joy and love; they double the good feelings.  You now have half the sadness you had before as I have just taken half of your sorrows.


Lots of love in friendship,


Do you really live in paradise? How lovely! Which paradise is this? Calgary's no sanction or haven. Im in need of sunshine and beaches and oceans. And, of course, fruity drinks in coconut shell cups!


Yes, French is evil, Madame is unforgiving. Blows were like rocks....with spikes.


Ben didn't make me feel powerless. In fact, I wanted his understanding and conversation quite badly. I dont think he's had much time to croon over Jen, to admire her from afar, since I entered his life, and he seemed happy. I could wait for his words.


I can only offer my thanks for your kindness, Horatio! I wish I could offer more. I accept your sympathetic shoulder with greatful appreciation.



Love always,

Kep [avator coming soon.]


It's dieing in another's arms, and why I had to try it.

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Hi Kep,  I see you are on right know.  I was missing from the boards for about three weeks (tax return then some personal issues, including John and I splitting up).  I've caught up on the other boards, but I'm going to need some time to wade back through all your post, so bear with me.  I'll get them all read, I promise :penguin  :penguin  :penguin .

Oh Sheena, I'd wondered where you had gotten off to. I'm so very sorry to hear about your marriage. I hope little Ben is taking this well?


My horrible day seems so selfish now, to hear what you've gone through. But I suppose this is something you both wanted?


Im thinking of you.


Love always,



What makes you different makes you beautiful

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Awful day. Truly day from ####. Need mini-break. Badly. Horrible. Except slight downfall is both cannot afford mini-break in paradise for week, and will never be permitted by parents to go on mini-break during school year.


Took that bloody test. I, please remember, am an IB-accepted student (if you dont know what IB is,  (deleted by mod)  will give more information). I am NOT average. And I work very, very hard to be as far above average as humanly possible.


I got 68% on that test.


I could have died, right there. Had to escape to bathroom for repressive sobs. Was like knife through beating heart.


Then had to face angry scary french teacher, who loved to hand out zeros by not giving you even 5 minutes more on assignments. Had four sheets due- had done all with precise spelling etc. Had put sheets in bag. Had put sheets in locker in morning. But where have sheets gone?! OH NO! WHERE HAVE SHEETS GONE?!?!?!


Found sheets in LA room. Then she didnt take them for marks.


Semi-friend of mine got 44/50 on that test. I asked him how the #### he got that.

Oh yeah, he cheated.


(by the way, reason test was so hard is that the vocab/glossary/defining/etc section was using words- not from Russia chapters 1 and 2, like we are studying, but from things we were probably taught 2 years ago, and things we'll need to know for future grades. averge in my class was about 26/50.)


Really, really needed Ben at lunch. He can always make me smile, always make me laugh, feel better. But he was crooning over Jen, talking with her for ages. Completely ignored, I was sitting just nearby with another friend. We could talk about any one of them without their hearing us- today I was just invisible.

One day I really need Ben to be there for me, and he barely hears when I call his name.


No yoga tonight- was hoping there would be so I could let go of all that is causing me grief.


Consulted tarot- was scary in manner of scary-granny-pants (in words of bridget jones, mon hero). Answer was not such as "consider the bumblebee," as expected, but very very true and was if tarot was living being which could read my mind.


((If you could read my mind love, what a tale my thoughts would tell..just like a paperback novel...the kind the drugstores sell...))


Much to much to do. Talk to you all soon.


Love always,



If God had a face, what would it look like and would you want to see it, if seeing meant that you would have to believe?

Horrible days are better than having no days at all.  :(


AN IB Accepted student? OMG! What test did you take (was it some sort of entrence exam?)? I'm not average either, people in my class think I'm the least intelligent out of the top set then I shove a 100% mark on an extremly hard maths test up their stuck up noses.


Maybe it was 68% showing that you were an 18% more intelligent than a usual genius?


I know the feeling. As though you wish you could kill your self but unable to. Gone through that.


Have you considered hiring someone to erange an 'accident' for her?


Semi-friend+cheating= bad idea. He is only going to be found out, eventually.


If there was no yoga why not try meditating. It is very relaxing and we do it each lesson in RE and I find it very relaxing.


I'm not allowed to get tarot cards, despite wanting to very annoying.


To our first encounter,

                             TGHL, Redwing and Darkness(yes I was there)

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AN IB Accepted student? OMG! What test did you take (was it some sort of entrence exam?)? I'm not average either, people in my class think I'm the least intelligent out of the top set then I shove a 100% mark on an extremly hard maths test up their stuck up noses.


Maybe it was 68% showing that you were an 18% more intelligent than a usual genius?


I know the feeling. As though you wish you could kill your self but unable to. Gone through that.


Have you considered hiring someone to erange an 'accident' for her?


Semi-friend+cheating= bad idea. He is only going to be found out, eventually.


If there was no yoga why not try meditating. It is very relaxing and we do it each lesson in RE and I find it very relaxing.


I'm not allowed to get tarot cards, despite wanting to very annoying.


To our first encounter,

                              TGHL, Redwing and Darkness(yes I was there)

Love to meet you!


No, I took no entrance exam for IB, but I did need to gather reference letters and fill out some mini-essays about myself.



hee. an accident for the friend Ben was gawking at?


Love always,



In this savage garden, the innocent belong in the Vampire's arms.

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Love to meet you!


No, I took no entrance exam for IB, but I did need to gather reference letters and fill out some mini-essays about myself.



hee. an accident for the friend Ben was gawking at?


Love always,



In this savage garden, the innocent belong in the Vampire's arms.

now why did you have to edit that, horatio? (also, the "love to meet you!" should be "lovely to meet you.")

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Love to meet you!


No, I took no entrance exam for IB, but I did need to gather reference letters and fill out some mini-essays about myself.



hee. an accident for the friend Ben was gawking at?


Love always,



In this savage garden, the innocent belong in the Vampire's arms.

now why did you have to edit that, horatio? (also, the "love to meet you!" should be "lovely to meet you.")

It wasn't yours that I edited, it was TGHL.  I had approved it and then couldn't find where it went to.  I searched for a LONG time.  Anyway, when you copied his post, then I said "AHA!!!  There you are!"  Of course, now I had to edit two, TGHL's original and then his when you quoted him.  I would have sent you a message and let you know why I edited it, but you never read those, so I gave up.


Sorry for the confusion.


By the way, I do not edit typos or spelling, except on my own.


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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Love to meet you!


No, I took no entrance exam for IB, but I did need to gather reference letters and fill out some mini-essays about myself.



hee. an accident for the friend Ben was gawking at?


Love always,



In this savage garden, the innocent belong in the Vampire's arms.

now why did you have to edit that, horatio? (also, the "love to meet you!" should be "lovely to meet you.")

It wasn't yours that I edited, it was TGHL.  I had approved it and then couldn't find where it went to.  I searched for a LONG time.  Anyway, when you copied his post, then I said "AHA!!!  There you are!"  Of course, now I had to edit two, TGHL's original and then his when you quoted him.  I would have sent you a message and let you know why I edited it, but you never read those, so I gave up.


Sorry for the confusion.


By the way, I do not edit typos or spelling, except on my own.


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

Oops, there is one spelling that I do edit...  when someone is trying to make an emoticon appear (one of the ones that you need to type out) and they spell it wrong or omit a colon, then I will fix it for them.

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By the way, I do not edit typos or spelling, except on my own.

never thought you did, darling. :))

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By the way, I do not edit typos or spelling, except on my own.

never thought you did, darling. :))

Good thing that I don't edit typos, or else all the people who won TYPO AWARDS would string me up by my hammie toes.  Even worse, the award wouldn't exist and I wouldn't have so many laughs.  Phew!


:eek  :eek  :eek

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Love to meet you!


No, I took no entrance exam for IB, but I did need to gather reference letters and fill out some mini-essays about myself.



hee. an accident for the friend Ben was gawking at?


Love always,



In this savage garden, the innocent belong in the Vampire's arms.

now why did you have to edit that, horatio? (also, the "love to meet you!" should be "lovely to meet you.")

It wasn't yours that I edited, it was TGHL.  I had approved it and then couldn't find where it went to.  I searched for a LONG time.  Anyway, when you copied his post, then I said "AHA!!!  There you are!"  Of course, now I had to edit two, TGHL's original and then his when you quoted him.  I would have sent you a message and let you know why I edited it, but you never read those, so I gave up.


Sorry for the confusion.


By the way, I do not edit typos or spelling, except on my own.


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

Oops, there is one spelling that I do edit...  when someone is trying to make an emoticon appear (one of the ones that you need to type out) and they spell it wrong or omit a colon, then I will fix it for them.

I know who you helped out w/ the emoticon! *wink, wink*

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AN IB Accepted student? OMG! What test did you take (was it some sort of entrence exam?)? I'm not average either, people in my class think I'm the least intelligent out of the top set then I shove a 100% mark on an extremly hard maths test up their stuck up noses.


Maybe it was 68% showing that you were an 18% more intelligent than a usual genius?


I know the feeling. As though you wish you could kill your self but unable to. Gone through that.


Have you considered hiring someone to erange an 'accident' for her?


Semi-friend+cheating= bad idea. He is only going to be found out, eventually.


If there was no yoga why not try meditating. It is very relaxing and we do it each lesson in RE and I find it very relaxing.


I'm not allowed to get tarot cards, despite wanting to very annoying.


To our first encounter,

                              TGHL, Redwing and Darkness(yes I was there)

Love to meet you!


No, I took no entrance exam for IB, but I did need to gather reference letters and fill out some mini-essays about myself.



hee. an accident for the friend Ben was gawking at?


Love always,



In this savage garden, the innocent belong in the Vampire's arms.

Most pleasent to make your aquaintance Kep,


ah.. I see


No the annoying French teacher.


From the whole TGHL's insane diverse party of personalities.

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Best Day Ever!!!!!!!

Today shall hence forth be known as "Lovely Thursday," and thanks to the day in question, <insert random higher power here> is totally forgiven for Crappy Tuesday (please say that's not gonna be edited out... if it is, let it have the HD exclusive alias of....ok, im going out on a limb here, but 'Really Really Bad Tuesday')

Anyway so the Band students were gone today, and almost all of our group that sits together at lunch is in band, so I got some one-on-one talking in with Ben, who promised to cheer me up next time I feel bad, and next time, etc. Wow, have missed Ben's conversation in past two days! (Went yesterday to conference called Explore IT, which was to encourage more women into the field of enginering and IT careers. Was really, really cool. Free, as funded totally by vollentary sponsers. Got to meet Nancie Knowlton, founder of SMART technologies. She is one of the few women at the very, very top of a multi-billion dollar foundation. Was blurry brill! Therefore, had no school yesterday as got to skip to attend said conference.) Anyway and I found out other students who took the test (ah, the dreaded social test) had a glossary sheet to study from! And he had missed the booklet I got when he stapled them together. So I told him, and he exempted me from the glossary section, and now i have a 98%! Much better.

Got interm report card, and was best interm i've ever had. Got 98.5% as a math average, and have 95% for social, dont have my science mark yet and 91% for english. Lovely! Math is the one that is higher even than normal here. Normally I get around 93%.


Day was all in all perfect!


I had a free period in leuigh(sp?) of french class and so I took the time to draw two hamster sketches! One is to be my lovely new personalized avator. Is amazing avator of my Kep hamster, though is uncoloured. I'm going to colour her world using my lovely photoshop 7, and then do the original in prismacolours to stick in my portfolio. Other is also really cute general avator which I also plan to contribute to the HD, which has the caption "the world needs more love letters."

You'll all love them, I promise! :))


SO much to do! Im going to my old elementary tomorrow to be a sort of student teacher's aid to my friend, and former favourite teacher and librarian. We've kept in touch and she's proven to be such a one-in-a-million friend and mentor.

I'm to bring a copy of my (still not yet published as lack of illustrations- by the way, when it IS published, I want all of you to get it!) of my childrens story (about Hamsters!!!) to read to the kids and share my story!!! Anyway, so I have to get a good copy done up and make some kick-a... er... really great pictures done up for it! (hee.)


Love to the world, love to you all!





The world needs more love letters.

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Dear Kep,


Sounds like this was a spectacular day!!!  


No, your descriptive Tuesday stays as you wrote it.


Glad to hear that you had a talk with Ben and that you feel good about it.  Personally, I do not want to see your feelings hurt, but I would not put too much stock in what he says.  Only time will tell.


Engineering is a great field.  How exciting that you were able to meet Nancy Knowlton.  You are quite fortunate!  Even more so that you were able to attend a day long conference!!  How wonderful!


As for tests and classes, I was really pleased to hear that you had such an understanding and considerate teacher.  98% is fantastic!!!  Your report card in phenomenal!!!  Congratulations!!!!!


As for the correct spelling of your word: leuigh, it is: lieu.  You were close.  Hamster sketches... I already love them.  You can never have too many hamster avatars to chose from.  Thank you for thinking of us.  When you send them to HampsterKing, they need to be in either

.gif or .jpg.  Please do not send them as .bmp as these will not work.  When you send them please put in the subject space...AVATAR REQUEST.  This way HampsterKing can pick them out and hopefully get them approved faster.


Have fun in your old elementary school tomorrow.  It sounds like you will have a good day there.  I am sure that when you read your story to the children, they will love it.  If you need help with those illustrations you could always ask some of the artists here.  We have artists that are quite good.


It was really terrific hearing what a spectacular day you had.  Hope that you have many more of these.  If you ever want to help another person get published, please let me know.  I have a children's book, but no publisher.


Take care...


Lots of love in friendship,


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Best Day Ever!!!!!!!

Today shall hence forth be known as "Lovely Thursday," and thanks to the day in question, <insert random higher power here> is totally forgiven for Crappy Tuesday (please say that's not gonna be edited out... if it is, let it have the HD exclusive alias of....ok, im going out on a limb here, but 'Really Really Bad Tuesday')

Anyway so the Band students were gone today, and almost all of our group that sits together at lunch is in band, so I got some one-on-one talking in with Ben, who promised to cheer me up next time I feel bad, and next time, etc. Wow, have missed Ben's conversation in past two days! (Went yesterday to conference called Explore IT, which was to encourage more women into the field of enginering and IT careers. Was really, really cool. Free, as funded totally by vollentary sponsers. Got to meet Nancie Knowlton, founder of SMART technologies. She is one of the few women at the very, very top of a multi-billion dollar foundation. Was blurry brill! Therefore, had no school yesterday as got to skip to attend said conference.) Anyway and I found out other students who took the test (ah, the dreaded social test) had a glossary sheet to study from! And he had missed the booklet I got when he stapled them together. So I told him, and he exempted me from the glossary section, and now i have a 98%! Much better.

Got interm report card, and was best interm i've ever had. Got 98.5% as a math average, and have 95% for social, dont have my science mark yet and 91% for english. Lovely! Math is the one that is higher even than normal here. Normally I get around 93%.


Day was all in all perfect!


I had a free period in leuigh(sp?) of french class and so I took the time to draw two hamster sketches! One is to be my lovely new personalized avator. Is amazing avator of my Kep hamster, though is uncoloured. I'm going to colour her world using my lovely photoshop 7, and then do the original in prismacolours to stick in my portfolio. Other is also really cute general avator which I also plan to contribute to the HD, which has the caption "the world needs more love letters."

You'll all love them, I promise! :))


SO much to do! Im going to my old elementary tomorrow to be a sort of student teacher's aid to my friend, and former favourite teacher and librarian. We've kept in touch and she's proven to be such a one-in-a-million friend and mentor.

I'm to bring a copy of my (still not yet published as lack of illustrations- by the way, when it IS published, I want all of you to get it!) of my childrens story (about Hamsters!!!) to read to the kids and share my story!!! Anyway, so I have to get a good copy done up and make some kick-a... er... really great pictures done up for it! (hee.)


Love to the world, love to you all!





The world needs more love letters.

Hello, Ms. Kep! Wow! It sounds like you had a much better day today! I'm glad to know that you are not so down! I'm sorry I need to ask this, but who is Ben? I took some tests last week. I got to skip math class! Yay! (I don't like math. :(  :angry: ) The Social Studies test covered everything from early man to the Civil War. I knew most of the answers, but there was this one about the "Mayflower Agreement" or something like that. I was so confused! But the science test, that was a comletely different story! Looking at it, my eyes resembled the ones on the blue face :eek! (Sorry, ViolaGirl!) I knew maybe 4 out of 60 question! 8) Blarg!! Oh, well! Most of the people I talked to that took that test knew about as much as I did!


I'm really am very happy that you had such a good day to make up for your cruddy one! And I can't wait to see your new avatar designes!


Katie :)

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Thankyou so much for all your strings of replies and your support and concern! I love you all so.

Yes, today was amazing, and I got the music for "A flower of Italy" for my violin, THE most beautiful violin song I've ever ehard in my whole career.


must go though so i'll talk to you all later, and yes sheena, its the same address.


Love always,


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Hello, Ms. Kep! Wow! It sounds like you had a much better day today! I'm glad to know that you are not so down! I'm sorry I need to ask this, but who is Ben? I took some tests last week. I got to skip math class! Yay! (I don't like math. :(  :angry: ) The Social Studies test covered everything from early man to the Civil War. I knew most of the answers, but there was this one about the "Mayflower Agreement" or something like that. I was so confused! But the science test, that was a comletely different story! Looking at it, my eyes resembled the ones on the blue face :eek! (Sorry, ViolaGirl!) I knew maybe 4 out of 60 question! 8) Blarg!! Oh, well! Most of the people I talked to that took that test knew about as much as I did!


I'm really am very happy that you had such a good day to make up for your cruddy one! And I can't wait to see your new avatar designes!


Katie :)

Who is Ben?  Great question... who exactly is this person about which we hear so much?


Social Studies... a test covering everything from early man to the Civil War??   :eek  :eek  :eek   To me the "Mayflower Agreement" is something that you and your plants work out.  You will plant them, give them the exact sun, water and fertilizer they need, and in turn, they will produce flowers by May.  Does that sound about right to you?



Sorry to hear about your disastrous science test.  Oh well.  Do teachers still grade on a curve?  Hope so.


Katie, come back and let us know how you did on these tests.

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Hello, Ms. Kep! Wow! It sounds like you had a much better day today! I'm glad to know that you are not so down! I'm sorry I need to ask this, but who is Ben? I took some tests last week. I got to skip math class! Yay! (I don't like math. :(  :angry: ) The Social Studies test covered everything from early man to the Civil War. I knew most of the answers, but there was this one about the "Mayflower Agreement" or something like that. I was so confused! But the science test, that was a comletely different story! Looking at it, my eyes resembled the ones on the blue face :eek! (Sorry, ViolaGirl!) I knew maybe 4 out of 60 question! 8) Blarg!! Oh, well! Most of the people I talked to that took that test knew about as much as I did!


I'm really am very happy that you had such a good day to make up for your cruddy one! And I can't wait to see your new avatar designes!


Katie :)

Who is Ben?  Great question... who exactly is this person about which we hear so much?


Social Studies... a test covering everything from early man to the Civil War??   :eek  :eek  :eek   To me the "Mayflower Agreement" is something that you and your plants work out.  You will plant them, give them the exact sun, water and fertilizer they need, and in turn, they will produce flowers by May.  Does that sound about right to you?



Sorry to hear about your disastrous science test.  Oh well.  Do teachers still grade on a curve?  Hope so.


Katie, come back and let us know how you did on these tests.

Actually, these were special tests. You had to be nominated for them by teachers, they wern't included in your grade, and you didn't even have to take them, if you didn't want to1 Some people didn't take them because they wern't nominated. I only took them because if you scored high enough, you got trophies, medals, certificats, and scholarships. I don't know how good I did, though.


Your Mayflower Agreement explination is probaly right, but that wasn't one of the multiple choice answers. But it wins you the forst ever Whisker Award! Okay, a Whisker Award is my version of the LAFTA Award!




BTW, if anyone is still confused about to test thing, feel free to ask! :D

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Your Mayflower Agreement explination is probaly right, but that wasn't one of the multiple choice answers. But it wins you the forst ever Whisker Award! Okay, a Whisker Award is my version of the LAFTA Award!



Yippee!  The first ever Whisker Award!!!  I love it!  It is sooooooo beautiful!!!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!   :D




And you Katie, won yourself another Gold Star :star: Award.  

...but that wasn't one of the multiple choice answers.

Great comeback!!!


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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Your Mayflower Agreement explination is probaly right, but that wasn't one of the multiple choice answers. But it wins you the forst ever Whisker Award! Okay, a Whisker Award is my version of the LAFTA Award!



Yippee!  The first ever Whisker Award!!!  I love it!  It is sooooooo beautiful!!!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!   :D




And you Katie, won yourself another Gold Star :star: Award.  

...but that wasn't one of the multiple choice answers.

Great comeback!!!


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

Yay! That makes 6!

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I bet you are really honered to win the forst gold star award! How do you change the text color?

The forst ??


Do what I am going to show you, except remove all the spaces between the equal signs and between the / and the c...


    this will start the color for whatever follows

    [/ color] this will end the color


So it would look like this, but without the spaces


    Hello [/ color] and then continue on with whatever you wish to say.  Everything between those two sets of parenthesis will be whatever color you pick

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Okay, lemm'e try this out. Hi!


Did it work? Oh, and I did notice that I said forst!

Oops! I tried to type it in red, but my text is alraedy red! Blarg! Lemm'e try again, in a different color! Hi!   Did it work this time?

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Okay, lemm'e try this out. Hi!


Did it work? Oh, and I did notice that I said forst!

Oops! I tried to type it in red, but my text is alraedy red! Blarg! Lemm'e try again, in a different color! Hi!   Did it work this time?

Yes :)

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Hmm. Ben, eh? (you know, canadians really do say that quite a bit.) BenBenBenBen. I thought I told you about Ben?

Well... This should prove to be quite... interesting.

And difficult. The lazy voice inside me is screaming to hand this post over to Ben himself, and have him explain just who he is, but I'm not going to do that.

I'm going to tell you all myself. Im making an effort just for you! Feel special!


Ok, I met Ben at the begining of this school year in September, when Jen (my friend, whom he was gawking at, as described in an earlier post of mine,) invited me to sit with what I now refer to as "the group," composed of 9 of us at the school i curently attend, and two of us outside school.

The hatred between Ben and I was instant, and quite potent. We were very open about it, and the repressed violence was fairly mutual.

Somewhere along this point, I began my science fiction novel, and somewhere along this point, Ben began to make little comments in the margains of my notebook in which my novel-in-progress was captured. Almost anything he said in the aforementioned comments made people, myself included, laugh, and I began to forget my previous hatred for him, and awaited lunch eagerly as I came to enjoy his company. Around this time he began to edit my novel for me, a thing I'm far too lazy- er, I mean busy...to do myself, and he knows the story as good, if not better, than I do, making it so easy to work on it jointly.

I suppose one could comment that it was, in the end, the novel which brought us together.

  I altercate that comment. It was the novel which pried us, fighting, off of each other, and eased the machetes from our death-grips.


Anyway, so since whenever it actually happened, I quite enjoy his company, and have found him an excellent conversationalist. I look back on our first relationship, and cant repress a laugh.



So there's HOW we met, and several events pertaining to it, but if you want to know WHO he is...


Ben is..quite the character. He is an atheist, a trekkie, the left side of the brain, one of the very very few people in the world who shared the same or very similar/compatable opinions as myself on many subjects, including politics and the like. He's often negative, though don't judge him on that statement. When he's happy, he's HAPPY. It was Mardi Gras, today, for instance, and he was quite the happy, content, teenage boy. I'd like to see him in the summer, because his SAD causes him distress in the winter. (by the way, Happy Mardi Gras, Everybody!!)

Ben is definitely one of those, "If you don't like me, then just <ahem, censored, for the consideration of tiny hammie ears and eyes.>


If I've left anything out, let me know, but I'm sure I've covered everything and more than you wanted to know!


Love to you all always,

Kep <avators coming soon!>


Screaming drowned out by the rain, forget that subtle misery. Close your eyes and you'll believe in everything you see.

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8) Wow, I'm gonna stop postin in this topic now. I am WAY too lost. I just can't keep up anymore :(
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8) Wow, I'm gonna stop postin in this topic now. I am WAY too lost. I just can't keep up anymore :(

oh, emily, dont go!

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This has gone way off topic.

*glares* And pray tell, what would you call "on topic" for this particular forum created in my return?

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This has gone way off topic.

*glares* And pray tell, what would you call "on topic" for this particular forum created in my return?

I don't get it, either. This topic is where you talk to Kep. We are talking to her, aren't we? ???

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This has gone way off topic.

*glares* And pray tell, what would you call "on topic" for this particular forum created in my return?





I found him. Horatio, Sheena, EVERYBODY. I found him. I. Found. Him.

I found JN today...

Im doing an essay on uniforms and whether or not they should be in public schools. James goes to a private school, so I used this as an excuse for myself to call him.

There must be 700 of people with his last name in the phonebook, and the first random one I picked from the middle, I got it. Bang on.

It was him.


I was...shocked, and niether of us knew quite how to begin, so we're going to just get caught up as we go along. we've exchanged email addresses and suchlike.


Wow. Can you believe it? I've just talked to someone who walked out of my life about 4 years ago.


Im still having troubles believing it myself.



Love always,

Kep<Avators By Kep coming soon>


If you lend me your voice I can give you a world of music beyond your wildest dreams.

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I found him. Horatio, Sheena, EVERYBODY. I found him. I. Found. Him.

I found JN today...

What wonderful news!  And to think that I played a part in this.  Even though you didn't say so, this makes me feel good.  Hope that you are happy that I pushed you into doing this.


Your pal...

Horatio :D

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dont worry puppydog, i hav no idea wut they're talkin bout either.

If you really want to know, you can always go back to earlier pages and read it yourself. I'm a busy woman! But feel special, because I'm going to take time from my busy life to answer your questions.

(wow! I've just decided that I would like to be an Agony Aunt for the boards. But more on that later.)


I am a violinist (and a good one at that.) I started some 7, 8 years ago, at a music conservatory school. This is where I met a boy my age, who was just starting and at the same level as I was. His name was James, and we grew to be fast friends, always being placed together for duets, always in the same category for competition (I was second to him only once, in 4, possible 5 years of competing, though there were never any hard feelings between us.)

3, maybe 3 1/2 years ago, James' mom made him quit the violin to play the clarinet in his school band. He never even said goodbye. James walked out of my life, I continued playing violin, and life went on.


Just recently, (check the date on my previous post) I looked up James' last name in the phonebook. There must have been hundreds! I chose a random one from the middle, and called the number. It was James. First try.

We talked for some time, and exchanged emails. The other night, I must've talked to him for 2 hours! I've found a person I havent seen in years, and you know what? He was glad to hear from me.


So you see, this is why Im happy. (And for the rest of you who've been kindly following along, my friends, don't bother with this post.)


Feel special. I took time to be nice. :P


Love to you all,

Kep <Avators By Kep coming soon.>


Life is for deep kisses, strange adventures, midnight swims, and rambling conversations.

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And for the rest of you who've been kindly following along, my friends, don't bother with this post.

I'm sorry. :sleepy:

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I'm sorry. :sleepy:

Oh sorry hunnie! I was having a bit of a sore day. Just in general. Though now you all know who he is, and how happy I am!

Love always, to you all.




Lay down your sweet and weary head. Night is falling, you have come to journy's end.

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I'm sorry. :sleepy:

Oh sorry hunnie! I was having a bit of a sore day. Just in general. Though now you all know who he is, and how happy I am!

Love always, to you all.




Lay down your sweet and weary head. Night is falling, you have come to journy's end.

Kep... Why have you got the first lines of 'Into the West' from the LOTR: ROTK soundtrack? She has such a dodgy voice.

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I'm sorry. :sleepy:

Oh sorry hunnie! I was having a bit of a sore day. Just in general. Though now you all know who he is, and how happy I am!

Love always, to you all.




Lay down your sweet and weary head. Night is falling, you have come to journy's end.

It's okay! :D

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I'm sorry. :sleepy:

Oh sorry hunnie! I was having a bit of a sore day. Just in general. Though now you all know who he is, and how happy I am!

Love always, to you all.




Lay down your sweet and weary head. Night is falling, you have come to journy's end.

Kep... Why have you got the first lines of 'Into the West' from the LOTR: ROTK soundtrack? She has such a dodgy voice.

:P Call it LOTR if you're going to call it anything. I really despire these "POTC", "ROTK," things. With Lord of the Rings, it isn't that necessary to specify. hehe.

And because I always try to take the time to add a little something to my posts, always in italics (though if you look back far enough, you'll see that they are indeed in regular text.) I like the words. "Into the West," is a very pretty song.

Anyway, I like to share little things with people like that. In fact, one of my little afterwards meant something on a deep level for Sheena. (Which actually made me feel quite good about adding them to my posts. Love you Sheena!)

And I love to quote things. :))


Love to you all!



Place white roses/on my casket/to hide the impurities/in my dead heart.

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I'm sorry. :sleepy:

Oh sorry hunnie! I was having a bit of a sore day. Just in general. Though now you all know who he is, and how happy I am!

Love always, to you all.




Lay down your sweet and weary head. Night is falling, you have come to journy's end.

It's okay! :D

Thanks, hunnnie!  :D *feels forgiven*


Love always,



I believe that lovers should be tied together.

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