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Welcome back kep! (y'all lurve me!)


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Aloha dudes and babes everywhere!

I am , officially, back! SQUEE!!!! *music plays in the background: "tonite we're gonna party like its 1999"* I hope y'all missed me, cause i sure missed you! (even if i havnt met you) I am sooooo confuzzled by the new board so please, spread the word on the topics you normally post at. Please!


And you know what? Im gonna post EVERYWHERE! And a lot. EVERY DAY!


I lurve you all so much. But I gotta go for now (watching Big Brother 4, how sad am i?? not too sad, i hope!) Ill post tomorrow bout where i've been and all. PLEASE WRITE ME!!!!


ya know i  :love: y'all!


*puts on her valley girl voice* Like, totally check out the totally cute penguin! er, Like!  :penguin


Anyway, Sheena! Lee!(Vixen!) Everybody! Write to me! I'll be sure to spread my happiness ALL over the board...but, tomorrow cause, like i said before... *cough*Big Brother*cough*








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*is now very confused* TBFOH? The... Big..Fat.... Old... Hamster?

Well, I remember CheetaSpot. Hey, way to go, old friend! You're a Mod, now!

umm..>LovelyLaura, yes I tihnk I remember her... Super Katie? Animal Kidd?? Looks like Im an old-timer, here... :(


Its like on RDI (remember, i told you all? Red Dragon Inn rooleplay site?) Anyway. It used to be filled with us true RPers (roleplayers). We didnt god mode (act like god, ie, untouchable/cant die/etc) We didnt make complete arses of ourselves, we were intelligent creatures of the Web. Anyway so now its totally filled up to the brim of Newbies who only God Mode, who have no respect for the Ops (Operators) And who act in the silliest ways possible, having posts (for its a text based Roleplay site) that are, say, two words long. TWO WORDS! It right gets up my nose to see that the mighty inn has fallen, and, apparently, died.


Unregistered??? but i am registered! Erm , i think. I do get emails for my tracked topics and I havent recently given my address to the admin. can you help me fix that?



I've found a publisher! Trafford Publishing. Its a sort of self-publishing thing. Its purrrfect. And Mom said she'd pay for it for me so everyone keep watching for my book, The Hamster's Miracle! (childrens book)

Also I've started work on my second novel for adults(and YA) called (currently, though it may change slightly) "A Place for Freedom." My first one (unpublished) is under the title "On Broken Wings of Dragonflies." Its about a gypsy woman (Carmen) who has resided in her forest for most of her life, alone. As many different people begin to enter her life, things start to change; especially the lives of the other people. One man in particular is touched by her strange gift and through her, learns to never lose faith, and that there's always hope: It floats through the air, finding people and bringing them light. Even in the golden light of palaces, and on broken wings of dragonflies. Its about living life to the fullest, and always keeping faith.


My most recent one, (A place for freedom) Follows the tale of Chinara Mahari, a black woman from africa. Its futuristic in the fact that is takes place several hundred years from the present. Though there is nothing high-tech about it. the People of the world have found a way to bear the harsh climates of the Antarctic and some move there, experimentally. Later on some years, they bring an anarctic-born man up to the southern mexico area, into the extreme heat. His life is successful and he marries and has children with one of the local women. Many more inter-climate relationships spawn and these offsprnig, when they turn to adulthood, find that they can easily bear all sorts of climates. They are very strong, physically and intelligently. Soon, they decide the world isnt run properly and they target the many nation governments. Soon they've taken over the world and slavery is reestablished. Chinara flees with her only son and their dog to a support group who claims they'll lead the group to the last city of freedom: Syncurindee (right accent on the last e, sorry, cant make my character map work). Cinara soon befreidns a white irish woman, Leighanna and together they find out that the leaders of the group have been collecting hopefull freedom-searchers to use as slaves. That night, Chinara is visited by the meditorian (made up that religion) goddes, Karmenkita, who tells her that she will bless her wo that she can lead the men, women and children to Syncurindee herself, before the slave buyers come. Chinara stands back to let Karmenkita bless her, but her dog steps in the way. Now the mutt is their leader to freedom. Karmenkita cant do anything about this, so they must go on to the land of freedom. The make their way out into the ocean, and take shelter in the tall cliffs of a rocky island. Leighanna falls asleep that night with the disturbing idea that if the tide rises, she is the only one who is safe. When she awakes, she finds the tide has risen and all the others, except the dog and herself, have drowned. With a heavy heart, she continues to Syncurindee herself. (will she make it? wont tell you, i've told you enough already)


anyway, i'm lined up for that one to be published to, and im trusting that my idea is safe here and that it wont be stolen.

Im sure you're already bored to death of my daft ideas.


So anyway, I have much more to talk about but for now I'll let you go. Hope to hear from you sheena (and, of course, everybody else!)



Aloha!(i think you should make a leigha(sp?)-wearing smile face!)


Love Always,


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TBFOH stands for The Biggest Fan of Hado and she was around on the old boards as were Jess Kat, Super Katie and Lovely Laura.  Those last three went under the group name of the Tacky Wacky Trio Sisters!


Yes I do remember you talking about thr RP site.  Shame it's gone that way!


Yes I know your registered, it's just that you seem to have clicked the button so that you do not show up in the active on the board list, ie when your on, your the 1 in Anonymous members.  To get over this, log off then go through the login process again and look for the button I mention.


I'm pleased you've found a publisher, but be warned, those that you have to pay to publish your work, usually leave you to sell all the copies as well, ie they don't give you any help in that line.


Your story plots sound good and I wish you well with finding a mainstream publisher :penguin  :penguin  :penguin .

ah, ty sheena.


and no, trafford's quite good for distributing. the book's sent worldwide within 4-6 weeks. i've been working through the phone with the canadian coorespondant. they book is sent to library distributors around the world, stores like Chapters-Indigo, Coles, Amazon.com, etc.


Ah yes, I remember TBFOH now. :laugh:


yes, im quite dissapointed the Inn has become that way. But looks like the MB here has stayed the same: loverly. :D


I read over my last post just now. wow was it ever long! Im surprised i've not bored the life right out of you!~

Im so glad to be back. Im going to check out some more parts of the MB after i post this...


Last Christmas, (2002) on boxing day, we had to put my darling baby, Meeko, down.  :(  I myself was faced with the choice between life support or put to sleep. It was the hardest decission of my life, and yet the easiest. It wasnt untill Jan 7 of this year that I could bring myself to find another hamster that I could love and I havnt been happier since. I named the little sweetheart Simba, and I managed to use up a whole roll of film on him.  :;):  I'll see if I can scan in one of his little shots and try posting it. (not sure if i can do that but i'll check it out) Anyway, thought I'd mention my new (relatively) baby, since hamsters are the thing, here!


Love you all,



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:angry:   u didn't mention me i'm a wolf(kinda)

and 2 i was in the old boards!(i was bee0415)


jus kiddin wasn't angry at u those were easy mistakes  :P    either that or u haven't seen my messages. READ SIG CAREFULLY! please

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hmm...it says you're online, sheena but my most recent post still isnt up yet. did i say something offensive? probably not, im not an offensive person.. anyway...

i'd really like to (once i've caught up with everyone!) learn more about using the board and maybe become a mod., eventually. :;):  think you could lend me a hand with the learning part? thankies.  :D  anyways, i must be off for now, im going to go scim the rest of the MB.


Love always,


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Ok I know I can't tell anyone to do anything but I need to let this out so mods you don't have to approve this I just need to type it... People have been using the avatar that I have worked on for 3 hours on end, and it's 1 in a 10 chance that it comes out any good. Somehow it feels unconfortable that other people use it as it feels like people are taking advantage of my work on it...so ya that's it
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:eat   Hey Kep! I'd like to be your friend  :upside:  forgot to mention that earlier!  Oh yeah, here's some things you should instantly know!


Hampsterdance People Like To "eat" Tumbleweed and Micicles

Some People Sell Sanities, some have their's stolen, some steal them. And of course, you keep sanities in a cool box! Some Sell those, some buy them to keep sanities in! I sell cool boxes! Oh yeah, some people have nothing to do with sanities exept protect their own!  :laughing

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wow! the spy, yes i remember you.  :P we had quite a lot against you back then, didnt we? anyway, *yippi!* i have a new (old) friend! Squee. Wow, you all lurve me, yes i know.  :upside:  :laugh:  :love:  

Wow sheena, what a royal critter you had! M first was called Jasmin Muffins Zack and the second was Chocolate Jay Zack (the jay because Jasmin started with a j...yeah) the third Was Meeko Jay Cocoa Zack, (jay for jasmin... cocoa for Chocolate...) and this one now is called Simba Ceaser Zack (our only royalty.)

Anyways, Furbud's just called and im off to her house... to pinch her raspberries etc.




Lurrve you all,


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:rose:  Welcome Back Kep :rose:

By Mega Wolf


:star: Welcome  back            

:star: You do not lack                

:star: Personality                        

:star: In reality


You are a star in the HAmpsterdance!

You are a star in the HAmpsterdance!

You are a star in the HAmpsterdance!

Yes, you are a star in the HAmpsterdance!


lately ive been sending poems

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hehe.... i like pointy things! boy, i  hope i get my replacement sanity soon. on the last day of school someone stole it! can u believe them??? some people steal the wrong things at the wrong times!
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Kep, here's an award for you! Presented by the Miss/Mister Hampster Dance Awards! It's a 'Best Introduction Award'! Why

I gave it to you: "You've made it known really well that you're back! I mean, you made known really well!" Here's your award!          


                           l M A K E   I T  l

                           l K N O W N ! ! l

                       l l l l   S H O U T  l l l l

                       l      l       I T     l     l

                       l       l  O U T!!! l      l

                       l l l l l l            l l l l l l

                              l              l

                             l     K E P     l

                            l                   l



Sheena, would you like your awards to be given to you here or

in the Miss/Mister Hampster Dance Awards subject? :moon:

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Ok I know I can't tell anyone to do anything but I need to let this out so mods you don't have to approve this I just need to type it... People have been using the avatar that I have worked on for 3 hours on end, and it's 1 in a 10 chance that it comes out any good. Somehow it feels unconfortable that other people use it as it feels like people are taking advantage of my work on it...so ya that's it

That's OK Jesse, but if you think of it as a compliament instead, you might feel better about it :penguin  :penguin  :penguin .

Yes, I could...it's kinda freaky though...it makes it look like there's clones of me  8)

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sorry if it bothered u Jesse

Oh, you didn't have to change it back. It just looks weird seeing different users have that picture of me  :upside: Hey, mabye I can draw a slightly different wolf for people to use  :))

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Ok I know I can't tell anyone to do anything but I need to let this out so mods you don't have to approve this I just need to type it... People have been using the avatar that I have worked on for 3 hours on end, and it's 1 in a 10 chance that it comes out any good. Somehow it feels unconfortable that other people use it as it feels like people are taking advantage of my work on it...so ya that's it

Jesse...it is said that when others copy an artists work, that this is the highest form of a compliment.  I am sorry that you feel uncomfortable, but perhaps either you could draw them their own avatar, or suggest that they ask CheetaSpot to draw one?  Would that help any?

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I wasn't on the old boards...but welcome Kep and you did not bore me with your post...in fact, I am going to start looking for your books.  You are so very talented and I am thrilled at your success!!!  May all your books be best-sellers!!!!!!! :love: Horatio
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I just watched the 'Nefretiti: Ressurected' special on the discovery channel. How perfectly fab! It was the most incredible thing I have ever watched on disc. ch.!They found her mummy....they recreated her face... they found out that after her hubby died, she had become the only woman pharoe... Anyway if anyone had that broadcasted wherever they happen to be....


*grumbles* Just asked anyone at RDI if they'd seen it and one of the nastier people told me "yes i've seen it now shut up about dead queens." I v. much prefer HD to that ridic load of cods.


I've just found out about the little personal notebook thingie... i v. much lurve that... :) have already wrote quite a bit and havea more coming. I applaud whoever came up with that idea.


Yes, Sheena, its funny what we name our pets but at least its not "Fluffy"... pets should be aloud to keep their dignity without having to have a name like "Fluffy" :;):


Hmm, am going off to write more in that little note section.. lurrve you all... :love:







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Quote (Mega Wolf @ Aug. 16 2003, 10:57 pm)

oh yeah today i saw a shirt at a clothes store(not on somebody) that said "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every

minute of it!"    


I like it.  I think we should get Super Katie one  .

i made a shirt that said it with the key board.


          l_l l_l      It's LE!

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Ok I know I can't tell anyone to do anything but I need to let this out so mods you don't have to approve this I just need to type it... People have been using the avatar that I have worked on for 3 hours on end, and it's 1 in a 10 chance that it comes out any good. Somehow it feels unconfortable that other people use it as it feels like people are taking advantage of my work on it...so ya that's it

That's OK Jesse, but if you think of it as a compliament instead, you might feel better about it :penguin  :penguin  :penguin .

Yes, I could...it's kinda freaky though...it makes it look like there's clones of me  8)

I take your point, but there could never be a clone of the great Jesse Micicle-Eater M. Ulrich le Loup :penguin  :cool:  :penguin !

Hehe   :hampton  :D  :hampton

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i heard about 'Nefertiti Resurected' but i forgot about it

I think the lady that discovered Nefertiti's body made a serious mistake.  Have any of you heard of the true stories of discoverers who searched for the ancient bodies of famous egyptian bodies?  They ended up getting killed, and they're close friends and relatives, and other people involved were killed!  I think it's just plain scary. 8)

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l_l_l_l_l      l_l_l_l_l     Did

        l____l              It

        l_l l_l              work?






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i heard about 'Nefertiti Resurected' but i forgot about it

I think the lady that discovered Nefertiti's body made a serious mistake.  Have any of you heard of the true stories of discoverers who searched for the ancient bodies of famous egyptian bodies?  They ended up getting killed, and they're close friends and relatives, and other people involved were killed!  I think it's just plain scary. 8)

nah... im not so sure that'll happen to Joann Fletcher... (sp?)... I mean, like, she returned Nefertiti's name back to her and enabled her to continue into the spirit world.. I'd say that Nerfertiti would be thanking her for that, not cursing her...

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BTW, I C U R on-line right now :penguin  :penguin  :penguin .

Yep, we're on at the same time  :hampton  :cool:  :hampton ! Time to start posting alot more for you to moderate!  :laughing I'm j/king  :upside:  :P

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:)  i thought that 'Post away, my dear wolf.  It's 2.05 am in the UK and I'm going off line now.  See you tomorrow.  Night, night, sleep tight  :penguin  :sleep  :penguin .' thing was cute.

im 2 generous. have another award from the now Miss/Mister/Misses Hampster Dance Awards. its the first 'CUTE!' award to b handed out



           llllllll  HOW llllllll

           l    lCUTE! l    l

           llllllllll       lllllllllll




geez, i give out too many awards!

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Keppers Kewl


                      Keppers Kewl

                     Sheena Super

                      LifesEagle Leagle

                     CheetahSpot Cheerful

                      Jesse Just


                        Couldn't think of anything else!

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Post away, my dear wolf.  It's 2.05 am in the UK and I'm going off line now.  See you tomorrow.  Night, night, sleep tight :penguin  :sleep  :penguin .

It's tommorrow now! :))

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:music:  I am a cute little wolf pup

Singing this cute little song!

Deedum!!!!!!  :music:

And I'd always thought you were a full grown wolf :penguin  :penguin  :penguin .

I am  :upside:

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:music:  I am a cute little wolf pup

Singing this cute little song!

Deedum!!!!!!  :music:

And I'd always thought you were a full grown wolf :penguin  :penguin  :penguin .

I am  :upside:

Yes, we know you are :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: !

Ok  :hampton :) :hampton

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Post away, my dear wolf.  It's 2.05 am in the UK and I'm going off line now.  See you tomorrow.  Night, night, sleep tight :penguin  :sleep  :penguin .

It's tommorrow now! :))

True :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: !

It's like, way past tomorrow actually  :hampton  :upside:  :hampton !

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depends.... i pretty much bcome an adult wolf when my adult fur comes in....  :)   in fact, i think when that fur comes in, i become full-wolf....its strange how i keep transforming.
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Kep!!! *hugglez* You're back? thats sooooo great! I try to go on when ever i can. I have my own website and stuff, it's really great. So much has changed and Matt Atkins has vanished of the face of the planet.

Hey, you remember Sunny? He actually passed away sometime ago. I cried my eyes out because he was a really great friend to me and I miss him. Oh well life is like that but it's all good. Everything happens for a reason.

Take care my friend, I hope you missed me as much as i missed you.


PS Sheena! plz keep in touch, i havent heard from you in ages.

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Kep!!! *hugglez* You're back? thats sooooo great! I try to go on when ever i can. I have my own website and stuff, it's really great. So much has changed and Matt Atkins has vanished of the face of the planet.

Hey, you remember Sunny? He actually passed away sometime ago. I cried my eyes out because he was a really great friend to me and I miss him. Oh well life is like that but it's all good. Everything happens for a reason.

Take care my friend, I hope you missed me as much as i missed you.


PS Sheena! plz keep in touch, i havent heard from you in ages.

...he....died?... oh my god... I can't bring myself to believe it... after all that..

Well, Lee, please send all my regards to the people who knew him. (That includes you, my friend.)


It's good to hear from you again, though. And I've spoken with Matt in recent past.... He seems to be doing fine, though got quite bashed up in a bullriding contest. Won though, (first..or was it second place?) in all of....somewhere specific.


With news of Sunny's passing, I am in much a somber mood and though I have other things to write, I will include them in a different post, as I dont believe they are welcomed by myself in this one.


Write me, Lee. (If you still have my email add.)


Love Always,


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BTW, I C U R on-line right now :penguin .

Yep, we're on at the same time  :hampton  :cool: ! Time to start posting alot more for you to moderate!  :laughing I'm j/king  :upside:  :P

Post away, my dear wolf.  It's 2.05 am in the UK and I'm going off line now.  See you tomorrow.  Night, night, sleep tight :penguin  :sleep  : .

Night, night, sleep tight...

    Don't let the dead bed bugs bite.


:laughing  :laughing

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I went to see POTC with good friend LorLor the other day... it was pretty good...better than I thought it would be. Anyway now I've decided to abandon Nairn and marry Johnny Depp--of course then i was told he was already married.... so i'll settle for being his "bit on the side" :;):



Anyway on the topic of the RDI, I've gotten quite a bit more respect as the person with whom i had a personality clash was banned, and I am being granted Op status! *Sqwee!*


Ok, well off to check the other boards... my newest babysitting client's son, Zach (7) is hamster/mouse crazed. He's getting the two HD albums for christmas/b-days... *chuckles* Hes so cute..




Love Always,



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Ummmmmm, how do dead bed bugs bite?


Anyway, I have to be up for work in the morning, so I'm signing off for the night as it is 2 am in the UK :penguin  :sleep  :penguin !

Wow, you sure stay up late  :hampton  :upside:  :hampton !

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Ummmmmm, how do dead bed bugs bite?


Anyway, I have to be up for work in the morning, so I'm signing off for the night as it is 2 am in the UK :penguin  :sleep  :penguin !

Wow, you sure stay up late  :hampton  :upside:  :hampton !

Yes I do.  Even on days that I'm at work, I don't start until 10 am, so I don't have to get up particularly early, but if I had my way, I'd quite happily turn nocturnal :penguin  :penguin  :penguin .

Would that make you the world's first nocturnal penguin  :laugh: ?

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1 thing 2 tell everyone:


i was the person who provoked kep into saying in the old boards "I AM WOMAN,HEAR ME ROAR!" isnt it a laugh now?

hehe. I knew you were that spy... oh yes, my infamous little outburst. I do love that quote. :D


Once more for old times' sake...


(if I can remember how..)




hehehe have tried millions of the old code and it doesnt seem to want to work for me...anyways, i'll try again later.... Lurve y'all...





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<font color='#348781'>

no, i haven't thought of that but next time i see him i'll introduce him. you'll love him. he's so sweet.


Looks like your son has stopped coming on here... I remember when that girl had a little crush on him... cant for the life of me remember her name... I didn't really talk to her very much. Jessica? Natalie? Blarg. Anyway it was tres cute.






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And I've spoken with Matt in recent past.... He seems to be doing fine, though got quite bashed up in a bullriding contest. Won though, (first..or was it second place?) in all of....somewhere specific.





Write me, Lee. (If you still have my email add.)


Love Always,


Matt is bullriding?  Wow!  I hope he's OK.


If you and Lee have lost each others e-mail addresses I still have them both, so I can pass them on to you if you want :penguin  :penguin  :penguin .


He hurt himself quite bad... kissed it better though ;)

He's allright now anyway... blarg... my ring finger on my left hand.. just the tip of the finger... has suddenly become quite painfull... shall have to stop typing for a bit...






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Would that make you the world's first nocturnal penguin  :laugh: ?

I think you would be cawrkect with that assumption :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: !

Yay! I'm correct!  :D

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this is a nice topic

Yes, it is.


Hi kep! Did I intoduce myself yet? I forget ._. I'll do it just in case...


I'm Jesse, a 14 year old (human years) wolf, I like to eat micicles and lawn gnomes (for sheena's benefit), and I draw sometimes, and make midi files...um, ya...  :upside:

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:upside:  very sweet

I just hope Kep reads it as it is now going quite high up the board :penguin  :penguin  :penguin .

Course I did! Aw, Sheena... he's growing up!  :upside: I'm pretty sure her name was Jessica.. But I've remembered her sis..Roxanne. I rememebred it was the same name I used on my book review site. You had asked if it was indeed -my- little sis. (t'wasn't.) Though I still dont know for sure if she was acting up or not! *chuckles*

Well, BB4 is on.



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:upside:  very sweet

I just hope Kep reads it as it is now going quite high up the board :penguin  :penguin  :penguin .

Course I did! Aw, Sheena... he's growing up!  :upside: I'm pretty sure her name was Jessica.. But I've remembered her sis..Roxanne. I rememebred it was the same name I used on my book review site. You had asked if it was indeed -my- little sis. (t'wasn't.) Though I still dont know for sure if she was acting up or not! *chuckles*

Well, BB4 is on.



I know, I'm loosing my little boy.  At least I'll remember the day he 'grew up', it was my parents wedding anniversay, 48 years......wow.......longer than I've been alive (j/k).  Actually they forgot about it themselves, my mum only just realised while I was on the 'phone to her today.


I think you're right about the name of Benjy B's 'little friend'.


BTW what's BB4 :penguin  ???  :penguin ?

*chuckles* BB4... a little abreviation due to my laziness in wanting to type the whole "Big Brother 4" load of nonsense. Sad? Yes... Its very sad that I wathc it.. but they've started to kick people out for no reason and they've kicked one of them out so that they can help present on the MVA's tonite.

Sqwee! I have just achieved Opdom in RDI... *feels special*

Furbud says hi...


T'ra darlings!





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I wonder why Matt hasn't written to me in ages. I told him to be very careful bullriding, i was very worried. My sister's friend once rang him on his mobile and said a few words then hung up.

I've been drawing foxes everywhere, right now theres... 5  foxes on my computer desk. Soon there will be 6.  :))

I really missed you, Kep. And Sheena. i'm sorry I lost your e-mail address, my computer had this thing where it was all stuffed up and we had to go and fix it.

I hope you have been busy and having fun, I have and I've met this guy, I really like him because he's so nice.


Yesterday there was this poor little magpie who couldn't fly/stand up at school and me being an animal lover took off my jacket and went to pick it up but someone else who was actually scared of it took it instead (he wanted to look like a hero). He was saying "where do I take it? Where do I put it?" but he wouldn't listen to me when i told him because he is in 2 years higher than me, i told him I had done it before but he ignored me. I was very angry because I could have helped that poor bird, I knew what to do with it. Last night I said a little prayer for the poor little thing, It was cold and windy outside. I hope its alright now.


Take care my friend,


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1 more thing to tell:


I wasn't the spy in the old boards i was bee0415, i kinda came in about 1 month b4 it closed down. i only reaked havok that once, no more then  the "I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR!"

i was in third grade. im three years older now so im much more mature. my spy name was inspired by the spy. sadly, i only did one board there on my own. 2 or 3 people wanted to be my friend. sheena said 'they might mean something else' cuz i didn't quite make it clear i only wanted friends.


now i set things straight. i feel better now. i think the spy was

accused of too much. what if they only used their own name and someone else was blaming the spy? the spy did say mean things, but is that a reason to accuse? was there any proof? however i do think that it is possible that they did all that. or was it an evil organization, not one person???


one last thing. kep, if you dont like me for doing that after 3 years, ok. i understand. if its a laugh now, i laugh with you. even if you are still upset about it and wanna be friends i will do whatever to help. in fact if you are upset at all, tell me what i can do about it. its the least i can do for my fault 3 years ago.......... im sorry about it now....... im not the spy, i am a person who joined later than him/her. i'll do almost anything at all........ i hope u forgive me for my being immature......

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:))  its hard to get things past the mods isn't it???????



Nah.  We just gottamake sure that your posts are clean.  If they're not, we "clean"(edit) them up.  If they're too dirty, we delete them. :cool:

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It's still in the quote in sheena's post though...

So I noticed :penguin  :penguin  :penguin !

Eh, good you noticed it  :)

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:)  hi sheena this is the topic i saw u first in since ur vacation

(banned from computer 4 a while.)


BTW benjy is only a year younger than me and i never noticed

Why did you get banned?  I noticed you hadn't been around for a little while!


It's funny but Benjy B is actulaly a little bit older than TBFOH, but because he is my son, I very much think of him as being a child.  However as I don't actually know what most of the Hampster Dancers look like, I don't tend to think of any of you as 'children', even though I know most of you are :penguin  :cool:  :penguin .

I have a few photos, I might send them to you, since you sent me yours  :)

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Thirteen pages without me. You must all be desperate for me.  :D

Ummmmmmmmmmm, who are you?  Do I know you :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: ?

No, I don't think we've ever met  :D  *holds out wing* I'm LifesEagle! Are you the Sheena I've heard so much about?  ???

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Yes I am that 'Sheena' *holds out wing to LE and shakes hers* "Pleased to meet you LE."


Just thought if that was Jesse meeting ELE, would he say "Pleased to meat you.", after all, he did eat her wing :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: !

Eww, why would I eat it? It's all feathers... I only bit it off.

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Thirteen pages without me. You must all be desperate for me.  :D

Ummmmmmmmmmm, who are you?  Do I know you :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: ?

You forgot again?!

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haha awards 4 u 3

 o              0           O

{$}           (%)        [&]

Sheena  LifesEagle  Jesse


u guys can trade if u like, the awards are like trading cards, only u get them by chance. ill make a collection storage in hado. itll b called 'Trading Award Storage'

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Yes I am that 'Sheena' *holds out wing to LE and shakes hers* "Pleased to meet you LE."


Just thought if that was Jesse meeting ELE, would he say "Pleased to meat you.", after all, he did eat her wing :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: !

Eww, why would I eat it? It's all feathers... I only bit it off.

Sory, I thought you ate it, I didn't realise you hate it :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: !

It's ok.


Btw, sorry but you spelt "sory" wrong  :laugh:

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:)  hi sheena this is the topic i saw u first in since ur vacation

(banned from computer 4 a while.)


BTW benjy is only a year younger than me and i never noticed

Why did you get banned?  I noticed you hadn't been around for a little while!


It's funny but Benjy B is actulaly a little bit older than TBFOH, but because he is my son, I very much think of him as being a child.  However as I don't actually know what most of the Hampster Dancers look like, I don't tend to think of any of you as 'children', even though I know most of you are :penguin  :cool:  :penguin .

I have a few photos, I might send them to you, since you sent me yours  :)

Yes please, I love to see them, especially any of you in human form :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: !

OK then, I shall send them  :D


Yes I am that 'Sheena' *holds out wing to LE and shakes hers* "Pleased to meet you LE."


*shakes* I'm a new person here... care to show me the ropes?  :))

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:sleepy: i really hope u decide forgive kep

oh good lord. i forgot how utterly picky you are here... it wasnt like i said.. well, i shant say it but it wasnt like it was a swear or anything... and btw cheetaspot, im a she, not a he :angry: (joshing...not about being female..about the angry...though i am a bit...miffed)

anyway i dont want to cause trouble so i hope you forgive me for calling big brother a load of c.... erm, nm. but must go...sorry havnt been on in a while...furbud is in hospital..her appendix burst....they found out like 4 days after it happed so shes come really close to death... visited her.. it was painful to see her like that...anyway must be off...t'ra...

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Yes I am that 'Sheena' *holds out wing to LE and shakes hers* "Pleased to meet you LE."


*shakes* I'm a new person here... care to show me the ropes?  :))

Ok here are the ropes:










Which do you like the best :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: ?

:laugh: I took a picture of that  :laughing

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Yes I am that 'Sheena' *holds out wing to LE and shakes hers* "Pleased to meet you LE."


Just thought if that was Jesse meeting ELE, would he say "Pleased to meat you.", after all, he did eat her wing :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: !

Eww, why would I eat it? It's all feathers... I only bit it off.

Sory, I thought you ate it, I didn't realise you hate it :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: !

It's ok.


Btw, sorry but you spelt "sory" wrong  :laugh:

I realised when the post appeared on the board, but could not be pested to edit it :penguin  :(  :penguin .

I see  :P

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Yes I am that 'Sheena' *holds out wing to LE and shakes hers* "Pleased to meet you LE."


*shakes* I'm a new person here... care to show me the ropes?  :))

Ok here are the ropes:










Which do you like the best :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: ?

*climbs up each one and swings like a monkey*


Extremely strong...


*bites hard*


Tasty  :laugh:


*tighrope walks but falls off*


Oof  :laughing

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Yes I am that 'Sheena' *holds out wing to LE and shakes hers* "Pleased to meet you LE."


*shakes* I'm a new person here... care to show me the ropes?  :))

Ok here are the ropes:










Which do you like the best :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: ?

*climbs up each one and swings like a monkey*


Extremely strong...


*bites hard*


Tasty  :laugh:


*tighrope walks but falls off*


Oof  :laughing

Pleased you found the ropes to your satisfaction and I hope you didn't hurt yourself too much when you fell :penguin  :laugh:  :penguin .

It's funny that you mention hurting myself. I was singing the hymn and an idea suddenly popped into my head.


Coming soon: "My wing is broken" (Morning has broken) :laughing

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Yes I am that 'Sheena' *holds out wing to LE and shakes hers* "Pleased to meet you LE."


*shakes* I'm a new person here... care to show me the ropes?  :))

Ok here are the ropes:










Which do you like the best :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: ?

:laugh: I took a picture of that  :laughing

Thanks.  It took some doing, finding out the fonts and letters that would come out looking something like fancy ropes :penguin  :cool:  :penguin !

You're welcome  :hampton

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Yes I am that 'Sheena' *holds out wing to LE and shakes hers* "Pleased to meet you LE."


*shakes* I'm a new person here... care to show me the ropes?  

Ok here are the ropes:










Which do you like the best ?

*climbs up each one and swings like a monkey*


Extremely strong...


*bites hard*


Tasty  :laugh:


*tighrope walks but falls off*


Oof  :laughing

Pleased you found the ropes to your satisfaction and I hope you didn't hurt yourself too much when you fell :penguin  :laugh:  :penguin .

It's funny that you mention hurting myself. I was singing the hymn and an idea suddenly popped into my head.


Coming soon: "My wing is broken" (Morning has broken) :laughing

Yes, I've already seen and moderated it :penguin  :penguin  :penguin .

You make it seem like you used a red rubber stamp on it saying APPROVED  :laughing

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Yes I am that 'Sheena' *holds out wing to LE and shakes hers* "Pleased to meet you LE."


*shakes* I'm a new person here... care to show me the ropes?  

Ok here are the ropes:










Which do you like the best ?

*climbs up each one and swings like a monkey*


Extremely strong...


*bites hard*




*tighrope walks but falls off*


Oof  :laughing

Pleased you found the ropes to your satisfaction and I hope you didn't hurt yourself too much when you fell  .

It's funny that you mention hurting myself. I was singing the hymn and an idea suddenly popped into my head.


Coming soon: "My wing is broken" (Morning has broken) :laughing

Yes, I've already seen and moderated it :penguin   .

You make it seem like you used a red rubber stamp on it saying APPROVED  :laughing

Yes I suppose it does, but I didn't mean it that way :penguin  :penguin  :penguin !

Yep, I know you don't


(I just noticed that it still says "in Portugal" in my signature!  :laughing )

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i wonder..........kep said she would post everywhere every day

and she has failed to do both. everywhere is difficult and every day would b computer freak so i dont blame her 4 not ok im done with my nonsense and stuff

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Yes I am that 'Sheena' *holds out wing to LE and shakes hers* "Pleased to meet you LE."


*shakes* I'm a new person here... care to show me the ropes?  

Ok here are the ropes:










Which do you like the best ?

*climbs up each one and swings like a monkey*


Extremely strong...


*bites hard*




*tighrope walks but falls off*



Pleased you found the ropes to your satisfaction and I hope you didn't hurt yourself too much when you fell  .

It's funny that you mention hurting myself. I was singing the hymn and an idea suddenly popped into my head.


Coming soon: "My wing is broken" (Morning has broken) 

Yes, I've already seen and moderated it :penguin   .

You make it seem like you used a red rubber stamp on it saying APPROVED  :laughing

Yes I suppose it does, but I didn't mean it that way :penguin !

Yep, I know you don't


(I just noticed that it still says "in Portugal" in my signature!  :laughing )

Ummmmmm, not it doesn't :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: .

Oh, yes it DID!  :D  I changed it and added the 2 LAFTAs that I've earned since  :;):

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ok....i've not been on in seems like forever because i got grounded for staying too long visiting furbud at the hospital..shes fine now, despite the near death experience, and i've been calling her everyday... i was so scared i was going to lose her... so i'll be on everyday as soon as i possibly can...


btw sheena, i've got to do a biogrpahy report... do you know any good biogrpahies on Bonnie Parker?


T'ra for now,I'll see you all asap... Love you all loads....


Love Kep


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Okay I'm gonna climb a mountain range! A big one at that!












Ahhhh! Monster!

       O    O


     /\/\/\/\/\ ROOOAAAAAARRRRRR!!!!!!!!


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I just noticed that it still says "in Portugal" in my signature!  :laughing

Ummmmmm, not it doesn't :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: .

Oh, yes it DID!  :D  I changed it and added the 2 LAFTAs that I've earned since  :;):

Oh no it didn't..............oppps sorry, it's not panto season yet :penguin  :laugh:  :penguin .

I did a panto at my church last Christmas... I was a mad professor!  :laugh:

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I did a panto at my church last Christmas... I was a mad professor!  :laugh:

Now why doesn't that suprise me :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: ?

I think we may have some photos, I'm not sure. If I find any, then I'll try to send 'em...

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I just noticed that it still says "in Portugal" in my signature!  :laughing

Ummmmmm, not it doesn't :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: .

Oh, yes it DID!  :D  I changed it and added the 2 LAFTAs that I've earned since  :;):

Oh no it didn't..............oppps sorry, it's not panto season yet :penguin  :laugh:  :penguin .

I did a panto at my church last Christmas... I was a mad professor!  :laugh:

Voilà LifesEagle, c'est la prof deteste! (Sorry I forgot how to say angry)

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<font color='#FDD017'>

i wonder..........kep said she would post everywhere every day

and she has failed to do both. everywhere is difficult and every day would b computer freak so i dont blame her 4 not ok im done with my nonsense and stuff

If you look at her posts, Furbud has been very ill in hospital and she's been visiting her there :penguin  :penguin  :penguin .

ahem? did I not mention I was grounded?


Anyway, yes.. but yay because furbud is out of hospital and happy happy... i gave her your love, sheena..


erlack and piffle.

i am sicker than a dog.

and to make matters worse i had to run the miracle mile at school today. (called so because its a miracle if you dont die.)

Normally I get in early-late 7's (minutes) but today, along with the cold and my strained a-kill-ies(no, cant spell it) tendons, I got 10:04 (mins)




btw i just found this loverly site .... i love the romantic piccies... im such a sucker for that stuff.. ;)


Well, Im off...

Talk to you all soon...



Love a very sick little Kep


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I just noticed that it still says "in Portugal" in my signature!  :laughing

Ummmmmm, not it doesn't :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: .

Oh, yes it DID!  :D  I changed it and added the 2 LAFTAs that I've earned since  :;):

Oh no it didn't..............oppps sorry, it's not panto season yet :penguin  :laugh:  :penguin .

I did a panto at my church last Christmas... I was a mad professor!  :laugh:

Voilà LifesEagle, c'est la prof deteste! (Sorry I forgot how to say angry)

le prof detest?!?!?!

*stiffles a laugh* Not the right word...


let's see... *wracks her brain for french words*

le proffessor fou? is that what you were looking for?


ouh im so happy, in science we get to do a week-long debate on cloning... i love debate...

but on the less-bright side, im sicker than a dog and not going to school today....:( :(


oh well, i'll try to post later....


T'ra for now :)

Love Kep



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Voilà LifesEagle, c'est la prof deteste! (Sorry I forgot how to say angry)

I thought that said "dentist"  :laugh:

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Voilà LifesEagle, c'est la prof deteste! (Sorry I forgot how to say angry)

I thought that said "dentist"  :laugh:


TFFTF, even though it was very silly  :D

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Voilà LifesEagle, c'est la prof deteste! (Sorry I forgot how to say angry)

I thought that said "dentist"  :laugh:


TFFTF, even though it was very silly  :D

The conversation was silly to begin with  :P

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g'nar. well im not grounded anymore so...yay! but i -am- full of coffee and those little itty bitty sugar-y sour watermelon slices thingies... yay! hurrah for sugar and caffine! (kids: bringing about armageddon can be dangerous. do not attemp at home.)

erlack a pongoes. Alas (or thank god, whichever way you look at it) Nairn and I are no more. I've finally come to my senses, es? (btw thre correct answer here is "oh yes, good show kep! dump that pig!").. of course now im pathetically smitten with *cough*Andrew*cough*... who is a bit arrogant... smart... sarcastic...and... tall... and... *shakes herself* anyway... he has a girlfriend *grr*megan*grr*...

of course i dont want to like him anyway... right? right?!?!? erm... well i'll keep y'all posted...


my, iced vailla lates are good...


*erlacks at the new and utterly huge piccie thingie* ahh! now i have a side-scroller! nooooooooooooooooo! *crumples and dies*


*gets up* im done now... *scoots off to work on her current adult novel*


Tara! Hugs and kisses!


Love Kep


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Voilà LifesEagle, c'est la prof deteste! (Sorry I forgot how to say angry)

I thought that said "dentist"  :laugh:


TFFTF, even though it was very silly  :D

The conversation was silly to begin with  :P

Ah yes, we must carry on the tradition  :D


A thing for all penguins. My brother is trying on his suit for my cousin's wedding, and my mum said he looked like an overgrown penguin in it  :laugh:

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:P hi kep, cool, ur not grounded! btw ur post was funny so here's a haha award

wow! brill! thanks love!



Love Kep and her new darling baby HAHA

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*crumples and dies*

Noooo!  :( :down: :down:

aw, not really love. got up and walked away. wow, im one for the medical history books, eh? ;)


Love Kep and her new lovely darling baby HAHA


ps i cant believe i said eh. how canadian am i, EH?

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*crumples and dies*

Noooo!  :( :down: :down:

aw, not really love. got up and walked away. wow, im one for the medical history books, eh? ;)


Love Kep and her new lovely darling baby HAHA


ps i cant believe i said eh. how canadian am i, EH?

Yay  :)

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*crumples and dies*

Noooo!  :( :down: :down:

aw, not really love. got up and walked away. wow, im one for the medical history books, eh? ;)


Love Kep and her new lovely darling baby HAHA


ps i cant believe i said eh. how canadian am i, EH?

Yay  :)

*has to see her evil side scroller again**twitch;convulse*


aww... *gets that warm fuzzy "i feel loved" feeling*  :upside:  :roll


i love y'all too. tara for now, must get cracking on my bonnie (and clyde) parker report. i got the cossie, sheena. from a place called "The Masque"... its all original and vintage and prettiful and all "look its bonnie!" its litterally left over from the 20's30's.


ciao darlings


Love kep (and Kep Jr. aka HAHA)


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*crumples and dies*

Noooo!  :( :down: :down:

aw, not really love. got up and walked away. wow, im one for the medical history books, eh? ;)


Love Kep and her new lovely darling baby HAHA


ps i cant believe i said eh. how canadian am i, EH?

Yay  :)

*has to see her evil side scroller again**twitch;convulse*


aww... *gets that warm fuzzy "i feel loved" feeling*  :upside:  :roll


i love y'all too. tara for now, must get cracking on my bonnie (and clyde) parker report. i got the cossie, sheena. from a place called "The Masque"... its all original and vintage and prettiful and all "look its bonnie!" its litterally left over from the 20's30's.


ciao darlings


Love kep (and Kep Jr. aka HAHA)


blast it all.

that little eye-rolling smilie was not supposed to be there.

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:roll oooppppps.......... i love this avatar cspot drew me!

Just as I love my new penguin <--------- :penguin  :penguin  :penguin !

And I like...oops, she didn't make one for me  :upside:

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I am sick.

And it stinks.


Its like some kind of new fangled flu bug that is fully intended on killing me slowly and painfully by ripping off my skin layer by layer.


Sounds pleasent, doesnt it.



On the plus side, though, I spoke with Andrew on msn. And I discovered hes cuddly in text. (Looks like I didnt spend any time missing Nairn. ((this is where you all go: Yay Kep! Forget that gorgey blighter!)) and... yeah)


For the attnetion of Mods: this side scorlling thing is awful. First thing they taught me in Web Page Design is no side scrolling as they are demonic. (*wink wink nudge nudge*)


Gah. I have a test in history on monday. bout the USA.


Also on the plus side, I drew a kick-but picture of the two flowers in Alice In Wonderland who tell Alice shes a weed. Its awesomely Awesome.


yay! will and grace and survivor are on tonite! Yay! *dances in her chair*


okies, im off. will post back later. Hugs and kisses, all!


Love kep (and Kep jr)



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:roll oooppppps.......... i love this avatar cspot drew me!

Just as I love my new penguin <--------- :penguin  :penguin  :penguin !

And I like...oops, she didn't make one for me  :upside:

:laugh: You're very adept at making your own :penguin  :laugh:  :penguin !

For a second I thought you meant that I was adapted to making my own  :P

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For a second I thought you meant that I was adapted to making my own  :P

If I look at things quickly, I often mis-read them as well, but I was, in fact, paying you a compliament :penguin  :penguin  :penguin .

Well, thanks for the compliment  :cool:

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aww... *gets that warm fuzzy "i feel loved" feeling*  :upside:  :roll


i love y'all too

*hugs kep*  :)

wow! *gasp* no side scroll! i hope its not just the computer im on! *dances around with her hugger and cheers*

just found out that the ####### word for wanting or desiring something is "oopaa"... so im going to go up to andrew tomorrow and go "oopaa" and see what he says.



im so happy. and hot.


i need a snack.




love kep

(and kep jr)



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wow! *gasp* no side scroll! i hope its not just the computer im on! *dances around with her hugger and cheers*

just found out that the ####### word for wanting or desiring something is "oopaa"... so im going to go up to andrew tomorrow and go "oopaa" and see what he says.



im so happy. and hot.


i need a snack.




love kep

(and kep jr)



:laugh: It sounds like you need something to bring you down from that chandillier you're swinging on :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: !

oh heck... *glares at her sidescrol* so it was just the computer i was on. thought for a minute you mods were listening when i told you that rule no 1 in webpage making is avoid sidescrolling at all costs.

anyway im sick. again. i'm practically never sick but since i've had my flu shot i've had one thing after another. all very very unpleasent.

quite sorry, i'll try not to do any unintentional free advertising in the future. though i do think its a bit daft, censoring that kind of thing out.

btw, i've got myself a livejournal. when i post some stuff and get my html coding sorted, i'll direct people to it. (as i cant wait to get comments)

i go by thelastserenade on that one.


anyway i'm off to ra.... erm, nevermind. I'm off to see Keegan.



Tara All.

Love Kep (et Kep Jr)


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:(   U remember me?
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:( U remember me?

Of course I do.  Where have you been hiding?  Frogs don't hibernate do they :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: ?

:D Well, some frogs do! L :laughing L     I left partly for the same reason cspot left, I know she said something about people not replying, but I also left because at that time I was still very heartbroken about the death of Molly (My dog) and these boards reminded me of her too much, there's also family problems, relationship problems, ect.  :roll   It was just too much to deal with at the time.  Well now, how r you?     :)   I missed everybody Sssooooo much!  I started a new topic in Dixie, I'm sure u already know but for those that don't, please read the first post in it.  I like to know the people I'm talking to, so I'm putting aaaaallllll my info in that topic.  I'm glad u didn't forget me!  :)    Ciao'

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, sheena. I know what's causing the sidescroll. BTW, a little tip to get rid of it- use a thumbnail for displaying the logo on the selection section of the posting page.


Anyway Im un-sick now. After the flu, RIGHT after it, I got laryngitis, which blossomed into tonsilitis, which i had for several weeks. Nasty prcoss, but am well now.


bah. Andrew-realted problems. Also lack of chocolates, which I have begun to crave like mad as is chrimbo hols soon.

Also Andrew dislikes christmas. Bad sign.


Though am reading escond bridget jones, for third time, which is ALWAYS huge plus. reminds me of back home. (ie, Birmingham UK)


Ah, ll is utterly brill et tres fab in kunuck-ville. (is that even how you spell kunuk? i think it is. btw for all you not knowing what kunuk is, it is like eskimo type person, ie, canadian.)


bah. must be off.

Tara all! Love you!



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???   Can I make my own avater?  and if so, what size does it have to be and how do I get it here.  and if not, would someone that's allowed make me a frog avater?  I guess when more where made, they didn't think I was coming back (or they forgot about me :( )      Could I be an avater maker?  U know, for the ppl that don't have their own?   ok, I'm gonna stop asking Qeustion's now.  :)    Ciao'




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:roll   Ok, one more.... Sheena, has ur son ever tried to post yet?   (bringing back a very old subject)
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???   Can I make my own avater?  and if so, what size does it have to be and how do I get it here.  and if not, would someone that's allowed make me a frog avater?  I guess when more where made, they didn't think I was coming back (or they forgot about me :( )      Could I be an avater maker?  U know, for the ppl that don't have their own?   ok, I'm gonna stop asking Qeustion's now.  :)    Ciao'




Yes, you can make your own avatar!!!  As for size, I would take into account what you are looking at on your computer and not do too much detail in a big drawing.  Remember that when your avatar drawing is scaled down to the small size you want it to be clear!


There are no designated avatar designers.  Kaise has offered to make avatars and is doing a wonderful job, so if you decide you do not to want to draw your own, please look at Avatars under Dixie and you will find her avatar request topic.  


You can also become an avatar maker, like Kaise.  You can design some of your own avatars and submit them to Hampsterking at support@hampsterking.com, or you can start your own topic advertising for people to ask you to make their avatars.


Another idea is for you to create some artwork and submit it to our new artists forum for people to see.  You have many options and the route to get your avatars approved!


Start drawing....I am anxious to see your frog.    :D

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Hey Sheena!


Yes. Je suis Brummie. But that does not mean I'm not Canadian! I was born here in Canada, but I lived in Birmingham for a portion of my life, as my mom's side of the family was there. (Dads' in Poland, land of the Poles)


Christmas really does. I think it's getting warmer with Andrew, but now have huge dillema. Was talking to Trevor (gah. daft, daft) and found self attracted to him. We were walking, just us and talking. He was being sensitive and non-daft. Then in history, he went back to being an idiot. Attraction no more. But sensitive, calm, nice Trevor was scary-lovely!


Anyway forget Trevor. Am needing Trevor like am needing hole in head.


I sound like a typical female. What has gotten into me?


Saw Love Actually with Ali yesterday!!!! Amazing movie. The reviews said "you'll leave the theatre with your heart humming happily" and boy were they right! Amazing, lovely, heartwarming movie. Brill.


Am going to apply for IB diploma program at school next year. Yay! Go me! Want to go to Julliard andbecome sucessfull everybosy-knows-my-name-and-i-make-millions-to-boot(!) type concert violinist with amazing college experience (as would have been to julliard) and getting to do fave thing for money. (much like author thing. YAY! I HAVE A PUBLISHING CONTRACT!!!)


Anyway.. *coughcough* Im ok. Honest.


Hugs and Kisses!

Love Kep

(et l'enfant kep)

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Hehe. Editing. Though read over editied post and didnt see much difference. (I try to be good, honest I do.)


anyway... gaaaah! coming home on bus, taylor (year behind us taylor, worse than trevor, has got kicked off bus twice, is complete twit) made quite the scene of grabbing my bottom.

I don't think i've ever been more angry in my life!  :laugh:

I went from  :)) to  :angry:. And used my infamous war-cry. "I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR!" hehe.

Afterwards, had v, v good laugh about it. made taylor appologize, as is not right to grab person's bottom out of pure randomness.(am hoping i worded that so it will be appropriate)


am reading book called "The Gods Trilogy (A Discworld Omnibus)" by Terry Pratchett. I reccommend it to everyone!!!


Love you all!!!

Love Kep



~~~Christmas is a'comin' and the goose is getting fat. Please put a penny in the old man's hat. If you haven't got a penny, a haypenny will do; if you haven't got a haypenny then God bless you!~~~ (you should recognize that, sheena! ;) )

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Ohmygod!!!! OHMYGOD!!!

Terry Pratchett stops by Central Library?!?!?!

What I would give to meet that man and talk to him. I am an official Discword Addict. (capital A addict. tis blurry brill.)

Do you ever talk to him?


Anyway, now that I'm done being a raving fan....


Lived in Brum for about seven years.


love that carol. i go around singing it here in calg'ry and people stop and stare, thinking i've gone looney. (speaking of loonies... did you know they call our dollar coin a "loonie" because it has a loon on it?)


on plus side, was fooling around a bit with andrew at lunch. teacher had to tell me to stop chasing her boys (as in from her class) or she'd have none left. heh.

their classroom is so christmassy... i love it! i've been late three times for homeroom because i didnt want to leave early and my class is on the other side of the school. heh. should really stop that.


One of my discworld faves is Hogfather.. have you read that one? I always remember the bits about the amazing bathroom Ridcully has put in by Bloody Stupid Johnson.(his name)


Bah. Must be off, science homework to do.

Talk to you soon!


Love always,


(et l'enfant kep)



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